AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL . ABVERTIE; -h, ljEyi-'Ly-'TATiS;' Proprietor. ALEM- B. TATE,- Publislicr ' "Trj froldniid Trim tho Torch of Truth and Wavoit, o'or tho darkonod Earth " , f e s ii JL't l .11 r: I. -i ?. bxoomsburg; Columbia cowjry; p.a., Saturday, jxjne 27, 1837. fOL XXL. DRflDORXT. runuaiinn r.vnuv s vrtmtiAY stunNtNci. ?n filoomslmrg, Columbia Couuly, I'a, Oitice. huh?, ncio h rich Jluililing, op " posifcthe jZxchane,by si'lf of the C6UH Jlaifse," Democratic Head Quarters.'' 1 Tonus or lUDscnii'rio.v. Cl.oO In iterance, for ona copy, for Hi laoatUa. 1,75 In lulvnnao, forono cony, Ana year, 2,0(1, If witMntlio Brit tlirco mcr.thj. 2,55 If not iJ within tho fint aix months. J,J0 If not puiJ nlUiln the yeat. E7rNo aulmrlptlon taken for loea than nix month, ft'itl no papuriHjcuutlufJ until nil arrenragcisualt ehiro beenpaidi " ICrOMinnry ml?orlisotne'nt Inurtcd and Job work executed, iu the ostabllihoil prkca, wami,iii : Select PncUiL An Invitation to tho Country. BY WILLIAM C BRYAfilV All1if , from phrubR ly out ajnimer dwtlltDg, Til Ilnlcr ,i!parrrpv rcpcati ill ?onjf j A rue fry wnrblf rf he cbiiles tb b lortonif . TI10 lJ!e b'Avtoiri, thai tteep 'lo'lotf. aiThcbtuo bi rJ cliiMt, Vroin'tti t elm't Innc bra nth i A by 111 ti to w el 03 a e th buittlf ntr f nr, ' The joyiV jrlrij wjririeri ffom' fleM toToreit, Anit uuflljr w'hifperi. ttis Bpr D le lift! 'Came daitjliter ruin?, rromtit 'oorny city, llcfote tiiet'j lay, (toliithe clin Invn cie4j Tim violet breatliri by our ttoor ai sweetly Asln tho air ofbtr nattv Hiit. t 1 Though many a fliwer In the wood 11 wakinf , The iforTddil ) our doot'Siile iueen; Qbe pache npwarit thevward nlreajy.8 To ipot with auofhina the early iueen. Ui h)i eojoyamai tbeie aro WHtLlO'l from wiry prison in tualden'i bower I N 1 ptmper-M bliu(ii of the ?rf ro liome cliauiber llti half the chirm of the lawu'i flfii flower. v Tot tlcae iwprt liyt ofllie early araaon, AnJilti fair ?ij(hii cf iti "ny ilaj 1, ' Are only iwcet ivhn vnt fon.lly liiin And only Tiir when we fondly gn. iv There 1 no glnry in tier or h'nraom !Til louko'l i on by a tlnj ty i Taare It no fru4runca In April liritr?e 2tll fcredllied wiiU Joj ai tiny wanOtr by. Co'ni, J ilit '''Hr for, ttisep routine w tllowi, The opinin; A iwer. an1 the elfaniliig brooke. Xnit itoflnwii ;rren In the suit rtrc waltln Their dowir of brntty Ifom thy jlud looka, f emale Bible BocUlw . loll THE COLU.liui'A DEMOCRAT. REPO RT . OF TIIE Blaomsburg Fcmalo" Bible Society, l 11 'Tit- At fitr iixiing jfyrit 'lK, 18J7. ' Wd rendered no lleport last year to our J'aro'it Kociuty,-liut although not cominu nicating v.'ith her, no were following in her footsteps. Tho number of 15'ibles and Te3. 'tame tits distributed by sales and gifts, " principally th6 f. rmcr, excccdt;d that of any previous year, whilo many who were furnished with tlio Word of Life, had it in their henrts to (;ivo of tbeir moiinsio supply ''Ihd'wfintVbf fther.". This year we havo rcccwcd aril increnscd eaiisi'of gratitude to Him who has prospered our work boyon'l tho nicasuro of tticce3S at any previous time vouchsafed it, for His fostering caro. A Sut,day Sclr.ol in tho vicinity, too poor to purchase, lias received a gift of T-ertament, iiufovv Bibles and Tcstanioi U have lecn Aostowcd- gratuitously up-1!! individuals, - whilo tho amount received by titles und "donati ns leaves a larger sum in tho hands of tho Treasurer thin has ever beoh' held before. Tlio visitors of last year, s well ( iboso who Imvo gone through thoTcrious districts which subdivided our .ground, during the present, report iheir reccpiion, . with few exceptions, at least polite, wh lo not a few are over ready to bid them "God ( ."peed" in their work of labor and love. A ,few ltomanists have refused to receive the Word offered, but lliero aro fewof this j class in our neighborhood, 'J Lo number of volumes given .is &uiall,tas few families unable to givo something, aro found desti tute A poor, bed-riddon womau, whom two of our managers found with a well worn Testament lying on her pillow, ac cepted gratefully, and appejred to apprc ciate, tho gift of a Bible. Thofifth annual mooting of tho Society was held on Friday evening, June 12th, bnd the following officers chosen oi tho ensuing year. President Miss Harriet Rupert. Hie President Mrs, S. A. Tctrikin. "S((,aurij Mrs, Anm It. Drake, Ticasuier Mis Amelia D. Webb. MANAGE KS. let Diit. Mrs. Ludwis, Miss 11. Shnrplcss. .. ;. T f 1I!..'!U..1.,.I,.II 2d IU1SS XVUpK, iUiaa AUUiiUtUiia... Mrs. Lutz, Aliss M. Wells. Mrs. Wolf, Mis? J, Ifamsay. ,Mi'B. Hughes, Miss J. Vance. Miss Boone. Miss Vannatta. Mrs. Ooodrieh, Miss Fornwald. Mrs..T. Thornton, Miss 81oan, -Jd " 4 th " 6th " 0th M 7th " A meeting of tho Society was appointed for June 20th", for tho purpose of receiving lh lteports of (ho Managers. Previous t.i t'tal time tbiladii will .all uponthoso living in their districts, and wo trust tlioy will bo rocclvod with interest nnd liberality in somo degrco oomraensu ralo with llio impojjanco of their work. ' On Sunday, he MJiinst ,irt aceOrdarioo with a promise previously made, the" Hev, Mr. Torronec, Agont'fiir Iho Pennsylvania Biblo Society, visited Bloomsburg, and presented tlio claims of tho Biblo Work upon the attention" of our people. A largo number rrict him In 'ihb Court House, and truly it was pleasant to bo there. Wo felt that o wero indeed, to use tho expressive ' word bf'lho speakor.ft "uuit" in this groat . cause. Whil6 each of us loves tho cburcii I cf his choii'd and adoption with its "pecu- liaritlcs," it is rcvorthcless most refreshing 1 to meet upon tho common ground of lovo i for that wonderful Uook accepted as tho f ono only infallible rule of f ith and lifo by every ono, of whatever name, who looks ' rr ..l..i!i,n fi h;, i, l,nU,(' ' all " with a price." Wo wero carried back ! to tho period when half a lifo time was re quired to produce a single volume of the Word of Life. Further on-in tho pa-ro of history) wo wcro shown him, wh", by a laborious process, prouuecu by moats of the first rude type, thrco books exactly alike, and (or the power of presenting this uniformity v;0.8 imprisoned, because tho ignorance of those days could atlributo what.wcs regarded as a.miraclco nothing but witchcraft. Now tho labor' of almost an existence is compressed in a.irinuto's work, anil fifty-seven millions (57,000,000) of volumes, through tho agencies of tho British and Foreign, and Iho American Bible Societies, shed the beams of spiritual light, and oust abroad tho seeds of life, to uiuko glad and fruitrul, what had hitherto been dark and dead. "Tho knowledge of Iho Lord sfiull cover tho earth, as tho wa ter's cover tho great deep." When only a few ycar'i ago, I!ihi p Wbito and Dr. 1'il- more, who havo gone to their re3t, Dr. Meyer, still spired, and tlio honored t'ra sidci.t cf tlio I'eiinxylvaiiia Socioty, with a lew others, sit in a private room ti consult together, and deviso mcms to supply tho destitute uround l'hibidelpbia alone, with the Dible, how little dia they dream tht so toon would bo seen what our day pre sents to view! Men of 'faith and lovo they were, but they saw not as wo tee, how largo, a portion of the earth tho spiritual waters have covered. Tho 'fpeikcr interested, end instructed us by -examples and illustrations df awn from his own ob.-ervjtion and experience", and more than ono heart, wo trust, was uloved to detcrmino to do more for tho cause than heretofore, not striving to meet tha wants of our own neighborhood only, but to assist iu sun;!yim' others still nioro destitute. We hava given a vory meagro synopsis of tho most interesting address of Mr. Tor ronec. It cannot convey to those who wcro not present a tithu of tho mtcicst with which wo listeued to it, but it niy recall to tho'c who were, some of the pleas ing impres-ion of that pleasant occasion. May his laborforus bo productive of much fruit ! At on -adjourned, meeting of tho Society, held on Monday afiernoou, Mr. Torrenco met with us, and gave us much interesting and useful information concerning tho cause in which wo were engaged. Ho also spoke of a meeting held in Espy, and ol tho readiness and liberality with which tho ladies thero at ouco (ormed a committee and tntcicd upon the work. 'I hey will co opcrato with thoie of Blouuisburg, form ing a part of our Auxiliary. A resolution was offered and passed, that the lleport of tho Society for last year, with tho matter subjoined, be published in one or mora of tho papers of Bluomsburg. Adjourned to meet Juno 29tb. tSy When tho veil of death has been drawn between us and tho objects of our regard,how quick-sighted do wo become to their merits, and how bitterly do tvo then remember words or looks of unkiudncss which may have escaped us in our inter- wt.Ml.p'm. ITnw n.rf.fnl should such course wi thoughts render us in fulfillment of those offices performed! For who can tell how soon tho moment may arrive when repen- tanco cannot bo followed by reparation. t& A writer says of gills : "Lovely, pure, innocent, ingenuous, unsuspecting, full of kindness to brothers, babiec, aud everything, what a pity they should over beoome wpraen, flirts, and heartless coquet tes ! jC6y- Hannah Moorso said to Horace Walpole i If I wanted to punish an enemy, it should bo fastening upon him the troublo of hating lomobody," Sittmsthtg Storii;. L 0 i 11 g , a 11 (1 r i,n 11 i ng. LOVE AFTER MARRIAGi. BY TIIE AUTHOR OF' THE " COTTAGE I.N THE OPEN," " SEXSIBIMTV," &C. 1 C3TlSt!i'D j i "Then why do you attend parties if yu " not llI0 t,10m ' 1 "Jsccauso ilr. Wcstbury tUinks it proper 1 lliat 1 ' A,ld so Sou"a t0 him,'liko miss to her PaPa and mamma, to ask him what you nmst do Bai.d Mr3' Cunnihgham, laugh-1 ivS- "This is delightful, truly! Hut for mJ Part' I'caonot M0 why 1 liavo nok 03 1 eooJ a ri8ht ia CKPco1 Kd'a''(1 ' con'orm f t0 !3liesi a h h&s 030 to , conform to bis. And so Wastbury makes ? 6. whethcr yu liko !t or' n3t !" I "No, indeed," said Mrs. Wcstbury, " I J never expressed to him my aversion to' &oinS not "wishing him to feel as if I wcre making a' groat sacrifice, in complying with his wishes, " Well, this' U pretty, and dutiful, and delicate," said Mrs. Cunningbam, .laugh ing again, "But I dori't.sct up for a pat torn wife, and if Edward, and 1 get along so well as people in gencralj I shall be sat isGcdr But to 'turn "fo' something else. How do you like Miss Eldou f" " I am not at all acquainted with her," said Julia. " You havo met her several times'," said Mrs. Cunningham. " Yes, but havo" never conversed with her. Her sppcarancc is greatly in her favor. I think her very beautiful." " Sho is called so," siid Mrs. Cunning. , ham ; " but somehow I don't liko her looks. To tell the plain truth, I can't endure her, I she is no vain, and artful, and self-compla cent." '1 have not tho least acquaintance with her," repeated Julia ; " but it wero a pity so lovely a faeo fhould not be accompanied by on amiable huirt. Ari you much ac quainted with her 1" "Not personally; indeed 1 rover con vened with her for ten minutes in my life." " i hen you may be mistaken in think ing her vain and artful," said Mrs. West- .bury. "Oh. Ii, I've, sscn enough to satisfy mq i to tllat point,1 said Mrs. Cunning- fully as ham, " When a young lady-exerts herso'f to'engross tho attention of newly-married men, and when .sho locks so self-Satisfied at success, I want nothing more," She cau havo no delicacy of feeling sho must bo a crquette of the worst kind," It was cow Mrs. Wostbury's turn to change tho .subject of conversation, and simply remarking " that we should bo ex tremely careful how wo judge of character hastily," sho askt;d somo questions that drovo Miss L'ldou from Mrs, Cunningham's mind. Soon alter tho visitor departed,, and Julia returned to her clumber. In, tho evening, when Mr. Wcstbury came in, he found Julia reading; but she immediately laid down her book, and re sumed her work, Sho thoughMt quite as impolite to pursue the solitary pleasuro of reading whilo her husband-was sitting by, havo dono so wilh any other cotnpt nion ; and sho knew no reason why ho was not as much entitled to civility as a stran ger or common acquaintance. It was not long beforp .Mr. Wcstbury inquired "what book had engaged her attention." It was Dr. Itusscll's Palestine. -"It is a dclightful work," said Julia " I havo just read an extract from Cha tcaubr'und, lhat I think ono of tho most elegant passages 1 ever mot with." "I should liko to hear it," said Mr. Westbury, Julia opened hor book, and tho passage lost nono of its beauty by her reading, Sho read the following' " When you travel in Judea, tho heart is at first fillod with profound melancholy. wnen, passing, rou. 6o muuu toboutuue, tomldlcss spaco opens before you, this fccl.iDS a & h "d you ex. perieneu a 6ecrct awe, which, so far fro'ii depressing the soul, imparts lifo, .and clo- vales th,c! goniu?. Extraordinary appocr- anccs every wLcro proclaim a land teeming with miracles. Tbo burning sun, tho tow- cring caglo, tho barren fig tree, all tho noctr7. all tho nicturcs of Scrinfuro aro here. Every namo commemorates a mys tcry, every grotto announces a prediction, every hill ro-cchoc3 tho accents of a pro phot, God himself has spoken in tbeso regions, dried up rivers, ront ho rooks, and opened tho grave, Tho defert f till annears mu'o with terror, and vott would imanipo that it had ncvor presumod to in - torrupt tho, it hid hoard tbotawfulj voico of tho eternal.'' Julia closed' tho volume, nd Mr. AVeSt bury, nftor bestowing just praise on tho j extract sho. lu'd rend,, took up'thp work,il and proposed, to- road if J-ho would JiSo. . Sho thanked him, and an hour was very , ( pleasantly spent in this manner. A lit'le timo.was occupied in remarking on what i had boon, when,. after a, short tilonco, Mr. .AVestbury inquired of Julia, " whether , si'0 saw muoh of Mrs. Cunningham;'' "Not a great deal," was Julia's answer, j " Jiho vs hero this morning V said Jlr. Wcstbury., ." She was," replied Julia'. I)0 you intend to be intiniato; with her!" inquired Mr.' Wcstbury. "I havo no intention," said Julia; " but prcsumo. I never shall, as I fear our views and tastes will prove- very discordant." "'1 m happy to 'hoar you say so," said Mr. Wcstbury; "lam not prepossessed in her' favor, and greatly doubt whether an intimacy with her would bo salutary. Such a person as jI conceive her to be, should bo nothing moro than an acquaint ance." Nothing more was added, on tho subject, and Julia wondered, though sho did not ask, what had given her husband so unfav orable an impression of 'Mrs. Cunningham's character. The truth was, ho overheard tho conversation of th6 morning, which ho would havo frankly confessed, to bis wife, but for a kind of dclicicy in her feelings, as ho had heard her remarks as well as thoso of Airs. Cunningham'. -lie knew that it was not quite Iionor.iblo to listen to .conversation without 'tho knowledge of tho parties ; but he could not close tho library door without betraying his proxim ity; bo wished not to see Mrs. Cunningham; ho therefore ri-mainod quiet, and hoard thoir whole colloquy. A few days after this circumstance oc curred, cn invitation to another p irty u;as received. Mr. Wcstbury looked at the card first, and handing it to Julia, said .- " I would liavu you aot your pleasure with regard to accepting this invitation." " It will be my p'easure," said Julia, hesitatiug and coloring ajitlle " it will be my pleasuro to, consult yours." " 1 havo' litllo ch' ice about it," said Mr. Wcstbury, " and if you prefer declining to aorcpt.iui it, 1 would do so." ''.htifl you attend it?" asked Julia, whilo a shade of Mixioty passed over her foiturcs. Certainly not unless you do,"' Mr. Wcstbury replied. " Then," said Julia, if it bo quito as agreeable to you, 1 had a thousand times rather fpend it at homej alono with" she cheeked herself, coloring crimson, and left tho sentonco unfinished' Tho morning after the Ipvcc, Mrs. Wcst bury was favored with another call from Mrs. Cunningham. " Why, on earth, wero you not at Mrs. IJ 's last night" asked fho almost as soon as she entered tho houso. " You can imagino nothing more splendid and de lightful than everything was." " You wero thero then ?" said Julia. " Yc, certainly though I went quito lato. Edward was tick of a violent head ache, cn! I was obliged to seo him safely in bed beforo I could but nothing would havo tempted mo to miss it." "How is Mr. Cunningham this morning?" Julia inquired. " Muoh better though rather languid, ns is usual aftcr'sueh an attack. But I camo in on an errand this morning, and must despatch business, as I am sofaowhat in haste. Mrs. T is to givo a splendid party next week by tho way, havo you received a card yet?" "I havo not," said Julia; "Neither havo I but wo both shall. I want to preparo'a dress for tho occasion, aud oauie in to look at ihe ono you wore at Mrs, Parker's, as I. thing of having some thing liko it. Mrs. Westbury was about to ring tbo bell, and have tho dress brought for her visitor's inspection, but Mrs. Cunningham Istopt her by saying, "No, no do not send for it. Let mo go with you to your wardrobe, I may sco somcthiii' clso that Hike.'' j Mrs. Wfstbury complied, and thoy went I up stairs together. Mrs. Cunningham was delightfully frco in examining tho articles exposed to her viow, and oxpr S3cd such warm admiration of many of thorn, sueh on ardent doslro to possess tlio i)o, mat it I was rather difficult to forbear telling her ' that thoy wero at her service. Tlio blond mantle, with a bluo border, flruck hor 1 fanoy particularly, and Mrs, Weflbury begged, her to accept it, say'mg, "tbajUhot article. Tho' conlchtsof tb6 nicompanying fhould probably jlcv6r wear it again, as tho i bos wcro" solcctcd, not for thdirdutrinsie eoler was not a fivoiilo with hor husband." , valuer or. plcndiir, but Ueoauso they cor Mrs., Cunningham hastened homo, do- respond so well with Mr.. Wcstbury's: lighted with her acquisition, and immo- j stylo of dress and b'oauly, If sho will wear tliatcly .hastened to'hcr chamber, to which' them to MrdT 'a she' -will gratify tho hor husband was still confined by indisposi-J giver," tioDj to display to him her prize. Julia openodi tho bos, and a set of bean- "Sco what a. beautiful littles affair that" tiful pearls met her view. "How dilioate, doar Airs. AVestbury has given me,'' sho j bow kind, and how cold he is!" thought cried. "Howluok-y for mo thatMri WtEt bury donjl. liko bluo clso I should not havo got it, I supposo, though, sho could spare this, and fifty other things as well as not. Why, Edward, you don't know what a de lightful wardrobo sho has 1 Really, you must indulgo-mo a littlo moro. in this way, I believe." "I am sure no ono looks better dressed than yourself, I.uey," said Mr. Cunning ham, in a languid voice. "O, I try to mauo tho most of every thing I have," said Mrs. Cunningham, 'but really, Edward, Mrs. Wcstbury, has twice as much of all sorts of "apparel ns 1 have." "Aod.her'husband has moro than four times as much property as 1 have," answer ed Mr., Cunningham, "Supposing ho ha-," said his wife, "that need mako co diltcrenco in the articlo of dress. And then her houso is charmingly furnished every part of it. I was in her chamber, just now, and, it looks elegantly. iivcry tutng in it is ot tlic richest and beautiful kind. I dcclaro I almcst envied her so. many luxuries.." In due time Mrs. T 's invitation was received, and this it was Mr. Wcstbury's wish that Julia sHouId accept.' Without manifesting tho !cat reluctance ehe con sented, and Mr. Wcstbury wont S3 far as to thank her for hor cheerful compliance with his' wishes. This' was a very slight courtesy, but there was something in Mr. Wcsfbuty's voico when he f poke, that went straight to Julia's heart, and bIio left tlio room to conceal tho 'fctrong emotion excited by so very trivial a cause. ".Sho certainly strives to pleise mo, be tho motive what it may," thought Mr. Wcstbury, when left nlor.o "and though I cannot love her, honor ; nay, gratitudo, demands that I make, her as happy as circumstances w.ll allow.'1 Ho took a pen, and hastily writ- ins a few lines, enclosed a bank note of co' tiderablo value and left the littlo packet on her work-table, that sho might sco it as soon as sho returned. Ho then loft the house. When Julia resumed her seat by the table, tho packet was the first thing that attracted her notice. Sho hastily opened it, and rcsd as follows : "As Mrs Wcstbury is too delicate and reserved ever to unke known a want, she may have many which aro unthought of by him who is bound to supply them Will she receive tho enclosed, not as a gift, but as her right? Perhaps 'iTncw dress may be wantod for T 'a levee ; if not tho enclosed can meet sgnio cf these calls on benevolence, to which report sayi Mrs W'cstbUry'd oar i3 ever open. And if Mrs, Wcstbury will so far ovcrcomo her timid delicacy, as freely to inakq kuown her vauts whenever they occur, sho will greatly obligo her husband." Julia pondered long on this note. It was ceremonious aud cold cold enough 1 yet not so frozen a3 the only oro sho had received from him. Perhaps it was his way of letting her know that he wished her to dress more elegantly and expensively." 'I will aot rcniain in doubt; I -will know ex plicitly, thought sho and taking n pen, sho wrote tho following : ' ''Mr. Wcstbury is so munificent in sup plying every want, that his wife has nono to mako known. If there is any particular dress that would gratify Mr.. Wcstbury's tasto. Mrs. Westburv would esteem it a) groat favor; would ho namo it, and it would bo her delight to furnish herself so-1 cordingly. Sho accepts with gratitude, not as her rieht. as a cift. tho vcrv liberal sum enclosed in Mr. Wcstbury's noto." Julia placed her note on .Mr. Wcstbury's reading-desk iu tho library, and felt an al most feverish impatience to hayo an an sworj cither vorbal or written. For moro than on entiro day, hotfbvar, sho was doom od to remain insuspenso, as her husband ,in ado no allusion either to his noto or her own, though tho ono sho laid on his desk disjppcarcd on his first visit to tho library. But her suspense at length terminated. On goiug to her chamber sho observed a 'littlo box on her dressing.tabloi On rais ' ing It, sho discovered a noto that was placed j beneath it. Tho note ran thus ".Mr. AVestbury highly approves tho elo j ganf simplicity of Airs. AA'estbury's Btylo ' of dress, and in cousultiug her own tasto, 1 tho will undoubtedly gratify blm. Ho has yet but onea reon her wosr an unbecoming she. "U, how trifling tho valuo of tbeso gems, compared to one particle of bis love I Yet for bis sako I will wear them not as my adoring may that over bo tho or nament, of a meek aud quiet spirit, but as proof of my desire in, all thipgs to plcaso lira, and meet faia iipprobation," Mrs. T 's wore Gllod well with tho elegant and fashionablo, ou tho evening on which,hcr Jipuso was opened to reccivo company. But tho heart of Julia was not i in such scenes. The moro she saw of fash ionablo lifo the ks3 sho liked it. Emula tion, envy, destruction, and dissiraulali u obtruding themselves on her notice, amid gaiety and splendor. Her, conscientious scruples as to tho propriety of, thus mixing with the world, increased rather than di minished, "I promised," thought sho whilo sho was Burvcyjng tho gay nssembly "I promised, in all things lawful, to obey my husband but is this lawful for me! It is my duty it is my pleasuro to comply with all his wishes, where superior duties do not fordid, but it is' tdlowablc for mo to try to plcaso him thus! His heart is tho prize I at which I nlm, but wilt "tho, end sanctify tho meats!" Can I expect a blessing from above on my efforts, whilo my conscience j is not quite clear as to tbo rectitude of tho path I pursue! Cau I not hive morel , courage cnouge to toll him my scrurle ?t. and dare I not hazard tho consequences 1 , Mrs. Wcstbury had not the pain of re plying M n 'speech from which both her heart and her judgment revolted, as Mr. Eveloth at that moment addressed her,. He soon engaged her in a conversation svhicb was continued.for an hour, and would bavo continued still longer, but for a gen eral movement of the company, which sep arated them. Not long after. Mr Evelcth found himself near Miss Eldcn, who was chatting w'uh two or thrco gentlemen. Mr. Westbury was standing hard, by, but his back was toward them, and Mr. Eve lethdid.not observe him. "Are you acquainted wjth Mrs. Weft bury, Miss EldohT' Mir, Evelcth inquired. "No, pot in tho least," said Miss Eldon, "and do not wish to be. She looks alto gethcr too fade for me." "Padol" said Mr. Evelcth "I fhould think that tho la't word that would apply lo Mrs. AVestbury' in any way. She is cer tainly animated both in countenance and manner, and sho tilks better tha'n'any'lady I ever conversed with. Her th mibts have something of masculine strength and range, delightfully modified by feminino grace and delicacy. Her manner is perfectly ladylike and gentle. 'Every thing sho say3 mustseuod well,' remarked another gentleman. "Sho has woman's most potent charm in perfection a vqice whoso tunes are all musio," "Perhaps it is all just as you soy," said Miss Eldon, "but really, I never saw a lady that appeared to me moro perfectly insinid. or less attractive. I hope" but thetouo of Miss I'.ldon's voico coutradic ted her words !'l hope her husband sees her with your eyes, rather han mine' "I do I will ' thou'j'nt Mr. Wcstbury, who hud heard all tho conversation, with a variety of conflicting emotions.- 'Fado !' reiterated he, as Miss Eldon, uttered tho word " 'Tis false I" no glanced his eyes towards Julia, who stood on the op positosido of tho room, talking with a lady, Sho was dressed in black, a color that J finely contrasted with hor pearls, which proved t. bo vory becoming. Her check was a littlo flushed,' and her wbolo face beamine with animation. ') tacio, 'as j falso l' MiyWcstbury's pride was piqued. I Julia was Mrs. AVestbury bis wife 1 could ho patiently hear her thus unjustly spoken of? How grateful to his feelings were the remarks of Air. Evelcth! IIow clearly he read tho feelings of .Miss bldin in'tlio tona of voice in which sho uttered, her last ro mark I Ho waited to hear no more, but mo'vinsr towards a table that was spread with refrcshmonts, filled a plato and car ried it to Julia. It was tho first attention of tho kind ho had overpaid her, and her face was eloquent indeed, as she looked up witn a sumo, auu siiu, "tnann, you." lie ftood by hor a fow mtnutes, niadosomo common place remarks, even took a grapo or two from her plato, and then turnod a- way. It wasunonf tho happiest moments of Julia s life. I hero waj something in dcscrjbablo in bis planner, that a delicalo n,d feeling woman alono could seen or ap predated, of whioh Julia felt tho full force. .TO JIB COSTTNUrP. J .Th6 Littlo BtrangoiT ; V . . Though a-matj of very strict prineiplc.1, no, mail ever.cnjoycd a joke mora, than Dr. Byr, n. Ho had a vast fund of humor, nod over-day wit, and with children particularly ho loved tb chat familiarly and draw them out. As be, was ooo day pMing,into tho hodso he was accosted by a very litilo boy( who asked him if ho wanted any eauco, meaning vegetables. j Thidoctar inquired jf any such tiny thing was a market .man. " No, sir, my father," wa,i tho prcropt answer. Tbd doctor said, "Bring .me in somo. squashes ;'' and bo passed into Jio house, Bonding out iho chaDgO. In n fqw moments tho child returned, bringing bnok part of tbo change, Tho doctor told him he was welcome- to it; but tho child would npt tako it, saying bia father would bltmc him. Such singular maimers in a child attrac ted his attention, and ho began toexntaino tho child attentjvcly. no wasj evidently poor j his little jacket ,was pieced, and patched with almost every kin'd of cloth', and his trowscrs darned, with so many colors it was difficult to tell tho original fabric, but scrupulously neot. and clean withal. Tho boy quietly endured ho scrutiny of tbo doctor, while holding him.' at arms' length and examining his faco At length ho said ; "You seem a nioo 111110 D0V won t you como ami nvo wita ma anJ bo ? doctor?" "Yes, sir,' said tho cbUd-- 'Spoken like n man," said iho doctor, patting hU bead as ho dismissed" b'm A few weeks passed on, when ono day Jira camo 10 Bay tliat iro was a littlo oy with a bundle downstairs wanting td 6eP. the doctor, aid would not tell his bu3i' cess to any ono else. "Send him up," was tho answer'; and in a few moments ho recognized the boy of tho squashes (but no squash himself, as wo shall sec.)' Ho was dressed in a new though coarso "suit of clothes, his hair very nicely combed, 'his shoes brushed up, and a little bundld tied in a homespun checked handkerchief on' his arm'. Deliberately taking off bis hat,"and laying it down with his bundle, he walked Tip to the doctor, faying, "I havo come, sir.1' "Cdmo for what, tny" child!" l'T6 livo with'you and bo a dqc(6r I'1 said thechild with the utmost naivo o. Tho first impuiso of tho doctbV was to laugh iuimodcr.itely ; but the impcttu'rbablo gravity of tho' littlo thing rather sobered him as ho recalled bis former conversation, andhoavowed he fe-ltho needed no addition to his family, "Did your father consent to your coming," h'o ask'td.' "Yes, sir." "What did' ho say ?'1 "'I told him yoh 'wanted mo to como and livo with you and bo' a'doct'or ; and ho said you was a very good -man, and I might como as soon as my clothes woro ready." "And your mother, what did sho say ?" "She said Dr. Byron would do just what ho said ho would. Ood had provided for mow" "And," said lie, "I havo on a pew suit of elotbej," surveying b'ims'olf, and hero is another in tho bundle, 'undoing iho hand kerchief and. displaying them,, with two littlo shirts white as snow, and a cc'uplo of neat check aprons, bo carefully folded it was plain nono but a mother would havo done it. , Tlio sensibilities of tho doctor wcro awa kened to sco tho undoubting trust 'with thit poor couplo had bestowed their child upon hint, and such a child ! His cogita tions wcro'not long; ho thnught of Alosea in' tho bulrushes, abandoned io Provjdencej andj above all, he thought of tho child that, was carried into Egypt, and -that divino Savior, who ha'd said "BlcsseiJ bo littlo children ;" and ho called for tho wifo of his bosom, saying "Susan, dear I think wo pray in church that Qcd will bavo raeroy upon all young1 children ?" " To bo' -suro we do," said tho wondering wifo; "anil what then?" "And tho Saviour said, uAAThosocvcr reoeiveth ono - 611011 little child in His name, and tako care of him ;" and from that hour this good couplo recc.rod him to their hearts and homes. It did not then occur to them that Us littlo crcaiurCjthusthrJwa upon their ehai. ty, was destined t bo their stail and sty in declining age a protector to thr daughters and more iban son to themselvc all this was then unrevcaled; but the cheerfully rcceivod tho child they believe Providouco had committed to their oat" and if ever beneDf enoo was rewarded it w? in this instance. , Truo freedom cnofists in this tha' eaottmaD. shall do whttcvE htlikos yi'them, injury to mother.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers