Cjjrlgincrrat LEVI I.. T.tE, EDITOrf; Bloorasburg, April 11) 1857. i i : 1 i Democratic Slate Nominations. FORaoVEnNon, GEN. TO. F. PACKER, Of f.ycoming County. FOR CANAL COMMISSION KB UlMROD STRICKLAND, Of Chester county. Stato Coinmittoo. Tho tnexbora of tlio Deraocratlo Statu ()oraunttco aro requested to meet at tho Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia, ou Mon day. April lOtli, at 7 o'clock, P. M. 0. K.BUOIUI.EW, Chairman, Black Republican Conspiracy to mako Kansas a Slavo Stato. "Wo havo always contended that Kansas could never bo made a eIivc Stato without tho aid of the bla;k republican leaders that if it should become a slavo State, it would bo tho result of tho labors and iu trigucs and knavorjr of those luadcrs. But vchavo always doubted whether, oven with their aid, that result could bo brought' about, as wo have thought that thcro were honest men enough in tho frco stato party in Kansas to defeat tho knavish purposes of their leaders. We aro of that opinion still. It is true, while there is to-dr.y in Kansas a larger sharo of frcojstalo men than over beforo, thcro is to-dy more Cancer than over beforo that a pro-slavery constiiution my be adopted there. There has not beon a day since the Territory was organized when tho frco stto men wero not largely in tho ascendent ; yet at every election since tho first, these men, in obedienco to tho orders of their loaders, lnvo refrained from voting, and by this means alone tho pro-slavery party have retained powor. Thcro niijjhjijiavo been Gatry'cstablishcd peace and order iu the Territory, but thcro was not after that,- Yet when the present Legislaturo was chosen, although thcro was every guarantco for a frco czcrciso of the elective franchise, yet tho abolition demagogues advised the frco stato men not to vote,4and by following tkat rascally advico they permitted a pro- elavory Legislaturo to bo chosen, when they had it in their power to elect a free state Legi6ltuto. The excuse they gavo for this was that if they attempted to vote they might bo required to tako tho "test oaths'" under tbj-Kansas election law. But that excuse lfrst3 no longer; those " test OATHS " HAVE BEES ABOLISHED, and all men, frco stato and pro-slavery, have tho same rights and privileges under tho laws of Kansas. But what do wo now seal Tho Leg islature, at its late cession, passed a law providing for the taking of a census of-vo ters ana mo election- 01 relegates to a 'Convention to form" a State Constitution. Wo give this law in full, in another part of this paper, and we ask every one to read it Tery carefully. Wo ask every one to say Whether this law dooi not carefully" pro. tact the rights of all voters, and whether Anything Is omitted which is essential to eccurc a full, frco and fair expression of the public feeling. Look at its provisions, iu sevcro penalties sgtinst fraud, the care ful provisions for tho prefer correction of tho list of voters, tho caro taken to havo the lists circulated among tho people so that fraud may bo discovered or prevented, and the severe penalties against fraudulent voting, interference with tho frco cxerciso of tho right of suffrage, or fraud or irrog ularity in the officer holding tho election. Tho provisoins of this law afford greater protection to tho people' of Kansas in tho exercise of tho right of suffrage, than tho laws of Pennsylvania do to our citizens, and tlicre is not a shadow of doult that lht fret stats men have it in their pwcer to fleet a large majority of the Delegates to this Convention, and thus ensure to Kansas a free Constitution and early ad mission as a free State. This is beyond all doubt, -for-nll-admit that tho frco state men constitute' fill three-fourths of tho Battlers there, and' tho if. Y. Tribuno de clared last week thtt "nine-tentlis of tho pcoplo of Kansas aro notoriously free stato men." Yet notwithstanding all this, and in full view of tho inevitable consequences of tho courso thoy advise, tho infamous frco stato demagogues havo met in Conven tion and resolved that thoy will not par tieipato in tho election of Delegates-to this Convention, and advised their followers twt to vote. Thcro is no doubt that they hate been prompted to this courso by tho black' rrpublican loaders in the Stttcs, who aro planning tho campaign of 1600, and design that "bleeding kansai" shall play a conspicuous part in It. Tlicij uanl Kansas to be male a slave Stale ; thcro i no other grounds npon-which their conduct J in tins caso can lie explained. Now tho result of this election, tho character of tho Convention, the fate of Kansas, Is cnlierly in the hands of her freo etato citizens. If they follow tho infi-nnus advise of their reckless and dishonest lead ere, they will mako Kansas a fclavc State ; n i if they net tho part of lioucst nnd FciifiMo men, tley will make Kansas a free P'ltc. Tlibtho viloh matter. To rtfuso to vote is consenting that Kansas shall bo mado a Blavo Stito is only a uioro hypocritical and xlishoncst way ofi effecting that result iiiau voting directly foT it. Yet lo this IhSy aro advised and nri-cd by tho N. Yt Tribuno and all tho black papers and leaders I These men dll virtually urge that Kansas tltould he made a slave State, and if their efforts and ad vico prevail, it will bo bo. Let tho pcoplo look at this matter carefully and candidly, nud then decido whether such knavish hj pocrisy shall receive thoir approval. Tho only plausiblo objection urged against this law providing for a Constitu tional Convention is, (hat it docs not re quiro tho Constitution which they may mako, to bo submitted to tho people for their approval or rejection. To this there aro two good answers: 1st, Mr. Isaacks, tho Attorney General far Kansas, states in tho Washington Union that ho is acquaint ed with tho impressions under which tho Legislature acted, which wcro that thuy had no power to direct or control the Convention in this matter, but ho says 1 there can be no doubt of a reference of the Constitution to tlus people," liut another answor to this objection is, that tho frco stato men havo it in their power to elect a largo majority of tho Delogatcs to the Convention, and having thus cntiro control of tho matter, thoy can cause the Consti tution to bo referred to tho people. Thus this alleged defect in tho law affords no excuse for tho courso advised by tho black leaders. Indeed thcro can bo no good excuso for tltat courso. Tho '' test oaths ' havo been abolished, every possible pro caution has been taken in the law to guard against fraud and to ensuro a full and fair expression of tho pipular will, and tho ad mitted majority of tho freo stato party in tho Territory enables them to control the wholo matter and to mako n Constitution to suit themselves. A visit to tlio Sugar Camp. Wo had the pleasure, on last Tuesday, in company with our friend Judgo Carton, of payiug a f hort visit to tho Sugjir Camri JJMcnlendcr, Esq. Mr. Dittenbender in vited us to aocompany him to tho Camp, lor tho purpose of witnessing tho opera tion of boiling sap and turning off the Sugar, and when tho machino got fairly under head-way, ho kindly supplied us, each with wooden paddles and set us to work at eating warm sugar. And if we did'nt do our duty, in that way, you may calculate it was not our fault. Wo return our thanks, and thoso of our friend, to Mr, Dittenbender and his gen erous house-hold, for their marked hosp itality, in rending our visit up the Creek, one of plcasurablo satisfaction. Arrest of Robbors. Benjamin Tucker and Sidney Williams of New Columbus, Luzerno county, were on Saturday last, arrcs cd and examined beforo Esquire Patterson, on the charge of robbing the Storo of D, L. Chapin, Esq,, ofnear 81000 last August. The circum stance developed on trial, wcro we learn, sufficiently strong to warrant their com mitment. Wo huvo not learned all tho particulars attending tLis daring theft and robbery. Books. In our columns will bo found tho adver- tiscmcutof O.Or. Henderson &Co , corner of Cth & Arch, Philadelphia, to which wo direct tho attention of our readers. Their book establishment is one of the best in tho city, and we cordially recommend it to all our patrons. They will find upon dealing with tho firm, that their assortment is cxtcn&ivo and prices very reasonable; besides, no imposition is practised upon customers, liivc them aca'l. light Stroot New Firm. Messrs. Melick ij- Creasy, havo dissolv ed business in tho Light Street Store, and Mr. iv, A. Creasy, has succeeded Mr. James D. M click. Tho Mercantile Iiusi- ness will hereafter bo conducted by H. W. cfc w. A, Creasy. Tho Messrs. Creasv are oxccllcnt young men and provcrbiably clever fellows, They havo a fine countrv Storo and aro destined to do a prosperous business. Columbia County Eepublican. 'I his is the title of a new paper, tho first number of which has just made its appear anco in Bloomsburg, Dr.PALSMON John, Editor, and Frank Stcicart, of Berwick, Corresponding Editor. It is printed on new typo, and makos a respectable oppear ancc, but its political dogmas arc a com pound-conglomerated mess of anti-democratic tactios, just such a machino as will "afford aid and comfort to tho opposition." SfiT Wilmct,' tho opposition candidate for Govcrncr, nays he intends to stump tho Stale, commencing in May. Wo hopo ho won't neglect old Columbia. Wo want him here, in order to run up tin l5emocratio majority fivo or bis hundred higher than it was last Fall. Como along, David 1 -. Hon, Joust 0. Mo.NTaoMcay, our M. of 0. elect, instead of having reoovorcd his hcabb, as was recently stated, is wo re gret to announce, still dangerously ill at his residence in Danville, 1ST Our Ihanlia aro due Senator Hid j.Eit, and Senator Hijjklv, fbr publio doc, Tho News, The great State of IMtedo Island and Providence Plantations has gono Ulaok Jlhpublicau all over, electing iiovcrnon Ooncrossincn and Imcislature. J no ro doubtable and world-renowned Qoncral , Valker, commnndcr-in-ch of of, William Walker. tho Nicaragua filibusters is represented to bo in a very tight place ponned up in llivas, with less than 400 fighting mon, and entirely destitute of broad, ho is sup posed to bo "on his last log." Tho Louis villo Couritr, whoso editor 1ns converged on tho subject with Mr. Kltisendorj)', a re turned filibuster officer, .ays s "The game is about finished. Tho hand writing is seen upon tho wall, II o has been weighed in tho balance and found wautinir. Suc cessful. Mr. William Walker had bben a hero. Ho has failcd-misorably failed . , . . ,, atlU 13 ft pirate anu a roUDOr. sucjucei. William Walker. Mrs, Cooper of Scotts- villo, Now York, eloped a few days since with a married scamp ninicd Story. She took two daughters, aed respectively twelvo and fortccn, with her, Her hus band followed and overhauled her at De troit. Ho took his young daughters in charge, but turned his erring wiro adrift Sho had been robbed and deserted by her infamous paramour. Verily "tho way of tho transgressor is hard," A dispatch from Sandy Hook states that four sclioon- crs and a sloop wcro driven on the Jersey fihVyViSoSn"n shorn ilnrinf. tMh 1-ifn lilnw Ttlrnn np..rnr.e ! and iolect, lta trt. by o inijority f the w holo hum suoro (luring IJO late OlOW. X nrco negroes, bc, f f reclura preeent.one pereon of lllciary and lira vmitift mm nnil nn nlil irnmin llin ' "cienllOe ntlalunieiiH, and ol iklll and ciperieiiee iu cnoyoungmon anu an oiu woman, mo ,,,e,rlof TMtinne,ai County Buperinioiidoiit, for the mother of twenty children, wcro hanged . ZlV.Z at Greenville, North Carolina, a few day y'JSLJV " ""1"lrcJ since. Tho cxecntion was witnessed by inoro than fivo thousand persons. Hon. Kens'y Jones, Chancellor of the State of Delaware, died at his residence in New Castle, on tho 28th ultimo. Railroad Accident. On Monday night of hit week tho night express train on tho Catawissa Williamsport and Erio n.;i l) .1 . ,i ., , . i Lail J.tuuu, kiiu iUb-J u iuv& limb U.U oiiu on tho track, between Muncy and William sport. Tho cars wcro much damaged, and llm Kiinhnrv A Itinn run wo , somo three hours on Tuesday mornin2if,ar;ol',J','',,l,llln',..n,,,,!!c,,,n,,0,,-,!li' J o ! P.M.) andorriveiat ltupci early Hie earn uciurc tuu irucii couiu do ciearcu Tun Buriisll Muudeh. We under stand that tho counsel of Mrs.Cunnincham n.ifl I.Vlrrtl ni.ifi.lnn. .. vvuvu.. vun aiMjuiuai, ou mo cnarge ot muruenug l)r. Harvey Burdcll. They say they aro nblo not only to establish their innocence, but to givo the namo of tho actual murderer, and show how tho deed was dono. Ex-Judpo Dean is associated with Mr. Clinton on behalf of Mrs. Cunningham, and John Graham on behalf of Eckel. t Tho reports about Mr. Buchanan's health are gros-sly exaggerated. He trans acts moio business every twenty-four hours than any man in Washington, and com; .... .... , menecs nts task every morning with as much vtgor as ono fresh iu tho field. His con stitution is capable of great endurance, as thoio who have tried his patienco arc con vinced. EUROPE. Tho arrival of tho steam ship Asia, with four days later news from Europe is chronicled on Monday in tho New York papers. Tho new Parliament is likely to bo strongly in favor of Lord Palmcrston's Chinese policy. Tho Em pcror of China has ordered that hostilities with tho British shall bc confined to Canton. TriE WASiiiNQro.N Union, of Saturday ovening, contains tho valedictory of Mr. Appleton, who goes into tho Stato Depart ment as Assistant Scoretary of Stato, in jplacoofGcn. Thomas. His successor in tho Union is not yot announced, BSyThc two horses who were urged through ono hundred' miles from Albany, or Monday, aro both olive and kept in ono stable. The judges will award tho 82500 to Mr. Taylor, the winner. Ho says his horso did tho last half mile in two minutgs, fis3 A discaso called scarlet rash is prevailing through several townships in tho lower part of Luzerno County, It oir ries its victims off, with a warning of only a day or two, generally attacking the head, ISrWm. F. Packer, (our noxt Govcr nor) was 00 years of age, on the 2nd. inst. tS3" Huntington the forger, his gained fiftcon pounds since his imprisonment. Ho drives nails in tho morning, and keeps books in tho afternoon. JC- James LI, Clay, son of Henry Clay, has been proposed as a candidate fur tho next Governor of Kentucky, I ,! . " BQr Tho Tide water Canal which was badly injured by tho wintors freshets, has been repaired and water was to be let iu lt Monday. Ilollowais Pills. Couchs. colds, influ enra, and asthmatic affections aro always i ....... . . roorooriCSS asSOCialOU Willi IrrccUlantlOS of tlio secretions. Tho stomach, tho bowels, and tho liver, cannot bo in a healthy con - dilion whilo tlio)lung3 and tho oir passages leading to them aro obstruclcd, and in all diseases of tho respiratory organs, tho of. feet of tho Pills j, highly salutary. As an OUtWOrU application for SOro throat, croup, astnma, anu uroncmtis, iiniioway'ii Uiiit - niour,, js mvamauie, ii soon relieves tne irritation of tho mucous membrane of tho I trachea ami tho hroucial tuhes, and . IUOVC3 InatChOCklUj; EeU3dll0U CO Jjsruilll' in crotji and-aslhtuai DIED. In Ibcitst township, Celumbia oiunty, llm last of March. Mr. El.liAU PlUCK. tll0 i... of Mnrci Mr, aged about 47 yoars, T ill 1 -1..iO 1 . m DioomsDurc. nn iiitauiiuay muniinc, Mr. Martha Chkjiiieiilin, wlfoof John ;,. , ,. , i i,, p., ... -j M. Ohcmbcrlin, agtdubout 01 years'. Mrs. Clicinbcrlin was ono of tho most nmiablo and useful members of tho Presby terian Churoh of Bloomsburg, nn& her sudden death will bo much regretted by her numerous friends and acquaintances throughout our county, Truly, IlMWt nit of life to lira Nor alt of death In die." APPRENTICE WAWT1SU. TfANTlSI) immediately, by tho sub- IT Bcrnn-r, a iw i tn n,m .... Uirrttroiilnulncti,tdwlio.u njood iiiuauonwniiio given. A. M, RUPERT. Uloomiburf, April II, 1837, CAUTION. ALT. pcrioos are hereby cautioned again! Inklner an nMiiniiuinl of n certain rule, tlven liy the under. eitncd.upin the i!J of April, 1M7, lo inttum Jlgtr, for twenty ne dollire, ae I hale aot received value, thereloriiud am determined not 11 pay it unlcn com pelted by d, courec of lio!(0Bllv C0LE, April 4, lPST 3l NUTIUE. To the School Diicctors of Columbii county : GBNTLnMriN' In pursuance of the 43diet!on of lire Act of Bth May, li.'il. jou ure hereliy nollded to meet In Convention, at the L'ourl II mie in llloo It W. WEAVHR, Ceunly Stptrlnttndcnt f Cclitmlia Co. llloomtburg. April II, 1157 3i KAIL-HOAD AND PACKET UOAT1 1857. ANTELOPE. 1857. - - . r... n.. An. 11 - 1Q-.? Ilia tn.Vtl noa't antelopc. capt. u! r. Wttw, win commcDce ' running uvi leguiiir ini-B Vu...., . between Kuporl nnu nanlicoKU, lie foihiwf ijiv,, II ii in, rL nt 5 o'clock. A . M .' on or t'va I of Ihe Ni.lit Uxpr-ee on the C. W,& II Railroad rrom w,r lia.iik-.po rt. and ar'ivee at Nantlcokc at I a'cl.ick, V. M.. In tiiuo to tae Jho.cary.n il.ej,, tJfadr....! r,,I,!asW'Kauici)fo on nrrlvol of L. Ic ll. Railroad one o clink, eauie evaninein time to take tbu IVlcht Cxprcts both waa oil he C. W. li CI inira railroad, t'aesaugers fruiii the Wyom'ni; Valley, for roite v I lie. HarriBburp, IlJllin.ore.PHtsourfl.and all oilier points Sauth or tVest, will find it lo their atvanu-.ee lo lake the above Mac, aa it la the only line that con liccti through, without atopping over night on Ihe road PjMcneera from the South or We.t. by Icavln.llar riiliure Her afternoon train, vin Dnunlitn and Stmniify hdiiua Railroad, and via Cattnwlesa Railroad, will meet the Packet ot Rupert in time. N. n V Slaec Conch nlll be run WSUii WilkeBbanc and IT ii pert, earryinp tho Lulled bioim Mnil. I.povrs Wilkes Darro at S o'rlnck. A M., nml nr rivi at Itupert In timi to eutiacct with llm .Mail Trains bath ways . Oavci Uupprt nrtrr the nfrivnl of both Malt Trnlm, (ray 3 o'clock, I' M.) onJ arrives a WilbcB Uarre about miflnifjlit. II. r, WELW.froprletor. WilkcB Hnrrc, April U 1357. PUULIO NOTTOK von isioiix&na J0T10n ii hereby nlven th.il ihrj foll.iwlnc iitkoiir J.1 In Columbia county Imve fllcil thflr ervcr.it pMi- I tion in the couit of auaner Simons or tho mid i county, for n tavern license in their respective town. 1 hip. which aid petitions v,iii i.e ptn.-med m the snld Court, on Mondny, tho 4ih tlay of May next, or mum uii iiuiDuiii. iiiii:r('Bicu win iirrfMiv iiiki1 iiniirp. nnd tho lirx-imen for the County of Columbia, will ho graDted on Wediiemluy, the Cth day of Ma next, at 2 o'clock, P.M. Oliver A. Jaroby, Joshua Womcr, Wilt mm Long, Tii o man Connelly, Franklin Hhuman, John Linden, John J. Btilea, Peter Phujr, liaac Khotlei, Joseph II, I. on;, Isaac YcitcF, Bamuol Andrews, W. A.KIiuo, Frrrfcrick Nicely Kicircr A Smith. Bamuel Kotf nburder, II nor h Howell. Daniel L. Kverliart, Haniuct Mcilfiiry Richard rtummcr, Bairturl Uvcrett. I'eLar V. Kline, Georgo I. Shoemaker, I'rter Hllhneyer, David Miller, Iiuac ICbvcpenheiier, Btoro Lsicenie, John I- Hunt. J nines freeze. William Hutchison, Jacob Good, Christian Shuman, Uloom. , Conynghi Fishinccreek. Ilerwick. Untwlngcreek. Itiinrcreek. Ii 11 ton Erolt. Locust, itn. Maine. do. Greenwood. Itenvick. Jurtcytown. Caltawissd. Peon, Light Street. Denton. Htootti. P range. do. Hemlock. II loom. Uriarcreol. j MiCllo. Locun, Itloom. MountploaBant Orange, Beavor. TllC follOWin? nertona havi nied thplr nctllinna In the sain court f r licenso to keep an eailug house or restaurant in their respective towinhips, and these I'v.ni.fiio iin uc ii i c tun, en mm acicu iipuu a vuc saiuo tunc with those lortavcra licenses. Mary HoIium. Fishingrreck T O Utse ftOT Wilson, Jluombur(,'. Josvph W. Hendarihot, do. Stephen Woir, Mifflin township. JAUOU IJYIZRLV, Clerk. Uloouwbtirs, April 11, 1857. SIIEUirF'S SALE. BV vimicofn writ of venditioni nponai lo me direct d, there will he cxnuied li miShc inl tit tim Court House in Dloomsburir. on Monday, the 4ih day ol May next, at 1 o'clock, F.M., the following real estate All that certain tract or piece of land sltULtc in Briar creek township, Columbia county containing one hundred ncren. be tho same more or less ; about seven tv five seres of hich Is Improved land, ben uded on ihe east by lands nf Jacob Cope, on tho north, south and west, by other lands of Ha mm! I F. Headley nnd others, it being ihe name tract purchased by said llcadlcy of Choice H, BiacLhouse: whereon ts orcf-ieii a two story Irnnie Dwdlins House, out Kitchen, a frame hank Ham with theetimiftunancrs. tieized ann taken In eucuUon an the property of Samuel F. Headley. ' ALSO, At the same time and place by virtue of nnothcr writ of venditioni exponas all that certain tract or piece of land, situite in aladlson township, Columbia county, bounded and dcucribf-.l as follows to wit : on tho north by the heirs of John Wc! liver, on iho cuet by the heirs of John Welliver, on (he southby Daniel Welliver on the west by Daniel flmiih, containing ouricen acres, Le the samo inoro or less; whereon Is creeled a one and a half story frame Dwellins Jlouio.anda Frame Stable, with Hie oppnrteiiancra Heixed nnd taken in uxecutiou the property of Jacob Ktsner, BTEPIICN H. MILLCU, Mtrtf, Shi' iff '4 Offtt , i Illoomiburg, April II, 17. Spring and Summer GOODS. THE undcralgnoc! respect fully inform Iheir cusloiurrsnnil Ihe nib he crnerally, tliat 1tiy have Just receivil at lltcir new Ilnck Btorv Ilousu, In Lljjhl Street, u aclect Basorlnieiit ul loshioualle Spring and Summer Goods. dlrtrt Trom the Eastern eitle. eomrnsmtr all the various selections to tn fnuntl In C'nuittry Hiorei, various eicclions to ii ! cnmlstini of Clolhs, lUas timeres. Delalni. Ilraze rrllt'i,"70,,I'JJ, 'ro"u" 0,1 "n(1" of 'e" f""1" l Ai.HnlouNTi.r.vns's wkaii, or almost g,-on:TAT.ABiiuo ! Groceries, Mol.ie. fujarn, Tea, ColTcr. Pnlec. ''As'Wv'mYA' 'r.'a'V.8.'!'..', , , ,h.lr snwions aim to please llit-ii cuitomtr anil lo give ! iW4e : W. N, l.'ltnASY. u'nt '. 'ptu u,it IIIouviiitu iil.Miiniin pi;ii-w wun'ng ,..,ai cement. .nn'nd by X cJlbng vn tha (ubtciibei ol Kupui I'a j., i j i 137 ' " ",RMA'V Ntuj QVDucvtiscincnts, UUUa, PAINT AND CLASS Wholesale Warehouse COIINCH OK TENTH AND MARKET STHUKT8, ! Office In Second Btory, MtLWEWIttA. TTTHI rU Invite atientlnn tn nnr enlarged -lock of Drue w i..i .. nu. v..ui,.. . . r ".-i i ...i. f" nuf salts, ami computing .mot iiieflni assort. menu lii the United Btilea, which we efnif at low pti;. ii, t..h jr. approved neper. WB M ANIIl'AOl UnU er Cltcniliclr I l-remlum I'ure white I.e ml, (lieil,) Krtmlnglnn ruin White I, ma, i'enll flitow White I.roit. Vlelle Moningne" Kieiieh 7.lnc,(ljci,) Ture Bnow White Amnrken Zinc, rhiladelphiii Bnnw While Stint. Bluer, rente Fire ehd Weatherproof Pnlntn. Ohrome (Irecm, Yeltowe.and colore eenerallr. AflBNTB FOIU Tnrier'e euporior Auanne window uie.e, Oemilne French Plate QtaM, (warranted.) The New J.reey Ztiic Cnmnnny'e.pmduc -noucil 'l imen t nrpnewe n, x. varnlinci :a. nrooklvn Premium rare White l.tnl, llnmnilfn I'ermanf'nt IJrcrni. l'u re Ohio Caiaitbo Untidy tc, &e, lMl'onTiiUB tiK rroncN rtntt IU pllfh Plnta O Inept, Kreiifh and Ungllrh Cyllndor OIjim,, (Jolorod nml Unn raved Window CllKit DaKucrrpntypo Uls. llammrrril I'lnlo Tor rinort nml BVy-I.lghli, Drue. Cheinlenift, rcrfiiiuTT. ttc. wiioLnsAUJ nr.MXRs in DntfCltti' Arlich-a ccnernlly I'ftiniiT Tnot of till deicrltlons, llydrftultr and Ho in an Cemotit Calcined and I.nnil I'laiter. Taper .Makar'a Ctavflatln While, it., kt. ruuNCii, mciiAnua & co.. Btorf.N.W cur nnr Tenili and Market xji.. raetory, Junction Yur!; A v.. Crown it Cal low hill. April II, 1637 rhlUtelihia. MITCIIKLI. & CUOASDALE'S hVPF.R-ritOSPllATB OF UMK. TUT. aillncrlbors I ti To r ni doalere arid fermcra thet thrv have now on havd, a full .unply cf Super-Phosphate of Lime, tnd ci nn ilonlty rreommend It aiiuperlor to any In Ilia nnrkct. Al acoiiatantly on hind, Peruvian ami Mexican Guano, Ollf.Candlca.Soat). &.c ot the lowest market latee, ciiomiiaix, riKitui: & co, Ko, 30 North Wharvea.abovo Arch eiret. Phlladeiphin. trrarmere cm load on Arch olreet, and avoid the crowded whirl. April II, I7, Ci-nrm lath Bitt,vni.tti, roit saI,u low by OUUU II. VV. it W. N. CBBA-IY. TONi: COAL lor lole'.liy , 5 II. W. A. IV N. CREASY SIDINO JOl'JIJ, UUAIIII8 ANP SUANTI.INJ1.. for ealo by II. VV, 6t W.N. CUISAiY. rOH SALE. Tlin nitmriilMir ottttt nt prlvn' Sal onoonh moil brnntiliil nnd ik-mrable ro iJt ncct, in tho town of IHoornsburg. Tin lot is 60 fed l-ront ou JUalu Slrccl, and on nfC'iilld by nllcy on tho Writ, nnd South I.U liaud.oiucly laid oulwilh Shrubbery, FltUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES. It Is fitted up with all Ilia necessary out liiilldltif ; and antixhuusliblc well ol aiccllciit water, Frume tilablu and a xj. FINE RRICK HOUSE. M Terms easy. Apply on the Premise . or nt this Uf ficc. or lo the subscriber John a. raEl'.zt:. Dloomkburg, February S8, NEW COACH IJNE fum CATTAWISSA' TO ASUI.AND, rplIC RtiiiAcrlber respectfully informs his (rlon In nn I X the public peiiorally, that on and nfier MON' OA V, iub uiii ui apm, icdit ii u win run a in weeny Line of Coaches, Iteineon Callawusa and Ashland, IcivingCaltnwinsa every MoiidHV, WftilHCSdsiv anJ IVdav niorinny, ni 3 o cluck, A. Mm and arrivlne at Adhland tit II o'clock. A. M., in tlini tn innet the Mill Coaclin at Abhlaud, and rotu n tho same days to Cait.twUu., tL3r Passengers canrpalynt either point or any of iiiu way Bullous i-'ciilii. nun uJggiRti cnnvciMl itll niolerato tcrnu. Careful dilrcrs only cmptojvd on C1IARLH3 6TIIAUSCU. Ap;lM.l?o7 I Id I" OP LUTrCIltS reinniiiniiillici'oittomceat i-j itiooinsnurz, , April lu. 165?, Alrxandcr George 3 Caldwln Win. Huts Samuel Itrown, J. A. D 1. Huh in Cniharino (...lHal,isi V.M Chrikty J-hn II. Creem Corneltmi First John retse Joiah Gabh Henry V. Glltnrd Samut I HenlevW C. ifnrtman Jacob II ill SlpphM, II. IKpkinn Kietixi sunt Fredeiick Kahlcr Thompson Lore Lydia IM'Cliiiinck AndrcvT M'lyhii ttlclnrd 5 Wathan imim I'lelf.ir r rancls t'n irer i'harks PHer Gi-orito Kfei-r Iti'bcrCO ltuact Wnel K)ati John Pchmeyer IVtor Si!iwnn Mary Hirauer Itenjumin Tovey Gcurpc Wahiiigtnn Georgo Wet) Gorgo Wullowey Hllen tf I'ersuus cntlitif; Tor the atnve Kttcrs will plnase say they ant advertised. I'HIMP UNANGST, T. M. April 4, 1857. SELECT SCHOOL. TMR next term of this school . Will conimnre on MONDAY, Miy IHh next, nndi conlhiuu eleven weeks, l'uptls aro rcelvcd a any t me, TCIlleS OF TUITION, PrimarylSindie, Coin nnu Cngtlsli Siudlcf , 3 Higher Cnglith Suidiisaud Clarsi en, '' U F. EATON, Vtinchal niooingbiirc.Murch 23, 3M7 SPKCIAL NOTICE. JOHN O Fltnnzn nil! bo in U.pmbnrc from the 131 Ji of April till the Ifih; at which lime nil per. sons Indebted tn hi in are'rcnuefit'd tn cr-mcfor ward and pay. Otherwise the accounts will be nrrai.gcu lor collection. March VI, lri57.-tf LAND "WARRANTS WANTED. SOUK half ilo ton GOVCHNMENT LAND WAIt llANJ'd am wanted anv ttmo brtwenn this nnd tluj tlret of next May.nl this officii, or npp.v to Win, Neat, or the subscriber, in Uemteck lotvimiiip. . . .a. . i0liN nnt'OLcn. Blarch 11, 18i7 IiuT DISSOLUTION OF PAUTNERSIIIP. nillBllrmofiMUVROn i: IIARUAN.bein3 disolv X by in ij taut consent, and ihe Forw ordlng busj'nc a e a In the harft of J. U.JInrnnn, one f the form r Finn, t would recommend him to the shipping pnhtle beiriR fultv Riiurud, the basinets will be intended Willi pryjnjitiiCSH and diJpalch. ISAAC S. MtJVUOU. Itupert, February S3, 1857. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 1857. THE subscriber respectfully informs bis customers and the public generally, that he has received a full stock of choice Spring and Summer Goods. eomprinnp n futl asfortineia nf Clolha, Cassimers, SatniPtts, Dol.iines llrhzfurs Calicoes, Vc, logfthr with n fratvailety of other article usually kept in rfuuriirjr mores. ALSO -Hardware. Cutlery, Qtieciuware Palt, Fish. Mosilasses, Iron, Steel, Hair, Caps, Uuuls, Shoes, Ve. XCy Country produce' including Grain, Lumber, Sit,, taken in exchanse far roods j3"Thmklul for past pilrouage Le respectfully osks u coiuui anew uj me mum. THOMAS E. EVES. Mlllville, March S3.lB57.-y, Greenwood Seminary, AT Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A SY8Ti:.MATU course of Insirurlioli Is given In xl nil in English branche usually tauchl. The Principal will ho assisted during the present year by T. M. I'O'lTa.nn experienced tencner, recently from the Lancn.ler county Normal School. A vucaiion of seven weeks will commence July 1st, TERMS. Tuition, fcrMay pupil, $,50 In 91,60 per luartcr. Itourdltie. Tuition Washinc, I.ighl. lit , QJO p qua iter ot eleven week. one.hdlCin advance per l'or circular, catalogue, or oiueY part Icular. adores Mlllville, April, 1H5T. ALEXANDEll KEIUt, l.Mroinmt anu wiiouusalc iicaluk in Salt, Jfe, Salt, NO. 38 SOUTH Wll AllVltt, I'lllLADEMMIlA, Ahton' fine Liverpool ground Turk' Island and Dairy Sail, constantly ou h iiu and for site, In lot, to ult l'ie trade, AI.EXANUtlt KEttlt. April 4, IES7 3m 1 JillJlliNhl'i UllNDS. 'WE havo M i.rinlc.l, and ..ffcr for V ical tins oftirt- a flue lot of l.itr me llond., jyJt"' foiw-(' r"""" "rrijii't for Tattiu li vtnnr AiuuvAr op SPKING& SUMMER aja;nDS ffvsm fleas' s WU havo ttow rocolving our Spring nnd Hummer nnnrf.. In rtniltnnd al on r haw aland, oa theenrner ol Main and Jilarkit ftfcitf. Tho r.ockeomprlieio full aaaormi.nt.r Dry Goods, Ureccrtcs, Hardware, Queen tcarc, Ctilnr-tcare, Hollow-ware, Lrugs, Fl.h, tin. I, riaii.n Iron,!rValli, tlonli, Bhori, Mali, Cape, &e &r ALSO-RI'.ADY MAtin UI.OTIIINI1, andln fact cterynameahlo article uauatljr kcptlna rnuntrraiora Countrjr produce taken In f xrhaniefor Eonda. H. 0.& I.W. UAltTMAN- nlonrn.borj. MarrhSI, ISS7. SIMUXG AXD SUAIMt:it CLOTIIIMJ, Tim on.iralined iratcful for pa.t palronnge, re apectmlly Infbrma lilecuatonicri,.and thepubli lencrnlly, that linhaajnat received frointho Uaal' etn Citlea.the laricit and moll iclect etock of Fashionable Spring Summer Clothing, iKHlh'aiyjit been opcnedlnnioonifburi;, tn which he luv Ilea the attention of til Trtcmls , nnd aaaurr-a thnni that Iheyareoireredrnrenle.atgreat bargain. Illi 8tockcomprleaalar(eandsele-, anortment of Gentlemen's Wearinc Apparels, Conllltlng of 'aA'nafr!e iJtut Ceala,, of errfy. do ecriplion ; Pante, Veate, Shine, Cravat Stock! Coiton llandkcrrhler,Glovea.8uipendcrB,&c., &c. Gold Watchct and Jiiechy, ot every de.rrlptlon. anc and rhrap. N.n..-tloraciutor jbitil9rf'ctep Jimsttiim ' Call and ae. Noehartn for einmlnih;! flood , DAVID I.OWENUEIIQ. nlonmeburf, Ma'ch 91, 1P57. KUMOVAL. 'p in subscriber liavlnr rcmnvcil tils Marbln Varil, Jl from near tho Court lloiisa, to tlic Boulh nisi cur hit of MAIN and MARKRT slri-l, In Ilunrl'a How, tM.u HO IB f'tfUICU ,U IUIIIISII AIUS Ol Marble Work. Vii: MONUMCNTS Cradln 'Inmbs, Hox Tombs, ntid Dead ?tnnen uf uverv drBchntiin. Ilia inrk u ,. thn best kind. Ihe Vtorttmauihlp lint turpnipd byniu in mi- s-i.uui j, mm u. iow prices. L-nji unci jutiee lor youisclvrf. Cj-He w I nUa fu'nlsh Table nnd Hunnu Tons, MlMltt-U fur ItniJHM. Mas tlnr.P. I.intlL'a.nn,! H.ll. fur Wini'ons and H.iors, m a low flguro. . ssaunxi. ii i4i um, wo iinpe ior a cununuince u IIIU Bllllll. A NTH ON V WITMAN. HlontiiRlnire. April 1. teiT-dm PltlVATK AI-B OF- VJILJJA BLE TOWN PROPERTY. fj unilrrniBlftned wtlUell nt prlvnto sale, the va)H jl. uvic corner i ni oi cround, vwirron arc Tiftpd n I) t HLLIN'G HOUrili JirOUi; 11)tJ t U and oin. r improva- ments.filimtPaitMaiuStrccl.in Itlonu n It u r if. the Hstttcnf tho latf John Hat ton. dortiiiseii. fa id nroneriv In ono of ilife.J"AT most pleasantly nrrmictd dulling in town, with a good Hlore House und utigiblo business stanl. Terms easy. tCfAnpty to tho flu)icnbcr, agent for tho Heirs of wiu iam utceaseu J. It. MOVER. Rloonisbiirg, I'ebr tnry ' , ies7. ESI'YTOWxN NEW STOKE. rTMII, iindrrsicned, havinx asrnciatrd tcvther in Hit? jl. nirrcniiiiitt uusmrss. tans picakurn in a iiiinuneiiiK tn their Ini'nda and the public tn triintrrnl, that itM'lr new Htorf Ilnusc, loeiitpd nri Main street. cenlrat In Ksplonn, Columbia county, has Jut been blocked Rctv Spring Gooifst Co wprititnjf nn cxtennivp tisrtmcnt nf Clot In, CnsnJ imre. Vcslincs Muslins. Lim-s, mid every otlu-r nr tide In the We iti upline, inplmlni'' llnrdu -iro. niilni LartliPii nnd Hollow warm, Groceries, Hucnri. Tats, jinirn, unci iHlllill,!! riCttMC-. Willi nil uiiiur Jril cles uf coiiimerru iii'iipirtl to ro intrv itnrea . W Grain, Ijiimbcr, 1'rtivisinn. I'ritdncc, vf all Kintis, iakcu in change tor mrrcliRn:txa. It. V. IIIHGH AKI. It (1. CUHVr.LINQ. town. April, I, Kw37, TO DAUKUUKOTYVE AUTISTS. AN 1 1-iD a purchopcr for a DA (llinRIinoTYI'l: SALOON. Inniu d i nnool llui moil II in r I sin n2 tow nn in this 8 tntii, with n pnpll Lltiounr ull'lllt 3D0.I. T.le establish niriil ha Imetiiit n.ieralion ahotil l,nr )ears. is wells pplmd with nil llm milerlaln uuei'svary fur AMIIUO'l'VI'lNf. and an irus an exreiieiit uprtunc ur a euod opera lor. x ,ir mi , imr puiiicuirs, nau nss T. MARTIN. March SI, 1357 -If. Lock Haven, I'a TI1K LAST XOTIGK Es'atcnf Dciiiamin lltiytnan, drcciscJ. MO I'lCH is licrcbv uivon, to nil nors ns 1 1 ImvlitK unsettled nrrnitnts, with Hie n,iHe nf lisNjAMlf llAYMta. inle o tJrineM lown.li n llnn,l,,M eounly, drr.isf d lo present them Iu the imderslinied. at his residence, in Centre lnvnhii, on or Ufnre Ihe ,.,ui ui April nun, properly nutuenlirntcd for settle 8OI.OM0N NUVIIAIIII. M.irr2l.l37.-3t Jdrtr. NO TICK "TOTICE is licroby civen, that tho an 1. s nual liieetlnff oflheJHIOctLholderof Ihe ntnurtia hura Hail road iron Com peny, will be held at Irundalu, Columliin ioumy,on Monday, the 4th dai of Maywxt, Tor the purpose of rlTtlng directors, and lor the trans lion of other business. CHARLES W. KIHIIKU, March 21, 16.57. Ct 7Vlnr. New Spring and Siiiiiiiirr FASH ION ABLE M I I.LINEUY. VTAIIV IIAIIKI.EY invites lillrnlimi tn hrr Iturk of na newiy rrceiveil nilliliiurv llres tind'. Trim- . niii'gs, ltilbns, SI Us, Ae , w hii Ii she w ill sill rhiep al tlie old sUod, low er end of Main strei l. I ,5 Bonnets nf the latest Sarin " Stub. JSZtPWUI b made lo order, and Iriinuird tu uit .v.. any lane. Childrennnd Missos Iloiiucle, lints and Flits or va- nous iinecannd lyle nn hind, and will be furnished lo oriier In nnv stloor taile oriiliuiulnir. Ainl4, lrS7. . 1 NOTIUE. imiur.i: election. A N fltscllnn for one rrjsidcut. six atannzers onn' t Treasurer, one Scretary ,' nlheers for the 1'altn, 1 vls.a llrldee Cnmptuy fur the ensuing year will bn ne'a m inn House ol JAi.uti tjvi.lt. In cullawisin, mi .Monda) , the iih day if .May neil, between the hnm of I audn,!'. M. J.NfJ. BIIARri.ESB.Jsfv. Cattltiissa Urii'ge ClTicc, A riljlh.j(i7. STRAY DOG. WAS loil from the fubritnr, elthrr nr ft fayed away, ou atl anndar. UUi inst , A HOUND. With black nn hi hick, four ellow knee . r rmaM while ii(H)'. on each too, mid a cut nvir hit Ufi yi, He hi ii n chain nroun t hii neck , with the Initial M, 137.' Two dollar wt I Ibe given lor tin return to tho auUcribtr In DIoouiHburi;. CitAMiUS W. II ESS CRT, niunnnlMirg. 2H, IW. BltlDGK NOTICE. rplli: rresidrut nnd Mtiiairers of tho Caltawissa J liriilge i Company, have Ihie day declared n divi. dend of l line nrreenl. (73 renla nur slmret nn the eapiuii euiea ol ,uiu iii,in,y,iuri lie mil SIX luontns, pa)ublc lo the gtockholderiiur their leidl epresentn. ' ,.-i...,.i,,i :. .. ..-.... , . ... ive. Oil oiafler the lulll illtt.. at thoothcuof IhaT.fa. surer, iu Cattaw Issn. By order of the Board, JVO. rHIAnt'LKSS, 7Yli. Cnllawisia, Aptil 4, 1H37. NEW HUM. THC subscriber would Inform the public and hi cuslomirs generally, lhat he lias nssoeiated hi sun, D.iniel K. U'crlinnn, with him In Ihe Mercantile mm business, at llohrshurg. liom and nflcr Ihe SdnfMarch, "rnrTTl? it n run it- i IS37, and thai the busiiieaihereallcr will be conducted I " ' 1 1 " "IC Attention Of all 1'crsODS V tti under the name and style uf the firm of c. Wirt man & JL ting l'hiladeiphla, wjiether on Uusiness or pleasure Bon' C. WERTMAN Uohrsburg, March, O.iej' -3t NOTICE. A Li, persons indtbiedlo tho undersigned, eithrr by r nute or book urruiinl.are .requested to make ret, tlement and payment inordcr lo tho peidy closing up of hi husineea. 1 Ii. WERTMAN. Rohisburg, March 0, 1B27- ' WALL PAPEU1 WALL PAPEB! WE have lust received. by rnllrovl. n ijileudld as. sortnien'loT WALL I'Ai'lllI. wlich we liilend iu sell ni riilianeiriiiM prices a piece. Call ana see. from Uccnlltolccnl II. C. & t. W. UAltTMAN. April 4, 1857. WINDOW PAPER. JUST received, a good assorlin'cnl, for sale cheap, April4,Ii?37, HARTMAN'S. 1ASII paid for CHAIN, nt HA.RT.MANU. fAprll 4, 1857 OIL WINDOW I1LINDS. DARK and llghl oil Window lllinds, Just tecelvcd uml fur rale by ApilU IE37. IIART.MAN . OH I'lRIl lliiiiiif While fish und Maikucl for .nl lo3, n HAS HIM, b lUtOADWAY GOLD 1MN JtMJtUl1 CT vu t.va CO, NO. 335 BHO ADWAY, 'NU W Y01UC tiW or itrTrAit, rntcKSi- aoi.ireni, ji'.tonntd TihmIi nek. mod Unld Pen b Bllrcr 1'nolh t Knr rick 3 i. Hohier, Cold IVn enddlil, el. S 00 " rem II, Valch K)l I do (UdidUold reliclle, ,,s no 4 0UI .. ., .. JJ0' s.Otf -i .. win, Ten s Go Gents' Gold fairs &, 5 MJ. l'ei.a c s oo SM, .. ., .. ,,0W) !!i " "otM' " IS do Oliver Iioiueri. Maminouth 11 Iviathen roil Main Ten, Deik lloldrr Mammon Ih nnarn.aine Pen.. l.cviatlian nnd Itnz aolliicailverandl'n.3 0nd oil other kinds, tui unirossini - j w .tylei at Inflow ltl . " Mniuinnuth SUUcea, l'liDMI UM8 mCSENTED TO PUHCHABCRS. To cverv rersnnbiivlneapniil n.n ne.,a .......... a tiuniherad ceitlflcate, nnd each oflhese MtliOealel ciiu.iv utc nuiurrni ii, ny the Cltra paTRtcnt 0 6 cent. to nn article of Jewelry, In value lion, tl In (ICO Tlilsjeilrycnnslis or Gold und Bilvir Waltl.es ns real variety. Silver Gelilela, filter Fruit llaakfti Hold fliiard Chnln for ladie, Lncklt lliaceltl. Gen. t.uld f obnnd Vest chains, Thlinbl, s, llreaslpln. Uriel' lots, bar Uloin, Bludl. l(liirt,Croe, tit, Msre. which will sell for les tlmi al. foil EVEItV DUot I. All TAIII UB, T in I'ARTV IB K.NTITI.kii Tin. NUmnunmi cciitii'Iuati:. ami nv hie pa a iiu.ni ur vjcis, tiA 'i ii a tin uauii ui:m'iriCATU IIIIIS I'.NTITMllJ'lnltCCVIVU Wll ATEVHIl Tllll NUMIIIiltOr HIECKIITIFFICAIE DE8IUNATK8 We have been I n operation for Ihree Jrais and tl, on. lhands l.avo loujlil ol in and we have ntvr teemed' evnt an. one w ever dissatisfied. 'J ni planairord. aitery Oiortu nlty of ohlaluinin (old waitli or soma euiciu ,neiry, ur a trilllnff sum. All Our (lis, i Pendicles, &r nrn cenuine article mniiuraeiur, discoursed with crrat care, and ive. offer .llieui i,fe. l-ely al prices asked In all clhcr Hort )n tl" dir. To nclnt makoadvantaeeoti oirurs.aiid nnf .n.. lit lie personenn do wellby woiklnc fur us. We wirV uf;un,e ii every piece in me country, anu person w bu would like lo become suth will please address us.nn' tte w III send tllnu printed circular! rf prlcsi, term. iiP. Wc haVC IIO Slated nerioila Inr at I f rtl The niiinieiil n pnn Is purchased Hie purfhaier I en'tU llcdtonccite hi prtn.iuiu on the pariuent of S3 rasu enra. AH orderstiv mall rhmildbe addrrsirrl MUItltlCK, IIEN10N A. DBAN. 33 llrnadivay New Torti, AGENTS WANTED. NB. Gold neiia rennlntrJ In mmrrlnr n.f,ni Cnclonelhren nnil 39eeuti In IV O. a ID nil a. ami I Km pen will be rcnolntnt nnd rtturnrH pon nhl. CO, Is wet) Known throughout tlie country, hnt ti ilitTuuro undonbledly cttnc who nre not nrqualntel wild tis o &ipctid the futluwtiie fit known dim t rttrencti ! I KhhUWH I U.,lNn 17 .Mtl tilt?ll l.HflO, fitW YOtk IIICKrf & MITIM1 ELI, No. VU ,n ULNTON U IinDH .Cur Rronf1unv& Court nd if. Ni-w Vork.niKfCliciluui vlrctt.IMnUtMjthiri. OOIJI,!) 6l WOOD No. U MniJcn Lane. tU February 7, tdi7. 3m. IS L ffl S B U It G', CABINET WAltEHOOMS. T1HJ utnlfrt"ijtnril rpupceifully mvftri Hid nlirntlnn of the 1'uhl ic to hix rxleuivc ftiiorttii?ii ol CaIium r uriuliiruniitl l.hiilrit wliich lie will wnrritiil inhi urL. of (no itirticri ilt tiiiil lit n uorkitmiiliki: mariner. At nil LsKinuusuiiiuiii can uiivajB ui- iuuiu B guou tiort mcnt of FASHIONABLE FUUNITUKE. Which isrriiallli sl)leand finish tn that of I'bll ndelphiaor New Voik cities, ondatas low prieca, II u Ins SOFAS. of dirrnt My leu; oihI pricci, frnmj B'ij n 9ir, iiivinii, i.niiite.i Wal nut ninl Mfthotfoiiy. VarUtr chairs. Uotklnp mm chnirn, l'iaua ftnulu, uml a vartfty nf iipliolttrrd woih nun urt'BiMK " ('anui Diirt'iiiK, oia, cam LPlitrc ai4 pier Inhi. a.tleUihui, clii-ll'i-nler wlinttioli t.mittl.c. ih'B.niul nil tvintU ul fm-hlonnlilo work. Hit k uf Loriau, tiieinnd and rnnnnnn until tiflQii, rlrrp inhi. corner tiiphuunlV. go fai. brcaklml toblra, bmi steaiU, cane fcnitnnd common eliulrn. i a .,..1 lft ililr ioclioi. of ihf counlry. He will utiokrepn good aiFnrl:nrnt urinokin? cIjiuph with fntiry filt nnd C4in, mon frit in c n He will afvo lurnidi trint mtroit. nttiil to nuy sit'i nnaiUtcail which are aunt?rfur fur ilurai(llity und ctn.furl luany bud In iup. ItlooiiiHl.urK April Pth, ItfU CENTRE STORE. s p iu ni; & siT nfm e"uo o d s. rF,lIE imilcrsiixned lake plcnfiirr ol in JL furruiiTg the ritlz"its u( Centre and vicieiiy, il,sl he has just received a large and sobvet assort uen? 81'IIING t. SUM.MKU OOOD8, ComprislnKlhelieaviest stork n nd most vnriedassort, melil ol Inshmmililc, useful nnd suusl'iuiial .MNrrhnu, iliix- thai hai Leennflereii 'utliepul In o'errj kiud niidqiialily.Mlilclitlie) n I II scllfur ready puy ,at vvrv renouul,lt price. ' irJ-Coillilry nrilliriti,ken I ne trial r r Mr Gnnds, I ssc I mis sic (Irnlii ami Luinler and the piblle euslem reipectl'iillt o!tltt,l SAMUEL LAMIJACK. PiiwIcrivilV.iMarrli.id, leJl. " BOOT AND SHOE MAKING."- THE underiiKned, thankful fur Ihe liberal nalmnaea wllhwicli he.lmbeeu favored fjr jearsi ne ly,wiild infeim Ills Irie nrts and cilktoei s, 'hat he onti lutes lo uiauulaolura llco's and ihocs. At his old and welUknown Ulni,iust,ur, in nil Iheir vnri slv le n ml on no deralM le rn,a ard.on Mainstr, 1 1 ami r onus, in ood III liii eipnrienr in tho h.i.lnm and iiu.rsl knowlnlseuf the renple of Coluiobit eunly, super added Ina filed dtleruiinat ion lo render salisfailiua Innll his eusinmer. should sreure hint lucrsased pa ' lounge which he Inipis to merit. , . .. JAUOU I'. MliTBRlCK, llloom.burt, Manh 10 Itl7 LacKaivana &, Blot imbHrg It. II. t lUee l.nek'ni lllriieilorin. n To. 1 WiiiHiati I.li, Co., Ca Jau IJ.IBll.j INTEl'EST PAYABLE O.N STOCK. 'plIEsliicklinlilersnfllili coiupnii) are licnhy null. I '.'LT'',? tt rk. '""imed in theJM of Uritmb.r,' ,,, .,, i.ii, ,1, ,, in iwiarii ii, mrv'l.i,. "'""l paiiion npplinitlon nl ll,u Lffico iu LsrirS ' ! ."' ' , 1 terlilirati will I.e issuid wbm the In- I ",, '""i of fifly dollais; and frl I ""nller auuia or ony liacti.lnl auiounls .t.'eilid-oles wll bo n-iiled. I'.rETrEUONB. 7Vmr. I 7.h,:lei7, (UMNIUUS 1.1NE Jt LIVEK Y STABLrJ amiie " rnENTIrl, NOW runs a new Omnibus ' between liloonisburg and the -Hntlroad Ilennt. whirl, will laki passenger from and lo nny of the rei.inrs n' ,ue imwii. or ute Amiricin House ami rna lintel; nnd no will also furnish conveyances to all travs Hew w ho may wish logo Into any pin of the couniy. Ho ha also a large liver muMs cniinecte,i wllh Ihe omnibus line, from winch he can nernii.ruodaia Ihe public, wilh conveyances lor travelling, pliasure emurniJiis or business. HI 'Oiusburg. April !6j, 1835 ly NEW WALL PA IM31UVAHEHOU.SE. LURTO.V &, LANING, MANUPACTUKURB AND MirOllTKRB, JfO. 121 Arth Strut, tttond door Jri enlt tlrlrt, WI'lllliAlim.nllA. IIMKE may ho found the largest and but bc ecud slock In the city. ynuniry merciianta may here be accommodated. w'11'"" '"o iuco nvenleiico of looking lurlher, and ",?y.ni? """fed that Ihey will receive the ndvaulag. o i t air money. tt, , ,, t, e .K,,ui, DUHTX k h ANIXU, March 23,187-3m 'I fiBK CJlE.tl' ES(IOI STOfSI), Corner of 5lli & Arcli Slrccl, Philadelphia , Henderson & Co., JlOOKSELLCnS AXD rVBUSUERS. . H.,uv,., . Will; til VI, W, WUB. U1IUII III iubi Jectl, llooksellers, Country Dealers, Teacher, rublie and' private Libraries, supplied with Books It rJiaticnary a I lowest rales. I CO 1IENDI5RSON Ai CO., iiiaiiu led, .null NEW CAUUAIGE SHOP. thl ukttt ImiJinf , cn Mj)I.'S7'KKKT, marly' (If lis elHct. mill: eubscrlbcr would rispeclfully announce lo the JL public. Ihal.hehascnmnicnced lie UAlllliAUJ'J 6i . tVAfiON MAKING BV- 8INESS, in all iis branches. Ho is prepared loeiecute all order a and has on hand al resent nn assort meat of finis lied work which purchaser willtlndil lo their advantage to exo. mine, lir.l'AUUNC, I Willbedono In the must prompt and careful mnnoef and uponiorms which cannut fait to nive satisfaction. CU'RAWIIRIDUE A, WILBOIt. I liloomsburg, April 'JH. 1835. MILKS' 1MPUOVED PLOWS. F .ACOCK I'l.OVVd. Wltgln' IMows. Eaile I'low, Subsoil fi'iM. viichignul'lows, llldgigz or lot. ow riows. Side Hill I'Iuks; Cultivators, Harrow , llnv. blraw nil 1 llnrn RtMlk Cutlers! AellrUltU ra 1 1 111- rlemenlsnl the very bcil qualiiy, inanufa lurtd and ur sale, by D I.AMIRUI II It PON. Impleiiiout .mil fcced Wnrehoule, "I aiiiljlrlnuin i Hixih si. l'liiloikliluft Ami al the JlJuufacloty, Eiuiol l'g Matik ?, I tl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers