COLUMBIA BlffiflllAT. A LEU 11. fAl'Iff, LOOAk E1HTOII. Saturday Morning, April 11, '67. ij) - iSgrNiw Store Mn. I.owKNnEna, S7.1 . .. inii.! c.. t ,l, u uiituuu i. uun Mivmuiii .-win .u iUv Exchange UuiMing., lately occupied by Mr A- Kline, and Cttcd it tip with a choice aesVv'tKicnt of Sniing and Bummer Goods. , ., .Cn nniinr ?tinri(T Mti.r.r.iL no will , J r uo. lems u Clark, fcooen by refcrning to our n'lvertisingi,, icolumns, has issued his Proclamation for , J"1"; '''"'"i it lion man jc Mac, .Court of Quarter Sessions, to bo held in Wcrimon, ft , JuJue Rupert, Bliiomshurg, to coinmcnco on Monday, tho uiihuo. lunon. 4tn uay 01 fifty. 'EtB- Fine IIonSES Sir. Jatob DiehL of.Bloomsburg, started for tho Nctt York 1 Market, on Tlmrsdny last, with pomo 10 - . ' . ' 1T tlJlOUUlU null rcir l.iiuauiu iiuiow, I 'ft 4sr Packet IIoat AwTEtopc. Uy rcfering to another column, it will lie seen tlut Capt. B. V. "Wells, has coinmcnco 'running his new I'aekct Antelope, 'daily, between Wilktsbarrc and llupert. 'W3 Wo havo been requeatcd to state, .I... .i- n! t i. :.. n i...i.: VUUK IUU UUIUII WIIUIUII) ill viuuiui iui,uohhp( j Montour county, will be tlcuicatcu to tuo worship of God, on tho 2nd and 3rd of May iVaB" Kov, J. K. Bradley, formely of this place, and now of Danville, will this Bpring, tako cliargu of tho Grovemont Boarding Schocl at Phccnixvillo, Pa. ' WTown Suiiscuninits. Those of our town eubacribors who do not receive their papers will ploaso inform us. Our carrier lias had considerable difficulty, iu finding their residences, tay Sxow Storm. The heavy rain of Monday, turned to a snow storm about noon, and ountinucd until evening, cover ing every thinj exposed to its fury with a heavy mantle of Snow. It seems very .much out ol place. toy In Town. A largo number of person, have been in cur town during tho .last week paying ud receiving money, cs shangin,! land.', convoying t tics, liquida ting claims, and much other busineu pe culiar to this tcason of the year. j Wo commend tho thrilling article entitled " The ratal Trick, " on our first page, to tho perusal ofour reader1, Comino. The fi-hing nud boating season. AVe orejj cparing our tacklo. and expect to see many parlies on the Susque hanna as tho warm weather approaches. Jffir IIinos. Many ofour fiiuiid. wear rings some diamond, some gold and some 'jitcel indie itiuglovo, fiiondship and rheu matism ; but the nua useful ring now-a-days is the tin ' ol the anvil ' w .'8Sr There were many changes made in (our town, on Wednesday last, the 1st itiit., ' tiot only as regards private reridenee, but iniiiig some ofour business uicu. , iftgr Our farmers, many of theui, were quite busy with tho plow, du ing tho few lino days of last wck. Moudiy put a stop .'to the enterprise, and t!u fro.-t which ful ilowod has cause a f jr.her delay. March verified tho oil ndagc. Came iu like a Hu and wen out llku a Jamb. ,ir S?" Notice to AiiviT.Ti?i:ns. In the '.height c f tho advertising Ecapon, as at the present time, we nro ccejsiuually obliged "io omit Eomo of our regular advertisements for a single week; b t we desire to say, 'tthat ia all such ca-c3 the f.ill number of finscrtions is made up at the end of the time. $ - ? JCfif Wo would call tbo attention of our citizons to the tlil;ipidatcd touditiou of the .iill graveyard, it is truly iu a uVplorub'e setato at prcscn. S&f Wist. Some of our citi- xons. to, or locate ia tho deep wood?, or on the broad prairicu towards 1 lha scttioc; sun. Hon. W. J. Woodward, says tho Wjltcord of the Times, has removed to llJloomsliurj', tho law requiring him to rc- ido in his Judicial District. 'i Tho c mjilimciit of nn almost uuanim- inns election to tloe 1 resilient JuUtrcstnn .11 f r . Kiuvui i.iis iu iiiu mi. ui u juuii luaiij Jndeo Woodward will honorall v strive to 1 . . , e . ii. 1 .1 ri jusiiij mo selection, uuu ucscivu it, no rtuvn tin Hn.,V. BBVO HO dOUDt. , ri. 1 o 1 SST Easter. Nest Sunday comes a- ' it . m 1 -i y nam that season of ecus circa boiled, erf's t OO CO CO fried, est roaslo.1 MW ,lr1 e 1 "SO -, bt, , v- ob", White eggs, "bully" eggs, Lad eg, igga of every kiud. Incipient poultry hustled about by everybody, and ewallow- without refcronco to feathers, claws or 'purs. I.cnt, too, closes then, and wo are 'ermif.od to go back into thu ways of the jorld and do pretty much a wo ploaso. vAgood timo is Easter. '&S&r Gr.NTLEMES op Leisure. Wo liavo often boon nsked the (jucstion, ''how bo, that that thoy hick money out of "wood . ii.n.. ii . . i..ii. i,f i. w ....w. . oulUi.Uu .,..5... givtu by paying a viiit to SJino ileus wlifjp ., . V ... . CtHlUIHCIl SIS OOWn. SXt lllU. tO CSCliaU.O tbeir sfait Jtvigc, many well-dressed men wtio no notiiin2, n, 1 hvo notliino- nnd nnvi r had anvHtiui.. live.'1 . improved HM IITT 4c BORIIKS. figmt i . . a v 01 UNO MAUIIINI.i llnproveu 0Vii5aaBa Wcecrtainly cannot toll, unless tho reason '0,'f,?V,"1!7,fnro',Vni (SToUimblQ EDmocratMay Torm of Court. Tho following nro Ibo receipts to tho office j m mo uolumbia vutooiiat, uuring tho month of March, 1857 ! O O. Henderson, in 00. II r' Eitii,, n,u. U. o.riadlor k Co., a mi' I), M. Ilntcnbort-. , SIS no Il.T. Ilcllnbottl, 5 CO Col, Coal h I f mi Co. 2 CO 11,1.. near linrt. "n Jiekson Garrison, Stlaa Wnlvrrlon, Onpl. Jno, Ilond. E.i Zeiss loft. Jacob F. Ulelericlt, Columbia County, (lldoon BtccVer, I1lhnl ,1 ....l... Win. Tiller, nr.. (Hi MeKllibln A Bm e no ?.Hfih,u"5S. ;" , J ; SSyTiSSi3"' i $ Est Wn'i WcrliiicWi, I 5S 0 !"5 ,0S2 t'ol. O. A Nlroll'., John DiPtrrUk, T1-t J 1 ! o. Lrasloa llnrtnn, 4 00 (. V. 1'craliiff. 1 0.1 S'JCJ 1 00 75 9 011 10 H Si 00 31 (Id 311(1 (. Ml I ill 3 Id II. (..CreTfllni, Jciie Hal llnitiliradt U, p. re rmiif, J. V. Aleinti(ter( Knorji llrtwrll. 1, Mi llowcr r-lltif runlcr, Hnmiiil Johnstoni I'Mlli' MIMcr, T. .Vnrllti, lUi Hut ilpy Hny.Icr, Wm Howell, Dr. Ilollowny, .110 5 00 I (III a 37 Hon i no oi. li .Hi Mill) iin (ton1 J"" Jn.'litl II. ss. Alexander Kramer. II s. sehell.Esi., F. A 11. Knona. on r on :i7j 3(10 Oil 57 1 I'O JISlI 1 on 1 50 Jacob tlarmrd, Aanr, i Woir, Q 00 (Henry Vounkrr. coi.t.'o. Ag, Potlcty. .loiiji'.ruaonei iiogart Jn.epli, 1 7J i llll Crerellag, I 13 . .-.. ntur I iMliPil Miller. I lev. J. U.Morrla, S)ts. F, llolsliard&C.i. II 0 Special Notices. ITJ-rURIKY YOU R Hl.OOD.-To purify thp lilood, nnd kerp It pure, Is the only certain cmraiitee tori good IipiUIi, n ml wr know of no remedy u Inch more thoroughly ami s-ifotycfTcct tint end, than Hurley's Earnnparilln The sea not. Is now $t hnid when every I peritm wou'd tie heiicAtli'd Uy a (kw bottles Jatkton pert (Arkwiai) Union, 1 aA(.ril 1, Ifi.-y t3" TH n DEMOCR ATIC NUMINKH FUR GOV ER. NOlt, A correfpoudcniJwrltrB thai a noon as Gen l'ncker Iieurd that ho hid liecn itominnlcil lor Covcrno r hy the Dumocratle Cnnvoatlori'ni llirrliburp, lie do clarcd himsdl overj )Pil,oiid avonrd hU d' tcrmlna tioiitotnku tlm Ktumpat an enrly day inftu Irrfttihli; suit ol clothing from tho magnificent.' etuhllshmpnt of C HAN VIM, E STOKWtJ, Nu. SJJ C'llCSlt'Mt llTCOt, flllOVO Clll, riiiladulphla. CS?- The KituU Savings luul till Dock itrtettntztt tor to ike roil OJJice. Sunn, Urgo and snml are received on (lepofilu,nnd rturnud ntnny '.inir, with Ave percent, ititcrett Tho olikn Is open daily t and cvvtv Monday evfiiliig JlST The Five Per Vent. Saving Fund ofihp National s.ifrty Coin,) my, ifa'itKi flrect, south' went curnrr'uf Third street, rinladi'lplila, now hns more than Okr Mim inNof Djlt.irs, all In Momaum Orolkj) lttiTP, ami nlh-r Oral cla,8cctnUe, to th" beiufit o depositors. CJ" TIIU.M Art W. 1MAITHOV, KeCfltn Dm I'riz! f Medal nt Hid World' I'.iir in Irndju, liZUtr TllUNIid, (JARl'UT IJAtiH, Roots. ho.n nnd tJunn. Grtnl ludnceinntattt now nllVrcil fpurcliniicrs of Hi p. nhovcnrtirlcs. Thiols much tho largest .itnfknt trunks, tliirpcl Rngs,,, In Phllndrlplua ery chrnp, orc.nti. .Mmufictorirs: 130 Mirket Sired, a. W. orner an I Hi M irk't otriTt, B H curni'f n'oiiith. "WOOni.AMJ ClircAM. A pomade frr bemnifyivg the fi(r highly p"ifiiitio i, niiitcrit r tn any I'mich n tical Imported, and f r Iwtlf tin1 ric I'nr drrspins IjOdiPs Hair it Ins no tviiil, fivinc it n l-usM film!' nppeArnncc. It c jiiso Gentleman' Hniritnnul in the tuosif iiutiiriil in ii ii iter It rrnm.p dahdiuil, n'MnH givltig th II nir fli nppenr.iiici ifMw' Ir ra It fliau pooncd, I'rice unlj filtj Jccut. None ptiiiiinc unh'sn signed, rirniii . n. y. rici rtrtor ii tic llotui tJ a The man I JtoxtrtS" FtifBite hy Jill DnntjniH. KQUALITX TO hhl UNIFORMITY OP I'RIiJHI-A Ktw IVaiirc in IlirnlKKdi. I'.vcry one his own Salesmen JJUS Sl CO., Ofthe CrPFC'M One Price Clo'liln; Piorn No. 200 Mtrkot stri t, ;i bnvu Hix'li, 1'Jul J.Jl,.liIa. In mldltion tn lnviuj; tht targpft, moftt vari'id nnd ftsliluii.tlde stack nf Ulnlhhgln lMtiladelphi i, nmdf lIXp,ltU Tr rttul satep, lime lonMiinltil cvrry one hismwi salesman, hy hiving tuirked in figure, un fitrh ortit le the cry Inwtut price it can hu sold for otlipy r.Hinot po sihty vary all must buy alikr. Tlw tm.l(aro Mt-ll spotitjud andprepared.and prpat pains' taki-n with the making vo nil can Imy with the full ariiiMiice ofgetting a good article (it the very lowi't pried. Altio.u large itock of pi''ce gomta on hanil.oft'i'i I itQit st)le and host Ti.ihtit-i, which will du hi j tits t order, in the most fibhiounulu and test in a finer. 21 p-jf rent, hclow crpdil prired. Ilti tiemlcr t'lo CrOkcent, in Market, above Sixth Sir ct i, No. -t)(i. jovi;3 & co. ONK l'KTOK ONLY 1 UPriNCOTT t COS.Oiiih Clithmg U'arrhnup, PwUh West ..rii. rurr.irtliad M trk tt nr4ts, "Plnl adclplin. Th:un.''j One Puj Clothing Star in Africa Cult purclnurr olMMi'sor ln s Cloililuj, a whulfnlo nnd rtall. cm; ln-rc. mak.- iliir ml'-itinn from an hnu.'iuj stockot' f.ip'nttiul lyj cut and well undo clothing , gut 'ip with tijtuw logilu lion tuntl.nnlnt thj very I i,vist p miM.i telling rrico if marked in pl.uu (inures un (-.cry gnmi nl, ail hiynt tho price, nndj wlu-tliur ilipy trt J'td.n of goods or not, lliry riniiiot bo dccievcd. Oiu1 urn form l"V. (iin-cioak ftiidti,ti,tiit.9t,vcrjlH'ly, wile i.iu uuj mode i.t .uktn4 two pdt an I tiktn all tint cm bu ;ut, s-iitti iioho Icli tat i ihn' irt'u ; for irsia nc n min nl;rSl'5.l'uracoat,:iiiJalUrvvar'ljagr(iP3 tutakc tlO, mid it'iit f ''ially rt rlain, that Iip.wouM l.nvu taken 315, ii'lio co ltd l.tve Kit tt, nud thut atiilly clitt lie p inliis'oni of live dulhrri. To nmcl tUsvil aiU'iitibHti.t contideuri! iu the iradu, Ml'l'lNCd 1' A. CO., (1 a unifirm'itlow pric nn all thi-ir goods, vvi'ry much I) low the usual ratt:s ) and wiM.njvjrviry ony cent uodvr nuy'ciicmiifalanufc, VJ'CAM. A VII SUI3.3 Attli1; South Wcitcoruj of IVmli onl Market slrecti Philadelphia. SALAMANDER FIRE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES. Til's I.Afltll'.Sr ASSOItT lmeni In the United Hiatea. , 1t.l.i?kUiPv.'rr4iili'il to lie e-iital to any 3jC(Vii?I uvv "iioo, nud will ho ani.i on " eooilterm., u.cull be obtained bll'vsH1" ooilteriii., u.cull be obtained in the CVMJailrniintrv. lit .m-hT r.VAMS c tVAISU'V'.'S, Si B 4th si., rmiaiieipiiia. TUinll IS JIIHIirV AND Wllil. I'RUVAH.I Rtport of tht CamMlt'C efpalHttd la aecrlatiadlae iVurn. I... ol r I'Jcl, at HcaJug. niraary J7, 1357. ' 1U.0IKO March 1, 18..7. Tho unilersigncil, mcmlicr. of Iho committee, dn .......c.iiu .r.,,ri. that we low the two safes, origi nal eagrecd u.ion hy Parrels at llerrun ami Cvaoa '.' ..... ., KulI.Ia tn n liirnnre. viz Tbd ..1....1 .ih i,v iide in a inrnnce. viz I Halo in 1 e by tho paymaaicr of iliol'hilailelphi.i and . nca,tiif; ttai irnn.l 01 mpaiiy. 111 un ui i.l.iui,.., 1l,.rV.V7oVJ'B!naauC!e,rcd' it ' Watson, aou imi in uuur. ,.ais,, , ji,Py n'iku. I itienre waasiurieii v c, .- unlll r,,(Criu of green li.rkory. Iwu rorda 'oak and half chtnul lop wood were milirely co I aunicd, llw whole under Ihe .upeii i.U itdcne of t iui,erit,cra memberaoi uo commiine. ihega. 1 then cooled oil wllh water, nf tr which th , wer 1 .... ,...k. and mm. r. utm om i.O WU TO U I 111111 " " 1 1 1 ---- - - r 1 ' tbe Ooutmiltee nud sei.l to II A. -utilz . i''t Jo r We believe the uhiive lo liavo oeen a niiu a si. partial trial ofthe l"'lv'vi;iUr" Vpni'-.S'! ,T1U. , , , , IIAMtl. HUM I'll. Having boen nhaent .tuiiiit tho burning, wa fully ' .. . "...i.4.. ..!.,.. .. .11. ii nl of thu ciindllioii i of ihopaperaanJ hookstaken out or tho rmwrlive Bafe''' O.A.NIUOI.W. il. ii. wuiii.uvnnrtG. JAa.Mll.llOt.LANO. Mlreli'l"), 1317. SAMUBL M. MECUTCIIEN. mill mtiaiiT am nvnn mill stoa-b manv- l,rn,, af.irliliin fnr.Milli IHillcnci: Nn f4 UL'KliV r...... .:..... , i nir.. f7; "; ;';v;ayi;o.;k Bircei.beiow r,oet ri,i',iei,i,ia, iioeaiic.i Mill .""''"'J!11'','""" '. 1M,V, I'lirlatilc Mill.. rU'iNnidlldliog t;e,iieiilaii lrl. r.on Him Mi;silF.i HULll.NU (.1-0 I'M 6 y u oar, :i i.uliliceiaiiiiiiaiioii utiu ui"'' "f.V'r.-V '"":.:.." i ......... in t. ,..,i..i,.,. r i n it., leach tho process ol Analysing the Knglitli I.-ittgilago ii and :.!'Vr,iVuL 'i'X. werV'.inolgnlent; manjlupeVo receive proiiip, ...enciiin, t;?t;!!!7X- "' ' :?f X j ' damaged fully fifteen per emit . morethan those taken , ' c mV , a 'munuuc CataiclJi. " The.u work, are now used tn the l'ubltt Bchool. ill r.u-iia U'jlmn'i Pale. ""J' .' .1 ..u.'"i l ' , u.i,, ,,i,ri., i,,,.iunili., ' -r - . r - PROCLAMATION. VV VonuVil.VuouVi'orbmm.rtr.Xr Etai.' neral Jalll)ellvi.rv, Courl of (lu.iMer Bosiotia ufiho !.. It. a Y.,i, ! i .. ii,,...,. "fP""n 'y","'1' lXlVnroi"; Ihlllhrll . l',,),.ti.( In .. U.....V . one tlioiinonil rlijlit liti iiclrctl nml fifty ill ,&nri tn me til rrcleil for linliltuB a Court of Orrr nml Tcrmtn?r nrtd ryr-"? . . .. ..... r. Vi. ... . VViglrf i ! "V..V". proa.ciiie acn nal the prt.iiiiira that are or may bo In cniinijr nl UnlumbU In belhen mirlthoia to 11 riiHCctite them na .ball IiaIii.i. Jnrora nro ii,i.i,.ii. . t ' nifiii ne man iicjii.f. inrora arc re'iucrl. , . ." !" racl ii at In Hi Ir allendance, ngreeably to iitcir noiirr. Dated at llloomibiitg, the SHU day of iiiaacn m inn year ofour I,oril onu thousand eight Iiundreiland lini-aiven.nn.l llitheel.t yearof the In. ' depemlenie ofthe United Ptatea of Anicrlcn. I ( UOU save tllO GoilllllOpVf Cnltll.) I aTr.nir.NH. Mll.l.i:it,f(rw. LIST OP CAUSES UOtt AT VP X lvliVJj IV 1. Mill TlilliU, 1, Jnhn Grrllntrrt fli- tt. L'hntlen I'.Mnnn. 1 1 'i PamiirUj. MtCulloric ctnl.ri HriimielF. llcndlev U'llllamKnons t. (Jiotrc I.. Kline ct Ol, Wllliani Knoni t. (icorpc L. KMne. trpdprlck llpat's Cirs.r riilllp WlntcrstCfllict hi Joseph ftnrkhodie vm (Htlicrl Towltr. Jin; M , lltTiiliifttr t W. A. Kline. Havld lteiiiholdw AnronWotf, IVicr Appiptiianpt nl vt Ininnl 11 Rupert cl al, Mury VnttucKlf t Jnoeph itiirklf el al. (Icoro Miller t ;iotworiliy I'ishpr. uenrjra miller vt NnthnntplOverdrrr. 1.1 lvtcr Apnlemnn vt Leonard H Uopjrl. 14 Thonna Parkpf tt John II , Parker. tiiiorirn I. Klinu vt ftjngp CotTman ji 'it tHKiir vt any wanner. 17 Wusannnli llnll v Clf-mui'l Henry, 18 laac IffcMvnw RobcrlJ l.jon. 19 William Urfii()ii v Wllsim Agpr. 2i) Nnlah Hlinman tt J.ic b I. Shuinan ct at, 21 Jcise Hicks tt Jopph Klrkcndatl. 21 Jacob Dctiuy Ice tsVVIUtMi Agtr. 21 Natinn Heelvcs IJanlci HpinenbTR's Admrs. 21 I iPtihpr II Ihnlsou Wi'lmm Long. Ii OMhirlm Tanner tJ John I) Weaver. 3d Adirti u.iMu tt Cnalc Fox. Adm'r. 27 Willhm Wlcht r$ Gordon U, GolT 2d Jinntliin Maikllcrtf Stpphfn llaldy. 2) CliriMian IiUt vsDinlM Glearr. Willj.iin llopperrs I'.dmond Crawford, 0 or I'l-ttiTiiiin r Sohmoii IVtlermiti. Mart iu Mnwrt-r rs 'lliotnas Plnckh'uipe it nl, GUbprt Powlpr it Hamd I'owtpr. Cx. (tnrgn Moore ct nl tt David L wis ct at. IMtih-l Kintcnlmtlor rs lhutd Huns Trjirtiiu 1), Btroiuc ft nl cs John ITps . William ItiU'tihoiiso rs fa m tic I r. Hindlcy, J tines UaUinn t Jann Uilaton , Jr. Adm'r. Iniidtr XV Kaulnian.rt nlr l.cuis V Myers ct at liivid II" I ,U dm nt rs IlPnj.imln I'l ux. ItohtTc.l (Jjrriou rt Alfred lltiwll. 41 Uaniei Win'iTf Hen ct airs Christian Eliun.nn II VVil'iain rs WJIImhh Udgar. GRAND JUltOKS FOR MAY TERM, lin arcrppk John M.i.ik. ItiLlmid 'I hompsou. (''ii tr i Sidomoii Nrj hard. C HiinlK i-Chin Ips Krfigh ( l.tmmt.Gp). Mnters, Cdward AthPrtst n. Ir.i JdIi iuoh lt- ic lie v itt. Hemlock- lVlir App'tmti. I.uciitti Jii.m fiitfr. .Moiiiilplfiiraiit J.ifrb.Gt ,o. aMHllin At.ndi.tiit M.Mtclivi. William N , Urown. Ma i n c l),i nir t Mm in imi Montour Trier II i tint .trli Madison Jauio Jon us. n.Kcifrr A .Smith .John Bwlsticr. pine Atlnri !(n hut. fcott J.dinTroibly, H.irnnn G. Crovcli n" .Jack son tl.irrcuon. 9 Andrew I..Tibnr Ii. Illoointbiug MitlIi 2, Ici7. TIlAVllRSE JUltOItS .MAY TERM. Itloo n Morrli Itiu't ir.k llrlarcrtek-lletiry Kitunliouso, Henry Duak, John Treis Itoavrtr Chirles Michael, Mores Fchllclicr, Jartb Him i.ltPiidiir. llMilnn Richirdtitlles, Jnse-pli C. Ilrnfl, Cm re John IV, tr , Jacob Hagm.buch Cat tw In a I) i 'tie I Ol iy ell ! ectiw ood Abriham Drvtbclbis, Jacob IS t ten bender. Hem Ork Rruben Mognrt. Jprksnu Giorce I'nrvf-r, Ir;mi I rrr. I.o. im . fohn I, Hirst, Joins lleruinacr, G. C, H wt r l.dn (n Jr li ii I'olk.IU'nry llellai, Thomas Aten, Hiram 1 reap Mi Iiiiii Vehpmllh Weill yr. Rlrluird Drmott. Moi itiiutiut-John rftilpmn, PJiiln. Crawford. Pnii! Kline. tt uniijrr'Pk Wl Him Drplibnch . S:nt -H"it. r.tirnno, William Myers, Tliorras; Green. i'n-as tS'Htarlo tf George Medina n, Ubioiinliiir,;, M urn tfj7. LANUltETH'S WaKKANTICD GAU UEN SEIiDS. GUAy.s FUniW l'lUI.I) WECD3 nnd.'lTOWER SlllSllS, lor sale by l liANDKETII i SON. Si. 21 nnd J3Soiilliiitli il,,riiiludeliliia M.lrcli CI, 13.i7 Spring and Summer GOODS ita'Kelv.v, fVal AiCO., HAVllO )ul recciteil and opened their stock of Spring aa lea, will,-li com prises the I.AItfitlST.UIIUTCHT, mill IIANliaOiILST uasnrt. iiienl now offered Iu this TOWN I Having ptiidgreat alteiili.iti tn lit .election of their entire .lock, na to prirennd quality, they flatter theniHelves that tlley ran compete with the cArepcit, nnd nlllhosc wisliiiig lo buy cheap, can save money bv civingusacml. Wo hnvo nii kluda ol Oooda and Wares to supply thu l'cople. A v-ry large lot of i.aiitks' 11H.HRS nnfincj FrencliMerrnoea.Wooiriaids, Alparna, lloniUizlne., ,lc hai.c t'oplms, I'arumetta cloths, Molinir Lustres, .Mu.lin Dc t,ainc8,rcrsiaiiclolli8Glnghanis,Oaiicocs, ic. WIIITC ROODS Or A I,Ti KINDS, Pievoa, Collar., Handkerihiels, flouncings, hands nnd triniinlnga, l.aresandedgiiiga, boniiel ril.h one, in large variety , velvet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotloii,and lisle thread glnvcH, Mohair mill, ic. v e iimieoiir irienus unu 1110 puiiiic generally to give ue n call before urcuasing ei.uw ncre, i ontiv e ,uwustCash l'rices,and wilt not iiuuaiitour goo.iaat bu 1111 ersold by ah body. or the restof mankind MclCKLVy, NEAL ii CO. llloon. I.tirg, M.ircli 21 , 1HT. 1 qi9 laAiasiiiisyo FOR VARDING MERCHANT, RUl'ERT, PA. WILIalirii 10 reciving 4c Torwaridng by Canal urRAII, OAD.nll Merchaiidue uud frcightsdi ri'ifd to In care uith promntness and dcspnicli. C mils will oil lucmlat tUo following rates per. 1U0 1 pOUlldj. freights on all good from ThibMa to I istuiassviz tiryiiooni, I I loot a, onocB, uais nr. 2d tMiettlugs Alo.chcthi lliilrfl. .1 iii iVLi-i; i r.7... ...Vi "lTf p1le'lon. Ilrapltnleiperlcnceln all partaolilieworld leanarranjn'. Tite portrait of each fn.livl.liutl n.tnlr ' Iniianra . le. nr.l t .nil iho coniiinintvi.; irnvr i "i' iuu w liilrriiorlR. iiitl.lUoianndo her ruiiembraiicea o '"""i ' f '. " l'w" .'n ',"'J,e, 'kl- " 'b nmily fan be prcarrvednn.1 u lal n coat Jen lhan, I Trill, the nulut .f dcalli baa . arrow ao fanl a 1 Hotel, about tWQ 0 click Oil JlOIldav. n" Ho e U ilnia 'i h.cli In tliclr cni"i npIRufn i" In "'"'I"' Joint, an.) tho rmnda. . Ibo pnlntlnir ojan ..rdlnaly aice.l fnrtrnt CIMI , Conaumption. In all ajr. It ha. been He ireal et,eniy , ' W doni , 7 A, J tfioaii hit .,i i l!,i . r.PrKiVV I UI.0CIM. iiOKR AND TU.MOItS "A ?".' " P"f ! W ciodat any nam-. of lile, tor It apnea neither age nor aei, bin .Wh. 1 -it SO 30 CO Ct S3 S3 SO CO H 43 SO SI ' :i Muhsses Sugars, Salt run. iron ar. ItJTmnlitsfroin Reading, rnttsvillp.Tamaiua, &c MUUPIIY & KOONS, GONERAL COMMISSION ME 11 CI1A NTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IM ivsii, cvj.;t',sK $ l'ltor-isiosrs. No. 47 North (below Uace 8trccl) l'HlLADELl'IIIA, Have eon. tintlyon hand 11 largo na. iCot. roitnierl of EISlI U UIIEESE i I'RO 3!3S2S VISIONS, wltirlithey aro prepared to acll at ihe lowest rates, rr-lJltl't.llQ proinniiy alien It'll to. ibuaiySI, IM7. JOHN O. YEA (1 Kit, Fashionable Hat & Cap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET, I'HIIiADKI.I'HIA. I I Ify Plercnania ami vmiora iroiu .Mittiieriireiinsyi vaiiia jrerespccll.illy iiitiledll' jiie 111 1.1 & tall, when vi.iliiis!'hiailrl.h.a. Juan ij I..0 ink x.i nl I r it. nt.. riit.-B . n.-ran I rent run . ina.1,1 i,ir laroa pi ,,, , ,iiu .. ,., Holloway's Ointment.' A MfclUUAL REVOLUTION, Tho World Unaulinous 1 THE UllEAT COUNTER IshllTAXTII A ttrnal organs th'rouih tho norn ofltio ikln Thla fenetrallna; Ointment, melting under the hand an II I, tl..k'ldne,tlin Donctralc the turrucn to thn lnttriur. ilirntiifli ilia couiiifcii niuei mat coriiniuiiirntr wnn l no iKir. in BKiKDwnaMXmf I inflammatory art oh or 111 la) Ointment -iiiBry Teller, lllojwiifm, Scnld Head, Nettle n.a,ti . IJc'ablpa i ... iii.'. The enVel oflhla unntallcd external remedy upon Bcorlula. and nllicr vlrulnnt ulcere and lore, linlmoil in irneiili... . lifii.t.1 npi n.i ,,nltn ul.l.h Thnrfllel oflhla unnt.lled eltcrnal remed. neon a ..... ... j ... iiiirnriilnu.. it oral (Uncharge, me pol.on which pro ducea anppurntlon and proud an.l thua tlio curea i which it. lieiiling ntoiicrllca urtcrwnnl complete ore ' aarea. well na permanent. , . U'OUNHS, ImUlRS. IlURVa, AND SCAMiS. ! In caaca ol the rructurcor thebonea, Injti nea rnn.eit Br""l''". "rune, imrna. Hcald., Ilheuma tliin,Sllll'iii)fl niio Joints, and contraction of tho si nivt,Uia omntoypd anl warmly rfcnnimcndrd hvlhn faculty, Tlifv inirvploud remedy hnyi It'eiilntrodncd ,y im inventor In ppmoo into nil the Ira din if llopunl jornurcpo.aiid no priutu hcusihctd should be without UNncx'iAni.c testimony. Tho medical ntntrof ili9 rrench nrd nngfi,h nrmtca nthnCrimrr, liavo niT.cially slgnrd tlifit nj provl o Hollow-av'i ointmcnl, at tho mnt reliable Urt Jn fnr sabro cnti, stabs, nnd tun 1iot wounils. It Is also used hy tho Surgeons oftucAllied Nanus, Both the Ointment and Fills should be used in the following cases : Bunions, Piles, lt.irn Itlnuiiiatlim, OiHPM-d llnuds, Kliifrw" Soro Head,' ore IJirnnls, ores ofull kinds t rains. Ft. I Joints. Tel r, Ulprr Venrrpat Porrf Wounds, nil kinds. Cliilbloinn, fiu . tvn cum, I'jitula, HraldH, Gout, tikln DiRpnscs, LtimtiatTO. Bcllpd Clnnda' Mercurial Urup Bore largo, tions. Hurellrcnsts, Sold nt tlm miniifaclorlev nf nrnf,iisr,r Hollowav 8)Mildpii Lane, Now York, and VJ 1 Ptritid, Ltrndon liy nil rpfpectabti Driipeists nnd Dealt rs In Mpdinne throughout the Ciil'ed States ant thi rlviliied world in pots ni ysccnifi.tiii cents, una si tarn Thera Is n considrrnblc taving my taking the larger sites. tffCAUTIO1 None ore ecnnlne unless thp words Jlotlovay, wVew York and Iondan," nro disrermldo As i viter nark in evcrv knf of the look of dirt'ctloii around ench pot or box: this same may ho plainly icrj hy folding the Uf to the light. A liandsom reward wi l be given to any one rendering such ItifWniniinn nt uiay lead to t Ii ? dfiertioti tf nuv party or partial rgoitiiierrciliog lti medtciocs ur iiidingtlie samo kuoMfngtliem to tie sputlous. ATTRACTIVE SCHEME 1 3.3U7 I'izfS-liinvtst I'izc $10. JfKAIILY OJVf: VMZ.F. TO XlJfK 7 lOhT.TS riUZES UUAltANTEEDl Georgia Lottery. (-'"llorncil I'J te Sl "t "Mffl" ) Tort Gaines' Acitciny Lottery! OI.ASS 23. .Irmvn In llni (Jllv of Atlanta. Otorda. I II Plllllc, on Turmlay Mar. ISIiltildtli.&Al'ril till oiilherion of; SINGLH XU.MIIEHS1 KJ-l'iirthascraliiliuihis 10 Whole Ticket, .ulien. Ilijiiiimlii'ia me In 1,11, a.4, 5, 0,7.8 U, I)) tiro tu,ir niiUodi I'liye ..I ew llahciiiiil Uuatlcra In tlon. Or Certificates cf Id T.ckeli will he auMnl the ...... i t..n...L.... . 1... M'l, Lp.b. nn.t l.l.l.-l.. cnlillua Hi.; Iiolilor to oil hailrnwe uvcr ihe 5101'rUea MAMUIH. 6 WAN He CO., .Mailmen. SO.UOii Tickets 3,507 I'rizist nuzns ToJfiiywii Wlllhe dirtrili'itcil ncconliriK to .llicfolluwi"f OltlOINAL SCHEME I 1 l'ri..iof 1 $,oio 10.1111 1 io oou 10.00.1 4 .onu 1,001 1 .lllkl 12.000 a.oiio 7.0IIU a loo 1 ,'11,00 1 i ill otiu la 111,0110 ii 10 000 I. 4,000 ia 1,000 ia 1,0011 I. 400 nio ion nro 70 oru SO n re io urc 1 1 1 " HI l'rizea of JO 1UIJ " lud 3,00(1 3,u071'riz..e ninoiinting tn t.DI.UOU ILK.1, n.,i,, in. itntr-K. .3 i Ouarlrrt. '.'1. The 3,001 rri7..ol Slonill lie ileteriiillicil by the l:nl Ihuiei l the Xiiiiilier ilnl tlieSri.OUU I'rilee , for example il Ihe NiimWr ( rn i"g the SJ.i.OOOl'ilii tiiil. with No. 1, lln-ii till hercllieiiiii. I ber enda in I ill b.i cnlilled to $lu, II the IViiiiilier ili.nnlltlilTi-Keia where the ,um ber c li ill iu will he intllleiltnSIO. nd "un '"U. liVSUUr.MllNTd TO 01. MVS. A. hy tht a tic '1 ickelin every 10 la guaran I fcrd M drtiw$10.we Mill acll t'crltflcaln ( I'ackag u of 10 Ticket a (w here Hie number acini in I, -'.3, 4,.'i. ii, 7 , 8.0.0, )al ihe lollowiiig rntea, whitli ia ihe risk on ; "'a'iYiIi it they draw over the 8 10 I'rticc accrue, to tho ', 0 , Coltincaleuf I'nckjgoof lOlVholcTiikcn, SJj I .. lOllair . 3 .. ' llllluirlcr " 15 ! It will he pereelvr.l.hv till, plan, that for $liO Ihe purchaacr linaa certificate of ltlTickela. when If lie bilyaTlcktt. he would only It'll fir thai siliu OH hole. ' .!. i.v hi.vl nt i.'.irtlde.-ties he ha. four more chance i lor the larger frizes Halves ana tluartcr I'ackage, I n liriiriortion. . i i hi iiiiiii.itiKH TiiiKnTs on i.T.m'inc.viW, I llncloaethe iniuiey lo our uddreal for Ihe Ticket. J ordeicd on rcreipliif wlncli l hoy wil, be f-irw anted b I fir. I mail, l'u tc hart re can liuve Tickets elidi.te ill I CiMirelhev ma vili.eietiatc. i Tlielhiol ilru.t n XiiiiihersandPriz". wilt he sent to nortlU'era I ieill.ilry alter the dr mil g. i'rue Tickets cashed or renew ediit other Tickets nt 1 ithcr oflice. i Addrersoriler.forTlckctaorL'erlillcnt.'aeither to S. SWAN & CO., At aula, Ua. I or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. January"! .Ie57. DREIFUS3 & FERNU 11 G Ell, Lnporlcrs aivl IVioHtle Dcnk'x in FAiYCY DRY GOODS. French, English and German EMBUOWVRIKS. F.1.VCV TItlMMI.VaS, AND ' MILLINEUY GOODS IN GKNERAL. Nnf1, North Third St.,oliovo ich, l'liiladUpliin rpiIT. SubscriWrs wimld respectfully Jinfrrm t!.tlr j. irienus niiii inc piiuncin cuucrai, in.ii iur nave taken the large and coiniiioilioiii tor'. Ao. 1 71 Nnrtli Second StrPtl. nhnve Knro, ami furnishrii it with nn nit ire new u took of Guods, to which they would ini u thrir particular attention. r,)iP8sinji unsurp-issetl fjcilltips.nnd having lnd at Inugcxppriencn in the busini'ss, he is enabkd to fur itnthtir patrons nnd Merchants centrally with tlm latest ft) les of I'nney Gmds, Ltiibrrni'ri', tc. tit .umiRuatlow pnres,nni liopa by strut iiitintiun lo i,,, ia uicrita snare oi pumic p.iiMin.ici'. miiiif t tc r iiii.ui u uu Kn.CtS North 1 hirdSlicel.nbovo Arch. January 10, lfci7 Country Doalors supplied with German t4ilverrjirtai.lrs. in assorted dozens. A Vo tvilh rn.i.i.1. illun.l lllnlic filed. ttllvsr.Oold ic Mc.M.IBTClt.V KRO. ( 170.1.) 101 C'lieniul.Stre.l fli lladclphia, JanuarySJ, 18S7. tm ,t:.ui:s Kitoirvx-s GRAMMATICAL WORK'S, rpllU I'lltST HOOK nl the Rational i,7JT, J syHiom of iinjiirh (iramiiur Wcta. r WRpr TllliHIXUMl uuui Ol tne liailoiMl Itir first Krlmi-it Iliiitrlcl of IVllllflVlvniii. Till: THlUHllOOKurtho Raiiotial Bv.tem of Gram mar. designed to i nab to the learner to become most iiinruuf'liivi.criuaimpdwiih ho nature and of ihe l're positions, aud may bu read by Mm titlur in or out of school. 50 ctg. UKOWN'S GRAMMATICALRUADl'.R. This hook sets uide tlio old Grammars, oipsscstheir deflects, demonstritesihc little useol attending lo tlietn.and presents lo tl eTencher thu unerring mid oniv way to lie Grammer f tlio P.nplisli Lautruace. 371 els. For silnhy LVter (.rUt'cc.lld ARC 11 Street, I'Jnlada, February 41, IB57. S. L. Pancoast &, Co., 9 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AMI HRW.EK3 IN . 7i, II I'ttOVlSlONS SILT th ii'5"' i "i, w-ijv 4 y - I '' l'.VJtlu K Uji-Ci niile.pliia r- rntawirtrf-rT w 9&3RttVB (Successor, to PERRY EllETY.) UOOKal'.Lt.BR, flLANKIlOOK MANUFACTURER. HINDER ,ND IJEALKU Iff IMPORTED If JIMKKtOAf gT.tTIOJfF.n, B. W Corntr, tilt and Race Philadelphia. (JOI1 ritlNTlN'tl,) (UOOK DINDINd.) iiiniinppa to I ! VV fr.-nd. nd lMtr.,,.. 'that he I. topplyln, ittlili own Mnnnrar-mrv. Rntihi rn nmni. Pumtn vrricKn tet kikiuniii rnmily IllMef, KTiii;p.v;,. 'wV.Mn.iC;"?;.. l arcliment. fc Taper IJeerti . .Mnri(.nna a..... Pm,,,,., . ' . c """" np"r, . :V.... , 1,1 1,1 1'ic r Aaii i Mauilne. IiihkIkji,. all le I ' 'V'iv.ij.u "'i."'i ... -.i .... . . ' icuiinui. inu ..iu uooaa uounu in wm. o. rciinv, lucce.rnr to Perry A E.rry. 4111 fc Ilace, Philadelphia. March 7lh,l6i7. 1857, SIMiINO AND SUMMFIl, GEO. HUl.l'IN k CO. IMI OIlTLIlS.ltfO MAfUMCTOItKBS. 171 CIlHhiNUr STItKUT, Are now prcpnred'tn exhibit their Ntw Styles FOR SPUING TRADE, " INCLUDING IltaUrk and colnrrdailk MontWlas Chnntly T.&ctMnn M.tcllllt, rniuli l.nm MatHiltart, nmbmidprH filk Mniitlllast Ilnglfd Lurpimil Net Mantillas, Mourning Mantillas Unniupii.Tuloias, &c, fit-.. All orwhich wiilbo oilV-red nttho I.owrtt Prices, OBO IWtU'IN . CO. 171 Chesnut fitrctt, aboo7lti, ThiladHdiia, Mtrch7Hi,I837. rilRENOLOGIAL OAUINKT. rOM LKUS, WELLS & CO,, ri!ltr.NOLOGSTS AMI PUnMSIIHliS, iiiJl Arch Street, below Seventh: PhilaM. i,v?Ta IT'nrnisli nl I wo rks.on ThrenotoKV.ThvtloloiTv biff1:-1- WalrCur Mat;nctlsm. nnd Phonography, S' i, i I V w WVf ii i prirpB. MS'"" written .le.crinllali of character, dnv nnd evenilir. Cnl.liirtrrtu. Mny 12, 1BSS. v. W. H'JM.EK. IMPOItTEliS OF TOYS iVND SS 'li Articles for Druggists, Tobacconists, Stationers anil Coijfectioucrs, No. 16, BOU'fll 4 th Ft,, l'HII. ADCU'IIIA. PihruaryUj, 1S3T. Sin. AGRICULTURAIi IMPLEMENTS. IMPROVED liny l'ree.cs. 1'armers Rollers llor.e Towers aud Threrhe ... Orain Fans Sua. Igo Outlet-, and Flulfers. of varinn .w- I'.... i.iiiirovr.i 1 ,'iiaiiie litniil nulla V Vcg.'flll 0. ALSO Hay .trnw nud foddc Onttcra it.L'real I'ASiIIIAI.I. MORRIS tc CO. Agricultural Waroh u.ontidHeed Slerc. Till auJMjrket I'lillalelphla. November 25, 18SC, J.'R. & S. A. AI.LI N. i'o. 7 0111 8 south Wanes Philadelphia Dealer's in Oils. HAVCnlwaya In.lnren supply ofoila Tor Machln cry. U. inline, aiidcoiiiuionEreaaiic.urioieias o Sperm, WlnlerWInle, Lnrd. Racked Whale, Elep'ianl, Greasingand, Molar. ltosinOils. Vhirh they willsellatlowcglrates. Mav 15,1855-y. Mount Vcrnou House. 8 cond stnetj above J2rchi Vhilaiat Tim iindpri-iuned havlnp purchased thtt intticit o Mr I). IWairiu tlmabovenldestabliBbed Hoii l.wii now hive the sdo Bttpervision ol the establifluncn nnd folfslu Ihe patronnije of ihe public. He IpcU con II dent that a trial (if hi a Hnuso, lloomn, Table, Bcrvanti Ate,, ui pruvu intjuesi recuminenuation hecanivc i. U. liAltUL.1T, NEW LIQUOR STORE. NO. ISj.NORHl THIRD-STREET, (III the Eagle lSuillings, Above Race Sl.) Philadelphia. p!IK un Ureicne I lpg4 faVe to Inform his friends and . me ipuwut, iiui u-j 11. i upciieu an extuniivo LIQUOR HOUSE, in the Eagle'Buiid.nga. No. 133, N.. 31 St.. na ahovo niltre lie will ue ujppytn nun ply iM.'rcliaut.. Hotel Keevera,iiii.i ciuioincrs generally, wilh Hie cluicesl tiiaou. n,-jr,in 1 ii.iuuvi,.iiia. WILLIAM EROBRT. .. , ... .1.. UtscfUanil:t) March 71b, IS7. y. ' S TRAW 150NNE I'S & II ATS. AT low prices for Cash, a large and well anorleJ Stock ol Women., Missesi Children.. ftQ STRAAY & SILK I50NNETS, S 0y mfjts, nors .1.YD C11LDHE.YS "Sso Sfraw Mats. ARTU'ICIAL, I'LOWERS, i HON NET RUS31AS. MISSES STRAW HATS. WALTERS i STAUKIIOUPE. No. S3, North 4th El (.lippoittas 3Ietchants Holel. March?, 1837 Philadelphia. Peruvian Guano. IpXl'HKIHNCi: hast tught the Fanotr Hut the okly J blliaiilk FurlDor is tlm PERUVIAN (iOVEKNMENT GUANO. Tha subscriber, Solo Agent in I'ltiln.lelfliia for tlio sale of it, has now on linnil rt large stork of PURE PEKUVIAN GUANO. Which lie will sell nt the loweflt Cash price, mlots.lo suit vliUcr dealorsor farmers. S. J. CHRISTIAN. felt Jlgint far I'liladtlphia, No. 43 Noilh Wharrca.and 117 Water Btrcet lnrcll7lh, lei7. 3in. JOHN Al, FORU, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER &IIEAI.ER IN SADDLERY, UOACH HARDWARE A0 1RI.1IMIN0S. No. 32, North Third St. Philadelphia. PURCHASERS will find II lo their ndvanlnge to ci nnllliu invftoik. which is vcrioxleiuive.nnd our chased for Cash ; ami con.i.l. i n all the variety of New Blvles ul (loos. in luv lino. N. It. AHOrdere shall have .toiupl llliniiiiun, rlepleuiliorfl.lwii ly OLIPHAN I', WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in iDiucs anh iqnois7 No. 155 Noi'lli Third Mrcit, Comer of New Street, PHILADELPHIA. I'.Oup'itAsr, J. Woodiidb, Ceo. McAip January, 3d, 1857 y. JOHN II. ALLEN k CO. Nos. !3 1 ! Chcsnut, Strut south side be low water,) riiiiaucipiua. (Tut Oldest House, In Tub City ) flTANIIFACTUREltS and Wholesale Healers In 1'nl 111 cut Machine. made llreoius, faletit llrooved Cedar ware, te.ruaied aet to siring Wood and Willowwnrei ' Cords, llruilics JLc,, ofull de.crlptioas. 1'leaeo call aud ezauuueour siirk I'ibruir) .'. . H-S .I y A. M. RUPERT. Tnnvarc and Ejhopilron Mattunmrcr Ft or fn Csit t keloTT Kupettstiere G2 . , 7.. V. , , CONSUMPTION, nii all diseases op tub i.lNri and J THROAT r positively curable by lnliaUtlon, which convey, the remedies lo lh,e cnvltlea In tho tunga lljruuiitl Ids air paaiarea.nnilronJiiK In direct rottiatt with lha dltfaie. npiiiratiEi tfio tubercular matter. allava the eoiiull. caiia.a a Irrc and caav rxhee. toratioi, lieala the lunia, iiurlG.a the hlpnd. Impart renewrd vitality to the ncrvoua ayatrni, ftlvlnc that ' lone andeneray an Indlrpenrable Hir tl) rritoralmn nf ' b""- 'r" ltM tr ,,!"a confidently that Con.innp Inyed ",,m, e Vt I. . m..Vl. la .f (ihrr formi.i)it.ifr difanRi ninety rim pf cuery liundrtd cafpittin te nirfd In ths fluitisgriftud Hity percent InlhetocondJ but lnth third itngf ft l hnpnHlile to nvi more than five per rent., for llto lintgi are no cut tip by the .itls-Mro n to lld drnitnet1 to mediraUklll. Kven, htmevtr. in tho Jnt ttnget, InhnUiItuii Afford rtlrr.nrdlnnry rclUT to ' ih. i,(r..ri., n.t.i,.,. thi. r.h.rni wn.iiM.Ht.irh . tiiuiiiy .leatroya nineir nvr iitouraiiu peranna inincri.. ..,. r.i '...' t.t it i uuiK'U rtaira alone I hiiii n correcicnicinaiiun.fnoHa oil ailko llio btiive, tlio Leatilllill. llio aractlul,nnil llie sifted. 11 v the hetn oflhiit fooretne llelnir. front ft liotn cnnieth every irooil nn.l prrlict silt. I ntn enabled to on'T ia utn aniicien ii ncrin.neiii unit apeeuy cure in Con.iinipllon. 'I he ftr.lcanee of tnlirrclrali Iroin un. pure blnod, nnd the liiiiiicdiale rlTerl, tiroil'icC'l by llieir ilepo.inonlii the iuiiea,H lit ore vent llietrco aiinil.tlon nfalr into tbenlreella. v,hichcatle.ii tvrnkened ila lily th ton, h the entire a) stem . Then an rely It la mnro rational to exrM'ct ureaier aooiiiroin meiitcliiea enlerllis the cavlllea of Ihe lunza thnii from lliore throtieh the aloiiinth ihe natled, vlll nlwaya find Ihe Innca free and the breatlilns en.y nlley ltih.ittnf rung, dlea 1'nii', liihilalioti ia a local rttneily, n,crt)iclfaa It acta conititutiotinlly, nml Mltli more power and rrr. talntv lhiin reuiediea ndiiiinlMerod hy Ihe rtoitiarh, 7 o prove the powerful nnd ihrtct Influence ol thlg mode of nilmlnf.triillon. rlitorolurin Inbalrd will enllrety tie .troy aeneibiliiy In n few nunutea, patalyztnir the en tire nrrvoua aiatcin actlmtn limli maybe amputated without the rlie litest nnin ; iiih.ning the ordinary burn lie ens will ilea troy life In a few li.iura. 'the inhalation of atnnioni.1 will route tho .yrtein when faiiillne or urparenllv dead. The odor of many ofthe nie.Uclnea I. perceptible In the akin n fi w ntin utea afler heine tnliali'd mid mny he lintnedintely de lected in the blood, A ronvlnclnciiroof of iho tutional cflVcta ofiiihalntion. la the fact that eicklirM ia atnaia proilnred by liienthiiip foul nir. Ia lint llila po.illva evidence tlint relii(die.,rnrelulty pro pared and jniljrinijaty n.tiiiliiiteicd tbrcuith the lutiea, ahould produce the mo.l llappv reviillr Dnrlun eigh teen year.' prncllie, mnhy tfinii.nnde aulTerinf! from dl.earea of tho l.inca and throat, have been under my care.nnd 1 have crr.-ctfd many reluaikablecurca, cvin after the aunerera been pronounced in the lait alaccwlnrh fully eatLfiee me lliatcnnaiiniption I. no loiiecr n fatal ill. rare. My treatment of conaiit.plinn la original, nml founded on loneeipcricnen nnd a lho rouph Invertljrnti.m. My pcrfert ncliailltnuce lth the nature of luberclcc, &c., ennlilea me tn dutllnsui'h readily, Iho nrloua formi of dlsea.e that almulate cone unit tion. nn.l applv tl'e proper remeiiiea, rarely being inialakeii even in n ainelccnsc. 1hia fiuniliarily, In ronnertion with certain pathological and pic di.roveriea, enable, me to relieve the luiiea from the efleita of contracted cheat. I to enlnrce Ihe rhet purify the blond. impail to it renewed vitality, civinc energy nnd tone lo the entire ay.t.'ni. hot a;i, roar uniee, ti w ii oilice 10!) Filiiirt aire, t, below Twelfth, riiiladcl.hla, l a. oiarcti n, icni New Wholesale Dnug Store, No. Vj South Second St.. iMiiLAnr.i.vniA. NSPIINOER THOMAS, Impirter, Manufacturer . and Denier ill DruaB, Medicitica, Chemicals,, Olil.Dy'iSlair. t'atuis, 011s, mors, tvnuc i.cau, French and American White Zlnr, Window Gla Glassware. Varnulo'.. finishes, Instrument. , G ro. Spires. Whole etpicea. an. ijnlt oilier article, usuat kept by Drtiggi.ts, Including Jlorax. Indigo. Glue, Shellac, Potash, tec. 4; AH orders'1)- mall orotherwisepronipllyat. tendedto COUNTRY MiSliUllAiNiH are invited tn call nnd examine our stock before pur- chasincelspwliele. XTT GOODS senttn nny ofthe Wlnrvca or HallRoad Station" rrreslov.'tind goods warranted. Marrius Spuing & Summer, A T MENSCirS OIIBaP STORE. rpilp umlcrsigncd having removed bis 1 aiorc.up thoetied. lately occupied by H 077c I W Hartman wlier with gicater Incrpused ladlities, lie is enabled to oiler a fullawottiucnt nl Spring and Summer Goods, Which he lias juni riiuitcurfom in i.nri comprisins Ury Goods.Groceries.Haril-ware.auecni!-waro Cedar-ware. Hollo ware, Drugs. Fish, halt c IMaster, Iron, .Vails.Uonts, Shoes, Hals, Caps, tc.c i .hnn.nvprv tniPc usuallr kept in country Stores, to which ho itivitt-sihe public generally ; KJ- Csah.T.n nbur, Old Iron and Cnuntry Produce token inexchango lor Goods, allho higest ma rkci price. A. O. MNSUH. IlloorHrbnrc March 21, 1F57. BLINDS AND SHADES! OF A'KIV STYLES. 1J. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 MIRTH SIXTH STREET, rmi.Anct.piiiA hp vr.MTI.VN DMNDa. Vel ill tit. Gold Uordprpit nml Painted rfllAHCS. of beauliful Vni;ii)3 Cutf, and nil niher rotor of Hoi land ui?dforHlndit. Ffiturus, Trimmings, tc, tec , Whulcsile and Retail, at lha lowest eauh prices, 13-store flhades p.tinted to order. It. J W. ihiiukiiit fir nat natnnnse. resiertfullv solicits the public to call nnd examino his new end large aisoriuiein. npioro purciiaani uiuwinv, H'e Study to tltase.H March '.M, 157. 3m GARDEN, FIKLO & FLOWER SEKDS ' . IRESIl AND GENUIN 0 OARUEN SLUI)3, In every ' variety, al wholesale unit retail emlirarins nil the new an.l desirable hinds, carefully put un in paperi rlnil I....!.' St SllOOlietl 111 Cane Seeil. J.inun Teas. Oro nee Water Jlelon, lt. A Iso.a choiee ussorlment or fine Flower Seeds, twenty varienei In n boa fur 81 illeln mover nn.l Timothy Peed, O. chard Grass, Rye t!rus, Iteril and fine Lawn Giais, lie, he. 1 I'ASCH LL MonRIS Jt TO. Agricull'l ral Itiilenienl nu I Need Plore, N II coruerof 7lh jud Maik.'i 'treiK, .March l, liii. rhiUidclnjo. SHE ETcl A ail) BE.LTZERS WIIOLSAL. WIN E .)' LIQUOR S TORE, No, 33'J North Third Street. (Alove Callnwhill.) v iniai i:l f 111,1. Acenoral ol' llri.iullcs Wine., I'orJiala, ami Li'iuoraol every deicriptiou. K. MUCTg r..tatR. October 7. 1P3I-5 rs. p. No9. 0, 11, 13 nod 15 Courtland tlrccl NEW YORK. D. D. WINCHESTER. TII03. 0. WINCHESTER, IIENJ. F. WINCH LSTEll. Mny ai.IMB 3ni LEAF TOHAOCO & CIGARS, IMlttf atf. lil. aoutU I'ront fctrect, l'lilLAUCU'lIIA. flppt. C.185C ) JOHN II.AVYLE&GO., Ci North IVarves, above ltnce Street, VHlI.ADF.I.rniA. 1 UNT.RAI- COYIMIsaiO.V MHRCH ANTd, fortha VI tsaleof NAVAL BTOltr.S. BOH A. FH. WOOL, TLOUR PROUUUi: .I'UOVlSlONrJ .fee . giirits ofTurp-nllue, Tar in hbls. and kees. Titch emlUofiu tiofps.Roiin Oil Alcohol, RurningFltiidand I'liieOit'for aali at Manuftciunig' prices. OaWum.&c, Apnts for Wileock'sWheol Crcagu, May31,lWl.-P. States Union Hotel. FORMERLY UHD LION HOTr.L.) iVo, 200 Market street , Philadelphia, -.rnfir, W. II I NK I.H. Pronrieior. forme rlt ofCo VX Uimbu, I..., would Inform Iiisfricnds and therub Ic that hocuiiUuues to keep thu above named Hotel which is welt nnd f.iVoraMi known thruiighotiiihu tfttltcis oilcut l HiniuelHMii mosirouvcnieiil Hotel lu hucliy. He niostrcspectfull) solicitsnshureof pub r patiotnge m April 7, lA. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE BWAN, ) Sides tS" Stover. Race Street, above Third, Philadelphia raT.RrliD.t3.l'iteoflheftrnii4t"venB.ll2lliii2Bhcad4.f a James T 5mvia, or lllu Union Holm, Au;iisil'. loill JOSEPH fussell, UMBRELLA PARASOI. M.t.WtMCTUIlEn, NO ISQSTII IOIB1II srnixT, (A'orf IVctt corner of Marktt ttrttt,) rlllLAPPU'IIIA. HAS i ivt nl tfii newest and kinds. rlulirig many NUW STYLUS no herttofore in be had in Hns inarkrt n extuiiration of mi r nock Is soiniKd before V'-Mliaiinj eNfhcre Mirtli Jt ltj7-'m POSTSCRIPT, Al'i'OhNTMUT MY TUB GOVER. NQH. ti.. a . . f ii'in' . ( JA.ME3 AllMSTnoNO( of illiaiJUport, Jjyme county, JuUgo ol tbe Huprcm,. Court, to fill the vncaticv OCCaMQtlCU I)V ( n M.f-nflHnn nf Jnrlrtn fir W0 TCtlgnailOU 01 JUUgC ULACK. DHATii or cliAs. u. rE.nosK. Ciiaiilei U, 1'i.Mto'cfc, tno of the iiw'iwuihw v. uv w.. v, j K.i.iuL-iiiiA Hshit'a vSr Hon. Win. II. Ilcoil. Ksn . of I'hiU. dc'jihin, has bcou tcndcrctl tlio ini&ion to China, by l'rosidcut Buchanan1. THE ICtLlock TRIAL. Roston, Apiil 8. Thojury in tho lCi. loch enso wero discharged this morning, Icing unable to agroo, Thov etood 8 fo acquittal, and ) for ronvictioL, t-S'S'ha general Appropiiatiou Uilj passed the House of Keprcetitativc!) lost week. Among tho amendments w:is 0110 increasing tho Goicrnor'ssalcry to 81,000 per annum, as ii was man v vcars airo. Tho amendment inct with little or uo oppo sition. 1 - 1 . 1 .1,k HlOUItAI'lllCAL HOllli. suoiiD hb cwntu aud heap dt I1VHRY YOUNG MAX IN THC LAND! Hit LUK or Til CLLtBRATEU INVENTOR OF STEAM IIOATPj 1KB II. S "father of Steam A'avlgctlon." ONE OF PENNSYLVANIA 8 MOST PATRIOTIC. Ann i.ictkii eOIVSt ROBERT PULTON. One volume octavo. Illustrated with twenty fire snppfbly colored nnd tinted vuprailnr. eiecuted in tbe best inaninT lr"m Mr. Fulton's o net no I dniwings; rppn st'iitiuc his nuinctuiis lufMiiioni in ytom Nuvi patinn, HubiunriiiP. NaliatMn,foMiiicatiriig, Le &c.( iniitlber wHh copies nl his nrly dtawinpi when on Art in (miniature painter) lit riiilariclphia, hy J. Frank tin Rftfnrt. Hsq .Author of United Fiat,- Aiitngrv phy,",Tlic Invcntvrs'and ratenlcrs'Guidc," Lc &o. Cloth binding, 2 50 r.otjtRT IVtsToN IVrtisps there Is no man In all it a r-riptit palisy of dl'liiiguithed Americans, who hato nuorncd tin! lit story 01 the kq public, w hour carcvr I a umre itriknictj itBfuciatcd with lu r ptry nnd htr prrr4 tierilv.tbnu no w iioio name we navu piacefl in tnc Hind In. His II fit. written bv J. h'rnnkliii ltf li-nm of this oiticlo of l,ancastr. Ta , which was aUn the birtlfplace Vf iiiltnn. has b'en 'nlel v nubllsticd. It has cvIenitv been alabir of lovi-. the writer having per'ornied tin allotted task, with a fidelity and completeness Hint do honor nt once in ins ncnu onu io ins ueari. it Is the imly reliiilde. or samlaclory lile of Robert Full on and takes its placn among American biographies, without tin' slightest possibility of diiputc. The ppopi wno n.vcn n idp nreou vnupyi.r tie mlfrlity Mississippi t'lmitld b anioug tlierarheit and the most prompt lo welcome tl'e appearance i f uii on tht-nuc record nl the man, to whote genius thn are so derply indebted for the means of po richly devtoilne the abounding rciourrps ol their section ofthe country., Tlm tlrst to ttomouilrait) the practicability of prcpt-ling ?psflf by fc team, nnd Io put It Into euecervfu! pnailce, his claim io ba cousidi led ns among Hie cliiff beiiPlao. torn, not only of his country. hut of Ins race, has 1nv bi'Wi odmilUd lobe uinsnailablo. That the possibitilv nf this had struck othi r minds, and had been nrructt theorrtirully, but without unyprJctical deinonstraljoii nftliH fact, dors nt in i Ii ia te against hi right lo bt considered the father of titpani nnvigntion The pna scc In I dOT of tho CLnitMUN'T, from New Yoik V Albany, was tho teal of bis title to this Uirtinction, and it is now, and Ins for vpars been undisputed, atitl will forever rtuiain indisputublp. From the enrly koyhood or ruiton. lli germ of bis lutiire Tamo u a- rrcopniz.'d hy nil who knew Mm. and who watch fd the development of his mind nnd of Ma character, ns a plant of tslrong end vigorous gnwtli, proiuising a rich and pregnant maturity The first of Mr Reigait's interesting llluutriiiirtii thous liim a boy cf fourteen yr-nrs of nic, m.iKine n nirr pnfiif pxpc rime ut at propel ing a small skid by paddle wheel nt hi otn construction, on the Conetnpa. This was la i;73. Twpnty-eieht )ca,s tberealtcr hi tutlifiet nil doubters that a vessel of large izc could be prop. jd by p.idd1ewhceU wilh stfiim as thu nioiitn power Hetwcen those two eras of his life, hi genius was da vcloplng tielf in many varied ways. Ho was n draughtiman of no ordinary nit-rit. and pointed with great skill. He supported Iilin'elfwith Irs pencil for many years, deriving emolument from painting por traits and landscapes, and making drawing of much) nery. Thcsuurts he put to good and ucctul purpose when he became, as hi soon did, a civil engineer and machinist. In the book before us wo hare colored Inhegrsphit plates of Severn I of Fulton's tl'iistratlons of Joel bar low's famous COLUMBIA!)," which fhow great oil glnalityof conception, aptnesj of design and facility -f execution. ! It la not our purpose to giv even a synapsis of tb.n ii'tcrcittne events of the reinirkably aciive ni.d uietttl rarepr of Fulton's Ufa. much lento ro into an nlnbnroio eirioyupon his genius, and thu wonderful rer-ults that h.iVsJ flawed liom his great inventir.n TIipka tno tanks lievo bi-en tery ereditnrny performen by the hb , Ihor of the volume to which w. have nllu.leil.Our ! purpose ia pliiiclpally to call atleutioir tn that nrK. . r niQ.e ,'0ne ineiiletil which il e.peelaMy becohlf. j . however, to call In the notice ofour iiiimeiliale lei- ,v cnz3ns. nurltiB iho war of laia-1.1, Robert Fill ton was of cmat service tn hiscnunlrv. A conlrad was made with him.hy 1 lie United Hta'.e Government, In Ilecenibtr 1814 for tbo purport of employing his HaniboniB Vesuvius, Xtna, New Orleans end Natcher. on tho Misfisippi river, in tmni-pnrilns troops nud munitions of war, and the IliiPalo, on the Ohio The celebrated battle pf New Orleans took place about week unci the arrival of the Vesuvius in our waters, and it was upin, (siysour biographer,) vlnt Ihe cnuamnnilit);; gvm-rat relied, a uu his an. licipalions of safety to the cliy. and the ntcomplish mrntof a brilliant victory. John Uumey Adnjiis and Andrew Jarksi.n both entitled to Congress ihe valuable services i f Fulton at (his tryirnr period. llesides putting into successful npcration itmni vca sets all ov r the country, plans nl defence atumi nmr itime Invasion, and of tub a piatic ttavigainm occuptrd his thoushts, and no little ut his time ami x penmen til ftftiwty. A d out of sufrEi-ttio-ns aud -di-monstru tions madu by him hayo eprun man) ol tho inoct use lulaudcmctiveiuclrumeiiuol naval warfare nf this class the world now know m It was tho opinion of Cnrtuelailer I). Cfdden. of New Yruk, as exprcstrd in hit- memoir, rend befo-e the Thf 'otophirnl tloriety of ttiat Stall', in U57, soon aftec lite death ot Fulton and It k nn p,ition in which all man kin 1 will now anrec "that there cannot be tho records nf departed worth tlm name. i a person la wiioan inuiviiiiniexcriiiiiis uiuiihiHii vie mure mat men than they are to Robert Fulton, 'JJjc combined eiTorta of philosophers and sialesu en have Improved the con illt ion of iLan, but no individual has con fen ed mora important benefits on his ppecie than Ua has done,'" rVrw OWmss t'ttayvnt, Nov. 7, Ir-id rrs The above work la for ktdebyC O, Hendcrr-o & corner of 3th nnd Arch, Hill ;dcfrlia. March H, lt57-2m. SUFFER NOT, WHEN A PERMANENT CL'RI' 13 GUARANTEEI) inullbtagcsofBLICRnr Dlb'E ArES. Kelf.Abuso,. Nervous IiPbility, Strictures, Gleet GiHvel, Mercurial rtheiim.itlsni, tTcrofula, ruins In tbe Atiklcsand Uonot, Hiscases of the Throat. Nose and E)e. Ulcers upon, the Uody, Fcnialo Irregularltlu. and all impreper dis-4 cnarges, no mauer ni r.ow mug sinnuing, or nriKtiiiaiH the case, recovery is certain and in a Abutter time than a permanent euro cculd ba e if-'cti-d b any other treat ment, even nflT the f kill of the most eminent phjbi clans had fiiled. arid thu dUraee reisied ail other means ofcurc. The remedies am free from odor, faun ing neither nickuess ner iiicontruicfire, nnd without mercury or balsam During uteiiijr jews', have restored to health over seventeen tbotittn-J fa tients who wcro intri riitg under IIk; wort torms of all the above mentioned iliseasts, w liirh guarantees me in proniuing a perfect nnd most speedy curt. Secret dir easel are the greatest enemies i henlili and hnppinf sst as Ihey am tliefitft ciuse id nipt ion. srrolula,&.c , nnd should bo a terror to all nations on the earth; for the disease is becoming so common und treatment so litile umtrrftood, that c permanent cure Is ararrcly ever eiTctul, as n majority of the fall into tbe linmU nf incompetent pomms. who not tmly (ail o cure the nul.idy, but ruin tho conntitution with corru situ sublimate a dangerous poison, n, pri-pn:&hon np mercury whlrh, with tho retrains of In tho sjstciii, produces many of tUo nbote nonied atTcctfons, which hiiallvtermiiinlu in eonniinitioii nnd friuiienilv n rapid ou; but tjnitild it not cause U colli, speedily, and the victim todntntie n-nriirn. the ilisporo is then convened from the parent totLwcliililmi, causing thrnt tn come into iho world t ith nrrofuln, atTertions of thu irkln. ryeg inrcai, vc., auaainiu (crniiuates in con sumption and comigiis its tittimtu nu uutlmrly gru.r, Utwecu ihe ages of six months nnd tliirtv five ears. rn'ii aouse i unoiiier iiiriiiiuaiiif) eimioy io ucailli ; leftroystlie ixirvotts systPiu rupidiy wtrling ottny thj energies of life, causing nteittal d(aiiitemeiit, prevtni Ing a prop r t'evelopuiPiit of tho t.ytuwand diaquall fying It tin Ini lor nrrlage, cociuy businrits, and nil eirtbiy happlnesa. Female Irregularitie and ail other d'neanfeM-f (Viimlcs ireaiedln the most t-Lllful aud fci entitle manner Medicine, ulih dtrirtinnt, tent to any part of ll, United Hial s aim Cuuai'os hy pat lent i comuiuLiratlns llieir svnpionisbv letter J. KUMM I.RVILLK M II., lUt 53, Vosl OtMct) , Faar&T sl., bt low litli, Fbllftdt 1 nh In Vn March 11, 1P3V- 1MULADELIMI1A 0 A U VK XAllE . ARl,UTING3,Ollt.Mothf Window Phades.Matsau V OTilUlU'r nuuctareJ and import-til rzptestly for PAri'lJI uu Jirrrtiauitt nini iiouseki-f pr will pietsr in Vi Hatid-.'tlV till? uJ t'lrcct. In door b.litv att s hu b March 5. 10 i i-pNC .'OM;?,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers