Columbia democrat. UIojiu jb nr g; STURI)Y MORN., NOV. 3, 1810. j V U PM.vUlt, cornet nf Third .ndChesi. nut,U4.i -tir ii... iv. -.1 -'"t lortheCoi.i'M. s ,i Duvt'wuvr.i.. PjMlphia. ANnrENffcTw TllK PKIX JfTlN'G BUSINESS is WANTED I IMMEDIATELY AT T"IS OF- I 4VlCE. r7iT.-P.-m Bat v Bit. Esq.. nd uito, arrived iu BWnisburg, ou Thursday, proparat-rvtoassun.imrtl.fl duties oi Ins u High Sheriff uf Columbia county I Deferred AetielZM W? P - .... .;ii h. found mw admirable ar- which bavin,, been written and selco . m.y.t H.iuimeucverthe.aiu.e.rahttle out of place. S;U otKt-i. Esiatc. W invite lhetlemio.ircV"irt 10 ,,,e rioUs estate otbred tor sal through the Colum bia D.wrat. Some oil hetn comprise very de We roal .le. valual.l- liome.tead.- A ; f,.w of which we enumerate :- ,, .,. ,r, in Montour l-wo- ; saip, to be sold by B. Lrtirw, Adm'r.,ou b.iui I.e. the HJih ol November. ! v Ml..., Leonard JUpert, being t so vcty i ..I ..1.1. Plantations, in M"'"ur l""klll!' " ' .oldbvL.-o.rtrd B. Rupert, Adm'r . on i the I Oil. f November. ,. I ..inil. with saw-mill and im prove....,... on-iJW.n ...done in Sugarlnaf Unships, a'privale.alc, anytime, by the pro- ,. prietor, Geo. Dils. . I- ' - .. .. - !.. P..trO inwnhh.u it ite of J.icoi) Milter, jr., m ' . . . i ...1,1 Ku tin and !.:.. n,u nlil I,iiiiesteil. io oe rnnu j .LMh Pohe,Adu,-.x, upon Tuesday, the first ol '' January, loW. TIIAXKS3IVIi. Governor Johnston recommends the ob- cervanee of Thursday, the 29th of Novem ber, inst-, as a day of general thanksgiving throughout the Slate. Tliis is the day fixed fiponby a number of other Stales, and we trust it will be duly observed by all our 'people. 'f f- The Farmer uj Columbia, have finished their plowing and Heeding for the suason, and in 4,11 directions the threshing of m ain is uoing on vith great despatch. The new grain fields arc ' ''preen and beautiful, promising another abundant " b irvcst. Tht 6t!i of rVovcmbcr. Upon next Tnday ihe election will take place in New Y"ik. Tlie Democratic Union seems to ie complete. The hitchet his apparently been buried and we may at least hope for good news. Th flection is for State, County and city officer. Large Yield. -The Winchester Virgin ian slates, that Jacob Uses, Esq., near Bunkerhill, in Berkeley county, raised on two acres and near seventy poles of land, 1 11 bushels of merchantable wheat, of the . , . . , f . Zimmerman riiiu.wiucii is a uauiuu 46 bushels to the acre. Important Agricultural Improvement. W'e have just had the pleasure of wit-ncssiii"- the oppcration of a newly inven ted CORN SMELLER, patented by Is- rui:L Hepler, Esq., of Northumberland co. Pa. As a labor saving machine, it is certainly of great importance to the farmer, and it is no doubt destined from its dura-' lility and cheapness to find its way speed-' ily into almost every fanner's barn. In our humble opinion, no farmer who raises large crops of corn, and who muddies his . , 0i.,,,,i i, ..-.i. own pecumaru interest, should liewilli-; ' J ... out one of iho-;e machines : and if we are Hot greatly utislakfll they will, as soon as (ihev can be brot ght to the notice of the farmiiisr community, take the place entirely ot every other contrivance for corn shelling- The Rwian Jn'ocat lUtSultanofTar. ' hy, lo siiireniler Kossuth and other Hungarian ! -iv n..ii niili a ilei-idi d No ! ' .exiles i lie onii.i'i irD,.u...... - - ..l. Whe,eUion much lear prevails oi a connou,,,.,. war, in which Turkey, 1'rancc ami i.ngianu ... do ballle against Nicholas we shall see. Wo c ii, sph What A .Monster .Salary. An extract of a letter from San Francisco, pub lished in a , i' .1.. P.,., ,,01,iion ion. ale numuer m ' ' - , . ..,). u Ki,,t Alcade of inai co.. iii,.ii --j - that ci.v amounts to the enormous sum ol one hun-1,-,1 .hlnrs per day, or thirty finr ihowani foe hundred dollar" per ienr ! This is the brave and gall-mt soldier that o! I T.i-.h.r removed f,om the Post O.ri.-e, bc-auw- he wa-'a D-mocrat! Asa "6u.Vc, the people of tha' ci'-'t city elected the Colonel in the dis'ii.guished ollice he now holds, y their unanimous vote. An Ou Goose. The Bridgeton N. J. Tioneer has in its obituary colums, the dath of an aged j.osc, in her 23d year. Ukloum like tub otiu:k Governments of Europe, is miserably in debt. It owes a national debt of morn than 1 52,500,000 dollars, besides a dealing debt under the lorm of treasury notes, which amounts to between six und ten millions. All this might bo paid with case, if tho arms were entirely done away. I? It is said that Mr. Bodisco the late Russian Minister at Washington, and the husband of an American wife, tins been sent to Siberia for the crime of owning property in this county. Hodisco was en trapped, il seems, to return to Russia ; his crime having been first discovered by a spy. Another new Arrangement. Our daily Mail now leaves Hloouisburg every morning. (Sabbath except) at U, i. suad ol 4 u'. clock, lor Philadelphia tn'o Pottsvillo. Puski m gers lor Ihe. Ciiy, will lurry overnight ut Polls ville, u. id a,ku I hub J o'ctoik morning train. He. lurmiig (he tup tan be e i in oiie liny. CO- Vk -die indebted to Johm Van Court, Enp, for the November No. of "Van Court'sCoun leileit JJe.ei.tur." Illinois LegislatureElection of a United States Senutor. JSt Louis, Oct. 29. The election for the United Spates Sena tor look place, in the Illinois Legislature, on Saturday last, and resulted as follows: Ueu Shields, Ti; Cyrus Edwards, 21. In the previous coticus Ureese ran Shields very close. Uen. Shields was nominated I in caucus, on the 21st ballot, by four major ity. The Senate paksed a resolution to adjourn on Monday next. Amount vf Coal transported on the Philadel phia and Kca :in' Railroad during tho week end ing Thursday, Oct. 23, ltj-l'j . Tons. dot. 7,010 14 a, i iiO 03 ll,77ri li a.&ou ou 21,001 03 bJ'j.Uat 14 9-Jl,5'J3 03 From Port Catbon, " Pottsvtlle, " Schuylkill Haven. " Port Clinton, Total for week, Previously this year, Total, Schuylkill Navigation- Amount of Coal shipped on the Canal lor the week ending Thurs day, Oct. a5, 1S40 : Tons. Cwl. 11,707 U3 0.1.J5 U 1 , 00 Pottville and Port Caibon, Schuylkill Haven, Purt Clinton, This week, Previously, Total, 1M21 370,712 33b,b71 10 OS tl" Father Matthew is coming to Phila delphia, in a few davs. J3AEUIIS:t9: In Clearfield county, on the 25th ult., by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Mr. WILLIAM MA PES, to Miss ALIJINA, eldest daugh ter of Joseph Irwin, both of Lawrence township. In Fishing Creek, Col. co. on the 23d ult., by Rev. Air. Ilaughawaut, Mr. JOHN PARKER, of Milton, to Miss SUSAN, daughter of Judge Mack. On the 25ih ult., by Rev. W.J. Ever, M v lfuOV 1 iinu'if! ,,. u:.. Mtn xiu w n ivi in anna alAU- rj UE'j' po both of Cattawissa twp. On Tuesday the 23d ult. by Kev. T. Mitchell. Mr.' JOHN P. GU LICKS, t Mips MARY J: LUNGER. On the 25th ult , by the Fame, Mr. JVO Tll()MAS,to MissSARAII CAMPHELL lmlh of nionmsbur i iH B'fiJ : ! In Uloomsburg, on Thursday morning last, Mr. CIIAULES IIEFLEY, of the firm of Hrfiey L Mciuicnhall, aged 37 y's., 5 months, and 2i days. . Mr. lh:n.Kv,was an active, enterprising man ' "e of ur most worthy cili.ens He leaves i an amiable widow and inUrctinji family, who " with our mitre community, will deeplv deplore . ie ))rimal(ire ,ll,ljrtlJri! (r,lU1 lllt. thf ;,reilf ,,. I (), a (.XP(.i,,nt hushaml, Cither, friend and broth- er. lits remains will hp interred to-day (Satur day) at 1 1 ii'i'lrk, in the Lutheran Iliirial ground of liloornsbnrg, of which he was an exemplary member. Funeral servicts by the Pastor, Rev. Wm. J. F.y kb SADjjF: UaUksS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. , -j-i.iiv i viia i. (ji(im lesiieciiuin i-l-)tr- - ti. .11.. fj (;(( : ,, aM(1 n,B ,IU,lr ,.,.0,a!v, . w- , Iliac lie s i carries no I in s.e i e. vr-f wx thai be still carries ,,,, the s.elille. t-T'-vVS Harness and Trunk Making ext-it-j business al the above stand, on .Main St. between J i 'i u a the Couit lions,, and Maiket Street, an I where he keeps cou.slaidly on hand and unites to older the following articles in hi i,,n al ,,- w.jeh lor tin- terial and Workmanship will , 'ir compaii-oo I W II 11 1 1.0 lli'sl I h il e:,n I,,. I,,,... I 1 ,. , ... I,,., .. ;,. - , , V, 1 J , ' '" "tM --"""eS com: ,n saddles, waggon sad- , carr.ale i irne-s. nt all l, ,...,, harness, collais, Bridles-) waggon and driiage whips, T-VVlwr.ov. nor.nv ' Al? i a la' je asMii tirient ol lioii and won I fiane Travelling Trunk. I'nrltali,, fariet and ail o.nei luticles in the IraveHi,. ni:. ,T.;.. 1,,-r iJi x7 v'''' 11 I ir,-oassiilioeol of IhtiNess r .mou.n rtNii, i ai r:,!.": I 'Iuiiiiii,, . 1. ,ces, Jap'd. Leather, Oiled Can et. Gum Cioin, itc !!!( solicits i r.V. from all w hn wih lo pur chase, any of Ihe above, confident that he can give satisfaction, both as lo the rpi ditv ntul pi ic John k. grotz. nloonmburg, Nov. 3, 1S40, FAS 1 1 1 ON A 13 LE M1LL1N E It Y. M. 11. KO 111 SON, having just rciur- t (' ..1. .1..I, 1. U. I , tl !! Vp1 l.n go and handsome asortnionl oi Full and .'X winter Millinciy, invites the Ladic-ol this place and her Irieuds generally, to call and examine t lit tit . Hemlock consists of velvet, rut and uncut; satins, silks, plain and fiir.god, ribbonds, leilh- lint 1111111 1 imam ii - y els, flowers, cp?, and a ee.ui al asnrt.neiit, of btmiut TrimmintM. together, with a variety of fancy orticlw, such a U.-ltn, slides biosl-pins, vl.jivl pins, pencils, Humbles, lonth-picks, plain and (jury combs eduiim, nei'dle-wnrkeJ and plain collars, culls likfs. tidy and (bulling cotton, marking eolten, zephyr, cord-braid, Hole -papor and envelops, cilk canvass, and steel betds, ba(,N, puiM-s, tassel Is clasps, , C. cc, navo oeen carefully nelecled ai.dvvill bo sold as low as they Can be purchased c!ss here. Store next door totllu Court House. M. K. KOIilSON. i;iooml)Ur, Nov. 3d. 1810. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Ji'norr, deceased. WHP.IH'.A, Letters of Administration upon the folate of JOHN KNOKIl, laleot Cen tre township, Colmbu counlv, deceased, have been duly granted to tlie oudi'isigiied ; all persons indebted to tu estate art reipiesled to make pay ment, und thie h-ivinji claims ugiinst the same, to present them for settle ini-nl, to THOMAS KXOKR. ) w , JOHN CONNKli, Jr.i"""" Nov. !H, REMOVAL ! rushionuble Tailoring. rpiIE underpinned lespccllully int. rms hiscus- t.imen ami the i.ublic, that hn has removed his Tailuriii" EablUhmtnt in'o the looms late- lv (iccuui-d by C. K Huckalew, Ksip, on Man. t. bi't'Ae.n 11 " n's Siore and the Columbia Demo crat olli'V, -luo-i. 'ie eio, ti. or' 'he TAILOUINO UUSIMES. Id ill I u iiiin ,i i ii 1 1 k 1 1 . 1 1 Mil iiii i'au,-i fnn. lUllUMU , ,,un'n' patro-...,?-'. j . , fcHWuce uf all kinds luU-u in excharge for li'-RNARD r.Ul'F.RT. llloornsbuti!, Nov. 3d, IM'J. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. "VJOTICK is herebv Kiven, that the partnership herelolore existiim between the uiuleisinneil in" the business of Surveying t Conveyauemg, is this day dissolved. Persons having accounts w ith thepaitnershii) are requested to plesent them at once for aelllemeut. SOLOMON NEYII.AKD. O- C. KAliLl-.U. lilonmshurif, Nov. 3, 1 S JO. BATTEAUS. 7""AS taken up recently, in ihe River, oppo site CatUwi-sa, two li litems or Skills. The owners are reiiiiested to prove properly nay charges and lake them away on or bclnru the 21ih day of November, inst., or they will be sold ac cording to law, GEO It OF. RANG1IART. Cattawissa, Nov. 31, IS 19. -3t. ""vTnteITbTtTi PSOVISlO.V.icf al! kinds, Com, I lay, Pump kins Potatoes, llui.-kwheal, Apples, Cider. Corn-stocks, Wood, &c , 'ogeiher with whatever our good Irietids can corivenienlly spare. Now Ihe lime weexpecl something from Ihe fitioeis. ESTRAY: 1 MK into thfl enclosure, of t!.o subseribi-i- I j rcidi ng in llemluck townshi sometime in al sinnrrn.r, a two year old red and brnnlle. I.L'LL, with a while Vr.f s'ar rili's i.icc. l tie owner i '."-uirY .H'picsted to prove propnty, j'uy alS3Sij?Sflt charges anJ take him away, or he will ue sol.: m. corning t ) the act relating to stravs. ' i) nh;l I'URsll. Hemlock, Nov. 3, lSlt)-3ts. tjXJ- Summons' for s,.le at this ollics. Philadelphia, Oet. 31, lSI'J. FLOUR-$-5 12 a 0 20 ami 0 00. Rye Flour $3 IJD WmuT-jft 10. Corn 00. Oats 30. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. T Ill undersigned, oilers lo dm. at private sai a Va liable TRACT OF LAND, sittiaie, on the waleis of West Creek, in Jackson township, JS.-.J-iT.-T--, Colombia com ty, near Kesli i s Niu null, con lainiiig-IU acres, of excellent Tl.MllllR, mcs'ly ii in ". 1 en properly is well adapted for f irming and I lumb.-ring and enjoys an excellent water power A LSO. I A seventy acre Iracl, in Siiuailinf lowiisbiii, iiliulil 10 acres (I which i! i V k iiM-.i-,,,.,! I ... I, :. I i , 1 1 ) ',l.m..L vvl ' r. with excellent limber. The fall idtNCCV-rVc.--'. a new saw-mil! will be sold Willi it. uiln tlie priviledge of pilichasiog (lie oliicr. Tlier; is on s-iid premises a Kood House, 11. 1 n, i.e. , w ilh an Apple and Peach Orchard. GF.CRGi: DILS. Sog irloaf township, Sept. 00, I I'.i -fi.v. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. I VAI.UAIlI.i: FARM will pub- ) I J; lie sale, lijion lb., premises, at I In. I.ile I ; re-, lenci" of Lkoxahd on S.I T I 'It- , : Ii.IY, the in: A ,l,vj A Ul'KMIlKJi mil. j : The farm contains i !i!50 Bert's oi'sool L:ml, of wIip 1. ahoiil lOJ aciesare cleared am! in a! st-itc ol culiivation. The land eouluimi a hodv ol ! IRON OltK, a belof LIMIvSTONK, i.nd there are upon the pivtriscs two '.VJJ. ISS! i?v,,.,lw"lli,!e HOtSKS, two rX$i 7TT-a "lM"' 'I"" 1'ieieises nvo 'liJif1''' 'vY vV fiWTOMlt'lUsK, Will. Its 5 x i u. 1 1 . . . , M . 'V.. II I i I ' 1 1 ' 1 ' , ' ' '" ;' i io 4 i i mi i in i t. in; nr. i li 1 1 . n .i i, . ,r i i I The' farm is in Mo ,tor,.," "),',. i ! main road lea lii'L' from I'.looioslinr.r i',, n ,,.. ,i'.. Hid is about li.e inilesj'rom cirb p ri ( .J . '" .'Mi.'. ".' HI 'II ini'K, III ?i. I Ml-, when due :' ti li'l.i iii-i; will I... :,. S... l. r.iimiiir,irr. ... ill ..' .1 . t - ! I terms made known, bv LMANCF.L LA' nt;s-, Jldmhi'trntur n-ilh iie ,; niinnrd. Montour, Sept. 10, 1- I '-Ms. ADMIMSTIJATOiv'S XOTH.'i:, rotate ifJi:::sn nonEirrs, ,, (-',. ' .TO I'll'i: is lo-n i.v ;.nci, Ibjit I.c(i, 1 1 ,,f ' J" m:s'ta'i"ii on the .; ,r ,,t .( . f: ;.,.; h - . late ol Healer town-dup. Cidni, 'da coo .,n , ,t,. . cei'sed. have In 'i i.iai l.d I y t'.e R, Us-f , c , I'lili.m'ii.i counlv, to t'.e -.n'.-ci ihcr. I -iliri In ' HI.K'kcieek low i. -'lip, l.'iz -i oe ciin'i : , sons indeblcl lo said i slate iiie le i . in u.a!,,. ' payment, and those toil inu' r.,.- . I it, to present them forthwith toilv n'-s ' - i rrrr.R i:-- Aug 20, I1l1.ll .1dn. n j LIST OF CAUSES, FOR TRIAL AT TIIK NOVEMBER TERM, 1811). 1 .7 oh n llearvs. ('.'itharine Hear. '1 lioiiliau, K. Gearhiiit vs John S. Dye. .'I Wh.-eliick Crosby vs Ralph It Caipenter. 4 John Chi Islojihlu vs Joseph Jones, et al. 5 Unlit Montgomery el ux, vs I). Wauer'nox. 0 Uichanl Wilson's -)x vs John Sanyer. 7 I'Miniind 1. Piper vs John liaily. 8 I'.lish.i II Stetler vs Samuel Stellnr. II Henry ILfiman vs No ih S Preiilis. 10 Wm. CiiniiiiiKhain vs Klislu Kverit et al 1 1 John Klinv vs Nicholas llney et ul. 12 Isaac Tyler vs lJenjiiiiii, l-'rick 13 John r "i:ichol, vs S K Walton I I Jacob Deal vs David Lnyd. 10 Thomas Sutton vs Vetiiah llheese 10 Geo, l'nx's ad in. vs Ami. Kmmon'i ad in. 17 Roht Montgomery vs Gilbert Hess el al IS Nicholas Seybert vs. Thomas Connelly et 1 l'J John Harraelt vs Phinem VVelhver 20 John P ('rove et ul vs Win Donaldson et al 21 Suhu D oilv jr ex vs John Douty sr ex 22 Jeremiah 1' Kiuchervs Vler Mowrer 23 John 1 Ciove el al vs Win Donaldsuti 21 Caleb Appleman vc.Iosiah tJalbraith 20 John 0'C iinei vs Thomas I Jones 20 TheMeth l'.piscopal Church vs Simon P. Kwe 27 John Ueti om et ul vs O II P Kitchen el al 23 C o Drie.shach vs Jacob 1J llower 2'.) Ludwii; Seidle vs Iran. Derr et al 3t) Leonard Adams et al vs K I! Wohlforth 31 Homer Piirmulee vs Simon P Kase 32 John Shivi'ly vs Samuel Yo-Jt 33 Thomas Wildoiiei's udm vs Robert Lockert 31 auie vs same 30 Hannah Jackson vs dins Jackson's tdra. 30 Com. et al vs Moses L Sleeker et al 37 Com. et ul 1) L Slineman 33 Com. el al vs Benj F Malum 3rJ Win Roller vs Levi Loe et ill A'-J John Slijvelv vs Samuel Yost et al 41 Henj iiiiiii Haywood et al vs Simon P Kase SUKlii rirrSSALEs7 BY virluo of sundry wiils of vend. ex. to me direeted, will be exposed to public Sale, at i uc Court House, in lil'iomsbutj,', on Wednesday, the "111 day ol November next, al 2 o'clock, P. 1,1 , the following desciiliud leal estate, to wit: A certain lot of ground sititte in Hem lock township, Col'imtiia county, containing three ucres, mure or ie-s, which land is all clear ed, bounded by lands 1 1 John McRey Holds, & oth ers, whereon is erected a one story frame dwel ling house and a barn, with the anpui lenances. Si r. -d, taken in execution and tu be told as the property ul John llittte. ALSO, At the same time and place, one-eighth undivided part of a certain tract of land situate in Greenwood township, Columbia cout.iy; contain ing in all one bundled and thirty acres mure or less, bounded by lands of Win. Simoriton on the north, Win. Giiton, on east, George l-'urguscn, on ihe south and Surah Kitchen, on the west, where on is creeled two.oneand a hall slory Iiiiiiip dwel ling houses, -and oi e frame lank ham, with other out-buildings, and a largo apple uichutd, with the appurtenances. Seiz'-d, taken in execution and to be soldcs the property of bamutl Mat her, ALSO, A certain lot cf land situate in Orange township, Columbia county, containing two acies moie or less, bounded hy lauds of John (a Jacob Snyder, Isaac Roon, Godfrey Kline and others, w hereon is erected a one story log dwelling house with Ihe appurtenances. Seized, t .ikei. iu execution and to be sold ss the pru'ierty ol David lliblnhrauj. ALSO I!y irturc of a writ of alias vend, cx potias, the billowing leal estate situate itil.ibeity to viisbip Columbia cniin y ; 1st, a tract or lot of laml a j. lining or hear lo Ihe lown ( f Mooiesbiug, la,l ol liii'.iei t Hii.onh.ri on Ihe West and South ael .l ories liobi-on on ihe N. rlh side of the road to Wusliii.gtoii i n ihe Lust and put ll on Ihe north side, containing twelve acres nu ie or less, on which ure en cii d a goi.d frame dwelling house, two st I ics hili a Liu lien.a stable a llx elinghouse w i'h an i J and a well M water, and all j no !er cnkiMi.ion. 2d, a nacl ) li t of grmiiid ad joiiiitus the loniiei liait or lot on the Fast side, la:el ol Ih.hi.-rt Siiiioiitmi on ihe ii vth-Wcl and SiiU'.h side, and lar ds i f Kt si li r Mid oilier lands deli'ii.laiit ( o the West sole, and the load to (;nl iMjiu.ipii' passing on l';e Ninth side, containing; twe.iiy iii-ies mole or less, all under cultivation. Si'i;:. d, taken in execulion and lo be sold as the propel iv ol C.diuiin Scott. ALSO, Bv virtue of a writ ol levari facias, all the undivided inleiesl atol estate, right, title, pro pel IV claim and demand w hatsover ol John I Cook loch in law and in equity in unto ntnl out of all that, pe it ci la 1 1 act cr parcel of land (not hei ololeie sold) siuinte and lying in Roai ini cieek to.c h-hip, Columbia co, Sidle ol I'l-imsy lvania or liio.d y surveyed lor and palenled to John liver heard, "the residue ihcreol (not' dis posed i f) coiitai.iir.g by a Kile le-urvrv three linn die. I and six'.y iiiih- acre imd sixiv-lhrc e perches of I no!, lgelhi r v. ilh the undivided inleies: of s.iiil John 1 Cook in n ml to all the buildings ilMl imur.ive.iieiils c-ieclc clui il land, Ihe righls, ,,vili grs.-.ippitrlenees and ailvanlage-i to the same brl uj-uig i r in iiiiv wise uppi i laitig.iiinl the rrver- 1 r. versions, lemaioiler aiid rcmainde rei ts, is-in s a;nl pro fns thcieof. SeiZ"d, taken iu execution and In he sold ns the uropeitv ol John I. Cook. RF.NJ. HAYMAN, Sheriff, rinornubiirc-. Oetnber 'JO. Is4.i SIJMM E it AR Pi A N(i EM K NT. Philadelphia and Reading Rail-road, from Philadelphia to Pottsville. Citation of hours, and two trains daily each way except Sundays. r AND A!' I'F.K MONDAY, April 2d. Is4:i twoli ins will run each way, daily, between I'mla.l.dphla and I'ollsvillve. Mull vivr, I.i x f A rcosiMo, Ie-ivcs Pnil ulelphia lit 7 J A. M., daily, ex cepl S:illd ays. I'...sns R "adireat 10, A. M. L' iive-i l'oltsvilU; al ', A.M. Daily excepl So0 iv S I' ,-.s'.-s Pevlirtr:,. 0 10 A. M. I ne ai.ove inie slops at all way stall aliens on the roau as lonoei i j- r ' it -v. ' n -w l.i -sr i: i'i Train As-r Tn aiv. Iitnvn Trohi. Leaves I'otlsvilu nt 24 P. M. Daily, except Sundavs Leaves Sell. I Liven 2," " fori Clinton .'!,ro " Reading ;pr,:j " I'otls'own 4,.n " l'hii'i.ixvilln O.iii.i Anivcs at Stale Rd O.Oli i I e v. i oi! '--Iphi i at i - ' !'. M., dailv . x ! c.'rt "-''n,.:., . --. I. 'I io.'iii ;i i :i li c. ii r.. i , i . i o H idin:' fi.i H I'll; t ( ill.l'Ul ". I", j Sep. !!..W'!i I i s,ii i!- lib ;;j Alt''! '"" n Tiaiti w ill sli ji only at the a-lioii- P.i-s. i: u '-i -s I . i otherpointv !.': 'he ;, i -A l.iee. ci' c. '-i I n r of Chcsliiot ami I --. i i v (-.iiiiiol cnlrr tin i . .i ' lie. ,:S 0,1" . -.i.ll'l I. Ilh l'l'lo ts, .-: ( ')'! . 1-: -I ,Py i oii,d ,, ,;,:...,ai'o wjl ) '::.edlo cu ll pasv'ti.'i r in l'i,-; lines; em: ..." IP-is aie eXpi. '.. .!ii!'iied tnm ,,(!,, v r.-it.s ".- !.-.g;.e.,. but their weving aoparic! .!' b n ,! ! be . I i,e risk ni its o',i ,,er. .Nofieighl j 1 1 be taken bv the-e lines l!v oilier oi ill' Hoard of Mare2cr. S. RRADFoLD, Scc'rv Miv 7. 149. The iSank oi DainijJt. AN KLllCTION will beheld al ihe iMontour House, in ihe borough ol Danville, on Mon day, the I 'Jib day ul November next, between the hums of 0. A. M. and 3 P. M , lor Thirteen Di rectors ol the said B.iuk.lo nut vet he ensuing year, liy order of the Commissioners. JACOB HlKf.EK, President. A. F. Rcssci., Secielarv, Danville, Oct 20, lMlt-Ot, NORTH BRANCH, PKNNSVLVAN1 CANAL QUALF.D rROPOiHI.s, ill he r.ceive.l t n,,. j engineers cilice in Tuiikannoik, Wyoming coiinly, until sunset oi Mondu.v i Im I2lh day oi yovuuiber, 1MJ, ior coii.slrucling portions ol Ihe following sections of canal, to wit ; No's 1, , 21,27, 07, 00, 75, US, 1US, ill, 112, 11.1, 11 1, 131, lOJ, I0J, 173, 17 1SJ, 1-3, IS 1. AUo, or furnishing a ipi.inliiy uf timber to he used in constructing dams No's 2 and 3 respectively. l'Uus, profile and specilicjiions of ;he work, lo be let, will bu exhibited at Hie ollice afoiesaid, 3 d.ivs prior to the expiration of ihe time for re.-ei- I vim$ proposals, and for further information led r- ence may Uo had to ,M, A Gamble, Evp principal assistant engineer, upon the line. By order of the Hoard n Cur a I Commissioners WM. li. Ki.STKK, JK, Chief Kngiiuer j Ii. I'a. Canal. Oct. 2, lvlb.-tl. FAN (J if FURS. MUFFS, BOAS AND TIPPETS. DAVID II. SOLIS, (Siurtioi to Snlin, Ilrutitrs.) IMPORTKK AND MA.M'FACTL'RFR OF P.V FRY DFSCRII'TION OF FURS, nAVING just returned liotn Europe, with a sr.i.Ki 1 stuck o.-1 uhs, is now manufae ttu t,i ir Ihi m in 11 very supeimr ot;, lc, and trim ming hern In the most elegant mau'uer.und would invite Ihe attention of Merchant,, nod liters, to Ins superior ami extensive a-s.'riiiienl, which hi; manufactures as well as imports, he i enabled to oiler al su- h prices, u, lew houses in the United Slates can compete with. n win 11 cnri No. 60, Arch (Mulbe n. ) St, 0 doors in low' 3J at., ' nexi 10 Liiiuiion cc lu s l airniy .Medicine Store. (Jr Store always closed on Saturdays. , The highest cash price paid for shipping furs Philadelphia, Oct. 0, IS 10 Cm. MUFFS, BOAS, V1C IORIAS, AND F U R T ii I M MINOS, C'OUL.V, FANCY FURRIKR, 17"Oi;LD most rcspectl'ullv call Hip attention If of all persons in waul of nnv article in the FAN.CY FUR BUSINESS, that he has no v ready a splendid assortment of the above mentioned articles, made of every des cription of FURS, and in the greatest variety of shapes that are now f ishiomiMe, which he oilers to sell at very reasonable profits, at his ur store, No. 02, North Second Street, (iwo doors below Arch Street,) Philadelphia. Merchants purchasing to sell again, would find it considerably to their advantage' lo call and ex amine his slock and judge fur thcnuelves beloie purcha-iiig elsewhere. .The Store always closed on Saturdays. The full market prico always given for SKINS ot every description. M D. COIIF.N, 02 ti. 2 St., (two doors btlotv Arch) Tldlud'a. Oct. 0, ! I'j-Om. Redlcld Prices. NEW, CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE Cloth i n i' E m p o r iu m. TP HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends I and the, public, that he has dissolved the paiti.eiship business and opened an entire NEW STOCK OF GOOD-!, fresh from the cities, in Ihe Cheap Clothing Emporium in Ihe same stand, on Main Street, above the Amkr.can, w here he can beat both Jew and Gentile at sel ling cheap Goods, Clothing, &c. Take the fol lowing sample ol hi:: prices : Fine Dress or Frock Coats from (li to $-12 Spi.'iidid lilue Klack Dress Coatl Id j:j Cashmcrelt, Alpaca and summer cloth, 3 fi Liiinen Coals ol all kinds, j 3 Rl ick Casimere Pants, 3 5 Splended Lamarline Pants, 4 g Cotlon.ide and summer Cassiaier, 1 4 Plain Satin Vests, J 3 Figured Satin vests, a ;j Marseiles and Cashmere vests, 1 5 Hoy's Pants and Vests, 1 3 Men's Casinet Pants, ;:, 300 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of every description, Dry, Fancy, anil Staple GOODS, and a general assortment of Shirts, Ho sntns,, Gloves, Suspenders, Slocks, Hand kerchiefs, &.c, ic. Cunni nls mndc to order on short notice. f;;;- Personsresiding out of town will find il to their advantage lo purchase clothing of him as he is d termiiudto put prices-down so low us to make an object to those who come from a distance. Gentlemen don't forget to enquire for Nathans's Cheap Clothing Slore, on Main Street, one door above Mr. Du-blei's American House, Rlootns burg. SIMON NATHAN, nlonmshurg, O -t. 1, 1510. PUBLIC NOTICE. IE u tnership heretofore exisiine under Ihe linn of llaihui-sl and llaldv. is this dav dis. solved by mutual consent, all persons indebted to said hrl'mu reiueste.l to make immediate pay ment, to Stephen Rahlv who is fullv authorised to receive the same. Those w ho neglect this call musjt not ro,iip:ain if they receive a visit from a proper olli -er. R- F. II AYIU'RST. STEPHEN BALDY. P.loomsinirg.Oct. 1st, f-pj, N. H. S. Raldy will attend at the Slnrelloilse, Corner of Main and Iron street, every Saturday lor settlement with those who call. NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Zimmerman, deceased. T MHK hens and legal representatives of Jacob JL Ziuiineiinaii, latent Milllin township, Colum bia counlv, Pa., deceased, to wit Jacob Zitnmpr. man, Ma.idlina Zimmerman, Marg-.retta Zimmer man, intermarried witii Chat les Lacks, Sarah Zimmerman intermarried will, William Pilstnn, Gem.'e Zimmerinan, John Zimmerman, R. Marg ate! Zimmerman intermarried wilh Charles Zeid Icr. lima Xirimrrnan intermarried with John Mans, Frederick Zimmerman, Ludwig Zimmer inan, Christian Zimmerman, Margaret Zimmer man intermarried with Aaron Fry, and Ihe child ren nf Jacob Zimiuerinrin.latc of Germany, decea sed. ?re hereby notified that in pursuance of a writ of partition issued out of the Orphans' Court of Columbia coin, ty for the partition of the real es tate nf said dcceased.silinle iiithe township afore s.iiil.ei,ii, several tracts o land containing in nil Iwo hundred and Ihii Iv five acres more or less, amongst the hciis and leual representative.! d the said deceased, I w ill hold an Inquest on said ,'iomises, in Ihe slid township of Milllin.on Tues day, the sixth day November next, at 10 o'clock . M , when and where you aro requested to at tend. BENJAMIN HAYMAN, Sheriff Slieril?s OfiVe, Rloomshurj-; ) September nth, 1S4S. ) &(pr, E. I. Soule 4- Colfj mmmm f HOC Proprietors, full of confi hsnce in the r J """' l. Potior MULE'S Sovereign (dim Pill wtiicli havn nun, ..a ,i. 1 9 " fw uiciiiiciveir socti n-i ei viable. 1, puiat'or, in thu short simce of hvo ye..i ih.y have hieu Otfore the public: l0 many cures ht hrtvepeilorhied-. solus; of Ihe p. l.enls having been conlined to Led, for inontbs i.d years-are trul asfonhifg, uuw chsllenge ihe world lo produce their HU1. For long iuiidi4ig anj habitual Cot-.'i-c, ihry havei,tvi Ijiled, when taken no cording to direciioiis, lo elk-el i cure, or eiv. 'lern.atinii reli. f, Old Liver Complaints, Jaundice, gfc, can be Hernia.. enll) cured, hy he use cf these 1'ills, hey opeiated,,,., fjy up,.,,, Jj,ri MUM to peiloim its natutal and healthv unin,, For S',dd...i attacks in chil.rer".-si,th as Coli! I;evr, Worms, ie -for Gravel, RUmmUism, pins.l Alltchoiis, Headache. Coughs H,,d Coidsl they have proved an invaluabl,, Remedy. FEVER AM) ACUr: AND CHILL IE VEIL No medicine yen discovered ha, proved io ef. ecuial m curing Ague ,,,,,1 Keec-r, Ac., in e Western States a, , he s, iiAi.Mp.Ls. We have never know,, a 9ige case when taken .ecording t mreclio,,, they have not elietled a cuit ,n I,.,,,, , ,0 ci(,,lt They clean-e and purify the blood, and ara therefore an ellectual ,, ,ed, for Sricjvla Ftv pelu , and all disease! urisi.ij from o sta't ol the blnod. In Ncnvons DnBii.iTr and Fk.vlk Com plaints, they have worked wond, ' hey ouiet the nerves by letnoving l,r rause ,- ,nVc j tatioti, and gradually strernjthen and bring up (he whole system Rj W3y rf advice lo lemale af. fllCtffd With IB Sbnvo ., - .nCU,, K mouki say that large doses of any kind ofcalha.tic. are al ways iiijurtous. These Pills s,oul,l bt- Ul(.n , at a dose every night until a cure is ttlwlM -See Circulars These Pills were first Introduced in 11 noiele manner. No gaudy show cards or lona adver lisemcnls Idled with citlificates from pets,,,,, ,h,t never lived we,e restored to, bul were led mtvork their way into public favor cm (heir own ,utr. iu They are purely vegetable, mild hut me in thwr operation, and perleclly S lf,. ful. vol,Ill alld old of dob.litafeil constitution. They never Ie-,v the bowels costive, which cannot he j,nd of anv other pill now in use. Great cue h-,n l eet, iak. en in selecting and cnmpoiinitiiie the inrdicine ",'.''. n !M "lWi)t beC" 'JI'vrinMu!td l,v Dr. SOU 1.L in pcrsnn. For furl her direction. ririiHcM.. fee . weihe New lurk Pota.-iii' T .,;,.., .. . ..i.i:. i . ' . .. i-i 1 T, . '""iisieo at i'.u- cl.d. hy Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co., which may bo h3d o! nioinlj (rrniiu J -o--.'- b' 11 K W A R 15 OF COt'NTKRKKJTS ! ! ! As there are -purious Pills j cii cuh.tir-b call ed Onen nl r-r Sovereign Ralu,, he rut,. , ,e. fore you buy thai the name of Dr. F. L SOI' I F & CO.' is on tho face of the boxes KollB lttl.r't can be genuine. We a.e not aware tfca, ul,v ,1B who is making a spurious article has v, I ,Oi,ed to make use of cur name; but sIle ,urn had the impudence to imitate our boxes and cn our circulars cirlilicates Lc. fnlesi the p, lc ceiwl " ' 7 I;,"'casp' th-' v;i11 be de- S- The genuine SOVEREIGN BAI.M PILLS can be had of Jchn R. Mover, Bloonwburt , Sloan & Tliotnr)- snn, LiSht,S:re.t; R. Moore, Danville ; A t,r. ers and co., Wardiinglonvtlle ; J. M. Sl,fl,i Jersey town; Derr mill Meliride. Whitehall: hyes and McCormuk, McKwnsvilIc ! It hud1-' "! U' iNur"'a,:,Jc' Kertl...a.b,.r." BLOOiiSBURO ACADL'Mi' a high school For You,Ludin and GenUnntn J. E. L'RADLEY, I'ri;lci. c,l. The nexi winter Session of thi, I' ,-ilU'j wtU commence on MOM) AY ,,, uy f t,. Text n,,r. . Emerson's Spelling Ik.ok ,u,d lie.-t I 1. Uoo'ji ion s l,eographv. HullKin s English Gramm?r. n ...i.... . n 1 anti 3 1 logii s.sive r.xi " Aids lo EriLli.h (:,;,,,. ;.;.. Rlair's Rhetoric, Univcr-itv ecii.u, Davics' arithmttic, Algebia. " (jeo.neliy. " Sinveyiiig, " Mensuration. Foster's linok Keeping, Ackcruian's Nai. Hjti,i y. Culler's Anatomv end Phisinlory. Guernsey's llislmy of Ihe United Stttel Lardnei 's Outlines. Olmsted's School Phjl Rurritl's Geography of ihelfcavciif. Johnston's Turner's Chemialn. Wood's Rot any. Sehinucker's Mental Philosophy. Wayland's Moral Scicnco. Webster's Diclionarv. A T I N. Rullinn's Latin Grammar, Ilullior.'s I nlir, pc-(J. cr, AnthonVi Ceasar, Saliost, C.c ro, li. , af-u -rolsotns Livy, Levcieti's Latin Lexicon (J R E E K. Bullion's GrcekGiaiiiinar,P.ullior,sf; reel R,f,G cr, Robinson's Greek Testament, .e:;, , ,n Anabasis, Xennphoi.'.H Memorabilia, Pi(k,iiie'ii Greek Lexicon. 6 There will be frequent exercises in Declama tion and Composition. Instruction will also he given in Penmanship and Peek-Keep. It will Dp Ihe aim of (he Teiicher in this School, t impar, t the pnp'ls A T,oriol,(1 KNowi.F.iiOE of the branches studied, to iducatt their minds, and thus Iu prepare R, hon orahle places in lite T E RMS. The winter spssion will consist of 2 1 weeks or Iwo quarters cf twelve week each, a,, ti) ' session is two weeks longer than (he 'last sum mer session, a corresponding addition is hade to the price of Tuition, which will be 0-3 f.iiiow. per fjiiarter: ' For Renling, Penmanship, Arilhrnrtic, Rnr. keeping hy iiiL'le entry, Geography, G,iim mar, Hist. F. S., . . . .c3,, For same and Algebra, Geometry, Surveving Mensuration, itc-.k-k-emng iiv doube en try, General Hii.rv, Nat. History, P,ii ologv, Philosophy, olhe, Fiiglish'tr-t.cli." e and Drawing, . . . , For Latin and Greek Languages, " fjrv Good boarding can he cbijiner! in t rivVi'l families at from SI so to co 00 per week ' R'ferrhrrf, Col Joseph Paxton,Rer. Daniel Sfpf!. Hon. Stephen Raldy, Rev. J,,shu. Yvl'. Hon. George Mack. Michael Brob.t r ' J"hn McReynold,, Eq ,Em moomibnrg, spt. 59,
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