ItlisjdtJt rriiniiVtlo calling on the psoplt at ill htzaids to rrsst lha invasion of tb Americstis. Dining (lie monih cf January the eppioarlics to Vers C he xn therosd to if) inurioi -writ titcr-gib ened . by bsttery of fitary guns. Through the sime well infoimed gn , tleenso from we learn ttiia fact,e tie confirmed io ,n.r belied etpresto-d tSove ss to tin dmii'wiioo of tl troops In the city and castle. He wriiev 'I Jo not ere how il tspossibla to introduce tny more trocpi with toy prospect ol idi g them.' - i A. Me x lean Journal cf the Sih, Rive s the folio wing iccour.l of in engagement, svith part of trie command of Oentrsl Kearney, who it al the head of the Nor thtro ctNetv Meiicati mpeditioo, co1 , of which probtl!) rose the .report of th , titHo it ChiVualma. On the S3 h cf December Senot Coy I , 0 waa it E P-o4 nthfl besd of 480 rf ftilats, who, sdded to the Pasenoe, or (oooj)i raiod near El Psso -ticeeeJeeJ 1000 in rvmbcr. The Americana weir . el Don Are, 400 aUorig. They ed . 'Vincfd upon El Passo. -Coylti prepar ed to C4I1I them, but lha evening lie wis to eel forth oo hie march he wa eeized with violent brain fever, which rendered him he-lptest. The command devolved uponVidal.whei possessed little , military skill, inJ eipecled to surround to J destroy the f merlons like eo nuny ribite. He pushed forwird 500 esval ry uoelerOapi. Antony Poce,of which -erne lialPwero Paseno. The.Ameri m demanded i pailey, which was de nied, -end the fight imfaettiately cotn -menced. Ponce charged it trie head ol hi- ravaliy, hot it vin. he ws-j-woun ded in the first nsel. -Vast then thePa tenet run,nd threw sn?h disorder into the whole ihal all took took' to flight, leaving a fiowizer in the hands of the American, but ortvinz oflf three other precei. Vidtl lewreel with ell epeed to Citrki, forty leagues froor'EI Pssso. Tha loss on each aide wae not known or is not elated. On the 27th (he Amei iesni took possession of -SI Passoj with 400 cavalry - and 460 Infantry. The cavalry immediately atarted in pursuit of ho runaways ami ar.hough ii wa not known at Chihuahua on- the 3d of '.Januaiy that they had overtaken them it waa thought Jiksly they would ge possession of twotvsions which were in (he rear with (he park, as well a ol thirty mea who ecoMed them. A Setter from Mazillin, dated the 11th of Ju., it published. Gov. ' Cas tro was then to that city. Ex Gov. 1) -I!0 Pico waa in Cuayma. -Doth were 'asking men and money to recover the California, . They boaat indeed, that we have not foot-hold on the land; that with only 50 men an aUumpt by 700 A rericana to take Los Angelos had been -SJceemfulIy repulsed. A project has been issued in Mazat Ian of di elating Santa kiona dictator. Thiidrtw from him an immediate dec laration that a tie did not empire to the 'Presidency, t.e would use all hit force to pot down any movement in Sonors or any other A" ate, which should threat en to kindle po'.itictl commotion. The latest dates from Sao Lois Putosi are to the 26th uW. The army had not then -mjvud, hut the Vera Cruz lndictor ot the Slat uU., thinks that i: had done so eubxequently, being enabled to do so by the funds raised by theSiate olSan Luis. Thehw euthorizing the seizure ol ' fifteen millions of property bolongin(j to the t'nufch, rrcmiws to be -cubic! letter. Tue jjroperiy cons eta almost -wholly of real estate in different ritie of 1 the republic. iEven if 'the law of Con grrss be enforced, it ta - said .that no one will advance money upon the piopert; sospized, tnucli leca purchase it. Tlte whole body c: ihe clergy had protested tgiinsi tt-ve tei?ui a s)crilee.ious, and they were supported by a !:ge portion of the lower clesiee of the- people. San ta Anna ge in his adhrflion to the measure with treat reluctance. Pueblt 5Iexico and Quereiaio, anong oihere, were opposed o it; Oajiea had tclrd :n favor of it; atttl the . government ap- . Mir dttermined to carry the plan out. It is a fivoti'e one wih Gomez Fjrii. nd hia frieodr, the r.dralii, or Ill- 5til, tt we my call them. One of the . clergy in (he City, of Mexico has been iapriojJ (sr his fictiom opposition t to Oie measure. At our laJt account the Meaicin Cngiesa had before , il modification of the law, which would render i( le burdensome, without changing the principle. Our letters say 'hit the lute rnlnis'er. i en mned. The Ministers of Fr ein Afltira and finances hafe ctrtainly -lone so. Smoi U Ron, vh so recent-. Iy pfeUfd itlt Snta Anna, his gone Duck m th Sia'e Department. He ia an unleiit Frtltralis', and av relied upon to cany trumii'i Ihe eoiifi'Caiioa ofChureh property. Neiitie r our npeia nor letleie mention who now haa charge of the War DepaKaneni. S-nor Franctseo Soarrz Msrt has taken charge of Ihe anancee. lie w a menioer.oi me Chamb. r of Ueputiee, and nceived heir aosetn to tj'S acceptire; hi neeni' ..See, Tu ad J to the nenerl il'iorg., mzttinn, the Mtxican C jiiriii ia lid o hve determined la liulv about ihe fimt of the prcS'fii mon'h. Tne Capture of C.iu M Clay,Maj. Inland, M-j Gaines, and 80 caval')', by Gen. Minon, ia confirmed. LAl'EK FttOM 1AM PICO. WashinotuK, Alarch 2 8 o'clock. NewOrleana ppera to th Th hive,been received by the Southern Aail filiiaeven me. They conlaia dicea Jrom Tampion to ihe 13ih, Galveston to ;he 18il Bratoa to the 16;h, and Vera Cruz , papers of ibe 2J inn i'he Louiaiana Toluntesrs wrecked on board ihe Ondiaka are all safe, with lite ex ception of ail, hem Col, l)e Rosaey was constrained to leave behind. No action lud ccfitrjed between the volunteers and the Mexican, amt they reacheu Tatnpico in safety nu the 9ihin genera! good healtl but much eshauated by he forced wbicIi ieven were abandoned a few uiik-a front the firfli eneantninent; 'beirg unable tn march, and it was fouud impossible to car ry them through the amid nu lillera. One ubsequently overtook (hefliain body , and the remainder probably fell into the hand. f the enemy,- ! The adventurea of the 'Loliisiaiu volun teers are particularly deserted in vhe Pica yuue. The day Uiey look retuge on tht beach oppposne trie wrerk u escape a wai- ry grave, ihey rereived viaiia from s'veral Mexicans in the character of pesaanta anc fisherman. From 'their conduct and piom ises Ihe voluntatis were led to expect as siatance on (heir way in itansporsing ilicti stores. These fellows were subsequently dieeoveied lobe spies, and on the same nf ternoon made their eppearanco iih a fl ig of truce from Csn Cos, end demanded an immediate and unconditionid surrender. ,Q laruiing representations wrro mada o warnis of arwed Mesieana eufiicient to cut off all retreat. ' Gtt.n. Cass declared hit force ti be 1GO0, when in reality l,e hai' but OSn, all (old, the most tf whom were raw recruits, who had entered into the scheme in ihe hopo of gain and plunder. Col. Ue Kussey teplied lo this demaad, but was not allowed admission -ineide of Gen. Cts lines. - lie was given until nine o'clock the ni't inurning, when the Amer icano were told they must surrender or fight That night the camp fiies were lighted, but the -A mericana matched awoy, leaving then Sinspsaetis and burtlieneome inuicrialf, which vvuuld in) pt de their march, (Xccp aufTicienl provisions to iflurd ihein aus!en .lace. In tentyfour hours they had marchee! thirty. five miles, and not an armed Ahxi can waa acen all ihe nay lo Tampico, General Coa thoiig'it he had alaliuned a furce upon the ruad tn cui off re reaj, uud deprive the Americana of all hope if succor, but Yankee prcacrvance fuilei' dim. There waa Lul about ninety eerviceabh tins in the putsraiion of the volunteer, Hie othera hhving been lost in gelling a .lime from Ihe urerk. Tliia waa one rca- mn that Col. 1)e Kuaery did not wait te neetihe expected attack. Oen. Pjt erson whi making cx'epmt .iirpjralhiiia to itjr.ue i!i vuluiilteis urlai they arrived. General Srou waa hourly esneeied a I'ampico. Tlie ifkies sntorg the troops at Tarn pito had been grectly txaggeiated, the gen aral health wh eirelli n;. 'I'here weie a. 4oet seven thousand men there, eager foi iciion, but kept inorni of iheir hnitiedi ie It waa presumed that Vn Cru would be the nexi poiul of attack, 4fld the general opinion wai ihat thr v would leave 'i'ar!io befjre the cluae of tenruary. t, The St. Catharine waa still off Tampico with a portion of ibe Nev York regiment. ou board. Jlanv (,f iliaufikeis had gone atbore, bm the men were not allowed to lane?. Nothing had been heard from the Missis aippi troops, wh'n h were s'ill on board (he ahip Staiesmati, but si the last accounts ibey were aiffciing dejdorally from aick ness. High honors had been paid at head quar icra to ihe late Lie nl, I)aid Gibson, of the second artillery. He was a native of Virgi-. nit, and a graduate of the military acade my al Weal Point. Gpi Drown, f the eieamboat I'ioneer, sent by Caneral Paitereon vo the succor o( the veilunteeia wrevkeil in the Outlaika, re turned to Tampico on the 7dii He report ed ihal on reciting the wreck of the Jn dirks bad finding ildeaerted he had burnsd her. Gen. Sooti probably left iho Bratoa on Al.e lOlh, on bnti lha lUaaaacnuaeua, which wasaatl to be wailing h-r him Four compauiea of artilleiy, umer Capi's, nnh and Swartout and Lieutenant Sliackalord aud Vmtor, acting aa hia body guard. The camp at Palo Alto had boen diecon- tinued and Oen. Worth and hia elaff were at the mouth uf (he river wailing to em bark. The roda between Cainargo and Monte rey were almost impasaable on account ol isi-a nt rohbtriea. The tancheroa were galheriDg in oil quarters. At Matamoraa they were ex peeling an attack. The Pbzi had been fortified, and lha place put iu a state of do feoee. Gen Velencia had beer, relioved from the command at Vera Ciuz ind his place supplied by Gen. Vayguez, The iltxi- sans were convinced (hat Vera Cruz waa to be ihe next point1 of a tuck, and were busily engaged in fortifying (he passes J lite road lo ihe city of Mexico' The Merctmrits of Jalapa had been J ed upon fur a loan of 84 ODO. Nothing has been hoard atSaa La ol Santa Aniio's fnarch. At Tula audJ,lnpa they were m !(. lerl in expec:atioti uf the attack efGensScuii The news from Texas is interesting, but nui enough so to telegiapli. h!jcicn Intelligence The private dvicea received tiom Mexico by ihe New Yoik Sun, furnitfh. some facu which heve not tianspired Ihr.mgh the pipers. The Church authorities are paraz d with honor at the proposition io lake the church properly for the pui- pose of cai r ing on ihe war" M-rn) if llie piie&ts have publicly declared in favor of a peace. One nas arresied in he Pi za of tlii Cdpiial fur lurrsiiuiiia he p.fojle and enlihtning Ihtoi us i, the condition of the Church in the Unit a I S u i l d. Ii 8ipiars by the sen tinl in he papeis Hut he pronounced ihiM'-xi- can (ovei erriennt worse thin that ol ihe Noilh American. The ht'er, he aid, prolected the Church, while the former coi fisciled its properly. Hi? was arrested and ioipi isotied, with foil) of his follower?. The El litpuhLttn mention the fie fa review, by Santa Ar.nn, of a com pany of tmerican deertars, pr iicipal'j lnh, reviewed by His Excellency the Cln eral in Chief. They are perfectly rpiipped, and are on the point ol ilrpmlurs (kjT Tula. This cornpinj nave made peculiar Gtundarl foi ilittn elv-, on I side cf which i? seen ihe na-n-nal coat e f Hfni, with ih mo'to'Ling ive Ihe Krpuhlicof Mr-xico.' O.i iht iiher side is a figure of Si. PjIi ick,theii ,iairon. We venture lo predici that i ny of Si. Pa rick in the vfineriran ar ny e ver come acmss ihesa lenegtdes they will give ih maucha diubbmg it hty will Le likely lo remember the re in under of thiir lives. Shotkiitg Trng eily. MurJer and Sui . . The I'oitaville mpurium of the Oi h in t. , say On Tuesday lail, Mr. Drtutcl Snyder, of Upper Mahantango, wa murdered by i;is wife, who il appears, atose about 6 o'clock in the morning and while ner hurband was el aaleep, and stjuck him in his fon head with an axe, killing him with a t-irf le blow. The eldest son who -lept on the tfli O'ld floor, sua a Kmc led lo the eene of inurdtr by thegruans of the father: when he was toJd by his raother thai he had 'done it.' Rhe then attempted to hrow herself into llie well, but was prevent- ad by the interference of eome of the chil dren. She then rushed into the bo'jee and cui tier thtoat v ith a ruor, ARMY COKKESPONDEXCE, LETTER VII. On board tiiz Suip Ocea:, January 29ih, IS 17. Cot, Webb: I embrace thelaai op portunity 1 ahull have this side of he Gulf, to infoim you that we have had a pl'-ansnt day to day. Yesterday we had moat kamendoua storm of lightning, thunder and wind. The vivul fl sites of lightning and defining peaU ol (hum! r, that I ever saw and heard, 1 mw and heard yesterday, while Ihe rain poured in torrents and the wind blew a perfect huiric me ami so heavy was th- ale, thai htinelreda of dollars worth ol 'ood, which had been brought tlown the liver in floats, were lotn from their mooring aud dashed i) pitces by the violence ol ihe waves. Ilul this morning every thing wore a more pleasing a?ppct, and ltiistio ihen i he moKt pleaainl day we havj had in two weeks. We weighed anchor Vhi morning about10 o'clock, and got un der way, being in tow of one of Iht large town boats, aud wo have this day passed through tome of the most en chanting scenery, 1 have passed pan of the afternoon at half iib", and erjiy ed myself veiy agreeably in viewing 'he fine plantations, Ihe rich orange trove, jUl titie rxtentive praries. JCoiyng appears to me can present a Gnter view Oiao the country which we ie passed. Im-igine yoeirse Ives upon a iigQ veeweJ, with a company of ' least three liundered enen the vessel floating down the Misiesip,pi Ihe hink sis t-stiiea" side skirted wiih pi mt ition ' of mgT can and oren groves, arxi he country back, for the mo: pjtt ex enive sjiararie, where the river is buuii led enij by the hctrizm, add in the pi aniee you sometimes see a tmaJI patch Vflive ofk', at oilers you tbseivt 'varnchs of ih.e liver winding their fer jieniine couri' AH thfse lfiing adile;l together hnsninile thispait ef our voy ge highly pictureqno as well as inier esiing. If we have good luck in s.ifely ly croi-sii'g the Gulf, I shall be able to )- which in my opinion i ihe finer view, the Ocean or Praiie. While we have been in motion since we left Djnville, evuy lliiog has been ihlereoting to me, and I have giincil many new ideas with respect to Ihe cutniiy bordering on ihe Mississippi. Phis is et i landy a great river, and the country lurk fi o.".;i i hu river ii hmei ihan lha immediate banks. Voii i.o lotiSt wish 'o know our (lesiin;iii. ti this is only conjiciure. As yet as we have -,i'( d miller sealc'ii oider, but the must piubable coi j-ruire is we ihal! sail for era Cruz. Il 1 fm 'pun! to write tgain I sh ill be able to give you some account of ihe pi-sage across ihe Gulf. Consigning all things, but few of the. men are ck, aa there are only six ol Cant. Wilson's company nn ihe tick list and six deserted, but not one man of the company has died, and the general health of the Actios) Ivania Regiment is good. 1 hBte cornplelfcly recovered from my cold, aud feel in very e.ood health but I expect lo be sick enough in cross ing ihe Golf, as ilr y sy ilul the Gu'f is generally veiy rough at idis s a-oi of Ihe year, and stor ids i e moru coin mon Ihun al any other auasorr Respi ctlulv youie, C- W.FOUr.NKR. For 'lie Viiinoerat. " DtT, BV THl'XDUR." Was you ever btl by a rattlesnake, one uf those venomous reptile s, the wound of which produces almoti ceitnin dcaihl V yon ever bit by a mad doc, and in conso duence. eel ihe tit uraplinlnar ell n waa'nl in either of theee ways, that 1 am (jning to speak of gelling bit. I'ray tell us how il is. Have patience and you shall hear the wholci You reccelleci ihe old ad aee 'patience ia a virtue,4 and if we wore- destitute of this, we should be very unhap py creaturesi Now any one would nol be led lo sup pose on reading the caption, thai I nisai.i io convey ihe ida, thai any body was bit by thunder, in this cold season of ihe year, when thunder is so u-ry rare. No 1 meant no such thing. 1 wish the whole menu io feu bid on llie word bit, and ther, you will gel iho whole idea." I In order to gire you a full Insight into he siauer of which I am uoaiinj, it will be neccisiry for me lo make a few prefatory, remarks, all of whic i howovei shall have some hearing upon the auhjt'il in question I tie 22 J of Fob. is a day memn.ble in ttio amula of ntir country, aa the one which g ive lo ihe world a "a hinum, arf eta an nual return is hailed tbroiiyhiiui 'our land. with emotion of jy, anil celebraied in a becoming manner, by the aged and tin yuung. Well it was not on ilns cl-y, bt,t then it waa only two day after, thai iho e- vfitls whteh I am about lo relate iranepirnl. True every day brings something new. The Genu of liloomabu'g Cm! it m ' This is a great country and ui.'ri a urtut. ponple,' Have any of you ever H ti J little place on the river bide, uhoui three miles up from Blooinnburg, comiMmi) known by the name of i'ppyiow nf If you have not 1 wouk adviso jou D ro it once, and hire one of Pieniisb f-iet (lorues, and go thoie, for il b deattned to attain hisiotit; fame. It ia very common for small towns in ih! country, to strive to sec which can to the biggest load in the puddle, and n i uoi uncommon for some uf them, m utrain al a camel and swallow a glint. Nov I won t not pretend lo say thai Khijiowi wea o: ihis son, no! not fot the worid. It has ben very fashionaiilr, iti this part of the country, tlui ing ihe patt niuicr, to get up Cotillion parties w hie!i are imch more fjchionable aud rtfiued man lallh,:tnd dirTt-rfiom ihem as much t iweedleduiu from t-weedlcdee. Ii seems tfseylown was determined not to be left in t he lurch, although, entirely out of the question, in making up the parties of neighboring places, ycitbe was not to be out-done, and there foie went to woik in earnest, employed a skicntilic Dancing Master, and had a regu lar school. Well ihe school had been well attended, ihi quarter nearly gone through,' the class had nearly learned two flgi.res, when they resolved thai their Teacher dc arrveJ, and should have a hem fit. It is but justice io the good people of Uspeyt.wr. to say, that ihey considered this Djiiclng Master, an object of charity, being appa rently deaf and dumb, (though consult red by many a 'perfect humbug' J Hud Ihey iheiefore no doubt ihnughl tiiey could Un t fi t him, and s-hine ihv(iielvf s. In the fullues of x their hearts, they ex tended the invitations to lilnointhtrg. Who could resist the temptation lo eo, w hen a professor of the art of dancing, was himself to conduct ihe performance? Twelve cou ple, aj eti in their Suriuay gi Meeting best, set out about dusk for ihe scene f.l thuir exploits, Th'i sleighir.g being very goml, ihey got there about iho lime they stnried. 'Che ladtea being safely dep"sietl each man put aw iy Iiih own horde, and fed him very plentifully on fence rail. By the way, fearing thai iho town would not be laige enough lo contain such a ci'inp-my, a hoii-n was selected, haid by, o;ily a niih oiT, where iheie .nighlbe a yreait.r chance to expand, and it waa here the cuupari) assembled For the purpose of having the best of urn sic, the lancing Master f-jiifeil i,o paiur but sent clear lo ISloiimshor, and aei-nn the services of one of our ciuzci.p, w h plays Jim v.row ami laoKte jjooii:o, ven well, barring the variation. He was it play in connection with the Dancing ,Mb- ter himself, who ot couise would be able to keep time with him. inasmuch as hecuuldn' hear al all. Well Ihey struck tip the firs .une on the key ol x, mid thai Ud into : tune, with which our part of the company wcte nol much acquainted. The first ha' hour was spent in liying lo gel the coaipa through the first sett, The performance i minded ene of an attea-;l, by it nwkwBrt hilow lo break colis. i'.isl pulling one: Inn then (lie oihci, and get,ing iheiu pubhing a bout, and tiually getting both lo balking The variety ir. ihe lime, tiuJe il ury con- vitiiciit both ror the niititile and the !iow, lor the master woulJ Ii ad o!l' the lunu al i raiid rate, and the other muMcini crim limping al -ng Hail a unto iitiiitiUi it is but justice to the iniis ciaiier from uui p-Iace to say, tliat he went with real reluctance as lie was nol in thu habit of playing the liddlo, except. ng I ir his own aiinieuioeot, oi thai of a Jul of boys who might gather round liiiu, and il was only by dnil ol gieai urging by his friend!!, thai he was prevailed upon lo go, end I thick ha must have re gretted his course, w hen he found hnusell ompelled to ride home ou fooi-bjck. After an all in pi al a dance liail been made for some iwo hoursf ii thought best to have eome supper. ' lis il must bo remcmcered was hbtntjit lo the Dancing Master, and of course all the prnfi'a were to go into his pocket So ir.siead of a supper. which wu:d have diminished ihe prod a, each of the company was supplied with a good hunk of ginger coht, which cf roor5ejcpmmif-i.iom r ;l0 mado a liesry supper for tliose from thi Iwhcn ourp.ipr!r-' place, all having gone from home wii1.ov.t their suppers. Nobody found any Unl . In it waa ihe maulers btnrjit. IV ill tin y hndu'i dam-id all night, before (he steam in aome ol the boll-guiea began (o ion Ion, and a hule afer tea o'clock coaio of Urn company concluded that il was lor (hem lo inizxle, or ai leui to ee w,.i lien hi! was going lo be. lamgiue lit your.-eif Archer lrvin rushing iu ljt hastu into li e kitchen, in search ol the iiaater of eereii nuiea, and on enqtming what hit bill wns, and being lold ilul il was 'only two dollars,4 do you suppose he gave vent lo a ny lug exprestiuns, uttered any eathe, ant swore tie woulJn'l pay Uiur.Ul I wouldn't for a siomeui hive you liunk sue! a t'linj. Il was a company of gentlemen thai went from Bloom and they wouldn't do audi a thing. Immedi'itfly a(W this fur soma reason or other, I c;ui'i imagine rthat, the whule Bloom dt-leation were gel- ting remly for blurt, w hen ihey were coolly lold by ihe master of ceremonies, 'they might as well dance till morning for it wouldn't com ihrm any more.' ill sic of ihe company pid their bi'ls, I know,riinf suppose the oilier t-ix ilul iIib same for they wi re L'cii.'lcmeii. I. couldn't be pos- tji'ole there wer six Archer Irvins iu iht coaipany. Nevti! Never ! 1 The company came aw -ay nil in fine spiriw of course. The Dopey town ilclega lion stayed and danced on, and for v;l;a1 know aee datui.ig yti. When monnitif came, our company didu'l feel at tl aura about the matter. Two of ihem didn't g up to Espeytown lo compromise thei and get one djlhir a licad deducted froea lie price. No! none of these things happen ed, ceriaiiily not. Perhaps some tf lid promising youth of Bicom would do wclJ :o tarry a while at Jonco. TEX ASUS. "TIlfTH WliEiH"." "tt' T. U. ii.LMF.Ji, Eq.iau1h.u-kktt kxuttst iiifCi fur Iht ' tioLU.MiiiA Dkmuchat .tnd empt all monies fur Hu!iitr!j)tiuii ond Advwiit to nt his Agtnei ki rliiluilcliiiJa A 58 Fine-afreet. !': Yurie " W)y-lssuu-itrmt. &.,stti " 10 S'ati-xIrMt. fittltiitt'ire S. E. our. ii.'. anil Culvtrlsk. .We(n?-MK'(j; and .''riiih sinen nniyjini H hi Ihnir ivlvnUiy to advert tin th's p'iperm H in the ouy jm ,i't!dislitd a iht County stat MUih i ii 1'ealitr (t-rctliillin i, til county thm any 'J !:- ktjr puU'mhsd ivithui sHliihitt. V-2500 APPROPRIA P10N. The bill auihorizing the Oounty Com . iiiissioners ut appropriate $2500 towards the new Public Buildinas at Bloomsbnrg, jusoeJ the House of Representatives on Monday hil without oppovitinn, end i now ilaw. 'I'hs silly cppn-ii i m cf the I):invile people lo tlii j'isl and wi-'n measure, Ins htia been evaoraicl into very thin air. to tuavkLli;:, Mr. Joseph l.iurish ha comnenccil run. nitig a Suigc tlirce limes n week, between Blooriisltirg and Po'tsvillp. Il leave Bloomsburg every Tuesday, Thursday and Saiutdaj tiKirningi, and arrives al Bh oiits burg eviry 'onday, Wednesday and FrU lay evening. By ihis arraiigcmcnt passen ii rs leave Bloeintl org in the morning and i.rive al Phi'adelf hia the next day at noon, by the way of the trading IS -til Road; deeping al Pottsviile. returning, they eave Philadelphia ii the nioniMi and ar rive M Bloomsburg ihe same evrniiu'. We liopo soiin to ee this line exiepdrd to To .vnm!j, aid to iMincy. Bull of these lilies are Kiy much nquiicd fur the nc -iindaiion of iravt Hers, ami wc luive no lotibt wotild be well supported. The Democrot ol ihe 2 Mi u!l. any s a lire broke o il on I'licjiLy afirinui'i in the up;er p rl ol the Undertaker's shop if 0. B.Pii.-e, oo Mai-i-atreet. This !to) VPs consii'tieil, togt t'n-r w ith ;he building nlj lining the slioi-niaket's shop of Air. I'ussel' 'I he hi''f frniiiR Inilliliriij at'ioin- ng. iied by J ihn IIjcIir as a smith alio md owned by G. .1. 11 llcnnai !i, was lown in crdir to arrest the denies ihrt-aiece-d the residence and store 'a Drake. The store house of A, i 1 Myers was much irjurtd in th ave it. . . m,. lafl at i'"" Congrci-s adjourmil on WeA bo'-1 nilit. 'J'hn three milliuo bilbut. and the (Vil.-nol provito tU State Con- I.,,. The 4ih of .Varch ia,tl I1; ,.aQ11j tion mittt Hnrriborr-tOVfjiioi R,;" , t innle a candi.luto not hMrJ i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers