I ' Th mlebnttd RabeUia' if trtid to hue in I the fullm ing w ill one mud ; I l"i'M nothing, I gi ihe rc i to ilir l lllf.' 'i muling some people, Niiir sjinpr la ham -ludu mistake. Instead of thi hui being s ift mi I ibe head nurd, il in vic ve i. Hor rill t Murder, X man bv the name of James P, Langfinf, residing in Kom in Bradford county Pa., on (lis 4 ih insi shut hit wifo u iih a 1 1 i h u 1 through the body Sh" va not expected to recover. Lnngfntd was immediately arrested, ami committed to prison. Tliij (licdlui der-d says the li' poncr, is tin another datk ehapur in ihe history uf Intemperance. At the arsenal rem 8: Louis, they havp it machine by which they make 180 ball a minute. Within two week" ii is thojght two million!) of balls were chipped fiom llut point to the seal of war. FAIN OR DmUESS .f any kind w lie itter of gout, rheutn-itism. htalaoht to ithache. or any other kind uf ache, is in nil cases caused hy impute humours of the liloo.il, w Inch noihinn nave vegetable purging (uirili int ) can remove; because by no oili er roeiina can siid itnpuiity be driven from tlie body. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have iu superior, if ittdied iliey have an equal in re moving every description of pain, beeausp they tarry olf, bv the stomach and bowels nil morbid and coiropt hnmnts, (the cause of disease) in r easy and natural a mannei that the body is srtuully restored to healih if by magie. Four ni fiva of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken nn:e in twenty-fnui hours, on going to bed, will in a abort lime not only dree pain or distress of every kind from the system, and restore the body to a slate of sound health, but the blood and oth er fluids will be so completely purified thai new lift) and vigour will be given to the whole frane yt.WAHK op CorsTr.nrr.rrs. Tlie itiMic ore enilioncd against Ihe many spurious medicines which ir. order to deceive ate ca! loci l.y names sim ilar t.i lWiiibl'n Indian Vcge ulili? Pills 'Vie only original ami gamine Indian Vegetable. Pills have the. bigna'we J Win Wright written with a pen on tin top label of Each box. To counterfeit this is forgery and ull others jhovld In shunned at p'dsont Office devoted exclusively to ihefwIeonVW.W JiuVaii Yegetiiblt I'ill.i wholesale nnd retail, I ''''J Kiee St em I'liiUlelphin; 288 (jicetuvieh. Street Now Vorki and IDS Ttemont Street, Huston. A?etit for lilorunsburg, (ieurifo Weaver, for oth er .deiiis tee advertisement, in another column. NO LICE. The j'OOKS of the subscribers have been balanced up lo the 1st January 1817, aud hi it is the first time they have been balanced since they commenced busi ness it, IJ'oomsburg they r.sk and expert everyone having an open account with them, lo call immetlrjlely and close the ame ALBRIGHT & MEN GAL. January 23 1817 LUMBER WANTED. By the suliscrihera at the Now Store dircetlt op posite the Court Hnuar. 10,000 feet (Jooil inch pin Pine Boards, 2t).0!)0 " YVgtithcr IJoaids, 10,000 Joists and Scaniling, (i.OOO ' (Jood sawed Uoards, 20,000 8hinglc .Vc For which the highest price will be paid in Mer. chandibs. MOAN & MENflENHAIX. J m.23. I81C. In pursiianes of an Oordei of the Or phans Court Columbia county, on Saturday February 13, 1817. next at 10 o'clock in the foienoon, Simnel Kisner (Inardian of the Minor children ol W ilium .Vilnius lale of Madison township in said routiiy deceased w ill expose to pub lice vendue upon the premises, a certain traC of land situate in Derry township, Oo- Inmbu county aforesaid, adjoining lands ol 'J homas .'dams, and laud forme tlv of Join Adams now Peter Mosderand others con- laiuirg about Acres. .morn or Ipss, about 25 aere of which is .cleared land, but no buildings thereon lair the estate of said i.ecased, situate in the township of Denv and county aforesaid. J ACOB EYEIM.Y, Clerk I)rvil!e January 23d, 1817 TAKE NOTICK. The Public are hereby notified that 1 purchased at Constable Sale on the 20:1. insl as the property of Clmles be in Ct lawissa township, 1 llureaii 1 dining laMe snd 1 large ii mi kettle and have, left the eania in his possession during my pleasure and foibid any person taking them from him either by purcbaso or otherwise, without my consent. JOHN S.9NDERS. Iliocm tnwnship Jan. 23. 1817. STONE COAL. rilR subscribers have no lmr.d a superior arti ofCMK. Iff7.Va:il H C :t V X V Z It C"C f i- whichtbfv arc aniiniu to sell. ' IIEFLEY MEW DEN II ALL. Octx Hricl lieluiliuol Voieiuii and l)on.ritie Men him ill.u io the County of 'oluiiiluu, u rt lurutil Ui, Jiiiiiary .ViV.-ion l4U, cTucd da I How; Clin. Xmiim nf t'irmn. Am' I nf Llctncr, i) T. t) t oi Mien no lio'iiir iiaiil ;VJ.j (10, 10 llio.illlflll.l ' linn II. , I l 111 paid paid paid paid paid p. lid paid paid I'.n.l pakl paid puid paid paid puid puid paid miil paid paid paid paid pai'1 unpaid paid unpaid paid paid paid paid unpaid I aid J' aid Ullj ail' paid pm I paid 1 I p.ild paid paid paid paid unpaid paid paid paid paid paid paid unpaid paid paid paid p.dd pa'd puid paid p dd paid 20 (III 10 I ton ildo'iM, Qoh.ie liipior 1 1 liiixif I A (iierr no lu mr 1' A. Miller no luioui 12 W.MeKulvv fi. Co. Ini.ior 30 00 15 12 00 IH 75 12 Mi 18 75 12 Samuel K, V o, 12 H. I'. Ilaldy 12 lo'wls VuHiine 12 (ieorgn l.ebiei k 110 hquo I iipior li'iuor 1M 7f. liipior is in 12 00 12 K.li.Kevnold.-&Co, no lupoir Kl I . ). lliwmnn noliiiior 13 Alltriytit it Momjit hquoi l:t illcy (V Meiideuhull lnp.oir 111 I.. U liupi'it no hquor lit LOIiart Vilnimi no liquor 13 Cyrus Ua-lon liipior 13 M. .UcDowell no liquor 13 I'eiry.Unnei.ouJi Co. no liipmr 13 A. II. KnulilutCo. no liquor 13 John sslmrplrr-rt liquor IS M. bioli.,1 ,o liquor 13 Jesse K. j!i.irplc?H liquor 13 Low i 'rhiinipsiin noliq ii.i 13 J. U. (Ireir no liquor 13 Moore oV HhMIo no liquoi 13 Win. K. Kitcinin l.i,uor 13 Kase & (.'o. no liquor 13 Kufiel V Monro no liquor 13 Dioimi and Jt ii.-y, liquor 13 Mann and Kloe I q .nr 13 John and Doimer no liquor 13 iMuthew Moisj liquor 14 Charles Kalt'us no liquor 11 W.L.W'alieiCo. no liquor 14 Jiun.'s yl-Wil.,011 no liquor 14 0. A. lieton liquor 14 Kves mil 7'aiiinan no liquor 14 Mtepheii Ilulily no liquor 14 (iilberl H. r'owlef liquor I t David Lexers 113 liquor 14 John l Llerr . liquor 14 Kobert 3e('ay no liquor 14 Isaac Strmp no liquor 14 Kusscl I'. Wcllivcr no liquor' 14 Ceo. Masters no liquor 14 (i. V Mjers no liqimr 1 4 J. W, Hiirris no liquor 14 M. O. Miocmakcr no liquor 14 Huch McWilliaiiH liouot 10 00 i.- no 15 00 111 0(1 10 00 I.) OH 10 00 10 (10 11 (Id 15 (III 15 00 15 00 id Ou 10 Oil 10 0( 15 00 10 01' 10 00 15 0(; 15 00 10 0t 15 0b 7 I'd 7 00 ! T 0tJ 10 ftnj 7 on! 7 .Hi' 10 ";(i 7 00; 10 SO 7 (10 7 7 7 7 7 7 00, 10 SO .4 J. 4' l. WeCormick 14 Joseph MiNinch 14 (ieorjie McAlpin li quor liquor liqlllll liquor liquor liquor 10 so! 10 SI, 14 Willi 1111 Colt 14 Levi Uisel 1 1 Kiehard Fruit 14 Nalhan nvdor 110 liquor 7 00, 10 50 7 no! 10 r.oj 10 50 10 50 7 10 50 7 14 fehsinaii & iStrouso liquor 14 K. mid J. Lazarus no liouor 1 1 .Stewart and Co liquor ilu Julia I'. Levao liquor do J. Slioua and C. liouor do William I.eiyht lic(ijur lo Jacob V'enicr hq'.mr pro, 'li Masters iMendcrdiull no liiiunr p od Aot returned by Lonttuijict. CLASS FOLTM'KiN. Henry Trees no liquor paid 7 Hicks liquor pa'd 10 50 C. Zimmerman ho liouor p.iid 7 J. 11 Unilhwell liquor paid lo 50 CII I5LRS F, MANN, Treu-uucr. Danville, Jan. 22, IW47 no net:. N hereby given dial 1 ,av purchaspil ai (Ninstahle S ! as the property of John Moycr the following articles one lioreaii one mantle Clock and four Shoals and havi left ihe same io bis possession during m pleasure and loibid any person taking iheio fmnt him either by purchase or otherwise without mr consent. i'LTEK )R!BLTAS. 1S17 J.; 19. ADJOURNED e V virtue nfa tesl.iumi vend- ox. to mo direct ed will b( exposed lo public sale ut Orange- ville, in Columbia countY, on Wfdneulay the 27th day of January ne.T1 at I o'clock, P. M the fullowiug prnperly, to wit: ALL Ihe ri'lit, title and iutiiresi of uv hoiis oi 'I'T.iv flei-, deceased, 10 a ci'ilaiu tract ol I and silo.iUMil Fisldimcreek towo-liio. ( 'olumb';. county, cuitaiiiini; !i J0' aeaes nioie of e.s.j,u!i.iui 200 acres of wo'a ti is cie.ncd la d, homiilcd h) I tiiil.s of.S'jumel ty'rcvliui;, .l.e-ob Weuiii r, Wicliaei Vaple, lbiilicl S tie.!; or, I'.Ium Melleniy lied oilier:-vhe-co:i -.oe civeted ei'iiVeii Lo llou-ic- ju! ei?Jit b ir os; wilh tho uppui Iviuii'ces; kl.ort II as tin Heubnui bin ! !ei;eil, taken io exeeulioii and lo be hiUI as the properly of the Heirs of llenrv iiei -z, HKNJ WIIN II Y1 . Sheriff" siikiiiim 's On n i:; U invilb: Dec, 25: la 10. IMiASTKES. NOVA SfOI'U ll,.Vr:ii. for sale foi l'h or in excliiiilue lor all kiiiils of g.'j'n or u-mxI Liiu.bcr, bv llbll'I.LIY k MENDLlMl ALL. Oct;?4 .11 I i. . I . r i I i ii ninrr jmri iuimiir r.lxf'r!irrr . the. .ew Factory if lm tin I'tni. (:." l,t THOMPSON & HICKS." flgiir. subscriber-have opened a I'UTri.llV jg on tin! -o.nl lea I'niK Ireni .Vein to 'J "!,;. 1 -1 near the Mclliodist f 'bun b. Ulo. .rin-hini, Ci Umo iiia couiiiy, ivbric ,ey inteoil lo inannfai lure warenf tile best inaleiinl; Ibe bitet aril innt nj - proven pancriis ami lim.-l,co in t!ie verv Pest man uer; such as luts 1 1 1 nlljdescrilitloiis; liii-besot ev. ciy variel v iiti.l .lii -s of a'.l si.e ; u niii varielv n iber nriicbs too iiiuiieioiis to nieiiii'i.: in f.m im! and every ViirliOy which im v be wantrd any who in a v I'm or Ibcio v. iili a -'. A supi.lv kept ci'iistanilv on hum! vhiib will be sold , ., , i ; , i l . , ,1 i lli'lis,i, ,,, m-,i:i , I i i I . ( I li , ii I li, ,,i) I ill Clienp et for ca li or cminirv tireibne. A'..i ilry l'ii.e Wnoil lai:'n in cm 'bullae for ncrk il tlelivered al their shop. lil.ioiii'tn p Si plen.l.-i J, IStn -20 GLASS L'ST received al the N V, W STlRR li II RU PERT itjy 3 IJLANKa-!! BLANKS!! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, IS IU vir'tie ufa writ officii foiis, to rne direct d will he exposed 10 public sain it (an ire in loluo.hi 1 count ; on Saturday the $th dcy Ftbuary next cor" ' ''dock, I' M. the- following property 10 W.l; Onii tinili"id(d moiety or half par' of nil that certiiti piece nf grcond lying ami bointf siiuatcd in the town id Danville, Ooluinbia 'ounly.beiiig 5(1 fort in frnni'on.lill sirceion Slid low 11, and 101) loot along 1(111 ulieel which divides Jot ph Curii) lisim's propf erty I'mm the lm levied nn. SO feet run ning from said street along on alley ti lot icoiijiied hv Tlioniin (,'iark, theme along 'I'll oin is (Jl;.rk' loi 150 feci to Mill Hirer if.iicsiid, bounded 0 the est by Mill strep on the west bv a hick id ey; oti the south hy Thomas Clarh's lot, and on Ihe north '') n back s'reel rnnnine from Mill sireei iloug ihe lot owned by J.iM-ph I'ornelison 10 tlie sireet lerminating at iho aitieJuo,i,nn which snid lot arc erected a three elory I!ri k II u.e, oe. eorgo IJ frown il 1 j 'i boi.kseller anil suiniiiir, a Inme kitehe a w I i e fi in IwtlllllL' hou-e uciiipii d Li J.ilin P firriiei. i ftame Si itdc tc. umm I 1 ail ihe houses, 'iui-l)oues, huildinps and privhgegand ap ptirteiisiicis, in the al om diseribtd prop--rtv, leloiiging or in iinyuisc apptnain nig as the pmpcrij of delcndaof Seized, ink i'ii in rxceuiinn, snd to le sold asihe property id (,V'rtr, ,, I'.rown I1KJ, IIAY.VAN. X'ltJff. 6':n:i:irK's Or ret?, Danville, k Janu irv, 23, 1817. L'UKAI'! CIIKAI'.' CIlliAP! Iir.XUY i'.ljTPI.VCKll. cLOf'K watch -M aker, J UWl'FCTFJilJ.Y informs the public ihat l,o bus locutid hiuiKcll in H;e back roun' I liomas 1'iiiotoi's ulli-e, 011 ibe enl koIk f jfiNiiropicd by (J 10 50i.M,i,kel, above Maio-alrcet, DIoouKsbu g, 11, d i 10 50 prepai-td to 10 L,,''P"ir n!l Mnil f Clocks and Wulchtx, in ihe be.-t manner and on the. leiiiis. most reasunabli XFirjixi) sEcoxn ii'iTc;u:s kept eon:-t'int!v on bund for sale. December 12, Kslfi 34lv 1UM) raltmMe Y ws i r" y -r The stihsctiher l,jvin;r been eng iced ncai I'tir'.y years in ilto ,Mir;'uiii!e liusiness ivis'ies lo m lire seiile up concerns, and iJive vouugi-r bands im oj.ei rnrntv ' making irionev, nfl'i rs Ins I'll 1 1 1' l HI.OOM TOWNSHIP. .1.,,s,Mii.,. oi SIOIvL, MILL. FAR MS, rL'.'NACT. ind ot!n r pro, eriv this prop'crtv is sittiatri' on lug IVhiiigcreck thri.c miles from v!. "inal nnd s:!m disiance from I'Loom-turn die new Seat of Justice A: is a ynod Lir .- 1 ir-i-liirany public businoss. ,LMl h is :'(,Dr :i:-.o Stones, Willi the iit'ccseai-y Knits anil tuber mailers. Furnace calculated In nuke S." Pons Piii Iron per week is suiu d io pM either (Jhar Coal or Stone (!onl lus e:i ni successful operation for li e p:i-t i-vi years, Iron ore plenty in il.p m- t , t ; r -hood and wood lai.ds wiilun a lew n.iu s the I'urnaee Or would sell ono hr.lf the Interest in ilu properly to a petsno compeit ni nnd wiiline l' lake an aeiive hand in iho man'.,oenitni, Addiesa to l.ijhtsirct't Posi O fli e Co'iimbi-i eooiity Pa. M. Mi DO U F.I. I.. I) iceo.ber 3. ISI0. The Dinviih; llemoera! IVIii. ci Journal Pootsville. Democrat an' A te us. ll.isioti.aiid cller.mn D-mnerat, eadio:r. will eivc the iboecycc inseriioos and forwatd their bills mr p.vmeot lo McDowell, Light-Slice'. ir to tliis ririex. 2 Uons and 2 Lots l'-iii AI.I'.. in: S' li ;i ri'i 'r niiers i,r a'o I i pro 1 1 V k II i'ed 00 M.iiii-Hee!, !!! kjIii n ! , Hopkins' -vl nil i ) a lew doors al oie 11 inn Siiyler'. Tin: twt I ili a !j ,in. I'jPiin mie lliu.t h a two stoiy I i I .Mine 1 ilue. a.:.i ivnni lb, io r a small Fume 11. hi -e. I liev will be ..bl i ...... !-r or s, p. :n.;;e lo 'nt ! iiie.i,i..eis. no 1 on rtM.-,,jn u !o te'iie pou application lo lURNM'l) SF.YI5KRT. Lloon'i.-'iiiri,'. .No'.eiub t 321 f A !!0'JSK AND 10 VN 1,0 IS FOR S.if.IJ. I he snbseriorr i.'.i. rs i,r s..e bis town property, si irate on Main sut el 1! minis 0n;o ('ILipkins ndddion). There are three i tow ii lots, ol i) i leci ii iip.i pacit aojoirilng. ' 'I poll one IS a I' li ,M I'. IHJOni'j ')iSt,V iill'li'o, .I'd a g'"id well o! water, near the bv.,jr, ''ie tvholu Will be Sold lii"el!n r oi i j,, ,, ,iu! ,,, a;. .,,,. I, ..;. , bvb. UiC cuiuiif. JOSEPH ll'MU Ni Rloommsl urji, Dect inber j, I 8 10. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! BR.tSS eiht.layand twenty, four hour Cloc', just received al I he A renin ALISiOCIIT c- MEN .'EL Oct io CLOCKS. LI!M and Coiiiinon, new style just received and for sale cheap at the new iore. L. 15. RUPERT. Ami Fresh Arrival. HB suhcrrihers hava just received and r' now openini; a splendid assortment of HOOTS, willed iliey aru prepared lo sellalittle. CIIRAPEi; lhunthoCilJA'i:6T. McUELVV Co. Dec. if). CAKPENTEUS' TOOLS. A lar assortment of iho best kind of Carpen 1m. u'r Tools juat received mid will be kept con- siumly 00 hand at the Arcade, ALbBKJU r & MCNGKL Oct 10 NOTICE. jn jr.i n iiiuiiuH no ooui'i are aware mat wo vJr itquiie money to tuiry on uur business, we ibeiefoie lakit ibis method of inlouniiu tbem thut . itt e i . . , .1 . ... vvo aro now enirneed in ntok incr uo balances on llOoku. H eeXlieet ull lllosi. kliriuinn lliiimmlua. ndebled lo us on NO'PA'. BON D or lJOOK AC. tULAl.of more than one year's stnnilin!?. will .. .n i : , ., ,. ' uc.nnii urn, uim nn, MM ol reiuuiiiv lie-it mil settle iho same without any binder la' . from WM. McK.LVV &, 'Jo, Dee. 19. NOTICE IS II Mi Eli y 6 ir;x, O all lei;atcea, creditors in d other pe sons i.u leresleil in the estates of ihe resocclive de. v denls ami minors, that tho ado ini- tralion inn unnr. dian accounts of the suij estates have been tiled in Ibe nliicc! ol the lleuisir of Ihe ctiunlv of Civ luiiiliia, und will le presented for confirmation and ailowiii.ee lo the fi phiiulu Court, lo be held at Dauillc; ill aud for tae county afoiesaiJ, on Wednesibiy the 20th d,iy of January, next, at 2 o'clock, M. 1 The account of t-amuel Creasy, Administra tor of ihe estate of Henry reas y, lute of .MiiUin township, deceased. 2 Tlie account of John Bea'er, Admiuinraloi ef the estate off.lbriihaiii IJealer, late of Filling creek township, deceased, 3 The account ol Tbomas Mendenhall, Lxec titer id' he tn-,1 will and testament of John Smith late of iSuuarloaf lownbhii, dece used. CHARLES CONNER, Register. Regiset Olhce, Danville, Dir. 18, 1810 VICTORY! VICTORY ni'iuir. nun mu uunAin 7H AT a lint and a rumpus' there has been since the arrival 1 Ibe cclebiiited llni V. ,-. liJiit, brintiii vilu, lufL-st arid rhc.n.ci ,..,, I.;. -eason ol IVKW GOOD8 '.'.'hii h T- ere depo.silcd at , ;. IIFI'ETTS NEW STOini. oi Main.yirett. J'bcy ,ue now hellini; at such n '.i;iid l a'li io conseipicni e of their low prices, i oat f.irs aieenUiini,,,,) one half the pra-.!e will net eel tin ir winter'- nupply out of Ibis clieap stock. All those, lin n, who want (rood cheap nomb shoiild rail iuunciiimely und supply lheri,s' Ive. wilh y;ro:ulcb)t!is, iNiUinciis, Cassi'meres, I'vei. coal cloth. Vf.-;ii;rs or ol'.iuv diMeripiiou ofcbiih lor .l.'tu',; !,!. Prints of any description aim mice, r,ibu, I'iK.i. li...!i,i,ei'ov, Mousilebiines. Pmj. iHiaud Fieeci Mirinoes. Alpaccas, r,m! t;ilitii-l Tuf.ery. Ci-hoicies Ulanket Vih.nvls, Pckcl l.:ill ,!((!', oe. .. I.,(l..,,. , ;'l-,iss IM 1 1 1 K ni' lo-ei Hull. I . Inve :, ,, !; i.'i ! let any tbLo:.; e.. ui n may ne uae,:c l, ,.;:mit ,v-k amis-, . ' itocEii n: v ,?,- mv.uiE 'jisb (MtiCKF.UY H.lrlE. Slid nu may ol-o have vour pick out nf iioevten- ive i,s,iie.ii oi i,y if t.i icrsnt.n suoks 0:1 1I. I' (;nd CAps. Cull siMii or you win will be to lute to buy tlie hcapc-t 'iinl in .-l yuod in town. Nov. 2.S iiav; jfjsr ii,:i'rin:n an additional siTPr.v of Clollisfinp) ;-,r,l rents to ; ,"l i ti iei i's li.vin oi i to ' certs f'n.- in c:c.- r,,,,n r7 cents to 2.25 Ci.ssii(l,r,..i. ;,i;,,s Silks Velvet Vcsiil.es Vioin I.'i cents to f,1) (.'B-l.ime.-es dehiiim .VAilefcnn Millinsfrom 25 toCf; .1 s'pb ni'id .-, -oilnient of piints fmni 4 lo IS cents I'l'iiUfv Ivn-evs of si vend kinds Pl'Vrhi'd no1, ban bed inu-lins liomfij to 11 els I'li'iiilciiiniis iv ladies crav:its ''!,ives Ac, iVc In .short a full a.-soit'meot ofiby goods ALSO, A sj,!c,idid i-sortmeiit of ( V.ieeiuwaie.V: II r. n! '.v.a n ROOTS AND SHOES. '.'ens course biosnn shoes "l cents Mens fall' siloes Rood l.2'i Mciisrfiarse bonis ft f,'l Mens line limli bom 2.i0t.i ?'?,.Si (ire-eriei of'r r b".-t li.tf V l.'o!:iscs l'n n lo (ill ei nl.; per gallon Serar ('u!l'.'e and so lorlh. Thev re-pee; iiily iuvile the allenli'in of the pub lic to an caieii' iiiieii of tbr nooils. l;.s( ln'.vn. November 2S J. il. iniJTOX CO. "fil r.Pi:'"!'!'! I.I.V invite tl., u'.t.;i,iioi, ,,; S the public lo tho '.v'lii'u they hive m.hv opened in the ,,wor part nl l"!iioiiisbiiru 'I'I'e sli'ek in.-, 1 1 earefnllv sce,-. ed, nnd it is believed lit il ibe r;ile nl w hiihliie Hoods are sold u ill t;ivc general r-ulir-fni-iinn. A diey intend SKI.l.lNli entiiely FlK u wiil be unnece- -ary lo h.-i-ao :i bieh pr.iiii p, ?r. lire llie'n-eht Imho b,-s wincb alway; alien, Is lb, red ;l ovslem. Their stock cousi.-ts uf ,t genera! issoilmeiit of HARDWARE, f?U SEN'S WAR E, !) WootN, (l occi'ic's, Ac They !l..Vii Vol is es from 3 1 11 to rents per gallon. f ..C... Cr..... l. Ik I , III- II , " I ,,, , 1. Hill' ,1l 'l'lll). l.icfSiirfrom 2 lo-? t" 1.1 rents per pound l'ei,per "j cciils per poetid. ('abcoeslrnio lo J. cents per yard. Mnsslm Irom I lo J do S.iitinrtts from to 7"i do Carpets from J. J. to do with a splendid assoinncnt of .Mouslin lpaeciis, (i.da (.'loth, Uc Ac. al the sj tiunate low price.. N'ovemU'r U :) do laines, nc pri'j'or- I VA FAl WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER nx) KSPECITUI.I.Y iufottns ihe ri'i z"s ' Columbia county, and tie 1 llblic generally, ibat he has locntet himself in lShH)lii.!lir2,7, wh"re ho prcpareti to do ll t.mda n M.t',i ir. h s line m the nr-alest and hm sylp having had en I Ucipiii (Xierieiir.e in i'ie buHnti-9 and hai h t procured a good Rssnrirnpnt ,-if Ihp Pl iS'l ENCLISII a FRENCH MAIEIilLs flaiteis jmKtc ,h, dp 0v pej9 .;, in ordt r lo eeenre ihe cumo'ii. Hs has on hand q gcner il tissonin ir.t ol Spectacles and (Utisre In .suit all 'ge-. lso-.Js'ilvpr pencils. Thimbles, Keyr. Guards, e, Fob and Cu ird Cl ams.' all of which wi!l be sold at the most reison ahle p-ices and warranted lo Le what the are sold for. CLOCKS AND VATCIIES. of evpry (Ipscription neatly repaired ana U'urrttn!cd Ami especially nerson will do well lo call who have lini Watches such as Lppines.Dop'ex Ei-cap-menls, Anchor A other Levers, Repealers, tLc., as ihey w ill S caref illy rrpured and warranted to pet form well. N. B. The golden rule in our busimss is CJiSIL and jn oider to justify our piices ibis will be required. Shop on Muin-strccl. below Mailut, nearly opposite (ienrgeJf'eetvers's Store. December 12, 1010 I 34 'No Humbug. " WE ARE NOT PUFFERS.'" 'PKITHER are wc aoim? to talk a'ooot War lie'wccn the Lnik-d States ond Mexico;' nor oi selling goods 10 per cent. I clow cily prices.' Neither are w o goini; In slum; together in out ad- veiliseiiicnts every ihiug we have for sale, Pom a ueei.le In an anchor, but mail; what wc say V'o are going lo Keep as nice a variety of Goods, ( both ,iiaity and price, as tlio.-'t -a ho make more noise in the papers than we do. We have pur chased our goods as cheap as ii is pnsaible to buy ilieni and we will sell them as cheap, if our friends will give us a ca I at our rreemlv creeled bv E. . If- IHOCb'S, directly nnno- ile the new Court House, and next duor south uf Deebler's Hotel, wc will show them an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS -'dueled expressly for their accommodation. A moi'g iho articles of nnr coons we have French nnd Aineiicin CLOTHS, Cas niieies.saliint lls, vesiu;s, Ac Ac. For ihe Ladies we have Caslmie'c-;, Monslin le liiins.Cushmcre K'nbes. Cbiiikiiij;, prints of cv erv etdcaiid pi ice 1'ioni 1 In i.'i ccnU jier yard baitls, Cloves. Ac. Ac. in fact every varielv ot nierch.iinlize usually kept io. country store.i.hcsi.fct -ome tbioys a link iIJ't,-i,it. A1.S0 IhU and Laps uf every description. As for our : :' GROCERIES call and examine them I'or voi;rsc!vc,aiid you wi! lind tlonii e.xcelh'iit and very cheap. They Inve also an iissorlmenl of QUEENS AND HARDWARE. And the be-t of JI.U'JiEKKL Srish Calinon if a sopeiior ipn.iiiy. All of which will be dis loscdofi.i exihaiige for Cash ir Countiy l'rt iluce. SLOAN A MEN D.NHALL. Blooms urii. Nov: 7, 1 S 1 f " L A 'IE S -rAA'D " C 1 1 EAPE'ST! GliOEGV, WE. ;"ER, IS JUST 01'1'MM; his Fall and W inter Goods A N I' pun ha.-ers will linu u I csli and j'Vmlit iissorlnii lit of I) y Good, G met in, Qarcusu-arp . Win dwei re. Cedar wet re. Ilu It, C.iv. ,ie.v snd Sh'ir.s, AC. "oii-.istiiu; in pill of Cluibs. nbiin end fancy Ca--inie cs. On i;o' daii-niv nnd Kenluckv j-an- aPinftls nnd e.-;io ;s ab acca and paraoiaiis elolh French Cashmere und ca-!'ilien lis, liniusiiti ib biins and piints ol tne mnst l.e-bbienble style ,ca-h-ineres looile thibel, MJL. Djui.-h and woo shawls. iV To all ihein wi-ldni; fii-hinn.ible Bfit cbcii ;o u!s tin- be-t iippofliniitv now ell'er-:. Cu , ;,, vhiie Ibe a-soitiiiLiit is lull for the rare.t ef bar -ililis. Oi I. HI, lis r of i.finViRs Heinainln? in the Past Office at Cutta whm fur the Quarter ending Decem ber 18 IG llarninper Will licit .nrsliMin lirnoh John llr.ib-i C .7 f'uiinina,-am Oeorge 2 IIppopi .7mos l)avi.7zriali Roper Thomas I S',1 Ibatll John Selind, Chiripg Skibine T V. Smilfi S ioiupI Thooiast'pbpccaS Vnuolii Jiilm W 'ills vvo till ,'iiz Wale is .Varott Water-t (i,',iriT P. IADY. P. M. ' . . . , i ,j V " r ,y".ar . 6 Kri-her (Gideon Miller ."dam p.?rL R BLUE srONI-J CHINA WARE i R N 3. 1 Sells or separate pieces; just received and tor sj'.o al ihe Arcade ALBKIUll T &. WLNGEL. Ort 10 CHARM S It, l.rCKALEV; Allorn y r I.r.ir, !wt bouth tide of Aiainst. ltow Market - Wli r, ATTEND COURTS IN IDE COUNTIES OF COLUMLIA M) I.UZKRNE. t'lMltLES KAHLICIt, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND ).vi:yaa TAl, RI.OOV1SRURG, COL. CO.. O.hce, corner of Hast and Main-slreets. OEORGE O. WALLER, Attorney at Law, 'k'-o.vsE.mo, Columbia County, Pa. 'Wee on Market a few door above Main. street if AI.OOMSDURG, I'a. WM. C. HAWKIXS, M. Ti K'.3jicjr.a anil SnrSlon, A VINO locileo himself in 1:1 .... 3 2 ders his profe,s,im,Uervic,.B , ",. ,lUc' tie ii,y be e.misulttd t ... L: ; . . Uoebler's Hotel. " "l m" lulce " August 20, ltiW 18 GTTUK OLD STANDS SliSbt Side Up J Wiu. McKULVY a to. NFOIt.M the public that tip y are Hill dnipj' bu usiness at the OLD STAIN D. in.he'Ri flliil hiuinrr ,,ui i . Hay,' and havinc itist receive,! one uf ihe largest and most exieitbive now opening assuitment ot ever broinrbt i uo this neiyhborliood, are deleimio 111 to Ci il 1 1 i u doinir bnniimss in ,1,.. u ,.ia 'Kifhl Uay, Ci.it Ihey may keep up wilh Ihe limes, urn! sell, as usual, as low as they can be pur chased el.-;eiv!icie io (he county. Among their DRV GOODS may be found Mouslin de laines. Cubrr rin,.. '. ntyle of Clpakinsr, Egypii,m Velvets, CaHcoet fromfl to 20 rents per yn't Cnsi,neris from 37 1-9 to qj) Cents per yard. CLOTHS from 75 Cents to $Cr yd. ns will os all other kinds of cloths foi .jB,lie' l (ieiitlcnicn'g wear from a Cap for 'he head if, a slocking mr inc iwt, ul me mime reduced low r,r CCS. '" J'hev have al o an utisuaily lui-e assortment ef GROCERIES, II A R D W A K E, QVE E Ny WARE. CEDARWARE, ii,,' c. rjeheral assorlment or ull kinds of. HOOTS AND SHOES. ror J.a.l.i s "mil. licnflcmcn. Also, a lareo lot of f.r.t..i iii:2 Ilauiuu'i'oil Bur uui ollittr Irou, uilalile f '' "-must any Urfe , tlt. ,.0unrv. All of ch )' will exchange for Ciis'li, Coun ry Produce r I.umbei upoii such lerms as th.-t ill who tri.J,, with them will be salislicd Jjcsum Old CALL AT THE OLD STAND. November 14 FANCY AND TNDS0R Uhair IVIanufactory, (DJ NEW 7,'A f Look well to your interest! Refute you piirchasn, and if you wan ,'ond bargains, ji;si call M the shop of BOON A BAR TON n Main street nearly opposite C. Ivahlern office, where you en find thptn rp,idy at pI limes lo furnish Fancy anj Windsor chairs, settees, Uosion Rocking chairs, or ny kind whith may be called for. as ihey will always have on hand a good ssor nrntofall kinds which thev will sp ut tlie Inwrst price rossihle fur rush or rs- haiigs for lumber or country pioduc'e: From their lot.f r v e.ii ,,cp in btisi,iefi., 8Rj a (!i':eni,inntio:i to do work whieh cannot he sorpiisscd in the county, they ask for a -hate of public patronage-. 7 hey will aluo xet ute House. Sign, rW urnntnental J'uifit, ig and lliuse Ftr.rri, in the neaie-v. r.d no9t approved sii i Bi,j upon reiis'iMuble ti'i-cis, LOON f: BAR re. Dlooinsburg Oct. I I, IS 10. 2G'v tJRl'TlN(V. A new supply of elcTuni rarpei'irRjiif. rfl f . ed al ibe new stoie. 1 ' L. D. KCITR- Aiu. 1 TWO APPRETINiS, T otbcCARPEN I'ERING DColNFs ate wanted immediately, Two , ' f j' Hi ir 17 years old w-iil receive goo woun agemein np in spplicaiion in CHARLES Kr. ..rf',L lV"0'n !' 7 November 14 CARPISTINo" Pbe sn!,cribers have on hand seme: 'crdid In rail; and V'enelia Carpctiiig whiiluiny w'ili (J tery low, .0A,14 TOvsr-m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers