Uf..ro DO ii Itfiirr Ci.nn mm "I ' lfk,(S(, l'' thai hirnv.'. .i-iing iM "'' '' Mwlr ttt Wiethe aid of the n.CHB.iy i,,,r. ran be made t1"" '" PH? . hands.) ne romun. roUM n( present I.cdgtr. Tnl'TU VilTBUl'T H H 1 h. -KT,m of lie (Vi.t.vi'.lA I'rMrdiAJ i ... I ..... lammed into ll.e Ht!W ll . i ... .... i. ni Mum Uriel. ativ ISlllllUllff. O.IUIII iloou Ulow Ma.kel. i' t P tr -.;ri , is iilti': loauw ' ' '.. ... IUui.1 ht. uu It A-'Oit r He -u .... .. . ... ,:ilm.mUf.,rubitnS:Un end AUu.t.. hi' ul hi AukicUs in " 1'hiLMpiua h 09 Vlro t. jSVu. I'.. " lOO.VwrtHi-'"'-,. ,,,. ' Hi- St,:nttrt. ,!, i;,tm this v-i.i. COMMISSION!, WILLIAM U. F0STKII.jr. rOK CO.NGUKSS, OWION 1). LKlU. yon ASSE.ML'l.A', KlLWAIiT l'ERCI2. FOIJ SIIEKIFr, DENJAM1N I1AYMAN. rOK COMMISSION!' K, l-ETini A'LINE. von At'Dixon, MiCOItMlCK. rou conoNEi; (.ORNELIUS CJLECA'NEU. AS AriMiENTICE, To the rriutiny LiHirs ii ivuntcJ at this Of fxi: An active boy, 15 or 10 year "f wiiI IC" tcivc jtooJ ci.courajj. tii.'rl. On onr first eidc will be found tho con elusion of the aiiirle in regard to tlu'ies on pufilish the part' already given, as tile 'afii- cle ts sn connetlei!, as to rtnder us publics tion entire desirable. TiC'Ki'l S. The Democratic Ticket, is now print ed and cm b had upon application at ll:is ofiicp. Our democratic f'i iends are :i quested to call and receive the Hrpii u'As Dumber fcr their election distiict.". A (iREAT YIELD. Wo arc informed, that there wbb raised on the farm of iMr. Aaron .imbcrson, of Franklin township, the prisonl Bcason, the production cf one ji-ttul), one nnd thiei eighths bushelo of pola'.ces. Deal this lu can Our miscellaneous readers must excuse us for devoting our paper this week iilmoM exclusively Id political mailer. After one week moic, too election will be over, and wc will ihcn present our usual variety. THE TICKET. Fiom all patts of the county ,rur accounts tire i-ivotJile lo the ebction of the whole Democtalic Ticket. There appears to be a deieiinination on the purl of the Democrats to slaiitl by their old faiihi and not allow the whigs lo have a jollification bfier Ihe elec tion, over the try of 'Democratic Columbia icoiijmcd.1 Lcl every democrat then, al ien ihe Foils, and cacl his vote for ilie wholo Detnoeraiiu Ticket. ip The FederaliMs have apiinintcd coin m'.'rcs of Vigilance in every lowio-hip to t:ir out all their voters and to nee that ilicv v.';in for the Cattawissa tiei.cl '1 bry don', intend to lose a voir, noi one! In view nl this fact, wc call upon the 'ictivc Di-mocrai.-1:; c;ich township to wa (ii.it their Deum cr i'.ii- friends and neighbors roruc nut to tin f icciinn. A hlilo troublj will secure a ful: v.iif; and we will then sec whether iho pen 1,1c -. re in favor cf llic Dcmocraiie lickel o. the Federal ticket. The Danville Deinocr.il alledges thai Dr J.eib Ktistained the President in the veto of the River and Harbor bill, and let loosn a dim furiniif ly on lhal ground. Our iiriiih . bur is habitually loo carelecs in his state ments of fact. In li. is case if Ids statement were true, it would be no eu! i-ci for just: xcaiplaiiil. nii; 'iKTvrr. Why t-hould tny I'emociiit f.iil to Mr i il.e candidal, s on ihc Democratic uUnhi. Ml? Mr. Foster the candid... for ('aii.IC.niiniii.Hi.Hnir i 'i boncel ... i ,,), In ill.- office L.r vvhnb ii l ..unmet r and III' IH Ili.llU'll. H " b - well srqiuiiiirJ Willi nil our buie mr v i ..iK. fciii-1 nif i no (irilVl'll.t lHH. " I" " J '. r,.,l r'oii.ii.iabi.iix . Mr. .. i i. ...... u.h' mul tiur nublic I )ur Mull! (I. I l ' 11 ) j i,i.r.'tiiuiiH, ii wen n.rtu..g' . ' M I ...... 1,1 I fl II . U'l III! piovriiirnii have supported themselves ,n, vielded a handsci,,- mm ' pum . L -. ..I ,cm..v since Mr. Foster whh Hi mev.au... Ii ...id. and thcvdiJ noi do h before. w totuhat Mi. roller ui:.Kf K ' . . .. . I ,m. .iUi.er, and every voter r.iel.re n Mirpoit l.'un h'u'i tniire cni.fi.Ien.-e. i. .. . .. ;.. ii.n r.M.i tv. should by vt'ry mii. ". ..' 1,1 "---j iih for Dr. Leib l-r Co.ic.e-s. ir. L,lt,vt l.ni the nu ol Ihf ...,-... Iron, this DiBiriel imv il-eulo .He.,,,,,,1.) Ml l,llow,..p in till MC jn.nu irx, l'.ebi.'ent-..! Eleetion. 'I hai KH eiimi v ciiiiiM :he ll"ne of H','",,"i,,l,''Ki;.HU to volithml 1ITIC fios ,nd if m) the vote el Hie rciumj ivd.-i r . . . ... ......... ,e,s won d nr..h:.!.ly dc id" i'- e 1 "". l ..vnni another -le. lion in tin' 01 u 1 ... r i m i . I. ..ii ( .I'll. rehenhilivea, line ma. oi i., ,i l:,,l;n .hfcHiid in the House. .hough helnul the lait.'no'.e fi.nn be pen- 1,,.;,f.y,fll..ica...!..laie. ; rKe.nem ' 1 .... ii . t ; i, i Ix r.lhal lb: vne v l-'heUrr i.wu,, ..1,.., Uct llen.V Clay or D-ni.l .t. m s,,neod,er l-VJerJisl I'.eMi!,.,! of il.e l!m ..,d Sialyl At any rate, what a di-nra.. u H uuldbefor ihis dioiriet ! be nTrieeul C ,y a Feileralin.' And how ii.itchicvouslj n' would op.iaie, on future tleitioil S.e the. 131) Cmgressioiial Disirict, adj lining tls. a Democraiio ilistriei.-where the dec. lion c! a huj m ibio, nas nxi.ru a inischu'voiifly binee. Ytnint! f..r Dr. y'cih n a question of principle lm, as will as o policy. 'I'lie e'eetion of a Coiiyressuan i i purely ;jr.fiVuu,ii.siioii.- even more a po itical question, than he election cl a .) ..r.w.,. r.inl.pr. ii is utmre to rt-ilr. i members of Coiigre, and a very pmpi-i usae, and one that should be upheld Lei Dr. Leib ihen, revtive the iinaniinm.s vote af the Dtuincracy of Columbia county. The county li. Uei h-.s upon it ti e mimes of dj'tssis: I't'arce, l!aym..n, Kline, Click- ner and MeC ar.i.i.l;. They arc nil good men, and til qu dili. d for the oflit.es for which they uro ni-prctivtly uomiiiaied. ,Vhal reasun exists for lukewarinnMS in te sayV.wr'J9j- uiU '.y.'i'iJ'!'1 lioti bf any candidate mi the ticket, to be endangered? There is nothing riquiid t!l icture the triumphant cleeii-.m ol our w huh tirket, hut a lum mil o( ihe volets, and a .. i n iiu-o retieclion on me pari oi -1 -rat before he votes. When ho does vole, lei il be for the DtM -tuATiu Ti.:ki.i ihrouhcul and for iioihi. .; else, This .he sal'ii way as well as ihe r 1 4 1 I way. IS" mistakes can happen ivht n sindi 11 inod.; o moling is adopted, and mi evil con-i quent e. ill such cifC, need be appn h. nJ.u. IHE WHIG COUN IY CCNYE.V TION. The proctcdieg" of this body liavi been published, and are open to exuiii nation; and as we have had suine lei.-uit within the last few tiny s we I nte ac'nal ly tceic! them. We do not p.etetid to s.. that Ihi? eniploynieni) of our timo !.a 'quil tost' t xci!y ; but il has enabled u 0 foim an opinion rep,)t!irg the naiun of the convention and the wis lnm o1 its doings. Tbrro townships F 'aver, Main and T'lohir; (-km k, wtie not u p resented in thu Couvenlion. (!.i!y cut deli-gale represented ?wiP.l 11 township. Wc are infotnu-d tl i no .U ligtt thr tion vvs Itehl in iLfti u, and lhal tlo lone nU'inbei' repiesentinn i',wa ni s n- iifatitiietl hv Ihe Cunvemiuii Us. if. C'tiinoiitlif s of Vigilance, il apjie.-ii, wcro appointed Ioi lite seveial tow., ships, and amon 1 1.'.1 test a romm-M. 1 of l ?(f foi Jickon lovvi.sbp. l,'.t U I lows Tl.t ic :."J"-i "ue ihiid tl a v ol io he atte )d. il lo Ly each com mint e in 1 ' the whole Whig vote of Jat k'to bun, foui ! No areount of Ihe voting in the con vention i tiveu 111 iloj p!ildis'i d pin- ct cilices; 1 xcepi thai ii w s j ':, i,s is by bjllnt.ee that irrtitin pi 110 s narm 1 rtceivid Ihe 1 ominatinn. Whuhei ihcre was one In.llntor half a Ciz u in each case, cr Vihiiher thi ie were othii eandiuales ui not lor noinina'iutt dois not appeal. We happen lu know ll.e ijci 11. ,11 lot re v:cre o'lu-r r n.fiiu.itt s iiamnl and 3'.opoi led, end llul ilici was dis?,tibfaciion al rcsu't, but iho on potili'ju may ttiuid lo their own Lmily inf, wc aie no! pmliculatly concrmcd in t lie (.J i"cl. Theie w.ie i.ine lu'fo- luiione, sdopii'I ly Hio Convcnlion. Tins In ! 1 11! Ilmt '"e v,! mi)mi1 Hie ickn liom lop (o hcilti.in with H ("" Ih'ui . 1 1 o M-coim n'Konin.'.., ... i ..... i i. alt.iiii lh-.' T..nll ol I H I -i -'d ChtMei Huilci's I), ion an 'ardent W'tim,' and ,n,n. of 'I.Kt'd j.tnpo. ' The ttiirtlUrii uiiuii ii in Uvoi uf ilie acl of '12,' in pi me e d dlail,' and inloi.i.s us hit ilul Ihv supplied Hie lft cuiichcj i.i (, frfM 1 1 it . 1 m Willi lliat ol H"M nu mi-vt-.!" (We w.ll make a tlonalion of oui ld hat, lo any our, who .ick t-ente .r hilii'aiion. oui ot men til-s'in iiy.) . . n ... The I'.'Uiiii R 'Si.'u' ion i aj-nsi the ad of lS-lli, litCrtt.se Bii.onn oilier lhinj;S il will iMiis.s (" 1 ,l insolvency of ili p.-1 pt - . (Tn.l" milium) The fiM. rtfolution dn-l.rc Hut 'w coidully cx- r.d il.triht li.m ',(' r t t right i(y jitcu-li VI the runl) vj 1 uoiu j.,. i iVny ilnn' . yu v.ne ioi wi.i-i" ... . . i . i .. ; i , , Tl e ix h ii u iuin?, that the rn.uiie lt-i-LieU.i i. nun ran m ivi .. ripiure ileel..iof wo inasuis, am! tliHieio.e no in.n can m-ive H.e'acl '-12 -nd the adr.) nisliaHon Tit s 'h ceitaioly, a pn l 'u.u! d i-cuvei . -1 'I'ih. kftmih ii'io!ii ion anioonls . - 0 this, 'hat the tleciion of Mr. 1'owe. .sCaiul Commiioi.er, to Mipei intent ne buildiiiR nl bn.lj.-!. and aipeducl? . r.tP i.f uilU &.-.UU our 1 ai'roatU h ,d canals, will be ptonous ti turn .if Ihe lanlfof 1SU'!' Tin fin'.ili teo uuuo aj poin.r a lawyer and an 1101 ... .1 !.,.. .1. j 1., ii.m nt v Sialc t.i. il.) II iiuiK'nc ... iriii.o!i with iiis'.MJCliiitn lo eui'lioi (I n. Twin (livii.') Cji Cjvuiioi, T (living tht'cold bV.mldti l. Ja.iusCon tiiofAduiiS Tha.l Sit-vfi. a p.' t can lidaic, K;d is piob.ihly 1 Lo wis. si thii lone by ll.e Couvtn'iun. The L leso'utinn is for lh j ap.po'n in -nl ol ( ODinl tet s of t inilance. 'I () DEMOCRATIC VOTEIIS. We reepe.f.lly nre upon every Dt-m ocratic voter in ihe county lo turn mil al the eoii.inL' tleciion Let no one slay tt J.oiui because, be thinks that his vote wiii nut a feci the rct-ult 'I I. e W'hms nr I'eilt'ralisis .ie t work active ly and coutiiiuallv, to r ly their whole stiei.gih, and tin y will put ifel,i.ni?-rr.ey'V.trvv'",!.i,l they are in a II'1"' l"in wolal inino.iiy in this cui.nty, but ihi) hope lhal by DMuncrats blayiiig at hm,c. . 1:.. : I I.. 1 ...... ... I t V I.I t nop III ouiu 01 iolo laiiiinin.va m 1 ' . . ii 1. . . 1 . . ... .. 1 1 east. .111 11:011 lorn rvi-iy 11 iiioli .11 Al.oblavs uvvhj from the f lei lion, cu es his ote, in 1 lite t, lo the W btysi th .l is thev ore one vote beticr oil, th..n il l.e Ltd gout 'O ihe eii. lion. Lveiy uian who has npu.. Itlis upon po!lii.:al que.-Holm tbouUI ait. 01! he election, and support lltore .qonnii.:. bj u't vole. And il mcius lo UH iti.tt thus is is iniicli Lis :luij, ,a., n is bis pri iiici'g , '(',, u C. 11 The. !'hil.,t!rlp l.ia Feim lyiu.u. ni ol Wt ili.et.day, tmii.-ing ihe arii val of a eaig ) ol 250 ions nf coat f.'ottl Fie oc, al lhal pot I, ba) s: J'he Almiiii' caign was invoirtd al S3 :W per irlu'.dron, W'htlo e.uue dtn'ij v. ill be pan', it is then fore doubdtss Ihe I tcdt t rice i'. ran ft sol. I for at the place of ship ment, how let us see l.uiv Una eu.il will 1 an J in our ui.nkei. ''.is', coat, per 101: , 2 50 Dun, 77 Freight, (a) 2 0O-C.r) 33 Tnis. without r.ny charge for Cotinnis s . ' 11?, siur.ige, CHrn .;, ':e. L is not I lit Iv that our ro.il iir.tiesl will ulJer injury fiom uiien thijinierils. 1 1 in 1, .n posbiLle lo import il nt a ralu n bring 11 into competition wuh andir.oi'.i c .ul, r.hcie it is posnMu 10 u-e ilni Litter nor will it he list d bv nur bla. ksiiiiiba in pint c of Alieuhiui) cob! ;.i any prite, ihi : titer beii g jf buperior. Tlie only eoab lut tnul.l be :-n mu ' allveled l y li.e usi of ihe Nma bieolia t o.ild, would be as wc iioti1 said, ihe Virginia C(i.iU,aiiil v,t' do not M lev e It p'ifc.-lb'c lor ihe. 11 lo ii.l.'l frl f In ..ity tx'.eni vvi'.h the Ijti.r. Tie Virgii.ia ,.a n ks l.ivoi 1:1. 1 ivi'i.Vy ..itii.t, ( r ev Fi.ire.iii.ii -r " js ine iv.ivi rii'otuM, itei .n a I.-w I'M lillliPii i;:lie Ol ebip :ii. i'Ii :!, a il cheep i, ai y co.:la in t'.o .voile1, ai.d need fear no couipetunoi. tCc 'l'Lc II' soiu'ioii.M udop'ei! Ly i!, late Vlii)!, (Joiii'iy I,'.iu,,m ulirot are in a dt eld. illy ftini 1 1! lioic, ac.il HUind vt ry muihlineiiielamtiii.iiionssi.il; a ffw yeais age, by Ihe same inen(ov r the I.J nilt.IS.ateiii.il. Li a f; vv v eais the stme of "n(." iv.il hu fiiplit-d lo a new mi bp n, and so on lo the tnJ t.1 ihejlndian coin; the Maik.t in (i : cat II; v 1 - cnap'.er. y" Com Mt xic ati o.v. 'the next conukhssm an. Col, Webb; You joblih"d bsl wrrk.ilir proceed incs of the Democratic conferee for ihiii Conitc.ional Disiiic.'.fly wliich i' appeals thai Dr. Lei!) was inmiimouHly . if... I...:.... P.iniuav. iinminaieu lor a ik ricinun m v...fe.. Tlit'te were two couclunive reanons for ihi.BClion on the pari of ilie conferees- " 4y noihiiiR of instructions hom Conn iy Conventions. In Hie firat place, Co lumbia Cuun'y was entitled to the on 4rPinnn for an addiiional leini,nl the ciion of her convention wa in f ivor ol Dr. Le.h. .Secondly.; ii is a usae, am! vet) pioper one, lo fcive lo menihi-l I Congiess 8 hctoi.il Ifrm. the out im piii.C .le wot.1.1 ke. p ilie IIuiiMe ol .vjiteenialives filled rvi'l) niembeif u lin vkii. iiif-xiipi ienred. and anile tin arq-uinU'd with tililic bu-irvss. Dr.L"ih - . w i - heitfoie, by the action of our county (invention, and in conformity to 0 ivholesome nae lhal Ids lipcoed into iule, is presented lo the voters of ihijpori decidedly good. There have ll'h Cnngrr ssional Dialiicllot letlec- ion. Ii is now ihe du'y of eveiy mi Jemocrai, 10 support the 1 eutai ly r.om naled candidate of thd party, and by uendinu at the polls necuie his i-lecuoii . ud Ibis du'y I Uusl will be. fiillifu.ly lisehat ,;ed. The nniiositj i.aitv have nominated Chesiff Uii'lei, a lawyer .f Wilks JLr- 1 re, to tun nainsl Dr. L'-ib. As Ihe ijeople. of this county ore not aware of my pariietilar claim that he his ttpin idem lorsiJppoi', it is not ptobilve ilia' i volP ben; will In: very satiMfidniy 'o him or his friends. What we know of hie political opinion:1, is so Hi 'ienl lo i.'or.v ince us th.lhe w.11 not make a proper representative for this .l.siiic. lid is opposed lo ihe piinciplis ol I), nioeiac) ! He is o))nsed mihcpr'S' Out Democratic A 'mini-liaiioi.? lie is ojipnsed, in short, in ihe pol.1ic.1l senti Hints of a I ile iiik') fit) of Ihn prop1, 'if liii.-rniinty nnd ho cannot ihetefoit xpcl a veij n.lifiing vole fn.m tin ,ieadf.isl 'S'ar of the Nni'h.' I should lik" lo know why the TV.U Talisls could nnl 'find a candidate for Congrcs in 'his county. Luzerne had 1 1 he Congiessman for four yeats: and yet Vn " IW' fiV,,,,Vv WA mi. nun 1)0 , cy ai,b that eoumy to moonpoli:'. (hp i()n0f .f lW((h. , ,)(,ir , ,. r , .. . . 10I ureal mil) in this count v d. fieieni f1 A V UTI.lt. AGRK'T'LTu UAL FUODUCTS. Il is jraiifyirig to o')erve the rise 0! ihe prices of .'.gi ir ulttii al pioilue'innn, ind Ibr greal inri ea-f in Ibi ir x jmi I,:- lions to foifign couirries, over foi nici years. Nob dy aecms inclined lo find fault v. i'h this hut a cei lain th'ss ol poliiir i .uf-, who liavi.ig pre phr end Ml in' i ) the rnii't'iy, feel opp .1 fully much vixui that it thies not come. The Hiiiirnoie Sun says, ill it the in crease of prices of wheat antlludi int'oi 1 il me, if t'dlcnUtfil upon ihe whole ciup .-f 1 1 1 r f r,i iins for LSlfi, wo .Li amouii' lofr-fy twt and a huff millions of did In s! s.ip3ii:g the ci up of ill's veai It be 1.0 iii e a 1 1 1 iban it was for If-pj. Tl.i is c- r'aiuly good nevvs for ihe lai meis. Wheal is now fiou. I lo 51,10 ii 1'liiladelpi.ia, A ft w months ago it wa tboiil ISO lu 83 cents a bushel. Cji i hi ings 70 to 7-1 ecu's a hu-Lel; a fe-.v inunllis tjj,o it vv..- to 5f tints. () h.i grains have aim ;m pi c v ed in jo id Fi. u has impioved al.t n1 S I. pi 1 h. 1 n ' ;guii t np froiii J--3 51 to Jvl,75 'J'he inena-i intxpoits from lire rotiu'rv has Lei n a inaziug'y huge, Acconling lo ihe Ni -vv Yoik Expiess, a whig ntw.-juper, ! 1, rin the first tiglit months of l.ilG, tin bushels of rye sbipp-d .il the po:i of JS. Yoik for llolhitid vvt 1 -,23,12..'. :nil moie 1!) an iO.CoO Luihels arc in be ship if d dni inj lltH 1'ifsseiil tiiorith, S, p leu hei "J Is'ot I'lisocl ol ip wasi.xpot 'd fiom r.'evv Yurk doting the fiitt I The h.te l-f-ws Ly the f liihi it we Iti(l h'f i f toir rradtrs last week. One ions mid t'irce hvndrcd ham Is of f! mr had been sol ! at llavie, in Franrr, lo atriv. fiom New Yoik al 32 to 33 fiat ri k.ILw is !?G to Sb'.lfiJ per harn l. , finale Mercantile fn 111 at Luneric!;, had seni to this cnunUy for dozen cargoes ol i'n for llul silicic b'.'ii'g VJ5'!' cn tlic.and rjilviits ihe ftltcticn tf another. ucrease. The following i a corrcc iiatement of sgricu'.tnrul txpoili fron New Yoik Cny, for ilie wetk endim September S.'j h. being for fi wetk &y only. Cotton, h.hs, 2 059 Flour, battels, 20 f)78 Heef & Po.k, bar ids 2,5 D) lietces ."S LidianCoin, bushels IS.SIG Wheal, hu.h'ls 3W.-I23 Cheese, p. tiuds 1G-1 84 1 I'obicco, pounds 7,4 20 K.ce, pounds U'0,700 Corn meal. b. 11 els ,125 The valus of the expnils was S71.r, 036. The Corefpond-nl ol tlteJ un-', wiiiing from A'ow Yoik, Sep'. -7 1 a J)uiing Ihe week alc.ul 30,000 bhl tit'iiesM.e 'leiir hav been sold f) x ;.ori al jCj;i.onie mii .1I pnict lb h,.ve beci or I;,..! on at G I. a ol I- less I he mat . - 1 kft thiounh ihe wetk In- been f.nn anc Dinfoim in puce, and the demand foi ex been some salts ul S.iu 1 In. I'n f.r txpor' 1000 bhls. (Ii orge'own and R ehmuntl have be. 11 t-ktn at Si. 75 a Si S7. a. which la't. r rate li e n. 1 ka' closed, and lii au.ly wiuo ai $ I Uoi WhiMl sol. I lat-ly and at i.npiuvid trices. Gencreee of prune qi.li'y i-s .carce in the m jrk ', and is worth 10G 1 1 10, acconlintr In f ialii , pit Wes .ern 103 a 106; Illinois, nood (pnlMyl About 73,000 liii-helsCuin have Ireei. sold duiin "he pist tl.iee days mns ,f il to a. live al 73 and 7o cen's fui irime Westtrn mixed and 75 fur ytl- ow Jersey and Nonhein; pute whilt Suiilliei 11 would hi "i IS ceitls. Ilyi us none off I'.eely al IS '0 79c for ex ton. but holders art a-king 60, and lit- lc is lakinp a', that pi ice. Oats 3G a 3!)e 15 tilt bet I' and poik hip in demand at ODilonii pi ices. Oltio prime poik has r.sen to S'J,50, al which very constdera. tie b lies ha ve bet n mad" ; M -ss Dot k i t 610; Piime Djef C !i.d SG.l'J.' Ales- 87 a S7,r;0. Cheese ib in demand for txpoit a 7.-; lailow in active demand al 7i The following eotnpansun of ihe rales ol duly on certain articles under Ihe nets ol ISl'2 and 13 10, is taken from the official speeilie duties on the several ardcles under oe ..o'l (, '-12 are reduced In (quivaleiu ad valoruins, and the en'culatioes for that pur jtosc f.ie ba?ed upon ihe iiitual iinportationf and custom houac valuaiions, for the ytai 181 j. l&l'J. Clnniip'tigiie wine 1 3 pi r cl IJurgumlv ill bottle?, t) 1310. 40 per ct. 10 10 ISurgundy in easlis, 13 Madeira in casks, or hoitlts 40 3 0 30 SiePy .Madeira, J'J W ilion eai pels it ear jielli.g, Ir.-hlt' Ingrain pelii s, Ingrain do. no 1 screws, L'3 cat. 73 30 00 30 30 30 ::o 23 i'iain glass tumblers, uncut, 137 I' ai red cables ant! cord 'ire 120 Any one who uill take ihe nimble in ompuru the aiiovu enneet, nllieiti sialic in nt nf dtilics, with Ihe M.iteiiient ol tlulies 111 ihe baine f'and some othtr articles us (itthlislicd in llic (ierinamoH 11 'J'tli g. aph ; ind copied with eni'oin.nii s into the. Dan ..lie Diiiitu nil of Lst v.eili. will tliMuvei he tb ct piioti atleu.pit d in tin: I tiler. Ii ihe C 1 nr.ai.io wii Tt It crnph the tprcific du l s 1 I ihe acl ol 1 S 12, are placti! 111 a par allel inlu nil vvi.li the ad valornm duties oi .i.f net of 1810 so as lo appear io ( .imp ri- oiii ujih iheiii. Nothing nan be more ri diculous, or (Mi be moie uneaiisf.itiory to .he inassol re.uleis, than ibis mode of cum paristm, The only way in 11. ike a saliefac lory or sin.sible roinpniison is lo lliio'v, b) calciilaiion, the sp';i it.: ilutita of ihe Hi t ol '12 into fqnivalenl ud valoruins and cum nite iheee wiih tlip ud valurums of the net oj 'If. This has been done at ihe '1'ieasu ry Department, from llm oflicial Ptatisdcs lor 181."), and from lliebi; tables (1 ihe Dp pitliiiei.l ui have seleci.d the foregoing lounarison ol dotiis en a few articles in or It r 10 con eel nu y iuiconcf jiiinitM that inav irise In. 'in l!;e publication in this couniy ol the iirii -lc abeve rcfirad lo from ihe (ier- naniown n per J is. G. Hi 1 in ) ih elmes in ailvance an other abolition nomination for Pi evident Increase cf the Pike (j 11'lu J ci 7 Cord. The increase of ll.e price .l Wheat ind Corn, caused by the abrogation of the lppresaive corn laws uf Greal ltritain, if calculated on ihe entire produce ul this Miuiury for iho year 1840, eupposiug ihe pioduee of those grai s to he no greater iban ihe estimated yield for 1815, wi.l a iioi.nl lo the enoimDus sum ol $12,-1 13, -700! 'I'll a l .8 In say, the wheat ami corn irtirt. il in ihe United States the presei.t vc.r .e wordi abouiy 'trty-two and a iudf viil- tiitn of dollar moie than they were before the rt ci ul lise of price and ihn recent rise is ('l.iirlv altnh. liable lo be demand fur hreadsiufTs in England and Ireland. Si nm li for iho removal of one of the aibitr ity r unctions of trade, which shul oui the a.. ..udiut supplies of ihe farmers of ibis coun ty, lo ll.e iijury of the starving millioi s of Eurnpe.ihiil iho few landho'deis then migiit uve in till .icncfi. Ittdt. Sim. W IHO DOC I FINE. The Whigs of Fhiladtdphia held a L.rgi meeting at the Museum on ihe e'ei.ing t,f September 23d, io wbieJi the leading pol iticians of lhal puny in Philadelphia city mil coun'.y participated. Jos'uh Handtll Esq. repnrled lite Ueso lutiiuis adnptedi t (inide lite leading speech nf the evening. He siid l!nt among the n ea.nfs nlvvays cinteiii.'ed lor by ihd Whig party was--t national enirenc.y led 10 icgulate UM'lf wiihnul being controlled nr inlet fertd with bt the general governruenl.' What doss 1l.1s1r.em? Why not Fay at once that a inoug the nicnsnrcs alwajs contended lor by the Whig party is lhal of a Nati Nal 15ank? litstetnl of saying, 'a national cur rency,' why not say a national pupvr cur rei.cy, for lhal is ihe idea. 'I he Wing art) all ihe lime talking about 'a pound national currency ,' thus endeavoring to over up their darling project of a Hank, under high sounding words. Thai is the way they talked in IS 10, and as soon as they got into pnwci up came the pr.j.'cu fir buiks and lidfidiufr; and ihe y came very ncai fasten ing upon ihe eouiiliy ihe turse cf a bloated currency, against the known wishes of a huge m.'j iriiy of the people. Tiny daro nut now avow openly ihtir darling ppjtcl and 60 they cover 1 up again under a riga marole of winds abuu a sound nafiuiial currency. A sound national li Idlestiek! The people know ihat they have a sound oitiotial and cjustiiuiinn.il cturency un der tlic I (dependent Treasury system; keis ol Philadelphia, want in pl'Ce. of il 1 paper cuireney that they can in . U 3 money by, with their discounts, and stock salis, and shivlug speculations, ind ill ilia: s-iri of lliing. Tii a people mo s.!i-fi:d vvilh a siuml ctii rei.ry ;' hey nro in advance nf the stlft-hness of Fiiiljde! phia poli'ici ins 'and firm in llnjir stlvo. c;-ry ef irpial tights etpial leis! i'ion ; ol 1 1' 1 lib I ica 11 law' ihat keep lo the Id ler am! spiiit ol the fonMiiution, cud an? ealculatttl firthe whtl" counliy mid not 10 advance the inlrrcsts of a fe.v. Si may it bo a I ways. Tii''re is nothing of impoi lance ficm the arm) cf Oceupiiioji, with the excep tion lhal Gen. Taylor has lefl Camargn, will) an ai my of K'000 men for Monte ley, vvlierc he Ins undonbied ai rived hs lore this time. It was expected that tha MeX'C.ins hatl assembled a large fjice in ihe neighboihond ol Munteiey lo o,.- post: his progi . s, li.i'ielure, impoili,t news is t :;jn c td daily from that (pur (er. HI M' Z.;2l2 -ri il ' ' On Snnd.ty by -v. 15,1,1, Mr, I A CO!! Ho.NI). 10 Miss M AKCAKUT St Kit- NEK, bull. ofCenlie tuwnbin. On Ihe 21 I oil. by Ihe II v. William I. Eycr, Mi. Khward Anthony nf Hlotimsburg, i0 Miss Matilda Moyeh of C'dlttwis.si 15 v S imtu 1 K sner I'-( , on Snndiy 'he 27:h u'i. Mr. Sami-m. Nni.vr.T t ) Miss Elizabeth ;ea::eu bull, cl Col. county. LIST OF LETTEK3. Remaining at the post nnVe al !ji'.utnis liurg St'i'i. u'0 ISitV Isaar Crawford A. II. Ciimmings J teoii ', Krrt .lofrph Kills stil.HD.tn (ieirrt Mie''u.-ai!nh K!it;n Mrs- ylnn Ivriinnly .liteksmi Stamirs ( Vt.'I'.T .1. IS in. lr. i:. JT Mason Jit. Ii M. Winder Tim's V.'alkec ( 'nnioliiis Yiinbein H'llliam Lrs.sar Miw. i:'ulrU Pctinr.au llilliaui Morii f. L'.MoV.U P. M. H),A N K ii ! ! ULAMsS!! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers