irMfoW (H! iMrw4 71 HH I hav,i sworn upon the Alter of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over t'ls Min i of M;in.' TIi.mivu Jetlbmon !, EDITOR AND PKOPEHETOIt ZT4 Volume . liLOOMSItlTUU, COLITJIIIIA COtXTV, IM. SATIJUDAV, UVTWAFAl IS -2(1." .Viimiicr ai. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. Souni muk of Main, a fi;w doors hi low Market-street. TSUIIS : Th OUT MUM DEMOCRAT will h vu'iliih'U every Xatuniuy morning, oi J'.ri) DOLLAHS per annum payahli h'lif yearly in advance, or Tiro Dollar Fifty L'ents,if not paid within the year vibscripiion will betaken for a shorter period than -tic mmthst nor an y dheon thutnnce per, nit ted, until all arrearage are discharged. d!) I'D 11 TISEME XS not exceeding a square will he conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first Ihreeinsertions. .. ''.m, it',i. ft nt. cents for every nuent nser'tion. KT M'ral discoun 'nude to those who olortise In the year fj.y''ERS addressed on Uumuess,mun be post paid. COLUMBIA DEMOJtAT. J; remit E It 3, 1840. DUTY ON KAIL ROAD IRON. The Danville Democrat of August 7il ISiG contained an cdilotial article timlrr tin above heading, charging upon Ah. Dickin eon of iVew York an attempt to permit rail road iron to bo imported fee of dim; am1 denominated it, 'an additional stab ai nm infant Rail Road iron manufactories. ' Tin plain meaning of the article was that a de liberate attempt had been made by Mi Dickinson t( establish free tiade in rail-rc;i I iron; and thut the fad exhibited anothr iir stance of the amazing and outrageous wick edness of locofacoism! The fact hovrevi i that Mt, Dickinson' motion was in th 6hape of an amendment to a bill introduced by Mt. Evans of Aaine; the fact that Mr Evans had introduced and supported a !il to remit duties on rail-road iron imported' ill fact ihal evPttf IV' hiir in ih Se nutp '. one, voted in favor of that bill, and that Mr Dickinson and most of the other Democrat ic Senators voied agalnM it; and tlm far that Mr. Dickinson' amendment was obvi ously offered to embarrass the bill on it passage: weie quite unnoticed! These fads were matters of little concern, whrn eo.Tie prrjudico was lo be raised by select ing a einglo fdet from the proceedings ol the Senate, and by perverting it and omit ting to mention the accompanying fi.cts ilia qualified and explained it- it could be made to suberve political purposes! In our paper of August 22 J we exposed the deception of our neighbor's arlicle ant' that loo in the 111031 fair and unexceptiona ble manner. We copied his article entiic into our columns, and underneath, gave iln proceedings and votes in the Senate, upon the subject: sj iha', his article and he pu'j lished facts appeared in coiilrat, both pre sented at one view, ',o the eye of the read er, This exposition of ours appears to have been sufficiently gilling to call forth an edi. tonal rejoinder in the Danville Demociat ol August 23ih and ( in connexion with a sun ilar article to ours in a neighboring print, ) a furious aiticle from a correspondent of the same paper under the date of Sept, 4.h. These articles we now propose lo notice. The editor chaiges upon us, thai in quot jn" from the proceedings of the Senate, we 'carefully excluded ihu votes on Mr. Dick inson's amendrent.' We did no such lhin! The eas am! nays arc not Mvcii in' the published proceedings and couseqiicnll) wc could nol 'exclude' tticm, in making our quotations. The correspondent seems to think thai Mr. Evans's bil was 'eminently wise and just,' and Mr. Evans himself, 'an honorable Senator, gene rally acknowledged among all honest it sensible men, to be one of he firm est and most intelligent friends of the pro lective policy.' Weare quite willing thai Mr Evans should should wear all bis lau .els, and that they should be unfading. We ire willing moreover, lhat our neighbor and ais correspondents should eulogizi iiitn lo heir hearts content, md mourn over bis rt irempni from the Senate lo the walks ol rivaie life. Bui, upon this particular sub ject of Kiil Itoad Iron duties, perhaps he merits no great degree of commenda' non. Jfc ey, ond the journals of Congress, prove it, thai e ver since 1812, at every sec inn, deoige Evans, Whig Senator Iroin Maine, has been engaged in ell oris to pro die rail roan iron 10 ue imported irre 01 luty oi lo remit dud's on importations aU eady nude. Sometimes the bill has been ye?.r, anil pies exactions ihe next, (iriint pecial, and sometimes general, someiimesing therefore, for the sake of artjunienl, nil t lias been fur particnbir companies, and On i neighbors facte how stands ibe ease? omeliints for all iwpoiting slates and cum panics sometimes it Ins applied to future i nporlatmns am. noinenmes lo pant. On the 2 1 si id' February 1911, Mr. Evan reported from the committee im Fi nance to the Senate, a bill, entitled, an act rovMirg- fur the lemiftion of duly on la road iron. The following were its provis ions. 1st. That whenever any rail road iron ready for use should bo imparled wiilin five years thereafter by any stale or iucm po rated company, and should be aciuidly I a i loivn within rirccyears frunv thedain of ii- inurlaiion. ti bhould be DUTY FREE. 'ipbn the mere payment of fees and expert- 'J id. yiiat in case of all rail-ronl iron im ported subseqnnt to 1 1 July I8.T2, that had ieen or should be, laid down w ithin litre years after i's importaiion, the du'ies paid hereon should be refunded out (if the I'reasury of the Uniifd Stales and il'ilu lu tics were unpaid, all hor.ds iven firtheii payment should be cancelled and discharg- i This was Mr. Evans's bill, end it 'defines position for tl.o lust five years, upon 'he subject of lail-roa l iron imporlation lint, upon the 2Sih. of May 1811, he sub mitted amendmr nls to the foregoing bill, foi -triking out 'five' ye irs in the first tectioi md inserting 'iwn' years dir. &c. Thesi imenduients were offeicd, he said 'with a iew of tendering the bill more accepiable o those he expccied would oppose it,' II' hviously, was in favor of die bill as ii tnoti; udi no agr-eu ,o kiiiib sngwt aiutuu uentsi n order to gain a Idilion d cu; port. On the Uth. June 1841, ihisbil' was do eated in the Senate, h-M it he nolod, lha )ii the 2L)ih March Mil. while Mr. Evaio was piessing his billl'irojgh theSeu tMr Menick presented 'the meinorial of the New York and Maryland iron and coa ', in the county of Alleghany, Ma ryland, in which il was tepicsi-nied th.i they bail expended some 6500.000 I r tin establishments of rail road and other im provcmenls there, w iih thu view of er.ierine xlensively into the manufacture f iron f ! rail roads Sir. and that :licv would be a'rdi :a manul'aeiore 10,000 tons of rail road ii on , c t annum, of equal value and quality h ihe foreign article, ami to furnish it us cheap is it could be produced liom any quiiter. :f the taiilf on thai article was not reduced. ' Mr Evans' labors at ihe Scs.-ions cl 1813, 1815 and 1810 in favor of Irt e mid, n rail road iron, wewill not here examim, r out article will become unreasonably long. Any one who is desirous of pursu. mg the sul ject, can consult ihe record. The Edimr of the Democrat and his cor responded both illfidge, thai Mi, Evan&'r bid of this yeai; was only to mnii dntii i- ni lad road iron purchased in bnqUiid ri- ,r lo the p.ssag.- of the act ol 1812, and:,. impnrtcu short!) alicr lli it a, I we ni niio o ration. Now whether tins was exaciiv die character ,f l'ie bill or n,.t, is donbtl'ul. We have no copy of it to n-ier t i, nor i its purport very iniiiraw d in ti e proceedings of the Senate as published. 15u Mr. Evans in explaining ihe hill Aug. ! h 1840, says; the bill is 'unemlrd to remit tin duties which have accrued upon importa tions of tail road iron already laid down, 01 which is ready to be laid down,' Agaic. Aug. 5'h he said; 'they i'id intend by tin bill lo ieir.ii the duty on the lightei rai's, be atisif they had het-n broeghi in. 'I he ita- ports free hereafter, irere. to Le eorfntd to ;.. r.,..,.; .: 'i i .. the heavier rail. 'I bese t xiressions would odicate lhat ihe t ill was diffrreni fn n hat our r cigbbor imagmeg it to have beer,. I But, at ary tau, it was a bill foi the lentfit. ! -of slew: 11 was special legislation. If 11 was p.oi er lo remil duties on rail road iron"" " rr iK,su"P 1 why not remit them upon all other articles! are 1,MU"y 'c,osc corporations,' ot Why notVnake the law general, so us to) a P('rf,'c' monopoly again. 1 Ike rest ol apply to all interests alike? And if ii wus'Ute community, not allowing them, e- propir lo remit duties on past importations why not on ihoto for the future? Special - legislaiion ij always oilniu, because ii is al way unj isi. sl.inoo shnn'd iegsid all - ihe ir.lereis of ihe country, and diou'd be mow special uvors upon nona. i c n nr should it givo bounties or immunities one Why that Air. .'vans' s ucial, partial, bill, was proposed to lie made, by an amend ment, general, impartial and :ml,rm, fo far as regauled importations ol rail road iron Hut, the amendment of .Mr Dickinson w.,s obviously uff-red, with no friendly purpose l) the bill It was well known eo bill iholishing duties altogi-ther on tail rjad iron or ihe future, could pass ihe Scnaie. Mr f'nns'i bill, sometvlHito thai purpose, had ieen voted down in 1811; and his bill ol liiis year was probably shaped with an eye 0 that fact. What then would be the effect if adding such an amendment as the one proposed? Why, the defeat of the whole project; and ibis was clearly the iuieul with which the ameudiuel was offered. We can lurther, but repeat what we have 6aid befon hat Mr. Dickinson and most :d the Dem ocrats voted no on the passage of the bill; mil thai neiihei Mr. I), nor any other Dem oeratic Senator since 18 12, has inlioduced propositions into the Sen a 14 lo remit dunes hi rail road iron imported, or to yruvide foi ree trade in lhat aiiicle hereafter. Such propositions have invarhbly proceeded from (Je.nige A'vans, Whig Senator from the Slate of M illie. in 1811, upon the question of the pas sage of Mi. A'vans's bill of that tear I, en tVnudbury demolished this principle ofre nitling duties ,ir ihe benefit of Corpora- iions, in a lucid and powerful address lo ihe Senate The docliines (, that address can never, bv ingenuity, by fophistiy, or n y any exertion of talent, bo successfully shaken or ovcrturnad Ii stands at;.' -1 oi ii noon u, in o (ii, trie cun. elueive argument upon this subject. As it s short we extract below ihe greater portion I it, and will no conclude our observa- ions with the single rcmaik, tint this clis- ustdon was not begun by us. Ocr neigh- ior opened his batteries upon the opposite parly at a point where his own forces are Milucrablu lo attack, and therti is no safe ourse left fur him and his hut lo abandon .lie unfortunate position, whiih in tl.o h.isie md fever of their wrtih aga'nst Dl:;.ocui. hey hate unthiukit'gly chosen, '( 7i tie I'r. cq dings if the Sennit', 11 ih f June 1 s 1 1 Mr. WrVODllt'IiY "ill, 'I'" ''' veasand nays would duubltis ho CaHcil iiun the pi-se of this h:ll liu '.vif-lidl i.i -l ii c uionli to show the iea.-ons foi his aiposition of the nu a.-.i re. Ho vwisavcffi? lo ih sj le.iiiS.sions ol do les to rail road corporations as long age ,s IS.'if), when ,e mailc a lepnit lo tin louse of il-prcscnt jiives, showing thai snniei uiii! ,Ke ilnte ami I, a, I inilnoi ol nionfy had al lliit time been viittn iy gitin to tin in by Ihe g, nci al govt r - :iu(,l, 11: then viewed H i- as a free ,,,,.,.,.:,.,,,., ,r -ten jtion to iho-f fbtb- , , Mi(!1 -J Ull. , , ,,, 0 he ground nil- l,' that il c) vi u: 11 lull.) Ibe ci ii.ii Uii.tV. Ol., 1 forpol 'ions welt also Utlu'; Ihi' that was ik iifii.'.i nt .la-oo lor laige aoti p'Hin! I vi is 10 ad ol li.' 111 . Again, H w u ig oil that, b)' cli. apeiiing iranspoi laiioii 1 1 lasseog. is and inerelmn'i"', 'is il ili.uio (. was by iln at load-, and ihe chcpei li,k;i,gif them, all ti'it; 1 ii.iii,unl' -.v. ie giineis. S ich, h,wtv r, w. s the i'iBe w iih sfi'p-and slean. boa's 0:1 out lii.r-, lakef, sounds, and oceans, wtiicb ti.-ii 11011 htinz fiee. would Cariv nd hiu hih ,, ' ,mul 0 1 lower I ir the whole couu'ry. J' I Ml ,IP I S t I I 3 Ur- K 11 1 FI I, 111 1 ,l"l ' . , railioaels general, v, whose iron has been 7 ' 1 1 y 1 ( I fi 1 1 dtp rnutur, hinl.,.r f..r r.iit C . (.. ... ... U ,1 ..., H.-a. 3 ..1... 1.1 .W. . ven for reasonable tolls, and undt r safe regulations, to pul on cars for either passpngeiii or m e r r h ; n I fv'or a these i oads a species of itoniext ic tiunu - CacHirp, anv n.ore than are (diiiis o r ; tu , I. ml ,..., i . . . . . mi-ins i nave ansvvereo, 1 enieiiain lio .ii. . - lollowiog pec fi d objeclions; I'lsl. 1 he (niasorH is a had one in fiscal poiol of v.evv. Il ) -A i,ot lilily l.dvl I millions tr.iui tne Ii. g-urv wlitn inos j wanltil, bin Cooleinpliles lakio- mote liom it while we aie deeply in del)'. Ye: urpri;iij as M may seem, ono of Iln mosi il,it!,(iljle argument pies.scil in fa vor of our giving awy mure lo II en, i because Hi- have alie.dy given so much I confess llialsonip St ites and coni) iiiief i 'pear :o luve vi n'uitd on new woilis. ondei an cxpecia'ioi. llul lliey mighl b neaicd as lib rally us iheir pieeh cus-oh. Hut this ar'irnenl as In gs, unfonu ,iai,y, would fist Icrever, and long al- t-i many (,f ihe origin,.! reifons for tin if s had ceased. Ni h", t In, ,,ii'. . I 1. - ,1 rt o l sound (ioiii ical pi incij ies,i)ijcati-i.' i' lei- d rs the lai iff an unefti I Ijv, inji ihis icspecl heavily on the louts i, ng icul'iire, and on coiiiine rce, ami Ih poor, till tXf u p' in n the rich, n mg ihe anvil, and chain, and k't le, bir relieving 'lie iron rui which h-Iohim k Micnrpoiati'd wealth. Ii is noi lhat cer idaii ins and individuals do nol pos-e-'lie liht to be rich, and lo use th, ii riches for gain, as ihe-y du in tlieEis in the case ol nriny pn fjiahla railroads, lint it is (hat they have no claim lo ex elusive favuH or piiviledjifisiu ihe use o iheir follows over ihe liu,nbltr rnrchan- ...ia Hi ii, , t are is had, because il adopts ihe doc Wine of absuluie fri-e trade in re;;ecl Ii i 1 road i t o n, and no other, I Irs wa auinsl this; as such a course not onh lolaies ihe duly lo make lliB (arid lax equil and uniloi m , but nnkis a e!i ? iiiiination ol freeedom from duly: is as wion for one cLss of interests us i wiiuld be in other cases to tiinks a dit, i im ina linn of boon I us or pr oler live im josu in favor of u;ie cl J ss oi' i ntei'esls,& igiinsl all others. iiir course is contrsry to tlia fiif .lenv nls ul ju-licfl and political toho iiy. lie ivrni lvr inoiKjale etui pio l)Oi liooate taxes on impni (s, -is well as ,)ihi r ;irop"riy, uidoii all iron alike. 1 ,1 i p lie v i n y (he S.'iiitr1 Ifim lulher rij m ir li . lie begged pi i mission lo caii lion the nurnheis aiiiiost Ilia Z"sl tnn i in po 1 1 n n 1 1 v of se I f interest in all ciih 'I' ;e I his. Tl i y n ingle irsrrihib'y ii he inii, (Is of many hcv aim sl p-'i S'ud, .onesl men. and . 1 1., ir no hoi , as .veil as oihers, lhat pub! c CiMi-idi raiioiif done inf Kiict! them, when ga n wha ii.-y 1cg.11 d as fur g'iii is Ihe chii I . ." . I . . : t . . . i.oiiv ( ; hm: iiitcie i, rigiiiiony, ii yi-i ilra-i', !ii a r ) r 1 V j ! j VI' w,-is a1 t'lO b ,i 1,111. Hit ,!,, iu'rr, s IS II it iilll i'l 10 a 1. sti en poldic iodii'g' iice or j it- b iiiiiius. Tl;o fo'.lowii g lable, given by the N. Y Express, i-hnws ihe romparalive t xpurtatio' in 1 & 4 5 urn! 1511, t:ius f,r, ol w b.,t may h. i';-l!.'d, iri 1 ictv nl lis great and sudden 11 iMCase, aimoil a new ariela if tApor rye: 1S45 1S!(5 .Jnnunry Xtmo 1 M.i'Oi liusliela I'cbuQ'y do SS.ii: ill March do EJ.4G7 do (il do fi0H do My e),i 41,02 do lnuo do 63:t07 dj July do 7ft,767 do August do 4l.&aj do 'epirmlifr do do Octolwr do 42-3,i23 do November 20,169 December 19.71S D0P3l7buch. The weatlier is gclimg cool. Jur a firr" TIJEMf-ALYMAIiKET. We wpre inlncsied yis ( May j ,1;. ng over an old Mork hook; r-nrn a "to "ales anil piie-s ( I s',H ks ii his city just umi y ais ago. Ti.c l u-i ess done al that lime was very h avy 'iid Ihe amount of prop, r y nvallowe. Ill FlV t I a. . .. .. ., I I i I . . II r j t "i"o,uii uiii , linweu can iri!l) he .Miu.aled. The ohl book pos e.'"s food foi prifi ahhi . fi cl ion hi ' s uue ii a,,, . ,0 mi!()y ,.(, fihaps noi i he (, healthful ,., i,,i AC- t. ii n i. C 0 II I 111 , lol ill, , 1 1 . 1 In ,, , v 'ici of puces talo f,in it . con.p.n. i wi'h prices row, lo ihe special a tier.- 'on ol Mich of our r-ad. ais a.- think ihi o'd lo fortune 'lit II, rough -luck S;.- c ila'i'Ji,?. ftp!-. wpr isic. l-chigli Nuvijjatiuii shacrs i lj is do do loans J 00 4 -chuvkill Anv. sliures, lij-'j -y do do loans, 'Jj 71 b". S Hank shares oi y4 Schuylkill i'anA f nt -...u.U ...out 0,s ijj. lid ha jits' CO 2-1 I'eniisjlvaiiiii 511) 201 l-'ar.-n i ti' uud Mechanics' CU j 4',' J (.'uinciciul ' C6 f,0 .Norlhurii bibrrtics 55 4 ( Siullnvark 7:jJ Co U'r.sfmi fj 4 j r.nnif inn .Vccliunici', C-J 23 M.iyuiDi'iiMiitr 73 4i) I 'liiuii l;k 'I'tiiiinesoce !."J ,00 t'ianti.T.s'lik 100 ly I'lan lers' l!k. Mississi .i I I V J Grand (uilC Lis 4 .hfiieultiiral Is 'ii-ksburj; 7'i f milnvark Ahuo.! th? only bink storksllial com nidi.d ao; thing like the same piices ii. lie market now thai ihey did 10 yen- .,i.- .. u y -. rr , j '.j t . m 1 lie Suiiihwai k, and Ihe -VjiiIi Ann i- ci' Tlio slock and loans of III. Camden Hud Aiiihn K.iIiohI, ami th 1 oans c-f 1 he City, niu alsu nan h th. a me piicc as ihey wem in lS.'J!) I caching the grealdi .liow 11 i.hoie i is painful to rilled how inai y larr.ll fs who tt 11 short years ago weie in rflli :'ncc, futroundftd will) all ihe comlotl .nil loxui ies of life, re lying in fmciei .erui iiy on llieir invc-iiiienl in Mori;, live; by iliu greil i V u I .-: o n , been redu id lopiiiuiy and want. Seine we illliW ll.'.reaie WliO lOilU III Calllges hat Inn e he c it foi r. el lo 1 ( si.ri to no n I c mph.y me 11 is to supply t ! 1 c e ' e I v e v wi!lihit'ad, and hundred: lisvo betn eonipelltd to Minder rhf ii.-hcil ussocia lions, icliri! fiom society, ami pursue ifo in a ur w siid!li.r s;diei .Ti.tsi it; Hume e l the manifest con-i quinces ,,f s'ork dealirg, and Ihoiigh Willi tin li- iiteic.sttd look r on thry nr.) ex- cite ll'tie rouimisei mi ior' , I.) Itir! j'',iiini 1 hiop'dl tvl'.u ho ks 'o the c.'iislitil lioj.f jlld 111(0, 111 M.ff-niig Wl'.Itli lint involve he: io is fiod I'-r pi y lor th.' pis', ai.d a ,i n( f of ei ! t!i it v.iil s'iii-,i.ii 1 ill Im N' I 1 1 S 'il p M I. ! 1 1 lli, il I , Cii I I liCIJ 'if III 0!t T'lell' I; if Si,i I e, 1 mo ( nl'.. 1 no' hi ' o e.; dill .lit H . w 'oi k ,!.:.:. 1 f.;,H. I si 0 I 1 , 1 1 1 1 j r li,, - 1 i' v, and ing III CV ln! Colin- ' sicjie o' i a- ali.-ll C, f : 'O II 'I I, i.lisi.lel .It'le alliOII it, ,1 C r .! 1) li 0111 ,11 HiH" pii s 1 1 I'Viighi a N iv Y',rk. in ti, fi" or and G.'i-i' 1 . pit -,-i,:. J.n v.'tvls ilf wnii-,i 2 1 iji to L veijioo!, SO c i 's . il 8j it r grj.n lo L!v. , po s, ep'. 1 . l'.".7 File Whig e 01, hd I.,,- A - fiihl y . ,ce learn, h is lakeu liie li, Id in, a'o) s busily P'lU'e' d in t!ie eii.p.ov in. nl nl d tekballing his Deuiot ratio con. pernor. -Iocs nol look we'd lo sea a c-iiieiduio loo .niisy and veiiiiinous igainsl an opposing -undid itB The public, i:i g'.ich c,3C, are I pi 10 inspect lhat private interest and utii nosiiy lather than p.dilio cimaide rati ins. iivay his condud, and pioinpl his clo - pjtnce, '"- " L . .... i'm ,. W HAT IS TIJE ISSUE? I noi unfn quently happr-no, in Iho Hal ol a case where a sinjp, plain biOa.l 'I'l'siinr, is presenifd, ihai a number of ' ilse ami col.'atrial issues die in'roduo-d hroogh ihe ingenuiiy o(coo,,-i I, foi , e purpose of leading ihp minds ol thr jury 'ray from the. mailer ra.lly in d.po Such in ih course which is n w ur ,mpiI by the Whig fj-irty, with the in eolioii of deceiving ihe people. Thev re dragging in question of rational policy, will.' a view of e x,iiing i-ec'ion- I )'f j idices and carr) ing fiarl icul, r .!:- nets by uifiuroiifl S!r..tageiiis. Tney re afraid lo meet Ihe bold, bioad quo 1011 of Dd.mocncy or Whiggery, but re .-ub dividing it into a thou-and mi- or and irrelevant malter'nd .lirec'irg. llieir whole h;,Hfry of mo and sophis'ry now at this point ami. iifW al tnai, in (ho vain hope lli3t. he pee pie will filler into the spiri. ni fllS O.lC-sille nnntpsl and llirniv i,n liui; dps ?i each prclcir.dcd vic'ory. VTi tiiisi tliat ihe sterling Demociary of ihi- Sute will not be misled l,v tins to life species of q'lixoisrn, and induc ed io cast away Ihe dearest privihg? of Irte men lo exalt a par'y tliat has nj syrnpa:!,) wit!) (he labor of the comiiry w'heihcr il be employed in agriru'iitire, ibr mechanic aris, or commeice. Tim vole whuli is once given, cannot be ie palled, and the repentance o a lifeiimo cannoi anniitil the inju y whirl) will ha perpetrated by a rash tx-icise of Ihe in est.inahle right of ttiffrage, The bioad issue pr sented i, are yf 11 favor of democracy or Whigg-ry i govci nment es'ablished bv and si. ru g- vitli the people, niiuisitting lo lluir vanl and iiMtndi ig iheir good, or 3 gov ernment, which, ovei lucking the mil,' ses, will legislate foi tlie piivil gpd clas es, crtatu monopoli s trading upon h i 1, (l iied and ficliii jtis c .pi t,.l, and il stu.y he irpialiiy of '.he iii!uiiy a. el 0ipei. uui'itso! tnn kiiv'. Di7i. Ui.iijii. Til e m-:v TAi::i'c. Whatever injury tit -t v be iiiflidul pn s, branches of industry by the prosper".: Iiiiiige of duties, ii is a in a ter ol rejien ;o all but oioihid polilieiaiis, lhat did 111.1 ilaclures ol wiollmi too. Is hav,;ei:tiifily rt covcrtd from iheir late p;iiiii: WiPain a week every llcece ms been bought up in his market for actual use, and the liner sorts of wool arc advancing in value. Samuel Laurence, the celebrated niai'ii i'uctunr of L iwell, infoi ms us thai he Ins used one million of pounds of wool this veer, lhat he is jus.1 stalling another mi'!, '.hat will consume 700,000 lbs, more; and since the passage of the new larilf, a. it laying the founda ion of a new mil., on :i;i enlarged scale, which will use up two mil lion 0: pounds more annually. Mere, wo ha'e the evidence of a person of acknowledged judgment, which no si set nl te.-t all fens foi the salety it the rapid .n cieasc of al 1 ;ai oiih iniportaui branch uf ndustry, that was given up lo ri.'m by ibH piiiii! iiuikers, The cotlnu faclories aro ,:onfesi3d b) (!! lo be out of danger. 1 ha ion men of this Stale aie not al all aiaiiin'.il hi!e ai))lhing like prefpul prices rn'e in ijne'.u.d. Eer day u adding to iho .1 manufaC'iurt is, who, ou calm rt fLciion, ryt,,.i(i) ihtiir Iste Uars entirely tidund- 'bS lb:: coal panic, too, is blowing 0.,,-. 'Snip ir.y to il,' ha.- dunged inm 'v. , v don't on 1 louvard my cohi." .'A ... t . gr.cullural ii,laret is iniprov,: ; i' ji.ilil, ashes, nieais, ail !.. . .,, .: , lioney, too, the i:t w . In conns pieilty, and our bani.s , . :.,. nrlv :-h III a condition ofperlel'i . -'. . The Vu Hi y Furnace. has bet II :'. 1 reeled to c st ilcilr ' e . ' . ,.. 1 kill POUOlV p'-iper, liiijdj IHJ C . . . . . kid Vali.'v' I'm mice has been l,.o.-. i. o.,l in ir sequtner ol the pissae uf die ntw tat i il' jhnv 'Ibis it an trror. Long befes lliaf bill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers