The Wellington correspondent of tht Vn k UjiBtie, undr date of Slit inat, ys IMPORTANT RUMORS. Mi. Saulnier, direct from Vera Ciuz, ainvol last night, ami biiiifi despatches from Mr Slidel, our minister t xuaordi 11 'i y 10 Mexico. California tnau be bought a Mexico for $15;000)00 'ill when I any may be bought, probably do not 'peak in ihe right sense peihaps 1 should y has been bought cunilitioiully.hy the U. S g ivernnienl lien. I'trrdcn, pommmiKr in chief ho Mi xiciii forcej raised tgainsi ih U. Stales, hs declared war against Ih Mexican jovernmnl. Loiter writer it Washington anacrt tint Mr. Jk'nlon intended at the com mencement of this week to bung in bill lor the ornamziiiou of an army ol two hundred thousand men, and the an thariznion of a war loan of glO'000,000 to prepare ihe cou my for any conMn gency thai may grow out of the Oiejon ol W ell, they are great on a tnle in the Weat.. They say thai llis skeleton of nun which was recently duj up in Tenne see. is about 18 feel high, and must have stood It) feel The bonea ol the thigh am leg measure 0 feel 0 inches. I he kill i described as btini about (wo. thirds ihe e iz of a tlour barrel and capable of holding in its ravmes near two bushels. The English Navy ha 282 ships I ense of war, the United Slates Ins 100 00U fislnnnen, who will man 28 J shins and brigs in leas lima than ii would take to oh lain volunteer for hub mail ol' war from Woolwich dock-yard. The venerable Mrs. Rochester, from whose family ihe flourishing city of Roches ter (N. I ) deriv.u us name, died at thai place list week. The authorities ami citi zns honordl her mem iry by a public fir neral, which was attended on Thurs day. Mr. I. Johnson fell dead in Providener- on Sunday afternoon, while in an odd fcl Iowa' ptocessioti, attending the remains o a deceased 'brother' to ihe tomb. Al Quebec, tliprmometer 13 degiesj be low zero Snow 13 feet deep, in pi'es Buffalo robes in demand, or aa Burton says 'Bear skins is nz.' Salina, N. Y., produced three million bushels of salt last year S ilma ia a fine pla:e. Ii i ivora of salt tnd beauty. There are raised in R ck couiiiv, Illinois the present year, 700, 000 bushels of wheat. The population of the county ii only 10IK). The Methodists have ntremJy I n-ated a f'olipyiaia Vnsuiuiion in O ejfoit. They are quick. h i sad to (earn from a gettlein n direct from Uaui iyaiua, that hostilities have re commenced beieen the Slates ol San Sal vador ud llonduris. The army of San Salvad ii hu 1 entered Honduras, and ia lay ing wasl the country. OREGON. The conclusive testimony of the Ameri ran tide, and the ability with which thai ti tle has been maintained by lite Secretary ol Slate, Pennsylvania's own Buchanan, i admitted on all hands. Even the New York Herald's correspondent, well known as one of the ablest men of his day, and a having been bitterly prejudiced against Mr. Buchanan, aa his foimer letters prove 1, says in a recent communication, in relation lo this matter; 'Every body seems to be astonished a the wonderful c'.raractrr of Polk's policy Buchanan deserves a part of the credit, and he will have it; ami when his correspon deuce with the British minister is made public, every body will he more astonished than ever. He is at the present time be yond all doubt, llie ablest diplomatist in the democratic part), lam not quite certain whether he is not, after all, the first in the country, Webster is great, but he lacks some of the qualities that adorn ihe irons monger Calhoun is a magnificent state man, but be is greater in the forum than any where else. At any rate, both Mr Polk and Buchanan will gain more credit by ibis movement than Ihev won befute. Panics are suddenly arrested clique are astounded and; in less than ten days some movements will be set on foot here which are now liule expected . J IJI"(1I Mil . I LOOK. OUT. All persons indebted to the luhscri ber on bond, note, or book account make payment before the first day of I'turuaiy next, or their ircuti'i will f ter that date, be left widt h Justice ol the Peace for immediate tHection, FUN I EL S.N YD VR- D.c. 27 1815. SHERIFF'S SALKS. Y virtue of a levari racial tome directed, will be exposed to public salo at tin Courtlluuse III l'UIVM, on Monday, Ihe VJth day of January next, tl 13 o'clock; the following property, to wit- All thut certain lot of ground iu tlio town of "crwiok; adjoining a lot of Abraham Millsr.loumJ cd on llmnoitli by Front-street, being si y hist ii wmin, on too soulli ly un tl li'y.ltoui 00 font in wnltii, mill on the eajt by uu alley, 80 feet in depth "nuruuu crecicu a A TWO 8'J'OltY FHAMH 1IOU.SK mil KMCN. ALSO All that certain lot or I'icco of lai d situalail in Herwick lioundud aa follows, to wit : fronnnr nn , .1 . i .... i i,nnai-imi neiuir suty Let in ir,mi 0 (,. Hireel.Mrttn lliu corner ol HiJ lot or piece o Rroand oui anat-HtreHt un alley that runs f'niu Ironl Hreet lo Canal-Klaet. uud theuru by a lino oerosa aai, lot in a line iaiallel with ihe alley running from i luiii-Hiii-ui io i,anai-Hireei so a lo niuke Kixtj lee front on the alley runnum beUcuu Front anil t;una!-sircru, t.igctlicr with the lieiudilunients and aipeitiinanens, Seized taken in execution and to Lo soldaslhi propeity ot 1 bonus (Jonmdly. ALSO- Y virtue of sundry writs of venditioni tx . I i punas ro me uirecleu, al the lui.e am plai e accrlaiu traetof land situated iu (Jrcenvvooi! towilnp, lolumbia county, containing flit Aci'cs, nore or leas, atiout 80 of which is ele oed land wmnded bv lands of William jlcMiclmel. Williun Mioemnker, turlis Htadon and others, whereon is erected a lurjje r-CT3V TWO STORY &eJg ijtjt MKIfK IIOL'SK, Wl HliK small Lob House, a Saw Mill. &-S33j3: Clover Mill, a J.aih Mill, frann itiiblcnnd other out buildings, two apple orchards ivilh the aiinerteuances. Seized taken lo execution and to be sold as the property ol William Leincn A LSD certain lot of ground situate ii Ilriercreck township, Columbia county, containing 8 lev v t 7 t IMIILADELPIIIA AND AMU0Y OYSTEKS constantly on hand and for salu WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL, l,y J W CANNON. Dlooinsburgi December SO. norn or less, hounded by lauds of Joseph Low, lohn Khaffcrand others, Aeizrd taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Hallzer Heiney. ALSO certain trict of land situate hi Itunringcreek town fhip, Columbia count); containing 9 ACM989 more or less, bounded by lands of (ieor(;e Aiwer, U iin Uenseland others, whereon is creeled a A Two St irv Frame House, a r ' L. . i m a JfirJ A l,o6 btal.le. iW3 And a Wlaeksniith tvhon, good spring of water with tlio appertenances. Seized taken in execution and lo l,o sold as llie property of Michael K. iower ALSO certain tract of land situale in C'alawissa township, Columbia county, containing 3g , VJ...,,a Aete, MARRIED.-On ihe 4th inM , by Rev, Samuel Urysnn, Kev. John Guvcr. of 'ir f.nia, to Miss Ellkn A,, daujhier of Geo A. (ireen, of I.ewisbuig. On the 15lh insi., hy E. Trejro, Eq . Jfsk IJoyer of Berks co., to Elizabltii IJl'PMAN, of Col. co On the 1 1th ins! , by Wm, Kitchen, Esq Mr. Daniel Briht. of Danville, to Mise Sarah Shaffkr, of Briarcreek, Col. co. MARRIED. On the 16th inst by the Rev. Mr. Lesley, R:v, Wm. II; 1JOURNS, Ri etor ot F.mar.iml Church IIolmebur(i, I'a. to Mi- FRANCES 1. daoohter cf the late John W. ('hap man of that place. DIED lii Esoevtowti. on the l&il inst. jir EilAMEL HAKTMAy, nged abuut 1 r J , more nr less, hounded by lands of Willam David son; Peter lioiline and others, wlteicon is erected s Loo House and a Low Stablo. Also One acre situate in the town of (.'at- tajssa, bounded on thu north 'iy Fine-street; on the by Fourlli-strrel; on the south by un allcv and on the west by an alley Also One Lot in the town aforesaid containinc one-tbiid of an ucie bounded on the west by 'Fluid sreel; on the north hy Piiie-street; on the east l, in alley and on Ihe south by lot of Daniel Kiiegli. Also Doc lot coritainil'ji one-fourth of an Herein the town aforesaid hounded bv lot of John Harder on the east; on the north by Stephen Ilaldy; on llie west by 'Id treet and on the south by Pine-street Seized tskep in execution and to be sold as the property of Miry Stick I RAM DERR, Sheriff. SheiilT's Office, Danville, Dee. 23, 1815 n assortment of 1 1 f) I A A ) V XV A II E JfL such as Ket les, Pols. Uoim, Tua Kellles, Spuhirs, Coke tiriddles, Ac- Aso Largo and imiuII WagKon lloxes, from the Danville 2,'aglc W uiks, just received and for salo by IIEFLEY L MEN DEMI ALL December 20 1mm Ak Private The subicriber offers for sale hiu nous ft & 5 lilt W, GT A 'tL situated on the corner of Main and Last-strteis iu looinsl'urg, (.'oluinbia CouUtV, Fa. ltiswe calculated for the loca'ioii for a Public House or Store,being 00 Vet fronf on Maintretl, S 1 J 1 -'2 feet on Last-street, and the road Icuding to iho llloonislnirg Kail Kond lion C'oiupany a Furnaces. I his Lot is well cal culated for building upon Fast-street as well na on Main, and being situated in the centre ol the Iron Region of Columbia County, is well worthy the attention of the capitalists. For any information respecting the eoiidilions, .;. quite of Oleoiiisburg, )eccmbei N 0 T I c i: IS HEREBY CIVEN, 0 all legatees, crcditoi s, and other persons iutcresti d iu the estates of the respective lecedents and minors, that the administration and unrdian accounts of the said estates have been tiled in tho ollico of the Kecistor of the county of Columbia, and will bo presented foj conliruiatioii and allowance to the Orphans' Court, to he held it Danville, in and for the county ulorcsuul, on Wednesday tho S 1st day of Januury next, ut 2 o'- lot k, 1. M. 1 The supntemenlary and final account ofi braham Wolf and Christain Woll, Administra tor of Catharine Wolf, laic of Mifllin Township, icceased. 2 Tho account of Jacob Goui;er, guardian of arah Aim Follmer, now Siiah Ann irass, Hen ry Fullmer uud F.lcunor Follmer, minor children l Jacob 1' ollmcr. laic of Liiuestoiiu lownslup, ceased. 3 The account of George Billmeycr, guardian of 'Voices Mainui,w ho was one of the minor children f Jtdin Slcinmaii deceased. MISS M. i:. liOIUSOX, HAS has just returned frin Philadelphia and idded f hrr former stock a large as sortment of Millinery ar.d rancy Articles consisting in pari of a gonral assortment ol Fashionable Itibbons of all kinds, Jlotirut Vtlvet ofuh colors and ijuaUty. Winter Artifiriu Flowers oull kinds. and almost every thing else that may be called for in her line. All of which will be sold very low. Ladies are ifquested I tall and see oil themselves. December 5 IILAST1SG POWDER. 1 C$0 "'$: f Illaklins Powder ol tho test quality, just received by WM. McKELVY & Co December 5 Fc Blills. koh JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES Priued on a sheet for the purpose ol post- tug up in their ChVcs. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE iT7Tlm Law teqniit a .Insiii e u for stable to have his bill ol Ices pi e.od up ii ii ii omce. ALSO Blanks or CONSTABLE SALES. Notice, vrlMQU. lllCIJI'.xi k LL persons having unsettled accounts eithe f with the subscriber, or with ihe late In in o) Suvrrlhoru A. Uooiie, whether the balbnnt be i. his favor or against him, ure reipiesleil to c in forward and settle them imihediutely, llial he unt close his buaii.ess as soon os possiblo, A w.od ii the wise is sullicieiit. MA KM I AL SJLVLKTIIOKN Septembcj 20. w UARRCLS of die best quality of just received by 9 .December 5 WM' McKELVY k Co. Sr ECTACLElT ANfl (iLAsES. I'lIK subscriber has just icceived a lurge us soitiientol SPlX'l ACLLs und M l,(- I'ACLK GLASSES, ol the best ounlitv. of lull, bite and green, from So. J, upwards. (Tj Persons ulllieted with sore eves, will find it to Iheir advantage to call ami eel glasses fioin Inn ; as iney may leei assured ol ilenviii" a grtat buiclit trorn their usu G. L. SIII LTZ. Cloomsburg, May 17, 18151 New i&rc TXT TN ja 9 Ileistcr Office, Danvil e, Dec, ID, ? 1841 $ THREE CENTS REWARD. Ran away from the suliscriher on the lid inst., boy named SILAS MILI.AUI). The above le ard will be paid, but no charges, il said boy is relumed to tlio subsciilier within ten days. 'Flic public arc hereby warned pot to (rust or harbor biui on niv account, as 1 hold myself no longer resjioo ible for him Putney (iiove, 12 mo. 1 Dill I.H iu. THOMAS MF.NDKMIALL. POl'iN'DS ef a superior quality of IRISH MLMOX, just received at the store of WM. MCKELVY Sc Co, December 6 N 0 T ICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of F.YF.I! and lll'.FFI.Y. on IN'ote or Hook account are re piested lo call on the subscribers and settle the iino belore tba hrst, d iv retiruary next. hose ncgluclmg his notice may expect to pay cost. CHARLES HI" FLY. Dec. 20, 1845. THE PRINTER WANTS " WBieaf9 Blwclswlicatj) Wood, & Supply lh Pi inter 'n wants, bin don! ill come al c ce; give him time lo stow he si i.i U away. (DmaL TONS IJmc Hiii no r COAL MEFLKY & MEN DEN HALL. 7rrpinber 21) y nr. n JtM -ft i t r.- i. j 50 r"m XOI'J XCOil.lPL.'lSTr.H 50 Ten MKi: PLASTER, just received find for sale by Wm. McCLLVY fy Co. : D" rem! er 13, J Iltss GRAND JURORS. For Januury Perm, 1816 Bloom II ugh Thompson Samuel Kreslet Briar Creek Henry A. Bniuiu James Evans jr Thomas Cox Derry Tobias Shirts Franklin Michael Mensch Hreemvood John Robbins Hemlock- Eli Thornton David Smith Liberty Wiliam Shires John Lanay f.tmeslone 1 homas I lack I.lllin John Michael Chailes II. Ml. Pleasant Daniel McCartV Mahonini" William Kitchen John Deen j1 Ruaringcreek George Maiks Jacob Fetter nr.. n Abraham Mensch Reuben FjIi- rinr r Sugarloaf John II. Davis Thomas Hess TRAVERSE JURORS, Fur Januury Term, 1310. Bloom Jacob Grouel, Asa I). Hull Briar Creek Jonathan Ivk, Abrahaii. Loekari, V nice m Richarl Cattawi'sa Thnmss Fox Cenire John Werkbeistr Solomon Nry- hart, Ilenrv Knor Dery Patriuli Montague Samuel Laird Fishingcreek Harmon Labour, John Bright Franklin Peter Kline Green wood Joims ILvman llemlork William Kobiaon J.ickton Jicob Farvci Limestone Fiederick Fox, Richard Thompson, F.vaii Henderhot Liberty Morris Lima. John BowtfrnEsq, Milfliil Samuel Keller ;1.idison A'ftrril I't;-, Caleb Fsnstonf Henrv Crwbud Main J.ihti Nnss John Keifer John Gro ver Mslno: i n Tliiirn is 0. Ellis All. I'M-ant Willidin lluel David DE m o 1 1 Montour Wiilinm M, K.ibberts rtoariitocreek Henry Mciz Siig-'irlottf Rctibtn Davis Alexander Clin jcr AT THE Wem) Store, LIGHT-STREET, COLUMBIA CO 'J'HE subscribers tales this melhnd-of informing the public thai they have just arrived from Phila delphia Willi u splendid assortment of KEw AND ChEAP GOODS, among which maybe found u suprricr selection of Black, Blue Black, B'uc, (Jretn, luvisiblt Green, Olive and Mixed Cloths, stipe rioi Fr'-neh aiulFanc Cassimeres, Sii'lint ts of all colors and prices Kyutui kv,.ldjf,s,Iii avy Bink Tweed, at;d , i i .I' ll ml t nii?s. A fplcntlid assiirtincnt of U oollcn, Velvet, 'e lenia, Siiin i ii (i SiHiidown Vesting?, Flannels of al! colors & prices, colored, bleached it unbleached Cotion Flannels, Furniture ndAproiiCheck, ALSO Mancher enk Scotch I lineliains. Bed Tickioir i . i ... i .i . i ii i. i -I. i . ... . lIUMt It'll illlll 11 I l (' It'll I 1 I t Ml. in. 1 1 .. uh..I I .!,;.. Al....v,.. l'..".i....i........ '.' also make to order . i"i. . . .j . -tin i , n,-i ty a orw ai i. je for Ladies' wear; Furniture ami Dress Calicoes of all pi ices; a splendid assortment of haws, JJress andten Ait ', Cram lis and Collaret Is. A full ansorimeni of Ladies'' (Did (ientlerien's llo.vm, and Gloves, lenlleiiiens Brains, Cot'urs Socci, Uuri Eliit;c, Winded and Coion Susjiendcrs, fyc. Together willi u full assortment of Groceries Chair Manufactoy 'I'll E subucribei coniinuts to cany on the CHAIR aVANU FACTOR I NCI business at ihe old siand of IL & S. liaen burl), where he will be ready at all time, to furnish Fancy fc V. imhui Chairs, iSet lees, Boston Rm king Chaira itc, of evory description, which may bo called lor, a' short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also t xecttte House, Sion t Ornamental Painting, and House Paptiiiig, iu a superior inainier, From bis experience in the business, ant his facilities of niainifacturitig the varioi unifies of bis line, he flatu rs hinincl. thbi he shall be able to furnish as oood work, and upon as reasonable tonus as can b lone in the country, all of which he wib dispose (, r t'ASIl or CO I VI R V PRODUCE N. B-Orders from a distance will bi strictly ai.d ptiiuiuallv ancntlnl m. B HAGE.NBUCII. BlonnisI urp, Dec. UO, 181'J 11E ubsceibers respectfully inlornijllio yub. L he, that tliev lali 11 IOCS', on Mmkrl i u largo and extensive assortmeut of FALL AN1J WIN TEH mix oooiiH, Groceries, Hardware, kaifi IIKXWaHE and LIQUORS; n fai t, every article ui.usu.illy kept in a country tore. Amoutr i.jr assoitment may ho found ('aliened, (,f il,,. newest n;illern Sillr "'I v-hu is, (!ashiniercs, Saltinelts, Vest iigs, Bleaebid and Brown Shin. Itijjs, (Jlovcg and Hose, Hand kerchiefs and Shawls, Cashmeres, -c. And having selected them with great care as to Ulily Kiel price, they ar enabled to sell Idem at ower prices Ibari tliev have ever lielore hi un of. reil in this vicinity, for Cash or Countrv I'm. i ' uooi'. (X y Having made Hrraneenienls iu the City for a constant supply, any article in their line which they have not on hand.can be furnished ul a weeks uaticc, Persons ae requested t call and examine their gnoila und prices bel'or; pun hasinp elsev. I t re ALliliKjll'J' 4- Mi iNULL. Dlonmvhiug, Oct. 11, 18-15 - 5 NOTICE IS hereby given tlmt I puHiaaeJ at Constable Mile as i he property ol Joiiii CI; y ton die (!;, mg aitlcle; lo wit i loltiei, Classes and olhir Pur Fiji turn 'I PcniJics and a mtirlne dmhur (.'uii S.'i i'cs and I'ljio, i Wad Stuvtn and I'iiie "' d-iz Clmirs uh I Pokiiia C'.air I .'iiiin a: PobUs I Hint. I l'r!c IvJtt yards Carpeting I Liivkinz UUtssis I tni Wand 10 dsh cids and 10 Beds and IkEllng Furre's with Liquor and ( r 2 parts of Barrels f F'uh 30 Fusltels of Oats, mil liuvo li lt tin: tame iu Ins possesion durmff niv plca-lne and hereby forbid uov pel: -i-n I iliin il ,,i irom 1 1 1 in ly puicliase or o.iie, i;e v.;lu ut my consent. JOHN Wc WILLIAMS. AxoUibcr 0, ISIj Ci.OCSi U WATCH II) J5L'J'.f."JFn.LY informs ih (itiz,.s (.'oluinbia county, and the public ceneiu nun lie nus locateu hni sell in lilonmshurg on .Mniu street nppoMlo M. I'aul s Church, whefo bo I lis openeil shop, mill is now rimly m il juepareil receive mid execute all work ir.'his line ol businc ..ith dispatch uud in a workmanlike manner. clocks a Vatchfcs 'if t')0 best oualitv, can be Irid at his cstiilillsliMi..,, iu very reasonable term! . I I I'AlIe? ( & ( J 1 A? will 'je ilonc to the satisfaction of t!ie etirloiin .11 1 l I 1 a . . - uc:i oi iocks ami aicliesas ol Jeuelsv, hi il hi will lurther, warrant hiswork to le exe:ulrj well as any in this section of the Mate, lie ui. A? u; Haithvarc a:nl iueenswaie. will) a variety cf oilier r.aklis too liunicrous to mi'iition . The Mihscrihrs feel coiil'iden:, since I ln-ir gnedf have been purchased on ,),,. l , f i,.Mll, , ,1 been selected with ureal care; that ihey can sell h-w-,.r than they can be houulit at tiny oilier More ii. this part ol the county ; they therefore solicit the pa tron U I lie. f-Sa'The highest ptice pitij for a1! k,,llls f,l COUN TRY PRO DIJCE in Goods AMOS B. December fi; lSlo .Jif exchangd lot KN ABB Si Co. Sfe!RVEVIX(J COMPASSES or pocket, mill III short, will i!o nil oil cuvoili Vsi ally done in a well icgulalcd respei table eslablisl nu'iit. lie hopes by :,trct ntlrntion to ho dm ...i - .1.. .: ... ..i ? i.i iioo u in-ic io pit-use, io ieieie n ui'cral r-lia e i i ii ..i . , l',Hi'ui.";v. i uuiiiij j louuce inhen in prvrnen lor work at the market prices. Itlooiii.iburg, November IS, 1S-14 30.1 NOTICE ffM lie-ehy given tbat 1 have puul iife ; of Moses .l.iy the following ropert, to wit: One Mantle Vlo:!c 7 hre Bedsteads One Wash A'ei!e Five Shouts One Wash Tub One Chest Two Barrels Cider One l!arrc Il ine and have left tlie fame iu his possession during my pleasure; and hereby forbid any oerson lakiie. thi in from him by puvchise or otherwise without my eminent FREDERICK HAROLD Docemher 1, 1815 Ail- Estate f-f .Ibruham Peeler, tale Fishivifcreek township, dee eased. TTOTir'E is hereby given, that Letters of C minislnitiou on Ihe above uielitioned estate ha.e been gianlcl to thf siiliseriberdixing in Fi h jingcrerk township. All persons indeblci to sail' ;estite ore hereby notified to mr.kc immediate pey 'ineut, mid all ihut-e haunt; clsims uie rri(iii'stctl Ii 'present them properly niilhentiititoil. to ; JOH.N T'LLlahf', Adm'r. Novcuiiiti 22, ISHo Oul ITS-T" GCCLO, N li V A K It A U l: M I: NTS. Xo humbug but (loods diiien to the lou ist notch oil through. FRlll ii mi.scriner navn g er.m;,i tru Ins new U store house, on A'um it.'cct near Minke in Liloouisburg.antl liavin slocked it Willi a iloi k of entire new goods, which wi ro selecled will. great c.irc in ngaid to style anu price, l.elialtiit him self lliat he can oiler f. csh eooiis, and l.cwct -ivl s and them at lower pricis than but ever lnei olii red in tliij place, and as the assortment coiiso ol every tlninz lor comfort and adornment in the Dry Goods, logether with a g-oeral ussoniuinl of 'lucensirurg (some ucw styles) Schtw Boohs, Hardware, Ctder u urr, 'lintn uare, Eurtnenwure, S'dina or Luke, ground, Pine Lisbon and Dairy Suit, Sal' mun Mai kcral,and Ihrring, Cuviudis'i Innta Ion Pluix, Fine cut Si Stnikinz! ' abacco, Candles f Si iip, Ciiir A'if..V(d, For Irvv. tii'snb s iiui.e ruiis itlii nun lis. nil it cbitl. n . lie sohl at a very Mo, ill pl lit lor ri.u'y ;y. mk! Ik would resptctlully i..ile idl irsii.sto cad tic fmine hi se.-iils sia. jiloie I t iclo.sicg I'be hiilil prices a. d lor all kil lis ofrolnurv proeuce. J.. li. HI I hKl blooaisbufg, pi. SOih, l4o '.'Jif. NOTICE S heretiy given that on llieittli of .Vovrmber 1j I Ipuii hasid ol llei.'M n i'oiisu .oo One II rod Si,ive, md have lett (be same in his poe s on dmini iv lilensiirc. and lorbid any pers 'ii t ik'ne.' it Com him y purchase or ctheiwise. witK'.ul my eoiisei t. JOHN 110WLT1. December 13, 1816 ICrCIlEAPEli THAN EVFRdj re' Arrii'ul of at tiii; 1Jf - NOTIILR q lciidid assorlnient of COOPS bus just been added to the former s'ock at i;c Arcade; which we can sell cheaper than ever before oJVcrcd in this maiket. (b iitleiii, n wloi : h CtJOD and ( 7LA1 CLOTH.V, und Ladies who want FAHUU.N A ILK, CUCD &. ClihAy irlii les lor DHKSShS, ol every desci iption, Wtl lind it for their in crest to cnM, as we know lin y will be satisfied with the quality and puces ol our ooils. Uur motto being' Clicapir than the Chea 'I,' we can und will live up to il. ;ulliut r s S5(us per yard, and every hing ebe in proportion. ALyyi;i(JllT & MF.MiAL. iov ember ''2 NOTICE fS hereby givsn, that I have purchased ,u Con stable salj, as lip- properl of Jell'crsoii Al.iyer, lie following propery, lo wit rPw Eluclc Ilunes, One Bay Horse, Three Sets of Team Harness, One Team Saddle, One 3 Hi rse Wuat.rn $ Fed, uid have left the same in bis i os.-ession duriio; my plea-Uie, and lu riby foibid m y j citon laku g moo iroln linn, clici .y pmchae or olheiwite. without my coiisci.t. ri:i!i;y tinsel. .Noveii, ber 18, 181531 LL lliose .tidebtcd lo the subset ihcrv on Dioid, iNoleor Hook Account, ol loni;i r si:n,i i ,i in O.N I'. YK.AK. ate rcqiiis'cd to cull ami seitlo he same previous to the liisi day ol February new. ll those neglecting this notice u uy expect to p.,y OM WM MtKELVV Si Co. l)-c 13. i 'The Columbia Coutiiy Temprranr.e Con sulion wiil bold its next aniuii! inretiti"' in he Prt sliytetun Church in this place, oi hursday, Istol January, '4 Li. 'The Cut, vetiiion to be opened 12 o'clock. A. M. The several iSui ie.ies in the Countv I please nmkeeaily arrai genients to brt tullv repr.'Si tiled in the Convention 7'hnr iiconoti is also it'tpecilitllv ilirtcit'd lo tba oilo ii g notice. C. B BOWMAN, PrcsU. Bcrv, it-k, Lee, 5, 1815. The CotntniHee appointed toirceive ti n pons ol the several T in pt ranee Societii.v il Itie (..'utility w uiild I-tluesi tin in to 1 o iru arilrd w i'lmui ilehi , as ihev uis-h t, aku up li e roll belore the meeting ol tl.u ouvliiUo.:. (. B BOW .VAN, W. L. AI.LFR, i:t .nr. V llhlt.lU. L. lieru lek. Ure, ;i. Its lo ySfV'V-ns d the ccti'ity fn. lolly to cau'e ol iimpcrance will please copv, toe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers