"THirH i rani-!' ri in " lltTO a irt'utt.ii; 7;r.w:: tr, im. A few days tinea, i FLAG A.ILK POCKET HANDKERCHIEF. Tne finder will confer a favor by vi n l i1 wiih the l'RINTEK. , Democratic County Meeting A County Meeting of the DumociHfic Cidzens of Columbia County, will bt held Dt the honse of Charles Doebler, in Bloom, burg, on Saturday, lha 3d of January uexl, at 2 o'ciock n llie afternoon, In appoint a fenatoiial and a nepresentative Delegnte to the Slate Convention to be held at llarrii burg on I'm -t vli of Mreh next, Id nominal! a candidate for Canal Commissioner. D j orler of the Demi cralk Standing Committee. Doce inber 21, 1815. PUUL1C MEKHNQ. Thuriday Evening. Dec. 23, 1845, at a meeting of citizens of Bloomsburj, eonven. ed for the purpose of arranging a Debating Society, the following proceedings were had: II. Webb, wbs chosen chairman, and C, R. Buckalew, Secretary, On motion, William Neal, II. Webb, C. R. Buckalew aud E. Armstrong, were chosen a committee to prepaie rules for the Society and to report the in at the next meeting. The next ranting to be held at Mr Buck slew's office on Tuesday Evening, 30ih inst. al half past six o'clock. The citizens generally are respectfully iaTited to attend. IIARRISBURC. PAPERS, The Publishers of the DEMOCRAT IC UNION' and ' PENNSYLVANIA HEPOHTER,' propose issuing their pu pate twice a week during the session of the session of the Legislature, and once a week during the remainder of the vear. TERMS. For the session (2 00 For the year $3 00 The above papers are both Democratic, end ably conducted, and promids full re ports of the proceedings of both branches of ifie Legislature, having engaged compe tent Reporters " THE TARIFF. We maintain, and it has for a long time jfen our settled opinion, that the question of a protecivo Tariff ought never to have been introduced into patty politics. fit become a question tipon which a political party, as such, msy be ranged, it will, ne cessanly, be insecure. I here will be no certainty about it. To throw the traJo aud producing industry cf the country vita questions canceling thera wa mean be tween angry combatants, fired by all ihe re collections of an ancient feud, is certainly, most foolish and darjerous, And yet, this has been attempted ! & the attempt kepi op for two oi three years, wild a zeal that is proof against all rebujs.land a stubbornness that defies all consequences! We cannot hold the Whig leaders guiltless in this patticulsi. It is undenicWe, thai they have drugged his question into the arena of politics, have untruly alledged ihemttlves to be its exclusive friends, and opon the falgo issue thus raised, attempted to ride into powsr Woo ever heard before 1843 that the Tariff ws a question upon which ihe two reat parties of the country were divided ? No body. The division upon it had bren .ocal, opto 1812, as every one know,.; jt had been a quesiion betweeo the Xortum and Southern States, end not Letwesn polit ical parties. Why was it than pressed into scrvico as a topic of electioneering ! Why were enemies mado to it by ibis jn. discreet conduct of ptetended frirnds t No answer can be given to these quextions but will condemn those rUmorons poliiicim., who have attempted to m.ke a political question out or a oca one. and attempted to raise an issue where none in truth t xim. d. Dut, is it pressed upon us, in point 1, f ill A M.,. r..W .llnli Mnn J ... . 4 uui Hid fudib iui ciivu i uouuri i we are not bound to assign motives for what men do. Human conduct is directed by r gren a diversity of moral forres, that we miglo Le quite mrnrrect in cur judgment. Uut w candidly think, that iho motiva wa, in carry the late Presidential election V that was the prompting design. how sijjna'li has it failed ! And wlnt an efiVr live re buke have IV virdmn, masses pien to po it.cal manses ind llm (lprimPrs Uninstrcrted, tio(vr I .u , , ' -'"HI, llie M lllf in newspapers Keep pra,ins away ((( , eame old tune;' Ihn. su rrf TuriTi incomparaue 1 unj men h ? Tariff nj 1843!! Every body is nauseated will Iraili j it is a subject worn perfectly threadbare; yet on and Mil! on, over lbs dry realms of bombast, run Ihe Whig editorials I Week after wri'k interminable repetitive of the same dull leaden tatlle, on a subjoei that in prattlers neither unih miand in it print iples nor upprecitta in its operation iVhisffcry riajiiis 6 Vast and ,COsC.' A lew davs sines tieneral k.ns ovei the adoption of three Resolutions in the U S. Senate with reference lo our National lefences, the Navy, Siei, lie eccumpe nieil Ins motion with some lemaiks in re ference to the Oregon questiun, and tin danger of a rupture w:l'i (iieal linlaiii in regard to il ; and assrrli d that an inquiry into our situation for meeting the shock ol hostilities, win rendered sereesary by ihe menacing stale of the negotiations between flur government and thai of Great Britain On two different ilvs,:he Resolutions were opposed by the Whig leaders in the Senate is nnneeeseary, ill limed and injudicious .17. Archer, Mr. Crittenden, Mr. Mangurn and Daniel Webster, oil made speeches and all thought it was a great pity lhi Gen. Cass bad inlioducrd them, and tried to induce the Senate to decline or defer ae tion upon them. They were supported by Mr. Allen of Ohio, Mr. Sevier and other" The Whigj wera finally brought up to the mark, and when the vote was taken, il stood 43 in favoi of the motion a unanimous vote 1 Even Webster nho made the anti American speech a, Boston lately votin in favor of the Resolutions ! The truth is ihe Whig leaders dare not vote sgaiusl propo. sitions tending to assert and maintain A meric an rights in Oregon. Public opinion is loo stiong to be directly opposed, and the American people will pronounce a fear ful condemnation upon those tvho venture to show the white fsather, when the inter ests of the country are al stake. The last war taught Federalism a leseon it will not soon forget. It was then rebuked effect ual ly; and Democracy proved its ability to crush treason at boms, as well as to repel invasion from abroad, Hartford Conven tions were as powerless for cvii.ss were the bayoaets of Parkenhim at New Orleans' Over both ssdilion and invasion, the Demo cratic sdminissration of James Madison si- nally and gloriously triumphed. The Fed eral leaders cf the present Jay, are instruct ed by the past, and will not bs in a hurry 10 n peat, openly it least, ihe experiment of opposing tfie vindicatiou ol American rights and Americau honor. And so even Webs ter, who gave away a pari of our territory in Maine to England, and who argued a jaittsi American rights in Oregon in' hie late speech at lloilon, is forced against his withes, to vote right in the Senate ol in a umiru aiaics. mr. aiangum s speech was the Iea3t objectionable one msdo on the Whig aide, and rr was : queer mixture of good and evil, sense am folly. Perhaps by the time ho makes an other speech he will gel his iJes stral'it. ened, and be an American Democrat in fact, as he partly seeing to be in intention, am as be was in his brighter and boiler dsv( We see by quotations from the Englitdi tewspipcrs that they arc highly delighted with N ehsier s Iioston speech. There it not a man in Ihe United States ai popular in hnglmd as Daniel Webster. His donation to them of that slice cf Maine made then, his friet.ds for life, Rm Hesvcn be praised Janus Buchanan and not Darnel Webstei is row Secretary af E'.ate, and so England nevd nol expect any furlhbr donations ol American territory" RLOOMSlJl'U.i FURNACE, i 'i . , inis rurnaeo lias now been in operation about three months, and continues to do most exi-cilon; business, it having made ih ft fit tkven wtila after it was blown ilcvcn hundred and thirty-five o jf mostly, number 1 pig iron. Mr. RaUion he found; ym in, m iy certainly challcnfe ro.npetiiion f-om any furnare of the same Uie, (14 fact bosh; in ih United Su:ei J tic Kirwnk Si.ir of the Nurth' ha hay been discontinued. I tic IS 1 1 1 Lduiiitiiii; I't-xas iij a Sia( Intt the Union, hat passed ihi Ilnuse of Uu prcsentativei by a Luge mtj irily, ! 1 . . i is iiiirriiuy rumored al vv 8s!un;tor mat u, c iiegoiuiioi.ii in relation to the terri tory, has l.f rn reopened by the lirhi.l.Miu is'ir, Mr, Pdi'liiniin i.d'n in j a in.w prjpo -iiiun toi the i-c til fin fiit of at. I- (liflictilty Ti.rrrl thu m j.i tiimI rr.unli n-r r.f lln vouiijr v. itiiiin in IJi, ion, f, n l,nii aiiii:i'i .'li(Hr Four Men ltn iit.t Iroyn to Mary Lnd. Ttxai .7 iiiitlt t intj tt 'it'toii lj tt llciUft The lloute of Representative, on i'uesilay, trilled the q iemon if I'.e adum ion of Texas into the Union t r be m Lvci lid vote c( HI yr: j Qmya. 'Hit St'iisie ties in art upon II. e renttuiiun, an ' tvill give it a sncii. n inl'y dreijed I'll i is ei'lilmg the matter in a proi.pt and expeditious niannrr. J Snuir ut liWunmi l. l'U Ruhmont; 'Va.) Wing says; I'hrte was a heavy fil ol snow in Richmond on Moiijiy, tul I mulled nearly t fail n it ftll. Mieie l line li((hinjf frii;i no lit itrr to Wheel ing, through the N rthei roiiiitis A C'larUburg, the enow was fifteen inches deep.' A (il)OU WII E. Andrew Jolinno i, a member of the House of Repiesciilaiiv,! Irotn Tcnnisce, we see it stated in an ex"hmge pper, w .s laughi by his wiluJ real after Ins muriate! He s a tailor by tri.ie, and n an estimable and intollijenl id m. LOUISANA. The new Constitution his been adopted Sy yeas 22,577; nays, l,:tG2 majority for (dopiion, 10.8S3. G iv. Mouton has made ptoeU'Dation ai'uorJiol v; and directed thai ihe fStnte election for (.Jjvernor, L. Gjv- ernor and Legislature lake place on the 3d Monday (lihli; of Januaiy. This w. II call great vote. Ujii. John Si lell having gone Pienipoienu try to Mexico, baa resign- ed his eeat in Congress as membei ftom ihe first Disliict, embracing part of New Orleans and Ihe lower parishes. Emilie La Sre is talked of by the Democrats tr succeed him. The Whigs will gtva them a contest. Wood is selling in St. Louis for ti a cord, and extremely scarce. In Cincinnati it is selling for l a cord. Quite a differ. nce. A Heavy rail ut mw ocenrreu in Uuntsville, Alabama, on the 3d inst ml, and several snow storms have taken place since It is very cold and excellent sleighing. TEXAS. lilaveslon papers to the 4'.ti inst. report tlitl Henderson will be I'lectd liovernor and Itorlon Lieut. Governor. Little inter est is tell in lha e.ection. J he citizens art absorbed with their domestic matters Crops aie abundant throughout the country Large amounts of wheal have been raise1 l'lia country west of the Urazos proJucts more sugar than is requisite for ihe supply I'he cotton crop is good, The Presbyterian Church in Texas is a bo tit to found a seminary of learning near Sin Antonio, The Soard of Missions ol Nw York have agttcd lo pay the salary of a Professor annually, and lbs citu-jni of I'uxts have comribtr.ed lilicrally, LEHIGH AND liCHUYLilLL K. among Hie various new raiiroaus pro i . . . .i . . . jec;ed recently, is one from Easton. 1'a trough Allentowi:, lo the coal regions ul the North west. A mooting as licld u Alleitioft ti on the Euhject, h ftw day t,jf. i iui preliminary measures were talLen to i . obtain a charfr. ERIE RAILROAD. Over 514,000 of tha second fivs on!, insirdment of $150,000 culled on pel the Kris Railroad has beer, already rui; in. IHE FLIGHT OF THE MORMONS Twenty-five rotr panics sf 1)0 families ach are about leaving Nauvoo for Califor nia, nnd it is said thai t!;3 wngons whicl are lo convey them and heir baffgago will number 6003, and will form a line of 'J'j inilrs lon! In the fror.l is to be a mintinc press and typo, Irom whbjh will b:i iisued every niorriug a pner, to be sent back lo inform the rear guard what is going on in the van. An Jlgrcculite Surprise prisoner, arrived at Uiliimore on WcdiitMlay frum Hagcrstown, ronviclfd uf larceny; and sen tenced to bo confined fur a term of vcars in the I'cnitenli.irl' w.iq mi.il iiiri.ni l.l i. surprised upon iinding himself preceded by! l pardon from the Exectitivo of the Slate I'iic happy f How regarded llie docunen is a special proclamation for a 'thanksgiv ing day, and enjoyed it accordingly. Muskils'h estimated thai there are at leat one inillion finished muskets in ihe (liffjrcnl armories and arsenals of the U nioii. The Stain.; ol ,Si.-,. (;,,;,,,!, which i 'inj; in.nle in I'.,,).,, :Tonliii; lo the nun I m.I ) ... in.. i i ii. , j I oii.i'ii'i pina, ii tpourii ol ai remai kahle loeinhlauca lo the original. I it live In l five ineliej hih, coinforlihly lo the 'he me.iMimiieul ul the corns In- Dr CJIaik. Mr. Job. i ReiJer, of York county Pa., lo-i hi4 right aim, below his iloow, mid he thumb and index finger of his Iclthi'iid few dayt aiucp, whilst feeding s ihrash ng urn tune with shin strewed grain, IN. xrt i. Mr. V. P illis, who has 0t mi a s.teniii! trial, and been sg nn ouno gn ry oi ai ouirage upon a young ;trl und.r his pure, Ins escaped from Ak fon, Ouiet, j ii', where be had been confined ixeen months. He was under sentence i .. i . .. of six years in the penitentiary . r .il i i MU The Rumor that Nsuvno i about t be ioUI io the Catholic", is denied by the Chicago Journal, on the au'lioiitv orone of ihe pirties !o the ujposeJ con- net. uiniiin W'asiiixoton, Dec, 19.1 SIC. A srom eHort was niaieto adopt a resolution to proceed forthwith ao the eleeiion nf s Chaplain for tho House, -ju; after a short skirmish, it was foi the present laid on the lable. Mr Prat submitted a series of reso slolions, setting forth that Congress nie no Constitutional power (o appro )iale money fjr rtliioui purpose, or in other words to pay cliapla,n. Mr. I jiving notice of a wisli to debate (h resolutions, ihey wra laid over for one lay Mr. 0ven, in punuancu of previou notice, introduced a bill providing fo ihe eilablinhnipr.1 of a Suiiilieoeni in In siiint.Ii was twice read, and refered tc i select commit!? Mr. Douglas, fiom tho Commitee oi I eriitonea, reported a bill to protec rijr,ti's of American citizen in Oioaon ii n ; 1 1 tne icrmiuiiion ol the joint occu .I... . . psiion ol tno lame. It was read twice referred to the Commitee cf the Wholf ml made Ihe order ol iha day for tin "ccontl Tuesday in January, and eveiy Jay thereslter until diepoed (T. Numerous other bills if, whicl previous notice had been given, wue also inlioiluced asd sritiionio'cd. re ferred- Amonj them v.-as the pr. einp'ion bill. Mr. IJ.'wlin prpjcn'e.l a memwia Irom the J.eui!ature of Oiefon. Oi his motion it was refered to i.Committe a i t . ! in Iioip, to accornpmy the bill ol Mr. Doulis. M.r. Wood ward off red a nsilutioi rrquesting tho Jmlieary Cuniniitiee li onrpiira into the Kxpediencv lo amend ing lb" law rf'iliting ihn Trta.viiy De parimenl so as lo piovide it at beieaf er rli'iks shall be appointed fiom tin diffjiei.t State In piopoiiion lo tbeii population: also to consider the pioprir ty of lid. it ice ihe lei in uf set vice of si officers on lha civil I i t . It wat adoM ail Ini'i-l una.iimoiily. The rate lv which tha resohrion foi the election ef a chaplain I. ml Keen laie on the i.blj, was retorisidtred and tin resolution adopted. Mr. iint!,rO 0iT:reil a i it of res. iluiiciu, sel'inj In Ih inn it vuuld br Mr; l-.iht of folly for tliis ennnity am' Kiii'.lin.l to fit'ijs in a war iiNtive Ii Oregon, when ih'TP is no rt'atoo hj li!':cui'ifs mi i e isiin" ea: nn b imicably settled. They w!"ie laid o ver. Mr. Dromgoole. Loin lh,; Corneiii'lei on Ways and Me.-.n-, t.M,,iit, i n l,,, i, provide frr t!in batter ic an n.'ioii ..( tin FrortJur v Ipirlrnent, ami !jc ',, bl keeping cf !'ic publii' in n:. y. Ii w4. wice ie,.d and leftred to a Committer )J the? Wholf. Mi . l.'onl ,s "'ibmitti d a raoInt'o" siting foitli lint lha vh-j 0f O.o'oo is outs South c:f ," Iih ii, j..ve a:w furty niilitile!). , j'ice b"ir- L-ive-i nl'dfb.t, lie i-L'Su'uiion was lilil uv.jr.Tju; li idjotiintd i j Ajiii!:y m xt. T.'.e Orr r0ll onn,)n j'un)(l .. Mi,c:i eiTii d iiirn i ; : w AiMOil tirii)"i. il an- i-ar.i tlut the Oiejou onhio, t I, I,,.,.,, nailed in Jvtgland ajin, imuce.l by i utieles in the A a.-hirigion Union, el ,i,i,i ,. mo nuie ui i ii o it rritorv oo no f i',, ... i. .. i r . a . f o-rn'ile are extremely r.'.bid, and thi Mt-i, ho U.S. with ex'.ermin itioit. TKh r..in- Jon Morning Post say ';'iat it ii lha rea- rat feiimiieitt that the A meric m p,r r, u;id with ibe LI good cause, tbev th-ll have enon..h ,,i u " ' ' ' I 5 ' MUll until Never since tha United Suites has Ivrn.ne nation, was then in En 'land a dei e more reasonable, aud hi tho j;Ua umn more jiecahle, than ihat of cin M' iha Aim-n- ans a drubbinir.' 7'ne Loml m Ti.nes a. uises iho democrarv, who are alanvs, i ui" iui'hi iui " ui ilia uiimii unii b li 1 1 1 ii ii ...,. - .1,; i i... : i ilooJ The French press aro ids i enijed in uisciisiing tne saina mitjeci. I he i on- elusion Ihey come to, is tha! hard word, may pis, but that iherc will be no blnv .Vlr. Webster's p(;eLh al b'aneuil Hall had greatly delighted the liriiihh journals, a. to1 noiiineu ineir riseniment coniiilinablv The Prs-ideni'a message will hae ihe tf- lecl of stirring it up ag tin, and Mr. Ca-' war speech will not lesicn it any. W,- nay look er (.'real l.ur.-ts of be n they are. received. Tho Brmsli tm! indignation pub- are in y anxious and as exci'.nd iied a euiiili- "on upon this sul.ject us are ihe people ilie United States. ,";-. ol 5nr?vvTO3S! . The embrraiion i 'Vxas hv wan r I,..,., 'oreigu ciHitiuics and fctu.es is inanciibS. FOREIGN, Tin n'eimship Acadia arrived at l t or, o l Friday morning. Off Sea 1 hod on Wednesday niht.st 10 o'clock ihe Acailia pesed the steamship Car.i bria for Hal. f.x and Liverpool. Id con sequence of t.'iet thick fog, the Acadia went ashore, in coming on Ilia coas1, bnl forltina'aly struck on soft ho torn, ind suflred not the slightesi n jury. al though the accidc.it delayed hui anivs aveial houis. The pi ice of Wheal and lotir hav. tlihily derliiieil einco the I9 li of N veir.ber j snd 2000 barrels Uni ed Si a- e Flour had been sold at 31 shillings pe bai n I; A Cabinet Council was held at tb Foreign Office on the 2d idft, Tha Times of ihe 3 I instant has an irltrle relating to the lata meeting oi the Cabinet, biit Bolhing had yet inn (ji red as to the i esul', if r e e u ! I ibtit has been. Within a 'eiv days i suivey has been ioing on of (lie large mercantile steam hips in tha mail service, with a view lo ascertaining their capabilities for (jurying guns of tha largest calibre, and in arrangement hm been entered into lo have them placed at lha command ol ihe Government, in ease of wr. Accounts fiom New Zealand, by tin way nf India, tell of another defeat of the Eeglish by Hie Native. One 'ourth of iha Ur iijh aoldiers (not rx eeeilingn 500 in the whole) were eith er killed or wounded. The Jortrnal ties Dsba's, in a long article that created surpiisa and regret in Paris, lakes a view of ihe Oregon question, from which ii miy ba refeireri ihat the I rer.ch Government is indis posed lo acefpt the office of arbitraier between lha British Government and that of the United Stales of America, il '.flared. IRKLA.VD O'Connell and the Time' Commis lioner have been holding a controversy the a tier charging the former with Itecpin his tenants in a lamentable con dition. The Potato Disease DublinDec, I. 7'liJ acrounts are; in aggregate, by far the most favorable Ihat bavebeen re ceived since this first appearance of the lislemper, aud Ihs oppinion is daily gaining gtound, 'that the injury sustain ed will piove to ba very short of what was apprehended, and tha great alarm and fxritement created, considerably exiggeraled, and in many instances, fo; uttiested purpose. Such is the view now e n'er'a nad of th subject by the Cork Reporter, and having mada the candid admission that the Panic wa ept up; if nol crea'ed, for an intrres- ted purpose,' it will scarcely answci hereafter lo charge those whi, from the outset were inclined lota!;ea less gloom y view of the prospect, with being ac u.iied by factious motives in their c; po lion io the reiterated cry of impend in Ltiiiuu. FRANCE. Tha Chambers ara envoked by roya ordinance 'or ihe 27;h December. There will ho soma grave rjuestien lo diacus! .MterH, Rlnrr.cco, railways, and Ihe cv ei I iiio2 Ta!,i i i 1'i.p A Fd inter of Commerce has sncc- l'y (nv'.kcil the conns, Is penereal oi .culture, Commerce and Mini). fac'mes, lo delibi'is'a on various que linos of prdnicjj and commercial im orinnc, and among nihei.--, on tho b- 'i'il;o'i rf lha d.itit s cn ion deilined for ha I mantif irl tries and ship build- ntf, i h itreal ilemaiul pvialinir f .i iron railway, and the acknuwl.'dged a redti-tion nf tho prent prohibitive du tir-s i Innltitely iodis; ensihle. Ii soma province great nliim exists with rrirud ti a deficiency io tho sop p'y nf food;aiul in Hreioe disturbances hivettken place to prevent tha tamo val of corn to tha smrh ff Finca,whpr 'he huvrsl hi iiitllal'y fi led- V'ih the view of all yiog iha al irm the Min ''er of romm'Tca has addressed a rir eular to to the Pref-rU of Dpsrlmenl' I'a'iiig tint the las" hirvesl indeed wi. nol so abundant as the lurvels of IS 13 'nil 1814. but thit it was mora ahun- la. . . Uilt lluri in S3'J, and Ihat is was mil ficieni for lha cuiinlry; 2f5 depsiiment hiving pio lured mote orn, See. than theynaed, 25 having produced cihhi ,v and 32 b ; i n ( defic enl. II Ilighiieg, Ibrahim Pacha, Isnd ed at T.tnlon on the 27ih u!t., and tvi rt-caivaj wi'h all tha l.o tor d ia lo h i. rank, Admiral Hju.IIo; dia Maritime Pnfd, the Major General of tha Mir me, and all tbe m.iit .ry and civil an Hiuriiie b'.-ing pr"e'it- SWI rZERL AND. Glnkva, Nov. L'O Yt-ierdiv, D:. llff-r, vh ) had lice,) arre.-te.l oi) a clrirge of being concerned in the asi -" .1 nmioi) of l.'.u. ws.et at libtity and' V" ., , ., rr . 3 the seals were .taken otTh.s p,per. (,,, Deprived of wlnt tb-y consider their his i nl l i 1 1 . ' m t !. li . 1 i a n .I t t j , f Vf . . . I l . . . r, ... ........ k. ..j, ,., , j , ,,,, Inva determine J H ir-vga cn hi,i s se on j ibe 13 h D,-ce...';-T, d, .', ihe na :, i : me, j j. the (Jivoni i.'nt lull no! iilirJ tii-.-m of () r.ln.1. Tn.io is n ) I.LtlJu 1 1 ih r the .shc - itHhoiiiUs will, nil r rnsr qunnly t,Q clergy will give up their tlli e. In Ihii mailer the Government ii wrong, aa il is depriving the clergy of 'very thing having ihe slightest ip. lroach lo religious lib'i'y, or in.Uetl tha lull yet reasonable exercise of their sscred functions. GERMAN V. Hekun. Nov 26 N. P, Willi, an . 1 1 a i-H to the United S ales Ivnbasny ii tins city, Up some days bk wi'h le'patre" for Vihington Government. Tin King ol Pilosis has issued a cir ular protes'ing strongly agafost reports hai be was favourable lo lha emigrtion I Pi usm his to Ihe United Stales' Ha ssiiongly op)Oised lo such emigration, i ecommends tha people It keep at home, telling them lhay'can find oecu jjation tuough in the Western provin it. Tlit Interference of the Uritish w7srent in the Texusq iestin. The correspondence ol the State depart ment on the anuexation of Texas has been published. Mr. j'uchanaii, we see, over hauls the 'man in the white bat' in the fol lowing manner, in one of the letters lo Maa jor Doiielson; I regret that I have not time, before the depariuie nf the messenger, io express to io you; as 1 could desire, llie larling of in dignation which ihe conduct of Captain El- lioi has excnutl throughout this country. "I hese are nol confined lo any p.irty, but pervade ihe whole community ,)mj of its good effects has beer, to render us, to n very great extent, a united people on tho quesiion of annexation. It is scarcely pos sible thai his conduct can bo approved by his government. Without entering upon ihe inquiry bow far the British government hud a right lo intarfere in preventing lha people of Texas from consenting to annex ation, no impartial man can Joubl bul that Captain Elliott, in his efforts, hag transcend deti all reasonable bounds. To assume iho character of a secret negotiator of the gov ernment of Texas with Mexico, io a hos iile spirit towards ihe United States; to con ceal his agency in this mailer, by pretend ing that be bad left Galveston for Charles ton, whej his destination, was Vera Cruz, and then to prevail upon Mexico to consent to iho independence of Texas on condition thtil Texas should neer annex herself to the United Stales these acis, taken trJeeth- er, are al war with a tl,e modern usaees of diplomacy, and with (he character of ihe Criitslinient government, which is generally bold arid frank, il not always just, in its policy toward foreign nations. He ba9 not even for a moment succeeded in his ell'orls at concealment, and he will fiad tint his transparent cunning will onlv tend to ren der him ridiculous. lint what is far worsa on his psrt, by obtaining ihe consent of Mexico to iho independence of Texas, he has dt'prived that power of the uidy miser able pretext which it had fur a war against the Uuitod Mtates, whilst he has fomented among the Meican people a spirit of hostil ity against us which 'may plunge thai ill-fa ted couuiry into a war.' E5gStrX-fg3W NSW WONDtfH OF THE WOULD. A JIODEHN rrGMALION. We had the pleasure, in company wuo a number r,j acier.iilic, medical, ani: other gentleman, a few evenihgs jiuce, oi insj ccting ana li.-lning to what ve pfonnuoce will ha considered a new 'ivond. r of the world.' It is a Mechan ical Max, or a tjgura which the inven- tOiIaGeiman named Fnber, after a study of ftf ten y.rs, ha succeded. Pygmalion lite, m apparenily infusinz life into, certainly in causing it to speak inythtng, in auy languige, at the will f tliu operalor. 'I'na manner ii which the voice is produced is by valves and pipes, ausweiii.'g tre various organs of speech, hinted in the mouth and 'hroat of the rii'timl subject, which in Ihe figura are supplied with breath 'jy rftili.dal lure's, io tha bieast, opera- le.l upon by a seal- d' le.vars or keys somcwh ii hki ihosi; of a common or ian. .us., bow.' ver, merely giiveru the speak.ng d.'p u i merit , and a separate r nana an aim-Mii-nl ailords lha facil ity of sinning any given luun in con leclion with ihe speaking appirratutii In wo! king oj; his inVfolion, il is singular to M,ie the inventor has found iva vowels, a, r. i, o, aud u. and elev -o con.onanls, all kitifli ;ient lo exp.vss my wonl, in any languiga. Thosa void which ate m ide up more mime ivnly of vaive!,', as Alsbirni, 'I'tHca tins', Sophia, &c, &e. me iven with mo.il rcmirkib'e accurtrcy and dlstinc'- irss. Wlnt immediate tood proposed !o ha iri ven t i o i we are not prepared bv uistver, but t hit it is a w indafftil mon iment of paiience. and will rove lha greatest cu-iosity a the day. we Ira- ly lit I ieve. A letter fro u d a id iw of Joe S.niib to .. I..... ..' ,1 . ' V ..I. t. .... l"imiMI' i'i win. b H-ia t, vs I never lira mo- in my ,iubni ap.riii,,,, and reveiations, as I hot.Hit i i . .. i i . . . o uj.inj. uniier a ins e nud mind -!r5, ,.,rn;pJ ,),,,, UlHe flrc jn lho Sag u, fcio.tioo u;u worth of ho-s and p. tJieal Siitc, Olno.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers