0 ' Itl If , ...... . -..,. - . - -'- f vnij,iiw'T,W'3g,jiari. Voliutic l OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. OPIMSITE Vr. PaIL's CllUKCII, MaIN-ST The CO I. UMIJl.J DEMOCRAT will It published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum payable hnlj yearly ih advance, or l iro Dollars Fifty Crnts,if not paid within the year, Vo subscription will betaken for a shorter period tatii ix months; nor any discon tinuance permittcdjiintil all arrearages are dischargid. JiDI'ERTISEMEXS not exceeding a square if ill be conspicuously inserledut One Dollar for the first threeinsertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nser'tion. IV .j". 7 liberal disconn made to those who alvrrtise by the yrai L UTTERS addressed on business,musi be post paid. THIS C A II LAM)- .U't7j sweetest fliwrrn enrich'd, From various gardens cull'd with cure.'' 1'ioiu tho Philadelphia Saturday Courier. THE STAR H OF HOPE. DT CIIAM.ES J. JONES. Vli(l sighs anil If ats, 'Mid doubts and fears. When Sorrow's darkriing clouds With sombre hue, Appear in iw. Anl grief my heart enshrouds: A beauteous tr From words afar. Comes piercing through the gloom, And whispers rest, Among ihe blest, Beyond the yawning tomb. Its cheering ray Proclaims a day Beyond all faars of night; Where spotless truth And endl?s youh, B isk in eternal flight. It points ni8 where A Shepherd's earn. With pleasant pasture feeds Mis chosen flock; While from the lock The elrearo of life proceeds. From 'neaih Clod's throne That stream hath flown For eiullcka ages on: For (in unsealed. Thai all wln yield Their heaits to Christ the Son May sit bside Its silvery tide, And watch it ceaseless. May freely drink, And cease to think Of what was mortal woe. This star proclaims That what remains Of life, is but a span; That endless rest, Among tho blest. Remain for rtbed man. JJrighl beacon thou! Jy soul e'en now Expands w.th holy joy, While thy bright rays Invito my gie To bliss without alloy. Dear star of Hope! Si ill g iide me up To where bjijj'.t angels sing U.' I.iih CrUt-ii'i.-ll, Ami J . .'. n li r riii'"!, i'.t li.. ir I!, .i. i !. No UiU'-i n l; I'll I a. I lei . ' . J lit re F. ftiinp'ri , At J;s::s' I'.u', The work on Earth bi on have .wonTn the Alter of Ood. eteru.l hasWUy.ry for ,f Tyranny over the Mluel of ."-Thon JofWM, iTwEKB, BdWoK AND P1UPRIETQR. IILOOMSIiUllti, COI-UJIKIA C'OtXTY, IA. 3 mm Ml' Wn'i'iM' caTJi ip.uita.i!'JgiiwB'-,.'at-1 ' JJ JJ THE OLD 1M0WN COAT. AN AM K 11 I 0 A N T L E BY CAPTAIN M ARRTAT, R. M. 'I reckon y u fee nothinjf ery puticidm in this do you?' said an Anietiiuu acqnaiu ihih'b nl iniiiH. hrir.i'inir out ino cult ul an old coal, and holding it up befom me; dang ling it hoiween his finger and thumb. 'I can't iT tint I dj,' rcpi'md I, but 1 presume it lus Kuine secret hum it whirl, remaiiii to be explained.' Ex-aci-ly,' replied v arqiuinunce, iiionounring cb s IUbln of i it word uptii yet the coal, of which till is the raui'Viuing uff, was the oi'caioii of my lu iug just now prtty consider.!)! well in do in the world: 1 guess I'm right, ain't If eoiuinum' he, appealing to his wile, h vary preltj voung woman, who stood by huu. IS. i you seem to think,' ixplicd she smiling; uut I aiu not twiinni-Bii.BJ iar as i 4io concerned in the business, that the cos had any ibing- to do w ith it.' VVel1, then, I shall lull my story and leave you to decide,' sail he, turning to mu 'Vim must know that there wss a limt when I was rather hard up, and how to go Uicad was the business. 1 1ml iriod at mcr cantile specul ition, and sunk an iirims.nsit) uf dollars. I had turned lawyer, bu't thm ould not answer in any way. I took farming no luck there1 Went out supei argo, ship went on a reef and hst cargo .turned to New York, speeuUted a lone .vhile upon iiuihingj didn't lose murh, tha certain, but didn't realize, at last I gavi- up business and resolved lo amue myi If ;i itile, sol went S.ioth aud joined Bolivar, I might w'th him for three years, and a goud ilFicer he was, but he had one f-mlt as general, and that was, his army never (.'ui nid. I wanteil my three years' pay, am! iud that thure was neither p iv nor plunder: I got tired of it, and rnadi my way houn o the Slates, and at I it anivrd m the Cap id with only one extra ahiri, and not ; (ill in m y puke!, I happened to meet will i lailnr, whoQ 'justomnr I had once bcei when I had money and paid my bill, and hi inserted lint my coal was rather shabby ml that I could not appeir 'im it. I knew ilnt very well, and whul he waimd was i.i irdcr for another: but as I had nn chanct of paying bill', I thought it advisable lu. :o take ilie hint. '1 think,' said I 'that w'nh a new vein . ollar, brass buttons, ii might do veiy well for nn evening party. I see,' savs he, 'that's an o'd couniry ,:iisiom, wearing an old coal to a ball; uess you're going to Mr. T 's tomorrow liijht. A regular llare-up I am told. Pre idem there, and evcrv body ele. h'c haidly worth it,' continued he, touching ihe 'hreadhare cuff. 'Yes, it i,' teplied I; 'there'll b a regu t jam, and a n"w coat wonl.l he spoiled I'll tend il lo you to nu'it. and yo: must lei me have il ui lho murning.so go. il-hye ' , Well, the coal can'O home the next day not early in the morning, am! I walked up and down my bed-room in my '.rousers tfiinking what I s'louid do At three o'clock I called upon Mrs l'.,and left my card; wem iack aii iio and w.iiied ivo hours for the in vita'ion--iio in itation. Called again live, and Irf; another card, leiiing ill.' r.ig m-r thai I had not rerivwl ait iuvil ilion.iiiid .hat then! ui'ist brt some mist ike' when up hi imitation came ubotit an hour alier my return, jnl as I was ptiliir g my hat i.ii lo call ,io an ! leave aimher drd, in . very fi- r-' in inn. r, 1 re.kon. Wrll, I wnil eir;V lo t .c nan, an i my coai ioohvi. ,i .i , ..... i i. . .i remarkably gay. You cotil-l see that tin elvi-l collar was new, and tin! Irltlon ti'ittered l'imou-i, but yo l "iu!.l not set tl.ht t:. ; I .'.1: "-i :;'.l a l.til;! the woie f n .vi.ar, in slir?. my howu co! hmkc ,,.rV nn i-it. :o,d 1 W..S a .sonsideiuiile . i. eif j'-t i.1 tlo-t time. W 1 1; 1 r .".d i'i i.r the d.,nr. lookirg o j , y ..lt,..g If lo J.ll.g to kllUV. rtOI.LI ' l. . Lit. ...v t . . . i . . iI.mi I ii ritiWl. ..f . 'i ( r.c iion. le-r ecli.dy ki.i w ' . . t ut as ti.e ecu i'any was Biii.oi; .i.ctd 1 heaie! 'rar-vrrr --Limmw, rr - , ...,i,r.K.w .lid nui know who,lH I was, at all events I found out who they er. 'This won't do.' say I as the rooms bs Mine quie full. 1 may stick against this wall till daylight, but I aha'l never go W so at last, jwceiving a young Udy speak in? to a daughter ofiheScc.retary wl'theNavy ifur they parted; I went up and bowed l her.Mlavmg hesrd her name, I pretended to be an old acquaintance, nod accused -her if having for;olen me. As I was very , I I... 1. 1 ul.i ..rfluilitiUlt II Wa )olllve ami vry uiu,o ..m...-- he ci i", l whuilgavulK-r uiy nnno.whici. lefoadd to d till we had been talking aouio miuilies, as it liapeued to be u er; j.iod one, cosidered Hint il was all right, am ... u...i.r mr.rier of an our we becano very iaiimnie. I then aked her if sbt Kuew Misa E , lb" daughter of the Sec ft-ury o! the Navy. She repliud that sin did, and I requested her to introduce ni' iud oircrina her my arm, we walked to th- voung lady tognlrer, and I was introduced. Now, thought l. I am going ahtad a Hill Vfier the iniroduciioii l commenced a con versaiion with Misi E , and a gentle nan fortunately relieved me of my first ac- juainlaucc, whose armel hnd dioppod'I con tinued my aleuiions to .I7is u . exertoii nyselflo the utmost, and on the strength nl my inuoducuon and my aggrecablensss, I was soon iuiitnate wuh her.and accepleu my aim. As I paced her up and down the room I hsked her ifsheUew lho (laughter of (Jcneral S . who was near us. bhu ra iled in the rlliima'.ivo, and I lequcEtcd an oittodulioii. which was immeJi i'.cly eu plied w'uIj, aud I offcrd Misa S , my iiheraim, and para led them hoih up ami lown the room, making tl.em laugd not itlle. Now I am gninj ahead, thinks I, am1 ny !d brown coat looks remarkably wi ll. Here is tho President coming up,' said lj-i., F,, -Do you knowhiiiiP 'I did once, a little, but h n'"sl ,",v' . :.. w i. inrgolten me mice 1 lue ueen m .".. merica so long. yiie Pie.idenl came rihl lo h and ad Iressed the J ung ladies; 1 nade a soil o talf bow. You don't recollect .Mr.- saiii Miss S . I recollect tho name well, lep'ied tin President. 'Y.oi are well supporied. Mr V vou have the Navy and Aim) on each sid. f vou ' 'And the lliclest Officer ' f the SlaK .efoie me,' replied I with a bow 'I ought, indeed, to feel proud. It makes a mends for all ihe privation ihal I underweii' in my lasl campaign with Ceneral Bolivar, for ihe general and i id decamps farod no better than the meanest soldier.' 'That lasl was a hit. I did not say thai I was aid dc.cann to Boliver, but the; thought proper to fancy so: ihe Pres tle-n nadc me a bow, and, as it appeared, l.e anted to have some information fioui thai juarterjand he asked me many question, all if which I was able lo answer with preci . r ......... ..I 1 4 .m(fL.r noil. Altera (jtranKr in n i " aatior., during which the whole room wen wondering who il was thai was do intimaU with the Pietddeat. and manv were trying to calch what vas said, the President pre- ... 1. .Iivai' ai,i-.ln caioo. that 1 itmld give him information upon a ctTi.ni 1 j point, and not wishing to have the mure. made public sid to the young lames, -1 an oiiig to do a very rude thine.; 1 wish to ai a question which Mi. would not lik. toieply to except in strict confidence; 1 must lake him awav fiom you a minute o two. I beg yovir ar Inn, Mr. -.but I feel cV rthall be truly grateful for ihe great saciilir. you wi I make in giving up fur one inoinen in. h .'hariniiig tm iely , '1 b ur the loss wil ),dy be u.i my part.'sud I io ihe yotiuc Udies, as I !r,.ppnl th- ir ar.i.t &b lollow'ii1 tin- I'M sulci i to u v.ic.i,i t-pui tic,;.r io th. i-tra. i Ii'' cmm.oii . 'oi l. me i tt m- ... . . i .. i t : :,.,,( r.n to ir.c, was inn- v, !,v h coi,! J no '! II i on ; cl theillf-iI;,m-! ser. r -r ! t f g to 1 11 anw n I i i lie I c. 1 fn-iiiy by M.m eri'o' it hiS OWr. viCW.. and . i -.n i'j'.p'-.ilint' to me i. I tei l.-il th 1 e'er- .i- U j r.i'.t rii'ii''.' u.c.j f.ir.iy was not I'.'. ! itn rty, aiittotigi: I na.i i. i . . d.C tcrvicc ul Oenriai Uvli'.ei, "J n- -oi SAT UK DAY. . - . I Knev,iortunait'iv. couunuce. . uw ing, 'where such clearsightedneas is p? rent, there ii uo occasion (or the question h.in.r .nurriL' 'Yoti are riL'ht, Mr. , I wish alt those about me had your discretion and high sense of houour, replied the President, who had one of my new brass button between his thumb and finger; -and I perceive by your leply. tha I was also right in my cnnjeclore. I am much obliged lo you. and trust I shall see you at (Joveriiment House. bowed and retired. 'I am going ahead now, at all events, thought I, as evuiy one was looking at m as I retreated. Iliad been walking arm-do-arm with ine daughters ul' the two first olii-c-era of Sfate; 1 had been iu confidential ommunicjiiou wiih the President, and tha' lefore all the e ite of Wasiuhgtcii. 1 can tow venture to order another suit of clothe ml never wnl l'oigei you my old blown oat. The next day the tailor came to me; he lad heard what had taken place at the ball, tmended my wardrobe. Every body came to me for unlets, aud oidtred everything Cards, were left in showers was received evorwhere, tho President w.is my lne-u. and from thai moment i went aaeau i "j(ut ,,,, wl0 ac,3 ,)ilH) ditcov cis that he and faster every day, till am, as you now JU ((jo wej furn i.,hi?il with evcy io-.-ee, well off, well mariied. and will up mi im, ,;t of luxury and loo ji.xious a- ... i i ... .i r. ... the woild. (bout etny lliin thil .'elat-'s to ihe hel Now do periinicio-islv declare thitjly; and I can see no reason' why to. it w..all owing to mould brown coat; aHl.-me p-rsons might as will djda hvC kcol this cull', which alio now a silver s.-oon hanging abou- iheir necks. L then to my wife to prove am grcatfu for had it not bctii for the old brown una 1 should never have been blessed with her for a companion." .Jul , suid bis wife, round whose aiil he had gently encircled his arm, 'the '.d I rown eoai would havo ilono noihin; without the velvet coll ar and new bras: huttons.' Certainly not, my dear,' And ihey would not have r (Tectfd miuh wiiiiout ihey Iud been backed by' 'What?' 'Impudence.'' replied lho lady .giving him i slight slap on the i.hc. k. Some coi respondent of the Avw Yoi I Spini ol the Times tells a Moiy of youiiK man who fame .sonievvhat uocx )i.'Cledly into a ioriune, but .,as delei mined toex;ieiid il in a t (uleman-lilv runnrr. II? vsa, living at a hotel ii Bangor Me.. dilltiMun his wealth very liberally, hIuii a lull lor lax. s was on. lay p cseii'fd. Tins w. ('i !e a novel y io him, and nut understan lioi Un until r,he piocteded at once lo hia land lot it lo hav e it elnci la t d: 'I tay, landlord,' fraid he. 'whai -hi ' 'What. Mr. .1oie,' answered the land lui it, casting hia eyes ovel the papir, 'i . lax bill.' A tax bill?' mui meied U.H. regai d ;nij it wiih an inquisitivu glance 'y i'es -lot what's thai?' VI y,' answered the landlord, smil ng, 'ii's yfor propoilioii ol the . xpen- i's of the city. 'My pioporlion!' said li.H, Whai lues tvei v one payr' 'Cif aii.lv,' leidiul the landlord; 'eve- , v oi"' who can nil old i'. 0, 1 can 0 fjord i'.' said Hill who was . . .. ..!.. ,1 . i li.x.lvr i ici i n t 'I'll i..re tijiiciitd upon a tender point .end aud have it juid. rue bill was seliled, and in prope 3 v.. .-ml maiib its iioiKarjnce. Hill lasifin-ii io live land'onl; 1 .ni L Leu-.' sai.l h- in as'oni4ni,eiii liere'n another el' ihcm tiX bills ' Of course,' said the landlord; 'they :jm onbe a year.' 'The devil they do,' cried 13. II ; 'so llu lly g"IS into dbi everv year, does il' filial If,' teplied the landlord; '.' riri't be helped.' 'Wi ll then, hnna m '.' C.'ied. 11 III; ii , hiiih riassiofis, 'if the v'ry hasn't g mi belter business to d than, to keep ;n r tuning up dehtsfur me t help i:r out because I did it. once, she'll find hi-rsr J rr!ensiiey mistaKc I n see nri lar. '-.i before I give her another red cent'.' Mi l L . . L. who Clothes f.rt pi' Ci!M-S Il-s own ul. Ileih-il sMCftens iLe ei.p cf K-"" wc.";:its hi o'.v: n heart I!" Ton Ice.S hnu. ,ry s; wee; us icslov. nr.t a naii'iu'l n 1 1 3. t l.'.'l hixjre. BMSCKMSHMJ I ft 45, UKllAVIOli AT TAllLi:. , It is veiy rude when at a tali'e to scntcli any part of your body. We sshoulit likfvvi- be c.ii. fu1 i ol i. crani in our loot) SO arewlily am'! vvuhao, voncious an afifieiitx, as Id c,.oe. us i, hipcnp, or lo be guil'V f uiiy'limj tha may otfurul the eyes or the car. id irn company ; which they do 'who eil ii nich a huny, as, by ihi ii pijlfinii; and 'ilnsvin, lo be liouhlesome to those win. near them. Ii is also very in Icceni lo ruh ymi' '.ft'U WMh the ladle fio h or niijAin ; ail'l endeavor lo pick lli.'in wuh J'olu finders is'iiii-re o. lo ih. presenc aNo of othei, to vnh your niouilt, and to mhii not ne vvho'e wild wh ch you have .ti loi med the up .rai'ion, is veiy uj nlii-. WIipii t ha tahlu is elf. red to Parry a lout you: luoii-pick in your muuih.lfci a bird lioin lo build his ofsi, or lo .vkL l behind vour ear, as a huhar does In- conib is no veiy genteel cuslom. They, also, are undoubtedly oii.st.ikei io their notions of politents, who carry iheir looih pick rases hanging dowt fitnn their neck'; for besides it ts an od' -gh for a gpnllunan lb produce any Hung of thai kind fiom his bosom, lik. some strolling pcillar, "his inconvenience muai also follow lioia men a iractice. ."'"' . To lean wiih yoor dhows on the ta hlc, or to (ill your checks s i foil tha your jiws sctm swelled, is by no nieaii agrceahli! ISeiilur otihl you by any tolin o. gesltra, lo discover thit yo.i tutu to great pleasure iu any kind of food or wine winch is a custom moie proper lui inn-keepers and parasiie. To invite Ihoso who sL-t at the laulc wiih Vou to ea',' Xpre-s mis if 'his kind, Hvhai! have you proclaiincd too l.i.-t Ij.." or 'peilnps th- r noHiiuij ai ihe I ible you can imko i dinii.r olf oi 'prsv , sir tasie Ibis or that dudi;' lliu t) in vile- people, 1 .-ay, is by no means ;. I udah!e costom, though now b come la- nilmr lo alnio:.t every onp,in.l pi-idise n every family, foi limti'li these tfli ::oos p.'ople show tint the poison whom iiey thus invite is really the onj- cl ol he. r care, yel they give occasion, by his means, iu the ewson invited lo b- s fi e in his bch.vitr, and make him ilu-.li ai the ihoilihi of being Um auh--tl el' obsci vjiioo. mi:v PLouciiiNo. We have, occasionallv urii.'d the im imi'laiiee of deepening 111 sol' , by turn ing op and mixing wiih the surface, .iii .ll por.ions of lho sub-soil, where il- i ,t ! U ' c is s'.ich as to pioduct: hem licia; 'fleets, We h iC known in my iti.si.iti i'S ol the Ivm-fici .1 fff-cis of SM'i a . , . f i ri i i T. Course. Ur. I). 11. ii iii'iisoo, to r. ii iii ng'on, Outaiio Co., -Y.-w Y o!;, b in omp.'lled to prep uc. a piece ot iia aud for wheal, l .ta in th-J nimmer, )'oUi;hed it veiy deep, not less in any place tha" eiht ioeh's, but aveignu iin.i or icn incr.es. I his was iiioioogii y hai io ved, with a sin-.ll dressing ol lollrtl maniiie, ami .oweil upon me n. vried sod. The product tvi .13 hu-ln I- ier acre, "i land win re twenty bo .hel ue usually considered a In-avy crop. ne.lhei ski'lul f.i m.r d' our ctjuiin' nice, finds ao much herit or hom ttn.-eub ,oi', tint he eo.iMdeis a decided a Ivan irt wntil I ivsoli, so far as misiiin wln-ai s conci i oed, il's-x inchis ol the j-uifac .f his hod weie entirely removed aim Calllc-il tilt. Sohsoil ploughing would doumless be isefoi in Mich c.s s to a ce.iain extent; iu i wo would moie panicti'aily recom riend ihru' irencli pluiighiog I ploU b .1 follow tie fiis', so as lo Ioos-mi ami hiow up the soil to the depth ol ai least u0l Ihe last team lo hu double! 80e'. illached 10 a lioiig plough. ,Yna! is Ihe mailer w'nh yon.?" eai i . in .i );itoh.iiin. ut- was erossi.v. ihe nirk. 'I s;ol do rhu , ,,r,.nnl1 tJ vi,i el him to , i fns f w H It b: :n.l y ' 'il " ",r- ... i ... ,11 ' .()t, m.,,,. 1 .'o il txHcf ns ICp 1 M vim - r: 'I d' tilis Iv, ao i dcul r.:b- m leg wit n oi nn I'Mtle. Anglic :j3. AN KG UO Vu OF THK OLD 1U0N blUKS. .The most hiilliant' navy aciion of the lasi war oi.doub'edly was lhat of ihe olJ A i.t'iicaii fiiate Coiisiitmion, '11, c in nsnded hy Oommodoie S cw,.i'i, when -he jap'iin d the I wo Urilish covelitf, Cyane and Levant of greatly nuptrior no iv, each of ihem beini q'lal lo the old l i.-hioni el '.ii gun fngates. The mulling if ihe Ami Mean , frgile was hioughoul M'lent.flC and line xceptiona o'ft. lly no manotuvei i'.g could either of the 15. iti.-h Vessels i.biain a position to rake ihe Constitution. Shift their itound as ihey would Old lions'ide ! between litem bl.zing 8 way upon loili vessels jt Ihe e.inc time. lJoimu Ilie whole sclioti biewarl instead or ii'iuntina tin; huiseblock, s.t in a moie .xpost-d si u.ii ion , as'i ide of the h.iiii ii m' k m-ttiin's i he heller to observe t'ao 'ii .no. tivi ring of his aiil .gontit. I tin vis ihe tirsi io stiike to biuilnr Jooa han tot ao uuusual thing with Iliin.sli vessels tluring thai tve, The? fi si Licu'cn ml caiin; iu liK'elo lho (Ja n .no lore to announce; the f ct. 'Tun la. board ship has N'luck, sir,' Slid lho fli-el. 'I know it, si',' leplied lh! 'Ut nmodori!, 'The li.tlle is jus' half woo Snail I oid.-r ihe han. I 10 S'I'ike Yank, u Djodle, si..'' ior lire, I the Lieuteoau'. i luis Ihe C'jiiimodoi e look a hug4 pincli f auuil and then ai.S.veit d (piickly , 'li t I ve not heller whip li e oilr i fiis1, ii?' Ay, ay,sii,' replied the Lvu.eu.ant, ia- iing the hiol, and went to his q ui ii is. In a ft-ev minutes ufierivards lliu J vao', iVi red th? cross o! Old 10 md to lliu ilars and sl i)es, and the b n tie w is end d. T.ie Licutenai t, f -el mimewh.t .bukeu at his proin i'ure exulliition iiji- on ihe surrender of ihe Ii st ve ssel, wm atlici shy of appi oachiug his com Hau ler ii n; hut Slewar'l beckoninij lo him sue! with a smile 'DjuI you thinlcthi' 'mud hand hud heller slrike it I 'tnk-i: Dm lie now sir' li an instant tint pii . i-stirring slraiu wis fl istiog io i lies ireezi, played a.s no o'h'-r lliau a YiiikiM nod cm play H and Uift gill ml civw liouledfoi ih their cheeia of vie;ioiy, is no other than a Yankee cietv ca.i i'lOUt. HI2AU TIIK NKUSl'Al'KU. If you have no regnd to the fenilia--ion id your inin.l and tho t-xptuision of ,'ou!' ideas if you cire noiliing about icing Well informed and of having u inortlcdge of tho woil l you live in ;f ,ou die content with a d' giee of ig .or ii.Crt oi winch ao iniellig iul hiy iu ih aily put of his teens, nn'ti bo ashaui. id ,i iil yoti shoti'd mad Hio newspaper I n only ba on the .score of economy ml safety, Scarce a day psssr.s lint es-i !o in ii see the ncoid of - victim'Z--ion of some poor veidaut one, hy tha og,ucs wli i ahouod in poiuloos plies md who can it'll at once by your an', your giii, and your gencril mauinr .vnci her yoti lead tin; ciew-papei or io!. 1 1 no' and il liny In een in your dull giant'.! and heavy a.Vp. cl i your in ouiii wide open, and ihu won.lri iog cadence of your lower lip the s vin dleT aud impus tor marks you doevn Ins My pi')! "'d h IS not ri.l.slukcu liabhod and plundered by sonn shalh-w li nk, y oi mo io ihe pol.cj ofii but in ;i'ii. i..l loo late your money i.i none i i.ur watch j t; i Imps your hois.-; ami Viriy ho ly 1 1. inclined lo lulg'i at lho io.plicny which thus allows iisell lo hu ,.h.y. d iijion by cuuiiiug rouuei y. It votild have- b.'t'll cheap1 T lo lead tha icev-pii. is io know ol the evil lhat is in pi ugiess, and lo be able to avo.J i'. No cooimit'i aiion or at leait very lil le is dtiy lo Iha '.-oil hcsd'-diu'e.-,' which ellows its pockets lo he emptied by bui- ii' 14 dtuppeis, mock auciioo proplu and .11 that sort of thing, of the existence ol vliich and its mods and manner of op iaiion,ihe world is conta.u .ily rnfurm- I m il.' jam ni Is. U ad Ihe newspapers, h ii and uo s de. Ac. A Miss Slid, of New V.nk city, lately -.lie, I ,er loeei lor breach ol piuiiiso, and to oved iiliieh). His apnlngv for deserting it r iiiight liaec been thai Miss Sveel was UiKr hard tiwpoed! A l.iilor, while travelling on the Likes aa asked f y a Yankee, where he lived vhat l is tiiisiiH .-.S was. eV.".,io which he re i. .1 th. i hi hvrd in 1 oh'do, an t 'that bis . i ..: I . no ' urn e.iS Miiiie' Oil II : Ml'ouiu nu" tie;" pverty, a in. :tk : r ot.l the coids ef illi.elie'li.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers