1TI 1 I have sworn upon the Alter of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over tlie Mind of Hon." Thomas JolIVMor rSlfls WD A WTTfc "RTB KTD rto tTDrTi Volume Xl ELOOMSBUKGr, COLiUMLBIA COUNTY, PA. SATHTSftDAY. BE C 8 MB 53 K 2845. :V?.!scv till. Iff. WEBB, EDI OFFICE OF TIIK DEMOCRAT. oppjsitb Sr. Paul's Chukch, Main-st The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published ever; Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per unnum payuble nay yearly in advance, or l wo jJollurt I'ifiy Cents,if not paid within the year. Vo subscription luill be takenor a slorter period than aix months; nor any discon tinuance pcrmitted,until all arrearages are discharged. jiDHUlTISKMENS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously insert ed at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every suhse ijuent nscrtion. go A liberal discoun made to those who advertise by theyciri LiyPTEHS addressed on busi'ness,viusl be post paid. THE GARLAND. "With sweetest flowers enrich'd, From various aartlem cull'd with care." I'mm tho rhibJi-lpliia Saturday Uuiirier. THE S T AliS OF HOPE. BY CHARLES J. JONES. 'Mid kighs and tears, 'Mid doubts and fears. When Sorrow's darkning clouds With sombre hue, Appear in view. AnJ grief my heart enshrouds: A beauteous star ' ' ' From words afar. Comes piercing through the glnom, And whispers rest, Among lite blest, Beyond tho yawning tomb. Its cheering ray Proclaims a day Beyond all fairs of night! Where spotless truth And endlsss yooih, Bask in eternal flight. It points mo whero A Shepherd's care, With pleasant pasture feeds His chosen flock; While from the rock The stream of life proceeds. From 'neath God's throne That stream hath flown For cndlcus ages on: For tin unsealed, Tint all who yield Their lieatts to Christ the Sim May sit beside Its silvery tide, And watch in reasclref. May freely drink, And reuse to think Of what was mortal woe. This star proclaims That what remuins Of life, is but a span; That endless rest, Among the blest, remain for rebel man. v, 'n beacon thou! By soul . en nnw Expands with lu. J0?' While thy brig.1 r3's Invite my gze To bliss without alloy, Dear star of Hope! Bull guide me up To where bjight angel" sing Of love cMt'caieil, Ami host rediemed, Exilt their Heavenly King. Then Hope's bright gleam No limner seen I'll I hi! (mi lion's sun. There .-ufnp'ele, At Jenii' leot, The work on Earth begun ffcsassRiBefSffBi! 'HIM.' Ml i llnnlirT m i m A N A M E U 1 0 A N I' A L E BY CAPTAIN MARRTAT, It. K. 'I reckon you see nothing vary paitietila. ill thin do you' said nn Aineiicmi acquaiu tanco of mine, bringing nut the cufl' of an old coat, and holiluiu it up befoul me;dang ling it between his finger anil thumb. 'I ciu't mv ihit I do,' replied I, but I presume it h.is homn secret merit which remains to be explained.' 'UiX-dol-ly,' replleil mv acquaintance, inonoiincing each s) liable of tiin word npmt yet the coil, of which iIim in iho roitiainitii! cuff, was tho occa-iiou of tny being just now pretty cnnsiderablo well io do in the world; I guess I'm right, ain't 1!' entititnici! he, appealing to his wife, si very pretty voting woman, who stood by him. 'So you stem to think, ' mplicu a!i smiling; ISut I am not ejrivinced.so far n I - concerned in iha busiiieu, that the coat had any lbin- to do with it.' 'Well, then, I shall toll my story and leave you to decide,' said he, turning to m 'You must know that therf was a lime whan I was rather hard up, and how to go ihead was the hnsinoKs. I hid tried at mcr cantiic speculation, and sunk ati immo.'istt of dollars. I had turned lauver, but thai would not answer in any way. I took In farming no luck there1 Went out supei argo, ship went on a reef and bst cargo fttfturued to Now York, speculated a lung while upon nuthinn; didn't lose much, thai is certain, but didn't realize at last I cnvk up business and resolved to amuse myself 'ittle, sol went Siloth and joined liolivar,! rriuglit w'th him for three years, and a good ifiloer ho was, but he had one fault as i general, and that whr, his army never L'oi Olid. I wanted my three years' pav, and ind lliat there was neithor p.v nor plunder: I got tired of it, and maiU my ay homr 'o the Stales, and ul la-t ariivrd at the Cap tol with only one exlra shirt, and not nl in my pntket, I happened to meul will i tailor, whose customer I had once beer when I had money and paid my bill, and lu obierved that my coal was rather shabby, ind thai I could not appear in it. 1 knew that very well, mid wh.it ho wanted was nil order for another: bat as' 1 had no chanri of paying him, I thought it advisable not to take the hint. 'I think,' said I 'that with a new vnlut rollar, .brass buttons, it might do very we ll lor an evening party.' 'I see,' says he, 'that's an old country custom, wearing an old coal lo a ball; I ijuess you're going lo Mr. T 's tomorrow night. A regular flare-up", I am told. Pres ident there, and every body eUo. It's hardly worth it,' continued he, touching the threadbare cuff, 'Yes, it is,' ie(ilied I; 'thrro'll h a regu ar jam, and a new coat would he spoiled. I'll send it to you to night, and you musi let me have it iti tho inoruini.',so goi d-b) e ' ,Well,tho coat can-o homo the next day ini early in the morning, and I walked up and down my bed-room, in my '.rousers thinking what I shouid i!oAt three o'clock I called upon Mrs P., and left my card; worn back ajiaiii and waited ivo hours for the in viia'ion no invitition. O.i MM airain nt live, anil left another card, telling the nig .er lliat 1 had not reeived an invit tiion,ttid dial ihero mint bo some inisiak.t' wheteup ,n inviiation came bbuiit an hour rflier my reiiim, just as I was pulling my hit on lo call again and leave .moher card, in a very fii-rcu in inner. I reckon. Well,'! wcni early to tho ball, And my coat looked remarkably gay, You could see that tin .. '.I mi collar was new. and the button lillt!,fd f iuiously, but you could not see that tho o.'uih was not a lima "i ori-e iui . ..... . r... wear, in si.wt, my howit coal looUoil Mmuii. nrul I was a considetable smart fellow mrselfjust at that time, Well, I stood near Iho door, looking ut i. ,..nn,io rnmir.K ill' lionilicr l" MHHV ; n . sonicbedy; but I presume that J M(l growi ni nf all recollection, for nououy unew me but b? llio company was snnounced I heard heir naiKos, tnd if they did not know who 1 was, at all events I found oul who they vorp. 'This won't do.' says I as tho rooms be- unn quie full. I may stick against this vall till daylight, but I shall never go ahead io at last, percViving a young lady speak ing to a daughter ol'theSecretary sflheNavy ifter they pHrled; I went up and bowed lt her Having herd hur name, I pretended to ho an old acquiintanoe, and accusod her f having fori;otHit mi. As I was very punitive and very bold, she presumed it was he ci ae, i whcnlgavo her my ivnni'vhicb I refused in do till we had been talking '. Mimo ininines, h it hnp'-mied lo be tnj uod one, cosidercd ih it it vis all right, am' in another qnirier of an our we beeanii very iutiniitu. I then asktd htrifshi ttiiBW Miss E , the daughter of the Sec retary of the Navy. She replied thai ehi did. and 1 reouested her lo introduce rm mil offering her my arm, wu walked to tin voung lady together, and 1 was introduced. Nnw, thought I, 1 am going (bend a liulr fter the introduction I commenced a con versation with Misi E , mid a gende man fortunately relieved me of my fust ac- qu iiiilaQce,whose armel had dropped'1 con unuei! my atentiens to Aiss E . exerted myselfto the iituiost, and un the strength of my introduction and my aggreenbleuesa wsi soon intimate with liar, and accopled my aim. As I pared her up and dowu the room I asked her if she knew the daughter of Cicneral S , who was near us. She re plied in iho affit motive, and I tnqucsted an inttodution, which wo4 immediately com plied with, and I offerd Miss S , my other arm, and paraded them both up and down ihe room, making them laugh not liille. Now I am yoing ahead, thinks I, and ny aid brown coat looks remarkably well. ' Here is the President coming up,' said Miss E . 'Do you know him?' 'I did once, a litlle. but he must havr forgotten me' since 1 have been in South merica so lung. 'jThe President came right to u and ad Iressed ihe )oung ladies; 1 n.ule a sort o 'ialf btw. 'You don't recollect Mr. !' said Mis, S 1 rerolli-ct the name well, icplird thf President. 'You arc well "iipported. Mr V voti have tho Navy and A i in on eieh sidi if yen ' 'And the Highest Officer i f the Slate lefore iiih.' replied I with a bow. '1 ought, indeed, lo feel proud. It makra mends for all the privation thai I underwent in my last campaign witu ucncrai noinar for the irennral and i id decamp f.ued no belter than the meanest soldier.' 'That last was a hit. 1 did not sav thai was aid de.camp to Boliver, but ihe ibnucht proper to fancy so; ihe Pres;dcni mule me a bow, and, as it sppearcd, he wanted lo h.ua some information fioin that iuarier;and he iirked me many question, all if which I wan able to answer with prcci ... t ..... sion. Atier a quarter oi an nour s r..nver satior., during which the whole room wrn wonderina who it vh9 that was so inllmati with the President, and unnv were tiylnj: io catch what was said, the President pre- liming, as Bolivar's .lid-du camp, that 1 onld give him information upon a certain point, and nut wishing to have the snsrri uiada puhliosaid to the ) nung ladies. -I am going lo do a very rude thing; I wish to ok question which Mi, would not hlu io teiil v lo except in strict, conndence,' I must lake him awv fiom yon a minute o. iwo. 1 bng your pardon, Mr..but I feel &. shall bo truly graiuful for the grii gaciifin you will mako tn gitin up for nuo mnrnon such charming soiiety. '1 fear tlm loss wil only he on my part,' said 1 lo the younf ladies, as I dropped their anus M follow -jd the I'rtsideiit to a vacam fpot near to tin irrlieMM. The qui sunn which ihe Preti dent pin to we, fii one whnh 'ronld no well uiuwei 1'tii he helped n o muol thedil ficiily by iiiixwcfiny n luiu-nl nccotdu.g ir his own views, nod then t ppiuding to me il ho whs not correct. 1 rep ivd tint I cer tainly was not at liberty, although 1 had lef the service of General Boliver, to repeat nl that I kne'v.'loriunatelv,' continued bow in, 'where such clearsUhtedncBS is ppa rent , there is no occasiori for tho question being answered.' 'You are right. Mr. , I Wish all thoto about mo had your discretion and high eoiho of honour, replied the President, who had one of my now brass builons between his thumb and finger; 'and I perceive by your reply, iha I was also right in my coujecturo, I am much obliged to mhi, mid trust 1 shall see you at Government House. bowad and retired. I am going uheid now, si nil events, though! I, us evoiy otia was looking n in is I retreated. 1 hud bueu walking araiMi.- arm withibj daughter ut the two Qrt ofii uers of Satv; 1 hud been in coutidrntiul coiainunication tvi,h the President, and thai infore nil the c'ite of VVaehihgtun, can iow ventuie to order another suit of dottier ml never will foiget you my old brown coat. 'The next day the tailor came to me; he lad beard what had taken place at the ball. mended my wardrobe. Every body came to mo for ordets, and oidercd every thing Cards, were left in showers as received everv where, tho Prcjid"nt was my friend and front that motnont 7 went ahead fester and faster every day, till am, as you now sue, well off, well m.inied. and wull up in the woild. 'Now do pertinaciously declare that it was all owing lo iho old brown co.it; and have kept this cull', which show now (Si then lo my wifa to prove am grcatful lor had it not been for tin old brosvn coa I should naver have been blessed with liar for a companion." Jut ,' said his wife,- round whose waist he had gently encircled his nrm, 'the old l.7o wn coat iavH, dor.e nothing without the veltet colltr and new bras' buttons.' 'Certainly not, my dear 'And limy would not have, effected ratiel without they lud been backed iiy ' What." 'Impudence.' replied the lady.giving dim i slight u'.ap on the, cheek. ANKCUOTR Some correponclftii of ihe jVp.w Yoi 1 Spirit ol the Times Iclli a sioiy of young mail who came .somewhat unex necledU' inln i (limine, but vvai detet- inined lo expend il in n iienilrm.m-lik' manner, lie was living at a hnttl n llnsoi' le-. difTii'dii" Ins wealih very iberally, uhen a bill loi i.ixm was uin lay jreaeiiled. Thin qtnlf! a novel, y io him, and nol iioilfcrntaniliri ih matter, he pioceeded at once to hii luuil loul to havu il elucida el: 'I say, landlord,' said he, 'what'. hi?." 'Whsi.Mr. Mow,' sn.'ivereil the land loul, ciishiik his eyes ovci the paper, Ut I lax bill. 'A tax bill?' iniii meied 13.11. regard nj; il wiih ;;n inquisitive glance 'yec tin whsiN lh.ii?' 'Why,' answered tho landlord, sniih ng, 'it'n your propcriiou of iho expun- cs of llll: pit . Mv m nnui lion!' said HiU, Whsi, loen eveiy ono myC Ctr'amlv,' replied ih" landlord; 'eve- i v one who can mi.ii n. 0, I can afjatd it,' said Dill who wa- ioi a toiii'.hcil upon h lender point; ft II send and have il piiil.' 'lit bill wan sullied, and in propf. inte ii ftecod uiado itf appeatMnce. Hill liasleiieii io tho land oul; 'l-oiik here,' snid li in minimi! nen" iiere'e iinoiher of thetn tix bills ' Of course,' siid the lundlnrd; 'they oni" ouco a yeai.' The devil Ihey do.'ciried B H; to ihe i i y net into ilebt every p, loei It;'' '!l"e,ularlv,' icplied i he Undlordj 'il ui'i be helued.' 'Will, then, lian mrl' cried H ill; in i hiuh inssion, rihechy hasnU got tnv better business to da than tn keep on r 'in n nir un debts for me tn help Iter nut because J aid it once, sac it una ln-rse f ra:leniiif.Ui mistaken II seo hei 'lungud before I give hnr another red cent! He who doilies tlie pool. cdthes h's own mill. He that sweetens tho eup of affliction Hweuenu his own hcirt, He hat feeds hint gry spreads out a pauquai uir ni.-ns'jii i- t ... 1 1 sweetens and refreshing than luxury c in 'JCSlOV, BEUAVIOK AT T.M11J0. Ii is vnty rude when ut a lub'e to ?cr tch any pari of your body. We should likewise bo Mli fill not It arum in our food so u'ff'lilv ami wnliso vorsciiios nn appelitc, m io ciile IK ti iiicriip, or to be I y of iiiyilniin tlm nny offend llie oye oi Ihe ear ul the compiitiy ; which they do who eat io "iicti a liuriy, 5, by tb'-ii puffiiii-; and iilowini;, to be liotihleaome io those vvhu Bt near them. It is also very indecent to rub youi ivft'h with the inf)lc-cioli or r. o k i n : and omleavor lo pick lliein with youi fingeri' i mi.rft fco. In ilu prespnci alio of other, to wash vour mouth, and io qunl out t'ir whole with h ch you l)v pti foi tned the op ration, very uupolitc. When Ihe table m cleared to cirry o 'out your loolh-pick in your mouth, lik i bird t o t to build It's nest, or to suck 't behind your ear, as a tnrbcr doe3 hi comb is no vaiy ;'ftulcel cuiloni. They, also, are undoubtedly ntislskci in their notiona of politeiies?, who cury thcii tumh iiicl: rjaes liant'ini' iluwn fioin their neck'-; for bi sides it is an odif gM for a entli man lo produce any ilini!! of thai kind fiom his bosom, 1 1 U sunif strollin;: pedlar, this incotivenienci inual alao follow fiom such a practice, that he who acts thus, discovpr thai til ls but too well lurmsneu with evcy in- itiument of luxitiy and too anxious a bout evf.ry ihiua tint relates to tlm bel ly; and 1 can see no reason why to jiinie peious rni"hi not as well diaplas silver spoon Inminn abou1 iliatr neck?' lo lean with ourclhowi on the la blc, or lo fill your chinks so full ih your pvvs setm bwelltd, is by no mean igeeahli ! f-ieiUtcr ouclil vnu bv any tOKen oi gesture to discover tlni yon lata to rest pleasure in any kin.l ot looii oi wino vliis!i is cusicni moie proper fo inn-keepers and paiasiit-s. To invite those who nl at tho lable vilh you to eai,expies ons of ihn kind what! hare you prod timed Inn l"jt I.il5" or ici haps lb' rn i nottunn the uhle yon can in ike a riiiiiH r off oi prav, sir taste this or that ili.-h:' iliu t inviie otupk', I -ay, is by no ukmus I i.i Ub'e custom, ihooh now b coiiiu fa niltar lo alinot.1 evetv oof,Hid practise hi every family, for Ihoiig'h' theo utli e.ous people show tint ihe pet son whon hey Huh invito is really the object ol heir care, vet ihcv mve orcasiun, b his inenn-', lo the , hi-oii invited to h li hm io his hen i viir, .mil make nun tiliiih i ihe ihouiht ol beina the tub jeci tf obbi-i vatiori. DEEP PLOUGHING. Vf havi, occaiollally iirtsed ihe im porUnce of ileepcntnn ihe soi', by turn hij; up and mixing with Ihe fuifacr, iinill por ion" of Iho suh-ril, whoic it? ofitu c i! tnch as lo produce bein fici.i' effects. We hive known miny insi.iu ci of the hem fiei il hT c!i of .s'leli a course. Dr. 1). II. R ibiii ion, ol Firm inumn, OiHaiio Co., A'-w Yoik, b-ina conipelled lo prepuu u pieco ol ii'a land for wheal, Lie in thd finiiinoi, ploughed it vciy deep, not les in anj plac'tt ihan ei;lit inch-s, but aveifijiiiir nine or ten inches. Tnis wis thorough ly hat io ved, with a srn.ill di ' using o i-otteu inar.uie, and sowed upoiv ihe io verieil sod. The product wjs 2j huln 1- ;icr acre, on Und v In rts twenty buhel ire usually considei ed n heavy crop nothei hkilful fiuner of our acquiiu'' nice, finds so much lifiif fit f'Oin Ihrthub oi1, thai lie contideM a decided advan io would result, io fit us tai'iue; wheal coiicrrnid, i f t., x inch" of the iiif,iC( if his lind vtoio entirely if moved anil jirrit'd oli". Subfoil ploun'iinp would doubtless he I'eful in t-uch cijeo to a reiNin exten'; hul uk would more pit iicil'.n ly recuin nend ihro irench plotiihiiig I plough io follow the fit hi, so .H yj,oiiM!ii and tirow up the soil lo the deptli.nf at least nit? fool the lat lem to be iluublc-and iMachud io a stionn plough. Wt mi is ihe matter with yon.' naid venileiu in to an old Dulcli man, an In w,i crof.mii j the nirlt. 'I n 1I0 rliu 111 ii .!-. The gentleman mlvi-td him to nib himself with, hrnndy mi il i tcnetra i..d w..i 'lit, min. I n.h ni tier ns .Ut,' lepiied Mynheer; '1 dunks hrandy, and den 1 rubs in, wit pottle. v ' - ' ANECDOTE OF THE OLD IRON SIDES. The mosi briltiaol nivy action nf ihe lust war iiodoub'edly wa lh.it of t he old iui icjii fnuate Lonsitution,.'M, c m- oianded by Coiumodnro Sicwari, .when he japiiirtd Ihe Ivvo uriiish covellrp, Cyane bihI Levant of grehlly uptri(u nee, each ol thom benm iqunl to t in ild fashioned 32 gun fiinntr?. ' Toe Ii million of the A mi rican fr g;itc ws hroug.hnul fcientific and iun-xcepii.ii.,. I'e. 11 v no manoeuvui mu; could fiit'ier f I lie llriiisji vessels ubiain n pof-i"e.. to take tho Constitution. Shift their ground as they would Old horisule" ,V)i- bt tween them bl.izini; )yjy tip0" lot ti ves3fclH at the simy time, Durnxj; Ihe wholij sction Siewit instead of noiintin the horseblock, uvl in a mor: xpo'cd i uition, astride of Ihe Iihiii- niocl. nettings the belter to obsirve t4 n mo' U v-rion of his antagonist. I h.- Vi the lir-ii to sfiiKe In briither Jon i. ban tot an uuujual ihinc with lJnich vs.-els during thai wu. This fi s Lieu'en ml came in bas'o to iho 0'"n- mo'lorc to announce the f.ct. 1 la board ship has struck, su,' mhI tn( dFioet. 'I know it, sir,' leplied th Itioini'idoie, 'The b title is jusihilf wivi Shall 1 uid-r the band to s'nke Yn.lt Doodle. inqiirtd the L'rutem , liars the Cjmniodore tool; a Itu'; pi 'i t snutland llu-n aiswciedqnickly, 'Hi I ve not better whip iho oih'-r fit-M', s1'?' J" '' replied the L't'titeiuu, iJin llie hint, and went lo his quitters, lo h few minutes alierw.nds the L'iVan', iiverei! the crnsd of Old E-i,,iul to th lars ii 1 1 strip"?, and the lj ..tie was end d. Too Licu'enai t, feel soniewh t ebuked at his prcrnturc exuhaiioti up in tlie runender of ihe. fi si vt-sst l, w.n ithe.r t-liy of appt o idling his com inn ler aa u; but Stewiri beckoning to bin stul with a smile D tn't yon thinklho blind hand had better strike up Yank c D io lie now sir?' Ii .in intnit thf pint' slin irii; strain w ih H i.ttinn in ih )ieoze,pl,iyed vs no u'lii r than .i Y nk mid ctn phy it and ihe iilliut ci houte.dfoi lit their ch. ers of vie oy, i no ollur than a Y.ii.kee cicw tan i'lOllt. RE A 1) THE NE A SFAI'ER. If you Inve no ieninl io the feiti' ioo of your mind and iho expension nf our ideas if you cuv nothing rthout ieiiij wall inforniBil and uf IHV1114 i uoi lede of the woill you liv 111 f von are conieni with a ih gf.-e of ig 101 ti ut 01 winch an iiitellig'iit bjy iti tit "iHy p.nl of his ieens, m'ht hi ahaui ul iill you slinu'd it; id llie nevsp.pei I'll only be on ilia sc irts uf econo iiv' ml siffty, Scaice a d iy pii Ihit n lo not ee ihe recOid ot Ihe victim 17. - ion of some poor verdant one, hy Tic oe.ues who abound in populous pLc 1 ml who can It'll at once by your a r v'our ptii, und your geoenl ihhumi vVIIciIut you toad the newp.ipers 1, not. If no md it nny bo ?eeu h your dull uliuco and heavy as,)ecl . your mouth wide open, and the woride, -m cadence of your lower lip the svn. dlvr iud impus lor marks you down I. y pity, and he is not n iM.ikt Robbed aiid'pliindored by xi,nip .shallow t-ick, you 1 no to ihe police offi ; but in eiitT.il loo late your money i i;one , our watch lorlups your Iioisi ; 'ht'ii very body i inclined to Uugh ul thu implicny which thus allow.- 11 so If to he olaytd upon by ciiuninj' iojue(y. D vould have been che iper to kmiI tit; iew-pipers to know of the evil ihat is 10 pioies, and lo be ahla lo avoid . No couimisar.nion it at lent t very I i l in (Iib In 1 lint 'foli tioatladiias?,' whu ti flows us pocket." to be emptied by hii -o"ii tlmppei!1, mock auction people hi l II that Miri ol thing, of the. t xihience which and its mode and nitiinf'i' ol -i anno, ihe world is continii.lly infoci.- it in the joiirni Is. 11 11,. thu ucwpliaivi , lit-11 and be sile. Nctil. A Miss itcc, of Now York city, law . . Mied her lover for breach of promse, mid i. oved 1000. -His apolopy for desenu ier might havo been ihat Miss Steel u b Mther hard tempered! A tailor, whiltf travelling 011 tho Likt1 .mis ahked by a Yankee, where he liv uh-il Ui business uiis, to which he ,1.11 itii hi hvtd in Toledo, nn-j iha' 1 , . . 1. tie .""" " " fmoou. do ol poverty, and jerking out the cutv's miction.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers