nave nworn upon the Altr of ;.!, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." II. WERE?, EDITOU AND PItOPUIETOR. lUiOOMSBSlJfW, COLU31 III A PA. S ATITKDAY, MARCH 15, IS 15. Volume VIII. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCKAT. OI'IMMITK hit. PaI'l's ('lllltCII, MAIN'S! The. COL UM JIM DEMOCRAT will hi published every Saturday morning, a I li 1 DitLL.lli A per annum payauu half yearly in advance, or Tiro Dullur. Eij'ly Cc.nts,if not paid williin the year A'rt subscription will be taken for a shorten period Until ai.r months; nor any discon tinuancr. prrniittc.d,until all arrearage! are dischargid. JMVERTISEMESS not exceeding v square, will he conspicuously inserted at One. Dollar or Hie Just, tunc insertions and Twenty-Jive cents for every snbse niirnt. nsertton. tiTv liberal iliscoun made to those, who alvtrlisc hi the. year LETTERS addressed on busiiicss,iiiusl he post paid. INAUGURAL ADDRESS or j.vtihs ii roue. Fellow Citizens: Without solieim lion on my pari, 1 have been chosen by tin free and voluntary suffrages of my country men lo ilie tnosi honoiable and tnosi re sponsible office on earth, I am deeply iui pressed with gratitude (or the confidence repotietl in mo. Runoied with this ilislin guiblied coiisi.leraiion at an earlier period of life than any ol my predecessors, I cannot disguise the diffidence wuli which I an. about to entet on the discharge ol my duties. !f the more aged and f xperiereed men wlio haye tilled tho ollice ol I'rcsidenl ol the IT tilled States, even in the infancy ol the republic, distrusted their ability lo dis. charge ihe duties of that exulted stiitiou. what ought not to be the apprehensions ol one so much younger and less endowed, now that our domain extend from ocean to ocean, that our people have so greatly in creased in numbers, atid'at a time when so great diversity ol opiu on prevail in regar i lo the principles anil policy which sl.ouh characterize the administration ol our guv ernmeni? Well may lite b.ddesi fear, am' the wiset Humble, when incurring respou sdiiliiics on which may depend our conn try's pearc and prosperity, and in souu degree, the hopes and happiness of tin Ihe who'e human limily. In assuming ri'spousii)iIiii"s 31 vast, I fervently iuoie the aid n'- il.uighu Kuler ol the universe, in who.,e hands an the destinies of nations and t I tueu.ti guar this lieaVell favored laud ag iinsl it' i; nils chiefs which, widiuul Ills guidance, m iif I. arise (ruin an unwise public p,dicy. Will a linn reliance upon t!ie wisdom nf Oiinnp onmce to sustain and direct me in the pail ol duty which 1 am appointed to pursue, i sum! in ihe presenile ol this ussc mhlri multitude of my country men, to take upoi uivself tlie solemn obligation, 'lo ihe best o my ubiliiy to preserve, protect anil deleni. the coiisiiiuiiun of ihe Li. .Suites.' A concise enumeration of the principle,, which will guide in u in tin: iiduiinisiraiivi policv of the, in not only it: accordance walillu: examples set me by ah my prcdet essuis, but is eminently bttii'.in.' ihe'oeeasion. 'I lie roiisiitiitioti iisi'll, nl.unU whiten a- i t is, the safeguard of our federative com pad, Ihe nll'-pring ol 'concession and com nroiiiioe, binding lug'-Iher in the bonds o! peace and union this greal and inueasin lumily of free and independent Stales, wiL be the chart by which 1 shall be directed. It w ill be my lirsi care lo administer lln government in the irue spirit of ilial nisiru merit, and lo assi'iiiii no powers nol express ly granted or clearly implied in lis terms Tim povernineiil ol the U. States is one ol leli"sled and limited powers; and it is In a sincl adherence to llie clearly gianteil pow ers, jud by abst lining Iro n the ei r ;'l-e III doillllful or uilauill'il . 'd llllpllei powers, Ilia; we have the only sure gu irao jy against the recurrence ol ibo-e iiiiloriu jiate collisions bclweell the federal and Stat authorities, which have occasionally mi much disturbed the haraio iy id our svMcni nod even the pcipetuity of out giot imis 1,'nioii. ''I'u the States respectively, or to i!o pcop'e.'h ive been re.-fred 'tin- powcts no. iii'etittd lo the United Slates by ihe con Mittitiou. nor prnliibited by it to '.be St.ite.i.' ll.ich State is a complete; sovereignly wi'.h in the sjdieie ol il r served powers. J'lo eiivi.rnilicnl ol' tin: L'oloo ac.lng Within tbi i' licre ill its deli gati il aiitliiiroy , is ;i!m ; i iniiplete soicri igo V. While Ihe genera :j..veriiiueol should al stalil Irom the tXcr .-.' nl aiillinniv n.l eb'arlv dell gated toil, a' S.aies sdo.iid ii.' i ij't illy i archil that n ..' i.i iiii' nance ol tin ir lights, lln v do not is'.cp lln: Inun- '( owns reserved to 01. 11,11 il t: ' ( '('" I ,..r .1... i ( lo 'lie i ' ' i ' I,. t la -::i i i ti .ill mio -o n lot Ol',, !.. : : 1 , at'il ll: sin i i I in w .o i . , :i i.l'lic i i ii i, Ii hi 0 ,' af.,1 In i!,e '.. I: id '! e I'l , i i d i r i n I ol in whole coiistitutionH vii'oi. us the sheei v tnchor o our peace it l home, unA kcIoiv broad.' To the government ol the Uniled Slates tag been iniruMed Ihe exclusive manage neiil ol our loreign allaiis. licyoml lliat.n wields a low general enumerated powers. Il does not force reform on tho Slates 1 eaves individuals, over whom it rusts it ,iro!ecling; influence, entirely Irea to improve ilieii own condition by the legitimate exer se of all their uientul and p!'i' I power.-. It is a coiiinioil prolectoi of each an I all the Slates; of every man who lives upon our oil, w hether of nativeir hirih; ol every religious seel, in their wniship of the Almighty aceordmtr to Ihe dictates of then iwn conscience; of every shade ol opinion. Old the tnosi fiee inquiry; of every art, rade and ocupatiun, coo-imeo) w 1 1 h the aws of the Slates. And we r i H'-e in tin general Inppincss, prospeiity and a lv.oice neni i) oor country, winch have been ih nfspring ol freedoui, and not of power. This .nosl udimr iblc ninl wisot vsteoi well regulated sell yovernineiii aioong men. ver devised by iiiman minds has been tested by its succe?lul (qieraltoii for more nan till) i century; and, il preserved from the usurpations of llie federal government on ihe one hand, and lite excrcNe by the S.vis il powers not reserved to them on the otbei , 1 lervenlly luqie mid believe, endure lor ages to come, and dispense the blessings .f civil and religious liberty lo dlsta'il gen rations. I o Uhct obi-ets so dear to eve ry jntrioi, I shall devoie invself widi anx if ious solieiiude It w ill be inv desire tol guard against thai most fruitful souice ohof lauger to the hai mouioiii aciiou of our sys lem, which consists n subsntuiini; the mere liscriiion and caprice of the executive, or if majorities in the legislative department f the government, lor p iwcrs which have been withheld Irom the federal government by the constitution. 1 tin: theory of our juver.iine in, majorities rule; but ibis right is nol an arbitral)' or iinliiiii ml one. Ii is a right in be exercised m subordination to the Uonsiitiition, and in coiiloimily lo it. One real idject ol llie coiisiiiinioit w as lo re iram majorities from oppiessiu uiiiiorniei ii eiieioaebiiig upon iiit-ir just ngln-). Minorities have a right to appeal to lb' -(institution, as a shield against Mich op ,iression. T.ial the bless'ngs of lib' rty which out oiistitutioti seiuics may be eujnvid alilu y minorilits and up j iniies, the exeitutivi i. i.i been wisely invested with a qu.ililici elo upon the acis ol llie lecisiaiiiie. Ii i i negative powir, andis conservative in iis 'iii icier. It arresl? for the lime liasn ,iico'iiderate or uiicotiHiiiniion d , i t-toium . oiviii s rci onsideration, and tr utslers qui s t ons at issue between llie I' lMslaiiie am xeeiiiiu; depirtmctiis to the tribunal of i - ii'Oplli, Like all oilier pou CIS 11 is -h -i in be abused. hen judiciously and prop rly exercised, the consiituliou use if n a s ie saved li'oin iiilraclion; and the rights el ill preserved and protected. The in''" tim ilile value of our federal U lion IS tell and ai'Uno i leilged b all. ', lliri s stem of (Milled and cnlifi tier ill i s, our peojile ure pei'ioiin il,i ollei HeU Hl'l lllil I v hi ii i'l ' . ' to h'rk run own hajipl less in ihen own way; u.d toe con-o qiieii .'ts have In en most an-jin lut.s Since tin Union wai formed the luiiuSri ol Stairs i'js increased Irom ibiiiciu to t'.venly etghi; '.wo id lliesc luk' ii tin ir jt isiliou -members ol the conh di r aey uilliiu llie la,-,: week. Our )opnl,iliou liici'i asi'i.l irinii 'br'C to twenlv iiiiIIidiis. New cotiiii'iiin mcs hiiiI States arc sceki'ig protection undei ns ieji'i.aud in ii It 1 1 Dili s Iioiii llie Old W nrii! re flocking to our shines lo participate ie lis blcssliiL's. Ileiiei'.ih ns benign wa. peace and prosperity prevail. Freed Irom the hnrdi'iis and miseries ol war, mil tradi nid uil'-ivoui'si' h li t- i xieinled ibri'lighou i'o; World. Mind, no lon.'er tasked in d ' vising means to ae, , n p! nr n-M-1 "lieines id ainbl.ioii, usurp. iMon nr cou pir-.' devoliii)) itseil to man's inn.' loleiesis, n, Icvido nng bis Ucultics and powers,:uid lln I'apacity id li itllie to u.iins'ti to his e'ljov nieiits. (ieiiius is In e to anooiiiice its in vr nitons 'lud discoveries; and tin- li indi: free lo accomplish whatever the bead con reive, not incompatible with the rndiis ol i Ir.lov being. All ili. t'ti'ti. his ,, birth in ol rank have been ;ibolished All eili.i'ii wbellu r iiiliveor adopied, are placed tipot iciiiid ol a prei ! f-H equality . All are cull lied lo (qual righ s and equal prot' Ciioit. Nil union exists bitvverti ibureh and slate, 'mil perleel Iri i dom "I opinion is guaiau no d to all sects and creeds. These are some of the blcosings beciiicti to our happy land by our lederal Union I'o perpetuate them, it is our sacred duly li jiri serve it. W ho shall assign limits to tin ai.liievi ini lils of fiee munis and fiee balds i l i ' isiiiiguislicd oliiiidir the protection ol tins gloiious Union! I'd io-iiitd impor .No treason to mankind!' since the oitfainzi ii '.he r;!a'e ii.'iern u.ii ol society, w uu d be i qual ill atiocin ii s. - " ii. '-t c.,i,i I u i',,t o! him who would lilt hi? hand Ii ' i il .-'.v it. Ilew o.n.l overthrow lb" liobli-s si mill ..nil. tin- nj 1 1 ii i 1 1 wisilfiii, v iiieh prv.eet pn il l jiituiM'll and Ins I' llnw lln would sioj Usjilif iio;uis id lite goitiuuif ut, att'J m olve his eouniry eidier in anarchy or (!s polisiii. lie woiim extinuuiMi ion mi. i j i. i ... f, i liberty which wurms uuu aniuiaies min'w" mniii , mi m. m Ui, m, I tin id' Ininnv millions, and imiics all llie States, and it would be a violation of oui nations of the earth lo imiiate our example, If be say dial error and wrong aro commit led ill the udmillislratioil ol tlie fjiaies nice, oieir pooin: i.,ioniiies, aim let him remember thai nothing human CHii'y ibeir jnst debts, at Ihe earliest prae ,e perfect; and that under no oilier system;"''"" '-' r,"l1' Thai lliey wil' do so. Rt ..I'governiiienl revealed by Iloaven. or de 11 c'" h" doi-e wittioui imposing toe vised bv man, has ronton been allowed mi beavy burdens on llicircil zrns, their is no : ,i,l I, ,,,,.! -a Mn.Mi,. i.T.nnli.ieirof. I.,, he sword of despots pioved lo he a s.der or surer insirnoieni of reloim to govern itit 1 4 1 than enlightened reus n? Ones he expici to I'm. I iimoiig the ruins of tins U"i on .i happier abode for our swaruting mill ions 1 1 1 . 1 1 i tlmy now have under u! Kverv lover ol his coiitHiy mil. I sliudd'T at tin ihoiigbi of the pussiiiiinv ol its dissoloiion nid w ill be ready to adopt the pn'iiotie i'u itnenl 'Our I'edeial Union it inusi be ,iieserveil.' To prescr e it, llie. coinpm nisi s which alone enabled our fatliris 0. ol ill a i-1 1 1 1 ti ml eoliH llnliiMi for llie govern nenl and priueclion ol so many Slates, mi', distinct cimiiouniilf s, d such ilivei'-lliri' lii'bils, inleie.-is, and domesiitt iustitutloti-. muni be sacrediy and religiously observed Any attempts to I'.isiuib or distroy tliesi o nproioises, I eing li rms of ihe couipaci d Union, can lend lo none other than tin1 ruinous ami uisasiious coii.-eijiiun ees. It is a source of deep ri'L'el thai, in soim cctioiis id' oui country, misguided pi'tsoii- dnve occasionally ind.ilgrd in S' hcinrs an igiiatioiu,, whose objuci is the dcsti'iiclion domestic institu'ions exisiiug in othci sections institutions which existed at tin adoption it f the constitute). i, and wer recognised and protected bv it. All must see ilial il il were posilde for tliinn to he smcessiul ill attaining ilonr oljecl, the dis solution of the Union, and tin) cnnseqtieii' dcsti uciiOii of mi r happy firm of government must speedily lollow. I am happy in believe that at every ;nri o! ol our existence; a a tiiiioti, there ha-exi-leil, ;,ud coiilioiies to exist, among tin I'real mass of our iieople, a dcvnlion to tin Union of llie Si.nes, which i ill .-Im Id an. rotecl iliignii-il the moral luiason ol ail' wliu would seriously lontemplate its d.' siriiciion. I o sei ure a i oiitiiiiianci.' ol ilnr levo'.ioo, the compromises c;( llr: constiiti Hon must not only be preset veil, but sec lonal je lion-irs ami ic;iil 'minings inii c discoii'iteiKiucei!,' and all siioni rciuetn ier thai they arc iin int'crs id the same po 1 1 1 1--;, i' iami'v, b.iviiiL' a common destiny. I'o ii iM'C.tse (lie all rcbmeiil ol onr people ! lie Union, our laws should be pist, ,u i i ! 1 1 y which shall tend to favor nioiiopi'le- .r the peculiar intercsis ol sections or ela-s s, must operate id the prijudtcc of the in 1'ii's's of tin ir Ii llnw ciliz' iis, and shuttle e a Mod i d ll liie cmiiproiliisi s ol I be i on .ituti'Mi be pr. si'i vei!, li se.'tional j" ihnt .0 s and heart buniillJs be discoiinti iiaiu'ed. if our laws be just, and the eoi'i t n mi n .e pi aciicailv ml in i ii is lii'cil strictly will.n tbi' limit,' cf power pi esi'ii'i'i'il to n ,i. nay disc .I'd ,di appi'. in ii-lons r the .- , ; i i d' tbc U nion. With tin se i i"W s of the nature. eh. , tach mil objects of the goveiiiiiirlit, and the val oei'l'ibc Union, 1 sbdl stindily oppiise tin -1 r at ii.i it id those iiroiunton-. and syi.oitis vlili'li, in llteit iiiitiii'.1, lend lo pervert I it from iis legiiiiilatu purposes, and make n be ill 'Tuuient of sections, elates, and in lli'iliia s. We need no national inn!.", m nlii r i 1 1", i ii' . mi s iti.slilutloiis.pbinled annuo1 be go i riiiiirnl lo control or sirengilifii i' in npposiiion io the will id its Hinliors, txpi rience ha-, tiiogbl us bow u.iucrcksarx dicy aie as utixiliai ics ol iliu public au'hort ues, bow impotent lor good, iiud how pow I'l'lul lor tnischi'-f Outs was intended In be a pi on an ! fin gal government; and I shali rigud it as m inly lo I' eiiin in c m I to niigri si, anil, a ii as 'i!'.' , xei'tiiivc is concerned,' o et-l'me. y all me ins uitbin my jnwer. the .Irtcte con .'my in the expeioiiiiuc nf the pub!;, money, which may be compatible with tlo public inteiesls. A t'iiMonal debt los become a'uii'Sl an in 1 1 1 ii ' i mi of Furnpc'ui nion an lues. It i 'icwid, ill some of ttiim, rtq an rssinlla! prop 1. 1 existing goveriiinents. Mcl.incltoh s ibc condition ol tli.,1 people Itoi.e go I rtinii'iit ear. be sustained only by a system vbieli periodically Ir.ui.-fcrj large ainoniii- I u.ii Ihe labor ol the many to tbc i uln-is n be lew. Sueh a sysie is I n i-( ' in i i.i 1 1 : ivtlll the ciida for which our re;iublican go vi riiiticiit was iiislilnleil. Under a vierl policy, the debts ronttaelnl iu onr revolu jeoaisc ipialtiy and low pi ice, which tin ion and diii'.ug . war of 1812, have beni.,))lor U1M rcat mass of our people loos happily eximgiiislied. I!y a judi.' up I,.,,,,..,,,,,,.. The burdens of eovunnien i'1;'-"1""' "'' T" ' i''Piircd l..r oiner necessary purposes, it is not iloiilitnl mai me ii:'jt which lias grown out ot it: . in tnii.taiii es of the lasl lew jeais may b speedily pud oil. I congratulate in v h !!uiv eili.ens oil enure restoration of the en da id the gener .1 gov't I Milt 1,1 l,t 1 J , H U mull, 11 ill V o lilrt Stales', 1 (.,:)'. y ullO thai d it ,', 7 .t u l"r i - I'.i'h'bt'jd S'ii.s it i r,e v ilrvai i'.eii lubilnies, r.ui; ul w iiii )i w ci inciuiiously contraeied. Although I'lejonly menus of preservinj; harmony a;i .9 iMi.uii ii lint i 1 1 1 1 1 ii ta iiDiiiinf ill init il K, ,.,,,.. .. ..fc... compact of Union lo assume them, yei we eannoi oui leei a ueep interest iu seeing all reason to oouoi. i lie sounu, moral ami honorable 1'ei.ling of the people of the in debted Stall s, cannot be questioned; nnd we lie loppy to perceive a settled disposition on then pat', as their ability returns, alter i uejsutt of unexampled pecuniary embai rassiiieins, lo pay ell' all just demands, and lo a qntcscc in any reasonable measures lo iccnmplisli that object. One of the dillictillies which wo have Kid to encounter in the practical uduiinisira .ion of the government, consists in the ad jiistmeiil of our rceiine laws, and the lov I ihe taxes tiei essary lor the support ol government In lite aeneral proposition dial no more money shall be collected than die necessities of an economical uJniiuistra .ion si. ad require, all panics seem to acqm usee. Nor does there seem to be any ni.i terial dill'sieiice of opinion as lo the a)i icuee of riihi in the gover'imtitl to tax one section of couniiy, or one class of cin.cns, or or. e occiipa.ii'ii lor the mere j r 1 1 1 ol inothci '.I iisiii'c and sound pu,i :v bii'ml ihe federal government to luster oui, lo .inch of industry lo llie detriment of anoihvi'. n to cherish the interests of one poniou to the injury ol another portion nf oui' commoni'' , . . . i, i ' i eouniry. I nave neicioiore declared lo invini fellow cili.'iis thai, in 'my judguieiii, it i - ' the duty of the guvernmenl lo ixtend, aslufou, gov iriinienl. Our Union is n far as it may be practicable to do so, by i s ,.!, (!, ,,,,; 0f im(.penilei.l S ales revenue laws, and all other meal's will.i! .,., policy is peace will, each othci l Is power, I nr and hist protection lo all tlo j, t ,i ,., , ,., i, .,, , . . 1 ' , , , i i, , ami all ihe woilil. I o en I irge its lun- greiil intercsis id the whole Union, (inbiae , , , . . . . . B .. ' , , . ,t i is lo extend Ihe dominion o iie.iei to" flgriciiliuif, iu iniibn'tuies, the uiechanii i . , . , . ... 1 arts, commerce mid navigation.' I bavi I jts.i dm laud my opinion to be 'in favor nl, i l ii ili'lor revenue,' and that, 'i,t adjusting j ii. ,l.-l i.U id' such a laiiil'.i have sanr lioio il such modi rate discriminating duties iisjtial , f.iu. .'io!ii, " i.i.' aui,'ii..l ol i.'.i iifo ueeii cil, ami, in tin' s. uiic tune, i.iiom reasonanii , .... , , , . I'icidi'tiial piotci Hon to our home million ;' nid w I was 'opposed to a t.iritT for pro cctiini iner. iy. and not lor revenue.' Tin' power 'In lay and collect I i.M's, dti ics, imp i.-t -, and exercises,' w as an iiults ieiisl'le out: to be coiilcired on tin: fcdcial ;ovi inuic'il, w liiell, wilhuiit ll, would po e.-s no 1 1: i a 1 1 of providing for its own sup port. In ex. ruling tins powi'i by It vying ;' of duties for the supoit n! govern .neiit, the r li-iiig ol rev unit should be ibc ihjft I , and prulcilioii the inriduil. 'IV revir-e ilns principle, and make pralc-tion ilie ohjal, olid ri Vi nne. llie iiuidtnt, wmili "u to tnlli.'t mantfes'. injustice upon :-i I om rf loan li:e .io!eelcd iull'l'ists. Ill lei) II. g 'ililir-. lot levi iii:.', is doliliile:iS proper l ..'like si. eli di-it iiniii:. lions within the )'i c i iti'C iitcijde us will afford i." idcnt.d pro .' t i" - "I In no; liilelesls. W'iil'iiu lln r ntii-i' li.i.' tl.ue is a ih.on tion lo Cos . r 1 1 . 1 1 1 ; . . . , io ;, oi.d ibat limit, the ligbdn exercise ol tin' power i not coiicit'ed. Tlr.' incidental pl'u1 CCtion iili"l i I'd l i .nr liotoe lull rests by disci iminalinn: within tiie I e V rlillP 1 .1 n "(', il is hiliivei 'ili bt.- au..!e- In making disci iiiiio.i 'ions, till i oi i:i;ine lidelei-'s sln u'd a: nr ; s in a,' 1 1 cable, be i itilally pl'idi e, d. I I e lat m ;.t pui i ion ol our pe i gt t cull hi a b.sts. Otbei s a i e i in pi iiiaiiiifai ui -s, Uoii.niLi ce, nav i?. all i d i i .itli.ll, ..lid the iiifi batiiil arts, ri.g'ii;! il in then i espi et .vc ptir-nil-, and their joint la tior.- ci'ii"i"ii'e the uaiiniiiil or borne in- ill-ll). To taX 1 1 1 : e IjlatU'll of till 'i. ine i i-:!i ' v for tho lieuefu' of i.tuib r, Wi'ii'il 'i.' lo pi-t. .No om' ol tins niis- -t - i u ii;,li!u!ly claim an a a ( v i I 'In- olheis, or to he ininhii ' y in i v 1 1 bing Ibc oi lit i s. All lit' uu .!v i ntiilrd to the fosl( ril'g cue am it nit i i i.'ii id the government. In ey icis.itig a sound discretion in l. vim, discriminating duties iviihiu the him pi t'sci itjed, cue should ho taken tin I he us i: hi a manner not lo hem li me icnliliy .'.iv it tin- i ypi'os.' i I ll. y hiMiig Inivest lb- toning million". I! liiMiiicSnl Itle.or .iiiicus ol siijirti,' iii,ility all 1 lilg,lt jnicc, which can noli he ( cii.-tiintd by the vicalih) ; and iiij;b the otresQ niis of life, or articles o' .,lnAlUt d ,,r s p,,,,.,;,.,!,!,.; u. ,,.stn I" ' (1(,, 'j'jt. genet al view?, lour criti tlained i,n (his suUicl, I hiv. uii'i iiieti il proper to leiici iie. It is . snbjeel upon which e. milicting iuleres- ol ectiun.s utid uccupal tons are sop)oscii ol lo vxist, and a spirit ol r.iuiuil eoueess !ei!"ti anil eoiopt oui Ise in adpi-lii'ig it- Wei;' ireeilitii l.iiU sno'.jid in: i lie i ;.t';u d by rt. e i pari of o n v.;l.l I'prc.l couii'ry , ua Ui- a cheeilul aeqiiiceeure ol nil in tin operation of our levt nne I ivy. O i' .ii'riotic ciliz;'t) iti every part of il i Union will readily submit lo iliu pi-ii'-iil of such taxes as shall be needed for the support of their government, whether injicacc or in war, if theyfac to Ie v i rd as to distribute the burdens is equally as possible amoriu; Ihem. Tho republic of Texa has made known her desire lo conn: into oui Union, lo fo; m part of oor conted 'irary, iod enjoy with us the blessings ol libeity seemed and gii:mulied by oui coiistiiiitioo. lexis was once a nart of our e.otiuliy ivas itnwiociy ceded iway to loreign power is tinw inde pendent, and possesses uu undoubted right fo dispose of a part or the whoh of her leiiitoiy. and to mern'i hei overeignty, as a sepiiale and indepou lent, Stale, in ou's. I congraltil ite ny eottniiy thai, by an act of tho lal Congress of the United Slates, tho as sent ul this government has biCu epv :n to the reuiiioi), and it only remains or i li I? two countries lo nuree unoii tin ii i"s, lo consummate an ohj"ct so im on ani It both. I "ail til? question of nnnexnioi is b long rie e Xc I ll? vc I V to the Uniled iti s , mil Texas. They are iiidepen loot piweis, compeieul lo contraci; n l Ur-in n.iiions have no right to in-' ' h Willi ihcin, or lake ( xeeplions to . i , - ii reiioioo. roi eigu imwcrs do nm - j. tn. to appreciate Hie iiur- eliariK'tei over aiiiiiiionai teriiiwU'S and iiuteas- in;; null 1 1 ns. The woild has noiliing u leu fi oui til y aiiibilion in our i i i .... I'll I 11 111 t:ll I . -Willie 1 1 ' U lllll'l 111.1 01.- itnl tin: popul ir hi auch of Con- is at o elected for shot I !ei ins hv 'h' tiLV.ifces ol those millions wlio nitis in Ih'ir nun prisons, h.lir ;, d, !. Utili ns and miseiicK of war our line i ii uu ti eannoi he oth'-'Mviso than p.tcil te. Koieign powois sho.dil, tlieirl'oi' ook i li ihe 1 1 1 1 1 1 x nion ul l'( lo tin Uniled S'.iies not as t he eoutiui si of ;, i niton seeking l(; ( X'einl her dominion y at ins ,'n, d violt nee, but as pcacelti! n-ej'list ' nin ol a Iniiiloiy onc.i; her own. "y H(!ilii'! iitioiher Hit n. her to our eon ii delation, vv ; 1 1 he Consenl ol thai iliCllllii I tin reby diiiiiui.sbiiiif tin rliat ccs id wai , and i peini g t,i lln t. ii W and i tl -Hil l i using loatktls id' hen 1 1 1 .i! in'i -i. To Ti i In- n union is impm i.u i n l.'.'I'C Ihe s:c.!ia piOltlMllg mi guv i 1 1 iifiii would be eMi'inled jvt I bet, a:, (I 'be Vast ll sollli'cs I f li' i i. 1 1 1 1" -.oil .mil genial cliii) ile ivi.iild In siieriiil V (li veloiii'il while the sa elv ol New Oi leans an, I o Hue whole S' lilb iveslciii It'oiilier ag linsl liiislilc. aggiess fin ft? w-IJ a" too intei est ol tin ivliiih Union, w ould hn pronto led b I. In tlie en ! i o i' sh.g'?s !' ntir nation i' d Willi NISt Oft III'.' ( Oji mini pie val inii", 'h uir :-', -'.talcs ,i!d i.ol nn ol confe.ilciili'ii opci. ile suci e.-luil Vrt an esti. tub d ttililoiv, ami nr: ois ol.j. rnoos have, al dill'erent Hiii'S ' i n iu ol (."l:.d a I It . 1 1 i . t s ' V lj ' ll 1 s.l . io the tnl. il geinctit ot om These o!j"i mged iv!ic-'ij w lions w. ii .i i q i.i I'd I ,.ei ie nee lias s!i w n ! h.0 - , . 1 1 - - V .Vie nol Well f,,illideil. Tim litlt f i . 1 1 : i : 1 1 1 u s Indian lubes to Vast tiacls i. ciiiiliy has been ci ingoi -.lied. .ni Si.ili.v havt: been adniilled into lln II ii ion ; new Ten i lot us hue been treat .! , ii d cur jui i.-diClion and laws ex 'eiiihd oyer them. As om population ns extended, Ihe Union has been icuii'iiled and streng'hf lied; as run ioii!id,,i is h ive been col n god, and our pnp'll.ilioo b ii l),',:n spi'einl iver a lug", our fcilci j i y.j ,syS '0i Ii is ai'n'iir.'.l ,i. !i 1 1 1 irni il siM'ngih nid securiiy. U imv well he douhlctl vhelher it would not Im hi gtcite; dan ;i r oi' ovel llifoiv il our piesunl popti i.iiioo were cm: li ie I m In,: eoum n it v : - I V 'ui row i mils of lln: oi i" ihn teen Slites than il is now Ihul llier an p ii soly settled ovei a inure exploded i.ciii'oiy. ll is toili. Inntly believe, h it our sysiem may bo safely exieoded to the utmost bounds of. our teirilorial iiuii's; .nid that, as il shall bo extended the bonds ol our I oioo, so I al Iiniii King weakened, w r. Nunc can fu.l to tjt.'ouie stioug see li;e d.i'f; i to on s. l 'y ; li'ili 1,'oS .ill hull cnoLS an ally or d.')br,qco jf Texas loi.ign ua ion mote jiowei. ,lf 'j. oei.e-f. Ij there one among out wh i would nol refer pjiprtijl peace villi Texas, to uccus oual wars which so ofien otcur between bordering inde pendent nations! Is tliere one who would not prefer free intercom so with tier, lo high duties on all our products and mauulaciures which enter her ports or cross her lionitcr?? li there ono vho vvould not picfer bo unrestricted coiiiniuiiicatioii wilh her citizens, to the. Irotitter obyruciions which nukst occur it she remains out of the Union? What vtr is good of evil io tho Ijical insti- i ut ions of Texas will remain her own, whether annexed lo tho United States or nol. JNotio ol the rirtsent Smtrs will be responsible for Ihem, any muro thiin they are for the local in'titulions of each other. They have cotifderaied togmher for cciiaio ppccifiej object?. upon iiiefljino pt nieipi,. ihn they would reluse to foim a perpetual union with Ic-xrs, because ol hei local insti'.ulioi.S nir torefather.s would havo been tin- vented from fanning our present Union, l'etceiviiij' no valid obj ciion to Iho noastirp, and iiuuy rcjsous for its adop tion, Vitally UlJeClinil the iieae-. he safety, and the prospciiiy of both -"uaiites 1 shi.ll, on the princi- ile winch urrri' il Hi? bests aud p.oduc d 1'ie adoplioii of our c u 1 1 s t i i u ' i o n and ml iu any nattow spirit of S'Clional policy, emieavor, by ail coo-liuni able, and appropriate means, lo loiisumm ile tho i xpres:-cd will of tliti icople and c-ovei nincm of the United States, by the rc-aunexition of Texin to our, at tho earliesl prjctioahlo period. iSjr will it heenms in a loss (legrei ny duty lonsscil and nuintjin by till iiiistiiutional means, the riht of tim liniied .Stalls to the portion of onr t'oinuiy which lies beyond ihe Rocky iioiinlains. Our title to the country ol lie Oiegoo is 'clear anil unqueslioriible:' ni I already aie our people preparing Ut ..i feci thai title by occupying it with nieir wives and children. Rut eighty veins ago, our population Wis confined ni the west by the nde ol the A lleg'vi ics. Within that peiiod within lb- nietioie, t must say, ol som.i ol mv eneis our people, increasing to many millions, have I'nled the eastern valley d the Mississippi; adventurously ascen ied the .Missouri lo its head spring5; nol aie already engaged in establishing ill" hles'iogs ofy .-ll govcrninciil in val- b- s, ol Winch lln: i i vers fliiv to ilia I'lcilic. The world beholds the ul li lu.iiphs of llie industry of our emi ;r mis To ua belongs the duly of pro ecding then adi qualely wherever they my be upon our soil. Tho jurisdiction (four laws, and ihe benefits of our rc ..imlifao institutions, should be cxlnnd d (ivr ihem in tho distant regions tvh'ch they have yeledc I for their homes. The ineieasing ficilities of in- 'eieoui.'e will easily hi in llie Slates, of lnch the foiniaiion in that part of on r 'eMilory c.i 1 1 no t be Ion j delayed, within i lie sphere of out fedeiaiive Union. In he mean lime, every obligition impos ol by treaty ar slipul iiioiH slinuld be sacred'y ti?prclcil. In the ni inageiiHMil of our lotr-ign rc 'atiun.s, il will In; in v aim 'f ob-civc a onefii! respect for the lights of other i.itioiis, while our own will he lii" sull ied of (oiisl.nit wa'chfulncts'. IOqil. I nid exact justice should characterize sit uir intei course with foreign countries. All alliances liauiug; a tendency to j'iop iid the welfate and honor of our coun iiy. or uaci ifice any one cf llie national interests will be studiously avoided; nid yet n.i opiioiluniiy will be. lost lo u'livalc a l.ivoiablc understandine; wnl iuiei-rn governments by which our nav gition ami commerce may b,t txtend d, and tin: ample products of orr ier ilesoil, m well as the Ri inufactures of nir okiilul aiti.sai.s, i ,' i ready mat ki t ml lemuiiuiatiiig piicuj in foreign cjuii 1 1 I'-S. In l iking 'cue ilie laws lie faith 'ully r xecotcii ,' a strict )a furnianre of buy will li" t x.ictcd fiom all public ofliccis. I'loni those ( llicers. especially ivho are rhaigi'd with the collection no l disbursement if the revenue, will piompi and t igpd accouulnhiliiy bn re ipiiud. An) iiilpable failuic or 4ItI.1v 00 their put to ..criiliiit lor the moneys iimustt'd to tin m, at ihe times and 111 ibi' in;;it;i r i qtnicd by Ijw, will, iu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers