PCMETRYo SONG. BV James montoomkry.' When Friendship, Love, and Trutli abound Among a band. of Brothers) The cup of joy goes gaily round Each shares the bliss of others: Sweet roses grace the thorny way Along this vale, of sorrow;'' The flowers th'at shed their leaves to day Sult bloom again to morrow: How grand in age.how fair in youth Are holy Friendship, Love; and Truth! On Halcyon' wings bur moments pass .Life's croel'cares beguiling; Old Times lays down his' scythe and glass In. gay good humor smiling: With ermine beard and forelock grey, His rovetond front adorning He looks' like Winter "tura'd to' May. Night soflen'd into Mor'ningl , How grand in age, how fair in youth.. Are holy Friendship, Love, and Truth t , From these delightful, fountains flow Ambrosial tills of pleasure; Can man deeircjr can heaven bestow A more resplendent, treasure? Adorn!d whli gems so richly bright We'll form a .Constellation TV here every Star, with modest light . Shall gild his' proper station. How grand in age, how fair in youlh' ' Ate holy Friendship, Love, and Truth) From Graham's Magazine for August I STRIKE MY ELAG." BY REV. WALTER COLTON V. 8. M. 1 strike; not to a sceptred king -"k man of mortal breath A weak imperious, guilty thing' Islrike to tbee,.0 Death! I strike that flag, which in the fight The hopes of millions hailed The flag, which threw its meteor light -Where England's" lion quailed ' 1 strike to thee, whose mandates fall ' , Alike,on king and slave Wliose livery is the shroud and pall And palace-court the grave. Thy capiives crowd the caverned earth They filbhc rolling 'sea From court and camp;, the wave and hearth , F- Mill Mil IIHVH IlllWril VI Limn. tut thou stern Death; must yet resign Thy sceptio. o'er this dust; The Power that raaftes the aaortal thine L Will yet remand bis fate. flThafrniglity Toi'co shall reachlhis ear .jA . Beneath the grave's cold clod -; This form: these features reappear In.lifo before their God "x.Bsi wonts oi me iate uommoaore nun MY OWN PET WIFE. Bright is .thy forehead pure and free As the warm love I bear to thee; And bright to me as summer's sky Is the. dark radiance of thine eye; Bright is thy cheek, which ever glows With the soft tints which deck the. rose Bright is thy lip, whose crimson sweet Still breathes of love without deceit: And bright thy chin, whose playful life Endears me to my vwn pet wife! Bright is the smile" which decks thy brow' And teaches each loved friend to know The. welcome that he, has to share Our homely, yet no niggard fare; And brighter still that smiles improves "When e'er thy watchful care removes The well bleached damask from the board, To, place the wine our choicest hoard, For valued guest our friend through lifo Or dining with jnj own pet wife! Sweet is thy converse, dear the tale "Where with yon struggle to regale Our cheerful mood, and help refine The pleasure of my friend and wine; But if you join in song or glee, Thenidoublyjmeet is melody: And, oh! bow sweet, how deep the thrill The sacred ecstacy I feel. When thy pure song from earth set free, Braalhes homage to the Deity; Thenrt thou dearer far than lifo More deeply loved my own pet wifel Bear is the sound of thy light tread Floating around me as if bred, With fairy cadence, to beat time To music of a purer clime. , : Dear is thy every look and tono When.moining draws me from ,my home; And dearer far to me they seem When evening leads me back again; Then is the cloud and storm of life Made sunshine by my own pet toft! A DIFFICULTY SETTLED. John, Why is this dirtnot taken awayt We have no waggon on the premises Then dig a ditch at the back of the house nnd throw it in. But whit are we to do with the earth which will be due out Fool, don't bother me; make a ditch big enough to put earth, rubbish, dirt and all in. Tl,a rnM tiithNis' thorns the diamond Us peeks; ana the bestH bis fsiing A ..V V ..V... . -v. NEW GOODS. SEASONABLE & CHEAP TfE fe'unscniDEns liavo jusl received from Philadelphia, and arc now opening a largo as riorcmcritof NEW GOODS, which they offer to the public; at tho most reduced prices Jbr CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Theit stock of goods constslsln part, of Superfine, common and 'conrso Cloths, Cassimcrs, .Satinets, Muslins, Silks; Satins, Mouselino do Lafnci, I awns, .Merinos, Laces; American Nankins, Brown. .Hollands,-Flannels, Sillcind Cot ton "Velvets, Silk and cotton Handker chiefs,Lady's and Gentlemen's White colored Hose Gloves and Mils ,0F ALL SORTS. AND SIZES, &C, &C, &C., ,&C, : c&te.oiaiB,'n.iaES.. ' '' AND " ' iiiauoRs . SUGARS, COFFEES &t TEAS of assorted qualities. MOLASSES, FISH 6 SPERM OIL. TobaccoSnuff", Spices, Salt, Soap", Candles., Bran' dy, Gin, Whiskey, Sicily, Lisbon, Port "and "' Madeira Wines, &c, &!c, &d:, '' LIVERPOOL CHINA. .GLASS AND' Qjiccnswarc, Tho subscribers flatter themselves, that in this lino they cannot bo excelled any where in tho coun tr y. As they import dircatly from the manufactu rers, they arc enabled to sell superior articles at very low rates. Their stock is extensivo and variegated and they invite tho public far and near, to examine it before they purchase elsewhere. Hardware, Cutlery Sec Bar, Round, Rolled, Sheet, Hoop and Band Iron ; Cast, Shear, German, Crowley, Spring and English and American Blister Steel, Anvils, Vicesj Nails, Spikes, Hinges, Screws, Locks, Latches, $ Building materials of all kinds ; Copper and Iron Ket tles, Pols, Boilers, Taa Ket tles, Frying and Dripping Pans, Wagon boxes, cj-c. Tin ware, Wire, Lead, Spelter, and Block Tin. A Large' assortment of Plane bits, Chisels; Files, Shovels and Tongs, Knives He Forks, Pocket and Pen Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, Coffee Mills, uoe.cn L,aco and Trimmings. SADLERY, PAINTS, Flax seed Oil, and spirits of Turpentine; sweeping brushes, weavers brushes, shoo brushcs.cloth blush es, corn brooms, ifC Cedar Ware a good supply. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, (TjTHAT having becomo satisfied from sad ex perience, that the "UNLIMITEXJ CREDIT SYS TEM," as heretofore practised, is ruinous both to .ourselves and our customers, we have decided that it is better for us, and for them, to do a small busi ness for ready pay than an extensive ono for prom ises, and shall, therefore, sell our goods at a small profit for ready pay,such as COUJVTnV l'HO JUBCJB, not forgctting'CASH' believing that all will be satisfied upon trial, that, the i'NO CREDIT axoitiAj," istno msriiSU "t'OLICV:," as it win, in aii cases not oniy save, a large, per centago in "the purchase money, but is a sure preventative against the exactions of the fees of justices and con stables. No small saving these hard times. Then let all remember tho motto, "Pay asyou go," and no "mocasin tracts will follow. WILLIAM M'KELVY & CO. Bloomsburg, Juno 24, 1643. JYOTICE TO SHOOIj DMUECTOItST, THAT the annual reports of the Superintend. Cnt of ffrtmmnn KJinrt!a fnr im .,al ICO With a COT)V nf tllA firhnnl T.nw. linn hwn ' ,V " ' " bVV..kU by,lho county commissioners, and aro now ready ui umuiuuuun. By order of commissioners. J. S. WILSON, Clerk. Danville, June 23,- 1843. FOR SALE A two story Frame Dwelling House & LOT;situatcd on.ilfain Street -.opposite St.Paul's. ber MATHUS S1IIPMAN. Juno 3; 1843. NOTICE IS hereby niven. to all concerned that I have purchased, at private sale, of Jacob Lathaw, one bureean, ono clock,one sink, one Desk, and two acres of tobacco on tho ground, and have left the same in his pos session during my ploasure. WILLIAM SCHROOK. Aug, 3. 1843 GRAIN, OF ALL KINDS, WILL BE RECEIV ED in payment of accounts due the printer. fbf Angu'sf Term 1843. ' GRAND J.URORS.. ,j&'ner creek Charles 11. Bowinah ;. iJoom-Samuel A'chonbath, Daniel Gross; tsdad Hess Dcrry ChaHes- .Clark Greenwood Joseph" I.cmon, Isaao R. Kline, 'Amos Yeagcr ' ' - Liberty Robert Montgomery, John Douty,Moi Hs TitUs, John Hcndrickson , Madison Caleb Thomas - Motioning Clarenco II. Frlck, David King MiJJlinlocob Goho, John Shuman','John' II. Keller, jr, Samuel Miller' Mohteur Peter Rupert, 1 Franklin ' Hartraan, William Yorks. Sugarloaf William Kilo , Valley- Daniel Pursel. Traverse Jurors First Week, Brier creek John Creasy. ", Bloom Alexander M'Carty, Peter. Mcnsch, Jacob Heinhach, BemanVRupert, Calawissa John Ritte'r, jr, Abrahami Ludwig, William Clayton Deny Philip Scidle G'ree'n wood Abraham Kline, Richard Pollock, Jonas Hayman, Charles, Eyes Jackson John Savago Liberty RoberSimonton, Joseph Dean Zimcso)!e-Danic'l GoUgcrJ Hugh Fulton Madison-Valentino Wellivcr, John Ghristian JlMontng--Charles C. Loyd, Thomas Woodsido Thomas C. Ellis, William G Miller Miffliti-Joseph Winlcrsteen, henry Crcasy,Jolin Gcarharl, Solomon Houscnecht Mount Pleasant Samuel Johnson Orange Hiram R Kline J . , .Lj ..I. w V. ..... " O , J 0 I Benjamin 'Wagonet, Wlllidm DoUman oc,aroa-liconard Kline Valley-William Caldwell. , Second Week'. Brier creek, John Doak, .Frederick Shaffer Bloom, Henry icidley, Michat) Hagenback Calawissa. Jacob Shultz. Washineton Haider, Joseph Ycttcr, Jesso Yocum, John Mcnsch JJerry, Uam w Uerr Greenwood, John R Albertson, John Richart Hemlock, Isaac Lcidy,- Vaniah Reese;' John Jir- ton Jaclison, John Shultz, Lott Parker Liberty, David Cortncr Madison. Jonathan Johnson, Thomas .Barber,' Uriah Mills, John Hcndcrshot . Mahoning, George KaulTman, WestleyK ucar- hart, Henry Sanders. - .. .. Mifflin, Benjamin Hoho, Henry Lair,- Charles Nu'ss' ' i- Ulouht uhasant, Isaac Kcster, Peter Oman, jr, Daniel .fl'Carty Hearing creek, Thomas Bowman John W Da vis Sugar Loaf, Philip Shultz Valley, Abraham Fenstcrmachcr, David Blue. MIIiLGROVE WOOL CARDING ANDj CLOTH DRESSING. The Subscribers having fitted up the CARD ING MACHINES with NEW CARDS.and made a number of improvements In the .machines, they aro confident they can do as good work as any Factory in the county. If any person brings them good wool, and the work is not dono well, they will pay a fair price for it. We will receive wool at the following places, once a week, and return it when finished. On .Mondays Kaufman's store, Montcur,- IV. Donaldson and E. B. Reynold's stores, Danvillo. Tuesdays Eycr & Heflley's store, Bloomsburg, Barton's Espey, Harman's halfway house, Bow man's Mill, Bricrcrcek. Wednesdays Morris mill and McKclvy's Red mill. Hemlock, Shoemaker's store, Buckhorn, 13i sel's store, Jerscytown. Frldafi Hagenbuch's Tavcm Seidletown,John son's, Orangcville, Daniel Peelers, Flshingcreek, nenry .uutenbenuers, Uambria, and Uodson s mill, Huntingdon creek. (EjPJainIy written directions must accompany; each parcel, that no mistake may be made. DAVIS & MOOD. Millgrove, Bloom tp: Juno 17,1843, " Public Sale. IN pursunance of an order of the Or phan's Court of Columbia county, on Sat urday the 19th of August next.at ten o'clock in the forenoon Polei Girlon & MiHattman Administrators &c. of Michael Ilartman. late of Jackson townsnip in said county, ilan.Aa.il ... 1 1 . . 1 . , , , ud.cubgui yviu LjLpuou jo saie uy puDllc venuue upon tne f reraisos, a certain tract of land situate in Jacksmi inwrmhin. ml. joining lands ot Humphrey I?arker,Beuago rawer,, ivoDen jjocKart anu oilier contain ing about 120 ACRES, there is a Log House and a Log Barn on the premlses,abnut soventv acres of cleared land wheroon is an apple orchard, late the Estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Jackson and county aforesaid. JAUUU UYHKLY, Clerk. Danville, July 29, 1843 NOTICE, THAT T linTAmirrbflepil fit rnnctnl.T.. .V - ",..u, Dam a. UID property of Daniel Ziegler two acres of buckwheat in we siuuuu, iwo apics oi corn in ino ground, two acres of oats in the ground, hewed logs, cilia, gir- J jv.v. .u vas lut UJ UWOf boards; one lot of doors; ono lot door frames; ono mi wiiiuow irames,ono lot window sasU; one lot nOIchrjOsts Onn'lnt RfllfT infi.nitrt1 fnr .nr.!l. - ' I , . - WW.I1191I U k U louse, pne wheelbarrow, Dno chest of carpenter iuui, uiiu iiiumiB ciock, one uceit, one doz. chairs one bureau one looking glass pne.dining table ono sewing sland ond one hbrso waggon one plow, end have left tho same in his possession during my Iwmuiu ui wmca ino puplic.wiu laKe notice. - JQWJJOHNBOtf, August, 6 1843, J DYER. RESPECTFULLY informs liis friends hnd tho 'travelling public, irt general; that 'hb has taken thb nbovb'Hotcl sitdato In tho centro of the I6wn of Catawissa,Columbia coun tv Pa., and formclv occupi ed by D. Clark. "Where he Will bo: happy to wait upon thdso Who will favor hlra wilh their custom. Tho ?bcl Is largo And commodious and well furnished throughout, nnd no pains will be spared to render, general satisfaction, collis table will bo furnished With .the best tho untry can .afford. . . , , His Bar is vvcll stored with tho best ofliquors. . Excellent stabling is attached "to", the establish ment and "careful and attentive hostlers aro always In attendance. Caltawlssa, May 13, '18433. Notice IS, HEREBY GIVEN. TO all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of tho respective Jc scedncnts and minors that the administration mid cuardian accounts of tho said estates have been filed in the Office of the Register of tho county of Columbia and will bo presented lor the continua tion and allowance lo tho Orphan's court to bo held at Danville, in and for the county aforcsaid,ori Wednesday tho 23d day of August next at 2 o'clock P. M. 1 Tho account of Russcl J'.Wclliver Executor of tho last will end testament of christian vcllivcr,lato of Madison township, deceased. 2 Tliolmal account otJohn Uunkle ono ot the Administrators of Peter Dunkle Into of'l.imcstone tp.-deccased, and also of Daniel Gouger Executor of Nicholas liougcr deceased: who was another ot tho Administrators of said deceased. 3 The account of Jesse Bowman and of John Buzzard, surviving Executors of tlic late will and testament of Silas Englc, lato of Brictcreck Town- ship deceased. 4 Tho account ,ot John.iiualics. .Executor oi the lato will and testament of Sarah Hoar; late of Roar- ingcrcek township, deceased. 5 Tho accoumt of Richard Wilson and James Perry, Administrators of tho cstato of James Perry. Liberty Township deceased. G Tho account ol Joseph Alaus, Administrator of tho estate of Justus Strawbridgo late of Mahon ing Township deceased. 7 I he account of Joseph Maus Administiators, of the estate of ohubal otrawbndgc lato of Valley township deceased. UHAKLES CONNER, Register. Recister's Office, Danville, ? July, 22, 1843, J PBOCLAMATIOST. WHERBAS, the Hon. ChaYiles Dosaiji Prcsidentof the. Court of Oyer and Tcr, miner , and Gcncrnl Jail Delivery, Court, of Quarter' sessions ot tho I'cace.and Court of (Jommon Pleas and Orphans' Court in tho c!i;hth iudicial disirict. composed of tho counties of Northumberland, union, uoiumma and J.ycoming; and the Hor. William Donaldson and Gcoriie Mack, Gs- quiies, Associate Judges in Columbia county.liavc issued tlieir precept beaming date tho 28th day ol Apru in i no year or our l.oni ono tnousand eight hundred and forty-thrcc,and to me dirccted,for holding A Court of Oyer and. Terminer, and Gen eral Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court. IN DANVILLE, in the County of Columbia. on ,tho third Monday of August jiext, (being, the SI st day) and to continue two weeks : Notico is therefore hereby given to tne Coroner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Con stables of the said county of Columbia, that (hey oe men anu mere in mcir proper persons, at, JO o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to those things which to their olliccs appertain to bffdone. And those that aro bound by recocni zances, to prosec'uto against'tho prisoners that are ui may uo in me J an ui sam county oi uoiumuia, aio to bo then and there to prosecute against them" as shall bo just, Jurors aro requested to bo punc tual in their attendance, agreeably jo their notices. .Dated at Danvillo, the. 30th day of June, in tho year of our Lord one' thousand eight hundred and forty-three and in tho 07 year of tho Independence of the United Slates of America. JOHN FRUIT Shttff, Sheriff's Office, Danville, 1 June 30, 1843. $ List of Causes. For August Term, 1843. 1 Mary Slrawbridge vs Jesse Funsion 2 Frederick Beates, Ex.vs Henry Follmer 3 Franeis Balls, Adms. vs John Rhopds 4 Nathan Collin vs David Petrikin et al 5 Abraham Terwilllgor vs Daniel Gross 6 Charles Carlledgo vs Jas. Slrawbridge 7 Nicholas Kindt vs Nancy Rohr 8 Wm, Wilson vs Cornelius Garretson 9 Isaiah Shnman vs Daniel Costenbador 10 Albert.B. Ashton et al. vs Christian Ash, et al 11 John M' Williams el al vs. Jos. Maus 12 John M. Maus,vs Thomas Brandon 13 Leonard Stoughlon vs Benj, P. Fiink 14 Leonard Stonghton vs Charles F. Mann 15 Thomas Connelly vs Henry Rhoads 16 John II. James etal vs. Wm. Beechem 17 John Mears vs John Trego el al 18 John II. James etal vs. Jos. D. Hahn 19 Samuel Hackenberg vs Wm. Heiher- ington nt al 20 Samuel Hackenberg vs Martin Rishel 21 Jacob Sechler, et i vs Isaac Fosnaughl 22 Charles Shoemaker ve Thomas Moore- head ct al 23 David Derr vs Daniel Foljmer 24 Mary Ann Derr et al vs Dan. Follmer 25 George R. Martin vs;Leib & Trego NOTICE, COLLECTORS are hereby notified that they must look well round by August Court and be able to make good payments. Those ihet aro. bapk must try and have their du plicates soltled off by that time. By order of the Commissioners, L. B, RUPERT, Trm, July 1, 1843. Longiys Cfreat West dm Indian Compounded entirely of Vegetable Sub. stances: Free from Calomel aftf other minerals. rrr.Fot the history of ihis Medicine, and in um rivalled and truly surprising success and popular!' ty, see largo bills. It ia recommended as a ccneial cathartic tnr r,, lly use in dyspepsia and all bilious disease, it ij invaluable tor Asthma it is 'ousidcrrd n specific no case having.ycl" occurred which it has failed Id cure-T-for common colds, inflammatoly diseased rheumatism, allcctions of the liver, &c, and for fo males, it.is a safo and excellent remedy. 3VBW CERTIFICATES From lion. Robert Monell, Circuit Judge (Sixth Circuit) in tlie Sae of New York, Greene, Nov. 23, 1842, Col. Longloy DcarwSir : I thank you for tho hot tlo of Panacea sent by .Mr, Johnson. I liovc used one bottlo of your valuable medicine for myself, and in my family, and am well satisfied it is a safe ami 'valuable medicine. I have found it tho best remedy forbillioUs attacks, to which I am subject, that I have used, My neighbor, to whom I loaned your medicine speaks of it as great relief in dyspepsia. Your Ob't. Scry't. ROJ'T. MONELL. From Doct. Stlai ll!cs, of Bingha mion, Mr. Longley Dear Sir; I have used your Great Western Indian Panacea in my falnlly,andhavo re peatedly prescribed it for patients under my carc.and am satisfied that it isalwa.vs a safo.and in very ma ny cases nn invaluable medicine. It operates as a laxative without nausea, or pain;and while it effec tually obviates costiveness acts upon the stomach and liver as'an alternative, correcting acidity, and restoring tho hcaUhy condition of'thoso organs. Very respectfully yours, S. WEST. Agcr.ts. Bloomsburg, Ji R'. Mayer, Ephraim Lutz,Lime ttidgc, Anderson & Miller. No.G-Ucomcr of Walnut S" Third streets TllE subscriber return their sincere thanks to tlieir friends for the favors so Ijl erclly besto w cd on them, and leg leave to assure Ihein that no efforts shall bo wanting on 'their fait to merit a continuanco of tlieir patronage', Uolh in rcfcrcncoto workmanship and cheapness of prico to suit tho times. It is highly advantageous to Gentlemen and In stitutibiis having Libraries, to apply direct to Ilia Binder, making at least a saving of 10 lo 20 po cent, ond sometimes more. All descriptions of Binding neatly executed. Genllemcn's Libraries lilted up and repaired, Mu sic and Periodicals bound lo pattern. Ladie'a scrop books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions mado to order. Binding done for Libraries, Insti tutions, Societies, &c; on advantageous Terms. IHlAnriAMAilil ni,.,n TERS. RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, MERCHANTS AND BANKS. They 'are also prcparedto manufacture BLAME WOB.K of every description, such as Dockets, Jlecords Deed Books, ltuy-llooUs, Ledgers, Journal Memorandum, Clieek-Itolh, &c. of the finctt quality of Paper, (Robinson's Ivory Surfaced) in a stylo equal to any madcin the Cjlies of Philadel phia or New York, on tho most reasonable terms. IIlkk Wonri Ruled to iwy Patteuw. CLYDE &. WILLIAMS. N, D. Old Books rebound with ' ucatn'os9 and despatch, slso Files of Papers. Harrisburg, March 2G, 1842. Cmo. 48. All orders for binding, or for .blank books, left ot this office, will be forwarded, and returned as toon as completed. II. WEBB, Agent, last of Xcttci-s ' REMAINING in tho Posf Offlce at' Coltawis so for tho quarter ending June 30, 1843, Baldy Stephen Brosus Mariah Leib O, D. 8 Boone Tlewion Lorah Michael1 ' ' Brock Selah ' - Liltle'Abram Bird William S MannJohn'P. 8 Cleaver James Mann.A..Hi Clark Florence (IIciraA W'd).McKclvy& Paxlon Clark. David Moreley Thomas Clark Wm. (Adms. of) Miller Wm. Cary Hugh Pleasants James 6 Dor-man Wm. Potter Thomas Dutch Letter Prince Lysandcr 2 Davis Wm. Paxton Joseph 8 Ellis Miss Matilda Perry & Trego Elic Miss Aima Potton James Evan David ' Rapp Jacob Flncher & Thomas a Rohrback Wm. 2 Frick B. P. Ritz John FctcroffMichahel Richaid Jonas Gearbart Wm. Reed Wm. Harder Washington 2 Shick Mrs. Sarah 7ayhurst Benjamin Sivcrling William 2 Banco Wm. Shubtr Daniel Hughes ll'm. Shultz Jacob Hollinshcad Wm. Search' Wm.' ' Haiper Isaac Search Gcdrgo Hawk George .Sharplcss J; & K, Hughland Jonathan Traup William Hartman Scth Tcter JSlias Krum enry Tarr Andrew Kruni John , Willcts Gcorgo II. 2 KUIer Daniel Wolivcr Philip Kiuck Jacob. Persons colling tor letters in tho abovo list will plcaso say Ihey aro advcrtUcd. u. A, UROBST, P. Mt LIST OF LETTER ST TTB EMAINING in the Post Oflico at Blooms Mmj urg Juno 30, 1813. Harman Clino, Joseph Dibhngj Mrs. Mary Ma rapdaEchcrd, J, Lovi, Charles Michel, Jamc Itutherfurd, John Wridncr, JohnRouch, Andrew Crcvcling, Andrew Cummong. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please. say they are advertised, JOHN R. MOVER, P. M, NOTICE. TAVERN KEEPERS mutt bear in mind; that thpy must.pay tjicir licenies by Tucsday.of tho first week of August court.thoy vvilj no rctufned according to law, . ' L. B. RUPERT, Trevs, July 22, 1813,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers