'HlE STATE BANKS. j V,o copy fiom the Democratic tinion.an article of iho individual liability of tlio Mock holders of Banks, which is deserving of all cdlmlderalion The principle of individual responsibility has been adoplcd.by several of (he slates, aud to far as we can learn; in nil cases, wilh decided beneficial results. The last stale that has acted on the subject js New Hampshire and wo join with iho Union' in expressing the hope that Penna' will follow so good a load) and not only Pennsylvania, but nil the oilier states of Iho Union Nor Is this all that ought to bo done (o prevent tho Banks from again running not ana involving wiciiibgicd miu ins i,uuiiiij in one common ruin Among the many ro forms that are required, a system of the most rigid accountability should bo created to pro vent all their officers or directors from mis applying or wasting the funds, or appropri sting them to their own utfe; and tho best plan to prevent these evils would be to abolish all secrecy in the conduct of affairs; st least so far as that any of the etockhold eru might at all limes know what is going on in the institution. Fur ourselves, we think the public at large havo a full light to kno'w, as well as the stockholders, iho nature of tho security ihcv have for the notes they arc every day obliged to tako So long as the bank issue n cutrencv. so tone ought they to be con fiidcrcd public institutions, and open to the, examination of tho public If the veil of secrecy had bien withdrawn several years sifo from their proceedinirs, what loss and suffering would havo been prevented or avoidodf Now is the best time to investigate and regulate the whole system There is a calm favorable to tho formation of right judgment. The stockholders ihe real owners of the banks have found out by their losses that the svslem has been all wtong.and they will give their aid now to reform That which they opposed a few years ago as destructive of their interests, they would now accent as their best protection The directors and officers of some o( these in slilutions might oppose measures calculated to limit their orivileces, but they are now too weak to bribe or intimidate the Legisla ture; before they grow strong again, let the chains be put upon them, that will forever nrevent tnem trom aeain coine mau, anu inflicting deep wounds, first upon the peo pie and then upon themselves. -'enist vanian. Progress of Irish Repeal in Vance. The cnthuiiafim of the French is displaying itself in the readiness and spirit with which they respond to the call of the Repealers in the United States. A banquet was held in Paris on tho Hlh ull, by those friendly to the cause. One hundred persons were nrceent, among whom were deputies of the extreme eaucne, members, of the Institute; literaiy men, commanders and of ficcrs of the National Guard, and a deputa tion of (he 'Patriots of Orleans and Rouen. M. Ledru Rollin (i deputy) opened a sub scriplion for the Central fcunu ol the Ke peal; 'and at the. pressing invitation of the assembly, promised to proceed forthwith to Ireland, to visit the directing committee of the association, and be the bearer of the relief to be forwarded to them as a tosli mony of the lively interest Frenchman take in the cause of all oppressed nations The meeting promissed that, should the' struggle become violeut, Franch would be no more deficient to Ireland than she was half a century ago, to the efforts of the American people Fishing with Sledge Hammers -A per an writing from Frankfort, Kentucky, lo an oastern editor; slates a new mode of fishing, which is practised in the small dreams in Kentucky, during low water. I is termed 'sledge hammering;' and is per formed by a man wading about Willi sledge hammer on his shoulder, and to every rock which ho approaches he gives a violet blow with his hammer. The stunn ed fish rise from beneath the rock to tho surface, and are basketed. The bottom of South Elkhorn.a beautiful Mreamjaboundwg in black perch, which affords fine sport to the angle, was nearly rnacademizeu las summer by the wonderous sledge hammer and consequently this season the fish at very scarce. Mortality at Sea. -. The brig Aurora arrived at Wilmineton, N. C, last week from Cienfuegos, had five different captains (luring her voyage. She cleared in March for Ihe West Indies, but encountered a gal off Frying Pan, returned to port, when tho captain then in charge left hor. Another took his place, who died in a short time in tho West IndieF, Another and another still, successors, died, and she was brought home in charge of the mate of a lioston' vessel. HS5S5E!W5ea-S The United States revenue accuring at Ihe port of New York during July, afier making deductions of drawbacks &c 91,000,000 . E. Y. Bright, of Sunbury; is nominated in Northumberland county: as a candidate for the Lcgislottuo. Charlos V, Ilegin was appointed the .Representative, and Jesse O. Horton, the Senatorial deligate to the Canal Commissioners Convention llie $ili September. Oil Flour sold at Cincinnati on the 8lh insi. at bG0 Wiu make'you dot tfieV said a little French perriguier to us the "other day,- Madame la ivafare.assisted by ur. James Hair Tonic.' was our reply. Sacrel' ex claimed tho coiffeur 'why your lelt. was mood as de block in my shop tree mont since,' 'very true,' was our reply; 'but as my head is not a 'block, Dr. Jayne a Ton ic which will make the hair crow on any thine- but a block has reclothed it as you see. Shrugging his shoulders, and venting another 'Sacrel in a tone of mingled aston ishment and admtration.the little hair dress er went on his way marvelling. For sa'e at J. U. MOYEIl S, Uloomsburg. The Hand of Death is sometimes uplift ed and ready to strike; when wo are uncon ecious of the jeopardy In which we stand. A slight cough neglected for a short time, may Do latat. I he progress or pulmonary disease in some constitutions is fearfully apid; and when once tubercies aro formed in the lungs, the case of tho patient is usu ally looked upon as hopeless. Javne's Ex pectorant will always euro every complaint ncident to the organs of respiration up to tho period when human means can arrest the work of destiuction. Dr. J ay no does not arogate to himself the attributes of om nipotence, by asserting that his medicines can work tmraclrs. He leaves such bias phemy lo unscrupulous and ignorant impi rics and charlarana. All he avers is that his expectorant has saved the lives of thous and of sufferers from pulmonary diseases, who had been declared by medical men beyond the reach of human sk'dl.For sale at J. K. MOYISK'S, Uloomsburg. MARRIED On Ihe 6lh of July last by Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. SAMUEL FISHER, to Miss SARAH BURGER.bolh of Cnltawissa township. On the 3d inst.by the, same, Mr. JACOB MILLER of Roaring creek township, to Miss ELIZA ORANGE; of Caltawissa township; ElED At tho honse of Mr. Charles Doebler in Blunmsburg, Col. co, August 15 Mr. HENRY GEUUGiS.agcd 37, lorrner- y of Germany. Mr. George wa9 one of 'the deluded company of Germans who settled in Lu zerne county about a year ago. He came to Mr Docblers about two months since much out of henlth.where he remained until his death, having received all the kind at. tention that his case required. He was buried on Wednesday in the Lutheran bu rying ground in this village, attended by large concourse of citizens. On the Qth inst; in Danville, ABNER, infant son of Benjamin and Mary 1 horn ton On the 10th inst, JOSEPH ALFRED, infant son of John Roukafoller At her residence near Cattawissa on the 3lst of July, Miss MARY HARTMANjin the tony sixtn year ol ner afo Having embraced the;chrislian religion in early life, her subsequent walk evinced its influence; in affliction she experienced its consolations, and in death she realized the efficacy of an humble reliance on the Sa viour's atonement Suddenly;-at Northumberland on the 8th. inst: JOSEPH EVERETT, Esq; in the 22d year of his age formerly of Danville In Liberty township, Uolumbia co; on the 3d inst, Mrs WILSON, wife of James Wilson aged about 25 years, leaving an affectionate husband and one child to mourn her loss, On Wednesday last at the house at Mr. Joshua Webb, in Bloom township; Mr WILLIAM BORDER.agedJyears.formerly of Philadelphia. Eudcpendcnt Troop, T HE members of the Independent Troop, ore required to meet at too UUUKUUl(N,on Saturday, September 9, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, cquipt for company exerciso and drill, iiy order ot tue Uaptain. J. SLOAN, O. 8, August .18, 1843. NOTICE IS hereby given to all concerned, that 1 havo purchased at private sale, of Aaron D. Guild, one brown mare and colt, ono blue Dunn horso, one Dearburn waggon, and havo left the samo in his possession during my pleasure. JOHN DIETERICK. Aug. 171843 THE Subscriber will run a passsago Union Deck Boat, with three horses attach ed. between Bloomcbuig Basin, and the Camp mound in Brieicretk, every day commencing on Satuiday Morning at half past six, and returning in the evening. Fare both wavs ttoentu Ave cents. 'I he boat will be fitted up in a manner to render it comfoitable for Gentlemen and Ladies, WM. COLEMAN. Sheriff Candidates. TV Me Electors of Columbia county. Follow Citizens-fly tho solicitation of my friends I have boon induced tooffLr myself ai. a candidate for the office of SHERIFF. at the ccmlng general Election. Should I bo so fortunate as to receive a majority of your suffrages, I pledge myself to perform the duties of said offico, with fidelity, impartiality, and humanity IUAM DERR. July Cth, 1843 To the Electors of Columbia county. "i am induced at too request of many of my friends to offer myself as a candidate for. the office of SHERIFF. at tho coming election. If I should bo so fortunate as to receive a maiori'tv of your suffrages, I pledge mvsclf to perform its duties to the satisfaction of the public. SAMUEL KRES8LER. July 8th, 1843. To the Electors of Columbia county. At the solicitation of a number of my friends I offer myself as a candidate for the offico of SHERIFF at tho next October election. Should I be elected, I plcdgo myself to use my exertions to pciform the duties of the office to tho satisfaction of tho public COKISKLIUS UliECKHUK. July 8th, 1813. To. the Electors of Columbia County. Fellow Citizen : Ionco moro offer myself ns a candidate for the office of SHERIFF at tho ensuing clection.and should I bo so fortunate as to receive tho majority of your votes I pledge myself to give all the satisfaction that lays in my power to do' tho business cooly, deliberately, and punctually, and with hdelily. It tlto old one uotn prove true, Chaige not the old one lot the new. WILLIAM KITCHEN. Danville, July 221843. To the Electors of Columbia County. Fellow Citizens: Encouraged by tho solicitations of numerous friends,!' am induced to offer myself as a candidate foi the office of SHERIFF at the next fall election, should I be elected I pledge myself to fulfil tho duties of the office with fidelity, to '.he best of my ability. SAMUEL. ACHENBACH: July 22, 1843. Mr. Editor: A false representation is made by my opponents, that l am bound toDanvillc and the Danville interest, which is not the tact, anu any man seeing my location can at one glance see it is not my interest for so to do, and I would hero say that all the assertions made by my oppo, nents are not true. SAMUEL ACHENBACH. Limo Ridge July 22. 1843. We are requested to announee DANIEL KELLEl; of Soaring creek; as a candi date for COUNTY COMMISSIONED, al the October election. We are requested to announce SAMUEL ML A ibj of .roaring creek, as a candi date for COUNTY COMMISSONEtf. at the next election. We are authorised to announce Col. MICHAEL R. HOW.ER, of Roaring Creek, as a candidate for COMMISSIONER at the ensui.ig election. We have been requested to name JOHN HUGHES, of Roaring Creek, as a candi date for COMMISSIONER of Columbia county, at tho October elec tion. Wq are requested lo announce CHAS. F. MANN, of Paxton Distiiot as a candi date for COUNTY TREASURER, at the approaching election. DAVID CLARK of Caltawissa, been mentioned as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, al tho approaching election. has Wo aie aequested to announce AN DREW FREAS of Brier Creek, sa a can didale for AVLlTOJt, of Columbia Counly at the next election. Mr. Webb: Will you allow mo to recommend thro' your paper.ISAAC W. MUSGRAVE Esq. of Mount Pleasant, as a suitable per son for CORONER.. Ho is well qualified for tho office, and ex tensively known, and as Mt. Pleasant seems somewhat entitled to a enndidate, I hope to see him elected. A VOTER. Wo are requested to announce JACOB EVANS, of Greenwood, aa a candidate for . . CORONER. - at the approaching election. NOTICE. (THAT I have purchased at constablo sile a the properly of Philip Achchbach, one bureau, ono manno ciock. ono corner cuDDOaru, ono trcaaiasi tabic, one) sowing stand, on n third of ten acres of corn in tho ground,ono third of four acres, of buck- Whcalin tho ground, one third of two acres ofpo latocsin the eround.xjnn calf, and havo left the same in hit possession during my pleasure of which uic public win iqke uouqp. U.W. liOiT. August 9, 184312, SHERIFF'S SAT,ES BY virtue of a writ of al. vend, exponas, to mo directed will be exposed io public sale at the Court House; in Danville, on Monday tho 31st day of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tho following prop erty vizi All tho right title and interest of a certain lot of ground situate in tho town of Danville; Co lumbia county, containing ono town lot adjoining William llartman and Charles While, and the Ca nal, and fronting on Mill 5lreet,whcreon is erected a House, weather-boarded. ALSO, BY virtue of a writ of pleu. levari facias, will bo exposed to sale, at the same time and placo afor said, the following property, viz: All that certain two story frame dwelling House, situate in the northern part of tho town of Danville, in said county, on the west side of Pino Street, bci ig sixteen feet in front on said Pine street by twenty eight back, and tho lot or piece of ground and curtilege appurtenant thereto, wblch lot is maikcd and numbered in Montgomery's ad dition to said town, No and bounded on tho east bv Pine street, on tho north by lot of J. D. Hahn, on tho west by an alley; on tho south by lot of H. Primmer.said lot being forty nine feet in front on said Pino street, by ono hundred and forty two fect back; being tho houso and lot occupied by said 11. i'rimmcr. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of H. Primmer. JOHN FRUIT, Sherj: Snxnrrr's Office Danville; ? July 28 1843. 5 SHERIFF'S SAIJE. Y virtuoofa writ of venditioni exponas, to i mo directed will bp exposed to public sale, at the Court House, Danville on Siturday tho 10 ill day of August, at 10 o'clock A. M. tho following property tQ wit : m All tlie right title and interest in a certain tract of wood land situate in Roaring creek town ship, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Jacob Gcarhart, Charles S. Cox, Esq.Yost Dricsbach and others, containing ninety fonr acres, moro or less. seized, taken into execution, .and to be .bo Id as the property of Benjamin Lovan, with notice to EitA Hayhuist. JOHN FRUIT Sheriff. Siieuiff's OfFicf., Danville, ? luly 21, 18-13. S 8 ME MIFF'S SAL.ES. Y virtuo of sundry writs of venditioni expo nas to mo directed, will bo exposed lo public salo, at-the Court House, in Danville on Monday tlio SUt day of August-18-13, at 10 o clock A. Al the following property to wit: A ceitain (ol in the town of Berwick situate on Front and Mulberry streets, edioinimf lot of Itobert M'Curdy and others, No. in the plan of said town, whereon is erected a largo Store Houso, (wo dwelling Houses, and a fraino Stable aud ollior out building. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Gilbert Fowler. ALSO, A certain lot. in the town of Berwick, situate on Front and Mulberry slrculs, and adjoin ing a lot of Robert M'Curdy, and others, No, in plan of said town, whereon is erected a large store house, two dwelling homes, a framo stablo and orhcr out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho properly of Gilbert Fowler. ALSO, A certain lot of ground, situate in Calta wissa tp. Col. co. adjoining land of Drumhellcr, Davidson, and others, containing twenty ono acics more or less, whcicon is erected a log houso and frame stable. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Franklin Taylor. ALSO, A certain lot of ground, situate in Catta. wissa township, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Drumhellcr. Davidson and others, containing twenty one acres more or less, whorcon is erected a log house and framo stable. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Franklin Taylor. ALSO, BY virtuo. of a writ of venditioni exponas, will be sold. at the samo timannd place, as oforo said, tho following property viz: A certain tract of land situate in Fishing creel townshlp.col. co. containing one hundred and twenty acres adjoining landa of John M'MichacI, Joseph Thomas and otbcrB.whcreon is erected a log' house and log stable. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of Ji sio Mageo. ALSO, All the right title and interest of the de fendant in a certain tract of land, situate in .Sugar loaf township; Columbia county, containing three hundred acres mora or less,adjoining lands of John Lewis, David Lewis and others. AIso,on a certain other tract of land situate in tho said township and county above mentioned, containing fifteen acres, whereon is erected a frame house and saw-mill, and adjoining land of David Lewis and other land of defendant. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho properly of Henry Klazo. ALSO, A certain lot of ground in tho town of Danville, Columbia county, situate on Market street and ad oining a lot of Itobert Spear, whereon is erected a frame house. Seized, taken in oxecution and to bo sold aa the properly of David Pancoast. r ALSO, A coilain'lQt of ground situate in ihojown of .Orangcville.'Orangt! iownslu'p, Columbia fottn,! adjoining a lot Ot C tl. M. rnerson anu. otnern. whereon is ciectw a Hanio nouso ana log. swoic. Alo,o!ie other Iot,in the same township anu coun ty abovo mentioned; containing- two ocrcs more ot less, adjoining lands of George Wrrts, also, ono timber Jot in tho same township and county, con taming fnuracrcs.adjolning Jpbri'Kdgar and others". Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us thn pioperty of Msrgerum 8. Mcars, and Win. Mcarsi ALSO, All tho right title ar.d interest of the de fendant has in a certain tiactifland in SuzarloaC township, Columbia county, containing two acre J moro or less, with water privileges to1 tho same, whereon aro erected two small houscs.onf saw mill adjoining lands of Jeremiah Hess, it being. a Usui of said property , to tontiuuo 1.11 year from this timd seized, taken in execution and to la. sold as tin, property of Cornelius D. Albcrtson.. ALSO, All the certain estate light, title and inter est, property, possession', claim aud demand what soever, of Thomas Chambers, of, in and to the pro right privileges, secured to tho stud Chambers, in the following described tract of land, -viz; A- tract of lamTin right of Hugh Af Williams, commencing on ilia cast end of M' Williams land, bounded by lands of Robert Curry and others, and extending' two hundred rods west, and in width, as far as the oro may extend, on lands of said M' Williams, the said right being tho exclusive right f the oro in said tract of land. Also, all the estate, right; title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, of Thomas Chambers, of m and' to tho Oro right and privileges as secured to tho aai'd Chambers, in the following tract of land vizr A tract of land containing" forty acres, conveyed by Alexander Montgomery to Philip Sidler, by a deed dated tho 18th day of May, A. h. 1838; said land bounded by lands oilssic DIuc, and late' of Geo.A. Flick, John C. Boyd, and others', tho said ore rights and privileges being tho exclusive privilege of six teen acres ot the said forty acres, and the undivided ono half ol twenty four acres oforo privileges held in common with John C&oyd, together with all tho other privileges as held in said county by said l nomas Unambcr-. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold- cs- the property ofThomas Chambers ALSO, All the right.lille and interest the defend ant has in a certain tract of land situate in Jack son township, Columbia county, containing sixty acres, more or less, adjoining lands' of Abraham Young, John Kcelcr, 8. Savage and others, where on is erected a log house and frame barn; about twenty five acres of cleared land, the balance in woods. Seized, taken in execution and to bb-Bold as tho property' of Moses Savage. ALSO, A certain tract of land situate i Orange township, in Columbia county, adjoining lands of James Everit, Edward M'Henry, and others, .con taining one hundred and sixteen acresibout seven ty five of which is cleared land, and whcreorl is erected a log house and log barn, and an aple or chard on the' premises. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tho, propeity of George Seiple, administrator $c. of Joseph Weavor, dee'd. ALSO, A certain tract of land situate in Liberty" township, Columbia county, containing sixty .acres more or less, adjoining lands of William Date, Charles Shop, whereon is erected a frame house and barn. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold 'aa tho property of Samuel D. Alexander. x ALSO, A lot of ground in Ihe town of Cattawissa fronting on the east on second street,south of Mam street, bounded north by an alley, east by second street, south by lot of the hoirs'of Samuel Hughes, deceased, and west by a lot of Edward Miller, on which aio elected a new two story brick house, and a ono story brick office, a two story back building, a stable and other out honses, the same being parts of lots, numbers 22, 23 & 24 as laid out in the gener al plan of said town, convoyed to said Michael Foruwald, by Charles Hughes and wife. Abo a lot of ground containing one acre moro or less, sit uated in Roberts addition to said town of cattawissa a lot of Charles Hartman lying on tho south, a lot of Lewis Yetler lying on the north, a lot of the estate-of Dr. Hicks dectased, lying on the west, and forth street of said town on the east, which Thomas Hartman and wife sold to said Michael Fornwald. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of Michael Fornwald. ALSO, Two certain lots of ground situate in Mont gomery's addition of the town of Danville, lying on the west side of xill street One of the said lots be ing fifty feet front and ono hundred and fifty feet deep; on which is erected a frcmc shop. Also, ono other lot, being fifty feel front and one hundred and. fifty feet dccp.whercon is erected a dwelling house. Seized; taken in exception and to be sold as the property of Daniel Hoatz. ALSO, All the right title and interest the defend-, ant has in ft certain tract of land situate In jiifilin and cattawissa townships, Columbia county, con taining ono hundred and twenty eight acres moro or less, adjoining land of Joseph Kostenbader, Geo. Miller, Isiiah Shuman; Adam Miller and othirs, whereon are erected three dwelling houses; ono barn, one saw mill, ono blacksmith shop. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of Henry Kostenbader ALSO, BY virtuo of a writ of al. vend, exponas will bo sold at the samo timo and place as aforesaid said, tho following propeity to will A certain lot of ground situate in Maho ning township, Columbia county containing forty acres moie or less, adjoining lauds of Robert Ri chaid, James Loughcad, Jacob Sanders, Peter Ral dy and others,whereon is erected one log houso and frame stable; thirty acres of cleared land. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of Cornelius Still. JOHN FRUIT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? July 21, 1813. V J.N. SUMNER. m. B. DENTIST, FROM Northumberland, will pass through Dloom on his way to and from Wilke&barro sever al times in tho course of tho year, and iv" son is desirous of his professional r-y.vrvicrp, they run, do so by leaving notico with My, Webb, or at Mr. Doebler's. i.I"' May tr, 1813 J5, . trJ A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers