V waves 'vera 'Hid 'ttidnntains 'lilgU. tle jWevCr. accurtetl In 'ourrri'y-, If we except eca'me'n'bn board 'tallied; komo fragments the explosion on Jjoard the steamboat Mo- Bail were set ''masts, and there et'onittho temnaniirofsthe selle, spmdeaTsmce. Vc "was a rhince of r,afetyl-. ftVe havofalspT received a . M'Cliae spoke not. but watched the.helai. Mofying , Messago, wlfioh etatei Tlie wind shifted in their favor, and hope niinjbckil'ed is between (20 ant rose in every heark The, Frith or Tay those wounded from 60 to'100, n was now onen imd thev were saved 1 tally. ... , lip" from Ure mics thai the and '30, and very lieatt, 1,(10., r.nlll Ol -.lay wnsc wuunucu uuiu uiu ivu, uiuujr uiui ." ..1 . I- I iL' n' ' i-i- ii- r .1... Light-was the heart Of M'UIISO wnen lie l no uincinnau uuzeiio ui niunuajr, ic- kept away the vessel, and gave the helm ceived last night, states thai the Whdje up to Uio male. . He hastened to Kalejina number of persons killed, at the lale firo in c-jrt'.?ri;n olnnil nm-thnMetlt. rsisctl her that city, so far as ascertained, is nine. Mr. V"w 1 . ma l .1 ..... .!ll.t, up, whispered'comforfand reluming love; n. v. nierni is me oniy. person kihcij ibut slieuieardinot slie.couiu not lorgei wuosc nana- o uu i mo uai wc pun" and she wept bitterly. ea yesterday, t lie number oi persons 'VVc are saved' dear KaterinaT ' severely worinded is 14, and about 20 are ii..... ii... ... uA Kon.lrt.il' rpnlipd renorted to be slirrhllv wounded. The ' she, mournfully following wounded persons were not men. .Nonol -sav not so. with your own nioneii-yesteruay; .Lewis wisoy, jonn An,lrB. nfe.ctncr vnu lo hia bosom.' M M.'Vansickle, Joseph Trefls. arms broken; 'Your bitter cursel' A. Oppenheimer, James Tryalt, Robert; 'Twas madness nothing. I 'Tuiew rot Rice. Wm. H. ttoodloe, r what 1 said ' On account of the mournful calamity 'at I n,tt h imn had entered into her soul. Cincinnati on Saturday, business wis gen " Her heart was broken. erally suspended on Monday throughout the You had-better cive orders for them to city. J he Chronicle of Monday says " nAt nniirnr'ilio -HhII Rnrk.' obsetved the 'In consequence of the deep feelinc exci man- at (lie helm to M'Clise., " ted by tho recent dispensation to Divine Th? RAt "Unhid M'Clise shuddered, Providence, the City Counc.l met lasleveri ..t .,t. ,i.,. CWvnrtl wp.nt tho inrr. and reauesled the Mayor of the city vessel, impelled by ihe sea and wind: one to issuo his proclamation requesting Uio 'mnmni mU-.t nlnfi. nnd , lowering over the places of business to be closed to day. uri?eJ. at anolhei,. deep in ihe hollow Accordingly tins morning the Mayor "trough, and walked in by '.he convulsed issued his proclamation to that cttect, and Mni!. dill heM hi Kaierina that the citizens should attend to the funer .in tili'm. wlm rpsiwinded not to his en- als of deceased, as they might occur, thus .dearments, when a -sudden shock threw paying the list tribute of respect to (heir them on deck. The clashing ol.the timsers, memory. Jt.0nn.,r!nBnfiliB waves over the stern, the J Purine Saturday night throughout Sun -heeling and settling of the vessel, were but 1 day and all day Monday the cititzens were .ii.. ,w.l"r fnw .ier.nnds. One more busily engaged in rcmovintr the ruins, fear furious shock she separates- falls on her ing that other bodies -might be discovered h.m n,i. anH itm zinmit seas -sweeo beneath them. None were tound. oyer her, lU'Cli'ae tbrew from 1iim htr wnum he had so madly lo'-ed, and plunged into the wave. iCaterina shrieked, as the dished after him, and all was: over. , . , . ' When the storm rises, and the screaming ""sea-gull seeks the land and the fisherman liastens his" bark toward the beach, 'then V o'be seen, descending (from 'the dark clouds! From the Baltimore American. A TERRIBLE EARTHQ,AKE 10,000 Lives Lost. Destruction of the Town of Point Pelre, Gua&khvpc. ISevefdl Tliousand Lives Lost. Capt. Thompson of the biig Frances ' . . . ' .... i .. -i . e -1 I with ihe rapidity -oi iignnung, iiiDiorinoi janef at,,his t ye&lerday fromSl.iohns Andrew M'Clise, the heavy bell to which ,p KV reports the occurrence at that place no is auacucu me "" .0f a severe shock ol an earthquake tjn the uown 10 nis uoo.-n. ( lh February, which lanted about two mm X And wPen all is smooth and balm, wlien ute,, but did no sm:cial damage, Intellh 'at the ebbln? tide, the wave but gently 'nu .iMiru.iS' r ...ii, kisses the rock, then,' by the, light of the: wkeia varit)U, olher jsIanjg is g:ven' jn silver moon, of the vessels.which sail from itlB anhejced extracts from letters,, recefved mc a rim aiiu i aj, na. form !o'f Ihe beautiful Katerine, waving her white scarf as a signal! that they should approach and take, her olT.from the rock on which she is seated. At times she otTe.rs a fctfer for tier father Vandermaclin; and she inourh's and weeps when the wary mariners wlih ilii.ii' even fixed on 'her. and With folded arms, pursue their way io silence All persons fled from their houses ,but most aud in dread. - fortunately no one was hurt, and no -materi ai uamage was uone more, a vessel arnv bv the Francis Jane. St. Johns, P. R. Feb.'U, 1843 We had a severe shock of ah earthquake on the 8th inst. but it was not bo severe as the one last year, though it lasted a longe time. In ol. 1 nomas it was very' severe and is said lo have lasted over two .minute? ed at St. Thomas from Antigua reports that all the houses were thrown down in that Island, and the windmills were either dow or so much injured that they cannot worked. In Nevis, also, every thins (cx cept the liath House) is down, and to sill of 8,eamer P,as?'ng Martinique, Quadaloupe "tBOTII WITHOUT KAn ' ? SJITtf JJlV, -JMliciI II, 1843, EOIl PRESIDENT, JAMES BIT C II ANA IV. (Suljject la the decision of a National .Convention.) A week ot two siu're We adverted lo tiie 'factKlhil theOBfrtyJyklSeirtinehliHtl ahowil its teeth in favor orUaptaih 'I'yleVi Mlin timated that it Was in puisuance of il fcchairf Contract tnatle.and eniered into ' at Harris burg, sometime) about the first of Febrtli; ryj when a great mttn received the appoint ment of colleclor 'rjf a 'rendtrrfed port of entry, called Berwick. The junior editor of the Sentinel takes Us to do for out hardi hood in mentioning thejacl and says ho is not now a Tyler marr, but 'intimates that he may bo . The Berwick Sentinel has 'becomo ta hid at our exposure of its reasons for its base ami uncalled for attack upon the char acter of Col. II. .B: Wright and would fain make us believe that they were prompted in their course-by. mere love of democracy, and a desire to maintain its principles invi olate. Now, if this was a fact, if'theii opposition io him truly originated, from no oilier cause but their ardent desire lo sus- tain the clurioud landmarks of democracy, then we would say, be vigilant, be faithful. But when wt know their opposition arises from selfish personal motives alone, motives which if encouraged by the party, will destroy "the best men in the state, and make democracy subservient to the interest of a few greedy and unprincipled office hcldersr we feel ourselves cald upon, as faithful sentinels to strip them of their veil of cu pidity, and show them, and their masters, up in all their naked deformity. Two years ago Col. Wiight was repre sented by them as'.one of tho most, talented pure, high minded' democrats in the slate, but a spirit came? over their dreams, when ne came mil in opposition io ineir unuoiy Wcoiinty and Calvin BlyUlbrwatt nojinlfialrd and unanl mously confirmed as'Culfeclur of the poil or Philadelphia. ,r, .... . .REM OVA I.. QUEBTIPN; ' drvthe Sd ihsl. Mr. Snyder, introduced" !ri.to thoiHouse of Keptesentatives a bill leaving the settlement of the removal hues ilon Jrt a vbte of the' people of the, eountyj and on Saturday, Mr. kiddl'rof J.uzernb Introduced a sliiilnr dill in if.K He dare not deny, however, leadlev- havinrr nrPin0i t..x- '., .x.u that the article referred l was Wfitlen by ,enilt0 rtoBr ,al ifjm cmd ,n0( Ca .bi mW one of lh editors, but says it was piit in C0lllUy b,.. ,; , . . , the paper as a communication. This is a silly manner of shifiing the responsibility. Publish an editorial article, as a comrmtni- catio.i,and then Bay il is not the sentiments of the editors. This, VC should sby, was whipping the devil around the stump, when he was running a direct path into a quagmire' I ho story therefore circulated bv thri Danville faction, for effect, that. the removal (fuestltftf could not agair be agitated, turnd out (o be as many other of their assertions in relation to the question, have heretofore! beenjUcslitCite Of the truth. ' The skeleton By the way, was riot a certain ju"iof been recently found at a depih of sixty feet in the earth, near Sinsmewa Mourd, in the' northern part of the Iowa Territory. It i said Ihe enamel of the tusks is as perfect as1 when the huge animal roamed the earth, although the skeleton has probably been editor appointed collector, upon an express pledge that he was to purchase the right of his partnef to the establishment, and hoist the flag of Johnson, Cass or Tylef, when ever directed by his .nastors; and was not . . t 1 If. M I ll'tl , , me anicie lauuing iyjer, puonsneu ror u.e ,mbeded in the rock and clav for aB(. certain Post Oflice.as a part of the contractt And was there not a further clause in tho contract requiring the junior editor to hoist the name of a certain gentleman, westward ho, as a candidate for the next governor? The peoplo would liko to know. As for ourselves wc aio satisfied without any an ewer. "Matr!mony"may he arraeramatized into 0! try man" and' husband" into "Ahf snub'dl" good jokes to bachelors, but no fun for. married men. -? ' Flout at Cincinnati on the 24th $2 50 af Threo vessels arrived at New Orleans riW Tho late attack of the stipend prceses of the 16th ult, from London, Liverpool and 111 t J i HV I, ( VVIIIII T lltll It WV V 1 , . . , . 1 - removal. Their Mmocratic prinv.iples ; " - i - - --. v'oi 9iuv,vw in spe . , . - , r ,u .i I critic memuers oi tne legislature, who au cie, be THE LATE FIRE AT CINCINNATI. The Cincinnati Times, of the 5h, con tains the following particulars of a sad eatastropliy which occurred in that city on Saturday morn'ng. , Y.esterday, about Oo'clock, p, m, 4 i. r.:... . ...ui:.u.. !. !.?" ? r.::. "r w" i: and Monserat, saw those islands covered wessr. rug,. -'"'"'-' with a dense cloud of dust. fire-The firemen repaired to the spot No accounts, have yet been ;rece,ved rom . i .... .;, r,i -,i.:u l,i any other Island, but we fear we shall hear ?T great destruction of prope.ty and loss of ... vwi.iuui.i.k " . . ; , j i ;r . : .. I roof of a smaller building were invaded, because lorsooth, their own pockets, and tho'se'of Iheir neighbors, were not to be filled at the expense of the people of Columbia'and 'Luzerne. A secret and unrelenting warfare, was set on foot to anni till ate him, but they dare not, as yet open ly mak an assault. This contemptible act is left for. the, new, collector, in obedience to the malignant anUenvious commands of two of the. canal commissioners, to gratify their hatred & malice towards Col. Wright, for the independent1 stand lie took in ferret ing out the corruptions piacticcd in a cer tain political "hucksters shop," or in plain language, the canal commissioners room in Harrisburg. This wc have no doubt was one of the conditions of the ap legis vocated. the papsage of the law authorising the election e-f the canal commissioners by the people, is one of the strongest argu menu in favor of the measure, that can be brought forward. The press'should be uu trammelled, and independent of all official bur;, influence, or its glory is departed. We all know what an influence a well conduct- eujuurnal is -calculated to wield over a community they are "the safeguard of our rights and of .our liberty, and if any aspir ing demagogue ever succeeds in changing our republican form of gcvernment, it will be throngh the venelity of tho press.Know A vain of gold 4 feet thick, from which two hands in three days rained 100 bnshel of ore worth 910 a bushel, has been dis- covered by Dr, Stephen Fox, near Mecleti' The New Bedford Bulletin describes Maniac on his knees in the snow before tfier office, at the moment o-f writing.wiih Miller1 pamphlets in his hand, alternately praying and blaspheming in the roost pitiable man-ner. in combating were on the conlftcted wtih the main one: when a dread ful explosion took place, occasioned, it is conjected, by the combustion of gas.gener kted, by the fire inside the building, which was very close. The' rotffttif' the small house was blown off and the walls of the other thrown out vard,'burying many of the firemen and spectators under the ruins, while some of those on the roofsunk into tho house, or '. -.. . . . .1 I 1 e ouiia I were precip.taieu io uu grounu BomB IBW The , of - ty js irame-nse( Mitlirtiii mniarml minru. At thin mnmcnl. I the 11 me i for the first time burst out, The concusions of the air was so great, that persons on the opposite side of Walnut street, who were standing on some tiers of bsfrrelsof pork, wero thrown down, and part of the upper tier of barrels' wero thrown upon one or two, whoai? limbs were broken j ' j by lliem: 7..'i,hc eartliquake whose eficcts have C., limn t,n unnclainAliAn A V nilol h I , w- . wM,-......u.. v.v. uj been so fcarfullv exoerienced in the West l,e suociis ot uio expioS.on-wn,cn was ,n(jia Umil Q- m February was ; heard anu ie(t in u.aiani parts o, .no cuy djcated b (he s ht shock8 wich wtre -that several minutes elapsed fe- fcIi ontlii same cloy nt WaBhii.ston City. tore tne spectators recovereu irom 110 Newborn, Raleigh, Chrloston , and other eufferers.some of whom were dead-some M Qih inchiMve. It will also be o ureau.uuy ram. aicu auu wuuuueu hi. rec0,eclert ,hal ,he U. S. brig Decaltu, at r.X :::6'"T -Norfolk, and the barque loea at th port, life in all the Windward Islands. We can not vouch for the truth of the a'boye, but we give ii as we received it from a credita ble source in St. Thomas. ' St. Johns, P. R. Feb. 15, 1843. We yesterday rereived advices from the Windward. Tho effects of tlie Earthquake of the 8th instant, have been awful indeed. The town of Point Peter, Guadaloupc, is entirely destroyed, and ten thousand per sons are supposed lo nave been killed, At An tigua there has also been a prcat loss of property, though but few lives were des troyed. All the mills and sugar works are more or less injured, anu tne greater part of thff crop will be lost. Nevis, Montserat Uarbadoes, dec, are all said to have sullered much, but to what extent is not known ing this the board ol canal commissioners, At the Montpeler Vt. Court of Assizes.a- .. . . . i i . - isvo in ineiriaie appoinunenis, tauen goou man named Pomerede was aentenced to- pointment, and If io it Wbeen faithfully c,arf 10 8ecurc m raa"? PaPers been convicted of arson. i.i... vuuuj v.m,,,!, 'inir.ciecn nignway robberies, two actual could be found willing to lend themselves mrdeis, and five attempts to commit mur- to be used as automatons lor a salary ol a (cr. few hundisd dollars. Thus il is with the Columbia Spy, Williamsport Gazette, Der- Mr. J an Bur en in Mass. At a Con' wick Seuiinel, whose editoiaure collectors, ventiim of the Democratic members of the- and several otheis who have had their jiar- Massachusetts Legislature, assembled orr ticular friends appointed to office, like the Ihe 2d inst. several resolutions were passed Danville Intelligencer. Il is from presses one of them expresses a perference for of this stamp, and this alone, that the abuse Martin. Van Buren as the nominee of thrr carricd out. But will the democracy of the north countenance hired stipend, in thns wreaking his vengeance, and that of his masters. Upon art independent agent, who dares to raise his voice against. the corrupt ion of their oflicials; who not only bribe the press to sustain them in power, but to Ira duee all who dare raise their voice against hem for squandering the public treasurer to advance theinte.ret,f a few aspirants, to the injury of Ihe'eommort'vealih, and of the whom died in a short time, and some may possibly recover. A deep, appalling and mournful feeling pervades the pity, those rescued from the ruins 'are amongst our' most respectable, intelligent and enterprising citizens in f lie prime of life, with families, and noted for thejr public spirit-aruj social qualities., $6 many loiflictlng statements, areafloat in retftlon to this greal calamity, "that at this timo His impossible to speak Willi any renorted that they had distinctly felt the shock of an eathqtiake at sea on the 8ih February the former In lat. 20, 18, N. and long. 01, SO; and the latter in lat. 17, 80t N. and long. 00. The same shock was also fell at sea, by several vesse.s which have since arrived at New York, Boston and elsewhere. ICT-There was a distinct shock of earth quake felt on the 4lh January in the valley f I . M!n!fl!nnit rtt iirtilir ill Iflth ieEree qi.areuracy.em.ero, ., or Febru(ir h -(lna t0 be 8een whether . ii. w.0M.i.s.Biic;...g. Vi.Pbu...iuh, these were connected with more violent , i ne genual iPimwui " Pnnuinn at distmt noints liii.va i l.i i m imnmniin rnrr'nr.ivns nnAratPfl. I ' rheunner nail of ' the bulldine d6wn td ihi rirautnrv was ihrdwn into the streetH A Persian philosopher, beinir asked 6y ciive.jnff Walnut at. and Canal si. with what method lie had acquired so niuch liriuki and heuvv limbers, keus of lard, knowlfduewinsivered, 'By not being pre tented by shame, from .asking questions No lush: heart rerylinjj; ar.U tragical event I when pe wbb ignorant;, tt dpmocratic pdriy.""fWe think not. Ralhcr will they be foond rallying around him heaping high honors upon him, in gratitude for his servftes, that others may be induced to follow in his footstep's and shake off the shackles of despotism and tyranny, and expose the corruptions of our public agents n whatever stations they may be found. It is to such men we are to look for the safely and continuance of our republican institu II . a lion, and we have' no hesitation in saying that they Will bo istnjfaincd' by tho honest and intelligent ol1. all parties, who have the interest of the 'stato at heart, but we must always expect to sec them slandered tra duced and defamed, bv those who are willing to sell themselves for a mess of pot lace to nerform the distrusting work, lite the junior editor of the Sehtihel.' There is hardly a solitary democratic. paper in Iho staie,which is not edited ba collector, or in which some canal officer comes, that has been heaped upon the inde- Democratic parly for President of the Im pendent democrats of (he legislature; who. Stales, subject ho weyer.lo the decision of.' National Convention. , have boldly stood, forth in defence of the rights of the people, while the other demo cratio papers of the state, which are not under the immediate control, by-interest, of the commissioners,, or their friends, have nobly sustained them in their work of re form, and so will the people, because they are not p'trchaseable property, and look ' lo the interest of (he whole, in' making up their decision. We again repeat that if none other are opposed to the passage of this bill but those whose salary is at slake, we are led to believe thai it will be of gen eral beutfit, ind should becomo a law. TAe Cabinet- The United Slates Gaz ette says. We have no information from Washington Inuchinir the formation 'of tho- Cabinet, It is understood that Mr. Spen cor, will enter immediately upon the dutlesoflho Treasury Department. Wo learn that Judge Porter left th';s city on Tuesday, for Washington, and ho will probably lake the War Department, vacent' by the translation of Mr. Spencer, Tror. . Jefferson.-' Tiio cenlenniaial1 birth day of this distinguish republican, is near,nl hand. Mr. Jefferson wis' born on' the 2d of April, O. S. 1743. THE CLOSING SCENES IN CON GRESS. On Friday night, the 3d mst, at 12 o'- An editor out west objects lo the sub'stitui clock both houses adjourned, after a session lion of ladies for wine at our public dinners,. oi three months, having done very little for because they are much dearer. the. country, or themselves, exeent to receive li.. w'juiii I n . . . . ... their eight dollars per dav. Previous to the M Lonlruc:iomu,l say, my- ariiouriiment nf the gi-naiP. ilm Prpsl.li.ni I'1"" n. where does that right hand roadi s not immediately interested, that does not nnininatej M. c,ls,in., nf M,....h....n.. 8'' 'Don'l know, air, taint-been nowherei . . c t .1.. I.... .... O . .... take strong grounus in layurui mc iaw Uu thonging the election of the canal cominis sioners by the people, while all those that are controlled by the canal commnsuners, through their appointments, are loud in their denunciations of. the measure, and of its advocates. Sttawa show ,fWhieli way the winds blow, since we lived here. The Supicme Court has decided that the- Slay Laws of ihe Slate ours for insianeo -are uirconsiftutional. O . r.l ffll mn mi oecreiary or ine treasury, anu nir. wise of Virginia, Minister lo France, both of whom were rpjected by the senile. They were subsequently twice renominated and as often rejected. Tho last time receiving lull ivi nnmi in - wiinqviii iii u u 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 en new aicaiiiv Hon. W. W. Irvin, representative frdm boats at Cincinnati, have been made during: Pittsburg, was nominated and unanimously lue i8l f0,ing,t. confirmed as charge lo the Court of Den mtol I T" . 1 l- uaviu niiffree, tsa. a benevolent 'rner- The Hon. EdwaTd Everftt, at present chant prince' of Salem, Mass, who !ia minister lo the Court of Great Britain was already provided a bushel of meal for every pages each, ll wilt be the most complete nominated anl confirmedjas Commissioner needy and deserving family of that city, is- oyograpny vii,ui '"j;uiiiiuu mn i iu luciiiiuii,, mc wuimncitiiii intercourso now lurnisning each applicant wiUi gal Illuttled by engravings, - ' with thi E-npire Slate ' ' hon of'mofanesr Lift of General Jatkson.kmas Ken dall is abobl to publish ihe Life of Gen. Jackson, in fifteen or more numbers, of 40
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers