P.tpjlts oh the tiahah and Rail lioai. ! ,-ABtilie amount 'of profitrnade on.all the 'Public' Woiks dlinng the last year, is sel 'dowri at 'over half o, million pf dollars,' it may be well enough merely! tn stdtu that Bitch is nnt the. fact. The people of this tlale, and we Enlist include the press, have been ,solon looking for profit, that at t tie VeYy fit'at p,li'mmor of surli a thing they Imagine it is in theit Treasury! More 'specially at present is this item of fancied profit held up to the pjiblie gatci by per sons whoso interests lead them only to Idok t part "of the tcrnrd, To get bt fet the exact balance yielded the common Wealth bv the public works itt 184- is im possible, but we enh show from the report '01 the Uaiina. Uommtssioncrs wnat tne profit amounted to in nine months the 'expenses for the remaining three months,. the heaviest portion of the year, were not An ado tip; except on the Allegheny and Portage Railroad, at the dale, of the report January 4, (843. From the Canal Commissionerj He port, 1843. ,2!3 i o o -PJ 4l' a-. . . LINES i-i ci - hi " GO'S 2 01 "I Cm ta re c "Columbia railroad. East'n Sc. Juniita div, Portago railroad, Western division, $357,461 50 $132,499 45 105,780 10 45,072 13 124,358 50 52,523 G3 85,749 43 36,680 00 Total for main lino. Delaware division.' Susq'na and N. & W. branch divisions, icaver, Shenango and French Creek dives. $762,049 84 04,468 08 76,11213 C,G92 09 300,180 20 33,515 11 6,660 00 11,254 40 r-' Vd40,213. 69 -Deduct drawbacks 10 71437' v Total receipts $028 409' 42 $300 046 70 Deduct expenses for, 9 months 390076 70 2?xccss of receipts over expenditures the lat ter being for nre ' ' " ' months only $S40 459 62 . "' ' There arc a host of subsidized Preses in.oui slate whose editors; either directly or indireelly.have their hands in the vaults of our imnroveiished Treasury that daily ami weekly pour forth -their torrents of abuse upon democratic members Tor their v vote in .favor of.the bill to elect Canal Com missioners. Has it come to this, that members who support measures of reform and expediency, are to be thus denounced? will the people tolerate sucli an outrage as this! Is public opinion to he manufactured by bribed presses, which teem with artic les written at the seat of go"ornment, and sent off in every direction! Are members lo he intimidated by such a eourse us this? Tho bill to elect Canal Commissioners is ono that ought to become a law, and, as we believe will become a law. Anil it is not the member who votes for that bill, that shou'd be afraid to look his constituents in the f:ice- but ho who votes against ill When the re noils fur tho last quarter of the year 1812, is made pitbliu, the people will be ably to perceive whether tialf a million has .been saved in one year as has been asserted! Reporter. THE DEMOUKATIOREVIEW. The 'United Slates Magazine and Dem ocratic Review,' for Match, is already o qur'!aUe,and fully sustains the proud rep Ulatidn acquired by that incomparable Journal, i he present number contains brief biographical sketch of the lion. Lev Woodbury, with a beautiful engraved Tor trait of that true Democrat aud enlightened Statesman " I he, Oullows and the Go pe). An Appeal to Clergymen op'posin themselves to the abolition of the One, in the name of the Other ".Moeta, by Mrs Ellet '"Mr. Clay and the Restrictive System,' together with numerous oilier 'ably written and interesting articles. The publishers make to i.ew 'subscribers (3!)c l.Qlpwjj)g liberal otter, which will re main open only until tlie e xna copies are disposed of: To any person who shall 'remit to them, direct under frank of th Postmaster, $10 in current funds, they agree to forward a complete set ot the New vieries of the Review; commenting July 1841, to January, 1843, inclusive, (com prising eighteen numbers.) gratuitously anil lo continue to send the work lor two Vears ensuing, to January, 1B45. This unprecedented instance of liberality in vnlving a gift of eighteen consecutive num bers of such a pi-nodical the publisher cannot doubt will beat once appreciated wild it is scaicelv necessary tit remind all who would avuil themselves of such pre eminent advantages, to bo immediate their application Remittances shoujd be sflUresscuMn the Publisher!, J. & II. CI JLangley, 57i Chatham street. New Yoik.' A monomaniac at Potsville, on Wednes day week, strbrted himself entirely, and went up on Young's Hill, expecting to b translated tn Heaven. He wailed so long, and tlie, weather was so cold, that it was whh difficulty a physician could restore him to uT3iaiiun again. . , The- following tlili liTs been' Teid In place; by Mr. Sullivan; 61 iffe Senate, nhJ we hope to see it forthwith become the aV oljiho land. . An ACT lo punish sedllctioH, nhd to. afford a mote adequate civil remedy fur the injury. Section 1. That seduction of any female is hereby declared to be an Indictable offence, in addition to the remedies now given by law, for the perpetration of this great private anil public wrong, and ar.y person who email be convicted of the offence of seduction, in any court of Quarter Sess ions of tho Peace of this commonwealth, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than $500 nor more than $10,000, at the court, and further lo uudeigo a solitary confinement, at hard labor in the proper penitentiary for a period not less than one ycari nor lousier ihaii ten years, at the dis cretion of the court; Provided. Thai in Keu of the imprisonment in the Penitentiary the court may, if the circumstances of the case are mitigated, sentence to imprisonment the county jail. Section 2. 1 hat the action of seduction may b. maintained and sued by any mother or other relation of the female seduced: to recover damages for loss of service or for injury done to the reputation of the rela tives, olid for such aggravations as may have attended the commission of the injury Provided, That Only one action shall be maintained for leclress of such injuries arising out of any one case of seduction. If the journals owned and edited by Canal Collectors thtoughuut the State had delayed for a few weeks thc.r attacks unon the member from this counly,for the course he has seen fit to pufsuu in regard lo certain act of legislation, perhaps the reason of their spleen would not have been quite so obtlous.These valiant knight of the fliiiK, so very ready to do battle, have each linu all some six hundred or mure reasons per annum for their ardor. Do they feel uneasy in their chairs! Dues the '350 per month, with rent and stationary appear uncertain in thelutuier Weil, it s human nature, after all; aud the slave must do his master's will. IVilkesbarre Farmer, . Ohio. A bank bill granting charters to expired institutions at Cincinnati, Colum bus, Zinesvillo, Mount Pleasant and War ren, and making provisions for the future establishment ol others, has passed the Sen' ate of the Ohio Legislature, and will pro oaoiy recome a law. 1 lie Dill enacts as follows: Tho individual and private responsibility of the direciois and stockholders for the circulation and debts of the bank. Before the commencement of business, the bonafidt payment of the entire' capital in gold and silver coin. A prohibition upon loans on pledges of slock of any description, as well upon all dealing or speculating in stuck of any kind. That the circulation shall in no instance exceed the amount of the buna fide capital paid up, and in the actual employment of the bank, nor exceed three dollars for ever dollar of gold aud siWer coin on hand. ' That no bank shall piy out or put in circulation in any way, tho paper of other banks. Canal Commissioners. Tho following resolutions were offered in the House of Representative,;, on Saturday last, by Gen. Roumfoit. We presume the information will be communicated for thejbeneilt of the 'green horns' in a 'day or two. Whereat, The Canal Commissioners, while they have exhibited in the statement of their account, the receipts on (he public works far the entire year, 1842, have oxhib ted the' expenses on said work for nine mouths only therefore, Resolved, That the Canal Commission ers be requested to furnish thit House the expenses on the public works for the fir6t quarter of thi year 1842, which they have omitted in the statement of their ac count. The rule was in this case dispensed with and the resolution adopted. LATE FROM MEXICO. The Cumpeachean still defend their city against the Mexican army, and it would appear, with no little punishment to tho latter. It is staled that the Mexicans have fortified themselves on the heights of Gihi no, overlooking Campcachy, were driven thence on the 1 si of Feb.by the Campeach cans, the latter losing only some 70 men, while the Mexican lost 400, among whom were their general, and a son of Santa Ana. The Campeacheuus, it is slated, are these foie in high spirils,and are about to declare Yucaian free for ever, and adopt a national standard, Com. Aloore, with the Texan Heel, was expected soon to arrive to their assistance. A Uoston paper estimates now in the U. Status, over in specie. that there is $80,000,000 A correspondent of the Dpstm Ameri can states that the Penobscet Indians have in their possesion several autograph letters from Gen. Washington, addrsfml to them urging their neutrality while the contest for our independence was raging, ilrUh,'.mb. Mar sliiill since hclia's fehobneed" rtftn drinking, and became a. respectable member bfsocie ty, declines a reelection lo Congress. When will .that once reverend and sag body re lufn to pristine pfcriiyi gg": "V - A young widbw whb jidits a .paper" tn a neighboring siatt, says 'Wedo not look sp well to day as uaiial, on BUcobnlkpf the nun arrival of thb mdles.' DIED In this village on Wednesday Inst, Mr. JOSEPH MOVER, aged about 40 years. ""! llMMU-a I. I 'It TRIAL LIST, ForrfprilTcriii, 1843. 1 Mary Slrawbridge Vs Jesse Funsioii 3 John Cummltid ct ril V John C. Lessig 3 Samuel Miller vs John AUtcn'u Admrs. 4 Jdhtf Fi Mann ct al vs Moses Mdor 5 Daniel Iloattc vs urd PaUerson.ct ill 6 John l'YMannvs John S. C. Mirtln 7 Frederick lieats, Exc. v Henry Follrucf 8 Francis Balls Admr's vs John Rlioadi 9 John C Boyd vsGeofgo Irwin 10 Nathan Cnllcir vs David Petrikin.ct id 11 Abraham Torwilllger vs Daiiiel Gross 13 Josi-ah Egbert ct al vd Cornelius Still 13 John 'J'. Davis vsAshhel It. Wilson, ct al 14 Charles Citrtleilgc vs James dtrtwliridge 16 Leonard Stoughlon vs'Charlcs F Mann 16 Leonard Stoughlon v Benjamin P Trick 17 Archibald Voris v I'larrisSi A rfebenck 18 Thq Wcfct Branch Bank vs Thomas Moore- head ct al 19 Nicholas Kindt vs Natlcy Kollf 20 Elrdier S Kinney vs Moses Davis etal 2 1 George Codor vs Thomas' CliVnticra 22 ienry Kciscr vs Peter Shaffer 23 Thomas. Diddle va Joseph .Faxton ct at H Simdll nilerEOii vii Nicholas Cdle 25 John rto3s,vs.Iaac&MnnYd) etal SO William Wilspn vs Cornelius Gairetsorl 27 Hubert Montgomery Vs D inlol A' Montgom . ' ery. Ex. jGG v a ' 28 John Case .yj Stuatlt)UtiliJlcl.Loyd & co. 20 Gco'go Mans i t at vs Thomas Brandon 30 James I.y'nd vs F.lisiia II Biggs 31 James Iiyud Vs Elitsha 32 Susan Klinovs William Rolm4 33 Alexander Mean vs' Peter KlinO 34 John Jnin"s vs Thomas Chambers 35 Wcnry Yoiks vs Thomas .Chambe rs iI8T OF 'JVROK8, Grand Jury for, rfpr'UTerm 1843. Briar Creek Jolin AVorkheifcr llloom Ovcd verettrJatdb Mcllick Calluwissa Jacob Snyder, Jtudolph Shuman, John Cliaver, Pcter'Bodinc Fishing creek Moses M'icnry, Samuel Poeler. Hemlock John Ohl - Liberty Frederick 'Blue; William Campbell. Isaac Gulick Limeiiont- Johri Flood Madison Thomas V-Funston, Jacob Shecj Mahoning William Bicklcy John Murcr, John Lundy, David Roberts MiJJlm Gabriel Lutz'-i 0 v-'1 Orange Samuel, 7hejnhart, John Keim Roaring creek John Daily. Traverse Jury 1st week. Uriar creek William Hayroan, Mordecai Jack son. Henry Knorr liloom Samuel Kresslcr, Samuel Mclick, Stu art Picrco Calla whi-a John Fishct Deny Robert ClarK, William Etlia, Springer ..... F.shing crerk William Ikclcr Green wood Joseph Long . Hemlock Jacob ifirris,,, . ,. Jackson William 'Turner Liberty Robert Butler,;Jarnes Madden Limeitone.i Dvid pye,imucl Oaks Maditon William Barber, Jonas lCrum, John John Welhvcr, Mahoning VVilliam W. Cook,- John Deen jr. Scwcll Gibbs.Samucl Gulick, Join J'. Grovcs,Jauob K. Trego Mifflin William Kclchner Orange Jonas Kippr,.Gertrge Jarmtm Rouring creek Joseph B. Cleaver, Reuben Fahringcr, Emannel Kearhe, Alexander Met's. Sugar Loafioia M'hcnty, Reuben Davis Traverse Jury for 2d fl'eck. Briar Creek James Evans, Josjah Evans, John Connor, yVilliain Adams. Bloom George Kressler, John Bitten bender John Mellick, Cyrus Uartopjoseph Hendeishot Mnhlon Hamblin. Catlawissa Michael Drobst, John Lowe, Berry John Smith, Gideon Bobb. Fishing Creek James'Edgar Isaac T. Robbins ' Greenwood William Eves. Hemlock James Emmetl, John " Dries baucli. IAmestone AbrahamGerman. Madison Willian Dildine, Henry Zeislofi, Adam Hellor, John Best, David Kisner. Mount Pleasant Andrew Mellick.James Grimes. Grunge George Whilmeyer, Jesse Cole man, Roaring Creek John Yeager,sr. William Divis Sugar Loaf Thomas Msndenhall Elijah Fullmer, lames Hess, John Lau. bach. - : : J raley James Leidy& v. . NOTIOE. That I havo purchased at Constable asle as the propert" of Uanic, elmen one three year old heifr fei; two yearling stcersjone wood jlcdjone. fanning mill; all the grain in the ground on tho farm he oc? ctjplrs; sixteen poplar saw logs; ono sluat and have left the same iu his possession during my plaasuro of which the public will take notice. ' f JOHN YORKS. .March 11, 1843 16 TTOTICE Is hcrclfy'given, that letters of adiniti-' Jl istrltion &e.-h,avd been, granted to .tho tihbscri bers on the estate of - ,t W V JACOB WeLliveki Istb of MddiJon township In Ih'e coufily.dl'Colurribta deceased. All persons (hdubtcd to said esta'to are hereby required to como forward without deliynd scttlcfihcir respective dues, 'l'noso having demands on said estate arcf re'iiucstcl to present their claims properly attested for settlement. MAIIflML G. SHOEMAKF.n. JOHN CHRISTIAN. Mmrfi. Marcli 11, 18d3 4d. NOTICE. lS hereby given that I have purchaseJ at consta ble satoas tho ptoperly of Mathew McIIenry, orie cast shod sled and short traces and tonguo chains, ono log sled, one red cow, one red liciffcr, one two year old bull, one hairow, ono browri marcj orte grav horse, ono windmilljtwo setts of harAess) onb mantle clock, six acres dfr.,U in the ground, four acres of wheal in the groiind, one cast pW, onb' lot of hay in tho barn, one lot ofrjo in the barn, and have left the same in his possession during my pleassuro of which tho public will take notice DANIEL KITCHEN. March U, 184346. NOTICE. fi hereby given tta4. we havo purchased at com I stable salo as tho properly of Joseph Sheep, one grey marc, ono boy marc, three cows, ono heiiferi two stCcrs, four head ofy oung cattle, twelve shcepi one hog, onrj sow and pli?S, olio tVo horso waggon and bed, one eleigli, two ploughs, one harrow, one cultivator, two sets waggons gears, one lot plough gears, ono sett of Harness, one saddle, 20 bushels of oats, j of a stack ul rye. one lot of Hay 10 bushels potatocs,thrco fourths of twenty three acres of grain in the ground and have left tho same in his possession during our pleasure of which the public will take notice. LEVI BISEL. CALEB THOMAS. March 4th, 1843, CJlVVlON. 1 THE.publicare hereby notified thai tho subscrl bei loaned to Lawrence Goad, of Monteur town. ship, viat ode red cow. ono red and white cow, one hrindlo hcilfer, one two year old bull, one spotted bull calf, ono dearborn waggon, one cutting box and knife, and two setts of horse gears. The fore- coin" property was 'purchased by rue from John Oiousej who purchased tho same at constable sale as the property ot Lawrence Uood. All persons aire hereby' notified not to interfere with the said property as' it belongs to the subscriber. JOHN DIBTERICH. March 4, 184345. CxlL-L, AjVD SEE r HjlHE subscriber being desirous of closing business, now offins to his customers his at sortmcnt of Drjr Goodst and Groceries. hardware: and queensware. (la. lie. at reduced prices, being determined to sell ' CHEAPER THAN. THE CHEAPEST.- Anv persons wishing to commence buisncss.will do well by -calling on Jiim before 'purchasing else where, ns h? will either sell or Rent his store room and sell his goods, on reasonable terms, and fair Credit. Ala, for sale by tho subscriber THREE GOOD CANAL BOATS, which ho will dispose of as low os any can be bought. " GEORGE WEAVER. BJoomsburg Feb. ISth. 1843. NOTICE, IS hereby (riven that wc hdvo purchased at con stabla sale as the properly of John Dills, ono gray horse and harness, ono sorrel horse and harness, one two horso wagon one bled two lumber klcds one cow. one plouah, ono harrow ono fanning mill one cutting box and all the lumber at the mill, and saw logs, ono clock rnd tho grain. in the ground two . . -i .1 i.. u: : lug cnains aim nave icu iiiosauiu m uis iust;vi.aiuu during oui pleasure. JOHN MICHAEL, 2'HILIP FRITZ., Feb. 29, 1843. 44. NO TJCE. HE Subscribers purchased at Constable sale on the 23d Jan.1943, the following sold as the pronertv of Jefferson Moyer, in Bloomsburg th following nroocrty to viw one Bureau, brass mantle clockone iron Kettle, .wnich property wc have left with saidJoflcison Moyer, at our pleasure. L. B. RUPERT, E. O. BARTON. Bloomsburg Jan. 23, 1843. 40. Wanted to Rent, ROM the first of April next, a small house or part of houso, any where in Bloomsburg for a family of two persons with no children. Any person having auch a situation to let, can apply at this oflice. bloomsburg, Jan. 31, 184330. NOTICE S hereby given, that I have purchased as the property of Michael Lemon, ono Horso waggon, onet horse, eighteen sheep, one mantle clock, and havo left the samo in his possession during my pleasure, and hereby caution all persons not to take it from him either by purchase or otherwise without my consent. JONATHAN LEMON. Feb. 4, 1843. 41. 'notice. THAT I have this Jay nought as thoproperty of .Martin Hurler, jr. ten sheep, one heifer, one plough one wagon, one harrow, one stove, 0110 cubboaru, one Grindstone, ono small brass kettle, three setts of horse harness, and one bureau, all of which I have left with him during my pleasure of which thq public will take notice. THOMAS MENDENALL. February 4, 184341. notFce. " THE subscribers have purchased at constable sale, as the property of Jesse Moyer, one bay Mate, one Sled, one Sleigh, one set Harness, all of which wo have loaned him during our pleasure of which the public will take noliro. COLEHAN&.M!LLUR,4 January, :s 1813 W, rvtsstr THE up Jeuigneil purchased at .Constable saw oVthe properfy of 1'cTcf Kerbs, ono aorrcl hofic; ono steer two years old, one hull of tne tamJ tae, fivo hca'd'of sh'cep. two hocs.onc ttuck waggon oiio-plougli ono lot ot" plodgh gcci', one hahowj two sugar kctllos, one uuckBlcd, oila sicu, ono cut ting box, four acres of wheat in thtfi ground, two acres of wry in tho grodnd, ic have left the samo in possession of said Klirlo ddHng tny plcasdro, of vvuitu uid yuuim will jiiunsu ,aKV xiuuwu. Feb. Ii,.l9l3-42i NOTICE. IS hereby (riven, that wchave purchased at con' stable sale as the. property of Henry Vcable, ono bay mate, ono plough, 0110 red hciller, three shcepi three acres of wheat in the grooiid, seven acres of rye in tho ground, three hog, two sett horse gears, one largo Iron kettle, one weavers !oom;ono bureau one sled and swingle trees, ono harrpvr, ouojcradlo arid scythe, andhavo left the samo 111 his possess ion during our pleasure, of which tho public will please take notice. JESSE UULISMAfl. E. 6c J. LAZARUS: Feb. 11, 1843431 Notice. That I haVe purchased at constable sale as IhJ property of Samuel C. M'Henry, one gray rnarc.ono sorrel horse, two coltsi ono red cow.two pydidcow five head of y citing cattle, seven head of sheep, five hogs, gram in the barn, gram in tho ground; ono fanning mill, ono sled, one plough, ona harrow, ono mantlo clock j and havo left the same in his possess- ion during my pleasure, ol wlucu tne puwic will take notice. JOHN M'HENHYf Feb, 11, 1813 42. " notice. IS hereby given thai I havb pUrcUiiseil'at consta ble sale as thepropcity of James tdckhnuse( 'rno sorrel horse, one cow, one heiffer, one sleigh, anil and have left tho same in his possession during hrjf plcasuro of which tho public, will'laka notice. , Levi bisel. Feb. 11, 161313. ' ( NOTICE. THAT wc have purchased at constable salo ai the property of Joseph H. Hess, 'one sorrel maro and harness,. one bay horse and harness, one bay colt six head of young catllc,one, two horso waggon ona sled, ono plough aud harrow, one wind inill.nne clock, one cutting box, lio hogs, .eleven acres, of grain in the ground, two logchains, one croscut saw one lot of grain in the barn, ono shovel and' have left the same in his possession during our plcaidrd of Which tho public, will take notice. J.&F.FRITZl FebruarS 11, 184342. p- NOTICE. THAT I have purchased at constablo. sale as Ihd property of Elisha Hess one yoke' of work cattle, one plough, orie fanning mill,onc mantle clock.ah J have left tho samo in his poscrsion during' my pleasure of which the 'public will take notice.'! PHILIP FRITZ.. February, 1 1 r 1 843 42. p. JWMINWTR.iTOirS NOTICE. PA br on OTtOE is hereby gi vcn.that letters of admin- istration,&c have been granted to the subset i on the estate of ANDREW CREASV, lato of Mifflin township, in the county of Columbia deceased. All persons indebted to said cstato aru hereby required to come forward without delay arid settle their respective dues. Those having demands on said estate ure requested to present tljeir claims properly attested for settlement. - 1 I wilt meet debtors and creditors on the 28lh 'of February and first of March riexl. af tho Jajc resi dence of tho deceased to make settlement With Ml who' may call. . A MR AHA M LUDVlG, Adiu'r, February 4, 1843 41. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin. JJ illation A'c. have been granted to the subscri. bcr on the estate of BENJAMIN CREASY,, late of Mifflin township, in tho county cf Columbia deceased. All pcruus indebted lota id estate a;o lcreby required to comcorward without delay and jetile their respective dues'. Those 'haying deiiikuds on cjid estate are requested to present their claims properly attested for sctllcmcmt. I will meet debtors and creditors on the .2Sh of February and first of March at tho Iatoreidenceof tho deceased, to mako settlement with all who inn" call, I ABIiBHAM LUDWIG.wlrW-. February 4, 1843. . IS hereby given, to all concerned, thai we havo this day purchased, at Constable sale, as' tho prop erty of Joseph Thomas, one lot taw Ingn, 011c two horso wagon, one plough, one sled, ono harrow,one lot of wheat in the barn, ono lot rye in the barn, one lot hay iu the iarn, one stack hay, nine acicg ryo in tho ground, three holes potatoes, four beb swarms, two lots applctrcss, ona wind mill, one cutting box, one grind istone; three hogs, one lot bf flax, ono lot clover seed, one lutbuckwhcatono log sled, 0110 lot trees, two sctis harpesv, oni log chain, one lot maple I jmbcr, one cow, one kettle, ono bu icau, ono cubuoard, one loom, two aud a hulfucria wheat iu the ground, and have left the same in his" possession during our pleasure of w ich the public will tako notice. J. N. A. . THOMAS. February 4, 1813. 41. p. NOTICE. IS hereby given that I have purchased at Con stable 'sale, as the propcily of John Jluimon, two mares, and harness, one waggon two cows, our calf, eight acres, of rye in tiro ground. 4 Acres or of wheat in the ground, one lunmlo clovk, 'dm wind mill, and ono cuttihg box, and blue left tho same in his possession during my pleature. of which tho public will tako notice . , JAAES LOpKUAUT, Feb. 4th, 1813-43 p. NOTICE.. IS hereby g'ven that wo hato this day bought ut constable sale as the property of John lfutncr, two Crowbars one hook one ciusrut Saw; ono iron Keltic one Sleigh, one lof chain and ona woodsled, one plough one harrow, villi ten icclfi. Eleven acres of ryc,in the ground, and have left thu samo iu his posscskiou,duiing Our pleasure.uf v.hich tho public will loVo uoticc. , S AJJRAM YOCNO. JL Jniry 28 164-4-40. p m ,1 , I if 3i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers