1 x TiTiUR ni h wriL ni vnnnir nni ninnniH. in nnii vr tnm -xiar iinv ni vntrnmnw - ma.'j .At inn Courl Hduaojn Danville, the following property ,to Aterttiin tract of land sitUaJi-ih Cat- tewissfjownship, Col. cocontaining , ' MOKE, OH LESS. adjoins lands of- Widow Clea- Ter and 'John, llcayer, and others, -whereon is erec- lAUi Hill IStQ ANdT&NK BARN. -Belzea.talfccn in execution, ana tobo sold is (he property Daniel Mourer.EM" " , a ,.ALSO r'AtceYtainlotoftanfrinthe town of Uanville,situate on the corncr-oT Church ana Third fin t i biiii vwnar .npinir. Biinr t i . 1 1 . i I , r,- . ' I U VU6 UUIIUICU IUtU411lY TOCi-UU A U1IU DUWb milU mimhrjwl in ftuh .Mmn 4f uirl fMivrt Vii. juiA him. sjuw tvitT-inA, vucruuu lit uiciavu a FRAME HOUSE, tritK l'snaill' Jf'JM ME SHOP ntbirhrd to the same, anu a small t UAMCi biauli,, Stiieif taken in execution, and to be sold, as tho yroperiy oi -Jonas opening. r; . " . also: - - if w8 ctrXfinUractidfJand'situatevin Mad ison township, Columbia county, containing t iviuaaioi biiu.uiui:ii wuniixiii ta ckLLiGU , , , f '1'1-UII I III! Ulll Vb'V TWO'LOfi BARNS, and about fiO ACUf ElS'clearedlland. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the cronertv ui -1 ji oil. SB taiacimouae. BY virtue of sundry wnta of venditioni, expo nas? io mo' directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the same time and place, the following property tq.wtfcri fi. j, Two certain lots of ground, talluatt in the town of Cattawissa, Columbia county, and onmbsdiNo'. 3'anf &6,1if thfplih f said town", and fronting on second street, adjoining lots of Ja cob BealeB4,Stephen'.BaIdylUereoab erected a TWQJPi HO.ITSE. pebble dahed out aide, with a F.3AMB KITOH EN, and STOHB MOOJH, attached to the same and one Fmxx YVoo-Hocsr.and FRAME STABf,I3.. .AlsovFIWEENi ACHES, put lAt.jn.lhajan)e Jownship. adjoining lands .of Geo Zcrr, and Thomas Hartmen. Also, one otter cer tain lot, idtuaU.in the'neV palitof tha town of Cat' tawissa, bounded on the went by. an alloy,., on the MtftfiVWalriUstrcee''' V ' n Scited, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the property of AlexandWg-Ley burn .j'1 BJf, tlrtne,orayrrt,ol;pI ,Tenditpnigexponu. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the sama time and place the following property rA tertaxn. lot of land tituatt, in the township of Briarcreck, and ,county: of-.Columbia oniuninz 10 ACRES. more or lets, adjoining lands of John 'Lockard and Jeremiah' arris, and bouhdeaKon the south wast by the Susquehanna and Tioga turnpike, whevooe bn erected' " TWO XOG HOUSES tad FRAME BARN! -Seited taken' in execution, 'and to" be sold as the property of JohaBhaffer. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me di rected, will berexposed topublc .sale, at the same Mwo tfiiu piaou tut: luuowing propeny, tji ; AH that cerUtiii,Tw Story Frame ' DWELLING HOUSE. Bit uate in the 'Northern part of the town of Dan- Yille, in ex lideyanty, on' the'-West'side'-'of J'ine Btrect, being sixteen (ect in front on said Pine Streetby twonty-eight feet back. And the lotor pieco of ground, and curtilege appertenant thereto. which lot is marked and numbered in Montgomery's addition to said town, ' No and bounded on East bv 'Pine .Street., oa-'the North by lot of J.'D. Hahn on tbeTWcsTby an alley, on th South by other lot of said H. Primmerjiaid lot-being forty .nine feet in front, onf aid Pine street bx,ofle hundred fad fofor two feet back. 'Seized,' taken in execution, cad to. b sold M the property of Henry Primmer. -At80 .Beginning - at a pott, corner of Michael RUbfs.landi thenco by the same North twenty degrfcs, West one hnn'dred and sixteen percbea to a post,thence by lands of .Michael Wert tnaD, South, seventy degrees, Wosi 'aikty-five per ches to a pott, thence by the same, outh. .twenty 'degree, East thirty perches, thence South', seventy .degrees', West twenty -two perches to a post, thence Bouth twenty degrees, East aixty.nine pcrcbestq.a post, thence by now or late vacant land; Noitli eighty-one degrees, Etst eigUty-nirio perch e to the 'place 'of beginning containing Fifty-one Acres and aiity perches and allowance of sir per e'enf. for! Raids, ice jSebcd, taken U execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles Albright, ,, JOHN FBUir, Sheriff: i CsiRirr'a ovrtcr, XJanvilIe, 7 October 21, 1643 is. HAUL'S PATENT. ; bee iuves. ; aHlS Hiv i one of thbbeat coiis'tiucted now 1 in use, and so arranged.as to supercede tho ne cessity of Killing teoc to take irom tuera Uicir Ho liey. It is simple, arid can be made with little ex pense. Tin subscriber has tipttgat to tell to indicJdu. alt, the privilege of making them for their own use. tar(d jequwita all who are Utcresteil jn bees, to; call w. 4ii3 uuukvf w uie iuvps igi uieaieivee, its 'he ttaa be n- w vyoiaing in them. . t ! J.' -lO 11 t.' . TIE'NEW VOIiUMB OI HE UtfiTED STATES MiVGAZlNE J1ND, -VOLUME XI, COMMEN CING JULY) 1842, -Jonw L. O'ScttirA'w.iErfii'or, By nn -increase in tHo'tittmbcrof pagc, and hi an altdratien in its typographical' arrangements, tlic nuantity of matter heretofore furnished to tho rea ders ;of the Democratic Review,-! will be increased .in its-future numbers about 'SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT. The 'Editor expects valuable aid to his own efforts during the . coulee of the coming year, from a num ber'ol the most able pens of tho "great Democratic Party together with that of others, in its purely literary .department, to which tho same political des ignation is not to be annual.- Amonir Uiera may be particularly named ; Bancroft, Parke, Godwin, J..t,.iSUpfiens J, Cooper, lawlhornc, l i($en, Ji. uKenuall, JJavczac, l astslr Wfttmer. faulamtr. xtames. Stdwick, w2 II.JEveretti Bryant, Gilmn Jirownnon, Cass,. Butler, Cambreleng,. JP. J.Jngcrsoll The Monthly Financial and Commercial arti cles, which have frequently, been pronounced (by the mo6t(iutelligent criticisms during, the, past year-in themselves alone worth the subscription to tho Avork ',r 1 J' 1 t .t. J -V IA Will W cuiuuiuuu truiu uiu ikiuio auiu-unjiu. An airamrcmenthas been made, by: which the Boston Quarterly Review, edited by Mr.- Blown- sowj will be merged in the Democratic Review,tho utter being a frequent and regular contributor . to p3,pages. It is proper to state, that -Mr. Brown son's articles will bo marked by liis name tnough to most readers tney wouia uounuess revesi iucm selves by their internal cvidehce; and that it has been agreed, under the circumstance, 'that these contributions shall bo independent of the usual lia bility to editorial revision and control the author alone having, a similar, responsibility for whatever peculiarity of views they may contain, as though appearing in the original work which has been heretofore edited with such distinguished ability by himself. Among other attractive papers in preparation for ihe furthcoming volume, will lie found some person al sketches, reminiscences, and anecdotes of,'the private life of General Jackson, from the pen of an intimate friend and member of his-Cabinet. y The Pcrtraits of which it is intended to illustrate the numbers of the ensuing, year, and which -will be executed in a fine style of engraving, by lf: L. Dick, ol this city, rc those of , Col. R. M. Johnson, of Kentucky, Hon. Siias WionT,of New-York, Jaxes J?dcbanax', 6f Pennsylvania; " John C. Halhoc:, of South" Carolina, T. H. Bektoh', of Missouri, f II.-J, WAi.Mn,,o Mississippi, ' Tukoooue 8dowick, of Massachusetts ' O. C. CAMDnKLXNo, of New-York, ' ' 1 Vi Jot. Dobb, of RhodeIsland, - Pon rEn, of Pennsylvania. With two or three of the' most eminent members of the great Liberial Party of Europe, 'from the dif ferent countries; or else of others of 'home produc tion," according to the facility of procuring portraits from, abroad, TERMS OF .PUBLICATION, The subscribers, having assumed the publication of the above Magazine, pledge themselves that it shall be promptly issued on the first of each month in the cities of New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and Washington, .It will also be sent by the most rapid conveyances to' the lificrcnt towns in uie interior where subscriber may reside. The. facilities afforded by the extensive Publishing business of the. undesigned enable them to make this promise, whichshall be punctually fulfilled, To promote the proper abjections in view, and relying upon the united support of tho Democratic party, as well as others, the price 01 subscription is fixed at the low rate of Five Dollars yer annumin all ease in advance! while in mechanical arrange- menr, ana in Bitv, uubiiuiv 01 inaiicr, ac. tue uni ted States Magazine will be placed on a par, at least with the leading monthlies of England. Each number will contain one' hundred and twelve pagei closely printed in double columns, from bourgeois type, cast expressly for the purpose, and upon fine white paper; thus giving to the worl an' I ucrease in the amouut ol matter of over scventy.uve per cent. Tho Portraits for the coming year, -one of which will bo given to each number, will be execu ted on steel in an eiiective and finished style; ,'y J L. Dick, which will be accompanied with an origi nal biography; a feature in the plan, which it wo-uld be impossible to give in a work of this kind,withoit the most liberal and' extensive support as they could not be furnished without an outlay of at least $2,50d, per annum., Any persons taking four copies, or 4ccom,i'ug"re t e r i n sportsuue lor jour suurtuuvto, Will be entitled to a fifth Copy Graiit Committees or Societies onjrcmitting to the Publish ers 150 in current .New-York funds, can receive thirteen copies of the 'work. Persons residing in the country who may wish to receive the work by miil.can have it punctually lot waraeu, sirongiy enveiopca, dv irmiuing iu a- mount of subscription to the publishers. Remittances may be made by enclosing the mo ncy and mailing the same in the presence of a Post master. Bank notes that pan current in business generally'in the Slate ofNew-XorK will be received PLAN bF PUBLICATION. Theemocratio Review wi1 bo punr tually de llverrb free of expense to subscnbcis in the princi pal cities of the Uuio'n, onthe first "of the month.and forwarded to mail subscribers aiid. ag'cnls on,' tho 35th 6f the menth preceding publication. All coramuuicaiioua mr iuc fuiior 10 mi iviarecs- cd (poet paid) to J. H. G. LANGLEY, Publishers, ' 07 Clutihatn-etrttt, New York. To the Friends of the Democratic Farty. The United States Magazine and Democratic Review will require the energetic and cordial co- opeiation of every individual who wishes to tee the pure end sound doctrines of American Bedublican- ism advocated in such a'uariner as to exhibit the best ,rpx)ssible examplcsof American principles and Am'e lean Literature. The risk and expense attend ing the publjcation ls eo gieot, that without a pre. pon co-exicnsive-wiui' ine union, u cannot be bus liiiiriit Tks jt. 'If f . in thVcouhtryj jt thcrcforo. presents .imbcratiVe claims upon the support and patronage of the party whose, political, tenets It isr destcned la adVo&ilcs and to thosewho arc. friendly tb the ndvanco of our Periodical Literature, it will be'bbWidcrcd no less meritorious... t There is no section of the country where there could not 'be'found one or .m'oro'who would, desire to' bo supportorn of such a Work) Uhd to bring it to the klto'wlcdgo of such, your friendly' assistance id respectively solicited. The following means have been adopted to pro mote tho great object 'of this great undertaking: It has been put at tho lowest possible rate. Five Dollars a year for such n work, corhprisin'g neaily 1B00 pages-of closely printed maltcr, In double columns, and including twelve finely engraved Por traits of, the leading members of tho Democratic party, it must bo evident, is much' cheaper than tho same amount of such, matter was' ever before furnished at in thc.Unitcd .States; wcro.not .hc sys torn of advance, pa.ymens . insisted .pn, and were.it not expected tht every Republican in the country, able to afford it, will deem it a duty to tako ,the work, and thus create. a;vcry largo, subscription list, it could not be published foi loss than double the sum. The veiy.first pens in tho country are engaged. in assistance and furtherance of tho project, as will bo seen by pur Prospectus. -. Its literary matter shall be tho, best'ef its kind hat canbe produced, and it is the 'determination of tthe .Pioprietors to make this work unsurpassed by any other periodical .extanV - V-f"ft0fi-P-nlcal'cxecutl0n Bna" ue a" ""- rc pects, the best that the present state of the art will enable, the .publishers tb produce. Tho Democratic Review is got up on truly nation al nrincinlcs. ind with n iHrpirflrd of rxnRh.on never heretofore attempted in' periodical literature; this has been predicated upon the firm reliance of obtain ing. a .very large list ofnavinir subscribers, and nntil this shall be accomplished, the cnterpriso-will entail certam loss to the proprietors. Ever cnt of the profit of tho expected circula tion, will be required to sustain the work at its pres ent jmproved standard," and enable it to fulfill the destiny which is assumed foi it that of being a truly national periodical the organ and n worthy repre sentative of the literature of American Democracy. The publishers fearlessly throw themselves, on the Democracy of the Union for support. Upon them will depend to a great exfent the success of so great an undertaking. The Publishers' and Editor can, and indeed wish, to do more than bring the plan and the woik fairly before the public. This they havo done the numbers already published are admitted on all, sides to be worthy "of wie cause. INDUCEMENTS! TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Pciscns remmittirig'tothe'pubiishers a'Tcn Dol lar Noto in current N: Y. funds, willrceeive a copy of the Dcmoccatlc Review for the ensuing two years. And a Set of the Tf dtk for 1 841 ;42, Graft's, forming the, two 'first volumes of the New Series, which Comprise contributions from many 'of the leading writers of the bountry, together with a seiies of beautifully engraved 'Portraits of the following prominent members of the Democratic party and other! accompanied with biographical notices.vixf Gen, Andrew J ackson, Martin Van Burtn, Henry Hubbard Marctta Marton, IVathtngton Jrvm, George RL, Dallas, JPilliam C. Bryant, Charles Dickens, Francis Thomas, E- L, Bulwer, Garret D, IV all, Alex. II. Everett. JVcw bubsenbers will be entitled to receive a set of the aliovo Portraits gratit, in addition -to those of the comiug year; Any person forwarding Twent" Dollars in cur rent N. Y. funds for Four yearly subscriptions,will bo entitled to receive A Fifth Copy of lite Work for the current year and a Set for 1841-42 Gratis, Any persons remittine- the publishers Fifteen Dollars in current N. Y. funds.will be entitled to re ceive a set of the Democratic Revi'-wfor the current year, a copy of tho Madison Papers, three force volume octavo, published at Ten Dollars, and also De rocqueville's work, "Democracy in America, two volumes octavo, published at Four Dollars. Any person forwarding Thirty Dollais in current funds, will be entitled to receive Two Sees of the above works, and in addition, a copy of The Democratic Ittview for 184142 Gratit. The Publishers earnestly hope that the above liberal inducements nn their part will have the effect cf bringing great accessions to their list of subscri bers. AG-E1TTS. Active and responsible Agents wanted for the above in the different States throughout the country to whom a very liberal discount will be alloweil.AU Postmasters throughout the1 United States aro nu thorized to receive subscriptions for the work. Any Postmaster sending the names of four Subscribers and remitting Twenty Dollars in advc.net, in cut vent N. Y. funds, will be entitled to' A PIFTH COPY GRATIS. for mqte thanour twkictt tih ce?t discocxt, Mew MarMe MANUFACTORY, At Bloomsburg, Col. Co APP & TICHN "X . fMHEY would inform tho .citizens of Columbia M County, that they have commenced the busi nessat tho aboo place at tho public houso of E HOWELL, wherclhoy are prepared to manufac ture to order, in the neatest, best, and most durable manner, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, qEAD and FOOT STONES, of all sizes and ualities, MANTLE8, WINDOW and DOOR SILLS, and DOOR FRONTS. Also PAINT, BARand HEARTH 8 PONES Orders for, Stone can bolefl with D, GROSS.who wil act as Agent during our absence. They constantly keep on hand a large lot Vermont.Egyptian and Italian Marblo at their wholesale Marble Yard at Sclins Grove, Union county, Pa. Bloomsburg August 14, 1841. 1C I SHAI-J,, DO IT!! A LL persons indebted to me must make pay, Wx ment ly Uie rilttiT Or AUGUST next. All who neglect this nptiee, will find their accouuts inthe hands of a Justice of the Pepccfor col lec tion after that date. . . ..CTSDBpifllC DREilER AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriocrs inform the public, that they have entered into Partnership, under the firm of EYER & HEFFXi T , and have ust received from Philadelphia, and 'now opened, ot their NEfV.STORE. JYorthtcctt Cor ner or JTarlecl and JtJaipe Strectt,Bloomiburg, an enure new anu extensive assurmem ui, DRY G0'OD,S, GRQGERIES HARD WARE, CROCKERY, AND - QUEENSJVkRE; -c. , which they offer for sale, on reasonable .terms; as heir prices are suited to the lilnesi Among their assortment will bo found ' " J B.roail'qloihs, lCasimeres, Sallinetis, .and ..fjflrious, ktn(ls, of cloths for . -men's ,w Summer wear Calicoes; Ging hams; Cambrics) Muslins; .Silks: Muslit,ile lanes; and vufious other articles, , for Ladies' dresses; Shavls Silk, , and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Hoset Bleached and Brown Domestic Rluslins; and a variety of other articles suitable for the season and believed to be as good and complete an assort ment as is usally found in country .stores. (Ej-COUNTRY PRQDUCE will bo received fn exchange, nnd CASH will not be refused. , Our friends, nnd the public generally, aro re quested' to call and examine for themselves JAUOH EYHK, CHARLES HEFFLEY. Bloomsburg, Juno 25, 1843. 0 Ed ye purified in your blood. ' And Health wilt attend vou. Thtlifeof thi Flesh is.ih 'the Blood." Leviticus, c. xvii. xi. HOW, IS THE BLOOD TO BE PU RIFIED!! . Thousands can answer this question who know from actual experience that DR. LEWS' S. BLOpD PILLS, K COMl'ONANT PAUT OF WHICH 13 SAnSAPAIULXA, Are' the safest, best, 'arid most effectual Pills now in existence, . ISIS MfEOTS I4EST YOU MAY DE DECEIVED! THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE icrBLOOD FXLXiS, Aitr. DR. LEIDF'S BLOOD PILLS, A. COMPONANT PART OF WII10 SAUSAPAR1LLA. T is attempted by Quacks and Impostors to in troducc their vile and dangerous nostrums tiv assuming for their name that of "BLO.QD. PILLS" knowing that the Blood Pills manufactured by Dr. licirty havo otitaincd e greatest reputation of any ruin in exiitenei, and think by such trickery to impose upon tho public by selling theirs upon the popularity of Dr. Iidy's Blood Pills. I lie public are turefore particularly requested to iv rauuuu wiicii pnrcuasuig, 10 anx xor i-T. ijt,! DY's' BLOOD PH LS. The public arc secured that Dr. tMav's Blood Villi are the safett, bet, and r.iattt dUcactout of any now in use, containing neither Mcrcuiy or tne .Minerals, anu may lie employed py young and old, male and female at alt ltma and under all ciretinutaneet without fear Irom taking cold, re strtunt irom diet 111 living or occupation. In all cases where a purgation may be necessary these Pills will be found both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or Sickness pf tho btonrach. griping or any other unpleasant sensations. Further comment is deemed unnecessary the numercus certificates published from time to tiruo from Physicians and other individuals must have convinced the incredulous, and for the further in formation of all others,-vDr,Lcjdy refers them to the directions which accompany each Box. They are preparer1 and told.wholcs.ile and retail, at Br. LEIIt YH JW F. Jit, Til EJtlPORlVja, No, 191 JVORTU SECOWn Street, below Vino street, (sign of .the Golden, Eogle and Ser, p'ents.)' Also sold at Lutz's Health Emporium, liluomtlure. ' Nov SO, 1841. 30 TETTER! TETTER! ITCH! ITCIH DR. LEIDY'S TETTER AND ITCH OINTMANT. Aninfallable remedy for various affections of the SKIN, removing Pimples, I'asiuies, anu Eruption of the SKIN, and particularly adapted to the cure ot tut i mi anu i run. i ins oinjineiit nas ncen used in numer tins schools throughout the city and county as wen as factories, employing numerous girls and boys,and among whom Tetter and Itch, as well as other Affections of the Skin, prevailed, with ihe most unexampled Suc cess, Names of School Teachers, as well as Eiipenntendants and Proprietors of Fac 4oi.es. could be. civen.eonfirminK ihe above, iut for the delicacy they feel in having their iiumeH liuunaiicu in tuuiiLxiioii Willi 8UC11 loathsome and disagreeable affections. Prepared and sold at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, (Sign of iho Golden Eaulb and Serpeants.) No. 101 north tecontl str'eut, bo- low Vine; also sold at 1 Lutzxstliallh Emporium, Blpomsbitrg. 13JBYS TO "TORT-?? Formerly owned by n, S. TOBIAS. RESPECTFULLY Worms hla friends, 'an.! 1 the aublic generally, "that ho hasjnst receiv u Irom Philadelphia a ntw ahd'OXlchsivo assort ment of ' -I . .! in Drug Medicines, Oils, Paints onlcc(oin arics, &c.&c;.-. which, in addition to his former stock'cqniprises'(i complete assortment of articles in his lino of, business. All persons' wishing to purchase any of,' the above! articles aro pattjcularly invited to call arid, price' thef articles in his Store before buying" elsewhere as' ho1 is determined to' sell as low, and by "a'littln Jewing, lower than can be bought .any where else, in the surrounding neighborhood... , - 'i' The Subscriber considers it hardly jf nc,cssary to mention the articles in particular ps ho "is confident that no one1 can come amiss by'enbuitin'g foany aiti cio uciuugiug iu n xruy oiuiu.- 1 1 N. B- Mcrchants antl PhysicianB" will 'find it to their advantage to call and buy sUchV articleas they may stand ln.necd.qfjasthey shall bo accoin-' modatcd at a very loW'perccritagc. . ( - Iri few'words all hre'rcspcctfully invited to cully see arid j6dge fot themselves. . , , isrwitAifvi, ijutis.-vj Blobmsburg,July!Q,.18jt2.J Him) tf.tSIJ.Va -Ti r r s-fi BLANK BOOK T: 6i,corner of Walnut & Third streets. HE Bubscrlhei'a return their sincere .thanks to No . their'frienda for the favors' 'so liberally' bestow ed on lbcm, and beg, leyvc to SMur&theni that; no eflorts shall bo wanting on thpir.fpart jto men) a continusncc"pf Uicir patrphage, botli fn reference to workmfaship'inU'cheauKesa1 tif price' fii siiit ' tho times. '.' ''i It is hiatily advantageous to Gentlemen .and. .In- stituiions having'Librarics, to apply direct to the Binder, makfng.at least a saving1 of 10 to 30 pe'r cent", and sometimes more. - . : . ' All descriptions of Binding! neatly' executed. Gentlemen's Libraries fitted up nnd;repaircd, Mu- sio and Periodicals bound to pattern. Ladie's scrap books, Albums anu t'prtlolios, ol en descriptions made to older. Binding dono for Libraries, Insti tutions, Societies, &c. on advantageous Terms. TO PKOKIiONOT-ARIES, REGIS TEUS, RECORDERS, SHERIFFS; ..MERCHANTS,, AND BANKS, They are also prepared. to, manufacture . , BLAjW-K .W.OE.Z-. -of every description, such as Vocketi, tJIecords Ileal Book, Vajmilooht, Msttlgcrt, Journals Memorandums, Chick-Ilolls, Sec. fit' the finest quality of Paper, (Robinson s Ivory 'Surfaced) in a style equal to any madcin the Cities of Philadel phia or New York, on the most reasonable terms. JJLATTK VYOHK KULEA TO AWX i ATTKK1T, CLYDE & WILLIAMS. N. ,B. Old Books Tebound with neatness and despatch; also Files of Papers. Jamsburg, .ftlarh 2C, 183; 'GmO. 48. All orders for binding, or for blank books, eft at this office, will be forwarded, and returned as soon as completed. ' II- WEUU, Agent.- PP.CLAKCiLTIOH.. WHEREA8, the Honorable Ellis Lrwia 1'reBidentofthe Court of Oyer and. Teri miner and Gcneril Jail Delivery, Court, of Quarter ScKitons of tho Pcacc,and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in the eighth judicial disirict, composed of the counties" pf Northumberland, Union, Lolumbia and Lycoming; and tho Hon. William Donaldson and George Mack, Es- quitcs, Associate Judges in Columbia county,havo issued their precept beaming date- the 26th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred anil forty-two.and to mo directcd.for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gen' erat, .Jail. Jjeiivery, Ueneral quarter Sessions of the. Peace, Common . Pleas and Orphan's Court. IN DANVILLE, in the County of Columbia. on the' third Monday of November next, (being the Notice is therefore lierby given to the Coroner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Con stables cf the said county of Columbia. tha they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, "with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to those things which to their offices appertain to bo done: And those that are bound by rcc'ognij lancet, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may bo in the Jail of said county of Columbia,, arc to be then and there to prosecute against tlicni as sliall be just, Jurors are requested tube punc tual in their .attendance, agreeably to their noticej. Dated at -Danville, tho 14th day of Oct., in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and in tho 67 year -'of the Independence of the. United -States of America. . , wt JOHN FRUIT 'Shelf? ' SniBirr's Orrict, Danville, ? , Oct. 14 .1813. . 5- Broke into the enclosure oflhe eubstri her about 3 months sinco, a , - - WHITE STEEIIV drnnpping a little in his horns, end about four years old. Thoovyiior is requested: to take him away and pay charges, JOSEPH PURSEL, Madison Oct let. 1 Ifotice. ALT, persons knowing thcmeelves indebted to tho Iato firm of Rupert & Itarton, by note or book aro requested to maka immediate. payment as no longer indulgence can be given. Those who neglect the call will alone be rcsponslblo for Conoe aucnceo that will crtalnlv fnUnw. 'A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers