THE i rrfMT-v.i n ii ' l-ra - - - -- ."ft...-.. r.A L , ,.) .... , . 1 harfe sworn upon iU Altai- of t;ud, aet-ujafhostllUy-te- cyery.iform df Tjrsnriy ovsr tats, ailnd ,df siau." KSaaasTl 1 PRINTED AND DtfLlSirUDlBV IT. WEBBi, : , mi 4'-.vyume T. BlOOKSBURG, COLUMBIA GOjCJ'TY, JlA. SAllJIlDAi;, -1P'FJ33IBU 0, ' ; xh&& aaWgMBWPWRHBB:iW ' ' W i'm i'v i . rTrr1 . hn , , 1 , rr-;r r I,1 '..j I .'.'nT-Vi-i'1,1! j-Bfc 1. ','liin., I Tim rv 1 1' 1 1 i, :-f-rmrf r 4 iirnr w:i iii'aaamiljn OFFICE 01! TKE Oi'ronixk' St.' OatrncH, MXTK-af T COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT yill be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per unmtm payablt ... 1.. rn... 'n'ti nay yearly 111 uuiuritc, uz ,x m-v uufiuia Fif ty Cents, if not paid within the year. h'o sulfscmlionunllbi taken for q.iAover ntrtntl than ata mnnth nar ttnn tlt&etm.' jjerioii fin sta; months : nor any discon titiuan'cc perMi'lted, until all arrearages are discharged. tft) VE'JI TISEME'NTS. nof exceeding a thuare uiifl be conspicuously inserted at Que Dotlarfor the. first thrctinsertiois. and Twenty-five cents for every subse qugntjiscrtioi. fCfA liberal discount niadPto tlidse. who advertise by the year, LETTERS addressed on butiitess, muii be tost paid. m THE TEST .OF LOVE, BIT L. 11. Ofi'hirrMl6Vo'Tnal for 'tiVuot tkc tthYW - .. - Thriuj(li joy5n'J' through" ,'forrow .throoffi-glorj' .jmd.haimV . I know not -I auknot if guilt's in that htatt, i tint kuxw that I lovt tlifi -whaU'ver tliou ajt. .That l,tU way I wiali ta.bejo'rrd in!' zalaimed, Liura rihro, paiaionately tiiliiiig dtwn tin book aa alio, mad the a tt(at(ncj, '1 my grandfather had died a pauper, rather than had left me thai hate ftil fortune. : 1 w.inh I the small pox and a .huiflp on lay back, sooner than be lorcd t'ti'A. -.1. ja 'plaater of I'arja Jo)), fr ray while and,: rtd eoauplexion 5 should be delighted if mj, fathar had dr.iveu au ath-cart and my natSiMCbold truck, hecauat I should not ktie'beeo then courted for roy family re,. Wnipliljilitv,l' . .... aant .looking. up from her knhlii'g, with a banf1eat ainila, 'what ll s suddenly rontiticad you that forisne, benuty,and birth are unwelcome appendages!'. auui bscauss I want to be'-Isved fur yaelf-to be lored aa I coald lore in re iBrnwheo the Jjijatity of on Aniin'ous or ik uglineaa of a tiargon could nothing change tha parity of affection when it would be equnlly unchanging and true in a royat palate oran Esquimix hut a love that wanld rite superior to poverty and aor.' row thai would ciist through ntglect, die. aaat.diihtior and death,' - Aunt Gry vill laid down her Mocking, plactd'lba (ureral noodles in tueir proper plate; pallid, on her railtena, an prepared wtriply.v -k .vhiurar.TeuValk :Bore lika a romantic tiding",dhool missj tiian v Vendible ' girl i yau Rra; 'dupendn'ipont it) though you aybe loTcd well "cndu'jjhV wtthuut, nil, tboJienof'cC4er!toiwall -graJllybelghlen' the attaebmanta. x 'Than, I woVl.amry. a.tall V aaid Laura .)rf.ei m ul, and "dou't tntarrupt, fnr lan'a.not aaancrly. Ieay year first po .il!ou!ie8illy aud unnaiurali but .your last it poailitly iwiekod. Theiova which could 'nlinuo the aamn through a eonriclton of vnWnrthinesa hnd dishonor, is too cburac leriatic of an ill organiied roiod to be daair fd or priawl.' Now Aunt Oreyllleuwa8 fond of mak iagjong apeechn; with neatly tarnrd off pingnsJbut her niace tometjinoB lliouglil tjemxathar tireigme and just now, very particularly so an ahe juil repeated, in a low voioa, lo.lieeJv ! kflAa. nAl T .cl lint tf n-illl.'a ;ntiK 1lArf 1 tut know that I lao lhet'..wlitoYcr tliou urt.' I' ..v. n.n (iijt II ,UIII N III Yaryweii, Jiiura; l know' fiat, young ladiaf generally, retain their own . opinions, whether opposed to the idricc of. their atniftra or not t but it ia en. the account of Major Bon woodia tlitit you aeeia 10 aux iViiaT ' . "'Hi' . I indeed Mjor Donwoodie Vorea ST'bank slock too much for m-s to lore bim If is ihei far youruc'e6tWaahjngian H'Mi ihaiyonr feeigi are i&ujrefUu', DEMOCRAT , t' lliiiik yourchoipe 0 ,aei r Il is of liitle ert5ugh consequence aaid I to hear ycu own yourself. gamester and .. jap'-llbg 'sick, bri(l'ho'th6'1aVifti .1 r"lc' vi:.t . ' Annt Qriirville with nniR' h-iWitr. " whai see you' 1ehave like corfuelle ajid a .Tira , well as usual!' ' 'Aunt, said Laur?,., heaJtuUngly, 'don't ii,:..u m. 1 ... . 1. 1 r """ " mcrjuii na,iuji mucu sense 1 iporo tery aMenuy I f t I .a 1 lut it a poor coinplnent to lqytj Lau- r. 1 Well, t dn't extcjly ressn sense, but joJ,minl.n)i nof "r8Ci,cy iudgmenl -. .' . . ' " " 0 gnly a cold reasoning' discernment, that it rery foreign to wartath of feeling.' 'I fear, niy dear, you have taken that idea from tha rhapsodical passion of (hat haughty EtgliahtBan; whom .you do vary wrong to .encourage at all.' 'And why, aunt?' asked Laura, quickly, with a crimsoning cheek. Mra. Gicyville looki-d attentively at her niece ocr her upeelatlea, thamatiook her head. f , . Oh 1 I aqethia Honorable Mr. VValrt- ingliam ia at the, lead of tjtc polo, and,, 1 am.ioryJuij,;,iapcnd upon it, llrat rnper riaus man will never act with that rnoderaT lion and genl!eneasiihat,desiiublo consisten cy, ao requisite to insure h happint'ss of the wedded life ahem-.' A knock at the door stopt the answer of Lsura (Jraham.. 'Ilia Wilmington .Metlon aud his sUier; auntj if you Jove me, do not contradict what I say, ba it, whit it will 1. am revived to Know how far Iaiu lovtd for myself or for my mosey,' When the Srsl salutatjout wero. past,, Laura ben', down hor head aitentivaly over a small writing case ucr heratid -emed if.mucl) engroaed by iho o.utenie of an open letter. ',I)oea that not tjoatain tickela for M'8 Karuble'a beaefit, that it cngiosaM you aot' asked M Merton,' with a smile. No, it ia of rather mora consequence; it is a petition to advance a sum ef . juonevv forjplacing a distrcesed faruilyI?oTtaine6s westward.' ,r , Afcyou acquainttd.with thu personaft asked her cousin. ,. 'Not at all; but I hear the man iaa been very iaipudent.' . : .(r . ; 'What capital do tboy ask!' gravely( in quired he. Ten thousand dollars. Would you ad- visa, my doing it !' , v . - Most assuiedly not ; it would be the'act of an tasanc person.' . , j . h money,, then,' askerl Laura, contempt uously, 'of more value than humaiiii)?' 'No, not. if it were humanity; but money is a heavy charge committed to yuur care, and yon arc responsible (or its prudent and useful appropriation.!- Bul'tny heart is set upon this; ! am deeply interusled for the family,, and shall bo rnyself tho aufferer in denying them.' 'Then do it by. airmeans, Miss Grahem,' said a full toned voice behind her, Jlhe'f hil jdelphia Bank is not wurth as rauclrae your sligh'te8t:wis,h ; let the' 0,110 bo- vetoed? and Welcome, but not your smallest desiru.' ' 'Mr. Walsftigham ! vhon4ilid you corat In!' and LtuVa Graham said the woids with a faltering Voico, 'will you iSiipport' this silly fancy of mine',;eren atlhe'risk'iif a ten thousand dollar loss !' Wdsinghan gaxed" with unrestrained admiration' on iho Bwctt counlanahce ra'ised to kim, and rcplledirin a low tone, ''Aye, at thu risk Of every dollar 'you own it would be tuV gain: for I wodld loso yon fat dearer williont than with it 1 'But my prudent frfend here, 'gays' no,' eaid LaUra', turoing nWaV to "conceal 'the glew of plcaeuro'tha't rushed ovir hor brow Wa'thiiijjio'n Merlon Watched trie gla'n'co.a'n'd felt, a pang to his inmost heart; but it could not shake his principle. ' 'Undoubtedly, Miws Graham. I Slioul'd lie unworthy (0 call myself -yoUr friend, if I I did not tell you that in' squandering away your money ,ybu violate the will af tho van-' arable man who it left you, and prove your- self, an tinfaithluf tew3rdesa iohe sight of 0 ' 1 t a. 1 Laura turned away coldly at his words anil Aunt Grreyville gave a long groan, 'Dear uie,' said Miss Morton, 'you talk so much about this nonssiiaical family, that nave uoi nau 1 d jimo,o aak you ,what you will sVpViisV.f fKjjUf", " wear at Mrs the wear,, she aa-driving 'hard down Ahe 1 . . ... . ' roaa jo mm, nu a fiWS gown Will never hiover atirl aching heart.' If . 'What ia not DashawayV said Laura drctaed fer Mrs. 1 , the Hon. Mr. Waliine- ham to Writ. uGreyvile, m the crenirfg rtf the aa ne diiy;" she has' been above two hours nt her toilette, and every one will be taking leave as clle goes' ilf ' ' No'woirdcr,'J replied Annt Greyillc, crosnly'ahe haa pulled down herhair ivc limes, and broken her peatl bandcai. by flinging it at Mauritia'a head.' Indeed! she is not over ktniabla, then, this- evening!! 1 . . 'Mercy "on me,'io;;I can't aay a word hut ake catcbes me liVe'a ahapping turtle; ljsrk at liar again,; what- is tlia'inattor now hLaura.' ' 1 ' 'What it'ilie ntfittelr, irifieed!' exclatmed Ljuh,' flouncing into the room with a rriin- : soncd ' face1, liolding" up tha blonde on hen aalin dress all torn' to pieces; 'enough is the matter. '.that gnod'for-iio'lhhiiig Stuped fqol of a miititue-Miiker lias left the filondc' ton low on my dreoa, and 1 have put my foot on it and torii it.' "'" ' - ' Washington Merlon;' w)io wis-sitting quietly reading t l'i blh"r' era! of ihc roo'ai looked up with' grave iiirpris,." "" ' I)i not let ao trifling, an tVurripery a cir cumstance discompose you, Mica Graham,' said Wlsingb;!mVrisijig''id"ineet har. '1 rifling do you think if! pray,, what am r ... .1.. t... .1 -... III UU IUI utcss ! 'Have Vu nona other ! tha implcr the belter 'for beauty una'dorhed ia adorned the most, ypu kniiw.' , 'I know fiSiilesticka,' iterrpled thi young ladv. in no very, amiable ton. ; '1 won l go 11 I ana not ,tlie b.trst dresed in the room; I 'know.' this' blonde would have given that crnri'oue ereatuie. Susan Wouhibefinc, a heaitach, and that' whir I bought it, fur it coal twenty dollars a yard.'' , Merlon rose and took his hat. 'Pray, wheie arb juu goiugt' damaned j Laura. Where 1 may not see you disgrace your self by conduct unwor thy of a lady ana a rational being,' replied he severely. 'I think, Mr. Merlon, you presume upon your relationship said W aldington, haught ily.. Come Misa Graham, banish your anger, &nd the only harm done Will be their ri.lHiug of your lovely brow with aliade; jl the Uiiitod Suttfs can supply your loss, it nhall.noi be for long.' 'Do,n'l go, Waisington, said Mrs. Grey vjlle, 'Alas t L,aura never .needed your friendship more .than now, fur ad hia.doetu and il humor ia only ' . 'Very true,' interrupted Laura, hurriedly aud, casting a beecechjng look towards her aunt; 'it is only ptelimir.ary tq aikinjj jpur ailvjcb and assistance upon a . very, troubje tome affair.' 7fL'aura,' answeredciWalsingtoiii with a softeped, tone, 'ou kiipryou .may com; .inaod' thing for your saicice,' 'Will not MUs Graham honor rue with lier oomuiahdi, aaid Walsjugham repioach fully 'i , s. 1 ' , 'EitSer' its no greal 'ntdlter,' answered Latira, with a flirting air, 'you most know that' ihat 'dear' delightful ireacheriiu's thing, lEcarto," has played rite ' false ami I ot a borribfo load bf'nib'uey tho other night at Mddartib 'Onibre's. " ",w ' " " 'Gteat Gtod !' cried ker couTn,'''can it ba iLaura'Graha'm ihaV'l li'ear speaking?'" ' '.''Wl.atmafters it, 'ddafes'T glflj e'id 'WaP ,'ii'i'gh'arn, 'play' fa'fashibhable, every lady of irci plays bcartc. yartflty is cnarming, conlinueu taura..( golly 'and really (lie contrast between vou two is quite amusing; but you must know my dividend were all dravvn, had not a cent belonging to roy ray name, and ao 1 let Madame Gmbrp raise tluTrabiiey from some broker on mv billJfid'.'r'abma 'alich thing; and I want it to be paid tharl ''jjhy Ai,. ' ' l- " - ' distress, ' ,l auratUuia: fof Fare you. well rtadairt; I will hot irt terTere to aid you 'through an ;atfir io dis honorable nor, mueh aal. have - Idyed yoii Will I ace you again until you are rlroperly repc.n.lanand athamed of yout .cdnduct . 'Mr. 'Mer'len, you must 1 answer lo' "Ab (or this to Mivs Gralrawl no man sliall dare to offend, her while I'aiti by'.aaid Mr. Walsinghauu proudly. -. . Duelling air,' rrplfad Merlon, wiiti cold dignity, 'iV against fhy principle; bnf when I know your claim to he Mies Giraliain's ;hainpion I Will account ,lo you for my words. le4ve-youwilh pity rather tdan 'anger! farewell.' 'flltip nephew, ctied aunt. Gfcyt;lle 1it's not true, 1 te)l you;, don't be a fool, 1. mini's the b.cst gill In Philadelphia. ' 'I thought so once: farewell,' aunt.' Thete was eonielhing df manly pride-1-' of"n'ien, hnnorahle dignity in tho cold,' reproving manner of her cuoain, that struck to Laura1 b heart; in Ipite of htr oft repeated assertionr, sliv felt his conduct to ba 'that of dignjty and honor, and the thought of how proud that man's wife migi.t be of himiiote uncuiKciously in hor mind.' -'Come, dear'Laura ! do banish tilt trou bled !onk'it impairs Ihnt beauty of whicli I'nm sn'jirciudly, so passionately fqmL Core,'jhink df the, paat. V. 'L.wondar, WaUingh'm,' aaid Latlra, thotffibtlullyV'if you wdtild love me, were 1 vary untv ' j 'I love aii ugly woman.' no inderdl but yo a!i.' never shall -be tried give'fna but this litllc. hind, and j will tfiiim'phanily pre'seu'i you at' the irdirri of jEngtatid, where veryjaded-BeJfs.and aiade up drQ,wagerj shall tremble. aUhefstglit of, yptiri turpassi !ing loveliheaal Say 4lyes. wret'Laii- ''J. W a - 0--'.f ' ,Tr.X b'tt To n.orrow L.wjll answejn ythat . impor tant question, snd mow : for .Mistress. Dashaway's. ; '- m' Who in Philadelphia docs, not, khpw- Doctcr '.Who has not some time, or oilier been under his .gentle influence, and felt his soft, persuasive manner? almost-' as efficacious" aa hit presr,ription?-rKow many yqung da;r.aeln, have wsuicd -.him that tlus pain in tkeir sides was not 'from tight laciilg boW maliy por(1y old bon yivncls liave declaicd that "turslu soup m i Mardeira had nothing to aay to their gout: yet been both pereuadtd to give them up his gantlemsnly eloquence. Oh! what a jewel i a.docfor like Jihn Physic itself jiecomee deliglilful wlieii l)e is by. -It was at this learned gentleman's door that ring- iug-ding went the'bell' before brof.kfasi.thc. rnoruiUg after Mrs. 'Dashawsy's ball, 'fho Doctor was wanted immediately a Mrs, GreyvilleV irj Gheautit etrecJ, fo Miss Graham was taken dangerously ill,' Nbw Mt Graham was a favorite, and had beep' alnce'ehe was high ( as, a tablt; su jiw;iy went lhe;Dqq)pr,. with an unfinished, bieakfasi! 'Why, my dear lady, what Ja the matter!' asked ho of Mrs. G.rey ye,.1 ' ' "' ' ' j 'OJi, Drlcjor here's a Cne adohere's pilly pieee of business; but Laura will Jell you. It's my bel'ef tlia', she is jjorie stark, starting madj ith! her, lovers.' - ,'Ia thatalll' said, the Doctor, w'uh q buiet smile, 'well, 1 will go in and'settlo this monomania.' 1 . . i. v . Airs Greyvillc pursed .up Iicr niontJi ljke the airing of amiss's purse.just with a sort o Heclniiriir look that alio would " Hold her dngile in'deslio of tempallo'n. ' ' 'die Doctor entered, i.Miss ..Graham' room;', it was darkened, aud the was in bad, folded up in the while linoii that was not pirer than haraclf, lisr eyes was clouded with tears, but it shone, through in its (brightness .like a alar reflected in sleeping U'lream; her cheek' was glowing liko the sunset of a foreign cllmo, whilo a fair treat of lioirjay cjoudkliko shading ila'rjclir "Whyr;,prelty',IlBur tovvs litlle.'-'Fentli (ooUdiHwVifirilfSratt 'Oh! dear Doetofj iawad gfad you ar lief: I havo aomcthlnK very particular ,16' aaj; td ybllI em Hot ill bot't want t ''".j so. . t ' it ."'i 'fhat's A snguUr Taney.' ' iNotatlall. Listen .to rati arid -I- wjil tell Jbtlall.' - " i f Mefci' o'n mu,' siiil ' Dr; ''hen bb fiad.heai'd all 'thai LauU lad,to aay;'''wjiai all wtvncnryoizmutrl suppose llaVo. yeur "own WavIHnd'ltTO ih'e loiter1.' Lnvn r 'vm? for yoursalf, do you say wju .Ibvipg, yoti fcjryour pretty fare Is Ibjing ybli for youn i keif, isn't ii!' ; 'Oh! no for werh I to" loao" it af.lsr marriage,' should fpea' bis .kftictiopa also' Do, dear Dqcior, aarvo ma ill the bra thing,, will you!', . " . o " . - e" . 'dh, "-jftiti'i jwill iJafe -hfw,' and tell hiitf as1 1 many lieVas you please; Ke if bfclOjW, I hear rand fori),' t . Great. God!, what do 1 . hsar. Dscjor.' ' said Walsingham, as the doctor entered tbo a parlor, 'ha Miss Graham in- reality tka ;r 1 . . t-. 1 taallipox!' ... ft1 'A.haki!', artewerrd tha. Doctor, conse"- , quentlally.luking a huge pinch' of snuffr and generoutly a portion to hit 'handler;. chief, 'do you' li'ks lri'sl Mlack'g'uarU;, . ",rl ' - - ' .';' ; Answer ms pray! can it bs aotsibls' as, that' 5 ' - f u-'-i" Areyoti arrsid of in'f'crien7'M7.BlWii7? stngham! , Bcorus 'ha.ay.mpiOB arSorsryjg;, ,,IV"I" - ; -ca . i --:-.lf l Good.Qodl said he; rst'reatirigf-'arrrlft'w'ifl- y it injnre "herbsaiit-y!'t;- " " '; '" Declor, aolemiily, 'lijn.aydXobea.utiuJj!x ;i( the eoriuptionatrikjjjjjnwsrdr or livo liomelyiif'tli ; cqntary "iflp"6 ipnd liejierp , that. , the Jast is nql .probably; What signifies her beauty, .Tf, 1I16.1 doj buf,-: recover, - - Why will youaayto!, Noltignlfv-' goodj Opd,( it aig.mffe'a more i'han money, liealtli, or;evn life. 1 o be ploughed up, by email pox ti) lis scaiaed'apd.pleadMike" country weneli! - - a - Oh.' tail wilfb'a 'cOrlai'ii; tbars it arf' idfoayncracy about' smell pex iliat giyaa nc v hope of sparing iho faqe, VVuntyou oarua up and aee her lake some riuejar y'a'af hab belier, Mr- Waltinghara!'' r 'Nb I il wjll but hurl my .'feelings. " Poor .Laura, ia it, possible'' , , , :;r 'Madam Greyville, have'yon any ahlor'i rate of lime!' said the Doctar, Mbero teeaas lo me infaclion in thlaVir' " Do jou. thinH Jio,' and tks elgan( Wal- lingliam. made,for: to donr.'for Mhe pretsntj farewell, I wlll call or aenn regularly, ,ate'- yeu Ijnile aure thai Lauras fa'ca 'ia ruined1;,. uociort , . ..'.. Clertaii if y'na wil! eaa.her, job will sooh percViva-U lo beh't'Ttse-' ' ' Sl 'What a pity! .Good morning,' IjfcUrj' Mr. Grevville.your servant,'. , , 'Good morning to you, sir for. tola- huarled scDUndrol,' added ths bansvuUur Doclrff, aa the dfr closed 'aot o'na on(, woulvl' I give for that, ovr f . Laiifai; hut hallo hers ba coma, bitk nyairr, - aiipposc mercy on Ibe bell What ' u;r'oar;' ' ' ' Speak? fpr llie fak ,of God! how-?,-how ia Laura!' exclaimed'' Washington Jiasrion,' rushing into' the rcun' with 'ert. appearance' or" the deepest ',e(iio irolY,- 'Slie's got .tho amall-'pox .drtadfujly, ' grunlS'l the DoeUir 'God forgive iha ta,' added lie, eotto rrrieV ' Gracious. heavan! and her life, it jt ia 'danger! ,0b Goq say thai ,he,r ,1 fe it not endangered, and! willblesa you.' 'Well, Ihope uoi, btit'ber btav-iy ia lost 'entirely. Is here, blasted life sale . I guess ao,-' rssponded''llie Dovlor. 'God Almighty bleaa you, alr t xclaimed tVusliiugiofl, wriggle hia hanct and bunt ing n tears. 'Ie, el) let her I am fibr cousin npd OocloV I am a fool but i! m i.5 I. .ti' 1 i.
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