!f f'Pe c eUrnaj happintt), to w'Mc)t ) i fondly look, is Jinked with Iter's. I can, therefore, appreciate what they are trim ( liavo done tno the honor to address met for nevor did man lore ot respect ihfe purity of tho sex more than I a purity Which strip ped them of Vice, and made celostial alltfhe tender affections which bo peculiarly belo ng to them. Oh they watched o-erour rh'dd 'hood sootlied the cares of youth and the arrows of manhood cheered and sup por ted old age, and oven smoothed nnd sur (por ted the dreary path which leads tf , tho grare. The poet lias .been mistaken, when tie sung '0 woman, in our hours of case, Uncertain, toy, and hard to pics' sc." That is a caiumny upon their viY uies; but m aoea ihcnrjustice when ho add 'When pain and sorrow wring the brow, A ministering angel iLuU.'' Sir, I do protest, in the langua ere of chiv It y, I aweai by the ladies of Ki Ikcnny.that 1 1 ci aii u Biiau ueanauon. "TBtJTH WITHOUT MTCItVJtV, l'EJtJtlTj ijrv 13, 18-11. DEMOCRATIC J Ml democratic merti st the house of HO MEETING. ne will bo held BERT HAGEN ill's Mills, on BUCH, near McDowr Monday evening to consult upon matte friends of equal tight , the lOti inst., rs interesting to tho .s. Democrats genor- ally are invited to att end. UNITED STATE ,S BANK BURSTED Great excitemei ,t, was created in Phila delphia on Thursf. ay of last week, in con equence of tho Great Regulator refusing to pay lior notes in specie. Inconsequence of her suspendi .ng., B heavy run was mado upon the other banks of the city, on Friday. They continu ed t0 pay specie during Friday and Satuiday- AfYier several meetings of "the officer f tho ci ly banks had been held upon the subject of a general suspension it was resolved on Mv mday to refuse pay mint on large drafts or atna of money, but that they would continue e to Py out silver for change. Tha bank throughout the State will undoubtedly foh 'w suit. Thus after only twenty days o ' resumption the whig Regulator has again bro u8ut "e banks of tho Stale, into non payint ? ir-stitutions Itieemi.that the whigs are r'gt in dub -- uiug-rrcr-wTr ma tnnj"or"Trflr - ha annnars in havn rnmnldi- n ntrol over the operation of all tho banks of t. Slale Wo understand that a meeting of lne l -Hfn a tf lh N'nrttiiimlinrlaml ll-m. Was liM nn Tnnilav laot. t wliioli ! iwi S re olved to suspend specie payments, but au thorized the payment of specie, when wa. 111 d for change. By the following from the Philadelphia Spirit of the Times, it appears that meas ures are being taken to wind up the con cerns of tho United States Bank in pursu ance of a provision of the law authorizing the last suspension. "Andrew Milller, Esq., having made oath on Friday last of, a refusal on the part of tho United States to redeem in gold or liver coin eighty two $10 notes, a writ was issued returnable on the 15ih of this month, when, wo repeat, if payment he not made 5n tha iDterim, and the fact be proved, the .charter of that institution will bo repealed 1 It is quite possible that the notes will be oald before the expiration of the ten days, fiKPimia lhn itenmer British Queen is hour Jv expected to arrive at New York, and it ia aid that there is a lar."Q ciuanlity of spa cie op board of her, the proceeds of Euro pean loans lately accomplished on the part f thu cornoration. How much truth ihere is in this report we are of course unable Jo determine. At any rate we are oouno io look upon this last " suspension" of tho "great regulator," notwithstanding it must occasion much distress among thoso mis guided persons who, notwithstanding the sigm of its corruption and approaehing dis olution, have up to tho last moment lent it their confidence, and will meet almost ulter ruin in the depreciation of its stock, as one of the most salutary events of the age. It wllLiMwato as a capital detergent on tne ody politic, and financial of our country. Jt will relieve flur other sound hanks ol an Sneubus, that for Veare lias Ueen weighing mpon their energies. They, though pnsi by embarrassed for the? moment, have with in them the element; oi recovery. They nre solvent, And once freed from the palsy ing, .wantiof-canfidcnce-cteatiopi Influence if inn mammoth instiluiioK. will spring fur- ward with an elastic step, aod a tenewad spirit, in the iraoe .of solid aim' permanent tirnsneritv. Wo hone Governor 1 oner will now show himself a (ruo democrat, and patriot, and ene :fuithful to tho interest ot tho Stale. iNo matter wuaia reoerai ... ... i . . J'jritf to Uie l-iOgnijuuro ma ivane,iu iv;v ! letVilrn pursue an uptight and Loneil course. I How is the timo to show hiself a truly I great man, and worthy the ultrages ot nn independent people. Let him put tho U. S. Dank into liquidation giant her no more indulgence, prevent her from thus dragging down with hor front a sheer feeling of ma lignity, the other good institutions of the state, and he will not only mem, out receive tho warm approbation of every public spir ted citizen. Now is tho time to render himself immortal if he neglect it, or pur sue a lime-serving, uncertain, courso, wc would not answer for the consequence. In conclusion wo would adviso all hold ers of bills or notes on the Banks of our ci ty to bo cool and quiet. Wo bolieve every Uank except tho United States to bo per feetly good, and disposed to act honestly. It is idle therefore to run them to death, or to make any sacrifices to get ria oi tncir paper. Such efforts will only be aiding the U. states Manx to reuuee tne solvent insu tutions to a level with herself a result she is now seeking to secure by all possible means. Those oven who hold U. S Bank notes need not sacrifice them. Though her slock will bo nearly a total loss her notes will all bo ultimately paid, and all who can afford to hold on to them will loso nothing by such an exercise of patience. Mr. M'LEOD. On the 27th ult., this individual was re leased fiom prison at Lockport, under bail of 5,000 dollars. Upon tho fact, being mado known a largo number of citizens as sembled at tho Court House, who resolved that M'Leed should not be liberated. A committee was sent to Capt. Bucl, tha bail, to request him to withdraw his name from the bond, which ho did, and M'Lcod wan returned to prison. Subsequently the own er of the Caroline, prosecuted M'Lcod fer private damages to prevent his escape should ho be liberated on bail upon the criminal prosecution. The transaction created great excitement at Lockport, and a constant guard of militia is now kept around the pris on. Previous to the Election, the whigs were clrmerous in their denunciation of office holders and office hunters. They wero the bane of Society, and the cuise of the na tion. Their cry was, change, change, let us liae a change, not for office, no, no. we do not want office, but for principles and measures." Not a man of their party wanted an office. No office hunters among them. Notevea the great unchained would ask for or accept an office. Their object was their country's good. Nothing else, pon honor. But ah, what a change has come over their dreams. Every brawler in tlie rajiks now claims an. mdnt ol servrcerrenffored. or.Jce ia cav il is said that ll has, cost General Ilarrisou soveral hun dred dollars in postage upon applications for office, and that the poor man lias been bo- set night and day, by personal borers foi omces. to wnom nope oelerMU" was worse than sure defeat. Stevens and Penrose, Vivo of our own great, pure anu aisinieresieu patriots, wore among tho number. For week past, the friends of each havo been pressing their laims to a seat in the cabinet. -But it now be inS pretty wen unuersioou that both are 0(i -med to disappointment, a war of exter num 'tion has commenced botween them. Nothi 'nS " ,0o severe for the friends ol each to say of the other, and it seems they are deterniL ,leU" ,lke Kilkenny Cats, to eat each other u. io crown all a sepaiation is threatenei ' between the Antiraasons and Whigs. "Rut this is no business of ours. It is a famil quarrel, and wo will let them fight it out at nong themselves The Govern 01 las vetoed the bill giving to the Lcgislatm "o the appointment of Ca- nul Commissiot. ers. Phis is right. Ho has also vetoed tin 1 b'11 authorizing the pay ment of the loan obtained by Governor Rit- ,ner to pay brcachV (ho rcpaii of tho Huntingdon Wo learn from Harrisbu rS' u,at xuv rr:i,mo ;,, dip Tlnn. nml r. ueeu in the Senate.introduced bills on yVcdnesday, extending the suspension anollie. juu- Wo move an amendment, to ma. 4B ' suspension perpetual no bank to re. ,u,no .....I. noirmpnt until lllfi Tlnilpri Sl'tpB It. is able. "Why docs not the Keporter and atato Capitol Gazette place lho name of the Co lumbia county delegation to the 4lh of Afarch Convention in their list? Is it an inadverlant omission? We hope so." The Columbia County Domocrat en quires for information as above. To be sure the omission was inadvertant. If "the north star of democracy" were not represented in a democratic convention we could scarcely be brought io admit the validity of its do in ps. Tho name of her uelegaU is in our I .i i. .l.u . P.nn. i-f fag ii .! niaiifi SAliilTIEL.OF. HEADlEY. This centlcman is tho Senator for tho counties of Columbia and Schuylkill; and, in a very bnet Jjcgislativa career, no nas evinced that his constituents have reason to be proud of their selection. lie has second ed ixo uovernor's cllorts to cumimsn me expenses of legislation by offering a resolu tion to adjourn on the 241h ot Marcii. l nis will afford time sufficient for all necessary Lecislallori.and it remains to be spen wheth er tho Federalists who havo tho whole con trol of both houses, arc sincerely in favor of tho relorm which they talk so mucli about before elections. Mr. Hcadley'e motion to amend the resolutions in favor of repealing the sub-treasury law, by providing that tho aw shall bo rcpealed"assoou as a saier ana better depository of tho public funds is pro vided," lias completely exposed the folly of the tederalis's in relation to that measure. Not a man can suetrcsl a belter measure, and vol they are anxious for a ropeal of tho law now In existence without offering any thing as asubstithle. The people cannot Jail to see through such ehaf low schemes. Mr. Headley is a shrewd politician, a pat riotic statesman, a gentleman and scholar. May success attend his ciinrts in support ol tho best interest ol the country i.y coming Gaxetle, 4TII OF MARCH CONVENTION. This convention bids fair to bs as unani rrion s in opinion as any one evor before set in Pennsylvania. Wo doubt whether any man, except Gen. Jackson, haa ever been more universally popular in the Keystone state, than is David R. PortTEKat the pres ent time. Wo do not believe thot there are as many of the new man men, as thero were of democrats who wero opposed to Gen. Jackson on account of his Bank veio,Mays ville read veto, anu tho removal of the do jiosites. They aro at any rate a very small nartv, and wo question whether with all thelt noise and bluster they will raise a tin sic vote in tho convention. 1 hoso of them who aro democrats, will eive up their opin ions to tho majority and support tho nomi nation. Those who are not democrats, will of courso support tho candidate selected by the federalists, with the hope ol renin office on that side. Thero havo already been wo bolieve Gl delegates to the 4lh of March appointed Evertt one of whom, we learn aro in tavor of tho renomination of Gov.. Porter more than one-half the number boinrr instructed to support him. Keystone. THE BANKS. Matters appear to continue in relation to our city banks without much change, in United States Bank, redeems her 95 notes and her example was followed by several other institutions. Some of them pay their 010's, while all of Ihem, wo belicve,arcept each others notes on deposit, exclusive ot tha "great regulator," whose promices are nnjy received at tho counters of the brokers ng 'mammoth,' and the other banks. They are determined if possible to cut loose from her, and let her go to heaven her own road which win oo a snort one, wtiuo sue is struggling to so cntoil them, as to mak their destrcction, a concomitant of her own This state of things cannot last long. S will probably belore tho lanso ol tho ten days, pay the notes upon which she has been sued, and will probably crntinue to redeem a low more as fast a) compelled. But such violent exertions to sustain life, must only tend to exhaust lbs little remnant of vitality left behind; and we think it may pretty salely be predicted that beiore long she will go into liquidation, close her doors, and, as the Chinese sav of a watch when it is out of order, 'go dead' completely. Wo are sorry for tho widows and orphans own- ing stock in this institution, and who in ad uition tc the loss of their dividends for so long a time will now bo almoot irremedia bly ruined by the downfall of tho bank; but it has gona tha way of all speculators, and it is better lor tho public that H should close at once, than continue in existence by a se rics of sacrifices that could result in no good and would necessarily diminish the ultimate worth of its paper. Wo sincerely hope however that our other solvont banks will be sustained. Wo warred against tho U. State) Bank becauso we belioved it inher ently dishonest and its course licentious, but we nave no desire to see otlior institutions ground to the dust that aro really sound,and only need to be rid ot this 'old man of the .1 it r, n I. .i . sea, mo u. o. unnK, mat lias ridden so long upon their shoulders, to exhibit them selves as the useful and correctly dealing agents tor wnicn inoy wero intended. Spirit of the Times. l he state i keasuuer has turned out an mo oiu cierKs in nis omco, and among mem ino excellent anu cuicient cashier Mr. Neilson. Mr. N's sin, we presume was being an honest and the most capablo officer in his line, in the country. As the maxim of to the victor belong the spoils' has grown into law in our stale, wo think nxt yea' it will bo our turn to turn out, Uu' present bungling uoiuers. lieporter, Tito Treasury nolo bill has passed lho Houst' of Representatives at Washington Very Little other business is doing, except that the senate nave ueioro mem the gene ral bankrupt law. and that Mr. Adams and Mi. Wise have had a flare up, in which according to the federal papors, they both behaved jnore ke 'gods (ban men.' BANK SUSPENSION.. The people of Pennsylvania, before they wprn nerm tted In renlizo 1 10 auvaniacus ui nave uei-u " i.i another general suspension. .... What to be tho coniequoneo to in community and to the batiks of this renewed breach of good faith, we are unable to pre dict. Dill scarce any irain oi ciiuumaiuui-BB need bo anticipated raiiro disastrous man thoso which havo already been generously, and perhaps (oo patiently ondured, by the people, ill uie meantime, im is uuuui,i:uii fusion anddismay,nor is it even ascertained to what length this third suspension is to be continued, or how tho banks aro to extricate themselves from their dilemma, All the III ur niUlllIl which llio liuuin; iiuj j ceivod, eons sts in the fact that tho Bank of ..? iTn5.-.iiio. nut. A a few information which the public Iia3 yet re a r...B nwm-i ! -npfiTn nf its liabilities, and that there is considerable crimination, and some doubt, in the city, as to whether the other banks did or did not voluntarily hasten that calas'rophe, under the insane belief that many links of tho great chain could bo severed without all, which it held tegemar ana iupponcu com ing io the ground. We turn with pain nearly allied to disgust from these institutions to the modest anu wholcsomo position of our country banks generally. Although dressed down with tho rest, they aro undesarving of blame; and if any distinctions are made botween tha in nocent and the guilty, they should be held free and harmless or even more thoy should be succoured and protected. Acis:orii n hat shall we do? Tho present ia a momentous crisis in cur financial allairs.aml it behooves overy good citizen to look about him with a cool and careUu oyo, to deliber ate with judgment, and act with tho utmost circumspection, as well as with decision This is no timo for hasty or immaturo reso- imiuii. i ma ia uu lima iu.- iuio mem, or iuio language; lor ir.a espicasiuu of cmbitlcied feeling without regard to the dsmand lor immediate thought and imma diatc action. Tho question now is not what has cccasionsd this new panic, this sudden calamity, or by what course of conduct it might have been avoided but, what shall we do, under tho circumstances ? Merc talk at this particular juncture is wcrse than use less, it is a consumption of timo, every mo ment el which is a precious lowcl to ono who really loves the credit and interests of Pennsylvanis. Wo must bo up and doing; but what wo do must bs characterised by sound discretion and elaborate thought. Spirit of the Time:, ORGANIZE. No democrat will hesitate to admit the necessity of an entire union and complete orsAizatian of the Democratic parly; and, in eTuer to accomplish it, all mere indlvi Juat pii.fercnr.ca oliouM bo cccriticcd at the shrine of the public good. Ifimnr.D, wo feel confident that in October tisxt, federal ism, '.villi its numerous parisiliccl followers, will meet an entire overthrow, and the old Kcv&tone, heretofore one of the ornaments of the Union, wiil again take her stand along side of her venerable sister, ihe Old Dominion, 'redeemed, regenerated and dis cninraiieu.- uut union, narmony, anu a complete organization must taxo place, or tho October frosts may affain witness tho defeat of democratic principles. State Lap. Uaz. ra5ns9fnrMT Trouble in the Camp. A New York Harrison paper says, J here is a great deal of trouble in Washington among ins dilterent branches ot the new sdminia tration party. Mr. Clay's triends did not want Mr. Webster in the cabinet ana it was expected that ho would have declined tho office of Secretary for that of Minister of England: Ho accepted however, and has thrown overy thing into confusion. Mr. Webster is torming a parly of his own by uniting with Thaddeun Stevens and the original Harrison men, which already be gins to alarm Mr. Clay and his friends. In all thoso arrangements the conservatives are thrown overboard; Mr. Webster de clared in Philadelphia that tho Conserva tives did liltlo to elect (Jen. Harrison their forco is contemptible in fact, in point of numbers, ihoy would only fill a good-siz- oil omnibus.' rennsyluunian, Canada 1 obacco. Larec quantities of 1 obacco aro now raised on the shore Lako Erie, in Upper Canada, affording an important item of export to tho trado Quebec, l fe lugilivo slaves and free blacks from Virginia, Kentucky, and else wnere, nave carrieu witu mem a practical knowledge ol cultivating tho weed in their new residence, which, in despite of its cli mate, they aro able to turn to a good ac count. .7 I'loi JJiscovcrca.ft. conspiracy was laiciy lormeu among lho negroes ot Augus ta, Ga., headed by a young white man who leaches a negro school, to fieo tho city and murder the inhabitants. Tho plot was dis covered by a whito man who resided next to the house in which tho conspirators met. Tho while leader, Hawcs, who is but 22 years old, has been arrested with soveral of his black associates. His object .seems to have been to plunder tho Banks during tho revolt. OURlTOtJSE OP Itr.ATIESENT'ATlVna, A correspondent has collated tho follow. ino statistics of our Legislalure. He !,,! will be observed that more than ono-iMn r r.rmnra. nnd onlv 15 lawvori. . ,i - .' .jm'iu.,' T ",.M laws. The occupations aro thus cnurnera. ted: Farmers 37; Merchants 12;Atlornovs IE- Carpenters 5; Gentlemen 4; Physicians 3; Printers 2; Iron Masters 2; Tanners a; Mb chnif.s2; Millers 2; Cabinet Makoi ! Bricklayor I; Millwright 1; Stage Propria tor 1; Inkeeper 1: Hatter 1; Ship Master li f ounder i; wnceingni i. voporsmiin 1; Lumber Merchant 1; Brewei 1. Placcsof Nativity. Six of the members - . , a,", t-TwT v I aro natives of the Bute of New orkone of the North Western 1 emtory-ono of Maryland-two of Now Jersey-two of Ireland, and ono of England. Tho balancs are all natives of this Stale. Tho oldest member in the House is Mr. Steel of dies ter county, ho being 07 years of age 1!19 youngest is Mr. Smith of Philadelphia city, whoso ago is u. The Public Domain, lho amount of unsold land in nine States is 115.000,000 acres, sold 84,000,000, receipts 397,000.- 000, cost to tho nation in the prchaso of Louisana and Floiida, in extinguishing In- dian tribes, removing Indian wars.ageiicios, officers. &o, $100,000,000. Tho cost so far has exceeded the receipts 12,000,000. A Deaf and Dumb man of Louisvillo. who has been educated atone ofour north ern asylums, having satisfied himself, after some reading on tho subject that Jiia infirm ity might be remedied, recently punctured 1110 urum Ol ma ear wiui uu iiijuuiijcih ui his own, and resloied the lost sense. Tho most remarkably fcatuto in the case is that. frtjm not being able to articulato a sound at tlin limn nf the nncrnlion. ho accuiroil tha U30 o(0 iar)gn3g0 j a fow hours, and in -our (.a..a was capable ot taKing part in a conversation. iV. Y. Htm. The Neio Cabinet. -The New York Star says that, in all probabilily.tho follow ing gentlemen will form the new Cabi net: Daniel Wcbsler.of Mass.Secretary of Stato- Mr. Ewing, of Ohio, Postmaster General. Mr. Clayton of Del. Secretary cf the Treat. ury. lur. ueu oi i enncssue, ocnoui v ui itar, . . t. ( I r 1 1' . 1 CT 1 lTf Mr. Porter of Louisana, Secretary of tha Navy. Mr. Crittenden,of Ky.Allorney General) Daring Iioberv. A robbery of the meit daimg character was lately perpetrated m Canton township, Washington to. ra. the residence ol a Mr. isamuel bmilh. lho robbers came to tho dwelling in the' night, with an axe forced thoir way mlotlie house. I he only inmates at the timo were Mr. Smith, confined to his bed from severe in disposition, Mis. Smith, who is an age lady, anu a little boy. J lie robbers com pelled Mrs.bmith to unlock a chest in which ihs money was kept, from which they took 120, 0100 of which was in Washingtoa paper, and tho remainder in specie. Tlioy then required Airs. 3. to prepare some re freshments, after partaking of which, tlisy 1 decamped wiih their ill-gotten booty. A. matrnamcd Uobert Williams, and two others, have been arrested on suspicion of being engaged in tho robbery. Williams was identified by Mr. Smith, but the othonj wero discharged. Bound to Servclhcir Interests. Tin members of the Alabama legislature are indcbled .o tho Stato Bank and Branches to the arrount of 6631,009 84. Tho pcopls havo small chances of correcting the " sy- torn'' under this regulation. The President I and Dnectora of tho Bank and Branches I must be shrewd fellows, for they have not I only enlisted the support of the Legislatou,! but thoy also loaned themselves 9108,1 1& 47. Yre have often heard of the " Beau- lies of Banking," but never saw so fail a specimen as tlm. Consolidation of Canada. The Gov ernor General of Canada will ubiic his proc- lamation on tho 7th mst. for tho union ol I tho two Provinces, and for the assembling I of tho new Parliament a Kingston in Hsjl next. Shochincr Affair. A farmer, named I Nun ev. in Chesterfipld conntv. Va.. last I oM Saturday niirht drew a n slol and shot his I wife through tho shoulder. She foil, hi of picked her up. dragged her to abed, laid I her upon it, and himself besido hor. drew - another pistol and deliberately shot himself! dead. Tho woman still survives. How Smart .' A young lady, rather gir- on to gossipping, was m tho habit ol com plaining of a bad taste in her month every morning. She consulted a physician upon tho matter. He told her it was because alio went to bed every night with so much scan dal in hor mouth. Well, ihcn, doctor,' said she, if that is tho case, I will be euro I to let it all out before night, hereafter. Coal Mine on Fire The mine'J Messrs. Stees and Oliver, near Pinegrovi! which tool fire about a month since, con- tinuos burnn:1; with increased fury. 'I'hM vein is a very laigeono and will beajl loss to the owtsrs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers