1IBIA BUM I have worn upon tho Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of1 Tyranny oyer tho Mlud of Man.' Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB Volume IV. BIjOORISBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, Nuinlicr 41. OC R IT. u ick ned nail no OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, mured despairingly "Mother, raolhoi ! DprosiTK St. Paul's Church, Main-st. am weary and would die." Hssssjssassa I Enrico, my eon! God help thee, for oilier ITSPi-MS help is thcro none 1' In sore and terrible The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be anguish, that molJicr clasped the boy to her published every Saturday morning, at heart, hot tears foil upon his waistcd faro, J yJ jjujjJ'VJ-ji J yM uHinuiitwjMun. us uui lung mm lingers BIIlUUlllCll UtlCH HIS tJf yearly in advance, or Two Dollars shining hair, while her voict, holli.w and Fi'fni Cents, if not paid within the year. .... n . . . m - r ........ .....fi f..... a.-- ' " "v - tfo iMOwrwiwn V"' " give me bread 1' Her eyes wandered hcav ..rioa man six muiuiio i r " ' '"" ,. . . . . . . emitted, until all arrearages "J o "e "s lie stood with arms tliti-hnnred. ' folued, gazing forth gloomily upon the chan- ilDFERTISEMENTS not exceeding a grd and famished fellow-nipti beneath him tqitarc tout be conspicuously insericu ai u'eiro, eon, now is it with thcor said tlio One Dollar for the first three insertions, mo,lflr wilh fat0ring voice, for alia shrank ana rmeniy-jwe cems.ur f h iL. ., ,'hnnrlrrtixp. hu the mar. 'Mother, mother, what am If Our city, lETTERS addressed xniMtsi,iCSS' musl our 'alr c,lv W1" 'a" 1 1 '10 w,'y Ve"1,la be post j)uuu mankind in' general hate g6t to learn tho so "Honor and fame from' no condition rise; Act well youf part; there all the honor lios." A WAR WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Shall wc have a war with Great Britianf and the relentless Christian will triumph over her; and Oh, God ! the bravo men who have borne so uncomplainingly, will be cut down as foul things that cumber tho path of the victor 1 Oh, Ancona, Ancona, how freely would I pour forth the last drop of my blood could I save thee !' and the proud soldier bont his head to conceal the burning From tho Lady's Book for-January 181. INCIDENT DURING A BEIGE. n' MRS. MARY If. PARSONS. A wbfflan of Ancona, heartbroken by tears that gushed from his eyes. Tho heart the exhaustion of her two sons, and help- of Agnes thrilled within her bosom; some- les of other relief, opened a vein in hor loft Mug "fa mothers pride, even in that hour ins: and having prepared and disguised h ragny. mingled in her yearning love ss u.i t.i,.h flnwml fmm it with unices, and "!' looked upon her firsS born. In all UlUtfU nnw...vr..-. . . w . .. - I l I An cona there was none more beloved and es teemed, than Piotro Visconli; lofty, and en lhnsiBsiic by nature; clear judging, and en- orgctic of purposo ho was admired for his indomitable courage, trusted for his skill, and loved fot his courteous bearing; already . i . . ... . the bird of which similar tenderness is fa- 'fi n("u '"B" command in tne army, ana bled, evon at the prico of that tide of ife but that Ins own was involved in that of his by which her own was supported.' na,lvo " ,ul,lre ,,aa e8n be'ore ,1,m ' . . ... . I i..ii ,.r i ...! ..:. u I Sketches from yenitian History. ,u" D,,u i' " """uc" TJiir'ht closed around tho besieged city A-,,cona- Alas ! h ''8hl gone out from " . ' 1.! .1 l.f ! - .1 ! -U. .!T AT.. f 1 , U nr I1IS U W II D O, IllO CHlUf I TOIIJ I11H UBS, condiments (for these luxuries still abound- oil, as if to mock the cravings of that hun gar which had slight need of any further stimulant than its own sad necessity,) prc sentcd them wilh tho bevorago; thus pro longing the oxistonce of hor children, like R 1'ON ? Will ir.Mi inilri spleu-l 'Kb I reaea j, am Hvin; -,d vri! imon ntion aullic: irryat 'ssini nntnfl Jyrau alar J ancot olitif"' intell. will t .munrl ceivt'l t lilt in.atl nattcil ho njj all ption. I Eour.l vith tJ OH. :J to e J day ml of mirth, was-hoard within its walls; men looked ghastly from long and soar famine, and in each other's faces thoy read despair, Tho moon shone out in hor glory, the heav ens wore trannnil. and Oh I how beautiful but man, poor suffering irivimiilit v nnr linnn t strength from his frames Jiunger was knaw ing at his heart strings, and the mother, as ho sank, oxhautted upon tho cushions, al mostfeaied him to boo him lie before her Enrico slept; she moved him gently from . . . I hp. urine II U'na roarTiillv litro tlu'iltt Iriot man had neither " -v Thoy looked up prof"""" and heavy slumber, yet Agnes Agnes 'How fnres it with you nll.'shosaid sadly I and the I jw tones of her sweet voice were broken, and (uint. The uiolher shook her head depondingly, and as sho moved from tho room she pointed to l'ietro. ' Comfort him!' il was all the reply. Pictre's face was buried in his hands; Eudura stole softly toward him, and she laid her own hand trembling upon his: 'Cheer up.mino own, erimly into the fanes of their fellows, alll) blessed it-it brought forgetfulness. She thoy murmured in broken voices, we starve! vj'. . -it .. j. r rtt,. entoicu ol some twenty summers, it wan lucre were iiu wuiua ui m 1 i ..: -i,.,i I ouuora, me uoirouiou 01 J leiro. i iiu uatu srmnathv .The human faco was shorn of its CH ' " l'-10 ,n I hM..iv. .ml thn strong frame of manhood 'dver' anJ retlei1 UP" " J ' a wasted unto feebleness; ever they passed, St re-passed silently, save when tho low waiV ing voice of childhood went out upon the still air, moaning for bread ! Let us enter one of tho stateliest mansions of Ancona a room wherein were gathered the many luxuries that minister to the wants of the great, upon a seat of cushion at tho iri windnnr. nut n tinlilp lgrfv: she looked forth upon iKnoUelcss multitude, and her !' is yet hope! Put your trust in a God .U w3knit.with sufferin?. her larse who will never suffer our wicked enemies to .nr.l.inin.hlrBk wara moistened with triumph.' Pietro uncovered his faco, and tsars, and her lips, though carved as of old, looked into the soft, and tender eyes that soniy and delicately, were quivering wilh were beaming upon him, the color camo ,.m,s.'h nf heart. "Affnea Visrohti was a over his wan face, as ho took the mother;her two brave bovs had been.among young girl into his arms and blessed her: the defendors of tho city amce early morn- 'You never murmur, love; so Trail, and ten . -iihnni food, save that which was dorly nurtured too ! you never complain; lnMlLfimn to the sitfht and taslp.and of thai from the first you have been unsolfish, and hot enough to sustain them. The hour drew cheered me when my heart was sinking linmp. in despair; but Eudor.i I can hopo no Ion- tfnod had not nassod her own l'ps that day. ger.' but what was that to a mother who looked ' Hope on V sho answered, we may re imnn hor children and saw them perishing ceive the expected succors ere tho night be for broad, when sho had none to givet- over; Oh ! for your mother's ske, and for .Sim heard their annroachins footsteps.pain- tho saKc o mat young sleeping urotner fid and slnw:thov who had bounded to meet hope on 1' i. u Ao, n.mn the hill side. 'Eudora, I have looked upon fearful when ho snenls the air of earlv morning ! scenes this night helpless woman and chil fihe, rnse not.but her oves vera bent strain- dren, and strong men, stretching out their ii.lv iiunn tho door, ami her hands were ghastly hands to God; and shrieking for filled ilnhilv over her bosom, as though she bread ! tho cry went down into my heart, inMil conceal the tumultuous throbbings of and it stifled every feeling but despair.' weep, love,' he said tenderly, though ourl THE" HAPPY MAN. fortunes are dark, and terrihln. thov v,uui met to be happy.- , J J 41 HOinillg UVIIg WKtUIIUOHWUI VII ! I " , K shared tOEethor.' The words had scarcely .rimnnr. nr. mv 1V in (, Arannnl. I llu situation in Hto is ouscurc, duij assed 5iis lips, when a falntness came ovor found a crack tu my ioot, and recollecting htm, his head sank down among the ctish- the old adage that "a stitch in time saves ons, and he lay powerless, and almost in- nine." I ponpod into tho first coblcr's shop sensible, budora wept no moro. the an- T mni in pi mnd.d. iTnlnnknl fnmlea. guish of that hour was tdo great for tears, BUrcg are gonerally most relished, and I had a choking and convulsive cry for ' bred ! no expectation of raeetinc with a philoso- This is an Important Inquiry, and we must bread 1 escaped her, and she sank feebly Lhicablo rnhhler. Pnllinir nfT mv hoot. I confess that while we-thlnk affairs are fast" . : . . o ' . . . . . . . .. down oy his side. 1 urn wo to tho cham- 00ked at the man. What on intelligent verging towards such a crisis, and while we ber of the mother. Agnes Visconti sat countenance! What an expressive oyo ! for one, would almost rather pray for it.than alone, the light of a ne w-creatcd hopo spark- "There is truth in phisiognimy,"oxclaimed continno to too our flag insulted, and our icu in nor eyes; while calm, lolty, and res- j i0 myself; "that fellow's brains are not torritory violated, at tho willf ot a bold, Ue olutc, was the expression of the fine but fa- made of green peas." 1 ccitful and unscrupulous nation, we are not ded features. She bared the white nrm that As ho was fixing the boot I then thought prepared to hazard a prophecy on the sub had in other days boon famed for its beauty 0f a man i,orn wjjn capacities for intelleclu- ject. Let us look for a moment how wo with a sharp instrument that lay on tho a PleBguros and improvement, lofty .lordly, stind, and at the difficulties and dispules.in table bciore her, sho opened a vein; drop by mnn WastW his whole existence pent up being and anticipated, in tlio way ol a par drop the bloo.i oozed out into tho bowl be- ;n a arnaU room, knocking away with his manent reconciliation between our govern- neath, Il ran slowly, forZshe had hungered i,,,ninr. nnd hondinrr fmm mnrnincr ili ment and thst of Groat BYilian. In tho first Ion?, the light streamed upon her pale faco, L;i,i nf lenthcr place there is the case of the Carolina and upon the dark eye. that rested sadly, but re-1 00i another look at the man, and while tho McLeod caso. Hero is a fruitful suk solvedly upon the life-blood as it ebbed a- tic glorious sun was rolling on in his gol- j jeel for a bitter quarrel, and wc are" much" way. ' It is for my children,' she thought, ,lcn course, and all nature smiling in her mistaken if it do not end in a violent rupture mino own ! what if it shortens life for a most eorccons and superb scenery, wooing II has already been so fully alluded to wo' brief season 1 it may save them both. Oh! ti,0 cazc, an( filline the gazer with sublimo will not waste many moro words on !(. rhoti, who judgest by the secret thoughts feelings, here, said I to myself, sits a man The capture of McLeod will hurfy matter of tho heart, reward mo by their deliver- perpetually straining his eyes to poke a to a settlement of some kind McLeod id anco!' The face of the hieh-souled woman Unir'a liiiilfi thrninth a liltlo hole. What not yet indictod for kis share in the iniqui' grow deadly pale, a faint sickness came o- an employment for a man, capable, if prop- tous murder of tho night of tho 2fflh Doc ver ner, out ner purpose lattereu not. priv ..atrnnti . nf measuring tho distance iojy, at ocniosser, ana is neiu on a mogis- Bone of my bone,' she murmured, 'flesh frora this to Mercury ! It is impossible lie trate's warrant morely, but the matter will of my flesh, I am ready to dio for them 1' can be happy: he is ont of his sphere. go before a Grand Jury directly( and that and again sho was strengthened, till her pur- just as ho had got the thread througli the he will bo indicted, tried, and if gUilty,con- pose was accomplished. Sho bound up her m;rj l0ei j Bp0ke to him and said, 'your victed and hnng, there can be no question; arm, and as her enfeebled frame allowed, room jg very gmall; are you luppy here?' provided he fco not rescued, or forfeit hid she mixed tho rich spices sho had preparod He angwered with some energy, 'happv, bail and elope, one of which two things w8 wilh tho blood, and bare it wilh tottering weB hannv as tho day i; Ions; and would think will decidedly happen. Either Way stops to her famishing childron. ,. prnlmnirfi nlaces with (Jeneral Harri- it will accelerate the settlement of tho affair. ' You are ill,' said Eudora, rising as Ag- so( though I am certain he will be the The next thing is the North-Easterft nes entered tho room, ' very ill, 1 am suro nevi President. I don't interfere with pol-1 Boundary. This appears to grow mora you aro changed since you left us.' iijcs but I know all about it.' I difficult of adjustment the longer it stsnds. Nay, 'tis nothing,' replied Agnes ab- . jjm are you happy in your employment Like theutrage of tho Carollne,it has been mptly. 'Rouso thee, Pietro, drink and ,.nnfined all dav in this small room!' attended to'rjut tamely by our governinent livo !' The young man stirred, but the 'Yes, certatnly. Tho fact is half the until our opponent begins to think we sus sight of food awakened a momentary L,ri,i don't know the way to be happy. I pect, that wo are very indifferent upon tho strength, he grasped the bowl, and drained was for a whHe, myself, humbugged about subject! Wa aro glad to see that Goy. Da it to the dregs. My molhor, tho pangs of i,qnnincss: but siltine on mv stool, and ie- vis of Massachusetts, Federalist au ho is, death were upon me, you have saved mo ! (icclin!r seriously ono day, I got the secret, entertains proper views in relation to whence camo the food ?' Coni her heart. The youngest entered first a foulh of nineteen summers, with an eye i-im? and contle, and a face of boy-lilto boantv, that famine had not been able to de- stroy; brave ho was, and full of enthusiasm; "and nobly, fur ono, of his tender years, had he battled for his country; but his strength was spf tit; ha tottered up feebly to his mo ther, and sinking down by her side,hc inur: Eudora trcnbled as sho listened to words like these, from one who had borne so bravo ly, and uncomplainingly the evils of his lot; and ho was fearfully changed within tho last few hours so worn, so feeble, so utterly exhausted: the tear's ran over her faco, al though sho struggled haul to subduo them. Plolro drew her toward him, and kissed the palo cheek, anil quivermg lips, Do not T h.,1 il.niinht that to he happy one must be In a late raessago to tho Senate of his Stato ' Content theo, it was mine !' and the em- r!.i, n,i .;,,. i,avB an inconveniontlv larco covering certain resolutions from the Slates phatic tones of his mother silenced furtherl l,0U8e,more fnrniture by far lhan necessary, of Indiana and Maine on this important and nqnirics in tho overwearied and exhausted a taye groaning with every thing; but soon exciting topic, his languago is quite aerno- inan. llo slept again. Knuco was roused rn..nd out that was all stuff. Iam happier crane, nouio, spirneu anu paiuuuc. xu with difficulty, and as he drank what his ,;.!, mvPif. ,v last and hammer, conceives, and we think just, that there is at mother had apportioned for him, il was with than thousands with their fine houses and present, but a dim prospect of a speedy end pain, and much effort. Ho is saved for 9piel)(jj equipage; I have a great deal of to tho controversy, ureal uriiain evincing the present,' thought the wretched mother, enjoyment in looking out of my little cabin no disposition to bring tho question to an ' Oh ! that to-morrow may bring deliverance anll iaughing at the follies of the world. issue upon its own merits, but preferring a to Ancona, and tier laraishing children !' .pney jj0 not 8ee me, and it does them no ione oi naugmy auu uava..04 ..... She sank feebly down, and Eudora could and between you and me, the world may answer well with sorao nations, but only weep, and look hopefully on; aid there are b' pursl,ing mere shadows. Or.e which, forboaring and slow to anger as wo was none. ,.AniA tr hn rich, another to cet into ollice; are, win au,ur,u The moirow came, a long day of fearful tl)0y are never satisfied, but here I am, Again there is the disputo about the Oro- ufforing, but it passed at last : sunset was menjing 0ld shoes, contented with my lot gon territory, which will yet or wo are mis on the distant hills, twilight began to'shad- and 9ru,alioni and happier, by far, than a taken, assume an aspect still more serious ow the uarth; lo ! on the far summit of Fal- Kinir. Indeed ! am thankful that Heaven than that of the North East Boundary. cognesa appeared a long and glittering line in ig wralh nover raado mo a Kring. for it The whole region watered by the Columbia of lights; banners waved in the air, and anon is a noor business.' River is known by the name of Oregon, the sound of martial music was borne up- Rv this lima mv boot was ready, and and-covcrs over 400 miles ot coast on mo ward and onward, a shout that seemed to wi8hing t0 nrolon" tie conversation with a Pacific. It unquestionably belongs to part tho air, and make the fitm land quiver, man who displayed so much real practical and yet Great Britain is quietly taking .... . . .... r nn1 tint iim tvinnfDn ie went up from tho delivered city. The nhilosopliV, I said. Possciuii . , ( " " 7 succors ! tho succois ! God help us they are .Have you no distressing carca to vex abandon it without a quarrel, i no iiuu- come, there is bread, bread for the starving!' n0 anxieties, no sleepless nights, no son's Day company navo oceupwu .v .or Ju"' ' ' . . ..m. !,n.l nw nrtifi-nsfS ownershin. Ancona was ifoe. hilla lo meet, no pangs lor yesteruay, no ; """"v"r . Gently, 01. ! gently, she will die,' said fear9 of ,0.morrowr while the British parliament m i ac.ua,- Enrico, as they raised the head of Agnes. ,ne slared at ne a moment and said- ly paia an act ciec.ar.ng uiu No, not one. The only cares which I ol England 10 uo in uircu in uioguu, ...... 11 u, uui u..w. j .... .... n..i... f... ni In (l.n vfirv rnnlinPH have aro comforts. I have a wire, the bpst u - - - inL world, and two children, and that i, of Arkansas and Missouri ! Mt. Linn of enough of comfort for any one man to enjoy A.8 to bills, I have none to meet, onu never . , .. T .1 . buy on credit, and never ouy wnai i " really want. As for the roars ot to-morrow I havo no fear, but trust in a kind and cver- walchful Providence, believing that suffi cient unto the day is iho evil thereof, and resignation to Providenco to be tho truest philosophy.' What anoblo lellow, said 1, to menu They gavo her nourishment, she revived, looked around, and a smilo such as angols wear, hovered on her while lips. 4 God has sent us help my children.' ' Mother, mother ! there is blood in the bowl from which we.drank last night il was your own !' and Pietro knelt down by her sido as he asked the question. It was but oxchanging tho worn onttrco for tlio strong and vigorours saplings, bless ye my children !' Obesity, There is a man down in Mas sachusetts, who is so fat. that they hire him at camp meetings to stand up and hrow his shade upon the audience, when tho sun is out hot. To ' cure ' Insanity. Turnfool; for no idiot waa ever insane.- orack in a boot! himself a Picca of nobla workmanship ! I felt inwardly iho truth of the saying, 'contentment is a kingdom;' and after I left my philosophical cobler, I thought much about him, and am satisfied ... a , . li,Ai Wis I nliilosbnhv was sound, aim Jliat " ' - - Missouri, has been urging upon Congress the passage of n law for our oscupation of the territory, 'by proposing a bounty of a thousand acres of land to every actual A merican settler, the laws of the United States to bo established thcio and maintain ed. Of course when this is attempted, the British will resist wilh their usual arrogance, so that hero is another pretty subject for a quarrel as it stands. Now turn to Africa, and look at tho in suits to pur flag on that coast by the British cruisers. Will they be tolerated by a quiet but a proud and sovereign psople? Tho "right of search" was the grand point of dispute the real origin of the war of 1813 WOl,
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