STATEMENT ' OF THE 3MBCJHIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF THE . qmtfssws if MnMmuc FOIt THE YEAR 1810. Agreeably to tho 22(1 and 23d "Sections of anact'of Assembly, tiassod llio 15th (lay of April, 1834. Tho commissioners oC tho county of Columbia, mako tho following statement of tho Receipts and Expenditures of said county for tho year 1840. To which is annoxod a statement of tho Duplicates of County Tax for each of the townships in said bounty, for tho year 1810. Also a statement of outstanding debts duo the county, per Audi tors report. $517 82i B.BCEEFTS Of JEREMIAH WELLIVER, lalo Trcasurer.!;of Columbia county, deceased. To balanco in Treasury Jan. 1, 1840, COLLECTORS. Received of Collectors, for tho year 1838, 1839, Do Siate Funds for 1835, 1830, Amount received by J. Wcllivcr in 1840, CREDITS. By Commissioners orders issued in 1830, do do. 1810, Certificates of Fox scalps; " Treasurers Commissions, 11 Cash paid by his administrators, " Balanco duo tho county, Jan. 1, 1841, 1,024 180 1040 35 8 21 200 1315 08 09 92019 49 08 03 75 87 00 90 Balance dud county in the -hands of Jere miah Wellivor's Administrators on Jan. 1, 1841, $2520 49$ $1315 0G - ft ' RECEIPTS OF L. B. RUPERT, ESQ. Treasurer of Columbia county, at present. Receive! of collectors for tho year 1837, 181 'UNSEATED LAND. Tsx on unseated land, Of "Wellivor's administrators, From Sales of old bridges, 1838, 377 1830, 4102 1840, 2810 307 200 83 12r 67 80 47 72 od 12 Amount received by L. B. Rupert in 1840, CREDITS. By Commissioners orders redeemed, " Amount paid in certificates for fox scalps, of tax refunded paid Register ' R. E. Wright Esq. of Treasurers commissions, SS152 00 7903 ,485 ii 55 10 1 26 161 50 5G 31 00 . 25$ Amount of payments do receipts 8152 00 $8224 .1 1 S72 11. Balanco due tho Treasurer Jan. 1, 1841. WE the Commissioners of the County of Columbia, havo xamined the above accounts, compared them with tho vouch ors arid find them just arid correct. Witness our hands tho ninth flay of January A. D. 1841; JOHN M'HENRY, ") JOHN DIETERICH, County Commissioners, CHRISTIAN WOLF, J RECEIPTS. Balance in tho Treasury, Jan. 1, 1840, Amount received of Collectors for 1837, for 1838 & 1830, " " . 1840, " of tax on unseated lands, " from tho sales ef old bridges Btato funds for 1835 & 1830, ;, Actual Receipts in 1840, 518 181 0185 2810 307 83 170 82i 12 55 47 72 12 69 10581 8042 50 70 i $18023 21 BSFENDXTUEU-SS. BRIDGE CONTRACTS. Amount paid Joseph Fulton, in full for bulddinp a bridge at Laltawissa, 185 72 paid E. Edson & Co. in full for building a bridgo at the month of tho Huntingdon creek, 1050 00 Paid William Cole in full for build ing a bridgo acrosB Fishing creok, 388 75 Paid O. D. Leib in full for build ing a tone bridge across Laurel - -run, 480 00 Paid Enos Trescott & Co. on con tract fer building a bridgo below Bloom, do do do 'icifob 105 00 ftOl 03 J " 308 60 , (534 "87 314 00 ; 0 00 BRIDGE VlfiWS. Amount paid different persons 'fur making reports , ol unuges and viewing scites lor mo same, ROAD VIEWS. Amount paid elffercnt persons tor making reports of roau viiws, Jo ' paid MathSas Kllno for damages dono by- "v. Btato rbad, Juror wage's and mileage. Amount paid Grand, Travcrsoahd Petit Ju'rdrs at ' tho several sessions in 1840 do Paid at January term in 1810, do " A mil term in 1810. ' do " August term in 18 It, do " November term in 1840, do " August term in 1838, - ' ROOM FOR JURIES. Amount paid William Hcnrio for providing a room ' for Jury at January Term 1840 do paid samo for room at August term, 1840, COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Amount paid witnesses, Sheriff's Justices olid Coh stables in Commonwealth suits, , DEPUTY ATTORNEYS FEES. Amount paid J. G. Montgomery, Deputy Attorney in UomtuonwcaltnsuitSi PHYSICIANS FEES. Amount paid physicians for post mortem cxamina-i lions and for medical aid to prisoners in county Jail, CONSTABLES ATTENDING COURT. Amount paid constables attending court at Jauuary term in 1S40. 80 CO do paid tho same at April term, 1840, 43 18 do " tho same at August term 1840, .23 50 do " tho samo tX November term 1810 30 80 2000 00 BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amount paid sundry persons for repairs dono to tho different bridges built by. the county COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amount paid for repairs on Jail do repaiting & cloaning Court House 1059 07 03 53 01 30 4104 47 1059 07 145 08 rt- r. - .--; r. t 320 00 3 00 70 00 1G9 41 .44-50' 1G0 00 1700 091 73 00 IPO 41 44 00 1C0 00 CONSTABLES MAKING RETURNS., Amount paid constables for making returns to the several sessions E. S. PENITENTIARY. Amount paid E. S. Penitentiary in 1840, to support convicts sent from this county, BOOKS AND BOOK BINDING. Amount paid for H. E. Wrights .Election laws for tho several townships. do paid W. H. Villco for rebindini books for tho Frothonotary, Kegister and Commissioner a offices, ELECTION EXPENSES. Amonnt paid Iho Election Hoards of Briar creek, in 1840, , .- do do do- ilo do do do do do do do do do do ilo do do do do Bloom Cattawissa, Dcrry, Fishing Creek, Greenwood, Hemlock, Jackson, Limestone, Liberty, Madison, Mahoning, Montcur, Mifflin, Mt. Pleasant, Orange, Paxton, lloaring creek, Sugarloaf, Valley, do do do do do. do do do ' do - do do do " do do do do do do do- s MP 02 04 143 Gl 80 00 18 87J !38 80. 86 80 35 30 31 '50 . 38 00 38 "75 35 30 45 1G 35 03 32 GO 28 00 27 50 33 30. 39 85 25 30 34 50 20 00 31 81 42 50 12 50 " v ii , PRINTING Amount paid L.L.Tate, in 1840, as salary and lor advertising, dfi paid V. Bc-.t for tho same, ' . ;' ilo paid II. Webb, do do paid Thos. Painter, do - do paid Wilbcr&Sliriner, do STATIONARY, FUEL, &c. Amount paid for stationary, fuel, candles 1 and contingencies, REGISTER'S OFFICE. mountpaid for Recording Treasurers bonds, do " for Lecd Book for office, PROTHONOTARY'S OFFICE. Amount paid for Docket for the office, do p.iid V Best, & J. Eycrly, Pro- tbonotary's fees, AUDITORS. Amount paid Geo. H. AVillits, Sebastian Uowcr and J as. Dcwitt, as Auditors, GO GO Gl 00 48 00 124-87J 18 00 78 03 3.6G 15.00 15 GO 95 74 15 00 ATTORNEY FOR COMMISSIONERS FEES. Amount paid Geo. A. Frick, for counsel, and for commissions for Collecting 45 00 ASSESSORS PAY. Amount piid tho several Assessors for making the Assessment in 1810, Paid John Do ok for Briar creok, 11 00" ' Snmiipl IVTnlliek Illnnm. O IO' " . - .ww...( V U John Ellis for Cattawissa, 10 13 J William Carnahan for Dcrry, 10 00 Daniel Peeler for Fishing croek, 15 00 Jacob Evans fer Greenwood, 11 1 John Shoemaker for Hemlock, 10 12 J Samuel McIIenry for Jackson, 5 121 John Marshall for Limestone, 10 12 William Wilson for Liberty, 14 00 Ephraim M'Colume for Madison, 10 00 Daniel Hess for Mifilm, 14 00 Edward Delong for Mnnleur, 10 00 Micheal Sanders for Mahoning, 10 00 Samuel Johnson for Mt. Pleasant, 7 12j William Patterson for Orange, 7 00 "V A'nrnn Tlnpninrnr Cnr PtrSMA..nL leihl t t t trtt. " . : i ' '. -J ' 7 ?3l juuuu j. luine lor ouganoai ; ID UU r David Blue for Valley, 10 0(f - 235 00 do do do do do Jo do do do do do do do do do it ii ii ii ii u COURT CRIER. . . Amount paid L. Sholes, Crier of quarter sessions and of common picas, CORONERS FEES. Amount paid I. C. Johnson for holding Coroner's Inquests, JAILOR AND SHERIFF FEES. Amount paid Win. Kitchen for summonning Jurioa anu lor costs m uommomvealtli suits, PANTHER AND FOX SCALPS. Amount paid on certificates fur for scalps, do panther " TAX REFUNDED. Amount of tax refunded on unseated land, do do duplicate, EDUCATION. . Amount paid on school orders for Mifflin, Total amount of expenditures for 1840, Of the Amount htiplic'at'c br Coilntu Tax assessed on each qf the respective townships ;!?..-! -t tf c'olumbia coimtyfoW the years l830-'7-'8-'0 titc 1810. : - CoLle'c'toh's Names, 1830 John Fldod 137 David Fhilips 1838 Peter llctlor 1839 JesselXocum i , 'John Eriiz John'Jbhnson James M. Jones Eliazer Brothwcll Philip Fritz 18.10 John E. Shaffer - Samuel Grcslcr C. A, Brobst J. C. Sproul . Abraham Robins Jucob Evans John M 'Reynolds John McIIenry Joseph Dean , John Marshal Christian Zimmerman Philip Klino Isaac U hi o Thomas Hartman Thomas McUridgo John Vanco Reuben Fuhringer Samuol Rohne, William Doudman 145 08 03 04 143 Gl 44 87 $G 00 313 77J 78 03 17 50 111 24 ToWN9IIipSv Limestone Mahoning Mifilin Catawissa Jackson Madison Mahoning Miiliin .Sugarloaf Briarcre6k Bloom Catawissa Detry Fishingcrcek Greenwood Hemlock Jackson IUbcrty Limestone Miiliin Mt. Pleasant Mahoning Montcur Madison Orange Roaring Creek Sugarloaf Yallov Whole amU Paid. Salanei dvplicatCi due. 010 00 677 24 38 70 1000 09 935 00. 05 00 513 59 405 50 48 00 057 00 , 539 35 118 01 "iDl 71 ' 87 28i 14 43i 638 33 ' 400 '37 - 77 00 1090 01. ,740 75 -. ., .350 80 002 08 ' 1 551 C8 48 Hi 217 54- 184 '22 33 12 1378 31 t 209 00 1109 31 930 34 ' 220 29 710 05 001 40 ' 120 13 511 33 023 31 230 77i 380 53i 241 09 ' ' 10 00 228 09 421 42 ' 210 98 207 44 491 54' "' 70 00 424 54 09 05 15 00 53 45 503 12" 185 50 317 02" 073 20 242 22 421 00 001 95 150 20" 451 00 . 170 14 91 40 79 08" 890 82 210-81' 050 10 453 02 203 29" 232 33 552 78 220 74'; 332 04, 307 83 31 09 273 83 505 01 152 72 352 02 200 44 41 00 219 Ai 31!) 77 89 00 230 77 conio itm Wo tho undersigned Commissioners of Columbia County, have asceftajned from lha books of the Treasutor and Commissioners, and do report that the above is a full and correct Btalcmuntof tho balances as they stand charged against the seveil collectors be fore mentioned (commissions and exonerations not deducted) the aggregate amount of which is eiuhl thousand and forty-two dollais and seventy cunts duo" from' tho different collectors, (errors excepted.) - . . Wiinna nut. linmla lltiamnlli flrtu nf tonilni.,' A 1) IQ.-ff IT UUt llUl.Uw, .ll.w ........ aj w. w.ti..(uj, ... j . JOHN M'HENRY, JOHN DIETERICH, Commissioners. CHRISTIAN WOLF, JlUcsl. John S. Wilson, Clerk COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Danville, January 9th, 1841. THE RESURRECTION OR, 15 00 COMMISSIONERS AND CLERKS WAGES. " Vmount paid Joseph Brobst, as Commissioners in full, 157 50J do John McIIenry, do - 78 00 do " John Dicterich, do 1G0 50 do ' " Christian Wolf, do 10 50 do J. Hibler und Wilson as clerk, 150 00" 06 00 131 G8 238 49 G5 00 5 00 1G5G 4'38 55G aoy 45 00 6G 00 131 68 228 49 70 00 20 91 23 04 S3 Gl orEiuon to Tiir.Hf nAX,Bnixnr.Tn',DrAH Inhiax PunriATiVK, tho M.VTCHtis3 (priced) aAWATiYE, or any other pills or compouud licforo' tho public, as cerlilicd to by Pliynicians and others. I.ct nono condemn tlicm until mcy novo iiricu ihem, and then wcare certain they will not. It is now a settled point with nit who havq used tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they are pre-eminently tho best and moat efficacious Family Modi cum that has yet been used in America. 11 every family could become acquainted with their Sovcr cign power over disease, they would keep them and bo prepared with a suro remedy to apply on tho firs appearance of disease, nlid then how much distress would bo avoided ond money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who aru hurried out of timo by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place de pendence upon. 7'fie Hcsvrreclion, or Persian Pills. Tho name of the so pilld orginatcd from the cir cumstance of tho medicine being found only in tho ccmetaries of Persia. This cgctabIo production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a' cen tury it became an established medicino for tho dis eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu lar production was introduced intp sumo parts of Eu rooo in tho year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth er medicine ms been used in vain. Early in the year 1792, the extract was combined with a certain vegetable medicino imported from Dura Uacn, in tho East Indies, audfornicd into Pills. The admir able effect of this compound upon the human sys tem, led physiicans and lanulies into its general use. I heir long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action, upon tho glandular part ol tho system, are bucIi as .will sustain tucir re putation and "general use in tho American I'cjmb- lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used tho Hygcan, and mostof tho various kinds ol 'Pills, in .my practice, which have homo th highest repute in tho public estimation, that havo been offered for siilo in this vicinity for tho last five years, including thoso called tho Jtcsurrcction or l'ersam. Pills; and the public may rest assured that none among tho whole catalogue has answered u better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Ciiaiuks, M. D. Rachctcr, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Mcssts. E. CInio & Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of tho Resurrection or Persian J'ills, upon thoso about to becomo mothers, wo were induced to mako a trial of them. My wife was at that time tho mother of livo children, and had suffeicd tho most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each, bho had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking tho Persian i'ills about threo months before her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a sliort timo sho was enabled by their use to attend to tho cares of n mother to hor family until her con finement. At tho tima blio commenced taking tho Persian Pills, and for sovcral weeks pi cvious, sho ond perhaps save the lives of thousands which would otherwise ho lost. Rochester, Mny 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars sed subscribers. S. RonsnTS, Ahm 0 Ilubiinxs. Rochester Sept. 24, 183(5. Messrs. E. Chase $ Co. I think it my duty to let you know what a great euro your Pills have performed on me I had been sick about 7 years - about a years and a half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelvu physicians of tho first standing; my lungs were seriously affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh mostof tho time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita blcness of the nervous system, and other difficulties) which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advertised but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable1 Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time after I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, before I took 3 boie3, 1 iva3 ablo to ride out and to lake con siderable exercise, and at this timo I enjoy good health, and am ablo to do good day's work. If ony noo wishes a inoro particular history of my suffer ings, ho may call on me, at tho corner of Main and Clintou-3trccts, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. SI 1,537 75 Balanco in favor of tho county on tho first of January, A, D. 1841, S7095 40 Vn ilm un.Wemnpil Amlilni-a ilnW plrteil In ftntttleand adiust the ac counts of Columbia countv. havinc carcfullv examined tho accounts wid vouchors of tho Commissioners ond Tieasurer of said county ,for they car 1 810, do report that wo find them correct, and that wq find a balanro'of cash duo .tho county in tho hani's of Collectors for conntjr putposca of seven thousand , andhinety.flve dollars and forty-six- cents.oxclusive pf taxes on uuseated land?? Witness our nanus tins ninth uay oi January, a. ii. ion. Fits Cubed Tho undersigned hereby certify, that wo aro the Parents of two children who havo ucen afflicted with fits more or less from their infen cy,tmd that wo have spared no pains or expenso in ende avoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, unjil hearing of the Resurrection or Per sian Pills, when four boxes were immediately procuii'd, and before threo boxes were taken, tho Iit3 had abajed in frequency, and cveiy sym loui much improved, and now wo aro happy to Htato that our childjen by the uso of tho Persian. Tills, with tho Messing of God, aro entirely cured and havo no symtom or appearance of fits, will find n tho Persian Pills a suro and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JCHNSONt Canton W. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. Tho abovo pilla may bo had of tho following a gents John Moyer, Bloomsburg; II. Miller, Ber wick; J. Cooper & iSons, Hazrlton; C, Hortman Bspeytown; John Sharpless, Cattawissa; I.yinan Sholes, Danville. f , Ezra Taylor, agent for lie Stato of Pcnnsyha nia,rcsiding at Rochester N. Y. to whom all ordora ean be addressd. DR. 8WAYNE'S compound sYnup of PKUWWJS VIRGINIA!.! W1XD CHERRY, For Coughs, Colds, Jlsthmas, Spitting of Jilood, Soreness of Throat, ff'hooping Cough, and all Dheases indicative of CONSUMPTION. DELAY'S ARE DANGEROUS, So it is with thoso who neglect their COLDS and COUGH. At first you complain of having a Cold, which is neglected; after which a torenesa is experienced in tho Brwchia, with a Hackinu CoueIi. and finally tho disease setth'a Upon the lungs, which the patient was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent wl" 60011 perceive by a wasting away of tlio body, of the i'ills entirely ncnucu wun necuc levers anu spilling up ot Jlur- SEBASTIAN HOWEK, ? .iudUors JAMES DEWITT, 5 Audltcrs' sevcio cramps, which tho uso removed before using half a box. It is with tho greatest confidence that wo advise nil thoso about to become mothers to mako uso of tho Persian Pills. All those, that havo taken them in our neighbor hood havo got along in tho same easy manner, and aro about the house in a few days. 1'licrc docs not appear to bo half the danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, where theso I'ills aro taken. Wo unitedly' say,let noun neglect taking them, for they aro in tlireacjt yf tho poor as well as tho rich. Wo are truly thankful .that thorp is a remedy which female pan easily procure which tends to lessen tho world of Buffering, w tilth 'many of them have to bear, ta uioou aim maucr irom ulcers on thu lunge; a pam ami weight is also experienced at the afi'ected part of tho lungs; tho functions of the animal economy grow languid; tho body becomes dry; tho oyes sink deep within their cavilics; at length thu patient pays the debt of nature, when he is flattering him self with tho hopes of u speedy recovery. To ob viato all thoso distressing symptoms "Spare no Timo" in procuring tho abovo Invaluable Medicino pt tho very commencement of your Cold and Cough whereby your health may bo secured and timo und money saved, l'oralo at Tobias1 Health Emporium fJloomsburg,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers