CANAL COMMISSIONERS REPORT. 'J'iie Catlal Oommisfiiiincrti report made to the Lcgislatuie of this Slato n few days ago, lias been primed. The report contains Hrecoinuiciiuaiioi. 01 uio lollowwg nppro-. priauuns : JCrie Extension, , 81,000,000 North Branch 1,000,000 Wiscodisco (Jamil M0.320 "Reservoirs a 18,000 Completion of sccoiid track of Colnrabia railroad 88,171 Completion ofnnrlh track of Columbia railroad ,, v C2.130 French creek feedei 100,000 Repairs 878,000 tannages 30,000 New work on finished lines. 40,000 MotivB power on Allegheny Portage railroad r 25,000 To pay debts due on Sinnema- honing extension 1,200 Tola!, $3,578,827 REMARKABLE CASE. Tho Providence Journal says a surgiciil (operation va performed last week by Dr. Lewis L. Miller, upon a lady in Massachu halts, which consisted in removing from the j body a perfect and dead child, which weigh , d four pounds and six onuses. She had r.arriod the dead burden mo o than six years, find in tho mean time has given birth to throe full grown children, the last of which is fourteen months old. Sho sustained the operation well, and has a fair prospect ol recovery. LAW IN THE WEST. Gentlemen of the Jury," said a lawyer, in defence of his client, " I say that mag naniraoussun shines in tho heavens "though , fyou can't sea it, kase its behind a cloud; Vut you k.iow it, though I can't prove it. Now, if you beliove what I tell you about the sun, you aro bound by your Bible oath to believe what I tell you about my client's esse; and if you don.f, why then you call tno a liar; and that I'll be squataw'd if I'll stand any how; and so if you dont want to wear false and liave no trouble, you had better give us a verdict." A Strange Fact. A gentleman of great wealth', named Nicholas Girod, lately died jn New Orleans without heirs, and his im mense eslate,(as a will could not bo found,) was anminisiercu upon a n vacant success ion. Lately, however, a porsnn bought an old desk at auction in that" city, which on being broken up was found lo contain a se cret drawer in wli'ch wore duo hills signed by ie deceased, giving lo ocMain individu cls, corporations, and pubtio institutions, upwards of a half million of dollars. What a lucky accident for tho legatees. Phrenological J Jv jitest , Dr. Roiortson of Paris, ar. intimate friend and disciple, as we understand, of tho immortal Sphurzheim in Ins last will and testament, a ropv of winch was received in Boston last week, BJado the following bequest, viz: to the Boston Phrenological Society the whole of his exiensiue phrenological cabinet, which ii represented to be unrivalled in any coun try; -and with it his own fkull, anil 1,000 tn pay the expense of transportation to the United Slates. It is understood that h, copy of the will was forwarded to Dr. Novo. the President of the Mr Gsorge Combe, of Edinburg. Finances of Louisana, From lb. n an nual report ol Iho Treasurer of tho Slate, published in the New Orleans papers of the 7t't init. it appears that the amount of Stale bonds issued to tho several New Orleans banks is 620,250,000. This is running into dobt with a vengeance, and to very lit lis purpose. We cannot well seo the pro priety ofa young, and comparatively speak mg, poor State, pledging the public faith to tho amount of S20.350.000 to uphold and create i batch of worthless and corrupt in ililuiions. Modern Martyrdom. We learn thai six ton of tho persecuted ChriMains of Mada gasgar, who hare for a long lime succeeded in concealing themselves from tin i pmsuorn, have been apprehended, and that nine of their number were cruelly speared to dentil on the 9ti of July last. Among them were Raminahy, the wife nf Divis, one of the refugees now in England and Paul and his oxceljent wife, of whom mention is made in the 'Narrative of Persecution in Mada gascar.' Ciimatc of Philadelphia. There were nniy six perfectly clear days in tho vear 1810, viz; Jan. 10th and 17th Arpril' 9th July 12th Oct. Oih, and Dec. llih. Christmas day wai colder than it has been for thirty yc.irs. We foot of snow fell du ring tho year viz: in January 10 inches, in February 2 inches, in March 11 inches, in April 3 inches, in October 2 inches, in No vember 4 inches. & in December 30 inches. A War Sign. It is bauI that the British an fortifying Halifax in the most imposing itl tormiuable manner. Sweet Folks. The cmiMiinpiion nf su C.Vin the United States is said tu ho 300, 000 h gheads per annum, or one hundred mid eijlny millions of pounds. Taking the cost to llr consumer at the average ralo of eeven cci(ti,wc have tho mini of 12,000,000 paid yearly llip nation fo,r the t(jo of this arVcle, There Was somoililng of riovelly, t is true, but not less of reason, in tho. proceed tog of n Into esteemed minister or New England, who at the close of a very badly sung psalm, read another to Iho choir, say. tng 'You must try it i-gutn; It 1b impossible lo preach after such singing 1 FOREIGN NEWS. The late Foreign News is important if true. It ig said that there has been a nugo t.alion botween tho English Admiral and tho Emperor of China and that tho Empe ror has agreed to pay 2,000,000 for the expeuses incurred by the British in making yar;other authorities stato '2,000.000 ster ling as indemnity for the opium seized, and 1,000,000 for the expenses of tho war. Tho Emperor, either himself or through his officers, has expressed pacific intentions lo the Admiral, and he disavows the actions of his commissioner Lin. This latter.indeed has fallen into disgrace, and the Emperor of fers to surii'ndsr him into the hand of the Bii ish to be dealt with as they may think propor. Chusan is not to bo given np until the treaty be signed. Jlesutnption in Delaware. Alt she banks in Wilmington, Delaware, resumed specie payments on the 15th. There was no mn upon them, and all passed off quietly. A Man killed by it Bear. A St. Albans, Vt. correspondent of the Boston Mail, writes that two men, John C. Clark and James Owen, while chopping wood about two miles from St. Albans, were attacked by four large bears. Mr. Owen was squeez ed to death by nno of them. Mr. Clark es caped uninjured, after having despatched two, weighing about 500 pounds each. . U. S. SENATE. The National Intelligencer says: "In conformity to usage, we learn that (he Sen ate of the United States has been summon ed by the Exccutivo to inem in this city on the -1th of M arch next, for the transaction of businoss, iMicing. of Bourse, of an Execu tive character, connected with the com mencement of a new Administration, the formation of a new Cabinet, tie.)" MORE OF THE FRUITS. Federalism and amalgamation go hand-in hand. A roport has recently been made in the Massachusetts Legislature, in favor of the ABOLISHMENT OF ALL LAWS WHICH TOR BID THE MAKKIAOK OF WHITES AND BLACKS ! HEAVY DAMAGES. A verdict has been obtained by Mr. J. Chichester, against the keeper ofSingSing (N. Y.) prison, for 818,557 for a violation of contract for the services of privdnrrs. ' ELECTION IN MAINE. Mr. LiTCHFiKLD, (democrat) was elected member of Congress, from the Oxford .dis trict, on the 18iU instant. Wolf Scalps. OYio paid the past year, 91,100 fur catching and skinning the noses of these ' varmints." Curious Invention. Mr. Williams; a lnr.ksmilh in Bristol, England, has invented a lock that has no key hole and cannot be picked. It may be made to open by a ring, a sP'-d, a pencil case oi almost any devico, and can he furnished at less cost than common leeks. Important Decision. In the Supreme Couit of New York on Wednesday, the Chief .Tusiico and Judgo Oakley presiding, it wa.s decided person.-) having a place of bnsincps in a city or town, and boarding ami lodging in another, is a non-resident in his place of business. Farmer' and Mechanic Bank of New Brunsjvirc. The Governor of New Jer sey has appointed Peter Spadrr, David W. Vail and John Van Dyke, receivers of the institution above named. J. B. GLnimvoRTH has been held to bail in the sum nf five thousand dollars, to an swer the indictments recently found by the Grrnd Jury of New York, against him. There are seven bills, each charging him wi.h an active participation in tho Election Frauds nf 1838, but varying tho charge so as o make his contracts with Young, Loo nay, Strein, Thornton, Tryon and his other 'helps,! the subject of distinct accusations. The Lcjislatnro of New Hampshire, at its late session, swept from Ilia statute bunks of the state, every vcsligo of imprisonment for debt. Wm9 IS&Ee 'I'll E subscriber would rospcclfully in form their friends and the public generally that they have just received a lot of ROCK POWDER, which they offer for salo at wholcsalo or by tho single keu.on very reasonable term's RUPERT is BARTON. IlloonisbtirgJan. 20, 1810 ' 42 ffinraaiBsyiLABso MARRIED On tho 2d inst. by. Ihe Rov. William J. Ever, Mr. SOLOMON M AUK II to Miss SOPHIA KREIRHER, both of Roaring creek. On tho samo day, by tho amo,Mr.BEN .TAMIN MILLER of Mifilin, to Mrs. KRICKBAUM.orCattawissa. On tho samo tho samo Mr.JOHN STETZLER of Roaring creek, to Mrs. CATHARINE HF.NRIE of Shamokin, Northumberlanu county. On the 4th inst. by tho samp, Mr. GEORGE KAUP to Miss REBECCA W1LLARD, both of Catawissa. On tho samo day, by tho snme.Mr CAS PER KRESSLER of Bloom township, to Misa FANNY KINDIG, of Seidcltown. In Fishing creek, Jan. 24th, bv Elder John Sutton, Mr. JOHN KITCHEN to Miss REBECCA WALDRUM. On Thursday morning last, in Hanover township, Lozerne countv,bv the Rev. Mt. Bristol, Mr. BENJAMIN PFOUTS. of Point township, Northumberland county, to Mss MARY F. SIVELY, daughter of Mi. Georgo Sivoly of tho foimer place. The nbovo notico was accompanied by a superb boltlo of wine, which so delighted our Devil, that while filling a glass ho ex claimed, May this couple through lifo bo as pleas ant to each other, and their meetings as a grccable, as this wins is to mv taste; DIED In Briar Creek township, on Saturday morning last. Mr. PETER KNOIIR, aged about 4o years. This is the fourth individual of the samo family, deceased since the 3d of January. NOTICE. AT a meeting of tho Bloomsburg Lyce um, to be held in one of the rooms of the Academy, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10, 1841. Dr. W. H. Potrikin will deliver a Lecture on tho subject of "self instruction." The Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburg and vicinity, generally, are respectfully in vited to attend. Bv order of the Society. J. RAMSEY, Sccl'v Bloomsburg, Fob. 0, 1841. THE Subscriber lias on hand sovcral hundred bushels of Limo, and intends keep ing a constant supply, which ha will sell, or exchange fvr country produce, Lumber or Caitle of any description. He is in want of a quantity of Chesnut rail. ADA. STROUP, jr. Hemlock township, Jan. 16, '84'. 38 2m. HEALTH EBSPOMUM FK SALE. THE Subscriber being in ill health and mm bio to attend to tho business offers to sell at private sale his APOTHECARY Si DRUG STORE situated in the flourishing town of Blooms burg. Columbia county, Pa. It is the only complete establishment ol the kind in Blooipsburg, and tho subscriber is convin ced, from experience, that there is not a more profitable Apothecary shop for many miles around. Tha "Health Emporium" is appniuted agent Tor most of tha best Pa lent Medicines in Pennsylvania and New York which agencies can be continued. There is au Ico cellar attached to the stora. Any person purchasing tho store will ro coive any information from the subscriber, with regard to the businees that they may require. Possession will be given at any time be tween this and spring. DANIEL S. TOBIAS. Bloomsburg, Col. co. Jan. 10, 1841. The Pottsvillo Emporium will publish the above tn the amount of two dollars, and charge tho "Columbia Democrat." THE ESTATE OF ELIZA HITTER, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lcttors of administration on the above es lato have hecn granted to the subscriber, re siding in Bloom township, Columbia coun ty. Therefore all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those hav ina claims will present them. WILLIAM RITTER, Jldmr. Bloom, Jan. 2, 1841. N0TZCB S hereby given that an Election for Directors of tho BLOO.MSItURO RAIL ROAD IRON COMPANY will be held on Saturday tha 27th day of February next at 10 o'clock A.M. at No. 07 Houlh Third Street Philadelphia, Joseph rA.vruN rrct, Catt&wicsa, Jan. S3. 1 f 10, L. fl. DORPMlJEY; SURGEON JMEXTISr, (OF PmfeA&EfrftHIA.)' RESPECTFULLY invites the attention bf the Ladies' and Qentlcmdri ot tl'ilV place to their TEETH, n subject totf often neglected. Ho is prepared to perform all! operations relativo to his profession. L. II. D. flatters' himself to have tho" boat as sortment of S. W. Stockton's manufactured Porcelain Teeth ever offered in this place. He will insert a single Tootlr. partial or vholo sets, on the L.QTES2' AND MOS71 IMPROVED STYLE. He has Doctor' Neat's newly inventtd Dental Regulator, whereby tho correct Articulation' Is got, and tfierff cannot bo any "mistake in placing Toeth in on Gold plate or springs by tiis improvement Persons having decayed teeth can have them cleaned and plugged. By oo doing1 may retain their teotn for many years'. Ho also invites the attention of Parents to their Children's teeth', the neglect of vtbioli often results in tho most serious consequences in after life'. Those Wishing hfs services may be attended, at their Residonco, or at Mr. C. DdEBLER'S, where he will remain; but for a short time, unless business justifies his longer slay. L.II.D. Iisi letters frorrf medical and other gentlemen of the first standing. Bloomsburg, February 3, 1841. To the Supervisors of the K.oads. TllF, Commissioners request the Supervisors in the several townships of Columbia county, to nttenil to the filling up of .tlio abutments of the County bridges in their rcjpectivo districts, when repairs of llidtkinj aro required- in this waytucU repairs can bo made at trilling expensoto the town ships; and generally more promptly and economi cally than it is possible for the Commissioners to have it done at the expense of the county. JOHN M'HENKY, JOHN DIBTERICH, CHRISTIAN WOL-F, Commissioners. Jan. 9, 1811. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the Co partnership heretofore existing under tho firm of M. S. Si W. 1cars, is this day dis solved. All persons are forbidden to give any credit to said Firm from this date. The books of said firm are in tho hands of John Coovenhovcn, Esq. for collection to whom all payments must bo made. 7lLLIAAf MEARS. Orangeville, Jan. 12, 1841. )BOOI BMDERY. THE undersigned having pnichasod tho Book-Binding established in Milton, in- forms the publis that he is now prepared to do all kinds of Binding in the cheapest and most substantial manner. B1LANK. BOOKS Of all descriptions will bo done to ordor at the shortest notice. All kinds of country produce will be ta kan in exchange for work. H. L. DIEFFNBAOH. Milton, Dec. 5, 1810- 32 RHEUMATISM Entirely cured by the use of Dr. O. P. Harhch's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa., articled for two years with tho above distressing dis ease of which he had to use his crutches for eighteen months, his symptoms were excruciating iiain in ull his joint, especially in his hips, shoulder) end ankles, oain increashiir towards evening-, attended withheat. Mr. 11 ilson, was at one time not able to moe his limbs on account of tho pain being so great; he being advised by a friend of Ins to procure Dr. Harlich's Pills forwhich he sent to the agent in Wcst Chester, und procure some; on using the' mod- icinethe third day, the pain disappeared and his strcngth increasing fast, and in three weeks was a- blo to attend to his business, which ho had not dono for eighteen months for the benefit of others ofllic- ted, he wishes these lines published hat they may be relieved, and again enjoy tho pleasures of hcaltiiy life For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Nov 7 1840 "8 ' ' MORE POSITIVE PROOFS, n- ., re f n TT ,. ., , Of the efficacy of Dr. Harhchs Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. Alixohanv, Jan. 8, 1810. To Dr. Harlich's Accnt Sir: I wish to state for the benefit of those who may 'bo nfllicted, that peristaltic motion of the intestine's, thereby produc Dr. lUnticu' Pills have entirely cured me of ing regularity of tho bowels, at the same time im Dyspcpsia, of which I hae been alliicted for ma- proving the functions of tha Jcbihated organs, thus in vRin. IiikM both kinds, tho Anerient and invisoratins and restoring tho digestive organs to as Strengthening, and I am constrained to say, that they aro a valuable discovery, and act upon the sys- tern mildly, but very effectually.- I found the Tonic Pills to .luicken tho circulation and causo a deter- initiation to the surface, and to strengthen tho weak stomach and increaso Us powers. Tho Aperient Pills are ihe best cathartic 1 ever used. 1 am con fide: t all Dyspeptics would do well to mako imme diate trial and be relieved. Any one can call at my houiio and be satilicd of tho above at pleasure. DAVID It. POI'E. IS'. B. The original certificates may bo seen at tho office of tho Spirit of the Times. ' For salo at No. 19, North EIGHTH STREL'. CURE YOUR COUGH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATH. REMEMUI.R, delays iuo danger. ous- ,'n,T , ",u -u,s- SkeS its prey,if proper means had been rcso.tcd to. Tho vcty many who havo thus been snatched from that fatal ravagcr. by tho timely use of Dr. 8WAilNi.a COMPOUND SY'tUi' OF WILD CHERRY, bear testamony to this day, announcing tho cures,- tho wonderful cures, performed by tho uso of this invaluablo medicine. For salo at I'obias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Nov.T, lS10.' t. LIVERY AND EXCHANGE. 'ERY respectfully informs his friends and the' public, that he has alwaysoiihand.atthe LU vcry Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purpose of Hircf cr exchange, a vaiicty ot Horses, Sulkies?, Gigs, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness (of the accommodation f customers. Ho has also' made arrangements for carrying pa. scngers from Bloomsburg trf Muncy, anj from! Bloomsburg to Buckaletvs on the Owego'furnpike.- Leavcs Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday at T o'clock in the morning and arrive at Muncy the samo evening. Leave Muncy .every Saturday' morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg tha' same evening.- Leaves' Bloomsburg every Wednesday rnomrn for Buckalcws and return the name day. Personal application can bo made at his residence when every means will bo U6cd to render entire sat refaction to thoso who may give him a call. NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsfcurg, March 28, 184'. - 48. AND JfE W, THE subscriber would respectfully in-- form hls CB,lomo" and the Publio' Zenot' ally, that ho lias just received from New1 9rji; . t FlStieS Ol FLShlOliS and drafts for cutting garments, .by which he is enabled to cwtin the newest fashion no1 only f New York, but of London; and mako up in the first stile for Autumn and Winter wear The Subseriber return- hit eincertf thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits a continuance, promising on' hi part, every exertion to render general satis faction. BERNARD RUPERT.4 Bloomsburg; Nov. 28, 1340. Dyspepsia! (Dyspepsia! THAT troublesome and peace-destroying dis-f ease. Tho usan'ds and tens of thousands suf fer from that common and distressing complaint. Dusnepiia is frequently caused by overloading; or distending the stomach by txccsske eating or'drink- mg indigestible and acrid substances taken into, ,uo stomach, or from lonp continued constipation of uwcl, a sedentary life, fear, grief, anxiety, a co- Pous draft of cold water, drastid purgative medi- c,n,!' i tcry, miscarriages, intermittent and spas- modic atlections of tho stomach and bowels, itregu- ar mls Iato hout3' anJ t0 teauentuse of fpiri- tuu,a lluors' rho symptoms of Dyspepsia may be described a a want of appetite, or an unnatural orToracioua one, nausea and sometimes iiiouiwmifn.suddea ar" transient distensions of tho stomach after eat- jnff. add and putresceiUcructions, water brash, p.inr in the region of tha stomach, cotiveness.paIpitaiior i f the heart, dizziness and dimness of the sight. di- turbeb rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency, spasms, nervous irritability, dullness1, sallowness of completion, great oppression after eating, languor and general debility, sick head-ache, 4-c. CURE At the head of all remedies stands Dr. Jfarlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and O'crman Aperient Pills, which act greatly upon tho healthy action. This modicine seldom faila In pro- duemg relief.- ... Pull and explicit directions accompany tie abova medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which describe diseases, the manner of treating, Ac. For salo at J Obias Jicallll emporium JJlOOntSVUrg Nov. 7 1840. TAILORING BUSINESS, E. HOWELL, $ Co, Inform their friend's and customers,- tha( thov havo removed their shop into the build- jn oxl joor ,0 t,0 oflTiots of the ColumbiS Democrat,tiearly opposite St.Paul's Church Main.Street,whey will .t .11 times be ready to receive orders for cutting and mak-- ing all kinds of garments, and they assurff the public that all worn entrusted to them, Bi,ai bB J0ne i a fishlonable and workman' j.j9 manner ' D' . .,;., .iit;n !,! In . . ng. lltomosuurg, .v, ,v. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers