, THE RESURRECTION, OR yjEBSIAJT PILLS. McnioxTo ms IIiosii,BiiiffiKT's,E! vV k3Iduk P-nniTxri, the Matculks (priced) iwATiTi, or any other pills or compound beforo the public, as certified to by Physicians and other. Let nono condemn them until they have tried ttirro, and then wear certain they willliot. It i nw a settled ptint with all who hare used tae Vegetable Fenian Pills that they are prc-cmi-jitntly the best and most efficacious Family Medi cine that has yet been msed in America. If every family could bocouie acquainted with their Sover eign power over disease, they would keep them and fee prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the first ppcarance of disease, and then how much distrer-s would ba avoided and mercy saved, as well as the lives of thousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its .first stages, or by not being in possession of remedy 'which they can place de pendence upon. The Resurrection, vr Persian Pills, Th name df These 11 orginatcd from the cir cumstance of tlie raedicmc 'being fouria only in the cemeUries of Persia. This -vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to cpc '.meats as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. -In half a cen tury it became an established medicine for the dis eases ol that country. The extract of this singu hr production was introduced into some parts of Eu ropean theycar 1783, and used by maiy celebrated Physicians in curing crrtain diseases, where all oth er medicine has been used in vain. Early in the year wus, tne extract was combined wilb. a certain vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir able effect of this compound upon the human sys tem, led physiicans and families into its general se. Their long established character their univer sal and hraling virtues, the detergent and cleansing equalities ol their spcciiic action upon the glandular part of the system, are such as will sustain their re putation .and general -ueadu the American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, used 4he Hygean, and most of the rarious kinds f Pills, in my practice, which have heme the highest repute In tlus public estimation, that have been offered for cale in tins vicinity for the last fiveyeais, including those called the Resurrection or IVrsain Pills; and the public may rest assured that uono among the Vhole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, lhan the Resurrection r Fersian Pills, in most cases of disease. CuinitB BitKci, M. D. Recheter,If.XSfpt.Sl, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Maura. .E. 'Chwe & Co. Gents. Hearing much eaid about the extraordinary effects of th become mothers, we were induced to make a trial of lliem. my wilo was at that time the mother of five children, and had sufTeied the most tedious and ex cruci.iting ipains during and after her confinement of each. She had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She ommenced talcing tke i'ensian i'ills abouUhrce month befor her confinement (her health being e ly poor "bout this length of time previous) autlln a hort time she was enabled by their -use to attend to the care of a mother to hsr family until her con fmoment. At the time she commenced taking the JVriian Pills, and for several weeks pi evious, the -was aPJicted with a d.y hard cough, and .frequent i eewo crumps, which tho use of the Pill entirely removed before using half box. It is iviththe' gwatcst confidence that we advise allthose about to became mothers to make use f tlie Persian Pills. All those that have, taken thera in our neighbor hood have get along in the same easy manner, and are about the house iu a few days. There does nol Appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, where these I'ills are taken. We unitedly say ,let none neglect taking them, for they arc in the reach of the poor as well as the rich. "We are truly thankfut that there is a remedy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen the world of suffering, which many of them havo to bear ana perhaps save thelives of thousaiidswhich would' otherwise be lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838; comer of Callidonian square, tdmburj street; for further particulars see uksenbers. 8. Roberts, Ax O. rtoBiRTS. T- RocKTn, Sept. 24, I83G. Iessrs. E. Chase Co. I think it my duty to let you know what a great cure your Pills have performed on me I had been Sick about 7 T3ra.lmiif a ,- i.ir j- Jv"'""u con- fiiiwl to my bed. I had been given over as incurable. Willi I :nnnmn;. 1... I I t - . . ' . ,. , " wj iwuive pnysician ol tlie lirst Standi n?: mv Inn. ivr.-vi..ii,l.. -ir.-.- 1. t 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and iiarsn most of the time; my liver was much swnll.n and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, Mencsa of the nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost ill medicines which were advertised but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short lime after ...mrU iwjig mem; anu, to te brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to rido out and to take con siderable .exorcise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am able to do good day's work. If any Boe wishes a more particular history of my suffer tngs, he may call on me, at the corner of Main and CJwtou-strcets, Ilocjiestcr. nVBJ ADAMS. Fits Cdbko The undersigned hereby certify, that wo are the Parents of two children wlio have been afflicted with fit more or less from their infan cy, and tliat wc have spared no pains or expense in endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, until hearing of the Resurrection or Per nan PiIIj, when four boxes were immediately proraucd, and before three boxes were taken, the it had abated ill frequency, and evciy sym torn wucb improved, and now we are happy to nte that our cWdjen by the use of the Persian rilu. with tlie blcfsintr of fin,! ... .:...i i iinf! !wve no yintom or appearance of fits, will find an tiiu i-iamii j ni a truzo siiu perifct cure JOHN & MARTHA JOIINSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. f 10, 1S37. Tiio above pill way bo had f the following a. penU John Moyer, B16msburg; II. Miller, IJer ifk; J. Cooper & Sons, HazeJton; C, Hertman r.ncyta!vn; jolin EMwirpIcts, uattawista; Ivuiati Ejra Tuylor, agent for tlie HfHe of Psnnsylva- BJiiiifig st Rxhet(, K. Y t wheat altotrfers ' r ti'M.i, i a , sua tjt n'iuwta. xxvsrt ita.ise.vs wrarr DR. LCIDY'S SAKSAPAMLUi BLOOD 1'ILIJS, CHOL'LD receive a preference ov all I'ills now ' existence: First BccauKc tliey ire comjiosed of Vegetable extracti free from minerals; and may lie taken at all times with perfect safety by young and old, with out restraint lrcm occupation, temperate living, er fear of taking cold. fecond Uccause they are composed of such medicinal extracts, as have been employed by oil the most celebrated and respectable Physicians for more thnn a century past, in purifying the Ulood and Animal fluid of the body. Third Because they may be employed as a mi!il or active purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will not bo attended with grtphig of tho bowels, sickness at the stomach, prostration of the system, itc, fs are produced by other pills. Fourth Uccause they possess a combined action, not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prcpar alion whatever. Their first effect is in correcting all impurities with which the blood and fluids of the body may be allitcd, and by their ccntly opera. live effect, removing such impurities from the sys tem. Fifth Because they are the terror of Quacks and Importers, for most persons are obliged to take the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and destructive nostrums, to counteract and prevent tlicir miscmcvons and banelul cllects. Sixth Dccauso they aro the only pills in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to tlicir patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they are Ami Quack, Anti Mercural, Ami Billions as well as a good and safe purgative and purilier of tiio Ulood and Animal I luuls. Seventh and latt But not the least important, be because tliey arc prepared by a regular Apotiie. cary and Phvsician, attested uy Brs. Physic, Hor ncr, Chapman, Dewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson, Cove, Hare, &c, &c which alone is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompuny the directions around each box. tZTPrice Tiventy Five Ccnle a BoxJA Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North second st., a tew doors below ine street, rmlcucl phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Tiird street above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do Sd do next the Red Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do W.Ebcrman I.itiz. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozer, Allcntotrn. P. Pomp, Eauton. And the principal Merchants and Drugist in the Uniied States. For sale at the Hcallh Emporium Bloomsbtirg by D. H. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1830. 11. rtOMMUNIC VflON. How few tliey are that J linn nun in It itrltli I VmrrTi sm- CrA.a J ' ' 'V uasi.t t'lm wvuqito ui VflUO puy attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten Ihrir uays, and hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect tlicin in their chil dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own rinMivn in !. ri.. i. .i:.i r. p fcv itiL bia.b, liu'lllj ltlt,u CUI1IC aflections of ( the Breat and Lungs, which wcac ncg- in incir nrsi stages. Coughs and Colds, wlicther existing among young or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and not suffered to continue any length of time, fur the Lungsonce aflccled,discnsosoon makes rapid itiides, ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. Un. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catauhs, Influenzas, Shortness of lirmtli U'linnmim p; :., the Breast or Side, oil affection of theBrcast and uuua, aim arresi oj approaclunsg Consumption, is tho most popular medicine used throughout ull Ger manyis becoming equally popular in the United States, oud has established for itself a reputation not pos-esscd by any other medicine for the same class of diseases. (Sec certificates ond Tecommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, aceom paning the directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly sale and harmless, pleasant to the toste, and may be given to the youngest infant. It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, altcs ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, GiUon. Jackson, Horner, Dewces, Coxe, James, &c a circumstance alone sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. B. Lcidy, Proprietor of the above medi cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine end would not himself recommend it, but for it, known cfiicocy. Prepared only and for saloWholcsale and Retail st Dr. LEIDV'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Socond street a few doors below Vino Mrect, Phila adelphia also, sold by J. Gilgcrt & Co., North Thiil street above Vine. Cr. S. Clemens, do Sd do doWocO st. i. It. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Itcd Lion, and by all respectable Wholesale and Retail Druggets in Philadelphia. They are sold by: J. F f.ongr, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do, W.Ebcrman Litiz. S. W. Oakley, Reading. Yet ale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg X,3 V. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Notice. 'N nurcllnnrn nf fl. rfMH.t!i..i! inonwcaltll Of Pennsylvania W..t:.. I. 1 i. given by tho subscribers, citizens of said Common- uicy aim ouicrs. will make application to the next Legiblature, for the creation of a corpo trato Body with Banking and discounting privileges, of the named ond style of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Colum bia County, to be located at such site or place within said Coun ty of Columbia, as shall be fixed upon by Com. tnlssieneM appointed in such mtnner as the Ltsis lature. etia.II direct for fixing tlie location of said Bank, aad with . capiial of two hundred thousand dollars. Said corpmate body to be created for the o1(jeot.of Mewing to Hie citizens of the Common wealth, and of die County of Columbia, the bene ftls of a banking Institution, with th. rights, now era and .rivilee the Bank .f Norlhumberlani. A. B, SHUMAM. t, CKAIG. " The lift the Jlesh U in the llood' st uiilh the icriptures.LeyakuB c. iv'ti v. it. TTkR. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS. What better ijthan scripture testimony can wc have of the hie of tho flesh depending upon the condition of the blood t If impure or diseased, the llcsli mus of course bo diseased thereby, and the whole sys tem pcirtako of such disease. If the doctrine bstnic, nd there is nnt n douol of it fwr it is n fact nccer 'ed to by nil, that Ihe scriptures, are ttue beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the consequences Of such impurities, and thus preserve the Jicih healthy. If the flesh be healthy, consti tuting as it docs the principal portion of the human f oily, then must the whole body bo healthy. In vegetables onlj can wo find the nicdicino where by all impurities of tho blood may bo removed. Upwanls of one hundred years experience of the most celebrated, the wisest and best physicians have proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop erties. These vegetable will not here be named, and 23r. Lcidy wishes to remunerate himself, and pre it by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to be made, lliat tho active principles of those vegetables might bo retracted and reduced td sucii form as makes them easy, safo and pleasant U be taken. These egctables are contained in the justly cel ebrated Blood Tills, ninnufanturcd only by Dr. N. Lcidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested by Drs. Physic, Chapman, lacksor , Homer, Gibson Dcwecs, James, Hare, Cox, &c The above Pills may be employed as a mild or active purgative. Tlicir action ii easy, and may be employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times bo found serviceable, when the least sickness is present. They require no change of die', restraint from occupation, or fear of taking cold from tlicir use. They ai e daily prescrib ed by numerous physicians; certificate of the fact accompany the directions. They are the most aflbc- live ptuilierof tho blood and other fluids of the hu man liody ever discovered. Persons having once uscJ, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have resource to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst throughout the tiiiion, and in this city only at Dr. Lcidy' Health 'Emporium, Second street bc Uw Vine. J. R. Smith & Co.V 2d st. near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine. C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood. V. Kictt's 2d and Callowhill. For tale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg hy D. S. TOBIAS Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. IRON FOUNDRYj AND Threshing; Machine, AND PORTABLE HORSE POWER MANUFACTORY. IlE S'uWriber take this method of informing their friends, that thev continue Manufactur ing Tlr:7iing .Ttacliinea and Portable Jlnnt T'uwtra, on the most improved plans, made of the best materials and in the most workmanlike man ner, and which they will wan cut to stand with far usage, and not injure the grain by brenking il. They have surpassed all olhers where they have been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. Pratt's Patent Smut, OR, GRAIN HULLING MACHINE, Improved. An article of great utility to Millers for cleansing the grain for preparing it for flouring. These machines are manufac.uied of cast and wrought Iron, and are supjioscd to last on hundred years. They aie in general use in the state ef New Yoikand in part of Pennsylvania. JPlomghs AND iSiowe&i and all kinds oUVachlntry, cast and fitted up.and all sorts of IIOEIiOW WARE kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. A II of which will be sold oa the most reasonable terms, by LEWIS II. MAUS&Co. Rloomiiburg, May 25, 1829. 3ml Important to Farmers- BRYAN'S PATENT ? AIT IT I IT G MILLS. MANUFACTURED BY AUSTIN & MYERS, Sclins Grove, Union County, Pa., WILL be kept constantly on hand, for sale by OHAUhRS DOEULER, Bloomsburg. The above Mills are a superior article of the kind and no farmer should be without one, Several far mers in Bloom township will testify in their favor from actual use, August 3, DOT. CAIIEIV MOYER, French Ithcumatism Doctor, From Beading, Informs tlie public that he has returned to Bloom burg, after an absence since April last, and can be found at the Hotel of Daniel Snydcr.whcro he will be at all timcsTcatly to attend to patients who are afflicted with Rheumatic pains in tho limbs or body. Bloomsburg Aug. 3, 1839, H FRTENCII BURR JfliilfaSHomeg. Against tlie World tor good Mill-Stones and Bolting Cloths. MILLERS wishing the above articles, ar requeued to call and xamin my Stock, lville, Columbia County, Pa., or at Lew ietown.on th JuniatU. ftmviile, May J6, 189. MANUFACTORY. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, UPON AN OLD FOUNDATION. flMlH Subscriber hereby nnnonncei to his friends and (fic public, thnt he has purchased that old and well known COACH AND DEARBORN WAGON MANUFACTORY, lately owned and occupied by STOUFER f,' 1IA11TMAN, situated in Bloomsburg, Columbia Connty, wJiere lie has com menced the bnsiness, and intends fa eairy il on in all it? branches. He will shortly hare a ntiml-er of elegant light BUGGIES and DEARBORNS, of various pattern, finished for sale? and will make Slave Coaches, Coaches, Coachces,Giggs, Sulkies, Buggies, Dearborn Wagons, Sleighs, $-c. S'C. tfc. Sfc, of every variety of pattern to order, n short notice. cyllrpuirs of ull kinds will be prompt ly attended to He also manufactures ELTPTIC and other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and will warrant tliem lo be equal to any mair in this country. 'As he has made arrangements for pro curing the best n'alerial, and will employ I.... r . - - , i i nunc uui nrsi rate workmen, nc i.'opcs 10 be able to turn out good work, and thereby obtain the confidence of those who may furnish themselves from his shop. Orders from a dislatic respectfully soli cited. ZIBA JIUGGLES. Bloomsburg, Juno 4, 1830. 0 tf. MATisirsupfiiuou" PATENT TRUSSES. f JjHF.SE TiuijefM are hunnny particulars, on an entirely new plan, nnd their advantages over till rtfllnf TriitWf-'i lilt-i. 1iM alAo'il nt most respectable of the mctiical fiieultv, but hy the npftlul ntnnrnniiiil nf llinun nil1!.l I. .It..-. .... ri,,.vi,uui;, luui iukj linvf! rliz-prhllk- nml vnliintnrlK- nl. on ..,1 1(,1. j -"'""j 'i v.iMiiL.ii ,w the proprietor to be laid before public. For sale by D. S. Tobias Agent Health EmnoHum. ESTATE OF JAMES DILL, DEC'D. NOTICE is llfreliv civnn. lo tli hrirn and legal representatives of James Dill, lata or the borough ofPottsTillcSkuylkill c.u'y, Pn. Jenea.ftd. thnt b viilu. .f a writ nf f a writ of , . . . , . Bartiiiort er valuation, issued out of the Or-' 1 . . . . , phaiis' Court of Columbia county, te me dirrcledj for the partition f the real es - tateofsaid deucased, situate in the town- ship ofHr mlock, canlaining arcrding to a survev made in 1830. two hundred and for-' .r j . li. i -i nr C - ...i . . 5- - rJ I uiiu in icj uiiu n . , u per ucih in., occ, amongsi wit neirs , sentaiivcs of said deceased, i will inquest on the premises, on Mon-1 oi. j.... r ,on. m I al reprf s hnlfl iiifitift nn 1h nr d.-y, the 21st day of October, 1839, at 10 I I. i ki r.. ..p i.; o'cleck, A. M., for the purpose of making partition of, or lo value and appraise the same, tt which time and place you are ie- quested to attend if you think proper. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, Sept. 14, 1839. 5 4120 JcrThe Pennsylvania Reporter, at liar rUbuig, will please publish the above notice four times, ciiarge and tend bill to the Sher- Ut oruoluinbia county. St. he Copartnership hcretofoie csifting between Owen D. Leib, Samuel Shadman and George Fredericks, trading under the firm of 0. D. LEIB &. Co., at Oatlawissn Foundry, was dissolved on the 3 1st day of July last. All nersona bavin" rlnlmu nm!...! il. said linn, or knowing themselves in.lehii.ib will please call on O. D. Lcib, with whom the books re main for settlement. Tli I'm, mli'v liiiuiiion M,!It in future, be carried on by 0. D. Leib ond George r reucricks. OWEN T). LEIB, S. SHADMAN. REO. FREDERICKS. Cattawissa Feundry.Angust 27th, 183U. 18. DOCT. VICKER'S EMBROCATION, FOR THE RHEUMATISM. An almost certain Cure. Also, a quantity of Just received and ftr sale by . , rw J- MOVER. August 24. A. Joiirncytnau TO THE GUNSMITH BUSINESS IS Tinted by the .ubscriber. An imlustn.u steady and good workman, will receive su-adv employ and good wages, upon application to n . . JONAS KISNER. OmngCTille. August .1, 1839, BOOT. JAYNES OAI?m1n1t7?E1UIM. A cerUln, safe and Speedy cur, for Dvseiitarv' Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus KmnJ, TJJ' Cholie, Sour Stomach and ,1,.,...- IV .i l"'un ' nd boel. For,l. at ' "lnacU SUSQUEHANNA TUI3 linbacojumenceilTiinninBrfi.ulo,k tueeii Wiikes-Marre, N.,..h,. I innnport, Harnsburg to Pibdclphm h(W , 1, , mediate place, ihe B Ifi,c wEfc daily, at 2 o'clock 1. M. , ,, rHvc a, Korthur2". and next rnomrng at 7i o'clock A. M. ,i 1 burg the ro lowiug evr.,iSBt .j 0,vM. nhtI sengcrs wii remain over ,,gh, ,,d Uketht, m t,J V 1 w1'1' 1 ' V M K nnmbnl,d the lC ..ml West Brand, loans connect : Thi., lilIa m ot the junction of the Junin i timo t conn " with all tho western Jinc for Pittsburg' strnt, rinladelphm, evfry day at SerVlock A II. and arrive at Ilarnsburg at 3 o'clock t. M. Nonl' jimW and next moriiin,, R o'clock, Williamtp,rt by 7 V. M. and vilke.Urtre by 7 o'clock tl.efcllow" ing morninif-throuch in 18 fiour. 0 funiH,M moving nFt mis line cAWs great ad vantagec lwrgcH upon ficJghi very m.derate, and person with At, families may lty upoil mi ' their goods taken vtilh them 5 " Fare to Nortlinmliciland 0 Willfemnport n I " Diincmi' Island M " ilarrfchurg J ?J " J'hillelphia 9Z rf freight 01 fwiaSe appTy lo IVMeO.OILrillHSTV WH 1. I'lirnix Hotl.- AilkfB-Barre,fBy7 1839, tf DK, PHELPII'S Coxaipound Tomato Vcgciale. A new and invaluable M,PL.:.. r n ?riS,,gfrompuri,ior,hrb'n linn nl llm lll'nr nt.l .... L . . v , , ' , iu njcn. Also, a Plilwlituta diseases " c,lalha,ticil ?W nd all billion, .Jt ACMeP0pU,af ,,il,s canh'5 nenly ihCDy. rn ? 1.1 kaAI":"u',snc'raelcl from the TOMA t nMl 0,lu'r v'fftble wilKfanco nhrcfl have been found to modi aJ diffle iu'c" fecK are belreted to be the beat Alterative ,d Oa. tliartie Mcxlrone ever discovered. For ordinary family physic they are mU versally approved, n. lha best ever offered, A full acceunt of this Kedicii.e, and n merous certificates from physicians nJ others, accompany each bor. Just received and for sale at tho netr Druy Store by J- MOYER, Agent. China Soar. OR removing apotirfrom "vVosIci, Lii Cotton Cloth, of every deierintiriii if ,r. excellent for washing fine linen, and alto t all sort of vrmtmli: rnm, ,:. 1 . .. II . .u..iufliUIM IHirilK, CIlll- Ulalll. rtnCWOlm. and Irll.-rj nn.i:n..l,.l , , . -, Tounu , on "orse, It erase freckles, give a fine nml "m?oth sk,n V the hair ul makes it crow. f V. for Manfactured by JA- COB LEiNTZ. For sale by J. K. MOYER. Bloomsburg, June 22, 183U. i oS yo Wieirc tZl H A.PA,J,L,'A BIOODP .b came before BEADKR If yonioflt believe that Dct. LEI. ? ?APARILI,A BLOOD I'l "lS V4 bJ .r. . . """mebiToretUpsblicIadt , " 7 3K moc pcrom nb.Qave tried thrm. nml r,rh vmi ni i ; , mt? "'em- ----- j M.t.j uuuvcnis anu iiiiniireuM In lb neighlwrhewl, who havo- tried for many year" 1 a'l I""'' of mediefne, and could get no relief until lh'7 st tho Blood 1'ilK Tlie siibgcrilicr since he , Dr?dlStn i Pil,",,,B 1M so,d 900 ?Z 'X'Pj 1 "J"- Btdcar ?y. me worm u Va iuii vi luuiuriiciia rrpi'ciaiiy el the JJiocd J'illu ","' ecnuine ui arc oucrcd Tor sale, vrithout "certificate of appoinimcri as Agent from K. . ' i? m0"ls hy A O. J ODiat Jrreiit If milt, S. Tobias Agent Health Emporium. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg at the end of the quarter endinr on thw ouin oay oi oeptembci 1B3U. Conrad Adams, Noah Prenliw. Grace Brewer, Bernard Barbe, Samuel Brugler, Charles Doebler Savid M. Davis, Mary Davi, James Emmitt, Aaroii Fulmer, Miss Maria Pott. John Peatt, John Rauch, Franklin Rnper(P John Robison, William Stoufer, Joseph Summers, Samuel Stocks, Aaron D. Guild Chester Smith, Susanna or Peter Heller, E. Squire. Histor Halftick, JPSse Shellharame Patterick Hane, Mrs. Maria Stetltr, Paul Haaldeman, Miss Mavina Snyder, John Jacoby, Chapman Smith, George Kuafman.Esq. Jacob Woolever, Joseph M'Clure, George Zeigler, Needham. B. RUPERT, P. U. Oct. 1, 1839. Those inquiring for any of tho above le ters will please say it is advertised. Dr. Brandreth's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL. PILLS. THESE pill have obtained a celebrity for cur nig mesl disease to which tho human ystcm, l liable, uncjampled in the hiMorv of the hcalinc. art. They expel by tho action of 'the stomach audi and bowla, all bad humour from the Mood, causing a free circulation of the fluid, and icstorcs a sound, stato of health, The thousand wh use and recommend then, U. proof positive of their exiraoidinary mid beneficial; fleet. The subscriber ha received the appointment of. AStiit, for the sale of Dr. Braiidcth' PHIs in, Bloomsburg. None arc genuine that aic olfi.-r.-d fos sale, without u certificate of appointment signed y the propnetar and countersigned by llrauth Grttt,K general agent; and nn .eitifi. ato i ever giv.n l those engaged In the Drug luiniriw. ... J. R. MOYER. BIombnrg Aug. M 1838. DR. SWAYNF.'S Compound Syrup of Prunes Virgini- flHIlff. Asthm. Ce.un ,V' 'i' ?S h Mm,burs Telia1 Health Sr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers