THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, j 0 "mc-ru without rf.Aii 8 T SJlTCJtDJiY, SEP TJlfJtUEK I, 138 DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR: GEN. DAVID R. PORTER. (OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) delegate Reeling. The Democratic- -Electors of Columbia County, will respective places of holding the General Election, on SAT URDAY, tho first, day of September ensu ing, between the hpurs- of !$ and i o'clock in the afternoon, and elect TWO DELE GATES, in each- election district, to meet at the house of Daniel' Gross, in Blooms burg, on Monday, the 3d day of September, lo form a Ticket to be supported by the Democratic party at the ensuing General Election. HUGH McELItATH, ") Standing WM.J.IK.ELER, 'J- Commit SEBASTIAN 110 WER, J Ice. July 3Q-;lB3r3. . : DELEGATE MEETING. Remember that this day,. (Saturday, the first day of September,) between the hours) of 3 and 6 o'clock in the, is the time appointed by the Standing Committee of the county, for the meeting of the demo cratic electors of the several election dis tricts at the places of holding their general election, to elect two delegates to attend a County Convention to be held at the house of Daniel Gioss, in Bloomsburg, the Mon day following, to form a county ticket. The place of meeting for Bloom district, is at the house of CHARLES DOEBLER in Bloomsburg. It is hoped that every de mocrat will attend that a.fair expression of the voice ol the county may be had at the general convention. The Intelligencer says, that " the allu sions of the Democrat to our opposition to regular' nominations - was expected,1'. and acknowledges that he lias " rebelled" after the licnet Was formed,, but gives as an ex cuse, that the federalists had interfered in its formation. Va3 this true i u. Did the federalists aid in the nomination oLJ'ohn Rhodes, or did they everupport him? pr rather, was it not a fact, that they did, in conjunction with the editor of the Intelli gencer, oppose him, both before' and afie the nomination, and by the union succeed in defeating him? Was Hugh McWiltoms or John Fruit nominated through the influ ence of federalists, or were they supported by them 1 Every individual in the county knows to the contrary. But there is stil another case. v ho was instrumental in Drocurine the nomination of Dr. Petrikin at tho time he was opposed by the Intelli gencer ? Was it the federalists? Will he acknowledge that the Doctor wa3 as mucl a favorite with the federalists theh,.as he was two years .ago, when two thirds of that par ty in the county, nokonly, interfered',,' in procuring his nomination, b.ul iuataintad him afterwards by their influenca-and votos? If so, where was the editor's pure high minded democracy, that shone so conspic uously during his opposition to the Doctor, at the former election, and which riow shud ders at the bare thought of a candidate hav ing a friend in the federal ranks, when he was advocating h'i3 election to Congress in 1830? Smothered smothered for the 'fccerie was shifted the Doctor could pay well for assistance tho editor's conscience quieted and the sin of receiving federal support pardoned by this High Piiest of Summersets., . He lias always acted upon the ground that he .alone possssses the pow er of determining who; and who is not the candidate of the democratic party who illall and who shall not rciicive the support of tho federalists, and yet. be entitled to be called a democrat : but wo cannot belicvo but that Ids twistings and turnings has lost lnm the confidence ot the democratic party, his vauntings to the contrary notwithstand ing. Nor can we be made to believe that the democracy of Columbia will permit this man to proscribe whom he pleases, or allow him to dictate to them who they shall no nainalo and support hereafter. There is too tnuch stern Integrity in tho democracy of the cqunty for them to be wade subservient to his whim's' and caprices. We are authorised to announce tho name f JOHN KLINE, of Sugurloaf, m a can- didale for the office of Oommisiioner of k. Pntnnilil i i,ni . . 1 v I M We received too. .fate for our last paper. Ihe CIIAEL MILITARY. ICPDy an advertisement in our pajier'it ill be perceived that's "Military Muster'r will will be held at the Hdtcl of Robert Ilaeen- bout, in Seidletow'n. 6n Saturday the 15th . . ... , , . . inst. consisting oi several volunteer compa- ' nies. rrom tnc Known military cnaracter of the cominandersyand the spirit" of the oldiers, we. anticipate a review worth see- ing. In audition to the Military, there will probably be a grand -display . of candidates, organizing and drilling their fdrcc3.for the coming contest, which will add much to the bustle and interest' of the day, and draw to gether a large collection of people. Go and receive your share. The Berwick Sentinel" calls J. Mc Reynolds " a federalisit." The editor hav ing met with a sudden conversion within a few days, wo enquired of a friend at our el bow if lie-knew the cause. Ho suggested mat it might nave neen something tangible . . . . ... I or perhaps spiritual, received durinc court "lal ,,au I"""uu 0U iiuriiuuioua a change in his views olv matters and- things But we-will not imp'nte it to sudh an influ ence. We would.rather show him more 1 A n i f II nnt ttrnw rb lit mnnllr. r C nlmv tyrby attributing it to a spirit of obedience engrafted into his constitution, of which we have heretofore seen a specimen The Intelligencer says that at is not ' handcuffed,'; we will add that it is not ' chained." It it is too constantly turning summersetson the uspring-board" to allow time to do either. Our neighbor of Danville, says that we are " reserved " as to a candidate lor Con grees. tie will lmu, we think, that we have', been.too ' n-reservedfor,atime past, lo suit his interest, or that of his master. Three of tho five boys convicted at Dan ville of a loathsome crime, during the;, last court, have been sentenced to the house of Refuge until 21 years of age one to the Penitentiary for 3 years and the other re manded to the county prison, under the be- lief that he labors under a natural imbecility of mind.. The Intelligencer talks about " open", honest and fair dealing!" as if he was in tho habit -of- practising them himself. Why manyoU wis never etch " suspected" of doing so, and no one willtbelieve that you l.nvp vnnr ohl trir.l:s n't nnililAn j -r as your satellite at the other end of the county, abandoned a man, whom, previous to court week, he pledged himself to sup- nnrt no. n rrnnil flonwmf. if nnminntP.1. Tt , i, 5hu TTnrHlv n vr i, rA rn,Jr, v terJrA .im.i .h .W..W- j... ... entire tlemocratie ticket, by " deceit and stealth." X ou will not be trusted again. Dont grumble. ' THE MURDER CASE. Wc neglected to mention last week, that the new trial of the two Gilligans, before Luzerne county court; for the murder of McCbmb on thg Lehigh, terminated in their acquittal. ! Awful Accident. On Sunday last an in teresting son of William Bosbyshell, hsq., of Port Carbon, aged about three years, was burned to' death. His parents were at church, and had lpft their son in chargo 'of a nurse, whose' carelessness pemitted him to play with the fire, which communicated to his clothing, and no assistance could be rendered until the 'vital spars 'had left its mangled frame, and ascend lo those' realms where the supreme iovs more than counter balance all the tortures endured' m this world. This is a sad bereavement to" the doating parents, and a causo of great Gym pathy to those who have enjoyed the ,day u vi. ;- ful smiles of the deceased innocent. innocent. jum porium. r. I c 1.1 ODVCIUCUU UOXUB UI ILUiU tUillUIIIIUU C tUU,- 000, has been furnished by the United Statei Band of Pennsylvania, to tho Exchange Bank of Virginia, and payment received in Treasury Notes. It is statnd that there are 400,000 feath crs upon the wing of a silk worm moth, and that a. y one doubting the truth of the Btatement, valt easily satisfy himself by counting then. requests to Announce the names of MI- r ? , ' f' iU . Wf 'g' 00 Pnilted o at end Uio Council witli an SANDERS, of Mahonihrx, and ! L.ZZt " l., '7 " V. liTf: W' "A, l ,rls w?i"a PBWy be tho E. G. RICKE T TS, of Orangevnlo, as can- safeiy near the- Lafayette -College;, by that jcompliauce with their 'duty, and cflectuallv didatds for Treasurer of Columbia county. time I rose several thousand feet more, when prevent the formation -of' any plans for a I detached my oi,led rtilk parachute,, which general and'unitod risfiiF. 'it is crcallv to Perilous Bullvon Descent. . . EjAston auo. 1J, U1.' aiur"a .ia?,."in '""'J ' . . .7 ' . i "V I parachute ballodn' accompanied with small paraenmes ami animals, i.rom tne, spacious yard of the Washington HoteJ, kept By Mr. i i ... . it . experiment was to decide the certainty and descend with that uniform .velocity as tho first. I, howeveV, concluded that the cx- F dibiv vi my iiuiuuiiuiu uainjuil it UIU I1UI I nenmbnt would not be" hazardous, if not dis- agreeable. I also was satisfied, by former .descents, that a balloon as soon as it became flrtcl( Wl)l,ld invert, in a rapid dese'ent.- When 1 attained analtitude of about 13,000 feet the balloon became fearfully expanded, causing a loud hissing from the, small tube at the bottom, through which the valvu rope passed, giving me warning that unless I o pened my safety valve, the'" balloon must rupture; at this critical moment L became somevvliat excited as I looked over the side of my car and saw the vivid fla'shes of light ning passinir from one cloud to another. The thunder gust wasvmoving from S. W. to N. E.,' and my vessel, at this time was sailing swiftly from N. W. towards S. E., passing INew Village, and Asuury. 1 Jookeu at my time-piece, anil lounu it 20 minutes past 2, and as I was returning it to my pocket the balloon exploded ! AI though I had confidence in my apparatus, I must admit that it was a moment of iiwfut .i t i f .iiti I suspense, ine gas rusncu irom me oaiioon wim a nuiu resuiuuiii g iuu approacii oi a ,lrni1, .ln nn, .nPT. , n c unto a strong north wester through the rigging of a snip, l cast my eyes to the balloon and found my expectations realized. It assum- the form 'ofa concava hemisphere, fallhig r re:nfh(5dMie 'divcr atrald'of ai motion until Which was blowing a sharp gale from the south. When the paracute edmmenced its firstly! brations, diif'tinf me northward, making a vibration about every ten seconds, which 1 w I vii n i w Hltn iwo uuu uuiii. illli .itlllUUU 111 I II1U3L eiinfUlini mnntlC tn nltrn mm intn n now made the descent very unpleasant, eve- half an ounce of allspice, do. boil all lo ry motion causing a sensation similar to that' gether for a short tinteVand when cold add ot a person dreaming they lall (I make the cninnarison her.ause I consider it a p-encral ailliction. as it frenuentlv occurs to mvsclf. .... . ' . - ' . . ' The wind from the south drilled me about three miles before I annroached the earth, and ihado mv laiidimr much harder than it would'havo been in a calm atmosnherd. ... . O , As I neared the' earth I threw over all mv Imllnst. wliirh nut ntn nir nr minnl. nml na my car struck the .naitli obliquely, it bonn- 1 . i. . .y o . j . cd me "ourabotit ten '.feet, lightly, bruising my-shouldere. I sprarig'on my feet quickly tosL'eilcblapse.butithfltJ TnowVflobd gazing with ICll aiuUgSlut? Oi lilt astonishment first at tho narafchute. then at the car. which had turned bottom upwards. 1 next cast my eves to the fleelinir clouds through which I was sailing but three and now I was standing on terra firma, congratulating myself on the result of my experiment, which I intend soon to repeat. I landed on the farm of Mr. Elijah Warne, about 10 miles from Easton and got tho as sistance' of 'Mr. Warne and his neighbors, U ' k' i .1 .-.-I- .l" wiiq were waicumg me ucsi-enioi uiu pura- chute, little.thinking that a human being ac companied it. EaStOll.-Atlg. 11, 1838. J. WISE. 1 "AtiecUolc for, the 'Ladies. The., nrison report rff Connecticut, among other things, contains u short exposition uf the difficulties and VCXatlOn WlllCltUliq OHlCerS Ol tllQ firiS on l, CL encounter :in- the government of lhe. tU U,rel . ".S auu i.ip uneciura liiosiuimaiiaiuiv asscri wuii those four make more trouble than the whole temaining ninety-thice convicts of the other sex. liut not content with this, tney repeat trremarlMnade lo them, as they pretend, by the supe'rintendant of the Auburn State Pris- on. 'I have (says he) uijd'er my care about four hundred and fifty male prisoners, and ntie. females : and I could cheerfully under take the care; of an aditional lour hundred uuu miy liicu iu uc nu ui iuu uuw twmau (Pt't Mm a will aP 4ltn i i n o t nmin What a brute ! ! ! Prom tho St.'Louis Republican. Important From the Frontier. We are informed that an important' des patch has been forwarded by Major Mason of Fort Gibson, to General Gaines, the Commander of this Division. The sub stance of this cdmtriunication is, that the Cherokces havo built a council house.-.which is said to bo considerably larger than any heretofore erected by any tribe of Indians, They have sent messentrers with the black and red wampum,, to all the tribes iroin lhe t- I nr. . .1 .1 c. 1 ri hcu iuver to mo oacs ami roxesoutiie Mississippi bmilting the Kansas and 0- ;.,:.: . :.- :i . -S " mb - 1 ' .. . - next. 1 ho movement is believed to be but i ..... . - rt .. ... . i an incipient step to lurtuer uiinruiiies, aim iiiju wim yiuyv oi. ciiiismig.uuu iiiimug an life, tribes alonp- ihft frnnilcr in.such rrieas- urea as may be adopted. . 'Thcy' have po ceded with caution aninsccrecy lo'llieiiieas .lire; and liavo endeavored to. keen all their procecuings iron ine unowieuge in iiihc agents and ol the outcers ol the posts. 1 lie time nronosed for holding the council is sufficiently lalq to admit of the emigrating Chcrokees reaching their countrv. All , tho information' ' elicited noes fo confirm j tho opinion expressod some time ago by General Arbuckle. of tho hostile interitinna ot several of the tribes, though it is not be- ovea that any movement is intended by ui iiiu uiiniiuiK oi spring . 'General Ralnoa. .. .. ... las forward- ed the. despatch pr Major Mason to the woper department, with a request thai he be desired that his request 'should be prau- riAtnir. It ia rrrnallv ICU " ' " ,ff rom The Kashvillo (Tcim.) Danner, Aucust 18. important from tin Frontier. AVe learn from nu authentic bourcc that the Cherokccs 'West -of tho Mississippi, have invited all thsbraves of the principal er tribes', Osagc-nnd Cansaa, residing near our Western frontierNorth of theRcd fiver to meet them in council in the Chcrok ,ry on the Iilinors river, about'ten or fifteen miles above tho mouth of llie Barren fork, on or about tho 14 of September next. The object of the council in excluding -the Os- .igua-iuiu ivuiisas was noi Known. ,a run ner was sent by" the Cherokces with- the wampum .and talk to the Senecas and other small tribes in that vicinitv,- from them it wascarried to thc-Shawnces.-'Delewares add Kickapoos near Fort' Lbvenworth. ' A Ktckapoo nmner then started with the wan pum',, two strings, the one. black .the other white, to the. feaes, lowas, &c. Wo doubt was entertained that the obiect was to make a simultaneous attack on the settlements of Arkansds and .-Missouri. We may expect r . , . - proulpt measures from the proper author lUcs to-ward off the intended blow. PJnrWrr,, Nlrn ! ,.rm B,ll ; !.. Philadelphia Focus, as an excellent proserin lion lor tue bummer Uomplatnt; dose trom a tea-spoonful to a wine glass, acco'rdinir lo the age of the patient) tu'bc repeated until reiiei is ooiameu. j lie recipe is is as lot lows: lo two quarts of ltiice of blackberries, add one nound of loaf sticrar. half an ounce of nutmegs, half an ounce of cinnamon, pulverized, quarter of an ounce of cloves, a pint ot louilh proof brandy, I " -ajldJ More Affidavits More Perjury, rnl .1.! .... .V. i i ne opposumn papers are pnonsning as the last batch No. 1, the affidavit of John btonebreaker, who proves that his father, 1 1 1 . . , . . wno we suppose is ucau, assisteu uaviu it. Porter, in committing acts which would have Sdlt them both 10 tllC PeiietcntiarVi if i .i i. i. . i ....... .i ....i p. t .i . mey .nan oeen conviciou oi tiicm mat "c auu ins orouier miew pi mem. wow an we have to 'cay,, ia, .that the man who would I ' mw uuiu ui uiit iiu tv til uimi tai jij in a politiical cdhtroversy, comb -forward and cCACKnfr Tim. ucputatiow of his father, whether dead or alfVe, is destitute of either common snnse or common -hones- ty, and ought to be promoted ,in a party whoso woapons of warfare, are CORRUP- TION..SLANDER, BRIBERY and PER JURY. No honeit man of anv partv, will fdr a moment give credit to1 either the , oath ol Islonehraker, aturceon, Pegarv uealy, or any other of, their worthy compeers, in afli- davit making. hey stone. A new emission of one dollar Citv Cor poration notes, new plate altered to three's are id circulation. They are well done and palcuhitid to deceive. The city have not in their loan issued any, larger than one dol lar. lja,cus. A Small Mistake. -The frisndsof Gov, Ri,ner ,nate a 8rn;,i mistake when' they cal c1,!ltcd P?" r5 ny thing Hke a crop nt nnnn nntv Inrhiin in t us countv liv tel ng our Germans that a man who they say was ,ri,n; called the Governor a 'Dutch tt0(T as t lffv doubt tho truth of this asser- ti0l)t ami they (0 nol 1i,iuc tial the whole parly alioulil be blamed with the actof one 0f its m?mbe'fs. Nor have,th,cy ' forgotten tnai ijov. miner eave ine uicneai iuin;e m York county lo.Janles R. Roily, who said that some of our Germans farmers "only tuantea horns to' makt them oxen dare ll.etn tb denV it. York Press. The Infest A'rt'ivaS of MEW "ITUST received, via. tho Canal from Philadelphia, Qp m addition to tbcir lormer ttocK ol goods. lUolassesi &uear and lues, 500 bushels nf Salt, . 7 Tons of horn consisting of Wagon Tiro of 'various sites, squire and (torso shoo lurs , All for sale st the lowest possible, prices at then ttoro m Bloomsburg. . vym. Ai ivciiiVx u: til). Sept. 1, 1838. ' ' ' ... TAMMARINDS. o.mako a pleasant think for sick people. For ealo ai D. S.TOBIAS' Health Emporium, , . LEMON SIRUI -ar-vrTiIIOJI answers tho same purpose WW r.mnW .In. Pnrntnnt us tho - Tobias' -Health- Emporium JJloomsburg HANfiKS and dijferent ftiiids of Ilaisitis all kinds of nuts, all kinds of -mint sticks &e. &e, Yor idle at , Vobjas' Health Emporium Bloomsburg, TOOTH FOR SALE AT. I Tobias' Health Emporiym Bbomslurg Military Notice, Tho members of tho Independents Troop, art notificJ to meet nt the Hotel of Robert Haughcbout, nt McTJovrclls' Still, on Saturday, tho lpth of Sep fqjnber, at 10 o'clock, A. M. with arms occouiro mcilU, as the law directSB, for parade and drill, . . i; McUOWELLS. Capl Jf. B. It U expected tliatTn a3ditlon to the Troop, tho Dviercrctk Hiila Company, and tile llfoonsbur Inftnlry arid Artillery, will meet at tho abo.rc tiino andpUoc'' t r . .. ; Bloomsburg; Rangers, . You uro hereby Comiriauded to' nlcct aitho hou1 of Johii McRoynolcfs, In HemlovfcU' tQwtnslitp, o-i Saturdny.lhe letfio or b'epfeinlf rlioxl, ni trjo'clocl A. M. Inwfully cqtilpt for drill and exercise,- N. D. An Appeal will bo held for the- fo'urh July, by order of tho Captain. DANIEL BOAT, Cf. S. 11 SAPONACEOUS COMPOUND .Olt SHAVING. This Compound lias given fatisfactiou to thousand who hnvn iisrd if. nml have found ft bottcrl ban suiy!ulher ehavinp; 3oap cv- . wr.(cu iu mil juuuc r or sjio ni Tobias' Drugg "Store, THoomsbvrj? ' Gentlemen and Ladiei, Look Hcrc CISC Tooth Pasto and Compound Chlorino J05rooth Wash, fjr cleaning and preserving th 'i'cetli and Hums aud rlid mouth, for salo at TOBIAS' Health Emporium ' Ladies and Gentlemen please read this: T6DOKIFEnOUS Persian Scent Bag, for laying VUJin Drawers Wardrobes, Trunks &c. communi cating its pleasant perfume to the linens.'laccs, &c, and kecninj away the -moth;' For sale at Tobiasr, Warejiouscin Uloomsbiirg. . ake Notice. '" ERSONS interested in tho' navigation of tUe Susquehanna river,jro hcrchv.jnrormrd. tlia m conseouencc of tbo erection of a Djinnud Slmco in tho river al ObMmbia, tbS 'rafttru? channel ne4r that town will rcnin closcilmntil the lit of Octo ber, unless the progress of tho wojk .should-justify an carlif r opening of the slufce, ui which case duo notice will bo given., ' -( ;s . -, t , v ED WARD FG'fcK, Chief Epgineir. Sifiqueicuina Canal,, ' ' August 4, 188S. . Keystone and Intellhrnccr, Harrisburg; Milto-ii-nn. Milton; Gazette, Willfamsport; Advocate, Vilkcsbarrc; Intelligencer, Danville; Democrat, llloomsliurg; and Aurora Borcahs, Towaiuu, pub lish the above th'rco times, send ono paper to ini charge this oflicc. . , , CC5"THE, li ATEST AKRITXi'JP) JUST received, and forale at thp ARjC.lDK, in .Blopi.isbiirg, a .fresh supply of MOLASSES, SUGAR', IlICK BAND IRON, BAR-IRON, SPRING STEEL, CAROLINA . MOSS,$c.&ci .r3 Inquire at the store of RUPERT BARTON. August luwaa. 4 . ie "A FRESH SUPPLY-OP i. i EVANS' Cammomite Pills. . Brandeth's Pills. Leidy's Pills. For sale by . -s , D. S. TOBIAS, Bloomsburg. ' tjP UST received n new BUpply of fresh Matcerel, Good assortment of Calicoes. Palm Leaf Hats, s : j Bale of Carolina Moss,- . Spriiig'SteAand ll'aggoh Tire, Saddl'eru, be. ' , - and for sale by WM. MclvUijV 1 a vo. Blocmsburg, July 14. , j. F 'a good quality, by 1Q 100 1000 'or 10000 fr"'1 burnty-aiid-raying near tho Cau-JFor pdo by 1 . . - . Bloomsburg, Juua t, 83B. , , '"' LOOK HERE, ' DYEltS A.ND PAINTER, ': If you '.want' to Buy CHEAP. AM Wood, ground; Chrorr. preen; Drop Lnkcj Fustic; Logwood; Madder; Spanish, for ale at 1 ' ' ' s Tobias' Health Empprlurn, loomsbqrg, Donl S'ujftr too much '! Here is Remedy! File Ointment. T almost iuinicdiately removps tho pains and al lavs tho inflamuiion. and by attending to tho ull directions, tho suflorex will be speedily relieved rom the uhpleasant all'ction. Call at Tobias' Health Emporium, moofnsbnrg. TO PARENTS. OAIISHKATIV13 OR INFANT ilP.OPS. f JflHIS valuablo Medicino is; a certain euro for Jj young children, in cholic, convulsions, tin I lo3snoH, gripinn, disordered . bowels, green Mpols, sour omitinKS, &c. For salo at' Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg., Astonishing Facts. for (he Fever A iertain Remedy and As.ue. WAP RANTED a. prompt.and,cfl'fctUal fro; For Tabids' Health 'E)np3piuntBioomsldig. Improved Aperietit-Seidlits Powder, SITELD. In -JiigK ett'uuapn for Jiuliiinsiion, Lz-art "g. 4mm and bilioU8allcctions, ' For 6a!i-at Tobias' Health Ewporftijn, Bloomsburg, ED and White Crralk Hool T3U for fihoems ,tors Pumico stone. For salo nt Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers