THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. THtJTH WITHOUT TEATt SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1838. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION fOrt GOVERNOR : GEN. DAVID R. PORTER, (OP HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) We arc under obligations to the Hon. James Buchanan, of tho U. S. Senate, and the Hon. David Petrikin, of the Housc.for various public documents, lender.them our thailks. for which we A whig county meeting was held ih liiis vilagc on Saturday last. It wan a small affair. From the great exertions previously made to drum up the party, we were pre- pared to see a large meeting lor them, nut it was as slim as their proceedings were simple. me-wuig meeung uuciy huh. hi Ul place, adopted a resolution lauding General Harrison, a proiessmg 10 go lor aim as meir first choice, while they denounce the anti- masonic central committee for sustaining It ' him, and call upon the anti-masons to sub mit to a decision of a national convention which they know is to be convened for the express purpose of nominating Henry Clay. The antimasens must feel highly delighted with the encomibms bestowed upon their candidate, by their whig allies, when it is so apparent, inai ineir oniy omeci is 10 ,. r,TT . P ,, , , '.. ilrivn Harrison from the field, and substi-1 .... .1 .1. . 1 ' I i . r . , . , . , , ,. 4n(n tlimi mnennif frinni in Ilia ctnnrl Will I .U.W IIIVU I1IUUU11 1U . . I U 1 1 VI ... ..... u I if . the antirnasons submit is tho question. We learn by a slip from the Wilkesbar re Advocate, that at a special Court, held in that borough on tho 10th instant, a new trial was granted U) tho two dilli- vans, who were convicted of Murder in the .first degree in January last. The princi- pal ground for the decision was the inadmis- sibillity of the deposition of Fagan, taken beforo Esquiro Perry. Bradley, who was convicted of murder . in the second degree, and who did not ap- ply for a new trial, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the Eastern Peniten- . " We have received the first number of the ' Pollsville Emporium," published by our old friend John S.Ingram, E3q. It is a well printed sheet, and from the appearance t)f its Advertising columns it will be well Supported.. We wish him success. The Election fljalv; Tho following amendment to the, election law of this state passed tho Legislature at the lato session. It is important that publicity should bo given to it . " That no inspector, judge, or other officer of any election Bhall bo (Alible to any office at such election, nor shall any person holding an office un ' idor the general dr state government be an inspector, judge, or other officer of any such election, nor shall any person holding an offices under tho government of tho Unit6d States, be allowed to serve as a mem ber of City Council, Commissioner of a District or Burgess." WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE; OF THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.' Washington, May 10, 1830. To the Editor, Sir Tho President sent into the House of Representatives this morning, a message stating .that the Treasury had not available funds to meet the demands on it, and ask- ing tho immediate action of Congress on the subject. The report of the Duelling Committee, as it is called, came up in or- der, and Mr, Underwood, of Kentucky, -having the fioor, spoke for more than an i t mi .i i i ii a hour-Mr. Thomas then took the fioor, and after a very lucid and strong statement of his reasons for tho motion, moved to lay tho whole matter on the table, and to print tho roports of tho majority and minorities of tho committee, tlieir iotirnal. evidence and all documents relating to it. Tho vote ' for laying on tho table was, yeas 102-nays . " 70. For printing the reports, yeas 124- awn i -T a . ion nays ia. rorprimnig uocumeuis, yeas iou nays 4, So this business is laid aside for the present, as there was no prospect of ever c'eltincr a direct volo on the resolutions, , ITEMS. No lcs'5 than three suicides, from intern- peratico occurred at Vernon, near Rome,' New York, within ono week in the month qf April. The Sims steam ship is said to have car ricd nut 17000 letters. More than 20,000 arc said to have been mailed in the " Great WcsternX An unknown gcntloman, soon after ar riving in the stagoat Lancaster, N. Hamp shire, a few days since, retired to a room, and destroyed himself, by cutting his throat. About SCO were found on his pcrsoni and a noto payable to a firm in lioaton. A person being asked wllat was, meant by " rcahlffis of life," answered real estate, real money', ind a real good dinner, The annual dit'idends paid by the banks very opportunely tostockholders in New York, amount to S804,CQP Intermarrying with a Vengeance. It is said that a Mr: Williams, qf'JIoncaster, York county, England, had two daughters by his first wife, who was deceased. Thi elder daughter married Mr. John Wiley, the sou, and the younger married Mr. John Wiley; the father, a widower. The eucr Wiley had a daughter by his first wifK whom olj Mi. William's married, and by her had a son: therefore the elder Wi- ley's wife could say, my father is my son, and j am my mother's mother; my sister is my daugUteivand j am grandmothcr to my brothcr. Thia bcal3 afl. " Served him right." The New York Star says A man by the name of Johnson yesterday, between two and three o'clock P. Mi came homo to his residence in Divi sion street; intoxicated, and after sitting dbwri to dinner; in a few. minutes rose from the table and turned too and beat his wife in a shocking manner. She, after a short time submitting to his violence, seized an , , - . ,, , i , . axe in the corner in self defence, and nearly ' severed his arm from tho body. Her pas - 1 sions, which were justly aroused at the lime, having now siibsided, she is doing all in Her power, in conjunction with the phy sician, to alleviate the distress consequent upon the severe wound she inflicted. 6n Thursday, the 10th inst. a prisbhor, py wo name oi juuson, maue ms escap irominoum x'leasani otato rnson, n. i. but was cauB't and returned to prison the same day. On the 'Monday morning fol- !owi" when lhc Prisoners were brought from tlieir cel,3 Judson JumPC(l off the dbek into the rivcf and succeeding in drown- m& himself. .. At a Publid niectiiig of the -ciiizbns of Brandon, Tennessee, it was resolved, to . , i i ll 11 ! .. give vwuivu nuurs nuuuu iu au gauiuiers iu that place to decamp, and a committee of ten persons were appointed to look after such as were dilatory in obeying tho man date. One hundred and thirty vessels arrived at Liverpool from America during tho month of March. The militia of the state of New York nuhtbers 184,000 men. Tho Pittsburg papers stdto that some of tho iron manufacturers of that city have de tci mined to build an iron steamboat. In Wheeling Va. the daughter of Mr, Sciara, a French juggler, making an ascen sion on a rope to tho top of a house, fell and was killed) she was only nine years old. The father deserved a summary punish ment. Tho Pittsburg banks' havo been paying specie, for some time past, for all sums tin der five dollars. By a law of'Michiiian, tho Banks of thdt state arc required to resume s'pecie pay ments on or before tho 10th of June. Tho Firemen of Lancaster had d grand parade on tho 10th inst. It is said to have been one of the most splendid pageants' cr et ot u inhat city. X Mysterious JJeatk. An inquest was held on tha sd inst. cm tho body of a white man found dead in the woods about a mile from Poit Deposito. He appeared to hayo been dead om6 days, and was much disfigured in 'tl,e faca though not much swollen: his head lay on a rock, and one side of the face ' to,Jobcenbruil(ed(fccntiWllichIiad cmjBcd jt t0 UecJ frcely( but whcthcr from a Wow aUin on 0 tock coui,i not j,0 ascertained. A number of persons went to see him, but he was not recognised, "nor was any thing found on him by which a duo to his name or residenco could be had. He appeared to be from 30 to 35 years of age, about 5 fect,7 r " red J kcrsj ho had on a striped pair of pantaloons, black Jm Muo dolh ith meta, buttong( ondashort mixed bluo cloth box coat and whito hat. No money or papers of any kind were found about him, He was decently in 'mcd. HYMENIAL. MARRIED On tho 12th hut, by tho Rev. Wil liam J. Eycr, Mr. SOLOMAM LEID1G, to Miss SUSAN ZIMMERMAN, both of Cattawissa Val ley, Schuylkill county, Pa, BOARTIIiLiERY.Dl We arc requested to elv'e notice, that an adiourncd meetincf of the members' of the , .... iiuhmbuib """""f held at theliouse of Charles Doeblcr, on Friday evening next, for tho purpose of mnkinir arrangements to nrocurc a Uniform "iT.;. " u's forwatd tile brgamzat.on ot the company.- ... I All who ate willing to aid in the. formation 01 an Aruiiery uouipany are requesicu 10 attend. May 19; To the Distressed & Afllictcd! TOBIAS'S JIEALTII EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. HEALTH, s"The jioorjwin's riches tho rich rflan'a bliss." hR sutscribcrvvbuld respectfully announce to his "friends and tho public thathe has opched a general ass'drtmcht of - -4 wrAvnti'4y DrUgS a-BaedlCineS, at his Drug and Chemical Store ih Bloomsburg, arid that he will bo happy to" supply the wants of those who may give him a call. Among lus as- BOrtmcntare! Alcolidl, Aqua Arhottii; Aqua pepper, Arsenic white Mustard Muriate of Tin Maco Nippel Shields do Shells Opodeldoc liquid -,.lo SteCTS -.PilU German Guinine Radix Cal'cicum do Senega Snake .,' do Squills Resin plaster . Steel Powder Stodcn bitters' Stono yellow do rotten do' black . SandypSpcr sordte Solution of tin Spt. Eather Sdlph. do. yellow Allonatto Agattic , ' Aqua FottU ', Blue Ma'siS Block Tin Barley pealed ' Borax Bronzo white do yellow Carb Ammonia- Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes' Cloves , Draggo'n'i bldoEl Ginger- .-. Gum Assafcctidd . . do. Opiuni . db. Aloes ,do Niter Eather -do llartshorne Vials all kinds do. Arabic do Barbadocs Aloes Camphor , Gum Copal Wafers red and black Kreosote Window Glass all sorts Whiting, Sandct Salts Cologne Watct TJ1M KErf ' ' do Myrrh Hprsojjanco lslnclass Rus'sIi,' Lamn black Allspice Black Pepper, Red Pepper; lror Kosti i D. S. TOBIAS; Bloomt'lirg, May 19, 1838. 1UON FOUNDRY, AND Threshing Machine MANUFACTORY. THE subsenbers respectfully inform the public in general, that they havo erected tho above mentioned establishment for all kinds of IROlt CASTINGS to order; and also to iffamifatture T1MES1T IJVO MJtCJIIJK'ES and roitT.JItIE MIORSi: roWEhB I all -of which they will the best of materials, anu in tho most work- manliUo manner, and Will dispose of them on rcay sonablc terms. , V. H. MAUS & Uo. Bloomsburg, May 19, 1338. 4 TOLD LEAF, SILVER liEAr , ana uui' SpsT PER LEAF, For sale at Tobias' Drugg Store in Bloomburg. LOOK HERE; i)YERS AND PAINTER, If you want to Buy CHEAP. A-t AM Wnmt. nrmmil: Chrom. Green: Drop Lake: lFustlc: Logv?ood; Madder; Spanish Brown, for saio or Tobias Warehousem Bloomsburg. LOOK4OUT SHARP ! ! GrlitTE, T&jONE better in the known world, for sale at J tho cheap Ware House, by TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. DYERS OPEN YOUlt EVES. TrKNOA'L Indiffo: Spanish do. Verdicries, bhq JrpVitrialj White do. for sale cbci'p and good, at the Bloomsburg Ware House, by D. S. TOBIAS; EYE WATER & EYE SALVE WWTHIGH I can recommend to any body, for W sale at Tobias's Health Emporiu m. MILLINERS, Will you he so kind as to took at this ! ! . y-. . KmnilTE Uluc: riake vvnitc: uxajic nwu W for sale at tho Health, Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS. fLACK 1N.K, Red Ink, Blue Ink, Durable Ink, for saio at tho cheap llealtn emporium, uy - D. S. TOBIAS. MERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple do. Percipedate do. Red, Cetrin do. Tartar jiiuuuc do. and all other kinds of Ointments, for saio at tho Health Emponum, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. OIL of stone While, dd.,red, Hack, tweet, Gas-1 tor and all other kindsof Oils, for sal at Tobias s Health Emporium. Gentlemen and Ladies , come and look at , the handsome BEARS OIL. "TRENCH double rectiflcd.and scented With tho Otto of Rose, for sale at Tobias's Health Emporium . RANGE .Mineral,, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink, "eu lieau, ouirar oi ijcau. Btone bellow. itcu lieau, sugar. o Lead, Stone Yellow, ionc notion, Umber, VcnitionRed,Vcrmilian,Ca- tml Varnish, 'White lead dry, Whitehead in kegs, Rosin, for sale uncommon cheap, at Tahiti'' Inmr xtn 7iiJJl7..'. r. "66 ""ouults. rv AT.ATJATrTO n i o-i. ...IH Vaio at the ' u"oail3'sora alw' lor 'Clic'ap Health Emporium. STARCH, SiiulTDcans, Sand Poperot all kinds, Spirits Terpentine, Cocoji prepared. Chocolate for sick people. Afresh supply for sale at the Health 1 UJ I D. S. TOBIAS. To Bridge Builders. THE Commissioners of Columbia coun ty will enter into contract with thu lowest and best bidder fori buildine a .wx!i across uitijiit UKlSJiK, on the great State Road, at or near Bnwmnn's F 1 " on. 1 hursday, the 24th day of May !n?l?nt house of Gerlock Bomboy, m "ic village Of Bloomsburg. iiisproposeu to taiie bids lor building said Bridge oh twb different nlans. the Commissioners tb have the selection of ci- ther, dfter the biddings are blosed. First For Buildln a r,rr,,r K. : wilh two Arches, forty-five feet long be- , , t ,; o I tween the abutments aitd eighteen feet from out to out, Second For buildinir a 5 , WOODEN BRACE BRIDGE. with Sloho Abiitments nineteen feet loniri I six feet thick arid eight feel high, from low waier niarK, Willi one or more Wing walls! nit uujn,innuuiuiu iu uc luriy-nvu icev 1 long ueiween me aoutments at the tounda-1 tinn nrl si hmh fppt M. fr and to be put under a cood shinele roof to ... , ... u, u, , extena ten teet beyond tile lace of the abut ments: IDDINGS BARCLAY, , CORNELIUS OLACKNER; JOSEPH BROBST: Commissioners oiTiqo ) Danville May 19, 1838. 5 )ALM Soap, 3 or 4 kinds of shaviiie sbac VVakh Balls, and Ladies' eoan. for sale at the I cheap Drug Btore, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. OJMOKED HERRING, Sugar crackers, and Wa- 3 ter crackera, tor sale by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. 'Toadies look rtt thiS. JMIL I ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. dm VTf Beads, Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Ladies' Waxes, Gilt Thimbles, Hooks & Eyes, Needle ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Breast Pins, Ear rings, Finger rings, Pomatum, Snuff Boxes, Hair Brushes Pocket combs, Lead and red; for stile at TOBIAS' Health E'niporium. OTA8H for boilinc soap. Gum Elastic Shoo Black, and Horse Lances, for sale by U. a. TOBIAS , Drugg Tfarehotisein Bloomsburg. buajVdetifs pills. For Saio by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent: LUE .SMALTZ, Whito Frosting, Iceland Moss for consumptive People; Scgars, Com mon, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand other articles iod tcdibus to mention, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium Swaims Panacea, For sate at ... Tobias' Health Emporium. New (rood AND BARGAINS t ! fcEAT THE subscribers respectfully inform their cus tomers and tho pubhq, generally, that, they liavo just received aud are now .opening at tho A Large and Choice Assortment of NEW GOOBS, . scicetcd with care, and suitable for the scasomwhich in addition to -"their former stock, presents , to the consWr, as large avariety. bfoundin any of the country stores, Their present stocl TMr present stock embraces almost every article ,n aemana in u.e mur, DIIY bUUl) LtWi. . . A . 27lC have alSO an extensive Assortment 0f rOueens CEDAR Ware, WAJtE, WARE; Fish Salt, Iron, Steel, Paints, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, c. -c. c. All of which they oft'er to soli very low for Oash, or in exchange for Country Produce. RUPERT BARTON. Bloomsburg, May IS, 1838, 3 FBTFTFP AITS CiClffBITCS ' MUlSi all kind of Nut, Orangey Figs, Prune., l raons, &c &c &Cl for guj,. j,y U. S. TOBIAS. Evans' Cammomile .Pills, Waranted to be genuine. Anderson's Pills, & ali other kinds of Pills. Fly Stone, to kill Flies with. insh oeea, to catch fish with, TRUSSES. Sounees. for sale at P B ' OU1AS Health Empo 1 ' riM77J. TBOUSHING POWDER, to clean and ili9H STo.1 the cheap Dru.tofa DlSST all kinds of Mctnl. nnrt lTn . D. S. TOBIAS. ll ANTED AN . APPRENTICE to He I'JllJXTING DUSINESS. A smart active lad, from Xi to 16 yearir of age.,!!! receive cood UVUl UU1IIVI11. , upon application at this office. A Yoniig Iiddy, Qualified to Teach the Enclish Branches, la ilc. sirous of engaging in a School for the Summer. Application to be made at thin Office. VEW GOODS: THE subscribers have just received, at their old establishment, in Bloomsburg, a new and general assortment of Goods, laid in with great care, and suitable for the present and approaching sea- , . ...ii. i.i. .i' r . i. .1 ji ouuo , wuitu, viui uiun tunned bujck, uicj jiaiie themselves, presents as various a choice of goods as, can be had in any part of tho country, and .which t."! disPoscd ? P1"1 faLat 1,10 'P6!1 Pri for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce Their Stock of TBT2.V liftffcT&S consUu of all varieties .of Uicmanufacturies bf Silk! Flax. Cotton, and Wool, and tjieir numerous com- omauons, in jugiaiiu, r ranee unu imericB. . a, ,y Stiperilne, Fine, Common, and Coarse Clottiii, Caeslmers and Sattluetts ; Cotton Goods from ,'. the Coarsest tS, . the Finest texture; a r mong the latter an. as Muslins and Calicoes of new arid P?e Spkt and Silk Vestings Irish lirtenm dressed and ,undresed, French Laums end brown Hollands. Groceries & Liquors, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all kinds several kinds and qualities of Brandy, Spirits, Rum, Whiskey, Wine and Molasses. HARDWARE,, Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach an4 Wagon mountings arid trimmings, Scythes, Mill ker T&Uors, Carpenters ad other me- chanics. CHINA, AND . . Cro'citery Wftrc, Cedar Ware,' WILLOW JHYV 6THEJI BASKETS, and a thousand and ono other articles which it ia impossible separately to mention. ' , , Painits, Bru&s and ye StnflS FISH, OXEi & PL ASTUR. IliO ANB STEEL. of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture; . , , Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to call on i i - i ' WILLIAM MeKELVYff Co. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. 3 BERNARD RUPERT, TAXLOXt. HAS just received tho Spring. Fasnicms trom. Philadelphia, and is ready to make all kinds ol garments In trio newesr ani uiusi mouiuuouiu style. Bloomsburg, May 5,' 1838.' A New iandlord ORANGE VILLU, Bloom Tdwnship, Columbia County, Pa. , ... . . ... . JSSO, SS T Xlffi -- .- .i . i i ' f - OranEOville, and iravellers. to honor him wit their custom, and assures them that no pains shall I. i.- i. i i oq eparen vu muu umi emy ins iioubo au 6k.t.- bio as possible. HIS BAR Shall at all times bo supplied with the Best an4 Choicest I.ltiuors, and Tables shall be larded with all the delicacies tho market affords his sta bles shall bo clean and airy,,and an attentivo hostler will at all times bo ready arid willing to take earn of tho horses. A variety ortho latest and most in teresting newspapers shall be procured to wait the) pleasure of his customers. In short nothing fchall bo left undortc to descrvo a liberal share of tho public patronage. BAMUttJU KILJrvtiU. 8, 1838. urangevuie, niiu . White Kalian Mulberry, FOR SALE AT TOBTJSS HEALTH iMpOniUM IN BLOOMSBURG'. T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers