COLUMBIA MH04RIT. I have sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man.' Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED. BY II. WEBB. Volume II. BliOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA (COUNTY, PAi SATURDAY, MA"ST 26, 1S38 WuSnbor 5. mi OFFICE OF TIIE DEMOCRAT, NEXT DOOR TO Ro&ISON's StAQE OFFICE The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payabl. half yearly in advance, or Two Dollarr Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year- JVb subscriplioniuill betaken for a shorles period than six months; nor any discon's tinuancc permitted, until all arrcaragee are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a sauare tvill be comnicuoushi inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every, subse quent nserlion. ICPA liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. A COUNTRY LIFE. moM the oteiia or "the villaiie cou;ettib," by BOZ. There's a charm in spring, when every thing Is bursting front the ground When pleasant showers liring forth the flowers, And all is life around. In summer-day the fragrant hay Most sweetly scents the breeze; And all is still, savemurm'ring rill; Or sound of humming bees. Old Autumn come; with rusty gurt In quest of birds wo roam: Unerring aim; wo mark the game, And proudly bear it home. A winter's night has its deliglit, Well warmed to bed we go; A winter's day we're blithe and gay; Snipe-shooting in the show. A country life, without the srrifc, And noise and din of (own, Is all I need; I take no heed Of "splondor or renown ' . - -r And when I die, oh! let mo lie Whero trees abovo me wavb; Let wild plants bloom around my tomb1, My quiet country grave". MISCELLANEOUS. From tho Focus. MAN" AGrE ME NT. A YanTcec Story. I'vo hearn folks say that tho wimin was contrary, well they is a lectio sb, but if you B '""""B" W.UW.W..-. WW, ....... w. Jffl out there, you can drive 'em along without whip or spur; jest which way you want cm tORO When I lived down at Eltori; there was a good many fust-rate gals down there, but I didn't take d likein' to any on 'em till squire Cummins cum down there to live Th Squire had an almily putty darter. ecu sum ot tnc gais was lust rate; uut in an t-cy Cummins was fust rate and a lectio inore. There was manV Urcsssed finer and looked grander, but Ihero was somcthinjusl about Nance, that they could'nt look at nother gall for a week. I tuk a likin to her rite off, arid wo got as thick as theeves; Wo had used to go to tho same meetin and sot in the same pew; It took mo to find tho sarms and hims for her, and we'd swell 'em but in a manner sockin to hardened sinners then we'd mosy hum together, while tho gals and fellers kept ldokin on as tho they'd i like (o mix in. I'd always slay to supper and tho way sho cbod make injiirt cakes and tho way I wood slick 'em over with inolases and put 'em away, wys nuthih to nobody. SKe was dredful civil tow always gettin eumlhin nico for mo. I was up to the hub jn love, and was goin in for her like a locomotive. Well, things went tin thi3 way a spell, till sho thot sho had mo tight cnuff. Then sho bogin to show off kinder .independent like. When I'd go to meetin, there was no room for mo in tho pew;when she'd cum out she'd streak off with anoth- v cr chap, an leove mo suckin my fingeis at the door. Instead ol sticken to ino as sno used to do, she got cnttin around with all iv, ru,. ;ct n if kVip. cared nothin about rite any more, none whalonievcr. I got considerable liled and thot I moat as well come to the end of it at wuncc: so down I went to have it out with her, there was a ull grist of fellors there. They seemed mity quiet till I went in, then sho got talkin all manner of nonsense, scd nothin to me and darnd littlo of that. I tried to keep my dander down, but it twarn't no use. I kept moovin about as if I had a pin in my trow- scrs. l sweat as l liacl bin thraslun. My collar hung down as if it had bin hung over my stock tb dry. I could'nt stand it; so I cleared out as quick as I could, for I seed 'twas no use tryin to say nothing to her. I went strait to bed and thot the matter over a spell; thinks I that gal is jest tryin of me, taint no uso of her playin possum; I'll take the kink of her; if I dont fotch her out that high grass use mo for sassago meet. I hearh tell of a boy once, that got to skcwl late one Sunday morning, master ses, you tar nehslcpiti cittcr; what kept you so late? Why, sc3 the boy, it's so cverlastcn slippy out, I cbod'nt git along no how; every step I took forrad, I went tow steps backward, and I cood'ttt have got here at all, if Ihad'nt turned back to go tother way. Now, that's just my case; I have been puttin after that gal considerable time. Now, thinks I, I'll go tuthor way she!s been slitin of pie, now I'll slight Her what's sass for tile goose is sass for tho gander. Well, I went no more to Nance's. Next Sabbaday, I slicked my self up, and I dew say, when I got my fix ins on, I took the shirt tall clean offof any specimen of human natur about our parts. About meetin time bfi' I put to Eltlian Dod ges Palinece Dodge was as nice a gal as you'd see twlxt here dnd yonder, any more than she was'ntjest like Nancy Cummins. Ephraim Massoyhad Used tb go to see her, he was a clever feller, but he was dreadful jelus. 'Well, I went tb meetin with Pa tience, and sot right afore Nancei I did'nt set mvi eyes on her till after meotin;-sho had a feller with her that had a blazin red lied, and legs like a pair of Compasses; she had a faco as long as a grace afore thanks- givin dinner. I knowd who she was thin kin about, an 'twarnt the chap with the red hed nutheri Well, I kept bocin Patience about a.spcll. Kept my eye on Nance, seed how the cat was jumpin, she didntcut about like sho did, and looked rather sol emly, she'd g'in her tew eyes to kiss and make up. I kep it up until I like to have got into a mess about Patience; The critter thot I was goin arter her for good, and got as proud as a lame turkey. One day Effy bum down to our place lookitt as rathy as a melishy ossifer on a trainin day; look Hero, ses he, Sclh Stokes, as loud as a small thunder clap, I'll bo darrtd Hallb! ses I, what s broke? . Why, ses he, I cum down to havo satisfaction about Patience Dodge, here I've been a cortein her since last grass a year, an she was jest as good as mine, till you cum a goin arter her, an How I can't tuch her with a forty foot pole Sho aint like the same gal, an I'm darnd if I'm goin to stand it. Why, ses I, what on airth air you talkin about, I aint got nothin to do with your gal,' but sposol had, there's no thin for you to get wolfey about. If the gal has taken a likirig to mo taint my fault, an if Ivo taken to her taint her fault, an if wevo taken a liken to one another taint your fault; but I aint so almity taken with her, an yo'u may have her for me, so you had'nt ought to gel savage about nothin. Well, ses he, (rather cooled down) I am tho un luckiest tiling in creation. I went to a nlacc tother dav whero thero was an old I ' womati died of the boLs or sum sich dis ease an they wero scllin out her things. Well ses ho thero was a thunderin big c'hist of drawer full of all sorts of truck so I bot it, thot I made a spec, but when I come to look at 'em thor warnt nothin in it worth a cent except an old silver thimble and that was all busted up so I sold it for less than I g(n for it, well when tho chap that bot it tuck it hum ho heerd sumthin rattle, broke the old chest up and found lots of gold anil silver in it, in a false bottom I had'nt seen. TTmv if I'd luck the chest mini Id never ; found that munny or if 1 did they'd bin all counterfeit and I'd been tuck up for passin on 'em. Well I jest told Patience about it when she rite up and called me a darrtd fool. Well ses I Epho thajt is hard but never you mind that jest, go on you can get her and wen you dew get hbr, you can file the ruff edges off jest as you please. That teakled him it did an away he went a lectio better pleased. Now thinks I its timo to look ar ter Nance Next day doun I went. Nan cy was all alone. I axctl her if the Squire was in, she said lib warnt. Cause ses I (makin bleeve I wanted hint) ourcolt spraint his foot an I cum to see if the squife wood lend me his mare to gb to town. She sed sho gest ho wood better sit doun till the squire come in, doun I sot; she looked sort a strange an my heart felt queer all around the edges. After a while ses I, arc you go in doun to betsy Martin's quiltin? sed she didnt know for sartin, air you n goin? sed I recond I wood, ses she I sposc youd take Patienco Dodge, sed I mout an agin I hlout not, ses she I hearn yourc a gditi to git married, sds I shoollnt wunder a bit, Pa tience is a nice gal ses I, I looked at her I seed the tccrs a cummin, ses I, may bo she'll ax you to be bridesmaid, she ris right up she did, her face as red as a bildc beet, Seth Stokes, ses she, and she coodent say any moro she Was so full, wont you be brides made ses I, no! ses she & biist rite but, well then ses I if you wont be bridesmaid will you be the bride, she looked up at me I' swan to Wan t never seed any tiling so aw ful putty, I tuk rite hold of Her hand, yes or no, ses I rite off. Yes, ses she; that's your sort ses I as I gin her a buss an a hug. I soon fixed matters with the squire. We, soon hitch'd traces to trot in double harness for life an never had cause to repent of my bargain. J. W. A 8EC0ND CASPER IlAUSER; We find the following very singular and Interesting story of a second Casper Hau scr, in the Clinton (Illinois) Herald : Wc havo seen in several papers an ac count of a boy, apparently thirteen or four tech years of age, who wa3 found in the timber in tlib Chalhilinot Prairies; in the state of Indiana. It is said the boy is now in the fdmily of a Col. Clarkson, of Bush Hill, a place hot far from whero he was found. Ho is handsoiHely formed, has fine limbs, very elastic ill his nib'vements, stout, with clear, full, intelligent black eyes. Ho has beeti several months in tho Colonel's family, during which time he has uttered no articulate sburid, expressed no wish by any sign ; though' ho evidently pays con siderable attention to things arid events a- round him. He sontetimes gives a sort of piercing screech, which, by being always at a measured elevation, after which he seems to listen with care; affords ground for the conclusion that the poor fellow had been accustomed to receive some sort of an swer from a source to us unknown. Ho chooses the naked earlh for his bed, and ut terly rejbets all covering save a deer skin -which ho wraps around his body. His food ho takes in a raw state principally beef, poultry,' potatoes arid nuts. It is as tonishing with what voraciousness he con sumes small birds. Ho will strip one of its feathers arid entrails, arid devour it with a relish amounting to an extacy. Ho has thus far ovinced a melancholy lemrieramcrit, choosing to bo much alone, and makes for the timber whenever an opportunity pre sents itself, but when found attempts no escape, but passively returns. He mani fests no attachment to any human being, save a servant girl of tho family. By Her request, ho has occasionally eaten a little corn bread, and sot down a moment on a chair. Wheat bread ho peremptorily re fuses; He lias made apparently no advance ment towards civilisation. We regret that more knowledge cannot be obtained of this extraordinary boy's history. The public mind having been prepared for a re. sumption of eptcie payments in New York, no re- markablo sensation was created in that city on the 10th inbt. Neither the rush itoi the demand was pajlieulitly great. COUNTY MEETING. At a meeting of young men of Columbia county, friendly to the re-election of Joseph Ritner, held at the house of Charles Docb ler, in. Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 12th day of May inst., Isaiah Cole of Sugarloaf township was chosen President; Theodore Wells, Esq. of Cattawissa, Charles F. Mann of Paxton, Alexander Thompson arid Peter M. Traugh, of Briar Breek, Vice Presi dents; and George W. Slater, of Mahoning, and William Neal, of Bloom, Secretaries of the meeting. Tho object bf the meeting having been stated by one of tho gentlemen present, on motion.the President appointed James Plea sants, C. B. Bowman, Silas E. Craig, Ar thur W.Frick, John D. Day, Gcorgo Frees, Benjamin Fricli, Joshua W.Comley, James Donaldson, Isaiah Conner, Frederick B. Swaby and Henry Rupert, a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting; The committee having retired for a short time;rcturned and reported thejfollowing pre amble and resolutions, which on were unanimously adopted. After so long atime, that our country Has been wrapt in gloom and oppression by the consequences of rasli ' experiments" and hasty legislation, which was foretold by the wiso and experienced, it is refreshing to tho friends of the Constitution and laws to Witness i simultaneous action dftho people', returning to those sound and excellent prin- biplcs adopted by bur predecessors, which led our country o'ri to prosperity and happiness the departure from which always has produced embarrassment and distress, and which if persisted in, would plunge us all deeper and deeper in ruin and destruction. Maine, Rhode-Island, Con neclicdt, New-York, New Jersey, Mary- laud, Virginia and Mississippi have all most nobly refused their support any longer to their hitherto chosen men, who, having abandoned the godd of the country to se cure their own promotion, were desirous to persist in a course of ruinous policy, be cause it was dictated by him who has the disposal of" high places of honor and pro fit." This is the true spirit of America, to retrace its steps when in error; and to rebuke and reject all demagogues, who; under the cloak of patriotism, seek to inveigle thcirt deeper into that error. It is a saving spirit it encourages the patriot, and in the dark est hour teaches him, " not to despair of the Republic." This spirit is now abroad throughout tho laud, and is shedding its light in the heart of every man who love3 his country, and whoso wholo soul is not absorbed in the thought of place and power. Pennsylvania will join her sisters and will be prominent in the ranks pushing on to re form and prosperity: bold! resolute and am bitious, wc see her only regretting that she is not first in the course. She envies the other states, the proud satisfaction of lead ing in the reform. In the coming contest sho will destroy, as her sister states have done, tho influence of the organized bands of Van Burcri's Sub Treasury officers! who have been exerting themselves with the aid of tho public revenue, to fasten her yet tighter arid closer to tho cat, and bring Her under tho lash of executive power. The people havo much to conlplam cT their grievances afo real and present they havo been deceived by promises and assu rances which havb never been performed. 1st. They had a good currency which was destroyed, under a promisoof a "bitter currency." 2nd. Tho people wore assured that gold would become plentiful as a currency. Yot we seo no other currency now, but incon vertible shin plasters. Even tho Govern ment issries her notes to tho amount of mil lions, which she does not redeem in specie. Sho knows the people are suffering from a disordered currency brought about by her measures, yot, when humbly solicited by the pcoplo to adopt some plan for their rcr lief without "experiments and expedients," she coldly replies, "wo wish to have ngth ing to do with the management bf your mo ncy affairs. Do you take care of ypurselvesj and wc will take care of ourselves; wo rhust and will establish our great Specto Bank. 3d. The people are promised, that thero should be distributed a'monsr tho states for improvements, a large amount of money, tho surplus tressurc of the nation. The Government gave the slates a small portion; and much to the inconvenience of tho states, determined to withold tlib rest., "Vhat has become of It? All squandered! .The cor rupt and niirions policy of the administra tion, has made it so weak and contemptible that it cannot fulfil solemn engagements,nor carry out a single measure for reliefthey have ruined thctriselves witli the oedDle whom they have deceived. 4th. They shut their eyes tb all perma nent improvement of the country, and tole rate all sorts of peculation and fraud to dc cieve the people, and to perpetuate their own power. , 5th. They have destroyed the settled and regular business of tho country, and left ruin in its place) The policy of Martin Van Burbn con tains the secdb of disaster and ruin", and has already scattered tlicm over the land, iri which they have taken deep root. Penn sylvania; is perhaps the only state of the Union, which has had tlib wisdom and prudence to adopt measures that would counteract the effect of such policy; arid io her rrieasures is to be entirely attributed tho continued prosperity of thO( staio amidst such wide spread 'disaster. While the ad joining states pursuing nearly tlib sanie av- ocations, havb becrt paralizcd arid prostrate, Pennsylvania lias bonlinucd on in pjetty much her usual manlier, having confidence in herself, and her people in each other. She has pursued her rioblc system of im provement, and her people continued their employment arid enterprise. Thanks to tho wisdom of bur state rulers! the ereat and good men who, anticipating the storm that threatened; raised up a bulwark for our protection, which ha3 shielded us from the storm3 which have prostrated the business and industry of the other staibs. , This is not the time to play the syco phant to political powerj whether as exer cised by tho people or by their agents; this is not the time to support which our hearts condemn. We do cordially despise those; bo they who they may, who .advocate mea sures which they know to be wrong,.merely because they believe it will secure to them an ephemeral popularity, when their daily acts arc giving the lie to their, declarations! To pass over the bands of foreigners! who! having no interest in thp permanence of our institutions, or not understanding their na ture and intention, head meetings' to influ ence and mislead tho public mind and" abuse all we cherish and admire, we come to those native citizens, who to their shame bo it sail), approve and encourage such con duct. "VYe have among us such rrieii men1 who began life with tho means which in dustry and atterition gavo them havb ac quired wealth by tho constant use of credit and tho assistance which batiks have ren dered them; yet tlieso men havegivefi tlieir countenance and support to those whoso whblc course has been a fierce and wanton, attack ag"ainst credit arid all Banks! and they have joined in the general hue arid cry as if disposed to prevent others from tho uso of the same means! which enabled themselves to secure wealth and independ ence. Some bf them who assisted to de stroy our sound currency; under iio delu sive promise of gold havo issued thousands of dollars of irredeemable ehiri plasters. Vo have such men in Columbia county ; wc have marked their course and shall not again bb deluded and deceived by such de ception. Therefore, Jlesolved That this meeting assemble with heartfelt gratitude to all wise aud beni-; ficcnt Providence, that we have been placed by him under thVonly free government ori earth, and that being sensible of this distin guished niaiK df divine favor, wc hereby
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers