I have worn upou tho Altar of God, eternal liostlllty to every form of Tyranny over tho Blind of Man." Tlioma Jffenon. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM. Volume I. BILOMSBTOea, 'COliVMSSKA tJOUBTTYj PA. SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1838. iVuinlicr 48. Meeipts & Exp HUGH McWlLLIAMS. Esn. Tieasnrer the first day of January, until tho 31st elusive. , DOLLS'. CT3. To cash received of the several collectors during 1st quarter 2,200 52 do do 2.1 2,777 58i 27 88 do .do do dd 3d 4tli 1,001 1,081 Balance iii "favor of tho Treas ' urrer.with what may bo com ing from the State as per centage . . 1.703 074 10,330 03 " , n, tin? undersigned, Commissioners of uwtTU -i,m.uU--w-, ...win it. til MU , "Witness our hands this Mlh day of ' . EXPENDITURES of the County of ksuiii initjoi wtii o .uit itc j. i lunui ci uitLty, drcd and. thirty-seven. DOLI.S. CTS. 183 21 1,419 25 93 00 100 01 Assessors wages, Jurors wages and mileage, Constables attending Court, Constables making returns to quarter sessions, Commissioners & Clerk's wa ges, Viewers of Roads and Bridges, State costs, Elections General, Contingent Expenses, Printing and Stationary, Bridge building and repairing, Carried up, 401 195 117 234 50 349 2;800 50 00 91 50 03 70 1i S0017 22d Wri, the undersigned Ailditors duly elected to settle and adjtist the accounts of the County of Columbia, do certify that we have examined tho foregoing- accounts, and do report a balance against the County of seventeen hundred and sixty-three dollars and sixty-seven and one half cputs. '"Witness our hands this 1 1th day of Fcbruarv, A., D. 1838. PETER KLTNE, ") ' ' . JOHN BID RLE, I Auditors'. GEO: II. WILLITS, Wtij'the undersigned Auditors,-do find Sheriff Salmon accountable for twelve dollars Jury fees, we also find Sheriff-Reed yet accountable for thirty-nine dollars Jury fees, as per last reports. . . , We, tho undersigned Auditors of tho County of Columbia, do report that wo find due tho County from John Fruit and Hugh McWilliams, lalo Treasurers for the years 1832 -33-31-35 and 3G, the sum of five hundred and fifty-two dolllars, after tho liquidation bfthe'Stato tax, the sum of two hundred 'A' Statement 'showing the balances dice V"- year Collectors Names; John Lazarus, Henry II, Fritzj John Ruckle, Peter Simonton, Thomao Mcndenhail, Hapiel Wblliver, Jeremiah Hughes, Isaac Lcidy, Jacob Shultz, John Brown, senf. Thos. Moorehoad, John Freas, David Phillips, .Archibald Ilebrie, ;John Fultou, John Rishel, -Jprermiuh Wollivcr, hilip Kestler, Christian Shumanj Ezra Eves, John Rishel; John Davis, David Remley, Michael Sanders, John Moyer, Peter Nungesser, Tcwnships. 1 Fishing Creek, Su'garloaf, Mount pleasant; Liberty, Greenwood, Madison, Roaring Creek; Hemlock, Qattawissa, Mifllin, Derry, Briar Creek Mahoning, Bloom, Limestone Mahoning, Madison, Mount Pleasant, Mifllin, Greenwood, Derry, Cattawissa, Briar Greek; Mahoning, Derry, Mifllin, C7Those marked thus have AR IRON, Just received", and for -alo at th new Se cheap store of J, T. Musseman, $ Co. in account with tiicCounlv of Columbia, from day of December, A. D. ,1637, both days in CIS;. By fcash paid on Commission ers orders, . 1 Fox Scalps, i ' Balance due per last report; Treasurers Commissions',' dolls, crs. 7,775 70 4,203 192 l6,330 93 tho County of Columbia! have examined the VUUUIUIO, .I1V1 llllll lllblll UUllUUk Ullll JUdi February A. D. 1838. 1DDINGS BARKLEY, COR. OLACIvNER, JOSEPH BRORST, Commissioners. Columbia as' par the order issued by the uuf 115 lilt ytiiil Ulic ituif4Ulu llgtl ituiu DOLLS. CTS. Amount brought up ' 0,017 2 truncation 01 tnc 1'oor Auditors Wages;. PrOthonotary arid Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Coroners Fees; , Jailor and Sheriff's .Fees; Court Cryer, . Wolfand Fox anil Fox Scalps, 240 B14 15 00 81 51 279 04 70 20 00 39 75 19 0,822 87 PETER KLINE, ") JOHN BIDDLE, t Auditors; GEO: II. WILLITS, j and twenty-two dollars and ninety-four cents JUHtN HlUlJliE, I a ,. r.rr . tt urTTir .fries r UHHIIU ors. from the several Collectors at the end of the 1837. k"cars, Amt.of dupli'ls; Aim. paid. Balance due, 1837, S198 38 20 72$ 171 G5i 205 18 50 00 155 18 " 205 73 51 50 211 23 " 421 54 01 00 303 51 ' 428 23 95 87d 332 35j 432 50 130 32i 302 lid 519 43 172 50 340 03 090 82 100 03 090 79 ' 885 45 115 22 770 13 015 01 225 00 300 01 070 08 248 12i 421 95d 035 03 00 00 875 03 1,000 90 212 00 788 49 " 900 02 245 00 715 02 ' 453 87 , 308 50 85 37 1830 1,359 50 871 47 388 03 ' 583 40 258 89 324 55 301 44 319 00 42 41 " 703 39 253 50 539 89 572 55 437 00 135 55 001 27 714 00 187 27 " 1177 32 931 70 245 50 1250 20 890 70 300 50 1835 1400 28 1153 28 247 00 " 901 52 325 15J 575 30 " 439 08 353 28 80 40 atndunt of taxes due; 8,057 33 6inc0 paid. F UR CAPS, just received, and Cbr sale at the new & cheap 'tote of J. T, Musstlman, Co, BfOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscriber by bond note, or book account, or otherwise, aro ro quested to call and settle the same befire the first day of April, ntxl. Ho is determined to have old matters justly arranged; and thoso who neglect at tending to this notico may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for tho purposes of Settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. BIoouburg, January G, 1S38. 37-tf ALLERSIIAMP'S Oough Sirup and Family I'ills, for sale at Tobias' '" Health Emporium. Ciovcr-Scctl. TTS USIIELS OF OLOVERSEED O? of n superior quality, iust re cuvcu, anu iorsaiont tiicncw ana cheap ttoro J. T. MUSSULMAN, & Co. Illoomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, TOH Indigestion; or sour Stomach, on hand, and inr Rnir nr Tobias' Health Emnoriam. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4t AND The Subscrihcr "WTEItV rcsncclfullv informs bis fripnila-in,! il. w tmblio. that he h'aonlwavH on lmnil. n l.iu 1 ) very oiaDie m uioomsuurg, tor tlio purpoesof Hire or mcliange, a variety ot Horses, Sulkies, ?S, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. GIGS, which he will feel gratified to keep in rcadiucss for tne accommodation ol customers. Personal application can be made at his residence. when every means will be used to render entire sat isfdction of those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PKENTI8 Bloomsburg, November 4, 1837. .v;u aoovs. Cheaper tfean cheap ! PTinHB subscriber would respectfully announce Jd to (ho pcoplo of Bloomsburc and vicinity. & in uiu pmuicin general, mat no lias just, returned j second time from tho city, and is opening out hi: purchase, winch, together with his former stock comprises a neat and general assortment of DRY GOOBS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cas&imcrcs, Sattinclls, Merinos Merino Shawls $ Handkerchirfs, Dress Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens', Muslins, Vcstings, Stocks, Hosiery, ALS03 An extensivo assortment of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass, $ Quccnsware, Crockery, Groceries and Jsiquors, uiis, J'ainls, Halt, J'tsh, iyc. All of which ho offers for sale at his store room in Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite th Post office, where tho public are respectfully invited to call and sco for themselves, aslio intends selling ms giiuus euii a iiiuo cneaper man any yet ouercd to mo puuuc, lorcasuorcountryprortuce. GEOUGE WEAVER Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, i837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, ETOR the prevention and euro of colds, coughs, J Asthmas, consumptions, si)itting of blood. and all disorders of tho breast and lunirs. for salo at ho Drug storoof the subscriber, in Bloomsburg. JJ. e. lobias. Jlaivant's Tonic Mixture, R Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for th r ever and Ague, on hand and for sale by D. S. Tobias. &ook at This. (glPIIUTS, for renewing and cleansing Ladies & 59 Gentlemen's wearing apparrcl, and rostoreing them to their original colour and brightnow. This axcellent Henovator hover fails, no matter with what artlclo tho garment may bo stained. It removes all grease from tho collars of coats, snots and stain: caused by Iimo, paints, tat. Oil, &c. &c. for salo at Tobiases Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 3t BOY that can come well recommeud cd, frrim 12 to 15 vcars of acre, cana- bio of attoudingto horses and wait on custo mers at the bar, will find employment and gdt liberal wages by calling on Daniel Gross. Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 tf AH R ELS ofLakoSalt.andalarg. jSsiPJy JjJJ quantity of Ground Alum Salt, just received, and for salo at the cheap store of .. T. Musselman, $ Co. JOB PRI1TTI1TG Neafy executed at the Democrat ffict. 1 TAvmmc BUSINESS. THI1 subscriber would respectfully inform the public that ho has taken his son WILLIAM oJN YD13K mo co-partnership in Ins Tannery, and that tho business will hereafter bo conducted under le firm of Daniel & "William Snvder, at the old established stand in Illoomsburg, Dartiel Snydcf. Bloomsbilrg, January C, 1838. lT7-tf LEATHER F good quality, and for sale at tfic lowest pri ces, always on hund at the old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri bers would ruspcctlully solicit a continuance of th liberal customs lieroloiorc enjoyed by the senior partner. Daniel Snyder, JFilliani Snyder. Bloomsburg, January G, 1830. 37-lf WER?,AS' l'Tral!lc rTnIS L-pIS VV President of the Courts of Oyer and Per- miner and Gciwal Jail Delivery, Court of quarter Sessions of the iVace, and Court of Common Picas, and Orphan's Cou1t,in tboeiglitli Judicial District, composed of the counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon. Wiiliam fllo.T00MKiiT and l.r.oSAnu IturEKT, JLsnuircs, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued Uieir precept bearing-date tho 10th day of February in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to mo directed for holding .2 Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ga- cal Jail Delivery, General (Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DAN ILLE, in the county of Columbia, on the thjrd M nday of April next, (bcins the 16th day) ami to continue one week. NOTICE is therefore hereby alven to the Cor oner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Constables of the said County of Columbia, that they be then nnd there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, with, their records, inquisition, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done. And those who aro bound by recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that arc or may be in the jail of said countyof Columbia, nrctobe then ami there to pre:ccuto acnintt them as shall be iust. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a. greeably to their notices. Dated at Danville, tho 19th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-eight, and in tho C3d year of the independence of tho United states oi Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? Feb. 10, 1833. S 42 6t MUCH CHEAPER THAN EVER! The Subscriber Would beg leave to announce to the peo pie of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has just received a splendid assortment of sea sonable DRY GOODS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, Lassimeres anaiftajlinctts : llanncl, and Canton Flannels, of every 'colour; is more extensive arid better selected th-n Black, Brown and Green Mrinos, of the same articles in any bf the nej'gh every shade and quality ; and in fact a bouring stores. full assortment of Drawer Coihmon uootls; among ivlixeli are ail extensive supply of Groceries & Siiquors, China, Glass and Quecns-U'are, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Sperm. Rclined and Common Lamp Oil, E&ardware, Cn slings, &. Iron, men's ASb womkk's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, together with every variety of merchandize which can meet the wants or ple'aso the fimey all which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. Ho returns Ills acknowledgments to cus tomers for thoir vocy liberal support, and with a firm determination to please through attention to business, lie solicits a continu ance of their calls and custom. (fj All kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange for goods. , C. B, FISHEK. Bloomsburg, Dec. 16, I 37. .T. T. Musstilmnki, Co. TOULD again announco to their customers, and the public, that they have jcst re ceived anotlif r freh supply of embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, Hardware, &c. which they intend to sell at the most toducod price af thpir new fcnd ehrop store in Bloomsburg. They invite a cull fiom thosowho wantehoii-e articles atalmost cest price. Dfcembir 9. 1S87. NeW & cheap Goods, AT THE RUPERT & BARTON, (Successors to 12.11. lMggs,) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public, that they have pur chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they have just received an extensive and splen did assortment ol Fall & Winter Goods, which tlicy are now oppning for the exa mination and accommodation ot Customers, Store House, just cpnstructed . ,T ,.. . 'A . X. -p "1 "j?. ' ,ni . sons stage olhc'e. I heir assortment IS not only very extensive, but carefully selected to answer the, demands of the .neighbour t10C(t; an(l although they wish not to adver- ... , ,: (i,n r0., r,fl,l, . ..'J , .,, they have belter goods, , awl AVlll.Scll chta- crthan any store ;n Bloomsburg. Their new stock has been purchased 'at the manufacturers' establishments, at establishments, at the very lowest prices, and consists of DP.T GOODS, . SUCH A3 . Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Gretn, anS J'ancy coloured uiotlis, Lasstmcrci and Sattitiells ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Linnens and Muslins ; Vestings, Slocks, y LAMBS' BONNETS, Q 55 W O fa In fine, they have every thing wliieii ni cessity or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the finest article in Dry Goods, and from a needle to a stove in Hardware. Their stock of HARDWARE, IRON China, Glass, Mr Q,UEENSWARE Groceries & Liquors; Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ivare, lliose who wish new, cheat), and zood Articles of Merchandize, should call at the 'Bloomsburg Arcade" cither before or af ter examing elsewhere, and make 'their pur chases. All kinds of Country Produce .taken in payment at the highest market prices. Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1837, Swaim's Vermifuge) N invaluable family medicine (ot Worms, dy entary, bowel complaints, cholic, cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom ach, loss Of appetite, fever and ague, &c, kept at Tobias's Health Emporium". Swaim's Panacea. ENOWNED throughout the wjiofo wofl'cj for its efficacious qualities as a family mdicln. constantly onhand, and for sale at tlio Drugstore of JJ. it. Jobias. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to Romson's Stage Omen TEEMS : The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT uill If published every Spturday morning, at TIFO DOLLARS per amum, payable half yearly in advance, or Tu-o Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. Aro subscription will he taken for a shorter period than six nonths; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are (is charged; ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding & square will be conspicuously inserted at Otye Dollar for the first three insertions and Twenty-five cents for every subse' qtient nsertton. yCP& liberal discount made to those who aulvertise by (he tieuir LETTERS addressed on business, mttf le past paid. 'a. rimy zMvti'X- liKis.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers