; OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to Romjon'o Staoe Office. TEEMS S The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any disCon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-Jive cents for every subsi quent nsertton. Id A liberal 'discount made to thoic who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must' oc post paid. TUB subscriber would respectfully Inform fho public that he lies taken his ton WILLIAM dKYDPR into co-pattnershin in ImTrnini-rv. oml that the business will hereafter bo conducted under tho firm of Daniel & William Snyder, nt tho old established tund in Bloomsburg. Daniel SnUder. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf LEATHER ,F good quality, and for sale at tho lowest pri ' ccs, always on hand at tho old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri bers would respectfully solicit a- continuance of the liberal customs heretofore! enjoyed by the senior partner. Damet Snyder, William Snyder. Blooriubtirg, January G, 1838. 37-tf Jew & cheap Coods, AT Tin; ratmrfsimn rWWF. PROPRIETOR of tho North Uranch J8. Lino of Mail Stages would inform tho trav elling public that ho has reduced tho faro to TWO DOLLARS for through passengers, and four cents a mile for way passengers. Leaving Northumber land daily at tho arrival of tho Harrisburg Stago- (Cj'For soats at Northumberland, apply at H.H. Burr's Hotel, lieturning leaving Wtlk'esfiarri every morning between 8 and 0 o'clock ; for seats apply at the Hotels of U. Korher and George 1'. uikcib, vvnsMoarre. TFilliam Robison. Bloomsburg, January tt7, 1838. 40 tf. An Apprentice t Wanted immmodiatcly by tho subscriLcra, to tho Tannine business. A boy between H and 17 years of ago will obtain a good situation by ap plying toon. Jianul inydcr, William Snyder. 'Bloomsburg, Jamiary G, 1838., 37-tf NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscriber by bond, note, or book account, or otherwise, aro re quested to call and scttld the samo before the first day vf April, next, lie is determined to have old matters justly arranged; and tuojc wno neglect at tending to this notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf TO SPORTSMEN. WANTED. Great Shooting Xffiatch! IMPLOYMENT will bo given toSOstonccut- 'PA tcrs and masons, 20 drillers, 20 common la borers. 10 wood rhotiDcrs. and 10 teams, at llridco TIT. t, .. . - .... I - . . . ' .. " uu ijuduc aro roinectli'lIT informed, tint on SXo. 1. Uatavussu Kail Kn.id. tv the subscribers. TUESDAY, the 27th dav of FEBRUARY S!,,it TMrl- X. fin. - ... r v .w.w.v. , . . , .j w c, iue lamous f,ntnwi.i FnrnnrK Jmiiwrv IS. IMS. 37-St RUPERT & BARTOX, (Successor's to 13. tl. lllgss) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends nntl tho public, that they haVb pur- hascd Irom E. 11. Dices ms interest Intlie store formerly kept by him, and that they ave lust received an extensive ami splen did assortment of 3Pall & Winter Goods, which they arc now opening for the exa mination and accommodation of Customers, at the New Store House, just constructed by Mr. Bigg3, and opposite lo Mr. Hobi- ons staseoflice. Their assortment is not only vory extensive, but carefully selected to answer the demands ol the neighbour- ood; and although they wish not to adver tise their prices, yet they feci confident that thev have better goods, and will sell chea per than any store in Dloomsburg. J heir new stock lias been purchased at the manufacturers' establishments, at the very lowest prices, and consists of D&Y GOOD'S,, SUCH AS Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Green, and lancy coloured Cloths, Cassimcres and Sattinclls ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Linnens and Muslins ; Vesting3, Stocks, EiiLDIES' SQ&T33TS buul, 100 mr. brought to this county from tho state of New Yoik by Mr Valentine ifeidleman, will bo shot for at Dloomsburg, Columbia county. He is a full-bleoded Devonshire, of a bright cherry ted colour, and vfoighijin common running order, 213 founds. lie is cortainly tho largest and handsomest animal oi the kind over introduced into this section of coun try; and tlipsa who would dosiro a prize worth con- wtning lor, are invited to attend cn tho abovo day and exhibit their skill. Marksmen from all the tdjoining counties aro re quested to attend. Bloomsburg, January 27, 1638. 40 It (Dlover-fe'ccd. U3HELS OF OLOVERSEED superior quality, just re cc wed, and for sale nt the new and cheap store o J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. notice. LL persons indebted to the subscriber on Book account or otherwise . for one vcar back, aro requretol tQ mako payment prior to tho 25th of March ncM. LEWIS MEYER. Dloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. foook at This I ( PIRTT8, for renewing and cleansing Ladies Sr. Gentlemen s wearing apparrol, and rcstorein" them to their original colour and brightness. This axceilent Renovator never fails, no matter with what I article tho garment may bo stained. It removes ell grease from the collars of coats, spots and stains caused by lirr.c, paints, tar, oil, &a. &c. for salo at 1 obias's Health Jitnponum. Dloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 3t WTALLERBIIAMP'S C0U3I1 Sirup and Family PiUs, for salo at Jobiurs Health Emporium. of HE snbscriber wisbos to engage for one year, from the first day of April nsxt, the Bervi33 THE subscriber would respectfully inform tho public, that he has taken tho storo recently occupied by .Mr. McDowell, in Orangcville, and is now opening and receiving from New York and I'hiladclpliia, a splendid assortment of all Lir.de 0 which ho will dispose of at the most reduced prices lor cntili or country produce, l lie public are invi ted to call andcxaminc for themselves. YTILLIAM FAUX. Orangcville, Oct. 7, 1837 A Wagon-Maker, inch an one as can make One and Two Horse Wa gons in a firm and substantial manner. Also : for the season, who can come well recommended as a good workman. Either of the above will obtain reasonable wages by applying to the undersigned. Henry it ells. DIoomsbunr. January 27, 1838. 40-t DISSOLTS'TIOIT OF PARTN3BRSHIP. IHE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, trading under the firm of Joseph Lemon, & Co. was mutually dissolved on the 10th of January, 1833. All persons having de mands will pleaio to present them for settlement, is thoso indebted to the firm are requested to mako im- medlsW payment Joseph Lemon, William Lemon, Jonathan Ltmon, Isaac Ltmon. January ST. 18J8. 4Wt Estate of Jacob Winter, late if Mount , Pleasant townsnip, uoiumuta toumy, deceased. "JTOTICE is he'eby given, that Lettors of Ad JLj ministration have bei granted to the euberi bcr on the cetato of said deceased. Therefore all persona having claims againtt said estate are 10 qutod to present them, and those indebted are re quested to multe jmicemato paymcni. David Eves, Adm'r. January 26, 1838. 40-t SSTIBW (5SSSo Cheaper than cSieap I THE subscriber would respectfully announce to Iho people of Bloomsburg and vicinity, &. to tno public in general, that he has just returned a eccond time from the city, and is opening out his purciias.e, widen, together with Ins lormer stock comprises a neat and general assortment of Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cttssimeres, Sailinetts, Merinos Merino Shawls $ Handkerchirfs, Dress fy Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslim, Nestings, Stocks, Hosiery, t;e, An extensivoassortmont of Hardware, Hollotvwarc, China, Glass fy'Queentwure, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, (Mis, ramts, Halt, iisn, c. All of which he offers for' sole at hi store room in Uloomshurg, on Main-street, directly opposite th Post ofrleu, whtre the public are resoeetfatly iniilod to call nd sea for themselves, as he intends veiling his goods still a utile cliaaper than any yet olferod to tho public, for cash or country produce. Bloomsbhrg, Dee. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Snsclfte, ' Oft the prevention and euro of colds, coughs, Asthioss, oonsuaiptions, spitting of blood and all diwrders of the breast and lUDgp, for sale at lis 1) rug store of tba 6ubwnLw, in UloonMburtf. J), o. Ibotcj. The SnEiscriliev rERY roipoctfully informs his friends and tho nnblic. that he has always on hand, at his Li very Stabla in Bloomsburg, for th pUrposesof JHra or ExchanBe, a variciy ui Woprios, Sulldes, num. WAGONS. AND SLEIGHS. wbieh he wiU fool gratified to keep in readiuewfor tl.. o.r.nmmvliiiirtn flf AllfitOD&T2 Personal applicaUon can beruadootiiiiresidein,', whon every nisans will b wea to ren-iur euuic -t- ariction to U108' wuo may ffivu mm a . NOAH S. KU'NTIS. BlaoajVurj , NovtmVar 4, IS37. Rawant's Tonic Mixture, R Vegetable Yanrifug, a lading ctoro for th fCTcr and tgut, on nciw anu ior eaia iy D. S. Tobias. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Tills OU SndigosUon, or sour Stomach, on band, eod for sal tt Tobiai1 Health Emporium, Bloomsbnrg, January 13, 1880. 28lt F UK CAI'3, just rtedvud, and for sola at i- nmv & euesp aluu) tl J. T. Mutselman, S.- Co, BlovmsbuTK Docmber 3, 199T. AR If.ON, Ju 4r.uivod, cad far tola at th ut)W & slicap n'.'Jr of J. T. Mvsstman, f Estate of LUDWIG HERRING, late of Bloom township,' Columbiu county, deceased. "1JSTOTICE i hereby given, that Letters of Ad Jg ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on duid estate. Therefore all p'crsonsliav ing claims against said estate, are requested to pre sent them, and those indebted are requested to mnko immediate payment. If those indebted do not at ieijd to this call before tho lirstday of March next, their accounts will bo placed in proper hands to en force collection. John Herring, Adni'-j January 27, 1838. 40-Ct To the Bisrtrcsscd fc Afliictcdt The Estate of U7. A L HOPKINS, Esq. deceased. HE subscriber would respectfully announco to his friends and the public that he has opnd general assortment of Drugs & Medicines, nt his Drug and Chemical Storo in Bloomsburg', A and that he wiil be happy to supply the wants of ItfOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad- ministration 011 the estate of U.al HorKixs, Esq. lato of Bloom township, 'Columbia county, de ceased, has been granted by the Register of Wills, &c. in and for said county, to the subscriber, resi dent in Bloomsburg. All persons having claims on said estate nrp requested to present them for settle ment; and those indebted are required to make im mediate payment. JOHN R. MOVER, Admtr. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1938. 38 6t 1?B GOODS. Cheaper than Ever! S3 CO 00 W O 1 H3 PA M In fine, Ihcy have every thin" which na ccssily or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the lincst article m yry uoous, anu from a needle to a stove in Hardware, Their stock of HARDWARE, IilON China, Glass; Q,UE ENS WARE : 4rocerics &i Sjiquors. Oih, Suit and Fish, Holloiv-ware, i$-c. $,-c. S,-c $-c. is more extensive raid better selected than the same articles in any of the neigh' bourinij stores. 1 hoso who wish new, cheap, and cood articles ol Merchandize, should call at the JMooinsburtr Arcade" either before or af ter cxaming elsewhere, and make their pur- linses. All kinds of Country Produco taken in payment at the highest market prices. Dloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1837. The Subscriber Would be" leave to announce to the peo ple of IJItioin&burjj and vicinity, that hg has ust received a splendid assortment 01 sea sonable DRY GOODS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths. Uussimcrci and battinctls ; l'lanneli, and Canton Flannels, of evf.ry colour ; Black, Brown and Green M rinos, of every shade and juulity ; and in fact a full assortment of Drawer Common Goods, among which are an extensive supply of Groceries & Liquors, 1PAUOTS & LfL09 China, Glass and Quccns-IVarc, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Sperm. Refined and Common Lamp Oil, ESarilwas'c, Ca&laJifjWj & Iron, iir.N S AND WOMtiN S ROOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, together with every variety of merchandize which can meet the wants or please tho fancy all which he will dispose of at the lowest ncc3; lie rellirns his acknowledgments to cus tomers for their very liberal support, and with a firm determination to please through attention to business, 1io solicits a continu ance 01 tneir cans anu custom. (Tj All kinds of country produce will bo taken in exchange for goods. V. D. FISHER. Dloomsburg, Dec. Hi, 1837. Swaim's Vermifuge, IS invaluable family medicine for worms, dys cntary, bowel complaints, cnolic, cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in tho stom ach, loss of apjietitc, fever and ague, (cc. kept at lobuis s Health Lmponum. Swaini's Panacea, ENOVVKED throughout the whole world for its efficacious qualities as a family medicine, constantly on hind, and for vale at 'he Drugstore of Leidy's Compound Sarsaparilla, ,11 blood pills for Ilbcumatie affections, general debility, ulcerous sores of the nose, throat and body, white aw clung, diseases of tho liver and skin. totter, rmg-worm, piles, cramps, &i for sulo at Tobias's Health Emporium Compound Fluid Extract, biles, pains in the bones, chronic rhoumatism, letter, white swelling, &c, &c. for salo at Tobias's Drug Warehouse, J T. Mussclmais, & Co. OUI.D again announco to their customers, tnosowno may give nun a sortnicnt are": Acid beuioic muriatic nitiic sulphuric tartaric Anni seed Acetate of line Aloes Antimony (crude Arrow root Assafirtida Alcohol Alum Arsenic white Asphallum Dark Peruvian red cinnamon Balsam Copaiva dc maltha of fir Rerlcy pearled Datctnan's drops -Uisinnth (nitrate) lllai'king. for boots liorax refined Jlrimstono ttuaaundy pitch Dole Armernia liluc pill Caloinrl Cnirosie sublimats (Inl.irnino Camphor Catechu Cayenne pepper Cochineal Cocculus Indicui Columbo Cologne water Conserve of roses Cream taitar Cubeb Coriivay seed Coriander sead Chamomile flowers Digitalis Elixor of vitriol Epsom salts Emery powder Essence of repperniint 1 .ri Tailoring Business; t B. RUPERT, 75 ETULNS his arkuowledgmcntsto customers I "w, for their very liberal support, and would now reapecltully announce to tncin, nnd me pulilic gen crally,that ho has just rccencd tbo latest froip Philadelphia, in which material changes arc made. Ills shop is at tlie old stand, in tun same building with the post-ollicc. flj-JN'ono but good workmen aro employed at his shop; and those who wont their garments made in a neat, durable and f.tbhionnblc style, arc imited to Ene him a call, and they may rrly on hating their work well and expeditiously executed. Ho would also announce that l.o continues reg ularly to receive tho Fashions, cud that any orders Irom abroud will tc promptly oxecutcd. Dloomsburg, January 10, 183S, A J AST OP JVETTEIIFJ 3r5)EMAININO in tho Pobt Office at Dlootas- MMi hurg, January 1, 1838. Mary Uowyer John Baylor Joseph Coleman Lewis Comptun Thomas Cox Andrew Emins Rev. Wrn. Ji Eyer Jamca C. Pot Henry (loigcr Daniel Geigcr Thomas Hurtman Daniel Jfowcr Catharine Hartman Edward liicka Mrs, Elizabeth Jnooby Rebccka I. Johnson Mrs. Sally Ann lrndy John Kline Emumit'l Lazarus Peter Alcuch 8abina Miller Andrew Melick Peter Miller, (Tanner) U. it D. Kcwhard (Ji'orgo Russel Daniel Reedy (3) Churlotlo Rittcr - Mrs. Elizabeth Shumaksr " Mary Sloyman " Rebecca Vaudors'.lee 2 Henry Weaver Michral Waltsr Jacob We zler Gcoreo Zciclcr 36 (T'PTons calling for the above Ittterswill nlooso say wry are advertiscJ. u. iiui'jJKl', 1: M. January 10, 1838. 38-St and tho public, that they uavo just ro- coivsd anotlicr fresh supply of MEECHANDI5BE, embracing ovory variety of Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, Hardn aro, &c whieb Uioy iutend to sell at the moit rnduced prices at their new and cheap storo in Bloom-burg. They invito a call from thou who want rhoicd articles atahxott cctlpricwi LVKsmbcr'J, 18J7. Pieces of Assorted Mtritioi, double wedrh and an osrartmont of Mack Mirttios, of a vr rv superior quality, just ope nwl and for tale at the ixew nmi (,lieep btoroof the subscribers in moom uurg. J. l . m HKl,MAf, -- BLBBUATBD Univorwl Pkwter foTtho euro of Gout and rhumatlc rior, destroying oorns, curing frost-tittnn fcot, snd toro brcittto, f.u sale at Tobias's Health Emporium, 5 1J'.liRi:LS ofL-'ke Sjlt, und alarjo A&il'JS' JO) T'aituly ofGnu.url Alum Halt, just iujjttd, iuu u. wle nt the ri.eap suic uf T. 7ai:fjman, tSo. JOHN S. INGRAM, FW1KNDER8 his profcftsional services to the ciki JJ icnscf Columbia county, He will feel grate ful for business mtrurU'd to bis rnro, Offioo in Ibe eamo building with the 'CohimNu DsmowaU' Bloomcburg, May, 18S7 1 1 TTDST rcceitod, and for solo at the slors of tli Qi subscriber, a plendlil assortment of WOOD H'J'OVJiR, loth i-lain and with Boilors. Also an assnrtmruif. nf rfiucil nnd Miiiara t't.ni nt different ntt . C. V. FWHllU. J Dloomdjoi, SvpLiO, 1S3T. TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. MUTAT-TII, "Tho poor man's riches tho rich man's blisi." call. Among his of cinnamon D j tract of color; nth 01 licmlock of liuaorico Kyo water roenugTfcK seed Gamboge Galli Gintian root . Golden tincture Godfrey's cordial Gum Arabic J'ragacanth Ammoniac Shellac Kino Gulb.mum Myrrh Gauiacum Juniper Hclcboro, black Hiera picra Ink powder, black Isinglass Ipecacuanha Ivory blade KcyKer'a universal plaster Jalap Laudnum Liquorice root Lunar caustic Lucifor matches Loco foco do. Mornhium Tilugnsia calcined do carbonuto ?,Irihna flake do common Mustard, whito Nipple shells Nui Vomica Opium Opodeldoc Orris root O.tulic acid Olto of Rose Ointment of mercury of Galls ' of red precipitate ' of Spanish lly Citr&u Wafors, Wliits wax Oil of Almonds, 4 Amber ' Anni seed ' Caraway 1 Cloves ' Copaiva ' Lavender Origanum Orange ' Peppermint Pcnnyrdyal Rosemary Ruo " Spiko Stono ' Sassafras ' Tansy Par Wintergreen 1 Votmccsd Dritish ' Croton Castor Hnrlcain Pink root Parngoric Elixir Plaster, ndhesive do strengthening Prepared chalk Pearl powder Pills, Anderson's, Scotts, ' Hooper's 1 Lee's IS'ew London German Morrison's ' Dvan's Dyolt's Lcidies' ' of Aloes ' of Asmfcctina of Opium of Quinin's Quassia wood Quicksilver Quinine Rhubarb Kochclle salt Rotten stono Rose water Itukt of Iron Sago, pearled Salammonias, cruds Salt of tartar Sal Volatilo Bait petro Sanders wood Sarsapharilla ' Scaling wax Senna leaves Scnaka snake root Soap, castilo shaving ' while castilo ' fancy Sodo, supar carbonat Sub carbonate Spanish fly Sperrnaciti Sweet spirits of nitro Soda pow'dcrs Spirits of hartshorn ' of Lavender eomp. ' of Tarpcnrino Seed Laco , Smelling bottles Scidlits powdeis Spong'6 Squill Sugar pf lead Sulphur Sucking bottles Tartar emetic Tincture of Aloes ' of Assafoctida ' of Peruvian bark ' of cinnamon ' of Muriate of iron J of.Myrih ' of Spanish fly ' of Colchicum seed of senna ' of Valerian ' ofGuiacum Tooth powder brushes Valerian root Venice turpentina Verdigris, Vcrmillian Virginia snake root Vials, different siics Vitroil, .blue, green.whita Whito Rcslh In fine, hW "Emporium pf Ilealth" will be found to contain ccry variety of the most approved Drugs, Medicines; Paints, Dyc-Slvjfs, Oils, Fruit, Confections, fyc. tj-c. which arc warranted 6f good quality, hating been carefully selected from tho best established ware houses in Philadelphia; and which ho will fell st most reduced prices. Ho willuso every exertion to accommodate and benefit his customers, nnd there foro respectfully solicits tho patronage of a liberal public. D. 8. TOBIAfAy Ohdrrisbury January 0, 1833. 37t V, ? fl gftnera! supply of FRE8II OYSTERS ra&J' A always obtained during the season, by ap plying at the Refectory of tho subscriber in Blootos burg. JOHN R, MOYUR. DerinberS, 1837. WINE, Brandy, Gin, Onrdisl, &c. 'just re ceived, and roady for delivery to customers at very roducod jirieos, by T. Mussclman, $ Co. job ttmTm& Ncaty excculod at th Democrat office,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers