THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. I cd "TMJTII WITHOUT TCiJl S.lTCItlf.lY, I'EMiU.HiYn, 1836. tCT To JL'rinlcrs. -OS The Kditors. Jiavinff issued propasah for tho pub lication of i) newspaper at another place, thoy now olur for sale tho printing materials and subscrip tion list Of THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT." To a Vounn man with a limiteil capital this oflico By Ingram & Mills. ofler3 considerable inducements, it having upward t of fivo hundred aubscilbcrs, anil an advertising and joli custom worth from 800 to 1000 per annum, 'i'lio original cost of ths rsUblishment will bo all that wo shall require from the purchaser. Any in quiries by mail vvilrbo strictly attended to. , "Tho ComMiiiA Dk.muckat" is published at Moomsburg, In the most central part of Columbia ' county, "and acM with the dominant party both in i 'political and sectional feelings. Addrfisi, INGRAM & MILLS, DloomWurg, Feb. 10, 1838. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. Thoso indobtcd to thio establishment for subscrip tions, jobs, or advcitiscments, arc TeqUcstcd to mako immediate payment, as in a short limo our booku will be placcd'in tiio hond3 of a magistrate to enforce collection. Thoso who do not pay within the year will be charged ?2 60 in conformity with our terms , of publication. Wo hopo that all may see tho ne cessity of complying with this notice, as we must purine tliis couroo hi order to comply with our pay able engagements. JOHN P. INGRAM, THAN KLIN S. MILLS. February 10, 1839. tO" Wo shalljm a short time transmit our hills to delinquent customers, and from the necessity of the case, wo hope none may delay in forwarding the amounts re spectively due for subscription or advertise' rncnts. Those subscribers who do not pay within the year will be charged the EXTRA FIFTY CENTS, in accordance with our terms of publication. A, speedy collection may bo anticipated, for 'we shall place our hooks in the hands of a magistrate for that purpose, immediately after our labors shall close as Editors of this paper, which will bo in a few weeks. A TTOINTMl'.NTS I1Y THE President. By and with the advice and consent rf the senate. Henry A. Muhlenberg, of Pennsylvania, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria. John Randolph Clay, of Pennsylvania, to be becrelary ol Legation. , tJfios T. Thtoop, of New York, to be Jiiarce u nnairuB oi uic uinieu near His Majesty the King of tho Kingdom of the Two bicillies. .' tCPBy Divine permission, the Rev. Wil liam Tobcy will preach in the Presbyterian Church at Bloomsburg, next Sabbath (to morrow) at 2 o'clock, P. M. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. The report of the committee appointed to view this road, and decide as to the practica bility or impracticability of finishing it; have made a lengthy report, elucidating in a very clear and satisftctoiy manner, the folly of this undertauing, and the wastelul expen dituro of public money that would attend its completion. They say tho work was commenced in folly, that it is disconnected from any public work loading to the westerti country, that its termination is on the summit of south mountain, presenting tho appear anco of an American Sibctia. It has been ascertained that tho Baltimore and Ohio 'rail roail, with which the Gettysburg road 'was intended to bo connected, will not be 'extended up through Pennsylvania to the Ohio, but tako quite a contrary direction, 'thtough Virginia to some point far down tho Ohio. Tho committee have further sta ted, that the completion of this road would .yruin tho southern counties of this state, and materially and injuriously affect the busi- Ticus of Philadelphia, by taking the trade of the West from' that city, and carrying it to Baltimore ; under these and other consider ations, tho committee recommended that all operations on this work be immediately sus pended. A rumour is in circulation that Gov. SVolf has resigned his seat as Second Comp troller and loft Washington. Tho Ilairis- FLORIDA. Affairs in Florida still asume a hqeiilc as visaged.warhas "ot J'otamoth-'- pent ; gnm-vis his wrinkled front," Lieut. Pdwell lias had a fight with -a body of Inditins near San Lucia in which ho was defeated, and sus tained a considerable loss. His officers were all wounded in attempting to tnako the men como up to the mark. Jumper, a chief of great valor, with 11 warrqrs, 22 cd. Indian women and children, 0 negroes and M women and chilurcn, have surrendered themselves to Col. Taylor, and liavc been taken to Fort Pike. Gen. Jrssup is now at Kissimce, and it is thought the army will meet or have met at'Fort Rassinger. CANADA. Tho last despatches represent the affair.1) of Canada still in commotion. Great ex citcmcnt pre; ails among the Oanadhyi toy' ally, with regard to tho massacre of their kinsmen and neighbors. Montreal is thor oughly barricaded. A. B. Papineau has been brought to Montreal on a charge of high treason. gc3" Tho Reform Convention have dc cided that runaway slaves shall no have tho right of trial by jury. Tho Nashville Union of tho : ry, states that tlie legislature oi imssissip j pi have elected James Trotter (democrat) U. S. Senator, in the place of Mr. Black, (whig) resigned. Thecclcbrated Indian Chief Oscola, died at Fort Moultrie, on the 31st ultimo, of an affection of trla throat, after an illness of a few days. The Legislature of New Jersey has re pealed the law prohibiting the banks of that state from issuing bills of a less denomina tion than five dollais. iO The Hon. Henry A.' Muhlenberg has resigned his seat in Congress, and ac cepted the appointment lately conferred up on liiiii gCP'Thc Cashier of the Commonwealth Bank, (Mass.) read in his place, a protest againrt the non-payment of a note, drawn in favour of Daniel Webster. The latter was deadly silent ! iiYunSKfiAii. MARRIED In Jersey town, on Sunday last, by Rev. George. C. Drake, IVilliam Evens, to Jlmanda Young, both of Green wood township. OBITUARY. T . I .1 1 . ... .. ucpartcu mis we, at ins residence in Mount Pleasant township, on Tuesday tho fllh inst. Mr. James K. Musgrave, in the jisi year oi ins an. Jisiyearoi ins agu. Ho has lelt a wili and several children to lament the bereave- ment of a kind husband and protector. WAS f$;$tb. A THREE DOLLAR Shinnlastcr; the owner can have it by calling at this office, and paying lor this advertisement. Ulooinsburg, Feb. 17, 1838. 43 The enrolled inhabitants belonging to tho l'irst Uattallion 71st Regiment I M.', arc hereby notified that an election will bo held at the house of Alexander Hughes, in 0 angeville Columbia county on Saturday the Kith day of .March next, between the hours ol ten m the forenoon and six in the alter noon, to elect by ballot one ncrson for Ma jor for said battullion in the room of Uzel Hopkins, dee d. DANIEL FOLLMEK, Inspector 1st Bri trade 8th Div. P. M. Limestone, Feb. 17, 1838. -13 It OEPHAK'S COURT SALS'. In pursuance of an order of iho Orphans' Court of Columbia County, will be sold at l'uulic Vendue, on Saturday, the IOtli day March, next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described real estate, late the property of Nathaniel Edgar, late of Hem lock township, deceased, a certain traot of siluate in the townshisp aforesaid, Columbia TEN ACRES, mora or less, adjoining lands of Isaac Shoc maker, Andrew Shoemaker, and others The improvement are a HOUSE AND HALF BARN. Tho land is of good quality woll watered and loncod. Conditions at the timo ol sale MICHAEL STECHER, Mm'r, By tho Court, Jas. DomlJsoA, Clerk. Feb. 17, lB3t. 43 4t Religions Notice. Tho Rt. Rev. Bishop Onderdonk will" preach at the Churches and places named below, at the times respectfully mention-' Christ's church Jersoytown, rIue3day Feb. 20. U o'clock A. M. r St, Gabriels, Sugar Loaf, Thursday Feb. 22. 11 o'clock A. M. Oraiigbvillc on Thursday Feb. 22d. half past 7 r. fll. Hloomsuurg, lrruiav r et. aa. morning and evening, and the 21th, morning, at tho usual bours of worship. On Friday morning the 23 rebuary at 11 o'clock, it is expected that the new church of St. Paul's", will bo consecrated to the service of the eternal God. On which occasldn ,a collection will bo takon for the use of said Clfurdh. SHERIFF'S SAILEo BY virtue of a writ of Ven. Exponas, tp ino directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the court-house, in Danville, on Wednesday tho 28th day of February, at 10 o'clock, A. R.I. a certain TRACT 01s3 EaARTD, sitUato in Dcrry township, Columbia coun ty, containing FORTY acres, more or less, whereon is erected The laud is all cleared, and adjoins lands of David Derr, James Clark, John Springer, and others. On the premises is an APPLE and a well oi water near me uoor. oeizcu, . . .11 i taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of John Book. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. , February 10, 1838. i2 3t OTTrTHEREAS, tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS i$f' President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and Goneral Jail Delivery, (Joint of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed oftho counties iifNoidiumbcrlanJ,lTjiion, Columbia and Lyrominir ; and Iho Hon. William and I.f.onauii IlctcRT, hsquircs, associate Judgfs in Culunvbia county, have issued their precept bearing date tho 10th day of February m the yo-rol our J.owons thousand eight hunurcu and thirty-eight, and to mo directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G il eal Jail Delivery, Ucneral quarter ScAsions df the Peace, Common filing, and Orphans Cdurt, IiV DAK ILL'C, in tlie county of Columbia, oh tho third Mmday of April next, (being tha IOtli day) cmUo continue ojj.c Week." liUTJCJi m thcrefvre hereby given to the Cor- nfcer, tho Justices of (ho Poaec, and Conslablos of tho f aid County of Columbia, that they-bo thon and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisition and other rcmcmbranco3 to do those things which to their olhce appertain to bo done. Anil thoso who aro bound by recognizances to proiccuto nsainst tho prisoners that are or may be in tho jail of said county of Columbia, arc to bo then and there to proiccuto againU them as shall bo just. Jurors aro roqucstcd to bo punctual in their attendance, a greeably to their notices. l)ate,d at Danvillo, tho 19th day of February, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-eight, and in tho C3d year of tho independence oftho United States of Amor ica. , ' WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sfcriff. Sheriff's Ofilco, Danville,, ? t ea. 10, IBBH. 43 Ct WAITEDo THE fnbsoribcr wishes to engage for one year, from tha first day of April next, the tervioti of A Wagozi-XtfZaker, such an one njt can mako Ono and Two Horse Mra gonsfli'a.feffi and substantial manner. Also: JL BRICK MOTTLDERa for tho season, who can porno well recommended as a good workman. Either of tho above will obtain reasonable wages by applying to the undersigned. Henry Jfells. Uloomsburg, January 27, 1833. 40-tf DISSOLII'TSOIT , OF PARTNERSHIP. IIH partrterthin heretofore existing betwoen the undel-sliineil. tradiner under tho firm of josepu ijeinon, & Uo. was mutually utssolved on the 10th of January, 18SS. All persons liaving de mand. will please to preaont them for eeitlomont, & thoso indebted to the firm are requested to mako Inv mediate payment. Joseph Lemon, William Lcmdn, Jonathan Ltmon, , Jsaat Ltmoh. t January 57, 1S38. 40-4t Estate of Jacob Tinnier, late rf Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, . deceased. "TTOTICE ii ho'eby givem, that Letters of Ad JJXJ ministratipn have been granted to Iho sulweri tier on the estate of eaid deceased. Therefore all partons hftviog olaim against said ostate are re. ruted to prnt thai, and those indbuid are re quested to make immodkta imypieut. David Eves, Adm'r. January S3, 18C8. 4i)-flt JOB P&TITTIITO ..Sk. PROPOSALS For pubUthtns "t PotttvilU, Pa. an Imperial Wethlu iVaetpaper, to Is cntttltd Tho urgent solicitations of numerous friends, and tho prospect of liberal . patronage, have induced tho undersigned to issue these proposals, and ask tho support of the pub lic. In politics, the 'Pottsvillk Ejiroitiuji" will zealously support the principle's and candidates, of tho Democratic party, and particularly tho nomineo of tho 5th of March Convention : But, aside from patty feeling, it shall bo our main object to enhance tho interests of our fcllow-cilizens, by promoting that industry and cnterprize which charac lisc.thc operations of the Coal Region. Wo shall go for the honest many against tho designing few on all occasions, reverencing that principle in our political creed, and op posing any Monopoly which may retard the exercise of individual, rights, or have tho tendency to put down individual industry and enterprise. In tine, our object shall bo to promote the welfare of tho community amongst whom wc, live to. pleaso and in struct and with no other promises, wc shall commence our paper, hoping that our ex perience bolh as mechanical printers and editors, may fit us for our task, and afford that gratification to patrons Which novet fails to induce the necessary recompense for servi ces rendered in a laudable undertaking. " ;. At present there is but one English paper published in tho county of Schuylkill a countv whoso territory is completely spotted with villages, and whose citizens rank amongst tho most intelligent, industrious and. cuterprising of the commonwealth. In lesprSchuylkill polled almost 2500 voles, and the combined Democratic vote exceeded 1000. Then wc doubt not of the success of our establish mont, provided tho exertion of friends iiia'y, in the launching of our bark, prevent it from mooring, upon thoso rocks and shoals which generally render the commencement of a paper a matter of so much anx ietv and expense to the proprietors. , The "Pottsville Emporium" will be published weekly, on an Imperial sheet, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable semi-annually in advance, or 82 50 if not paid within the year. . . . ' The first number will bo published about tho first of May next. Subscriptions aro 'respectfully solicited. February 8,. 1838. Smporfcani. to Tailors! PATENT ELASTIC SQUARE AND gelf-vavymsr Sqwairc Kulc, For measuring and draflins coats, incon- ncctiop with another, now and useful rule for cutting sale or bov's coat's upon a more familiar plan ; also, superior rules lor cut ting all other garments incumbent on that branch, arc now offered to the trade by the subscribers; beliving them to surpass eye- 0ncof thodwelli hasliereltforoonoc ry tiling of the kind which lias prccecaeu ciipicd ag a and a person who would lhem' oPTniPvivn umT carry on tho mercantile business woufd he SELF-VARY hUi preferred 'as a tenant. Tlie situation is a Great imperfections in tho art and liabil- goodone, it being in a most extensive lutn ilics to produce a miss-fit have been stand- i,er country, and where considerablo might ing before the cutter ever since the injro- be done in the Grain business. duction of rules, filling tho mind Willi lear and anxiety, until the coat is finished ,anu 0r April next,and any person wishing to ex tried on, at which crisis the blood is often amine the premises can receive every satis- cailscd to rush into the iacc at uoiioiutng a bad fitting coat. Tho rule3, with one or two exceptions, which have been in use ever since the first invention lof tbo kind, were wholly predi- catcd upon principles giving tho same pro- portion for every man, which principles would long .inco have been superceded by self-varving rules, had tailors but thought let the'variation in the proportions of men's bodies arc almost as many as in the features f il f ro oi uic iacc. ,, . or ol having perfected he art, upon w Inch . ? 0 . C. ? .i -.i' it contains many erroneous principles, wuic. the subscribers forbear to "point out until that gentleman assails this assertion. All such systems have heretofore been defective in two' ways: First, Ihoy arc ony in part self-varying. Secondly, those parts which aro intended to be self-varying are defective. In fact, there are certain points on the coat which cannot bo effected by self-varying principles in any other way, nor by any other means, than those laid down by the subscribers. Unlike any other of tho kind, this sys tem now offered to the trade is conducted without any breast measure, and effects ev- cry point and every part of the coat by sell- varying principles, in a way calculated to convict tho senses of any reasonable man, thnt should it ever fail to proddco a good fit upon any shape whatever, the charge must be laid to a careless and incorrect measure- ment. It may teem mysterious that tins rule is said to bo self-varying, and yet a square rule a square rule and yet conduct- cd without a breast measure ; but the whole mystory will bo unfolded at once by exam- ination. Unwilling to havo it said that the subscribers are attempting to palm this sys- tern upon tho trade with misrepresentations, they avow their willingness to submit it in- delnl which coniniitteo shall make tho decision known through tho press. The subscri bers sot all systems which are governed wholly by the breast measure asido as in ferior and uot worthy to compare -with ; consequently they will compare with none but such as are governed m part uy sen varying principles For if tho principles lo mo jiauua ui an iiiiiania, e Township ofureonwoou, in saui counr an oxamiiiation of its principles, in compar- then and tlcro t0 discover and make ison with any oilier ever invented in tho 'f of their demands, agreeably to trio United States, at Philadelphia oework, .. ' no nf ,ufi M,d act. here offered to the trado ate not worthy of to accommodate all the changes oftho fash patronage it is right that it should be made Jns, and warranted to fit rithout the trou known, and they sink into oblivion. On tho bio of trying on tho dross before finishod, pjv contrary, if they are four.d as abovo repros- o. . "plan so oasy that any lady may learn it ented, or if thereby the subscribers have put from the rule anil explanations, or in .one an end lo all further improvements in the half hour by personal teauhing, :.s hereby art of cutting coats they deserve somo pat- offered to the ladies empbysd in that brunch Term if forwarded to order $10, if per- tonally taught $12 CHARLES HAULER, WU.LIAM K.!lLi:R. JOHN S. INGRAM, ' FRANKLIN S. MILLS. "Valuable Property Tun subscriber wishes to obtain tenant! to a property in Kohrsburg, (.ircenwood township, Columbia county, consisting of TWO Possession will be civen on the first day facti0n by calling on tho undersigned, ANDREW McCLURE. . Rohwbnrg, Feb. 10. 1838. 42 tf. ,TfT. Tr?TOWTKTr,WfSU ffjf El&aaED BM2W&1L&J(&9 Oo TTTATil?W J1TTTT HADEiV Mttiril, . Respectfully informs the pub ic, that ho " prepared to receive and execute orders in the abovo line, and from his knowledge of the art, having had extensive practico for the last fifteen vears, considers himself jiis- I fa 1 X .h . est and mostcorrect manner, and levelling nf nropv rlnsf rinlinn faithfullv norformed im' .,,',, a MtMa:A. Able" assistants arc engaged. Orders left with the following, persons will meet with immediate attention. James Taggart, Esq., Tamaqua. S. It. Harmon, Esq., Danville. John J frcavcr,, Esq., Pottsville, John S. Insrqmt Esq., Jiloomsburg.' , Cornelius Conner, Esq., Maueh Chunk. Tench C. Kintzing, Esq. Caltaidssa. Cattawissa, Feb. 10, 1838. 12 .Ott NOTICE. Whereas, In pursuance ofanactof gen- Pcnnsyvanjaf an attachment hath been ,cd bythc subscriber one of the justices b in aJjd for lho Coi,nty 0f Col- a airainst a certain Isaac Ranlz, of tho t0WnsI,ipo0f in tho county of Oolum- aforS3i(i wj,ercnn ccrtain chatties and of IgaaR RaIltZ) )lav0 beerV Uac(ic(jt ami arc now jn- the custody of 'Cmh gtad(jn an(J Qcorgo Appleman, oftho township of Monnl pjeasant in said Counr untji they shall be disposed of accord- to Ja ' Th-g is lhercfor8 0 give no; ti(j creditorsof the said Isaac Ranft, m ftjonday t,e 2Gth of February, ' . , of jjenjamin Kcstorpf .lirnr.iions of the said act. Benjamin Kester. Greenwood, Feb. 10, 1838.42 3t TO AWTWA MAKERS. An extremely useful arid thoroughly nrovan PATENT SYSTEM for cutting Ladies' Dresses and Habit in various forms, Terms if forwarded to order $5, if per sonally taught SO. WILLIAM HAULER, ChKV '-.APi.KK 1 burg Reporter has bren authorized to say the report is not truo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers