"I liavo sworn upon tbo Altar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over tlie Blind of 3Iai..- -Thomas Jefferson, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN 3. INGRAM. ma mi m, ''For the Columbia Dcmncraf. 2yLPAlNY DAYS INT1IE MOUNTAINS, nHuo summer of tho year 1828 1 was l!jFf . pIirly "I0)' ,0 oxploro the mminona region between tlic Susquc JnSljiayinJ Schuylkill, and the fornicr and jEejiigh. At that time there was a few JsMtjcrcil hoVels in the wilds, and a few pupucjiiiouse3 aiong tnc uiiiorent ieadhiT ijyl b"t ncverthelcs3rllic appearance of p'w:'"trY Jcll0,C(1 tli"'!r lHic the hustle ipljdnisincss. There was then one solitary javcrn'Avhcre the pleasant village of Beaver flMag6ws now offers to the weary travel ler no'only the necessaries hut the luxu ries of life. 'J'hc sanio may be snid of Hazleton, and perhaps still less of Tama- and several other fine villages which lliming up, sb by magic, under the in SJtof tna' nil-moving-hand, internal v$$g1Cnl' 1 was wo!l,lScr-bound then, (wi) in the neighbourhood of Ucavcr ICadows. I sat down, sad and diseonsn l'lc wno'c w'lds of tho mountains befpronnc. I saw the ravines, the streams, aylio' swamps, skirled with laurel and othorFnaruv ever-creens. woven tocmtlior whnwvincs anil rrreen hnVrsi. till iln r-,. eentcd la"-barrier formidable to the traveller: tnoBmojintains were heaving up their pine cltuHJspjrcs, with aspect as wild as in the l'lc'r sl'jcction to aboriginal gov fcrnmet; untrodden by the fdot of civilized IsIP11 travcrsinS 1'1C wilderness I found bcwauinally a narrow path, which my lgutuof!yould say "leads somewhere," but wliiclf-nppcarcd more like the footway of thj!tavny savage or the beast oT pnjjy, Jjanlikthat cf civilized men in llicme- Tho yi tcentli' century. I'was exploring with a view to Railroad or Canal communication, but upon rcvolv ing?the subject in my mind during a gloomy Uayf I'could scarcely persuade myself that thcwhole project was not visionary. The trackless- space, the rugged hills, the tang letHjforcst, all conspired to defy human en terprise, and I faultcred in uncertainty at fevciy new difficulty. . But how di(l"rdnt is the scone now! Thorail-road from '1'amaqua to Port-Clinton In comploto operation, and its extension to Cattawissa under contract so that the whole linorc'scnts a bustle in complete contrast withitsjprinicval solitude. - The Ilazlclon rpadSumler contract, with a force which uispohylespondcncy; and the coal mines in operation to such extent as to convince the most J credulous of their wealth and the practicability of making thatstorc available. 'pleasant hamlet at tho mines enlivens tnqrnrosppct with a glance at domestic com(or.whilo the moro magnificent edifi ces at.tlic village proper, carries the visitor, ixi imagination, to the portals of ancient Grcccfaand, in realitt, furnishes every ac commodation that an epicure need demand. yAt the Beaver Meadow mines is another hamlet larger than the former, because the -minesjarc worked to a much greater extent; jhnd tlinqrillagc proper contains a numerous ipojmlatfpn of mechanics and operatives, yhoJfiUithc streets with all tho bustle inci ucnt (oaclivo life in the most populous dis tricts. ,1 lie sound ol tools ami maclimcrv, liihclattcr of bells and drums, and the con- . fiwibn of many voices, dispel the gloom of iouniam rcsiucuce ami lorm nsiriuiug cuu- fist to the loneliness of 1828. Tho loco Jivccm the rail-road, witli his train of uihjyjloadcd cars, grim in aspect, pushing mrVjaas with tho cloments of an earth quakedefying all opposition, finishes 9 picture, and proclaims at onco that with the aid dgtheso elements, and the light of science, man is invincible. The mighty barrier and the fleet invador, the fluid aning i onjst and tho ad? mantino opposition, all fall oefaro tho force of coirfmiugled oleinonls, or KyjeW thoir powers and qualitios to aid the i mighty, operation. Thus the cities on tho seaboard, and the hamlet in the interior, hrrome near neigh- UOdrs, ond find t'.Kir mutural comlort and COrtVeWimino nmrn tntinvifplv nnnnpelp.l nniU BliOOMSBURG, OOUJMMA ilepenilenl on each other. By exchange of product each becomes possessed of all the comforts .or the whole. This exchange cannot take place without the aid of science and industry, and hence much of the hap piness of life depends on them for its source and continuance. Now if we could raise an imagination to form a picture of the countiy fifty years hence, on the plan of progressive improve ment now commenced, and on the ratio of the last ten years, what would it prc- cnt? It is indescribable, beyond calcula tion, and lost in infinitude!- Then who shall legislate for such a people? Who sh..ll form laws, now adapted to their state then? Mountains will be cities barrens will be vineyards forests will be farms vacuum will cease to be, void: There will be villages of note under ground, and the mail from them looked for on the sutfare, with as much anxiety then as a "Washing ton paper" now during the session of Con gress. In all probability Pennsylvania will be a silk glowing and sugar making state. W ere I a poet, I would sing the wonders of the wilderness, but as I am not, 1 will j only add a rhyme, on the subject. Yc van rough mountains, nature's wild domain; Till lato tlio subject of Iho forest's reign Ourn'U liy weak man as useless and a blot, On tlio fair mapof freedom's favorite (.pot: Your base contains the clement of wealth; our waters brace the nerves of fading health; Your forests form the edifice of pride, And bear our commerce o'er tho lietft ins tide. Let Art and Science use your ample store, And embryo cities on yoitr stiiiuniu soar; ' l.cttcaming commerce call you to her aid, Turn out vour snoiUfor u',o in every trade: Coal, nartit, stone, timber, every hidden wealth, With heriw ami plants, conducive to our health Ton thoosnnd treasures from the hills mv come, To graco tho city or improe ycnirjiome. - cllow harvest waiving as a tide riiomotlcv drove of ruminating kinc, The flock of sheep, and grunting group of swine These, and all cle, the tanners source ot gam, liaised and mjjured upon the smiling plain, Find ready market and a brisk demand, Whcrocoul, not grain, tho product isof land. The pleasant parlor, warmed ith anthracite, (The place ofcomfort and serene delight ) Speaks loud in prafco of mountain region coal, Shows nature's parts form one stupendous whole. All shows that nature wrought a perfect plan, To serve and comfort her lest creature, in!in: Yet sho so wrought, a left his powers of mind, Her means to conquer and their use to Imd. CONFUCIUS. September 23, 1JS37. IIomk. What is home? A magic word a sound that falls upon the car like the strain of a lute, as it is home out on the still evening air. What is honio? Ask the mariner, as lie rocks upon the tossed deep.- Ilia time-worn brow softens his bosom heaves with the rush of youthful thoughts, as he points to the dim line where the sea and clouds blend together, and tells you, '7'(frf.'' and that by the roaring reef it in tho howling storm, he bethinks him ol homo beloved spot, which lies not on the welcome lee and sighs. Ask the classic youth who, just free from his JJlmu Mater, roams over the wide-spreading prairie, or climbs the blue mountains of the west, overlooking far-reaching vales, nndoxhaust ing horizon, encircling hill and lake, and upland-slope, and winding river ask him if he thinks of home, and he will tell you that each returning evening speaks of it. and that as ho turns his eye to tho cloud that is tinged by the farewell rays of tho departed sun, hangs fir in tho- east, and scums In imagination to sleep over tho nlano of his birth he is in an instant thoie. O sacred, breathing thought! The soul i lost in sea of memory! Dwelling, grove, and solemn forest arc animated. Scone after scene, association after association, come rushing quick upon tho mind, and in n momont his past lifq comes back upon him. Jl'io forgets the parent's last look the pnrling kiss tho loved one's tear! Tlio splondid mansion or lowly cottage ferlile plain or barren rock all aro hallow oil, as wo look buck upon them though the vista of time that the village church is crumbling tho walls of tho pntomal dwelling sinking to ruin 'and around them iho woodbino is climbing yet mere, and where even the wild grass wavo over tlio frrato oi our nm--, mwi .... . there WC bc-'ail tO llVC WB lOVClMO llllJCr. COUNTY, 1PA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, GOD, A PATllClt Wo have rarely seen the contactor of the Creator of the universe,, jg a Father, described in more glowing colijfs than the annexed extract. Aside from the sacred naluro of the subject, the language and im agery employed arc truly sublime. "There is one distinctive feature which gives to the religion of the gofpel a glori ous pre-eminence over every other system ever devised by human ingenuitj or addres sed 10 tinman uelicl. And this were of itself sufficient to prove the divinity ofits origin, and secure for it the cordial assent and obedience of cvory child oC Adam. It is the paternal character of Him whoso spir it breathed inspiration into tho snored vol ume, and stamped it with Hie sglI of infalli bility. The gods of the heatlron delight in human sacrifices the smell of li blood is as grateful inceuse to them. Thu sword, (lie fire-brand, the warhorsc aro sacred to them, and the man of many scalps is great in their regard. The Roman i religions worshipped their bloodly eagle ho eagle was the emblem of Jupilcr. J At Cor- iiin mere was a huge brazen statue of Sat urn, in whose cxtclidcJ arms ! children were accustomed to bo thrown, frosi whence they fell at length into a chaldron jof liquid lire beneath. On one occasion 00 chil dren of the first families at Corlkth were thus sacrificed to appease the aiifpr of the cruel god. ; With what satisfaction and delht does le christian turn away from this fnournful picture to contemplate the charaCSfr of his God. Here is no sanguinary altar no instrument of torture no trcmbliiif victim. fh.'re -sir iiu, - j. ,'nc enVC branch bf peace the bright bow of promise spans the heavens from the emerald throne there comes a voice sweeter and clearer than the melody of an yEolian harp, say ing, 'There needeth now no more sacrifice for sin, for a Lamb without spot was found, and he bowed his head beneath the stroke.' Here are no hidden images no foolish charms no juggling priesthood. The eye iff faith needs no visible representative of the Immortal and Eternal. Its keen glance penetrates the veil darts into the 'holy of holies,' and sparkles with joy as it beholds the Great Whim Throne and Ilim who sits thereon. 'Our Father in Heaven' every christian knows tho meaning of it it is full of meaning, and its meaning is full of joy. Ai down in tho sunloss retreats of the ocean, Sweet flowers arc ppringing no mortal can sco, So deep in my heart the btill prayer of devotion Unheard by tho world rises silently. As still to the star ofits worship though clouded, The needle points faithfully o'er tho dim soa So dark a3 I roan through this wintry world shrou. ded, Tho hope of my spirit turns trembling to Thee. From Lord Bacon's Essays. NATURE IN MEN. Nature is often hidden, sometimes over come, seldom extinguished. Force niakcth nature irioro violent in the return; doctrine and discourse maketli nature less impor tune; but custom only doth niter arid sub due nature. He that sceketh victory over his nature, let him not set himself too great nor loo small tasks; for the first will make him dejected by often failing, and the second will make him a small procccdcr, though by ofton prevailing: anil at tho first, lot him practice with helps, as swimmers do with bladders, or rushes; but, after a time, Ict him practice with disadvantages, as dancers do with thick shoes; for it needs, great perfection if the practice bo harder than tjic use. Wh.orc naturo is mighty, and there fore the victory hard, the degreos had need bo, first to stay nndarrost naturo in time; like to him that would say over the four and twenty lettors when ho was angry; thon go less in quantity: as if one should, in forboaring wine, come from drinking healths to a draught at a meal; and lastly, to discon tinue althogoiher: but if a man have tho for titude and resolution to enfranchise him at once, that is tho best: 'Optimusillo animl vindei laidcutia pcctui iiicula qui nipit.dedoluiuiuo wrnel." Neither is tho ailcient rule amiss, to bend nnturo as a wand, to a contrary exlrcmo, whereby to set it right; understanding it where the1 contrary extreme is no vice. Let not a man force a habit upon himself with a perpetual continuance, but with some intermission; for both the pause rein forccth tho new onset'; and, if a man that is not perfect be ever in practice, he shall as well practice his errors as his abilities, and induce one habit of both; and there is no means to help this but by seasonable inter mission: but let not a matt trust his victory over his nature loo farj for nature will lie buried a great time, and yet revive upon tho occasion, or temptation; like as it was with Esop's damsel, turned from a cat to a woman, who sat very demurely at the board's end till a mouso tan before her: therefore, let a irian cither avoid t!-c occa sion altogether, or put himself often toil, that he may be little moved with it A man's nature is best perceived in privatc ness; for there is no affection in passion; for tiiat putteth a man out of his precepts and in a new case or experiment, for there custom leaveth him. They are happy men whose natures sort with their vocations; otherwise they may say, 'mulium incola fruit anima mea,' when they converse in those things they do not affect. In studies, whatsoever a man commandeth upon him self, let him set hours for it; but whatsovcr ujjujuuuiu iu ms naiurc, ict mm take no care for any set times; for his thoughts will Ily to it ot themselves, so as the spaces of other business or studies will suffice. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds; awl destroy life oilm- " 'i' RISING GENIUSES. scexh ik a school itoosr. Master. "Fuss class'n jografce!" Scholars. "Veth'm." Master. "Tummas, What's the bifir- gest liver in Ameriky?" "The Tombigbce, zur ; Ike keeps a pin chie' on me!" "He pinch't me first zur, and I pinch't him back again." "Take ycr scats; fuss class in parsin! Moses, parse 'Arkansas' sixth line from top." "A-r-k-ark, a-n-s ans, Aarkans a-s-s ass, Arkansas." "Pronounce it Arkansaw; but Moses you ainl spellin' ycr parsin child." f'O, ycth'cr! Ilarkhandsaw is a noun, objective case, indicitv mode, comparitivc degree, third person and nominativ case to scizzars." "You hav'ntsaid what gender, Moses." '.'Fcminnine gender." "Why;" "Corzitz ' "Next." "Donno." "Next." , "Corzitz a shemalc." "Next." "Forgotlon, zim" "Come David, you know." "Yeth'm." "Whcll, why is Arkansas of the femin ine gender, David?" "Corzitz why cozits its got Miss Sou ry on tho norf, Louisa Anna on the sottf, Mrs. Sippy on the cast, ami .ever so many more she females on tho west." "Very well, David, you may go to the head; you're a rising genious, and'll make a man before ycr mother. "Yeth'm." Como friend,' said a creditor to his debtor, 'I want that money.' 'I hav.en't got it.' 'But I must hnvo it now.' Well if you get it before I do, just let mo know, will you?' This is a good one, showing heat on one sido and coolness on tho other. AUniUAnr. ExTiuonniNAiir, Married at Sun Jerry. Mass., on tho lOth of August, by tho Roy, Mr. Cranicrry, Mr. Nehemiah Blackiwy to Miss Catharino Eldcrierry of Daniury. Wo hope tht uooondanU will uot piot to bo aoottterriu. 1837. IVunihcr 28. HAWKERS AND PEDLARS. W'o believe that the existence of such legal provisions as are contained in the following- article is not generally thought of but they should nevertheless be rigid ly enforced. There arc frequent instances of 'able bodied men,' and aliens, hawking and peddling goods among tho people, in outrage of the law. The matter should be looked to We have our resident mer chants among us, who pay heavy taxes to the support of government and contribute their share to all the benevolent projects of society and it is the height of injustice to allow strolling pedlars, who are frequent ly men of infamous character, to supplant them in the ways of business. Act of 28th March 1791, 4 Dallas, p.372; 3 Smith, p. 379. Purdons Digest, 5 edition p. 799. A supplimcnt to ".In act to reg ulate Hauliers and Pedlars." Sect. 1. No person shall be licensed as a hawker, pedlar, or petty chapman with in this State, but such only as is a citizen of the United States, and who from age, loss of limb, or other bodily imfirmity, shall be disabled from procuring a livele hood by labor, which disability shall be proven by certificates from one or more physicians of respectable character. Sect, 2. If any pcrso not being licen sed as aforesaid, (except' such whose li cense may not be expired, shall be found hawking, pedling, travelling from place to place through any pail of the State, to sell, or expose for sale, any foreign goods, wares, or merchandize'; every person so offending against this act, shall be liable to a fine of Firry dollars, or if any person hjyinga license shall IcimI, orotherwhjs dis- the person so lending, and the person so receiving the same, shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars, respectively, which fine shall be recovered and applied as by the act to whicluhis is a supplement, is direc ted and provided. Sect. 3. No person licensed for the purpose aforesaid, shall be permitted to sell, vend or expose for sale any foreign goods, wares or merchandize, in any pri vate or public house, or in any of the open streets, lanes or alleys, or in any other part or place of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwaik, or the townships of tho Nothcrn Liberties, Moyamensing or Passyunk, or any of the corporate or coun ty towns of this Slate, under the penally of FIFTY DOLLARS to be recovered and applied as before mentioned. Sect. 4. So much of tho act to which this is a supplement as is hereby altered or amended, is hereby repealed. SncT. M. Sergeant & Rawles, reports 398, a Hawker and Pedlar who goes from, house to house, or an unincorportcd county town offering for sale goods prohibited by the act of the 28th March 179D, and sells anyone article, even of trifling value, incurs the penally of fifty dollars imposed by that net. The New Orleans Bco of the Oth instant expres'cs its regret at the tnal-opportuno arrival of a largo nura borof emigrants from tho north, and from Europe, at a moment when tlicy are almost sure to plungo in to a prcmaluro grave, from tho pestilenco which is raging. Predisposed always by their northern con stitutions to fevers of hot latitudes, they aro doubly so when the atmosphere is maniibetly charged with an epidemic poison. Thonunlbcr of arrivals within tho few days picccding tho Oth, were. My the Caroline, from Havre, 101 " Eliza, from New York, 80 " stoamboat Alton from St. Louis, 0 " llayou Sara, 10 Two hundred deaths occurred at New Orleans on tho 9th, 10th and Uthinsts. to TiEMovr. ixKsroTs. Tho Wheeling Times says that tho tomato will remove stains of ink, and what is commonly called iron rust from linen. A Plaoue or Flies. An insect called the allise bleue has committed such ravages in some of tho vineyards of both Franco and Spain, that in the churches of Malaga it has been prayod against- Wo liavo seen somo excellent toasts which were given on tlio last anniversary, but wo beiiovo tho following conveys the most liberal, generous, and patriotic sentiment that wo havo yet soen, by D. L. Pratt. "Tno ships of our navy, . Tho Ladies of our land; May tho former be well rigged, And the latter be well mann'd." Commerce is completely stagnant in Egypt Largo remittances in 6pccio have been made tluthor from Marseilles and Leghorn. The Pacha has 00,000 bales of cotton, but will not fell frr I tht 10 1-8 dollars. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers