==l LOCI - ITEM&_ ; y (7.lllpal#quarteria.—ftepnoliwt 14e$4 qparters at the Nat!oriel Hotel in Beaver. on next Tuesday (mining.' Bog* will be,proiided, for tiro. pereqns, from each township;who brit* ietninei - r Etmcitrrox,,Chr'n qofiripm. TheLTemperance Union Association met in. the Court House, in Beaver, on the 25th of last month, and nominated the following ticket : Assembly—T. A. Shinn, Benjamin Todd; Treasurer— George Bartley; Prothonotary—S. M. Men COMMlnioner—DetatoreStieiner; Poor House Director—A. M. Barbour, Jury Oommlesicrner—Abner Morton; AuditorL. L. On 41; Tinstees of Anode= ,my—J. H. Dungan, Abraham Bostwick. T. A. SHINN, Chairman. A. J. KsTain, Secretary. Ns the argue and Radical. AS a communion season held in the First Presbyterian Cnurch, of Bridge watervon last Sabbath, October sth, four teen persons were welcomed as members of that chircho This makes eighty ad ditions to our roll, since tne fret day of last January. The revival which began with the week of prayer. and which.was so fruitf4 in accessions to the church then, seems still to be In progress. The pastor and. congregation have great rea son to be encouraged, in their work of faith, and labor oflOve. 8. L. S. Iter.the Argue and Radical. Clorrataxvitax, W. VA.,Sept. 25,1873. Dear friends of Beaver county, to the Many inquiries of friends of my youth Oonoerning this plat* as to its soil, cll. mafe and productions, I-would say as to soil that $n most, cases it is good, yielding bounteously to the hitid of Industry. In the vicinity where 1 write'are many germans who now own- their hundreds °lures instead of: the ten and twelve, owned by them while residing in liiia4er "eoutity: They. cable:here probably ten years agck with perhaps some ftieLor six hundred dollarwcaah as --their all. Un tequaintad with the country with none to advise them, many bought- old worn . out farzas. The occtipanta • had lite - rani starved out. Need I tell you-hoiv that act ,:complished• their ruin ,or. rather ilow some farm lkthis oxnintry-4 say sokne for they are few - . They clear out a patch for corn;' s they call it. They break it up the first time with, Obi- horse and a *above', plow, plant it in corn, then plow it through with that same shovel perhaps twice (not offenee. This experiment •is often repeated no Ass than ten or twelve times in succession as the harvest come on; : they gather it until at lait it produces naught but fodder, then ' - they clear a new patch. Does not this farrniiag , prove the fertility of soil? It certainty noes. Our clithate is healthy. We seldom need a physician. An old friend of mine living not far from here. has never en joyed a physician's visit. He told me - notiong since, that he bad never bad oc casion to call in a physician since his marriage for any of his family, and he has raised a family of stout, beart7 chil dren. We have bad but one death in our midst in tbe past year. This is our sev enth wonder that we live in a land of plenty. We eat of everything we raise and in such quantities. We have no small eaters here,- all live to eat. There is a man now in our county who has erected seventeen cabins, and made as many improvements. It is also said by many old settlers that he could eat at one time &quarter of mutton. and has killed more sheep than any butcher in the county. and be is now an old man yet in good health proving at oncelhat our cli mate' is indeed healthy. Our produc t ions are corn, whe;at,potatoes and tobacco, all of which we raise in abundance if the farmer does his duty. Our country is vary uneven; we have our ravines and iikewis;:e our hills and knowles though they are not high, nor very steep. Our country is very well watered and adapt ed for the raising ( - 1 cattle, sheep and hogs. Our free school system is a suc cs. We have a school house in every district, and a teacher in every school house at least four months in the year. Our only drawback is our roads, as general thing they are very poor; and our system is as poor: Each abled bodied man must work on-the roads at least two days in the year. Those two days are put in as easy as possible by many, be sides this we generally levy about five mills on the dollar which amounts to but little when worked out by persons who have little or no interest in the roads. Though the roads are poor and system yet imperfect, we may in time perfect that system, and better the con dition of our roads, and although our State has been connected with the nn - ble old State of Virginia for years, she is young yet. Her hills,many of them even now covered over ctith dense forests of pine, poplar and oak - show its age in lin pryveitiont. She is" now released from i,be yoke of bondage. and will soon stand alai) by sine with her sister State. But I will draw my letter to a close by stating that ltind is cheap ,here, prices ranging for hill laud from live to thirty dollars pw: acre, rive: Ix.d.totit ‘ froin one hundred • huu d "unit tiny according 4°l°l vise luctro and eality atul qu . 3 . --"tr 0— i•, Wll tiy:lP .. , . (lope. Como t,o :too us in ci . 1 T.'icoro.Yai.c.,l' h-y. the tegisTatnre or PennEyi -. • 1 ,,,,. Ychniarv, tirr . ;t' ' . (axe one door east of Ittoc. v h a : Sate arid you'll ne,Yerle,:tve but to-Orin, your family and bousellold atid kitchen , eztVr I '. itAiligs 1% . 54 , ...:tOC4OAer, Beaver county;" . Pe op e o '.' Bezivet .t.Vtraty can. now have their fUrnitttro, or (31', thou at, redueetVigures to get a bettetquatity from one ' Of W. 'Property Sna. , ....red r., ti, Lae... , or damage by are, akt, s. S. lair ratef, in a t=aco and Va. adopted SoIIP., It FAA A.ll 1 ,F, '4031E QO3l - PANY, -------.- ---- thereby avoidiir the- estiente. frotib:e and delay Nat Ural. Decay Protect the System i ire,ident to the i;djustraent of looes i sty companiuta t it.eated at a distance. The human body is a aricalae. and therefOre con - BOARD OF DIRECTOUS: not enciant torever; bat, like a watch or t=ewing ... _ :.t. S. ctitay., George C. Speyerer, machinc It will last mach I.)t;dr A' prowrly r4-go e•t a. ainu ei ß : w 11 ,, 0 , 1; Lewizt Schneirter, lad and duly repttedd, tarty if no pains wtaq. la- i T 'Nrlli '• - K ;nt ennedy, .Ipliu (irretiquf., 4. k;1( k, •T i S iocifies it 3n to keep ill-a ot der. The g.reat o'llt.ct. %.1 e.• ...m. camp. 3r.. C. B. linrst. cry one who ,1e..:-.As :.. lolg and 11.nrity '‘... sh tr.1t1 . . , David • I Lowry , ER.Ert, --Pres`t. , Henry Gl:eh:lug. be to potbit ho tv to A eou,i.tioa t a Nelst the I , frt ". GEO., C. SPEY . .. : threatens:,Y in In •••-c/- by waii:h we ate al. riot . ... . M. S Q,UA.T, Nice Pref.% or leea surronal: ; aad al invigortnt and C.),eut- it. J. SPETtRER, TreaF. .Ve ;Alt ;sent i n ) . .v . nCo effect ii:ely an:Acerb this i Jpus GUY-BING, Ja.,sec'y. to , . r , vitiate Minim Tit;lisborl sling?' which' nod the unpretending name of Hostetter's titoms 4 ci Bitters, has been for more than twenty years the standard tonic of America. In crowded' Maui, where thi annseittire effluvia inseparate from large populations; in mar any region miasma; on a very fall the rotting weed —ln e bort, this powerta ed. "ever coygettion of all di stases zaptit e Rat may be eve: _ the system in adliiiiiiiirith/Xcelitkiiir's 211;tatil. A utunin is always aSalsoo imottispoOdir to w eak, susceptible orgulzatfons.. Ives the MA vigorous are apt to be in emu measure depressed by the humid atmosphere, loaded with dalitesiotia gases produced by vegetal& decay. -The fall is a period ofthe year when the renovation and rem I atlon of the living machine is peculiarly impor t ant, and the Bitten should therefore be taken daily at this critical season. oct&4t McKIBENAN-1n Williamsburg, Blair county. on Thursday afternoon, September 95, Miring - F.. only child of C. B. and B. F. Meliieralui, aged about 22 months. IRONS—On September 13th, 1873, In Brighton township. Beaver connty, Pa., Robert Henry son of James Irons, aged 3 months and 16 days. - HURST.—In Bridgewater, on Friday. October 3d. 1873, Cora, infant daughter of A. C. and 'Nary Hurst, aged 9 months. For Treasurer, CHARLES RITRST; OF RO6Et:Ept4, PA., . Ativaii%-ft rrifik.r-il • Erk \- VT ONDgfittllLt DIS I COVIZRY OF TH84974 CEy. 133,RY - 4 _ - Dr. . 111:4VWE'S f A, 'BB I A--11-,T4 K—C t it i i .) ~ I 1 i t'B CONSUMPTION, • And alWiltseli of the THROAT. CHRST ar. S.. LUNG only Medicine li d the ktuilin 0 • world.) ..../ .71. - •N \ A Sightilge forIKINNWV .*I. s N Permanently d iggitegALiapt: groriching: Incipi ent Cousamotion.ll4lo of,i - Voice. Shortness of Brea d 7 . 7tarrh. Croip.4Couts r . Colds. 824. In a few Ijkirmagic. -Price 1 ~-hottbs,;,,ATAO, r R . S. D._ H " E'S. • t Arabian Tonic I , , ilitcrtfter, whic.k.DlFFints 'wall of r e preparations in.iti usszmixa arrow /upon the ' - WElL.4%tieli'S A2li BLOOD. - It is purely vegetatible, arid cleanses the system of alLimputities. builds It right up, and makes Pure, Ricla Blood. It cures Scrofulous Diseases of. all kande; roitnoree Constipation, and regulates the Bow Vs. For I.`tiIINERAL .DEBILITY, ' '`LOST VITALITY." and ••BROKEN-DOWN CONSTI TITTIONB," I ••ettallenge,the 10th Century" tollnd? its equal. Every Bottle i. Worth itB Weight in _Gold. Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by SAMUEL C. HANNAN, Druggist. Wa ter &Yea. - t , ote Agent for Rochester. Sold by HUGO ANDRIEssEN, Druggist, Sole Agent for Beaver. Sold by W. GILLILAND, Driig,gist, Sole Agent for New Brighton. Dn. S. D. HOWE. Sole Pr•oprtetor. 161 Chambers St., New York. octl-ly _ _ IN BANKRUPTCY Wzrrtax Disralcr,„py Pk., Se: BEAvER, At, OCruB3R 6, 1873. ; The undefrigned hereby gives notice of hie ap pointment ar assignee ofJohd Sienis.. of the town eh ip of Uhio:in the county of Beaver. and State of Penneylvania._ within raid District. who has been adjudged a bankrupt 013 creditors petition by the Court of raid District. octB 3t. DARIUS SINGLE'I UN. Areignee. I N BANKRUPTCY. WraTzirs-Durrract or Pk., ss: l';Zw CAVTilt — Pa, October 4. 1 . 873. t The Apdeteigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment ha astsignea_ of William Rhodes Of Wampum, in the county of Lawrence, awl State Or Pennsylvania, withitt said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt off Creditors petition by the District Court of said District, octS aw. • OSCAR L. JACKSON. Assignee. BEAVER COUNTY S 3 -•-. In the Orphans' Court of Bearer County. -In the matter of- the peti tion for partition or the real estate of Jane Satnple, late of Freedom. borough, in said county. deceased. And now to wit : t. 4 eptenity2r Int. IS7I. 'lute on the heirs ar.d It gal repre, , entatlves ci J Boer Rumple. deceased, to wtt : Wathingion McCieary, clnice unknown: William W. Williamson and 'Mary Wit iarnson, residing in Alle;zheny City. Pa.: Sarah Tait and Minerva, intermarried with James Cog hill, residing in St. Louis. In the State of Mlsso , iri, Thomas Ayers, Lizzie Ayers and Lawrence Ayer t z, residitg iu the ho.ough of Freedom. and Jennie Ayers, residing in itie county of Aliegheny. the lust three named telng minims, and having fo r their guardian ad Wird John C. Hart, and all others Interested to Bppear and show cause. if any they Itttre. wily an is quest to make partition of the real C.lfsit de o! decedent should not be awarded at an 6.°,4ttOn3' Coral to he held at Braver. in and for the coutn, t:f Heaver, on the Second Monday of November Mit, fit being the lath day thereon A. D., 1873 hfr copy of rule efts. EHLIN WHITE, Sheriff. JOHN C. II&RT. C 10 1 ,12 Sherifra Office, Oct. tf, 1174--8-3 t. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. iienriet & Lenz, Trueteee. ) 'ln r' t Common ve. %Pleas of EaTerr Co , W. F ..Modee, et of FL FtL.No. Bfiart.l March Term, Ws. ) Fi. Fn. No. V, Malin 1-Term, 1873. Dominic Betcheticr ve. W. F. Modes John Miller. • W. F. 3: odev. Lad now to wit. April '29. .187•.. Joseph Lee.lie le appointed nu Anditor, ; ot, the proceeds or sale of persousl [roperty !'old on LibriT..t4 writ:4 nod now in hands of t.' , l - ,erdt" Wh;te. By the Court. BEAVER COUNTY. A true cxtrtect from • the record. Attft— JOICC CAL. tal EY, Prof h'y. The Ile itnr above maleil wiil attend to the do ; tic, ct his )ippointment ' to ou Thus:Cetober 1673 cl'elookr. ht the noon. ircr:l2l-11 Auditor. octS-It. • t 0 CHES T E F I Flu. INsuizAN-0E DIED. ~) Fi. Fe 'No. S,Martf► • ,-Term, ARGITt AMI 1 1 4:IM PROF. FOWLER,I3:4III3,RAT WORK Oh itatEaDwittisttiai iiiiitheir mails) intei relation/c IAT3, Its Saws. Power etc. Agents are Ind we send a Address, Abllshing Co., COLUMBIA CLASSICAL INSITTUrs, A Boarding School for Young Men and Bon. For Circulars address Rev. U. B. ALI:LANDIS, Co lumbia Pa. . NEW Now Bi trate ioy Ba it . 11 =arch, BOOKnther of "Night Scenes in the Bi ble" and "Onr Father's Souse," nearly 100,000 copies of each were sold. Bend for Circular. ZBIUILER ds M'CURDY 4111 CO., 618 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED' 100 Farmers and Farmer's Sons during the fall and winter months to do business in their own and adjoining townships. Badness respectable. easy and pays well. For particulars address S. S. sc,B.ANYON & CO.. hartford. Conn. THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT. ThiScientific American is the cheapest and beet illustratcOreekly paper published. Every num ber conbt,na from 10 to lb original engravings of machinery, Novel Inventions, Bridges, Engineer ing Worka.fArchltecture, Improved Farm limple loots. and erarg new discovery In Chemistry. A piers numbetsiodtain 8 3 1 pipes and several han- NdrekengraVn .: Thrpninds of volumes are pre- Served for bls, rig an teference. The practical recripare well worth ten times the subscription price. arms. $ll i/yesu.. by mail. Specimens Ink h scut fre May ild'of all? Newsdealers. Pat 'lllL4lmat enti t obtal on thlk l bOt teniAr of new invektiona Old sketChes • finArlsdn " and advice free.- All *tanks are pul?lialted i3l' v tklentilie Alueilcazuha 'welt they itent_ek . Vl* for pam phis 110 pines, containing bit and full direc itions or bbtainizitiatents. Ad sof the paper. ,or, co carat_ Patents, MuuJl„Cp., . Park Row, ,N. Tc gininch,olllce, corder nod 'f' Ina. Wadi _ IngtOn. It." C. \ • ;, \- ,--** . . 0 if -' Iti 1 1 Ir. ~ ...., . , -- lba.thagpest and i llit In thelnarkat. Warrant ed truly SOU-adjust g. Bpet inducements to Washing Machine A ate ask e Country Trade. Llixtral tams. Agents want ' Send for Circa- Jar: AMERICAN MACHINE 0.. Manufacturers - andiPatbntees. Office, 00 Walnut St., Philadel phia, Pa. SEND Prift CATALOGUEr;'" : DOMESTIC SEWING MACUR CO, NEW YORK. 7.ts. AT WHOLESALE AND g RE TAIL. Double Gun ttvari;reech .taadersi $ tot,tee.volvera Dart (tune and Ca p Goods sent to all parts of the country by express C. 0. , D.. to be examined before paid for. We send a genuine W. 4 C. Scott 4 Sons' Muzzle Loaddr. with Flask, Pouch and Cleaning Rod. nice boxed, for 0.35. Send stamp for Price List. SM ITH & SQUIRES', 520 Broadway and 50 Chatham street. N. Y. BUILDING FELT (No Tar need). for outside work and inside, in stead of plaster. Felt Carpetings, &c. ben d two 8-cent stamps for circular and samples. C. J. FAY. Camden N. J. HINGE CONE BURNER FOR FIRESIDE SUN CHIMNEYS, made by Plume Atwood. produce. the largert light. Can be need on any coal oil lamp. For gale by all limp deale rs . Good Cider all The " r ear Round, The Nentral Sulphite of Lime, as prepared by Billings, Clapp & Co.. Boston. formerly J. R. NiCt 01S & Co., keeps CIDER SWEET ALL THR YEAR ROCND. Now York office College Place. By all who will work for us. if on writing yon do not dud us all square we will give you oue dollar for your trouble. send stamp for circulars to 0. H. BUCKLEY & CU.. Tekonsha, Mich. QT I TILIIERING.-1,11. 3TAINI - INSTITUTE, 417 Fourth avenue, N. Y. refernces. No pay until cured. send for circular. WOII E t m o E be N i , u , n ir r ig , a ro u n d ch ßo a y n A d A w m an e t n e t. d . ran Jewelry. Books, (timer. Sc , In their own 10, N capital needed. Catnlogne, Twins, eora. Fatm. P. O. VICKERY 6 CO., Atigneta Maine. ii ‘5 TO *2O l e lim rd zsc of working a e ? Ae t iß people. wantedlA l! of either sex, young or old. make money at work for 135 in their spare rWreenti .or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON lit Co. • Portland. Maine. THE ONE PRICE, PITTSBURGH HAT HOUSE. No. 39 Smitlifield Street. four doortt front cor. •th P. I TT." B URG I .II, PA. w. A. ti?.imberr,er, W. A, Log,an o ett3- 6 nit VIENSA PREMEIz! ange-ly =MIT immolifirmoommoramerrasm• ' et : . Onstasoing Boob Nt free for Wearer & ore't). ItivertiOement%. SQUARE DEAL NG HEIMBERGER & LOGAN, Dealers In HATS, CAPS, (=LOVES, CANES, UMBRELLAS, &C. THE Wil.s.,QN 6HUTTLE Sewing lachate Reekrivotl the Grand PRIZE MEDAL AND MEDAL OF HONOR BEST SEWING MACHINE, Over every competitor, 0: A mer lean. LEE S. SMITH & CO., No. 14 Sixth Street, fitteborgh, Ps. I ELGEN:PS WANTL'D Avenue. FOR THE t cr:%:3mW ••• L & WINTER, 1873 =MEM i►SOLSALZ BOOT ADD . • in the I:itr,- =I BORLAND, J. He Mannhictimer and Wholesale 'Dealer, 153 end, 65 Wood street., is sow receiving one of ths - iAuigest -Stdoks OP BOOM saogs £2ID RUBBERS Byer brout lto the City, coulathag of Kenn' Boys' and -Youths' Boots. Brogans sand Balmoral , . lAdiee,' Misses and Children's Gaiters, Balmorals and Slippers ()revery style and quality, .bought for cub and will be sold at EASTERN PRICES. Particular attention is called to our SMOKY CITY BOOTS. Also agents for Rubbers at Factory Prices. The trade is specially invited to call and examine nay stock atm prices before purchasin elsewhere. Orders from the country abed prompt ly at limiters prices. Family retail store 98 Market titroet. gaga J. H. BORLAND, octB-1m 63 it 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, OBTER, DONALDSON & Cu., Succeseons to O. Scott & Co., and J. H. Hawkins Co., Steubenville, Ohio. 'll7 WOOD STREW, PITTSBURGH, PA., Wholesale dealers is MILLINERY & !STRAW GOODS, AND ,Taiwy Notions Offer an entirely fresh st3ck at the closest figures A All the Novelties in their line received as soon as imported. Milliners and Merchants are invited to examine the stock before purchasing. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. J. H. Hawkins, D. V. Donaldson. J. J. Porter, C. E. Patterson. octB-2m. Tor sale at sll Drug Stores, Groceries and Deal ems In Medkisses.* also, wholesale and retail at HARRIS & EWING'S, Wholesale Druggists,cor. Tenth and Liberty streets, Plttsbur MFG, Fa. AMERICAN , STOMACH BITTE RS CO., VD and 313 Liberty street , . ---- Pittsburgh Pa octB4lmCV TO THE TRADE ONLY ! 1873 WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Clocks, Jewelry. Watch and Clock Material, &c NO OLD GOODS, EVERYTHING NEW AYD FRESH. New York Bills Duplicated Orders promptly WHOLESALE EXCLeSIVELY G. B. BARRETT Si, - CO., 6) Firth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. octB-?mW F IFTH AVENUE Clothing Hall, Cor. sth Ave. and Maiket St , Pittebi.gh, Pa 1873. FALL STOCK 1873. Is offered lower than any other honee In the city. Buyers study yonr own Interests fend examine the stock of .1. linanach befo'e purchasing elsewhere. The Block comprises Men's, Boys'. Youths and Chtldrens Clothing at Wholesale and Retail Pricer J. Hannach. Bring this invitation with ynn T J OUTZ'S PATENT Spring Bed Folding Lounge. The most durable ever invented. Also a lull Hue of the Latest btylei Parlor, Cltuu- Jeer Muhl; and office furniture. (Moody warranted surisfartory in Ml respects, at reduced rates, whole .tale and retail. CLOSE, SHOENECK Cotner Penn and Tenth streets, octS.3mW Pittsburgh, Pa KNA.BE Sc Co.'s PIANOS, HALVES BROS': PIAIVOSt,_and GEORGE A. PRINCE dr, CO.'S ORGANS, The three best and most popular lustrnuients non , in the market. Catalogue and Price List contain ing roil particulars matted to any addrepa. CHARLOTTE BLL'ME. 19 Sixth Avenue, Pitthburgh, Pa. Sole Agent. octB-4nlW lIMIE ::: . SHOE :.' HOVSE at tende Ll to Ilia ;:' xetribta,avattoenstuts. A RBUTHNOT I -SIWINON',47s -; AND:, . . ~..,;N- , 41. 1 11 . 1 1 . CO - ExciaisnrEtay i , A LOWEST, f'RI • • .. • . , a rg' e s toelc -- aud New est Goode.,,SOLE AGIIKY FOR FULLERTON'S GREENVILLE AND ALLEGHENY BARRED FLANNELS. Blankets & Yarns. Buyers are invited to call at 239 AND 241 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, P 4. C. Arbuthnot, J. G. Stephenson, W. T. Shannon. eepl74m 78 ? F ALL SEASON. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, k No. 55 and 57 Fifth Avenue, MASONIC HALL BUILDING, PITTSBURGH, PA. onße awyheric.-tigei;everet,:twedaan wpf4r.awilmie:httet::t.,,. This property is situated on Beaver Bt.„ tt , b b y oro lz u 14 f h ee o t f , containing three rooms and hall on first door L i, three rooms and ball on second floor, with telly underneath, cistern at the kitchen door, and aii necessary outbuildings. Price $3.000. Inquire or Andrew G. the premises, or DAWSON .t kg:IEIN, Forma. A - VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ' .This; farm is situated in Brighton tovntba..: Beavet county. Pa., on a good road. four mike from Beaver, containing 150 acres, more or lee,, 110 acres cleared and the balance well tier on which is erected a two-story frame house, bait stable and other outbuildings; a good springhow convenient to house; also a spring in barn yeti This farm is wail watered, being estkeishy adapt. ed to the raising of stock; it is nuder a good date of cultivation, and can be worked by machinery; good fruit on premises. Inquire of G. W. Walton SPECIAL ATININTIOn Ls CALLED To WS ETOCK 0 for DAWSON& EAKIN, Beaver, Pa. NV) 10, SPRING GROVE FARM. - This valuable property is situated in (React township, Beaver county, Pa., on the Hooketown and Shippingsport road, one-fourth of a mile fr llookstowp.. four miles trom Georgetewn, and too and a hart miles from the C. it P. railroad, son talning 118 acres. 95 acres cleared and the balance well tiruberedNhree fun rthe of the cleared 'EI 18 In on which is erected a good brt% house, containing two rooms, hall and kitchen on lira, floor, • and furls rooms and hail on ,:ecor:l floor, with an excellent ctolar nnaerAeatt, two springs convenient to house, also a hat., barn, Wahle, w2pzun house - ,k, griin hon•le. wat , h house, and spring house 'l'‘%o orchards on th,. premises; the trees are all In , zooft btaring, road' lion. 'lbis rain ie in good revor well waterea and under a good state of co 111% ition, and can I} ,, worked by machinery. :schoo;4 and chnrchea cot venient. Inquire or W Ft. Trimble on the prem. tes, or DAWSON & EAKIN. B--,ver, Pa. We refer to Judge Lawrence. Dr. J. Lawrene , ., and John Bigger, EA . ! Beav'er, 1".1. NO, 11. HOUSE AND LO FOR SALE. This property is situated on Flab street, in Le borough of Beaver, Beaver county, on whits: it erected a good two-story triune dwelling /1096 e, containing 6 rooms. with a good e.ll= underneath also frame static. ice house, coo novae, shop ul by 14 feet, nod other on/buildings ; gilcOostM ter at the door ; good fruit on preittites. Prier! $1,600. Inquire of T. & H. Ir,tireert, Rtqrs I,r DAWSON tt EAKIN, Beaver, Pa. NO. 12. SULAM PLOUII.II4G AND SAW MILL, Ftili SALE. Ladies aed 'gentlemen vitiating Pittsburgh. are are respectfully invited to hat the People's Store. They will find the proprietors and salesmen cour teous ann Obliging: TTE raigss. VERY LOW ; the stock new. fresh and desirable—fair and up right dealing, and f ONE.,PRICE TO ALL,, A Pplendid astiortment and hitt.st attlet on hand, and dalltarriving from !!astern Markets, of PALL Si4KS, SHAWLS. SUITS. DRESS GOODS, WATER PROOF CLOAKS, cloriti‘ 11„NERS, MUSLINS, GLUViS6, EOSIERY AND NOTIONS. Barred Shic , : i ng and Emu Flannels, taw, - White, Grep Country Flinnele. REMBMBER\TIIIt PLCE, THE PEOPLE'S STORE, CAMPBELL, WILLIAMSON dr DICK eepl7-3m GILL & BRO., Boot tf; Shoe House, 5 doors from head of Wood Street. Are now receiving one of tne laagest . TALL STOCKS B-OOTS 4 SHOES Particular attention is called to oar oWn make and brand of Goods which tilve obtained nn an surpassed reputation. An diaraination solicited; RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES MANUF NCTURERS' PRICES N. B. Eaderl: Th la der,plicae,d, awl ordPt. rcrith care and atte!ition. yl7-3m J T BOYD I3lt ID GE \VAT E PA.., DRESSMAKERS AND DEALERS IN MILLIA;ERY, FANCY GOODS & NOTIONS. Stamping, Braiding and Ernbroidering LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S' 3 ' P. URXISITIJV'G GOODS, E BUTTERICK b CO.'S OBLEBRATED PATTERNS sdpl7-0 NTOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRA.C IN TORS. Sealed proposals will he received by the Board of County Commissioners, of Beaver county, at their office in Beaver, until ten o'clock. A. M.. Saturday, October 11, 1873. for the iron strnctnre of a bridge over Brush Creek. at Mellon's Mill in New Sewickley township, of about 58 feet length, and 16 feet roadway. Proposals must be accom panied with a statement, giving the total weight of the cast rind wrought iron, the general working strength, and the ultimate, of breaking per lineal foot cs well as the greatest local load the bridge will sustain. The Commissioners will reserve the right to reject any or4l bids. Bids will be opened at 10 o'clock on said-day. Bridge to be completed by the fifteenth of No' ember. By order of County Commissioners, octl-2t '&011N MotIOUN,' Clerk. oc t - 3m %V i i i. UDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of Beaver County. in the matter of .th, e Anal ficeottrit of Marmartuke Wilson, administrator of the 06tate of, David McCri.'ady, late of Bridaewater borcngh deceased. And iIONV, to Wit: 4September 4, 15:3.-th° Court on motion appoint O. A. tl'lrall, Esq., au Auditor, to distribute the balance in the hands of said ~.‘rt-i. mini trntor on settleinent nfb.l.* anal account. 1 ,‘, Fri. n the record. ;'l . '' I i'l' . l,tl .'i Att et-- . ..11) q .1 , 441: rtelk.. 1 „ , 4, The Auditor above natO,d dill !attend 10 'the 'f.ln ties of his appointment at wei °MO in the COurt nou.e. Beaver, Pa • on Th ti reii2V the .10th day of October. at 10 o'clock, Ai IL when aud . Where , all parties interested may attend. • I O. A. SMALL, Aitaetor. octlr3w 0D No. in?, November Term. V 7 2• I, ~ Kate 'lleidikzer. 1)y 'her tie k t friend. J, - -, --i i versus harles. 1 leidigger• C ' ' LIBEL IN - DOP , iVCE. ~:. 7'u ClarPP-4 lielditiget clioi:c Lumoi , *lle 31 .„ ) .:: Tia , - sitAgoon:A and .ilia , stitipteivi in t ~ ., c, ,,: , ..„ WiI3TERN DISTRICT or PA.. SA : ( Case htiTitt:;\ hattl. been returned h(), , c t -'- ~i ' d ` /10: N NEiv BatoliroN. September ill, 187:i, 1 and proof i iv:J.4 bveu ina , .ie 1 11,:t i.'. ' o, `, bere by Th dersizned hereby fr,iveri notice of his lip- fonn 1 in. -a , l. county c Dvaver. )011 c ar ~. of poirittrient Rs assignee of James. B. Anderson. of notified aliki requited to „appea.• on the firtt3(llol,l:ii ! New Brighten. in the county of Beaver and Siate next ten mofsa id eoiirt 'v ,z : lb.' t'et t r' d coo' .of Pennsylvania, within said District. who Iraq ' Of Novomber, A. 1). 197.. to tinee'r t o tbe I been adiudtted a bankrupt On Ms owu petition Iv plaint ins d - A care tiled,. l c t if. tee District Court of said Digit CHAM ft , :i?I.IN W 1 1 17,,• .., AI ... . ; se24 3t. WILLIAM S. mo,..RLAN; ttlfligneL. • 'Sheriff's (Vice. BeAlle , ra., =vl ,l . '''''' l • -, , . • , . i• 1 I r_- ' 1 EOM IN 'BANKRUP FOY COUNTRY BLANKETS, 55 tit, 57 Fall I" AVENUE, WHOLESALE - z-, No 253 LIBERTY ST., PITTSBCRGH, -PA OF Eves brought to this market WE ARIL A.UI,NT32FOR Da BRIDGE .t4TUEET, AGENTS FUR ) PitifinneettOi" it,wBON EA.KIN, Aoprrs ,9F rty,m; ESTATz, w UNION HOTEL, BEA per , pit 415sre otirefor 151110.thef0110,04 degeilbed ierties. *Oat:rnr parpcnlara eau at oar nia te —r t irrtard 6 • r" A 1 No 1. • VALUARIM FARM FOR BALI' This farm It situate in Brighton tp.. county, Pa., on the New Lisbon road ,{ wigs! Beaver, containing .713 acres. more or lees, on w - 4 1 lo erected a two-story frame dwell boast o r , taming two moms. - kitcb qk and p a " ? floor and two rooms no second floor• a goad er fi , 11 underneath; also a good frame barn , anclstabl e l otherneneaaary outbuildings. This farm 6. 4 watered, well timbered and tinder a goat 7 lute cultivation, and can be worked by m a h e cellent fruit on promises. Price SNOOD. of John A. Eakin on the farm. or DAWdi, Ne EAKIN, Beaver. Pa. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE . This property, is situated on sth street, au bfo)tgb of Beaver, Beaver ceunty. Pa., 4011,10 4 . w ttt a 1% story frame hone and stable and ot 7; outbuilding. , erected thereon. Good fruit of 14, promisee. Price 11600 L Inquire or Aice . WI . 01 Moore, Ems., or DAWSON EAKIN. Beyer. h, No. 5. Honse and lot situated on Fourth otreat, l a . 4 borough of Beaver, Beaver county, Pa., 150 s T s 4 set. -on which Is erected a two-story trarn e ,b o , 4 „, containing two-rooms, kitchen, hall and pi tt .; with porch attached on first floor and two and hail on second floor; a good cellar underntz and other outlidildings. Price $1,700, in 41 ments. Inquire of Joseph White, or DAWSON EAKIN. Beaver Pa, No. 6. A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE Poe, SALE. This property is situated in the town of Indy try, Beaver county, Pa. The Flour Mill us 312140 feet. 9 stories high, 2 run of burs with modern in provemeuts, Saw Mill 22%12 feet. 2 stories high. with matey saw; also :planer and circular al; house, 1 15feet: boiler. furnace and coal hoa.e 12X40 feet, holler 22 feet long; 40 inches in diame ter, 2 flues All being in first-clam runtAng, order, with a goncrran of bneiness. Lot 200 by 250 fee( on the bank of the river, 30 rods from depot Gil C. 4S; P. R. R. Price f.. 5.00 o, $3.000 in hand, and the balance t v suit the purchaser Posseseton girep pi any tltcflt ltquire of .1. W. Entzles, inladuatr)', or I.)AWON dz EAKIN, Real Estate Ageia.s, Beaver, Is. NO. VI A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE The , undivided one-half of a valuatee proper 3 Bridgewater. Beaver Co. embracing a Brick 1)N: ling House. e;1 ftnished, containing 7 retaims and kitchen, wit ti a cellar underneath. Also, adjoin ing the same. a now frame buildine. with tA 3 store rooms ati first door, aid two rooms slv The lot has a front of 50 feet, and extrude ha 140 feet—is planted with trees. .nes, sinubi2r: c. has a well, cistern. czeod stahle, sc. Pry *1,400. Also, a Lot in the fctvn (et' Benv.'r. nrsr River hank, within a few minutes walk of the R. Statiou—has a front of 121' sect. and run,ninz hack 300 feet—enclosed with board len:v.:llA fa: nisbing an emcelient rite for a resylvi co. i'rhr $4;00. 'inquire of DAWSON& E.A iletiver.l', R OCHESTER SAVINGS BANK GEO. C. 4 PEYEI-:ER... Tt)IIN (itt.eßrNi; .. Luuiv 5eGNEM111.30.,.... S-PEYEREIt & co., Dealers in exchange, Coin, Government Ser.r, ties,make collections on all accessible points I n tie United States and Cana*, receive money on depo+ it subject to-cheek, and' receive time deposltr rl one dollar and upward, and allow interest at dr cent. B-laws and Mules furnished free by apply, riS theut bank. Bank open daily from 7 a. m., till 4 p. Saturday evenings from 6 to S o'clock. REFER, BY PER/ ISslos, To L H Oat man eft Co, 'Hon J S Ratan, Algeo, Scott & Co, Orr & Cooper. S .TCTOSS & CO, Wm. Kennedy, Snieder & Wacso, IJohn t. harp, S Banger, ' R Blidgar, A C Firms% 'T-desmen's S B novll-70 -je3o-71 N TUE COURT OF CoAV'') I PLEAS OF BEAVER corlY No. 21, March Term. isialltsl,!a R Joue.9. by her Lev. friend, Certimc Isvc 1.1. Jon•!... LIBEL IN,I)IVoLCE Paw. ertloN harat , l : The •-ili);) , elin 'lan , ' alias case havint; tenth Bert rttitrorli aid prOl,f road.. that faun , : in said cniurity of 13•.a%-,•r. ,L foriffell and re inked. to'flpptar uu 1.11., first t 4) Reef It'rr. coat , : tho - • • dity . '4,flNovcniher; A D. Is 7". to answer to !!'' in raid Casoc CHAMBERLIN WI Benyttr, t'a., Sfpt. 5. t •iM• • THE' •COURT OF 1), , \ LEAS Or BEAVER ,c(W,NTA No. 3. R.'l. PPM - F.IIUL .L. N. OATMAN H. J. SPETICRM CSARF , i BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers