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ICS — TAIIitISIIIIRO :1: ':: • ..--; . ... . . , • , , ...-_- ;.„.._ . .. i . '-r7 ""7-. ''4' • --• cis •----- . 1 . ' ..,... . • , 1 , . • •• , . :... •.... , , ) ; ... I %.• .;... ' ...7... . ~.......P..............;11.9". . • . . • , I ~ . . • it , . • ~ ••'• •• 7 . ‘Z, , , ~..........------, . . . ._ . . . .. . . * ..7 . ,: .., ••• ... .• . , •- . , , . . . . , .. ' ''. ...: G' .. •-• ". .• . : ---'-- •"' . - . =:" • 'i' . .: I „ ..• . • t , ... . . 't • . , . ,••••. • , ~ ../C.7.... .. _ _ '... ..•:., . . -....-• 'N MBE ... i .. .. . c. .. ,E , . ~ . , _ , ._ .. • lb i . ~. - -:-.: - . .'. .-. ".._ • , .. . , • 1. 1 1 141 I , v()1,...:‘ . I. . .. , • • . ~ ...., ~ .. • .;; . . ~;...3. •,,,,..•.. TkWAVER I . - -=' , PA- .. .NN'-,-. 'DNESD , • ... • ...,. . . , . AY - : 0 : ;013401-.-1, • - ~ .. ....„„:,„,.„ .., . ......,, : f ~.3 . .. . ~ - .. . • . ••••••- .a ... t. • '''.._......:....,...:_, ~. ... • • , , . . . . , , • '-- . ',I • ' . -,' g• , rk • . . ~ l : ...?: - Z, :.:: 4. ( .:...16•••" . . . '... . - ... . - .. .. • iitjrXttto' j osc:11 ESTE s /11?1% b Y briptry , 11' 4 11 t•ity Inge 1341 iyerr4 ,rol 11 Y Sale` R 'Eft SAVINGS BANK. SrETEltt:a N rensEir)sa, StPEYEI E •36 CO•F Des;eN in exchange, Coin, Government Secnri ,e,make collections on all accessible points in the V.,ted State« and Canada, receive Motley on depot!- : subject to chetk, and receive time deposits of ice dollar and tipward, and allow Interest at 6 per est. Bp-law- and Rules furnished free - oy applying at :ae <. Bink op enjtaily from 7 a. m., till 4 p. m., and on rdfry evenings from 6to 8 o'clock. . .II'EFEEL, BY PIMMISSION, TO L flOatmaii Co, ',Hon J S itutan, kgeo, Scott & Co, Orr & Cooper, s 1-Cro.s & Co, 1-Wm Kennedy, stitleder Wachs, ham B R.imzer, . - R B Edgar, ,k °Hurst, ,T—adeemen's National s B Wilson, ' bank, Pittsburgh. Pa. no v —je34-71 --- F ALLBTON FOUNDRY REPAIR SH.OPI JOIDI THORNILEY, PROPRIETOR STOVES,, I * G.P.NA 7 REPUBLIC COOKING: STOVE IN USE, WITH THE ]XTENSION' T P . STAXDS UNRIVALLED , ,000 NAMES ATTiST ITS kfERITS.. THOIUMJnre "EW ADJUSTIBLE GRATE _ . 170%S oar more heat with less Inel and Teel thin than any other. 1 . • EN(4 - LNES AND CATIICGS ti OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. E A !`( )N AB F, KATES TO :ALL 5'.,1 . : y alp & SILVERMAN. ST_ DEFT. • • ROC PA \‘• FF:KLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY OF i,oODS IN EACH QQFF ;TH.EFOLLOW ING DEPARTMENTS: 13,u, ()col:3S .1 , ;:a1em. , , and Sattinets, WiEtc and Colored and . Sarre(: - Flannels. ~ i Merinos, ~#, . Wlaines, ) )1 3 :aids, •, . . Gingtiams, . .... Coberg,s, Lawns,l . -, • Water Proofs, . , Woolen Shawls, "ern :n.d Black Muslims, Drilllng, Tickings, Pr'lltzi, rantan ' , Flannels jaconetri, Table Linen, Irish Linen, - Millinery Goods, Ribbons and Flowers, flats and JewalrY, Counterpanes, Hosiery, Crash, Gloves & Mits. • giv attortion to bustness, and by keeping ` l46 tlY hund a- well assorted stoCk of , zt , or all the different kinds tonally kept in a e 4l ,Kore, the undersigned hopes la-the fa bo. In the ,pant to merit and melee a liberal or the public , putreuig%. 11 14 be y fr t, cebring. :'"SPRYERER, Preet. 4,2 UAY, Vice F'reet eas. R., Sec'y. . W. J.%ABYBEEB, ~L. H. OATXAN .u. J. SPIV/EBB% Caehier AND THE BEST JOHN TUOkNILEY. • )3 ,011 ell White and , Colored and Barred Flannels, Merinoa, Delaines, Plaids, ' Ginghams, _ • Cobergs, Lawns, - Water Proofs, Chinchilla, Cloths, Woolen:Shawls, Brown and Black Muslins, Drilling, Ti dings, Prints, Canton Flannels, • Jac6nets, Table Linen, Irish Linen, Crash, - Counterpanes, Hoisery, Gloves, .4Sc Mits. ang2-ly Coßee, Teas, Sugar, Mo....eses, White Silver Drips, Golden and Common Syrup. Mackerel intar rels and kits, Star and Tallow . Candles, Soap, Spices and Mince Meat. Alto, SALT. Ilardwake, Nails, Was Door Locks. Door Latches, Hingee, Screws: Table Cutlery, Table aid Tea Spoons, Sleigh Beils,-Coal Boxes, Fire Shovels and Pokers, Nails and Glass. Spades, Shovels, 2,3, and 4 Tine Forks, Rakes, Scythes and &Laths, Corn and Garden Hoes. _ WOODENWARE. Buckets, Tuba; ,Chuits. Butter Prints and Ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil et White. Led. Boots and Shoes LAMBS* MISSES' AND CHILDBL,B"1111107$4, in great variety. • Rifle Powder,' and Shot, Blasting Peowder and Fuse. Flour Feed ar, Queeneware. heavy goods delivered , free of charge. By close attention to business, and by keeping conStantly on hand a well assoi red stock of goods of all the different kinds usually kept in a country store, the undersigned hopes in the future as in the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. B. S. 11.1L.NOP.R. deeST6B:ly.--ifichgd. CM, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, SHADES AND SHADE CLOTH, HOLLANDS ALL COLORS, GREEN . ' STAIR ROB ivith Patent Fast9ning, TABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, Itt.TGS AND, MATS, WELTY BROTHERS, 106 FEDERAL pTREET, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. marl7-1-y8 9- Fire Iniurance Company. TIiCORPORATED-by the Legislature of Pein- I sylvania, February, 1572. Office - one door east cf Rochester. Savings Bank, Rochester, Beaver county, Pa. People of Beaver county can no have their prOperty insured again' t loss or damage - by Are, alfair rates, In a safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY, thereby avoiding - the expense, trouble and delay tncident to the adjustment of loesa-by ;companies located at s distance. • BOARD OP DIRECTORS: S. Quay. - George C. Speieror, ' Samnel B. Wilson, Lewis Schneider, • William Kennedy, John Greta:lg, J. J. M Srodea, M. C am p , p Jr., C. 8. , Hurst, David Lowry Henry (icehring. OPPICZRB : ; EU. C. SPEYERSR, PRIS'T .t M. S. Qcr, V. Pr C. H. J. SrsYrnan, Treas. n . dox Gasm GI, JR., &c' y. jyttlay Executor's Notice. Estate of John Ramsey, Deceased. Letters teetameutary having been granted to the subecriber, on the estate oT John Ramsey, late of the - borough of New Brighton. Beaver count , Pa., deceased. all persona indebted to said pots e nested to mike immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for sett:e ine:it. JOM‘ RAMSEY, Met. augl64sw• • . GceenYille. Mercer Co.; Pa. - Adm . ixils traoir'ill Notice ; DWI& of atoearengen, Letters of &di:ministration upon the - Estate of John B. Bwearengen, deceased, late of Hanover township, Beaver county, Pa.. having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to_make immediate pay 4 , men - t, and those - having CiiilDS against said or tate, will present the same properly authenticated to the undavignad ibr settkaiMt without farther delay, WTI. B. FRAZEE, Adadoliotreger. sag64w fky s klllr; -- e j r , =„,.• • TEUAtt. ittegoix 1;4 li=llll Groceries F=T:lO -3- rM-TVW - z • •• EEI V 713 A L 4 , - • or VALUABLE, REAL. By virtue of 'Crier the at 10 o'clock A. 11. 1 , 11.11 kidlOwing describled Estateßeal of Said d--iused. situate partly in Moon, and partly in opewell townships, Beaver county, Penna., boun ed and described as follows, - Beginntn a stone, thence by lands of John Meet) north 3334 dep. ea5t,11135.100 per. to a stone; thence by other sands of said de ceased. being from tart "B" hereinafter described north 15 degs, west 148 50-100 perches to a post; thence north 40 degs., east 99 50.100 perches' to a pot 4 at grave yard; thence north 51 degs., wee; 9 tkl-100 perches to a post; thence north 30 degs, east 3 80-100 perches to a post; thence by lands of Mi chael Baker north 58K deips, west 24 50-100 perches to a post between two 'hickory trees; thence by lands of the heirs of Abram Bruce, deceased, south 40 degs, west 113 perches to a post; thence by lands ot, same south 48 degs, west 123 50 . 100 perches to a stone on the bank of Raccoon creek;' thence up said creek by lands of Jane Todd and John Shan,- non by varlotus courses and distances to the place of beginning, contaluing 114 ACRES AND 86 `PERCHES, upon which are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, containing six rooms, with cellar. under neath, frame barn 40 by_ 60 feet r two frame corn cribs, frame wagon she'with fable stable and log sheep pen adjoining; also two log dwelling houses —one containing six roma*, the other three, and numerous outbuildings. Good fruit bearing trees on premises. 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance well timbered and all under fence:partly - underlaid with' coal, Convenient to schools. churches, mills, and within $ ibiles ;of ionville Station, P. Ft. W. IC.IL W. , —Another tract of land situate in said lixTi and Hopewell tovrnalgapis in said county. (be ing, part of the' homestead 'of said decedent.) 'bounded by landr of Dr. John. Cooper, Michael Baker, and other lands of said decedent above de scribed,' (being marked Parpart "B" on the dia gram accompanying the inquisition,) and contain ing 95 ACRES and 158 PBRCRES, upon which is erected a one-story frame dwelling ho containing four repeal, and porch; (rime , 1e.24 by 30 feet, log corn crib. and other out-- , ruidtugs. Orchard of good fruit .on premises.' Farm well watered. , About 80 acres cleared and balance well timbered—all fenced. Within three miles of Leglonville Station on P. Ft. W. t C. Railroad. Convenient to echcols churches and mills. ALSO—Parpart "C" aline' e in Hopewell town ship, in said county, bounded AS follows. viz; Be ginning at a post in the south-east corn, :thence by lands of Dr. John F. Cooper north 21 degrees. west 3770400 perches to a post; thence south 64% degrees. west 0 . 2 perches ; thence south 31 de.grees, east 31 15.100 perches to a pest; thence south '6 degrees, east 8 perches to a poet ; thence north 684 6 degrees, east 18 70-180 perches to the place of be ginning, containing 4 ACRES and 70 PERCHES, all covered with good timber. faN FRIDAY, OCT . 943ER 3187 r. 1873, rigattifit%tird=4l2Ais li Ve ship, Allegheny county, Pa., (Purport "11,") bound ed and described as follows; to-wit: 13eginning stone' in -.Broadhead' rood," thence by e of John Bickerstaff notth degrees,. east 77 50.100, perches to a post strwhite oak-,,. thence by Purport, D" south '7ok degrees, east 24 40-Itlo perches to post in road; thence down -said read by Purport "D" to a hickory; thence by lands of Porter south 33% degrees; east 48 perches to a black oak; • thence by lands of James McFadden tenth. - 61 de grees; west 15 50-100 perches to a poet;. thence by lands of " . Purdy eolith 65 degrees. west 13 perches to a - h Broadhead road; thence down said road by lids of John Harper north 39Ni de grees. east 2790-100 perches to a white oak: thence 1. north 67'4 degrees. west 98 00-100 perches to a white oak; thence north - 88M . degrees, 'wait 10 perches to ' a pin oak; thence north 184% de west 18 40- 10U perches to the_ piece of , ng. containing 115 AC HM- and PRItCHSS. upon .which is erected a Read bank barn 40 by 60 feet, with stabling underneath. and other outbuild ings. About 10 scree cleared and balance • well timbered. Farm well watered. Mill s, churches and schools convenient . About 14 1 miles 'from Leetathile Station, P. Ft. W. 4 C. Railroad. • TERMS—One-third of purchase money in hand on confirmation of sales by the Court, one-third at the-expiration of one year from.date of said mar. nation, with legal interest thereon fromaattie time, and the balance to remain deemed on the Rreeaises during the natural life of said decedent's the interest thereon to be paid to her annually from and after said confirmation. and at her death said oeferred installment to be paid to the parties legit ly entitled thereto.. Purchasers to pay expenses of preparing deeds, bonds and mortgages. For further information call on Charles C. Bruce , on premises in Beaver county, or address the under signed at New Sheffield Poetoffice, Beaver county, :Pa. JOHN T. BRIJCB. gept4-4t MITCHENER & GANGEWER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAT AND V SOLICITORS OF CLAMS AND PATENTS, , i: 896 Four-dud-a-half St. Washington, D. C. We prosecute all kinds of claims against the government of the United States, before the De partments. Committee of Congress and Court of Claims. We procure patents and act as attorneys in patent cases. We make a specialty of Internal Revenue matters and Land Claims. Oar terms on business sent us by attorneys - will be one half toe lee charged claimants. When a claim is sent us we will send the necessary blanks and instructions for its preparation, and will a'so keep our conls pondents advisedlof all new laws, ruilings a de cisions in relatidn to clalins. _Senc for Lircula . • MITCHENER & GANCIEWER, Attorneys at law. F OR SALE. A valuable lot and buildings In ROchester, Pa.. are offered for sale. Buildings are one dwelling of eight rooms. all fitted up in complete stile. - THREE LARGE STORE ROOMS. with large lien above. Lot fronting , 70 feet on the .Ulamond. running back 170 feet• to Railroad street. Pleated iu choice bearing fruit trees. A 1 2 74 0 FOUR VACANT LOTS fronting on Beaver River, jut above the bridge. CAILELRON & MAR CS. ee94.lm• itocbeinfr. P BENTEI. & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS FREEDOM, PA:, Are now prepared to do a general Banking Sad Broker business. Notes discounted, Government bonds and other securities bought and void. and collections made on all SCONISMII points ' in the United States. interest allowed on time &poen,. Office hours from 11 A. N., to 4 r *. Saturdays from 6 A. iv. to 9 r. C. 4. B.11:MIL. Jan. W. 1117 S-em. Oadbier. ESTATE, ALSO, CHARLES C. BRUCE, or RICE; WILSON I MOOS Attorneys at Law, Beaver, Pa = ' try To Bum* Aatig o4 ol lo llM l NA&Aalath al sW MITI Wed /360 M W i ndiltattßUffikglaraW,_ OKB 47101000# •P 7 111011TES I 4 " If • 'so uik ' -.., z--..._ ' coutieit lines alias tYII I %, AMMO* t. , • Adverttsenteitor SW***llPlertiq: Or' Par received, and lilmotilodipoim gods h k :p ixei nl int, to length of edvert4e*, In — ''' . "kir og time 'of "•• • q 417 -, .r 1 " insertion. . . . . . , Advertisements:air 'Mile .'11344:11140 ilikine Insertion. and 5 - ' - 'breast ladditiomil• ....i. - _ . InsertlOo• ' ''..- -,V ,r 4: ', ' ? , . r. r ':f :. i.`"l , I 1 All advertieertie j ifililiif4)isit*lii,r,,t4,l4- lees, measured N , lftkite et thietve;:. . ... Special No4loilifoWurin*ir Iced *eine ii 15 cents per line for iiikik. !iiiiketklkitidiONotietirh - agreed upon by the iimenh,ileartetor year. - . Advertisements of pain Walk {4 °. "" ltaf °" l l insertion, and 5 mirostror, lirii4Or eilolked4ll.lollll insertion. 'lr ' -•* '' ' ' - ' Marriage or lieatik v ikiteitiMiiiiiiiitirpnbilebed free" of charge. °biting' seiMeme Admigedimadmmilm. mente, and PaYebiPkb ai - -' - • " -' -. s Local news and *ant of mend interest con mnnicated by any ciniugiondeet„ with real imnit disclosed to thesl . kbfieogini l r ni t e t h at ith i n i r e 4. celved. Local nesolicaltipd*lii :envy , pot; bt the connt7-z i1";;.' - ...:r •1 ' . V !,.- -t. - .. v Publication 1.11 sa; ,Moteew*T.lhnionl",,,, ioir Corner Diamond, bile '•' -• , ' All commutticatlinsileil t ' 41 . itAirlP 1 4itillf be addressed t 0 1B 01i11 1 12110b* PANY; limner; Plait 4s4ft :cir„rp" n _.'.'•! - -:1 , 5 .!11 .... . II I Qitj "4.. ..oseington manag if these two banks, was as much astounded as any body else. He had gone up to the office of. Governor Shepherd to attend 'to some business in connection with the executive office that he had so recently vacated, but ad /merely taken a seat when a .messen ger from the bank arrived and whispered to him the fact that the New York and Philadelphia houses had suspended. He hurried immediately to the bank and Jay Cooke ;Sr Co. closed. A card was hung up in the windbw announcing the sus. pensiori. The FirSt National continued to transact business for an hour or more, but it was evident a run - was commencing and an officer of the police was called in to clear oat the crowd standing in front of counters. Pax books were extended across the desks, end In-a moment the clerks disappeared and the' officer firmly insisted on every one leaving the premi ses. When this was accomplished the doors were closed. Mr. Knox, COmp troller of the 'Currency, being informed of the condition ,of affairs at this bank immediately walked across the street and had an interview r with the officers. The result was the appointment of Mr. Eirrin L. Stanton as receiver. The crowd con tinued to grow, but no definite informa tion concerning the c)udition of , either institution could be obtained. Forthwith there was a rush made for several other banks supposed to be in some way affect-,.1 ed by these snsp4sions. Especially was this the case with the sairings banks:-The National Savings Bank availed itself of a chartered privilege of requiring thirty days' notice from its depositors add thus effectually checked the threatened run. The Freedman's Savings- Bank: and the Washington City Savings Bank, how ever, continued to meet all demands upon them, and all day Thursday and yesterday there were lung lines of depos itors before the doors of these institu tions. To-day the excitement is less in tense, and it seems quite evident that the storm has spent its force. The interest in affairs here was less in tense than that in the news from New York and Philadelphia. All day long, ever since the first Crash, crowds have been hanging around the bulletin-bards of the telegraph ofikes and as one suspen sion after another has been announced the excitement has seemed tb grow more intense. It was announced late last night that to-day the Assistant Treasurer at New_ York would be instructed to purchase ten millions of bondf. This is to satisfy a general demand for 114 from the•Treasu 7, and is the only method by which the . Treasury Department can be of any as sistance to the banks. Banks now hold- WM C 353 c lint 'Xal EU EBBE 1441 4 #1.!fr , ,ewe Mew torl4, Tae , ith it lir con- Jan which .a~~ita- . ~o~►es: {.! , i ~.'. iligr imeinnient isectutlia.*lA , an oPPOrtnii* oftvert-thejmune Inio cur: - - • • bop& oily-a-xery listmeore'deredi but panis may. forotrinady cif:the , banks tat dispose of thoatfthey - lari.onittindv t ,i - .. Will - we ever; kart issanat -Noakbizt: fool Wilt dent that this 2, thas.bese rght about by rectdiss e tiopaq, n :wort* b,:racii. Of slfitY- Co9As ,tiorne a vet rpiit,i,t4oop :it-iu4o3 l )* .6nadenci.of Ji Pki bad an "ezninentli.stmpe#(olweer.. But spirit of speculation.. gpl ti oOnt;ol of it and: _ • g • 1, t . has befinz..# 4 , ll ßol. eil*P, it 0 1 ,7 scorer, and.again rasistpuliusineia,but it as iwl,,hurt,.badly,diunaged, and. not i t _e, , •hpi..thereare thousands of innocent es_whOwill, beafteated., by Xherecentr 1.14 sti. Were:tie. Only_ 'demi& :to en . , •;.- • epeculators and will.street gamblers. it , Wottld*a..matter nf..i.ittle consequence. 1 .These mein „hive ,made their fortunes by- 1 ...4.1154044mk5'Ay4:.,1V0 sblaid.griese"-liAtle it. illes..lotti..titem,AT spent:l4l4ton. ~.:Ttpt en •*iko. .iii*., Iluk,:ragoksitanii of :.iiiiinetir ..- thatitFialii,iii4l 4 namep,..bowever.pper:. .or.),ismvpr . rte, will- come off entirely :unaffected,,-,ll,l*..retirest ..,,Mitlionaire...will ,feel it .1# 1 #1, , -che t n.iiiie‘of liisin)te*: - ' *PeP:lotYoo°to -* ** Ptlik: is** TAcl , 4r9l;:ilioxo=; : % :'Ori. ' streets, - t 1 4 o°% pestiwpMark, .the poor * seitng. girl, .wiii . : 1 * Actied,....tw-; 1 4e:.Po4i.niillie4.,Wilgli! , ."' :i r kup.in Jersasen ; Fent, - .9;:,04fa in9IVIScO• grid ,o f fosoci. : and .coat. .- Th ese increases sod. 1 4er,Fews f nlyelnee„ may not be perzw f nea, o „. l o4,Voolk will, : frr teOMe time , be' ~ , , P IO, PK: qrlesSiAckift.giffle and : :e.irerY. : busk nesimin knows ..that Abe effect of an itn.- ._ , _. Set , t,llog...?f prices:!nuat;result . disastrous 1 ly it) rite, ,_Ttulre Aett.bn no such , thing : *lft4etyisi-Fikpigucti is;etate of 'affairs sl,4hinges, and:coaddemee 418 :111 ' necessary .conlition .to sucCessfalliasinest!„_; . , . . • . . ~, - := 'Me •;i4ietiktfordeld. by , the ..TreasurY , te...lgnipc . ijim . _ tn..Suppoileitican, have any permanent -. effect is folly. We= mustlook deeper. -We must seek - out the bidden cause. Happily the cause is no; hidden. It is easily discernible in our depreciated "Circulating . medium. We, there ore,' •;- e •e power to afford a per mane's. "eni. ay. But while aairredeem able paper cu';i. • acy constitutes the circa lating_fili;ett-' of the country it wolkd ,-, lolly to ex a settled condition- of ha. singes. Let us hope. that our national Congrese will now . open its eyes. to the, necessity ,for adopti f ug ~ anme measare to`• bring about an early riaumption ot spe cie e payment& .- . -_ • 1 _, . . rchough receiving telegrams from New York every , ifew moments announcing that...tbe excitement -there to-day is even worse - than .yeaterday it is plainly to be se • e n that the confidence ip the banks ro cated here is recovering, and if it were not for the troubjes in Wall street- there. would soon be ii feeling whateverlere. Unusual quiet has reigned at the Treasu ry to-day, and in , passing tfirough thecor ridors of that vast banking ,institution one can scarcely realize such a terrible , financial crisis. . , - 4 It has been proposed by some of the of , cials of the Treasury Department; to af ford the necessasy relief to the country even if a resort to the torty-four millions reserve should be required. It is impossi ble to learn yet what effect the purchase of bonds will have, lout it is - feared that the owners of such securities had alrea. pledged them to their obligations. row is the Sabha, our thoughts is nk The monetary panic has so, monopoliz ed public attention that one scarcely hears any Othe; Subject mentioned. Yet there are very important events transpir ing which, in less exciting times, would elicit considerable discussion. -For we have the rescue of the re ain in- t stance der of the Polaris party, no, less im ort ant than its counterpart, the rescue of the ice-floe party a few weeks ago, l an event that set the whole country agog..' The EitaW and Navy Departments are in recetpt of frequent telegrams giving , information :, orcerning -the party, and instructions have been sent to_have them forwarded immediately to this city. See retary Robeson being' absent from the city no action will be taken looking to the further investigation, of the question of the responsibility for the mishaps of the expedtion until; hitveturn.. About all we know at this time is that Captain Buddington and his- party were plated up at Cape York; Jane 28d, by a whaling the Rtvenscraig, and thence apt three to the Arctic,• ex re transferred to' , . . ithe tiG i htirl the Ar la 4?•41.0diw tast, etilved in ierki l i4 heditu it oomstry ethef - reoopie f the e Wei peib pieeened _ , ysit 0 0i; _IPINANCIAIt* sysithar. , The fiaandal eytitem =Of -PennaylTania, - . ''is,. ‘ leessilbsble ;to , sixiest by felse.uretttnis- '-' • and erroneous assessments lof property; -:-it . • ad: i n s much-more promptlyiaud et:oomi , - '- palthitiiitit of any other Elate. It `Shoup - at Itoat•beetindied by the financial author; • . tieatisseisbere "—AT. Yor'LlEvening• Post.- ' . • .cointeenting on this endorsement of 'Our State financial system,? the. Swinton- 1 . ..gepiWrileantsaya: This has skeet - refer.. . Once - to,the• simplicity of our financial aye- , • tcgot)* abolishing of the ,tax on real Eas , . '.. taus,•;a4: ;the ease and OadencY with ~ ichielk the: ;State; reienu# are. collected.. Vireltno* of no State whOise finances are in such satisfactory copdition. Its they .._Y .T are-in .tennsylveits. Whastßthe RepUbil "., can-petty thine: into powr in = this State r they found *among other mocratic relics 1 a huge debt- that 44acc umulated sand . .. - a l oe ' _Democratic extMy*nce, and. mis , Spent in limes of-peace. I During , 1., . ad.-( i. _ 1 Minii4olons of GovOnors Cartiit sad 1 - . Cleary the. - policy -of economy, retrench- i'• . tent, reduction_ of the - texes and - the Slat!- IT -• debt, iris: - -. saccessfulllyi inaugurated, sad k that policiienowiseir*. faithfully isdher- ! 'r, 1 14 :tof mug*, the! aiinOdittititin ot - OTr=, .: . itior'r_;ilsrkteuft. i , !ftais'year.te..leer•-* _ ~ 1 ; 111 e'debtltlitheen:rikiddly &Owed, zu4.- . .. 'ill itheselisOst 'ceased, to bli- IC bitniolkH. _!'- ' :I . There.eenes of the State are 1101". -001101.., , .. alinoetexeltisively . frail COlpOrfitiOnajaad. '• li*ess,lhott - relieving l, 44tatel!! la ' - ‘ .linirof tax aollettotO, ,sniippffiring , :tite burdentupon those beat able.. , bearitiaL - ',..... 'end *rho area mostly Onjoyisk.l s . , .tial.prisr , ....4 -, lieges conferre4 '.': ihe: 8 ' ..:::- liViktieirt.w: , maybe said- - for o r ;against the .finsite*. , • system of.' any .other - Cemansoweilk:;ie-4 tamst . beiulmitted that for' goO*_,liifie- - ..t.. Meta, . that of :the a,.914 .- : •',Keyetone. titan& ; I' pre.emi i - .I. !In n 9 other ,State -are- the . • *people:, , slightly t.*W for the mairkte..,-L,•,. isancet' their:State goverpmen and. hai-i. T- i ,ti, no of i'`. State' are Oere - moreli, ' 1 sp., -;,--.'- p i r e piirpo opriatio se. T,h ntsfdrediet people eation know al is, an and c rita ii ,- ( ~,t, ty also know IQ which ~political party ' 4 , 1 ,ce ' . ,t ey are indebted for the OW work. Our State makes liberal appropriations to the coti,kmon' schools supports those *hie I nstitntionso.he soldiers' orphans' schools. ' ~. i asylum, hosptsle, and ft 'score .of Ohs% charitableinetittitione; - pays the - interest "Os the Bt,te debl, reduces the principa/ , pi the liaise fr9na one to - two millioes . eSery year, and 4 the same time redtmeis taxation as rapt* se it can: be done With, : --; ' safety. We'd() hot wonder that tht *ow - 1 Yrirk Pod and other intelligent journals , should-admire 4 financial policy that is so- 1 nearly perfect in its operations.'' . .' Do the peoOle for a moment believe that the Demoeratio party of Penneylva-' nia woukiimlfroire on a system that his • worked so adthirably and so advantageous_ p. ly to the peoOle of the. Commonwealth? Wherever anq whenever. the Democratic_ party has been in-power, they - have hive riably shown la peculiar capacity for4ilng up public delft ;,'but we know of no mate. rial instance *here they hgve ever eon-_ ceived or in4ituted a system of govern- meat, or reduction of existing pubiic lls- _ bilipies. The Democracy of Pennsylvania' ?- are seAking to secure control of the.treas urfr at the ensuing ejection. - Net any i lligent nan believe that th people o the State would ' be benefi ted, by a change); by electing as State Treastrer . the representative of a party that never, when in poWer, set a single example of economy, instituted single wise and judicious financial system ?, ,The people' of Pennsylitinia are satisfied to let well (' enough alone. to meet to.mor-, 'collect) =Active Movetfients should, be made. in the Centeneitl, as practical businesa mast begin nextjsummer. Two meetings were held in Reliding on 'Thursday night, at which 'Le* agreed that Berks county should rattle -- her quota of subscriptions 4 immedistely.' Itillentowiii, last' week; a meetingas held and committees were appointed to sell the stack. It is time for }lucks county to 'be moYin4 in the matter, as the 10,1 subscriptions thuS fir made are very email. The newspape rs of other States are urging the people forward, and the jealo4sy once exhiited by New York, has about diiiappeft/ed. The United Stoitee can make the C ntennial the (greatest event-of the age if they —ExlGovernor Wise, of Virginia, Domes out in a lettbr supporting the Republican , ticiet in Virginia. He stateithat he con siders the , material interests- of Virginia are identified with the success of thivitie‘ publican Party. =I ii .. . e `At • 111, El Ir MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers