titit anti Lumber. __ ORAL W. ABBOTT =M Allentown RITTER & ABBOTT, • MANUFACTURERS OF fil*, Doors. Oiled* Blinds, Inside Blinds, Mould ing., Brackets Balusters, Pickets, Sitar Rail ings, Window Framer. Door Frames. Ac. SCROLL RAWINO. TURNING PLA:NINO MA , TCHING. FLOORING and RIPPING. ...—D9NR A T THE SNOB TEST NOTICE. ALSO, STAIR BUILDING done and HAND RAILING made to order. Having now had almost liveyears' poseesalon of th. Mill, refurnished It almost wholly with new and Improv sosehthery, and having none but experienced work. sea, we are prepared to defy competition from at horn, and abroad, both to price and workmanship. Do yon contemplate betiding? Call at our Factory and satisfy yourself with a personal examination. PraWlnge for building... bracket., Indiana for neon laWatal work, garotte for porches, can be aeon at all time, D 7 calling at Our office, Any Information to the betide. furnished cheerfully and freely by calling at the Been taetory, on Union street, at tire Jordan Bridge, Allen. turn, or by letter through (ha pont aloe. &lig 3471 RITTER & ABBOTT. • MINIM 19 OTTO. H. K. OTTO. 0, W. DULLER F MIER L, OTTO dc MILLER, MANOPACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. ELM ON CANAL, WEST OF MAYNARD STREET OFFICE AT THE MILL W Y CRANE Amu- 4 RIM 70.1 Spectaeleo. SPECTACLES I SPECTACLES II EYE GLASSES. &c. i, Ajt a nsx 1;:r . .. ge48 ,3 : . . sat . m , tT t of all kinds CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 2$ EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Navies devoted a great deal of carp and attention to the Spectacle bunions. for theme last few years, I find that mi busineaeln that line ha. Increased no mach that I hayed,. ferniesd to make it a SPECIALTY. There is no articit manufaetnred In which there Is nu much deception prat tined as there Is In Spectacle Classes. Knowing that tbe saline have been (eminently humbnaged by portion pro. Stadia. to h RRRRR operior article of Olaanen, and charging agerhitant price. for them, thereby tratilcing upon Steno ineseltlesitati Infirmities of age, I have taken pains to tie. led a large and complete assortment of the finest and beat Sluing ever manufactured, thus affording all persons needlng Spectacle. an opportunity of purchaelog at ma. aonabte orices. Vernon. baying any difficulty in holes erntrar: wn,"t 7 dl Fl well olnitmd7Rut.l2ll,!Tant,eLfttilegafidde e e g eland, No. 23 ° 134M Hamilton a e stlyet ° , uppLao the we, staißeformed Church, Allentown, P. inn 23-'69 tf Boot filtaiters JOIN E. LENTZ, . HAROLD, J WEINSIIEIMER JOHNR. JOHN E. LENTZ & CO., SUCCESSORS TO YOUNG & LENTZ The arm of Young & Lentz was dipNolvod I.y mutual V l Velne=rig r o r d 1 2M I gel r ') . ‘ r. h g a ' gi r t ' taken ‘V ll. anon. The new Arm hoses to have the continuance of the patronage go liberally begtowed upon acedd Orin. net will nee %nett utmost endeavora to modate their patrons with prom..tness and lornlgh BOOTS AND SHOES of the hest make and material, and will always have on hand a large ass..rtment of the most desirable sty lea salted to the trade of this section. The arm of Young & Lents having been dlneolvod, ull nettles indebted to them are requented to woke nottlowent between thin date and Aprll let next. The book n will ro• main at the old egged. Either of the old partnere In au. thorlied to align in fob .8.3 m OPENI N G LADIES' SPRING & SUMMER SUITS AND COSTUMES EVERY DAY. ELAM COLORED AND FANCY SILK SUITS.. TAMIBE AND CAEMIMERE SUITS. PIQUE. LINEN. LAWN AND ORGANDY SUITS, ANDER:MT/31N EVERY VARIETY OF THIN MATERIAL FOR SPRING AND BUMMED WEAN. ALSO A PULL LINE OF SACQUES, TALMAS AND LA DISK UNDERWEAR, LADE JACKETS. POINTS. &c., Bc. TEIE LARDEST STOCK EVER.IIO WIC IN I LIES CITY AGNEW a ENGLISH NO. 839 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITE COPTINENTAT. HOTEL AND 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, apt24•w ltl PIULADELPIIIA. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE 11. L. McCONNELL, El= HUTTON & McCONNELL, Hee on hand, et the old stead 809 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA A LARGE STOCK OF FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURNITURE ! QM Greatly Reduced Prices All Slew warranted. All old custurriorn will I. tiokilt with NA formerly, and the patronage of the public is earnestly solicited , IT. L. McCONNELL, Mannfaetarer and Dealer In FURNITURE =Y 7 Smw2 81:0 Market Street. GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE AVERILL BARLOW, O. 45 S. SECOND STREET, has Ma Immoaso warefoonto (eta etories) filled with a groat vatting of Ant-clue Farallon,. acid Is offering It at Prices lower than any other Dealer in Philadelphia.. doffing Ms um• ago. of goods Its has also a wrest variety of low-yrice;l work. which he la sailing at reduced prim,, either at wholesale or re tall. laeladlog all styles of Cottage Foralture. Liao, ♦teal for the Beckwith Hewing Medal.. Frio 410. Capr3.3tna. LARGEST STOCK I DRAT INDUCEMENTS To bay all your furotlora at tha largout furniture utoro In . town of GEORGE W. 11EIMBACH *SA HAMILTON BT., ALLIZNTOWN The Arm have recently pot Inn MAM. MOTH ALL PLATE•OLABB FRONT.end ar Lays otherlae en l arged their feellltleo fur 1 14 x... on band the largest stock lu the city. • !11 1 ELEGANT FURNITURE I to h." 4" 64 hert In so me ma An Inapectl ' on - . et tkeLr stock w111000•RICO boyar. of the ad vaatage of bovine from them George W. fleimbseh. =tantalum KITTLE'S PATRIIT SPRING BED. and ere aolo agent.t for that minor bed. Call and nee 11. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front HARTMAN . WASTE PA Thelsiest Old Newspapers Old Blank Books Watery Aseertelleu. And Ledgers, Waste Paper, 'TAM are all written our. of kinds. 0 d Pamphlets, dlo. pIcR I CII n IO itZAßOrgg i6 YW e ll : r Terr aAN. e J •et., JOSEPH MILLER at CO.'S • BANKING HOUSE, Fogeiayiß6, Lehigh County, Penny: • MONEYS received on deponit and 0 per coml. Interest allowed on all sumo retnalaing mix months or over. For .oorter period. special ralee will be paid, Executors; Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax•Coileetors tad other cue todians of waffle or private moneys. are Jtlored liberal rates or Interred. Farmer,. Nerchants.Laborers sod all Soho bare money to put out on tolerant for a long or short period will Lund Our Ina Dutton nu agreeable and advantageous one in which to do unsloosa. Many deposited In Oda Institution IS SAFE AND WELL IBC:USED. Imo, money loaned oat on favorable terms. JOSEFII . MILLER. J .H. LICHTF.NW ALNEE, FRANK J. SLOUGH. Capr:Mlut NW IVIII.LEILSTOW IN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOIVN, LEHIGH COUNTY. This Inntltullon will ho opened on or before the Int day ;I' April. Moony viii ho token on deposit at all timed and u any sums from.ouo dollar upwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST nor annum will ho paid. Donnalts may bo withdrawn at nay 0100 Mao. money onnod out on favorable torme. JAMES WEILER, President Cashier. J. F. M. Shillert. Oeorg laidtvi . g, Frederick C. Yobst, Christ ,K. ilouuleigor. David Donner. Willi, e S.illday. I gill. 0 rlubel, Oideok Y. Egner, Horatio T. lierigog, Benjamin J. bchmoyer. Jain,lSlnginaster . mar 113.610 A LENTOW N SAVINGS INSTITE• TION, Organized as "Dimes Saving institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (OEAELT OPPOBITF. Tug AMERICAN HOTEL.) PA I'S SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR This Institution, the oldest Saving Bank In Eastern ?limylvan's, has been In continuous and successful itawation for len yearn, and contlnnen to pay SIX PER .ENT. INTEREST on money for ono year, and spoolsf rites of Interest for shorter All deposits of money will ho hold strictly conk leutlal. Saxdatora, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, ' Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians of public or private moneyn • aro of. 'ered liberal rates of interest. Farmer., Merchants, Laborers. and all who horn •noney to not on interest fora long or lawn period will and our Institution an agreeable and advantageous °nein which to do Luminous. We especially invite LAMan to transact their banking bnsinenn with us. MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS have special privi• roger granted by our charter—having Colt Power be trans- Oct Lusinenn with no In their own mom, Money deposited with thin Institutions IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital 'rock and Burping money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and addition. tho Board of Trustemrhavo, as required by I barter, given made under the suporvislon.of the Court in the Ruin 0 FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds ore regis tered in and held by the Court of Common Pleas of tint mainly for the sorority of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of tho moot secure and extenniv thul known lu this country, as a personal Inspection veil show, mid to which wo Invite our friends and customers. We refer to Ws, believing that safe Burglar Proof Vault complete the safety and reliability of a goad Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. AINE President. CHRISTIAN Y, PRETZ, Vice President. REUBEN STAIILEII, Cashier. Tlt CST F. Ea: William H. Alney, Charles 9 Bush, Christian Prom, John D. Stiles, F. E. Samuels, Benj. J. Ilagenbuch, George Brobst, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. Jan 124 =GIMMEMI Located at the center of llattillton street and Church Airy, In Lion second story, opposite the German Reformed Church. In the City of Allentown. is organited and ready for business. If mill prey SIX per cent. In terest nn aft demsits except bus. nose IltraNitß, for imp period of lime, lobe co len laird from the elute deposit. To secure which, the Trustees of the Instituting have tiled In the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, ander the direction of the Court. a bond In the Fllllll of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, conditioned for, the faith fret keeping and appropriation of all such sums of money K.1;111111 be placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINOS BANK, whether as deposits, or slams of stock. which bond torte ho enlarged by the Court whenever it may be Reeled necessary In addition to this. the Act of Incorporation makes the 'Rockhold°. PetwotatUg (bible to the de zsoritors in dou ble the amount of the Cflpital Stock of the Bank, which Is fifty thonsand dollars. with liberty tu increase it to one hundred and fifty 111011.11 d dollars. Thew provisions will make it a very desirable out ~ate pian of deposit. Be o sides, it may be proper to state that the deposits will be kept In ono of t LIO Sli,reSl odd ben! protictid vaults In flats oily. . Arrangements will be made to furnish drafts on the clime. of New York and Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, President LI. W. NVILSON, )ire President J. E. ZIMMER3IAN. Pushier. THE ERIN (CIVINGI4 BANK OF WM. L YOHN WORTH SET , EN7II ST,., ABOVE LINDEN, ALLENTOWN, PA. Thin bank bar boon ostebllehed for tile pnrpoon of carry ing on a general Banking boetness. and toffer to the community a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at home, at the 81111111 rate of Interest that It would command In Now York or New Jersey. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 000 D SECURITY • ro- Oold, Sllvur and liovernment Bonds bought and told. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United Staten .n 0111101 to colt parehaioirs. Collections made on all accessible points, and proceed. oromptly remitted at nit rront rate, Fanners, Merchants, Lbleirers and all who have mime, al put out 00Interest for a long or short period will And albs Institution an agreeablo and advantitgoom. one to which to do lalfilti enn. Interest allowed on deposit., at the following rate, SEVEN PER I'EN T. Tor one year. SIX PER CENT. If I.ft for thirty ddys and ender on. rear. larrtfOVoll/10 %Willx so nt. (Can 3t dLv WILMINGTON AND READING SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, Wo tiroo r, tlug Ilto ,lortgage lloodb of AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTERES' And.eau ho REGISTERED free of expo., The coal, rolncellouounn frelobin nod pooneug, Lunloen. are Ono. 'tautly lOC I . llollK'ri,eiorren-.• omotho odluK Aukm.t 1 , 1 , 72. n. n- the oine ointah. ending Aogunt 1, IS7I, 455 v 04. =I DE HAVEN & BRO. 40 soul"' THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGIIT AND SOLD CEEMIMINII NEW FIRM! NEW ClOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTH IN GRAND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES GREAT CLOTHING MINIM! We would Inform the either. of Alio:Ilea, arid the cur• reeedlutt conutry that tee ate prepared with a largo ateell of good. for ' FALL AND %%INTER WEAN, ..dotror th,n to the public nt ren.onablo price, To it, ho buy Muir Clothing Yendy•made, they nro brYOured affor DAIWA INS. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO tPRDERI COATS, PANTS 'AND VESTS Cut and made 114 the latent stylr, add by Mu ball IVOrkll cLoTHING, CLOTHS AVD CASHMERES la larr than It ham been before, and we Intend to tell very S ge MALL PROFITS, and gthe our nonionic" the ben ell °f our low purehasee, EN7"S FURNISHING GOODS MEN'S, SMITHS', BOYS. aud CHILDREN S READY-MADE, CLOTHING CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Don't forget the place, No. OS Hamilton street, third door above Sixth etreut. T. OAXII7I. JACOB 11. SCHOLL MARTIN LT'S mar 24.4 ER DEPOT Primp Paid For A PROFITABLE BUSINESS! LIOHT EQUAL TO CIAE, AT ONE-F.IOIITH TILE COST, Cannot be exploded No ehlntlary or arta urea. MEN deeirtug a PROFITABLE /11181Nr.SB, coo secure he EXCLUSIN E ItIOHT for the rile of DYOTT'S PAT. ENT CARBON OAS mom' BURNERS AND OIL, (o, COUNTIES or STATES. Write for leforiontioo or calico M. B. DYOTT, No. 114 SOUTH SECOND RT.. PHILA. N. B.—CHURCHES tarnished with CHANDELIERS Roil LAMPSf every atecrtptton, 23 per cent. cheaper than It coy other establlehtnent In the country. mar 1941 nm THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1872. lanindah MONEY ON DEPOSIT. DanM 11. 3Ellicr, S. A. Bridges, John 11011 ton, J. W Wilson, William Baer, J. E. Zhntnerman D. 11. Creltz, Peter (irons, thlW in Zlintnerman. :Aar .Si RA I ()ROA I) FREE OF TAXES El= = = I,ooos, 500 s and 100 s Agents qf the natal Shan, ON COMMISSION elptbing, T. OSNIUN CO., I'm.,mJpßflfl7Zlfl77Tm! SARGAINS IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. =I ' Omit quantities end vorletle4 of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, Anti everything lu tho line of. GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 14s t - • • .Embroldcry Are Excluelvi For Braiding Are Ur eicollet For Qui lling Aro Unognallee For .Tleninting Aro duperic r For Tacking A I , approach abb For Gathering are Unatirpassed For Stitching Are Fatiltleat For Cording Are incomparabli For Felling Are Adadrabl. THE BEST IN USE! New Style. Shuttle Stitch Sewing Machines For Manufacturing. To OW NEW STYLES, which possess untnistakableadvantages over the NOISY and CUMBROIJE styles o •Iber r ikers CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIItEBACK, Agent. ''CE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, ,nays-saw No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. a F~ ~ a THE LIVE OF ALLEN TO WN. N. J. KRAMEWS "Corner Store EW GOODS, CH A P GOODS Great STORE CITSTOMERS ARE ASTONISHED ! To see how complete his Stock is, and at such LOW PRICES- 1u spite of the great advance of all kinds of goods HIS STOCK of Dress Goods for Ladies ontains all tl►e Latest and Choicest Novelties SIT AWLS I' SHAWLS !!' SHAWLS !! DRESS LINENS for Ladies' Suitings. OUR DEPARTMENT FOR v[ E'S AND BOY'S WE u) Parasols ! Parasols' Parasols !! What him created the excitement among the Ladles ?—Every Lady wants one of those BEAUTIFUL PARASOLS ! HALF THE BARGAINS CANNOT BE ENUMERATED tar All aro invited to cull and get posted on the change in prices ma)11 IN.') ALLENTOWN Rolling Mill Co., Socceseoria to TIL ERDMAN, WILSON tt, CO., Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLE';, MILL GEARING, SIIAFTING, Furnace, Rolling Mill and Mining Work, &c., &c., &c N. 11.—All work guarAuteed rod dollyrry PromPt, L. H. GROSS, Sup't a'agunt9.3m w) A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE ! 1 tt MOUSTACHE PROF. B. CROIXO3 FRENCH "OR WHISKERS. POUND. the Orgat Hia °ROWER, efoUtirACHIL will pro e a inzarltto MOUnTACIIR WHISKERS. ..r w IIIeKERS on the smoothest thee. Pleasant to nee. Sent to toy address on receipt of Tltty Cents. 0 1. BOND. CHEMIST. • N.Om TENTH sod CHESTNUT 8111.. PHILA. b2P72 E. .Ise . Attractions C EOWDRD DAILY ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS ALL THE POPULAR SHADES! Is COMPLETE,. NEVER BETTER Have also a large and complete Stccic cd Very Respectfully, 100 GETTING MARRIED.—ESSAYS FOR Toting. Mon, ongrest SOCIAL 11W11.13 and ADVISES Which Interfere with fdARRIMIE—with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortunate, diseased and debit+ Rated. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Nn. s ou th Ninth street. Philadelphin. Pa. Particular attention la de sired from all who require FAST, DURABLE I=l Shuttle Sewing Machines I=l ManufaCturing A 31 Y SEWING HOUSE M. J. KRAMER Matefjeo ant) 2163e1rp. BAILEYB4O ithestnut & 12th Sts., HILADELFIK 3eweters ana Situersmiths. WATCtIES, FlkEridi C.ocks, BKoNzEs, DATED WARE. Qualitp ibuaranteetl. lbooos sent by Express on approval. w inn) 10 —ly ISAAC K.STAEFFER, WATCI ES AND JEWELRY, No. NA NORTH SECOND ST., eon. on 0000110, PHILA. Anassortment of Welchem, Jewelry, Silver and APlated Warr ronntantly on Ilona. iiffir - RepAlrlng of Watelooi end Jewelry promptly Renard to. ape 5-10 KEL LER at BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, I'A. CLOCKS, well regulated and warranted. All siren and prices, from t 2 upwards. A larger assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can he found in any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALLARE KINDS, SILVER W ,f every . dr atliptlon. w atcaun repaired on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 Enet Ilamilton street, opposite the German Ito formed Church. Just received from Now York nod Phil adelpsttla, tho latent styles I GOLD WATCHES Ile bay the largemt and best assortment of Oeld Ws idles and at lower pricey than can he found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES ne has it larger and better ameortment of Silver 'Katc her than can be purchaned anywhere elms. GOLD JEWELRY. He boo thelargest and bent aasorlukeal of oil blade o' Geld Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. nob. F 1 larger and better amendment of all Made of GM aud Plated Jewelry than can he found eleewhero. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. !I:=splcdiimgofSll IPlated Vero A 1 ,t,irgVi, thin lino not fall to be gulled. CLOCKS. A larger armament than at nny other establlnhtnent MELODEONS A t splendid ig a ns or tment of Prince's Melodeons. the boot in ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accord... His establishment hos lately been fitted np. and In now second to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead of anythingouttdde tho large cities. Behan a large: stock of fashionable goods In his line than all others lo Lehigh county combined. Co convince yourselves of the above call and ceo J.EtowEtt&E ( NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, A few doors west of the Co ttueulat Hotel JEWELERS 11-,YERsmillis =I WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY GOODS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES lln4 t+ now In store, 'mid at counts:Alt receiving, to exleoelvo variety of too Good 4 ittiliertittolog to their GEM Fesperlfully Invite p,1,01,+ vieltior the I, faro =MI lottoirlov dabl onlvvs by :Intl Ittotol , tlY otiotol ,, l to. fetl7.l)* joy thr tabirs. Ladies' Trimming Store. AL LEN TO 11' PA The Mole at this old and well known establishment I. constantly lucressing, owl:tato the fact .lent NEW (MODS are being COLlNtlruliy received of the LATEST STY LE. and xlw nva mutable to the wants of her 11131.1 . 0110 , norm Pooplo should alit - 4, sgo o here thoy are sure to bs united at low figures, " , ND 1F AII"rENTIoN, IA DI 1.. S I J1:1' JEWELRY, FIIENCII JET AND CI'LCANITE JE%VI,I.Ii V FISE P I,A TED J l'aris owl Vivito t Fun, !lair iiiti.F.tury Putivy iiruauientu. Fancy Hoz , . Dusk, lint ti uisig C 11. 1 4, t; • 1/•••011. lu Silk. Gionbitni All gua nn e,d nn p rt.,,• ill quality And inn i..1,114 , 1n prices 11. DIXON, :i.w] N . ii South Ehrlich Sire , . rhllydn ivpit) NTELL, 1313 Chnstnut, ',trent, Ph lady IIK• nrrivn.l fr“in I. tho Sprtcg ntylew POLONAISE; BUSTLES AND (:( - La Victold. Kongnroo BUSTLE /INUITS for trs In and promsnade dressos, l'arls Wort). & Children's Corsets, all al popular r Herr. aorl.o ly I TEMPLE OF FASHION. ESTABLISHED ISI7. AIRS. AI. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. 11Tu .%; CHESTNUT STS., P 111 LA DELPIIIA, Impui ter nud Dexlgner of Paris and Lodnon Novelties, Elegantly Trimmed Caner Patterns of Latest aud weed reliable Styles. for Lndles' sod Children's Dr. an Ladles' Drees Trittuniugs. Seel mint I lultallou Loxes, Mores, Faun. Ribbons. Yrnerdl detrelrY. Fancy Coeds. DItEoS AND CLOAK lAtt: INS in the tiest taste. Cl and elegent in.m it er. A l'crfeet Syetein of DRESS LITTINU P l74AGrUNigLE:,,til f tVl3lllll' f ft7l: l "' s'n‘hcP:tU 82000 PER ANNUM CAVIE MADE IN SELLING THE NEW WHEELER &. W,LSONS'S SEWING MACHINE A fow scare, rrll.6lr.Lu•l r,o; men of good LOAN anti addrers, Want, a In tl.lroble torrilory.at prrAout un pled. N•xuo; s fnruLllrti ; 4 ,earn yr; qulre,l. Sent! for Inrornintlon. or run nn PETERSON & CARPENTER, Cen'l Agt's, 014 CIIESTNUT STREET, PHILADEPHIA. J ALTIIOUSE, Agent, , 4v 614 II btolltqu xtree{, Allentown, ESTABLISHED IN ISM Fancy Dyelag Entablimlnnent J. & W. JONES, No. 412 Yor lh Front Sired, Philadelphid, ra. TIVE tillkx. Woolen Fanny (I.oldn of Pr•qs . .l..cilp• tlnn. Thetr Impart •elte of Dynlng 'dllen' nod Gexntle tnen'ti (Inenteolo In seldely knots., Crave and Merino bhawls dyed the meat btllllete nod plant cdlors Crain) and Merton bil4l.llX demote. , to lona Ilatt nett.. A 1,,. (1 0 ,1..a t n00,, nototrel. lint Cattalo+. cleanned tie re.dyn.j. Kld 9 , ottes demote or dye.% to look liko new. and look at our work d looure going' vlnew here. Arnie!. olden, nor Muth and Vine sta. Captl.2lnte THE IMPROVED FLORENCE. The Heel SYW 3111 e • Made. The oly Machina that woke. Four iillre The only iditchluo that fe•tene the euile of S eam / tt The only Mochtne that will more the work in Ony direction detireil I and the Only 3/neerne that bee at nelf•edjustioit tenet... Thee.. advantage. coinbined with the Ease. Rapidity, and Goldin of Ito motions, Woollier with /be moo fy and titialip or it. n k with 1113011 PT P.OVPURNTS render Ilie int.{ ti.iiroble, durable end But Thintly Betaing ilbschirt. in the Good dyrnts wanted to every County. Wilson & Pennypaoker, Managers. 1m Chestnut Street, Phnada. IRrrl4.3m w apr24 3m Nr] Paebicittal. '-.=', (:) 1 )7t 1/a. O t=l );-'zJ C:) 1..'r. 1 1...... me . P=- t - i t-' NEW DRUG STOitE • I take the plena.° of Informing nip na morons . friends and tho public In generic! that I have rued a new Drug Store at NO. 735 . 111,10111 MON sTRELT, awl filled It with a carefully rolect,'d block of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDICEsI VS, V 0.4 L rand 1 , 1 4 Sige F 7 . nrivra7,l L Off, LAN I Choice Perfumery and toilet articles, as the ficest V tracts for handkerchief and bathing. Hair Ode, flair rtiotou. and their Dyes. An Innumerable ...some. uf ra Soaps for washing. shaving and erasing or paint. 'loath Brushes and flair Brushes of +.ll gla and prices. Pocket Book, Album+, Pam Books. Pap. r Pm Pocket Knicoo and Razors, a large varlem id dm I. and Berm in nail Honks sod Tack It -. she everything that con Ito expected lit a First-Class City Drop; S:Ore, MEIN The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND REF.\•I, PHYSICIANS - . PREsciurnoss will Lin rhdchl and will he tilled day or night with the ovate, 'emelt, Ity an t accuracy. Phyfoctana -Rd st.rokeepern ottorlled ev• fIfID lu fey line at the lowent market rAtes. Hay perlence Niue° ray childhood the Drug int,ndr. I confident that I can mecca all who oily favor ofeill cull, to their nattrfactleu. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY takes this opportunity to thank his numerous friends for past favors and 'will be at tho medical of hip sea L. wait on all who may desire lue par sky, REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON. STREET, Se ween Seventh and Eighth MIMI PARENTS TAKE N( CI , THAT AT THE • BUTEN BOOK STORE YOU WILL ALWAYS PIED 1/011 SALE ALL KINDS SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK,. Al' THE LOWEST PRICES. TLe Mlle In again more for children to prepare for SCHOOL it:Ln: d bign o l, ,, u hand and for lane everything they wen SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW. an Z.:m l ti e l a s , % V c 7, ,,l c . an give thorn Just what they DON'T FORGET, AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOKSTORE IS TILE PLACE 10 BUY ALL KINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., R3l Hamilton St.. Alleutown,Pa. eepl•tfd AGEN TS! QUICK ! n c : X t l ,. l ,r t! ry. Ohm) la a rasa fur It) un DIO LEWIS' had and grealcum musk . OUR DIGESTION, or, MI JULIA' FRIEND'S SECRET. It Ix by odds the most taking and salable book In the Is on a •!tall, Important !willed. lllls by Amer!. a's roust popular writer on health. 9lt 13 for lho price. the largest .nd hoodsomo.t book ever cold by übemlpdos ' the people are 'agar fur sock a book, •nd will urge you to Wog It to them. Writ° for terms, &a , free. OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, Tat Bannnm street, Philadelphia. I=5lZl rt. Ott Ili AN Dh o rag . SVILLE It. *kV!! lJ FOOll r or JUNE THIRD, 1672, P►sseoper Trains of us & Fogelaville Railroad will run In coon°, . Lehigh Valley, Lehigh & tlonUoeh►aaa, aliroad, as followv— STATIONS. Trains Ram •. N. P.lll On end at the Cates.. .. • .. Lion with th Baal Penn. rectos Wee P fl e.i 7 (II ) 7 7 15 7 21 7 3 . ) 7 39 The mondnq train went leaven Catananonlon the artiva of the L V R. H. Pannenger train from F.anton, bop - hem and Allertown, and conneeta at Albania with a trot tn the Rant Pennnylvania It. H. for Reading, Pottavlll. flarrinimrg 'and Philadelphia and also with n train lot Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. The morning train Rant connect. at Alllllll4. Sawn .rainy on E. P. It. It. from Iliarlahrtrg, Pottnv ills heading no Allentown and at Catatanytia with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mauch Chunk, Wilkenbarre, Hera:, ton, Philadelphia and New York. The 1151' 51 train Went eonneetn at Allowlie with train,. en the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Polinville, liar. .istwirg, Philadelphia, Aflentewn, Bethlehem, Eanton, and New York; arrive in Philadelphia via Reading al d 15 p. to. The Evening train Rant leaven Alburtis on the aroma of a train from Allentown and of n train making conned r . . . . • • • . . . . . .. . lino. at Reading with trail. from Philadelphia, Barri. burg, Pottsville, &c., and connects with local 'manumit. , train on Ma L. V. It. It, at Catasamina for Alleutown Bethlehem and Ea-tom Hokendanqua and Coplay. Persons wishing to go to Mk tag° the morn I; train Wert to AlinUlla, arrive al Allentown R IR ain •d return by a train on the liaiii.Penunylvanla Railroad. wring Allentown at 4 66 0. in. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. jrn 10-1)1 LEIIIIGIi VALLEY RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad o Now Jerxey. at 662•, 616, and 816 a m. and 1201, 121.'.• 640•, and 5 50 p. m. For Now York, OR Morrie & ERNEOX Rallroad.al 252, and 815 a m, and 121.1, 1216•. 640•, and 657 p m. For Manunka Chunk nod Belvidere nt 815 a wand 640• P VOr 111 50 p For 3 (0, 1 For an Lambertvllla and Trenton at 615 am, laid 12 01 and m, Ear;Um Fit 5 WA 15, 9 15 Find 10 10 it m; 12 01. 12 1'. 6 . 540. 550, 7 it and 929 p Philadelphia, Via North Pena Railroad, at 015, 915 •nd 1201, f, fn, x nd p . . • Wash D. C , at 8 15a m, 12 01 stud S2B p m. C6Pulauqux & Pug100. , 111.. 11. 11, 041 x m otud 12.0 For For pm. For Coplay at 611 n tn. 12 20. 4 74, (IV And 821 p For Munch Chnuli nt 044, 1047 a tn. 121.1), 4:14 awl B°l P m. For Wilkesbarre and Ent‘ton, al G 44 and 111 1; a m, 1120, 1:11 p to. For Waverly, 0 wen° Elmira. Auburn and Buffalo, ai 1017 a m (Express Train. )ano 17.21 It. to. For Hazleton at 641 and 10 47 m, and 174 pm. For Antlencled nt 10 47 et ne Fur Blnhanoy City at 044 ied 1017 n stud 4 31 p w. For Olt. Carmel at 011 end 10 47 0 to. Ttalutt with a star Abut from East 'Penn Junction. 11. STANLEY (.1001) WIN, Asn't SUP't. It. IL SAYRE Supt & Eng. ~+ owni PENNSVIL CZZ,-; VANIA RAILROAD. 056/..jf.*4..-tnOtri; 112=7 Peasengera for Philadelphia take Lehlet Valley R. R. trnlox patlaing Allentown at 15 and 81.5 a. en, 12 01. 550 8 28 p. tn., and arrive In Philadelphia at 8 55, 10 41a rit 2 15, 8 :laud 10 30 p. tn. Alan Lehigh atrol Sintoniihanns Railroad (raki,. 111815 a. tn.. 925, 5 and 8 18 p tn. ' t roy., in phikdolphht at 10 41 a in., 015, 81). B'll end 10 30 p. to. • • • • . . LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Six Through Trains Doily, Sunday. Excepted I Faesenger trainsloavo the depot North wont corner Berk% and Ainorican %Dente, Philadelphia, For Allentown at 830 ti 45 a. m., 2 10, 9 31, 4 05 and 4.8 p tn. l'alaro care re a orbit to th 4 31 a. tn. train Fur Doylestown at 8 40 x. m., 2 40 and 4 30 p at. For Fort Washington a.. I 1 and 11 a m. 8 and 1190 p m. For Abington at 7 . to , 130, and 530 p• m. Pm Lans d ale at 030 p. in. "Au -4 - AO p-o Leave Bethlehem at 830, 830 a. m., 12 15, 935, 8 10 and 8 40 p. m. Derlextown at 7CO a. m., 900 and 500 r. m. Lanadale at 80.5 a. m. Fort Waxhington at 845, 10 30 a. m., and 215 and 9 00 p to. Abington at' s l .• : An l A 3 y a s o . d 2.5 p. m. Leave Bethlehem ter Philadelphia at 4 CO p. ttt. Buy leniewn 8 45 a. m. Leave Pelladelphla fee at 9:30 a. m. for Doylestown at 200 p• tn. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia. *195. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. EADING RAIL 4asi R ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1872. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows: at 500, 810 a. to., and 2On p. m., connecting with similar trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 1210, 350 and 0 40 p. m. connectively. Returning leave New York at not a. ui., 12 05 noon and 001 p. m.; Philadelphia at 730, 830 a. to. and 330 p. . Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamagni, Hineniville. Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown, and Phila delphia at Sal nod 810 a. m., 200 and 405 p. m., slopping at Lebanon and principal way stationn; the 405 p m. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Colum• bin only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill aid Susquehanna Railroad leave Harris. burg at 34 p. . . . East Penna . ).lvania Railroad traina leave Reading for Allentown, Easton and Now York at 700. 10 40, a. tri , and 4 p m. Returning, leave New York at And a. m., 1215 neon and 00 p. tn., and Allentown at 725 a. to., 1523 noon, O. 15, 4 35 and 0 32 to. m. Way Paketenger Treln loaves I hlladelphla at 770 a. m. connecting with altnilar train on Emit Penna. Railroad returning leave Reading at 6^u p to.; Mopping at all eta loon, Leave Pottaville at 6110 and 000 a. m.. and 230 p. m., Herndon at 100)a. m. tiluomokin at 540 and 11 16 a. in., Aabland at 706. in. and 12 13 p m , &label:toy City at 761 a. m. and 1 3 1 p. m., Tamaqua at 665 a. to. and 210 p m. for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, liarrbilirg. Ste. r o L ara7B l ;Varm " . l a S gl oVu lk rg " , l a a n n ti l l S lTs q a u . u m " . ' Per ' grove and Tremont. Pottsville Accotninodation Train leaves Pottsville at 3) a, th., paenes Reading at 7 (15 a. m., arriving at Philadel phia D 33 a. tn. Returning. loaves PhiladelPhia at 15 p . in., punning Ituadiug at 710 p. urri•ing at Pot.. ellle at 926 p. to. Pottstown AccoinmOdation Train leaves Pouitown a 013 a. Returning. leaves Philadelphia (Muth and !wren.) et 4 Al p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 20 a mo o. ud 013 p for Ephrata, Litiv, Lancanter, Colambia, Stc, ;c me - ohm lotucantor itt 821 it to, and 321 p in. and Colulubitt nt 813 in. and 313 p m Pork tome° Ituilroed Trains leave Perk (omen Junction at 7 33, 9 3.5 a in. 233 and 43 p Itoturning. Orr. 00 at 6 15. tn, 12 3 o and 420 p COO.C1101( with trains on Reading Itnilrund. Pickering Valle) . Railroad trains leave PLumixvlile at 910 It in, 4111 and s:op t ; returning leave Byersat 633 m,l‘ uOOll. and 4nd p el, couuectaig with similar trains on Mean lug Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottetown at 9 40 to and 1 17.1. 11 1 .19 IlOgi 715 p nu; ll.Ellrniug leavot :donut Pleatotut oth. tkl and 112.1 n In, and 301 p tit, connect tug with train' on Reading 11.•11. . Cheater Valley Railroad Trahm leave Itrldgeport at S 101 ato and 240 and 633 p returning, leave Downiugton h tram. o 55. n R in, 12 3) and 40 Railroa p c o nnecting with almtlar uu eading d Suuday, have New York at 1,191 pm, At SOO it to 'and 3 15 p to (the lino a to train runuiag only to Rending), leave Pottaville at SOO a In, liarrlahurg at ) A icool 2 It) pto Alleutow it at 4 :15 aml 935 p to, Read• lug at 7 15 a to and Id 51 p to Or Ilarrieborg, at 7111 n ut for Sow Yot k. 01 720 a to ter Alleatown and at 94, a in and 41n p to for Philadelphia. COlllllllll.lllllll. 511113.1Ve, 5e11..., School awl flow:11Pd a Ticket., ai cud front all point.. at roduced rah, Baggago c?/eck.,l through Pax .11,r, uuNI Is A N I'ASSENGEIt ItA 11.- 11 I On uutl After MO:it/AA', JIIZiE 1842, var. will run boll trnlun ou blot Lehigh Nulloy ninl i,ulu 1r u.l ,11.1/116 - .101/011. Philltd.•111111.1 Ijonding (East Pon , . Joolvtlou) ktulitoutlit,, nod to thu Allituhovn Fottnivo. Inning stn. cloth 11,1011tio, lout Ninth Alrettts, As follow.: For 1.. V. L.Nt Pent. Putunot. I.onon For A NI A. W. A. N. A M. A NI. 5 4.1 h 7.1 , it :10 101 W r rir 4,1 II 2.1 II L.l 4. 11 1.5 II :41 P. 1 In 1 ht. P. Ni NI, 'I It) 3 NO I 40 A no AY.S 3 :11 7 no 7 SO In t I l'Ay On), A Sultud's o:41.1 I 6 60 !i 2. Itt I it M. 9:U Li 2) In 7 Hi s_l 'rho roo to 411 lb.. PA K... 140, .r.in- „o lb MADE TEN CEN I'S. Clabbroo ontler tou yolk of rgo. rlvr Cobb. GRAND OPENLVx CARPETINU S. Largest Carpet Room SAND LARGEST STOCK IN THIS CITY AND VALLE-Y. AT THE "HAMMOTII STORES'i -OF E S. SI - lIMER & C 0 705 and 707 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. 5 Frame Eng. Body Brussels Carpet Best Eng. Tapestry Brusseli do Three Ply Carpet, "!Smith" Tapestry Ingrain Carpet li"San ford's" do do do Extra Super do do Super do do Common do do Thunask do - Venetian do Bag, List and Hemp Carpet at A TOY, COCOA and CA NE Mel TTLVO, FLOOII AND TABLE OIL CLOTH, DRUGGETR AND FLOOR CLOTHS, DASSOCHS, Itllo9 AND MATE', IVI:NDOW HOLLANDS AND SHADES A WORD OF ADVICE to all In need of any Gouda in thin Ilan : Buy _Now and 'Buy Right Here, Goods In (hi. nepartment will ha told 'at prlus to • • 'A don fah the NM yr tiler were ordered from the , lanofac:urern and Importao before the late adv.co lu M Th large mount (41110.'4 within the loot month la thin Particular branch odour heelers! , in vary heel indica Imo of the arMreelatiOn of our exteuatve and wellaelerted rick OW price, • pr4.:Un rlllll I I.I.IIII,TRATED linEN 0- A. I.OOICAL JOURNAL le every respect a Firet• Clasp Mewl.. Ile Rale'. are the high.t Interest to all. It teach. what we are and h ato make the wont of ouraelve , The h.:formation Ilerr tame on the Lowe of Life and health le well worth the dire of the Idagesine to every fatally It In published At e.nr n year. Ilya spacial erraugement we are enabled to offer the Plague ogleal Journal as e Pramual for five new PriboOriber• to do LBlllOll 128,111.T110.. or wall tarnish the Limbo; HUM, TIM and Phrenological Journal together fore W. We coturneud the Journal to all ROOT.n a wood Ilsorallue. Addrese all orders.to IREDELL. JR, Allentewu. ra D. LIJCKENBACJI, A'rTollt NV:• NET AT LAW. (forerly prectlred ,Carbu rlie s :icV;t:Thi. nd 11 0 :Pbe "" ono de con muted in the Germ. leoiriage • 311ttaroabs CATASAIIQIIA, 9 83 •8131PL8'8. 9 43 U *JORDAN RI DOB, 9 391 GO TH'S 9 34 WALBEILT'B. 9 78 CHAPMAN'S, • 819 TRE,XLEHTOWN, , 901 BILEINIOBVII.I.E. 886 •SPRINO CREEK. 8 49 AL•BUIIT18. 8 37 I= Trains for Phll4dolphla WO 1 1 0111111511.110.411 01,01 J. E. WOOFTEN, 180. Nnv. Much'ry. EMI CURTAIN LACES, Orofrsztanal CarDo R LNK it BALDWIN ATTORNEYS • AND COUNRELI.OHIi AT L AW, Al'endow o, Pa. Mce". Mo. 64 &hod IIA Uloo eirent. C. M. Rona. P. A. M. Ilat.oirMi .1. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I'J • ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. d 0 Rant Llamlltoo treet. •irCao he eonnolted to Oarman. I►n It F a C. HUNNIBERGER ATTORNEY LA_ • AT LAW. Removed to Um Poet Oteleettolldlog .4conct floor, ALLENTOWN PA. epr Rl.l♦ 5 56 5 5 4 6!I 5 6 i ,ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND corr VEY ANCSIt AGENT FOR TEE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, 86 West Mint Moo St. Allentutitt. Pit CI EMIG E 11. ItEPP, ATTORNEY k..3r AT LAW. 0111, with Zion. John I). StllOA, Allen osvo. PA VDWIN ALItIt2GHT, VI"I'OItNEI* I J AT LAW, nbove th.. Court llnurn, AL LENTOWN Lehigh county. IN. felb ti•ND-1, FORGE K.WVILtiffN,ATTORNEY Ai AT LAW, N0..11A xtrotit. nearly oppo Ito the nourl li.. ~ Allentown. Collection* prinnlttlY fondle In Lehigh nuil tiortinimptou count,. Vf()KRIS KAUFFMAN, ATTOR -TA HEY AT LAW. OClen Korona floor of thr. First Intional Bank buiLllng. ALLENTOWN, l'A. Collection. Emit, In Lehigh and Raioirklog multi.. Curt be coußrated the Eugl kit e .1 Norm. hinguirgeti. 14-11 DR. C. C. GULDII74d, SERGEON DENTIST. 0111 re, over Mrs. M. A. 0. Ouldln s ^rlttning Store, N0.:11i:A.4 llotallton street, Allentown TEVI NOOYER. ATTORNEY AT I_J LAW AND JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, MI UMW TOWN, I, En l'A. Particular attention pole to tonolvent ikud decedent °stele, Jan S: YOUNG. JR., (WITH KNOWLTON, HYITII A KCALItg,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ca li g . o 3 . ono, 41, 45, Mond 47, No. 103 Witelting too Stroionti;eriti JOAN 0. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY AND COITNSELLOR AT LAW, Rana A, N 0.610 W. t mtreet, rbiladelphin. Inar S B. NETZGAR, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. 62 Ewa llnotlllofltr,•ut. fIEORGE B. ATTORNEY kA AT LAW. Office, First door nl.ve Law Alley. AL LENTOWN, PA. way 111-6 m AMIES S. ILIEICIi, ATT lIN EY AND ti COUNSELLOR AT LA W. ',c00., floor of L. J. Kra• ot, ro, oploot.to the Eagle 11,,t01, Allentown, PP. MEM L•DWAItI) lIARVEV, ATTORNEY 12.4 AT LAW. Olflee, with llou. Samuel A. Br ALLENTOWN, PA. xuny JOll3l HU Pl', ATTORN EV AT LAW. !I), N.Corner teh aud Moulton Streets ALLEN. TOWN, e PA. may 1-ly ADAM ‘V 00 EVER, ATTIIicA AT LAW. Miler, oppo•lte the Court House LENTOWN PA. say (louse, _ . . • WILLIAM 11. GLACE, A T IVIINEI AT LAW. CATASACQUA. LEHIGH COUNTS PEN:VA. tiny lthly ('LAY HA 11ER51.1%,1 TTORN EV • AT LAW cATAsAmaun PA. ion 14.'6.94( (2arpct3 nub Oil Clod) CARPETING,i. WILLIAMS & DALE, =1 832 MARKET STREET, 11111,ADELPIJIA, healer. lu CA R PETS, lIIL CI.OTII S. M AtTINGS, ete, We have roll r• red far the Spring trod.) a largo nob baud.. rine :,aor,lll..ut of 111.1 V 111111 I...antlfhl mtyler. In lirua• ar , ruirr , ' , II Cl..thm, Window Shad., eta.. all of or loch wo alter et Pn loa rat crash pricex. tVo lack.. all In CAllll/11/ seo 11, and examine our mioek before lord...lug elsewhere. WILLIAIsIS DALE, SP! Market St., Philadelphia. MEM RICH AND ELEGANT JARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C S. C. FOULK. NO. ID S. SECOND ST., PIIILA., (Fltst Carpet Store below Market, East side,) InvlteA attontlon 10 hln mplondhl Ililnortment of Imported • ntl American CARPETS, ,rhlch mlll ti.• nold at a very mall advance. Goode warranted an reprenegted w that all con buy tvlth confidence and nailstactlon. • no♦ 29•tf CARPETS! CARPETS! ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, AND ➢MATTINUS, WINDOW' SHADES, &C., G. B. & 0., 31 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADA., West Side. below Market. N. 11.--A ((tom! disc o r u st to Churches and (I,rink men. stpriMmw Title Instrument Is especially designed for the pea feet application of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY It is the only form of instrument yet invented with which fluid medicine can he carried high op and perfectly cipplied to all parts of the affected nasal pas sages, anti the chambers or cavities communicating therewith, In which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and loin which the catarrhal discharge generally pro ceeds. The want iff success In treating Catarrh here. toforo lin arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle in the way of effecting cures is entirely overcome by the invention of the Douche. Jr. using this instrument, the Fluid Is carried by its own weight) no snuffing, We wig or pumping being required,) up ono nostril in a fall witty flowing stream to the highest portion of the mai passages. owes into nod thoroughly cleanses . II the tubes and chambers connected therewith, and Owe out 01 the opposite nostril. Its twe In pleasant end GO simple that a child can understand It. Full and explicit directions accompany each instrumeut. When used with this instrument, Dr. Sage's Catarrh . Remedy cures recent attacks of ")old I n the fiend. by a few application,. Symptoms of Catarrh. Frequent head 'ache, discharge failing into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, de. In others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed eyes, stopping up or obstruction of nasal passages, ringing In ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, Impaired or total deprivation of SOIIBO of smell and taste, dint- MSS, mental depression loss of appetite, indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, dc. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to be present in any case at ono time. • - • . Or. Saito 9 B Catarrh IlAmody, when used with Or. Piercers Nasal Douche, and accom panied with the constitutional treatment whim is recommended In the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, Is a perfect specific for title loath some disease, and the proprietor offers, in good faith. $5OO reward for a case ho can not cure. Tbo Remedy Is mild anti pleasant to are. containing no strong or sanatic drugs or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy is sold at 50 cents, Douche at 60 cents, by all Dragalats, or either will be mailed by 111- .prietor on receipt of 60 cents. V. PIERCE, In. D.. *. Bole Proprietor. • BUFFALO. N. T. may 1 w-tf REMOVAL! REMOVAL! 8. R. Engelman & Bro.'s CIHNA STORE. HAS BEEN REMOVED TO No. 740 HAMILTON STREE (IValker'll Old Stand,) ALLENTOWN,.PA SPECIAL ANNOUNCE M ENT FOR THE SPRING TRADE. THE FINEeT AliSultl'AlENT OF TABLE WARE, Vases, Cologne Sets, Figures, Smoking Sets, Mantle Ornaments, r with • I VANYA RT stocl LEC k ofS. ever offered to thi• citg.toglith C arge • FINE CUT GLASS WARE. oarch 2 . ---- hIAREEL A. BUTZ. ATTORNEY AT 1J LAW. ON. NO. A 9/ Hamilton street, aWNBaluid bio.e sonn. ALLENTOWN PI rdaw 0. 11. SIIVI.IIII IW. F. ll•sys. eopt4.3mW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers