Ely YO,igll 4tgbicr, No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send ris heir old address as well as the new. Btettor Bows, of the Episcopal Church has taken up his residence in Reading. A SINGLE tine imposed Thursday gave the Law Library two hundred and filly dollars. . THE Allentown Democrat maintains a Sig nificant silence rolatiro to the groat Republican victory In Maine. A LAItOII number of Idehmen and Welsh. men were mado citizens last week and will cast their votes in October and I , ,ovember for the whole Republican ticket. TIM now national bank to be located In Bethlehem, la not to be named the Second National, but the Lehigh Valley National Bank, and the capital stock is $200,000, and not $175,000, as Brat publiabed by us. FELL DEAD. -At about half past nine() 'cloc), Thursday, Mr. Jacob , Miller, an old resident c3f this city, at Tenth and Hamilton streets, fell dead in front of the cemetery, on Tenth street, while returning fromlome lots ho had been visiting. The cause of the sudden decease was apoplexy. STRUCK NVITII PALSY.-A. 13 Mr. Alex. Mil. ler, a compositor on the Itepublicaner, and an old citizen of this place, arose from the dinner table last Thureduy he was taken with a paralytic stroke and now lice speechless at hie residence on Union street. Mr. Miller's age Is about 05 years. Mr. Charles Broadhead of Bethlehem was nominated for Constitutional Convention,and Mr. Janata J. Cope of Easton was nominated for. Prothonatory, at the Northampton Coun ty Democratic nominating Convention yestor. day. A COMISCTION.—In the Allentown Demo crat's Wee of last week, It is asserted that Mr. Jo seph Baker was not elected Superintendent of the Humus Furnace Company, and only serVed a's As sistant Superintendent for two days. That is In. correct. Mr. Baker was chosen Superintendent by a full vote of the Board of Directors, and still holds the poalt:on. TEIE GERMAN Mrserma.—The large and attentive meeting on the Square last week, which was addressed by Gen. Mank and the Hon. George Sigrnon, was the best German meeting ever held in this city. The speakers discussed with elo quence and force the issues of the canvass, and .were frequently and loudly applauded. We con gratulate' our German fellow citizens on their large turnout. EXTENSIVIL—Tito lumber yard of •blesare. W. R. Treater Bro., at Tenth and Hamilton, Is fully stocked with an immense and complete stock of lumber, from the smallest paling to the heaviest timbers. Recently they received a load of yellow pine which was remarkable for the s.nall number of knots, not more than a dczeu, thet could he found In the whole cargo: This Is but a sample of the superior quality of the lumber sold at this yard and which Is bezoining every day more noted among builders. DEATH O 1 A GOOD CITIZEN.—Last week Mr. BenJ. W. Landis, an o:d and respected citizen of Allentown, died at his residence on Walnut street, in the 72d year of his ago. Mr. Landis Itn always borne the respect of his fellow-citizens, and died regretted by a large circle of friends. Besides his other commendable qualities he had for years past been 'a staunch R. publlcan, and was a arm supporter of the government during the war. Ills funeral takes place from his late residence on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. REPORT of coal, transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week ending September 7th, 1872, compared with same time last year: For Week. 'For Year. Total Wyoming 8.353 05 296,255 06 Hazleton 43,050 15 1,667,704 07 Upper Lehigh 110 11 2,069 14 Beaver Meadow ..... _17,907 12 575.416 10 Mahanoy.... .......... ... 4,990 02 292,553 05 Maueh Chunk 28 07 2,294 18 Total Same time 1871 74,388 15 2,936.334 00 101,435 16 1,724,053 00 Decreaße 19,09.3 17 Suer.—A Democratic meeting was held at Batb,Friday night and a disturbance took place among the adherents of that party, during which a nmu by the name of Buse,-au employe of the Bethlehem Iron Compauy, was shot In the shout der by a pistol ball. Some fellows declared that the shot caine from a white house, and they en deavored to getup a cry to burn it down. Through the Interference of Mr. Chapman they were pre vented from accomplishing this design. We are Informed that the leader of the Bath Band,a D an ocrat, resides In that housemnd at the time uo one but ladles were Inside. Whisky was the disturb ing element'and a large number of the four hun dred torches they carried to Bath,might have been seen this morning, broken up and strewn along the route of their march home. SNIASII-DP. —111110(1y afternoon At half past one o'clockom up empty coal train on the L. Y. R. It. was thrown from the track by a misplaced switch, below the bridge over Second street, and the engine managed to run across the bridge on the planks. Hut the cars got twk-ted up on the bridge when the eugme stopped just over it, and six of them were smashed more or less badly, three being thrown over the bridge on the Street, ob structing the city railway truck. The railroad track was not torn, but the columns on the ricer side of the bridge will have to be replaced, as they were badly broken up. Tim wreck was partially cleared away by six o'clock, leaving a damage done of aboutsl,ooo. The engine was not Injured In the least. All the train hands were fortunately all on board of the engine at the time of the occur rence, and were not hurt. A lacer Fon LtFn.—Tuesday evening, about quarter past six, a German was walking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge across the Little Lehigh, kettle in hand and his pipe In his mouth, and Intently observing a coupleot shifting engines down towards the East Peon. Junction. Coming from above was a coal train, unobserved by the German and neither did the engineer see him un til the engine was nearly on top of him. When within a few feet of the German, and when his death seemed to be Inevitable, the rygnal for down brakes was blown. The German turned quickly round and as It appeared to those on the train that he would be mangled by the engine, he Jumped upon the bumpers and was carried below the Junction, by which time the hands succeeded in stopping the train. lie was not Injured, for tunately, and us ho descended to the ground, ho coolly remarked to the engineer, " I lost mein hat and mein gettle, but I sated mein pipe, ha, ha !" FIIIBT AIM MEETINO.—The very large meeting held at the house of J. Allen Trexler, In the First Ward,Friday r.ight,was composed chiefly of workers in Iron, whose attention to everything that was said Indicated a sincere desire on their part to do their voting in Oetoner end November conscientiously anti Intelligently. Of the five hun dred assembled, there were probably not twenty persons who will fall to support the living priu triples of the great Republican party at the polls, when the proper time arrives. Mr. Trexler had prepared a stand on the west side of his hotel, from which the meeting was held, and the walls of the house being wide and broad, the sound of the speakers' voices was thrown with flue acoustic effect to the limits of the crowd. More we go any further, let us offer our congratulations to the Republicans of the First Ward on their splendid ward demonstration. Wm. li. Alney, Esq., of the Second Ward, was called upon to preside over the meeting, and mode a few scathing and condemnatory strictures of the slanderous and villifying policy adopted by our opponents in this canvass, proving that they were compelled to resort to these vile practices became they had nothing else upon which they could argue their case. 1.1 On. Miles Hainphreys was then Introduced, and delivered a deliberate and plain argument, showing what Interest the work ing claims had In supporting the Republican . ticket. Mr. Humphreya labored somewhat under the embarrassment of a cold, but all could hair him, and paid the closest attention to his remarks. Mr. John L. Deane 611i:tired In an address of elo quence and power, alter which the meeting stood itelonrnea. Tnr. new silk works at. Scranton, Pa., will he the largest In the country. Sixty lots of ground hill be used, and from 3,000 to 5,000 workmen employed. Tps Bethlehem Progress, published by Democrats, says there were about 2,000 torches In the line of the Republican procession lu Beth !ohem, cn Saturday night, This establishes the , act that IL was by far the largest political pro cession In this Valley the present campaign. ON Sabbath next the Rev. J. F. Falls, pee tor of the Eaglieh Lutheran congregation, whose church le ai South Fifth street In this city, will preach hie farewell sermon. Mr. Fobs goes west to fill the pulpit of a Lutheran church In Ohlo, to which ho has been called. • A MISTAKE. —On last Thursday evening, George K. Wilson, Esq., of Allentown, made a ch at the Democratic dem onstratiou In New York. When he was Introduced considerable ex citement was produced, the Impression being • pread from man to Man that he was a relative of lmnator Wilson 2 ;.but after he had spoken a short time the mistake was discovered. CONFEREE MEETING. —The Conferees of Lehigh and Carbon counties met Sep' ember 14, 1372, In the Law Library In the Court House, at Ilentown. There were present Gen. Wm. Lilly and F. A. Pony from Carbon county, John L. Hoffman, Wm. 11. Alucy and C. W. Chapman, from Lehigh county. • On motion Gen. Wm. Lilly was appointed Chairman and C. W. Chapman Secretary. Mr. Alney offered the following resolution : Revolved, That the nomination of Charles M. Funk Erg., for Deleau te .10 the Constitutional Convention, by the Republican Convention of h;tth County, this day held, be and In hereby rat liled. This was unanimously adopted. On motion adjourned. C. W. CHAPMAN, Sec'y THE TERSE MILL TAx.—We are Informed, upon reliable authority, that the Commissioners contend they have authority for collecting the tL ree mill tax on occupations, and have therefore Instructed their collectors to collect the tax Of cf.urse the collectors are bound to obey the Com missioners, and the people most submit or stand a suit. It Is something beyond our cotnprehension, especially as the following letter says they have no law to sustain them in the assessment of the MEI AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, PA., July 80, 1872 Dear Sir:—ln reply to yours I would state tlmre is no law allowing, the collection canny taxes for estate purposes on professions, trades or occupa tions; the Actof Assembly of June 2,1871, repeals all former laws in reference to the assessment and collection of theabove mentioned taxes. I enclose you copy of the Act. The Commissioners of your county were furnished with a copy of the =ante as Is enclosed to you. Respectfully yours. J. A. WAGGONER, for J. F. Hartrauft, Auditor-lien. In view of the conflict of opinion upon this sub ject we think the Commissioners owe It to the pe Tie to inform them from what source they re ce've authority to assess and collect this tax. Di , 36 it come from a higher power than the Com m( wealth of Pennsylvania? If the Commission er'. do levy upon property to collect this tax, and It II shown that they have no authority In law to do so, the person sued can recover damages from the Commissioners. They can't claim a clerical error on this point I %lAN MEETING AT SLATEDAI.E.—A Repub lican meeting was held at Slatedale, on Thursday at which Lewis J. Roth presided. The first speaker introduced was James 8. Biery, Esq . ., who had a plain talk with the people upon the import ance of looking up the voters and attending to the naturalization of those who are entitled t ciczeuship and have not yet received their second papers. Ile then referred to county matters, giv ing a scourging review of the fearful state of our county Nuances, prophesying that the end of the mi,rule of the Ring, was surely coming. Bucka lea's infamous career during the past twelve years was gone over, bringing to light the damning Ic aw! of one whose hatred of the Government will long be remembered, even after his body is c;m (lived to an unhonered grave. Mr. iluruphreys made a short, though telling speech, eloquent, patriotic and sound. Me was followed by J. L. Deane, EAq., an Irishman from Philadelphia, who made a number of humorous allusions to Horace Greeley, which were greeted with roars of laughter. Ile closed with an clo gavot and beautiful peroration upod the destiny of this Nation under the wise, just and patriotic policy of the Republican party. The meeting ad journed with rousing cheers for the State and National tickets. 1,212,261 00 ItEPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION COMMIT• TEE.—The Committee appointed by the Court to examine into the discrepancy of $5.),000 in the Cot. my Debt Statement, reported to Court, this mm ning, nS 1-0110W8: To the HonoraLte the Judges of the Court of Quar ter "C, ,tons rf Lehigh County: —The undersigned Committee appointed as per annexed recommen dation of the Wood Jury, and order of the Court thereon, beg leave to report that in the discharge of their duty they proceeded to exatalins the books one accounts of the C'ammissioners and the Treas urer, with a view to ascertain the manner of their keeping their accounts, and the general routine of bue:uess prevailing with and between these two ofli:es. To aid no in obtaining a better knowledge than could he had from the book 1, papers, records, she. ' we proceeded to question the two clerks of the Commissioners, viz: —Godfry Peter and Lewis Engelinanatiol the clerk of the several Treasurers, Joseph E. Barnet. The result of our examination of these gentlemen sod the facts ascertained there from will, le the opinion of your committee, be best and. more properly presented in their own lan guage, which Is as follows: (here is reported the evidence in full.) 1 our committee then Proceeded to examine tile lost honk of the Conimisaioners from January 1, 186.1, to January I, 187 i; and after careful exam len sloe we found the same to show the county Indebtedness to be $29,51511 . 9 less than the amount shown by the auditors' report. Wu next proceed ed to ascertain the amount of outstanding loans, by taking the amount the Treasurer had charged himself with from January 1, 1866, to January 1, 1872, and deducting therefrom the amount of can celled bonds and notes as presented to us by the Cotemisslonets,and for which they claimed credit, It I/ j3pearyd that the county indebtedness was $lB,- 592.14 more thee the indebtedness of the county as shown by,the auditors' report. After several ' unsuccessful efforts to ascer ain those discrepan cies and discover, it possible, the cause therefor, we abandoned•the book and account of the Com missioners and proceeded to examine the account of the several Treasurers as kept by their clot it, Joseph E. Balliet, from January 1, 1864, to Jan uary 1, 1872, mid compared the same with the vouchers drawn on him, which we fouud correct, t.xceptin the year 1864, which we foetid the ite gre4att. $5 over, and in the year 1865 895 over, and in 1870 $l7B snort, by which Treasurers account it appears that the outstanding loans or indehtcl ness of the county Is $315,028.05, which is the amount reported by the County Andltors January 1. 1872. The loan account and the records of the but de Rimed, and of those paid off on the part of the Commissioners, should have been equally ex plit it and should be at all times so kept that the county indebtedness could be shown on any day without reference to the account of the County Treasurer, to that or any other account, and so as to have enabled your Committee to have tested by comparison the correctness of the outstanding in debtedness of the county us exhibited 'my the books 01 the respective Treasurer, thus to certify to the same as exhibiting the actual state of the Indebi °daces of the county. • Touching the matter of the Auditors' Report ' for the year v3)(110141871, whereby the Indebtedness of he county is increased about $BO,OOO over that of last year, we have to report that the immediate cause for this dlffereace lies in the fact that the Au Ikons for years 1868, 1860, 1870 brought for. ward the net balance of the Indebtedness of the county for the past year, which net balance was obtained by deducting the cash In baud of Treas urer and all uncollected taxes from the outstand ing indebtedness. Instead of carrying forward the while amount of loans unpaid. Had the commis sioners kept or caused to be kept a record of all the bonds Issued, and an accurate account thereof, and of the bonds paid off, they would have known, as they should have known, and as it was It part of their official duty to know, the true amount of the county indebtedness. Then these mistakes could not !rive happened. However negligent or incompetent Auditors might have been, a correct knowledge ou the part of the former Commissioners of the linauees of the county and Its indebtedness would have real derA this error Impossible, and the service of your committee unceeessary. It Is a proper sub lect of mention that the Commissioners' loan book, prior to 1864, has disappeared and can not be' found, while Mr. Peter, Wu former Clerk, asserts positively that he left it in the Cominisrloners' Oleo at the exptratiOn of his official term. Mr. Elgelmau, his successor, is equally positive that It was not there when he came Into the office, in the year 1867. A tusJority of your committee, understanding the scope of their duties and powers to be limited to the enquiry as to.the true and cor rect amount of the outstatiding indebtedness of the county, January 1, 1872, their examination was not extended beyond an endeavor to ascertialu that fact. All of wbleb arc respectfully submitted. A.,G. Itssitsomt, D. 0. BAYLOR, JAMES WEILER, Coes. W. COOPER, F.G.BERND, WM.B. RINEY, Committee, JILT 0.1), A t D. 1872 TT-TE LETTIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1872. Meeting 'lst Dynezport, on Friday evening. September 20th. to be addres sed by able speakers. • THE Clubs of Allentown will go to Millers town, on Saturday night next. Fare,thirtyeents The Alburtis Club will also be tbere. GEN. lIARTRANFT,aIId probably Gen. Allen will be present at tto grand Republican demon titration, at Allentown, on tbe 26th. EMAUB MEETING.—AIt large meeting was hold at Emans, on last Saturday evening, which was addiussed by Mr. Man k, in German, and Messrs. Diary, Kauffman and Snyder, In English. It was a great success. AN immense Republican meeting was held at Reading, on Thureday night, at which the Allentown Clubs, over 300 strong, were present. Gen. Ihrtranft was there, and so great was the enthusiasm, that ho could not move, or say three words, without being Interrupted with wild ap plause. THE COLD WEATHER, of the past few days, has stirred up people for making extensive pur chases of dry goods. The change has bad a re markable effect upon trade at Kramer's Corner Store where the people go en mane to avail them selves of the great bargains which can be procured there. WE are told of a man's going to Mauch Chunk and asking Judge Packer for pecuniary aid for one of the Democratic Ward Clubs of this city, representing himself as its president. The Judge gave him ono hundred dollars, it Is said, and now it transpires that Instead of being an °Meer of the club he is only a private. Only so the club got the money, though whether It did or not of course we do not know. A Mou-Piticitn nonsg.—Hon. John D. Stiles has purchased John Moser's black horse "Lion," for which he paid $l,OOO. The animal was brought from Canada, and under the excel lent "grub" that Lynn township farmers supply to their animals, he shows now, at the age of seven, a speed considerably better than 2:40. He Is a Grant and Wilson horse, but entertains no animosity to his present humane owner on that accOllnt. Court Proo.edinge Cont. vs. Willoughby Ohit. F. & 8., on oath of Amelia Oswald. Bound over to next sessions. Coin. vs. Lewis Boyer. P. &B, on oath of Susan Nuss. Bound over to next sessions. Corn. vs. Wilson Peter. F. .t;. 8., on oath of Eliza Knauss. Bound over to nest sessions. Corn. vs. Wm. Edwards. P. &B, on oath of Mary Reinsmith. Guilty and usual sentence imposed. Com. vs. Evan Kase. Larceny, on oath of Samuel Cortright. Plead guilty. Sentenced to 15 days' imprisonment. Com. vs. Wm. D. Mickley. Oath of Rosa Nelf. Nolte prosequi. Corn. vs. James Kratzer. P. & 8., on oath of Sarah Rehrig. Nol. pros. and costs. Corn. vs. Amandes App. A. & 8., on oath nt Elizabeth C. Grabe. Settled. Corn. vs. Same. Surcharge A. and 8., on oath of John Metzger. Same entry. Corn. vs. Fritz Grinder. Surety of pence. Nnl. pros. Corn. vs. Enos Weaver. Surety of peace. Nol. pros. Com. vs Daniel K. Trump. Settled. Corn. vs. Elcvin.Laudonstager. F. and 13., on oath of Lucinda Quilman. Nol. pros. settled. Coin. vs. Joseph Lochnian. F. and B. No] pros. Com. vs. Jas. Lynch. P. and B. Nol. pros Com. vs. Philip Store). F. and B. Nol pros. Corn. vs. Schaub. F. and B. Nol. pros. Corn. vs. Edwin Donnel. Held to answer. Corn. vs. Thos. C. Stein. A. &B. Guilty. Ten days' Imprisonment. Com. vs. Same. A. and B. Ten days' im prisonment. Com. vs. Wm. J. Haines. Held to answer. Corn. vs. Margaret Costello. Court directs she enter Into her own recognizance for good behavior for one year. Com. vs. Cornelius Horgan. Larceny. Not a true bill, Corn. vs. Mary Kane. Larceny, on oath of Samuel Bauman Guilty. Fifteen days' im prisonment. Corn. vs. Thomas Costello. . Selling liquor on Sunday. Nol. pros. Com. vs. Thomas Costello. Selling liquor without license. Fined $5O. COM. vs. Joseph Downing. A. and B. Guilty. Sentenced to pay costs. Corn. vs. Jere. Geiger. Held to answer. Com. vs. Henry Shuler. Horse stealing, on oath of Edward Kern. Guilty. Nine months' Imprisonment. Com. vs. Same. Larceny, on oath of Ed win Kern. Guilty. Three months' additional Imprisonment. Com. vs. J. K. Sailor. A. and B. Guilty Ten dollars fine and coats. Corn. vs. Margaret Costello. Nol. pros. Corn. vs Same. Selling liquor without license. Fined $5O. Com. vs. Niles T. Dorn. Nol. pros. Corn. vs. Al Kleckner. Nol. pros. Cont. vs. Wilson Kistler, M. D. Adultery, on oath of Charles Shipp. True bill. Coin. vs. August Bentzler. Surety of peace. Bound over for gond behavior for one year. Coin. ye. Chas. D. fluter. F. and B. on oath of Ida Brown. Guilty. Usual sentence. Corn. vs. R. J. Kemmerer. Bigamy, on oath of Mary Baer. Guilty. Fined $lO and given one year's imprisonment In Lehigh countyjail. Com.vs. tVm. Saeger, Jr. False pretense. True bill. Not vet tried. Cam. vs. David Mensinger. Nol pros. Com. ax. Georgic Burkhard. A and B. with In tend to kill on oath of Abraham Stuckert. True bill. Corn. vs. Frank RuMIL Larceny, on oath of John Weber. Not guilty. Corn. vs. Win. Lucas. A. and 8., on oath of Adam Gerhardt. Not a true bill ; prosecutor to pay co i ls. Corn, vs. Adam Gerhardt, et al. Riot on oath of Vim. 11. Lucas. No true bill ; prosecutor t o pay costs. dom. ♦s. Mary Leighton. No true bill ; prose color to pay costs. Com. vs. Andrew J. Simons. Larceny, on oath of Alice McGeady. No true bill; county to pay costs. Coin. as. Thomas Mickley. Larceny, on oath of Jeremiah Simons. Truo bill. Cm!). vs. Milton Bottler. Nol pros. Com. ye. Herman Yeager. Voile'Lure of recog nlz tnee. Forfeiture respited until next term. —Corn. vs. George Burkhard. A. hB. with in tent to kill. Deft plead guilty to aggravated as sault and battery, and nol. pros. entered as to the intent to kill. Sentenced to pay a flue of $l.OO and to undereo an imprisonment of one year. In the case of Com. vs. Dr. Wm. P. Kistler, In dicted for adultery on oath of Chas. Stepp, Deft. plead guilty and was fined $5OO and costs. The other cases were either settled or continued o'er lonort. term. In the taatter of the assignment of Dan'! Helm bitch to Sam'! C. Lee, the auditor's report Was coilllrmed n Isl. Columbia Firc Insurance Compaq la James Roney. On trial. In the matter of the application of the Cold Sprint: Water Company. to approve bonds to John Snyder,J. tirinslow Wood was appointed an exam ambler to report the facts and bin opinion of law, the report to bo filed not later than Friday of next week Jamns M. Knecht to the use of D. D. Roper, In Irma for the heneOt of creditors of said James M. Knecht vs. George Rickert. Verdict for plaintiff in^ $3l 80. Huber Bros. vs. ItAt. D. Fatslnger. Verdict for plulntiff. for $l.lO. nnrs R. Creamer vs. Dan'! K. Wertman. J Winslow Wood, Esq., was appointed master. Shenton vs. Condit. Rule to show cause why judement should not be stricken off. Wm. flallmon •N. Jere al Rh A. Sclonoyer Verdict for plaintiff for $70.31. Sell vs. Len. In equity. Exceptions dismlsied and judgement against defendant for $970.55. . . Lehigh Manufacturing Company was dissolved a. , a corporation. Jo4eph Krlealy v.t. John A, Laubaeh. Verdict for plaintiff for $82.65. Fl. fa. awarded against Nathan German, In fa dor of Onondaga Salt Company In the matter or the (testament of P. 11. Steitz to said German for benefit of creditors. ]tuber Brothers vs. Robert D. Fatzlnuar. Rea- Bolla alai a 'notion fora rule for a new trial. Rule to rhow enure why the Judoment recovered should not be entered without costs. Jacob Smith vs. Mrs. M. A. Blopp. Vei . clict In favor of the plaintiff for $26. Isaac Ash, Esq., or Oil City, Pa., was admitted to practice in the several Courts or this county. Theodore W. Bean, E‘q., or Nthistown, Pa., was admitted to practice In the several Cdurtn of this comlty. Dr. S. S. Apple vs. Poor Directors. N millet, In favor of the plaintiff for $OO 06. Application for a charter of Incorporation of Fairview C metery A P.OVlalinn or c a t imuq .,, a . Application to amend the charter of the t' Find. Presbyterian Church of Cat "...qua" granted. Application to Inenrpnrat.. • Th e M emo Presbyterian Church of Lock Ridge. NVut. Mink vs. Rebecca Mink. zentenco of di vorce. Matilda Morford vs. Van It. Merlon). Alias eubtnena Bur libel for divorce awarded. • . Thu New York Lead Co. vs. David 'Roberts. Judgment against the defendant by default for want of an appearance for $270.48. J. L. & W. 11. Hoffman vs. E. R. Knerr. Rule by John P. Miller, late Sheriff,. to pay . Into court all the balance, If any, In his hands arising from the Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate. Application of " The FOM(b'n'f , Church of Now Texas," Macungie, Pa., for charter of ineorPora lion. Wm. F. Trifrobour vs. Charles W. Weber. ' On Lehigh County Republioan Nominating Convention--Proceedings in Full-- Regular Report. MORNING SESSION In the absence of the County Chairman, If. C. llnnsberger called the convention to order. liar risou Dorm was elected temporary chairman ; R. C. Ettinger and E. A. Mublenberg, temporao secretaries. The different wards and township, presented credentials. Mr. B. M. Hose moves that a committee be appointed on permanent or ganization : Allentown—First Ward, John J. Lawn.ll ; Sn cond Ward, Samuel McHose ; Third Wnrd, Jo seph Hecker; Fourth Ward, John L. Hoffman ; Filth Ward, Jacob Henninger; Sixth Ward, John Palmer; Catasauqua, C. W. Chapman ; Entaw, Dr. A. P. Steckel; Copley, A. F. K. Krout r Mil lerstown, frank Sblmer; Slatington, J. F. Kress; Saucon, Joseph Wittman ; Whitehall, Frank S. Hartman; N. Whitehall, Wm. Neff; Hanover, David A. Tombler; Lowhill,Peter Werley; Lynn. Lewis Messer; Upper Macungie, ‘Villiatn 11. Yo der; Lower Macungie, D. D. Hensinger ; Salis bury, John L. Schreiber ; Heidelberg, Wilson K. Peter; Washington, Andrew Seem; Upper Mil. ford, Charles Yerger ; Lower Milford, David Schuler ; South Whitehall, Thomas Seislove. On suggestion. Mr. Bean, of Norristown, was invited to address the convention. Ile said sub. stantially that the contest was important, the ranks of the Democracy demoralized. That he was here with a special purpose. Five conferees had een appointed by Republican Convention 01 Montgomery county. He wished this convention to give him the assurance that a similar commit tee he appointed to meet the Montgomery county Committee at the Girard House, Philadelphia, on Monday next, to agree on a Congressional nomi nee. On motion of Mr. 8. Mellon it was Resolved That a committee of five (5) be appointed to meet the above named committee at time and place mentioned. Mr. Biery moved that a committee be appointed on credentials. Committee—R. Clay lialuersly, Franklin Mickley, Dr. Oliver Mosser, 11.11. lion sicker, Daniel Bastian. Mr. [fiery moved that a committee of live be ap pointed on resolutions, which were Hobert E. Wil liams, 8 A Butz,kl. C.Hunsberger, Geo. Erdman, V. W. Weaver. On motion recess was taken to 1;4 p. m I= Convention called to order by President Bortz. The report of committee •a permanent organiza tion was received. Time committee reported as follows a—Presideut, Valentine Weaver; Sc reta ries, E A Muhlenberg, R C Ettinger ; with Vice Presidents from each ward,borouch and township. The President elect, In a few very appropriate remarks, thanked the convention for the honor conferred and intimated the desire of dischaiging his duty conscientiously and to the best of hie ability. After the remarks,conventiou proceeded to business. Edward Rube was received as dele gate in the place of B. J. Ilagcubuch from Fourth Ward, and Joseph Rinses from Heidelberg twp., to 1111 up their quota. The President then announced the committee appointed to meet the conferees from Montgomery county, at the Girard House, Phila., as follows : It Clay Hamersly, 9 IMeFlose, J 1. Hoffman, it C Hunsberger, C IV Chapman. The Convention then proceeded to the non:lino lion of a delegate to the Constitutional Conven tion. Nominations being in order the following names were presented: James 9 Fiery, of Allen town ; 0 L Schreiber, of Copley; C M Rusk, of Allentown. The voting was then done by ballots and result ed as foll9ws : Lt ballot 2d ballot C M Runk Jainea 8 Blery 0 L Bcbrelber The convention then proceeded to the nounina tlon of candidates for Assembly. The following gentlemen were'riamed : Capt Dannla McGee, of Catasaugua ; Edwin Camp, of Allentown ; II- Item T i3reinlg, of Upper Macungie; Mark Young, of Allentown. The two last named can didates were withdrawn, and Dennis McGee and Edwin Camp nominated by acclamation. For Prothonotary, William T Breinig was nom inated by acclamation. For Clerk of Orphans' Court, Paul 'Millet was nominated by acclamation. For Clerk of Quarter Sessions,John T Cress was nominated by acclamation. For Register, J. T. Ilerizog was nominated by acclamation. For Commissioner,a vote was taken as follows Ephraim Sieger, 61 votes ; David A Tombler, 33 On motion Ephraim Sieger was elected by accla =Lion. Juhu L Hoffman moved thato M Runk our del egate to Coustantional Conveatl.4l be nominated by acclamation. Carried. '*For Director of the Fool-, David Schuler of Up per Milford wue nominated by acclamation. For Coroner, Daniel 13 Wood of the CHRONICLE aud ItnoisTeit wae Dominated. For Auditor, a vote resulted us follows:—Au drew Seem, 17; Daniel 11 Bastian, For Trustees of the Academy, %V illiatn S Young and It Clay Ilitinerely were nominated by accla mation. It was also moved and seconded that C M Runk tippoinCconferees to meet conferees front Carbon, when the following were named:—R' it A Iney, J L lloirman, C W Chapman. Gen. Lilly, of Carbon county, then addressed the convention on tile subJ.mt of putting a second nominee for ConstitutionalCouvention in the field. He pledged the vote of Carbon for C M Runk,our candidate, even though a second were nom ivated. The conventicia expressed its sentiments through a motion made by II C liunsbergcr that the mat ter be loft to the conferees of both counties. Edward Rube moved that each ward and town ship flume Its additional committee man. lie wished each to select un energetic worker,oue who would look alter the Interests, and promote the welfare of the party, one who would work zealously iu Its behalf, and secure the Just ends and ahris of the party. The following were named :—First Ward, J Allen Trexler ; Second Ward, S Maks(' ; Third Ward, Henry Heikinan ; Fourth %Yard, Edward nuke ; Filth Ward, Samuel Culver; Sixth Ward, Charles eiss ; Catasuuquu, it A Boyer; II:Mall, ' Dr A P Steckel ; Copley, A F K Kraut ; pd it lers town, James Singinaster; Slatington,L It Hughes; Sauce:), Thomas Clymer; Whitehall, Frank S Hartman ; N WhitchalLE \V DeLong ; Hanover, Milton Kuitz ; Lowh ill, Frank G. Peters; Lynn, Elias !dosser; Upper Macungie, William Mink ; Lower Macungie, V W Weaver; Salisbury, John L Schreiber; Heidelberg, Wilson K. Peter; Washington,Lienjamin Schlosser; Upper Milford, Anthony Mechling ; Lower Milford, Charles Echoenly; S Whitehall, Thomas Yundt. • On motion this convention adjourned sloe die. E. A. 1111111LENIIERO, Sveretarles R. C. ETTINGER, Tug crowded suito of our columns to•day forbids the extended report of the gigantic Repub lican demonstration made In the two Ilethlehems on Saturday night last, which we would Iil:u to Rive. The exercise of candor will compel even the bitterest enemies of our cause to acknowledge that the procession was the largest and best of the compalgn on either side, while the perfect order which prevailed and the absence of all drunken ness must extort praise from the same unwilling source. The Republicans of this State are rising up in their might to the support of their candidates, and at the elections will hurl back their slanderers into, the obscurity 'whence they for a time have emerged. There were enough men in line with torches to extend over the distance of nearly two miles, and 118 the long procession was viewed from au els vated standpoint, the windings of the solid col umn of flame and the bright Illumination of the route formed the most magnificent spectacle ever witnessed in this valley, which will continue fresh in the recollection of the people of the Bethlehems for years to come. The exact number of torches In line we will not state, as we did not count them, but any count far below two thousand will, In our Ju Igo:tent, be a small estimate. The meeting 55115 addressed by Mr. II utnphreys, of Pittsburgh, and Win. S. Kirkpatrick, the ablest young lawyer 11l Easton, w hose * remarks were fraught with Interest and full of facts that will not fall to produce favorable results. •We forgot to say that the somewhat novel fea ture of mounted torch-bearetu was preheat and led the procession, to the number of about fifty , and supplied a flue effect. We say fifty, but that la a guess at sight, and we will rely for figures upon the ettimate of Mr. Gochthalk, of the tidbit). hem Timep, whom we 6:IW eountleg.' • Tau. chicken cholera provala with groat mortality In Boolca county. Election Proclamation IT ITIMEAS, in and by on Act of the General Astern bly of the Commonwealth of Pennolirsula, ant tied '• An Act relating to the declines of this I.7ennitot. wealth," passed on the 3rd day of July, A D. 183 u it I made the duty of the Sheriff of every c.einty within tI I Otaninonwealth to glee public notice of the time of hold log the general elections, and in such notice to minute rate -Ist. The Officers to be elected. 2d. Designating the Owes at which the election, or 'o be held, therefor° I, OWEN W. FAUST, High Sheri ff of the County of Lo nigh, do hereby mice known nod kir(' title public notion o thb elector. of tho county of Lehigh, that on TUNS. DAT tho Bth day.of OOPORKIt next, nu Election will le hold nt the severni Election District. entablialted by law in nab! County, at which time they ehall vote by ballot or ONE PERSON for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for Auditor General of the Common mental of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for Ju.tire of the Supremo Court of th. Jononoowootth of Pounsylvonla PrtittiONS for Itopromntoll vas at !Argo froo ho Ctlontontoealth of l'ortqlvanla to the Coogroo o ho Uoltnrl Stator. T W BNTY•E10I1T PEIVIONS on Delegates ot Large tt ho Ccurontlon to Amend tho Constitution of l'enttyl sunlit No person shall auto fur Tour° than fourteen u old dolosintom TWO) PERUONS to fill the aim of Deleittto to tht u•lonal C, wend M. to represent the E. onnuti onaterini District of Pentetylvanid, computed oi Ile °untis of Lehigh nod C triton. ONE PKII,ON to represent the Sixth District of Penn it.}lone n , compoesd of the counties of Lehigh nod !Tint goniery; In the C.mgrect of the United buttes. TWO PERSONS to represent the County of Lehigh the 'louse of Representatives of Ito Stalest Pcoi, Iviinla ONE PEMON for Poothonotin y of the County at Le high. ONE PERSON for Clerk of thu Orphans' Coort of th :minty of Lehigh. ONE PERSON for Clerk of Quarter Sees' , t , of th hsinty of Lehigh. IN E PERSON for Register of Wire of the County el I.eldgh. ONE PERSON for Cominlrelonor of the Couhty of Le high. ONE PERSON for Director of tl O Poor of tho County if I Thigh. ONE. PERSON for Coroner of Om County of Lehigh. ONW. PERSON for Auditor of the County of Lohlgh. Tit 0 PERSONS to isct as True toot of tho Allentown . tend 'thy. Tho electorn of the• Comity t.,1 Lehigh oforesohl, on the oil .e; oil TUESDAY belim 00 the will meet hi thu devorol district. colimoetd or the city, word., borough. and the nevem' tow oor, to nit 15=1E= quilt flux. Thu olt dor. of Iltu Sccutot Ward, lu tile city of Allen If% u, et tho !saloon of .lit Hoe lloleteht. The electors of the 1 bird Wan!. lo the city of Allen own, of publio Ifouso of Jacob Eckiwollen. Tho ulecturif of filo Fourth Word, ~ the city of Allen own, et die public [mule of 111ttuer ft Ilartul In. Tile WITtOr4 ul' the Vilth %Vont, fu lite city of Allett town, n: tho public honto of ..lion Kelper The elector.. of the Sloth Word, In tho tlty of Allen town, u.. the public home, of Josiah Scherer. Thu eiectorsoi Salisbury township, at the public house IfJence lu said township. Tho electors of Foraus, at the pub.lc boos° of Jacob ihipe, Ii sold borough Tho choirs of Whitehall township, at the public house of W. J. Mickley, in said township. The sleetors el South Whitehall township, at the pot, re 110.0 of Charles Michnel, In said township. The electors of Hanover township, (old, or Hit termini,' district.) at the public house of J. F. buichord, In Hitters ville, in said township The moctors of Hanover, (no tv.or Old tooth Bethlehem district.) at the public house of Marcus U. Vetter, in Old math Itothlohein, said now eloction distilet being coin dosed of no touch of the township on is comprised in the eillowinn described. boundaries: Ihniiiitiing at u point where Um Manocacy creek empties Into the Lehigh river at then.; up ihb Manocary creek to Unangst's Mill, throce by 1111110 running southwardly to a point in Ilreinig's road nbuill 1300 Net below lis intersection with the Allentown road, thrice down said road to the Lu nigh river, thence clown the Lehigh river to the place 11l beginning. 'lllO electors or Upper Simeon township, at the public house at David Barron, in said township. Too elector. of the borough of Catosauqua,at tine pub• nc housu of Frank P Lsubach, in said borough Tho electors of the borough of Coplay, at the public house of Jackson Diego, in said berouch• 'I he ol.mtors 01 Wolsouborg townsilp. at do public lionso of Henry A. Soylor, in said timinship. . The electors of Lyon township, at the public houso of David Mellor, In wad township. The electors of Heidelberg township, at the public hood° of Peter hillier, In said township. The ol..ctura lit WaShington township, at the public house of David Peter. in Bind township. The electors of the borough el Slittingt:u, at the pub lic house of,111110 Peter, in said township. Tho eh eters ul North W kindled township, at the pub. lie 11011110 of Charles Leltiburger, In said township The °Delors of Lowhlll township, at the public house el Tilghman D Fry, lu said township The electors 01 Upper Macungie township, lit the pob Ile house of Solomon Smith, in Fogolsvillu, ui said !own. ship. The obi:tun; of Lower Macungie township, at the pub. Ile house of W. M. litei hen, in New Tops, in said town ship. The oh dors of the borough of Millerstown, at the pub. Ise house of A. 11. Itoeiller,lll said borough. The 01. clots tit Upper Milford township, at tlio house of Nathan Carl, in Z.onsvlllo, hi said township The elm tors of Lower Milford township, at the public 1101110 01 Edwin I'. Diefenderfer, In said lox whip. The General Election In the said several districts to be Tuned b, tweolt the hours of six and seven In the fore ioon, end shell continuo Wittiest Interruption or ad nittinieni Until sem In the evening, when the polls 101 l ho c'osed. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That it lo provided by an Act of Assent lily, approvod July 2, Ii SD, "1 bat every person, excepting Justices of the Peace who shall hold any of or appointment of ;/1, flt or trust under the Our.,. anent of 1110 United States, or ol the Stole, or . f any oily or locurpormed lit •rirt, whether a Collllllllollioll.l/ Sic, or olliertvlso, n sub ord. - tate etiller or agent, or who le or shall be empl o yed Under the logislitti.o, executive, or judiciary department of this State, of the United Stab's, or of any city', or of any Incorporated district, unit also, oily member of Con grses, and of the Male Legtniaturo, nod of the select or .ouncil of any oily, or comtniesionor of any in. corporate, district. Is by law liwapsbio of halal lag or ex ercising of 1110 ssaio time, the Wilco or uppointuient of judgo, ins .color, or clerk of any eleetion in this Csm• monwealt n ; and that no Judgo, Inspector, or other °nicer 01 any nog) idectiou shah be eligiblo to any effizo to bo then vottd for Anti the x tld Act of Anoerubly, untitled" An Act relat• log to tin; elections of thin Commonwortlth," pulled Jllly 2,1(39, Itt • thor provides an follows, le wit . "That the Ittopecturo and itidgro Plod! meet at the re• spective places appointed for holding the election in the district in which they roe; votively het hofure nevelt o ' clock on the morning of the SECOND TUESDAY OF 001011011, MO rich ul biktd Inspoctoro sloth nppohil cult elerk, q wl... thou' Ito 11.041111 Ni r,,t, of Hold Alntr,rl. •. 11/the pet.. 11114/1 11111'0 received On. Itholt est bun& 111/111 r of tut. ter Ils , :pecl or, bhull not allet.l on the dAy 1/1 1111 01,11..11. thou 1110 ;orlon Will/ 011111 1111,1 ru• coved the n, cowl highest number of voltJudgo at 11 1 ,• nest ; receding eh:ethyl!, 1.11411 act as luspector in ilk phice At.d ill Contl 1110 potion who shell hove rue, feed tio• I,lKhe , t uninhor of vote,. for I.poctor eh 11 not at tend, the lamb elect. tl Judge shall appoint an lespoctur te 1111.1 petson elected judge shah uut att.oul then the i n spector who received the highest 111111.er of I'M/Melilla' 111111111 M A.llll/, Ito his place; ,out v.ic.koey nhll , l cohlinm. lho hoard for the Tar, el ono hour alter the thou Intl by low for the opening ol the ell:elem.; he qualified voters of the tuts...lop. wind or dotricl. tor whit h ouch t nicer oh ill have been electol. pr, rent at the ;Once ..I election, shall elect one of their bomber to till anett vacoucy. • • It shall too the duty of the several Rite. ors, reaper t irony, to intend at the tutor, U 1 I/11111111g l.oury general, .pi .cod or townellip oteetion donne the w n i ne said to. :lion 18 It tilt 0111111, las the pow to of g nog inf... loin t h the inspectors mud judge, when cininl on, in rot n toss, Is, 1.1.0 1 lght of any p.m,uu assissed by then to volt nt such ,Mesta,,, ur much caller matters iu ralothin to the ass...tnent of voters the raid Inspect,. or j u d ge , or either uf theta, 811 111 !rum thin, to nu. r. " No sic) •illl 01.111 be manila to vine ut say e as ....I oil, other ratan it white Ireton., of the age. tweii• Iy cue y,nrs, or more. wha shall have rosined in this Stole at nun 5/110 porn, nod election district where tie citrate vote at le mt ten d sys onnito•lntoly prt mai tea;; 1111C111.:11C{1011.111141 Wliblll two nears have a Stith. or {ll2, Willa, 2111111 1111211 heels nsioussed at tont ton days helnre tho olecnun lint In chin.. of the Unittd States 11110 11111111 hi, previously been a qualiflo I vultr i this 815,10, cud tenoned Iltuiefroni eon returned, nod who 81.11 have resided in the election district and and tintoti as aluresn'd, shall lie contlod tu vote afar red.ng its the et .110 sit month. Provaleil. that white finetuoti, eft v.,es of the United States, between tho ngts al twin. ty 0110 suit Moon two years,,nial limning redid. d in 11. •tittu ono year, end In the eternal) district too days 1111 narosnid, elm!' lie entitled ro voto, ulihicipli they sl.ll nut have p Id 1.50:0 " person shall lie admin.] to vote 111101111,11111110 .11 not coutnionl in the list 51 Mint., itilinliitinits luroteltoil by thu conimundunors nod ...ism.; or it 1114 right to vote whether foomil 11i0n... not, Is o'j•cted to by ally citizen, It shall be Om duty of the 1.1/velure to 021411.1[1i1 such 1/012011 011 oath to his qua . lll:ntion, nod if h 0 claims to ha,. ri nide' within the Mats for ono year or more, his earli shell he sollicient 'trail thereof ;'hut he shall make proof I.y rat least otiu ciimpettint nit miss who slosh ben qualified elector. that lie hi. resided .Ith itt the dis Ir let lar more nom 11111 111.321 1,051 preceding mi I election, shall himself swear th it Isis b inn tide residence, In purountice ol calling is ulthlo lite district, and that Its did not minium, lulu Heald district fur the per. pose of voting therein I'. very in rosin qunlilled as In re Mil, and who shall make dios prom!, if required, of bin re allenceitoll pity meta of Mies, tie ittoronnid, shill be peimitted to vat,' iu the wand ur district In he shall reside., If env pivotal thou! prevent. or attempt to prevent, any t Meer 01 an election under this v t from holding each election, or one or threaton any 'hien., to ally ruck officer, or interrupt or Improperly inferrer. with him In the exicliticill of Ilk duty, or eltall mock up or at tempt to Viocit op the window or /Weld.. to any • holow where the 11111311 may he holding, or shall riotoulit till tun] the pen at such eliniion, or shall nun or practice ally holtultiatiou, threats, Urn, or violence, with design to influence unduly, or tivornwo 11117 Pleu har t or to pre. vent him front votteg. or to restrain the freedom of riiolco, such person, ou conviction. Oral! be need in any en not exceeding 1110 hundred ti liars, sod he N 111 1 .1.01. d for any 1.:1111, not len than onenor more Lima twelve mouths; and It it shall Lit inlioWn 10 the Ci.llol. where 1110 Will nit such offence Khali he had. that lino persons offending was not u inwidnilit of the city. word dle.tict or township, where tho fond Ohm, will committed, mid not entitled to von. then ..s, thee, on conviction. he shall he svnteeced to pay • ll.m of not hail than ono handl., ti, nor nano Oise One thonn.nd dolhlrn, end Ito ha phis mud not lees than sin month. nor w I rollrill two yours. •` If any perinniti or plifiloWn shall !nicht, any het or Wooer Upon the result of the election width, this Conoitonwealtti, or steal oiler to nivke ally each bet or wager, eithor by verbal proeittniatiou thereof, or by any writion or printed advertisement challenge or invite any per n to make such net el wager, upon c hviction thereof, so ha or they elan forfeit and pay throe times the amount so bet or of (Awed to be bat. . If any person, nut by law qualified, eh all fraudulent ly vote at any olcc.ion in this commonwealth, or belolt otherwise qualified, shall vote out of his proper diatrict, or If any person knowing the went of euth qualificatiom, shall old Cr procure inch person to vote, the poroon so offending shall. on conviction, be fined la any sum not exceeding two hundred dollar., and be imprisoned for •ny term not exceeding three months .1( any petiole than vote at more than one election dletrict.or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once Co the mime cloy, or such fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector two tickers together, with the Intent ille• sally to v to, or emit Tote the aline. or It any meson .hall advL t, and procure anointr in to do, he or they no °needing, shall, on totalcllou, be thud luaureum not iws th e tilt). nor more than live hundred dollars, and lon Imprleoned for any tom out tree than three nor more than tw,l,n motile, If awl pews m uot qqahflod to rote In this cowman wealth aitletubly to no, (bacept the eon, or qualified nit mom) eboll appear at any place uf election fur the per vole of issuing tickets. or of liAluoucluir the cltlsthe gust lied to vote, he shall no CMITICtIon, forfeit and pay an) sum not excinillus one hundred dollars, for awry each fiance, and be Imprisoned for three months to the Slat section uf acid act it Is ouseted that '• whin MO or 111010 COUIIIIOS shall Colllpo.o a flf•flflOf for ME ,1101C0 Of it or numbers of the eseltslo of lieix Cutoniouweelth, or the house of iteprementatm s of the Coltod Stoles or of fLir Commonwealth, or Preeldeut Judgo, the Judge. of the CIOCIIOD to flitch ruuuty baying meter aforesaid. tho Clerk. shalt make out a fair .mice rent of all the voter which shall have born given at such election within the county for every poison voted fur ea such member or member., or President Judge, which halt be elgusd by said Judge..•nd attested try the clerk., aria one of the said Judges .hall take charge of said car. tifirate and 0.1,11 produce the same at • turellog of one Judge from earl, county iu such district, as is or may be ° beheld-theaoined by law for Cid. porta..., hich at' of Shall Nee. nth day after the &twattoo. CIIANOE IN THE MODE OF . VOIINd. Partiallir attention 6 directed to the 11 rat,rr lion of the Act of Agreed.,ly, p.otsed the Mit day of March. A. L. VAS, entitled •' Au Act regulating the tuanurr of Voting at .11 Ete;tiot.a In the savor,' counties of this Common• wealth." That the qualified Totem of the several counties of ihis Uomroonwnith, et all general, township, borough and special election., ere hereby hereafter authorized a id required to 'vote by tickets, printed or written, or pertly printed and partly written, eoverally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of ell Judges of Oonrts voted fur, and to be Inhaled, ont•lde, "Jetlicia. r 7 I" one ticket shall embrace the names of all state old• cars voted for, and he labeled, ntoto ;" one ticket shell embrace the names of all county officers voted for, Inclnd• log the office of den dor, member or mt inborn of A ssem• bly, If voted for, end member. of Congress, If voted for, and be labeled, o Canty:" one ,icket ellen ,maraca the 011M01 of all township officers voted for, and be labeled, township:" One ticket shall embrace the names of all borough °Moen. voted for, end be labeled, •• borrugh ;" and each class shall ho deposited In separate ballot boxes." Pun:mut to the provisions ohetained In the se•enty elite election of the set first aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid dietricle shall respectively take charge of the certificates of return of the election of their reepeclive districts, and produce them et a meeting of one Judge front each district, at the C .art (louse lie the city of Al lentown, on the third day oft, the election, being for the present year on FRIDAir Ilth day a October nese then and there to do and perform the Ihaties ten mitered by law of said ledges. Alan—That where a Judge by .h knee. or motrobl•tile accident is enable to alumni eoch n opting of Jodrell then the certificate, nr returnmid nieall hn token charge of by nue of the luaprrt"te r or Clerks rhe elec• lino of said district. who shall do and (Orion!! the duties required of said Judge nosh . ° to attend. NOTES No other questions con ho put to it voter dy n judge or Inspector, thou rock na tend to uh•ew wlu• lire or tint he Is possessed of rho qualifications 1...1ei/ea by rho out co Assembly-3 Year., 317. Too too niust hove di sin personelly aisseared on the cuter the requ lilt.. time before tlo• elooti Residence 01 IS W. 1010110( inteiition, but 10 constliulo clionge of residence Moro must be au ;retool reindsol. Resolved, Tier, oily person \VII° isivy be roustituile.ll:, .I.llllod to cote In .10y city or counts of list. I'Ollllllol, wealth, but :nay hove tt•tuuran from nee word to ono her within such county. is ifittu any boroegli ear 14,114111,. in noel, rolll,ly, dada 111 at gi.l/Ifl,l 011,70011 lurid therein rindl be entitled 10 0010 ouch general election In the wolid borough or township Irunt w Web such person tn ry 111,0 so rent died. ANIENDIIIENT CONSTITUTION U. S. I ilea Oro eNcinl notleu to the cturd of L. 111411 county, that I have received the kiloa log proolumatton and tiller:len :runt the Governor of the Coll 11110111,1,1111,11: rXECUTIVE ell4Nlll[ll., August 27111. 1 , 70. To dm County Clountissiondr, rind Shoed ,J blur COunly of Lr logh : Nlnz,,odn, The Flft‘ eta!, Amend:ln olt of the Colottltu Lien of the Unity! Staten lo an follow, : 1 1.CrION I 'lll,ll - k:IG ore:l:rend of the Gnilvd States to rote .lull not he dunk,: yr nbrltlge.l by the United diuk e, tor 11 aey :lel, e• , ,11111 of rare, color, or lire collllltholl 01..10111de " "Si.ettort '2. The Omura On plural burr , power to tailor, Ibis err Urlo by of propri.,to legirlartion " Ana Irfarre as. Thu erranutas tal rho. United Stator, on tiro clot day .11 111 a, h. 1870. patted an net tratltle.l " An Oct to cotP.o , th' riff'd It/ cif ire,. of !lie Unite; ~to t , to rot , in oho vveral ' ales of !nix Ghtmoo, and hr other per. I/1.0 " 1110 firmt aecoorl ractlrtur of w Inch are pa lola lower: rrcrlax 1. . c if cnricfcif.crouto and Howe of Erore,nlatirct pf the L'neled':` slrsit of .Ihierant (nu press asseinbltel Hutt all clozi.ot of the ll:mural Staten, who are, air shall tre "thiamine ran:Orli al by law to variant .any °tertian by tiro people, In any male, Tarr - army, drat tract, a tip, county, puble, lownalnar, farina)] ,Illtrlct, nm toripallty or other territorial wan 111Vill'Ill, 111/. , 11 be entl tit al .d allowed to cote /1t all much election., without dialloctlon of race, color, or 111,1001 condition of awry' torte; any ertantrtrill .11, lair, combat), tisane, or regulation of any Plate or l'prritory, or by, Cr under Is authority, to tho contrary notwlthatattaahnit " Ntctt to 2 And to iffarrlo r rnndrd, That Irby or tin der the otitnority of lito uondtit wadi or !awe of any Ptah, or the 1:“wa of any Torrltoty, 101.7 act it or shell be ro qulred to t done ireproreatilnito or qualification for voting. and by such Cottonton. or law protons or 101 ours ore or dtiall lin rho - god with the ia•rfortnauct, ol du net lit farokhlog In tally.. 101 l app , rtunity to pad:lo an d !, p r o,,,pindro, or to It. , 11111111111 A It, 0010 i 1,0 the duty of every Ouch pro.. and ofileor to give loan citivand of tho Unit d tit.itet lm toinot 111111 ttinal oppor tunny to in florin pitch taco anisittat and to !Jerome 4.1 Mud to vote W11111.111116.111'11.0:1 ul race, color, (Jr preveans condition of marvittala; and II any loch person or othrer shall 1011110 or 1(1101111 d ly ‘llllll 011 giro lull 1 lTect to [lin even., be shalt der °very such 1.1101100 forfeit and pay itlll 011111 1,1 five' hundred dollar. to the person agrrinyea hereby, to bo recovered by lot notion on the case, with hill culla and .1 0 11 allowancu fur roundel feet as thu court .011 deem pet, and shall Wem, for overy ouch ofidnru be deemed guilty of it midiletneanor and talon 00 cone Laion thereof bo fined not lege than flee hundred dullard, or be Intitrldontal not lees than:one month mud Out Moro th on 1/110 year, or both, at the discretion of the court." And Whereas, It le duclored by the oecoutl Recant] of the VI Article LIM., Cololltutiou Of the Culled State., thAt Thin Constittoluth and tho lows of thy United Stahl, which 'that! tor tondo In purstiono thereof, atoll bu tho anpronto low 01 the land, * • • • • not thing In Mr CS, otitution or /mot of Any Rare Ii thr contrary nottutetstatititng " NOTICE II ALSO GIVEN, Thot tho Leglelaturo of thht Conlin towealth, on the . lath day of April, A U. 1070, passed an act, entitled .• A further oupplement to the Act relattng to Elections tu ho Comm tnwealth," the tenth acctlon of Which Kt/video e fellows: tlacvlan 10. Tina to much of Leery net of an provides that only white (reel.° Ili/1111 be untitled to vote or ho registertd as voters; or as claiming to veto at auy general or apecial election of this Commonwealth, ho. and the snow in hereby reposltd; and that hereafter, all freemen, without distinction of color, all dl he enrolled and registered according to the ravine,. of the first 1.06 Liea of the Act approved seventeenth of April, 11039, en. titled .• An Act further to the 11 . 1 relating to the Elections 01 this Oonanonweal I and gluon other. wino qualified under existing laws, ho eotlt:od to veto at all general and spneitl elections in this Collll.l2lwewth " And II Urea:. It Is my constitutlenal and oflicial duty to take erre that the laws bo Isithrtilly executed :" and It bas 001110 to toy knowledge that sundry assemers and registers re voters have refused and are reloslog 10 Mee.. and register divers colored male citizens of lawful ngo, nd otherwise qualified as electors: Now. Tin nix oat, In consideration of the promises, the County Commissioners of said .couuty ore hereby notified and dim clod to instruct the several assessors noel regis tern of 001015 therein. to obey and conform to the re. qulreirreuts of said constitutiirtml anorednient lord law; mid the liter riff of said county is hereby iklillhori,d and required to publish In lil. election prcol•mistron for the next ensuing Moen..., the herein melted constlttolooill amendment. net 0112011gfe.,11101 act of the Logrelature to tho end that the mono Ills) be known, executed and obeyed by nil ...morn, reglo ors of voters, election OIL cors and others, and that the rights and privileges guar anteed thereby nosy bonOCllred to all the Cllll,llel 01 010., CollllllollWeallll entitled to lliu satire }(liven under tuy heed and tho Meat Feat of the State, at Harrisburg, the day and year Wet above urition. .INO. W 10.:AltY Aff-fl— F. Jorp.oi. Secrotary of Conm,:mealth. RREGI9rlty L IW. I elan giro ;111cIal HoliCo to the tincture; of L••high coon. y, that, by flll act An Act halloo. eupplentien ul to the uct rolubto to Ow ulo•ti;ot or this Com Iton • retch," tlioptVeti April lith, A. U. In tin, It It prOVltiud ie f011oWn: Stun, I. Ile it rneteltd Iv the and !Force nl Rep., Ont. e,l Gent , a! AX.tein Ely no 2 it y enorlCfr,i lilt au tl/tort( , ,Of the mirne.,T hio it the , ...ill ol 111,• asaussor with n this antuotie melt ire Ills bunt tlienilf. In ohe 01 each year to lithe the tooec'fi.l he hat remand II 0111 lha, rolint) 00111111111,11,11 1 nd, theioighth section ill the ne . ot 11 tennlii I poi, iiighteen bundled and thirty lour, and wanted to ten fnul mli di) revision of the 9,11110, by moil,. ninregrign initti or every p.o . non Who In knoWil hit ll eve tiled of rimmed slam tho hat precious noose.. frorn the dial tot of which ho 14 1110 nelearlor, or WlllO4O lieull lir 1r 111 oval front the some 011101 Mali, lIIIr Wri 10 arril 1 r ...IA to the onuto tho not:o of r.ily I voter nh.. sloth! he Lome tt him to hero moved into the elietriel thy Log po, v].. One nniiirenint r iat, IT 0 broil. tel. ',NI Into Illi• ou• ni.ll tie or Nail Wine been In tile kti mu to him, noel aloe the homes °I nil es hit ski twit cat ni to Ism to Lo ipt ell 111.1 vote. thorolu As im ru nn ll,it r enoiColopirrierl fir. shall oinit every li n e.llirg hone. m 10, di. oat tel funk care:lll Inquiry if ilny person n en. memo le on lea list It. died or ri tit iced Won the ,:lot, let, lend II so. • take m 1110 sae therefteem, or whether 111.1 n 1141111,1 ro. sides t nerecm amuse LllOlO In 11 no li• 1 , '01 , 1111,. to all the tome thereto; end PO ill Cline Wi'ltriiir • 14 Add eel tie Il' list a Lot shall forth will Leaerionirenant 1 against tllO 1110,011. nod I he a 4 Vrinirr ill 01 1,1 /I'l eagg tescimuu° by iuquiry, It wh it leoolol tho pots., ine claims to lee it cotes.. Upon 1 110 oomph: 11m of Oils wink It ith 11 1 he Oa ditty of och assessor en aforesaid to pro cool to mat oi.l n Int. 1,1 nil it Mew lel 1 r 101, of the white freminoti ntiovo t,lity irtie )oifs of chaining to be goatee id vote. tie tbir were' b 114 1 11 tie trolly or Matelot of w hull he In the assessor, teal °pais to etch of tit! names stales whether need freeman An Or 14null a hout,keoper: nil It he In, the Lumber of Lin 10,1i101100, In towns W 11,0,, tho n eno• ere tintobend wtth the stueot a!Ioy ur court. In which eau tad; thu If In te town where the. x ti 110 Irnlobirtil i Ito lionio of tho ritrunt i alloy m cowl on which ei haw. Iron Is, site the occult altos 01 1110 person; 111111 ,'Hero 110 le Inn a liimsekai per. the oc emote°, place of Lost - dila; noel I,'llh and II work ing for nnoth,, t leo 04111 . • of the en ployer, 111111 won] lin matte naeli of autos the cord I voter ;" win., any porn in claims to vote by newen of natuntlic stion, ht • shall exhibit 11/e yenta leits. 0°4.4 to thu assessor. na less he hilt beau for five consocutlvo years nets,. iirecod. loan voter in said dlslrlet, sod to !ill t i n 1011 whuro the per• st in hxa hog ti Doman, situ noun. shell he 0111 kit with the lot N ;"1.1 ern iley pore., Ina ly 11,01 fro' Inn 1.0. M. to L'i'lt n eintein and ilea.. to Lo nails edited ago. the hest vaunts°, 111. trot 110 it, ell ho mark od " If I ; " s ham tho daltilint to Vote 11) !Proton Or bo .. .c hi - AV:evil 111 0 Ago of tyr on ) gene it el twtinty w e, os ! prosidi el by I,w 11,0 wotil •• 11,i" /Ansi! liu We red; aim If tio person lota 11101,t1 lute 111 0 action district Li re. sill sluice tho hot general 0l tot 100, tho lett r "shale bo plactal oppoeltu the tionto It eh ell ho the fartaor duty of etch amow is . Ics aforesaid. upon the completion of the duties hierein ittip.i . d, toak., tat a op train Ilst of all new asnaleseats lo ht'' m nntl the innollilln ementycl upon each, noel furnish the ,nut immodimtely to thu dounty communion,. who 01tall lueurethatalv add the 0%111 let 010 tan depicts. of the ward, borough, town. ship or dlsinct in which they Move boon tweesad etc.''. On One list luting completud arid sin arite.ll ant, made se 510101,01, the 8141110 01101 I lurthpilli tor rotorioril to the COll Irby canm(sstottera, who alien cola copies of BS 10 lists with the °Wolcott°. and 011110110 i tious re mitred to ho nottd am nforesoid, to ho run. out Os soon me lacono eble nod plamiel Di the hoods of thee as atiesor, who shell prior to the litat of August 10 each you, put one ropy Iliortrof 00 oho door of or on tho,house whore tho traction of the nopuet.o district Ii required to 110 heal, nd regain Ilia Mil, hi Lt puensolou, lac the inattention, Iron of oh ergo, of pinion cos .lll e 3 l in NI" said °lei lion district alto shall seine to aim tho Wit/ is shall by Om linty of the sold asst.. to add from Woo to all the perste/0i tepplication of any one Manning thte right lo 51,10, thu timme of IraCl/ C 11.1111311 t. nun Mirk 000,olto the sit no C. V." and unseen him to li 11 list II ettng as in nil other 00500, tilt ocemestion, residence., whether n hsorder or a linoasko - p or; II a bettolim, 019111 whom he boards; 1.1 whothew naturalltsd or dellguing to ha 'narking In tell such ems. the lei to . . opt,: Ito Out memo " N. " or D. I.' al the ' come nmy lie; If she pent in claiming Its ha assessed ho natural,. el, he shall exhibit to the assessor Lila cortifi rate of uesturallamliem; and If tie Clair. that Ito dusigus Lobs hat Ural ford 1 / 1 -10r0 tllr 11011.0011010 K OleCtlUll, lin shell exhibit the contd . :Me of hie elociaratluti of intention; It. 1111 suers Wlietil any ward, borough, township or election Metric: Is doled Into two or tuoropreCitiCtel, lt, unatbstor detail note in nil his ...num. the election precinct in es hall each elude, rend.. and shall make a aoparnte re• turn for oath lo site county num...loners in all ensue ahleb n return Is riqulred front him by the proclaim.. of lisle net; nod the spumy comminaltinera. In molting duplic elo copies of all inicti roturns, .1,11 make dupli onto copies 01 the Minn. WI 00 Voters let etch product, reparately, and shell furnish the some to the assessor sad Ito Cirplli4 required by this act to lie on the Moere of r ou election places on or bt.lure the brat of A uguet ID 1 nth )oer, ho placid ou the door of or on the in ecttuti Imam in each of a 11l wee... tar 3. Alter the aaseennetils have boon completed on tho truth they ‘ •precutlitig the second Ttnia.lny iu Mete bar .1 each ) ear, thu weesestir 01411, on tho Monday im mediate') lotion I es, tusk° areearte tu the comity coin tutretuiiera of the ,idles of all persoua meowed by 111111 atill i o Ibo return required to be mod° by him by tho neo• enui sail its el Oils aft, nuelug °motile onli inklllo 1110011 001 rations told octet...tou required to Let noted as afore veld; atil Coillrly CrininlibiliLliera stall ttaroupon csum tho yinolo to lie tedilod to thereinto] requlrell.ley tho iioColtd Strelir Of 111 I 001 And 111 11 nd cerct copy there, to ho tante,. 1 wattling the ample a of allm e lord ind rennin.' sea re•leistit tax/hied In sanl Wised, borough blWlreloir or 'al ill.Ct and final ell thin .111, trbtetber Willi 1110 Iseer4 al) eloctioo Muoks,onto, lli I it the el icll to in sad amid, borough, to woslop or precinct, en or bolore•It O ' OloCit In tile mar tluK of tho eto foal fu„ - any In Oetub,, uttel.uu man stout be permitted to nee at tho olection 50 thot day who,. Ition I Is not on a till Ildt, Unleat 110 shalt make pros! of Ile OA.. to cute, an horegnmiter reggired lac 4 On the day of election ally ;arum] w 1 it,' nIIi , Is nut on the sold ilat, and olnitteng the 101,1 to solo let told Election, shall product, at low au .1.11, I Virtu( of thu distil,. a witness. to tho real nco ot tie° claim tut in the died, lu whlels he o!ft ills to lie a voter, for the period of at least ton days oust preceding said elresliutt, which witness shall lake and subscribes • wriityn, or pattlywritten sod pasty printed 5111 Isn't to the facie stiattil try hlot. 'intact] ofildanttnhall delluo clearly whore Illu mato.. Is of the person • • c!alming to ben Tutor ; and the person an Clnimlng the right to vt shall slats take and subacribu a written, or featly written and p ertty pelottd affilavit, stollen( to the bolt of tile know Italito mud belief, whom and when he was horn ; that ho Ili • Wilton of the commonwealth of Pounnylvenla and of the United Stolen that lie 11111.1 trebled In the commonwealth one year, or If formerly* citleen therein, and baa mooed therefrom. that he has resided therein six months next vroceding said election ; that he has moved Into the die tent for the purpose of voting therein ; that he has paid a state or County tax within two years, which was se• noised at least too days before said election ; and, If • naturalised citizen, obeli also state when, whore and by what court ho was naturalised, and obeli also produce ibis certificate of naturalisation for examination; the said affidavit eball also state when and where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assessed, and when. where, and to whom paid, nod the tax receipt therefor ' Minn he produced for examination, unless the affisnt shall state in his affidavit that It has been lost or de• etroyed, or that be never received any, but If the person no claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit that ilO le a native born citizen of the United States, (or if born elsewhere, shalt state that fact In tile affidavit and shall produce evidence that he ban boon naturalized, or that he le entitled to citlsenahlp by rea son rabbi fattier's naturalisation ;l and shall further state in Isle adldavit that he Is, at this time of taking the am davit, between tho ape of twenty ono and twentytw o years ; that he has resided In the State one par and in the election district ten days next preceding such election, he nhalrbe entitled to vote, although he shall not liner paid taxes; the said affidavits of persons mak log such claims, and the affidavits of the witnenees to their residuum,, shall be preserved hy-the election board sod at the close of the election they shall be enclos nil with the list of voters, tally fist and other papers re gamed by law to be flied by the return Judge with the prothonotary, and shall tamale on Me therewith In the proilionotar}ie office, subject to OSOllllOllt l OO . as other election muds are; If the election officers shall find the the applicant or applicants poops ad the legal volifica Otto. ut • dire, lie or they shall tin permitted to rote, and the name or moue. shall be added to the list of taxable. 1i,,• election ofiieere, the word tax" being elided wher t.o claimant claims to vote on t ix, and the word •• a. o• “1101, ho claim, to veto on age; the eauie words twin. a , l o I by the t lerks lo each cans I . OIIIkOCIIVOiy en tho 1 x o p ,mons voting at such election. Sac 5 ti colt be lawful for any qualified citizen of the thew let, notwithstanding the name of the proposal voter is coot sine I on the Ilat of meld°at tosahlea,to challenge tile vote of ouch potato; whereupon the same proof of the right of nuirroge a, 01 now requirtal by law shall be ',Widely outdo and acted on by tho election board, and the vote liditt It ted or rejected, according to the evidence; •ery pornon claiming to be a nattirelletil cider. shall he raptirttl to produce lIIA naturalisation certificate at the . . electrai bolero vfntlng, except winner he Ins, been for ten y sees , consecutively, a voter in the district in which he 01'010 his vote; and on the vote of such p•r•on balk re eVIVed. It 010111 110 the duty of the election unicorn to write nr statue on much certnlicate lino word '•vntt I," with the month and year ; and If any election oflizer or officer. shall receive a second vote on the same day, by virtue of the saute ceettlicitto, excepting whore !My are earitied an vote by virtue of the naturalization of thoir fathers, [tiny an,ll limo pert,. Wile elan oiler arich aUCOed rote. 01.1 Mr) ellonflteg shall 110 guilty of a high ntledenlogo• of, nod on couvuetion tinnreof, be fined or unprisoned, or Lulls, at the diserutton of the court ; but the lino shall not exceed nee hundred dollars In each cum nor the Ina prbanninent idle year; the like punishment shall be in• dieted I unlatch., on the officers of election who shall neglect gm refuse to Illnku, or calls., to he made, the en. fiffe,ennent rtaptind as atorestad ou said naturalization certificate. MA, 6 If any elcVtion ollizer shall minim or uegloct to u•yuve such proof of the right of eutTrago OS Is prescrib id by this law, or thu laws to which this lea eupplemont, I um any ii,reitin filtering to auto whose name Is nui on the list 01 assessed voters, ur whose right to vote le chtillenited by any qualio.d vote: present, and shall ad lilt st c r person to vote without requiring ouch proof, ok try person 110 shall upon conviction, bo gull. ty of a high uledemexnur, and shall ho eionienced. for 01 011 . each r lience, to pay It line not excrieding ono hun• droll iluilitra, or to undergo an imprisonment of not morn than ono y ear, jrl either ur both, at the discretion of the COM t Bth 7 Ten days preceding ovary election for electors id President and Irmo President of Om United Status, it shall be the duty of the assessor to ittleuil at the place Ilx el by law for bolding the election In each election district, fool then and there hear nil applications of per• who., mintna have been omitted from the list of woieenal velure, and whn claim the right to vote or whose rights hat u originated since the nape was made out, and shall add the 11.111 es of such persons thereto Metall show that they are entitled to the right 01 suffrage In such di. on the personal application of the claimant only, and forthwith noels Olin with the proper tax. After lug the lilt, a copy thereof thall be placed on the door eI ur oil the house where the election is to be held, nt least eight days before the election; and at the ebclion Olin 511100 course Shall be pursued, lu all re spec ts, se In ',gaited by this act and Oho acts to which It is 11 supp.einent, nt the general election. In October rho asset. o. shell also 01 the same retort. to the county cononissionrrs of all 1111.02111111.1/ Outdo by virtue of this 1113.1011; awl the county commissiouors chill fur I,l,llcopies thereof t I the election of in each dl.. thief., in Ilk, ninon,. m el respect., as is required at Olin general election m October. litc. H. The name ruies and regulations shall apply at very special election, and at every separate city, bor. (igh, or ward election, In all respects as at the general election in uctoner. O: Thu respective assessors Inspectors and judges of the electrons (ball each have the power to edit...ter o she to any person claiming the right to be nsaossed or tho right of sinkage, or In regard to any other matter or thing req Iced t r bu done or inquired lute by any of card Mil. ern nod, the net; nod any wilful false swearing by soy persan in relation to any matter or thing concern tog which they shall be lawfully Interrogated by any of said shall ho plinished as perjury. lite 10. The assessors shall each roceree thee true coin. proration for the time niconnorily spent In performing the duties hereby es) ,lned as to provided by law for the per foi manta of their other duller, to be paid by the county commlisioners tie Mother Callus; and ...I not be lawful for nnynesessor to rinses. a tax inailnst any person whatevar within our days nest preceding the election to be held on the second r noulay of October, In tiny year, or within ten day. next bait, any elec.aa for electors of Pres' dent or Vice 14,1 loot of the United State.; any violation of this prevision shall bo it misdemeanor, and eel just the officer so oilencling, to u fine, on conviction, not usceud log one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not °scout'. lug three months, or both, at the discretion of the court. Ste 1 I 0.1 the petition of five or mote riffs.e of the county, stating under oath that they votily believe that fraud, will be practiced at the election about to be held In any diatrin, It shall be the duty of the Cruet of Com non Plena of said county, If in dorsi., or It not, a judge thereof in vacation, to appoint tivo juclliions, sober and In. telhgent eitiZollll of rho county to act an overseers at said elestron ; I rid overmers Oral' be selected from different political porous whs.., rho Inspectors belong to dllinrout and where both of mid Inspectors boloug to the same pelitnal party, both of the overseers shall be 131.11 hour. the opposite political party; Said Leaman shall !MVO Oro right to be present with the ofilcors of the eladtron during the whole tmtu the eon. Is hold, tltn votes doubted and the returns aisle ant tend signed by the elecrluu a. 11l ; to keep a lint of voters, II they see proper; to challenge auy person offering to •otu, and Interrogate him and lila wltnens under oath, In regard to his right id suffrage at mid election, and to esurnloe his papers produced; and the 0111 ors of said election are rt.• quiroil 10 aflard to sold overseers es..looted and appoint. eil every convenienco and faellita for the discharge' of their dialog ; If rid eluction officers shall refits° to Permit said overneurn to be relent .d perform their dotes nit aforesaid, or If they shall be driven away from tho p •Ils lay viulenni Or lunvud iton, all tho votes pallid 14, smell 1 . 10 . 110 n district may he rIPCIIA be roe tsibuno• try pig tiny nnrtea mud 'l' Pit.C11011; Provided, Thor no toloolingtung tbo pot Won sh id be appsiutill an ore, 4 • sr.c. 1.. If any prothonotary, clerk, or the ((emi tv of either, or any other person, shall af fi x the seal of Milt' to any natui alization paper, or per mit the soul, to flu affixed, or give out, or Cause or permit the same to he given out, In blank, whereby it may he fraudulently used, or famish it naturalization certificate to any person who shall not have been duty examined tuna sworn In open court, in the presence of some of the Judges thereof., according to the act of Congress, or shall Mil In, eon:live at, or in any way permit the issue of any fraudulent naturalization certificate, lte shall lie guilty of it high misdemeanor; or If any citizen shall fraudulently use any such certificate of naturalization, knowing that It was fraudu lently 1-stied, or shall vote, or attempt to vote thereon, or it any one shall vote or attempt io vote on any e Menlo of naturtilizatlon not be sited to him. he shall be guilty of a high 'Mini, memir; and either or nap of fir, persons, their old rs or abettors, guilty of t•lther of (Inc mistle• nO,llllOl , Il forcsaid, Shall on eonvieilOn . , he fined in to 011111 not exceeding one thousand dollars, anti be linpri , oned in the proper penitentiary' for a period not exc •eiling three years. slit% 13. Any person who on oath or affirmation, In or before any coort in this state, or 01110er ladhorlZ , l to atiministar oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of naturalization, for hiniselt or any other penfon, w Blair drpOse, declare or affirm ally matter to be loci, I:flowing the salon to be false, or slatil in like manner dotty any matter to be tact knowing the same to be true, shall he deemed guilty of perjury ; and tiny cortlticata of naturalization issued in pursuance of any such c h. ro ,fi ion, declaration or anirillatioll, shall be lain and volt(; and it shall be the duty 01 the court Issuing the saute, Upon proof being made before It that It was fraudulently obtained, to take flip mediate measures for recalling the same for can cellation, mud any person who shall vote, or at• tempt to vote, on any paper AO Obtained, or who 1.411111 In any way aid in, connive at, or have any , agency whatever in the issue, circulation or use Of any truudlteut naturalization certificate, shall be d e emed guilty 01 a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall undergo an imprison. meat in the penitentiary for not more than two years and 11.13 . a tine of not niOre than one thou• sand 1101 ars, for every such offence, or either or both, at the diAfiretiott of tile court, • , til;e. 14. Anv Assessor, election oflicer or per. FOll appointed an all overseer, who shall neglect or retest, to perform ally duly enjoined, by this het, without reasonable or legal cause, shall be u hject to a penult v of one hundred dollar-, and IC any assessor shah ila,Oss ally person as a voter wt.(' In not gnalllled, or shall retuse to asSeSiil any person who Is qualitled, he shad be guilty of a misdemeanor la °Mee, and on convio. lon be punished by line or Imprisonment,' and also be subject to all action for damages by the party aggrieved; nod If any person shall fraudulently alter, add to, deface or destroy any list of voters MOO 0111 asalirected by tills not, or tear down or remove the same trout the place where It has been fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous In tent, inr for any improper purpose, the person so offending shall be gilllty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished fly a tine not exceeding IlVo hundred dollars, or iruprlson• ineM nut exceeding two years, or both, at the discretlon of the court. •••• Si:,. la. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of till. commonwealth. the polls shall be mimed between the hours of six and Roven clock, a. in., and closed at seven o'clock, p. m. sm.% 17. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the commonwealth to prepare forms for all the blanks mule necessary by this net, and furnish. copies t (the same to the county eonuutsslonmb 01 1110 several counties of the commonwellth 1 and the county cominissioners of each county shall, IS mato as may be necessary idler the re• ceipt of the same, at the proper expense of the county, procure and tarnish to all the election of. &I'M of the election districts of their respective counties, copies of such blanks, in such gaunt!. ties as may lie rendered necessary for the ills. charge of their duties under this act s • • 111 l ace. la. That citizens of thls State temporarily In tile ,ervies of the State or of the United States government, on clerical or other duty, and who do not vote where thus employed, shall not be thereby deprived of the right to vote in th:iir several election dhitricts.if otherwise duly r,u Ab fled. t NSTI rurioN A L CONVENT ION At the saute time and pmees, also, nn election Will be held for delegates to the convention to amend tile Constitution of the State, In conform. Ity with the Act, entitled, " An Act to provide for calling a•conveo time to amend the ecnistitu. 11011," approved April 11, 187 . 2. As prescribed by nlllll 1101, tile following rules and reAulations app.y to said election, and the returns 01 the 0111111 . : Fir . A. At the general election to be 110111 the He Ceil,l Tge.sigy of October neat there shall be elected by the qualified electors of this Common wealth, delegates to a convention to revise 01111 umehd the t onstitution of this State: the said convention nllllll consist of One hundred and 11111y•threi: numbers, to be elected In the nutn• 1101' following Twenty•eight members thereof shall be elected lu the State al large, as follows: ilich voter in the State shall vote for not more than fourteen candidates, and the twenty-eight highest in vole 0111111 be declared elected; nlnetis , mite delegates shall be oppointed to and elected from the different Senatorial districts of the State, three delegates I o be elected for each Senn. tor therefrom; and lu choosing nil district 11010. gates, each voter shall be entitled to a vote for not more than two of the members to be chosen fron: ills district, rind the three candidates high. est 11l vote . shall be declared elected except in the county of Allegheny, forming the Twenty. third Senatorial District, whore no voter shall vote tor more than nix candidates, mad the nine highest in vote shall bo elected, 01111 in the coun ties of Luzern°, Monroe and Pike, lorming the Thirteenth Senatorial District, where no voter shall vote for more than tour candidates, and the six h:gbest In vote shall be elected, and six additional delegates shrill be chosen from the city of I . lillatlelp het, by a vote ut large in suld city, and In their election no voter shall vote f..r more than three candidates, and the six highest in vote 81111111)e decin.refl elected, Second. Tho Jud tes 'and Inspectors for each election district shall provide two suitable boxes for each poll ,ono in match to deposit the tickets voted, for Delegates at large, and the other in which to deposit thoticketa voted for bistriat Dol t-0ton; which boxessliall be labelled roopcetivo. ly, Delegates at largo.anti" District Delegates ;', and in each district in tho city of Philadelphia, an additional box shall bo provided foresail poll, in which to deposit the tickets voted for "City Delegatos;" and said last mentioned boxes must each be labelled " City Delegates." .. Third. The said election shall bo hold and con ducted by tho proper election officers of the eev. oral election districts of the Commonwealth, and shell be governed and regulated in all respects by the general election laws of the Common wealth, so far as tho same shall be applicable thereto, and not inconsistent with the provisions of said sot. Fourth. The tickets to bo voted for numbers at largo of the ennventl m shall nave on too outside the words " Delegates at large,. and on the in. side the names of the candidstes to be voted for, not exceeding fourteen in number. Fifth. The tickets to be voted for tho district mom ore of the .convention shall h me s on the out,lle the words"Distrietatlegstes,. sn d on the Inside the name or names of too candittates vot ed for, not •xeceding the proper number limited as aforesaid; but any ticket which shall contain a greater number of 110,01134 titan the number for which the voter shall be entitled to vote, shall be rejected; and In case of the delegates to be chosen at large in Philadelphia, tiro words City Delegates. shall bo on, the ()Mello of the ticket. Sixth. In 1110 city of Philadelphia the return Judges shall meet at , the State House, at ten o'- clock on the Thursday next following the Mee- Gott, and make out the returns to , . said city of the votes met thereinlor delegates at large and city and district delegates, to be members of the convention; the Judges of the several election districts within each county of the State, exclud ing Philadelphia, shall meet, on Friday following the election, at the usual place for the mooting of the return Judges of their county, and make out full and accurate returns for the county; of the votes cast therein for members of the Con vention and for district members of tile same; and the proceedings of the return Judges of the said city of Philadelphia and of the several coun ties of the Commonwealth, In the ranking of their returns, shall bo the same us those pre scribed for return Judges in tllO 0590 of nu elec. thou for Governor, except that returns teansmit. tell to one Secretary of the Commonwealth shall be addressed to that officer ilone, and not in the Speaker 01 the Senate. AMENDMENT TO TILE CONSTITUTION NVlatreas, a Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tills Common• wealth, has been agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each House .of the f.ogisia• lute at two successive sesstons of the same, which is as follows: • Joint Resolution proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Ponnsylvania: Be it regolred, by the Senoteand Mmseof Repretenta 'tires (Ville Commonwealth of Penney mania in General Assembly net, That the following amend went to the constitution Of this 'omnionwealth on pro posed to he people for their adoption or mien- Ron, pursuant to the provisions of the tonth ar ticle thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. "Strike out the sixth section of t le sixth arti cle of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: ' A State Treasurer shall ha chos. en by the qualified electors of tile State, at such times and for such term of service as be prescribed by law.'" And, Whereas, John W. Geary, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ob•idlonee to the Act of Assembly approved the 11th any of April, A. D. for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people 01 this Commonwealth in regard to the adoption or rejection of said emend ment, as provided in the ten if article of the Constitution, has issued to me a writ of Irection, given under his hand mid the great sea, or the State, " Coinmanding and I . mi:tiring me to give notice in the usual manner and as by saw re. gutted, that ail election will be held according to the terms ofthe • onstltution and the pro lisions of tile Act of the General Assembly aforesaid, for the purpose of deciding upon the approval And ratification or rejection of sand amendment:"— Therefore I do hereby give notice, that at rho same time and places, also, an election will be held upbn said amendment in conformity with the net entitled " An A.,t, prescribing the time and man ner of submitting to the people for their approv. eland ratification or rejection a proposed a mood. mont to the Cona.itution" approved April 11, A. I). 1811. A. preecribod by and I Act, the futlonlnq mice :101l rug• tattoo. Chill apply to nabd elccllon, and tlic 1, at h. same. Pint Said election .111.11 he opeded. had sod closed, upm the day last aforesaid, et the pencil 'eat within the hours at and within which the general uloctieo, of this Commonwealth a•e directed to he opened, he d and closed; and it obeli he the duty of the Judges. ln•pectent and clerks of east' of said townships. boroughs precinct, and district., to receive at the said sheaf ate, eltle r written or printed or partly written or partly printed front, each of the qualified voter of this Mate, who ileyi ,ttler the same, and to depealt them In a box or busee to be, for the pornoso provided by the prof er oill• core, which ticket's shall ho labelled on the outride .• Aineudineut to the Constitution," and on the Melds .• Portico mend Men t" or "Against the AMONdTEENT." SECTION 2. 'lll it the election on the maid propoesd !Intendment !dial!, In nil respect., be Conducted. and It !shall hu Mho ditty el the return Jadgers of the tweediest ceuntioa end districts tbe.e d, first having carefully as• cortalued the number of 'tetes given for or against inch amendment, to milk, out duplicate returns thereof, ex. pressed In words at length and not In figures only, on• of which return'', so made, shall ho lodged to the Pro. thonotery'e aka of the Court of Common. Pleas of the proper county, and the other !waled end directed to the etwratary of the Commonwealth, Rod by one of said Judges deposited forthwith In the most convenient poet Alm upon which postage .hail be paid at the expo.e of the proper county GOP SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH, OW)1N W. FAUST, iTheriff. Sherirs Office, Allentown, Angola 14. ' —to 5 TO $9O Par ay! Agent. wanted All clan. of working peorle.of either sex. young or old. make more 1110001 ivora for us their time MOM... or all Oar. time, thou at anything al. ?aril, Warm fr.. Add, ess O. STINSO3 & CO., Portland, cep IIJ•lyw R. LEIGH'S NEW TRUSS will positively cure the worst cases of RUPTURE. Hard Rubber and xll other kintle of Trews.. nhoul ter Braces, buppdriors. Elastic Belts and St •ekinge, Stumm. rte.. at,Npluxh Bows Leg and Club Not lostruman eel Intilically tondo, etc., etc., constantly on hand mid made to older. LADIES WAITED UPON IN PRIVATE by Mrs. Leigh .Iffirlietnember the place, No. 12 NORTH NINTH ST., the Mat Truss Store above Market, Phila. tee lyw to THE .INll4llt r OF COIII t IION IPLEAX OP LEIIIOII COUNTY, OF SEPTEMBER TEIt M, I b 72. In the petition of V. W. Weaver, a n f., praying for the incorp oration of "Tile tdemorlal Prosby.erien ohurch of L. ca sidgo •. September 12th, 1e72, on motion of Alosors. Ru k and Baldwin, the above named pe Dion was, with Om Articles of an ortation or "Tile Mehl trust Presbyterlem (Roach of ock " iv qiir been toad and presented, the Court, upon dire consideration thoreof. ordered the Carrie to lot elr.l in the Prothonotary 'e oilier and tilr, directed riot , . th. , lAIIIOII RR. PM& fir at lose the e-week•, end lb the e. lee will I/ • granted at the next let in of mild mitt if tio Blelent object One %borsht be presented and sir two to the co. trace Ily rho Cour J. fl DI LLINO it, Prothonotary. Witness toy hand tool the seal of .1,1 Court this Mb day of September, A y .1 S. DILLINGER. Prothonctsry. reterIIONOTAMII 'a Uterus Sept. 13, '72 ti 18 Stw A D n I N IS 1" It *TOWS SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES I'AT L' 1 li v.i.rPcWrif aw order Isxoel from a t t h ai e a C"ur t of r Wednesday, October 30th, 1872, et one o'clock la the afternoon, on the prernless, tho fol. ve usblo noti estate of ABRAHAM THOU ,•^, now ,plod by k 114410111 Cnby. squat° In the township of norm, told. county of Bock* •foressid, to met' No. I.—A VALUABLE FARM, containing 131 Acres and 104 Perohes of splendid farm laud, bounded by lands of John !fount, Devil W. II 101, Joxopli Vous. Aaron sterner Atli tliar,.' The improvente• t• consint or a double TWo.STLIIIY STONE DW EL LINO HOUSE, a good tenant 1.01140 IL lento stone li a sx or hunk a WegUll Riled and carrlagr 11.110. corn crib. p 4 sty. and other outbuddiugs. mgood coutlltlon. Thts fans provhb d with a good lon kiln, and contains a • plen• did toil Inexhaustable body o very superior 111ne The forte I tulle are divided Into coxvonient fields Ity gond and Nol,•tnetlal fe• css. Also, sit orchord 01 flopigth ,n.. d ~,” g APPLE TREES, with x g md variety other f tot trees. a stream or clear root or Rowe o thr nigh the premises. This tarnn la lu high six o of colVvatlon, and le very vain Menu . ..conot of the L IltoE BODY OF ORE which. hoe been dottovered and ground into moat fu a mill on the promotes. and Is prottounce I to make • alit of the best quality. The land- Mooe epene , to COOMILI k large betty of Mel. IRON ORE, ro which being to clone prox• miry I. a venal largo Duo Nu, at would add - mach to the vela°a trait property ' No. 2. —1 tract of WOODLAND, alLnutei Ici the same tow nsblp.sbout two miles from 8 orient .v. containing Pierce midCP mochas of Rupert., timber, moril I Chestnut, bounded by lands of Peter Grub.% lettorel t eibraem 0 rob John Orube . John floupt. Thin troll Is well e ortLy the ettentlonot petoops wile may desire to have limb, ht ode, nod if desired will Ito disposed of In lute of Ilse and ton acres, as it may suit purchasers Au 77 person wishing to view the' promises will call on, Mr. Cawley, residing thereon, or alien the unisreigued. .q ills ovary orbit., a the CI, ofe 11-utowu Conditions Will ha ma re karma on day of sale by top la•tsw OEO. W. WPM:KERS. Administrator. INVEST ECM llMlNDlr4llllnitedi EINEM innapol is,Bloomington& Western RAILWAY EXTENSION FIRST MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS 1211EI 10 PER CENT MUNICIPAL BONDS. Map., Pamphlets and Circalara furaiehed upon appli W. N. COLER & CO., Bankers, 22 Nassau Street, New York. Rep 11.4 w dead ow AN ORDINANCE ItELATING TO 1 . 1111 Ott A Dit ON LAW IiTHHHT, BHT IVEHN lI.ION AA IYW ALM)? BTit HTB. lie It ordalued by the Select and Common Councils of the lily of Allentown, nod It le hereby oldaleed by au- Hhut yet the That the grade on Law streabbetween Hamilton sod \Velum ',treats, be Axed mereoty•utne (79) teet comb from the curb Ilne of Hamilton etreet. and to rend 117 e. dat the south•east corner of Map.. and Law , streeto itcl UI, City regulations. WM. H. AINRY Preeldent R.O 0 SORGE 11. HOT li t President C. C. Attest—Wm..l. Weise. Clerk 8. C. Ag,roved thin thirteenth uay of eentember, A. It. 1972. T.ll. 0901% Moor., AN 01101 NANCE RELATING TO 11411 LINES ON UNION STREET, DE. , TW EhN THE JORDAN lIIIIDOE AND IsECOND STREIT Ho it ordained hi 111., Select and Common Councils of • ," the City o, a lieut.°. u. and it Is hereby °rosined hy au. ohority of the same. That the southern curb llinton Talon ltreet. haw°. ta .trust nod the 'Jordan bridge, be ocated twelve 112, teat oftr.lt of the JOrdau Douse, and the northern curb Ilea fatly bh)) feet north from the some placearid parallel there w Ito. no. 2. That the pavetneute 1,1 of ths.width 'of twelve Clot to I. and th r u she d L o y d Engineer be &nits hereby su• thoriv d and losh a tee grade the way he may 1 .dae I. t Ito the mutt ex petit.% nod record the Isms lu the h ok of regutations. 11, AINET, Dre•ldent IL C. 0 EORUE II ROTH, Prelatic:a C. 0. Attott—Wa J Writes, Clerk E. 0. Approved Hits thirteenth day of Eeptember. A. D. ISTA. sap PI T.ll. HOOD, 8100 r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers