• I. •td......0 • • ~. gtebteinal. NO CURE, NO PAY, DR. H. 1). LONG ? AKER, Oradoete /Attie Only/lenity of Pennelyanle, atlledsl• phla has been In en/Tenet/II practice for a number of years yarlone parte of the United Staten; will promptly at tend to all branches of his prof/melon at tsta rooms, Lail ebbs of Ststli street. bet. Hamfltomand . .. .., ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent Medicines are need or recommended; 'harem edies administered are those which will frombreak down the conetitution. but renovate the system all futurist ft has snetained from mineral medicines, and leave it in • healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all ditesaem of the Minks, Throat. Stomach, and Liv er, which early carry thoneands to untimely craves, can andoubte ly be cured. M LANCLIOLY ABERRATION, that state of alienation and aberration of mind which ten watraeirtrespgrobflueif.eujOying the pleasures of per- RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, 'in any 6rm or condition, chronic or acute. warranted cur- able. Epilemy, or fellink mickness, and chronic or stub born cases of FEMALE. DISSASES speedily and radically ?removed; Salt Rheum, akin Diseases (of years' standing) 'very description of Ulcerations, Piles and Scrofulous dim- WPM warranted cured. Stall Particular attention elven to private disease. of every detcription of hotb sexes. Ladles sufferh , g from any complaint Incidental to their sex, can consult the doctor with a.suranco of relief. Cancer oared. and Tumors °fall kinds removed without the knife or drawler blood. Dleentet of the EYE AND EAR goccessfully and effectually removed. (W•Dr. Lonaaker will make virile any distance if de sired; can be addreesed by letter (confidentially) and med icine sent with proper directions to any part of the count 7. OFFICE: P stoldaof Sixth street. between Hamilton and Walnut Allentown. Pa. CM 28-11 • PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. FILER OF ALL KINDS perfectly and permanently elf 681), without pain. dung... CRUMICII or Inatrumenta, by WM. A. BIoCANDLESB, IL D., 2001 ARM STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Who can refer you to over 12f0 t o cured in phia alone. We denim to .y to thone etlllcted, there In positively no degeOnn in the cure of the. DISEAOIIII, It metiers not how long or how xenerely yon nye been Frat'c'ic."4:.e Zan n e r rn c art Wh i gr u e r l! Come you that ere Allfratlllg, we will not dreamt you. We have patients from almont every Stnte in• the Union and from Europe. Have treated those Mamma fur twenty years without a failure. aur %as PIIIIIILOOOPVIV OF OARRIAGE.—A New Covens or LaCTPRIM as delivered at the Penns Polytechnic and Anatomical Museum. MI Chestnut three doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the subject.: How to Live and What to Live fort Tooth, Ida unity and Old Ago; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervone Diseases acconnied fort Harries' Philosophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penna. POLTTECHNIO AND ANATOMICAL Museum, 1= Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P enna sine 24-1 v WILTBERGER'S 'FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted ennui to any made. • They are prepared from thefrutig, and be Inut.d much better than many of the Extremo.. Met are .old Are Ask your Grocer or Druggiat for Willberger'a Extracts. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE le, without doubt, the bent article In the market. fe'r Noting clothes. It will color more water th a four them the come weight of hultito, cud much more than any nth, murk blue In the maraet. The only genuine In that put up at - - - - • • ALFRED WILTBEROEWS DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND hTREET, PHILAD'A., PA The LABRIII have both WILTBYRORIt . II nod BAahew t e names on .hem. all olhere are counf Wefts. For sale by most Grocers and Dreg g ate. WILTBERGER'S INDELIBLE INK bendafnd on trial to ben superior article. ays on for sale nt ream ro.ble oricee Po e Orou B , ICES, (leonine MEDICI E, Chatnoin Skies, Sponges. Tapioca, Yowl. Sago, d all articles in tho drug line, et ALFRED WILTBEIDI ER'S DRUG SI ORE, Jane W•IY No. North Second et., Phila., Pa. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, opted by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Frei; from tlnise deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious co the hair, the Vigor can only . benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing . else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, aml yet lasts long on the hair, giVing it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. BOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES tt SON Ayer's Cherry Pectoral For .1/Wesson of tho Throat and Lungs such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. • surely and elThenta control them. The tmilimany of our but c nip, of all claw , , e,tablisheq the fact, t CHERRY l'i.:croitm. will and IiOCA relieve. cure the afflicting disorder.: of the Throat. and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs vield to its power; and ease: , of Consump. cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, score they not proven beyond dispute. Al 0 remedy it is ndoillinte, on which the public mar rely for full protection. Ity curing Coughs, the' forerunners mire serious dkeuse, it saves unnumbered lives, and an emotint of suPring not to be computed. It challenges trial. and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should ' keep it fin band as in protection against the - early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which urn easily net at first, 141 t which become incurable, and too often fatal, it' neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is Unwise to ho without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which lie-et the Throat nod Chest of childhood, C11E11111" PEcriiii,ll. is invaluable; for, by -its timely use; multi tudes am rescued front premature graves. and saved to the hive and affection centred en ahem: It nets speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No One will s tlTvr trouble,ifino' Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily thus' can lie cured. Origintilly the prodnot of long, laborious, and succeSslitl elionffeal investigation, no vied or toil, is spared in making every Bottle in the utmost possible peat:mem. It may be confidently re lied upon is possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable f.f producing cures as memo:llWe as the greatest it has over effected. MEM= Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass Practical and Analytical gumlate. SOLD 1W ALL DRUGGISTS EVEIWWIIERE. SOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES a, 3300 t g(ftiters. J9IIN E. LEN") Z i vt.*EISBIAIMER onx SEABOLD, JR.' JOHN E. LENTZ & ,C 0 SUCCESSORS TO. • YOUNG & LENTZ ' The firm of Those h Lentz wee dl•eoliea by whilst 11,:talle n brim b nr u o r ird !in u brit . , 1 .;!, b h1, Vitifrit'gti Wm 1. I'heo•ty firm ho. en to hove the coutiromace of the astronage no betow...l urea Ike old dem. they will use their 1/111.1 code .rorn to accommodate their Marcus with prom. tares and , uroinh .1100 Th AND BDOES • f the bent make and material. and will always have on ■nd a run ass rtineut of the most desirable styles, •olted to the trade of this sio.tiun. The Arm of TonneB Lentz basing been dlosoleed. al endive 10..ebtAd to them ogre r.ttooded to make aettleinne ',mom this dote nod April Ist next. The books will re main at the old stand. Althorn( the old pastern. is no .o 4orised to elan In liquldatiolli. fob Mim JONEVII !MILLER BANKING HOUSE, • Fogeiiville, Lehigh County, Penny. 1401713Y11 received on depoolt 'and o' per cent. Internet allowed I o HI all sums remaining . iN Maths or over. For charter periods special rate. N 4 Du paid. executors, ildninturators, Trustees, Assiiners, Treasurers, lax-Collectors and other ono todlana of pohlie or private money., are °tiered Ilbenil rote. of intermit Farmers, al erahaute.Laborrre and all who have money to pot out OD Interest for a long or short period will And our Ica itoilon en agreeable sad advantagt ono one In which to do umlauts. M Lerdepositedlo thief:William:llElBMM AND WELL SECURED. 111;9..A i PO, money loaned ont on favorable tonna. JOSEPH MILLER. J. II . I.IC TE NW OLIVER. PEAR K J. SLOUCH. • .fopr3.6m MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH . COUNTY. This Institution will be opened on or before the let dsy 'if April. Honey will bo taken on deposit which times and May sum. from one dollar upwards, for SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will be paid. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time Also, money maned oat on favorable ME A t J rms. S WEILER, Pyteident iIIANKLIN SHINES, Cashier. J. F. M. Warfel% Chiour Lndwig, Frederick O. Folmt, Meal K. Henninger, David Donner, Willia Sailday. lease Oriebel, Gideon F. Saner, Horatio T. Retain, Benjamin J. lichinoyer. Jamas Singmaster mar 16-6 m ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU TION. Organiud as "Dimes Having institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (MAME OPPOSITE SHE AMERICAN MOTEL. ) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR This institution, the Went 811•113$ Bank In &dere Penneylvania, has' boon in continuous and enceessfal operation for ten yeare, and continues to pay SIX PER CENT.INTERSST on money for one year, and ocelot f for shorter periods. IMAlldepoelts of money will be held strictly confl dentiaL Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees Treasurers, Tax Collectors, her eyhtodiaoe of public or private moneys, are of . fed Ilherarratee of interest. Farmer., Merchants, Laborers, and all who have money to put on filtered far a long or short period will find our Institution an agreeable and advantageous one in which to do hnsine.. We especially Invite •DlBB to transact their banking L bueiness with n. MARRIED WOMEN and MIN it ORS have special privi leges granted by our charter—liaviag fole power to trans act business with us in their own names. Money depoeited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and eurplus money curtly of ove SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, sod addition. lb. Board of Trustees have as required by t barter, given bonds under the supervision of tho Court in the sum o FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds aro regls tared In and held by the Court of Common Plea. of till connty for the security of depositors, Our Iron Vaults are of the most encore and °gimlets • kind known in thin couutry us a personal Inspection wil show, and to which we Invite one friends and customers We refer to this, believing that safe Burglar Proof Vault, completothe ssfetyand reliaby of good Saving Bank WILLIAM 11. AlNEY._President. CHRISTIAN PRETZ, Vice President. REUBEN STAHLER, Cashier. • • . William H . Miley, Charles S Bush, Christian Prets, John D. Stiles, F. B. Samuels, Beal. J. Hagenbuelt, George Brobst, Samuel Soil, Nathan Peter. • ,an 12.1 f FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church Reform Church.l, second story, opposite the Germ. ed In the City of Allentown, In organised and ready fur business. a mitt pay SIX per cent. In terest on all depoette except business d r posits. for any period/VI foie, to be calculated/ram the date qdepoeit. To secure which, the Trustees of the Institution have Sled In thd Court of Comm. Pleas of Lehigh County, ander the direction of the Court. a bond in the sum of Twenty-111•• Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the falth• fat keeping and appropriation of all such rums of money no shall be placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether as deposits, or Miami, of stock. which hood may be enlarged by the Court whenever it may be deemed necemoiry In addition to (hie. the Act of Incorporation malice the Stockholders persona/ (pp noble to thedepnettcre in dou ble the amount of the Capita/ Stock of the Bunk, which in fifty thousand ilollarx, with liberty to increase It to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. These provisions will make it a very desirable and safe place of deposit. Beside., It may bo proper to state that the deposits wil be kept in one of the safest and beet protected caufte this city. Arrangements will be made to tarnish drafts on the eine of New York and Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, President W. WILSON, Vice Prestdeni J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Cashier. Trutt.* : Daniel H. Miller, S. A. Bridges, John Holben. • J. W Wilson, William liner, J. B. Zimmerman D. H. emits, Peter Grose, Edwin Zimmerman. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual fo r preserving the hair. It soon, restores faded or gray hair to its origina WILMINGTON AND READIN SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, We are offering the Second Mortgage Bootie of th AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, And can REOICTRIIED freo °Toone.... The coal telecelloneona frelabto and poseenuor buslntom are con stoutly Increasing Tho roc. Iran for tha year endi a tic tabor 91. 1371. wore 870.778 21 more than the yeor end log October 31. 1870 3he Incr.ea f. r five months end tag Aorll 1 1372. over four months ending April 1. 1871 wan r. 14.723.31 Banda, Pamphlets and informatiou can be obtained o DE HAVEN & BRO 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, T HE ERIN SAVINGS BANK Or .WM. L. YOFIN YORTH SEVEN7R ST., ABOVE' LINDEN Among the great discoveries of modern science, few. ore of more real value to ntaultind than this ef fectual remedy the all discietes of tlto Throat and Lungs. A vtist trial of its' virtue., throughout this and other countrie=, has shown that it tors Tble tank has been efdabllithed for the parpose of can - ng cora general Banking haulm..., and to offer to the mmmuolty a ditCURR INVESTMENT for their money at moms, at the RAMO rate of lutereat that It would command In New York or New iereey. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 000 D SECURITY . . . . . . . SIT Gold, Oliver and Government blonde bought and told. . . Drafts drawn on the principal cilias of the United States in sums to snit porehasiers. Collection. made on all accessible points, and proceeds promptly remitted at current rates. Farmers, hieroluset., Laborers and all who have money to pat out on Interest for a long or abort period will find :his Institution an agreeable, and advantage°ne one lc which to do !melees.. !tQM;: SEVEN PER CENT. for one year. SIX PER CENT. If left for thirty days and under o ear. 14'.RAvarinestainp.so CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS, JOHN WOOD,, JR • I NAVOrioTORIS or TUBE. F STEAM CIRCULATINGOILERS. BATH AND BOILERS. • AB kinds of Wrought Iron Coil., Tuyers for [Baal Fort once. flaeornatera, Smoke Staeke,Blast Pip Iron Wheel. B barrows, rod everything in the oiler and She ed, et Iron line. Alen, all kind. of Iron and Steel guraings and Blacketnith work, biluers• Tools of all kind., await as Whom Buckets, Pick., Drilla. Mallets. Sledges, atc• • Having Steam Hemmer and set of tools of all k ludo and skilled workmen. I getter myself that 1 can turn out work with promptomm nod dispatch, all of which will be warranted to be grat.olass. Patching Hollers. and repairing generally. strictly , nt endod to. Apr 17 A . HANDSOME MOUS !ACHE I' 1 HOUATACIIE PROP. ST. CROIX'S , MINCH PONS- W HOMERS. POUND. the Omit HAIR *MOW ER, moll, ACHE. will prode e a luxert.at NOII , TACIIIS WHISKER& •r . 111,12Eliti mi the mouth.% face. N. R. Cor. T f0b21'72.1 w A PROFITABLE BUSINESS' . . . . L 1011TEQVAT. TO 0 AR, AT ONE-EINITTI THE COST! Cannot be explolitd No chimney or wick “aea• MEN d•fillt.g PROFLTAIILIS ItUrlIN ysti, eau necr re thy EXCLIhilt X. RIO ti I. (yr thy mile or Dyorrs PAT ENT CANNON OAS WONT NUNNERY AND OIL, for COUNTIES STALES . Write for Informyhou or cYllort. No. 114 SOUTH SECOND ET., PHILP.. • N. 11.—CHIJECHEi !oral had with CHANDELIERS and LASIPcI f crery a•serlytion. M par cent. cheaper than at any other catubllehmeut in the country. 13.0usw cF. woLFERTZ. NO. 600 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN, Illonufeeturer of all kinds of Collor? and dealer in flportemen Artieleo, which ho lo solllno at reduced prie• se. Single and doable barrel Husain& flung Revolver. fo kinds, Powder. tlh. Cline. risking Ti ckle, etc. Myr,' A LOWE, Jai.• LOOKINO.OLASSES AND FRAMES mayl•Bmw) PITILADELPTIIA MBE ffinancial. MONEY ON DEPOSIT. RAILROAD FREE OF TAXES Company Interest Payable January and July THE BONDS ARE IN I,oooa, 500 s and fOOs Fiscal Agents of the United States, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD I= =I at. (Jan % dim . . . Plee.aut to uee. Sent to any uddress receipt of F IC y row. T. BOND. CHEMIST. , ENT!! end CHE 6 Ili UT Era., PIMA' !Meill I=lll2 Largo anortment of OIL PAINTINGS AND OIIROMtS 198 N. Ninth Be., nbotv Arch, '.',I I 4EItIM7V:, - REG' STER, ALLENTOWN, WED NE.SDAY, RT NE -12, 1872: J F 904 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILAQELPHIA, • Emit now opened the most Elegant Variety or Now Carpetlogs ever imported. Notwithstanding the great advance, Have determined to offer their entire Stock at old prices. TAPESTRY CARPETS, ALL THE NEW BRUSSELS STYLES IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIDTHS. & E. B. 0101 E aro doming out the balance of tact Season's Importations, VEIATET AND ENGLISR 1:11IU8SELS CARPETS, at a heavy redaction In Prlce. • Also an Invoice of FRENCH AXMINSTER CARPETS, at $2.50 per. yard. apo2-2moe d aprlto w NO. 21 NORTH .FIGHTH. STREET, NO. 21 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. • ADOLPH lIELLER9 now coon the moo , complete Flock of Fran h millinery good, and dm, trimminon to b• found in this oily. A frill ilwirsment sha de . In all new ohnde, cordedpce colreent silke.fr to *1 25 per yard. ‘CK BILK AND SATIN. All of ItllQlloi.n.l.o and ndlitl Creco., French floworo. sLosur K....JA, (fluxes. giMP.. taco,, batons , etc. Ladle, who will glee me a call may rely on (Wang new and good geode, at the lowest Price.. • ADOLPH lIELLEIt, • mayl-2mw] No. 21 N. Eighth street, Philadelphia. 707 TYNDALE & MITCHELL , 707 HOUSE FURNISHING IN CHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE I WE HAVE NOT INCREASED OUR T RICER. • THE WHOLE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK WAS PURCHASED BEFORE THE EXTRAORDI NARY ADVANCE IN EUROPE. REST GOODS. LO KEST PRICES, 707 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 707 aprl7.2m w MEAD & ROBBINS, SILVER-PLATED N. E. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS., DINNER AND TEA SERVICES, URNS, BUTTER DISHES, CAKE BASKETS, TUREENS, ICE PITCHERS, SALVERS AND CASTORS. CUTLERY ! EVERY VARIETY )IV* PEARL. AND METAL lIAND ICS, PLATED AND UN aprl7-3msvj PLATED SPOONS AND 1r08K,9 A SPROUL, Y. GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES For Embroidery Aro EXCIIII3IVe For Braiding A ro Unexcelled For Quit i rig ♦ re For Renmaing " Are Bnperic r For Tucking . ...approachable For Gathering An, Unanrpaesed For &itching Ara Fanltlese mar 90 For Cording Ore Incomparable For Felling Are Admirable THE BE'T IN USE! New Style. Shuttle Stitch Sewing Machines For Maouracturlog. To our NEW STYLES, vrhleh possess unmistakable advantages over the NOISY and CUMBROUS styles o: cA,her makers. CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. • OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, may e•dim No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. Coal ttnb Lumber JAG. M. RITTEIs Unton Street, near Lehigh, Valley Depot, Alll37itOtOli RITTER ABBOTT, MANUFACTURERS OF • Posh, Doors, Olds Pl{ Inericle Blinds, Mould ings. firnelats lbsltesterß. Plek,ht, Stair Rail ings, Window Frrimer, Door Fremex. ttc. SCROLL SAWING TURNINo. PLANING. MATCHING. FLOORING and • RIPPING, DONE.A ; I' TILE SHORTEST NOTICE. ALSO. STAIR BUILDING done and HAND RAILING made co order. . Ong now had almost five years' pooomoilon of tho Mill, refurniahed It &lomat wholly with hedv and Improv• ed machinery, and having none hilt experienced work men, we nro prepared to day competition from at home mad abroad, both In price and work maudlin. Do u contemplitto bu il ding / Call at our Factory and ertlifY yo yourself with a personal examination. Drawings for Lnlidinge. ',mama, patterns for nrria mental work, •crolh for pore., can be neon at all timee by calling at onr omen. Any Inforimitlon to 'the builder 'urramhed cheerfully and freely, by calling at the Manu factory, on Union street, at the Jordan Bridge, Allen town, VC. or by letter through the tuna office. nog 3-131 BITTER a ABBOTT. A MOOR?. D. OTTO. U.K. OTTO. 0. W. MILLER. F LBER a , OTTO it MILLER, MANJPACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA MILL ON CANAL, WEST OP MAYNARD STREET FFICE AT THE MILL I F CRANP Aux 711.1 y Spertarks. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES S! EYE GLASSES. .ko. sp Ajtme e. a . n i tir a tr u iLle . t . n o, teehi c r . t . m a e t nt of all blade of 17X., CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 28 EAST HAMILTON STREET, • ALLENTOWN, PA • flaying devoted a great deal of care and attention to the ipectaclo t hat lin e NI,. hint ferryearn, I end that toy nielnewln that Ilne h o Increnned couch that I hove de. ermined to make Ito SPECIALTY. Thep. In no article Annufttettired to which there on moth deception .teed an there I In Spectacle Illowee. Knowing that the nubile brie.. been frequently tin Inlinvited by pa rtle, pre. tending to Lave a superior article of Ula.w.n, and charging tonriataut price. f..r them thereby trafficlug open the no :entitles and Infirmities . rage. I have Wee aha. , bt ea teat a large end coinplete 4 , (the fluent and beet WINO!. ever manufactured. thing affording all woof. needing Spectacles an opportunity of pnichneing at roe. .onable pricee. Per.one having any difficulty to being suited eltiowhere will d•. well to give rue a esti, an I feel confident that WI WI, will fall to be nutted. Remember the old etend. No. 33 had HAMMon street, oppoelte the tier man Kefottned Church, Allentown; Pa. jun Ei• 'SS If OPENING OP. LADIES' SPRING & SUMMER SUITS AND COSTUMES - - - EVERY DAY. BLANK, COLORED AND FANCY BILK EMITS, TAMISE AND C &HOMBRE g CIVIL PIQUE LINEN. LAWN AND ORGANDY bUITB, AND sUITB IN EVERY V RIETY OF THIN MATERIAL FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. ALSO A FULL - LINE OP BARQUES, TALMAS AND LA DIES UNDERWE LACK JACKETS. POINTS. &c., Bc. TOE LAIUJEsr STOCK EVER 81.10 AN IN THIS CITY A.GN EW @, ENGLISH NO. 839 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITE CORTIRBIITAL OOTIIL AND 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, nnrll•vr •PIittaDRI,PHIA. CARPETS. ct E. B. ORNE, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, MANUFACTURERS OF PIIILADELPEIA. FURNITURE I FURNITURE I • IL L , McCONNELL, 13VCOMOR TO HUTTON & McCONNELL, Ilaa on hand. at tho old stand, 809 MARKET' ST., PHILADELPHIA. A LARGE STOCK CF FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURNITURE •! —AT— Greatly Reduced Prices. AU Goods warranted. All old custom., will ho deal trite us farm.•r y. and the petrouage of the public 1. eareeetly solicited. H. L. McCONNELL, Manufacturer sod Dealer to FURNITURE. mar 27 araw] 80./ Market 'Arcot. Philadelphia. I= FURNITURE AVERILL BARLOW NO. 45 S. SECOND STREET has his Immense warerooms (six stories) filled with ,great variety of tiret.clase Furniture, nail Is offering it a Prices lower thin any other Dealer in Philadelphia. ,nellioß the name else, of goods • Ile has use a great variety of low-pricrid work. which be le selling at reduced prices. either al wholesale or re tail. includingull .tyles of Collage Furniture. Also, Agent for the Beckwith Bowing Machine. Price WO. lapr3-9uaw LARGEST STOCK I • • GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furniture store In town of GEORGE W. HEIMBACH 732 ITABILLTON BT., ALLENTOWN. The gem have recently put In s MAI!. MOTU ALL PLATE.OLASS FRONT. and have otherwiee enlarged their facilltiee for keeping on hand the largest stock In the city. • Their ELEGANT FURNITURE le =neutered In their own cetneffshmenf„VM, ander their own eopervlnion, •nd warrant. 1 0 4 ed the the beef In the markei An Inspection of their mock will convince buyers of the ad- J oe • vantage uflotylog from them 11«ntgn .W. linlmbneb. mueseture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRING BED, and are soleagents for that importer bed. Call and ere It. Remember • The Mammoth Gass Front, WARE ! Particular attention in de • aired from all who require FAST, DURABLE Shuttle Setting Machines IN ANY BRANCH OF Manafdcturing FAMILY SEWING GREAT BARGAINS SAFE AND DESIRABLE • MUNICIPAL BONDS OP KANSAS. MISSOURI. COLORADO AND WISCONSIN. Naylor from 6to 20 yean to run. Prlacipal mod Intnreet Dayab , n la Nes York City. For rot. at prices that will pay OVER 12 Pt Ft CPNT on thn Investmeat. Corm, pond..e solicited w Ith luptalog Iti.olg OR . 41 . TlIuS. 51.1.10 St CO.. 80 00 -ra, mayll 4w dim) It PlOl 800.. New York PIIIIIIADELPIII N U IT -421.09 o}lo2ol. BANDA() It INSTITUTE. No II " North NINTH Street.. above M•rnet. B O. STERFTT'S Patent o , vdmition I renew positive ly rows rapter.• when all other. (all. Liao, &lame va rietyor °bran Trott., m improved Pantie Selting.. Belle Shoulder Emmettelelominal trOPPOt..".• So•Pvil vorPw. PIP. Si ming... 'Spire luetruinoute. Crutches. km Ladles 'Mended b, etre. Everett. Wirbr eve tlemeurber, the itecond 'Swum Store above bra rkei ..TA afflicts anis scbsclru. BAILEYBtt if.hestnut & 12th Sts., riInADELFIIik - 'jewelers arts Silversmiths. , AVATCLIES I FRENCH COCKS, BRONZES, PLATED WA*. Qualap Guarantees. !Boobs sent by 'Express on approval. —l7 w ma9:lo ISAAC K. t4TAUFFER. WATC I ES AND JEWELRY, No. H 8 NORTH SECOND ST., coin. or Q11•10a, PIMA m An as.ertent of Watches. Jewelry. Sliver and Plated Ware constantly on bond. sir o Repairing of Watches and Jewelry pro aended to. apr p ity KELLER 4 BROTHER, N 0.27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. • CLOCKS, well reanlated nnd warranted. Ali a f lum and price., from 42. unmade'. A larger areortment GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other ewe in the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE •f every dm, tption. • ' Sil - Watcu.n repaired on Ithort Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'B, • • No. 2.lEast Slam'Noe street, opposite the German Re ormed Church. Jest received from Now York null Phil delphla, all the latest etylea GOLD WATCHES lie has tho largest and best assortment of Oold Watches and at lower' price. than can he found elnowhere. SILVER WATCHES Tie has a lergeriind better assortment of Sliver Watches than can boperchased anywhere else. GOLD JE W ELRY. Tie has the largest and best assortment of all lands of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. He has It larger and better assortment of all kinds of OM and Plated Jewelry than can be mend elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Hobs. a splendid assortment of Silver and Plated Ware. = o rlon desiring goods lu this line Cllll not fall to be • CLOCKS. A larger (morn:mkt than at aoy other extabllohment MELODEONS. lalgt r ilannortmcnt of Prince'. Melodeons, the beet tACCORDEONS. A aplendld mwortment of all kind• of AOCOrdeolle. :tendstablihment ham lately been titled up, and In now to none In New York and Plilliniolphia, and ahead f anythlugontolde the largo titter. Ile has a large, stock f fashion able goode In hi. lino than all othorn In Lehigh minty combined. To convince yourselves of the above all and see t iltowiatikE NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILA.DELPHIA, A few doon weet of the Cootteental Hotel Jewel e r s, Silversmiths IMPORTERS OP WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY GOODS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES Have now in store, and are cOustaatly receiving. a :tomato° variety of floe Goode apportatoing to the MEM relliTetrtllly JllOO persolt yielthig the city to taco bom.with a visit loonlries and orders by mall promptly attended to rod7.ly JT9r Hie Labieo ------- MRS. GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimming Store, ALLENTOWN. PA The trade at this old and well known establishment Is constantly Increasing. owing to the fact .hot NEW 00t1DF ire liclug constantly received of the LATEST STYLES And always suitable to the wante of her ontnerens come. me nd a People shoo Id always go where ther • are sure to la unitt low figures n ES AT'rEN'lrloN, REAL WIJITIIY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCII JrT AND V1 , 1,(1 ANI TT. JEWELRY. FINE PLATED JEW. , LR 1, parts end Vienn Bair Pion. Fancy Leather (In ale, F l' a li nrustneats. ...ley Saxes sits Srsesing Cron A brellas I Silk. rii Otani All gun au eedenprrior in quality AU., 1,11, DIXON, West 11. arr3-w) N . 21 South Eighth Street, Thilnda. ANADINIF STEEL, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Ilan received from Parte Rio latest Spring otirlem . POLONAISE BUSTLES .9.ND CORSETS. Le Victorisn Kaug.rao At Nillsou BUSTLE SKIRTS for tr In and prone undo dresses. Paris Werly Children's Cureets,all nl popular Trice , mar 20 ly T EMPLE OF ESTASLISIIED MRS. M. A.. BINDER., 1101, N. W. COR. 11Trt Lt CHESTNUT BTB PHILADELPHIA, and Den'goor of Paris and London Novel'ipg, roE.eaa r nStlyy lTerl mum Lad!n oua Children's atro .t and moat Ladles' Oren Trlmmlng s, Rout aid 111111,4t11111 I acne. Mures. Fans. Itibloo, T.ea, Fro ch dotrotry, Fancy r o ot and AN LOA Nn tNO In 11,0 olo.t rot and olog.ot mln,e Pe r fe c t System e./ DRESS PLITTIAVeI Temyht. •trled ponetouoty In folftllmont of orders PATTERNS. %YIioLESALE AND itETAIL 82000 PER ANNUM • CAN BE MADE IN BELLING THE NEW • WHEELER & W LSONS'S SEWING MACHINE. A few active, hn•loeee men of good Witte and addrean. want.d in deelrable territory at prenent an teen pled. Weget a furnished t 6marity requited. Send fur Information. or call on • PETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt'n, 914 CIIESTNOT STREET, PRILADEPf IA. J W. ALTNOUSE, Agent, •• 614 li..wiltna etreet. Allentown. .ESTABLISHED IN 1810. Fancy Dyeing latablikihmont. J. & W. JOKES, No. 410 Forth Front Sired. Philadelphia, Pa. DVS Silk.. Woolen and Farley.every deetrip. non Their oils of Dyeing Lodi... * and Oen.lar 010M1•01. Is widely known. Crape sod Merino Shawls dyed the mo.thrllllae and plain adlord. Crape and Merino nh cleanse.. to moo like new. tieell-menie Amman'. an . Curlaln, cleansed ur re.dyed. Kid r 0 oyes cleansed or dyed to look like new. 1111..... ci.ll a d link at our work Vo ino a w.. going elaewhe. Br .nth attic% eor. Ninth and Vtd. re THE IMPROVE]) FLORENCE. The Best Sewing Ilherhine Made. The nty Marbles that makes Four different Rita. Th• only Machine the. re•tene the nude or 0.0100 The only Machine that will wee the work in nay direction d the on ty Machine Watt hue o eel( . dioatintr tenet ti ' t hee. ledvataadoe combined with the has, Rapidity, and Qteiettia.e elite tottelher with inn and Quatitt, or It too RIONFT ils pane. eear• render it 'be mow dreir.bie. durable and Bent Fnutliti Sewing Mnich(no World: Good Agents wanted in retry County. Wilson & Pennypacker, Managers. 11113 Chestnut /Niece, Phllnda. Ceepel•Sm apr2l.3nt w 3 lactating. Z c) II I i 1-. %:J .-1:. O (=> -tmt ;it ) 7i O El P=-- t-i t-' NEW DRUG STORE • Wendel it the pleetetre of Informing my ha immerene.-Al tul th.• publlo in general that I ve opened If a new Drag Slortt at NO. 735 HA BIIILTON STREET and filled It with a carefully selected atock of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATEN,T MEDICINES, COAL OIL, and r:t A lzo• F rail i fflTAL OIL LAMPS Choice Perfumery and toilet articles. as the Anent' Ex liacte for bandkorchtot and 11114 0 In. Hair In •Iziostete end lints tiyo.t. An innornerehlo senortnteo oliot 60000 Bir she , ine sod ...Pig id , . fit or paint. Tooth Brushes and Bair Brushes of all vale and prices. Porker Books, Albion., Pass Books. Paper. Ben.. Pocket Knives anti Razor, a large •nriety of the hes Ettatoih and tiortn he Hooke Tackles. lu short everything that can he expected in a First- lass! ty Drug Store, The Very Lowesl Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PHYCICTA VS' PRESCRIPTIONS will line epecially led %nig he flhl. l day or Wait tvith the kreatelt Punctual ay an accuracy. Plipoctotta ud Starekeelmoi euriPlied with eceillitiolt la yII AP itIO lowed market rotrx. Darin, had ex perlcnce Pin toy childhood to the Druc basin.. I lost con Silent (hal I can sieve nil 'Who atop favor Ws WIIII 6 call, to their ...Didactic], E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY (ekes thin opportunity to thank It In Punter.s frlantleAor pent fevore Rod wit he et the Dr. Store or hie eon tg wall an all who may desire h.s tuedtcal itervinor. ERMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON STREET Between Stoenth and Eighth MEM PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE TOO WILL ALWAYS 1110 MI TALE ALL 11001 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY . BOOKS AND SLATES, . PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The time in again here for otZlren to prepare. for SCHOOL 1 . L f : x tl e ht? hand sad for este everything they want SCII,OOI, ROOM. 0011 PRICES ARE AS LOW aslt7.; t:11,17.1!" it,. th em the t w eatthey DON'T FORGET; AND MUMMER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE 18 THE PLACE 10 BOY ALL KINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLER ell Hamilton St.. Allentown,Pa. eeplifd PAPER Intal. 9.0 W AGENTS! QUICK 'More In rush for 111 on DIO LENVIIO . II.I sad srestest wolk. OUR DIGESTION, or, Mr JOLLY FEITSIrB SECRET. It la by odds the roust taking and eatable Bonk in geld. lltlp on a vitally trurortant nutdect. 2itle by AU.ritlee pupal. writer on hemlth. 3lt le ltie lbe po t, e the r tangelo handrumeat book ever sold by utou, Ipttou , agnate, the people are nor for ouch a book, and will cage you to bring tt to them. Write Idr terms, HC , free. GEC. MACLEAN, Publ.lBl2or, 7 hanemn Street. Philadelphia. IMMIZEI I . E11111(i11 VALLEYaggigi' 1-A RAILROAD. 15U 11M1111. ARRANGEMENT. I • Leave Allentown for New York. •la Central Railroad of New Jamey. at 565 0 , 810, and 815 • m, and 1201, 1211. 040'. and 546 p. m. For Haw York, via Marla & Roars Ratlr.ind.etd 51 6 . and 6100 tn, and .2.1. 121M.'040', and 000 For Manunka Chunk and klelv Mara at 010 a Mood 5 ear•* p For Landmrtyllle and Trenton at 815 a m. aid 12 71 and Wpm. ' • '• For Saxton at 555°, 615, 810 and 1010 a nit 1201. 1211•, 210. 04 1 . 50,741 and 828 p m. For Philadelphia, via No•ila Penn Railroad, 11610, 810 a m, end 1201. 8 50, and 828 r tn. For Wastilnatot., D. .at 815 it zn. 12 01 and 828 P m. Fa. Cata”nnua A Fogleavlito IL 11, 041 • 111 and 12 751 m • For Copley at 841 a m. 1220. 4114, 623 and 814 p ro, Far Manch Chunk at 644; 1047 a to. 1220. 4°4 tod 824 s. W. Fr eabarre and Pitteton, at 644 and 1041 am,l3 W. vol. Waverly, Owego Elmira. Auburn and Buffalo, at 11.47 m 'Honorees Train,)an . 122) p. in. For Hazleton at 6 41 .nd lu 47 a W, and 4 34 p m. For Andenrled at 10 47 ru. For Diabanoy City at 044 ad In 47 am, iina 434 p For Mt. Camel at 6 14 t ad 1o 47 a m. Plaine with a star Ir., start from best peon Junction. 11. STANLEY 0001/ WIN, Asa Oral Supq. R. H. AY RH & BIC 1,1 NORTH PENNSYL-w i nagagi VAN IA RAILROAD. • StISIIIER ARRANORMENT. Passengers for Philadelphia take Lohlgh Valley B. train. pluming Allentown alo 11, 816 and 12 01 a. in., 510 8 1 8 p. m.. and arrive lu Philadelphia at 8 65, 1011 a 2 15, 82. and t 8 To. m. Also Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad trains .5815. m. 121' 325, 648 and 8. 6y arrive In Philadelphia at 10 45 a. ro., 7 lb, 645, B'2o And 10,0 p. LOCAL SCHEDULE. [Sit Thronyb Trains Daily, Sunday. Excepted Passenger trains leave the depot Northwest corner Berke and American gl• rem. Philadetphia, For Allentown at 880 and 9 49 a. 01.. 2 10, 991, 400 and 45 p rn. Palaeo core are attach; dto to 831 a, m, train. For lioyle.tow n at 9 45 a. m., 230 and 4 30 p m. For Port Washington at 2 41 and 11 a m. 8 and 1190 p m. For Abington at 7 . m , 190. and 590 p• to. Foi Lansdale at 890 p. m. Trains for Phltedelphla. Bethlehem at 0 90, SOO 4.. M., 1215, 936, 810 and . . LAB' 840p.m CUM Abington at 7 41 em. 210 and 6 25 9. m. UN BUN DAYeI. Leave Bethlehem for Pldladfilphta at 4 05p. to. Doylestown 6 43 a. m• Lego Yolladlphlag r rl3:thleltem at 94. to. Part—Allentown to Philad Y e l l e phl7:4\ 110. a" ELLIS CLARK. Area. FOOS 111) On and nRt nn Catxpang, • • tine altb th Enst Nom Trains Wen 115 6 4.5 1 27 666 131 70 2 14817 15 64 7_4 2041 7 3 2 16 2 66 1741 240 746 *Flat Bt. The morsingtrain west leaves Catssanqua °alba arrival of the 1. V. R. It. Passenger train from Mauch Chunk. Easton, Bote:ohetu and Atte town. and connects at Allmr tin with n tram on the East P.ntutylvanln R. B for Itead• Inc Pottsville, Harrltiburg and Philadelphia and also with a train for Allentown, Betittehetn. Easton, 'rho morning train East connect, at ennui.% WILu ,111011 o E. P. It R. froth Harrisburg, Pottsville landing nod Allentown, and at Cata.anqua with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad (or Mauch Chunk. Wllkesbarre, Scran ton Philadelphia and New York. The 116 Id train Went connote at Alhnrtie with trait. on the Eas t Penn:Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, liar ileums, Philadelphia, Allentewn, Bethlehem. EISMOLI, ind New York t arrive In Philadelphia via Reading at d I 6 p. m. Th., Evening train Rant leaves AI-Bartle on the arrival ot a train from Allentown and of a train making connec tions at Reading with train. from Philadelphia, litirrls• burg, Pottsville. Sic., and connects with local passenger train on toe L. V. It. R. at Catmint:lna for Allentown, Bethlehem and Ea.tua. Persons winking Mite to Allentown can take the morn• kg train West to Al-Burtla, arrive at Allentown 916 a nt, ad return by a train on the Eaat. Pommy tennis Railroad, caning Allentown at 4 20 p. m. C. W. CHAPMAN. Supt. and Engineer. NM 7 r... 4111 4-a.A LLENTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY. TIME TABLE on and after W BON ESDAY, Nov. 2%1671, care will run to all trains on the Lehigh Valley and Lelligh end tin seue• lwns. Philadelphia A Reading (Haat Penn Junction) Railroads, and to the Allentown Furrw°. leaving Sta. (ton. Hamilton and Ninth etreeta, as fol tows: For L. V. L. &8. B. Penn. Furnace. leave Fat A M A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. 68) 735• 660 900 - 940 6 00 7 4 351 11 2 5 40 5 10 60 11 30 735 11 0 745 P. M. 3 4 0 ' 9 VI 1 00 11 30 P. M. P. M. 3 13 36.) 11 65 735 140 6 CO 695 P. i M. 6 16 346 700 736 315 600 345 890 1- • 6 10 Pay Days A Saturd's 6 30 • ONLY 730 890 910 The above care run to all tho Deleeuw train. on the above roads. • From Manch Chunk. i From Seaton. A NEW FBATIIRS. Daring the Winter months, all the cars on this road will ho comfortably heated. FARE TEN CENTS. • Children under ten years of age. Five Conte. Tickets con be porchased of the conductors on the can, or of the Cresson's., lo packages of 7 for 60 etc or 14 for 11. Tickets received only for paasongers, not for trunks or packages. ihr-Pansengera are requested not to ride on the plat. form when th. re in room iodide. I=l AND AT Doileatowo at 7110 a. mt.', 8 CO and 500 p. m. Lamniale at 0 01a. tn. Fort Washingtou at 945, 1030 a. In., and 215 and ANO m4 LSVILLE R. R. ter APRIL THIRD, 1871, P. oneer Tram. an lux & Vogelsallle Railroad will rnn In conger, Lehigh Valley. Lehigh & Snagoehanoa, and tallread. ... MS= • CAT/O;6VMM. 9 67 .BEI PLS.'S. 946 .. . M B EDAN RIDGE, 839 HUTH'S., 9'31 WALBEET'S. 9 D CHAPMAN'S. 'Bl9 TERN LEHTOWN, • 987 • lIREINIOSTILLE. • 868 *SPHINO CREEK. ' 8 42 AL-SUET'S, 837 Houk CONNECTIONS. MN= pEA DING IiAIL-amiligig . 1-1, ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 6, 1872 Great Trunk Line from the North and North-West for Rabid phis, Now York, P.eading. Potta•ille. Tamaqua, Ashland Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Eph rata, Lint, Lancaster. COluinbia, Ac. Tram. leave liarrisharg for New York as follows: at 245, 810 a. in., and 2 Pip. in., connecting with similar train. on Penneylvanla Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10117 a. m.. 91x9 and 043 p. m. reapeatively, Rkllllloll leave New York nt is. a. w., 1290 noon and 545 p.in.t Philadelphia at 7 Hit, 830 a. tn. and 330 p. m, Leave ilarrioburg for Reading, Pottaville, Tamaqua. Allnerimille, Ashland, ghati.nkln. Allentown, and Phila delphia at 810 a. in., 2013 and 406 p. m. donning at Leba• non and principal way atationa; the 4 , p m. train coo. nesting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Colombia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schnyl. kill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 94u East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Alloutown, hasn't, and New York at 34. 10 40. and 105 p m, Returning, leave New York ins 9010 a. m., 1220 noon and 6i5 p. m. and Allentown an 7 a. at., 12 2.^ Goon, 2 15, 4 25 and 0 , 15 p. m. Way Passenger Tr.in leaves Philadelphia at t3O a, ro„ connecting with similar want on Rain' Penna. Railroad; returning leave Reading at 020 p stopping lit ata tions. Leave Pottaville at a t oa. m. and 230 p. m. Herndon at 10 00a. m. hhainokin a 640 'and 11 15 a. Asibland at 715 in. and 12 43 noon. Slahanoy City at 751 a. tu. sod 1 70 p. tn., Painaqua at 835 a. in. and 2 10 p. for Y New York Reading. Harrisburg, Arc. UM/ e Pottoville via Schuylkill and Susquehanua Rail. road at 815 a. m. for Barrlaburg, and 11 45 1,131. for Pine. aro,. ond Tremout• Pottsville Accommodation Trani leaves Pottsville at 6 51 4. , posse. Reading at 725 a. on, arriving at Phdadol. Phis at 960. m. Returning. leaver , Philadelpllla ai 12 p. ne., pasoing Reading at 740 p.arriving at Putt.• vlll.. at it w P. ;;; Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pmtsiown .1 4.1 e, ne. Returning, learns Phila.:paha (Ninth and Ureeu. j at 430 p. us. Coto mbi• Railroad Trains leave Reading at 720 a co and 14 us for Ephrata. Litia, sat ,Lancasier Colombia, Sc, tre• turning L samovar us 8 111 , and 3 2.1 and Columbia at 8 15 a sa. aud 3 13 p Peraiumea Railroad Tum leave Perklomen Jnoctioo it 7 i 5, 91/0 a tn. 303 sad 5 41 p Resuming. lean. Schwoukoville at 6:30. 8 o.la m, d in Os and 445 p con necting with ounilar trains on Beadg Railroad. Pi6kerina Valley Railroad trains Mayo PLcuninvllla at Ina at, 10 and 550 p ; ;011111111.11( lean dyer. nt 3.5 am, 1.45 goon, and p connecting with similar trains on Reading itaillued. Combrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottatown at 9 40 6 nod 15 , gi and 715 p in; returning leave Mount 1%1..01 ot:6 CO ; 80. P nut! 11 . 2.1 a to, and 321 p m, eminent mg with tram , on Reading IL it. -;ban d tititiroda Mare Bridgeport at 8 3C. a nd 40 sod and p int returning, leave D •wnington at v 65 a m, 1291 an 6 40 p connecting with slwllat rain. on Reading Railroad._ tin Sunays: leave Now York.st Li 41 p m, Philadelphia it SOU ani and 315 p (the 00 ut train mounted nui) . grading/. Pullet/Welt, tillo tu t llerrleburg at ad . a to 2 tal p m, Allentown at 4 2.5 aud 9 5 p Road his st 7LI II 111 ;MU 13p for llattriebume, ot 434 a in tor Nett Tusk, at 72U emu for Ailentown and at D 4 , in and 4 15 tor PSI Millen CutntuUttaloo. Mileage, 600600. School and Ram:wait. Pickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; luo plAlt; allowed each Pontoons., , J. IS. Wt./OFTEN, may 6 it) 04609 tir , cpt.d . Lop. MTVeru. SVOLFERTZ, CUTLERY 9 NO. 606 nAstitauti taREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. blannfartures and km. nolod•nllY on band a [arte a.. soritount of all kind. of Cutlery. Auura Tani. Hni von and Porky Paocket Homes tlelaaora & [IIT ALLENTO WN Rolling Mil l Co. Successor. to THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON & CO., Manufacturen of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, Furnace, Roiling /IM and Mining Work, &c., &c., &o. N. B.—All work guaranteed WI delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Sup% muted u-492 WATHOWN CELEBRATED FIRE _ AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. ESTABLIbIIED IN 1843. THE OLIICIT BLEB HOME IN PHILA_DELPHIA. The oulF,Bare *tth taints Doom. . Ouerioteld Vp.e from D•muueee. Also prices from 15 to 70 her eeel. : _ioweitbart other rpeltere. , Please eau& for Clrculpr s t,uhtqa t lil i gk r. Lata of ET•OI4 kWai.on. abut It.actntant. nue23 Om w Nn. 010. Fourth St. Phlladalahla. ! • T"EILLUMTRATER PIRILENO LOOTCA I, JOURNAL Is every respect a Viral- Claes elegant ne e rtlele• ant thhest tote...eel to all. It tench. , w h at wo ate Mud b :it towoke the utost a( nornelven. The Infortnetton 110,7 tans on the Laws of LIU and Health le well worth the wire of the Magazine to every family It le Otittliehed 1121. 00 • year. By a e 2 y,er F l :l srfgritrstirru,r.:,"rr nae r to Kgrt li nen wr will fora:6 too Lattofn Kaats! is end Phrenological Journal toaether for 11.9 to. w commend the Journal to allwhh Wont • .tooi. Adoreeealloructs to ItURT. lIIKUELL w , J Alleotoa, VA = A C• II V ir MiliilicliEß ATTORNEY %con: ar. L IVEITTWe PA t ."- P . 4" "11:34-11nig. "Ut J. ROHE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LLLBNTOWN,,P,A. -00 lee, No. W But Usmllten street. 4411-41 as he entetiftted in nervosa: Ise H • WD. LIR% • 'NET AT LAW. (formerly practiced In Carbo county), Peloe, Hamilton stgett, escond Coor, toad 114 .P 00 6116 Coon FlOrillP. Allentown, PA. May Do con •alted ,e the Dorman Isagnant, • BUNK dt BALDWIN, ATTOIiNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT , LAW, Allentown, Office. No. 64 East Hamilton street. O. M. Brim - • ..• V: 1: 3:l3ALDwix ~rtOltltls L. EAUFFillit ATTOR -I.V.A. HEY AT LAW.• Ctn., second Boot of Lb. First National Bank ALLENTOV7N, PA. Collections mnde in Lehigh and ndiolnloo COOnties. Cat be connotted nth• Brotlinb noel ‘isrmsn pep 14-11 ELI AS '.HERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AN I? CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE BALE OF TEAL, ESTATE, 55 West RH iniNon Et.. A11en61411:.i% d'aEORGE 11. 'curl., ATTORNEY vA AT LAW. Delco WM lion. Johu D. Balm Allen MEM EDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight deers above Ole Court Moore AL LENTOWN Lehigh moo*. Pa. feb • • Cl EO RG F 1 W [MON. A'L'TO I{ NEY Nir AT LAW, No. 618 Hamilton street. nearly °pan site the Conn Noble. Allentown: Collections promptly madam Lehigh and Nort h C 91201101 DRDEN TIST. O G oUveLrDrIN. , SURGEONo Tdmmloa ttOre. V 0.34 Emit Ho M tur alreert,;Allentown • LEVYSHOVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW A 5 D./MICE. QF THE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, LEHIGH CO., DA. Particular atteutloupaid to lasolvarit ciectrlout estate/1. . 0-17 WM. S. YOUNG. JR., ' Wan IMMLTOII. SMITH a 50ALIN.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 43, 46.46 and 47.:40. lea Waahlngton Stroet. Chi cago. Jane 30 TOUN 0. HOWNIAN. ATTORNEY efi AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Rouen 6, Nu 630 WA nut street. Philafieiphin. . • , ;mu Lls rTIIIO7IIAS R. NIETZGAR, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. Office. No. 02 East Lamont. no‘ylC).'l39 GEORGE B. WHALE ATTORNEY AT LAW, 011Ico. Flrot door above Law AL. LENTOWN, PA. way ID-f3ro TAME% N. 11.1411 LY, 4'l"r IPIRAEY AND COUNSE.LI.Ott aT LAW, door or M. J. Kra mer'. nt. re, ~ppu., to the Enitlo Ilotal, allentasn4 Ps. war 17- ly Traine Gant a. hl ",Y 0 5 m 6H II ai 5 a 0 a EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Moo, with lion. Samuel A. Bridana. ALLENTOWN, PA. may 147 CI OIIIIII RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, N. E. Corner 6th and Hamilton Bim ' ini AI LEN TOWN, PA. • may 1.17 A • DAM WoOLEVER, Allroacmir.:t AT LAW. 01!Ice. opposite the Court House. AL. LENTOWN PA. rutty I.ly WI LLIA :11 11. GLACE, ATTOBNInt AT LAW, CATAEAUQUA, Lkalltill,COUNTT PENNA. luny 10.17 R CLAY IIAMERSLY.ATVORNEY •AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. jar. 14-'63-tf lEarpct3 nub @U CL'ob: et It ek'd fit li!t. WILLIAMS & DALE, . fIreCIOISORS TO II II 0008114..1, 532 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Peeler- to CARPETS, Olt/ CLOTHS. StATTINGS, etc. We have ju.t rere red for the spri, , g tr de a large and buntline. nne,rtuleut of urn nod beautiful .tyleslo Bruit. eels. !U n ruh.. nutting.. 011 Cinthn, window Shades, etc. rt.., all of winch we will offer ,i the laurel ouch price, melte all to c .11 and Noe us. and examine ens ate* before our het elsewhere. • WILLIAMS dr, DALE, fob 28.3mw 692 Market 81.. Philadelphia. ,RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL . CLOTHS, &C. 'S. C. .FOULK. • NO. 10 B. SECOND BT., PHILA., (Pint Carpet Store below Market, East side.) and in invitee attention to "Ardha assortment % t og 111 ° ,1 ' 4 small advance. Gonda warranted., represented that all can bay with confidence and eatiefacllon• nov 29•tf CARPETS I CARPETS I Also, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &C., G. B. SNYDER & CO„ 34 BOUTS SECOND ST., PHILADA., West Side. below Market N 11.—A Masai discount to Churches and Clern , MGT uy E7.9mw \ WICCeS • #1) easaut urkattile PELLETS.O eNNetig Or Sagar.Oontod, Coneontratod,. float . and Herbal alnico, Anti-Bilious Granules. THE "LITTLE GIANT/ 9 CATHARTIC, or !Manna In Pnrvo Physic. The novelty of modern Medical. Chemical and Phan. maceutical Science. No nee of any longer taking the large, repulsive and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when wo can by a careful application of chemical science extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties trom the most valuable roots sod herbs, and. concentrate them Into a minute Granule, scarcely, larger thou a mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the moot sensitive stomachs andtfastidions tastes. Rath little Purgative Pellet repreeents, In a most concentrated form, as much cathanie power as Is embodied In any of the large pills found for rale in the drug shops. From their wonderibl cathartic power, in proportion to their size, people who have not tried them are apt to Poplin.° that they are harsh or drastic in effect, but such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which they are composed being so harmonised and modified, ono by the others, as to produce a most searching and [boron al, yet gently and kindly opera., ling cathartic. $5OO Iteward Is hereby offered by the proprlo-, tor of these Pellets, to any chemist who, upon an alysts, will and In them any Calomel or other fur= of mercury or any other mineral poison. Being entirely vegetable, no particular care Is required while using them. They operate without disturbance to the C.OEStillltloll. diet, or oc cupation. ForJanudice, Headache. Cony atipation. Impure Atiood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tiphtiless of the Cheat, Dix alneshour Lractations of the Mom. nett, ' Had taste in mouth, , Billoua attacks, Pain in region of flldneys,, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about fito.n ac h, Rush of ill oodto Hefty High! Colored Urine, Vnuoclabllit and Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. t ercels, P Pleasant Purgative Pullets. Id °total tion of the remedial power of my Purgatlvel allot over 1.0 great a variety of diseases, I wish to lay tha their action upon the animal econo. , my Is nuivers,d, not a gland or Ussue• escaping their auttatlve Impress, Ago does not Impair them: their sugartositing and being enclosed In ease bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length of 'time, In any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable, which is not the case with the pills found In the drug stores, put up In cheap wood or paste-board boxes. - Recollect that for all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative or Purgative is indicated, thus, little Pallets will give the most perfect satisfaction to all who ass them.i They are said by all enterprising Druggists atlib cents a bottle. Dit not allow any druggist to induce you to take' anything Rae that he may day is Jost as g aol as my Pellets because ho makes a larger profit on that Which he recommends. It year' dmuist cannot' supply them, enclose 25 cents and receive theta by return mall hem • . Tr..r.uutoz, N. D., Prop's., • BUFFALO, • may 1 w-lf REMOVAL! REMOVAL! 6: R. Engelman & Bro.'s CHINA. STORK BAB BEEN REMOVED TO, No. 740 HAMILTON STREEP, ( Walker's Old Stand,) ALLENTOWN, PA SRECIAL ANNOUN OE ENT SPRING TRADE.- THE illiS4T 4.1t10/I,O.ENT or TABLE WARE,'' %lees; tologne Sep), Figurcio;Snioking Sets, .Montle ;Ornaments, , , "111TPANCT ARTICLES,O"er oteied In Into' OU.togeth. "r "Rh . " large",i"ck of , RINE CUT' GLASS - WARE. mseeb =EI stl B. Pirroca W. F. Iheita. 11=12 1:311 FOR TOR MO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers