tilt gegister. No paper diacceitinned until all arranges art paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us lit sending word to this office. lauhscrlbers About removing will please send tv heir old address as well as the new. Tug City Cornet Band has, been engaged by a party at Wllkeetlarre for the totirtb of July Tau round house of the L. and B. R. R., a Bathlebaca, la nearly completed. Luniatrroar has el: cases or small•pn: and errurts are to be made to {mop It from spreading. Roman, the largest elephant in tho United States. d led at Chicago, Friday. FOIITY men In Northumberland county or out ae candidates for Sheriff. Tam Neversina Fire Company of Reading has ordered a Clapp it Jones steamer. The emus ;may considers It the beet steamer made. ' 'TEM Mauch Chunk Gazette" objects to en• glows blowing their whlatles whUe passing through that borough. , • READTNG is talked about as a plies for hold• log the Constitutional Convention. 'tending is almost as good a point as Alleatowq.. Tun Moravlans, of Bethlehem, propose per 'basing a now organ. The one In present use wee purehaeed sixty-six years ego. 'VT eetet be ledependeot unless yon sup port Greeley. At le tet that Is the doctrine of papert whlph.boast of their independence. ' Tun report (Atha National Republican Con. mention oo our Bret page was taken out of Thum. day'e CIIRONIOLE, which will explain the dates mentioned In the article. Tim Columbia engine house is to have an addition of another story and workmen have al. ready commenced the preliminary arrangements therefor. IT ie expected that an editorial excursion to Wilkes-Barre and Scranton will take p 1 .ea In 0 rem weeks, phasing over the Lehigh and Roscoe hsane Railroad. 01713110E1 DFDICATION.—The new church erected by the Milted Brethren In Christ, In Ble gerevlllo, Lehigh enocty, will ho dedicated ou June 23, 1872. By order of the Committee. PEMONAL.—DanieI Reinsinit; and wile, of Bt. Chiarles, Mo.,are visiting In the city, and Allen Weikel, of Dixon, Illinois, !sale° here. Theyare all former residents of this city. Tun Pottsville Journal counsels residrntv of that place to shoot anybodi , prowling around their back yards. The Journal takea a fearful re gponalblllty upon Itself. Tun peddlers of Pottsville are still on a strike, although the proprietors of the mills are Willing to pay the prices obtained In any other section of the State. THE managers of the Dale Manufacturing Company ht.lleve th..t they can secure the needed capital to push the enterprise through as soon as the " labor problem" Is settled. THE plot•holdere of the Easton Cemetery have rescinded the clause of the:r bylaws prevent lug the Interment of colored people In that burying ground. NonntaTowN Las a drinking fountain in !root of her public square. It Is a very handsome piece of workmanship. 11. was purchased from liobt. Wood & Co., Philadelphia. GIREELICY.—DanieI ileinstnith says that a roan was bragging about the popularity of Gree ley on tho train, on his way from St. Charles,Mo and asked that a vote be taken. it was taken and resulted as follows :—Grant, BO; Greeley, 19. Tose 131festruo.—Frank Wright, while loading curbstones, Friday morning,ou the wharf along the Lehigh above the darn, had the tlrAt two toes on the left foot. smashed. A physician was called who gave the c..eo the necessary attention. PERSONAL—UrIab B. Saunders, formerly of this county, but now a residentof lowa,arrived In this city last week. He has been attending She Republican National Convention. He says lowa will give $O,OOO majority for Grant. AT a meeting of the Union Saving and Building Association held on AtondagiJune 3d, at the offlceof Alderman Aferts,seventeen loans were sold as follows two at.•s64 ; eleven" at $63.50; !mit; itt.159.50: * , UANDS . OIIit =George' W. }Limbach will supply the pulpit throlture for the new M. tbodlst Chinch. We took a lonk at it, yesterday, and, like everything else Mr. }Limbach manufactures, it is very handsome. A. PILE 01/ CoAL.—The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company have stocked at Raz .rdvllle no less than 80,06 tons of coal which will rem them until the trade Improves and there Is more of a demand. COMING. —Our long.expected, much•talked of Black Bass will reach Allentown on the 19th. Half the rupply wl , l be placed lu the river at Beth lehem and the remainder will be distributed tumid above Allentown. Tun new Euglish Methodist chapel in the First Ward, Rev. amide peetir, le rapidly ap proaching completiou and will be dedicated in a few week , . We will speak further of this at some future time. SCALTED.—Tuesday afternoon es Ann Knauss was carrying a bucket oftot waterat the residenee of Edwin Albright, she let the vessel fall, spilling the boiling contents on her leg and foot, sealding them so badly that when she re. moved her stocking the skin peeled off with It. New SION.—A few days since a now sign palmed by Boyer of this city, was placed In front of Swartz and Snyder's wholesale dry goods store In the First Ward with the name of the firm paint ed on. The weak Is well dote and reflects much credit on Mr. Boyer as a sign painter. AVCIbINT.—Frank Heiman, an employe in Barber's machine e6op, while working at his lathe, Friday, had the Oral two fingers of his left hand smashed. A phyrician was called Who dreseed the wounds. The patient ls doing well under tho circumstances. PIIILADZIXRIA Is to have the grandest dis play of are-works on the evening of the coming Fourth of July that ever took place In that city. The site selected for thedleplay is Fairmount Park and one of the grand features Will be a represen tation of the eruption of Vesuvius. COVEITITIITIONAL CONVENTION. --The Mende of George N. Corson, Esq., are pushing Lim for' delegate from Montgomery county to the Consti tutional Counntlou. Mr. Comm stands well at the Bar and his large experience and conspicuous ability would make him a very valuable member of that Cooveutlon. POLITICAL CONDUItANOO.—SeDAIOr „Nye, who Is called thelllver•tongnad orator of NevadA, In hfs speech on Tuesday crating on the occasion of the dedication of the wigwam, In Phllndelphia, styled Senator Schure, who is made to appear naety In some of the pictorial newspapers, the po litical Cundurango of the country. BLATCRLEVB CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP In THE DEBT. For sale by tbo Hardware Trade, Dealers lu Agricultural Implements, dm. Jr there Is no agent In your town, send for descriptive cir cular. C. O. Buivcnuav, 800 Commerce Street, deorge Horn, agent for Allen town. mar,l3-ilmw . Tilli Scranton Times says, a young lady in a Lackawanna avenue car deliberately turned and thanked a gentleman who got up and gave ber hie seat. There were no outward signs of insanity about her, but the writer was obliged to leave the car Immediately and had no opportunity to obtain her name and address. POLlCY.—easper W ittnian, Sr., appeared before Alderman Kleckner, Thurscay es, ting,at7 o'clocke In answer to charges preferred auttinnt him by Ueory Pfeiffer, Jr., of the First Ward. for selling lottomy tickets. The ease came up before the Alaerman met week, when the Wen ant asked for a poalpononent Of one week,whlch was granted with the necessary ball. The prosecutor falling to appear the defendant wad discharged. W.:Avg up AN th. 1.11 CITIZISN.—,Iire. Non leineeher,reeldlng on Llnd.o street,dled Thumbs pm Wog, at tbr extreme old age of ninety Berea PROPERTY SALElL—Reported by Aldermnn Mena: Tilghman H. Dorney and Daniel DornQ 'old a two story frame house and tract of lan] h :Muth Whitehall township, , to Edivin Mule, lot Philip Clay sold a vacant lot aground, 20a1 1 71 feet, on Eighth 'street, to Tilghman Wicand, fo • Taarr.—Lni, Wednesday morning fanmean 1 and 4 o'clock, a thief broke a pane of glass In the show window of the ,I4vielry store of J. R Weber, 715 Hamilton street, and stole a sfiv.er batch case valned at ten dollars. euPpoAing IL to no an entire watch. Mn Weber, who sieeps In the ' , tore, heard the noise and rao ont lu the street with the hope of apprehending the thief, but the rascal ned disappeared. OBITUARY—NI: Congressman Williams, o 'Pittsburgh, died In that city, on Thonulay. Joseph H. Scranton, a millionaire of Scranton, ind father of the publisher of the Scranton Re— publican, died at Baden Baden on Thursday, whither he hod gone for the benefit of his health. Iu hls'death Scranton has lost one who has done more for the Improvement ,of that city and the .urronnding region than any other man. .DBATIIB BY S►eALL•PDX—FUNERAL PER Vlo6s.—Tho family of Mr. Samuel G. I. clinger, now .residing In South Easton but formerly at Al. lentown, have lately lost three of their B.e child• re.n by small pox. Susan F.dinger died April 24, aged 1 year, 4 months and 13 days. Emma Al. 111111 dled4May 4th, aged 5 years, 9 months and 8 days. Lizzie died (In Allentown at the house nl ner grandmother, Mrs. C. Saul, In Sixth Ward) May 18th, aged 8 years, 8 months and 29 days. FlRE.—James McGinley, of Easter), visited the saloon of Jacob Miller, In old South Beak hem, Wednesday Afternoon, and made himself vely disagreeable. He was ordered away several times and (Maly went up stairs. About half-past four a demo smoke wan discovered In the bouse,and It was soon found that two of the beds were ou lire. The fire was extinguished before much damage had beelidone. -Mc,inley bad skedaddled. . KEEP A LOOKOUT . AITEAD.—IO steering the Yuman bark through the sea of life always keep A bright lookout ahead. It will often save a moral shipwreck to look ahead and take care of shoals. When you go to Philadelphia to purchase your clothingsteer straight far the port of security —BENNETT it CO., TOwart HALL, No. 51S MAR xrr fixager, ha:f•wity between Fifth and Sixth streets—where a splendid stock awaits inspection, and the priCes ' are the lowest In the city. CATMIACIQUA.—WC condense the following rem the Record : Morrie, Emanuel & Co.'s f,irge has gone Into operation The firm of F. F. Gierlog & Son, watch rankers, as been dissolved. The ticket office of the Lehigh Valley Railroad has been placed between the ladles' and gentle men'e rooms, a gratifying Improvement. J. W. Fuller, Jr., has sold hie reeldence, on Front above Walnut, to Wm. Unpick:le, for $5,500. A HANDSOME PRESENT.—The Democratic Club of Manch Chunk, with a liberality which to highly commendable, presented Chapman Post, G. A. R., with a beiutlfni flagon Decoration Day, which Is said to have cost, with the mountings, $l5O. Dr. R. Leonard made the presentation speech ontehallof the Club,whlch was responded to by Mr. C. Brenelser of the Post. Both gentle men spoke eloquently and feelingly as to the ob- J •clsof the organizttion, and were listened to with 'much Imerest.—Matich ('hunk hemoerae. Trig Committee of Arrangements are mak ing thtdr preparations for the grand F.remen'e parade and pic•nlc of the America Iloae Company which will take place on the Fourth of July. The parade will form at eight o'clock In the morning and will be participated In by the entire Fire De partment. The dancing it the plc-nic, In Grim mar's woods, will commence at eleven o'clock. The best of order will be maintained, atnpleprep amtions having been made to secure that most de sirable eud,und'a very good time may beexpected. ACCIDENT.—WhiIe William P. Snyder was taking a pleasure drive with young lady, Thureday evening, a drift kou man from Trexlertown drlvo into his carriage, while Mr. Snyder was turning into the Fountain [louse road, near Oriesemers— villa. A wheel wan knocked off and the occupants were thrown into the top, but Mr. Snyder held on to the horse and neither of them were Injured. The young lady in a resident of Wilkes• Barre and while on a visit to this city, last suramer,also mrt with a runaway accident by which she was thrown from the carriage. "SOIIETUING H ANDSOME. —Messrs. Genrgc; T. Young & Co. have JIM received one of W. J. Keep's side burning tire•place heaters and It !sone of the handsomest and moat complete heating ap. pirates we have ever seen. It la manufactured by Fuller, Warren & Co, of Troy, N. Y.,—who, we believe, have the reputation of being the finest stove manufacturers In the country—and is a credit to *dr establishment, the castings being almost as smooth and well finished au if they had been turned by a lathe. For comfort and beauty wo do not believe Keep's heater can be excelled. HE.PORT of coal transported over the Lehi, h Valley Railroad for week eliding Juno Ist, I.B72,enmpared with same time last year: For Wrok, For Ton, Total Wyoming 12,747 11 256 1.64 01 Hazleton 45,976 19 1004 :43 03 Upper Lehigh.— " :2 07 1.1%14 16 Beaver Meadow 12,644 16 350 336 14 Mahal:my 9,516 00 101,392 1 0 Mauch Chunk 26 10 1,661 07 iama time 1811. 80.934 12 1.784.:;72 00 .28,739 03 613,200 05 ' neroase 52.105 091.171,012 Ol A STOAT WAIF.—.Ou Saturday evening lost, two men dro, e up to the residence of dolou Un angst,lo Wflhama towushlp,Northampton county, and deposited a batket at the gate. Upon. 1111 in vestigation Mr. U. discovered a boy of tender years In the biaket, The parties who left the wail were tracked to the Delaware river. It was afterwerde ascertained that they Mopped at the American Hotel, In Easton,where they stated they were from Alleutowe and had lost the road to Bethiehe c. They left there early Sunday morning. They had registered as Charles Brace, or Bode,, Bud friend, Bethlehem, Pa. TOE Tribune makes up ita list of Republican papers suppdrting Greeley & Brown In a remark able manner. In the list is the Republikaner, of this city, a paper that never advocated a Ropubli can principle In Its life and which has teen the life-long enemy of M a r. Greeley. Rem Is an evi dence of how the Tribune perverts the truth, and as the old friends of Mr. Greeley have here before their eyes a coca where they know ho misstates the troth, why will they be whiled In their confidence as to trust him in matters where they have not no good an opportunity to know the truth for them . - selves? Thu CRUM) of Greeley dk Brown must in deed be a week one if it requires perversion of facts to bolster it up. A: RACE Hone GRASS COYMl pondeot writes to the Mankato, Minn., Union of a widow who resides in a certain town In Winona county, who had been wooing two young strip liege, the one too and the other eleven years her junior. Both I..de happened to meet the lady at the same time, and both were on the errand of deciding upon the day for celebrating the nuptials, us each had the encouragetnetit to believe himself tte favored suitor. The widow herself was undecided, and a scene of tears gave a momentary relief to the heart. throbbinas of the two young lov.3ra. Finally she chose the younger of the two, and they parted for the night. In the morning the din arded lover bethought himself of his photograph and tin g,still In the possession of the lady. He went to the lady to obtain them, and again sought, favor in her eyes. bhe yielded, and promised if he shogld get Me license drst she would marry him. He left on the afternoon train for Winona to procure the li cense, and noticed his rival on board, who was on the same hrrand, but evidently know nothing of the new bargain. As soon as the train arrived, the lover who had the latest promise rushed for the elerkea s olllfe and obtaln'ed his license, and just as be was retiring the rival entered and applicd for a license to marry the same woman. Oar hero who had obtained the license was bound to press his advantage,end instead of waiting for the morning train, which would bear his rival home, he footed it home through the mud the same night, and secured hie prize the next morning by marrying the "grass wldder." A. .81,14Z5101V.N.: WEDNESDAY, ilTSit 12,. 1872. Art impression provailti in some quarters that Col. Forn.i, In his war upon Flartranft, acting in the Interest of General Ketcham. Tht+ Is far from true. General Ketcham in ev ry inch tutan and ha !Tuns the exhibition of spite after tno ninetiott'h.ll teen duly made. Thu General tyn he will not only support the nomination, hut will work for It. Vo make this statement in Jas. Lice to a true Republican, who sten& higher hi the estimation of the Repuhlicans of this section than any other man In the State. littnvv PURCUASEII.--,A. gentleman repro. 'eating the firm of W. F. Bird et of Nfitherly, WO, has been on a business visit to Allentown and has made an extensive ratil on the cigar manufac turers. Bird At Co. area mong the heavle4 dealers in this line in the United States. They knew of the firm of Eckert & CO., and therefore came here to make purehaseb. Eckert & Co., on account of their recent heavy sales, were not able to Burp y Bird it Co. with all the cigars they wanted, b•'t +old them 60,000. Mr. Andrew Eckert, however, showed them every attention and accomikaaled their representative to 'a number of factories In Lehigh add Bucks counties and succeeded hi se. curing 080,000 cigars for them. We do tint know what the tatil amount of these sales was, but file Government derived a revenue of $l,OOO from the transaction. • • • LIGHTNING AGAIN.—The corner of Second and Walnut streets was the nem! Jf considerable ex cite cent Thursday evening. Many of the denizens of that locality were congregated here by reason of the disturbance occasioned by Mrs. Lightning, in a beastly state of lutoxicailon. Fighting ensued, bloody faces, ttc.,whicb milled Into service Police man Acker, who at once took this woman to the station house and gave het lodgings for the night. She was brought before Alderman If teckner, Fri day niorning,on oath of Patrick Neason,and in de ['tun of $3llO ball was committed to Jail to appear at the next term of Court. This woman Is au old offender of the law. She Is thoroughly acquainted with the station house, appeared before the Nflyor on several occasions and Ini's been in Jill twice by reason of the execs elve use of bad whisky.. A lIOUBEIIOI,D DEsor, tron. —The Lancas ter Express Faye : Since Sunday afternoon last Mr. John Ilartsbough, of Paradise township, has buried his three chlhires. On F. iday last all were well and seemed healthier than most of the child ren in the neighborhood. During tit" night one took sick and died next morning. Oa Saturday evening the second one took sick and died on :Inn day before the family returned from the burial of the ilrst. On Sunday evening the third took sick and on Monday morning at 10 o'clock was a corpse, leaving the father and mother alone bereft of all their earthly happiness. The dhLeaec was rather a singular one, and balthl medical skill. It be gan similar to scarlet fever, but soon turned Into eouvuleions, which terminated only In death. !the case has created quite an excitement In the neigh borhood, and much sympathy le expressed for the distressed parents. CADET APPOINTNIENTi. —Hon. E. L. Aker, member of Congress from this District, has re cently made the following cadet appointments for the district, comp sed of the counties of ....ehlgh and Montgomery, viz: to the West POIOL M ilitary Academy, George Gilbert Weiner, of Allentown ; to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, W illiam Gangwere Hannon, son of M. Hannum, formerly edltorof the Allentown Democru', Allen town. These appointments, wu undrrstund, were made from Lehigh county, because claimed there and the previous term had been tilled durin .1* the four years by appointments for both places from Montgomery county. The appointment to West Point was given to the Ilrst named, he befog ao orphan and the poorest b ty on the list of a ppll• canes—uccess to such places generally being dials cult to persons In his circionstanc,s in life. Dur ing the lute term, Junes Formince was cadet at West Point, and Joseph Itunsieker at Annapolis, both of Montgomery county.—Norrirroters herald. ACCIDENT AND FIRE.—A correspondent at Kutztown writes that a malt In an Intoxicated con dition recently went Into the Richmond Crystal Care, and fell down a pt : ecipice and over 1310111 e loose rocks. His head was severely injured, and by the merest chance he escaped fructtiricg hie skull. Ills buck was badly lacerated and he was hurt Internally. The same correspondent writes that as a man Was cleaning up the potato patch on 11. George's tannery, near Kutztown, of leaves, dried weeds and rubbish, he set fire to the p le, but no sooner had he done so than a strong south wind drove the fire In a diffel cut direction, and communicated with other cornbustilre material. The fences and a considerable part of the field 'were speedily in ones. The other workmen came to his rescue, and with buckets of water, rakes and any; got the lire under control. But for their timely assistance the house, tannery and out b uildings would have been destroyed.—Reading Times. SCTIfIOL Marraks..—Toe Board of Dirrc tors of the Fifth Semlou, of this city, hold a meets log for organiz itlon oo Monday evening week. The term of office of flon. B. A. Bridges and Thos. B. Wilson, Esq., having expired, the newly elected lumbers, Messrs. M in. 11. Blutner and Lewis KOwnp, appeased and took their seats lu the Board. An orgstilz Won was effected by the elect ion of tires. R. E. Wright as President ant the reelection of W. J. Bosworth its Beeretary. • After the transaction of some unimportant bus iness the following resolutions were offlred anti unanimously adopted : Resolved, That in the election of Controllers, this Curl will conibie itself to its own members, being confident th.it the policy, emablishinz"a 11101 T ititiMAlU relation between the two bodies, will inure to the advaniuge of both Boards in mutters of bualae•s and lltirittle, the cause •of public eilinuttion In our city, generally. Resolved, That the 51500111 m of all the Section Boards of this city be luvited to the above resolu tion. SKILLFUL SURGICAL OPERATION. Mr. Franklin Fabian, a moulder, residing at No. 0.38 Walnut street, was u. number of Co. 8., bUth Erg Intent I'. V., Col. Christ, and at the battle of At.- tletam, on the 17th of September, ISGI, was shot through the eye by a bullet. The ball entered the outer angle of the right eye, and come out et the lower angle of the right Jaw. Several months afterwards an operation was performed by a sur geon In ono of the govertunent hospltals,but from that day to this Mr. Fabian has suffered Intense pain, nod at times his agony has been excruclat. lug. From a hale, hearty, stalwart ohm he has become a mere wreck, and for a l mg time past has been unable to perform little, If any, manual labor, and offeintive m titer was cow.tautly oozing from the eye and his right ear. Yesterday afternoon Dr. J. M. Hoffman,nsslfited by Dre. S. C. Ermentrout and T. A. Dankle, per. formed a skidfol surgical operation 111:01:1 Mr. Fa bian. The right eye, which• has been totally blind (or the lust ten years, was cut and the con tents evacuated, and decayed portions of the bona above the eye and the jaw bone were removed. Three pieces of the bullet were found itnbed , led In the jaw bone, and these were also removed. The operation was a painful one, but It was submitted to menially ty the patient, and there Is a fair prospect of his recovery.—Reading Times. K.LITZToWN.—BATTALION DaV.—A.. corre spondentof the Reading Times writes that, the no. cleat but flourishing borough of Kutztown pro strated a gala appearance on Saturday week—th., occasion being the annual anniversary of that fa mous old festival, the Kutztown Battalion. Early in the morning the young men and maidens began pouring In in vehicles of every Fort, and the rail road lining Prougbt largo arcesplona, Including many visitors from Allentown, Reading and other places, and by neon the main street was perfectly Jammed. A number of prominent ponticluns were In attendance. The Maxataw ay Band p antic(' through town, discoursing very good min lc, and this was the only approach to a military demon stration that took l Jaen. In the afternoon a party of a dezentyoung men rode - through the town on horst back with blackened faces and dressed In burlerque costume. The main feature of Lae Bat talion was the dance, which was kept up at all the hot is The pea tiut;nitd lemonade venders drove &lively trade, and all the saloons in the place lucre crowded. • Lute In thefts' severahlehts oecerred; but these were speedily checked. In the .eveniug a horse n• d buggy were stolen from the stable of Kraus' Hotel. The horse belonged to Mr. James L.ROmig, of 61 Illerxtown, Lehigh county, and the buggy to Mr. %V. S. Jarrett, of Kotz.own. A game of Base Ball was played at the Normal School during the day between the K4stoneClub, composed of students of the Institution, and . the Blue Stocking Club of Reading. Nine. tun!. go were played, resulting in a victory far the Key stone by a score of 59 to 91. A tun able was held at the Norma I School In the evening. Tne Mon tgoinery HOLM', nt Norrislow 11 was hid to $27,000 on Saturday nod w Odra wr Tho owners wnut $lB 00U, which la cheat) cuougt. A CABE OP KIDNAPPING Stirrer. a resident of Lower eaucoii, buried . 111,i wife prim , fourteen months sinee,-lenvingfilui with the cap of Several small children • -rreitlons to her death , , Mn: /Meter, queued that.tbe. babe be indenturee intwthe family 'of her Inishand'illytother Simon. The infant was received iota - the faintly of Simi Bherer; and the otherchildrentVere rent by theli father-to No county POO /JOUR!. Thomas Sheri., iniVitig stubbornly rerivied to indenture the child his brother conveyed It to the eounti . Poor flew, and bad it admitted into thiii Ilt then Immediately made appile.altuCto have if ha denture,' to him, which appilentlen ;was grantee y the Board of Directort. On Wednesday nigh, last, Thomas' Stirrer went to hjs brother's bons, and ".tole the child away." Pinion apoeittrd berme Justice Ziegenfass 'on Than-Any morning. nod after stating the above fact., sued gout a war valet fur the arrest of Thomas. The warrant Ira., elven into the hands of Ofllcer Luekerbach, who produced his moo yeatiTeay morning. The Carl as above 'toted being fully proven the delendani was held in the sum or $2OO bditto answer at Court.—L'etnthent Progre a. Et.oPED —A Well known Mauch ('bunker, named Owen fustian, of the firm of Vogel. & Bos tian, visited Lehighton, on the 21st ult., in coin patty with his hired girl, named Marx, wi:iose pw rents reside ut Iliiekkiburuey,a small village about two miles above that borough. It Is supposed that the parties went to Lehighton for the pulp°, of seeing Barnurn's show; and, : as nothit.gi bud been heard of them since that time, it was getter ally believed that they bad eloped., And now comes the segitel; a letter was received by a party on Monduy last, with a note env!, tied to be defy. ered to his wife. The letter was bo,trinarked Al ton, 111. , and stated that he (ilostiati) was on his way to the Far West, never more to return to bis family uud home. It le supposed 'hat be took but little, if any, money with him. lie has hill bi— hied him a wife and several children. Bastian owned a house and lot on Nest Chunk, and a one•half interest in the store above aunt d. Ile was a sober, lodnstrions man, and was well reep eted In the community. The only tte mph:tied for the elopement, Is the InfatwA tion of an Imaginary love which Is supposed to have sprung into existence between the unfortu nate pair. TUE DEATH OF MM. LireAs.—litierring to this sad alfilr, the Bethlehem Timea says—We have verbatim reports of the entire proceelibus of the Jury, including tile evidence of Dr. Wick irk, us well as that of Dm. Stout, lAngrehr and 11,s, but we are not at liberty to publish them, at leant not until alter the final session of the Jury. We have no comment" to unlike, save that we hope if people must judge at all that they will do so with charity, and with a" righteous judgment," which can nnlybe done by knowing the entire circum stances of the case, and that no one as pit doe,. Mrs. Lucas will be buried on Sand y, at 2 o'clock. Services In the Centre Street Reformed CIIIIrch. In our mention of thin ea'e, yesterday, we made slight error. which we hasten to correct. We stated th. 4 in the evening " Mrs. Lucas was com• paratively well and by midnight was in a d)i.g condition ;" and again that she died Wednesday night. The fact la that Mrs. Levan was taken sick M. Wednesday morning and retired to bed at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning. She did not whot the Doctor to rte Cent for until she was pre. railed upon to let him come at night at 10 o'clock. At cheat WM the Dieter came and rvained by her bedside all night. She died 20 minutes pant o'clock, Oh Thursday morning. This correetion Is due to all parties, and we cheerfully make It. ALDERMAN KLICKNEWS COURT—CRUELTY TO ANINIALS.—Tuesday evening a large numberof Individuals collected In front of Aldi rialto Kleck ner's I ill •e, in the First WArd, for the purpose of attending his criurt, some as witnesses and others as idle and curious spectators In a horse and mule cult brought by Officer Acker, of the First Ward. The historY of the case, so far as our reporter was able to collect facts, lens follows : Theodore Nagie Is engaged in hauling limestone from .Cladei's stone q hairy to one of the furnaces here In (Own with a team comprising a horse and. oule. These animals, it is alleged, are none of the strongest and best fed. They are forced to haul more litnestotie than Is consistent with their Strclll4ol. Tbem'ore, It Is claimed, plies the lash too freely and too se verely at times. On Friday he even went further and kumkeil the mu e down and cruelly beat The horse, It Is said, For this cruel treatment to his animals, 0111 er Aciter, who was recently made Agent by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Audio tie In Penn sylvani a, arrested this Theo• dare Nagle, who was to have bad a hearing hi the the presence of Alderman Kleckner, last evening, who, however, being absent in Court of Common Pleas, the ease was postponed until this evening. OUr reporter will be nu h mil and collect Such facts an will interest tile Clittoxact,n readers and do Mr Nagle Justice, the same to appears In to•ntorrow evening's Issue. NARROW ESCAPE FROM A FRIGHTFUL NAM ROAD ACCIOENT.—Tug express train which passes, through tills city at 5:50 o'clock on its way to New Ti k, met with an accident on the Lebanon Val ley Railroad, at NlyerStown, Thursday morning, which Might have proved u very serious affair. The Bugle states that the switch of the Myer. , town station had been left nl lspincod (through the neglect, It Is said, of the switchman) cud when the t}ain, which was rune leg nearly full speed, reached that India the hind car Jumped off the (rack. A frer.runtilog on the ties a short distance the coupling prose and the car ran at almost right uta.le from the railroad into the platform dt the depot, breaking i ff and spilotering the front steps of the „gar, uud lbjuring It otherwise, and splintering the planks at the depot platform. The passengers of whom there were about a dozen in the car were greatly frightened, but fortunately none were seriously hurt. The brAionan outside was thrown off the car u distance of 12 or 15 feet end slightly hurt, nail the conductor, who was Ins side,bad his arta considerably bruised and skinned above and below the nitwit , . The :damaged nit' was left behind, curl the'pissengars who hurl been In It entered the other cars which had passed the switch safely und continued their iurney.- The Switch 14 what is nailed a " safety•sulieb," amid the cur coupling was a wooden one, otherwise the accident would undoubtedly have proved a serious one. , CituELTY 'en ANIMALS.—Court convened Wednesday eve.in the First Ward according to ap pointuteut, Alderman lileekuer iu the chair. Ed win Acker. policeman in the said Ward and Agent fur the Society for the Preventloa of Cruelty, to Anitnakappeared before his Alderm thin Msiesty, charging one Theodore Nagle, residing lu Ham over, with cruelly treating his a OMITS, compris ing a horse and a mule, on Friday, the 31,4 lust., while hauling limestone from . Tregler Brothers' stone quarry', instead yf Clader's,m stated it, y. terday'd UHRON1101.1:. Several witue+ses were c i'led and testifiet against the defendant, whom' Friday last knock •d his male down with n club and then Pounded the mule in order that the same should get up. Nagle likewise cruelty beat his home with club The bad treatment given these anima is was establishCd beyond a contradiction by several good, reliable men as witness Mo reover, on etivulal occasions previous to Friday last, the ac cused treat. d ills V 11111416 with au uamtl severity, uotwithstauding the remomitra sees of Agent Acker. In the opinion of they witnesses Nagle placed too much limestone on.kls wagon, making the burden too heavy for hisliglitadimsleto haul. This was repeated thou and again and ht addition to the beating, made further forbearance crane to be a virtue. The Alderman, after carefully considering the case and gravely weighing the evidende, Imposed a fine of ten do:lars and costs of protecutlim ou Theodor: Nagle, who at once gave thenece, , tiary hall for the payment of the same: 'ILe above is another Instance of the violation of the law a bich was framed for the protection of animals. 1 his conic Into existence by reason of necessity—owing• to cruelty- pr teticed toward the dumb brutes by cruel and Inhuman persons. It Is Just this el ,as of persons who will ha made to feel 0 0 provi,lons of this law as well as to Tented th- canto. They \VIII moreover learn that they have cot that absolute rigld over tt r ielr own prop erty—as many claim—which Catti.iles them,it they wi11,,.t0 destroy them—to pound their animals to Anal,. The presto all over the cauffiry sh'duld bo ,enlisted In this CAM, and uphold the Society which has rir Ifs object humonetie ttment towards the dumb brutes. Officer Acker, the regularly appointed agent for this Society, la entitled to every respect and should be assisted by all good law abiding citizens In Ills noble and humane work. Let off.•nders of this law bo at once pulled Into Court and fined effectually. They will then and only then respect the law. I.luNEn.—A Troy Mutt , d Seamidt was t un o‘ or by a bread was:on, on Fifth stra,t, Monday naming. Atr lira; It avaa suppoaed that nun of blp imps yakbrolteu,'hut *at examination It was round that he was only nEcitevrim--imatiirsi thirusiiie visited Nor ristowo on Saturday and received an ovation fron she eitizots and I , oldiare of that pi' ea. Thu mill t ,ry of Phodulxville also participated in the cere •nonics. StlALLOW.—ThreeVidtlals from Fish town, 6 Wunmil of brand face In the middle and d fellow with elevated feet on either side, drove up Hamilton Area on Sunday. The female Was not a bad driver, hut the trio did not create half the ensatfon'they w la:led to. " OSit of our young stove metchattts has a new white hut, but wants It distinctly understood tbat I pa Is thit iroltitt:' to yote the " White Flat" ticket, and to avoid all misunderstanding h.is written " i•rant - &.; Wilson" on the Inside, b) which colors he Intends to stit k. PARADE AND .PIC NIC.—We areglad to hear that the coining fbur.h of Jaly it to be celebrated It Allentown. Ju the morn lug a parade of the 'Fire Department will take place and the America ilium Company will give a grand pic-nic at Grie- Bemer's woods, where dunc,ng and hcillday eporte will take place: noun Pala..—Ou td n ay evening, about 6 o'clock, us two women, weave names our reporter failed to secure, were driving up Hamilton street In a carriage, at the cant end of the Jordan Bridge the hone stumbled and fell. Coubidcrableala•m in the part of the woman was occasioned without uy Injury, however, either to women or the enf old. Several persons la that Immediate vicinity resisted the alike rl to his feet and set the Chris leas on their way rejoicing. THE advancement in agriculture and truck farming Is forcibly slalom in the annual Improve. meet in tie quality of strawberries ruined lu the country surrouading Allentown. We are now well supplied with the delicious fruit in its great ef.t perfection, but If we had good markets the truck men and the consu eta might divide the profits of thelnidd le men. When shall we.open our nzw market house f That's the vital ques tion of the future. EIiUII.3IICNTB CoMMan dery, no. 20, Knights Templar, have rebuived their new equipments and we make no hesitation In pronotmehitLthein the handsomest we have over seen. In the itrude, at Reading, on Thursday, they will be accompanied by the Allentown Cor— net B,nd, a musical organization of which our city feels proud, and we pred'et that no Comm te• dory that will participate In that grand occasion will present a finer appearance, both In thu char— acter of the men laud the beauty of the equipments. Nannow ESCAPh:.—Moutlay morning, as the 10:40 littlra° Express train was moving from the Lehigh Valley depot, a stranger attempted to step on one of the passenger ears at the Union street cro sing. Ile took bold of the railings of the car, but owhig, to the velocity of the traits was unable to hold on, aid was curled from the train, tusk lag a smuluersault and falling headlong Into the dug.. Strange to say he sustained no Injuries, but undoubtedly I .arned a lesson, and will theret.re exercise more care lu the. tuture. Bouon•r TIILIHOUSE.—TIie Allen Hines have bought the house from Happy Cul Wa,tter's Min strels, and all that I, token In above the 'trine paid will go to the benefit of this Gnu military company. Floppy Cal's entertainments are among the best given In' min:ore:ley. In Allei.towu he Is the favor ite and uobady who has once heard him will tall to go again. We, therefore, expect that the Itlies will make a good thing from their bargain, amid they de: erve such luck. The entertainment will he given at Cr. Opera House on next Saturday evening, when everybody who wish to crack their sides with laughter should be present. CoNOREASNIAN AT LARGE —A. movement is being made by very many prominent Republicans in the Eastern counties of the State, to bring for ward the lion. George Lear of Burks county, for the position of Congressman at Lin:eon the State tleket. Mr. Lear In one of the most popular and effmtive stuum'speakers In our State,and what In more, he hue abundant ability to till the position. We hops such action will be taken at once, and Mr. Lear be brought forward for the position. The State ..tointni.tee should take this tnattevinto con sideration and act, promptly.L—Ds/Roare County Republican.' GRAND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND PIC— NIC.—( Ju next Saturday, June 15th,afterroon and evenlm4, a grand etntwberry festival and plc—olz will be held by the Wu.hlntlton Union Sunday School of Sthsbnry In the woods where they artily bold their plc-nle+, at the foot of the Li high mountain, on the Philadelphia public road. Extensive arrangements are made and the com— mittee will do Its utmost to make the occasion a gay and happy one. Tee public iu general Is in vited to attend. The atrawherries will be t ken fresh from Mr. Reuben Kaminerer'a renowneu • s trawberry patch. THE SWITCI/—BACK DHOW of trains have hero put.ou the Switch Back Rail. road for the- sunpner, which will greatly accom modate the, trove lug public. The time for lcab• lug the font of Mt. Pi.galt la ni followa : 8:30, 41:110, 10:00, 11:30 :L. in.; 12:30, 2:15, 3:15, 6:15 p. in. Trains leave Sommlt Hill tor Mauch Chunk at 6:00, 10:00, 11:30 a. tn.; 12:30, 2:3), 3:30, 4:15, 6:00 p. m. Heretofore no more than three or four trains have been run dolly. The new care have proved to be very comfortable and convenlent,and several 'nitre will be added to thou already run- Meg. Under the superiuteadelcy of Mr. &hoer the Switch•Dack Id more popular than veer, and It In evident that the number of vientors o Mauch Chunk will be greater this year than ever before. —Manch Chunk Gaulle. . A . SNIAIRT Dol.,—The Detroit Free Press mourns the lora of a smart boy In this manner:— Time public will regret to learn that the family of titiCeA Olin, Porter street, is to remove to Sugluaw, taking young Johnny along. The boy started out about two years ago by shooting himself. Two marimba after hu choked himself wi.h a fish bone. A few days alter he built a lire in the barn and called out the steam rs. lie then swell awed atop, got run over by ao ice wagon, fell Into the river, tune lo,t for three days, and first and ta•t he has been a fountain of local news, whose value cannot be estimated on a slate four feet square. If the Bochum repOrturs only commence ou him right he a ill " pau out" ut least three times, a week. Ile simuld'6e furnished with come matches, a horse pktol, and l lenty of gunpowder, and It won't do ally harm to put him on the back occasionally and tell him that his efforts are appreciated. • Utirott Chum Tha n, presents a pleasant resort during this hot weather and this suggests the thought that It is a pity that, some years back, some philanthropist did not present. Allentown with a square its the heart of the city which could have been kept up for all time to costa as a pleas— ure ground for the children. Each grounds we shall some day badly feel the want of, and as our city Is growing rapidly the purchase of a site fora ...quart!" cannot be made by our city too soon, before all the available space for such a purpose is built upon. 1f the founders of every city pos— sessed the far nlghtedness of the great Peutt,wbat a blessing It would be. Cemeteries do give the dttrac lons or nature, but the associations of their hallowed soil cannot fail to Impress the visitor with sadness, and while the large open space and the evergreens make this ono a relief from the built up portion of the city, It cannot be and Isnot kneaded to be a plc ,sure ground. ,BODDSN DEATH. Wedueaday evening 'Mrs. John Lucas, of Bethlehem, was apparently In the enjoyment of her usual good health, we are . Inlorn3ed, and ou Thursday morning, at 6 o'clock, rile Wall a corm. !imams . of foul plus being abroad. Coroner Thomas woe notified and sum moned IL Jury to built an inquest. A post mortem examination w is made, and the tsatimony of the phy.lelans woe given las:, evening. The jury then arjourned to Saturday, Jana 16th, without report • lug a Verdict. Tit Progress sops—For soma days previous to her death, Mrs. Lucas had complained of feeling unwell, scarcely eating a sufficient amount of food to sustain fife. Ou Wednesday morning last she ate a hard boiled egg for breakfast, and shortly after Ward woe taken sick at her stomach—TOMß lug repeatedly : She wept to bed at about 11 o'clock abd cimilpued to vomit at short Intervals during the day and evening. At aboutll o'clock Dr. Fickardt was called In and did all that he pos sibly could for her relief, blitalr of no avail. She continued to sink gradually until 6 o'clock yester= day morning, when death ended her staff:rings. 'The funeral will take plate from her husband's r esidence, on Sunday morning next at 10 o'clock. A GOOD SPIEC.—Last year twelve farmers hi the upper end clubbed together and bought a bar rel of Peerless potatoes. , They planted the pota toes which yielded fifty bushels and thee° they sold last spring for $2.50 a bushel, or $125 for the lot, a good yield from a barrel of potatoes. A CLAss 'MEETING orate Seniors of Muhlen. berg,e College was held last week: presided over by the President of the College, Rev. F. A. Mob. lunberg. The following were read out as thebonors of the Class, determined upon according to schol arshipi—First honor, Valedictory, Wm. B. Lou• benstein, Millersville, Pa.; See3nd honor, Salu tatory, A. D.• Potts, Belmont, Pa. ; T.. Irti honor, Geo. El. Rhodes. THE Cnore.—ln the upper end of the County the crops look mine promising Min In any other section. The clover looks very well, • timothy promises a fair crop, and the grain crop Is doing rt.tniskahly well considering the unfavorable wea ther of the early part of the season. The straw will generally be short, but the heads look folioed will undoubtedly produce a good yield. That sac tl•m Is noted for the superior quality of Its pota toes, ani we are happy to say that this crop has Indications of a very heavy yield, the vines having never looked more luxuriant. Fogelsv.lle Items IMPROVEMENT.—SIues the time that the small— pox has disappeared from our midst new Ilreseems to pervade the village again and Is seen In the active operations that are being made toerect sev eral new houses. Four houses have. been com menced and the Ofth one will undoubtedly also soon be on the way. . BUILDING AnBUUTATIUN.—Of'the 27th I nst., the Peabody Loan and Building Association * met at the public house of Henry Correll and told three 'shares on mortgage at tin premium per share. COURT PROCEEDINGS. COURT PIMCEBDINCIS. Bd,lB72,Court met, Preeldent Judge Longuker, and Associate Julgee Fry and Laury on the bench. John Young was ti ppointed to wait on the Grand Jury and Godfrey Bauer and George Rickert were appointed tip staves. The Grand Jury selected Owen L. Schreiber, o Copley, ae their Foreman. The number of Grand Jury men present were 1; Petit Jury men 95. Com. vs. John Merkel. Nolle pros. " Clinton Heist. " Jos. Bachman. Geo. Nonnemaker. at " Chas. Holzman. 11 " William Mink. " James Merle. Continued. " William Trimble. Nona pros. 4C •` Samuel Grornan. " Joshua Flammou. fl " John Ruch. " Gideon Zeigler. " Reuben lielmbach. 4C " Peter A. Schneider. " " Aaron Newhard. " Levl-lus Acker. " Wm. Selby. '< " Mary Neesen. CS " Win. Moore. In this case the Court remit the floe of $25 and hold him lu his own re. cognizance of $5O for his appearance at next Court, and to pay the coats In the meantime. Coin. vs. William Edwards. Continued. " Chas. D. Quitir. Chas. Fahringer. " Edwin Sandenslager. " " Wm. A. Jeveral. " James Kramer. . MONDAY AFTERNOON Cora. vs. Jacob Ulrich. Surcharge desertion. Sentenced to pay costs and $2 per week to support his wife. Coin. vs. Wolf Moyers, Surcharge F. and B Usual sentence. Cora. vs. Rosa Grier. Assault and battery. No true bill. YI Com. vs. Lewis P. Leval]. Assault and battery. No true bill. Com. To. James Boyle. Assault and battery No true bill. Com. Ire. Edwin Diehl. Deeerti . on. Sentenced o pay costs and $2 'per week to maintain his ninny. Com. vs. Lewis P. Levan. Surety of the peace Sentenced to pay the costs. TUESDAY MORNING Corn. vs. Herman Keiser. F. and B. Usual sentence. ee.m. vs. Pat. Boyle. Guilty. BCtiteoced to pay C 051.8. , Corn. vs. Wm. Menem. Surety of the =peace. Defendant and prosecutor each sentenced to pay each one-half of the costs. . Corn. vs. H. M. Unangst. Desertion. ? Sen tenced to pay costs and $2 per week to maintain his family. TUESDAY AFTERNOON Com. Te. Joseph Baeger. Selling liquor without omen. $5O flue and costs. Com. t , e."llenry Helfer. Assault and battery. Recognizance forftl:ed. Com. ye. H. M. Unger. Continued. • Com. se. Diana Young. Burety of the peace. Mary German, the proseeutrlx, sentenced to pay costs. Com. vs. Jacob German, et al. Diana Young, the prosecutrlx, sentenced to pay costs. Com. vs. John Harkins. Selling liquor without linecse. Defendant pleaded Guilty." Core. vs. Frantz Bohm:mixer. Selling liquor on Sunday. Found Com. vs. same. Selling liquor without linens°. Found guilty. Coin. vs. John Harkins. Selling liquor on Sun. day. Defendant pleaded guilty. Cam. vs. Jonas Grim. Surety of' the poace. John Brunner, the prosecutor, to pay costs. WEDNESDAY MORNING Corn. vs. Frauds Kruulso. Selling liquor cu Sunday. Guilty. Com. vs. Same. Se:ling liquor without license. Guilty. Com. vs. Casper Wittman. Selling lottery pol des. Nolle proarqul. Com. vs. same. Same charge. Nolte prosequl. Com. vs. same. Same charge. Nolle plosequl. Coin. vs. same. Same charge. Nolte prosequl. Com. vs.same. Sarno charge. Nolte prosequl. Com. vs. same. Same charge. Nolte prosequl. Com. vs. Chas. Gauls. F. and 13. Settled. Com. vs. William &him% Continued. 'Com;vs. Wm. Swartz. Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to pay costs and $2 50 per week to maintain his daughter Anna Loraine Swartz. Com. vu. Daniel Leary. Assault and battery. Not guilty and prosecutor to pay the costs. WRDNBADAY LWThItNOON Com. vs. Froocif. Erman. .fleutenced to pay a floe of ISO acd costs. Cori. ce. SUMO. Floe 810, coals and ton days In pr Iron. Cow. vs. Frantz Eichwentedr. Pitied 850 and coats. Com. vs. same. Finn 1610 and costs and ten days n prison. tnuitimir MOUNINO Com. vs. Wm:o ff house. Bolling liquor on Bun day. Fined 110 and costs and 10 days In prison Corn. vs. same. Belling liquor without Unease Fined $5O and costs. THURSDAY AVYRRNOON • Com. vs. John Harkins. Fined S5O and costs. Com. vs. same. FhiedCOandcostsandlodays In prison. corn. re. James Fegley. Attempted Arson. Found guilty. Reasons for a new trial filed. deep the Mir tliabtemishect.—"l'am like as old hemlock—withered at the top." said a venerable Indian auger. pointing to hie thin and bleaching lecke. Than. sande of men and women In civilised society, mask . yomoder than the old Bazemore, are like hint, • 'withered at the top." eland y hocane• they have neglected to tee the m•aus of preserving end beautifyle" Mohair which science had p and at the., dlaposal. If Lion's Say' matte be faithfully applied ours or twice • day, to the flloo's and the as an. It it.iust •• Impossible that the heir should doesn'tl her, fall out ar beame har.h and fussy. as that a meadow, duly refreshed with "tightly dews and sunlit talus, should beeome arid and barren uf green blades. This metalline preparation not only ke a pa the heir *l've and the skin of the head In • healthy and close condition bat actually mullionsa ths elements and Im• parts to theui a lustre, flextbl.ity and wavy beauty anal• tulnable by any other mode of treatment. It does not, like toe metallic ..I.ld sulphurous halt tlyes,dry up the natural m dem* of the scalp. but supplies a utrltnent to the roots of the heir and vigor to t a fiber, TEM sum pf $250,000 was realized last year by the spoege•gatbercrs on the lower gulf coast of Florida. A large quantity of these sponges are to be found at the City Drug Store of Lawall3r. Mar tin, 722 Hamilton street. SHEET music, Instruction books, blank books, music paper and cards and all kinds of musical trimmings, a large supply constantly on and at C. F. flerrinan's Music Store, Allamows Bethlehem Correspondence. Breinxicem, Juue 10, 1872 A sensation resulting from what might hate prtived a very serious ask, was on Saturday the talk of the town, the facto of which aro that a Jewish peddler named Speler came to Samuel Shimmed place. Willow Grove Mills, when the women roused to admit him Into the lichee with utile dirty shoes." Thu peddler thereupon became very obi:alve when they called the hired man, named Frey, who attempted to tjecthlw from the premises. Tho peddler then drew his seven shooter acid fired at Frey, but missed him, and 'mapping a second time his weapon again lulled. flu put olf then. Soon afterwards Mr. Sblmer arrived and started In pdrault. Crosshig the Monocacy Crock he overtook the puddler near a blacksmith shop cud berated him pretty roughly, when the peddler again drew tile pistol, but Shimer seeing this grasped the weapon cud It exploded in the air. Shimer, however, succeeded In wresting the tevolver haw the peddler's, grasp. The peddler Was then arrested and brought before JU*Liw lirtumer who, in default of ball.coamultted law to the Euston jail. It le said that tilla Cattle Irate scamp had drawn hie phial ou u wan in tile seine neighburlawd about three Sears ago. lie le nut safest large. Mr. Bunch's new confectioueri atom with first story Inm front and pressed brick above, with . galvanized corulai, mates an Imposlug appear— aice. Mr. b. W. Riegel, who hue been engaged for a long time in ekcavatiug a cellar In the solid limestone to build an euoramus atom house, Is about ready to start upward. Main Street, Bath -I.Mem, is slowly getting first clue.; atom atom's. Dodson it Bro. will also tlulsh up Mr. C. ibitlCh'd vacant lot In superb style. The public schools of, South Bethlehem, have cloaed their tun mouths' session. How that could have been done since the first of Suptember,seems ■n awkward problem. Tho almanac, I always thought, measured the months. The doctrine is often advocated to pay thu teachers well and to exact the utmost from them. The Graud Wire Railway In which Yu Grand Duke Alexia wee to take his aerial ride to the gee factory loft,, wee agale in majestic operation on Baturday last. It le a apiendid piece of modlo— him, but to many It scums to border oo the rid k— aloud. Mrs. Lucas, whose. death has already caused considerable excitement, was burled yesterday. An Immense concourse was In attendance. The family is young. Mrs. Lucas was twenty-tire years old. Three youug children are left moth rr• lees by this sad uff.dr. Thu wife of Daniel Smith died aaddenly last alga, at 9 o'clock. LETTER LlST.—Ltst of letters remaining uncalled for at the Alleutowu Post 011 Ice for the week ending Monday, Juue 10. Permute calling for these letters will please say ADVERTISED. LADIES' LIST. . . B—Anna Bitty, Alin , A t- altlet, Emma Bute, Henrietta BD-Ele Annie l.Mon Dual, V rit.a Polka:dm. Sallie Veartermakor. ll—Arnaud. !Issuer, Jude If tleffinuo. More llcnit. K —onus Kut,. Mary A Kock, Unggle ttouchor. L— imaude Loichner, Matra litetei. Mara. iteA haute. li—Ellanbein Runde. Sarah A Rohrig. Solite Hommel. B—Amondo Slant Clara Sh ka or Siegfried. .1 C 8 romancer. Mr. beam. Mary L ocbad,, Sarah A Delp. T —Jane Th-nute, Catbret, rhodea. W—Haunnh Weaver. T—Mra Alolchiet , etk Yeager. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. A—Dr Jake /pule. John Albright B—A Bower (earber), Aibert llecbtel.And•ew Al Boner. Paul Bouncer, David klo, le. Dan.el Brown, Fred Bauer, Vtedorlck Bowery, P Burkhart, Poidluand Bucho,,e, Harr/ b nu.ler. John II 4ary, Jo. Lib tuitoz./ariu Bora bort, Jac do Beirut. Her Joon Brown,Jacob Bogert, Uwe, Blamer, Patrick Brown. elo,umon Burger (manour Sol Borger. C—Tody Coll, .1 ,hn Campbell. IC—Andrew Duffy, Al Dor ter, Isaac Dleranderter,Paut Donnelly. 13—John P Ebert, Henry Ebner, Gee W llngleman.Con• rod Ebert. • ''—Cbrintlan Froth Daniel D Fritz, Hugh Pried. 311 Porkier, Joint togelurau, Natn•u Thee Pagan. U—A a Ountbaat, David It Grim, 111. ran, dreetinwold: Henry Unhurt, Jobe U‘'oll3. June (Joi ner. Nod Ureeti, wander. Wm 11 (Nod. ll—Adam W Hued. Ch Darrel, Freak dairies it, care of Lewd, nnielda), Frank U H,lrut so, (Jou Hera. Beer, driller., 2, Hoary Hole, Loon Beraug, Lew C Benito, man, Uweu Harmony. J—tt, J Jaclyn, • r' Kobel, Char Knee. C Keith. Lowla Keenly, P Kleoliee, L P rr, Wailer Kooon, Juba Lee., JAN Luke, L, racbtouwainer, Beau. II Lord], Bennie W Latiavh, 1110 F Llnu.ncott. L—,hrtntuan au It, bd 0 J Ifeyci. deo Middleton. Fleury Moor, Huge Mellry, Owen cloacae. Mayor, Wilno• N—Wm L Neale otopheu Bogle, .1 II Nigh la, Eagouo Newhard. Druid Malden, Nowise!, Larliitlau Mao m Slur, Adam rhieuertirreher. • o.oubarh. P—Pulanky & Co. livid Price E Pierce & Co. li—V ttomle, Eithon,ds. , W d ir MIL II J Atomic Jae Hum .1 A Renege, Lewis troth, Owen Hit• ter, a hest... wii.ea Mina. A dre w Schtuanclier. Ambroae Swam, Barney Sweeney. echnuer, Char 0p.., A eau are, LI W lineal, David , reeadl, 4010.1. hr. d bark. 1100 W Studer", Job, Earth) Seeger J 8 I) bwarta, J J ober mouan, g. Jae otolturd, Solomon W atrium, build, & Yo l'—C Treater. Prod Tr.xles. H Treater. *W-14 L Wertz, Prcd W• Bele. 0 o Deo Wetne% Joa Weaver, 10,1. Wor.,er, Samuel Weikel. Z—Prenericb Zmk , ,‘ mho I RITTICIen ExCELaun linkAm Been—Taste this X.l-114 drink, andyouwilinotbewithoullt. • BUSINESS NOTICES A Pitiful Condition.—lC Is a cad thing to pasa throtah fife only half alive. Yet there are thousand wh,,se habitual condition Is one of Wagner nod debility. They complain of no epeelfic di ; they coffer no rus tem pain ; but they have vo relish for anything which *rade mental or Ransom:is ple4sure. In nine cases out of ten this state of lasnitude nod torpor arl•es from • mor bid stomach. Indiscretion dentroys the energy of both m lid and body. When the waste of nature le not Pup. Plied by e due nod regular •••Imilatiou of the food,everY organ Is marred, every function interrupted. Now, what does common sense current under the.ecir• el:insolence& of depression I The •ystern need. rousing end strengthening ; not merely f. r an hour or two. to sink afterward Into a more pitiable condition than ever Os It a.soredly would do if au ordinary &tri - 111°11c film. Want were monied to.) b-t r. i rutty and permanent y. Hew in this deetrable object to be Recompllshed I The Roaster tr this primate°, bounded on the nevem tog expe• rience of a quarter of a century, is easily given. lefties new vigor Into the digestive organ• by • enures uf Floe tenor's Stoniest) Flitter. Da not wos e time by adminie tering temporary remedies, but wake the statent up by recuperating the founteln•bead of physical menu h and ...gr. the great organ upon which all the other organs depend for their nurture and support. by the time that a dozen doles 'of the great •egetahle tonic and In•igerant have been taken, the feeble frame of the dyspeptic will begin to feel In benigninfluence Appetite will be created, and with appetite the c tpasiry to digest what it . Persevere nult theme is complete-until healthful blood, fl. to he the material . f flesh and mu , cle,bune and serve and brain,dows through the channels of circulation. instead of the watery pabu lum with crutch they have heretofore been Imperfectly, nourished. Dr. H. D. Longaksr offers bin service to the afflicte, ore especially to hose suffering from Chronic Diseas d es. m Ile will be tr l led to t men and talk with them. It la bin practice to plelnly declare • di incurable If he believes it to be •o. In those cases which he widen:Ana he anarantees to do all that can be done by unworried at tention and the application of experienced shill. gat . d by many years of practice In treating disease to Its vari ous and most malignant form. That his skill, bee not boon exerted In vats. numerous certilloutee. that may be soon at hie office, will testify. A few names ere selected for publicetlon, which are known to eit.tens of this county. No feeling of estotimm prompts their publication, but they aro published rather so au evidence 9 i st many tn who havedneed thsmselvee hopeletmly aftlicte hereby • proper application of the resources of modie .1 science, been restored to health and the enjoyment of all Its bins- . . . • Simeon. sonee;Flethlelienn. raocer of the LID. El 7 (Rev. EIYI. •Ilentowtt, Pc Cancer of the Face. J. J. Jammu, Allentown. 81clit Dlebame, Milton°, Sassatrian, Hanover. Chronic Greenhill. Henry Gabriel, Allentown. Dearness. •..,, . . • • . M. O. Yeager, ua. 'remora of the Head ii•tban Eberhard, !Willem, endear. Mra. Deeh, Treziertown. Canter. . W. Jemoson. Bethlehem. Pulmn , ary Caterth Janine Mese. Bethlehem. Chivele IthoutuatJew. . . Mrs. .1 limner. Salisbury. Scrofula. E. A. Ilarlsolar, Phl.adelphlu. Caucor Tumor. , Mrs. W. S. Illutileb, Salisbury. Yam. and Epl I. B! l Wlttmau, Lanark. Tumors of the Ilea& Abraham Kletler, New Tripod. Tumor of the Keck. M.. E. H. Berra... !Hannah's, rn nah's, Y•. Com. !dm %Vaindoot, Prledenavalle. Caneerof the Braise{ Catherine Amoy. Oeutrevllle Cancer aide of the Taco. John Levan. illegfrie.V•Hr,dge Polypi], of the Nose. Mrs. Vosiernmao. Allentown. Cancer of tho Brenta. Thome/. MHz llokandnottua. Tumor. • Mr, D. Krebs; Mammy City. Cancer of the Face. P. J. bhoemaker. tievelown. Tumor. Cathode,' likrutnao. Weatherly. Cancer of the Knee. The above persona may nil be referred to. Or aorettlestes may be *eon at Dr. Longeker'• net% Sixth .trees, he. (wean Hamilton and WaluttLeAllentown, Pa. MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Juno B.—De Haven & Bro., Brnkers, No. 40 South Third Street. gl^e the following quotationa up to 8 o'cloc k to-day : Buying. Bellinn. Mew 11. 8..5's of 1881 ....: ' 118% 113% 0.8. 6'e of 'Bl '120! . 120% 62, oot called. ..... ..... " '4% 114% " 62, let call— . . .... ... 1 4% 4( 02, 2d Ca 11... ..... ........, ov, ~ 02, SO Ca 11........ ... .. ....... .11094 ge 114;4 114% .......115%; 115% o 05, new 117 q 1179{ ..67 117% 113 . Ilf • os 117% 117% s's 11.40 a ............ .........—........ 112 y; 119% 310 year 6 per cent. &neon) , 114%. 114% Gold ..... 114 114 y, Bilvor 110 1 , 114 Oaten ?settle 151: M. bonds 93,44' 104!‘ Centel Paelilz ILE ....... .... 105 Union eaelfle L. Grata 8..... 80% 81!‘ ditentoursa Produos Market. Corrected Dolly Oy Wetteencleteo. Pelo44rd 4/I.Co Widlet Flom', pe lebt Wheat, pid banbe r l e 1 l) .eelltne 4.1 P Y° nrn 73 tiats 60 Plareeed 1 ' Tim.ttty Seed, per p.nateel 4 00 Pl' Tor peLeve Cora Steel, •• • Ler ifai J, ter. persoeud renew .• liem, •• ...... Pace. per deree Pastore, per bvshal.• now Dried Apples. ter trhel. Dried Peach*.' % NoTilt% To TA I4l'o 11.11,Ell: FORS. C0M71e01iv07 , 17177. °Mr., A Lf.onirows, .Inno f Nellie I. hereby given to the 'lax Colley ore of the Iter ere' Word, !infective soil Township• ',Men the rount nf Lehigh. to meet the entntnionioners , Mlle* on :11oN DA/. the with cloy of JUNE next, to inter boll sod Ink . Charge of their denlleste. an follows ; Ir+t and •Ixih W'ords. Allentown, Faransl Diehl. 2d. 3.1. 4 h and alln Wavle. Allentown. D. W. Lela. Cat.sartnot Beronyh. Aar, It ..t. Allll aat.wn Boroolth. athen lile!.. Coplhyaena Poosh. or. z•lto.r. flo r r e nnah. Part. J Rh eds. slaringten Borough—Wm. 11. Hensel.. Upper Pear, ToliMithip, II IL 11111 ilalishory Township. Josiah Yeberrolh. Upper Milford Town.hlp. Chan. r. nchani•. Lower Milford Town-hie. 811se 011. Renewer Township. Cornelius Asko, 1 namr Hammel° Townshln. W. UMW IMPIC6OIIIO Township. (Moran Sehllrlier. !tenth Whitehall Towtotpit. rphrami Ruth North Whitehall Township, Jeremiah Lou... Whl ehall 'rown•hlo. Wallnin Township. AlidretY Ilullenbach. iwnship I.lanneylils laeoz. illrels n e T• bura Town•hlP. Darl l l Zbeln`rimin• .'11.111” won Townehip. Den.as ilnualeker. Heidelberg low 'swn. Wm Prey H • STEP HEN K KRN. JOHN BTR iUsil Conimisao•ers /1 1 orl/4 841.1,1E1% Allea :—L. ENOLIIIMAN. ilerk _ LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Colt %ICE DECORATIONS, LAMBREQUINS, LACE DRAPERIES, PIANO COVERS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, TASSELS AND LOOPS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, CRETONRS, SUMMER CURTAINS, BROCATELLE, Special Interior Decorations, TO 011DBR, AT MODERATI PRICES WALRAVEN'S NO. 719 CHESTNUT STREET COM AraikTizzEvi; OALTA • V FOGS On and the eatenan the with th Eaat Veen ratan Wee 111 A/3 27 7 SI 7IP 41 716 48 'A el 33 7:11 I 3 7 .111 16 346 746 2 40 1761 •Flag 818 The morotnersto ere-t leaves Cat:lumens litho arrival of the L V K. It. Pemsencer train from Radon, ho horn and Allei town. and connect. at Albuttla Willi a tre:u an the East P.4I3OI•YIVMUIII R. 9 for Reading Pottsville, Harrisburg and rhihelelplint end slow vritli a train for Allenhatru, I.lethiebeni cod Rest.. The morning train East connects 01 Albut.lt ..raina on S. P. R. It. from Harrisburg. Pottsville I..ading awl Allentown, and at Cattp•auqua with train on the Lehigh Volley Railroad for Mauch Chunk. Wilkesbarre, Scran ton, Philadelphia sod Ni. e York. . The I 1.51' Al train Wpm connect. at Aihrirlis with train• on the Kest Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville. liar. risbnrg, Philadelphia, Allentown, liethlohem, RItKlOll, and Now York; arrive in PLll•delPhit.•itt Reading at lap„m. The Evening train East 1 Alburtits.on the arrival ol a train from Allentown aud of • train Making CMILIAT• Hotta at Reading with trains front Phil/adult - dila, Harris burg, Pottsville, dm, and connect s with local passenger traits on the L. V. it. it. at Catasauqua for Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. llokeudauqua end Coplay. Portions winhing to go to atlentown can take the morn ing train West to Alburtis, arrive at Allentown Pl 5 a and return by • train on the Sant Pennsylvania Railroad. leaving Allentown at CH p. in. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. polo•iy) 011,Tal PENNSIL- Mrii VANIA RAILROAD. Gat. Passnager. for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. It train. mowing Allentown .11 11, 815 and I 2 01 a. tn., 5:0 8 08 p. m., and 8881881 u I%llBBoBBla at 8 tB, In 15 a 'a. 2 15, 82 , and 10 31 0. In. Alan Lentalt and Austrinqsanus Railroad train.. b 13 a. {illnd 8 PSI, arrive 10 10 43 a. tn., 3 4), 8::0 no 10 ';!() p. no.. . . LOCAL SCHEDULE. Minn:inch Trnine Dall 7, Bnadays Extented 3 Passenger tratan leave the depot Northwest corner Perk, and American niteel.. Philadelphia, Fur Allentown at S .e.) and 043 N. in.. 2 10. 31, 400 and I p m. PAN,' Cear. aro attach. d NM.. 3/ a. in. train. For Doylestown ate 45 a. at.. 2 30 and 4 At p m. For Port Washington at 741 and 11 a m. 8 and 1190 p.m. For Abington at 7 m, 1 30, and OSO p. m. Foe Lamellae at d 3314 ta. Bathldiom at 890, 801 a. m., 12 15. 9 3.1, 8 10 and T cave 6409. m Doylestown at 7IV a. m., 900 and 600 P. m. Lansdale at 801 a. m. Wort Washington at Pt% 1090 a. m., and 111 and 900 pea • Abington at 7 41 a m. 213 and 625 P. ne. uN gIINDAYS. Leave Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 CP p. m. Doylestown 41 a. in. Leave Pulladelphla for Bethlehem et U do 34. m. for DoylestMen at •.'.O go, m. . Yere—AlleutoWn to Philadelphia, 41 O. ELLIo CLARK. Agent II JUSTUS EVAN 730 HAMILTON STREET, Shawls, Dress Goods, Parasols foolery, Gloves and all kinds of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, * ar o., motto. l+ good goods, low prie-e faction to oil, ru,2l, OIL CLOTHS ! For doors, fl•o•clotttlm to roar ytra• w;,lo and titolr Cloth, Imitation of Wood, Morblo., Pluto, Figured, Na , at tho ALLENTOWN CARPET STORE, 632 Mini Mott Street. GRAND OPENING CARPETING S. Largest. Carpet Room 'AND LARGEST STOOK IN THIS CITY AND VALLEY 1 AT THE "MAMMOTH STORES' -Or E. S. SII I Elt & C 0., 705 and 707 Hamilton Bt., AlMntown, Pa. 5 Frame Eng. Body Brussels Carpet; Best Eng. Tapestry Brussels do Three Ply Carpet, "Smith" Tapestry Ingrain Carpet, "Sanford's" do do do Extra Super do do Super do do Common do do Damask do Venetian do Rag, List and Hemp Carpet, CAA TO.V, C 000.4 and CANE .If.l TTLVO, FLOOR AND T•I3LE 011, I. I 1 DRUOGETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS, UMW - WKS, FLUOR ASu MATS, WINDOW HOLLANDS AND SHADES, A WORD OF ADVICE. to all la nerd of •ay Goode la Oils 11. e • Buy Now and Buy Bight Here, es prinAs to lhl. rbinartment will it, cola el prlc•a • . Aefortfult The Natives.” 44 they were ...dolma 'nun the Mannfacturrre and tuitional ft b. fore the to.) advance woo. no, I.rga .monot of •nle. within the laet i nth 'Stu Particular branch a unr tia•lneas th- •vel b .I.t In I • (lon of 'ht. uur untennive ai.ti welle•I ad uw [Apri.2o4 H . ARTAIAN . WASTE PA The Elfittest Cu Old Newspapers Old Blank Book. Of • deacriptlon. And Ledgers. Waste Paper, That are all vrrlttea over. Mall Mad.. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. BOMIIIT. r I)..aleno aulletted. 011 Java art., Pillar& R 409. 1101.11, 0.0011111 Comdolmas (rum Couutr •mr I.ls .1. II Ala' • 616 i win' 3 76 3 nn 23 papas lo 6 95 son •• 000 N T ED.—A N AcT 11' E AGENT T V • for Lehigh Coasts for the YOUTH'S I LLUBTRATISP UI BL117116TOST • it , t 4 31 . 1 1 145 , :g %isle Times. limit fully Insetted' UIULH ItOTIIERa, Publishers 76 Elleecker Stmt. one door weal of tirusdwore Jas. IMF Netu q4l:o3crtcoctitcnts. MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA or RUNS THIRD, 1571, Pesserisor Trol on & ruigeinville Railroad will run In col Lohlgh Valley, Lehigh & Swoinehurisa shroud, us folows:— STATIONS. TrAla CATS9S 41410.5. D::1 •SHIPLF.'B, A 45 9 .14/RDAN BRIDGE. A:74 MYTH'S, A 3i WALBF.RT'S. 9 29 MI APMAN'S. P 19 THEX I,BIITOWN 997 liHKINIOSVILI.B: 958 9 81 . 141740 CltliEli, A 4'". 1 AL•III7I4TIb, S 37 I=l I= Tr..lug for Plilltdelphi. EEO CURTAIN LACES, ,te Presideniiat Campaign! CAPti,CAPES TORCHES gem] rnr 11.1.1:STHATED CIR . CPTAR 'llO Pitteat 1.1134. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, M4NUPAC rORR RS. No. 204 Church St., lama-4tow ER DEPOT. h Price Paid I or 139E13 to. OR nue. nod
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers