. .7-,..:TIEigTLEIIIGH. REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1872. igebteinal. NO CURE, NO PAY. DR.,H. 1). LONG AKER, Graduate of the linlynnity of Pennsylvania, at Philadel phia has been In •nccemful practioe for a number of years In ration. part. of the United States; will promptly at tend to all branches of Ida profession at his room., Emit We of Sixth 'inlet dd. Earaftton and IVafnuf, ALLENTOWE, PA No Pateet ifedicluea aroused or recommended; the rem• adieu admlnletered are those which•wlll not break down the coreditntion, bat renovate the system from nil Warta', It has euetalned from mineral medicines, and leave It In a healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUEPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all idiseues of the Lungs, Throat, Stomach, nod whin yearly carry thousands togintlinely graves, Pm undoubtedly he cured. . MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that abate of alienation and aberration of mind which Yen dere persona incapable of enjoying the pleatinrel of per forming the ditties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, in any ram or condition, chronic or acute, warrahtedcnr. able. Epllop.y, or falling sickness, and chronic or stab. born cases of FEMALE DISEASES speedily and nullcally removed; Salt Rhona), Skin I/Dm/own (of years' standing) every description of Ulcerations, Piles and Scrofulous Ma mma, arrantod Oared. ..W• Particular attention given to private dinesael. of every description of both sexes. Ladles sofferleg from any complaint Incidental to their sex, can consult the doctor with il+AllratiOo Or relief. Cancer cured, and Tumors email Mod. removed without the knife or drawing blood. Disease,. of the EYE AND EAR enecenafully and effectnally removed. 4tif-Dr. Longaker Will make vialts any dietetic° If dn airedt can be addrenned by letter (conlidontb.lly) and med icine Pont with proper direction.. tunny part of the county. OFFICE: Euxtilde of Sixth ntreet, between liamitton and Walnut Allentown, Pa. may PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. FILER OP ALL KINDS perfectly and parmnueutly COM. Without pain, dung, r, canlitlca or lostruinouts, by WM. A. McCANDLESS. M. D., DM ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who can refer on to over HOD cases cured in Philadel phia alone, We desire to say to those afflicted, there In positively no deception la the cure of those Hiatuses, It =Were not how long or how sererely you are been feted, we Call Cart yon. We also core Fintula, Fioenre relapses, Strictures and U Ulceration of the lower bowel. Come you that are miff°, log, we will not deceive you, We have patient. from Himont every Stole to the Union and from Europe. flare treated these diseases for twenty yeses without a failure. apr 53-17 111111.0NOPINY or NIARIRIAGE.-A NEW Colman OP LecTUREs, as dellverod at the Penna L l :technic and A M nntomlenl umenrn. INS Chestnut throe doors above Twelfth. Philadolphla n 'embraclng the subjects: How to Live end What to Live for; Youth, Ma turlty and Old Ago; Manhood Oeuerully Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophicallyconsidered. Those lectures will bo forwarded on receipt of 21 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penna. POLTTEOUsto aim AIvaTOMIcAL Mumma, 1= Chestuut St., Philadelgila, P enna ' one -1v WILTBERGEIVS FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted - retrrl to nay made. They are Prepared front the/ruffs, nod will be font.d much better than many of the lietruc, Mont are .11,1 . . IT Ala your Eruct r or Druggist for Wlltberger's Extracts. • , BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE • It, without doubt. the beet article lu the market. for blueing clothes. It will color more renter th u four times the memo ,velght of Indigo, and much morn than In h ot p o i wa h s t blue lu the market. Thu only genuine up n ALFRED WI LTBEROER'S DREG STORE, No. M 3 NORTII SECOND STREET. PRILAD'A., PA The LLISKLO ha•e both Wiwroaaaaa'a and Ilantnw's name. an I horn, all °thene are counterfeits. For sale by most Grocers and Drugytats. WILTBERGEH'S INDELIBLE INK win oclound On trial to be a enipertnr artiele. Always on hand for rale at rens •n•ibla %irk. Pu o Ground SOURS, (Janata/1 MEDICI E, Cillllllolll Shinn, Sponge/4 Tapioca, Posit. Sago, d all articles in tho drug line, nt ALFRED WILTHERGER'S DRUG I ORE, June M•lyNo. TM North Second et., Phila., Pa. AcrA 7:37S w ats - e - , t,, -- i -- , E .S 9 VEGETABLE HAIR .. trc • - ENEWER. Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring Gmty ou FADED BAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp; by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. • lii baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old are. It is the most eco nomical limn DuEssiNo ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. • Hayes, M.D., state Assayer onlassachttset ts, says, "The constituents arc pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST PrzEr,t a.vrioN for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, awl Dealrrs in illdicincs. Primo Ono Dollar Buckingham's Dye. FOR. THE WHISKERS As our Renewer in Many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or tided Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and elrectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofr. Sold-by all Druggists. Price Filly Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA, N.H. BOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES & SON dyer's Cathartic Pills, • For the relief and cure of till derange ments in the Mom. itch, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and' au .1 excellent purgative. Being purely table, they contain ,:„ no mercury °nide°. 3tro ral whatever. 31 licit • • serious sickness and sulfuring Is prevents ell by their timely use; amt every family should have them on liana for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be tile saf est, surest, anti best or all the Pills with which the market 41110111111=. thy their occasional use, the blood Is purified, the conniptions of the trill expelled, obsfinetions removed and the tvliobt machinery of life restored to its healthy netit.ity. Internal organs whirl' heroine clogged and sluggish are cleansed by ..tqer's Ptlfs, and stimulated tote action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy lt, eon tinnily he computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired fur any length of time, 1,0 that they 1111, ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although seari.hluit, they are 1011,1, at ill operate without disturbance to Um constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given .on the wrapper to cacti box, how to use them as it Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure:— For Illympleptilts or Indigestion, Listleww neww, Lantruor nod Lows of Appetite, they Omsk' be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore Its healthy [ono and anion, For JLlver Complaint and its various symp toms, Ildions nepsluchr, Sick Mead ache. Jaundice sr Green Sickness, 11111- Innis Colic and Dillon. Fevers, they should be Judielonsly taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For 'Dysentery or 11It - weber% but • one alit! (104. In generally required. For ltheionatliati. Gout, Grovel, Vol. pliantn of the II curt, Palo lo the nick, !lade and Loins, they should he contin uously taken, as required, to diange the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy end Dropsical MwellIHCI, they should he taken in large :MO hit qu in doses to )11 . 01111, the elferl Ora 1111,1 it• purge. For !tumor...lon, a large tio, should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. :Xs a Phi to, Pill, lake one or Ova Pills to priuside mid relieve the mind bowels, oeui,iiinal htinmlnt, t.tottancli bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates rho system. Ilene° it is ollcn advantageous where no ,Priolls dery mieooienl exists. Onto 1010 feels tolerably ttOti Onell Ihols. lint a 110,, of these Pitts makes hint feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED Dr Dr. j. C, AYE CO., l i rarlfrai Chemists, LO WELL, MASS., U. S. A YOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. BOLD IN ALLEN TOWN BY W. E. BARNES & V,ON. Boot itialtrrs'. /01IN N. LEN/Z LIN/111E131ER, JOHN SEABO W LS . , IR' W . • JOIIN E. LENTZ & CO SUCCESSORS TO YOUNG & LENTZ. The firm or Young h Lentr wa• •114solvei by mutual • ,eseet on Febru ry Pith. 1872 Nr. Tulles retiring. Wm. . Weltiebeitner mod John Sealioll. Jr.. bevies token hie The, new firm hoi es to hove the eostlenneco att. 4retiege so liberally bestowed upon the old Bros. They I .11 use their utmost rude ,vors to Accommodate their I 'roue with prom, turas and iureish 800T2.4 AND SHOES • •, the beet make and umterl2l, cod will always have nu ...1 n tors« esaorunn lA Of the must des!rable styles. • trd to the trade of lids *ern.. • .'he firm or Toner & Lents having b. en di...teed. sll i•ertio• turebted to them are requested to make settle...l, ' .weep this dab, and April at U.!. Tee books Will re . et the old Maud.. hither or the • old partners le an. ...ruled testae in Itquidaltoe• tat:lo4lm Sinancial. JOSEPH 111ILLER Qt CO.'S BANKING HOUSE, Fogeinille, Lehigh County, Penny. MONEYS received on depoalt. sad per coat. Interest allowed on all same remaidoir pax mouths or over. For abetter periods apecial noes will be paid. Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Sax- Collectors and other enitodlaus of public or private moneys, are °flared liberal ratan of Internet Farmer., Marebaoln. Laborers and all who have money to not net oe Interest for a long or abort period will fled nue Ina ration an agreeable and advantafteoue one to which to do unstnose M• r. ydoposltad lu ibis Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED. I . raned "li°l'lS 1 71ngN1 Y. I.In4ILNER, FRANK .1. SLOUGH. (1.1a3.111n w MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Thin inntitntion will be opened on or before the Int day )f April. aloofly will ho taken on deposit at all times and .n any sums from ono dollar upwards. for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST par annum will be Paid. Deposits mar be withdrawn at any time Alen, money °ailed oat on favorable terme, JAMES WEILER, President /a•uIaLIA SARUM, Cashier. J. P. M. Shit Tart, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yebat, Chrial• -, K. Henninger, David Donner, Willi, , Siillitay. Isaac Oriebel, Gideon Y. Egner, Horatio T. Hartzog, Benjamin J. Schinoyer, James dingnMeter mar 16.8 m A L T INITOWN SAVINGS INSTITG- Organfted as "Dimes Saving institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE TEE •MERIOAN HOTEL,) PAYE SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR XONEY ON DEPOSIT. Thin Institution, .the oldest Saving Bank In Eastern Pennsylvania, bus been in continuous and successfril to•ration for ton years, and continues to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for nun year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. 111 of money will be hold strictly confi- Ea-et:atom Adminiatratora, Trustees, Assignees, • Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodlane of public or private money., are of fered liberal rates of Interest. Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, and all who have, money to pet An interest for a long or short period will find our Inotitntion an agreeable and advantageous one In which to do bushiestt. We especially invite LAMBE, to trammel their banking business with no. MARRIED WOIIEN and MINORS have special privi leges granted by our charter—having fait power to trans act buoinexo with en in their own name,. Money deposited with this Imaitution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and surplus monoy. curlty of over SIXTY THOBBAND DOLLARS, and • addition. the Board of Trustees boon, an rouired by t barter, given bonds under the supervision of MO Court In the hum of FIFTY TIIBLISAM) DOLLARS, which bonds are regis tered In and held by the Courtf Common Pleas of this county fur the security of dopouttorn. Our Iron Vaults am of the Mot cocoon and extensive kind known in this country, inn a personal Inspection will We and to which we Invite our friends and Prof refer to this, honeying that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the safetyand rolinbility of good Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. Al NEY, President. , CU RISTIAN PRETZ, Vt. I're4ldont. REUBEN STABLER. Catillier. TRIIOO3IIIII . _ _ Wl'Mint IL Ainey; ---- 61arlen 9 flush, Christian Peet:. John D. Stiles, F. E. Ssinuels, - D.}. J. Ilsitenbuch, lleorge Brobst, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. inn 12.tf FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alley, in Lion Hull, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church. In the City of Allentown. in organised and reedy for business. It mill Tout SIX per cent. In terest on all deposits except business deposits, for any period tim, to be calezilisted front the dist deposit. To secure which, the Trustee), of the institution have fled In the Court of Conimou Pleas of Lehigh County. tattier the direction of the Court. a bond In the corn of Twenty-live Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and appropriation of ail such sums of motley as shall be placed in charge of sold FRANKLIN SAVINGS HANK, whether as deposits, or eltstren of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever it may be deemed necessary In addition to thin. the Act of Incorporation makes the Stockholdere prrntontiity liable to e a th depositors in &M -tge the fitment of the Capital Stock f the Bank. which Is fifty thousand dollen.. with liberty to 1.7..43 It Wow) hundred and fifty tituu.nd dollars, These provisions will make It a very desirable and safe place of deprit.. he be kept fo oinota:? the out/eel and ahteejhpart protected in Mt, oily. Arrangements will he made to tarnish draftson tho cities of Now York nod PhlladelphlN • S. A. lIRIDOINI, President W. WI LSON, Vise President J. E.ZIMAIEUMAN. Cashier. rialetd Daniel 11. Miller . .. John liolben. J, W Wilnon. William liner. J. E. Zimmerman 8.11. Crelt., _ Peter Gross, Edwin Zimmerman. mar MI WILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES We are offering the Ancond Mortgage Bonds of Ma Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, Interest Payable January and July E=l I,ooos, 500 s and 100 s And coo be ItErIICTERED free of expo... The roe! 11•INIAIN111.110, heights nod :terse., booteexx ore eon 1 4.0719 lorroo.ltr Thin erlpht Cro the year o tither 31. 1871. creme +70. re 778 2: more then the yerr end Ing 1 1 cleber 31. 1870 I he f r 9vn in , nlllB t-od Intl :Orli 1 1 , 72. ever four mouths eutllug Aplii 1, 1971 n• +1.1,125. Paint , fileta and Information can be obtained of DE HAVEN & BRO., Fecal Agents of the United States, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION THE ERIN NAVI i 7 F GS BANK WM. L. YOHN iIIOBTFI SEP E.Y2 B ST., ABOVE LINDEN =I f 1. bank ban boon oatabliehod for the purpose of, carry • ng on a general honking buOnese. and to oiler to the tonannotty adECU ILE IN VESTIIIENT for their motley at tome, at the same rate of interest that it would command n Now York or NOW Jnrsey. :RONEY LOANED OUT ON GOOD SECURITY Gold, Silver and Government Bonds bought atm told. Drafts drawn on the principal cake of the United States n moue to snit purchasers. Collections mode on nil acceeeiblo points. and proceed. ?rum ptly remitted at current rates. Farmer... Merchants, Laborer, and nil who have forme) to put onion Interest for long or short period will fine his institution an agreeable end ad•antageon, one I:. which to do loudness. Interest allowed on deposits at the following rates, Olt: SEVEN PER CENT. for one year. SIX PERCENT. if 1,11 for thirty days and under on eenr. iiTßovenunstamvsno coltisiloilochEN • BOILER AND COIL WORKS, JOHN WOOD, JR., • 111•11CFACTORIZII OF DUB ATNE .4I7I : III) O7iII/2NAVL'sfrilig ATH All kdrilln of Wrought Iron Coil. Tnyers for Bleat For. race. llonotnetera. Stook« Stack, Plant ('lye., Iron Wheel. harrowa. and everything In the Boller and Sheet Iron line. Alm.. all kind, of Iron nail Steel Poi gum and Innen...mill work. Toole of oil klrnin, ouch nn When, Bucketo, Pirko, Prins. 3lallote. tiltulgoa..Sto. Having a Steam Ileum, nod net of took cantl kinds akllled workmen. I flatter myself that I turn out work with inioniptunea and dloyatch, all of which will be warranted to he fired.choin. Patching Boilers, and repairing generally. ntrlctlr nl nodod to. sin 17 A HANDSO3II: MOUSTACHE! MOUSTACHE PROF. ST. CROIX'S t.ItRNIIII COOT. WH ISKERS, POUND. the (free: HAIR 1111(1 IV SR, Mt.ll, ACIIE. .1110 - ode e luxuri oft MOINTACii If. WHISKERS. •.r %% IlleKElt a S us Ow I,.llltithent Nee, Plea•nut to 1180. rout to ally IsddroBll an receipt of h itty Cents It T. BOND. CHEMIST. 'ENTII sad CllEofN UT ETa., PHILA. N. I?. Con T fvb2ll2-1y w A PROFITABLE BUSINESS! L ICITITEQUAL TO (I AR, AT ONE•EIOIITII THE COST! Cannot be explmit d No chimney or wick lisefr. MEN nliog a PROFIT ~LE bUSIN c NS. eee•re (En EAU LUSIN MOH r f o r th e .1. o r DyAr PAT. ENT CARBON. ()AS Llollr UDEN Eli. AND OIL, fol COUNTIES or STALES. Write tor irifort.tiou or .1100 • • • M. B. BYOTT, o. 114.601TT11 HECOND KT., PHIL. N. B.—CHUM:IIE, torni•heit with CIIANDIMIEMB and LAMPS B.f every atm:rip:fon. 23 percent. cheap, than at xny other eetabllntoro at to tho c,tunBry. mar 138380 w • C . F. VVOLFERTZ, NO. 606 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, Manufacturer of all kinds of Cutlery and dealer It Bportaunan'• Articles , which be la telling ut reduced polo se. Single and double barrel Hunting Onus, Revolveri to all kind., Powder, Shot, Cape, Plithing Tackle, eta, uly27.w A. LOWE, -••- =I LOOKINO-OLASSES AND FRAMES Largo altiortment of OIL PAINTINGS AND OUROMOS 136 N. _Ninth 81., above Arch, mgl•Smw) PHILADF,LPIIIA J. F. 6z E. B. ORNE, Have now opened the most Elegant Variety of New Carpeting ever Imported. Notivlthetandlng the great advance, TAPESTRY CARPETS, ALL TIM NEW BRUSSELS STYLES IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIDTHS. J. F. & E. R. ORNE are closing out the balance of last Season's Importations, VELVET AND ENGLISR BRUSSELS CARPETS, at a heavy reduction In Price. •Also an Invoice of FRENCH AXMINSTER CARPETS, at $2.50 per yard opl2-2mos d aprlo-2m w NO. 21 NORTH FIG ITT. STREET, NO. 21 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. ADOLPH HELLER, line now open the moat cnmpleteetock of Fron h millinery gonds end dress trimminen to found in thin city. A full assortment of rltoonn In ell new shade.. mpi.cen colored silks, fr 'at Ml 2,11025. par yard. [SLICK SILK AND SATIN. All shade. of totquoise silk mud corded satin cr...., French awns . straw geeds , frinatm laces, buttons. ate. Ladle s w will giro ma it call may rely on get4ing now and gnat! geode, at the lowest Prices. ADOLPH lIELLER, mayll.2inw) No, 21 N. Eighth street, Philadelphia, 707 TYNDALE Sr, MITCHELL , 707 HOUSE FURNISHING IN • CHINA, GLASS AND. CROCKERY WARE ! WE HAVE NOT INCREASED OUR VRICES. THE WHOLE OF OUR IMMENSE STO(7K. %VAS PURMIASED BEFORE THE EXTRAORDI— ' NARY ADVANCE IN EUROPE. _BEST G(101)9 LOO EST: PILECIA 707 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 707 aprl7.2m w MEAD & ROBBINS, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER-PLATED WARE ! N. E. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. DINNER AND TEA SERVICES, URNS, BUTTER DISHES, CAKE • BASKETS, TUREENS, ICE PITCHERS, SALVERS AND CASTORS. CUTLERY EVERY VARIETY 111 T PEAR,. AND if ierzt L HANDLES, PLATED AND UN PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS A SPECIAL! Y. 41 ft _ • 11, ,Na..7„,,,•01), !r I•11''1. . -, - - . ' 4 1 „,,7•,,,,enr.A.J 1. 4; •,. -7 - ~f 1 1 , ,O• • r,. D • .1 4. 4 i f.. 4 cf,,:, PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL WHO REQUIh SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To our NSW STYLES, which possess tosmlstakableadvantages over the NOISY and CIIMBROLI , styles - 1 ether !rakers. Coal anti Lumbrr. JAS. N. RITTEIt, CIIAS. W. ABBOTT. • • ; • fi 4') • I i t _„ ALI if if ft , t• • _ „.. - Union Street, near Lehigh Valley Depot, Allentown. RITTER& ABBOTT , MANUFACTURERS OF Rath, Doom Outtride nitwits. Inghte Blh,da , Notad. tags. Bracket,. Balusters, Pickds. Stair Roll, ling,. Window Frames, Door flames, Ac. SCROLL SAWING, _ TURNINO PLANING MATCHINO FLOORING and RIPPING, DONE AT TICS SIIORTI:ST NOTICE. ALSO. STAIR BUILDING dodo and BAND RAILING inndo to order. Having now lind altruist five yearn. ponsesnlon of the refurionbed it almost wholly with .w and Wooed, tit runehlilery, soil tooting none tut experienced work men. we are prepared to defy ceraPetitiile from at home god nhroird, both la prier and work...lllp. P.l you couternplnte building I Collar' our Factory and fotirry Yourself with e personal ..Yanninlithin. Drinds for buildings, brnckete, patterns for orna• n coral work, ncrolis for porches, can be soon at nil limes by at Mir OM., Any information to the bonder :Guist'. cheerfull ly, by calling at the Shorn. rectory. Polon streetsnt the Jordan Bridge, Allen ,own, Pa.. or by letter through thepoot ogle, rug 3.ly] . RITI'EIt a, ABBOTT. i:I3MEI=I a FI LUERT. la, OTTO. U.N. OTTO. 0. W. MILLER FLEER d, OTTO d. MILLER, • MANJPACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. MILL ON CANAL, WEST TH T OP E MIL MAYN L ARD STREET ' OFFICE A W Y CRANE •nnx.t.. 4 'mit In-IT SI'ECTACLEM I srEcrAcLEN ! EYE GLASSES, &c. ip a e ,lrAn e, c3 y m o ong . le . te e zea d c . o c r . t . inzt of all'ltinds of CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, • NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Having devoted a great deal of care owl attention In the ttoectaele tonAlnees for these bud few yearn, I fat that my ,118111.4.1 n that Hasher Increonaeolom lo nett that I boon do• armload to man It a SPECIALTY. Thera le no article onnuf“tured In which there le so ninth deception prac• iced as there le In Spectacle ft! . Knowing that the )041c have been frequently hotoloneged by portion pre :ending to bone ouperlor article of illoooett, 101 l chatrillug norbllinnt prlcoo he tystalclng upon thane. .00.1110. and Infiraultloo Lange, I have taken talkie I.e se lect 10,14111 P and etomplotoa..toyttuony of the boost and beat 'llotaxes e•er manufactured, thee affording all Pm.... boding SpetetaClOA an opportunity of porch/sing at tea minable price,. Pereonot having any 1111:11rtilly to being tutted elto.whoro P.lll .1 well too give Mu a ~11, an I feel conadent that noon.. will fail In be mulled. Remember the old stand, N 0.23 East Hamilton atreeL'oppoalte the Ger manfleformed Church, Allentown, Pa. den 23,08 CARPETS. 904 .CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, Have determined to offer their entire Stock at old prices GROVER •Sz 'BAKER'S ELASTIC L9CK STITCH FAMILY SF,WING IIACHINES! THE BEST IN USE ! NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES FOR MANUFACTURING I FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family &wing CALL AND EXAMINE. •J. F. WIREBA H, Amt. • CISFICE AND SALESROOM, oppoehe German Reformed Church, , uoir &dam No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. Spectacles. FOR EMBROIDERY FOR BRAIDING NOR QUILTING FOR HEMMING FOR TUCKING Are Unapproachabh FOR GATHERING FOR STITCHING FOR CORDING FOR FELLING Clothing, GREAT ATTRACTION , NW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTH ENG ! CLOTHING GRAND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSNFUN & CO., Successors to Metsgar h Osmun BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EAIPORIU.II IN REIINER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOR'N, PA. We would Inform the citizens of Allentown and the enr• rounding couutry thitt we ore prepared with a large stock et goods for . FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and o'er thorn to the public at reaeonable price. To thou,. who buy their Clothing rrady•made, they are prepared to offer BARU INS• WIIOLE ,SUITE MADE TO foRDERI , COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and made lu the latest style, and by the beet workmen OCR STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES In larger than It he.. been before, and we Intend to pelt et •ory SMALL PIIOFITF, and gtre our curtontere the bene fit of our low purchtteete ()rent nnuotttlen and varieties or NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everythlna to the line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S, YOUTHS'. BOYS' and CHILDREN READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Don't forget the place. No. OM Hamilton Wed, third door above ninth street. T. ORMPII. 'icon A. Bcuoci, MARTIN LUIS mar 24 If SCANDALOUS.- Bonin pro to ••noli or It ocnodelous In self gonde it a Tarr profit ,• a romhonati Mee iat.. I . I AAGAr7 ..7 use. Thu GREATES7 BARGAINS over offer.' aru ROCKIIILL & WILSON'S It one n afterir=g the t i q llrllll/ 71) that In sold. nut "Y THEY ARE TASTEFULLY CUT. . WELL MADE AND TRIMMED. • BOYS' CLOTHING', UNEQUALLED IN STYLE AND CUT: 4TSEND FOR SAMPLES.' PHILADIELPINIA 11- 47P,OHONS' 11.iNDAON INSTITUTE. No 14 North NINTH street. above Merkel. 11. C. EVERETT'S Pnt.nt 0 , 1111.111110 e rrrrr ure Truett pneltlee ly .urea ruuton• when all other. fall. Lien, a lane Ca-. Holy f ~ap Improved Elastic St.ukluir., Holt.. Shoulder Brae.. 4uppariers. STI•P•0• conics, I'll. t d u nce Solna Instrument.. , Crutches. Gdles attended In Hr. Everett. at tir t Remember. the aeoond Trues Store above Market Mate ani3 se3uelo BAILEYB4 'Chestnut & 12th Sts., plilLit i DELHlP t y "Jewelers ano Silversmiths. FINE 'WATC}ES, FRENCH COCKS, BRONZES, pL AT ED Quality tEmaranteeb. 15oobs sent by Express on approval. w may 10 —l7 MiIUIMUM WATC I .ER AND JEWELRY, No. LIS NORTH SECOND ST., roe. or. QUARRY, PHILA. ),„ An ive.ortment of Wetehee, Jewelry. Sliver Rod e ;Pleted Wore conetently Ito hood. /Q.-Repairing of WAtcliee Awl Jewelry promptly needed to. nor 5-IY KELLER at BROTHER. NO. 27 WEST 'HAMILTON ST., well regulated and warranted. All Riles and prices, from 32 upwards. A larger Itsmortillent of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found in any other store in the city. JEWELRY OP ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE .f ilt: r gt o c'Lleh' P r! ,l P.l'l . red on ghort Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton ntreet, opposite thn Herman lit formed Church. Juni received from Now York and Phi adelphia, all the latest Myles He ha, thelargent nod beet neenrtmont of (Mid Watebo and at lower prices than can be found eleowbere. He han a lawr and better acnortment of Silver Watch than can be purchaxed any *harp alma. GOLD JEWELRY. lle han the largest and bent ...rhea.t of all kinds Oold Jewelry. . . GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. lie has a larger and bettor annortment of all kinds of 01 and Plated Jewelry than can he louLld elnew here. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Tlo ham a sploudid asnortmont of Silver and Plated Ware Any potion: desiring gouda Ia thin llao coo out WI to b aultod. CLOCKS. A larger ansortment than at any other eatablinhrnant A splendid assortment of Prince's Melodeons, tho be. In the world. ACCORDEONS. A .plemild nooortment of all kinds or Accordenno. 1110 eotablioldnent Ilan lately been Athol op, and la now second to none In New York and Philadelphia, and ahead 'of anythingontside the large elite, Ito hao o large,tork of fashion able goodo In hin line thou all others in Lehigh connty combined. To convioco yourottiven of the above call and Nee Aro Excltisivf Are Unexcelled Am Unequalled WIS. GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimming Store, Are Superb ALLENTOWN. PA. The trade at this old and well known establishment Is constantly Increasing. owing to the fact that NEW ROODS ire bolos constantly received of the LATBST STYLRS Ind always imitable to the wants of her numerous rnsto• mere. People should always go whore they are Bars to be united at low tourer 'au IS Are Unsurpassed Are Faultiest ATTENTION, LADIES I REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VULCANITE JEWELRY Aro Incomparable Aro Admirable Park and VIF.:JuI Fan, (lair Plan. Valley 1A301,01,11 Pitney Ornament, randy 11.0,4 Urekn. liri.ositig Cato. Uoodu LI hurl lea 1 hi Ik. Ui ¢hum• cull AIM"' All gun. an red superior In quality cud tile .ey.in In Pi Ice. • 11. DIXON, apr3-w) N 21 Small E.lghth Street. 1-'lllla.la. MADA3IE STEEL, - 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Mt+ rocolvod from Pork the !Moil Springxty!e“ POLONAISE• BUSTLES AND La Virtorip. Kung tn., Sr Nilloo& BUSTLE SKIRTS for tr,ln nud prom. bud., dret.xlB.. • Pnrls Worly C111411,8'8 Corsetw.Bll at 'popular r r • M. ly w T ASIIV EMPLE of FION, ESTA MASH ED 1857. MRS. M. A. 131 N DER, 1101, N. W. COE. IlTn S, CHESTNUT STS I'll LA D Import, owl Des goer of Paris and London Novelties, Elramdly Trimmrd Parer Potter. of •Cu tort nod mo rellhloo Smlrs, for l.odl• s' nod l'hildron's or no Ladles' Prens a, a Imitation r Rees, Move, Fans, em, VI, el. Jewelry, Farley ~,,, .s. II K-S ANIL/CLOAK 011 K I NI; Iho t In .n er. m i'effeet Syste of DRESS ~ PUT TAN , To to . %Irk.; pundnalny In trIIIIIImeoI or orders. PAPER PATTERNS, %V SoLEs ALE iSP RETAIL Inblialtow CAN BE MADE IN SELLING THE NEW WHEELER & IV LSONS'S A fey active, yell ;We bn•loeax men of good habits an roldreax. vrantod In de.laoltle territory at prettent on ;cell pled. Wag," a furnlxhed ; voracity requited. Send 1.. Information. or call on ?ETERSON CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt's 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADEPIIIA. J W. ALTHOUSE, Agent. fil4 Wonliton A beet. A Ilentown. N ORDIIN IC A NE FOR THE coig- A DELINO OF FOURTH STREET 114 TWEEN HAM ILTON AND WA ',NOT SPity Fn. Ist D. It enacted by the Select sad Common Ponordla of the City of Allentown, and it Is hereby orunined by to. Cnritv of the Karoo, that Foorth street,b,wiTo Ihtmllton • • od Walnut Mr....1A.. Ire r.ubbeled In net rrrl rue.; with Neel fire three to be furuhrhed by the C : Ly Eogi,or 21. Thar the M yur be entherlterl to receive mulled pen prise Is for the work. until the :Nth lust bide to ho marl tor the tornolettan of the whore work per ranter yard the exr Varian to 1 e removed to eneh Ire ate en may he dl roe erl by tler Entrlneer, out excernllng to thutanen ue. lour [decks. • . ad. That tbe City Engineer abet! Imno dbiely.ortee the compi lion of the work. iterif the c.e.t 01 theme... , °POO the prepect weern along raid awe!, proportional') to the number of trot owned by each less the numb. , of aquae° ie. whomoil by •be City Pue•eoger Itny Co l lll , ll 0. ellen be aseicitacti for bald portion of the occupied by ben, Fancy Dyeing Fatablishinent J. & W. JONES, Jra . 412 Xorf /I Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DVK 6Pkn, Woolen nwl Fnory 0 mils of every ilescrlP. Don Their nneorl nv of Dyeing I.sillen . tientle inenin Gni intuits In widely k non n. CruPo and Merino ehnsvin Merlon thnowt brillinn nod plain color,. Drupe mid Merino oh w in td loon like new. Also. finnti-men's Oppose!, an I Corinlog, rlennsedoere.dred. Kid 0 oven eleunned or dyed to look like now. *'Coll lo•il look nt our work hews° going elsewhere. lir inch ..MCP. nor Ninth rind Vine Ilk. (nprso2mw SAFE AND DESIRABLE • • MUNICIPAL BONDS OF KANSAS, MISSOURI, COLORADO AND WISCONSIN. Haying from Ito 20 year. to run. Principal end Inherent payable tu Sr.. York City. For rain at priced th,t will p.y VEK. 12 Pk C NT. on tho rt e loveettn Correll • pondeure aolicited with all welting to 'my lt THOS. P. ELLIS & CO., liank,e, mayll 1w claw] 11 Vino Sheet. New York THE I MPROV ED. MECtOMffll The nest Sewing. Mae 1111 l e ]lnds. The nly Machine that makes Four 11111 rent Stitch.. I The only Machine that ft.teng the cud, of Senms 1 The may Machine that will .11 , 1,1 the work In any dtrecilun de , l,d I 000 the only Machine that her a reir “ijoatiag 'ten., The. advantage. C.1(1110011d with tho hage, Rapidity, nu ll uid... oi loi. tnotbdtg, together with the bra dy n littaiity lt kwith I[IIOIMT , n o. r It die Mold tloalrabie, durable and Vest Fro - oily Sewing Machine in tit- IVorid. (loud Agents wattled ise every Coantth Wilson & Pennypacker, Managers 11113 Chcof ma btrect, Philada. g r 2 • m or] (Nept4 3m w OIL CLOTHS ! For flonn dre eighths to four yards wide. Aleo.T►ble ►od litalr Cloth.. Imitation of Wood.. Marble., Maio, Fl►arM. So at the ALLENTOWN CARPET STORE,, 622 Hamilton Street. ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCHES MELODEONS Jot tlic Labiro = CORSETS ki2ooo PER A NNUAI SEWING MACHINE =I Iftebicfnal. c) II ~ ~a I=4 t-1 t-4 ,1 2 1 tmt I - d "" c i. ) -cc z (:=) O t7l 1 -.1 a I NEW DRUG STORE lake the plerr•nre of Informing my Dlimerenete frierolo and tiro Public In general that I have opened a new Drug store at NO. 735 ilEt MILTON STREET, and tilled It with n cnrefully selected stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, COAL OIL, and n A lA•gr i. rarip u ll'?AL OIL L.4.11PS Choice Perfurnory and toilet articles, as the finest Ex t.acto for handkerchief rot bathing. 11.1 r 0 jr, Bair In virorntors nod lintr [syn.. An inonmorable tooootinet. of T Pot Sea, for washing. SlinViOhr and er.ihing oil. (a or 1,0 it. Tooth !treater and Stair Brushes of nil gra to and taico.• Porkpt Ilnpkn, Albant•, Piton Book, Paper and l'on• Pocket and Razor, a large variety of be. tit (rerun in Finn think Tackler., lu short everything that can be expected in a First- lass i ty Drug Store, 131:111 The Very Lowest Market Rates WIIOLESALE AND. RETAIL. PIiTSICIA NS . PRESCRIPTIONS will he a ' , pertain and will lie fille.l day or ulght with the greate,t punctual ity an • accuracy. Phywciona • uti StorakeePro , eurrlied wllh evrrYthittE to lily Ike at the ',tweet market rates. Hernia had 1.. K• ',erten...lnn coilidho' to the favor. I Con lid..ut that I nor,' ell who may toe with a call. to their eatlitfactiort. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY take. this oppertunity to thank film num•rane !tirade f liaitt favor. and wq be at the Drug Store of lila eon wait On /di who way 1.101140 his medical Per vice.. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth MEM PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE Tor WILL ALWAYS FIND rail SALE ALL 11005 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The lime is a g ain here for ch il dren to prepare for SCLIOOL =l m p = hand sod for .ale everythin g they want SCHOOL ROOM. OUR. PRICES ARE AS LOW anywhere. learn tn n : Lv h f c!or n give them just what they DON'T FORGET, AND REMEMBER THAT VIE BOTEN BOOK STORE • IS THE PLACE TO BUY ALL RINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEIBENRING, TREXLER & Co., 631 Hamilton EL, Alleutown:Pa. sent •tfd AGENTS! QUICK r'Y': 671,1 •• i rg1 ! ry. A ttbrre le • roan for It) on DIO LEWIS' last and greatest Work. OUR DIGESTION, or, MY JOLL P FR(END'S ESORST. It la by odds the most taking ■nd salable book In the bold. lltls no u vitally Imnortant nettled. 2ltle by Am,rclte'• must popular writer on health. 3lt a for the pr1..0. the largest end baud.omest book ever sold by pub.., tenon. Ageets. the people ►re trier for such a book, sod will uric you to bring It to them. Write for terms. ate , tree. OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, do 1644 w PM &mem !Hetet. Philadelphi. EttilGlli L RAILROAD .Aga WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for Ne w York. els Central Railroad 0 , Jerx.v. at 5 5.1* 600 815 and 11 65 a m, and 1210.. 6317', and p. m. For New York, via Morris A Essex Retiroad.at 66Y. 6On and Al 55a to. ant 12 lir.. 530% and 691 p m. For Mannnka Chunk and Belvidere 01 816 a ut, and 630. P For Lambertville and Trenton at 600 and 1165 a m. and 5 m. For Eleton at 665'. 600 11 15, 995 and 11 55a ms 1210'. 911, 630 v. 095, 665 and 8 2l pm. For Philadelphia, eta North Penn Railroad. at 600. 810 and 11 Yi a rn. a 95, and 824 p m. For Waelungtot., D. C, at 815 and 11 55► m, and 824 p F or Cataaanana& Fogles•Ille R. R. 6 9.5 • m and 1229 ' • • For Copley at 13 WI a m, 12'_'7. 4 21, 6 Oland 801 P to. For Mauch Chunk M 0 OS, 1019 a m. 12Z, Maud 6 Drip tn. For Pitt,gon, at 8 11.5 and 10 1. a m, 425 p m. For Waverly, Owego Elmira, Auburn and Buffalo, at In 19 a m (Egon:tea Train.) For Ilerietun at 055 and 10 10 a m, and 428 p m. For A udeurled at 10 19 a to. For Mabanoy City at 1 , 119 a m, and 4 26 p m• For Mt. Cannel at 10 10 a tn. Ttalna with a Oar I'M mind from East Penn Junction. U. STANLEY 000DWIN. Aaa't Oen'l Rup't. R. /I. SAYRE SUp't ai Eng. A II TARA A N 13 , azzarizgig FOGELSVILLE It. R. tFr +v a> . -, stlr• q ) 4 411,,,1 •••P'. 0•"',1 4 r , "' A 1 , • TIE RD, 1871, Pammenoor Tral ? I I'rofflgFl:4,7l.l.llP,aallirtr d nisig:lll.l7. Railroad, an filone:- 13T TIONS. On and at tha Cat mu. Hon with th haat Non. I frataa Woe P M ♦. M. !69 754 .1 16 WI 741 141 746 •Flea bta, The moreingtrain wort leakeaCalseanqua on the arrival ,1 tho I. V It, R. Passenger train from Mauch Chunk, F.Aeton, tiotl , :ohom and All. town, and connects at Album. tie with a train on the Bast Ponnsyloania It. B for itend• og Pottevllle, Harrisburg And Philadelphia and also ;vial a train for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. The morning tr tin Rant:connects at wit. arsine Fe E. P. It R. from Harriaborg. Pottsville hoading and Allentown • anti at Cata.anytin with train on the Lehlgl. Valley Railroad for Mauch Chunk. Wilkeebarre, Eicran• ,on, Philadelphia sod Now York. The l 15 P hi train Went connote at Alburtis with train, on the float Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, liar. riattra, Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem, Liston, tad Now York; arrive in Philadolphia 11l Reading al : lh p. m. The Evening train Eant leaven Al-Bartle on the arrive: a train front Allentown and of a train making cont.., :lone at Eroding with wed. from Philadelphia, Ilurrla. aura, Pottsville, Ac.. and cormectn with local peaneunal rain uu the L. V. R. li. at Catannuqua for Allentown. Bethlehem and Ea-ton. 6' :; • ;„1 , : •*. Persons wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn. ng train Went to Al-hurtle, arrive at Allentown 915 a to, ,nd return by a train on the East Pennsylvania Railroad, ivonlng Allentown at 4 20 p. tn. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. =Eli VVIRTH PENNSYL.M: pwr 7,711 ..11 • Pere RAILROAD. IDMPW.r.e) WINTER ARRANGEMENT Peenengern ter Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R rulux pae.dna Allentown at 0 810 and II C 5 a. tn.. an, 130 nod 8 24 p. tn.. and arrive lu Philadelphia at 8 50a to, • 10, 8 Viand 10 34 p. tn. M 1% 100 Lehigh .1 Snednehanna d laroad train, at 3 14 /MI ti 44 p. m., and arrive to Phil, lelphla at 5 Wand 815 p. to.• (Mx Through Train. Daily, Suudaye Excepted ] Paeweger trains learn the depot Northwest corner Lierk• tad Amorican at.ret., Philadelphia. For Alletwown at Ball and 9 43 a. tn., 2 B). 9 99, 4 111) and 510 p m. Pala.n C,151 are attach..d to tha Ba. to. train, For IMF lemow o at 8 35 ta m.. 2311 ands 306 y m. For Fort Wtmhington at 7 and Item, and 11 9U p m. For ablaut. at 1 30, 530 and 815 p. m. Fos Lansdale at 6 30 p. to. .1.11r7 1 11 .7 . , 4 1, 111;i:Z 1111Loc1;:: Trains for Phllndelphla 1 T.eave Bethlehem M al. 8 oa. m., 1216. 340. 800 and 30 p. to. " Doylestown at 835 a. m., 303 and 600 p. m. •• Lansdale at 016 a. tn. •• Fort Washington at 800,10 30 a. m., and 216 Pzu • Abington at 15, OM and 000 p. m. UN BUNDAYn. Leave Bethlehem , or Philadelphia at 400 p. m. Doylestown 708 a. tn. Leave Pelladelphia for Bethlehem at 0 30 r. tn. for Day leitiown at 200 p. m. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 8185. ELLIS CLARK. Anent. A LLENTOIVN PASSENGER RAIL. A.Z. WAY. TIME TABLE. On and :trier WEDNEmDAY,Nov. 23,1871, care will ran mall traitor on the Lehigh Valley and Lomeli and Simone. sauna, Philadelphia & Heading (East Penn Jenction) Rallroado, and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving din. don. Hamilton sod Ninth airtime, as follows: For L. V. L. &8. E. Penn. Furnace. Leave Far A al A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. 6 30 736• 660 900 940 000 1 438 840 10 60 11 30 . 733 11 30 11 23 ' 7 47 P. M. P. M. 9 41 9 1 CU . 1 40 11 31 P. 31, P. M. 315 .'9 10050 11 55 2 35 140 600 836 I'. 15 lif. 6 16 6 03 9 45 7 00 736 - 3 4.7 833 1 ---- 6 10 6 30 Pay Days & Saturd'. ONLY 7 30 880 9 10 The above cars run to all the paesonger train. On the above roads. • From Mauch Chunk. I From Easton. A NEW FEATURE. Poring the Winter months, all the can on this road will bo comfortably nettled. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten years of age, Five Cants. Tickets can ho purchased of the conductors on the can, or of the I' re snorer, in packagen of 7 for 03 rte. or 14 for 411. 'I insets received only for passengere, not for trunks or packages. ' , Osi - Patteengern are rennented not to ride on the plat form when th, re Is room Inside. E a gi A i D ) . N G RA .L.ati. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.' MONDAY, MAY 6, 1872 Great Trunk Line'from tho North and North-West fu Phllnd phis. New York, Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland. Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, hph• rata, Lilts, Lancaster. Columbia., dm Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as followe: a 143, 810 n. tn., and 20n p. m., connecting with &India rains no Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now Cork at 1007 a. in., 353 and It 43 p. m. respectively. Returning leave New York nt let, n. m., 1211.Lisoin duo (43 p. n,.• Philadelphia at 73i, 890,. m. nun 30 p. tn. Leave m. ; Philadelphia for Heading, Pottsville, Tamaqua. lftoon•ilin, Ashland Allentown, and Phila. lelpblo alit In n. tn., 1 :00 and 403 p. m.stopplog at Lets, 300 and principal way &MM..; the 4 , _p m. trim con tenting for Philadelphia, Pottpv Ills and Columbia only for Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via tit:hurl. <ill and Sunnuohanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 3 4 East Ponneylvania Railroad Whin. leave Reading fit Allentown, E.ton and New York at 4 34. 10 40, a. m, and 106 p tn. Returning, leave New York at 900 a. at., 123 noon anti 640 p. at., and Allentown at 720 a. m., 122' noon. 21.5, 42.5 and 916 p. Way Passenger Tr,in Philadelphia at 790 a. m.. connecting with similar train on East Pen.. Railroad returning leave Reading at ei'XP m., stoPPlag at all sta. tuna . • 1...ny0 Pont,lllo at eOD m., and '2 30p. m. [(crud it 10 on.. in. &in innklu at 540 and 11.15 a. in., &Akin at 705 a. in. und 12 43 noon. Mahanoy City at 761 a. -aid 1 p• m., ramaqua at 835 0. to. and 21U p. w. f Philadmphla, New York, Handing, Ilarrhiburir, On. Lo.,ye Pottayillo via !Schuylkill and BuBquchauna Ito road at 8 15 a. tn. for Harrlaburg, and 11 45a. in. nor Pin 4 roan and Treninut. . . Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 55 poses Reading at 725 a. m., arriviug at Philitdoi ph la at u5O a. m. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at 5l pi.. .lug Reading at 740 p. m.. arm mg at Potts cub- lit p. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown t 1. o, m, itiiturning, leaves Phtlanc.pnia (Ninth am. tireeu, ) at 4SU p. /11. Columbia itailrand Traina Maya Reading at 7 2 20 a m and 15 'to for Ephrata, Lids; Lauctiatur. Columbia. etc, ;co ntralto{ Mayo Llacti.tur itit 20 s to, and 023 p ,u, •as. Columbia at 8 13 a so. and 3 15 p Pet kunnou Railroad Trains leave Porklothen Junction at 7 t 5, POO a to, 000 and n 43 p to, Returning. linty, Bchivoulnivillout Bt. 0/ in, 101 and 445 p in, Cu,,. nettling with airollar trail. on Reading Railroad. Plckering Valley Railroad trains !env. PLomix•illo at 0 111 M, 3 Maud 5 :Alp as ; "nursling 1411.Y0 Byars ut 035 43 aoau,d 420 p m,coanocting with niaillat trams uu iteadiuk Ransom). - Colabrookiltilu Railroad trait. leave Pottstown at 040 I, •tt nod 12 , , 6.25 mud 7 15 it m; returning learn Aloutil Pleatotut la till°, 8 01 and 11 Via In, and 8 25 p in, comma t iug with tram- on Readmit It, 11. Cheater Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 831 ni and 24. nod 633 p Illy ramming. boors Dowalaglatt at t• 35 ti 01 1231 aud 540 p coutiectlog with admit/Li trams to)am. Reading Railroad. tin bundayn: bear Vow York at 541 p.m, Philadelphia nt 8 OU u m and 915 p m (the SOO n m train running only to Rending), Lave Potinvillo at tItX) a to, liarriaburg at Y 45 m nod 2110 p m, Alloutowu at 145 aud D 5 p to, liend• lug nt 715 a m and I,3)pm fur ilarrwburg, .L 4 34 • itt for Neu York, at 7 m for Allentown and ut 04, am and 415 p in tor l'ltlindelputa. Commutation, Mileage, autumn, School and Factual. Picket., to and trout all pinata, at roducad rater. Santiago enockod through; 10() pound, allowed Incl.. ['winnow., J. 8, WOOPTEN, may t.l is .1 Asst. Srivt.ri Eng. Africh'lL, C . F. IV 0 L FERTz; C UTLER Y, NO. 606 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. alannfarturen mod keep. constantly on band a Imo as .rtoonA of all kinds of Cutlery. AIM. Taal_ L 01, .11111 Forks p.a.' Kola. tickoora N (117 ALLENTOWN Rolling Mill C 0.,. Successors to THAYER, ERDMAN. WILSON & CO., ➢lauufaelurerm of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, Furnace, Rolling .Mill and Mining Work, &c.; N. B.—All work suarsuteed mud delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Sap% august ildim w 3 UTATNON'N CELERRATED FIRE fir .AND BURGLAR PROOF 1 1 ' • 'l6 '.. .i.." it ' SAFES. "-,... t Ns ESTABLISHED IN 1840. THE OLDEST B.4Fh 110tME IN POLLADELPHIA The only Bare with lams Doom!. Guaranteed Free from liatulluese. Mao prices from 16 to 20 per rent, lower than other mutton.. Plea.e send for Circular and Price List. T. NV ATBO6I k SON. Late of,Evan• it Watson. alano.acturere atm= am w No. MO. Fourth Br. Philadelphia. TILELILL Pll RENO LOGICAL JOURNAL .is every mpect a First. Clue Mensal... Its articles are the highnat interest to alt. It teachea what we are sod It at to make the moat of ourselsen. The Infurtnatiun Its it tams on the Laws of Life sod Health is well worth the Jere of the Magaltine to ewer) , Wally. It Is published at 63,00 year. Bra epeeist amaugement we &reel:tabled to offer the Phieoe. °glee! J•wroat a. a Preupum for flee new aulp.cribera to the LSRIO/1 int,lllllllll, or w 111 forelah the Legion Hamm- Ten •041 Phrenological Journal together fur $3 EC. We imunnend the Joann' Is all who want agood alajtailus. Addeo" all orders to ROB?. !UDELL, at.. Alisatews, Pa itailroabo. Ina or, ono. • , nod Trains CATASAHQUA, 959 *BEI PIA'S 949 'JORDANBRIDGE, 9 39 03111'8, . 924 W A I,IIERT'd, 929 CHAPMAN'S. 9 19 TREXI.SRTOWN, 9 97 BIM NlllBl/11.1.5. 810 *SPRING CHEM. 8 42 AL-BUBPIS, 827 =I =3 Proicosional Garbs. - rT. iIIUNSBEKVER. ATTORNEY Li. • SAT LAW,' ItAinoved to the Pont OM. building. .soond goor, ALLINTAWN - PA. • - Anr 21-IT J. INORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • ALLENTOWN. PA. 014 m Noe. 40 East Uomlltoo treat.. *arc.. he cononito4 to Oorm4o. 100 14 vir D. LUCKENBACD, A:1"rOR vv • HET AT H a mi l to n (rly practiced In Cacho mcinty). ot ince, etreet, aecond floor, near' ppeede the Hermanuse. Allentown, F. May be con salted in the lananase pUSK it BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Ps. )Nos. No. 64 East Hamilton street. 4 - C. M. Rom V. A. B. B•LDWIII VirOItELINI L. KAUFFNI tN, ATTUR• a.alflYnotrb o L ltru . ° A4 nal ;TONI door . 0 rC the c l o r ig 0/1.10 in Lehigh nod adfolning eounttee. Coo be consulted uthe English and Wenn. language,. • net' 1447 Tj.LIAS lIIERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, SS West Hamilton Ht.. Allentown. Pit riEtricluE R. RUPP ' ATTORNEY kir AT LAW. OCI:Ice with Eles.Jobtk D. Stiles, Allen UM a, Pa. VDIVIN ALBRIGIIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight doors shore rho Court [loose, AL LENTOWN Lehigh comity. r. fob LL'OBLIy FORGE K. WI EWEN. ATTORN EY Jr AT LAW, No. 431.9 Hamilton street. nearly oppo mitre the Court House. Allentown. COIIMIUgIe promptly made in Lehigh and Northampton costume 3 At 5 6 4. 6W 64 62 R. C. C. 11. GULDM.EIVIIGEON . DENTIST. °Mee, over Mr.. H. A. 0. nuldln . frlinnalng Store, No. 34 East !Walton attest. Allentown Ps. T EVE SMOYER, ATTORNEY AT CI LAW AND JUSTICE OP THE PEACH, MILLERS rOWN, L1;111011 CO., PA. Particular attention paid to moire:lt and decedout estate.. Jac 6.1 y WM. S. YOUNG. JR., • (WITH KNOWLTON, 5K11114 !WALES') ATTORNEY AT LAW, Noma 43, 43.40 nod 47, No. 160 Waabl own Iltroat. Chi cago. Toicv 0. hO 119 n l / 1 .•S:11, .ob. • Eft AL; D COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 6, No 630 W uut street, Philadelphia. mar I.ly THOMAS B . NIETZGAR, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Mike, No. 62 El.' Hamilton street. may . 36'69 fIEORGE B. !WHALE ATTORNEY t-a AT LAW. 0111 re, First door above Law Alley, AL. LENTOWN, PA. way .-I,lm TA RI IN N. MERV, ..t'rr ',RINEY AND COtl SELL Ott AT W, ...leo , . fluor of M. J. Kra. ~p pos co Etto Eaglo Allentowu, Po. lune. EDWARD HARVEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, with Me. Samuel A. Bridge.. ALLENTOWN, PA. • may 1-ly XV „i ( Nlit UP P, ATTORNEY AT LAW, E. Corner 6th and Hamilton Streeta ALLEN TOWN, may ILly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTomici AT LAW. Office, opposite the Court House, AL LENTOWN PA. may 1.17 WI [ALIA 11 H. GLACE, ATTO tNEit AT LAW, CATioAUQUA, LEIII.OII COUNTY may 10.17 El= D CLAY lIARIERSLY,ALTTORNEY 11• AT LAW CATABAUQUA PAr Jan 14-`6B•tt Carptl3 nnb Oil Glott. OARPE'l'IfiG.s. WILLIAMS & DALE, BVCORKBORR TO 11 R. 0011811A1.8, 832 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Denlore IV CA It PETS, OIL CLOTHS. MATTINOS. ete We ha•e,luet rocelved for the Fpring ,tr,de a largo KU • Laude aesortinout of new and beautiful etylealo Bro. eole. lo,rate.. Alattinge. 01l Clothe. Wind., bhades ..to., et ~all of wlven we will otfer,et .ten low pet C. H p.... We writ.. all to cell nod eve nil and examine on .took before pur hoeing elerwhere. I . V iLLIANIS MIMI 532 Market Bt. Ylilladelpbla. • RICH AND ELEGANT • ' 'CARPETS, 0.114 CLOTHS, &C. S.. C. FOULK. 'NO. 19 B. SECOND ST., PHILA., Minot Carpet Store below Market, East elde,) Invitee attention to bin splenti'd aneertment or Imported and American CARPETS, which will be sold at • very small advance. Goode warranted an represented so that all can bay with confidence and subtraction. no• 73•tf CARPETS I CARPETS Also, OIL CLOTHS, HATTINOS, WINDOW SHADES, &0., G. B. SNYDER &'•CO,, B 4 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADA., West Shle. be'ow !dulcet N 11.—.4 liberal discount to Churches and Clergy. 1)1,1 apo7.9row iThla Cut Illustrates 'the' Manner Of Using (0 , 0213. .PIE3IIO3EI/8 ,Fountain Nasal Ltir fectapplicutlon of 1 DR. SACS'S CATARRH REMEDY. It Is the only form of instrument yet invented with which fluid medicine cart be carried . MA op and perfectly applied to all parts of the effected tarsi pas sages, and the chambers or cavities communicating therewith, in which cures and ulcens frequently ellet, and from which the cataiThal discharge generally pro co.is. The want of success In treating Catarrh here. totem has wizen largely from the impeesibility of applying roMedies to there cavities and chambers .by any of the ordinary methods. Thin °bitted° in the way °retracting cures le entirely overcome by the invention of the Douche. In using this Instrument, the Fluid Is carded bins own weight) no snulllng, fora / nil or pumping being required,) up one [wenn in atoll witty flowing stream to the highest portion of the mat passages. passe. Into and thoroughly cleanses II the robes and chambers connected therewith, and ows °del theopposilenostril. Rome In pleasant and so simple that a child can understand it. Fall and oxpll , tt directions accompany each Instrument. When need with this instrument, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures recent attacks of "Cold lee tho Mood n by a few applications. Symptoms of Catarrh. lerequent head 'ache, discharge falling into throat, sometimes pro fuse. watery, thick mucus; pendent, offensive, 'Sc. In others a dryness, dry. watery,. Weak or Inflamed ny n e g r i. s , t et: f, 0 1 ng up ars or .t,e obstruction w lig, of a naval u ti p u ag n at t . , e t s c; clear &mat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, Impaired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taete,dizzi ness, mental deprerrien, loss of appetite, indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling , cough, dc. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to be present in anca . w care one o ont o. ‘ r r. Catarrh Itomody, when need with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, and scram panted with the constitutional treatment whlen Is recommended In the pamphlet that . wraps each hot tie of the Remedy, Is a perfect specific for this loath some disease , and the proprietor offers, In good faith„ P5OO reward for a ease he can not cure. The Remedy le mild and pleasant .to nee. containing 110 strong or caustic drugs or Douche at 60 cents, by all Druggists, or either will be mailed by,tirp• prielor on receipt of 60 cents. M. V. rumen. ; pr. D.. `f lioleProprletor. —, .1117117AL0. N. T. ; may Ist REMOVAL! REMOVAL! S. R: Engelman & Bro.'s CHI NA STORE. RAS BEEN REMOVED TO No. 740 ILAMLTON STREE (Walker's OM Stand,) ALLENTOWN, PA SPECIAL ANNOUNCE M ENT FOR THE SPRING TRADE. THE 'M UT eel:Ward] ENT OF TABLE WARE, Vases, Cologne Sets, Figures, Smoking Sets, Mantle OrnaMents, and Ph6OT ARTIOLES. over offered lit thli 414,1000 sr with a Una IlteCk of • IWIsTE CUT GLASS WARE. O. 11. Slurneit / W. r. 13/ass. ME=I the per.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers