ge g ister. No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send us heir old addreeg as well as the now. Tatnry FIVII handsome lamp posts Were put up in Oatasauqua last week. NEW potatoes are only eighty cents a bushel In Bt. Louts. A GRANT CLon, tour thousand strong, has been org mixed In Phlladelpbla,wlth James Forney as Colonel. LenrouroN is being improved by the erec Sion of a large number of new dwellings. AQI7ATIO.—The rowing match between Thomas B. Wl'Boa, Jr., and A. H. Horn will take place on some day during the lest week la Juno. Tan excavation of the Fourth Ward School building is ilnlehed and the walling up has been commenced. BARN BORNED.—The large barn on the farm owned by Adam Troxull, near Irouton,was burned between seven and eight o'clock last Saturday. The term la occupied by Jsmea Ruch, whose loss In Implements and crops la heavy.* A NUMBER of men have been discharged from the Lehigh Crane Iron Works for partici pating in the attempted assault of Glnther &blanch and thus violating a law of the state and a law of the Company. NEW WROLEBALE STORE IN FIRST WARD. —A new wholesale truck and fish store will, In a few days, be established In the basement story of Strauss' grain warehouse, in the First Ward,under the name of Strauss & McCarty. Tan Allen Library has become one of our moat popular and beneficial lostitutiot.s, and the high character of the books supplied cannot fail to have a beneficial effect upon the literary tastes of the community. TIM Union church at Rlegeleville, hereto fore the joint property of the Lutheran and Re formed congregations, has now passed into the hands of the former. The Reformed congrega tion propose ereetinra building of their own the coming summer. OLP.—Maria Lynn died In the Northamp ton County Poor House at the advanced age of ninety-six years. She had prosperous descend ants, but they preferred the shame of Ingretbude to being troubled with her In her second child• hood. ' ANOrnEft EVIDENCE.—SeIpIe, Johnston at Co., wholesale grocers, of this city, last week shipped one car load of fifty barrels of sugar to a firm at Grand Rapids, Mleh. Thls Is another eel• dance that Allentown Is the cheapest wholesale market In the United States. . NEW Funciecir..—We I eirn that a meeting of the parties who have the building of a furnace at Walnutport In view, was held last week. We have not beard the particulars of what was done, but understand that It Is the intention of Out par ties to puilt matters.—Sfatinciton News. Tun Baldwin Locamotive Works, at Phila delphia, turn out a locomotive, costing from ten to fifteen thousand dollars, every seven working hours, and this Is kept up during the three hut.- dred and slity.tive days of each year. Still they can't keep up with the demand. MONSTER RATTLE SN AKE KILLED. —On Fri day afternoon of last week, Mr. DOW!' Zenner, Tilghman Blow and Simon Wehr, while engaged In hauling logs at the Blue Mountain, near Lehigh Gap, killed a rattlesnake having seventeen nat.les and measuring nine feet In length, and fourteen Inches in thi. knees. THE BERKEICOUNTY RAILROAD.—The nddl. tional ten miles of this road issoon tobe put under Contract and work commenced along the whole line from near Slatington to Reading. There will be no heavy grade, no deep cute, and, it is believed, with energy and bard work upon the part of the Superintendent the cars can run over the road in the course of a year. HEAVY Loss.--Thos. O'Brlen:of Freemans burg, wan on Monday no unfortunate as to lose nearly Ca). Be bad been paid some money oral bought a pig at Catasauqoa with part of It—after which be slipped loto the einel and got wer,wben he felt for his money and It was goce. O'Brien works hard for his money, and it Is to be biped whoever finds It will return It and take the $lO reward of ered.—Bethrehens Times. DIAONOTU/AN ANNIVIIII9ART.—The Anni— versary of the Dlagnothian Literary Society of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster. Pa.. was held In Fulton Hall on Tuesday evening. The attendance was very large and the hall grace_ fully decorated with flowers and evergreens. The young orators were well received by the large audience and acquitted them+eives with much credit both to themselves and to the Society they represented on this occasion. Pols cir, A OAT N.— 0 o Tuesday week Henry Pfeiffer appeared before Alderman Kleckner, and made cnroplaint against Casper , Wittman, charg— ing him with selling lottery policies. A warrant for Wittman's arrest was Issued and placed In the bands of Chief of Police Kleckner, who arrested the accused this morning. ' After Wittman had succeeded In getting some friends to bail him, be was taken before Alderman Kleckner and held in the bum of five hued ed dollars for a fmtinr bearing on Thnrsdiy, June 6th, at seven o'clock. CHOOSE WISELY AND WELL.—When it becomes necessary to make a choice or anything. It Is bent to act wisely and choose well. It is a great assietance when selecting to know that all you are looking at can ho mutely rolled on. We guarantee all oit Clothing to be as represented, and this, together with an immense Stock, at the very lowest prices, makes it no difficult matter to select your Summer Clothing, both wisely and well, at the great b tatar of BENNETT /E, CO., Town Ram No 518 MARKET RTREBT, half-way between Filth and Sixth etreute, Polladelphia. . REPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week ending May 25:1, 1872,emnpared with same time last year: For Week. For Year. Total Wyoming 12,3 9 10 243.436 10 Hazleton 48,987 03 958 366 03 Upper Lehigh 43 05 1.392 09 Beaver Meadow 18,304 10 346 691 08 Muhanoy 10,453 04 151,883 97 Mauch Chunk 08 06 1,637 17 Total Bame time 1871 Increase FIRE Haprena.—The Hibernia Firo Com pany of Philadelphia will soon visit the Hibernia of this city and present their namesake with a number of valuable relics of the palmy days of the parent organization, t.mong them too solid fire borne, ax s, torches and other paraphernall... of war. When they come they will he well received, as they deserve to be. Our Hibernia boys want a new hoe". .It Is neeellitelY neccesari to the well. being cattle organic ttlen, and we hope those who are responsible for its erection will push the mat ter through without delay. The Hibernia is al ways willing and ready to do Its share of service, and ties boys should not be neglected by Couuells. EVERGREENS WINTER•KILLED.—Wo have already alluded to the Influence the remarkably severe winter has had on evergreens. The no• counts from allover the country appear to be about the same. The Country Gentleman says as fol lows In relation to the matter Cultivators do not agree as to the precise cause. In some places where there has been no cold severe enough to kill th 4 frult.buds of the peach, the de. structiou of evergreens Is as severe as where the mercury has gone down to twenty degrees below zero. The long continued cold,StrOtl.; winds, and exposure to the sun's rays, have doubtless had their Influence, as sheltered trees are often lees affected than those exposed to severe blast., nnd tlmseindward sides of tnany trees are most injured; endln other car's those which have been shielded fro the ,nutsrays have escape t while others are killed. Yetthe fact that mane dead trees are scut Intermixed with green and healthy ones In the same hedge row. renders a , atisfactory explana• Mon difficult. The Pew York Journal of Com, merce states let the loss of yonog evergreens in and about Astoria, Long Island, is estimated at hon.lreds of thousands of dollars, and that !OM nurserymen have lost their entire stock. We have been Informed that Parsons & Co., of Flushing, lost thirty thousand dollar* worth. The entire de struetion east of the Rocky Mountains is said to amount to millions. Acciparrr,LHenry Poff, head roller at Stewart & Co.'s establlsbrount, Easton, bad one leg 60 badly burned while rolling Iron that awn. cation was found to he necessary. Taw St. Paul'e (German) Lutheran Sunday School has decided to make the annual . zeursion, this year, to somewhere In the vicinity or Quaker town. A committee went down there this morn. log to make arratgements for the event. TUE Norristown Herald says: There are two men hereabouts who declare for Greeley— when they are drunk. When they are sober, they aro Democrats. Judging from the past they will be for Greeley three weeks out of each month until after the election. PAINFUL ACCIDENT TO A 13111LD.-011 Wed nrsday morning, while Mrs. Jonas Koch, residing on r Jackson street, was running clothes through a wringer, her little child got ono of Its thumbs In the cog wheels,and the thumb was no irly severed. Dr. C. D. Martin attended the little sufferer. DECORATION DAY was properly observed in Lehighton, though, the Nowa Faye, the day "watt a gloomy one, and It seemed as If Nature was mourning over tho martyred dead•" At Mauch Chut,k, lion. W. W. Ketchum delivered the ora tion., and a beautiful elijirt It ins. COPLAIN —Dr. Joe. H. King, of Philadel phia, has opened a drug store in James Ruch', establishment, which bad boon nuoccupl_d for eomell e Mr. John Latlmoro d led of small-pox Ws morn- THE Doylestown Democrat complains that come of the enterprising citizens of that village convert their old wells into tees pools, thereby polluting the springs and endangering the health of famillea who have wells of good water on their premises. Isn't there canes for the same com plaint in Allentown ? BLATCHLEY'S CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP In THE BEST. For rale by the Hardware Trade, Dealers in Agrleult,ural Implements, If there Is no agent In your town, send for descriptive elr cuter. C. G. Bt ATCHLEY, 500 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. George Horn, agent for Allen town. mar 1.1.3mw ACCIDENT.—Abont half past twelve on Thursday, Reuben Ruhe met with a painful ac cident while working on the wooden awnings In front of E. S. Shimor Sz Co.'s. He reached up to get a plane when n chisel fell off, striking him on the foot, severing an artery of the. third toe and cutting a severe gash In the fourth toe. A. V. Moser dressed the wounds. SERIOUS ACCIOHNT.—On Wednesday after noon, Mrs. Lentz, wife of Stephen. Lentz, residing on Union street between Seventh and Eighth, fell from a box while storing awe,' goods on a shelf. and broke the cap of her knee. The Injury Is very palnfnl one and It will require considerable time before she will be able to be about. Dr. Charles D. Martin attended to the Injury. Toe HEALTH OFFICER reports a case of small-pox at No. 621 Front street, name Louis Mahr. Condition of premises clean and in good condition. lie also will report to the citizens of this city that only two more cases of cerebrospinal meningitis, or commonly called spotted fever, ex— ist, and lu consultation with the physicians of the Board of Health, they pronounced it not a conta— gious disease, still, It Impresses the people that they cannot be too clean. The case of small—pox under direction, was moved to the Lehigh County Poor House. AWFUL DEATH of A SHALL ClreLD.—The baby daughter of Thomas McLaughlin, who re sides a short distance from Summit MIL was run over by a coal train on the Switch-Back Railroad and instantly killed. The accident occurred last Friday. It seems the.child, which was a bright little thing, a year and a half old, went out of the yard without Its mother being aware of it o The Switch-Bark runs a short distance In frant of the gate, and the child immediately went upon the track. In a moment a coal train came along and the runner held up with all his strength but he was too late to save the child. It was burled on Sun day.—Mauch Chunk Gazette. IN consequence of an irregularity in con section with the sealing the jury wheel after the names of jurors for the year had been placed In It by the Jury Commissioners, the Court last Tues day, after bearing elaborate argument, pro and con, quashed the array of petit jurors drawn to attend the special Court this week to , try Joseph Brown, charged with the murder of Daniel Kremer. One gond effect of the result of this motion will be to make all offici .ls connected with the acministration of jugice, more careful in the future In carrying out the strict requirements of the law tinder which they act. It Is easier, and a good deal better, to do what one has to do, right. It saves time and money.—Polsville Journal. ANOTHER GOOD CITIZEN GONE.—Captain Daniel Bieber, an old and well known eitiztm or Kutztown, died at his residence In that borough on Saturday morning week, aged 26 years. Capt. Bieber %vas chosen to the command of a volunteer company In his native town forty years itgo,o pc sition which he held for many years. He was ,no of the most prdmlnent, influential and useful cit• Ivies of the eastern end of thecouuty,and through. out his long life was held In the highest respect by his friends and neighbors. He waszt member of the old Whig and Republican parties and was frequently chosen to po.ltions of honor and trust, which he tilled with credit to himself and advan— tage to the community. His death at a ripe old age, though not unlocked for, , will be mourned by the satire community among whom he lived.— Reading 2 Ones. TRANSFERRED TO EASTON.—The man Pen dergrast, charged with shorting Father McKee, at Catasanqua,was transferred to the Easton Jail, last week. The offence was committed just over the • llue, In Northampton eounty,and the ease will therefore have to be tried In that county.. Pen dergrast Is evidently losane upon• the subject of killing Father McKee and that , the reverend gen tleman escaped with so little injury Is very fortu nate for him. His Idea seems to be that Father McKee did something to injure hls chances of em• ploytnent, but everybody who,knows the Priest knows. that It is the height of folly to suppose anything of the kind. The trial will undoubtedly create great interest, as the off sir Is one of the most remarkable, during and exciting that ever occurred In the borough of Catasaugua and came so near Involving the life of an innocet.t and law abiding citizen, who was not even aware of the shooting having taken place. DIiCORATION AT SLATING rON.—The Cere mony of decorating the graves of soldiers, In the vicinity of Slatington, was performed on Thursday afternoon. At two o'clock, the procession formed on Main street, under the command of Major Clem. White, and a large crowd of people was collected to see the parade. The right of the line was taken up by Farragut Post, G. A. R.,preceded by a dram corps, and then lohowed the Older of Red Men, citizens, etc. The procession proceeded to Friedens Church Cemetery, and thence to the Union Cemeto y. The graves of the departed heroes were strewn with dowers, anthems were sung by the church choirs, and a beautiful and touchlag oration was delivered by Rev. MacNaugh ten, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church, fol lowed by prayer from Rev. Fulsom, the chaplain, and concluding with an address In German by Rev. Derr. Though the weather was exceedingly un• pleasant and the roads very muddy, the turnout was large and reflected great credit upon the bo• rough of Blatington. .00.'245 18 1,702,:137 14 ..29,431 00 584,531 02 60,814 121,118,816 12 SAD ACCIDENT.—A sal and fatal accident occurred, Friday afternoon, shortly after Lye o'clock, on the road between Cataeauqut and dcboettersville, by which a young man named Amandas Owen Kurtz,,son of George Kurtz, lost his life. Young Kurtz had been i.oen aboitt five o'clock, in his father's fluid, driving a pair of horses attached to a roller.' About quarter past live Milton Knits and a man named Weber were driving along the road, when they toned young Kurtz lying In the road, bleeding profusely and life extinct. The hc(rses and thu roller were found about forty rods distant from where Kurtz lay and it le supposed he bad .fallen from the roller but a few minutes before and the ro!ler had passed over him, breaking several ribs, crushing In his breast and killing blin Instantly. Dr. Riegel, of Cala eauqua, was called in, but the unfortunate young man was beyond the hope of resuscitation. Cor oner Wm. R. Romig, of this city, WaßSollt for, and he geld an Inquest, and the Jury returned a verdict In accordance with the above facts. Mr. Kurtz was a smart, active young man, of good habits and of more than ordinary promise, and Ills sad and sudden death caused a deep gloom to fall upon the commanlty In which he was universally be loved and respected. A. LARd& ADDITION to 010 Union Pinking of Doroblazsr & Co., has just been built: THE Mauch Chunk Gazettu calls South Bethlehem arlitocratle. Tun rennet. that Oliver Frei; of Stemton, myeterloualy disappeared, la false. THE Now York Herald has shown corn. mlndable enterprise of late lo fitting out expedi tions to search for Dr. Livingstone and other per sons who cannot go away from home without get ting successfully lust. We now suggest that It ex cels all Its other p , !rformances In this branch of Jaurnallsm, by fittingout an expedition right away to explore Pennsylvania for the Liberal party the New York Tribune says Is In this State. If there Is a Liberal party In Pennsylvania, It Is ;ost; and I' It Is lost, a Herald expedition could tied it,—but It will be much longer about It than It was In dis covering the African explorer.—B. Dada, in Nor ristown Herald. • TERRIBLE. Finn AT TAMAQUA.—About two o'clock, Friday morning, u ,fire broke out la Dean's carriage factory, Tamaqua, and the homes spread rapidly, and at about six o'clock In the morning the whole block was In ruins. The burned property Included a large carriage factory, chair factory, hardware store, two saddle shops, several groceries and provision stores. There were In all about twenty handing& consumed. The loss is partially covered by Insurance. Se •oral buildings, however, are entirely uninsured. At ono time It wasleared that a greater part of the town would be destroyed ; but, happily, the wind changed .and Its other buildings were saved. Loss, $75,000. RUNAWAY.—Wednesday morning, a pair of horses belonging to Peter Kline, of Bucks county, attached to a wagon loaded with potatoes, started on a run at Ridge Road and Sycamore street, and ran down to Front street wtere the wagon Wu, k a lamp po' t, breaking It to pieces and breaking one of the wheel's. The horses continued to tip Allentown Rolling MPI, where the wagon was left standing on the hot bed and the horses were ctiugh , . Officer Gallagher took the horses In charge and put there In the Keystone stables. ❑e brought K Inc before the Mayor Den I.IOIIIIIIZ, 1)t1I, Kline was discharged, there being no proof that the run away occurred through carelessness. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. —A serious accident occurred at Blery's Bridge, at Cainsampt, Fri day, by which Adam Cringer, the watchman ,of .he Lehigh V illey Railroad at that place, was consltier.thly Injured., Cringer, seeing aft eight train In sight, endeavored to prevent a horse and wagon from being Jriven across the track. The man in the wagon paid no attention to Cringer's Antis to stop him, and tne train struck his wagon, throwing the vehigle against the watch house and tnnving the latter from Its place. Crin ger was struck by the wagon and who severely bruised, and had his face and bead severely cut. The wagon was smashed and the horse ran away at full speed. What became of the driver we could not us crude. A mammnTu century plant, 40 feet in height and wel: Bing three and a half tons, was recent y shipped front Fiorillo to psrtles In New York. The plant is on the eve of blooming a second ti oe and is thereforefore nearly two hundred years old. Its leaves extend over an area the diameter of which Is not less than eighteen feet, while the central shaft or column on which blooms are to appear, though only a few weeks old, has already attained an altitude of fifteen feet. IL Is still growing at the rate of about six inches a oay,ana will continue todo so for about three weeks longer when all its upper portion w ill become clothed with a mass of magnideent bell-shaped blossoms of purest white, hanging In dense clusters, and ex- tending for a space of not less than four feet from tho apex downward. DECORATION OF SOLDIERS' GRAVES. To the Excelsior Rfl and to the children of thc pub lic schools, especially, are the thanks of the pa• triode citizens of Allentown due for see ng us from the neglect of observing the beautiful and Solemn ceremonies of Decoration Day. Shortly after six o'clock, last Friday, the Excelsior Rides formed on Centre Square and, preceded by their drum corps,and followed by a procession of several hun dred girls and buys, proceeded to the several ceme• tc: les and strewed the fresh spring flowers over the graves of the heroes who died for their country. 'ln the Sixth Ward the ceremonies were conduettal der the supervision of Mathew Ault, and every thing passed off very creditably to those who pur -1 tlclpated. WE often wonder when Allentown will be finished. Although Hamilton street Is about us compactly built upon as it ever can be, from one end to'tbe other Improvements of some kind are in progress and the business men are never free from the sound of the bummer, the saw and the maul. and chisel. One gentleman.gets tired of his shed like awning and erec s an ornamental structure In its stead. .The contrast forces his neighbor to follow suit. Another thinks he a ants a Late front and, whether he does or not, he puts in plate glass, and then his neighbor Inslstesupon having ona•, too. Old-fashioned buildings are giving piece to larger and more modern structures. Flag piers ments are taking the place of MI I:, and us there Is still much work to so, and men's notions are very ehangcable, we suppose we shall never be free from the busy hum of this branch of Industry. TOIL FRUITS OF A SKATING !ACCIDENT . Luther Horne, a young ROll of Rev. A. B. !twee, .rt luelpal of the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, while out bk ulog about chriatmas,last; Winter, fell on the Ice and surinwly injure I a bet In one of his legs. By 'resort to medical treat. meat the boy soot recovered the use of the limb sullleleuts3 to walk about with ease, yet at times the seat of the injury became troublestnue and v. ry painful, and this cave rise to fears that the cure might after all not be a perm twat one. Last week the lad again complained of great sulf:ring In the mb, and upon this the father became alarmed MEI tiummoued Dr. Trocler,ol tin ztown, and Dra. Stout, Ilddel and Erwin, of Bethlehem, to examine In thu mutter. Tney m ale un inelalon In the leg In the region of the Injury, and after laying open the flesh found that the main bone , bad been frac tured by the fall and become neerosA—la other words, a new bone had formed itself and decay set in upon the old,( which would dually have resulted In what is commouly called " white swelling,") and which accounted.for the severe pains experi enced, and if not looked after would have rendered the boy a permanent cripple. The beau was prop erly dressed, a portion of the old bane rem., ed, and the flesh turned back over it, and the phy,:- clam; now express themselves as coulLient of no now trouble arising. The boy was placed under the Influence of chloroform doing the operation, and experienced no pain durinjohe cum. —Beth MEM! 116011CiANIZATION OF TUE NIAMMOTH STORES. —lt Is with phiasure that we address the citizens of Allentown and adjoining Counties to announce ' that we have reorganized our firm. The endeavor of the old firm was to make our friends " feel at home," and we are determined nothing shall be spared by the new firm to extend the same" Wel come," at the same time offering a much larger stock of Goode and a more satisfactory display. We shall offer In tpason all new and desirable DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. SUITINGS, and an Immense STJCK OF HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, s (mod to none. Alen ait me display of CA !WET INGS, such ,as English Body Brussels, English Tapestry Bruise e, 3 ply, Smith Tapestry Inginin, Sanford Tapestry Itn,ritin, Extra Super Ingrain, * Super Ingrain, all, grades of Common Ingrain, Venetian, Wool Dutch. It mg, List and Hemp Car pets, Rugs, Mats, • OIL CLOTH, %VEND() W SHADES, CURTAIN LACES, A:e., fig. OUR CARP6T DEPARTMENT UN:47RPASziED In the " LEHIGH VALLEY" in , polet of gentility, quality, styles and prices, having ordered direct from the MANUFACTURERS and IN! PORTERS before the LATE ADVANCE IN WOOL. We have enlarged our CARPET ROOM on the sec ond floor, which is now the LARGEST IN THIS CITY, and not excelled anywhere. We oiler GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT at New Tod: And Philadelphia prices. We invite one and all to give us Weal!. EXAMINE FUR YOCR .SELVES, and be convinced that you can select from choice stock, and save time, passage, freight, Sze., by buying, hero. In conclusion we would Fay that, the principles and practices that have hereto foregoverned this Institution arc our best, guaran tees for time luture. Every department shall about.d with BARGAINS, and our endeavor shell be to give the beet attuttion to illOtitwho may fa. vor us with their patronage. Wo remain, yours, very respectfully,. E. S. SHINIER et CO., 705 and 707 Hamilton Street, A ilentowu,Ta. E. B. Sums, A. B. brumen. thliTtrattv.—Norrtstown has lost another of her bravest soldiers In the,tleatit of Col. Id R. MeOlent,an, who commanded the 138th Regiment during the war. Col. IleCienuan was born and reared In Norristown, where he tol.k an active part in many public matters. tie was a printer by trade and for several years had been carrying on the Job printing business. As commander of the 1381 b, his bravery and devotion to his sot• . diers were conspicuous, and he won the highest esteem and confidence of those under his com mand. At the time of his death he was an active and leading member of the Momgomery Gone Company, a splendid organ'z Won ; captain of Company A, 18th Regiment N. G. of Pa ; u mem ber of Lodge 239 1. 0. 0. F., and member of Pm 4 11, G. A. R. As a private citizen he was uttiver-.: sally r&pected and he possessed those denial so did qualities that attracted to side many •arm friends. TOE READING CONVENTION. —Tile follow log nominations were made for Governor, to be balloted for by the Convention : Gen. George W. Cans, of Allegheny; Charles R. Buckalew, of Columbia; D tolel M. Fox, of Philadelphia ; John 8. Morton, of Philadelphi ; A. C. Noyes, of Clinton; %Vm. P. Schell, of Bed ford ; Hendrick B. %Fright, of Lucerne; Capt. Wm. McClelland, of Lawrence; Gen. A. B. :Mc, Calmont, of Venango ; Ilan. E. L. Aelser, ot• Montgomery; John R. Redding, of Ptilladelphin; Hon. M. C. Trout, of Mercer; lion. Iliester Cly mer, orßerks. Before proceeding' with the firstlmilct the natty a of lion. E. L. Acker, Member of Congress from this District, and of Dr. John R. Redding, ex• Member from the Vtim District, were withdrawn. Toe first ballot showed 43 for Cass and 24 for Buckalew, the balance e•catterlug. Up tut hell fib ballot Cans increased lu votes, and eel:ilea gained proportion . tely. On the seventh ballot, Cuss had 45 and Buckalew 80, when several gem, Heinen changing their votes gave Cass 39 and Bncknlew 74. Time nomination was then made unanimous, amid vreat cheering. Time uomina , Lion fir Audit r General, etc., and the report or the Committee on Resolutions will be made to day. Ontranay.—\Villinm 11. Sayre, Sr., Assis tant Superintendent Lehigh Valley Railroad, dta d at Bethlehem on the 29.1 r inst. Wm, 11. Sayre, Sr., was born at B mlentoWn, Now Jersey, May 17th, 17114. Ills youthful d 'vs were spent in New Brenswhk, In that State. From the age of 16 to 21, he was clerk In the countinghouse of Thomas P. Cope, the celebrated marine merchant of PHI. adelphla. Ile was married In Jane, 1816, to Eliza beth Kent, daughter of Ruloqrh to Kent, of New Jersey. About the sear 1820 he went Into the q leensware and crockery business with JobnCook, or Philadelphia. ria lug to disasters In the money market suMequent to the war of 1812 he failed. Ile moved to Columbia county about the year 1821, where he commenced [arming on lands belonging to Ills father. lie was made Justice of the Noce in 1827. Subsequently he tent to Mauch Chunk, where lie entered into the employ of the Lehigh Coal and Nav,gaLon Company. as boating clerk, a position which he held for 88 years. In Judie 1865 be was stab kr',l with punt lysis, which de prived him ache use of his limbs. Ile was always genial and co; dial to all who came to see 11:m dur ing his long season of sickness, since 1865. lie appeared well and In good spirits until within a law weeks, when he began to fail more rapidly. one of the founders of the Episcopal Church at ,Munch chunk,and one of the few who ten ) ears ago formed the congr4rtion of the t hurch of the Nativity, his loss will be deeply and sincerely rt grett ed, especially by the members of that Church In tills neighborhood. His character may be summed up by the following words Jost, true, ilrtn, steadfast, and devout.—Befhlr'em Progres3. Lim, Dm APPOINTMENT AND A THROAT CUT.— Schuyik , ll county has become somewhat famous for sensations, and Silver Creek has de— termined to be up to the times, and sends forth a tale of love, disappointment and revenge that Is amusing, to say the least. Fur sane time pasta young gentleman and a young lady of that place, whose lIIIMCS we don't choose to tell, have been particularly devoted to each other and were never so happy as when in each other's company. Time wore on and events transpired which disclosed thu fact that the confiding daughter of Eve had loved "not wisely" but too well. She related her con dition to the young man land demanded that mar riage should be consummated forthwith, to which the titan replied that If she would sever her con. sections with e church to which she belonged and Join hle be would marry'hor ; that this was the only barrier between them. This the girl could not consent to and so Iv formed him. The matter was allowed to rest for a time but the girl was impatient and could,not bear the thought of he disgrace tha'. threatened her. I. wt. eek it boca me necessary for the man to work all day,all , night, and all the following day without rest or I sleep and as a matter of course he felt tired, and felt the want of sleep, but thought be would pay a visit to his hearea adorable in the forepart of the evening. While sitting on the lounge next to the girl he laid his head ou her lap and fell asleep,but was shortly illVakellOd by a tickling sells 4tl .11 about his 1101. k nod awoke suddenly to realize that his lady-love was cutting his throat with a pea k sire which he had presented her some t pre. visits. With the blood spirting over them both, he demanded to know why sits committed such a rash act, when she begged of Win to take the knile anti kill her that they might both die together. This he refused to do but set about stopping th,• flow of Wood from his wound aad seeking wedit al 'aid. lie was soon put bey and d ingeraalter whieb Site muter was compromised by the two entering Into a solemn compact which in iglu thew husband awl wife. The' man's wound Is healing satisfac, torily and we trust the loving p sir will live lone to bless the tight uu Which the crown big "point" of their teialer and loving courtship was consults mated; The little peuskulle will be a valuable heir-Wont to p tvs dose., through sweeeding gen. cratlous.—Milier.' JAI rnal. • LETTER FILONI JOHN KELSEY—WHAT HE Known ABOUT TRH WHEAT CROP.—We have just received a letter from our old Limits county friend John Kekey, written from flit kory Run, Carbon' county, where he resided many years ago. With. In the last mon. h Mr. Kelsey has been traveling considerably In the West, where he hod an oppor tunity of cheery log the prospects of the wheat crop. About a mouth ago he was In Morgan and Macouttln counties, Illinois, where much of the ground said to have been sown with wheat 18 per fectly bare. In some fields a very few epears of live wheat were to be seen. In the northern part of Morgan county not much wheat la raised, cern being the chief staple. South of Jacksonville Is a great wheat country, and Macoupin county Is con sidered one of the best wheattproducing districts in the State. In crossing this county from West to east Mr:Kelsey saw but three middling fields; and on inquiry of all extensive farmer he learned that the latter knew of no good fields In that region. •ht the way between Jacksonville and Chicago he saw no good wheat. Passing eastward through Inalana ity the Fart Wayne road he stopped at Canton, tOhlo. In the former State he noticed a f :iv good lots of wheat, but In eastern Indians and western Ohio It is very pow. I a Columbiana county he caw one good field ; and through west:. ern Pennsylvallla there was none that prom ked a crop. Eastward flout Harrisburg, through the Lebanon valley; which Is celebrated for good yields 01 wheat, the prospect is even worse than In any other district through which he passed. The cause of the falinre is generAlly attributed to the scarcity of falOW last winter, and the Intense cold. Many f inners In the West proposed to plow up the wheat and plant corn. Mr. Kelsey stays where the wheat had been drilled In It had come through the win• ter In much better order than where It was sown broadcast. The extremely dry weather has been very hail' on •wlnter grain all over the country through which be passed. The Indications every. where are that wheat w ill he very scarce and must increase in price. In passing through Chicago Mr. Kelsey found about half the burnt district al ready rebuilt and occupied, with thousands of la borers at woil; In all directions preparing the ground for new strictures. The people of the city. are wide awake to the future. As to political sentiment, Mr. Kelsey conversed with many people during his trip, but did not make any new disc arnica. Before the nett Convention ell the Republicans lie met were men; and after that time he saw but two who declared a preference for Greeley. 0:e of these had attended the convention as a delegate from Louisiana, and the other was an Ohlo Gruner. According to Mr. Kelsey 'r observations Horace wt.! get Very few votes from Republienns. Sluice his return to Carbon county Mr. Kelsey has bean hard at work OLMIng• the tires In the fury. tr. which have been very destructive. An* , were generally extinguished by the recent rains. Boy sail saw mills and great nannthiss o f logs h o nr been banned In that vlclulty.—lhicka Intelli genear. • --- Tun price of excutilon tickets from Allen town to Pollndulphla, and return, good for four days during the Convention, will be $l.BO. . Tug Monigomeik [louse, Norristown, will be sold at public sale on next Saturday. There's a chance for au energetic, enterprising landlord, who knows bow to keep a tlrst•cl•iss hotel. Tim City Cornet Band has received a letter from liortsmann Bros. announcing that the new drooping plumes will bO teat to them in thelatter part of tali week. Toe:Railroad Compnoins are ton slow lo Issuing their time tables atter they bare made changes. There Is no use lu keeping the changes secret as though the Companies Intended making some secret military expedition. A IMPORT was current in Allentown, Mon day mornlng,that Horace Greeley had died. Many supposed meant that be had dyed his hat, hot the report probably grew out of the death of James Gordou Beimett. Toe custom of " sitt'ng" on "stoops" and balconies of pleasant evenlngs,and there receiving friends, seems as much as ever In favorthlA spring. It is somuwbut strange that la this age of social artificiality and false dignity, this pleasant cue. tom, handed down to us from the Dutch, should still continue in such universal favor. A Gettig) Pic NIC w ill he given at Dorney's Fishery. neor the Poor House, In South MI hitehall township, on next Saturday, Juno Bth. Good music will ho provided and on effort will he spared to make the tiff tir satisf,.eiory to all who may participate. In the afternoon, at four o'clock, the trout will be fed, which Is a very Interesting sight and will well repay those who may bo present. , Tun changes in the time of running trains on the North Penn. Railroad are Important. The train which left P lelphla at 8, a. in., has been changed to 8:30; the . 9:45 rem ,Ins unchanged ; the first afternoon train leaves at 2:10, the nest am 3:30 Instead of 3:20, and the last at 5,15 instead of 5:15, which maketi the ran to Allentown about ten minutes quielicr than formerly. MATiumoslAL—Our marriage notice depart ment reco.ds the imirriage of Motels. D. Forrest lo Mae Sarah A. ['rogue, of Bradford county. Mr. Forrest has been a skillful typo In this office and the editor and employes take this occasion to otter their hearty emigratulationa upon the happy event, hoping that his doubled life may be one long stream of happlhess, seasoned by uninter rupted prosperity. Tan Men .s W be opened hereafter as fol lows :—From l'ailanelphla at 0:30 and 11:30, a. m., and 5 p. m. t. from New Yo:k and the East at 11:30 a. m., and 5 p. m. ; front p Into north on the Lehigh Valley 11 inroad at 0:30 a. m., 1 and 0:30 p. m. ; from, the %Vest at 0:30 a. m., and 1 p. m. Malls close for Phlladelphl t nt 5:30 and 11:15 a., m., and 5 and 7 p. m. ; for New Toth at 11:15 a. m., end 5 p. tn. ; for the West at 11:15 a. m., and 7 p. m. ; for the North at 10 a. tn., and 3:45 p. m. This Sixth Congressional District will have the two rival Montgomery county Democrats In the Cony intim] at Baltimore: lion. B. M. Boyer will go ns delegate at large and lion. Ephraim L. Acker will represent the Montgomery portion of 016 District, and the lion and the lamb will lie dosto together and childlik: Horace Greeley-will lead them. Oh, what n touching sight. Free Trade and Protection arm In arm—general amnesty forever! [The man who says there ever was u war " is a liar, a villain and a seoun:lrel !"—H. CIIAIsIGE me TIME.—The change in the time table of the Lehigh Valley II tilroad went into cf. fact to day, which mikes a number of Important alterations In the running of trains. The truth which formerly left. for New York and Phlladel phia, at 6,now goes at 6:15 ; the 8:15 is unchanged; the 11:55 goes at 12:01 ; and the 5:35 at 5:50. The Ira to Express le ves for Ph iladelphia at 8:28 in stead of 8:19. Going north the 6:35 train 14, changed to 6:44, and the train which brings In the New York and Philadelphia mail/ arrives at 10:47 instead of 10:10, nearly half an hour later. The 12:23 train leaves at 12:20, the 4:25 Is delayed till 4:34 and the 8 train to 8:24,-whieh leaves Naile— d 411 t aid New York that much later and gives a ersou so much inure time In those cities. In local trains there are also some changes, which appear In the advertisement. ENIPLOYE9 OF TUE 'DELAWARE, LACKA— WANNA AND WESTRIIN RAILROAD AIIRMED TOR EMIII:ZZLEMFINT,L•SMIIitOII wan greatly excited Thur-d.ty afternoon, on account of the arrest of several men connected with the Delaware, Lack a walnut and Western Railroad Company, for em bzzlement. One of the guilty parties, who has been confined In Wllkesbarre J ill for six weeks plot, no doubt Jealous of the liberty his confeder ates were cid .ving, exposed the entire gang. Superintendent W. F. Ilulletead gave the case into the hands of Detectives fhtilstead and S'lllwell, who succeeded In capturing the cut, and they were brJught. before Alderman Fuller hand ' cuff d. Two of this gang have been for years employed by the company na bosses OR tile track from here to Biughatuton. They are B trlow and Feltner. They employ a large number of men, who, at the end of each month are supp led by the bosses with orders for pay at the general °thee in thin r ity. It now appears that these two Moses have for a year or two supplied five mon, not at all connected with the work, with orders for pay, and when the money was paid over, an equal division was made of the pile. The Com pany has lost a.l.rge amount of money. The two b vises were sent to Jail, and three of the men were also committed. IT IS A BURNING SHAME that the Dale Mart a facturitut Company should be kept buck In Its operations by a ask of • capital., There are a number of hard working, energetic, practical Iron masters who have offered to put In capital, and they want soma mac from the business men and clpitalists, but It has not been forthcoming. That the works would be well managed there is no question, and being, well managed they would pay handsomely. Thus far would those who Invested be beuelltted. The works would give employment to many hundreds of skilled laborers, bringing to our city a class of men who would be heaVy con• smilers and who would add greatly to the growth and business prosperity of the city. There is not merchant In the city who, If he invested, would not be largely recompensed, both In dividends and Increase of trade, by the erection of these works, and there Is not a loot of land that would not be enhanced In value by the demand far more houses which the works would create. This opportunity to sill a thousand or two to our population should sot be permitted to ship away without an elitist upon the part of our business men to secure Its success. We do not - know whether the . project. ors are thoroughly discouraged or not, but they might he Induced to again make the effort If they had the proper encouragement from those who ought to be at the head of such movements. THE LUTHERAN SYNOD —Tic adjourned ses.lon of this Synod met at Philadelphia, at nine o'clock, Thursday morning, when the exercdies were opened with prayer by Rey. Dr. Erie. Dr. Murry offered a resolution imtructing pas tors of the Synod to require certidcates of lambs. sion from thelrfortuer pastors of all professed members, of other congregations who seek the privileges or membership of the Church.. Referred ty a special committee, to report at the present Dr. Kraoth presented a report of Delegates to General Council, Stating that tba Mit annual !U -AW' COLIVCIICd at Rochester, New Yolk, from No vember 2d to November 8th,.1871. Nine minis• j.erl II and tan lay delegates were present from one ininisterlum. And It was stated that additional numbers of missionaries were realy for work in the foreign field. An elation for flelegat.ep to the Geneial Cooven Om was then gone Into. WHEREOF), It In evident from the statistics of Svuod that a in ij 'city of the mlnistern of thin Synod are required ttu=e the German and English htoßilette In their services ; and • %Vileness, The' arrangement In the School Seminary Ic on the basla of equality of these lan guaues, ni d ‘VIIERCOS, All the Institutions of the Church where yourg men are to be orepAred for thla School Samba' y should bqconlormed to the same arrangement; Th 1.114140 Ite.olved, That the German language shal not he ally mutter treated merely an a dead lana age, 1. e. Of the Latin and Greek, but shall be until as medium of instruet,on In certain branches In like manner as the. Eligilnh, an for Instance In Lath) reilitlima Instruction and blstory. A long and animated discussion was partleipat- ed In by Dr. J. A. AelAx, Rev. .1. B. Roth, Prates. sor Ntez, and'm here, which wan protracted until the hour of adiournm•~nt arrived, Os main point under consideration being a motion to omit tho words "any longer" from the resolution. TUE Allen Steam Fire Engine Company wants an engineer. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN—CSDILCIpSS and orc hey. Read Card of Cunoingbain & 11111, In We inane, REPORT of deaths for the week ending Jun Apoplexy, 1. Cancer of the Breast,. 1 , Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, " 3 Scarlet Fever, 1 Of these there were 3 ferrfiles and 2 males. One of 4 yeare, one of 8 yearn, one of 18 years, one of 65 yearn. and ono 87 yearn. Of Om 3 were native born and 2 foreign born. BEAUTIFUL PICNIC 'GROUNDS. - Wm. KUEIE Lk , Bon, of Slatington, have ro.opened the beautiful woods known as Union Grove, at Wal nut, ort, on the L. dz EL R. It., and are prepared to accommo pimento parties. They make no Ciaurge for the grove, but expect to furnish the refreshments, which they do on the most liberal terms. The grove Is pleasantly situated and far enough from the railroad to avoid danger to children. All the hauling for parties engaging the woods will be done free. AN Ica CREAM Stn:Lt.—The Lancaster Ex press says; A Columbia clergyman was the for tunate recipient of a can of lard last week, which hu had carefully deposited in his cellar surrounded with Ice, supposing all this time the can contained Ice cream. The following evening he invited some friends to his house for a quiet little treat, but fearing the supply would fall short, be requested a young dry-goods merchant to taste the cream, and go down to the saloon and order more of the same Kind. The scene that followed that taste bezgars description, but after our young friend' finished spitting and explaining himself, one or two roars of hearty laughter were Indulged in, and the company retired home, well pleased with their treat. AT Grace Cburch,Bunday evening,Rev. Wm. R. dries preached an eloquent, beautiful and forci ble sermon upon the fall of Adam and Ev e . le took occasion to rebut the theory of the Darwinites that man la merely an Improvement upon the monkey. God created man In his own Image and neither physically nor morally has there been that progress which certl in philosophers contend for. The brutes are no better or more beautiful to.d ty than they were at the time of the creation. If anything, they have retrograded, and there Is no proorthat man la superior In physical formation to Adam. 141r.Gries' sermon was a common•sense and convincing discourse, interesting In the facts set forth, elevating In Its moral teachings, and should not fall to have a good effect upon the minds of those who listened to Its beautiful lan guage. Fou PRILADKLI'LIIA.—A large number of Lehigh COUIititILIS are going to Phil Ldelphia to see the " big guns" who will be assembled Irma all parts of the Union to participate In the selection of the National standard bearers of the Rdpubli eon pan y. Never again, probably, will those who have already arrived at the age of manhood have the opportunity so near at hand to take a look at the leading men of the Nation—who have grap pled with the great events of the century and have brought order out of chaos and peace to the coon .ry. The preparations m tiring In Philadelphia for the grand occasion are on an immense scale and any ono who goes there cannot fall to be well compensated for the trip. The champion city of will give a rouslug welcome to the delegates to the National Cooveutloo nod the de. inonstrations in preparation will do honor to the energy, enterprise and hospitality of the City of Brotherly Love. SOLD.—According to the Messenger, some of the Democrats of Pbconlxvllle were badly sold on Thursday. The Messenger says : " Our Dem— ocratic friends were slightly sold on Thursday last. Ono of their number was busy for several days procuring the names of the faitnful who would attend the Democratic Convention at Read— ing. All were promised free tickets if they would go for his favorite candidate. Qaite a number of persons assembled at the plate appointed for meet— ing, whence they were to be escorted with flying colors to the depot. The tour arrived, but the gentleman who was to rural. h the passes and marshal the procession 1114 not make his appear• mm. With downcast looks the party made their way to the care, and were politely heeded a pass by Mr. Gordon, which would carry them to Read ing and return for the small sum of E 1.35. There was not much enthusiasm, we imagine, for the f vorlte candidate, but there was some iret•class swearing at the-man who had so deceived them." LETTER LlST.—List of letters remaining uncalled for at the Allentown Post Office for the week ending Monday, Jane 5. Persona calling for these letters will please say ADVUTHIRD. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. A-Jonathan A Anasreon• Fr eer. it-A tt " tt ' or 6 U ' le ß .t y kle r ltre J o h arid p u i ß b n o r y dna u D n ' ,Vgl o n y na e n r, Bo Willie a line In. C-Anthony Coll. Nathan Ca I. Cnindy Carr. D-Abe -11 Delenderrer. Edwd K Diefenderfer. Deal. 'lnver & 0..r.0n, Francle Doran, Hugh O'Donnell. Jan C o' Donee I. F-John M Fried. Oantrwere, Chrintlan 13app_.ff, Edward Gal asher. Henry lierman. John Geiger. Wllllnm 11-Franklin II Hacker, F Hutchings Cornelius Hons• gaol, Go liar sell, Jobs Hasenbuo h. J B Heinen. rneT J Ilevoner, Iflrharl Hewitt K-nifed Kramer D.rld Klaneki. F M Kilns. Pre '- ert..k K ely. Joe 11 Kelly. Jame., 'tangle. Jacob Kline. M a rla .. c Moses Kehm, Sol K K Hue. 1.-Andrew Llano ty, C A Lthkerobach. Christian Long. 'hes Leb:er. Cherie.. I' Lehr, Frank Lents, James Lar• rich, .I.sen Larke• P Lint. M Mayberry,C McLono, Frederick hlcOnolll... Frans Miller. II Miller. Jtcob Killer, J•COb Martin Michael Mcolinley, Martin Meuse.. W .therillOn. O'Nlel. Alfred Nagle. 1 1 -John Peon lug, .lenrao J Font!. 1,-Hitter A Co. George K ityrnond. II 0 Alller, John CI Rum.. Paler aenonet. Wm Kemal. Steakhouse. Adam S.rllnterolch, Daniel Steller. David hwarce. Bonj Metier. D B eho .1, Da..lel helm • for, klooi A Slone. drain •col,ry. Ono W Simmers, George re.for, Jon Meer y, John Smith. Jacob A Swill, J metal Stempler, John Seam., aneaer a H. tier. Siznou ehorer, Stephen nchwarts. Win . Schnerr, Schou. W 31 Witter. T-ti Treater. Jon.thn Treater, James M Trope, J II Neater. Allen Threcb a sell. . U-Josiab i•berotn. W-gustus Wolf. Charles 'Nether. Ednr Wleand. F Will, ono. Weaver. John W Wenner. Jelin T Weld:rm. John Winkle. John Weaver, L I Weiss, 8 Weida. Wubolm Wlllenbui.heri Zink ewe.. X Kander. -Joeoeh Y ...user, WIIII im R Yong. LADIES' LIST. 11- Emma R Boyer, Jeanie Bear. Mrs ft Brine. - C-Ellea It-Amelia O'er. F-Calhariao Flickinger. Henrietta Frederick, Mary A C Fr rod 11-Ann Gallagher. Crdit's Oyer, Ellen Glitnn, Mrs Jacob Deaver -Jaen Bonnier, Lottle Manistee, Susan Ilaikin. J-Annie It Moaning. 12-Clara ,Kate A Kuhns, Ida Keely, Mary Kuncht, Push. Kern. Mhos Kneuts. L-Elluvresa Ludwig, Moran Lester. M-Ellzab th glop r, Ellen Montt.. Elisabeth Mickley. Etna More P-Mary B Patterson, Sarah Pater. It-roman. Hit , er. .Sar.h Knob. S-Emma Nch.trff ie. Elisabeth Smith, Emma Seislove. Martha Smith. M belonneker, klebncion Indianian -Annie Volts. Wirehtnr. Emma W . Millie Weis% Mary Wean. insilln Z-Zullana bet. Y -.Urn J Feder. Bethlehem Correspondence BRTIII.IIIIIM, May 31,4873 Yesterday, being Decoration D.ty, was partly kept ua a holiday. All the store, were closed in the afternoon. The procession was beaded by the Mod. The first place visited was the Evangelical graveyard, thence the decorators went to the Union grave yard, hisky Hill, and closed their ceremonies in the Moravian burying ground,where an oration was delivered by Major Norris. Among. other sentiments, this accomplished young orator described two vivid scenes of which be had been a sharer during the late war. T. were, Fred ericksburg and the Southern Prison Pene. As I do not pretend to give a report, I will merely state that the ceremonies, notwithstanding the threat ening aspect of the weather, palmed off to the credit of the G. A. 11 , by whose Instrumentalities thls beautiful sentiment Is annually renewed. Pointless posters, evidently the production of a sorehead. are out, giving spiteful dabs at our CoUncil men. This is quite a fashion here,pecullar to the place, I suppose. Occasionally lampoon iih hand-bills are stuck up signed by nobody, still having. a tendency to keep all respectahle attd competent citizens out of these borough offices. The gentle rain, the dear rain, though possibly not welcome yesterday, has again rejuvenated vegetation, and titled our elstero,in this "kasten" dependent borough. Rol; on I Arent Plli of Ayer, roll on! Through miles einboweled toll! Roll ou! Through those whose livers chafe the soul! Through those whose feeble stomachs fall! Through mesenteries waxen pale! Through all who live In aches and all! Ever roll on ! Roll o'er the prairies of the nation,— Por the Melt and Ill of every station ! Roll down the Andes—towering maintains ! Roll over Afrle's golden fountains! Through India and the Chersonese Through distant Isles of Japanese! Wherever dwells a sinking heart Roll on, to do your mighty part, Ayer'e Pills, roll on I—Panamint . Oct Sawn music, Instruction books, blank books, music paper and cards and all kinds of musical trimmings, a largo supply constantly on and at O. F. Herrman's Music Store, Allentown. Tule sum of $250,000 was realized last year by the eponge•gatherere on the lower gulf coast of Florida. A large quantity of those epongea are to be found at the City Drug Store of Latrall& ?Jar tin, 722 Hamilton street. WooDEN =Sinai instruments of all kinds of the best manufactories In Europe are sold cheaper than anywhere else at C. F. II rrnmes Musk. BLOM TIIn moot elegant cigars mannfactur ed In this city can be found at H. C. Wagner's, t :o'lller of Sevonth and Centro eguare. One trial all I con. vinco the most skeptical. Tho Captain allot vs no difficulties to overcome his efforts to produce tb• best cigars In the market. flu will have good' to• bacco, no matter what It costs or how email his profits on his cigars. THOSE sr Selling Dr. Bernherdl'e eery' ices have only to the Bth of June to avail therneel 'wee of his skill. Grnnd Wedding . at Lancaster The Lancaster Express says : A magniticetsl wedding ceremony in upper life brought to gether a concourse of fashionable sad elegant: people at St. James' church, on Tuesday eve ning. The parties were Miss Anna Julia Esh lemon, the eldest daughter of Hon. D. G. Etili leman, an eminent and successful lewd prat litioner of Lancaster, and the Hon. John H. McMurdy, a young gentleman from Colorado, whom Grace Greenwood, in her pleasing let. tors last summer from the territory, eulogized for his wisdom in his elevated means of secur ing political preferment. Miss Eshleman is the lineal descendant on her mother's side of George Rose, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She is alsa related to another PenGsylvania signer, James Wilson, and to a third signor, George Read, 01 Delaware. Miss M. E. Philips, of Philadelphia, was one of the bridesmaids, and Col. J. R. C. Ward one of the groomsmen. Eight hundred sets of invitations were 'soled. The presents were numerous and costly, reaching many thousands of dollars In an onnt. Music added to the brillia cy of the occasion. Mrs. Secre tary Robeson, cousin of the bride, and an ac knowledged leader of Washington society, was, with Mrs. Eshleman, the good genius of le affair. The entire bar of Lancaater and ninny of its first citizens augmented the numbers, and aniong the distinguished gentlemen present was the Hon. Geo. M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy. Jtany letters of regret were sent, among which were those from General Burn side, and other generals, Judge Campbell of the Supreme Court of Michigan; soil other Judges and lawyers, and from several hishopa of the Episcopal Church. MARKETS PHILADELPHIA, June 8 —De ill:Wen & Bro., Broners, No. 10 south Third Street, gi—e the following quota:mix up io 8 t,'elock to-day : . Buyinn.ln.!. New IL 8. s's of 1881 112 112 1 ,; C. 8. 6's of 'Bl 112 ,, .; 120 62, not called ...... ......114 114,4' 62, Ist call 62, 2d Ca 11........ ..... ....1 62, 3d Call 116! 114 1141.( .1147 0 ' 1151,, .116,4 116.!; .117!.4 117.! , ; .117,14 117% 1113, 11234 05, new I' S's 1)-40 6 30 year 6 per cent. Currency 114 N 114% Gold 114,1 1149,; Silver 11(1 11!j Union Pacific let M. betide Central Pacific It. R Union Pacific L. Grant 8... Allentown Produce Market. Corrected Darlmny We monomer, Newhard & Co Wheat floor, per bid a 0 , 0 eelllne Wheat, per bushel I 1 2 , Paying Rye Corn trate PI Timothy Seed, per bnehel. Clover Seed, " . Wheat Flour, per awl Rye Corn Meal, Sutler, per pound Lard, Tallow Ram. Rue, per dozen Potatoes, per bushel, new Dried Apples, per bphel. Dried Peaches BUSINESS NOTICES The Tenacity of T ruth.—When a as Una an clear headed mt the American. once become convinced. from, long experience and ob aaaaa don. that an article posses .e. superior excellence as a medicine. not all the prepo.- (erene clamor of all the worthless nostrum vendors in the universe can shake their belief In li. efficiency. Truth in a very tenacious thing, as these worthies are beginning to discover. FLADTATIat BITTERP hes too ATM a hold u on the popular eeteom to be in the slialiteet gree elected b• the old water diatribes which t` e advertisers of fermented slope, •• ur Ithout a particle of alchohol," are .o fond of launching against all alchohulic prepare- Clone. The public know. very well that thin Dentin*e tem:sant and tonic does contain apirite.but It Moo knows that they are of the retreat nod moot wholesome descrip tion, viz . fine old St. 'lola. the mom active and boned chit diffusor of its remedial and invigninting Prorertiee throughout the sys/em which could poesibly ho adopted. A Pitiful Condition.—lt is a sad Wog to pane Ihronsh life only half alive. Yet there are thousands Ir.. habitual condition Is one of 'enactor and debility. They COMPIII , of no weld° &some ; they suffer no r thee psin ; but they have no relish for anything which affords mental or sensuous pleMure. In nine crass out of ten this st to of lassitude and torpor arises from a mor- bid etomach • I odikeetion destroys the energy of both m'od and body. When the waste of nature Is not sup plied by a doe and regular tasimilethe of the food,every organ Is eterved. every Mutton interrupted. Now, wbut d"es common sense suavest under these cir• cumetances of depression I The system nerds rousing and strengthening; not merely f r au hour or two, to sink afterward into a more pitiable condition thou ever (m it assuredly would do If an ordinary alchnholle slim alant wore resorted to.) b^t rad, filly and permanent 7. Noir is this desirable object to be acromplisdied Y The answer tr this question. f. raided on the unveil mg expe rience of • quarter of n century, is easily given. Infuse new vigor Into the digesllva organs by a course of lion. teller's Eltornsch Bitters Do not woe e than by ndmiuie• tering temporary remedies, bet wake the system up by recuperating the fountain-head of physical streng h and energy, the great organ upon which ■ll the other kialtnit depend for their nurture and support. by lb.' time that a dome domes of the great vegetable tonic and Meteors. t bans been taken, the feeble frame of the dyspeptic will begin to feel Ile benign loduence Appetite will he created, and with appetite the c.paelty to digest what It craw.s. Peresvere anti the cure in complete—until healthful blood, l• to be the matetlal ..f flesh and muscle, bone and serve and brain, flows through the channels of circulation, instead of the watery pobo inm with welch they have heretofore been Imperfectly nourished. Dr. H. D. Lotagaker offers his' service to the afflicted, more expecially to &hone ffering front Chronic. Diseases. Ile will be glad to see s ad talk with them. It is hie practice to plainly declare a disease lururnble Übe believes it to be 40. In those Cases which he undert ken he ins...teen to deal' that can be done by newt sled at tention' mid the application of experienced Skill. gm d by many years of practic for m ottg disease is its vari ous and most malignant. That his still, has not been exerted in Two. 01111110r011• certificates, that may be seen at his Ake, will testify. A few anises are selected for publication, which are known to cit , rene of this county. No feeling of egotism prompts their publ;catio, but 1110 T are publi.tied rather MR as PTIPT.EO that many who have demand themselves hopelessly afflicted hereby IL proper application or the 1TP10.00. 1 or 11,11`4110.1 .010000. beou restored to health and the eniorneut of all Its blen: sings:— Simon Jones. Bethlehem, rancer of thn Llp- Mrs. Ely (Rev. Ely), AIIIII.PORD, Pa. Ca..cer of tilt Pace. d. Johnson, Allentown. Skin DisOnllo. Milton U. I . 3min . aumt,_lptoover, Chronic Uronchilla Ileary e lentow n De a. G I eager, Catanauqua. Tut s nora . of the Head. Nathan Eberhard, Bethlehem. Cancer. Mrs. Dech, Trealortown. Cancer. Wm, Jemeaun, Bethlehem. Piiirowiary Catarrh. Jame,. Mean. Bethlehem. Chronic Rheumatism. Men. Berner, Salinhary, Scrofula B. A, Harlacher. Phl , adelphia. Caere, Tomo,. am. W. S. !Munich. Sallehury. Fem. awl Epl- I VlVlttman, Lanark. Tumore of the Head. Abraham /Clatter, Now Tripod. Tumor of the Neel. Mrs. H. B. Serfs., Slatiostoo. Fem. Com. Men. E. Welodont, Friedenevillo. Cancernf the Recant Catherine Am•y . Centreville Cancer aide of the Face. John Lri•no. Brid to Yulypne of the None. Mtn. Fustemum.i. Allanbiwu. Cancer of tho Dreamt. Thomas Bute Ifokendanqua. Tomo, Mrs. D. Krohn, Melialioy day . Cancer of the Face. F. J. Shoemaker. So potent. Tattier. Catharine Bateman, Weatherly. C•ncerof the Nom.. The .bore persona may all he referred to, or nerd Boatel may be mean at Dr. Lintaker'm orate, Sixth street, be iween Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown. Pa. ilitarrtageo. the 14th of May, at the residence of •Letuan D. Forrest, F. , q In BmithOeld Centro. BraVord county, by the Rev. C. C. Carill Mr. M. D. Format, of this cite. to Mites Borah A. Pruyne, of West Burlibgtott, Brads ford county. GRATH—UANGEN. — At the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday evening. May 80th, 1872, by Rev. R. M. Lichteuvralner, Mr. Nicholas 11. Grath to Miss Boson Haugcn, bath of Allen town. ANDERBON—MIBNER.—On the 28th of May, by the Rev. Oliff•nn, Mr. J. Anderson to Miss An nie M icier, both of this city. LEFLER—BLIGHT.—Ou May 27th, hy Rev. N. S. Btrassburger,Mr. Franklin Letler,of Bethlehem, to Mies Ilannah 'Blight, of Quakertown, Bucks county. FISCHER—WEIL.—On the 2Gib, in New York City, at the residence of the bride's uncle, by Rev. Mr. Wasserman, Mr. Wiwi. Fischer.of Allentown, ta Mine Barbara Well. of Now York. 113eaths. EBERT.—In this city, May 29. Margaret E. M., daughter of John and Amanda Ebert,aged 4 years and 21 days. 11AR1118.—In this city, May 30th, of cerebra spinal meningitis Charles Harris, son of Thomas R. and Caroline - Carrie, aged 18 years, 8 months and 12 days. FREIDICUMAN.—In this city, May SO,Michael Freitilehmon, aged 86 years, 6 months and 26 days. Xein gibbertmentents. 0, YE WIVES! A man who Is i■ the habit of getting drank ererY night, and coming home at three or four o'clock In the morning, astonished big wife on one occsalen by return• log at 12 o'clock midnight. " Why dud you come home en aeon!" said the loving spouse. "B cannon," WO said the huebstd, "thtre wan no other Once open." There Is "no other place" In Philadelphia for those 10, 12? 15 Dollar SUITS! We be•e arranged :manic. , on card■ no that any one who cannot e, t il aetnonally can )IRI/0 amplee teat by The Finest Custom Department ROCKIIILL & WILSON, 003 AND 606 CHESTNUT STREET. Junes.2w3 PHMADELPHIA. GREAT BARGAINS DRY GOODS! J. M. HAFLEIGH & CO., NO. 1105 CHESTNUT STREET. VIII tomm•nre .11111111.t.t0 elm ont bPRI tiI'OCIL 01 tt Krent REDUCTION. • BLACK SILK 65 WOOL HERNANIS, Reduced from 7.1c1N. t0:173,464 BLACK SILI S, Reduced from id 00 to y 1 tio STRIPED SILKS, 4. pandree, Lissons,GrenaSinst, liaregesots.,redveed. Lenin Late Sark• reaured. Lama liars ahapole ',Ores!. tarfyre4 Elegant White Limn sera, N: , a. Elegant Seer Sucker B,ists (new). Sew Styles in Snits, 0.4; fog la 41U nl Great Bargains, ON AND AFTER JUNE Ist. LEHIGH VALLEY ißs p i RAILROAD. I= Leave Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad of New Jereey. at 661•, 616, and 816 a m, and 1201, 1216•, 040'. and 6NJ p. m. For New York, via Morrie & Reaex 6 Me, and 616.t0. and 241, 121•','. 40*, and 660 pm. For blannuka Chunk and Belvidere at 8 13 a mould El 40* Vor Lambertville and Trenton at 6IA a m, and 12 01 and 1 , 3 p M. For Easton at 5 es., 6 11, 815 and 10 10 a m; 12 01, 12 11e, 3 30, 3 40.. AGO, 7 4.1 and 8 76 p For Fhiladolphla. via N. , •th Fenn Railroad, at 615, 815 a m, emi 12 01, 11 AO, and 82.4 0. ru. For Wanhinatot, D. C , at 815 a to, I'lol and 825 p to. . For Catattanqua & logleav lila H. R, 641 ato atm 1221 p For Copley at 641 a to. 1220.. 4q. 021 an•l 821 p m. For Manch Chunk at 644 1047 a m. 1221. 0.1 824 T 1 In. For Wllkeebarro and Pittston, at 6 44 and 10.17 a m, 12 20, 4 34 p m. For Waverly, Owego Elmira, Suborn nod Buffalo, at 1047 am lEapre•e Trait,/ For Harlot. at 641 and 10 47 a 00, and 4:4 p m. 02N Oaq MX 10434 80!4 81 . . . . Fur Audouried at 10 47 • m. For Mahanoy City at 644 t d 1 0 47 a la. and 4:41 p m• For Mt. Carmel at 6 44 ..uci 1.47 a m. Tutor with a oh, I•, .tart Irn , . Gant Dana jamoma. 11. STANLEY 000DWIN. Aw't 0 n I Dupl. It. li. oAYtttt luy'l4 0.0 Oti 9.7 1 .11 3 71 3m •. paTlni GRAND OPENING CARPETING S. argest Carpet Room 2 00 " 8 00 LARGEST STOOK IN Tills CITY AND VALLEYaI AT Tll6 "111AHNOTH STORES' E. S. SIIIMER CO., 705 and 707 Hamilton Bt., Allentown, Pa. 5 Frame Eng. Body Brus'sils Carp( . .t, Best Eng. Tapestry Brussels do Three Ply Carpet, "Smith" Tapestry Ingrain Carpet, "Sanford's" do do do Extra Super dn do Super do do Common do do Damask do Venetian do • Rag; List and Hemp Carpet, CAA TOY, COCOA and 0.1 .1/.4TTING, FLOOR AND TABLE. OIL Ching' DRUOGETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS, HASSOCKS, RUGS Alin MATS, WINDOW HO ',LANDS AND SHADES, CURTAIN LACES, &c A WORD OF ADVICE • to all lo need of any floode to tblo hits : Buy Now and Buy Right Here, am 'flood , In alio methDepart will by cold at priCom to 4•lnnigh Me Nat ey worm tr im the Han ufac:urt. ra and hood°a bel.tro rho loin advance la w r ot h. l•vao amonot anon.within the Imo: to Nadi l••" 114 Oracular branch of our humine. to aim very boot In I u lion of the aporeciatlon of 0111,..1e[1.1 1 0 and Brock ow pricer. Cortr4.2m JEWETT'S PALACE EFF ItIO RATOR ! ATOR ever G., ALSO. SAMRY'S PATENT COMBINED Dining Room Water Cooler REFRIGERATOR For sale at ISAAC S. WILLIAMS - & CO'S. ROUSE FURNISHING STORE,: No. 728 Florliet. Si., Philadelphia. Descriptive Circulars sent on msr•Ym dim] WANTED. -A FEW FIRPIT.CLAtie z ir mtgr l t : o Rend f ig c. f i gril s o. for the beat • lila LIABLE RH° r It PabUsh 75 Bleockor !Unmet, in ma door wool of Broad Way. I • Presidential Campaign! CAPS,CAPES& TORCHES, Bend for ILLUSTRATED CM CIILAII and PRICE LIST. CUNNINGHAM HILL, lIIANUPAOruRERs. No. 204 Church e iph St.. rhuadra. Janes./mw IN AMERICA PHILADELFITIA = Iffil3:l PATENT PORCELAIN LINE!), ,~- i Established 1804
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers