flittiteinal. • NO CURE, NO PAY. DR. H. 1). Gl of te U of LONG ?Pensl A n K ia a ER hil , ph adu a ° been In•occ r ssf y l prac ti ce fo v a number P of r o d a e n l• In various porta of the United States= trill promptly at tend to all branch°s of his profession at hie rooms, Soot tdde of Sixth 'trod. bet. //anti/ion and Walnut, ALLENTOWN, PA rr r arps P a t rlro di e e l '4 IT°°.l,ll4llVt/gaLm th,conittati ion, botnito he eltn.fra , ran ko h l:4ll i n e o d rinA Tgrol " co n ' 2l Igen. , and loevn It in • CONSI32PTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all diseasen of the Lange, Throat. Stomach, and My er. which yearly carry thousand. to untimely gravels, Can undoubtedly be cured. • , • c S • BMELANCLIOLY 19111111,10 N • , that state of alienation anceaberration of mind which yen• Jere peptone Incapable of enjoying the pleasures of per forming the duties of life. RIIEUMATIBM AND—PARtarir; I n bio n .ttgor 2 o l, 7 ° ,T, fi gn,q",r4tv. r .. a ," t d e g va n rr ro te r. ° f 9 ut' . born canes cot r TALE DISEASES epe n edlly r a o nd'reol s cati; ruTftlingii ß teN le s erenr nitisAtiri‘crio'fFnud le 1 eau_ ,_warrantailuttrod. .W.Wartienlar situation erne ages ewrd e rrrnto4botrr j e aexTeautonettliNAVeteilvlragiTine o ' irulle!r t Cancer eared, and Tumor. of all kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Diseases of the EYE AND EAR anccee.fully and effectually removed. ,dip--Dr.l.ontiaker will make %lens any dielance If &- WO; can be addreesed by letter (confidentially.) and mad " IsW Pent with proper directions to any part:of the count), non: Beet Ode of Sixth inroad, bqtweenliamiltdound W out Allentuwu..ka z ., may 2a-ly ItiLR4 OR TiROVIOLON. Plorlia. }UV p ect and . pertnanently withnut pain, dazeifir. nap Instrtunente. by MUM 14in. •-•-• 1119 M. A. mopANDLis op. 3301 ASINI : STROST: PITILAISISLPIIIA, 'PA, Who ran refer you to over 12(0 cases cured in Philadel phia alone. We desire to may to those afflicted, there is positively no deception In the cure of these Dumas., It matter. not 'how long or bow nererely you have been afflicted, we can cure you. We oleo cure Flatttla, Fissure Prolaps., Strictures and Ulceration of the lower bowel. Come you that are auntie., we will not deceive lam. We have patient. from almost every State in the Lin., and from Europe. Have treated these diseases for t,enty years without a failure. ape 95-ly 100111LOSOPIIV OF, RIAIRIKNAGE.-4 icoplow oi Lear oarce, • aii od dellyerat tbe Penni Pelytechn c and Anatomical Musiero..l2l2iCh&litut tit., 47 doors above Twelfth,_Philadelphis, embracing the sub cots: Bow to Ltve and What to Live for; Youth, Ma ty and Old Adel, .Manhood Generally Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Disease. accounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents ay addressing: Secretary of the Penna. Ponrename assn ANATOMICAL MOSISCM.I23II Chlistnut Bt., Philadelra, Fianna . , ` • • .--- •IY. W— RE EG 'S ; ;‘ .1; FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted equal to any made. They are prepared from the/ruffs. nod will he found much baler than many of the Extracts that are mild. your grocer or Draggled for: Wilibergre• Extracts 1 t . t BARLOW 4 INDIA( BLUE In, without doubt. the beet artfile in the market, for hoeing clothes. It will color more water th•li four times the name weight of indigo, and much more than any othyr wash blue la the marant. The only genuine 11A that up at ~ r 4IR RED WILTBEIROFiII'I3;DIitrO Mi 1101Vill 81360 ND 6TI2P.ET, , PIIMAD'A., PA The LAMMe linen both WILTORRORR'S and BARLOW'S P0.11.10R on hell,, nit others ore counterfeits. For sale by most Grocer. and Druggists. WILTBERGER'S INDELIBLE INK on trio/ to bee superior article. Always on hand fors tile nt ress criers, Pane aroundSt.loES, 111EDICI IL Chamois Skins, Sponges, Tapioca, Pearl. Sago,. s. d all articles in the drug line, at ALFRED WILTBERDER'S DRUG STORE, Jut. 5.11 N o. ?St North Second et., Phila., Pa. rt„,Z ` E r k VEGETABLE SICILIAN ,'‘‘'",nnk 114 . '” HAIR 17 5 4 • 0 10.1 Z;.. — - ENEW,EIt. Every yorir niwitases tb4 populitri ty of tlns valuable - flair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up tohigh, utandardi and it is the only tellable and'perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY OR FADEDD HAIR to its youthful color, making it BA kre,tronf,mnd silken. r Thee scalp, by its use, beciornes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates • and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor., 1 and - will create' 4 now growth,,,ettcepl Vin, t extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical ILun DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glocqy ' - appearance. A. A. Hayes, 31. D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care- MN , . selected for excellent quality ; ' and I consider it the BEST PREPA RATION for its intended purpo , eq." sob/ by all Druggists, and Dealers in .111d•ones. Prioo On'e Dollar Buckingham's - DyO. FOR Tar.: WHISKERS As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, anti too much care, to restore gray or hided Whiskers; we have prepared this dye, in onepreparation ; which will quickly Anul etfecturdly .accomplish this result. It is easily ;applie,(l4 and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA., N.H. soLt. IfY W. E. 13AR1 tS E SON. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Discloses of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping COugh, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern 4's" science, few are of . more real value to mull:ind than dd. el*- " tic tool remedy tin all ' diseases of the Throat ' and Lungs. A lost trial of its virtues, throughout this oral other sountries, has shown that it does surely istid-setfeeturtlic ' control them. (lie testimony • of pur Lost. eills“, • Y anus, , of all (dosses, estobli;lics the feet,' thut /Mali PI:C701:.11. WM out does relieve mid cure the nfflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond nny ether medicine. - The toast dongerons affections of the Pulmonary Organs • vivid to its power; turd cases of •Coitsumps lion, cured by this preparation, are Iv known, so remarlcablc Its hardly to tic Were they not prcycipf .beyond As a remedy it is tic‘niate,',on *hick the piddle may rely for 1011-protection. direttring Coughs, the farcrunnecs of more serious disease, It sores unnumbered lives' and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early Riot unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which ore easily met at flrsd, but which become ineurnble, mid am often fatal, if neglected. 'fen der lungs need this drib lice; and it is unwise In be without it. As a sofegnord to children, :mild the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of ellildiltiod, Clll-3IRY l'ocsrowsr. . is involuable; for, by its timely use, multi. tulles are rescued from premature graves. and saved to the lova and affeetionscentroil ouAlionn.. - It acoispeeililymol-sfireirscrinprordlllllt,‘,. - Ciltli,' — ' securing sotuol nod hertltli-restrwin4 sleep. No tine Will outlive troublesome Influenza anti pain ful Illronchiiis, when they know how easily 'lw Ito be cured. . . ..) - ~ ,' f . 1 ,, k.4' , riiet'' 4 , .% 1 . i \ ori.4iindry the pmdmit of long, laborious, and 11011lit . :11 invc-tigation, no coat or toil it ..parod in making every bottle In the utmost it it ileifection. It luny be confidently re lied 1111 , 111 u, 1115.e5 , 111e1111 thevlrtnes it has ever eviiituted, and capable .01' producing cpres ns TL uff orable as the greatest It believer effected. rrtquaisp Dv Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical a n d Analytical Chemists. SOLD RV ALL DRUGGISTS EVRILYWHERIL SOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E. BARNES & 'SON. Boot Alaimo. JOHN E. LENTZ WM. R. WEINSIIEIMER JOHN gABOLD, JR. JOHN E. LENTZ & CO SUCCESSORS Tti YOUN“ & LENTZ The firm nt V.unc .at 1... - es .11.solvell by mntoll cougoot FOnt ryl9th Mr... Young retlrlat. U. Welnshein n nod John bonho;1. Jr. . hoelug t.koo hie Piero. ho o w Ilent.ho. ye to h ire the eouttnunuco of the p.t ron .. o nn IlLorellr be“OW.,I urn.. limo old Bent. The ..will nee their utmost end...troll. M occounnudato their y pativsa wlitt promrturno•nd larol.ll BOOTS AND SHOES of the beet make mod mut. riot, •mt will tawny hove on hood Woo ....millet' of the tenet deeiroole sty milted to the trade of able pea too. • . . The Dm of .Youtut h Levis Ihi•lnr Inca illisohrod, all parties Warbled to them Fre ri•iioistvil to took... Moment baler.. &his dale attitAierll let .Tae hooka will M. wain at tbe'oldstai.d.. 'llthet of the old Inittiltra to au. ihorired to shin la lin tildatlon. • ' fob :111./tm financial. SMM=MI BANKING HOUSE, -• Fogelnilie, Lehigh County, Penny. MONEYS received on depoelt, and 0 per rent. Inlerest allowed on all sums remaining eta months or over. For shorter period. epeeist rates will be paid. , •• "ectits,.4omintstraTo . ri, iiCuter: Vesigneet,, .t: 2Vasurees, 70;c•CoRe ra. )7nd otber cantinane of riablio or private mineye. are offered liberal rates of Interest Farmer., Merchants. Laborer. and all who have money to put out on Interest for a long or short period will find our loecltutloci an agreeable and advantageous one in which to do mutineer,. e - aosliepoliited In thistitrillon IS SAFE AND WELL AEC HEIL ~ , Y 5 A len. shoney loco baton favorable term.. EMI MILLER. 3.11. LIOnTEN W a LNER, FRANK J. SLOUGH . li.pi4.6m w -MAA•ItERSTOWN SAVING DANK BIILLERBTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. -,4hlotnatitrition will'brOpened on or, fop the let day, brAprir, kfrey will el ken on depo it II times and In,any adapt rota one del r apwarde, W T h i .ri f „ ;; „, , 0, X PER 0 T. I liidi tiffranttiatitiM be Aid. Deposits may be withdrawn al any time Also, money rained out on favorable terms. JAMBS WEILER, Prsaident fIANICLI7f SHIIIIII. Cashier. J. F. M. Shaffer', Georg laida t ry Frederick C. Tobet, Christ . , K enninger. David Donner, Willie in Sal 1%., I italic Orlebel, Gideon g. tigueri.. v i. : Horatio T. Hering Benjamin iipcbrenyer. ra ... Jazgilkurznieter - ,- s. ' matl6.6m .A . LI4IItI4O:IINN OAVitrION k t!N !COT Ii- Tl 7 . rtl _ .r) or,anuikus. ukl.4. NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST.; (1111•11 LT OPPOSITE THE 'AMEZIOAX HOTEL, ) YS-SIX:Pg4 CENT, INTENEW FOR ; t , „ y • r.. MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This Institution, the oldest Saving Bank in Eastern . Perinsylvanie, has been in continuous and successful per for ten yesre, and continues to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for one year, and special rates of interest for shorter periods. 101...A1l deposits of money trill be held strictly confi dential. . . 'Eno utors, Administrators, Trustees, designees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, end other custodians of public or private money.: are'of gored liberal rates of Interval. . . Farmers, Merchants, baborera, ,ena.i.„.4o. have trey:o put on interest for a long, Of °Wearied Will h d lrltno t I i gg ° lO:se. ailf re bgil4l:4 +lM:=:t°. 4118rlli rlllDlta a e special privi leges granted by oar charter—having full power to trans act business •aith an in their own names. Money deposited with this Institution j. 9 4ND,:'TVIZt7,I EINOTIRED, hy ' IL COLO 11400 k iIndiJIWITIVUL riioney curtly of over SIXTY• T H OUSAND DOLLARS, and addition. the Board of Trost.n have, as required by t barter, given bonds under the noperviolon of the Court In the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are reen tered in and held by tho Court of Common Pleas of this county for the necurlty of depositors. • - 7 • Our Iron Vaulto are of the Mont genre Sod extenolvol kind known in thin osbotry, as a pornhonl Hint:Action will show, and to which we Invite bole friends and contomern. We refer to thin• believing that Hale Burglar Proof Vaults complete the safety nod reliability of good Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. MEET, Preoldent. CHRISTIAN PRETZ, Vice President. REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. • 1 . 1106112RII: Wllllam.B. AineY. Charles S Bosh, Chrintlan Prot., John D. Stiles, F. E. Samuel., Beoj. 3. Ilogoribuch, George Brobet, • Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. tiAVINGSMAN)64 - ' i • • Incorporated' under a Erato 'Mortar of 1810. Pogole eillo. Upper Macungie township. Lehigh Co. This Institution has been organised and opened under a State Charter. MONEY will be taken on deposit at all time and In any sum from gland upwards. forerrhlch 6 IL TER r t IiNT.,INTEREST 'WL BE•VAIto.I Deposits may bo withdrawn at any time. Also money loaned out on favorable terms. WILLIAM MOlllt, President. R. R. FOGEL, Cashier. TaCRTISEPI: Pr. fl A. Saylor, . • J_„11. Straub, Danloi-Moyer, • •. • David l'etor, Jonas Rauch, . Samuel Kuhns, Daniel 11. Droll:, William Stein, William Mohr Carr 6.131:1 FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, . , 4_e Located erne Owner of namilturt street and ghtilfou alley, In Lida -Hall, second MOT, opposite Me German Reformed Church, in the City of Allentown. Is organized and ready for business. It will pay SIX per cent. In terest on nit deposits except busllloBB deposits for ante pl ft i , ' e t c " {ir i A ' vlii t a be tl% " T ' rtte d eoril t t h e e ll " frt ' liii ' o l' o P ira i v f e died s tn the Court ur Common eleas bondo'g County, ender the direction of the Court. a in the auto of Twenty•tive Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping cud appropriation of all ouch /mum of moor y as shell be placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether as deposits or shares of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever It may be deemed necessary. to addltion,tu this. the Ardor Ineorporation millet the Steekholdere personolly !bade to the demsitura .lot. Ills the nstannt VW pttal Stock id MA Bank, which la Sfty thothotnd dollars': with liberty tb tetrdeee it - ro one hundred and day thousand dollars. These provisions will make it n very desirable and safe place of deposit. Besides, It may he proper to state that the dep o sits will 1 42/‘Fig,° c...j.9 l thargfeet and best protect e d / fn Arrangements win he made to furnish drafts on the calm, of New York and Philadelphia A. BRIDGES, President J. W. %V I LSON, Vice President • J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Cushier. .rneteer - . Danled 11.'31111e T r, E; A. Bridges. .John • IV' Wilson. Baer. J. E. Zimmerman D. B.f.:reit:. l'eter Gross. Edwin Zimmerman. mar 90 WILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF T-AC_Es' Wa are offering the fecond Mortgage Booda of thl Cot.l;.nY AT 85-AND ACCRUED INTRREST, In( orate Payable January and July THE BONDS ARE IN I,ooos, 500 a and ,100 a And can be REGISTIRRED free of expo.... The coal. rclacellaneons freights cud pareenaer buglss. are con •teutly lecr.aslog. The receipt. for the ye edl. Oc tober 31. lan. 11.7f1.778 2.1 more thee the n year end• lug October til. 18W1 The Incrnete Cr. eve manilla end. tog April 1. 1472. over four mouths ending April 1. 1611, was 4.3.7.. Boud l s, P 2s am 3o phlet. and information can be obtained of DE HAVEN & BRO. Pineal Agents of the United States, 40 SOUTH. TRIM) STREET, STOCKS 'BOUGHT ' AND BOLD •r.i.6 N onanissmN. THE Elting SAtiloiG444llll3: WM. L...YOHN'• woRT.II sEVEN2H,B7:- ABOVE LINDE% , . _ ALLENTOWN, PA. • ,Tbls bank has been tmtiblished for the purpose Of cany• on a general Booking [maltose. and to offer to lb lomumuitya dliellitkl INVESTMENT for alitilr4nottSY tome, th e tame rats of interest that It would common et New York or N•w OUT MONEY . LOANED OUT (IN 000 D SECURITY • Sal. Gold, Sliver and Government Ronda bought wad .old.• Drafts draw month* peers. .hellultedi3 tat n some to cult purchaaers. Collections made on all accessible points, and proeeeds promptly remitted at entreat rates. • Partners, Atereh ants, Laborer s and all who have money ent out on _lemma for aWag or short period will And :hielnatithtlon an agreeable sad advautageoua ace la cinch to do business. Interest allowed on aeinpills at the following rates, to BggV• %id ohs Tufi;, days and niaor out AES-Revenne cIIMIDBOO nL Liao 211 day • C ONNttOIIOUIiEN BOILER AN I) COIL WORKS, J HN W.O 0D; JR., • • MAIIIIYAOTOREtt OF TUBS 'Ff.UR frpoYMETVAPhtfthg"li All kinds or Wrought Iron Celli, lovers (or Blast Fur nace. flasometere, Smoke/Banks, Utast Pipe .Iron Wheel barrown. and everything lu the Boller nod Sheet Iron line. Also. all kinds of Iron and Stool Vow nee And Blacksmith work, Miners' Tools of nll kind.. such as Wham Bucket., Picke, Drill.. Mantas, Sledges, An. • Baring n Blum. Rammer and net of tools of all kinds, and skilled workmen. I flatter myself that I eau turn out work with promptness stud dispatch, all of which will be warranted to be lirst-alase. Patching Holler., and repairing generally. •trlctly at ended, to. ' I=l7 • JORDAN 110 ENE lIOTEL AND RESTAURANT 1 . The Jordan HOUn bee ehenied hands. The nail' !land lord will try to please •111 who may patronim hint with a Liquorse will k e ep the celebrated hand the best of WilliCB mud keep the celebrated Ilerstner & Etude' cote• breted Philadelphia C 11.114. 1. Otwir. ' In the Reateurent he will keep all the deltraelea of the newton with the beat of he Oysters prepared in all style.. All who will glee him a call will go away ealtsfied that it la the beat Mare in At !uptown, A, P. BEV,. • JORDAN N. W. COr. Second ts Hamilton 1 1l sll., Allentown Pa. A rittIFITALILE BUSINEROSI • • • • 4...11)11T EQUAL. TO (1 THE COSTI o,ln not be ra.plodta No chimney nr wick ham. MEN &el..' a. PROFITAtiLIt tiUSlN'n•tl coo 111/C . r. 1.4 XCLUSI it RIO II r far Ite wale or DY ATT'B PAT ENT QtEDON. OAS 11011 T HUHN EH% AND OIL, fat COUNTIES or STA I EA. Wriett for taformntion or cation . • • M.:13: DYOTT," No. 114 SOUTH SECOND ST., pattA: N. 11.—CHURCJIES lan:dated with CIIANDELIENS Wad ,LAMPti of every Ile. cripOion 73 per emit. cheat). r' 04110 any otber elmbilsb meal to the eone , ry. • - • mar 19.11mw Ell J. F. Sz E. B. ORNE, . . • . , Rave /1014 . opqned the moat .Elegant Variety of New Cerpotings ever Imported. Notwithstanding the great advance, Have determined to offer their entire Stock at old prices. ' TAPESTRY' CARPETS, ALL THE' NEW BRUSSELS STI'LICSIN SINGLE .AND DOUBLE WIDTHS. • - J. F. & E. B, ORNE are cloning out the balance of last Season's Importations, VELVET AND ENOJLIBR IttiIIBSELS CARPETS, at a heavy reduction to Price. , Also an Invoice of FRENCH AXMINSTER CARPETS, at $2.50 per yard apr273knos d aprlo-2m w NO.": 2".•NORTII -FIGHTH STREET, NO. 21 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY AND DRESS 'TRIMMINGS. • ADOLPH • HELLER.. Has now open the moot complete stock of Free• h millinery geode and dress Dirominirs to be found in this ally. A fnll as•ertment ribheas In all new shade.. 1110 pieces colored slike,fr •rn al 25 to 25? per yard. BLACK SILK AND SATIN. All ehades of to ellic and s a nded maths crape., French flowers. straw goods, fringes. gimps, laces, battens. etc. Ladle s who will giro me a call may rely on getting new and good goods, at the lowest prices. • ADOLPH HELLER, .• • • • • Mayll-2mw, No. 21. N. Eighth street, Philadelphia. 707 TYNDALE & MITCHELL , • 707 1101185 Pll5lllBlllllO IN CHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE ! WE HAVE'NOT INCREASED OUR PRICES. THE WHOLE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK WAS IN EUROPE. PURCHASED BEFORE THE EXTRAORDI— ARY ADVANCE . REST GOODS. LOB EST PRICES, 1107pr17. CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 707 s MEAD & ROBBINS 9 MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER-PLATED WARE ! .N. E. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS., • PMLADELPLIIA. DINNER AND TEA SERVICES, URNS, BUTTER.DISHES, CAKE BASKETS, TUREENS, ICE PITCHERS,' • SALVERS AND CASTORS. - ' • CUTLERY ! EVERT VARIETY PEArn, AND METAL HANDLES, PLATED AND UN eprri.nmwj PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS A SPECIAL Y. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL WHO REQUIh FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE 1 1. 1 • , , To our NEW STYLES, which possess uumtstakable advantages over the NOISY and MOROI./ PIOUS I Übe! makers. '" eclat anti Lumber. JAB, EL RITTHE, Unto» Street, near Lehigh Valley Depot, Allentown. . RITTER & ABBOTT, MANUFACTURERS OP Rash, Doors, Outside Blinds. Instda .1 Ingo, Brackets Balusters, Pickets, Stair Rail ings, Window Frames, Door Frames, &c. SCROLL SAWING.' TURNING PLiNING • mAcitiNa. FLOORING sod RIPPING • DONE A T Tag SHORTEST NOTICE. ALSO, STAIR BDILDINO done and HAND RAILING made to order. Muting now had almost fiveyearn' pomienelort of the Mill, refurnished it almost wholly with new and Improv ed machinery, and having none but experienced work men. we arepropared to defy competition from at home and abroad, both In prim, and workmanship. on contemplate building? Call at our Factory and artist, yuumelf with &penman' examination. Drawings for building, bracket... patterns for orna mental work, seta. for porches,. can be seen at all timee by at ohr niece: Any Information to the builder furninhed cheerfully and freely, by calling at the'Manu factory on Union street , at the Jordan Bridge, Allen town,, or by . letter tbrongh the po.t office. Aug 3.1y1 • • . RITTER a ABBOTT. A VILBOILT, I. OTTO. 11.11. OTTO. 0. W. MIER OTTO Ac MILLER, MANJFACTIIRERO AND MAWS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. PILL ON CANAL, WEST OP NIATNARb STREET AT TRH MILL ORANFOULEA SPECTACLES SPECTACLES!! EYE °LASSES. ha. sp Aj t amtaii i Ntal n a . r e z .;;! rgt of all kind. of/r., ...C.HA St.s. NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Harlan devoted a groat deal of care and attention to the immix-to !amines@ for those last few years, I end that my suslae.eln that lino hes increased eon neh thet I have de -ermined to Mate it a HPECIALTY. There le no article aaostfetotared In which there ao ranch deception prim. Aced as there Is In Spectimie GI . Kettering that the ?ladle have been frequeolly holubmeged by an pertles pre. ..eardirog b RRRRR operior article of tit , d charging inorldtaat price s for them, thereby Metering open then.- . •eesitlee mad totirmlties of age, I have taken pain. to U. tact a large and complete assortment of the ducat and beat s themes ever matutfactured, thus affording , all' P.rvou• rlog ffneetaelee an opportunity of purchsaing. at Iva. ilbte prices. Person* having any .1111aulty •la beteg tmtted elsewhere will do well to glee me a cell. as I feel l'oewldeve ttset no one Will fall lobe salted. Remember the .11 stud. Ho. 2.1) East Hamilton street, opposite thl a oer. un p Ret u ned (March, Allentown, Inc ' if CARPETS. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, J. F. & GROVER & BAKER'S - ELASTIC IRCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ! THE BEST IN USE ! NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES FOR MANUFACTURING IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family Sewing CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACII, Agent. OFF/CE, AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, mar 8-dry No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. = I=l ~ Spertacico. LLLENTOWN, PA E. B. ORNE, FOR EMBROIDERY FOR BRAIDING NOR QUILTING FOR HEMMING .FOR TUCKING FOR GATHERING FOR STITCHING FOR CORDING FOR. FELLING Clothing, OREAT ATTRACTION I N W FIRM! NEW GOODS! - CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GRAND SPRING AND BUMMER OPENING• GREAT RERUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN & CO., Successor* to Netsga r & °smut& BARGAINS ETIMI GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA We would inform the citizen. of Allentown and the enr• rounding country that we nro prepared with • largo stook or good• for _ _ FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the pobllo at reasonable prices. To tho. who buy thole Clothing ready-made, aro prepared offer BARGAIN& IVEOLEBUITR MADE TO ORDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cat and made in the latest style, and by the beet work men OUR STOCK OP CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES Is larger than It bat been before, std we Intend to yell very bPR IIALL OFS, and glee our customer, the ben flt of our low plumber° IT. Great quantities and variation of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything to the line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS MEN'IL YOUTHS'. HOYE' and CHILDREN B READY-MADE •CLOTHING • CONSTANTLY OW TIIND; Don't forget the place, No• 606 Hamilton street, third door above Sixth street. T.O sion T..,. 'Aces ScgoLL WIATIM LUNN mar 24 SPECIAL NOTICE J. M. Hatleigh NO. 1105 CIIDSTNUT STREET, I=! neg. to Inform his Patron. and the purchasers of Dry Ouuda a 1 Retail. throughout the City and surrounding country, that he has formed a Co•partaerohtp under the FIR Jf OF J. M. Haf leigh & Co Imporfers (6 Dealers in DRY GOODS, NO. 1105 CHESTNUT STIIEF.T Wbn are now proosr.d to purchase all anoDS d T ring LOIV ENT 1%4811 PRIVER, sod the Choicest Noel. of DRY G(10.0513 flow offered by thew at rery Low Pricer, OPENING OP SPRING STYLES in LADIES' SUITS WEDNEBDAY, MARCH 200. 3mw I=3 'at Oro anb BAILEyLe !Chestnut & 12th Ste., HIL A DELmiIik, 3ewelers anti Silversmiths. WATC.FIES I FRENCH C-OCKS, B WISES, PLATED WARE. Guaranteeo. IBoobs sent by Express on approval. w m.) p 0 -17 CARD. ALDWEit& E NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Messrs. Caldwell & Co., desire to call especial attention to their department of solid Silver Wares. Po , sessing importer facilit en they will ho enabled to place before their cuetomers, to advance of the genera market, all the novelties and Improvemoute in Hitter Goode as rapidly ea produe,l, very par, [color attention being given to the epecialities of Bridal and other Presou• tattoo Gifts. The standard of Silver long since adopted by them I! that of English Sterling, tO h OClthe fine, the tinelltY 01 every article sold being strictly guaranteed. Attention In respectfully directed to the uovary Ina bus. tacos policy In thin Clouse to regard to tho firmly estab Belied nyetent of axed pricee, 'shish will be rigidly ad. hered to in all rases, mooring to purchase a, falrnes, and equality in every tram...lion. Polito attection may be expected by all who may far, them with a visit. Orders and icquirlea by mail, promptly attended to, J. E. CALDWELL & CO. fed?-ly ISAAC K. hiTAIIiFFER, WATCrES AND JEWELRY, No. 118 NORTH SECOND ST., con. or QIIA NRT, Pli I L A . e t, tpi tf ed awlr r i g ni c e o t i o . l 1 1V y a o tcha i,a l . owelry. Sliver and , A e rii , lßepalrlog of ' `latch n oaand Jewelry ,F;r7.4.17 KELLER d: BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, well regulated and warranted. All clues and prices, from 12 upwards. A larger assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found in any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE if every dent intl.,. Nil - Wooten. repaired on Short Notice. . Are Excluelvt Are Unexcelled WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. Ni East Hamilton street, opposite the German Pa formed Church. Just received from Now York and Phil- adelphia. all the latest styles GOLD WATCHES. an T raVtg ,b e e r= o e u s t ra d o b een re " ff,lTS'We f ml`,',4 l .`. ° °"'" . • SILVER WATCHES. He ban a larger and better assortment of Silver Watches than can be purchased anywhere aloe. GOLD JEWELRY. He has the !argent and beet assortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. He has a larger and bettor assortment of nil kinds of Gilt and Plated Jewelry than can be boned elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Helm a splendid assortment of Sliver and Plated Ware. Any person dentrlng good, in this line run not fall to be united. CLOCKS. A larger assortment than at any other establishment. MELODEONS. la the of Prince's Melodeons, the but ACCORDEONS. A splendid ansortment of nil kinds of Accordeonn. His establishment has lately been fitted up, nod Is now second to noon In New Ynrk and Ithilatielphln, and ahead of anythlngontslde the large diles. Ile hex n large: ntock of fashionable goode in bin line than all others in Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above call and see Are Unequalled Are Superb', Are Unapproachable Are Unsurpassed Are Fan West Are laccmpamble Are Admirable M . Rd. GULDII'S The trade at this old and well known establishment It conatantly Increaeing, ow lug to the fact .hat NEW (MODS tre being constantly received of the LATEST STYLES cod always Imitable to the wants of her numerous cusp, mere. People should always go whore they are sure to br nutted at low figures. 'an 18 ATTENTION, LADIES! REAL WHITBY; JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VULCANITE JEWELRY end Vienna Pau., Hair Plus, Fancy Loather (lo Fancy oruntnedito. nary Boxes Itcsks. Mousing Cunt rou..t u brollns I Silk, Siothant nod Alone All gamut cod superior lu quality and arc leytto in urirt If, DIXON, N 21 South Eighth Street, oltilada MEM MADAME STEEL, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 11.. received from Perin the West Spring nlyles POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS.- La Victorian Moran,. & Titlxon BUSTLE SKIRTS (or tr.in nod proutroado dream, Pxria Werly & Chlidren'.Corset.,all at popular ',lca, mar 20.17 or] TEMPLE OF FASHION/. ESTABLISHED lal7. MRS. M. A. BINDER, no', N. W. COR. Iltra & CHESTNUT BTS • PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dex'gner of Paris and London NoveDies, re E li l a e bl a e n t ly l T e. ri m fo m e L d a d l' l o c pe M Pa d t C te h r i n l s d r o en ' L . oceot and mart Laillex' Droop Trimming., Neal and I toltothin I sent, (donee, Fund. jut Fro ch Jewelry, Fancy 00010. DREsS AND CLOAK Si AKIN.; In the moat text ,, . NI and elcgmt winner. A Pcofert Siletern of DRESS RUTTING, Taught. pqrlet rmen/01(y In fnlollmrntof alders. PAPER PATTERNS. W 110LEsALE AND RETAIL. mhl2.3inw FLORENCE. The Hest and moat lientifid Sewing Ma chine Made. The •nly Machine that tritium Four different Stitches I Th. only Blechlue that re•tena the end. of Senme / The only, Machine that will an 'Co the work en any direction dewed I and the only Machine that bane oeit•.djoallug f-nalon. Thee. atirentaiten condoned with the hase. Rapidity nod the of It. Innfi•m/f. tottether with uto ben .ty Quality of It. era ft with UNORMT P00r...110T0 C render at the mint ddtdr.lOe, durable and Best Focally Soloing 111 whine an the Wor/d. liori .4gertie Wanted in creel/ County. Wilson & Pennypacker, Managers. . 11Y3 Chestnut hired, Philatta. apr2l4lln WI . Ceeptitatn w 82000 PER ANNUM CAN BE MADE IN SELLING THE • NEW wheeler & wilsons SEWING MACHINE. A (ow acute, reliable bueleeee men of good Labile end addrems, wanted In dealrablelerritory at pencil unoccu pied. Welcome forni.hed ; Security required. Send fur Information. or call on ?ETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt'e, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADEPII J W. ALTHOUSE, Agent, g-ty 614 14..mi110u ;greet, Allentown. A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE! I.IOMITACHE PROF. ST. CROIX'S FRENCH COH WHISKERS. POUND. the Oren! HAM (MOWER. 'WOLIN I ACHE. will protto e a luzurt int 1110U , TAHHIS WHISKERS..r V. 111rICERS ou the antoothost film Ple•tent to Ulm Kent to any aodreta on receipt out Fitly Petite II 1 . . BOND. CHEMIST. %NTH Roll CH EsTN UT 81$, PHILA. N. E. Cor. T w ifor tly Labico Ladies' Trimming Store, =! = ffittnitarr. BEST F U 11N EU - EE HERE!- GEO. D. SMITH, NOS. 621 & 623 NORM SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA ESTABLISHED OVER QUARTER or A CENTURY • aldest sod ost rellablo and on north Second reel B. lytt pra mlal mach tole having loon cope- Inure In the hoeino-e,e , lndmle c, me undo. tu.porcloo. ion log it 113 to to nu on Imposition or nnert.pre• cot/limo Io nerm . ttoil In tido eatabllalimoot I Intim all callnitro. and (Honda throughout my native county nd got minted, a• I kayo reduced my price? to mutt GEO. D. SIVIITIT, Nos. 821 and 623 North Second Street, (BETWEEN GREEN AND COATED STEEETE) nin AT) hPUrA =ME FURNITURE I FURNITURE 1 :11. L. McCONNELL, arceasson TO HUTTON of McCONNELL, Has on hand, at the old stand, 809 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. A LARGE STOCK OF FINE • Parlor, Chamber and Dining Boom FURNITURE ! —AT— Greatly Reduced Prices. All Goods warranted. All old cugtomers will he dealt with a form.rly, and the patronage of the public la earnestly solicited. TI. L. McCONNELL, Manufacturer and Dealer to FURNITURE, mer 27 3rowl &O hlarket htreet, Philadelphia. GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE. AVERILL BARLOW NO. 45 S. SECOND STREET line bin Immense warreontan (six etorlex) filled with great variety of first-clans Farolmre. Rod In olrerlng It Prices Lower than anypthe Dealer in Philadelphia. selling the same class of goods. Bo has also a groat varlet, of low-priced work, which ho Is selling at reduced prices. either at wholesale or re tail, Including all .tylos of Cottage Furniture. Also, Agont for the Beckwith bowing Machine. Prl 410. forr3.3lnw Cbairo. LARGEST STUCK! GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furniture store town of GEORGE W. HEINTBACH 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN The firm hove rcrently put In a TEAM- MOTU ALL PLATR•OLARR FRONT. and have otherwise enlarged their facilities for• • v•r keeping on hand the largest stock In the city. • Their ELEGANT FURNITURE Is manufactured In their ntan is ander their own cuporvlchni and is warrnnt ed 1.,0 the best In the nutrkel An lumpoctlon • • • of thole stock mill convince buyers of the ad- ° ma y • victims° of retying fern them o col go W. Bombed), manufacture RITTLE'i3 PATFNT SPRING BED. and m a r role role agents for that superior bed. Cull and nen It. Remember The Mammoth Gass Front. PARENTS . TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND FOR SALS ALL KINDS SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, • PEYS AND INK, .AP TIIE LOWEST PRICES. The time is again here for children to prepare for SCHOOL tz zli.mf: hand and for sale everything they went SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW ant7 , l;l:r t f u t l e e lL% V c if: o f . an give them just what they DON'T FOROET, AND REMEMBER THAT TIIE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE 10 BUY ALL RINDS OP School Books •at the Loviiest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., Oil Hamilton St., Alleutown,Pa. sort-lld NEW DRUG STORE I tato. the pin:mire of Informing Illy numernon (Monde anal tho public in geuerni that I Iti.tve opened TI it new Drug Store at NO. 735 HAMILTON STREET, and filled It with a carefully selected stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, COAL OIL, and a tarp, offrlelyof COAL OIL LAMPS , AND FIXTUItiiS 1 Choice Perfumery and toilet arllclen, as the Ilneet F. fl • tracts for handkerchief And bathing, air 0 le, Hair I. ylroratoin and lisle Dye.. An Innumerable ...surto.; of T, net !soaps for u•seblug, ahaylnr and ...lag oil. f or paint. youth Muth°s and flair Bruehea of MI grad. and prices: Pocket !Woke, Album.. Pane Books. Paper and Pen Pocket Knives and Razor+, a large variety of the be Enaltsh and Donn Pima honks and Tackles. In atm everything hot can I.r expected In a First-Class City Drug Store, QUM The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. odiclS' PRESCRIPTIONS will he a opecialty a ll be 1111,01 day or nicht trlth the created, pouctuul• ity ant accuracy. ithyoid... t ad Storekeeper , . nupplied with everything In my Ilan at the lewent market wen. lint/Inc had ex• patience my childhood to thee. Drug hotline. I rrol confident that I can serve all who may favor eta with a call, to their eatiofactlon. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr.. WM. DANOWSKY tales thin opportunity to thank his numerous friends f past fay Ora and wilt lot at the Drag Store of his nun wait on who may desire his medical ear vices. REMEMBER TIIE PLACE, 735 lIAM.ILTON STREET, Between Serenth and Elf glith lau^l- a PHILADELPHIA U <ffileGlEONS' BANDAGE INSTITUTE. No. 14 North NINTII Street. above Blorkot. B. C. EVES,LTT'S l'alcot Oreduatlutt Prea.ure Trust poaltt•e. r ich cores ruptur.ti when ail others fall. Also, a large ye ry of cto.ar Trusses. Itutirovad, Elastic Stocking.. Belts. Shoulder litnees,_ abdominal Supporters, Suspoo. cur i os. pi,. ni t it gas. Brine lostromuois. Crutches. dte• Ludlea attended by Mr.t. Everett. WHeutetuber, tlie second Troll Store above Market Street "'Armes, I he areal recuPdy for Lots. collNa r a e. d all dlseuen of ti atoumau bowel. tu horse.. ' every c ue s lUOL'LD UN IX XVBuT era DLO. ' ' B•nt free by moll for Fifty Cent!. - dOENTS wanted everywhere. . I.BWYDAII, cniAi C. If., W. Uailroatis. E EIIIGH VALLEY .. E. 1.4 RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT Leave Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad rd New Jumpy. at 5 55', 800, 815, and 11 61 a m, and 1210. 680', and 1135 p. In. For New York, via Morrie Pr R.lllll Rellroad.at 55% OM and 11 PA a in, an. 1 .12 Pr. 530% and 5 31 p tn. For Hanunka Chunk and Belvidere at 815 a m, and 680• P Fu r Lambertville and Trenton at 600 ,ad 11 55 am, and 33.5 p m. • For Fenton at 5 57, 600. 815, 935 and 1166 am; 1210'. 41, 5 . 00. 636, 655 and 821 pp m. For Philadelphia, via North Penn Railroad, at 900, 816 and 11!8 am, 35, and 824 pm, For Waehingtot.., D. C , et 815 and 11 55 a m, and 824 , F. T Ch&1118111108 & Fogleaville R. R, 615 a m and 1223 D P m. • ot Replay at 635 am. 1223, 425, SRI and 801 p m. For Mauch Chunk at 015, 1019 a in. 1223, 4 Wand 600 p m. • For Patel., nt 835 and 1011 am,425 p m. For Waverly, Owego Rimirs,'Auhorn and Buffalo, al 10 10 a m (Sawn. Traln•) For Hazleton at 6 35 and 1010 a m, and 421 p m. For Aotlourle.l at 10 ID tn. For Mabanoy City at In ID it M. and 125 p m. For Mt. Cannot at to ID a m. 7"1" Ting , ri`ll4 "VI) cr,7l rfr". I. P ane j rnt&A R. 11. SAYRE 80p't & Rag. A - C . 4IVA ANII SVILLE R. R. ari/ .TA'i FOGS] lail er APRIL Pt 11111), 1871, PanPeurer Trni Inx & Fogolsvllleltallroad will run lo co 'Lehigh Volley, Lehigh & Suliquebnunf nl.for.low,n7 rid ant t ar Ith lb nq nnn. 8i Wept •. tlon Tr En.l I Trains P. U. STATIONS CATASAUQUA. . A 63 *REIMS'S. 9 46 •JORDAN BRIDGE, 989 HUTH'S. WALIIBRT'S. A 29 CHAPMAN'S. 9 19 THEXLERTOWN, 9117 1114E1 N lOSVILT.S. 866 •SI'RINII CREEK. 942 AL-111111.T18, c' 837 741 7 46 tltal CONN ECTIONB Tho morning train wort leaves Cata Ramona on the arrival Ef the I. V It. It, Passenger train from Mauch Chunk, aston, Bethlehem and Allot town, and connects at Mbar. tie with a tram on the East Pennsylvania It. H for Read• Ina, Peasant°, Harriaburg and Philadelphia and oleo with a train (or Allentown. Bothiehtua Raston. The Inorning train East connects at /Ant.% alto...alas on E. P. It R. front Harrisburg, Potion Illa heading . and Allentown. and at Cata•toqua with train on the Ishlgh Valley Railroad for Mauch Chunk. Wilkenbarre, Scran• ton, Philadolphia sod New York. I he 115 P M train Went conr,eta at Atlantis with thins on the East Peon. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville. liar. rishrtra. Philadelphia, Allentewh, Bethlehem. Easton. and NMI,' York j arrive in Philadelphia via Reading at o 15 p. ra. The Evening train Rant leaven Al-Mulls on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of a train tnahlaa connec tions at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris. burg, Pottsville, Ate., and connects with local passonant :rain on the L. V. R. It. at Catasauqua for Allentown, Bethlehem and Ea.ton. Persons wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn• ng train West to Ai-Hurtle, arrive at Allentown 915 a m. nd return by a train ou ihn Rant Pennsylvania Railroad, Ironing Allentown at 20 p. ta. C. W. CHAPMAN, Runt. and Engineer. fin 10-111 • VANIA RAILR PENN SVL-ga OAD. 1016114[1161r_t5c WINTER ARRANGEMENT Passengers for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. It trains pausing Allentown at 0 Pll, 810 arid 11 63 a. m., and 535 and 8 t.'4 p. m.. and arrive In Philadelphia at 8 60 a m, 1. 15, 815 nod 10 30 p. m. A lso Lehigh and guannolianna Railroad n od w 0 3 11 and 6 44 p. m., and arrive In Phila delphia lul l (.0 and 815 p. m. ' LOCAL SCHEDULE Ifilx Throngh Tr:tt Daily, Sundays Excepted Pasaenger trains learn tho depot Northwest corner Berk. nd American sti eat, Pitiladeiphla, Fur Allentown at 800 and A 43 a. to., 2 On. 3 01, 4 00 and to p m. Petite errs RN attached to tit, BH. to. Mall. For Poylentoan alb 33 R. to., 230 and 4 30 p m. Fur Fort Washingtn at 7 nod Ile m, and It 30 p m. For Abington at 181 0 , 630. d 816 p. m. lot Lnnsdale at 630 p. m. I= Leave Bethlehem at 5 20. 6 0 a. m.. 1215, 340, 800 and 380 n. m. .• Doylestown at 635 a. m., 800 and 500 p. m. Lansdale at 515 a. m. Fort Wa,,hington at 8 30. 10 30 a. m., and 216 p ' Abington at 2 15, 026 and 000 p. m. ON 81/04DA116, Leave Bethlehem o or Philadelphia at 400 p. to. Doyleatown 700 a. Iti• Leave . Prdindelphis for Bethlehem at 9 30 a. to. for Doy teetown at 200 p. re. - Pare—Alloutown to Philadelphia, fl 135. ELLIS CLARK. Agent; ALIAINNOIIVN PASSENGER RAIL WAY. TIME TABLE. On and after WED ESDAV,Iiev. 29,1871, care will run to alLtralua on the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and riuseena. henna. Philadelphia & Rending (Baal Penn Junction) Rallroade, and to the Allentown Furnace. loading tlta• Hon. Hamilton and Ninth streete„ae follow,: For L. V. L. &8. IL Penn. Furnace. Leave Far A M A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. 530 733. 650 999 940 8 Oil 7 45t 840 10 GO 11 30 7 96 11 30 11 25 7 45 - P. M. P. M. 1 45 100 140 11 30 P. M. P. M. 9 15 3 53 11 56• 2 95 140 600 693 F.M. 5 15 9 45 790 735 315 600 346 830 15 10 Pay DayNLYs & Word's 8 30 O 730 a 830 810 . The above Can run to all the passenger train. on the above roads. • From blanch Chunk. f From Keaton. A NEW FEATURE. During the Winter months, all the care on thin road will he comfortably hooted. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten year. of age, Five Canto. Ticket. can be purchased of tho conductor. on the cars, or of the Tre , o‘nrer. in pnolcogen'of 7 for 60 cts.or 14 for V. Ilea eta resolved only for passengers, not for trunks or pnckages. "Passenger. ore requested not to ride on the plat form when thrre Is room Inside. R FO A I D I 1N 6 11A1L•Wori =Egg 8175131 ER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 0, 1872 Great Tronk Llue from the North and North-West for Philad phla. New York, needing. Pottsville. Tamaqua. Ackland. Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, neaten, Eph rata. LIM, Lancaster, Colon:Wm, &e. . . Trains leave Harrisburg far New York as follewa: at 2 41, 810 a. m., and 200 p. to., connecting with s imilar train. Pennnylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at tool a. in.. 953 and 945 p. tn. respeotivelY. Returning trove Now York at 9 mo a. m.. 129, noon and 04) p. m.; Philadelphia at 7 .4., 890 a. tn. and 330 p.m. Leave li•rriaburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Hinoravillo, Aohland, tilmonokin, Allentown. and Phila delphia at 810 a. U. 200 and 402. stopping at Lahti. non and principal way Mato:mg t h e 4al p m. train con peeling for Philadelphia, Pottaville and Columbia only. For Pottsville , Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and tiIIeIVIOLIMPLIIS Railroad leave Harrisburg at 940 East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, Saxton mod New York at 4 34. 1040, a. m, end MSP no. Returning, lonvo New York at 900 a, m.„ 1190 noon and 5•45 m.. and Allentown at 720 a. to., 12'2. , noon. 210, 4 .21 and 915 p. m. Way Passenger Train leave. Philadelphia at 7 30 a. m.. connectiug with similar train on Bast Penna. Railroad: returning 1.! 0 Reading at 8809 in., slopping at all sta• lions. . • Leave Potte•llle at 000 a. tn. ' and 30 p. M. Herndon at 1010) a. In. blin took in at 610 and 11 15 11.. m., Anbland at 707 a. In. nod 12 43 noun Mahattuy City at 761 a. no. and I p• at 1.1 n, rn. and 210 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Harrisburg, Leave Pottsville yin iichuylklll and B...chanua Rail. groad At 812 m. for Harrisburg, Mid 1113 m. Plue rovo and Trettiont• Pat audio Accommodation Train leaven Pont:vine at 5 5 a. no ., pans. Reading at 7'25 a. m., arriving at Philadel phia at o fi) A.m. Raturulug, lea.es I htladelphin at 6I p. no., panning Reading at 740 p. on., arriving at Pont.. Al o p. to Pottstown Accommodation Train !Gay. Pool . t cwn • t BUa, m . Itmoruina, Rayne Platta....phia (Math atm' Ore..) At 450 p. tn. Columbia Railroad Trains leageßeading at 7 20 a m and 11 p m for Kph... Idtit, Lancaster, Cu) etribla, Sc, ;re nod. lea. I: mender .08234 w, nod 323 put, .3 Colombia at 8 15 I; in. and 3 15 p P.:rattan. Railroad Trams leave Perklomon Junction at 713. OW a tn. 300 and 34.1 p to. Ileturultur. leave Schwenk...Milo at 030. F 01a m, 10, and 113 p ut, cot, amtux with aoullar oat. ou POPIIIIIS iitairos4. Pickering Valley Railroad 1.1.1.. Mtn:Haynie at 100 in, 310 and 3 :Alp ; ionoutug leave Byeni ;HO 36 • no, 1. 4.5 .:11, nod 42) p an, counocong with tlilllllol oat. ou Rellidilla Railroad. Colebrook Milo !Marti. trains lea. l'ottatown at 40 a . on nod 1 025 00.0 7 13 p m; Tenoning leave Mount Ploaaant ut 610, 8 00 and 11 21 n tn, and 325 p m, conuect. mg with tram. on Reading R. R. Cheater Volley italtroau trains lea. Bridgeport al 810' a u; cud 240 and 533 p In; returning, leave Dowaington at 55 am, 12 3.1 And 640 p at, connecting with atrallat oat. on Reading Railroad. Ou tiundaya: leave New York at 6 41 p m, Philadelphia at 8 00 non .d d 15P to (the 8000 m train running only to Reading). leave Pottsville at 000 a 00, liarrinhnra at 2 43 am and 9W pm, Annular. en 425 and 9 5 p no, Read• loge) 713 a at nod 113)1in (or Harrisburg, at 4 34 a m fn. Now 'kook, at 7111 a m for AlleuttiWn nod at 011 a m and 410 p m tor Philadolintla. Commutation, Mileage, dilation, School and Excurniou !Takeo, to and from all point., at reduced rat.. Baggage checked through; 100 pouuda allowed each Pannen ger. J. E. WOUYTEN, m a y it J . deal. Supt.& tiny. Afach'rif. C . F. IVOLFERTZ, •• . • C UTLERY, NO. 600 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Mannfartoreland keeps een.taetly on hands large its sortineut of all kind• of Coilory. .desors Table halves sod Forks Paocket Helve. dolsvore dt (Hy • ALLENTOWN Rolling Mill Co Stmeo.ton to THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON & CO., Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, Furnace, notti;ig Aral and Alining Work, &c., &c., tte. N. 11.—All work guaranteed ■nd 'delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Supt. augnstP-flm w) ' WATMON'N CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IN PHILADRLPHI.4 The only Safe with I !HON HOOKS. Guaranteed Vree Irma Dantpueen.' Oleo prices from 16 tu 20 per cent. lower than N. other makers. Plow.) send fur Circular and Price MM. T. WA h a na23 j'ab's of E ITo a .7l t4: 1 ,:,111 . "1101T:fat. THL E ICA I. I LLU URNAL la STRA everyTED P MIR reepoctES°. OO JO • Flout. Close 11X1Plille. l ie articles are the highest lutenist to all. It teaches what we am end h to make the meeker ourselves. • The Information Ire it :KIWI on the Laws of Life and Health Is well worth the wire of the klagnelne to every tacitly It to publiebed at 43.00 a year. By a speci a l arrangement we are enabler! to offer thn Ithren•- ' <teem Journal •ir • Neuron m for Ovn new sub.crlher4 to the Lagoon USFIIiIaR. or will furnish the Legion Rem. TIM and ehrenolegleal Journal together for 436 e. We ettatmend the Journal to all who wont a good elstaslar s • At:drese all orders to BOOT. IREDELL. a . A IleutOw a.•Pa IPrcifeosionra Carbo.. • • A • ... JItiNEEII. . BETZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Officel, tin. fat Hamilton street, over Schrei ber's store. ALLENTOWN PA. (dim J. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .I.U• ALLENTOWN, PA. OfEco. No. LO East Usorttltoo strapt. anuknltArt to (Jarman. lso 14 WD. "CUCKENTIACII, AVICOR Tv • NET AT LAW.(fon:mull practiced to Cacho county). Office, - Hamilton street, second door near) opposite the Court loose, Allentown. Pa. May be con united In the German lanitnale RUN K & BIM N;ATTORNEYS AND COUNEELLORB AT LAW, Allestown. Pa. Otlles. No. Al East Um:Antos street. O.M. Ruiz. • V. A. R. BALDWIN' i /ORRIN L. KAUFMAN, ATTOR. /V./. NEY AT LAW. Otero, /wood floor of lb. Pint . National Bank ALLENTOWN,.PA. Collections made to Lehigh and adtulnlng collation. Can be connalted ntbe English and Norman bingnsitie. eep It ELIAS DEUTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, • 66 Wont liscolltm St.. Allontowo. Pi. • G' 4"t 11. RUPP, 41"IrOICNEY AT LAW. Office WWI Dun. John D. Salop. Allen town. Ps MADIVIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY ILI AT LAW. eight. gtours Shove rho Court AL MOTOWN Lehigh county. Pa. lob 1:1-'04-17 lon on 000 c• a, and .n.ttio e 1 E K. W I LSON ,ATTO It N EY .X AT LAW, No. OW liantilion etreet, oppo Otto the Conn Ationtown. Colkettoom promptly made In Lehigh nod Northampton Common DR. C. C.FI. GUILDIN, SERGFION DENTIST. Olllee, over Mre. M. A. 0. Onltlln e Trim:tine Store, 11•m11ton etreet, Allentown T EVII SMOVER. ATTORNEY AT T.AW AND JUSTICE OF TIM PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, 1.13H1011 CO PA. Particular lineation paid to Innalycat Ucccdcut entatoa. jai) 0.17 • _ N 7i r S. YOUNG). J R.. . (wiru ItSOWLTO2I.I , III7II • IMALIIIIO ATTORNUY AT LAW, • EOM, 43, 43.41. d 47, No. IGO Wanhingtonlltreet • Chi Cl4O. Jinn 30 Jonv 0. BOWMAN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 6, N 0.630 W• oat street, Ithilsdolybla. mar 1.17, •I'IIOMAS B. METZGAB, ATTOR. A NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. 061eo, No. 62 East IlamHum street. may M.'69 GEORGE B. NCIRALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offico, Flrxt door [Om) Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. • • may 041 m nEs S. 'HERA'. AT ,ttNEYANIP CO(IN.MI Olt AT LAW. feel. f H mer'Aet. oppos th e Engle Hotel ' , Al ' l n e r nioarE;, roar 17.1, F - --- H DWARD ARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °taco, with Ilan. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-19. JOIN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0 aim, N. E. Comer Ma and Namilton Street. AbLEN - TOWN, PA. • • may 1..1y ADAM WOOLEVER, AT LAW. Office, oripontte the Court House, AL LENTOWN PA. may 1.17 V- WILLIANI ILGLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CATAHAUQUA. LEHIGH .COUNTY PENNA. may 10.11 I) CLAY lIAMERSLY,ATTORNEY it • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. Mu 14-'694f _ ------- - earprt3 anb Oil 21.otii.' ci..iteETAAG, WILLIAMS & DALE, grert axone Toe n 000FIOALK, KM. MARKET STREET, .PRILADELPIAIA, Dp.ler. lu th.iRI'ETS. 011. OLOTIIte..I.IATTISO9, eto t We bleep Joe( roceivkl for the Fprlug .de lame and bends one nneorin,ut of now nod beautiful etylen In Elm- Pole, legreb,.. Ma limo,. Ell eb.tbe, Window bbadee . , ale.. et,, alb or whim, we lP Or ten It - meat cash priers. Wo mvii. ell Io call and moo um, ILEA examine our clock before per tinning eleowhete. WILLIAMS & DALE, fob 28.3,nw 5.3. 0 Musket St.. Philadelphia. RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &O. S. .C. FOULK. - - NO. 19 S. SECOND ST.; rHILA., (Flret Carpet store below Market, Eant aide,) Invite. nttentlon to hln nplend'd anermtmeot or Imported and American CA ItPIiTS, whlrb will be cold at a very small advance. floods warranted nn reprenented no tba all can buy with confidence and natinfactlon. no, CARPETS I CARPETS I Also, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &C., G. B. SNYDER & CO„ 34 SOUTH SECOND ST., PIIILADA., =I . N. //..—A Itherul discount to Chterchee rind ClArim wen CZNIEI= A; H. FRANCISOUg - & 513 MARKET STREET We have opened for ' the SPRING TRADE, the !argent and boat aanorted Stock of PIIII,ADELPRIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window haute and Paper. Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Bat— ting, Wadding, Twines, {Mks, Clocke, Looking (Massee, Mindy Baskets, Broome. Baskets, Buckets, Brush es, Clothe,— t$ ringerß, Itiooden rr and Willow Ware in the United totes. Our l‘rge inures. la hualnos■ enabler tut to ■ell at 101 V price. and furnish the bent quality of (Juodn. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, rniVE $5.50. Over 13,000 sold. In 81x Monthe • Term. rarpets, GO days. All other geode. 30 d•ye. Net h. , •14.3m .•ro 9m w DI the wonderful medleine to whirl, the afflicted are ahoy° painted for relief, the discoverer lie• neve.; Ile hat clilthltiell lit hariaOhy noire of Na lure's .11104 covitroOtti curative ;melodic... which . • 0311 Mulu , tilic.l lute the core table idtigilatu fur healing the pick, than were ever before combined •• •In wto. nein, 'rho evidemco of tide fact it found In the itreAt variety of tined obstinate die ' L ea ,, e4 which It in , ben i found to conquer. In the 'cure of It rourhaitto, Severe Coughs, and the early etat! , of (10 null motion, It boa aittenldet.i. the I:lenity, and eminent pity aloha+ pronoun , It the greateq medical dlecoVe• ry of 111.1 ate. Waite it cure,* the severest (:tinebs, • it strea flit cy•den and porlflet4 Ilse • blood. IV it. gee it and thoroili,•ll 1,1004 purify- Inz properti,. It ear., ill Ito Montt, Crete tin., watt Heroin 17% to a common Illoteb, Plm ple, or Ittroptle. lb, Mee inlet illitenee.3llno ral liJkonr, al I their elreetA, are eradicated, And hcllllt nil a runnel entnaltiltlOn Et t. I tool ay.; Noll liken ell, Ea , or Norte., Sealy or Hough Skin, In !dent, all the nun ie. , curved Iry bail blood, are conT.E...rel I , : 1111, powerful purifying and in vilerathi If you feel dell, dr iw 4 v, debilitated, have anliew eller of skin, Ire yellow brown Spot* on rare Or trim ly, freiriout Ire e I telt i or dizalnese, hail torte In Iti.v gloomy forchodltute, Iry tali, Intoned It tt or Cain+ alto totted with but ro.ziliftr ap.i Oil ' ''. a o I t.uslio rented, pin are puffer- Int (rite To epl l Liver or ..111.11ottit- IR ay," In lit toy C. 1.04 or Li ver C om . plaint 9) otly pet of thctu symptoms are cope riere A , n r•it • by far all anvil cases Di. Marco's Clonal Heal Diaenvery Jinn tin equal, 114 It ell'ett. , port ,et. curs, leaving the liver strength ened ail I It Nor the Care of Habitual ' Conant pat lout ol the bowels It Ise never fall ing rain u le, or I ima who hare need It fur this are lon I In Its praise. pnyrietar otTor. $l.lOO reward for a Medi • erne that will equal it far the care of all the din came. fur which It I, reettnimentleil. Smut by rlea:!l , t s itt tier battle. Prepared by It. V. Pierce, N. P , Jnt Proprietor. at his plietf,[. can L'lbaratOry. 197 Seneca .tart. mall", N. Y. Scutt yu tr.uddreee far a may 1-srtf • • C . F. woLFEwrz, NO. fio43 HAMILTON BT.. ALLENTOWN, M • . Per, tad, dealer la Sbea Jeoeu'e Milder.. le bleb el, le lllugat reduced pile- Mee., and double born. Mu. Ana Owns. MeParer* I. lade. Powder, bbo%. Cap.. k Able, Tackle, Mo. •Iy27•W in. 11. BNYDRII W.F. lIARes CM= =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers