E Eljc Pgister, No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending. Word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send us heir old address as well as the new.. A. B. Rom) has been re elected superb tendon' of common schools of Montgomery county A MOMS has been discovered to Easton afflicted with the sanall•pe=. Tww work of excavating the cellar for the new house of Dr. John Romig, on the prverty of the late John H. Oliver, has been . commenced. Tile temperance men are not satisfied with the Cincinnati platform, because it contains no temperance plank. Tan School Directors of Northampton Save elected B. E. Beesley Superintendent, and.raleed the salary to 111200. Sous silly pewits unknown hair!, threat ened to burn Bethlehem If an Individual named "Crazy Pete" Is not released from Imprisonment. Tut firm of J. Hallman & Co., of Nimoon's steam forge and axle works, have orders for over AOC° pieces of fomirg for Bridgeport, Connecti cut, and otht r fiance In ill- Eastern Btatcs. Ws unders.aud we Colum bin Fire Compa ny will furnish the water for Barurdn'a museum , provided they can get Councils to consent to the arrangement. FIREMEN t e PAILWIL —rile annual parade of the fire department of this city, which usually takes place on Whit Monday; will not occur this year till some time In the Fall. &XVI WARD.—The Allentown Iron Com pany Intend to erect ten brick houses In the above wart. Proposals far the same will be received at the company's office. THE express agent at Copley requests us to state that be wan not asked to be a reference of the Copley Gift Drawing and that he declines to have anything to do with the enterprise. TUE Lehigh Valley Fire Insurance Co. last Wednesday settled. the losses suits hied by J. Beeates by the Ninth street the by paying hum the earn of nine hundred and thirty dollars. Nam STOllll.—Mr. E. J. Peter has recently enlarged hie boot and oboe store, In Onthsville, and will reopend with a large stock of goods on Thareday of lait week. AT the last session of our State Legislature a supplement to the school law wee passed, lo crsaslrog the schdol term from four to Oro months In the year. Hereafter uo din riot win be allowed to keep Its schools open for a shorter period than five months lo the year. Fins IN EASTON. —The cotton factory at Easton, caught lire about 5:20 P. M., Wednesday In the lower story what Is called the picking room from the heat, generating by friction of what Is sailed "The Devil." The engines were promptly on the spot.' The lons Is not known. AROTIIER STEANISR.—The Liberty Hose Company are agitating the subject of getting a Slleby steam are engine. Allentown needs more steamers than she has at present, and we hope the Liberty *lll succeed In procuring a machine won. ACCIDENT.—Tuesday while Gerrge Hartz. ell'was helplnc to put the safe of the Allentown Bank on a freight wagon, the horses stared, which caused Mr Elattaell, to fall and spilt his ankle bone. The cap of the knee was also knocked out of place. FUN AMICAD.—Happy Cal Wagner and his troupe, the teL band of minstrels tuat ever visited this or any other town, will appear at the Opera House on the evening of June 15th. Tony Pastor's Variety Troupe will hold forth at the same place oo the evening of June 27th. FOOT AMPUTATED. —A colored man named Mahlon Groves, who Is well.known In this city and county had his foot amputated last week morning at the Lehigh Cionny Almshouse, of which Institution ho Is at present an Inmate. The operation was performed by. Drs. Selpel and &mosso.. TUB BOAT CLUB.—Thu young men who have been endeavoring to organize a boat club In this city are puthing the matter energetically. They have built a boat house on the Little Lehigh opposite the water wotk4, where they Intend to keep boats to hire. The club expect the ar.lval .of their skiff In a few days. BEFORE . ALDERMAN STADLER.—Wednes• Constable Worman went to South Bethlehem and arrested Samuel (Roman, charged with no, maintaining his children. It appears that his wife died some time ago with small-pox and he de sered his three little children. The above named Magistrate committed him to J in default o three hundred dollars. THE Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company held their annual meeting In Philxdelphla To a day. The statement of the receipts and expendi tures was shown by which the vompatty woe found to have a surplub or $3,755,841 97, At the con clusion of the meeting an election was held for Mara gers for the ensuing year, and the present Board was reelected. From the Auditor General's report on rail. roads we learn that the Allentown Passenger Railway's receipts amounted to $10,800.78 for the year ending Oct. 30, 1871, and that they carried 110,91034 possengers. We suppose It's all right, but we cannot help extending our sympathise to that half passenger. More passengers were carried during August than any other month of the,year. Tug amount of coal now shipped from Pitts burgh is enormous. According to the Iron World and Mannt.cturer,thera wereshipped in one week from that port seven millions 'five hundred and three thousand buehele of coal, mostly destined for Cincinnati. It was conveyed by sixty-seven tow boats In six hundred and (unpile° barges and Is worth, at Urine° cents per bushel, over one and a quarter millions Ot ON A TEAL —One of BetWellem's promi nent chicane went to Easton the other day for sport, and while in that ascient village, partook too freely of the beer Fold there. While coming home the train ran around a curve rapidly sod our unsteady friend fell off and rolled down a cinder bank, tearing his clothing badly. A phy \stclan was summoned to examine the supposed Injured man, but pronounced him unhurt, ' Is a circular Issued from the beadquarte re of the Grand Army of the Republic,ot New York,by order of General Burnside, which announces thut the 30th of May will be observed an Decoration Day, the following beautiful suggestion In made, mode, which is well worthy of consideration : "In addition to the strewing the graves with - flowers, It Is suggested that they be planted with flowers, so that, when we are gone, the seasonsin their ceaseless round may, In our stead, adorn the sleeping places of our comrades." • ItEronT of coal traneported over the Lehich Valley Railroad for week ending May 9th, 1872, compared with same time last year: Far Weak. For Tear. Total Wyoming 11,578 06 208.054 00 Hazleton... 50,798 10 821.871 18 Upper Lehigh.......... 21 15 1,213 12 Beaver Meadow 19,999 05 200.191 11 • ............. . ...10,825 03 119,408 05 Mauch Chunk 62 17 1,464 06 Total... flame time 1871 I Increase 1 Ton KNIGHTS OF 'PYTHIAS IMPORTANT CHANOES.—AIThe annual session of the Supreme , Loige, held In Baltimore on the nth of last mouth, a new ritual was adopted and other itu• portant businesstransacted, which will probably not be officially ' transmitted to the autordinate • lodges until next Fall. Among other changes Is ' that of renaming the officer of lodges and crest ; log a new one, to sit opposite tbe ,V.. P., to be 4 known as the Junior Prelate. The tVoithy Chan cellor will hereafter be known as the Chancellor Commander; the V. P., Prelate; the Guide us Master of Ceremonies; the B:ewards as Guards ; the Banker as Master of Exchequer, and so on. Several Inconsistenclea In the ritual have been cor rected and the whole work modieed. WE have received a copy of the Taunton Dally G.,tette. We see our friend Shipley still fleas mit Grant. ASCENSION DAY WIIS generally observed by the suspension of business, though some branches were not Interrupted. Mahy of those who oh. served thoi day ascended a very high horse. Tug HAY Crum—Considerable anxiety Is manifested by our farmers In relation to the present hay crop. They fear the dry weather will make It a short one. LOBT.—An advertisement in to-day's issue announces the loss of four hundred dollars and offers the liberal reward of fifty dollars for Its recovery. We hope the money will be returned to this ogee, as the loser can Illy of to bear the loss. Tannic fair nymphs enjoy themselves daily by bathing In the Canal, near the Lehigh Valley Railroad &pot. They attract considerable a ten don, and are a sourco of distraction to the cm. ployes about the depot.—Easton Express. ' Are they mermal4s Blaming AccirneNT.--Whil3 a Mr. Diehl, brother of Phaon plehl, was unloading a freight wagon in flail street, Friday morning, the board used for letting down boxes tilted and was thro o around, the Iron prongs of which struck Mr. Diehl on the bead, cutting a deep and painful gash in the scalp. BLATCULEY'S CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP IP THE BEST. For male by the Hardware Trade, Dealers in Agricultural Implements, dm. If there Is no agent In your town, send for descriptive cir• rular. C. G. BLATCULET, 506 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. George 8010, agent for Allen. town. mar 18.8mw ANOTIIRII FRAUD.—We understand a man calling himself Dr. Bernhardt was In Catasauqua, yest rday, peddling spectacles. Any one who pat ronized him, deserved to be swindled, as we base state.i time and again in , these columns that the Doctor never goes out on such business. Those who want hie services must call at his rooms, at the American Hotel. THE Elflh monthly meeting of the Evangel ical Lutheran and Reformed Sunday School In stitute, will be hold at Behnecksville,on Saturday, May 18th, 1872, at one o'clock, p. m. One of the questims to be discussed Is "Are our Sunday Schools - In general what they should be to the church, and can a congregation flourish without a well regulated Sunday School." All are Invited to be present. THE WILLIAMBPORT CONVENTION. The Labor Reformers met in Wl.llamsport, Tuesday, to nominate a State ticket to bo voted for In Octo ber. The Convention adopted the Columbus form and then proceeded to ballot fur candidates, with the following result:—Governor,W. P.Schell; Auditor General, 800. E. Blillogfelt ; Supreme Judge. James Thompson. Much eXeitertient was created by the announcement of the withdrawal of Judge Davis as a candidate for the Presidency. MAN RUN OVER AT BATll.—Tuesday week, by some accident, Mr. Cyrus E. Moser, a resident of Freemansburd, and a brakeman on the Bath Railroad, was run over at Bath, and was so seri ously Injured that his life is despaired of. Mr. Moser has a f ,rally, consisting of wife and three children, at Freetnansburg. Ms wife was at once sent for. Our Informant stated that the car passed over Moser's body, but was unable to glv us a detailed acco , int of the accident.—Bethlehem Tinus. ACCIDENT.—Friday morning, about seven o'clock, while three six Inch pipes were being hoisted by a crane, at Barber & Co.'s foundry, the chain broke and the pipes fell across the right leg of Abraham Delmer, between the knee and ankle, from which he sustained severe bruises. Dr. Martin, hie attending physician, says it Is miraculous thqt ho escaped without a broken limb. Derone resides on Oak street, in the First Ward. Dirmatips. The Allentown Nationa Bank will pay'elx per cent. after the 17th. The Flret National Bank will pay nix per cent after the 20th. The Catalaanna National Bank will pay eh per cent. on demand. The First National Bank of Bethlehem will pay live per cent. on demand. The First National Bank of Easton will pay six per cent. after the 17th. A WRITER in the Germantown Telegraph ads lees owners of plum trees to suspend on each, just alter blossoming, several corn-cobs which have been thoroughly soaked in sweetened water. Ele says that the eurcullo-lusects prefer these to the young fruit, and deposit their eggs in them. They must be token down and hurnad when the fruit ripens, by which all the young insects will be destroyed. Thlaseems reasonable and is very easily tried. IMPORTANT ITEM TO Tan n. ABORT TO VISIT Philadelphia with the Intention of purchasing their Spring and Summer Clothing. If they want to t.a4e the expense of their journey, get well pleased with their purchases, and be fully satis fied with the wear they get out of the goods, let them vl.lt the Great Clothing Store of BENNET tt; !Co., Towers 11*t.c, No. 518 MAW= BT/kEELT, half way between Fifth and Sixth streets, where th y will dud a magnificent Stork to select from at the very lowest prices In the city. RIOOT REVEREND FIOWE adtninis tered the right of confirmation to twenty-five per nolle at Bt. fitephen's Episcopal Church, on Sun day morning week. This is the largest accession the church has ever had at one time for macy years. In the afternoon the Bishop confirmed seven per sons at St. Clement% church, and In the evening he preached an able, plain, practical sermon at Bt. Stephen's from the words, Be ye perfect.'?, The music at St. Stephen's In , the morning, was very fine, particularly a bans 'solo by Mr. Wood ward.— Infketbarre Record of the Times. Ws are gratified to announce to our readers that Dr. Bernhardt has recovered from his recent indisposition and is again prepared to devote 'his time and skill to those who are afflicted with im paired vision. We append the following, which speaks for Itself: It - afforde me great pledoure to add my teeticetwy to Hutto otbera as to the Val lu or the aid afforded by Dr. Morrie Bernhardt to thou afflicted with de ft eilve ViNieu. Dr.Dernhardt has given me glasses for rear sight whirls are far superior to anything that ever I have r>timined,eelwhichexactlysuittnyeyes. They are. worth more than money can expruat to me, na auy one afflicted with del..ctive vision will readily underhtand. I advise all who have anything the mutter with their eyes, to commit the Doctor. • A. B. ECIIMIT, Allentown, Pe. REORGANIZATION QJTUB MAMMOTII STORES —h In with pleasure that we address the citizens of Allentown and adjoining counties to announce that we have reorganized our Brut. The endeavor of the old firm was to make our friends " feel at home," and we are determined nothing shall be spared by the ucw firm to extend the same " Wel come," at, the same time offering a much larger stock of Goode and a more satisfactory display. We shall offer In season all new and desirable DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. SU ITINGS, and an immense STOCK OF HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, a. cond to none. Also a fide display of CARPET INGS, each as English Body Brussels, English Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Smith Tapestry Ingrain, Sanford Tapestry Ingrain, Extra Super Ingrain, Super Ingrain, all grades of Common Ingrain, Venetian, Wool Dutch, Reg, LI4 and Hemp Car pets, Rugs, Mate, &c. OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN LACES, &c., &c. OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT UNSURPASSED in the " LEHIGH VALLEY"' In point ol quantity, quality, styles and prices, having ordered direct (ruin the MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS before the LATE ADVANCE IN WOOL. We have enlarged our CARPET ROOM on the sec ond floor, which le now the LARGEST IN THIS CITY, and not excelled anywhere. We idler GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT at New Yotk and Philadelphia prices. We Invite one and al to give us a call. EXAMINE FOR YOUR SELVES, and be convinced that you can select Irma choice stock,aud save time, passage, freight, &c., by buying here. In conclusion we would say that the principles and practices that have hereto foregovereed this Institution are our best guaran tees for the future. Every department shall aboutti with BARGAINS, and our endeavor shall but to give the beet attention to those who may fa vor us with their patronage. 93.28801 1,459.103 12 14,562 01 517,834 04 78,724 00 043,359 0; We remain, yours, very respectfully, E. B. Slllsl ER do CO., 705 and 707 Hamilton Street. Allentown, Pa E. S. Bunten, A. B. Bum'''. TEE LEHIGH. REGISTER, ALLEMQWN; WEDNESDAY, MAY 15;1872. Tim printers of Eas'on will go on an excur alon to New York, on the 12th of June. Onixnanx.--h;aoluel Marx, Esq., an old citizen of Allentown, was attacked by apoplexy aborts 3 o'clock Friday mOrning and died about ten. He was a Justice of the peace of Upper Ma cungie for amoral years and was at one time a member of the Legislature. Laurence E. Corson, E.g., of Norristown, died on Wednesday. He was a prominent and highly respected citizen, and was one of the most earnest workers in the once prof ectedNorristown and Al lentown Railroad, which ought to have beau built Instead of the North Penn. Railroad. Motor Robt. E. Taylor, formerly of the Fifty, first Regiment, died at Norristown, soddenly, on Wednesday night. He was Eminent Commander of Hutchinson Commandery, Knights To r. pier, at the time of his death, and a member of the Town Cooed!. AT a regular meeting of Leesport Council, No. 141, 0. of U. A. M•, held at Leesport, Pa.,on May 4th, the following preamble and resolutions were unenlmously adopted : %Vogul:As, our late Brother, James Gambler, a member of Leesport Council,No.l4l, 0. U. A. M., has been confined by c onsumption on his couch for eleven weeks, and has been tenderly cared for by "arroll Council, No. 170, 0. U. A. M., of Al lentown • therefore, be It Resolved, That Leesport Council, No. 141, 0. U. A. M., tender their heartfelt thanks to the memhers of Carroll Council, No. 170,0. U. A. M., for the Brotherly love they have exhibited to ward' Broths r James Gambler, a member of Lees port Coined, No. 141, in watching over and caring for him during his confinement, and the honor they have exhibited In accompanying the remains of the deceased Brother to bit last resting place, near Leesport. Reso/ved, That Carroll Council, No. 170, 0. U. A. M., will have these resolutions publlthed iu one of the Allentown papers. WE refer our readers to Via advertisement Hayes, Coulter at Co., In another column. T. Is firm who succeed the old and well—known house of W. A. Arnold, have the most elegantand complete assortment of slate mantles e.abraelng eve•y s yle and price from the plain and cheap mantles to the most elaborate and costly, Including many new and unique styles which for beauty have never before been equalled. The arm has recently sup plied the Wilbur banking house, at South Bethle hem, with seventeen mantles and grates. In the latter they have made many Improvements, which add to the peifection of the draft and obviate many of the objections to low down grates. It Is a hot time to talk about heatlug apparatus, but in time of peace we Must prepare for war, and now is a good time to think about seiectinz the best beat. era. Mar.y of our Allentown housekeeper* are now suff,rlng from being obliged to cook them selves over old style cooking apparatus. If they had Chilsou'a patent ranges they would feel themselves under lasting obllgatlous to the Inven tor. DR. BKRNLIARDT.—This distinguished op. Lillian continues to receive the patronage he merits, h tying been visited by hundreds of persons whose eyes need Improvement. Several of the medical fraternity, for whom the Doctor has prescribed,or furnished with spectacles, are warm In hie prat.-e, and consider him a public benefactor. It rarely happens that so much skill and ingenuity urn combined lu nue Individual, and we earnestly ad vise all who have the misfortune of defective vision to call upon the Doctor and receive his unfailing attention. Had he been a charlatan, hie stay among us would have been, ere this, brought to an abrupt termination. But being a professional gentleman of rare acquirements and extraordinary natural gifts, hie skill is made manifest and his wisdom acknowledged. Persons desirous of hie asst-tunes should seize the present opportunity—an opportunity which may never happen again. Ills rooms ale still at the Ameri can Hotel, where ho may be consulted at any time during the day. CorLaY.—Trinity congregation of the Re formed church at Copley „will erect a church building during the present summer. Ground was broken last week for the excavation. In ere it is to be 40 by 60 feet, and situated at the north west corner of Coplay and 3d streets. It is no more that just to state that through the liberality of our worthy Buperluteudent of the Lehigh Val— ley Iron Co., Mr. B. 8. Levan, this enterprise was made a slams& Among other Improvements to be made this summer Is an engine house at the Iron works In order to eup?ly more steam power to curry on the works The wages of the hands at the works have been raised ten per cent. The Lehigh cur manufactuiing company on the opposite side of the river aro putting an addition of one hundred feet to their present extensive shop. Tho car company seems to be flourishing as they are steady at it and tilling heavy con tracts. . "Miss Sue Levan sailed for Europe yesterday. She intends to spend a year on the continent in visiting places of Interest. P. T. BAnNimes WORLD Fa'ri.—This grand Caravans .ry of men and animals Is to exhibit at Allentown, on Saturday, May 18th, and as It Is without doubt the most extenei on and complete establishment of the kind ever organized it will unquestionably be well patronized. The name of P. T. Mar um le alone sufficient to draw a crowd, but In addition to that be has provid.-d seven undivided shows for one price of admission, comprising 100,000 living and repre sentative curiosities In the museum and polytech nic ii.stltute ; 500 animals, biros, reptiles and marine monsters In the menagerie, caravan, and zoological litrilen, and In the circus and . hippo. drome are 100 of the beat male and female artists I In the world. Among' other novelties may he meta -1 tinned tour Hying cannibals from the FIJI Islands, whose favorite dish is cold baked miesionury ; the only living giraffe In America; thousand pound sea lions from Mr. Seward'. Alaska larin ; and u host of other curiosities " too numerous to men• lion," as the auctioneers say.' Of course, the six colossal tents will be picked to the utmost extent of their very kreatsapaeity, for when did a circus lull to attract a crowd ; and in Ads Instance the beat features of a damn ordinary circuses and menaceri , s at e combine , In one, to which the p:lce of admission Is only fifty cents. ALLENTOVN, May 3d, 1873 1. H. RAHN, J• A. MOll6ll, COMMIMCO C.'M. KETNEII, TEE VAI.LEY To 11E. " MAOAZINED." —We had the pleasure of meeting, this morning, Mr. E. N. Howell, President's Secretary Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, H. C. Schaffer, of the Phil adelphia Butlello,andße F. B. Schell, artist, all of Pt.lladelphla, and now ou a trip through the Le high Valley. The party is visiting all places of Interest, and Mr. Schaffer is preparing an arile'e on a trip through the Lehigh Valley, from Philo & Iphl t to Serantim, which will be profusely Illua• traced by sketches taken by Mr Schell. Mr: Howell accompanies the party as cicerone. In company with President Brodhead, of the Bath road, they went up to Chapman's Quarries this morning.hay. lag previously visited Lehigh University. The party Is on their return route, having completed their task above. Your townstnan, Mr. M. A. Kleckner, the celebrated photographer of that Le high Valley, accompanies them, and in of inesti. mettle value to both Mr. Schell, the artist, and Mr. Sehaffttr, the editor, In showing points of in- tercel, &c.. on the route. We will look with con• siderahle Impatience for the appearance of this article, as It w 111 o dou'..t be a complete descrip tion of our Valley, the author and artist having visited every point of lutereet therela.—Bethfehent Times. CURIOUS ACCIDENT AT SOUTH BETHLEHEM, —On Wednesday evening a curious accident ac currrd at the crossing over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at the Union Depot. While an engine of the North Peen. Company was shifting empty coal cars on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, WI liana Siegfried came ''own Fountain 11111 with a porter and sarsaparilla wagon, with two mules on the lead and two horses attached to the tongue. A number of persons present signalled him to stop and the bell of the engine was ringing constantly, but Siegfried could not control hie animals. Just as the mules got on the track the engine struck them. Oae of them was thrown to one aide and the other was cut loose from the harness and car• tied about a hundred yards on the cowcatcher, when he fell oil towards Schaaf ea hotel. Thu mule was somewhat bruised, but did not rte Ice any Injury, apparently, that will damage his value. It was certainly a very fortunate termi nation mf what atone time appeared to be au Inevitably serious accident. It Is, at least, a wholesome warning to those persons who are In the habit of crossing the tracks at that point as though they did not know a railroad was lu exiat ence, There is no wagon crossing over any rail road In the Valley that requires the exercise of a' much caution upon the part of drivers as the ~ crossing et the Union Depot. IT Is stated (het there are received and kept regularly on file at the American Newspaper Ad vertising Agency of Geo. P. Rowell t Co., New York, no less than 582 different American Daily Wwspapers, 56 tri-weekiles, 49 semi-weeklies, 4,662 weeklies, 8 eeml•monthiles and 320 month." lies, making a weekly average of over 8,500 period icals of nil kinds which are regularly flied and kept open for. Inspection by advertisers and : ethers who may bo Interested. The visitors to New York from Oregon, Texas, Florida or Maine, can fled at this establishment the local paper published at his home. LEMON COUNTY BUNDAY SCIPIOL CONVEN TION.— Thursday Morning, i'ay 9th„ le72.—The President called the meeting to order at 9o!clock, and announced as the opening hymn, " When Ile Cometb, When Ile Cometh," after thesidging of which a prayer was offered by Rev. biotin. The Rev. George A. Peitz then read a portion of Scrip lure, accompanying it with appropriate explana. tinn. The familiar hymn, " Shall we Gather at he River," was then sung, after which a Chil dren's Meeting" was held and an address was de livered by Rev. Bowman, which was followed by the singing of " Work, for the Night in Ct ming." Rev. Rymennnyder, of Lancaster, Pa., followed In an address which was succeeded by ringing "There Is a Happy Land." Rev. Peitz succeeded, who gave In connectlA with his address a very int.:r. eating blackboard exercise, Illust sting the name " Friend" as applied toJesus,viz:"F "First Friend," "Rich Friend," " Intelligent Fri md," " Eternal Friend," "Near Friend," and "Dear Friend." The hymns "0 do not be Discouraged" and "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blond," were then sung and duricg the singing of the last hymn a coliec lien for the benefit of the Sunday School work in the county was taken up, after which a prayer was offered by Rev. Peitz, and the Children's Meeting brought to a close. After the close of the Children's Meeting the President announced as the first,subject.for dis cussion : The Relation of the Congrelration to the Sunday School," which was opened by Rev. Wood. The discussion was further participated la by Revs. Lyttle and Rymensnyder. The hymn " Nearer my God to Thee," was then sung. The second subject fur discussion, "The Infant School, the Teacher, the Lesson an' the Helps," was then announced and opened by Rev. Owen, and further discussed by Revs. Rymensnyder,Lyttle and Peitz. The President then announced the following names as a committee on nominations : •Getteral Mc. Allister, Presbyterian ; Wm. J. Iloxworth, Bap tist ; Wm. J. Egge, German Evangelical Associa lion ; M. B. Schadt, Englbli Evangelical Assn elation ; Chrlet'an Schwartz, Methodist Episcopal Church ; W. R. Lawler, German Reformed ; Geo. Kuhl, Engi IA Reformed ; B. F. Trexier, German Lutheran ; 8. B. Anewalt, English Lutheran; Jas. B. Flumersly, Prot. Episcopal; T. J. Schmoyer, Unit d Brethren. Explamitions and suggestion■ wore made after the appointment of this cornm•ttee by Gen. Mc- AI Mr. Breinig, Rev. Wood, Mr. Rowland and Rev. Peitz, with a clew to securing the most efficient men In each township and borough as officers for the corning year. A few questions were then a•ked orally andan swered by Revs. Peitz and Rymenanyder Ou motion of Wood a recess was taken till two o'clock la the afternoon. Thursday Aft rnoon.—The meeting was called to order by the President, at 2 o'clock. andopened by singing the hymn "Just as I am Without one Plea,' followed by an appropriate prayer by Rev. Metzger. The familiar bymu " Nearer, my God, to Thee," was then snag, when the President an nounced the first subject on the programme for discussion, "Teaching the Word—Methods and which was opened by Rev. Little lit a short but forcible speech. Re was followed on the seine stiljeet by Rev.Metz.mr, Mr. Rowland, Rev. Owen, Rev. Rymensityd Mr. Barrma and Rev. Peitz, who closed It with au excellent Illustration on the blackboard. The hymn, " Rock of Ages," was then sung, after which Rev. Peitz gave a practical Illustration of a Teachers' Mectlng,with a classof some [liven or twenty teachers, aelecting as a lesson fur that purpose Rom. viii, 14.18. After singing the hymn " Blest be the Tie that Binds," the President an • nounced the second topic for diaeussion—" How can we best employ our young Men and Women In Congregational and Sunday School work," which was opened by Rev. Mohn. and further die cussed by Gen. MeAllister,Rev. Rymensnyder,Mr. Bt:1111e and Rev. Peitz, during which the impnr• tanee of giving employment to the young members of the congregation, In various spheres of useful ness, was brought out very folly. , The hymn, " Jesus, Lover of my Soul," was then sung, when the third Item on the programme was announced and very ably opened by Rev. Rymensuyder. The di'cussion was further par., tielp ,ted In by Rev. Grier, Mr. Rowland, Rev. Boyer, of Beeke c.moty, Rev. Peitz, Mr. Brelnig, Gen. McAllister and Rev. Walker. This subject was discussed very freely and much Interesting and important Information brought to light. After the close of this topic a few practical ques tions were asked and answered by Rev. when, ou motion, a recess was taken till 71,4 o'clock. Thursday Evening.—The President called the meeting to order at 7j, o'clock, and announced ..ft the opening exercises the hymn, " When we get Flame where Jesus IS," wbieh was sun!, by the convention and a prayer offered by Rev. Boyer, after which the hymns, " I know there's'a Crown for the Saints of Renown," and " Marching on, marching on, glad as Birds ou -the Wing," were sung, when the committee on nominations pre. rented their report which W 1.113, on motion, received. After considerable dlecustlon on the report, par. tielpated in by Revs. G rice, Paha, Meesra. Bruin iluehrle and Geir. McAllister, it was on motion adopted and finally again reconsidered and anew committee on nominations, consisting of Rev•. P.,hs, Orion and Mr. Ettinger, • appointed. The , Prer.ident then announced the first topic for dia. cession, "The Sunday School .Teacher—ills Ob ject and what Infrnmation he Needs," which was very ably discussed by Rev. Richards. Mr. Saguia then read letters of grveting frqui. Messrs. Me ; Dowell and Welling, and also offered the follow ing resolutions : • Resolved, That we hereby express our thanks to the Commissioner. , for aliowlaa us the One of tb's haulm! ; also to Jtohte Lona tk••r for kindly and• pornina from thbt to attother room In order lone commodate tts ; and also to Mr. Thymus for his, assistattee as J tnitor of this department. Res"luetl, Tina to Prot. Ettinger, our musical enttdaetOr, and to the•Ltdies who attended to our floral (11•CONI Our sincere Osaka are due. Resolved, Th t our thanks are due to Rev. P.4lz and ltd tuensnyder fur th. Ir services on this occa- I Om'. • Resolved, That we pledge ourselves anew to the gond wt. k or Bible Schools, and also to our State Sunday Scheid As-ociation as an auxiliary In Its 'natural weak, and especially upon our owe special Resolved, That the newly elected ()Miters of the County Association be reqbested to represent the A.soriation at the coining meeting of the State Association, In June next, at PatsbUrgh. The committee on nominations then presented their report, as follows, which was on motion re. coined and adopted : Report of A - minding Committee.—The Commit. tee on Nomiteitions beg leave to report ns follows: President, Oliver Williams, Cabmenint. Vice President, Wm. R. Lewis,, Allentown. Secretary, W. .1. Bosworth, Allentown. Treasurer, George Catil,lllllll.l, M. 11. [torn, Vice President. ('op. lay,A. F. K. Krout,v p. Slatington, R. McDowell, vit•J. P. Rowland, Seer tars. lilerstown, J. F. M. Shill re, vp. Fattens, Jacob li. Erdman, v p. 'Heidelberg, Joel P. Geiger, v p. North White hall, I' ter Gros., vp; B. A. Brown, sec. White hall, David L awry, vp ; F. G. Berndt, sec. Upper Macungie, John l.ichtenwuluer, vp. Lower Ma cungie, Henry J. Behmeyer, vp. Ilnuover, Jas. K. :dosser, v p. Salisbury, J. M. Jacoby, vp. Ilokeudauntm, F. IL Green, v p. bxecutive Committee—M. A. Semple, German Lutheran ; T. li. D old, English Lutheran •, Wm. Andrews, Presbyterian ; T. J. Schtneyer, United Brethren ; Justus Evans, English Baptist; George Desh, German Barak t; Jatnes Hit mersly, Prot. Episcopal ; W. It. Steckel, Mbravian ; Gee, W. Barmen, Reformed (German) ; 1.. P. Hecker, Relormed ' ( ; C. Sell warm z. Methodist Episcopl I ; M. B. :attach, English Evangelical; Win. J. Eget., German F.vangelleal ; II ugh Davis, Welsh Congregation; John R. Gaudier, United Brethren, (English). Rev. Peltz delivered a very Interesting addreSt on the topic previously opened by Rev. It:chards and followed by B v. Giles on the same sublert. The following resolutions were then adopted ` — Resole d, Thnt the t Minks of this Convention b.'s— and are hers by tendered to Rev. Walker for the able manner in which his has presided over our meetings for the past two yew's. Ile retires train the honorable position he has thus tilled with our warmest regards and kindest wishes. Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be rind ore hereby tendered to Mr. Alfred Brett:llg for the arduous, efficient and laborious work rendered the Asenchition while serving In the capacity of Secretary for the last Mint years. It Is with sincere regret that the ASsociation loses the services of this their faithful servant and he retires carrying with him the best wishes and regards of the AM°. elation. A prayer wasthen offered by Rev. Mr. Bowman, when the doxology was sung and the benediction pmnonnetat by the President. Tae Allentown Democrat urges the Demo-, ends to nontleateGeorge W. Casa: He sraulcibe an easy candidate to defeat. Pinson/Lt.—den. lia4ranft was in Cleve land, laet.week, nttendlng the sessions of the Ar my of th. Potomac Anaoclation. Tan man Simpson, .whose mysterious , die• appearance caused such Intense excitement at Hamburg, has ainco been seen at Elmira, N. Y. The cause of his strange conduct, which created the Impression that ho had bend murdered, bas not been explained.' INSPECTION DAL—The Seventh Division, N. CI. of Pennsylvania, will be Inspected in this city, next Saturday. According to the present Militia la w,non-commiseloned officers and privates absenting themselves w 111 he fined five dollars and commissioned officers ten dollars. Tho fines are to be collected by the Commissioners of the County. $E1110179. AOCIDEN T.—On Saturday, while Jonas EleunigholT, with a number of whom, were engaged lo felling trees In lioldelberg,he met with a serious accident by which . his rpluu was inland and his lower limbs were entirely paralyzes'. When the tree was about falliug his fellow work men gave the alarm, but ho failed to make hts escape and the trpnk of the tree fell upon his spine. It Is feared that the accident will result fatally. • TUE fifth monthly 'meeting of the Evan gelical Lutheran and Reformed Sunday School Institu u will be held at Schnecksvllle, on Satur— dsy, May 18th, 1872, at two o'clock, p. in. Qnestions for discussion: lit. Arc our Sunday Schools In gentral what they elinuiri •be to the church ; and can a congre gation flourish without a well regulated Sunday School? 21. .14.denominatlanal attachment and.falth fulneza bigotry? TIIE Reformed Menoniteconference, In ses• slon at Freeland, Montgomery county, passed the following resolutions:— Resolved, That the Sabbath school Is an caeca tial Institution to the success of the church. Resolved, That this conference regards popular education us a hand•maiden to Christianity, and that our hest efforts as a religious body he . put forth to promote It. Resolved, That we es members of the Christian church use our Influence against Ole sale and use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. BOARD OF LIEALTEL—Since Friday, the 10th of May, the registration of deaths has been en— forced. Every Monday there will - be inserted the deaths, calm, of death, and .wbother foreign or native born. Up to Monday, 12 m., there were four deaths. Cause of death—Tuberculoses, one, aged 53 years ; apoplexy, one, aged 78 years; plan— sltle tfltalon, one, ages 7 years ; hydro perlear— Mum, one, 51 years. Males,3 ; females, 1. Mar— ried, 3 ; single, 1. Native born, 3 ; German born, 1. A. V. NlosEtt, Health Officer. SAD.—Mrs. Franklin Smith, only child of Mr. Charles Clauser, residing between Schnecks• villa and filegersv We, a very 'estimable lady, died of scarlet fever, on Friiay noon. She w SII con— fined on the previous Saturday and a couple of days afterwards was attacked with that terrible fever. She was twenty—three years old. She was attended by Dre. Kistler, Kern and fielple, but their skill failed to defeat the grim monster. The community deeply sympathizes with the family in their sad bereavement; AN Inquest was held at Whitehall, Lehigh county, May 12th, 1872, before Wm. H. Romig, Coroner, R. A. Lyttle, R. Clay limnersly, Dan. B. Wood, Aug. Eagle, Henry Be'lers and Peter* Weaver, Jurors, upon the body of William H. Morris. The following verdict was rendered : The said William 11. Morris came to bin death by being run over by part of a coal train at the crossing over the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Blery's Bridge, Lehigh county, while carelessly catching hold of the moving cars, on the 11th day of May, 187:3, at above live o'clock, p. m.; and the Jury further say that the rear brakeman of the train la cen— surable for not signalling the engineer to stop the train, If it could be done, after be knew a life had probably been lost, and that otherwise no blame attaches in the matter. HEAVY INVOICES. —The hardware establish tnent of M. B. Young .t Co., No. 742 Hachilton street, le pointed to with pride by our citizens as a living monument to Allentown entorprhie and industry. Some idea of the business done there may be formed from the fact that to-day they re ceived fire cur loads of horse shoes from H. Bur den t Soon, of Troy, N. Y., containing fifty tone, which were shipped by way of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. They also received two car loads of cut nails. This, it appears to us, In a pretty good example of the wholesale trade car ried on by this firm, which enables other dealers la this line throughout Vis section of the State to m ke their purchases here more advantageously than they can In New York and Ph iladelphiaots they can buy as cheap and nave the difference In freight. DESTRUCTIVE FIRES-.SAW MILL, TURNING MILL, FIVC 110VBES, AND ONB B•RN BURNED.- The Scranton Republican says a fire has been raging:ln the woods abort two tulles below Le— high Fans, for three or four days, sweeping every thing before it. The people In the vicinhy have not pretended to do anything but tight the fire fiend, which they did like heroes. On Thursday afternoon there weed strong wind blowing, which hirled atirl sent tho angry filmes forward on lair work of destruction regardleaa of swamps, eld•, or anything that came In its path. The air was tilled with smoke and burning timbers that were being curried along by the tornado. Its prOgnas could not be stopped before It reached the villuge of Lehigh Fails, and destroyed a saw mill, turning mlil,ave dwelling houses and a biirn. Toe Inmates barely escaped with their lives, and saying none of their personal effects, not even a change of el ottilmr. I= Mr. William Webster's barn, near Moscow, was destroyed by tire from the woods _swept across a large meadmi and communicated with the barn. It was with the utmost dime illy that ho saved his residence. FALLEN Tunouorf.Wre regret to be hi formed that the project of erecting a new furnace In thin city has fallen through. The company bad ,ome ditilculty about obtaining a switch from the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the ReadiugCompany In terposing suclabtlections as to prevent the furnace company from obtaining a curve with a radius .ufilelent to allow Largo locomotives to pass'over It and up to the works. We understand the Read hug Company have been thus Jealous of certain rights they po4stss below the Iron bridge In order to prevent the V • 'ley Road from extending their road up Cedar Creek, the Reading Company hop ing to do that themselves after they have finished the new depot at Reading. The now furnace com pany was organised with a view of constractlug their works on Mr. Barber's property, and as they are debarred from :possessing the advantages of convenient ral road facilities, they decline to go ahead. We understand come of the gentlemen who pro posed taking stock In the concern have been In quiring Into the condition of wawa the Iron corn parties whom works are now In. operation. They have been editled with remarkable statements of the losses of a leading company, which had the efnet to shake their confl lance In this branch of manufacture. They were also told that Iron ore Is becoming alarmingly scarce, and that their new furnace might hardy be In blast before all the ore In Lehigh county would he entirely used up. If the report of these investigations be true, and we have it from very reliable authority, those Inter ested In furnaces appear very selfish In their desire to keep all the business in their own hands. We know pretty nearly what It costs to make a ton of pig Iron nnl the Iron quotations show that some body bas n handsome margin on It. Everybody extenkively connected with well managed lion furnaces .ins grown rich. The stock of the com panies has not only Increased In value, but the number of sha-es, In some Instances, ban been In 'creased and divided among the storkholdera where the profits have been used in erecting new Blacks. That the old companies ere putting up new stacks, and making costly improvements In their works to increase their productive caplet y, proves that 'they have made money In the paet,have confidence le the future and are not afraid of the supply of ore giving 01.1 t. Many years ago It was predicted that all the Iron ore would sone be taken out, but the supply seems Just as nearly Inexhaustlble now as It did then. New Iron ore mines are being opened constantly at points where experienced Iron men did uotdrenrn that Iron existed. Deserted mines aro being taken up and In some Instances these have proved remarkably rich and remuner ative. There are Innumerable evidences that the supply Is almost Inexhaustible and sustain the opinion of some r f our mostexperlenred Iron men 'hit the supply will last a hundred. veard at least, which is pretty nearly us long as the present owner* will want to operate their foresees. - IRON }Volum for sale. Bee advertisement in inothir column. • Trim north Whitehall Sunday Sehool,Asso elationheld an Interesting meeting at orient the schuol houses, In Schnecissville, on Saturday last, which was largely attended. No farmer should• be without Laical' 4$ Martin's calLbrated Cattle Powder. Every farmer who has used It cheerfully tectllles to Its efficacy. Prepared only at the City Drug Store. Tan Methodists of Schnecksville and vicin ity have, during the past winter and spring, erectel an attractive and commodious house of worship, whiTh will soon be dedicated to the worship of Al mighty God.' WE have conversed with a gentleman whose profession has called him to every nook and corner of the upper section of our county, who assures us that prospects of an abundant fruit crop are very favorable: The apples and cherries especially are very promising. The winter gmin, however, looks very poor, some gelds being so miserable that the farmers have been comtedlcd to plow them over ngaiti and plant them with other crops. The hay crop, unless wo soon have rain, will be an entire failure. Srnueo is now fairly upon us, owl Ile teams are hastening to the lumber woods In va rious parts of the country. Our advice to every man who goes to the woods; be he captain, cook, teamster, or any other man, lb to take along a good stock of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment and Parson's Purgative Pill.. Many months of labor (in the aggregate) may be saved by this precau tion. Bad enough to look and feel bad yourself; but no excuse for having yoqx horse look and feel badly, when for a small sum you can bay Sheri dan's Cavalry Condition Powders, which given lo grain two or three anus a week, will make him look and feel well. Tern necessity for taking the county papers is demonstrated In the case of Ell Moyer, residing near Mossersvllle, In Lynn township. Mrs. Moyer was In the last stage of pulmonary consumption and of course any means of promised relief that was offered was eagerly accepted. Borne few de's ago a man visited the house and promised to make a cure for 1153. The family had not that much rnoney,but the savings of the children were scraped together making In all about thirtemidollara. This was given to the- man and' he gave them some muriatcd tincture of nonsense, since which be hiss not been beard of. It is unnecessary to say that the man was one of Ihosetraveling frauds so often exposed lu our papers. Tager. nit STORM.-M. J. Krarner's Corner Store Is undergoing a siege. Crowds of people are crowding the core anxious to secure the great bar gains Which aro sold at almost wholesale prices Mr. Kramer Is determined that everybody shall bs waited upon prompt ly and If the rush continues to Increase as It has done the poet few weeks he will be compelled to Increase his already large force of employes. Tim ELECTION OF SUPERINTENDENTS.— The School Directors and Controllers of the chy met In the Common Council chamber on the 7th, to elect a superintendent of common schools and to determine the amount of salary to be paid to him. Robt. E. W1.464E6,1., was elected PrePt (dent and J. B. Dllllnger, Esq., Secretary. Both Boards were present. The Secretary reed several acts of the legislature In regard to the qualifica tions of a superintendent. Mr. Cooper moved that 6 Director belonging to the Bo.rd of Control have two votes, which was agreed to. The f,:l - nominations were made. Mr. Hull nom naiad It. K. Buehrle ; Mr. Young nominated I. N. Grogory. A communication from Mr. Greg ory was then read declining the nomination. Mr. Gregory's name was then withdrawn and the roll called, and each Director and Controller FOWL for Mr. Buehrle. The President then dmlaiolMr. Baehrla unanimously elected to serve for the next three years. Mr. Dillinger then moved that the 'Wary be fixed at $l5OO per year, which was agreel to. The following 15 the letter above r& ferred to : ALLENTOWN, May 7, 1872 Eon. R. E. Wright—My Dear Friend : The eatn est wain or army former pupils and fellow-cithsens of Allentown, that I should be appointed Super lutendent of ,Public Schools of your city, Is very gratifying to me as a token of their kind regard. Had the Board of Directors determined upon a change, an I was luformed, I would cheerfully allow my name to be presented tothe Convention. But, I learn, since my arrival last evening, that the present Incumbent, a gentleman of worth, ability and energy, has perforated bin arduous dudes with efficiency ; that, If he failed of a re election, of which he was assured till my name was suggested two or three days ago, he would be much disappointed. It seems to me ungenerous to enter Into a contest with him of mere pasonal popularity. I must therefore decline beluga car d Mate, and If my name should be off red to the Cony talon, oblige me by withdrawing it at ouce. Sincerely Yours, I. N. 0111/0011T. The School Directors of the county also met li the Court House to select a Superintendent fur the common schools of the county. A fter truneacting little other bullies' the convection proceeded to vole with the following result: E. J. Young.— Genrgo Hefter James 0. Knauss Whereupon the chairman declare! Mr. Knauss elected. Whole number of votes cast, 07 ; neees• sary to a choice, 49. COUNTY SUPENTNTENDIINT.—After the con vention had adjourned Tuesday It was reported that Mr. Young bad eight more votes than was announced and that Mr. Knauss was therefore not elected. The secretary of the convention left his tally list lie on the desk after the vote had been announced, and some time after It was dis covered that there were eight more votes marked thercou•for Mr. Young than bad been announced for that gentleman. Mr. Jacoby, the secretary, however, asserts that his count was right, and has certified that the vote as announced was cor rect. Several gentleman In tho audience also kept tally, and those we have talked to on the subject, say that Mr. Jacoby's counting was correct.• Brief Chronicle. —Tho Ice mum and soda water men are doing a good business. —Asparagus bas blood purifying propertlesand Is as valuable an article of food as It Is luscious. —A rainy strawberry season Is predicted. Also rotten strawberries. —On Saturday Montgomery National Bank Stock was sold at Norristown for 1105 per share. The par value Is 1650. —A gentleman at Friedensville, In sending his subscripilon for the ensuing year, writes that three are no Greeley Republicans In that vicinity, but that they are all for Grant ■nd the 'Union. Every evidence points to the facttbatGrant Is the choice of the people. —Scranton has had another mad dog. —Notwithstanding the hot weather our sub scription list Is still Increasing. —Greeley's one term : "Liar !" —Shape your mouths for strawberries. A S'ad Folitng Out.—lt lo Indeed • sod tailing oat when, after year. of the closest Intimacy, the lialr pate company with the head. Fortnentely the lament able sepasellon may be easily prevented and the twilit more closely united than ever by a timely and systematist nes of Lion*. Ka:111,1.BM the most polest luvlsoract of the hair and promoter of Ile growth and beauty known to modern pharmacy. It completely obviates the dry and parched condltlon of the roots of the halts watch I. Pr•• Itml nary to its comlog out, by supplying the precise de gree of moletore reanlelte to U. preservation In it healthy state. It Is toe only true dleaolvent and evaporeat of isodroff sod other tumuli'es of t:.• scalp. whose pres ence Is Injurious to the bid:. a lissutlder of dm head he Kathagon 'has no egacl. It not only Increases th e qo wally of the hair. but Improves Its quality Immedi ate 7. Itupsrtlog. • lustrous appears:ice and silky 16X tare which ate ratcerdatcly attractive. Marriages. hCIINECK—KERISCRNER.—On the 4th Inn., by Rev. Win. G. Menukr, Mr. Charles Scheeck, or Whitehall, to Miss Matilda Kerschner, of Booth Whitehall, Lehigh county. BROW N—PERBON.—On the evening of the 2d inst. by Rev. Gorge M.L. Z. , 1 rue, at the residence of t he bride's parents, in Quakertown, Dr. Allred Grown, eon 01 floe. Robert B. Brown, of Heller town. to Miss Amanda E. Pe:son, daughter of Mr. Jon. Person. 33tatio. ZELLE.II.—In Reading, on the 25th ult. of l'yenla. Sarah F., widow of the late John Zeller, in the 57th year of her age. BOItNEM AN.—ln this city, on the 7th of May, Annie E. daughter of henry and Henrietta Borne. man, need Vilest's, 3 months and 27 days. BERN.—On the 10th Inst., in this city, Owen Kern, aired 57 yew, 1 month and 13 days. Elailsbury, John Eluzer, aged 53 years, 1 month and 8 days. MARX.—On the 10th, Samuel Marx, aged 78 pearl., 8 months and 18 days. , OUEFV.-1,10 Frlday,May 10. 6,1872, at Astoria, L. 1., Max Goepp, in the 43d year of his age. THE LIVE HOUSE OF ALLENTOWN. M. J. KRAMER'S Corner Store NEW GOODS, Great Attractions STORE CROWDED DAILY ! CUSTOMERS ARE ASTONISHED ! To Bee how compietela Stock Is, and at ruck .LOW PRICES...Tn efiln o t T a t 4 t : r e rad advance of all kinds of goods Dress Goods for Ladies Contains all the Latest and Choicest Novelties. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! SHAWLS!!! ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS DRESS LINENS for Ladies' Suitings. ALL THE POPULAR SHADES ! OUR DEPARTMENT FOR MENS' AND BOYS' W EAR, IS COIIPEETE, NEVER BETTER. Have *leo a large and complete Stock of Parasols ! Parasols ! Parasols !! What has created the excitement among the Ladles t—Every Lady wants one of those BEAUTIFUL. PARASOLS HALF THE BARGAINS CANNOT BE ENUMERATED. Cir All are Invited to call and get posted on the change In prices maylbtlwi THE IMPROVED FLORENCE. Tim Best Sewing Plactilne Made. The •nly_lfaehine that wake, Your different Stitches Th. °cliff !restart. tint htetene lb. ..d. of Hearne / .Th. ton.l.on Theso.advantanoo trombined with tne Rae:. Ropialtiff and Quietwoe alto neoffone. tosether with ie. he.3../v and Quante of It. too k with Woodier tat too vvvvvv e roodor it the, 610111 deeirobie, durable and Best Sewing Machine In tho World. flood Agents wonted ha everr/ Connfil. Wilson & Pennypsoker, Managers. 11R3 Chestnut bfroet, Phitadks. Nept43oB w spr24.3m vr) VALUABLE IRON lIOURN FOR SALE. Tlt• otidortlialtd hereby offers for solo lb. follow lag IRO9 WORX sod lots of ground In lb. Borough of Pottsville. tau lbo proven, or lame• Writs, to tilt A Large Stone Machine Shop & Foundry BRICK PATTERN.BHOP, STONE BLACKSMITH SHOP, ERECTINn SHOP, BRICK OFFICE, aed lot or piece of groan& gloated on lb. outwardly tide of Coat mut, Su the Vorough of Potta•110. bounded by Med. of 1011111611t1 P. Pomeroy Jobe. Souks. Benj.. ado Dann. and Wehard Hunt, aratalaing In (rut on Culvim.% It 3 feet, 3 la th e., and to dr pth NO , feet, or thereabout.. Ahru, I.t or bleu of around on the westwardly old* of Co•I outlet. eutalnlerf 111 front oo Coal street 150 tut loch, aed on th• rear, on lb. Hallroad, 133 feet 7 loch., god d-oth between Coal groat Arad gailr .ad, about ASK) for i, with a Railroad crcul , g told lot to th e Muhl.. iihop, Ye. o lot or Omof gronad on the outwardly side of Cool greet, tongued by Coal arrest and loto of Jaws Spark., Itholasulo Hannan wadde l rs. globe cntalutog in front um Cool Welt rgl foot, s depth ab out 113 foot, with a LARGE FRAME PATTERN BEIOP, STA BLE AND WAGON.BLIED. Then grabs bold w:lh the Madan. Ohm Foundry, •0.. A Large and Valuable Collection of Patterns, Heavy Crane Flasks, and Heavy Core kzpindks, for making Heavy Cas ince, and Piper of all sizes. 'f • lot of flalihed od anlatehed CASTINGS, Tants' and ',, Plantar Tool., sad other tool. and washbowl, la each good order sa d COII..ItIOS al to a.ble putehuer• memos beetroots Immediately. The awe* proper) er 11l he sold Weather or o.perstalr. (0 porchuor., and If not sold b. fore the Mb day of Jame nest, sill be loued. tor Infortnattua and Olio, apply to • liunitliSßßY, Trustee, Or LIWt S 0, THOIII4O , JAN IS SPARKS, Pouevllla, Pa. WAIIITED.—An Agent to tete eherg_e of thrfOrand OM IP/Award.Ns Bel e: L.blib XIII., Lodi.. 140 41. A. 0. 0. Ir., fur Lehigh Aid adlolatlt sos4d44. Good peresatago fwd. for to rlb.r p•rtselits SON, or AddriAa X 1).1. Allifißt, met 1011 0424,41 14040440. C.PIST. PA. • • CHEAP GOODS, Very Respectfully, P i on W I :lia r :I I ; L erVe S drre l l E ag " f i rt ir g i t ' lrer v ill n e e t t4 Alloelewa. or while got. ufrom the city limit. to the kw. t blab Volley Depot, YOUR HUNDRED 0 4 1.•1111 IN artmabacke nod '•enk notes. • olip of paper encitmed the note., openwhich woo marked I►s). one hundred of which bad boon previously taken oat. The • Bader wilt ho paid the above award upon leavieg the items et 10•111d1.54twi Tilla OFFICIA. CARPETS. of SAMUEL G. KERR'S CARPET WAREHOUSE', 6112 Hamilton st.. ♦ll the new eolore In Tbra•PlT. lag - talc Damao:l: bed Vetlettan Carpets at . HAMM 0. BMWS POPULAR STORE. 632 Fla:anion Allentowa. NEW GOODS! Jail TOClthed In ,rear variety, sad at lower prices on aaaaaaa than Let epring. JUSTUN EVANS, 730 Hamilton Street. LADIES' HAM !MAIM, 1 yard booty. .seryfull 30 inches long. vent ./.1 • ..... . I Diadem Braids •cross the head. eery thick. without rolls Long, Bldg Curls. Natured Very Long &de Curls. Natural 3 NI lrisettes I.M REAL NATURAL HAIR ima7l.3mdaw7 MATTINGS I COC3I. and Cane. -- • Mit l , l l .l: l AUlTZ l it ' s C vierit . v i ald t a a r i ttA a to . r:. ' BAMUEL G. ICERR'B 632 Hamilton INIL. mgle.tfd) ALLENTOWN 6ABI EEL A. BUTE, ATTORNEY LAW. 01Iles No. WI ilsalltos Stmt. Ms 's store. ALLANTOWR PA. II M. J. KRAMER . ATTENTION =1 $ll 40 . 700 GUARANTEE FOR L 01.718 BALZER, 1100,CHRIITIOT IT.. PIMA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers