EMI= iftebirtnid. Ar] 722 ATA 722 Al 722 IS THE 'IS , THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF Law6ll It Martin., Lawall &Martin, Lawall &Martin, W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. CORNER OF HAMILTON HALL STS., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. lIAMiLTON & HALL STS., If you want'Pare Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure Medici nes go there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you want. Physicians' Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything ;;t:111 go there. If you don't want any th 11,7 go there. if you . want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 72') Both of the proprietors are read) to wait on you. They are both practical chem ists; you will find that io be the case after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORG ET, DON'T FORGET, N0.,722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store. NO ' ITRE,N()PAY. 1.)11. H. I). tiON (-; A Ell, Orednnto tlin 110 v.relly Pe.....ylvanla. 1 . phi., hoe been In for yearn In earl.... part. or Hi.% foil, iMoite. t iv ill rrn~onu> at. tend to all branch... of iii Raid eat of Sixth ntr,,t. bet. Ilornition'and Wain at. I= No Patent Medicine,. ore need or reetoomended ; the rent. Mien atholoktertnl nre 0..0 whichwillnot hrenit down the conntltotlon. but renovate the arrouni frail, all nunrier it hen SUNINILICII from 1111111,111111.1ieitlen, oud learn it In a healthy nod perfectly , cored condition. CONSUMPTION, BIiONCIIITIS, DYSPEPSIA, And all dlitennem of the Lo one, Throat. Stomach. and I.lr. er, which yearly carry illot“dotlet to notlittely Kra ere, can nodoubtodly he cured. MELANCHOLY A BEIMATION, that Plato of alienation and aberratien of mind which fon dcra nor.. Incapable Of eajoyful: the idedperes ob pt.r fern:llan the olutlea Itfo. ' RHEUMATISM AND PARAI,YsIS, in any nrro or .0411110 n, chronic or: cut, ‘r.nrand•ti rnr 31110. Enilion.y. or Gilboa ,dricnc••••, .n1.1..1.1..4. or ... bolo cnnen I.IOIA LE: DISE.% nnd l, crnnuced; null lihnont. "kin Ini-ca-•••• tot ev,rylle-crlption of II rerdttou, , crdfulouh dts• ann.. wnrrn nied cnrd. 02rl'artloolar albs no given to ',Hyatt, ,ILnea.ea of ry dancrlption boll. Ladles from II c•aaplalot tocl i nlnl 1.. thole Rex. eau consult the 41"etor will, a...orauve of rollof. Cancer enrol, and l'oolors of all o roinovoi (rill. uut the knife or dra,vlnu Mond. 1th000.0.. of lb,. EYE AND EAR wee/m(01y nod rtfertnnlly r/onove.l. .-Dr.Lonnakor win mar vo•lts nor ilklnore if oIr• aired; con bo ioltlrrwonl I , y noir, (roolldentlolly Imo] lord. talon emit wltl, prover IIIN•tolon• to ally 01111 , roomy. Orrice: End YilieorSixth strain, betwrou I 101111 Iton nod Walnut Allentown, 111/1.3 . 2S-IY VOILES OR 11111111101{11C11011)N. PILEq OP ALL KIN us perfortly nna to'rio ,00 ntiT CURED, Rlthont pilau, r, cou.llen or lu,truniont., by W/11, A. McCAN MASS, 11. I)., WWI ARCII STREET, PHILADELPHIA, I'A, Who COO rider you to over ITo MI. cored In PhlLiclel• Phlu alone. Wo ile.ire to en yto those 11111Irtril, Illore Poeltively on deception to the core of the.... Rini:Mire. II mrttcre not how icily or how Nrrtrely you nvo been Como you thus tiro civic. log, wo will not dreetteo, We eh pntlents Pion every tit ,to in the t w enty and from Europe. Moro treated three dine..., for twenty years Wlthollt u Cilium 101MLOSOPITY OE :11,11titiAGE. —A New COUPPII OP LNCTI'IIEs, tot dellverod et the Venom Pnlyterbulc and Aunteutical three door.. above Twelith, I.lllltodelphln, ronluattlon aabjecte.: How to Live and What to t.tne fits.; Voath, Ma tatrity and Oil Alto; Maalttatti Itttritt.t.t.it The canto of Indignation; Flatulence nod nervoue Illettune. accounted fort Marringr l'ltlhotophically coneldered. ,Thena lector.. tell, be forwarded on receipt of 2.ltteute Ip addreanton: Secretary of 010 POLTTOCIINIC ANP ANATOMICAL lIIVRECIL 1205 Chentout tit., Peana WILTRERGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted rqu 1 to any mad•. They ere prepared from thrfrtals, itetl will in foe t.tl mach NU , r thou [natty of the Erfroo a Mat lin, ',old your firer, r or Dreg/first for Wiliberger's Ratracte. BARLOW'g INDIGO BLUE fa. a Ithont doubt thn bettrollel. In the untrk et. f r lh blueing eiees. It will color tiptoe a Hier th a /oar Ur& the mine tonight Or In •r , than y nth. r tonala litre In the ateroct . Tho 11/Ily //canine In that put nu ut ALFRED WILTBERO ER'S Dlitlo STORE, MA.NORTII SECOND >TItEET,• PIIILAD'A„ PA The WILTTI , H.II..II toil 11A111. , .W . .1 IlitOCß.i“ Loin, rill of lsr.rm erre e , rgritrrfahr. For &de by most Grocers unit DriefwiNtx. WILTBERGEWS INDELIBLE INK Wm be found on trio/ to L , X l l .. Heir to re arlr Orono,' on hood l'or Kahl at • 1 . 1.11 , 4 11011.. I.liees. a Gesolutt ItlEl/11:1, 5, Ch too., Tapioca, Pea I. Sag., , a all tirtielvo to tho drug 1100. ut ALFRED WI S 51111 , 15511115, June 25.17 North ti..cood at., Phila.. Pa. HARMAN'S • WASTE PAPER DEPOT. The Ilighext Ca ,h Prleo Pahl For 01 d N wEpaprs Old Blank Books Of everyd..yeription. And Ledgers, Waste Paper, Thal are oil written over. ono' land.. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. RAGS. ROI% BADUIND AND CANCAN Born 'IT. Coo.lllntilents r J. philapa atnrl• a s. II NEW ! NOVEL! USEFUL! Philadelphia Sewing Machine, 006 ARCH STREET In a combination of '!TIIIIRI.BEIVIG mkrynixr.s IN ONE." It wake. the omit, LOX STITOII. silk*.9n both' elfin,. et oho Ittbrlct oto t brow fat BROIDERY HTITOfI. In the f o un ‘,l a .ulna and, 120114 two thwoolo. and the LOOP or TAM .TOf stitch. wilm single ttoo d. The .hood,. on. ale lotooltt y tia . Without 'soy collard ration of toorldnery. maim,/ It tbit most detlrobw machine to the wo Id for fetidly on, AOSNIS WAN CEO LI EVERY COUNTY. Coll or Ad dna. • , Philadelphia Bowing Machine ' ComPany, 000 ARCO BTABET, Philadelphia. 4.00.3,0 w Sinancial. VrILLEBSTOWN !SAVING BANK Am& MILLERSTOWN,.LEHIGH COUNTY. . This Institution will be opened on or before the let day of April. Money will be taken on deposit st all times and al any sums from one dollar o t pwarde, for which . SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will be paid. Deposit. may bo withdrawn at any time Also, money caned out on favorable terms. JAMES WEILER, President fIt•NELIIT SUMER, Cashier. J. F. El. Elhiffert, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yobst, Christ 't K. Benninger, David Donner, Wlllit Sr Solider. Isaac 0 rlebel, (Odom. Y. Eimer, Horatio T. llertrog, Benjamin J. lichmoyer. Jamas Sinemeeter mar 18.6 m A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU TION. Organized as Dimes Baying institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NOASLIOIIOBIIOIIIB AMERICAN ItOTEL, YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. Thin Institution, the oldest Saving Bank In Eastern Pensylvania, has hens 'toritinnoue and' successful ~pern a tion for ten yearn, and continues to pay BIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for oue year, and special rates of Interest for shorter perinda. II deposits of money will he held strictly confi dential. Ere,: a tors, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and olhet enntodlans of public or private mouoya, are of fered liberal rotes of luterent. . . . Farmers, Merchants, Laborer*, and all who have money to put on interest for a long or short period will Nod our Institution an agreeable and advantageous one lu which to do hiplinese. We especially Invite LADIP.II to transact their banking business with no. MARRIED WOMEN and MINOR have special privi leges granted by our charter—having roll power to trans act business with no In their own names. Monoy deposited with this Institution 18 BANE AND WELL SECURED, by it Capital stock and attrition money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS,and addition, the Board of Trustees have as required by t harlot, given 11011iN under the soliervision of the Court In the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS which bonds are regis tered in and held by tho Court or Common Pleas of this county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of tho most secure and extensive kind known In this country as a personal Inspection will show, and to which we invite our friends and customer. We refer to Ode, believing that safe littrglur Proof Vaults complete the safety and reliability of a good Saving Dank. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, President. CHRISTIAN PRETZ, Vice President, REUBEN STADLER. Cashier. IT. Alney, Charlen S Bush, ChrWhin Prete, John D. Stiles, F. E. Hameln, Benj. J. lingo:Antal George Drobnt, Samuel Soil , Nathan Peter. FABER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated tinder a State Charter of 1870 Foge!evil)°, Upper Macungie lownahip, Lehigh Co. Thu. I uglitiillen ham been organized and opened tinder Siete Charter. MONEY will be token on depuoit at all tuner and In any Nam (ruin timid upwardn: for which 6 PER GENT. INTEREST WILL BB PAID. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time. Also I maloy loaned out on favorahln terms. WILLIAM MOHR, Pr, idea. 11. 11. FOOEL, Caßhkr. Dr. H. A. Boyler Maulel Moyer, .louto. 'tench, Mallet 11. Creltr, J. 11. Straub, David Peter, Samuel Kuhl., William Stein, William Mohr Capr 640 FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton ottreot and Church alley. In Lion Doll, errand atom opposite tho German Reformed Church. In the City of Allentown. In orgnnived sad ready for hostile... lOW pun SIX per cent. In ter. bt on off 41eicosttn except bunt ness deposit/41'ot. any wriod of tint, In be calculated/rani the flat deposit. Ti, secure which. the Trueteea of the Iniditution have tiled In Gm Court of Common Clone hoodeig County. under tho direction of the Court. a in the num of Twenty Ave Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and nppropriation of nil inch Rome of money na MIMI/ held/wed in charge"( said FRANKLIN SAVINGR BAN R, whether on deposits, or Alarm; of vtock. which bond may too enlarged by the Court whottevor It may be dretnrJ nemiscarY• In addition to Pilot. the.. Act of Incorporation makea the stork 'atio, pereortolly tirade fo the depositore It. don aft the tt mount of the Capitol Stock of the Blink, which le fitly thontiond Jul6tre, with liberty to torrent. It to one honiired owl fifty Opinion/I dollar, The,. provbilous will make It a very desirable and cafe place of deposit, 11esttleN, tunny be proper to Mate that the depoelte wtl he kept V e ono of the &nt and beet protected vaults t tide et( 1/. Artnugements w 111 be etude to furolth drefte on the cltle of New York end Phlletlelphle • S. A. BRIDGES, President J. W. WILEY/IY, Vire Prejtittent J E. ZI MIiIERAIA N. (Nuth ler. maitre: Daniel 11. Miller, It. A. Bridge.. John lilben. J. W Wilson. WIIIINIII Hoer, J. E. Zimmerman I). 11. Crelix, I'eter Gruen, Edwin Zimmerman. mar 30 T 1111: MIN SAVINGS BANK OP WM. L..YOHN, NORTII SET' EN7 B ST., ABOVE LINDEN, ALLENTOWN, PA. • Thin bank boo breo estobllched for the parsons of carry• og no a general Danko, 110111001111, and to offer to thr ommoolly 11. SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at t wino, at lilo matnn rate of lotorest that It would command o Now York or New Jersey. MONEY LOANED OUT ON GOOD SECURITY War Gold, Silver and Government Bonds bought and Drafts o colt d p raw chase n on the principal cities of the United States snme turr.. Collection.. made on .11 acceenlble points, and proceed.. womptly remitted at current rates. Footnote, blotch/10bl. laborer,. and all who have money puf loins lnterest for a long or abort period will nod dale 1. agreoablo and advantageon. 0110 ID 01111C11 to do !molar.. !merest allowed on deporlto at the following rates, to OEVEN PER T. o ft for year. HIE PER CENT. If loft for thirty days and under one r. glirltovento Malone... , ant. Liao 20 dig IDru Boobs Announcement Extraordinary ! E. 8 SHIMER & CTS DRY GOODS ILEA DQUART ERS ! 705 AN D 707 111,131 ELTON STREET .4 ',LENTO Irk•. PA Latest Interesting Intelligence T 3 CES TO ASTUV►S►I THE NATIVES! OUR (MODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD VANTAGE TO THE TRADE. Itvl.olllt LAST PRICE LIST created areal havoc 10 the ehh. or lIIn II PRICED sroitlii. They cuu't sea how It Im that tro clot 3lalie Money and Sell Goods so Cheap MEM "MAAIMOTH STORES." WE WILL TELL THEM Flynt. havlns two 'doyen, we are able to boy Goods I I .rgo lota direct from tho manufacturersacid Importers 13(1 bolo 101.20 per cast . cheaper than they do. Sec .ed, our Isrue sales enable an to make money, eve 'bough *Ne make lint very little on auy one article. . . .. AWI Ines but nut 11,041, Wu buT ..einuiVelY for cash rill 4II•000111 1111 our Lille, which In nut Ragregite .1111.1thi to couuttlerable. Sn ltlerepres,nlations to Effect Sales I Prices and griftlifie4 gnoranterd Dttermtned n to he Undersold By Any f Our Compttitors DAILT ARRIVALS OF Fall and Winter Dry Goods OUR RToCK Is entlroly too extoonlvo to enumerate ar ,lrlos end p , Icl.B, ‘Ve have In mock n generol neeurtm•ot of Rood. coolly kept In a lirst-class and well regulated gore. lmmenno sto.k of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &C. of evrry PoevtLle dencriptlon and price. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS PAISLEYS, BBOCHES. BLANKET, TH nud STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and. Boys' Weal. CLOTIIS. CASSIMERES. TWEEDS, SATINETS. KEN JEANS. AC., AC. BLANKETS. Wldle Brornn. and Gray Btankris. Naraeilles and Ilortry-Comb Fancy Wool Corer lei Flannels, Sheetlags, Cheeks, 41:e 'ARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE! OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, &O. E. S. SHIMER & CO., 71A and 707 Hamilton St., Allentown. Pa. T"EIII.II.IINTRATED LOGICAL JOURNAL Is every respect *First. ChM Megatlim. we ern the highest udereet to alt. It lead... Wind we e re cud h to wake the MOM of ourarlres. The Information We, :aloe KU the Law. of Life and Ileulth is well worth oho Are of the ONO/1110K II is pohlhhed year. BY eneclol arrangement We are enabled to rife. the }throne. 000.1 J. 141,4411111 a Frew um for goo sub. , erlllera to the Leuven Ream. ea, or will (crotch the LRIIPiII MU:M IRK aed Iltr• nub.gleal Journal together for (1 f,C, We row. end the Jottreol to all who 000 K .00,1 11 0 .. th,... Adore. all uruer. to '. ROUT. 'UD nt ELL, lleo. Pa. F. WOLFERTZ, NO. 000 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, alannfsetnrer of all kinds of Cutlery and dealer to Sportsmen's Artlabia Match he le selling at reduced .prld se. Single sud double ba rre l,Llantins Uttos,ltosolyers fo all kinds. Powder. Shah Claws ?lain TOW; I ". altraftir THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEpNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1872. FIRST GRAND OPENING OF SPRING DRESS FABRICS! CACHMIRE D'ECOSSE ,A NEW ARTICLE. OACHMIRE ~BONE FOR SUITS. RPINUELINIC BUSSES. POPELINE CIIAINE WIRE FOR SUITS. BILK 17.4 RP POPELINER. POPELINE GAZE FOR SUITS. RICH SILK WARP MOHAIR& LE GANT SULTANA CLOTHS. SILK SULTANAS• FOR SUITS. NEW AND ELEGANT PLAIDS. • ENGLISH &. FRENCH CHINTZES. GRA.IVIric POPLINS. CHENE POPLINS. MARLED NO HAIRS • A I PACIAS, POPLINS. EMPRESS POPLINS IN NEW SPRING SHADES SILK. DEP A Rrrm 1 The only house at this time In the Reason with a fun at.d eornplate assortment of SPRING SILKS 00 Pieces of Striped Silks. 8734 cent Striped Silks. $1 Black and White Striped Silks. $1 Black and Gray Striped Silks. $1 124 °rigalile Striped Silks. $1 25 Striped Silks, all colors. $1 50 Striped Silks, all colors. $1 75 Raye'a G IS Strlred Silks STRA IV BRIDGE N. W. Corner Eighh and Market Streets. sept 13-6nt w 1872 HOOD, BONBRIGHT MEIII NOS. 811, 813, AND 815 MARKE'r STREET, & NOS. 800. 808, 810, 812 FILBERT sr., PIMA DEI.P. 4 lA. A rongnlflepra stock of B..asonable DRY GOODS • Complete to ull tin departments of Saks and Dress Goods, Prints, elinghanis and Defaines, • Men's and Boys' Wear, it hits Goods, Linens& Flannels. Furnishing Goods. Notions, &c., Bleached and Broun F/drttnge, Acetify, tte., &e., &c. Also Just open,fl an oxionalve oAR pm . & OIT. eLoTII DEPARTMENT. To •Il of which, toe °ding many choke Specie, Wends of PHILADELPHIA MADE GOODS. they renectfolly Invite the annumn t f the Trade. jaull). 3m et, TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER ! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS WILLOUGHBY R: TREXLER, (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER BROS., Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa BE :"RE ♦ND LOOK FOIL TOE LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUAL, 'V ~ F FERED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES COME AND SEE ! ! ' , argon,. Io need of lumber for large buildlog. will End I o order. for all Elude of lumber u.ed lo loran building% Every ankle belonalog to a flret•cla..a lumber yard la co Thankful for oast favor., I Write my (ricotta to call and ton 2/.3111 Harrison •Safety Boiler. GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MATEINES! NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL WHO REQUIh FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To on: NSW STYLES, whleti possess unmistakable advantage' over the NOW and 00 MBROUI etyles tier -r Ikere. IF YOU WM! GOOD WORSE AT FAIR PRICESGO TO TUE ' CHRONICLE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 603 HAMILTON KltElg t • $1 25 Plain Poult de Sole, all shades. $1 50 Plain P ult de Bole, all shades. $1 75 Very Rich Paul: de Bole. $2 Oros de Suk. all new shades. ' 12 25 Taffeta BrIIII .td, very cheap. Foulard Silks In new designs. Japanese silks.. 400 Pieces in Stripes, Plain and Figured I HILADELPH IA SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT Arc now offering nttheir NEW STORE, "BEATE SIGN !" .ELASTIC LEICK STITCH FAMILY THE BEST IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING ! IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family Sewing. , CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. `CZ AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, mar &dim No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. CLOTHIER & Sr, CO. No. 1 Pine Boards, best quality, per thousand *3l " 1 " Scantling, " 32 " 2 " Boa MR, ~,‘, 25 3 " " 12 inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " all width, , " 18 " 1 .‘ Floor, 6 Inchon wide, best quality.. 34 " 1, " " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 11 inches wide ...... ... 26 4111 1 " " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality 34 1 German " CI 'l4 34 % Beveled Siding, planed 26 not planed 22 11; inch Common Pannel 40 1:i " ~ . 40 2 1141 . . 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, &e., all length...... 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 inches wide 19 • ~ " all widths 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 15 " 120 " " ~,, g, 10 " 124 " " '' '' 14 3 feet Lathe, best quality. $2.75 4 ~. 44 ' 2.75 . 3 " Palings 11.00 3 3 4 gll4 14.00 4 ~ •St 414 14 Irg 43.00 Fence Boards and Rolls 20.00 Postg, extra quality SO eta All other Lumber In proportion. t greatly to their advantage to call. being conetantly reedy r upon the moat favorable terms. and at the ahorteet notice. liantautly kept ou hand. Inspect my Bieck. Reepeetfolly, WILLOUGHBY R. TREXL ER. HAS BEEN IN PRACTICAL TIER FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS. 15,000 Ilnrlge-poirei• in Use. ternatloonl Medal, London 163.. iorericau ll:initiate Medal, ]O.^J. lARRISON BOILER WORKS, 3.l.llrtdolphils, Pat ESTON'S PATENT DIFFERENTIAL PULLEY BLOCKS. I= AItRISON BOILER WORKS. Phila. n r JOlO7 A. COI, R.VA N, Agent. 110 Danauwar. Nzlr id 130 PMIURMI.L 6r.. BOSTOII. Mcrae. lraY7•l3w FOR EMBROIDERY FOR. BRAIDING rott QUILTING FOR HEMMING FOR TUCKING Am Unapproaebabls FOR GATHERING FOR STITCHING 1 FOR CORDING FOR FELLING COUNTY TREASURER'S Statement of County Ta .$) Int Ward. I7d RM. Ad Wnrd tub Wntd nth Ward J 6th Ward Cotoonaquo Slotintiton Copia, C 1141t+ Mlllerotnan •...neier upper MI ford •Lover M•rangle •lippor Suwon •ortb Whit, boll Whitehall • .... Lyon. ............. •W4ettoburg 11611.1• Pr U her flallebury •Slorn pi ac In fro', Statement of State Tax __.___ .i.ct r I t ,a rf Du l liota r —____ d I el. W -od Denial W. Lehr $11.1):; ite 2.1 Welil I Do 414 0 O ,Re 0,...,4 Do 297 1 I 7 .1 4th Ward Do }6O 0 • a , tab 11.04 Da 447 • ..4 1011 Weid '. 110 16/ 1 , fl 8.5 . / Celaentiqua willlnm .7. erele I 021 7 41.0 ogt.ln Willlom II 11x19er '2Ol I 00p1ay,14..101 .1 nhoedn 124 1 , Rrtiene ..... ............... ..... i lerre 7.aliter 174 7. eillerelown lobo H ammerer 15' II •I.l9wer Milford ii... Ott 304 6, Ilvoor Mlllll.l harks II 8. haute—.... 0i 0I •19/eer 01 irunele ..... .... ; 1 111ton Whit 07.14 •Ilpper 01 teungle .... .... I .enneril N 1 o or 470 7 dencon Id. 11 11111.g.te R 7 North Whit/hal . whit F Reiburlieg .07 dough 9 11/91411 ..... ..... 11 F Ilnid ........ ..........• , 407 0 at hip/hell 1/..rld echeirrr • 4.77 7 Lynn lonnevllle 1 toe I 05 4. 1,911111 ie./tall,. elehl 141 , •9 eleenburg Villhon Bear ' 1711. iltonver l Acker 57R I. Ileldelherg 1a... ihrnien , , 214 ' • d'n.loo43lon rennin lloneleker. 47110 della/erg : L. Hofford • I 417 r. 1872 *Since paid In toll Statement- of Militia UIZEM --' I Int Ward Multi •1. Lehr— ... a • a I Ward D., • a.. 1 Ward 1 Da i 4th Ward.. ..... ... D , • 7 _ . 6th Ward.. DI -4 tailt Ward I Do Clatminntina I William J. Craig... Platingt .n • Niilintri 11. Ilona, Coplay . 1)oniol J 11h00d.... Foram ! I..eee Zglln, Milleratoarn I I oini lietomoror.... •Lnwer Milford ! t One Ott 11pper Milford I llptrlen 11. Schantz •Lower M tenntrie......Miltop *int_ ...... *Upper Maounglo 'l.onmird Mo,t pr flatiron 1M It. Ilphotam North Whitehall ' !oho F Pelberling `tooth Whitehall 4 le flu, Whltoball !nay id Sobeirer..... • • ~ L y un it Louis i •iennevillo 1•11 , /... ...innuthun Me hl.. •Wefe burg ' •Vill km Be sr.. Hanover 1 I Arker Heidelberg a d•sm elersoms •Weeldugton Donn!+ ilon.sicker galiabury I& L. 11.11... d- ..... •Sloce psid In full. Financial Statement of 1 ehigh County for the year 1871. DR. To T.onos ontntandlog Jon. let, 1871 533880 .1017 Ppi County pimp uutetuodlug Lou.a mud° during the year 1871 Lost). paid during tho scar 1871 County scrip unclaimed Lonna outetandlDg Jao. le, 1612 CR. By Onnoty tag outstanding for the following years: 18114 • 91,373 31 18.7 56 02 1868 357 29 18,9349 10 • 1870 91 50 1671 321115 11 131,817 85 By State tax outstanding for thottn. lowing year.: 1666 12'2107 1867 M 90 1868 116 eft . • 1.69 85 81 1870 41 39 1871 2 t,61 til 93.171 02 Mortgage on the old Plil property 2,610 00 Cam& In hands of County To canner 0,627 11 019,2613 21 Deficit balance Jan. lat, 1872 Loans outstanding Jan. lit, 1871 13:1 4 714 67 1679 316,14/6 1)5 teidli reduction of Warn la MI sn.nes 6 t pplylubt ollected totes nod other &eh ott• bats lu loan accoout, to wit, 49,266 21 Nunld bow au &anal reduction for ISTI $74.951 83 0, Ocil balance J. let, 1872 1871 bacrnase 1672 over 1871 of Dy Torero.° to the foregoing account and ointments it appears that while a rethmtion of the loan account by applying uncollocted cook 'mote of 172551 83 could have been made, and an actual p tying off or reduction of 6'3. 685 6/ wan undo yet an Increaso of deficit bola.° of 1872 sgainot that of 1871 of *7.583 65 in shown. This diuire panty is explained as follows. In the making np ..1 1110 Flnancini Statement of the County for the yearn 18119 1863 and 1870 the homer Dowd of An ors erred by lie ith.log forward the deficit balance Mete id of the loan Im'aliee, !hunt In 1868 the loan account ludo., wa• 1288,077 47 The former beard of A nil itors brought forward di Bert balnuco 252,105 87 Difference 5251171 00 In 1866 the loan account ha 10... won 305 5 059 'Cho deadt ha' once brought forward 25.1,713 11u Difference Ix 1870 thelnen account halm... woo .:90 43 The defect balance brought lot w trd 258,078 09 Difference Total amount of difference , . PO an as By adding lun Biding toots no pni Ileluvl In Minn°lot otatemout for Jun. lot, 167 l, of 258.17.1 uB Increane 44 bringing forward tbn d Ifferoncee ano.2oti 08 The deg b Inertia., /7,084 65 Las unclaimed county scrip 324 40 7 200 25 A. this error Is chargeableentlrely to the former Bo•trd of auditor& we deem It duo to the Commlasionera and to the public that the above explanatlou I.houlti he glveu White we regret, the occurrence. we are ploased to 11110.. that It *as a meit mistake that could work no actual in Jury, and one too to erslly corrected I , IIANK-J N WWII/11M) WILSON P IU SOY. Audlture SOLOMON F RUFF, Februlry 13. 1872 Are traclusivt Are Claricellei Treasurer's Account BITTNNIt, Esq.. Treason, of hellish comity In account with PIOII County for the par ...hop December fllst, A D ; 1871 Are traelisanC,d DR. To balance In hand o per Auditor's Report lest year $ 10.17 1 78 Loans received during the year 205 817 47 County tan received for 1809 211 0. . 1809 171 69 " . 1870 12774 .. • 1871 138 201 71 9toto tax received for 180.1 . 701X1 • 14010 0.40. . " 1 8 70 1.4 u. 45 1671 7,393 ai additional leant 2 12 Received on aornunt old Jill lot 2.000 00 Interwt on woe 277 10 . interest on bond 80 041 Court Panto rent SO 00 ' I.obor In Connly Prison 60117 Pamphlet I.ans ' 4 00 ''ld I bee soldl2 45 • Refunded by Schn•nyer k Winder 156.11 Rules of Court mold 2 6tl Old tomb, sold •214 10 Commonwealth costs 76 79 Jury (14. 72 00 Recel•ed from the Commissioners of North. ampiou cooutY. !Honoree, Bridge, 21 45 ♦re Buperlo Are Ernaurpasse4 Ara Faultiest Are Ineompiribll Are Admirable a By east. paid enndry porrone on orders leentd by the County Commieslonere lor the )ear MI By loan. paid 6229,171 09 Interest on Inane paid 16,495 52 Interest on Coupon Bonds paid 4,559 82 21,151 94 New County Prison et 49 Iron mate, .•ommiseloners' ore 40)03 Court House expenve 1,131 07 Court Cryer and liting furnaces 322 00 Coronerll . lB 65 Poet mnrtem esaminallone 14 , 0.1 476 85 Petit Juror, 4 028 / Wand J nrore7ol DB 5,390 21 , A batanesta drawn for 6ch041 Perpoit:— Upper Milford ' 11i 67 bowhill , 64 41 Lower Harunale 217 09 North Whitehall • 14, 01, South Whitehall 1 , 9 05 Lower Milford 1111 05 1111711 m ri_ IN . 6 4? Upper 51 . 0 11 8 10 0 lrli 76 Heidelberg 95 50 Whitehall lO4 65 1,807 413 0 .nstable returns ' 4 00 • Commonwealth costs 1,033 10 Clerk of Quarter Sessions , 418 81.1 • Tip stares 296 00 Hantern Penitentiary , 991 41 Dietrict attorney 5/4 1111 Ilnemerallou of baubles 20 001 panne, leanla Hospital, Llarri•bur9 0145 Jury Commieslonere 218 40 COUNTY TIRIDOES—NEW AND OLD. New Brids• MAD. Plotly by Lehigh and Northampton coontlerAt Beth. Iron, Lehigh. All e ntown, noth 1; ing 4,441 si vast Penn Junction ' 27 01 B,hoomwee " 6676 Howiler'e. Lower 11teroogle 360 Melo% Nallsbury 21 60 •Belabwrir6p Tr 4 o " 24 06 15 We ql .. 4 : L CSC:'?" air rt St 64 , 0• 4 Ord FO ,in 3.761 0 do i b 7' 7. d o o,lo/ 36 I do ; 31.73 6,, == • 1: 1 1309 73 , Per it i 0,117 6 1 p.r rt 1 6111 04 . per Cl ..... ...... ... 1177 .21.! t!..4 1 , .... c , $4O it 818 ,T s per et reel 001 175 00 1 175 00 007 II HO 11 HlllO 490 1 I 1'1,4 per e•.; 131 7. fl 2 1 4 00, 14 per et.' 8.140 3 ' 100 0 h -1 11 01 % P"' ' 09 6 I. 1100 0 ' 481 YI , 17 . 7.07 18 100 0 . 4 07.11:1•• . 1 . .0 , 1 0 0 1.9 50 . 1 , .. 8 134 tI! . 1 1 18 r c 1 ' 110 104 0,109 8. 130 00 239 11 100 111 4,'“ 3 PS II per et 6,140 41 Wm J Ornlg. Nr. II Daniel J. Rhoads Inen 7.•t1ner..... lohn K- mmeror. 11.1. Ott harks II ,clinot. .Illton Wint onliard Moor I 11. hn F. t+riburling 4 . F. Dint Dithl. Witt Boer MEM td.sna ()pm4n Deuul+ Hnn•lc4 or. B. L. 11..ff0rd.t...... I nil of MIZE 19420 195 51 , ' 59'1. 72 51, 319 si 0 , 12 5. ! 7: 0 , VS a(1 , 1151 ' 7 0 177 (.0 , 1.10 00, 2105', 149 M , 2 , 15 50, 109 on! I CI 8 t 00 , 107 Mil 2 04 5:5 90 CO, 5.897 o) S 7 b ; 4 , 7 u1h,817 47 5,115 tz 01 144 b. Sib .I'." 31 3.8 4 9516,92 , 95 LIZZIE fans 752 74 258.178 19 EIZEI MEM MEI I=E DIM pap 39t ee ammm ACCOUNT. es for 1871. ME 19 47 v 14h i fl , • 19 9. 107 9 IME MEI 1211 = for 1871. 1213 rI 74,e, a . m., of r.t e. ' SI 438 c: I 100 6 01, .76. 170 0 60 04 10 3ii 3.4 10 I+l 408 1 li CFI 6001«4,00 41.1 0400 170 8 40144; 30 041 1171 143 7 111000 700 0. Ell ell 131 M = MIME axes for 1 111 . 14 I !..11, Pat =1 I 7 0 I'P'o, 1 , 7 hi ; ' MEI EILI 12 fin sr; 627 4 111 78 RI 7 la hl 70 150 00 • 7.4 00 j fio 6 IN 1, to', 16 00 40 (I 2 07' 30 4? 410 1 B 3 001 30 54 40' $22 94' 51 204 is ME Lowhill MEV Z arman' mita id. oiirteii, North Whitehall Y lot amton Pohl, e, Lower 1f llf rd Fulmer'n. I filacungla 0 angel. Pep, Saitc.ai Ilraii wor. far Mau board, at fur al.fforoni Bridged ==! cf,mo , onwerilth mOOl It 60 ounnolsg J Ivor", (5) •23180 Conveylog o.o.pt•routi o Rommel Refuge 1000 97810 POBLISUING AND PRINTING ❑olnrn et Huhn Il.o.lorbor a tVeleer ilort k itorroun E Moo. T. V. Rhoads =I Li blAh County Avlrulturul Foolery E=al!= County Auditors lode:mg Mortgage Dockets (Ives paid taxes A••estonents Registering ,vtiters Eit Minos Fox seal its Cutely Poor lions° Intuiting Court !Immo Floss paid Law Library Court ii 1111•0 repaint $146 55 Ittlesintseg Court lions° PUS 50 Flagging pavement front of Courtlfotwo 1 270 tift Iron steps rear of Court II 0.0 4;1 Cl 5 3.150 61 Road stewing and curves log 6d 00 . COUNTY PRISON. County Prnion ropalre Coition is proven Boordiog Ironer. Priding fool onizr4vlng Monk book. and ointlonrry SI 015 70 2073 15 110 00 2105 3.52300 JAIL COII S I•SSIONERI7 21.1 LA PIES. Wm H 1171Trnin (1770) 61 60 Ptephen Heim 6730 John 81r0031. 37 60 10..11.nn 11.•1r1i6r.1 • 37 50 11 11 Petwern 1670 and 1671 79 16 1:9 16 lee. i.e sly. Prl.ool Wa..l .0 .600 00 51.3 1103 , 2+,39.y, 11101 run 200 r 0 60000 4 010 74 1).1, kern 1.11 .1.110011. y 6,0 Hee.) 11 Pa1r.1.0., Commlmloner salftry 472 00 61enlien Hum 4110 00 .I. 11n 61.300.3 • 0 . 450 00 II ,r ten 11310e7 " 4200 145'00 r M 11,gti•nian ° Clerk 1 000 I. Pet. r c 1022 " 20000 I'ol.l 'Demmer for Stab tale. ax per r• b of 8101.. Mk for 11179 to State Teon. . . t• per V0..11,• 01.11. t% Tr. hkrt:el'n n t.“ry Treanimt,t's .40 on lib., lax omitted, 18711 Ib7l 11 i.rld kW,. II Ibdiucc lu Laude of Tr, newer We the nod. lsig”ed Awllthrn or Lehigh county hey reeflied and IXlttulinn d the ecreent, 01 Ma BlM. , de' and find i/11,1000 010thd 11'nbc..e our hand. 4.1 s dry n .binußry, A. D.. 157 FRANK J. NNWRARD WON P RINDV. }Auditors. SOLOMON V. RUPP, Amount expended In constructing County Court H 0... $ 53.285 88 Amount expended In constructing Iron Bridge, Lehigh Hirer • 75,881 79 Amount expended in constructing County Prison 190 210 95 Poor House Account. 'I , IIE occront of. P P Johnt Tramotrer of the Director. 1 of the Po, nod la woe of Employment of Lehigh crunty, for the 3 car ending. December /let, IE7I. DR. l'o leglance in innelte nrirod.urer,nn per Audi lore: neport of l'7o 73,2131 te3 re cseele rec. wed Item Denney Termini - or al vneedret dram 1. leer Centel,' evlevttetteont IA COO 00 Cult trout Thor. 11. Ite.utet (Steward) 721 te.l CR, Hy rash 'red out durintr the year on order. of nortetura ue per cr.', lama $113.811 Ilj 1,411111. to hands of Ti sourer 6,272 tr. ====M lit %IC J KEWif ARD, %% lI.ION I'. Hi kirk. }Auditors 801.0 MON P. RUPP, Militia Account. 'l l HR nrrotto t of Dunit I Pittner, Veq., Trenourer of fe „Iturh courtly. in urrottut with said County for the Jeer crAllug tree Mot. th 7 I. D R. • To fehtneee p r Molltor'e Report of 1870 ' 607 87 511Ittot too recrietd for 1870 60180 1871 1,268 62 By ~,,a, pod to sundry 10.111111 on mien, leaned by the Military Board of Lphrgh Courtly diving the year en, • kg liners:Apr 31. , , 167 I Copt. A. J. Limbach, Armory rent, coal and sae $ 201 85 44 A. J. Adrian, (4.1) uniforms, Limeport ' Guard. 26800 " 8 I) Lebr, Armory rout 250 in) " T II Good, " 26018, B. IL Lehr, (39) or !forms, Allen Zonis.; 228 00 " Joill O'Donuel, Armory, Hibernia Guards 6re (32) unltormi .• 102 Orr " A. J. Adrian, Insight. stripping arms In 83 4 4 additional Armory rent 1218 . A.. 1 Limbach, moon, Itereh.l., RICCI • 12 Ou (58) riollorml t 04800 !Linea k Worm., printing pay rolls. 6 op Less I per coot eoromisolon ott 11,17243 17 72 Ilalauco in bands of Treasurer . 460 06 .1.1,310 35 Audited, examiued and dud a Wawa 1p baud. ui Treasurer as above etated Wattle.. our baud,. 11.1.260 day or Janrary, 1h72 PRAM; J Pi :UN P. 1,11{1.Y. ' Auditors. SOLOMON P. HUPP. . County . Prison Account. n ANDO. uirrN Kit, Froi..Teemnrer or Lebleh county In ninniiint with ertld ihtenty fur the year nollig December tl.l, tem to amonnt rt,lvoLl from I.bor of convict. In . County Prom 560017 fly cash paid sundry persona on orders Issued by the Pr lion COMllll.4lll , llitn for the year 167 Ely coal for Coouty Prison Woter root Carlini[ grime l9OO iinolka and mortar . 800 Printing and engraving !• • , Alpo Wank book .4 4 \ ll OA Iteriteltri• 80 47 R0v.1,4 1.• 'rollers . 2,07715 p..tt., .•.trn it...3ia, 600 pamphlots • . 225 i. Ugh. lit. krt. 6 00 4 6.5 , 116 0 pipe 24 65 .nier. 611- i rkenern 67 65 Villis, 2.1 eildri baga 50 60 Making shirtso 62 Nurnine female prisoner 3 00 lilereh.ethe . 180 01 Tin W 411 0.61 repairing . IP 60 ' TlAlinind .roight 1 01 Linn, 1 25 i •eAril ,0 11,1 men?. N Id pane 3 iird 11.7 - Wei H d e and :0,1 i at 41..,1.• ne ot in Fil MI gaiiirg nt6onil plan 5 On Hind, 500 01 11. I r... 1 141 e firr mending tonwir.la be, nod lion lin., ~ r ill.. Rieke 11,0064 .6,1 , intlillig Daniel O'Brien, a luonlie 1 II eidird I liarrloilnirg ..51 15 06 ( . 4001116 gine err' ,i,nrits— ‘lr,, ii tr. 1111, 4 (1670) fli 50 , teplieli KI ri 37 50 ' 1.411, , 1r,066 .' 37 50 d ~,,, until Riot 1. 37 00 ii It Pent, n 1871 and 1872 70 10 219 16 bOnlicli .1 treltv, P41 4 01i Wnrdell 601 00. 51rn 11.011134 .I,lriii y. Manun2oo OD $1'2.14167 3,617 61 614 14 231 25 111 9 48 91 2 WI O. 1,0.0 1511 tx 101 4 110 11 4.153 7' 4 41 8 .7 14 Ulso' 7 1... 7 9 7 1 0' :1451 0 F 3 34 lUi . 4 411 047 0% 7 . 1 r 100 • it 6.'71 ,Ot 2 7 0 2,312 LW .110. , SP 11+,114 tl . •11/1 P. xpelk.!lt 11. oleos, of rocelpt4 Andin d cud approved Fobrnffry 12.11, It i 2 NIItiNI<.I KWH %RD, P ildflorff FOLOMON F. RUPP, 020 , 0 blO 1. 9 5 2015 N 045 5 1502 .91 :1 170 1 9 7 J4' EMI 7 21 1.1 0 8 94 I 470 0 State Account. Io , l'v Tr innrcount ‘.1.1“1 o , voto.dmittltlt I,j Pon attly.t.lof. r Stnto batten for 101:1. =EI GEMI ,op Propel - I y • ~[ 4..1ka - Y. 111,1 by tho ..... ol • 1 . .. .. 7•Diniout, r r4.ll.ctinz 423 60 I.l't I p•r Tr...•mret , 6 on• tn. v... "It b' 604 OD =I 11 , ,, 111.1 !et . R, J.nt oi t o f nit.] itt4 A. 1111.4 to' tho 11,...1 0 1turetm.C.41)111•410,1.4). 1;485 07 I),lntt 5 !WI t...,t t, eisoltrting 74 25 '"in,, I lei t vent roadurer'4 r. , • ,, t• tg0..1.,1-st t1,1:0 07 44 II 88 86 I.IFIR 07 52 71 4 61 24 40 1.t.. 11,301171 it,,trodut.fm-- I'o 1/iii .lAlt du , C annvw.evill qtAtt• tni 7 069 22 !.4 14 S 1 lin "V .7 117 13 2917:, 111111=1111= • p.• it.•r r.m.•1111.1 .9.'11.11 no. L! met , 11 Comity Trullurer 811 1 3 V l ,ll/463 A I:1111.1 molnyl.rovo , l .1 mu try nth, 1072. J NEW I IARD WILSON P 11.11.111(, 1. 11 ,41110.. _ SOLONI )N F. MI l'Pr 1 ,97 hl I .I.vowtt r 21. :Ivr ENE I -- al=lo !MI stele .moon , 1.1.101 in P. Nllll. r. Egg Slimff 1.01•,1 I r Hot). from .1..n04ry 1.1 In Nnvenr.er Itch IHII. UNIEJ it , r Report of 1•37 U f 8160 ,11 217 of 6900 y 1 13 0 m • UR fir.. 1,1.1 , I.ltirary n. per r.^eild• V 2.11 69 t. r Intt.i.oon 4,10 lor HON, 651 Itr 1 ,Irt,t , flue (1..,10t) 17360 Vl4' 0 , 105 00 1:1 0 42 50 $.152 00 Au , 111” , . exatuftwl tl 101111 t I nt.11..(1 .14 , 0111 f y 21 , t1, IS% Yltf>liJ p s“1.1))10: , V IMO., 106 1' 110 In. 118 00 110 01 165 50 OD 00 IKtIII f Elll6ll VALLETagskt i . L-4 RAILROAD. LIMP. Allentown for New York. •la Central Railroad or New Jermey. at 663•, 600, 816. and 11 61 a m, and 1216'. 80'. and 635 p. m. For New York, well Morrie Rne: Rellroad.at 65*. ono an. 55 a tn. 414 1210. 5 30., e and A p tn. Far Slanunka Chunk nod lielvalere at S IS a m,and 66r P m. For Lambertville and Trenton at 800 and 11 65 a m; and 3.3 pm. For Keaton at 655., 8110, 15, 015 and 1166 a to; 12 Mo. 3 4 5 u,a. 515, 0..55 and 821 p m. . For Philadelphia. via N.,111 Penn Railroad, at 600, 815 atd 11 '4,1 In. f. 35, and B_l in m. For Waahingtot., L. C , at 815 and 11 55 a m, and 824 P MEM 11 09 27 00 9 nl 31 05 477 1 97 26 16:01 2 60 23 60 Cat.!mug. St ' , ogle. , Rio R. R, 63.1 a m aud 12Z F. ° to F or Coplay at 6 5 rn. 12 1 , . 125, 6 ITI lola 801 p tn, For Mount. Chnul. 611. 1019 x tn. 1223.4 25 and For Vaud., et 635 and 10 1. Auburn ro. Yor Waverly, Owego Eltnlra, and Buffalo, al lb 19 a m (Expro-s 'Trion.) For rloton to 6.15 tool 10 19 a tn, and 425 p tn. For Andourled at 10 19 I .0. For Mahanoy City At a tn. and 1 25 p m. For Int. Cannel at In 19 a nv, • Tialna eter .tart D om East Puma Snoctlon. 11. STANLEY GOOWIN. Avel Goal Af p•t. IL 11. SAY RE Sup't hog. D 1 10 0,117 36 441 00 . 109 CO 4 00 10100 140 00 045 Op IVORTIINo. .L 1 VANIA RAILROAD. Passenger. for Philadelphia lake Lehigh Valley R. R mil. as...lna Alleoiown at U 113. 8 le and 11 C 5 a. tn.. and 5 35 and 8 24 p. and arrive in Philadelphia at 860 a m. lA, 815 and 10 71 p. m. Alm Lehigh and Stiagueharina Railroad train. s• 3 14 mad 5 44 p. m., and arrive in Phila delphia at 5 (A) and 815 p. m. =ma 100 00 WO o• 175 1.0 (81x Through Trains Dilly, Sundays Excepted ./ Passenger trains leave the depot Northwest corner Berk. and American .1 , 001, Philadelphia, For Allentown at 800. d 545 a. m.;2(11, 92q 400 and 510 p to. Palarear+ are attach .11 to lb •8 a. tn. train. For floylestow nltt 35 a. tu.. 290 and 430 p to. For Fort Washington at 7 and 11 a m, and II 30 p m. For Abington at 1 530 and 815 p. m. Fot Lansdale at 090 p. to. 40 16 3 031 0 1 3 7 60 OA 70 ON fit 18,0 10 o'l 30 200 00 Leave Bethlehem at 8 'NJ, 80 a. m., 1213, 9 11. 800 and 9 3' F t. m* Dorlentown at 633 m., 900 aad 509 P. m. I.uuxda • Fort U n i" ,th aIVAn l6 a. are 30, ln 30 g. m.. and 216 p 'Abington ate 15, god 9 00 p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Lea, e liethlehem for Philndolphu at 100 p. m. ECTIO Doylestown 708 a. m. Leave Puilatlphis for Bethlehem at 030 a. m. for DoyieMIOPII at 700 p• m. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia 85. ECL.Bi CLARA. Agent ( tT.t lJ F 00: Ott And xO tha ttn II n with tb t Penn. I Crainn Wt. Y. hi A 115 043 I ( 3 " 1 1 71 0 , 1 4 , 7 I Os 7'4 7:11 2iH 9 300 00 irn •'9 1,000 10 lit tit AI nn 1.9 DP Si 2'i 41 2:45 74 1 2 4i, 74, •FI,R `,lli The mor..ingirsin we.t leaves Cstssanynactutfiearti•al of the I. V It. R. Passenger traiu from Mauch Chunk. Ea.tn, bla I•hrosaud All lowa. and connects at Albut , tie with a tr.... on Hid Emit I , madylvaula It. H (or itond• hug, Pottsville, BArrisbura and Philadelphia nod also with a train for Afloat...en, lloth.ehetu, Easton. Tho morning tr .in East counecis at .rainsn E. P. It It. from Ilarriaborg. Potta•ille loading and Alleutowu, nod at (Mtn-annul; with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mauch Choult. Wilkeebarre, Boran• ion, Philadelphia dod Now York. 'I he 11.5 P 51 train Went Conte cta at Alburtis with Hahne on OW East Peon. Railroad (or Reading, Pottsville, liar ralburg, Philadelphia, Alleutewn,' Bethlehem. Easton, .and Now York; arrive in Philadelphia via Reading at d IMI p. ni. The Evordag train East leaves Al-Hurtle oo the arrival Ct train from Allentowu dud of a tralo tuakiag ammo. lon e et Rending with train, from Philadelphia, Harris. burg, Pottsville, An., and ctionerta with local rimming. train on toe L. V. It. H, at Ciatitaautina fur Allentown. Bethlehetti,uuti Ettion, Pereous*lshlug toga to Allentown can take the morn tug train West to Al-Burgin, arrive at Allentown 815 a m, nod return by a train on the Rant Pennsylvania Railroad, evening Allentown at 4151 p. m. C. W. CHAPMAN. jan 10-15'1 Supt. and Brush:war. MEM UM= 1.) EADING RAIL-W i ngaggsti I.l+ ROAD. WINTER AR RANOEMENT. MONDAY, NOVENIDER 13 1871. (treat Trunk Line from the North and North-Went for pith., Now Yu. it, Reading, Potteville, Tamaqua, Ashland Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, hph• rata, Wit. bancaxter. Columbia, Sc. Train , . leave Ilarriabtarg for New York aa follow,: at 245, 810 a. to., and 24i p. m., , connecting with almilar trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10 u 7 a, 0.. 342 and 045 p. to. respectliely. ilooping Cara accompany the 245 a. in. train without change Returning ' , awe New York at 901 a. 12 30 noon and 51st to.; philadelphis at 7 3,8 30 a. tn. and 330 p.W. York tt wnCorou e ch ac ange.CUltillall7 ithe 6UV p. tn. train from Nowht Leave it a rri.bura for Reading, POllO,lllO, Tarstanna. Aabland, Sha. akin, Allentown, and phil a . Mobil. at ti In a. to., .14 and 105 p, try. stopping at Leha• nu n and principal way stationai the 4 0.1 p m. train con. acting for Pitiladelphia, Pon. villa and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schnylktll Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Suattueliannit Railroad leave Harrisburg at 341 P. m. Ettat Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, Easton and New York ut 4 34. 1041, a. m and 105 p Returning. leave New York at DUO a. m... 1231 Duna unit uU p. La.. and Allentown at 720 a. m., 12 . 2 0 noon, 2 15, 4 25 and 635 p. m. Way Passeuaer Train leave. Philadelphia at 730 a. m., connecting with similar train on Emit Penna. Railroad; returning tette° Reading at 620 p to., elopplug at all a t.. 1 one. Leave Pottavillo at 900 a• m., and 211 p. m. Herndon at 10 00 a. tu. mile at 5 40 and 11 15 a. at.. Aehland at 705 a. in. and 12 43 noon. Mabenot City at 741 a. tn. end I p. In.. ValliAllll4 at 7135 a. tn. and 21u p. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Rut:ha/urn, Am. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill lad Susquehanna Rail. ro ad at a n d s a. at. fur tlartl;inteig. and 11 45 a. m. tor Pine itrUVe Tremont , Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts•llle at 40 P. 0... pagans Reading at 7 SO. arriviug at Pluladel ania at 10 '2on. tn. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4 4 p . p,..1114 Readmit at 7 .1 p. m., arriving at Pugh.- Vale at n 2.1 p. •m. Pottstown Accommodation Train I Aorta own a 70).. in. Returning, leave./ Philadeiphla at 411 P. m. C.,lnainia Rath . ..lad frame leave Reading at 7 Ol a at and Ig P w jor nphrant, Licit, Latmaater, Colnothla, etc, Kn. turnit g lone. 14.30nnel,nr nt 820 a tn. and 325 pat, atm Culummaofl 13 a ut. and 3 L 5 p l'ornlutunn Railroad Trail.. leave Perkionten Junction at 725, 0135 a at. 3‘.19 alit ro 4). p to. Iteturylug. leave richwenkartlle at 045, 810, tn. 1243 noon, and 445 P W. ,op,,onting with autailar mauls on Heading Railroad, Pickering Valley R 11111,40 11111.1 lane PLainigirtile at 910 atu 3. and 455 p ; • °tattling lea,. 11yer• at or 2 train. a m. 1 cm R:4sesolu anon,ti I atalt4nti ua 2/d• w,p , couttecting with almilar. Cutebrookoate Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 940 • at and 115 and tit* p Int ralurniug leave /donut Pleaannt al I a. 1125 a In, aud 211 p m connecting with almilar trains on Reading It, It, Cheater Valley Railroad Train/. leave Bridgeport at gm aLa ~,n d 2 pt. and 5 p tat returning. lance 1.1 a/Ml.llton at uO5 ni land and ft p to, cunuecting with 4141111 i tram . on Reading Railroad. On dandaya: leave New York at AGO p m, Philadelphia at 800 a in and 315 p m (the 8 le) g in tram rut/alai only to !Leading), leave Pottavillo at 800 a to. Harrisburg at 213 aln and 241 p at, Allentown at 633 pm, Reading a' 715 stn and 914 I, too[ Brutal/urn, at 4 324 In fur Now lota alAd tit 9 4 am and 415 p to ter Philadelphia. c o mmutation, atileage seation. and Bacur•lou Pickets, to and from all point*, at ream* rates. kla..gage checked thruuaht WO P.au , . allowed each Pat's/ niter. J. E. wuorTEN. etc 11 IY deal. Supt.& Mit). Hooch 'ell. it 2,083 27 Iffilll 12,810 an woLEpwrz, CUTLERY, $ 708 71 180 00 O. GOO • RAAktikaN 13.T1Eg..3`, • - AL4.ENTOWN, Magorannroe rod knew. o...lazily op hood a large 0,. 40111.•1.% 'of all kladi of thltintJ. TAW' Wolves sad Yorkoyeealw *Payee boloootp war =EI ILF:C PITUI.ATION 1 OUI 10 000 17 }int 02 Sheriff 'e Account tlailroabs WINTER ARRANGEMENT. WINTER ARRANGEMENT LOCAL SCEIEDULE Trains rot Philadelphia lEgiMnn or APRIL THIRD. 1871, Paepeugrer Trul ttxN PogolBville Itatiroxd will ran In co Lehigh Volloy, Lehigh h 88.111ehanot ittllroad, tut BTATIONS. Train! rATASAUCIDA. 9 Si 1 9E11.1,E'S, 915 llJolt DAN BEIDO . E, 9:{9 “lITIPS, 9 31 1 W 11A 1. 1 1 315N.4, D M l'B. 91 T REX LERTOWN, 997 111161N1fLE. 0 58 *S0E112(1 CREEK. 8 42 Al,4lllltTlit, 837 =I IflrofezoOnat CartiO. US. 8 BIM. P. fl. Doratiy. S. WERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • BIERf or DORNEY, Coutatarios AND RRal. B AORNTR . O ND CONVIITIIIO.IIII, No. 621 kiactilltoo street, necobil ffuor. AnelatOWO Y.. daw wD. 11.111CliENIRACH. 3.1"11101t • NEY AT LAW, (formerly practicod In Cacho tonoty). °Oleo. Ilacollt.m 1111 , 1fkl, QOM, 11•11.1 . 1 Mpon•to Colin Homo, Allenti,rp. Pa. May bll COO tatted m'tho (Wotan lananage QA 111 UEI. A. BUTZ, • ATTORNEY AT k 3 LAW. Office, AD. 641 Hamilton .troet, over Entail hoe.. more, ALLENTOWN PA. lam O ILIS I. IiAIIIFIVNIANiv ATTOtt. ,V.l li NE% AT I.AW. °Mee. Art °al floor of I). Mal Slitilloll.l Hank bn%Winn, AI.I.ENTI.II/N. PA. Colieetlona made In Lehigh and adiululog conntlos. Can he ...oiled uthn Engllab and Merman lanKnagea. vep 11.17 ID (INK at 11A11.10 1 WIN, Al"r4111:11EltPi AA , AND COLIN:MA.OIn AT LAW, Allnotoau. Pr• WU°, No. Al MIA Iliunlitoo street. C. N. grits. P. A. R• BALDWIN F, J. m E, ATTO IVY EV AT ILA , • ehLgsTowzi, FA. oalco, Nu. (A) Eent street. *Teen he enneulterl In , lermen. Inn fiII A IUNNi a lt ERG Elt ATT4 NEV AT wcond dour, ,r j.LtN To w7A i ;t" Pont OM. building . Apr 21-17 EORGE H. RUPP, 4,TTORNEY, VX AT LAW. (Met. with Ilea. Juhtk D. titilelL Allan town. lAS M inwrz. A LOEB 111 •N. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR TILE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, 0.3 Next itillniiioo 8 , .. iiiiBMOWll. PA - VDIVIIN ALBRIGHT. Vil'OßNlEllf AT LAW, eight obliors nloove the Court, 1i0n.., AL LENTOWN Lehigh collate. PA.. IQ. GEO GE K. I 11.N 1 1,N ,tiro It N liY AT LAW. No. AIS Nonillion *drool. nnirly opp4l— Lo Com tionbe. Ationtosou. ColLoottuo• promptly mode to Lehigh nod North.. 1111 l ton mune* IZEMI c. c. ii. 1:1.11.1111N, NEItIidEON lJ DENTIST. (linen, over Mr•. M. A (1. Duldin A Truinolog Store, No.:llEnet 11.111111 ton street, Allentown EVI N3I4IVER, ATl'Oltllll,llr AT I,AW AND JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, 6E111611 CO., PA. ParoculAr dttentluo pulp to lonolveut and oecedeut ent4lo, jto WM. N. YOUNG. JR.. • (WITH Kii.ici.TON. ONITIt k uCa LEN.) ATTORNEY PT LAW, boon. 11, 43. 4a nod 47, No. lei) WAnhingtno Sir-el. Chi c 4410. ll= 1011 Ni 0. 1101% II %1. All"1 . 011Nt.IV A r D Ci)LINSELI.OIt AT LAW, Room 6, No E",)Wn nut sire. t. Philnuosphia. war 1.1 ) 4t II limo .rect. • may' 29;'69 fIEORGE R. SMALL ATTORNEY Vf AT LAW. 01lice. First dour Kbove La* Alley, AL LENTOWN. PA. may .l-6m J 6 4.111111.11{Y, r RCN cv %mil) Ey COUNSEL , Olt AT i.n W, no". of M. J. Jr*.hl:en r , pplIN to thn Engle Alloatowo, ME VDWARD HARVEY All"rOltIC LY 1 AT LAW. •011 Ice, with Hun! titotittel A. Bridge.. ALLENTOWN, PA. nwy 1-ly GEM TOIIN HUPP, ATtonscv AT LAW ' • 0111c4,, N. E. Corurr 6th aud 'h Sire , t A/ IFN TOWN, PA. trmy 1-17 A DA:11 WOOLEVER, A'l"llol[Aci Li. AT LAW. Olfice, opposite the Court Moue AL• LENTOWN PA. tux, 1.1)' ‘v 111.11.1 A 11 11. GLACE. A'1"11'0111NIET AT LAW. CATASAUQUA, LLIIIUII COUNTY PENNA. way 10.17 RCLAY lIA ERSIN,A TTORN EY • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. jan 14-'6B-0 JUSf RECIEVED BY DIRECT DEPORTATION FROM MUM. 33 CRATES NEW STYLE CHINA & GLASSWARE! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELMAN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 700 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. A LSO; TEN CAR LOADS OF THE CEiLEggITED OHIO STONE WARE! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., re-Special bargains to Country Storakerpers. napn•lf sircALL AND SEE Mal PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE )TEN BOOK STORE YOU WILL •LtVATB FIND TOR 1•1. N ALL KIND.I BOOK F , , . BLANK B OILS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK,. A P THE LOW EST PRICES. The limo Is again hero for ellTdren to prepare (or SCHOOL I And we have on hand a , .d. to, We everything they Want and need in the SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS. LOW anywhere , to give them just what they. learn In school. DON'T YOROET, AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE 10 BUY ALL RINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Priem, LEISENRING, TREXLER . ,VCO., MI Hamilton Et., Allentown, Pa. eepl•tfd auec : und Chairs, LARGEST STOCK! GREAT INDUCEMENTS . To Ley all your furillturn io a w t t . hejargnet furniture eters lie HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & Co., 732 .11AMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN., . The arm have record/Iput In MOTH ALL I'LATE.OLAIte FRONT. .14 have otherwine rummaged their facilities fur keeplog on hand the largest stock In the *Hy. Their • ELEGANT FURNITURE Is manufactured In their awe estabtinhoest, ,Wsfe. under their own euPervisloo. and to warrant• 4 •••••• ,- . ed t.. be the boot in the market Au lin.pection . • . of tbelr stock will coorloce borer* of the ad- t s .. I vantage of buylon from them. Ileintbach, Helfrich & Co. manufacture KITTLE'S PATI,H f SPRING lIBU, and are sole agent. for that superior bed. Call and see It. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front. FURS! FURS! L►DIES. ll*on . w u ttlt . o t h r .A F t ;l:e i l, , Lto o ;ho well.known W. KEINATIL Importer and Exporter of Furs - , • 710 ARCH STREET, (OPPOFITB ST. CLOUD tIOTEL,) • PHILADELPHIA. Where roe bans the leivelloll OP. 441,11.21811111iVe.- 11.60ga:tout o f all description. •t tan kaltealt. WALLS fanterlUS pritea.. Sets from $5.00 up to ttte. most Costly Russian CseQwe Sable • HUDSON BAli and MINK SABLE.. ERHINE,CIIIAC a h REL. and every is• stein tho latest . t SA QM'S of N. al akin rer.latos and Astrachan. • ALI, KINDS or-run.TRIMMINI I , Ales the doses va.ortinent of FANCY lituX OSAVltit_, W 11l MLA ti end BLACti IllUDat.l4 BAY WiILV. as. ALL 0110D4 WA /IRAN IND MI psraissplzirsp. •: CALL BEFORS POSeNASINCAIKIISIMKPLE:', to 3e. EirsaNatTell.• '• •• • • ; 71c1 Aide 'nerAstalitiaderphea.. noviiNtaiw , 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers