IS= II Aciftsttr. No paper discontinued until all aroarages aro paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this aim kirtbserlbors about removlngyill please send us their old address as well as tho new. More for Your Money -than Any- where Elmo Extraordinary induoomonta Persons having real estate or personal property to sell can find no better advertising medium for sales than the LEIIIOR REGISTER. The REMSTER Is read by men of intelllgenes and meam;—people who have the money to Invest. Thehigh charac ter of our readers la well known and this Is the most Important consideration. The ittots - trm now reaches every corner of the county and after It 18 react by our large list of subscribers,is loaned to others. Advertisements in these columns are therefore read everywhere, and to make advertise meats of sales, administrators' and executors' notices, assignees' notices, and all others of this class doubly valuable, we will give them oue In sertion lu the DAILY CIIKONICI E, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, - thus placing the advertisement before more sub scribers than eon be done by advertising In any other paper In the county. = Gentlemen about takinz out letters of admints tratiou or letters testamentary, or ltnvin6 Or. phaus' Court Sales to advertise are cautioned that hey have the power to order their advertixements in— 'serted in any paper they may se:ect. If they believe the Eutetnents we have made they have the right t 3 nrier their advertisements to be Inserted in the Lontou Etimityren, when they will be entitled to the advantages we have offered as above. , ST. PATIIICICS I)AT falling on Sunday, this year, will be celebrated on Monday, March lath. Tue. Cincinnati Commercial publishes " Be trothal," before the " Mani:wee." TUE Leglainiure will not adjourn until the latter end of April or the beginning of May. Tat: Pennsylvania Railroad Company cm ploys a gang of colored m) an repalre men. IN WORKINO OIeDEII.—N. Hitler, Esq., has been elected cashier of the Allentown Basidess College Bank, and the concern Is now prepated for any mount or tautness. ON and after the Ist 01 April, 1879, !mine , will ten on the Perkiornen Railroad as Gtr north as Green Lane. On April let, ISB2, they trill run I= THE Hamburg Bolling Mill line been enld to M •ssrA. Ralaon, Sehumacher Co., for the All m of $45,000, and will shortly be put In operation again.--Reading Times. RE hear it rumored that Miss Kellngg was so well pleased with her reception In this elty that she will return again. If bile does site will have a crowded house. PROPERTY SAT,E.—Shuman & Bro. sold a two story brick house and lot of uround, on Got , don between Seventh and MOO streets, to Horace Gangewere, for two thousand dollars. THE First National Bank cf Scranton, with $200,000 capital, has deposits amounting to $548, 432.70. The Second National, with $300,000 cap. ILO, carries $223.397.53 on de4osit. OnlvtrAtti.—Dr. Richard A. F. Ell . ger. a young gentleman of many excellent qualities, and well known In this vicinity. died In Philadelphia on Tuesday evening, in the Bad year of his age. lie was the last of the children. SALE OF LOANS.— A t a meeting of the Union Saving . tr:d Building Aswelatlon, held on Mon. day week, 13 1011 ns were sold at the following nt $67.50; Pat $65; 3 at $67.50; 2 at $62 and 2 ut $55. CIII3:BTER county has instructed her dele gates to vote for flartranft far Governor and But ler for Judge. Butler wants floc. J. M. Thomp son for Auditor General and favors tlartranft for 'Governor. ACCIDENT.=—Friday afternoon, a' oattwo o'clock, as Mr,. I.!‘vis Grammes was entering her room, nest door to the Columbia Engine House, the stove pipe fell over. She caught the pipe Li her hinds, to prevent It falling upon the bed end sustained serious burns on her hands and arms. NEWSPAPP.RIIibhsIII9 re tired from the Luz rn Colon, published at Wilkes. Barre, and the riper will hereafter be carried on by M r. Beardstee alone, who Intends to infuse new energy and better business Ideas Into its manage ment. TUE Republicans or Northamptiin have se lected Gen. James L. Selirldize, of Bethlehem. no one of the alternal es to represent them in the Na tional Convention. W. S. Kltkpitrlek, E•q , and Ciipt. John Lanbach have been selected for Rep• meditative Delegates to the State Convention. liglunvata.—We will be, much obliged if oar friends will send us the names of persons who will change their residences this spring. They will please state where,they live row and to what place they will remove, and also the kind of busi ness they will follow. Lilt some one In each vil lage favor us by doing this. Suhse Mere who change their rod 'ence will confer a favor by rend ing us their present and former postollice address, so that their papers ma'y reach them without de lay. .• A. NICE COMPLIMENT FROM 717 E OPPM3I 'HON.—The Democrat, In speaking of the visit of lion. W. W. Ketcham to Allentown on Saturday week, says "lie lea gentleman of great energy and talent, and has much personal strength." Com• Ing from the Democrat, we consider this a very nice compliment, beeamc the editor of that patter knows that If Mr. Ketcham Is uninitiated he Mil make, one of the strongest eandiaates the Repel, Scene could put In the fleld—one the Democrats would have no show of defeating. IMMENR: Ruw•Aun.LThe tncalnest man in Penntilvania is, beyond all question, Sidney Kess ler, of Kesslersville, store-keeper. About ten o'elor k this morning, be dropped a pocket honk at Fourth and Church Streets, containing $3lOO in bankable funds. A boy named Bryson, sou of the late Jumes Bryson, tiotlcihg the oecUrrence,picked up the book and handed it to the owner as he was entering Barnet's Hotel. Struck with the boy's honesty, be generously banded him three cents, but thinking perhaps that such conduct should be doubly rewarded, be further increased the sum to ten cone. Such noble generosity as Mr. Kessler's should be published to the world, us it encourages the rising generation in deeds of Inanely when they find tle•ir actions so handsomely appreciated.— Raskin Erfirem. VIA RAID 01 , 1 POLICY.—On Friday Crisper Wittinan was arrested by Officer lienry,at the in stance of District Attorney Bowden, aid taken before Alderman Beck, where ha was chit rged with carrying on the policy business. Ifs asked for a hearing, but when the District Attorney exiled up Mr. George to testify, he was content to he held in $3OOO hall for his appearance at Court. Ball was obtained and he Wits discharged. We understand he 'nude dire threats against the htdi ♦ldaal who informed upon hint. When Henry entered the "policy shop" he found a number of respectable CILIMIS present, whose names were duly recorded and who will be called upon when the proper time arrives. WlRtnan's Fon . was also arrested and bold In $5OO ball for bin appearance at Court.. ACCIDENT.—On the 2d inst., while Misers, Allred 11. Peters, Samuel Rabenold and Charles Itothrock were driving home from the public vale of Junes Dicta, in Lowhill, their 'prowess was nuddeuly checked by an unpleasant accident. While driving rapidly come distance below the Public (louse of Mono Alma , one of the wheels gave way, which caused the inmaten of the wagon to come down rather tn ddenly. Messrs. Peters and Robertold landed us fely, hot on looking around for Mr. Rothrnek It was found that he had received a deep gash be his forehead, caulting the blood to now freely. The horse continued to makeas rapid headway after he was minus his load an before, -110 t stopping until the wagon was a complete wreck. td e. Hothrock was assisted to his home, when Dr. W. C. J. Slough attended to his injuries. Sts petite thus ronciusively prove that fast driy log with a worn.oDliwegon and a cloudy sky at hedd.quarteri do Eat Ilkeoveartria.—Col., ilamerely, Chief Clerk of the Semite, le recoyerinir from' hie Illness and acid will soon be able to assume hie duties. • PROPERTY SALER.—WW. IL Deshler SOW a tbreu.story brick boom, on north-eaft corner of Fifth nod Cheatuut streets, to Rev. T. L. Belp, for $7,500. Rev. T. L. Selo sold a two•sfory brick houso on Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth streets, to W. H. Deshler, for $4,000. Reported by Aldhrman Mertz: The stewards of the Evangelical Association of Emaus sold a brick house and Int of groan' In the borough of Emaus to George Y. Stein, for $2,000. I(RPOILT or coal transported over the Witch Valley Railroad for week ending March 2d, 1872, compared with some time last year: For lVr•ok. For Yror. Total Wyoming 8.880 16 124 139 02 Hazleton 42,180 00 933 140 01 Upper Lehigh 11 00 779 04 Beaver Meadow . 13,877 11 162 1011 06 Mahanoy 2,507 00 40,04,03 Mauch Chunk......,.. 80 07 789 16 67,64414 771,32 i 12 11,143 01., 408,068 11 Total Sarno thin 1871 50,501 13 303,330 00 El= LOCAL. FACTS.—From the last report of the Surveyor General we glean the following state ment. As Is generally known, our State as first formed consisted of ttree counties—Bucks, Ches ter and Philadelphia. There are now slxty-Slx counties. The population, tonere miles, and acres, of several of our eastern counties are as follows : Pep 1067. l'np 1070. Fq DI. Acre, 61 079 r 4 3.7 001 357.041 70 too 8 , 612 471 3 , 3 070 74 :178 77 ei 5 738 47:.951 116 314 11...346 1,51 1:.1400 30 037 30.101 177 113,241 it 7, - ,4 0 ..191. 301 249.3) 473 , 01 , .4 CI 375 213 0 2 013 . 53 .03 4113 2'6 , 4)1 33 N 8 116.4.81 1.1 . 20 088 3310 IMlnd I.aaea•ter.... II I a u ... Lehi .rth t NOTKI. CIIANOIL—A. P. N. If has sold the stock and fixtures of the Jordan House to Paul Ileutickee, proprietor of the livery stable In the rear of the hotel, who will take possession on the first of April. Mr. Neff will take possess ion of the large new building recently erected by William L. Yoko, on Seventh street betiveen Llamilton and Linden, where he Intends to keep a first-class hotel. The building lift; been fitted In the usual trot-class manner for which Mr. Tont' if celebrated, and the genial manners and capital management of the landlord cannot fail to make It one of the most at tractive hotels In the city. Stabling will be 'put np forthe accommodation of !toms. MASONIC.—Barger Lodge. No. 333, A. Y. NI., was assembled Thursday evening, and made the occasion of welcoming Lome of their Bro. Jefferson Moser, of the U. S. N., after a pro °aged and extensive voyage. P. M. J. S. DOlinger, In behalf of Bro.Moser,presw.t ed to the Lodge a stone from ore of the three tiers still remaining of :the rains of King Solomon's temple, and two gavels !node of cedar from the fon•ste o' Lebanon. The articles were received by P. M. Dr. E. G. Martin, in behalf of the Lodge, in a very appropriate speech. The brethren were all much delighted to be placed In possession of such curiosities of an. Outlay, and especially at the hands of one of their own members and under such cirentnstanecs: STAMPS ON LICASES.—A S the time for the re newal of leases, and of the execution of Lew agri e ments between landlords and tenants Is near at hand, the decision of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue as to whether the provision of law Impos ing a stamp duty on lessen should ho enforced In regard to stamping duplicate copies, usually fur nished tholeasee, is sot only Interesting but im portant to all. He decides that when an instru- went Is t scented and In dupllow e, triplicate, etc., as In the case of a lease of two or more parts, each part has the same legal elf:ct as the other,, and each should be stamped as nn original. When parties mark executive duplicates or counterparts " copies," it does not make them more copies, or relieve them from d•ttp ns originals. Tim F. O. S. of ffilloming officers of the National Camp, I'. O. S. of A., were elected and installed Wt dnesday a fternoon :—President,J. K. Helms; National Vice President, FE {loll; -National Master of Forms and Ceremonies, E. N. C. Judson ; National Secretary, 11. J. Singer; Na lanai Treasurer, L. 11. Quay ; National Inspector, G. F. Coachman ; National Chaplain, H. A.Neitz; National Sergeant at Arms, W B. Miller. The Convention adjourned last evening, at nine o'clock, to meet In New York City on the ltd Tues- day In June, 1873. In the evening the Convention attended the ball, given In honor of the visitors, at thrWpera !louse. The Music was furnished by a string band from Allentown, lead by Otto Boe inner, of Easton. TILE EAST GERMAN CO NFERENCE OF THE CHURCH OP THE UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST closed its anti 11iti session on lust Mond ty afternoon neld in Belleview, Lebanon coati ty. The Sta tioning Committee report tie• foIIOWS LEBANON' DISTICT—D. ROFFMAN, E LO 00 supplied. fluthlelletn.circult, J. 8. tiglieity. Allentown s !Won, 11. Seliroop. Rtiiiillug in Inn. etutinit, A. Slelzerwalt.. Tainiiquit mission, J. 11. Unger. Sli hing Sprlug circuit, J. Setioop. \l,•ycrstown F. talon, J. W. Kunkel. Lebanon stet lo", J. Runk. Pine_ race INCICLUOIL. Lebanon circuit, Joel Light. OELBACII, P. E. Baltimore Ist church, N. Altman. 3il U. Snyder. nEurkburg mission, Joel Light. Snimu Manna clrcu A. Ur aud G. Shindlers :11111(110m' circuit, John Mlller. Gertuanctlle, J. 11. Mark. • Belleview, S. Noll. Jonestown circuit, S. Etter. , • Union circuit, J. Hinkley. Lykcus circuit, S. V. Moliu. Trot MARRI AGE MAnKer meets to be ono leally active last week. On Monday, March 4th. Mr. Wm. F. Zink of Philadelphia, bore off one of Allentown's worthiest daughters, M les Lizzie M. Barnes. After the happy pair were made one they received the hearty congratulatioxn of their It lends and lathe evening were serenaded by most delightful music. We wish titan a happy, prosper ous life, fully encumbered 'oy those prospective lops which make the fireslt..e cheery by their ring— ing lat4hter and enchant Mg chatter. Lt thu case of Sickler and. Karhaugh we have an instance where hot', have tried the uncertain life of doublabless eff ness and their past ex perience etude thew der; tees of connubial bliss. Mr. Sickler was a widower and Mit. Karbaugh, as the Mrs. would. indicate, a widow. I,Ve hope their See.nd exp.oionee way boas happy us their first. • Last week Cr instantine Erdman, Esq., was made happy for lice by marriage with Miss Mary Derby, of Illinois. 'file ceremony was performed by Rev. M. 11. Riche ids at the residence of George B. Saudi, E:4l. We wish the worthy couple every ha ppieces t bat they deserve and hope their Fami ly Record r nay be tilled with pretty names. SNICiI D n•r LAST.—TiIe DetlVlCrat says our good alto clever friend, Jacob E. Zimmerman, Esq., cat bier of the Franklin Savings Bank, re cently Sc ok unto himself a wife. lie went no quiet l► ab mt It that we did not find out until last week n' hen, or where, or how It was done. But we has e found out enough shout it to regularly novae:lee his marriage, which we do under the n-n .1 heading. Forgetful of the jolly and vaga bond life of a bachelor, which he will• know no more forever, iu a moment of love delirium, be has, of his own free will, forged the silken shack les that bind him to another heart, thus to find an elyclum amid the beautiful dreams and visions, the sweet enchantments and unutterablu cede cies which are so thickly strewn along the path way of the newly wed. What opened his eyes to his wretched condition we are unable to 803. We only know that at last . he has recognized the fact "that It b) not good for. man to be alone." He long successfully dodged Cupid's (loots, but has at last surrendered to the skill of the cunning archer, oe what is the same thing, to the charms of the gentle Elmira. May the silken noose never grow wearisome to him. Just for the fun of the thing we got down from a dusty shelf our dutch poetry machine, and after giving the crank sixteen turns we had the following : Die Elmira hot cm aalie get audit Er bet now about iOlll4 g1211 , 111g grwart ; h - a au•so •a•ao licit er gulacht ' Me et Mu tam Platte:Maus weg hot gehracht. Der Joke ()acid. Inner Hell, Ivies warm knit, Er wold dleh doer en welb ansebiffen bald Hot problrt scion long en (rah zu kriegen, Welt Cr es net glelelit en u Ilehu zu Heger,. Iln who ale warn gehelert ; 0 was for en (rend' War nolit bet done zweb tmeltzlglent— Aueli stud wlr gewlss, ela ben es genotsen, Ull dus ed elntge but verd rofsen. Wit Nam% es wird curb net ve'rctroassn Want' wirdo unfer ROl7lOlll FCIIIIOEBeII DIl echoeket wild gar Oct bereft, , ' Bli obmot en kletunor Bd utter schrelt.' THE ; LEHIGH 11,1=1:STER, ALLENTOWN; WEDNESDAY. , MARCH 13, 1872. TnE front In Ihe store owned by Mr. Sea greaves, two dews below the American, baa been torn out and ,i handenme now one will be pot fn for Mr. Smith's clothing sore, which will be opened there about the first of April. Titostr. wishing to engage In a profitable business read adv. of M. B. Dyott, 114 South Sec ond street, Philadelphia, In this Issue. Light equal to gas—at ono•eighth the codt, Rights of Counties and States for sale. READING CP .... RIAU exercised because nobody will squander their money on a street railway ; be cause the Reading Railroad Commit* , doesn't fin ish that mammoth depot; because Mishler is go. log to finish a handsome opera house which no ono will go In and no one will sing in ; because Stichter Is already In his new store la " the burnt d Istria ;" and because lager is . trump. Jr is a rare t , lng that physiciacs give any countenance to a tnedicine, the manufacture of which In a sceret. About the only exception we know of in .Tolmeon's Anod ,ne Liniment. Thts, we believe, all endorse, and many of them use It In their practice with great sucoess. Persons requiring purgatives or pills should be careful what they buy. Some pills notonly cause griping pains, but leave the bowels In a torpid, costive suite. Parsons' Purgative Pills will relieve the I owels and cleanse the blood without Injury to the system. FATAL ACCIDENT.—A man munedllarrison Nelder, a bricklayer, lost his life on Friday morn. leg under the following eircann.tances : Fie was walling up a well In East fiend leg, neat Dengler'a Hotel, and was down at the bottom. Ills brother, Lafayette, was sending down the material to hitn, He had placed a stone In the bucket, and turned to get another, when the binket, which was on the edge of Hot well, tilted, and the stone was thrown out and full down the well, striking Har rWtn on OIL head, crushing his skull, and killing hint Instantly. He was about 33 years of age, and leaved a wife and three children.—Reading SPRING BONNETS.-o , lr hilly readers will be interested In the following from Madam Dem• orest's Monthly foi March The new spring styles in straw revive the "cottage" shape then more decidedly than thin bonnets of lust year. Straw seems to be the only wear of the coining season, and,a great effort has been made to give variety, not only to the shape and styles, but to the manufacture of the straw itself. In addition t a the "split," the Dustable, the Coburg, the Ml lesian, the I.3ghorn, the Tuscan, the Neapoll'an, and the chip, with their numerous Imitations, there are some very pretty mixtures, and a few decided novelties ip the way of fancy and em broidered straw, which will probably prove very popular and attractive. It Is difficult to say at this early period which shape will be likely to take the lead among the rest, but we think the cottage bon net, and a new and very attractive hat, the " Dolly Warden," he sure to win * favor. A lures t many dotted black lure bonnets!, orphan colored tulle, or crape, have beer made for the demi season, and slowly trimmed with a ruche of blank thread lace and a rose in its leaves, or an ostrich tip, the skittle of the crape or Wit, Cameo tints and line shades of gray taro used In preference to gayer velure, but in these eases a brighter color Is combined in the trimming. For example, black lace over ash gray crape or tulle, is trimmed with a ruche of blue): lure and a spray of what is called Chicago roses, that Is, crimson or scarlet roses, toned down into ash gray, and having gray leaves. Chartning bonnets urn made with soft crowns of crape, in closed in a standing puthou. of soft satin finished pros grain, and trimmed with loops and ends of ft ingedtout prof; grain ribbon. Straw trhumlues are Imported in great variety, amt are used upon bonnets of black lace and crape, an well as s raw. Indeed, they comprise some of the most fashiona ble adornments of the season. REOIWANIZATION OF THE MAMMOTH STORES. —lt Is with pleasure that we address the citizens of Allentown and adjoining Counties to anarmace that we have re:ire:in:zed our limn. The endeavor of the old firm was to make our friends " feel at home," and we are determined nothing shall he spired by the new firm to extend the same " Wel come," at the same time offering a much Rim! T stock of Goods and a more satisfactory display. We shall offer in season all new and desirable DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. SUITINGS, and an Immense STUCK OF HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, second to none. Also a the display of CARPET. INGS, such as English Body Brussels, English Tapestry Bruise's, 3 ply, Smith Tapestry Ingrain, Sanford Tapestry Inrsin, Extra Super Ingrain, Super Ingrairi, all grades of Common Ingrain, Venetian, Wiiol Dutch, Rag,List and Hemp Car. pets, Rugs, Mats, Ac. OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN LACES, Ac., Ac. OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT UNSURPASSED In the " LEHIGH VALLEY" In point of quantity, quality, styles and prices, having ordered direct Holt the MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS before the LATE ADVANCE IN WOOL. We have enlarged our CARPET ROOM on the sec and floor, which Is now the LARGEST IN THIS CITY, and not excelled anywhere. We offer GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT at New York and Philadelphia prices. We Invite one and all to give us a cold. EXAMINE FOR YOUR SELVES, and be convinced that you can select tram choice stoek,and save Gnu, passage, Leight, Ac., by buying hero. In conclusion we would say that tit" principles and pray lees that have hereto foregoverned this Institution ore our best guaran tees for the future. Every department shall abont.d with BARGAINS, and our endeavor sh ell ' he to give the best attention to those who may fa vor us with their patronage. We remain, yours, very respectfully, E. 8. SHIVER ik CO., • 705 anti 707 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. E. 8. BilisteB, A. 8. buimen. JURY LIST FOE /APRIL TEM.—The follow g to tto Pot of Juror , . drawn tor April Term of Court: GRAN:, .Irnoto. Samuel }hitch. merchant. Weleen .l el F Herzog, tnerchont.Upper :11.tent.glet merchant. Lower Mlllordt Wolkei• Fehtkuti, Ly• II; Ch Idtht er, Allentown: tun %Cooper, South IVeiiehe II; Silas Dobbs, former, ball-bar V; A 0 Itouloger. snolchaut, Al lentown; kk ill Wen no,•. forma - , tiali.Lm y; Jut,, Hot. leubarh, nlarellang, llehh Ahern; Wlllinm Ilaronan, Inn beep •r, Solna.; Ch." W.lgunr, black-noto Allentown John Slog'r, farmer, eouth Whitehall; Owen Fairing'' , fanner, Hanover; J duel It Hecker, leather dealer, Alan; town: Jo•eph Itnu L, turner. Heidelberg: 1.01,06 C Smith, urveyor, Slutirorptu; Jacob Austell, lumber merchant, rittue.m: T LI u tick, tuerchunt. two, Ono Ileber roll, lamer, Salt.bu , y ; Jo to Outman. farmer, [IMO berg; Fraucir Itretuhr, (mu r, Whitehall; Jtiltatt blot .tutu, 5010..0 keeper, elletitolvar Christian [total, baker, Alleutotru. 'ant J 11 - erk.•-Fr nine+ .1 Newhard, far w aulhouy Slechlluic, yeoman Up er d; lloojaulla II Weaver, ore contrac,or South White II; Jelin U.OOll. toerehaut Silent , Francis Scorner alb:maker Allontow. , ; Alfred Hendrick, drover South 1V hitehall; James •k, yodtua,Allentewu: 31arth: lilt ter, Act mar Howl; Whitebait; le :au Y H /nue, merchant Lowe 3111 ford; John Jacoby, J. 1 1 .., Sainsbury; David Hratier, mason Hanover; John Thema., super:Mende:A Whitehall; 000 herder, teacher Upper 31.Iford, Solouinu F Ours, Hauler 311elneulreig: Writ Mnel, (critter SanCen; Wm Melose, farmer Hanover: M trt A' Al lentown;.Joeclih Hartman, Innkeeper Allentown; Alfred .1 11 , elulg, bane duet dealer Allentuwir; howls Honslacet, merchant Allentown: Jacob H. Hitter, tanner Saheb:try; Jam,. F HUna, miller :oath Whitehall; J 31 (Huber, teacher North David 11101.•. ynaninn 311ders• town; Daniel Meyer, f inner routh Whit:hall; Ph lip Woodrieg, tubas, .unst sletlugtou; lieu/ y C .10, cooper Allen.. in; Jane. L Yeak•-I. coach ranker Upper . Ilford; Wet F Den tn, fanner ileolalbeng; MLo Ott. Innkeeper Lowe• Milford; Win Frey. carpenter Heidelberg; Janie. K :dealer, fn caner liant.set; DI Pi Rite, tailor hind. aton Won Lenbach, farmer Hanover; Alfred II Seyder,padole •; Cherie., C Christman. merchant Allentown; Jo Into W Fulling Jr, ini1Utig,C..1..•11 , 11.14: Henry Ruin• beck, clerk Alneutonvu; 3 due, Knecht. blerkainili Sains bury; Ch trier Planter. joss tar Allentown; Chas Deers, (miner c..l.llntry; ttaijneuln lachman. plionogtain 1, r Al. ; Chas E Dyck, toiler Lown111; Wm A 31cKlInbln, mochas% Caoteatmani; Jacob II Erdman, m reliant ElneUn Nethann bchnick,lanner :lath W hltehnl.; Chesil Bleak, )eintnan S alcon; Unary Bieber. fanner PI:TIT JFlntliti—Sound Irak. —Jacob Mars, farmer Low. r blecutialei Wm Ilerlecher, farmer Sainsbury ; Joe DI Bear, ba leklal or Allentown; Win Nagle. gator Whine; bell; Cherie. , Ochrlater, shoemaker Allow nimin I BrIII Uoruldsz•r, tesrhar Welseuburg; [Midst Wlimor Jr, lur go South Whdelialn i Jacob E Neater, miller Allentown; Jacob in Farr, ehue merchant A Mohr°. Sch,tuti, tallier Upper Milford; Nathan Kauffman, caal dealer Eames; 'Pitmans Itoth, tanner Nat'l Whitehall; Alfred J • Koch, farmer Upper Macungie; Benlatele r Blank, liii.kooper Salmon; Solomon Knorr. incliner Wots• unborn; James Wise, licent.r Allentown; F Z Ileolnuer, coal denier Allentown; Jonathan L Sum. merchant Upper maculate; F A Rohe, cigar dealer, Allentown; Ephraim huauss.clerk Allentown; Frank Stetren,lonkeeper Lower Macungie; Alfred A Killen,, muslin teacher Allentown; Beery W Dlunr. merchant Allentown; Tilalluian Krauss. tanner Ileldelbers ; II W F hbenis ad, J. I'., 11. over Samuel J Kistler, J P. lieldelbe in; Chen ilodna.., : um ben dealer, Allentown; &inne! Leiria Jr, Intendant Allentown; P II Stubs, coal dealer Allentown• Jacob Solidi. y,'Ore contractor tieucon; Sldoey Bureau. I.lllarleciligrut KOMlllerer. yeomn• Upper Milford; DaMil Mese, lartuir lieldelberg; Daniel K Frtherolt,fsi goer Lynn; fie Toe If Daniel. tailor White hall; Asher Fattlugsr, blackaulth. Lowhlll. . Wooogri muelcal instruments of all kinds of the best manufactories In Europe aro sold cheaper than anywhere clan at O. F. 11 rrman'a Music store. , SERENADF. —On Saturday evening, the City Corn. t Band earned zd Dr. Clemens and his bride. The Doctor replied to the compliment In a 'abort and eloquent address on the origin and beauty of musk.. AN net is before the Legislature • " to att. thorise the Commissioners of Lehigh county to borrow money and to legalize loans made on bonds heretofore issued." Why do the Commis sioners reduce the debt one year and increase It, by borrowieg, the next ? Is it done for the per. pose of making a favorable exhibit In the state• meat 7 What has this special legislation to do with those $80,0007 We are totally ignorant upon the subl , ct—so are the tax payers—and we shoul.l like to have some Information upon this point from our Democratic eotemporary, the News. OBITUARY.—Hon. Jacob S. Yost died at Pottstown his native place, on Thursday, aged 71 years. Belied served in the Legislature and in Congress and was United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania under Buchanan. Wan. Moran, Sr, died at Norristown, on Satur day evening, aged 77. He was a captain in the War of 1819, the oldest manufacturer of cotton goods In the United States, was Napoli:Led consul to Cape Town by President Lincoln, but declined the position. ills loss will be deeply fat. Wm. Carr, an aged and well—known citizen of this city, died at his home, at the American /LAO, on Sunday morni..g. Ills funeral will be attended by members of the Masonic fraternity. NEW BEIDOE.-A. charter has been granted for the building of a bridge across the Lehigh at ilokendauqua, several hundred yards below Swarte's darn. This want has long been Mt, and will prove of vast benefit to business people on both sid,s of the river, as an immense amount of business is daily transacted between the two places. This traffic Is generally carried on by team, and driving .across the Crane company's bridge ban lately become rather dangerous; owing to the fre quent running to and fro of their many engines in theft own hminess. It also decreases the distance for such teams and pedestrians about two-thirds, thus actually connecting the two places us one. A new public road will also be opened from the the bridge through lands of Foust and Homer, to the nowertown road, and from there through lands of W.J. Craig, Simon Breinig, and others, to meet the Bath and Easton roads.— Valley Re cord. Tim following testimonial is from Wm. 31. Walker, Esq., Superintendent of Common Schools of Nor. hampton county, and Educational Editor of the Spirit of the Times and Educator, Bethle hem, Pa.:— It affords me great pleasure to testify, from sat isfactory experience. to the value of the proles. ,tonal services of Dr. Irforrfs Beinhardt. Dr. 13. is not a mere yen 'er of opt etacles. fie is nn oculiFt and optician thorougthy versed In the aqatomy, phyFlologle.o function, and the normal h) Went, of the human eye, as w Ii as skilled in the niter notion, of glasses to ev.•ry clnsa and shade of detective vision. I have always been afflicted with myopy. (near sin litedness.) end have consulted and followed the advice of oculists, said to be etn intent in their profession, but found only very fit ted relief in all the glasses I had worn unlit I coiled on Dr. Bernhardt. The best glasses I had ever tried, only aided my sight a little In looking ni t rth-taat, o bj e cts, and I never before looked through glasses which aided me In reading ordi nary type and writing. With those furnished me by Dr. Bernhardt,. I Clll7.see further and more din.' thistly than ever before, both with regardlMp large old •eta at a distance, Mid S111:111 MICS, soCWas for .10-Lance, bourgeol type, near at hand. The brilliancy of Dr. B's glasses, and the taste and elegance In whi,•ll they are fitted to be worn, I have never seen equalled, and I do not believe that they can be excelled. I would ado ISO all in any way stille ed with defective vision, whether trom ace or from any other cause, t.., consult Jr. Beruhuldt without delay. Wit. N. ‘VALKEIt. CONFERENCE OF TUE UNITED BEETUREN IN OHM:W.—The got Pennsylvania Conference of the United Brethren In Christ met to hold Its annual session In Boas str,et church, Harrisburg, Thursday 2 p. m., hisimp Weaver, of Baltimore, Md., presiding. • The conf,rence was opened by the Bishop, by reading Eph. 8.1 c., and staging "All hall the power of Jesus name." A permanent organiza tion was entered into by electingJ. A. Mark, chair man, and G. W. M. Rigor, secretary. The eon. let once will meet each day at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and adj turn on motion. Revs. J. Baltz.ll, of the Virginia, and J. G. Clair, of the East German Conference, were re ceived on transfers. J. Erb, J X. Quigley, of the Pennsylvania; D. K. Flickinger, of Miami; 0. S. E trly, of the East German, and Dr. T. S. M'Nell, of Virginia Conference, and T. H. Rubinson, of the Presbyterian church, were admitted to advis ory seats. The usual committees were appointed by the 0132 A number of ministers gave encouraging reports, showing an increase generally in the various de partments of ehristlan tdrort. Itev. J. X. Quigley, of Shippenshorg, Pa., ocen• pled the pulpit in the evening. Tuat—Ephealans 3 and 15. A Parr• FOlt BLACK lAN.—The Easton Free Press F peaks as follows of the Hank Inaugurated by Prof. Blackman for the purpose of perfecting :he business machinery of his College The Allentown Business College Bank Is now open f. r hu.iness. N. Ritte - , Esq., of that place, has been elected cashier. Banks of this kind are becoming very numerous In this valley, and are springing Into existence all around us. There I. scarcely a moot-. passe bat that some new bank ing enterprise Is started, either In the shape of a savings 'mirk, or a private banking hinge of some kind. Whether this large Increase In the number of - ha its will prove beneficial to the community at large remains seen, hut that It Is remun millet: and beneficial to the few capitalics Inter ested is very evident not only from the anxiety manic sled by them to be Interested in the forma tion of these banks, but also from the wonderful rapidity, with their stock advances In the market. Everybody with a little capital wants to start a bank, and live, If possible, upon the ne cessities of his neighbors, and with 'commendable energy associates with himself someouu else, hue tli the same noble ambition, and immediately they constitute themselves a bank tinder filename, style and title of the Widows' and Orphans' Sav ing a Bank, or some other equally high sounding and respectable name. The n•ttn• Is a very lin• lumina thing for instance—Widows' & Orphans' Bank. Why the rely name carries with It respect ability, and an Idea of the stability of the bank. Who would dare question the motives of these charitable men who with q mcif eacrili httg spirit • have opened a bank entirely for the hoick of the poor widows and orphans. flow noble,how good, how kind in them. They wouldn't ark the widow or the orphan 30 per cont. dierount for money. Oh! no, they are too charitable for that. !stoney Is very scarce, but an you need the money, und yore• paper Is good we'll let you have It for—say 12 per cent. This to the usual speech, and this Is 'the charity they dispense. TIM PtTRIANS IN A Fix -A YOUNG LADY IN MALE ATTIRE INITIATED AS A MENIIIER.-TRU Scranton, Pa., Times of TM:N . (IIIy says : Some three months ago u:youug man who gave his name an Francis Williams, aged twenty-one years,a tall, g:uceful, handsome looking youth, became ac quainted with several members of a cerium lodge of Ithights of Pythias In this jurisdiction, and expressed am earnest desire to become a member thereof. flaying expressed this wish a number of times, his application, with time usual fee enclosed, was taken into the lodge, the usual committee of in— vestigation appointed, and a favorable report made thereon at the next stated meeting, at which a ballot was had and the candidate elected. Emboldened by his istieccas thus far, the brother applied for the third or Knlgh,t's degree, and was accepted, but In a certain part of the work In that degree au uufortunate pin braking disclosed to all the ollicera and members that they had been Initiating and giving the degrees of the order to a woman. The denouement waa almost ludescrlb abl•:. The worthy chancellor, a strict disciplinarian, by the way, was completely nonplussed, and did not: know what to do in the premises. He appealed to hls brother mincers and members for aid and counsel lu this trying ordeal. lie had unwittingly violated one of the strongest articles of the consti tution, and established a precedent never before known Some of the members were put.... 4 damsel out of the way altogether, while others shrank front such a 'horrible Idea, and strongly dknasted therefrom. Eiveral members suggested that she he placed In an Insane asylum, there to languish and die—and her secret with heras no person would take cognizance of the raving of a maniac, even though the truth were told. But, after many and various propositions and suggestions, the fair maiden, meanwhile sitting mute and stolidly Indifferent to her fate, a decision was arrived at, which was, that she be locked Into the house of some brother present, and guarded so as to prevent escape until the facts could be trans— mitted to the Worthy Grand Chancellor. A decision will bu obtained from him as to what disposal to mkt of the young lady who so rashly placed herself and the order lu this predicament. At this writing we understand that the young lady Is still confined In the house of a certain member. PattsonAL.--Horace dreeky passed through here on Saturday, hometvard bound from Harris— Whitt tine Horace after I Two cogs in a large wheel which drives the machinery in the rail mill of the Allentown Roll ing Mill Company broke, Saturday morning, and will retard operations for a couple of days. CIIECAP FARC.—WC are reliably Informed that about April Ist the Central Railroad of New Jersey will make a material reduction In passen ger fares on the Lehigh alai Einsq lehanntidivislon and branches. Excursion tickets will also be sold at all stations, to New York, Philadelphia and In termediate points, at a considemble reduction from present rates. As this road Isle the best possible condition and Is thoroughly equipped with In] "roved coaches and every convenience necessary for the maintenance of a Orst•class railway, we tiny() no doubt the public will respond to the lib eral policy of the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey. • DEMOCRATIC DEFORM—TAMMANY AT WORK irslarrim Yortx.—A dispatch from York, to the rollatielphla Press, dated the 7th in -t., says : An astounding roboery has beer; brought to light in York. Last night,, or within a day or two, thieves entered the' commissioners' room, In the court house, nod stole all the vouchers and other Important papers on the from 1865 to 1871, inclu sive. ' Suspicion points to prominent officials around the court house as theguilty parties. The act was without doubt committed by some one hired by the ring, which controls the county, uud hue its headquarters in that building. The theft arose from the fact that a special act has been passed by the Legislature to examine the accounts of the York officials accused of Ironic, and that an auditing committee was to commence their work next week. Yesterday the discovery that the papers were gone was made. The affair Is the town talk. A meeting was field this afternoon at the court house, and a reward of one thousand dollars Mimed for the apprehension of tile robbers. The taxpayers are tborouply aroused . nt this dar ing act, and by the Ivor/ledge that the county debt amounts to $310,000, with nothing to show for It except a barn which cost about $14,000. It is a wonder the honest portion of tile people of York have not long since risen and ridden them selves of the ring which has been plundering them for years. In 1860 tile debt of York county was only $lO,OOO. It now amounts, as above stated, to over $300,000. Where all this has gone no one can tell. Calculations made eight or ten years ago showed that money enough had been collected by taxation to have p aid all expenses, cleared the county of the then small debt, and left a balance of $30,000 in the treasury. Iu 1869, when the commissioners were, for the first time, required to publish the amount of the debt of the county, the true state of affairs was brought to light. For nine years the thieving bad been going on. Bankruptcy stared our people in the face. Iu April of the same year the commis sioners found it impossible to borrow enough far the use of the.county at the legal rate of Interest. They tried to make a loan in Democratic Bahl more, and twelve per cent. was otnred, but even at this usurious rate they could not raise u cent. At this 111110 a special law was passed authorizing .an issue of bonds not to exceed $140,000. This it was supposed would be the mull limit of the debt for all time to come. A seven-mill tax was also levied to pay the Interest and liquidate the debt. The result was still worse. As fast au 01 people paid their taxes into the county treasury the mem• hers of the ring tilled their pockets. Tile debt kept on increasing until it reached $300,000, when the people determined to have the at:comas of the officials investigated. The Letislature was called upon for aid and responded by passing the act appointing auditors to examine the accounts of the thieves, and now the result. Like the Tam many oligarchy when brought to bay, these men, who have drained the last cent from the taxpayers of York, resort to burglary to evade exposure and escape the clutches of the law. What the next development will be It la hard to tell, bat it is to hoped the thieves who have stolen the vouchers, and those who employed them to do the dirty work, will be quickly apprehended and summarily punished. National Convention P. 0. S. of A. A National Convention of the Patriotic Order of Sons of America, for the purpose of forming a Na tional Camp, began Its sessions In the hall of Camp 63, this city, yesterday noon. . Delegates from the States of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland were present in force. 11. J. Stager, President, briefly addressed the Convention us follows t Representatives of the first National Convention— Brethren CLa mutual congrattilationi upon the great event to the history of our Order,whiett calls uu together at this time as the houored repreFen- tatives of the noblest organization of the present day, are twist earnest and sincere, and we thank God that our progress as an Order during the past few years bus been o suecesafel and sure that our couve•ning now for the purpose of framing a Nu- LI I bead Is warranted. Our love of country and Its noel° luetltutlone le the corner•etoue of our Older. Our ahu Ie to foster to our ranks a more devoted love for our form of government, and lin- plant the same In the public naiad ; our duty le to battle whatever opposidou may appear as an ob stacle to he workings, or In any manlier impair the eillcieuey or pentium ney of our free and :oved Republic.; to encourage the spread of liberty la its truest and broadest sense ; to nurture fraternal love among our fellows, and to care for oar en. fortunate or distressed brethren ,or tho.e linked to them. To lucrease our sphere of usefulness and Insure a wore rapid and extended progrees, It. in now eseentlal to place our Order on a N.ttiolia basis. Let us enter Into the coot k before us with a will and determination to accomplish great cood for our Order, and In Its success we contribute much to the cause of our country. It Is for you to determine whether the Patriotic Order Sous of America shall be the safegu .rd of free America, and let me counsel you in behalf of our brethren o study closely the propositions whieb nI.I be tub. Otto In business ordor. and to Het calmly and udleiciusly in your deliberations. There Is a grows lig necessity for an organization lace our oval ' as he events of the last year alone testify, and It be- comes more manifest each hour The vantage round to-day Is ours. Be careful then in the re construction of our urgent :law, and define plainly the platform upou which our priori pies rest, as upon these vital points hence our future possession. Our State organizttions t hue far have labored most hartuoulonsly and successfully, and on the lirst of !O omit our estimated statistics w, re Ne York. sixty-ilve co mps,embracing a inetnbership of three thousand ; Penusylvanie one hundred and sixt)- two Camps, with a total mentbeiehip of nearly nine thousand. The formation of a new code of laws for the government of the National and. State Camp+ should be fully acted upon by you, and the rituals revised if necessary to eoutoren to such laws. This done, the business of this r ()ovulate') Is 6n15h..1 here. Its Proceedings should thou be submitted ,in entirety to the State Cutups for ratification, and when the approval Is unanimous, the Na tluital Camp may be declared formally organized by the National President elect, by proclamation, and it CAU then a• some the fuuctlons you may allot to it Knowing that your time will be well occupied I retrain from making any extended retuatks, and with Ibis brief reference to the wi rk before us, It gives me pleasure to annouuce that this Conven lion is now ready for business. The Committee on Credentials reported, and theti the following officers were elected :—Presi• dent, H.. J. Stager of Pa.; Vice President, Col. E. Z. C. Judson of New Jersey ; Master of Forms, James B. Kilbourn of New York; Secretaries, H. W. Wilkinson of New York, and L. H. Quay of Delaware; Marshal, Joseph W. Miller of Mary. land ; Sergeant-at-Arms, H. C. Stout of Pa. T he first bush:tees before the convention wan the adoption of a constitution, which occupied the full hours of the convention during the day. At nine o'clock the entire delegation assembled In the omen of the American Hotel, and proceeded in a body to the Hall of W. C. N 0.63 in 'pursuance to au invitation extended to them at the afternoon session of the couventioh. Upon reaching the hull they found that two tables extending the en tire length of the room, upon which was spread au elegant collation. After a short address of welcome and an equally brief response by the President of the Couventiou, the delegates and Invited guests 'took their seats and commenced active liootilities. We use no exaggerated figure of speech when eaylug that the collation was complete in all Its details. Everything that the taste of the most fastidious epicurean could deFire was there in a profusion which clearly ludieuted that the members of "63" are fully posted In the role-of hospitable guests. After a protracted attack upon the edibles and bibibles which graced Dm banquet board came "the feast of reason and flow of Foul." Many toasts were offered, drank and responded to, but so Interested were we In listening that we forgot that we were there lu a reportorial capacity and so are not able to give a resume of. the many elo• qtient and witty speeches. At a Into hour the company dispersed, many being 'opt/ that they could not adequately express their sentiments, (some had to loosen their vest straps, etc.,) and. ail the delegates agreeing that the treatment they had received on the first day would cause them to . . aiwayit remember` with piteaure the boaphable city of AllientoWn. . o for the fair MBE Mts. Downs had another good bonito. on Saturday eveatug,to witnen her splendid acting to tho character of Queen Elh. 'both. LECTURE.—Mr. Emmons will deliver a lee. Lure on Secrets," at the Opera House, on next eeturday evening. Mr. Dimwits promises a rare CM BLATCHLEY'S CUCUMBER W6OB PUNT Is TUE BEST. For sale by the Hardware Trade, Dealers In Agricultural Implements, &c. If there Is no ugeut In your town, Rend for descriptive cir cular. C. G. BLATCHLRY, 504 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. mar 13.11mw COLD BLOOM') MUDDED NEAR CAltituN• DALE.—A correspondent of the Scranton Republi can says a horrible alkir occurred at the residence of James Cohn, , in 'Greenfield township, Lu zerne county, on Friday morning. Sonic years ore a fellow named liapernan married a daugh ter of Sonire Cobb against the consent of her pit rents, and Irks most all such marriages, It proved a very unfortunate one, resulting In his daughter returning, after a few years, with a child to her father's home—her husband not being able to com fortably clothe her or provide for their sustenance. lie has led a wandering Gipsy life since, and will probably he reenCected by the traveling public as the person called " Floppy Man," who has been allowed to bore them whenever they huvc stayed over night at the Harrison. Roast!. Ile went over to his Cattier-in-law's and attempted to enter the house, but was met at the door by a brother of his wife, who rcfu'ed him admlttance,when he dashed In a window and commenced shooting from a re volver Into a room where his mother-In•law and others were, and hitting the former, who took ref uge In the buttery. Ills knowledge of the house Induced him to run around to the buttery window, which he smashed In and shot his mother-In-law dead. Ile then started for Carbondale. A young roan followed, and he was shortly after arrested and Is eafJ la ja 11. It has produced great excitement, and a deep g'oom rests over the neighborhood, where Squire Cobb's family is so highly esteemed. The fellow has been considered a 111.16111/CC for 'mouths, and now we shall be happily rid of him, although at fearful cost to the many friends of the bereaved fatally. FIRE AND DEATO.—A painful and terrible accident occurred Friday, north of Bath, between Kreldcrsvllle and Seemoville, of which the follow ing is nn imperfect description. Last summer •Frank BilMeitner cleared a tract of new land, but left the rubbish until Friday, when, us is the cus tom, he set the whole on Ore. Everything being dry as cinder, the Ore spread with fearful rapidity, and from the tract of new land it' extended into I adjoining tields, devouring levees and everything else in Its course. Mr. Billheimer labored hard, and had his coat burned off Ida back. Ile could not master the flames alone, however, and as all the property In the neighborhood Wllll3 endangered, the whole community turned out and assisted In the endeavor to quench the fl totes, but all their exertions were In vain. The fire spread rapidly and In Its course was nearing the barn of Mathias Houser, and as he was comparatively poor, and had hat little else than several bushels of wheat In his barn, he and his wife but tied home to take up the wheat and remove It. They - had taken up two bushels is - hen Houser fell down at the feet of his wife, dead. Mrs. Houser at once gave the alarm, and medical aid was summoned, but to no avail— life had fled. It la supposed that death ensued In comequenee of over exertion and fright. Soon after Mr. Homer's death the cottrs,! of the wind was changed, and the fire extinguished by being driven back over the course it had Come. Mr. Firmer was au honest, hardworking man of about 50 years of age, and was highly respected by his friends and neighbors. Nothing ever before oc curred that cast ouch a gloom over that comma nity.—/kehle,,em Times. On Sunday his body was found to be warm and another physician was suminoned, but he decided ' there was no hopes of resuscitation. Ills remains will be Interred at the old Stone Church on Wed nesday morning., The Republican City Convention. On Saturday evening, the delegates elect d to the City Convention assembled In the Common Council Chamber, tornske nominations for City Officers. On motion Dr. Win. J. Romig was elected Chairman, and R. R. Donaughey and J. S. Reninger Secretaries. On motion W. H. Kleckner was'nominated for High Constable by acclamation. Balloting was then commenced for Auditor, which resulted as follows: BECEIM 9 F. A. Rube—. 8 W. L. Junes.- 3 A. G. Itminger John J. Lriwnll 11. W. fit;itel. W. S. Young MEE 14 11. W. Behet • 2 A. G. Roultiger... 3 John J. Law•nll F. A Ruby 3D DM LOT, John J. Lawnll 17 F. A. Rube 11 Ou motion the nomination of J. J. Lawall was made unanimous. The following resolutions were adopted :— Resolved, by the City Republican Sominating Convention, that the thanks of the Republican p.trty of Allentown are due and are hereby ten dered to the Ream')liran members of the Douse of Rapresentatives of our St. .to Legislature fur de li ming the 13111 entitled " A further supplement to the ACt incorporating the City of Allentown," on last the Faille having been originated for the benefit of the Democratic p.trty, and was In tended to luinre the Republican party. Resolved, 'l' hat attested copies of these resolu tions be forwarded by the Secretary of this Con• vention to the Speaker and Chief Cloak of the Lower Brunch of the Legislature. On motion It was resolved to abolish Rule 2J of New Rules governing Republican Party in the City. The following appointments of Executive Com tultice were announced:— First ‘yard—B. C. Roth, 2 years ; George Erd man, 1 ye-Ir. Second Ward—H. E. Ruhe, 2 years; George B. Roth, 1 year. Third Ward—S. W. Bnreaw, 2 years; F. A. Ruhe, 1 year. .Fourth Ward—John Bowen, 2 years ; Charles Henry, 1 rear. Fifth Wiri—Dr. Wm. J. Romig, 2 years; Re,k. 1 year. Sixth Ward—Chair to 1111 vacancy at some fu ture time. Adjourned R. FL DONAtOFIET, J. B. RENINGER, LETTER LlST.—Ltst of letters remaining uncalled for at the Allentown Post Office for the week ending Monday, March 11. Persons calling for these letters wlllpieaso say ADVERTISED. 11—Brans & Andreas. Amanda .1 Heldman, Charles B nm, Bradtls behrer, Daunts II Boyle. Frank J Dirt, H. ury Buis 2, It Beelola. (Berge Broom', Joseph Brenner, J C Benson, Jacob Upton, Owen Blamer. P B .yle. Peter 111.141, darsh Bat,. WHllam Beam& Wet ll _agar. Lech Bo) er. C —Jacob Copo, Julia Coln, Lout. Corwin, Philip floury Colin, Thomas Choutrishaw. herd O'Connell. D—Cortniek D stian.lleury Dlig.rd, Ileury.Dutigherty, John Dwyer • Joseph II Det.eng hirs JosePlt Darrohn Lemuel Doremus, Lilly Denhatt, H A Denning, Harsh 0 DOA... Sarah Daubanspeet, liaroh Duo, Thom. Diehl. E—Chrietian Ebert, Daniel Ends., Elisabeth Emig, Hen• ry Erieh• }'—Ellett Fritt, }Mulct Fluk, Henry Falatlck. John 0 Fry. Jolla Fogleman, M J Frederick, Timothy Fits, (i—auutuola F (Mak. Atuundum Ulan°, Albtrt K I) Owen, Elleu Getter. George Uri...lug. George timber. Kate tit Oroti, Joasph Graff, Joseph Osugawere, Jane E George. Peter Graver, Wm II Good. 11—Audrow Ilertnao. Amanda Oluklc, C U Hawkins, C Ilanabanout, Chrlattau Hauser, Emma Hardmau,Emm• Uursb. E‘ther Ho.trich, Jacob Harklu, Low 14 Hartman. Nisi. Harmon, Michael Halfrich, Oliver Hutferd, Peter Matto. Theodore Holjari. . . K—Alfred C Keyeer, Alice, Amelia gnOde. Dal no }Cuomo.. Ell Koeppeoboraer, Goo go Heck. floury Kistler, l.rael Klockuer, Jacob Kuerr, Jokeph Kistler. Jacob Koch Joelals Kuccht, Mary Keck, elm.. kirstacr, noloolou Know, I—A Lumly. Freak P Lucas, John Leaberman, - Win Lilly. , M- Alfred Mull. Catherine li Marche. D A SlcDonal, Emma Mickley, Ella. blaiielagcr. Frank Mc•hsy. lidicar4 Meyers, George Meyer. Mrs Meatier, hlery.A 010 0 .0. Sol. onion Math. galoma Munich, tietnuel Morn, ti A Mars• tclier, Tilghmen M Muthett, W Miller, William Moll. William Mother. N—Ceroline Nowhatt. Ellen Nichol...Malleset H New bait. Hinton II Notinemachor, Milton It Noir. Stephen Nagel. T Ehod. with!. ' M Peniou, F PuLasky St Co. Moneo Park• ••• • • - lt—Anguidoe Hebbine, Ch."lee II Elmo. C A Daniel Itelchet{rtch• Edwin Hruoi, (leo Reinhard, (leo It Both, Reading a 1111111, Jodi Relllllleilt. I.litor A LOVIIIN Roney, P Rutter, itiebeceit Huth, Hula Hitch, Win tioDport, Walton Rigby. 6—Anthony statniu, Alfred I Scheirer, lire Seem. Ch. Spate C Snyder, Chas Detevet.s, Daniel E Swam Maim sedum E Slader, Edwurti eeidor. E room, Hamm Said. r, Emma intaillwagnar, Ed Smhh. Flank iu 11 Smith, Orono Sale, Gott. lab Seherol.ser, George !Huber, Ileury Snuas, Helene Snip, Henry Smith. John Strata. Jacob mophens, Jau 1 ShArer A Co, Lewis Snyder, Mier/ Sell:re. Monroe Stephens, !flatten Schuitui tn. Very Stealer, Mary P.llll.l3aexi,r, it Steve.. & Cu.' T—Emuie E Troxell. John 11 Taylor, Milton Trosell. Ww Henn, trustee. W—A unto C Weise, Catherine Welae, Waite & Deemer, E man! %Vaud, 0 We lb, Jno %Thifle. Job Williams, Jas Weliknecht, John Weiss, 1 A Willie. J .11 Waif, JAnnues Wunsch, Samuel 11 Wharton, :awn Werlt. bawl Weikel. Yeaiter, J P ;Mtn. • TEMPLE :IF FASHION.—Mrs. M. A. binder, 11th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Bpring Openlace Daily. Read her adv. In this lame. Of course you will give,ber a call. CONFIRIVATION.,--A large number of persons were present on Sunday morning at Grace Episco pal Church, In this city, to witness the rite of con firmation. Rt. Rev. Dr. Howe, the new Bishop 'of this Diocese, was present and delivered an Im pressive sermon on tent from St. Matthew, chap. 8 and verse 34, which was listened to with marked . a•tention. The Bishop appears to he an earnest and energetic man, arid created a most favorable impression among t hose who had the goo•' fortune to see and bear him. Ten persons were confirmed. This number, with those confirmed on a former occasion, adds to this church twenty-five commu nicants lu a little more than a year's time, a sure indication that the Rector, Rev. W. R. Giles, is deluge good work among us. Bishop Howe made a visitation to,Calasauqua Mission, In the after noon, and preached in the German Reformed Church, which had been kindly placed at his dis posal. In the evening the Rev. Doctor confirmed two persons in the Church of the Mediator, Sixth• Ward. A number of those who bad heard him In the morning chartered one of the City Passenger Railway cars to take them to thoAlleutown Fur nace, in order to have another opportunity to hear hint in the evening. THE EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION.-TIIC Con ference in session at Pine Grove bun stationed its ministers us reported below : PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-C. S. fABAN, P. E. Philadelphia, Fourth street station J. Switzer Fifth " , "I. Hess. Sixth " " F. Hoffman ' English Mission, 8. 0. Rhoades Germantown station, J. K. Knerr. Norristown mitslon, J. 0. Lehr. Montgomery circuit, A. Kind and Uplinger. Trappe " F. Krecher. Mitfo~d" R. Delsher and Hess. Camden mission, D. Yingst. Plicenixville and Pottstown mission, J. Leib. Biroshorough mission, I. Zimmerman. READING DISTRIC r-o. 7. lIAINES, P. F. Reading station, C. 11. Baker. Reading English station, J. G. Sand: , . Fairy'lle station, J. Epecht. Lancaster station, J. Adams. Lancaster mission. (Engl6llo F. P. Lehr Reading mission, (German,) J. Koehl. Kutztown eitetilt, 11. Diosinger. Womelsdorf circuit, 1. E. Knorr. Adamstown " J. Loras. Brownstown " A. Sbultz. . Lancaster " W. I.Veldner &U. Hershey Chester " B. Albright. HARRISBURG DISTRICT—J. M. SAILOR, P. E. Lebanon station, .1. C. Blirm. Millersburg station, 8 8. Chubb. Sha mi'kin station, R. Mott. Myerstowu &cult, J. K. Selfrit. Annville " B. Bchinoyer and J. Fehr. Da plan circuit, J. A. Feger. Berrysburg circuit, J. C. Horuberger. Maimmonga circuit, D. Lentz. Uniontown circuit, J. Werner and J. Wohlrarth liarra.burg mission, C. K. Fehr. Halifax mission, R. Drelbeibis and W. Shoe maker. POTTSVILLE DISTRICT-T. BOWMAN, P. E Pottsville station, 11. A. Neltz. lkill station, L. Snyder. Pine Grove station, A. M. Stork TrellIMIL station, 0. L. Saylor. Tacna qua station, 8. tireyrogi.l. 3faliatioy station, %V. K. %Vieund Rinatown station, T. Harpar. Cressona circuit, L. Worms n. P,rt Carbon clicult, D. K. Stouter. Schuylkill circuit, 11. Kumpl'er. Orw ignburg circuit, A. A. DeLoog Ashland mission., A. iiceser. Hazleton mission, J. Kerubel. Ilainburentission, IL H. Miller. ALLENTOWN DISTRICT—S. 'HEITZ, P. E. Allentown German station, C. B. Flier. Allentown East German stallou, R. Lichteu— waluer. Allentown English station, J. N. Metzger. Catusauqua station, G. Knorr. Weissiturt station, A. F. Leopold. Lehigh Occult, F. Seal:Het and C. Bliem. Burlinsville circuit, E. Butz. Mauch Chunk inlesion, B. F. Bohnter. Perryville circuit, A. Zlegentues. EASTON DISTRICT—J. TRANCE, I•. E. Ruston station, G. Scharf. Beth!. hem station, C. Myers. Freematishurg station, S. B. Brown. New Yank station, J. Kurtz. Northampton circuit, 0: B. Fisher and Yost. Monroe, E. Miller. Wayne circuit, J. Savitz. Plearam Valley circuit, J. Zero. Bath and Naz real circuit, W. A. Leopold; Newark mission, T. Piottenherger. Unionhill anti Greenville mission, N. Goebel NW - A , York mission, M. GOO. Easton English mission, S. L. Wei-t. Port Jarvis, not supplied. MAU CHUNK Trial for 'larder—Activity in the Coal Trade— Dougherty*“ Lecture.— A Gift Drawing. etc., etc. • Corroxpoodelas of tho CHRONICLII. MAL'Ott CUUNS, March it, 1872. You would no doubt be pleased to hearocMtsion ally from this section of the coni.try. The past week was one of unusual severity here as re gards co d. Those lofty, towering and Immovable mouutains which bound Mauch Chunk mini! sides, and which in Summer, when covered with green verdure, give it Such a delightful and romantic aspect, make rather it dreary appearance at this season of the year, with their summits bare and covered with snow, and over which the cold north :.wester blows With remarkable violence. The temperature of the alt for the last wet: shows plainly that " old Winter" is still hear, but Is just about making his Seal effort fur this time. The past week was not only u very cold one, but also one of unusual excitement lu this town, it being Court week aud that always .brlngs a great num bur of strangers into town. A great amount of In terest was manifested in the case of Patrick Gil• dee, who was charged with the murder of Morgan Powell, at Summit 11111, in December last. After the trial had proceeded three days Gildea was set at libtirty for want of sufficient evidence. lie Is also from Summit Hill. lie makes a floe personal appearance and remained very coolalurlng the en tire trial, never being la the least excited. 1 no ticed that the lion. John D. Stiles was one of his counsel Business around here Is going on as usual. The coal trade, which for some time past was rather dull, Is again brisk. The two great railroads of the Valley, the L. V. and L. S. Div. of C. It. lt. of N. J., are again transporting coal with their usual activity. Yesteiday the annual borough election was held In this place. Three school directors, two coun• oilmen, one constable, assessor and auditor Were elected. Thu Republicans, as always is the case here; carne off victorious by hea.y majorities, with the exception that the Democrats elected one councilman under the new election law of this State. EC= RUV. J F. Crouch, who Is well-known to many Allentoolaus, and who for the last two years had charge of the 'MI ethodldt Episcopal congre . ptiou of this place, received an appointment lo Philadel phia, and therefore left here for that place tide week. That dread, the small-pOX, In still an unwelcome visitor In our neighborhood. Some six. or eight cases hare proved fatal already. In Mauch Chunk proper there are no cases at present. All the cases about •here are In the outskirts—Coal Port and Winch Chunk. • Should any Allentoulans have occasion to come up this way, I would- advise them to call at the Broadway House; J. S. Keiser, proprietor, where they will and ample room, floe accommodations and a warm reception by the obliging landlord and his assistant, Ben. Buts. LEIIIOII. Brief Chronicle. —Jacob Neff, a lad aged ten years, son of Mr. Abraham Neff, living near Millersville, Lancaster county, while attempting to close, the cap of a fodder cutter, was caught by the knives, and his baud and arm Was literally cut into pieces, taking the arm oil within about an Inch of the shoulder- Joint. The remaining portion had to be ampu tated at the socket. • • • —J. S. DB:lnger ; Esq., Em. Corn. of Allen Corn mandery, Knights Templar,was the happy recipi ent of a Templar pin from his worthy brethren of the Order In Bethlehem. —A lamp containing non.cxplosive oil exploded at Reading on Tuesday night. Nobody killed. . . —Frank Mallet had au explosion of the water back at his residence on Fifth street, on Wednes• day. Fortunately he escaped with no Injury. —On the '2O h ult., George Bchlicher, Sr., aged 40 years, a highly respected farmerOf Upper Han over township, Montgomery county, committed suicide by hanging himself In hisbarn. It lent,- posed that he was laboring under temporary men tal aberration, caused by financial matters. SHEET muelc, Instruction books, blank books, music paper and cards and- all kinds of modest trimmings, a large supply constantly on hand at C. P. Herrman's Music Store, Allentown Onio BoLooNaFuESer.E.-1000 poundsfine Ohio Bologna for sale. Apply to Edward Yrageri Exchange Hotel. .I.2ra2t STICKEL —Citron, Pepper,. Coriander; Mai foram; and otter mr.terials necessary Mindoro' pies and sausages at the City Drag Store of Layne!' Martin, 72'd Hamilton street, corner of Hall. SPRING Brittals.—The ladles, particularly, will be delighted by visiting- l'itrw. Clukiln's, No. 608 Hamilton street, and inspecting her beautiful etock of goods received for tho Spring trade - , New arrivals . are being constantly received: Now in the time to think about beautifying( your premises. Nothing adds so much to the cheerfulness of a home and the salmi of property as rare flowers and ohrubhery, and frultaud orna mental times, and for t h e purpose of getting Just what you want, without the fear of misrepresen tation, go to Wu. Guises ELEVENTH Smarr NURSERY. The contrast between the bleak out side world and the Interior of his green-houses af fords a pleasure fully compensating for a visit to the nur.eries. • - COMMUN[CATIONS Ire do pant herd 011mm:rex rerpanfilble for the nyin fonm entertained by neer florrespondente. Notice to the hellool niecetort, We pride ourselves to inform our friends of Le high county, that the worthy teacher, Mr. James, O. K11[111.3, of Allentown, Moat last given blacon sent to publish his name as a candidate for the County Superintendency of Common Schools. filth gentleman deserves our attention. Be Is fully competent for the office. Ile ban In his pos session a professional ccrtlficate,a State certifi cate, arida diploma of the State Northal Sahool of Millersville. Ile also has had experience In the art of teaching for fifteen years: * We believe In the true old adage that " experience Is the best teacher." Ile can fully sympathize with our hard laboring teachers. We learn that he has can: classed the greater part of the county. We hope that the Directors will seriously meditate over the Important step which they are about to take In May. We can safely recommend him to the Dl ,rectors. He has a good moral Christian charm ter, which ought to be the first thing to be exam ined. For any information we would kindlyrefer you to the Allentown School Board. We hope that his efforts will be crowned with success. A LOVER or 8C1.1001.5 ißarriages. _ . STRINGHAM—REBER.—On the 10th of Feb., by the Rev. Dr. Miller, or the Baptist Church, Mir. lorry Si ringlia in, of Elizabeth, N. J., to Mire Em ma nee Reber, formerly of Allentown, Pa. 7..INK—BARNES.-06 Monday, March 4th, 1872, at the residence of Sir. Justus Evans, by Rev. George Ballindyne, of Wyoming county, Pa., Mr. William F. Zink, of Philadelpilla to Miss Lizzi e Nt. Barnes of tide city. SICKLER—RARBAUGH.—On this Tuesday morning, March sh, 1879. the residence of the bride, by Rev. George Ballantyne, of Wyoming county, Pa., Mr. Jolts J. Slikler ' of Bridgetown, N. J., to Mrs. C. J. Karbaugn, o f this city. CLEMENS— JONES. —By the Holy, Sacred, nod ritualistic rite of the Church of Rome was Miss Lizzie Jones, of the city of Reading, made the bride of Dr. 11. B. Clemens, of the city of Allentown. Dcatils LEItCII.—AL Ilecktown, March 311, Mary Ella abet h, dauchter of Alfred S. and Cornelia Lerch, abed i :notate and 21 days. 'NOD Illabcrtrsenicitto. . . .. A DNIINIS'IItATOWN NOTICE. • rx. :toiler is hereby given that Lettere of Administra tin have been graded to the alldialitaanal to the estate • f (;f1 M IF, it ttli:•, lots of tho City of Allentown. Ln• high canary, therefore ell persons who know themselves to be indebted to said rotate, ere requested to make papmeat • wnhin six weeks from the dot-hereof, nod suck w on base our, logid Claims molting said Inflate will present them. well autnehticsted for settlement, within the above specified time. H. el KECK. mar 19.6 w Adminintrator. A , PIROIFIrrAtILE ItINESIESSI 111111 T lAD To (3 ee,ATONE.EInIIVI THE COST! Call not I, r.l.rf oil"! No Hain. ey or mirk 10.. MEN de , to inn a rROFITA a Le: N can secnre eXCLIISIN p LI VE N Lao pre rxr r CARBON GAS Lin ti r LIVENEIO , AND 011.4 . f0r cor NTIV.4 or STA I'ES. Write P.r ndortnanun or Cal/ an N. B. BYO VT, No 114 SOCTII SECOND ST. PRI6S. N. B.e4.7IIUKCIIEI turni•hed wlttt 1111ANDeLIERB nod any it Purr ir thrcript it.. 23 per anal. cheaper. than at any other onnabliehtneut in the oJurery. m.r 13 3.nw T EMPLE or ravansom. ESTABLISHED 11157. M RS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ltra & CHESTNUT STS., Pluidamptue, ' W olter nod Desisesr of .• Paris and London Novelties, Elnantiv Trimmed Paper Patterns of Late 4 and most rel able Ft,len, for Lodi. s' and Children's or so LAlles Dress"fruntrongs, Reel and I niltstlon Lneen. (lio,e, Fenn. Itiblo4n, ten. French Jewelry. Parley Geode. DRESS AND CLOAK. al AK IND In the most taste. Ist and o't.olt ntwier. A Perfect System of DRESS CLITTINti 7 e'nth(. -Diet ponclashly In feltlllment of orders. r PAPER PATTER:4n, W 1101.EnALE AND RETAIL mbli.Nalw D3IINISTITATIIRS' NOTICE. A Nails, le hereby. given that letters of toltninlstratinn have beeanted to Dm underaignea in the estate of 5111.1'11N n liEgrttllEll. doce.osea. date ot Cataettaqua. Le• high eau nty ; th erefore, nil Imre... knowing th.nnehre e to be Indebted to said estate arerequested to make payment within sin weeks from (had ste bercuL aurl each who have any legal datum against tbo said °AIM.' will tweentlt them well authenticated for settlement Within the above spect• tied time. a Alit. A HEIM EH. • DANIEL U . lurch t, Adtnlntotratore. EMS AUDITOR'S NOTI C E. to the Orrharpe Coort of Lrhlrfi. COllll4/. i it the Ow etcc mot ot Abut Do ly uud Ch•rle. Deily. MI ontoist 1 utorr I,r 0... m. Pe ti. doroA.ed• At :d now. J.suont y 12, 1572. lito Court rtppolot W. D. Luck...bac, A 1 . Autittor, to resettle nod matter the Account it norrooolry :sod to to tko and report diattlbtttiort. By the Court A. L. EMIR. Clerk. Tim Auditor nhove named lOU mee Innis ponts totem em to sakt arc onat tvol natal, ror pue appolutraaot, at h. °face. So. 519 'lntuition %treat. up at _o'clock, p tn., on FRIDAY. 51 A lat. l 7 • W . D. LIICKEDIBACII. Auditor Alli)111•011'14 I\l4llricig. lm the rtrphn ;se' C••••rf of Lehigh Counts/. In rh snt tor ••1 .o account of •tmln WIS.% OUT. •IVIIIKo u rx h of J alll.ll SC direr. dee'd. filed January 2. 1 , 7: And now, Jnonary fuh. 1h72, Oa Court uPP Wu. D. I.orkeulusel.. milt,. to reenttl • sad rotate the 1.1.011 1 If a cen,scy. mu] make dlesrlbulleu. Froths She lire •rde, . A. L. Roue. Clerk. Tlt Au.lllor above named aria inset the partiess of tot h r i e e but to sets tteco ut and estate. t .r the purpose ppolutnuAlt At his otllce. Ni 518 liemlltoa street. up s. Alleutolvt., at 2 o'clock. D. on NATI:.I , - SV. 51 ANC st 2.1, 1872. W. D. LUCK BNDACH, 'Auditor. ERECTION. PROPO. SAILS for bolldloK Ghur..ll no.r Try tuMu. high Coot), wI 1 bo recto vrd by the uoder.ld Coma'lteo Ihn TWENTIKVII of M . xt It phut! br, from bolding, of which pl Rod eporltle ktlou, CRP Ile scot In Ith.lo II) MI chro David Lr.ury. I) "NS. JOSEPH 110T11, WILLIAM J. KECK. uJ01.41.'11 PETER. Building Coutrultlgo. 51333 AGfr.NTS WANTED. )1030 TO $2OO PER 3SONTR, Rt BRIA.ING GREAT' FORTUNES, 'i'ltlrnran or lift naI.yHAEE 117;.,17.1.siT=11.JArC.C' It hhowslow energy talent and patient Indtt.try Date Alwnys turf with 0000111111NV1111r1 properly oz• rtod, and by forty eminent exampl 0, bushes how to aocexed to life and at tho same time booeflt um..klnd. Send for Parana lore, [IOIICO 01 tro prens . and extra terms, free. • ); EM MY READY A Pow book from the pen of DIO LEw 8,/ic a most popaftsr fecturcr and writer on [MAUI!. The world-wide repotatlon of the author, and the large ealo of all him prealone works. cannot fall to secure an mown.. doomed fur tilt.. Ills latent and beet. Addreas GEO. MACLEAN, PUbll6her, 6.1 w 719 Sane do Street, PhtladelPSlN rs..A IE SSlGNE'S'racy. Whence WILLIAM P Lu CII6NIIAORN, 2.f the Borough of Carttaawine, Lehigh County. and CHRISTI AN:. A, ills Wifo. 1,2 volitul,try deed of R..ficornolnt dated Fehr. my 7th. IS 72, cause)ed to the .u 1; either all his mu, k. real. pereoual and mined, far the th , benefit af creditor.. Nouse is hereby given to all pereens ludebted to and tmiles to make payment to the subscriber within six we. kn. mud thaw. hadiert claims to present the saws, duly authenticated. within . the.. time. M. It. MORN. A••11Ialle. CATAS•CQCA, VehrtutrY 1572. mare titer OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR N INCORPORATION. The noderakt ell hereby give notice th‘t they bays tnad• cop teat ott to the Court of Coilltooll Pte .8 at Isehlalt C. may for a • barter of Incorooratbou fur a Meta .1 't° cle oturs Coin •00 under the name, sty!. and LW* oh •• s A LI.I‘N row NDI 11. UAL LINE KICK IN• oUR NCE Com pA:s " The artletea of aleocoliton It ye be u II ed is the Pratt...A.o . l'e oilier. and antes. aollieleut r..sta m ho she no to the outran on or before the hrst.ltty of seat term the amid charter of IncurybsnOlon OEOROE PRY. DAVID OILISERY. ELI Ai MISRTZ. MARTIN IttHSRER R. P lIRIMBACR, I. C. IintSBEILUER. lOU U FOR RENT. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SR,DP AT FRENCIITOWN. The new noft extenelve rouedry, with Fleekt and Pat• trre sod the Machin.% -hop c..ras.cted therewith the nacho. , lean Sew and complete nod c...iel.te at Lathe.. 'goner*. Drllsi. edc. For term,. etc. , call on or nddrese RSA Preeldeul ; Sr I'. S. KUGLER. Secretary'. 3t Frenchtowo, II outerdon Co.. N. AICII IN lISTRATOWN NOTICE. NOTICE Pi 1161tEllY 01V that tho torlerslgeed hAs Menu oot lettore of adtululstrmlon lo the totals et DA h . Uri., deceased, Into or Old tiouth Itethise. w no ..s o e to ssorhip. Lehigh counts; therefore all persons who 800 Indebted to sold ROAM, are roglasata to to •k a payment within nix weeks from the data Weal not ilo.o hnstog claims will orrantil them duly autlrenti• cot.' for aoilloment within the abov vierrifie Oleo. jauli•tit w.l LEWIS tItIYDELL Adltor. JORDAN ROUSE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT i The Jordan Hones ho. chanted Laud.. The saw land,.. lord well try to pleas° .11 who may pairoetzebtui with le e4 Ol Ire bleep couetoutly on band the beet ocebolee I.lgoor , and keep the celebrated Bergner • Male a ogle. b y r rir tiyr era prepared In all -ig g lea. All rytio Wil le W. •go away Retie fled that It is the beet P eee 111 AP :ato aro. .P. Milli • • J.:9meg 11011gB. W. Coe. O'Neill that He Idi tai WS III • M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers