gcgistrr. to paper discontinued until all arcaragea are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send 1311 their old address as well as the new. SCRANTON, of the Scranton Republican, is brillding a $40,000 Oleo, five stories high to be eecuplel exclusively by his printing establishment. AT the St. John's Catholic Church, Pater son, N.J., last Sunday evening, the entire congre gallon of 2000 persona took the temperance pledge MAIL AGENT.—Capt. Edward Kelley, of Easton, has been appointed mill agent on the Lchlwh Valley RAllro id, lo place of Capt. Schism bagb, resigned. A GERMAN singing sneletyhas been organ. feed at Catasauqua under the name of the Liederkrnnz. REAL EiTNIE: - ALR.-Wlll. S. Young has sold his splendid property, at the southwest minter of Hamilton and Sixth streets, to John E. Lentz, for $40,000. EXPREBB.--MeserB. Gleriog & Son, Jewel ers,htive taken charge of the I:Wntral Expres! Miler, at Catasauqua. Thief ppoint moot gives general satisfaction. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Ahout eight o'clock Tuesday week a stone weighing about five tons fellupon Andre* Murtz,at Eherhard's quarry, near Catasauqua, and crushed him to death. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Dr. Yeager, of Bucks county, aged 75 scare, was run ovorand killed, at Lansdale, by a train on the North Penneylvanli. Railroad, on Monday week. CONFIRMATION.—Bishop liosve,of the Epie copal Church of this Diocese, will visit this city on the 10th of March, for the purpose of perform ing the rite of conlirtnation. Tate RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —Mr. T. B. Wil liam, who woe run over and kllle.l,llluraday, on 'Ste Lehigh Valley 11.11Iroad ut Ferndale, wan a brother of John William., Req., of Cataeauqua, Arid had recently returned from the Went. riccovEtimo..—We are glad to karst that Itobt. McDowell, Eeq., who was thrown from hie .earrlage at Slatinirtun, on Tuesday law, Is recov. Ming and It la believed will soon be able to attend to his business. VERDICT RENDERED. —III the case of flip. death of Andrew Mertz, who wan killed In a quar ry, near Cat asunqua, on Tuesday, Coroner Rom lu held an MilneSt and the jury rendered a verdict of accidental death. Meriz had been mart . ' !trtw ice, but was a widower at the time of hia death. now TRR SCRANTON EMBEZZLER 11A8 YARED.—JOIIII O'Coo or, the p cleik who etnbazlol $lO,OOO from the Delaware, Lark swarms acid Werterli R tllrOad COW', my, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to cixcy Imps icon. talent, and pay a fine of $5O and co,t of prosecu. tlon. PERBONAL.— Mr. Charles Seagreaves, one of Our oldest and ruma enterprising citizens, hits been 111 for several dim past, but we arc glad to say I, Improving. Chas. C. Tombler, the obliging ngent of be L. V. B. It., at Bethlehem, was In the ell ou Bitter day evening. ACCIDENT AT THE LEHIGH girl unwed Emma Kern, while walking through the ..tock house. Friday evening, about o'clock. fell through the railroad traeka into the coal kin. •• distant.; of twelve feet, and severely cut her tend, arm and side. Dr. Reichard dream! her 'Wounds.' 808P1(.1013d MoviatEtvre.—A few evenings ago, before retiring for the night, Mr. Yeakle, re• siding on Hamilton above Fourth, looked out the rear window ard saw two men prowling around his stable. fie went out Into the yard, but the • men hearing him hastily decamped. It Is sup. posed that they had Incendiary designs. LEFT 11811 - 110ME.-0o the 9th Inst., Mary Kelley, daughter of John Kelley, of Alburtis, left her home and nlneo then has not been beau! f ow. She In about eleven years old, dark hair, and had on wh-o sho left home a gray shawl, and blink and white woolen hood. Any Informatio-coneernlue her will be gratefully received' by bar dietressed father, at Alburtis. FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Thursday the train due here at 11 55. on the L. V. R. R., ran over a man named T. B. %Vill'ams, at Ferndale, him instantly. In•taleavoring to get out of the way of a coal train on the up track, he stepped upon the down track, without observing the ap proaching passenger train. MIBB CLARA Lomas KELLOGG, accompa nied by distinguish. d musical talent, will give grand concert at the Opera Ilon-c, on Friday evening, March 1. The compliment that :116,.. Kellozg has paid our city In suit Wag It for concert, wid be fully apprvelated by our citizens, and It Is scarcely+ necessary to urge them to give her a full house Reserved seats are now selling rapidly at Leirenrlng, Trezler St. Co.'s. AN AaItEIiABLE SURPRISE.—A party of 31 or 40 members of Carrot Council, 0. U. A. M., No. 170, went to the residence of Jatnes Gambler, 212 Second street, Friday evening, and took him .greatly by surprise. Nearly every member woe 'well raided wltb flour, potatoes, groceries, &e., , and they also gave him a puree of money. Mr. tGambler is a member of Leesport Council, and ha been t-IVk for about. Line mouths end the Mechan ics are doing well for blm. Tun English portion .of the Lutheran eon gregatlon of Bethlehem is moving for a separation of the two languages and a distinct church with exclusively English service:‘. We understand that already eight thousand dollars have been serlhed to the project. The old Lutheran Church, °a Iligh street,ls usually overcrowded en Sunday evenings, .und this is one of the re sour put forward for a reparation. The separation will give Bethlehem abet her handsome edifice and add to the beauty of the town. That's a worldly view. In u chrletlan light it will give the church another congregation laboring zealously in tit, cause, and we think It safe to predict that in very short time the Lutherans will have two con , gregations, each as large as the present Berman aLd English congregation. Several lots are men tloned in connection with the yew church, but It Is not at all certain where the new congregation will locate. • TILE REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CONPER• ENCO.—An adjourned Meeting of the conferees of the Xith Senutoth.l district,composed of the coun ties of Lehigh and Carbon, was hold at the Man sion 'louse, on Tuerdty, Feb. 20th, at 1g o'clock, noon. The meeting to have been IR la on the 13th inst. at the same place was postponed to thin date, upon the written request of Messrs. E. J. Moore and Wm. 11. Alney, two of the conferees of Lehigh county, to which the emir...meg of Carbon agreed. Prestnt —Messrs. Charles Albright, J. Frock Wuittr and J. M. Drelebach, of Carbon, and Mr. Edwin Mlekley, of Lehigh. On motion Edwin Mickley, Esq., was chosen President. The following resolutions were otProd and unan imously adopted, to wit : Resolved, That Lehigh county he conceded the candidate to the Comtitutional Convention from the Xlth Senatorial District, composed of Lehigh and Carbon counties. Resolved, That Lehigh county he conceded the first Benatorlal term ..nd arhon the secomi, In the State Senate from the Rltti Eleitatoriul District, composed of the counties of Leigh and Carbon. Resolved, That the delegates to the State Con. ♦entlous for the seven years be apportioned ac fol. lows, to wit ; Co Ohm ounty In have the delegate for the years 1872, 1874 and 1878, and I..•high lit have the delegate ior the years 1873, 187 G, 1870 and 1877. . Resolvd 1, That the county entitled to the candi date an a loreruld shall nominate the candillute according to the rules governing nominations of the party In-that county nod the nominations so made shall be formally retitled by a conterence cont4ting of three delegates appointed by the nominating body of the party in each county. The ratifying conference to ratify the Lehigh county nominations shall meet at Mauch Chunk, and to ratify the Carbon county notninatiman shag meet at Allentown. Ou motion, Oeu. Clint . les Albright wits chug IRoutorld delegate to the State Convention to he Lehi at Ilarrlsburg, hi April m xt, from the Xlth .t➢enatorial ditif tint, cotoposed of Lel& li awl Car ton counties. EDWIN MICKLEY, President. 3.11. Ditmisuiam, Swann,. Ting City Solicitor has given the opinion that every man whn has been, a member of au P Ire Department for six months previous to the elealon, will have a riaht, to vote for Chief Emil neer, provided 'he compiles with the rrtpirernent , his corn any In regard to equipments. A ordinance alto provides that no member can von ' unless he Is possessed of a badge. FATAL ACCIDENT.-011 last Friday a week we Irani froM the Gazette, Mr. Abraham King,. highly respected citizen of Mahanoy City, me. with on accident while at work In the colliery of Messrs. Lentz, Bowman & Co., which resulted I. his death shortly after. Mr. King, was employed in ; the mines when a iumpof coal fell, striking him or the head, crushing his skull into the brain. Be was carried home as soon as possible but exp:red while being carried from the wagon toithe boast. Ris funeral took place *ore his late re !deuce, Mahoney City, Sunday afOrnoen. REIJOIOUB —Rev. Dr. Puttieon, Presiding Elder of this District, preached ouo of his most eloquent sermons In the Linden Street M. E. Church, Sunday morning. Rev. Moses Dlssinger preached his farewell sermon in the German Evangelical Church, on Linden street above Ninth; to an Immense con gregation, Sunday evening. Rev. J. A. Sands preached au eloquent and forcible farewell sermon Fuad•ty evening to a large congregation at the Church of the United Breth• run, Ninth and Linden streets. The building was crowded to Its utmost capacity, and many were unable to gain admittance. Mr. S Inds leaves this city with many regrets to the members of his con. gregation, as well as to the many friends that be has made during his stay among us. Ile has been compelled to retire from the ministry for a season on account of 111 health, and expects to leave for B ,Itimore next week. THE LE.CITRE ON ASTRONOMY.—On the eYening of the twenty-second, George W. Foering, Esq., will deliver a lecture on As tronomy In the• lecture room of the Allen R•fies Library. Of all the sciences Astronomy is one I the most deeply interesting and it is also one that is easily comprehended. Mr. Foeting is an accomplished scholar anti thorough master of his subject, and will pre. sent it in such a way that it cannot full to en tertain those who will attend. The lecture room has been recently fitted r p neatly and comfortably and has a capacity to seat four. hundred people. The plan of selling tickets, tolmitting a lady and gentleman, for seventy live cents, while single tickets are sold for fifty cents, will insure a large attendance ot the fair see. 'Already many more double tickets thmi single ones have' been sold, anti assurances are that Mr. Fucring will have a large and refined audience. The proceedaof the lecture will be devoted to the purchase of new books and therefore the patrons of the Library are particularly Inter , sled In attending. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO Keel' YoOR WORD.— Some years 0.111 a pastor of Willimonsport be came very intimate with a wealthy member of his congregation. So stningly was the latter attached to the pastor that he exacted a : tromise that be would preach his funeral sermon. The pastor promised that no matte] what the distance that sep tratcd them, or the difficulties that might be placed between tinsn, he,would when intormed of the death of his old friend, drop all else and hasten to time spot that was to he the resting place of his mortal remains. The pastor afterwards inov ed into this vicinity, and' a short time, ago received the sad announcement that his friend • was dead. Instead of keeping his promise,he replledthat he was unable to be present, as tie could not close up hie church, etc. The macre' look place in due seasma, but the pas tor was not there to perform the last sad rites over time body of his departed friend. The ceremonies, however, were performed by au other, and afterwards, when the will was opened, it appeared that the old man bad been faithful in death, as he was in Ills, and be queathed a thousand dollars to his old friend, provided he preached hit funeral sermon.. TUE LOCOMOTIVE EXPLOSION ON SATURDAY. —The gravel train on the Lehigh and Sttsqhehato a Railroad, engine 207, was standing on the track, opposite Gelteinger's farm, between this place and bethlehem, on Saturday morning. The conductor noticed an oozing of steam and water from the• holler, and called the attention of the engineer thereto, at.king him If it Was all right. The en gineer replied that It was, and the conductor, es teeming him cap all° and careful, was satisfied with the reply. in, however, got up Into the c.tb and noticed that the steam guage. marked, 110 lbs. lie got down again, and about fifteen minutes after, when he was a little more than the length of a car from the engine the holler exploded with terrific force. • The engineer and fireman were -tootling alongside the. engine at the time. The former received a gash In the chest, had two ribs 'woken and was wounded In the face. lle • met as Instant death. its no me was John Mt Clallan, of Siegfried's Bridge, and leaves a wife one child to mourn his sad and sudden death. lie had en• toyed an excellent reputation for his competenc - , gond Judgment and careful managementond war esteemed one of the most valuable engineers of the company, and his loss Is deeply felt by all with whom he has come In contact in the performance of his duties. The Ureman,whose name was Brown,of Stroutis• Imre, wan a substitute and had been on the engine hot two or three days. Ile was badly scalded lu different parts of his body and received a flesh wound in the hock In the region of his right kid ney. Ile requested that no inferunition of hie in jury be telegraphed to his fatally. He was In a very critical condition and was taken to Fetter's Hotel, Old South Bethlehem. When McClellan's body WOO examlnea his wali b was found stopped at 10:22, which Is supposed to ha ye Leen the time of the accident. Coroner Romig held an Inquest lu the afternoon,and Con. ituutor Hawkins testifying nutter oath to the cote vereation with the engineer 111 , reported above, the Jury rendered a •erdiet that John MeClel un came to his death by the explosion of the holier of the I.,cmoroloo 207, of the Lehigh and Suvauvbanna Division of the Central' Railroad of New Jersey, and that the accident wan unavoidable. William More, of this city, was foreman of the graud jury. A lIONDRICEI and forty years ago, Thursday, there was ushered Into the world a being whose p-ovezts and promises were no brighter then those of any other butte. We can Imagine the joy that resulted from the simple announcement "a boy," as the doctor sipped a glass of the vintage of lOU, and the dainty, spotless linen which clad the pre. Mous mortal, WilOiti little holy was to grow and nurture a Multi whose work was to live for cen turies after the flesh returned to dust. The inno cence that Is born In all Infants, In this ono wax nurtured Into eternal parity of character that re flected itself In all the acts of his mathood and made him beloved and revered by his compatriots of the Revolution and kept his memory green In the minds of those who love liberty, not only In his own country, but throughout the world. Yew heroes of well-fought battles, Indeed, ,that pos -essed the charity, the Justice and the calm, far e Mug Judgment In affairs of state that character. Iced the executive life of Mtn whose natal lay we celebrate to-day, and few will be found In after years to take a position by his able. Of all his suceemors the Immortal Lincoln approaches nearer our Ideal of Witiblngten. Washington's faith In the holy woes was sustained by limited resources which It seemed cool I only insure success throunl he protection Of an over•rolliK Vravidence, while the power of Lincoln was gigantic In com parison, so were tne opposition and the work that developed upon him, and while he was contending with the tnuitituditious croakers at Ads buck, the discouraging dissensions and rivalry amen:. his own trusted generale, and against the power ful foe at the front. the Individual suffarlngs of the humblest were not too trifling, in his eyes, to win the warmest Sympathy from the goodness of his heart. When we look back upon tho many perplexing questions, besides, cennected with the civil service, and which only a . gigantic mind could grapple, it doss seen' indeed that our Presi dent must have bean more than imitate, and wo often wander whether succeeding generations will legard him as we do and raise him to that holy place where, for so many years, the Father of his Country has reflected.' never dying Instre,a bright spirit light that beams (moo us lit the darkest hours .4.1004 and makes us true to the holy cause of freedom and Justlee. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1872. THE AMERICAN PRIMA DONNA, Miss Clara !maim Kellogg, will appear here on Friday even ing of th.s week. TIM mere annmnicement of his feet has ere de I consid ruble rijitielng throughout the city, as nearly everybody who has !lever had tile pleasure of hearing her Is anxious to listen to the enchanting music of the voice of one whose fame has spread throughout the world, and those who have heard her before will never tire of opportunities to hear her (gain. Thu ap lwarance of those hearing the reputation of Miss Kellogg in our city is one of the must fnelble com pliments we could receive nod entertainments of this character gI •en here will do as much as any thing else to give us prominence in the outside world. No community is prouder of their city than Allentonlans nod to sustain our reputation, it for nothing else, we arc sure Miss Kellogg will have a crowded house. Oita such entertainment will do more to elevate the tastes of the people, than can be destroyed by a dozen vitriol , shows, anti those interested in our progress in :he right direction should do everything In their power to give the proper encouragement to artiste of this class to Include Allentown In their round of en gagements. For Miss Kellogg's appearance here we are in a great measure In •ebted to the Enter tainment Association, who, by giving the Thomas Orchestra two large audienyi, have spread the name of Allentown throughout the country es a city of enterprise and cap able of appreciating the finest concerts. UrDER A Nisw NA MlL—The well known In rurence Agency of Charles Eekert will hereafter be known under the firm name of Charles Eckert tt. Bon. Miler' L. Eckert, the Junior member o ..he firm, has had considerable experience In the business under the able guidance of his father and eid iys the utmost confidence of all with whom he has occasion to do business. calling attention to the companies which Ch tries Eckert .b Son repremt, (many of which are just taken by them), there Is little need for us to Inelst on the necessity of insurance. No triad who Is intelligent enough to read a new,Maper can fail to recognize the value of such a madns of mitt' gating the mkery often consequent upon death or destruction of property by lire. We only need call attention to two facts In retard to the Het given below—one is that the compules are all reliable and reputable Institutions, of drat chc , s standing and long establl,hed ; the o her Is that a baslness nun Is not exereWng ordinary di:Tretlou when he 'would insert: either Ilfu or pr 'party in a new, un tried comp toy —however II merlin; Its prospects —when, for the same money, he could Insure In such ad these North America, rhila Frnklin, ............... . 3.255.740 (k) Cowin quid, of New York 2.500.520 QO N. Bridal) & Mercantile, London... 24.000 (MO (k) imperlul, of London Queen, of Lmoton Hanford, or Hart ford li°m l Th'•JJ!lllU I lanovvr, of New York Comm. n•c. or New York. ParmelP, York, Pa ,loconikw, of M LI ecy, Pa eins,t Ivatilit Fire In. Co., of Plilla I '200,000 00 me. iers Llie u el 1.75 0110 00 trenix Llle In. Co 6.0110,501 13 ill silty P.OSSellt:Cr inSUrilllee CO. of Ilan furl, Conn artforil Steam Boller Inspection and Insurance Co., Hartford ...... 500,000 00 Also Acents for the Cunard Lines of Steamers. The above first-class companks arc represented by, and ell 111961..8 settled at, the office of Charles Eckert & Son, Allentown, P.l. THE .FoUNDER of AN IMPORTANT INTER EST.—This ;yeti: has witnessed imistrtant changes In 1.01130 of the leading houses of the city and the retirement of two of our oldest merchants. Upon curb an occasion it is infinitely proper to refer to the business career of the parties, that their expe rience in life may be held dp tor the emulation of thos'e embarking In business and for the encour agement of all young men. On the 20th, Wm. S. Young, Eq., who may justly be styled the pioneer of the wholesale boot and shoe trade of this city, refired from the firm of Young . Lentz. Mr. Young was horn about three miles from Quakertown, In Bucks county. In 1807, he came to the little pla:te that bore the name of Allentown, and after serving four years appren ticeship under George Spinner, at the cabinet making trade,entered the office of Solomon Gange• were's lumber yard, where he served as ulerk for seven years, at 8250 per annum. After the great lire of 1848, he was induced to go Into partnership with Reuben Guth and B. F. Trexler, in the pub lic.,tion of the Patriot-, under the firm name of Guth, Young & Trexler, Mr. Young taking the business management of the c,oncern. In the same year the Whigs nominated him far Recoider and In the lower section of the county, where he was well-known, he gained enough votfx to-have carried the county under ordinary cirinm• stances, polling neatly the whole vote of North ampton towt,ship, which then comprised the ter rhory now vulgarly known as Mingo; but Mr. oung was known to i e n temperance man, and as :he farmers of L)rin, Washington and Mittel. berg were large distillers or apple J wk, they were Induced to believe that, If such men were elected, they would ent down their atipil trees and close up their distilleries. Tii y did not know him PO well then as they do now and they defeated him for the prriAtion. In addition to the printing estlibli•thment,which they located en Hamilton street, Giith, Young it Trexler opened a well stocked rook and stationery store, and the skill of Mr. YMing us a business loan re Is shown In the tact which made the con cern a well-piying eslab'isliniont. Ile rern•tined In this burble-s three yeas re. In the nie.intlMe the firni or Loclunani ISZ. Leh was diseolved, Mr. Loh purchasing his pa riser's interest. After leaving the Patriot oflic, Mr. Young bought a half Interest lu M r. Lei's hoot and shoe [store, asd un der I lie firm of Young tt 1,11 the business increased largely year by year In 1807, Mr. Leh sold lite interest to Mr. Young and on the first of Fel , - ruary, of the some year, John E. Lentz 'MIS taken into partnership. (Idle seleel.loll Was a very happy one, Mr. Lenox proving by his steady Lobito, en ergy and gond business ideas, a valuable assist ant to Mt. Young, and under the Orm of Young A: Lentz the business made Still more rapid strales, until It was found necesmry to move fl um th. stand so long occupied. 603 Ham hurt street,to the double building Nos. 002 and 601 Hamilton street, which Mr. Young owned, the first door of which had been specially titled up fur th it wholesale warehouse and the upper slurries for their extol. sive manufac ory. In June, 1800, the concern was removed to the new quarters and the expert emcee here has full) jostitiud the change of location. 'Shire then they have from tithe to time added new and impr rued machinery, notice of which has been made In therm columns. While the goddess of fortune has smiled upon the labors of Mr. Yoang, he was not always blessed with the best of health, which was a great drawback and would have discouraged many a man of lesser energies. After feeling that the accumulation of years warranted his retirement from active pursuits, lie has given way to younger in at, that they may have a chance of gaining a competence to supply their wants in their declin ing yearn. And in doing this be has shown a spirit that le anything else than miserly. Mr. Young's business life IS a lesson that is worthy of the study of those who are now fightmg their way through the world. He had been a mail of liberal Ideas ;of unswerving principles, correct In all his habits, and while laying up a good sup ply of this world's requirements, he has sustaLed a reputation for that fair honorable dealing which oppresses no one. Ills life is au example of what business Integrity, hard work and strict attention to one's milling will do. Comma:icing here with little or nothing, lie bee worked himself up to tht• front rank of our business men, and It c in hardly be successfully denied that Allentown owes to him the establishment. (Ache boot and shoe tradh,which ow gives employment to eo many and has grown into one of our most important interests. Ile hue seen Allentown rise from the 0 bee ..rity of a small borough, and under the protection of a Tariff be• come one of Hie most Important cities of the Key• stone State, anti with the expansion oldie city it must have been always pleasing to him to see the interest of which he wits the father expand, into suit, mighty proportions. Under the new firm name of John E. Lenin tt, Co., with young energetic and capable business men, we may expect to see the old house grow still faster and ever ready., as It has born In the past, to meet all the demon& of the trade. Besidee the cstabliAlimeut In which Mr. Young Was concerned, the Linn of 11. Leh & Co. has built up a very extensive establishment, giving employ ment to It large number of hands and growing In Its capacity midi It Is found that it will soon be necessary to. Introduce steam power. , W. A. Roney, also In the same linei Is enJOying r very flourishing wholesale trade at the corner of f Eighth and Hamilton, and, as with the other bodies, Ws trade Is expanding In all directiona. lttronr of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week ending February 170, 1373, compared with same time last year: For %Crook. For Tom, Total Wyoming ..... 0,003 04 101.770 13 Hazleton 33,435 or, 350,051 12 Upper Lehigh 66 03 653 19 Beaver Meadow 10.140 06 137.1.03 05 ,Nlahanoy ' 1,1)24 03 45,003 07 Mauch Chunk 133 00 627 17 Total +am° time. 1870 ncrease TnE CONCERT Tuts WEEK.—Prnf. Stub. helblne, the cornet soloist, who takes part in the concert to be given by the Wilkes-Barre Choral Association, next Thureday evening,M the Opera Roue, was formerly lender of the original Ring• gold Band of Reading. Our citizens enjoyed a rare vent from this band, under the leadership of the Professor, on the Bemire, about eight years ago. Many of our readers connected with mu-I• cal assockitions, members of bands, &c., speak with pleasure of tide Incident, and mean to avail themselves of the forthcoming occasion. Prof: Pobst Is likewise known to many of our citizens. STOLEN HORSE REC.IVERED.—WI3 are glad to be able to Inform our readers that John Dalllet, of Bowmansville, whew horse and buggy we ipoke of lu our last Issue as being stolen, has suc ceeded In recovering the stolen property. They were found at or near Pricetown, Berke county, Pa., by some of the pollee of Reading, and Mr. B. went on to that place and brought them home on Monday last. The hon.° looked pretty well Jaded and the carriage was considerably broken. The thief Is known and will most likely be captured If 'he has not been already: He bud sold the horse and c adage to a man at Pricetown for $l5O, had received teu dollars of It each and taken notes for the balance.—Slatington News. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT-ONE MAN KILLED AND BEVENAL terrible accident bap• plied on Wednesday afternoon at Joseph L. Bar vlay alt Co.', Rolling Mill, in Douglass township. this county, caused by the breaking of the fly wheel. The pieces flew In cliff:vent directions, but the hulk of It went through the roof, damaging the building considerably. A young man named R. Manger, who had Just finished marking off a plate ready for the shears, and was about walking to another part of the building, was struck on the head by one of the flying pieces, weighing' shout two tons, and almost Instantly killed. Several other pereons were also more or lees Injured. Young Manger leaves a wife and Duce small children.— Reading Timm Ass Pis. $ 3 212,175 00 TUE PARADE.—For some time past, the members of Camp 115, I'. 0. S. of A., have been making preparations for the parade to honor of Washington's birth-day. The weather the past few days promised a pleasant occasion, but Thurs day opened raw, tilat.tery and disagreeable. I= 10.000.0,0 00 2.400,0(10 00 = The line formed on Second street, and shortly n fter one o'clock, S. W. Kuhns, in behalrof the 1 ,dles, presented a handsome silk flag' to (.I,,mp 115, which was received In behalf of the Camp by Morris L. Kantfman,.Esq. =1 249 372 00 874.309 00 6.500,000 00 The proecrelon morel about half past one o'clock In the following order:— Chief Marrhal, Joseph Dither, 115. Assistants, Charles Miller, 115; Constant. Shoe maker, 63. Drum Curl e. Allen Znuaves, Capt. S. D. Lehr, 35 men. Godde en of Lib itv in a wagon. Washl gine Camp 115, Drum Corps. Wa•hingtnn Camp, 115. 33 nice. City Cornet Band 18 men. Camp 03. 42 men. Tilghman Iteinstnith, Marshal. Camp 110, of tiatington, 25 men, Owen Lank. GJO,OJO 00 Camp 152, of Catneaugna, 18 men, Charles W Weibel, Idargnal. Cophiy BAH. Morning Star Lodge, Jr. 0, U. A. M., of Cata slim - Ina ' 30 men. Unity Coilrell, 0. U. A. M., rf Allentown, 33 men, Henry Webster, Marshal. RETIREMENT OF AN OLD MERCRANT. awn G. Reninger, who has fur a number of years occupied a leading position In the mercantile community of this city, re.ired from active busi ness life by withdrawing from the firm of E. B. Bhitner Co.,Wedoesday. Mr. Reninger is one ot our oldest and mo-t successful merchants. He was born near Boyertown, Berks county, and at an early age commenced business In a country store In Upper M ocungle, ai.d after a few years removed to Allentown about 1813, where ho en tered into partnership with Ephraim Grim, and this firm continued for a period of sixteen yearn. Their place of business was the site at present cc supled by the Eagle Hotel. In 1843, the " big tire" swept away their building and destroyed nearly alb their stock. They resumed business In the building now occupied as Weller'a liquor store, and in the winter following removed to the store at present occupied by E. 8. Shimer &Co. When Mr. Grim retired from tho firm, E. 8. Kilmer was taken Into p trtnership, the firm being known as Reisinger & Bbliner. After several sears Mr. Itening , r retire!, selling his Interest to E. 8. Ethimer'e brothers, but in about a year Mr. Ren- Inger returned to the firm again, which was re ',instructed under the name of E. S. 81timer Co. Mr. Renlimer, In his retirement from netlvo business pursuits, carries with him the beet wished of bin Intiumeritole friends. Dit.-13EuNiIARDT T 111; OCIII.IsT. —The evi dente whtch daily aceUinulates of Dr. Bernhardt'; extratirdinary skill as au oeulbt aid tptician !sof such a character, tied from persons so well known in this vicinity, that It argues a blind I ersistency or prt judice in those who self tr from impaired vision, and refuse to avail themselves of his ski.'. We could ill these column with reliable occonits of the good that the Doctor has done ammigst our own people, and that which we know of our own knowledge. We attic the afflicted to read the fol• lowing letter, and then try what the Doctor can 410 to relieve them. Ve are convinced that a fair trial of his skill wl.l give them . relief (If It is pos. sible)whlch will speak more eh quoit:) , in his be half than till that can be written. Dit. DERNIIAIWT.—For eleven years I have had imperieet Vislon, I have it7onetl itly.ol( of the services of the most eminent, oculists of our state, lint never received the least Inoirllt. I wits not able to recognize my moat int state friends, when but a row paces do.tent, and It was not mall I oiled on, and was eX unified by you, that I wto. assured of receiving n Ileums 441 v 1,1044, which I had despaired of ever again attaining. My most raogUlne 11014 e s. lire realist al. The glasses yin std. cted and made forme give perfect sat islaction. I [Lill 4344 W 0141. to see the minutest obit.cis, both in close proximity, and at a alAance, and it gives me pa:astute to 11,0111111104 d all who have inipulcell eye..r.lelit to null on you, hoowleg they will re• mire all 114.444.nt5, that years of experience, and eclentille skill can afford. Thanking you,D for die care and atteetloti given me, I remain yours, truly, Allentown, Ft b. 10, 1872 Tlile lady refers to Dr. 13. G. Martin, who Is her physician, and who has known her all her Ilfe; Dr. Alfred Martin, who was present when she was first enabled to pick up a piece of broom 'from the door which rho could not see to do fur eleven years; and to Dr. Charles L. Mania who know her well. • COUNTY THEASUREted ACCOUNT.—WO this day give our readess the account of the County Treasurer for 1871. It w 111 he seen that there was no ground ut all for the talk about :rood. which however has served its purpose In getting Mr. Ire. dell the Job of printing the statement.. We con gratulate him on his streets, though .we still are of opluion that It was a most to Just proceeding to cry oir. about " Fraud I" and so throw dirt at hon est men, without any Justification. When he pub the Statement we suppo,e he will apologise to them. Common gratitude should Induce him to do that much.—Dally News. We expect such mean insinuations against us from that source, but we did not think that the News would with ono breath Uphold the Commie stoners as honorable, holiest men and with the next arcane them of - it base and dishonorable at tempt at bribing an editor to keep silent up!) the management of couuty affa Ire. If there( tithing rotten, what need would there be for sue unman suspicion that the Commissioners were guilty of bribery. The mere insinuation of such a thing proves conclusively that the News itself .does not secretly believe that the county affairs have been managed as they should be. As to the truth of the insinuation we denounce It as false. The Commissioners notified us,through Mr. !Millet, on Monday week, before we had said a word upon the 589,000, that they bad decided to publish the county advertising in the LEIIR)II REGISTER. Wu presume they did so, not out of any personal feeling fur us, nor to bribe us, but to justly place the accounts of the county before the . eyes of the Republican taxpayers us well as those of the Democracy." We can see nothlng,suepicl , ens in this. It ought to have been done long ogo. It Is the custom, throughout the State, to Insert the count); advertising Imparters of both political parties and It is no more titan Justice that It should be done here. We owe the Commissioners no mo gratitude than we owe the Individual who Inserts a dollar advertisement In our paper and pays for tt. 54,700 11 031.233 13 3,593 14 387,236 013 51,100 17 251,012 05 DEMI Mits. Mera.r.ii WE nnarrntanl thnt thn whnnpine-ennerh I. finite prevalent In thn tavna arrinal na I hnt that nn enana linye tirrival fntnl. Soma familiaa nen rinthine hat inhainnhi Ann'lvnn flnr Dnetnr. hniyever. viva n little Mime, to pra .Inee vnmitlnc, yrnnlA he nn ntlynnfnee. Them nrn mnrn thnn one thrinimal allTerrnt of Willa In the United Rtntea. Romenttliem are wortblettm nnA ;ninth - m ntheret nre annti and hertellelnl. Old Dr. Ptlrqnnta Invented the hod anti-htllntitt Plll we ever ttnw nr heard of. They nrn nnw gnld nnder the name or Parsnn'e' Perre live PlllB.—Ex. WOODEN mnalcal Instruments of all kinds of ho best manufactories In Enmpe nre sold chose• han anywhere also. nt C. 'F. II rrmnn's Must, MEI TOE attention of our readers is carnesily called to the card of Messrs. tViillarns t D .le, No. 832 Market street. Philadelphia, successors to E. H. Godahalk. Their large and well assorted stock comprises first-class Velvet•, Brussels, To . pestry and Ingrain Carpets; also a full line of 011 Clothe. Mattinge and Window Shades in endless varieties, and parties wishing to furnish houses would find It greatly to their advantage to call and examine their large stock before purchasing elsewhere, as .their stock of Carpets have been selected with the greatest of care. SHEET music, instruction books, blank hooks, muele paper and cards and all kinds of musical trimmings, a lame supply constantly on hand at C. F. Tierrtnan'a Music Store, Allentown. {Marriages FOUST—SAN D.—On the 26th Inst., nt the resi dence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Gee. I). Foust, pastor of St. Peter's Lwheran ('beech, Philadelphia, assisted by Rev. David Hoffman, Mr. Theodore M. Foust to Miss M. Lizzie Sand, youngest daughter of Rev. John A. Band, all of Allentown. No cards. Nebo Abbcrtrselltellt,s. DISSOLUTION ftI)TICE. The co portner , lilp heretlifoie ..11ng between 1181 oaderogneet to dot Gleatirel rye Ili.einees. ttn dor the 9 m uotoe of E. A. Shinwr 11 0 woo disoolved tie taut uol coneent 00 the Ent Aey 0fa...1ieu...v. A. It. 1571 all peritoee INdebtid to tho.•lliti drum reizieeoi j t o all at tho old out. go eettlo their two toilful], 'and those havieg cloitne will also pie.° swsorit theta.. E sill Kit. A. 0 11E8180 811, 11. S 81111155, A. S 81113155. THE BUSINESS In future will b. confirmed In the tw More. an he e• efore ut the old well In w4l.land.. 70 , end 7.7 /Wall,. etre,. allen•own, I.y • too unh.criber.. nod, hand fl to [MM. of E... & . where eh , y will hol.repor , t With a W.ll. vc nd d .tool of five n oi Bottom Prices to w. it upon the friend. tad enummere or Itt. old Erna. Solicifi..o lam friv..rud pitronage. wit ommre tun nothing will he sper.d to plea.° sad maintain our reputifiiim. E S. I %TETI, A. 8.811 IM Ell. MIMI 13EIH141bNAL.--.II,EFT HER 1110111 E, A on no. 9th Inst. ht Alburtle. " AltY KELL , Y. Any Infornmtlon houcertsinh her 00111 Mt thook full r end red by her oother •be to b out cloven fear.. .11 d.rb h Jr. awl had ou when oh left Lome h gray 0, 1 11 I. aml 'fon , cud whit- woolen lone) JOll N K El. LEY, lob .8 3.w Albano Station. Eliot Prun. Itatlrontl. 111 N E. LEN Z. JOHN bEABt\YD L , I J I 11. 1.1"811 El 31 En ' JOHN E. LEN'I7 & CO., 811CCES.SOR3 T‘, YOUNG . 6 LEN '.CZ. The Arm of Yonne tlr Lo• ti w , . by motnal nohneut on Fobrn PO 1872 'lr Tonne rot Wm. I), Welonbelmer hod Johu 'alto; 1.3 r . h,011,0 t kn lino pine, 'I he u••tv (Iran h. on t.• hlvn Ow hohttu, huh , of th e o h trlnego. no roily Itehtotrof 1111x,1 tlf' l'rm TheY tol I unr thlllr eochi •0•.14 to one motodute tholr p.arohe with pram turn'. and •urAhh BOOTS A NI) SHOES of the bona make nud that.ri d. and atm. , 11 ore on nod th.tt t of 1110 rook ety lea, salted to tho trade of t Its mht t on. Thrrflrm of Yonne S Lentz havlnt loon .1 I.nol and. toll reell. n In ebtoo t • thou, or- r-titt• toted to make n.ottletztont hotwehn th,a lot • hod April let root e bo.ita mole ht the d min d Ether tho old p.ttut au. thonsed to sign lu 1 quAntiou. fob .8.3t0 $2OOO. • PER ANNUM ' CAN BE MADE IN SELLING TIIE NEW WHEELER & WILSON •Sewing Machine. A f.;, active, rell.Wer bu..l ern men of good Labile and addrerr, wanted In desirable territory at nre.t..ut nulccu pled. %Veto,. furnished ; Security uquired. feud for informution. or call on PETERSON & CARPENTER, Oen'l Agt's, 914 CHESTNUT STREE PRILADEPIIIA. J. W. ALTHOUSE, Agent, ioee2f.ly 014 It .ml - .ton 'treat, Allentown. CARPETING*. WILLIAMS & DALE, =1 832 MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPIJIA, Cooler. In CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Al ATTI NOS. rte. We llnnejn.l. roce'ved far the Spring tr do It lam. and hauls ono laalarttnaut of now awl baantlNl -trio. Ii Biala anti ann. PI Pon. Win loon Shn.la.. of whirl, We oatll all, at too laird cash Prier, W. it all e outdo, us. nod examine our stuck b O'er . par Imolai, alsowhare. WILLIAMS & DALE, I= EZZEI Grand Kellogg Concert t The nsaue2emout resject•ullf annourcr that Miss CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG, Thu rep o , ontntive nog rovorDel AmoricAu Prime, Donna will xlvo olio GRAND PARLOR CONCERT, IIAGENBUCIPS OPERA HOUSE, Mlento FRIDAY EVENING, lIARCH 1, slbot Kvi.L.no will be t0,..1 totl by lho Patin , at.ind Cntio rt tucl...g Rio. A. RA N DOLFI, the renowned Mahone Mu. W. A. MORD AN„ the young um, popular American Tenor. Mit. LINDSAY SLOPER, the eminent Pianist Doorenren at 7 o'clock. Concert nt Admission, 81.09. Reserved Seats, 51) cent extra. T•ek.b+ f r oule by 1,1..10z, 'nolier LI; Co. Ti x Web, °road Cobeert Plano wit, be one.]n this idle SEES: SEEDS! (11111STMAN & BOWEN, 407 HAMILTON STREET, ALLEN 101113. are wen:tree to welt the Spring demand with a (mat .to ir of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS! Ruch ms TIMOTHY. CLOVER. RIM TOP, BLUE 0 ILAaS. LAWN. .tr.; -arils of tho ben a 11 mn.t rellnbl• producer.. lucladu. every variety of ten angetkible; flow, of the relent nod choicest bled.. A L.O, THE BEST . AND CHEAPEST G 11( )(1 EII I ES eErred In this market. for which We hare A heavy and Increasin ' demand. We make a pilot oi fronhoeeo, gnat. ivy and cheapness in price. DRIB!) FRUITS CAN.% RU FRUITS. CHOICE PICKLES. FANCY PICKLES. FTC ETC.. RTC. A FULL STOCK OF Wooden and Willow-Ware, comprising BROOMS. RUCKETE.TUOL WASH BOARD% CLOTH as LINES. gad evergthlag la this Ilan useu la lint•sskesping. WHOLE4E DEALERS In PEANUTS. Receive stock direct (rum AL AY ilmingiun. Nnrili Csns. CHRISTIAN & EMMEN. Ilsoilltau Street. IiZEI DISSOLUTION The Erin of Young Pr Leal. ha, been thie day .111“olved by 1111111141f..1111110t. \Vna 8. Young retiring. lug of If ehere the stork. 111(1111,11 nod ineehb ery le Win 11. Weeteheimer slid John Hollial I. Jr The new Erin will b.l known by the et) Ie of John E. Lentz& Co. H Meilen. who ha. been Mu 10111: Mud fu• earably nu orbited with Young .% Leuir, coutiutio with the hew firm. NOTICE In retiring from the firm of Yonne h. Lentz, and from then!. .0 booties... I teal I; my duty to asps.e toy a10e..., thanks t many Maude with whom bitch pleasant rela• tone lo busluess :AV° rXtoted r. r a period at lweutytwo no t also inro•. the desire that the pairtmaaa lo has been a., Ilherally bestowed upon me may he coutisued to the now &in. • WM. 8. YOUNG. (eh 3t•d A " danDiVANCE. Be Ito delved by the , elert and Contralti Covell. of the C ty ofi tilltioonvo, e d IL to hereby ordained by authority of the ewes. rim' the City rangl,tror ho nod I• hereby In•treeted to change Poplar street. h.q. , ••ri Wel natal d H.llllllOO .111100. MO NM 10 cornedwith. the • rent n.w "pen along properly of A, 11 00 , 01l tbat all ordlroloc.it lueohal.teut rewlik ho AIM ton' enhe particular repealed to fee no then..se may uPPIY thlil stiset. HOY i'rea. S. C. ("Ed Yltl. Proe •C. C. Attest—WO J wets.. Clerk B. 0. E. I.BllMie nil no. Clerk 0. C. • Approved taw Plitt day of Webruy..y il. A._ l) _ll7l felt WO: 000 ti, Bayer. COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. Statement of County Ta Et L 4,101 W. Is. hr.. Do. Do. Do. od • tt•nid Itlt Ward. J 6th War I r J Cr,lg VTII U II olagPr 1,1111..1. Rhoads. •sho •Po Ult ....... 4 1311na1.i !..piny :ritAti• 'l , l , rristmrn mtver N 111,40.1 1..0- trio. 11 rrivirlez 11. ton %Vint ',Tor MI fore •I. M trunglo • roper Mtt tingle tomtm .inth Whoel,tll.. • Vtltlonburg • /1,111 , 0( • tVI ilthlngton.... • 4Misbory onolail Moyer I 11, 11111. g.. hn P. Selllerltog F. BM t. ()tout Sheln, ienne•ille Lois f orothan Dlohl. Vm Bier 1 Acker fiPrnv. Jettol. Hnn.lcker. S L. Milford ...... nee p‘ltl In full eat of State Taxes for 1871. (bib. dors 1 i m g of Durhm • 48 Tans Vxnnerat'ns , ttsh Paid Dot hue. I I Omuta W. Lehr $l5O 3 - Do 414 0 . Do . 297 (A _ Do 8560 • Do 447 2 . . . 110 161 0: 01,815 t 1 $1,43403 $38897 Wllll4m J. CrBlg 631 7 52 1 72 William H. Hauser 201 1 ' 16860 42 61 Daniel J Rhoads 124 41 100 00 24 40 Lose Ulna , 174 70 $4 73 58 179 09 lohu Kemmerer... 1616' 160 00 166 . 'II.. Ott 394 ri 1 45 $5 32 894 93 'harlos II &hauls— ..... 619 1 2 40 15 Is 496 41 • 011itact Wlot 673 4 13 05 11 68 56000 14 81 I . l.eonard %foyer 470 7 8000( 17870 'I. B 1111Iegss 8 7 '4 666 00 187 22 ' . oohn P Selberllng 7 67 ': 6CO 00 16718 David 1 1 . 17 47 R. 3 170 8 , 296 75 49300 184 71 Bu chelrer 67 6 7 V ilenoorlllo Lutz 6618' 80000 261 88 lonathan Diehl 113 2' 1 5S 1 12 143 72 Cilllom Door 171 6 18000 14 62 I Actor 87/114 3 75i SO 44 86223 ,100, Dorm. 214 2' 20000 14 28 Donuts Damasks, 4709 400 00 7997 L. Ilufford 447 5 140 OD 297 51 $lO 097 27 128 901 184 08 $7,395 84 $2604 81 State 112202 •Ii Wrnl 2 I IV trtl = l fah ntil ard •ntn•nngao it tlloglon Coping gm too tlllierotown *Lower 11111Lwd I'l'pee %Mr r.I • bowor Morungle. • lll , per !It tcunglo.. irocon W hill It lll— ionth Nlnteh ill. A IllteLoll I.) on Lne Lill • oluenburg ..... 11.noeur ••••••• ...... • Asuthlngtou cllltbuty •Slnce nnlll In fnII Sta.tement of 111 =ME = °able% W. 1;11r Da Do Do Do Do 1. trd , W ,1. 4th War 1 sth W tr 1 11 Ward. WllllArn J. eralv... If. Hamer wit.' Rhoads... I-sne (I NI nt n o.play .... •I, .wor Nlntur.l Milford •lonNer NI trnonlo. •Ul,ror Nlncutiglo •HUCOO snntl, NV111 , 14141 .. Wltit 11411 Lynn Inwlllll Ihnovor • .v , ,,h1,.1 t.u. 111.1 411,ge Olt trlee 11. Belnols Itnn ...... I.oonard Moyer q B. laLn F Se F. 111lez ftv!ci Aehirlror .r !,Ittto Arker ..... • ‘d tin norm. U Ilnitiifekor •1: 1. 'tuned lo roll Financial Statement of Lehigh County for the year 1871. l'o Lonna untatanding Jan. 1.4, 1871 Coo ity setup outstanding Lontn mode dnr•n< the yo.r 1811 I.cene rold dining the 'ear 1671 County scrip unclaimed Loans t. utalantllng Jnn 1.1,1872 C/t. . , By Cindy tee tollatandlng for the following yearn 15114 f 1,373 31 15a7 5110'2 . llel4 357 20 18,9 14910 11170 fli ntl 1871 • 37 815 14 914,847 85 I. y State lee ontatandlng for the fol. !twin"; )earn: • 11.01 $221 07 1/1.17 8 96 7 013 140 tot 1,9 85 81 ' 1.470 4119 10:1 2 COI 81 $1.17192 6 nrtunge nn the old J ill property 2,01000 etah In hatoln of County Tteaturer 8,82.7 41 149,288 21 D (telt bit's ire .Lm Ist, 157 1.0.3 ottisteo ding Jnn let. 187 l 5334 7iJ 67 • 1672 30,0 ZS 96 ..... .• 1872 Actual reduction of loans In 187 I 2V3 083 pl)lus nu.ola.cwol loses and other cash as• twts to loan account, tu wit, 49,206 21 iVould show nn nctiod reduction fur 1871 8705185 It Oct I; duet,' J. let, 1872 '' • " 3671 tort - eau , 11371 over 1871 of • . it, releretire to the feregnlng accoUnt and statecnente it appears that whiten reduction of the loan account by apply lug uncollected cash assets of 172 951 83 could has« merle, and au actual p tying off or reductloo of 813 . . 6 , 5 132 was made yet on lunettes° of deficit balance of 187! sg.t.nht that of 167 lof $7,1.83 65 Is shown. Title Macre fatocy is explained as follows. In the making up of the itatneltl Sit , mcnt of the County for the years 1868 1869 i,d 1810 the Neuter Ito trd of Auditors erred by btloalna forward the deficit balance Instead of the loan balance, t 1,111: la 1861 Ila• loan account tubule.. wag 2288,077 47 Thy to nad . „led 01 d.a , litma brnughl lor tVor I 41. II :It ba'ito,o 262,106 87 • I IT . 0 enc. 1!6,07160 11 1160t8 In .11 accountB66.o'o 94 1 naall•ficot I, anco brooKlst forward 281,713 80 oco In 18101..01 ncronnt latlnnce wog 100 (111.43 !he 4.11,i .1.3110100 brouaht fuo w sr.] 268,178 09 1.1111 tencu 32.4'933 Totol ofoonnt of (111Tt,renrem i 80,204 UY By [riding the utetandlog loons no palliated In Vtoohci.l e:10. °wont for Jou. la, 1871, of 258,179 Oi/ I y bringing forward the differences 14113208 'Elie dill it Iticrelitm fi,6N1 115 county Scrip 32e1 40 7 21$11 .20 Flt 0518; AA this err, Ix rharkeildnentircly to the former Flom %nil - ore Wt. (1..111 It line to tho Commlaillonern and to Inc shot ille 'atopo explanation rhould be given wit ' , grid the occurrence. win are pleaded to kilo. roit n nieri !nitrate that could work no actor° In fat y. and ono tau eo evilly correct , d FRANK 3 NKIVIIARD, RIVDY, }Auditor.. POLUMON F RUPP, F..l;rusry 13.1871. Treasurer's Account. Dl , Bl. ItISTN Vey. Trriniuror of 1.011101 rono7) In nor-uut with R.. 11 County for tho yrar Ir lA.:An:bur 31n1, A D , 1871 : belduce In bond as Tot Auditor'e Report lest i V. • 10)71 V. 205.x17 47 2(40 171 54 12 715 11 88,201 7 , ao 80 0. 1,491 43 1,595 3. A. 1,1111.4101 211 vt..,...1Ped on nceonnt old J dl lot 2.060 In b.. pt 011 imam 277 20 Interest • n band 5.0 13. tut 1100pe tont PO 00 I.nbor In County Prison 666 17 Pamphlet Laws 4 e 0 .611 lumber sold 12 45 r.. funded by Orb. nyer .8 Wieder 1554• Holes of Mort sold 111 l Itin.bpr eold 214 1 ' I.l.4mrilon wealth costs 715:19 Jury fees 3200 itrrelved from the Commlesinners of North • nttlittou county, Monocacy Bridge, 24 45 I received during the year Cioni.ty tilt received fur ilidlf3 •. 18119 1570 1571 - 1500 1570 11571 te.to i u received fur • By rash ld sundry persona on orders Issued by tin Cooney Co o mmissioners for the year 1671 By I 0111Ipold Interest un lone paid Into rope on Connote Bands paid Now County Pigeon !eon *We. • reennelsalonere office Vow t 11.11.0 oltio•iiso• Cunt t Cry er and firing furnaces Cowonor Po 4 nee rtern examinations petit Jurors theme Jorote A &Volumes drawn for Echrot Purposes —, Upper Ml ford Lou hill I ,war Ms:uncle , 01111 douth tei•eteoll i.ouor Ml,lord - 1:y on ‘..ll.buey Uppi r Macungie idtehal I 0 u•table return. Commonwealth costa lolls of Quarter Seaslone Tip a area Poo.teru Penitentiary' Metrics a the eel KW.11101 , 0 lull of easthlcs I'oiino,lvei..l4 Hospital. liafriaburg Joey Commissioners. COUNTY TOMO ES—NIIW 'AND OLD. New Bridan built, J ilntly by Lohish and IS or t nacuptort countimat Both- b•been • 0734 01 Imp, 1.0110, Allentown, repairing 4,251 84 tt tet Item. Junction " " 27 01 Sr I.l.llrrnan'e lb 78 n.uliler'.. L.,wer Illseungin ° 300 RI. Wok Pallebory tll 40 It, it.i.nrd'a, " w 2228 Trout Creek, " . 0 7 52 xes fox. 1871. at Ea, M $lBOl 03 4 OM 80 8,751 0 769078 ...... 0,101 38 8 673 80 i per ct 129389 73 0,147 6, I per ct 5 per ct per a 0,4 per It • per et 3'75 1 584 64 1,177 26 5-10 2v: HMI F 7 - . . . - ....j 843 RI 176 88 4,687 0; Ho 20 4 9 0 2 , 131 74 8.214 08 8,140 3. ....... 8. 3 23 615 ....... 6.9 , 6 80 ...... 8.402 90 7,217 70 4 841 99 029 60 . 1.630 4 9 2803 95 $lOl 84 15,199 85 23919' 4,3.3 OS 5,148 46 BO 0 IN per et % per re P 5 0 "4 pee ~ c a shoo 17 . 1 100 on EZ2 66 00 in,r' .',„l 100 On 3 per ct I=E3 IMIIIP4IitL litia. Taxes for 1871. Ir,E=l tic, 4'l Ad To re, Mr E 69 1 N 127 Oi 61 hl ', 2 5 1 17f) TO If 7 5O I i. 14 00 I on' ! , 0 300 110 7 0, 7 00 )00' 00 9 51' , 5 50, 00, 1 00 1 bri ,750, 2 el 150, r..,• e 0 CEM:Mi MEE ECM 7 null rum' Kti r K roe. Nlntinglon II Ilubbo Um, Fmoyer'm I 0 ng,apr . Unaugo.l 11 Wale , Wit 111 ck•onitli four d lb Whitehall itirlgo er Mllgird owes. Macungie •• Einnc.in innoser shingtnn work for sign boards at . oat Bridges EMI ERIPPB PEE& Commonwealth case& 113 60 summoning Jurors (6) 234 60 Conveying one person to !louse of Befog. 30 00 67810 $.838,'86 17 82 6 1 40 gaB7 457 205.877 47 044 61'404 24U,114 CU 816 367 35 3.8 4 PUBLISHING AND PRINTING 5315,2 45 'Worn k Hub. llRrlAcher A Weiser Monts k Woman V.. Mom; T. V. Rhontle Lthld, County Agricultural Society n==3 County Anditora Indexing Mortgage Doctet• Overpaid taxes Ainiesetnents Registering voters Fit ctions Pox stain. County Poor Ilfinne [Minting Court House Mira paid Law Library Court !Inure repairs 8148 55 it, painting Court I1111:140 961 50 Flogging poreanent front of Courtllonee 1.27 d 85 Iron steps rear or Colin Mose .171 66 3,11 1 10 81 Road sinning and surveying 66 00 COUNTY PRISON County Prison repair* Prison expenses 81.818 79 Boarding pi Isouer* 4.07916 Printing end engraving 110 00 Bleak book a,rind stationcry 22 05 3,523 09 JAIL COIOIO3SIONERB' SALARIES. Wm H Hoffman (1870) $1760 Reuben Kern 97 (0 John Strauss 97 60 Inuntlian Reichard 11 37 50 •II B PlOirk.Ll 1670 and 1871 70 16 419 16 $265 762 74 $265.762 74 26 AS '9 $7,681 a ho. .11xe 6r. Prison Ward.d3 000 00 11r II Tho• J4roby, Matron 400 10 600 00 4 040 74 Dot kelm and obtltotiory ' 61000 Ile, ey 11 P0:1.4 , a, llommlitslootr snlnry 422 00 St.plwn Kern 458 00 .I, , hti Strong. 450 00 Fllrarn Ilalllet 42 00 1,451 00 Leek NI traigleruan " Clerk Peter sN'yclitiff i Solicitor Paid Virile Treasurer for State taxes u per 900000 Paid balance of State tax for 1570 to State Tree. /11111. e. us per somber. County Triiasuror's salary Treasurer's corn on Slate tax omitted, 1870 " 1571 Nlkrelloro•nu§ Balance in baud. of Troteuror 11E11 $330,802 flit We the underaigeed Auditor. or Lehigh county hare gulled nod entwined the account ol Daniel Dittner, , and find a balance as shore plated. M duet. our bawl+ thin Relh day o. January, A.0.011'72 PRANIIJ. NRWIIARD,} • WILSON P lIIMDY, Auditor.. SOLOMON P. ItIIPP, $3.14,386.17 Arucunt expended In constructing 'County C..ur t lime $ 63..::5 85 Amount expended in constructing Iron Bridge, relligli River 7lOBl 79 Amount expended in constructing Comity rridoll 190 210 05 Poor House Account. I ue account of P. P. Jubst Treasurer of the Director. of iho Poor and Roue 01 Employment of Lehigh ouuty, for the year ending December Blot. 1671. DR. l'o balance in Ir min of Treasurer ea per Audi tor.' Report or Ib7o 113,361 RO fo ca.ll rocrlred from County Treasurer at sundry limos as per County nteteruerit IEI,OOO 00 Ca .4 Irom Ilvor II Faust (Steward) 721 01 144,0b017 lIJ coed, pall not during lbw ItAr on order. of ['motors up per order La.'. 816,811 29 Ily balance in hood. of Treasurer 8,271 98 2,689 tvliltd nud •ppmr.d JAssary Mb, 1972 PRANK J. NMP711A111). WILSON P. HI ROY, }Audlt.3l.. SOLOMON P RUPP, Militia Account. 'IIH E account of Daniel Dinner, Esq., Treasurer of TAP high conuty, in account with Bald County for the j awr coding Doc 31at,1871. • To baleuce ne per Auditor'. Report of 1870 $ 637 87 51111t1x tax received for 1870 603 Kb 1871 1,268 62 I= • CR. By cash paid to sundry persons on orders Issued by the Military Board of Lehigh county daring the year end log December :Bu , Dill— Capt. A. J. Lanbacb,Armory root, coal and gay 5 261 86 " A. J. Adrian, (43) uniform., Llmeport Guards . 558 00 " II D Lebr. Armory rent • • 260 00 " T. 11 (Nod; " 1000 " II D. L. hr, (38) .informs, Allen Loners. 348 00 " Jae. u•Doonel, Armory, Iliberula Guards 15 U 0 (32) unilorme .• • IP2OO. " A. J. Adrian, frriltnt, shipping arms 1082 • . additional Armory rent . 1900 !" A.. 7 Lanbach, store, Harelal,..r Rifles 1900 (158) nollorma . - 318 00 Ilal nee A WOrtolln,pliutios pay roll. 600 Lon 1 per cent- commies!. on $1.172 48 17 72 Balance I u bands of Trraturer 46996 $229,174 CD MMM 4;553 32 21,451 11 14 40 400 OU 1,136 117 3,0 Otr 816 85 1{704 476 115 4 628 28 761 98 6,190 21 149 07 64 11 VI 99 145 01 1005 - ' 18.165 19160 125 41 110 75 95 60 169 65 1,097 49 814 64.) 1,833 16 41680 286 00 331 41 • 054 1 , 0 20 00 94 45. 113 40 SAMS 36 Audited. examined and Bud • balance In hand. of Treasurer as ann.° .toted Witness our bands tbls 28th day of Januery, 1.72 FRANK J NNWIIARD, WILSON P. LUNDY, }Auditor.. SOLOMON P. RUPP. Citiunty Prison A.gpount. Diitilitli BIT rNkilt, Esq.. Treunter of Lehigh county. in account with said County for the year ending December 81et, 1871. . DR. .\,." . To amount received from labor of Ociiivicte in CLitirity Prison • 1660 17 CR. • $.61 22366 By caili paid sundry persons cm order' leveed by the Pilsen CommPaloners for the year 18T I= ily coal for datinty Prim, Plater rent Carting fisher Mauling and mortar Printing nod engraving Blank book end stationery Medicine Clae 812.141 62 8,6.17 61 618 64 224 25 lin ran 83 86 106 64 $l9 8' 19 21 47 •1 W. I. IR 72 89 93 49 86 647 68 728 66 2500 76 6.171 78 1,012 76 9,812 99 OE CEI EX; EtEE 780'91 1,198 98 1.479 Ot =Ell I=l3 1=1:3 lEMEE Bat hue. CEMEEI t 341 00 196 00 13 00 42 60 =I E~II ME as 15 F n 10 00 9 8 , 1 109 31 11009 138 50 119 00 P 5 60 89 00 EEM ERB El= lIEE 11 119 27 09 9 01 9195 477 1 05 7 20 16101 2 ISO 23 150 20 10 9,117 38 - 44200 :99 00 400 100 00 100 00 945 09 =MO I= 100 00 10980 176 00 4616 8.034 00 1,857 50 603 88 8860 18,000 00 972 60 200 00 EXCI 1,000 00 200 00 103 23 1 000 00 91 00 9$ 60 129 09 6.027 44 14118,8u8 00 12,310 36 *7OlOl 160 60 12 00 300 110 00 12 06 60 17 63 64 Boarding prisoner. Pasting extra teen., 600 pamphlets eight barbel. Store and pips Oboes for prisoners Pilling 24 chaff bag. • Making shirt. tinning female prlooner Merchandise Tin ware and repairing Railroad freight Lime elminiitg pavements • prison yard Work done at coal Shad. trees Making ground plan Repair. Raihroad fare for sending convicts beyoggil thel limit. of the State 8 28 Boarding and clothing Daniel O'Brien, a lunatic) 1 , , Hospital at.liarrlabarg 60 46 Prison Ownerissionere rataria•—• wza If Roffman (1870) $3760 Stephen Kern 87 60 0 . . . . . John Rtranso 87 50 Jonathan Reichard 0 87 60 II n Pearson 1811 and 1872 1010 22011 • Thomas Jacoby, Prison Warden 000 00 Ur. Thorn. Jaeohy, Illatran 200 00 BROAPFIIILATION Prison exproms Hmo!pie from convict labor Expenditure. In excess of receipt. A 101.4 end Apprnved Febroxry 12111,187 F PRANK .1 NEWHARD, WILSON P. RIEDE, }Auditor.. SOLOMON T. State Account. l i g n in II COUNTY le account with the Comesoftwealiti of PCOollylvaula for State tales for 1171. 7hr on Arsenal Property— To amount of e odd tax u flied by the Hoard of Revenue Clommlesionsil Deduct 15 per cent. (or collecting Dednet 1 per cent. Treasurer's corn minion on 68,018 69 Due Commonwealth Ralf Mill 7122 • To amount of said tax so Axed by the Board of Revenue Commissioned Deduct 6 per cent. for collecting 74 26 Deduct 1 per cent.. Tremorsth com• mission on 81,410 82 0411 Doe Commonwealth Reedpitu To arneuut doe Commonwealth State taz CR. By amount remitted to State Tres. Rarer as per voucher. 0,500 00 lialame In baud. of County Treasurer 64 03 0I,:41 VII Audited and approved January 80th, 1872. PRANK J NEWHARD, WILSON P. FUNDY. And Bora; SOLOMON P. RUPP, January Rt. - Sheriff's Account. Tril? ancuuut of John P. Miller, Lg., Sheriff of Lehigh county. from J►nn►ry Ist to Novrot..er 11th INTL. DR • To bsinnts p Auditor's Ropurt of 1370 II 63 00 Pities recoivod 317 00 Jury Fess 0900 Be fines paid Lae. Library en per receipt. 821109 By cammisslon at 3 per cent P.r coltectloe too. 0 61 By balence do. Connty 183 80 5352 00 Anthind. examined end MO • balance In hand; of the Shottß o 0 above stated, January 10th, IEII2. PRANK J NRWHARD, WILSON P t:IRDY, }Auditors. SOLOMON 0. S I E N SATION OF NEW YORK. A WORK OFSCRIPTIVE N the CITY OF NEW YORK in at/ Us VARIOUS PHASES. Its aplrodora and wratehedaeax ; Its tdib and law Ufa ; Its morb palac.a apd dark da , .. • It attracthrt• and danger• ; WWII!, AND FRAUDS ; %DI leading men sod Do ; It. adveutmara ; its charities t Its mysteries And critic. Illustrated with nearly= Fine Engravings. AGEN WerIT.T.D.-13eLd for Thracian, and see our tame nod a fell deacrlption of the work. address Na• Hone! Pcbliehluit Co., Phila.. Pa. HISTORY OF The Great Fires. in CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. Goomtniego. D. D., of Chicago. Only complete history. 700 Bro. pages t6O ens review, 70.f00 already sold. Price $2.00. ZOO ale rite made to days. Profits go to sufferers. AGENTS WAN LTD. H. tl. GOODSPEED t CO.. 97 Park Rove; New York. CELTIC WEEKLY. Thesreatedt Illnetre , ed OrUrinal glory Paver in Amer-- ea. EIONT NNW ORM If•I. !TOXINS In first number No literary ,rest equ•l to it evnte and Cauvaamera wanted in every town and City of the Union. 00 a week natelly realized h the sale of thie ext. aocrlinary kWh and Amer. tern Journal. Spechneu copies free. For sale by all newsdealer.. Price, 81.52 NI "or ye.r. Adams. 01. J. O'LEARY A CO., P. 0. lien 8.07 t. New York. VV H A.T TO READ AND HOW TO READ. Belo. clasnltied Llets of Choice Reading. with approprl• ate Meta and Harnett.. adapted to the General Reader. to tintweritere, and to person. intending to form collect• Hone of Hooke. I not. 12,n0. 112 pap.. M.O. rant.. he. t flee• by no 01 on rticetpt of the price. 1). APPLWPON & CO., Publinherm, New York. EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS CABINET ORGANS. The M /0 , 011 & ii•blLll.lollll•llCo.respiectfelly announce the intiodection of improvements of much more than ordluery Interest. These are REED AND PIPE CABINET ORGANS, being the only succossful combination of REAL Pl PBX with reeds ever m tde; DAI"S TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD, which coo he lostkrttly reeved to the right or loft chant. log the Foch, or tran•nosloe the key. Fbr dratefnp• ar.d descriptions. ere Circular. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF Double Reed Cabinet Organs, at 6140, $l3l end $l2O each, Considering e•spncleti. Eta • Dance. and Thorough Excellence or Workmanehtß,. these are cheaper than any before offered. • BEST, The Mill", a AM LIN OM.. ore it..knowle4ged and from er tr oroinNry farllnien (or meroarnctu o Ibis Company con afford. and noto,undertake tro sell at pikes Wilma under them UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. For. OCTAVE MIAMI $5O rash FITE OCTAVE OIMAII. WO. 1112.5 and upw wits. With three Sets reed. 111151 and upwards. Forty style*. up to SIT each. SW ILLOATRATISE CATALOUVE. and INTINIORIAL ellt• crusa, *slob opiuion. of ACME TEIAN ONkt THWUBAND MUSICIAN& sent free. /MASON di HAMLIN ORGAN CO.. lf,lTremont 'treat. Boston. WO Broadway. N. Y. (Incorporated 1860.) Columbia Fire Insurance Co.. OFFICERSI AND DIRECTORS. 8.8. DeTWILIR. ReNT,Ca•NIi. 11. W !wow Vlee-Preal. Wit PATTON. TiIIoNAII. Treas. JAL 80510111111, J. V. raos•utr. Bea's. J. S. J. El B•cIiNIAN, M. NI. NT5101(1.6.1 Uso. Boos.. R. T. Ryon. For Insurance or geseles. addreas . J.. P. YRURAUPP. Sees . . Columb PA. WANTED, Tills SPRING, 10 000 FARMERS To improve 1.700,0 M acres of the best Permian Lands la lows, free Irma mottgage or other tuensibranee. • Thole Mode con.prise the Uovertiment railroad greets adjacent to the great.tboroogbfartre between Mee/0r (Raabe and Sioux City. sud lie Wed, tu the , MIDDLE REGION OF IrSB TERN lOWA, I• moat fertile and healatral portion (rover and ague be og unknown), and traverved by railroads la every divan ton. How tot the time to SECURE A HOME AT $4 AND $5 per acre, upon long time, with ..ig per gent. Interest, in he 'exudes& valley of either the Boyer, the Maple, the Soldier or the Little Sioux. Agents at atilt,os are provided with teams to show lends free to purchasers. Send fora Onlde. It given prices. term.. de•cdpilons, where explering tteketa are fold, at how to tenon the lads. Casty maps also seat ree. Address Jo lIN IL CALHOUN, Land COMMU•10111,1 lowa R. IL Land Co., Cedar Halite. lowa. • SECURE THE AGENCY AT ONCE For the Best Family Sewing Machine VICTOR. J. L. FERGUSON, 1227 CHESTNUT STREET, VOROWITAIBLE EMPLOYMENT hie on. or two persona'of either eex. la every town In tb- United States. by which they may realize from $3.0 to 111.110 per year. with but little Interference with Greiner/ occunatiou. If the whole time is devoted a Mach I sum will be realised. Boy. sod girls can Meer , awl, as mach as grown people. BOW, making Nom g 7 to SD per week. Fur particulars, address J. J. V AbDILL . 707 Broadway. N. Y. A GENTS WANTED.—Agents make more money a. work for as than at anything alas. Baal- Caw light and pormanona Particular.. free. U. arta woo Co.. Etna Art P.01(0441 , 8, Portland. Malmo. • U • S . of f . pat i rUt IS i tk a r !tate; OPIUM EATERS.CligTaaTurg4g::: will out core. No pain or inconvonloaco. Vont on ro• moot of OS OU O.U. AlillOrtithrill. IL D.. llooltoi in. oututo. Berrien Opting.. IMO. MO AUVERTISERN.—AII• mums wko JL emplate making contracts with newepepertrur the t wate of Ad settisententa should send to GEO.rR . ,PNELLOS. rimeCircular,or Inclose RS cent, for their One Hundred P.u.phlet, &Attaining Lists of 3.000 Newspapers end iiettosstee, glowing the cod of advert king. also meal useful hints to advertdiere. and some account of the ox. p. Wear. pi of men who are known as iloccessfal Advertis ers. This firm re tir.ixtie tors ortue American NeWeraper Ad remota( Agency, 40 rARKItowm and •re po eeeeee d of unequaled facilities for locution Om Ineartwo of advertfitementa as all MeraDeiwo aut, tail• rattails at Lowest .tea. ii 3 20731" B 3 600 2906 07 64 20121 082 800 18006 10 00 10t 128 9 12 487 181 St 80 8 00 SOO 14 $6,03119 $3,01110 460 IT $4.871 09 81l 412 81 423 80 *toes in lEMI IM3 CEE 7,968 22 1,19171 90,344 93 =I PRILADELPIIIA. PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers