faebteinal. AT '722 AI 722 AT 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF Lawall&Martin., Lawall &Martin Lawall &Martin, S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. HAMILTON & HALL STS., If you want Pure Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure Medici nes go there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you rant Physicians' Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything at all go there. If you don't want any thing go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 72' Both of the proprietors are read \ to wait on you. They are both practical ellen,- iete ; you will find that to be the ease after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, Ni. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drugstore. NO ' URE,NOPAY. DR. H. 1). L()N (4 A Iti Graduate of the Unlvorntly of Pennsylviiidd. at Hill:old phis, ban been In ancceemful primitive, ror n mind., ef yearn In Cations parts of the United Slides; will pridninly at tend to all branches of hie protect ion et hie r ~,,, Sas! aide 0 , SUM aired. bet. Hamilton and Walnut ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent Bledlclnen are used or the 11,11• •Ales administered aro those which trill not break down the conetltutlon, but renovate the .1.1110111 from all hii m ien It has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave It in it healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA. sod ❑l diseases of the Loess, Throat, Stomach, and Liv er, which yearly carry thousands to untimely ttravec, con andsubtedly be cored. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, ?at state of alienation and aberration of mind ren Ti potions Incapable of enjoying the ple,org o of p..t . analog the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND , PARALYSIS, In any MEI or cOndltloo, chronic ntincute, warranted cur able. Epllepn7. or rolling nick tie+, nod clir atilr %tub born cases of FEMALE DISEASES xprrdlly cot radically removed; Balt Itheum, Skin Dinea•es (or yeato' -binding sayerydeecriptlon of ulcerate., Pilo, and Scrotal... din /apes, warranted cured. khy-Particular attention given to private every description of both sexes. Ladles suffering from any oomph lot thin SOX, can consult the doctor with n.sura nee or reit. r. Canter mired. and Tumors oral! lite& reinarcitivithiont the knife or drawing blued. Dleietteen of the EYE AND EAR enceassfully and effectually remove I. el at i r Dcar.aLt,e'll ker will rl. l •We v r ti4ct,co" tty ((stoner ti le. Intim sent with proper direction.. to tiny part of the county. Onto,: East side of Sixth street, between 11=11.1..11 ond Walnut Allentown, Pa. mel id,-It TILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly and peroemeetlY ISlntai. without ;min, glangcr, cousttos or it,trtpoente, WM. A. McCANIILESS, M. Zell ARCH *STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Wile can reter_yon to over 19.00 eases cared In I'lllll.lo .• phis. alone. We desire to nay to those 101111.i...1, there I. positively no l on gdecetio in tho cure or these D I 000005, it matters not how g or how severely you • ore been gilded, we can cure you. We also cure Ft male, Fl Yrolapsus. Strictures and LI ICOMIIII4 of the lower ',owe]. Come you that are self we will net We have patients from almost every Mote In the Union ana from Europe. Have treated thew*, diseases for tw en y year. without a failure. 2,1•1 r PHILOSOPHY OF MI AIL It IA G E.—A Nave COUR.. or LECTURER, es deliverod at the Poona relyteettuls and Anatomical Museum, 1311010,4 nm St., lyres doors above Twelfih,_ Philadelphia, embracing the •Ab i JIMMIII How to Live and What to Live Tolllll, Un tarty and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The east. of Indigeationt Flatulence sod nervous Diseases aseounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered. Them, lecture, will be forwarded ou receipt of 25 rents by sildreseing: Secretary of the Potina• POLYTECHNIC ANL, ANATOMICAL MCIIIIOII, 123 Cheotout Fit., Philadelphia, uno 224 r I LTBERGEIt'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Ara warranted ential to nay made: They are prepared from thofretits, and will bo foaudmu eh Lett, than many If the Refract. that ore isir • k your Grout or . brugg fat /or ivatbergiett /shwas. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE fa, wllbogt doubt. the beat nrifcbt In the =that. for Illsaelseg clothes. It will color more water th u four dimes the lame weight of Indigo, and much toot, than say other wash blue In the market. Thu on /y tnantlne I. that out op at •LYRED WI I.TBERCIER'S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORT3I SECOND STREET, I'IIII.AD'A., The Moon.. hate both Wo..runoop.o'o 11111 i same. au them. all others a f.e eounter,/, tic F., 80, .1.81 Grocers and Druggist. WILTBERGER'S INDELIBLE INK. •1 befound more be superior art fele. Alw.ty. band for saleasonable prices. NI e Ground lIVICIErI, Genuine MEDICINE. Chamois Salo., Spollgo, Tapioca, Pearl. Sago, a,.d all artlelee In the drelz Hoe. at W ALFRED ILTBERUER'S DltUil I'ORE. Joao 18.17 No. Zit North Second hi., Phila., Po. H • RT NI A N's WASTE PAPER DEPOT The llWheat. Caeh Price Patti For Old Newspapers Of deecrlftlnn. Waste Paper, That aro all wrliteu over. Of•II Mods. 0 d,Pamphlets, &c. amis. HUI, 13•00110/ Ann C•NVAS BODOIDr. OONNUNDUDI from Country ll...alern war 1. T y J. HARTMAN. lfil Javaeht., NEW ! NOVEL! USEFUL! Philadelphia Sewing Machine, 006 ARCH STREET s onnkbl nation of "THREIi RE 117 Na 314011141'ES 411 ONE." It makes the t eitulAr LOVA' STITCH, alike or both aides of tho fabrlct m o o -t b..ant NM 1/10f DER Y STITCH, lo the form of e spiral cord, •stag two threads, and tho LOOP or TAMBOUR stitch, .11h • sloglo thre.d. Tho changes in 'mo o I," t “,,ti r as/ without any complication of machinery. making it IN most desirab le machine to tho world fur fatally ore. ANOINTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. Call or Ad- Vasa. Philadelphia 1367' hill Machine Company, 906 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia: .44w10-,m w MILLERSTOWN HAVING BANK IiaLLERSTOWN, LEHIGU COIJNTf. Thls Institution will be opened on or before theist day of April. Money will be taken on deposit at all times and in any earns from ono dollar upwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREBT per annum will bepald. Deponite may 6.5 withdrawn at any lime Also, money owned out on favorable term. JAMES WEILER, Pres Nen! fa•gems Sturm Cashier. . F. DL !Miffed, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yobal, K. Henninger, David Donner, Willie en Sailday. loam, Orlobel, °Won F. Egner, Horatio T. Ilertang, Benjamin J. Schenoyer. Jame,' Bingmaster mar 16-fin LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITE- A'NON. Organized as "Dimes Saving Institution," .NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE AMERICAN HOTEL.) YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR This Institution, the oldest Saving 'Bank In Eastern Pennsylvania, hne been In continuous and successful peration for ten yours, and continues to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money fur one year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. deposits of money will ho held strictly confi dential. Executors, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and enstedluns of public or private unineys, aro of fered liberal rates of Interest. Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, and all who have money to put on Interest for a long or short period will rind our Institution on agreeable and ad Vitniageorui one In whirl, to do loudness. We especially motto LADIES to trangset bluely bunklng bust nest. with nn. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have special privi leges granted by our ebarter—bavlng full power to trans act !wellies' , with um In their own names. Money deposited will, this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, I,n CuPital clack and surplus money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOI.I.ARS, and addition. the Boord of Trustees ham an required by t barter, give, bonds under the supervision of the Court In the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DoLLARS. which bomb. :ire real... tend In and bold by 11.. Court of Commun Pleas of thi. county for the security of depositor, • Our Iron Vault); are of the moot senora and extensive kind known In thin country, no a personal Inspection will chow. end to which we Invite our frlende and customers. We refer to this. hollering that nitre Burglar Proof Vault. complete the safety and reliability of a good Saving Bank. WI LEI ANI 11. AINEY, President. CHRISTIAN ' , Rm. Vice President. REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. TRCOTEF.B: Wiiiilllll 11. Ainey% Charles S flush. Christian Fret:, Jobs D. Stiles. F. li. Samuels, Benj. J. !Incubusls, Cieorgo Brubst, Samuel Sell, Suthas Peter. FARMER'S PiAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870 Fogeboville, roper Macunglotoononothip, Lehigh Co. Ti I. I nootnution has been organlml and opened under Stab. Charier. 310\ LV will he taken on &vomit al al b00b00...1 in any Poll, Irwin fl mod upnoarda, fur which -C.) I 1, 1 ,11 GENT. N TEE ESI WILL BE PAID. WI .1.11 310111 t. l'oAPlcnt It. G. FOGEL. l'avhf,r. Tit,TVEN: Dr. 11. A. I-1.ty1.. , r, J. 11. Straub, 11.,ui..1 M..yer, Iht v 111 l'et.r, Jo u,. limit.h. Satimel Kuhn, 1,41.1 11. , Ivt.ltt, %Vlllium Steln, NVilllam All.lir Iltpr 6-1' EUNIMEiBMiI few:dell at the corner of Ilmaillon etreet and Church alley, In Lion (1011, recant; r tory, oppoeite the German Retortned rhurrli, in the City of Allentown. 1r organized 00,1 really fort 01.IOOSS. It frill pall SIX ley errif. /a ft rent on o polepns fix ixforpt bn.in,sB elepowit, for on , 1.1 , •,1 •,/ t be co lculoteil from Its, rhar ojilupoxit. To secure which, the Trorters of the itiatitution hove tiled InCony, of Commo l'huo of lathinh Couy, under the direction Of tt,,, n Court. st t bond In the son''! Twenty-live Thotpuind Ihillare, conditioned for the faith ful kitektinkt and appropriation of all ktich autos of money or -hall be pla,' in diorite of maid FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether nm depoolta or rhares of ,lock. which w bend ay h y the Court whenever it to t p to etad,l neett-,try ..t1.111,11 tldr. the .trt of Incerporatton ranker the Sidt %held. • 11 , 00 , 110 , d ioe to Ito 41. ).... , it•.rm 11..b5. gr0.•.0 r ' :rpilo 1 Stork a the Bank. whi 11 rl, I. iy thou:died dollar, tt Ith liberty to 311 . 1.•,...0 Si to OLO 1111,11.,1 3101 n II) 01,101,1 dollarr. • teal, it a very , 1,•..r.11 , 1,• and aoht 111 , ,, a la., te plop, to eta. that the aeportut will le- telt( in on' lid ',FP 11111161x1 prof( et, .1 0./ II !hi 111 1610,11 drafts , on the ripe,- of st dt., and Philadelplito 0..1.i IMES. Petite/. tit .1. IV. 1V11. , 05. .(i/etif .7 C. ZI:t111717)1A N. ca.:hue. Itaiddl 11. A. '.rodeo , , • ,I. IVWidotn, Bari; .1. t'. Zimmerman 11. Creit,, Peter lu in Zimmerman. Fa tour 30 lEtt.?l; Vi • L. YOH N , .VON7'II ...EV Pal II ST:, !BOVE LINDEN. A LLENTOW N. PA. Tlil. 1,1 r.lt lotm 1ivet....1.1b111.1“,1 1 /t tho L.,r, Au, ou t to.oor d Booking awl to otfor to t omotttut.y n1.1'1 7 In': VE:SItt otot.:y m0n0...! oto.. rat.. a ChM It "...ll.' conona to N. iv York or i N. ~ItT.IN iilllll,,,Ecinivry Etania=lllllMinil li.r.vtroh vltio. th. 0 4 1111.- I%.ll.ctlonm tn.itle ...nil& 0..1, trial prorowd r , 1:1:1t, I lt kartnor•, 31,10 L ..ti h4l mono) put ..n 1nt0,...t for a lotL, 4liort End j u ,itulim, t 11LIP .311 4.1.'0 Ittch t - I Eno. •I CFN i . I , f, fo, I a it i t i.. r ..1 , • . j Announcement Extraordinary 1 E. 1)IIY GOODS 703 .►WD 707 HAMILTON STREEI .11,1,ENTq11'.v. l' A Latest Interesting Intelligence pßicEs To.) AsToNISII THE NATIVES! ouu.Gf)ODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD. VANTAGE TO THE I.RADE. u5)_,111 , .; LAST cront.nlurPal Irlvor In :iuk-cif 111.111 NIVEL/ ,EUIIEn. They nAu't 4,se It I- Owl is o ran Malit. Houf3• and Sell Goods so the AI A M Sl'oHEs:' It ildt to, Ntor.•••, We ono able to boy (loodit loro.• from outouttototors nod linuorte fl.. 1111” to 2•1 per caul. theltyt•r thou they do. • . • . See 'MI. /Otr lorito -.atom onuido !Ix to nako tunnel, ow though rte ut.tk, lint eery litlt ,, au any nun article. A n.l Itott Lott tott loast, Wo boy excluttivoly for e tut,' Iiit.et11111( it 11 l‘tir trltleltt to the ttggrogt :tumult's to rOu.iderable. No Mist, pre. tatttlltttis It , Effect fink Prio,asl,lQuiditir almrignlrr4l I 1h It rut I:1rd 0 0110 tor Undersold By Any of Our ComprUtor DMZ y ARRIVAL. OP • Fall and Winter Dry Goods 01 , 11S'I'llelktecottrely too extenelve to ontmorete ar- Ile 1. , I , We. Wollavo In «lock a genet,' aseorttaeut of u0..1i. ueuelly kept •In a Oral-elass and well regulated ~tore. 111111,11 M. !lot k of • "DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &O. ty ty VoliAble der ertuttoir find prier. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS PAISLEYS, lII,INEET, 111111E1' and ' , TELL.% SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear CA:11 , w 'll ' N I', TS, KEN Er.,orn, and Gray Inr,idArt. .11rtrmilhn awl ilorteu-Comb Fancy 11 . 0,1 Cover Ell 1111 l els, tiltectings, Checks, ate Old Blank Books And Lodgers tI'ARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE OIL CLOTHS. NV INI )0W SHADES, &C. E. S. KHMER & CO., rflJlI I.I.IUNTIL4TED PURENO JI- LOG ICA I. JOURNAL le every respectn Flint Cluso 31.1garloo. Ito ;irtlelro ore the hlghoyt ltdereot all. It (vitae , . what we are unit undh wto make the moot u Lcruel Thll ft/rl.{loo RC I, OP the Lowe o tfo and tlexlth lo w all worth the clue of the Magazin •to every tunilly , It to published• at 4.3.00 a year. BY opeclu I arra trot:loot No aro enabled to otter the l'ltreno oale.ll Jux rim I an it Pio:went for five ruborribere the Lrittoit Ill:owl on. or will furulnh the 1.111013 Roots TIM ii ouloglcal ' Journal togothor for 4.:3 NT. tV comn rud tho Joanna to all who wont n wait Mii,(ll2ino Addree o ull argots to RUBY. I Ott) ELL, J It., Alleutorta, Ile. C.F. 111'41)1..FE1RT7., .• • . . NO. 606 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN,. Manufacturer of all Mods nf. Callan' and dealer' fiporigniell'd Mtle100; which he to .1111011 at re:trued tart ie. SILI2IO end (101100 barrel 11001100 Ones, Rooolva fo all kinds, Powder, Shot, Caput, Pl.ltl.liTneklo, ala. 01y27.ir THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLEN TOWN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY financial. MONEY ON DEPOSIT. I • lit• rntt•n r. f"r ...it. year r C. 50 ,t 5 H EA DQUARTERS ! OEM ly I: IV ILL TELL THEM EtU=lE:i ULAN 115 and IV Hamilton St., Allontown. P 1872 HOOD, BONBRIGHT NOS. 811,, 813, AND 815 MARKET STREET, & NOS. 806. 808, 810, 812DELPHIA. FILBERT ST., PHILA A magnificent Stock of Bengonable • DRY GOODS Complete In all Its dcpart , ents of • Silks and Dress Goods; Prints, (gingham* and Detainee, • • Men's and Boys' Wear, Ithite Goods, Linens& Flannels, Furnishing Goods, Notions, &e., Bleached and Braun Shirting', Sheeting*, &e., &e., &e. Alen use opened an extensive CARPET & OIL CLOTH DEPARTMENT. To all of which. Inelndlng many sholoo Special Brand. of PMLADELPHIA MADE GOODS. they reareeifolly In• Ito the attention f the Trade. Jitolo-am w TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS ILLOTJOHBY R. TREXLER, (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & BROS., Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa. BE 81:111E AND LOOK FOR THE I.VMDEI: 01 SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT TIIE FOLLOWING PRICER COME AND MEE EE ! ! l'er.ont, In need of loud er for large Imildinga will find I fill order. for all kind• of lumber used in large building.. Every article belonging to a lirst•elion !umber yard lo co Thankful for pant favorn, I Invlto my friends to call and lan 25,3 m Harrison Safety Boiler. S'l'R W131111)(T & CLOTHIER Are now offering for the FA LI. 0011 WINTER TRADE an unusually large stork of SILKS, DRESS 000DS, BLACK ALPACAS, LINEN GOODS, BLANKETS, MUSLIN& FLANNELS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOF CLOAKING& We have lately taken advantage of the low prices attendant on a tight market, and BUYING FOR CASH, have been able to secure many BEW 13.13un w 707 CHOICE AND RARE NOVELTIES OF EXQUISITE STYLE AND TASTE, DINNER, TEA, DESSERT AND TOILET SERVICE. BRONZE, PARMA' PISQU'E, LA MAJOLICA, JASPER, AGRA. CRYSTAL JAPANESE AND PRI NESE GOODS. AN IMMENSE ASSORTSICNT OF HOUSE FURNISHING WARES! FIRST-CLASS GOODS. LOWEST CASH PRICES. TYNI)ALE, AIITCIIELL & CO., - 707 707 ( 'II ES I'N U r E ILADELPHIA. 707 MIMEO HO VER & BA K_ER'S ',TWING .IACiIINES! NEW STYLES BFI tr1 " 11E STITCH SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL WHO REQUIh FAST. DURABLE AND IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To .•.1 T 1' LES, which poseePe no mistakable advantages over the NOISY and CUM BROUt styloa •t • • • SPRING. 'ANNOUNCEMENT Are now (Alining at their NEW STORE, " BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards, best quality, per thousand $3l " 1' Scantling, Scantling, " ~ 32 " 2 " Boards, " 4, 25 " 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " all width, " 18 " 1 " Floor, 6 inches wide, best quality.. 34 " 1 " " all widths,per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 Inches wide ...... ... 26 ,t, 1 ~ " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality 84 " 1 German " 46 34 ~ 2 ~ 4, 34 % Beveled Biding, planed ' 26 ~ not planed 22 114 inch Common Fennel 40. 1% 44 " 40 ~ 2 ~ ~ 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, &e., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 inches wide 19 CC " all widths .. 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 15 44 126 44 CC 44 46 19 . 124 44 CC 14 3 feet Lathe, best quality $2.75 46 4 44 44 2.75 3 " Palings 18.00 33 , 1.4 ~ 44 14.00 4 4/ 44 4'4 44. -COO Fence Boards and Rails °O.OO Posts, extra quality 30 els All other Lumber In proportion. N. W. orner Eighh and Market Streets. PHILADELPHIA DR y 600DS, 15=1 LA BIER CLOAEINGS' BLACK ASTR A C MANI% BLACK BEAYERB, WHITE FUR BEAVERS, PLAIN WHITE BEAVERS, BLUE CLOTHS, WHITE CORDUROYS, VEL VETEENS, GRI. AT BARGA INS. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. N. W. cor. Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia A MUSEUM OF tERAMI( I, ART, OUR OWN S . ELECTION'' , AND IMPORTATION. • LocK sTITen FAMILY Tll BEST I.l' USE FOR MANU FACTURING IN ANY. BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family sewing CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. IVIBEBACK, Agent. 41'3CE AND BALEBROON,opposRe German Reformed Church, may No. 028 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. greatly to their advantage to call, being constantly ready upon the most favorable terror. and at the shortest notice. • stantly kept on hand. Inspect my Stock. w in:17 1 11'1111y. TREXLER. lIAB BEEN IN PRACTICAL ÜBE FOR MORE THAN TEN TEARS. 2.7,000 Horse-power fn Use. International 3f oda'. 1 0nd0n1662. American Inetitoto Medal, IEVP. lIARRIRON BOILER WORKS, wihdopl.i.. u'EsTON'S PATENT DIPFERENTIAL PULLEY BLOCKS. 11=1 lIARRIiON BOILER WORKS. Phila. nr 101 IN A. COLITMAN, Agent, WI I3RnADWAY, NRW TOXIC and iIrIFRDRR•I. Sr.. BOSTON. MAAR. jrNi-lyw 'FUR gIiBIWIDEItY =1 roit FOIL UEMMING FOlt TUCK'INO arc Unapproachable FOR GATHERING =I FOR CORDINO FOR F P.I.LING Matcbas anb 3ribrlru 1872 CO., BAILEYO 'Chestnut & 12th Sts., rIpLADEL.pliik 3eweters anb Silversmiths. FIVE WATC4ES I FREfiCii C -OCKS I BitsmzEs, pLATED WARE. tbuaranteeb. 'boobs sent bu Express on approval. ww.,110 _l7 -„ f „,g,,,,,,.. R „. .... ,•„..„ •.„ Ail , 4,i: JEWELER, 1124 chestnut 61.1124 NEW FALL STO( I.l_ COMPriMitlir tt,liatg , nt Ittialoml varied :ts•tortmeot they havu ever offered. RELIABLE WATCHES a spol intr. GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, ShALS, CHARMS, & JEICELIi 1. entirely um do•ign, soup STERLISG SII. VER 11".111ES Fur pre•enlnU.m uua leeewhol,l use. THE FINEeT ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Silver Plated Goads, Table Cutlery, he., B ronr ,,. aril (Prnornr nt v. Farley 170.18 in Gill Br , urs•:, Wood. Selected IMs ye.ir lu Miiderdte Price. for ell articles ‘‘ ill he made 0- leading 0 I 01100 on Ow STYLE AND QUALITY Ali i it, Stick Is rentiortfully .011citeil from iir coduilK the City ou fi,el4-301W A.O K. STA I E VATCIES AND JEWELRY, N 0.16 NORTH SECOND ST., coo. or grANllli, PIIFLA AA ti aanortuaint el Wiwi.... Jewelry. Silver and Plnte , l Ware Y al-Repairing awl Jewelry , o i r e atoptly articled to. KELLER ,ft. BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., it regninted and warranled. AI: -1r. , : dn•l trot t 2 upward, A larcer GOLD AND tqI.VEI: WATCHES than can be Moll In any othei -tore in the city. • JEWELRY OF *A \I RE , KINDS, S-ILVEIt every hoc Option. Sir-Wlttclich repaired 1111 Shea Notice. wATen ES, JEWEL 111: SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES 2. MASSEY'S, No. East Hamilton street, opposite the German Co formed Church. Just received (rum Now York and Phil adolphln, all (ho latest styles He has the largest n nd best asQortment of (fold W s tches and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere. He ham a largerancl better n.sorttneut of Sllrd o:atehe than can be purchnced anywhere eke. GOLD JEWELRY. Ile has the largest and best as.ortment of all kinds Gold Jewelry. • GILT AND PLATED .TEWELIIY. Fla has a larger and better a4edrtntent or all kinds OW and Plated Jewelry than can lot lound eleew here. SILVER AND ED WARE. arlited. CLOCKS. A biror axxortmout thou at any ~ther ,•141,11.11m0nt MELODEONS. la A tl :7ll ,y tl l e o tt r i g. a,ortmcnt of Prince's Melodeons, the beet ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of oil kinds of Accordeons. Ills establlnhinent has lately been titled up, and to now second to none lu :low York oil Philadelphia. nod ahead of anythlugontside the large elites, Helms a large: stock of fashion „ble ;rods in his than all others Lehigh county combine . convince yourselves el tho above call and see ebairs. LARGEsT STOCK I GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture nt the 1ar. , ....1 furniture atom in town of - HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN . . The film have rsrently put in s St AM• MOTH Al.!. PLATE-0 LASS ritosT, .0 k m ,. o 'thccwiso enlarged their facilitics Ctr '... keeping on hand the largest ptork in the city. 4 Their if ri ELEGANT FURNITURE 11 + 7 , ,, q,.., Is manufactured In their own csf.shiishlar nt, t't w 1.., - ,`.; ;NI ander thoir on supervision, au I In warrant- vr .. _ ad to Ito the beet in the market an in.:tem., IL of their stock will convince but ern of the ad- vantage of buying Onto them Ilehnbach ileirrich .4 in. ut.ntatteture KITTLE'S PATENT Si'lil Nil BLit. an I so sole dgchts fur that superior bed. Call and see I. Gone tat er The Mammoth Glass Front, . „ WL ATNOVN CEEBR.EFE FIRE ~17.i0i,, . e, ~,...z AND BURGLAR PROOF . 4 1, , - -1.1 It SATES. „I - • 1 J.* . - ' ' EST.IIII,I6IIED LA' 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IN PM LA DE L PHIA . The only Safe with lye?. Goontt. Guaranteed Free tram Goaputeo. Alen prices from Id to `AI per t eat. lower thou other makers. Please send for Circular awl Price ldst. T. WATSON St SON, Lain of Evans & Watson. ilLinu'orturers aottZ dui w Nn. Al S. Fourth St. Philadelphia.' 707 Are /tacit:mill ♦re Unexcelled ♦ro Ummieetied SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD, 1872. FIFTY CENTS PEE ANNUM. The Fesruary nuntlar. e attaining Rev. Dr. HALL'S EXPLANATIONS, OF TIIE UNIFORM SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSONS, IS NOW READY. Single Xumbera Five, Cents each. PVIII.IBITED BY SUR Amerioan.Sunday-School Union, 1122 C beatnut Street. Philadelphia. ar/24-2tw Are bipeM. ♦re Unsurpassed Aro Taw'time Are laeomperebk An Admirable LADIES' FANCY FURSI JOHN FARFARA. 718 Arch Street, Middle of the Illock F rnr E 7 l l.2l A S:h Ste., South bide, 'lmporter, Manufacturer and De.iler lu all kinds and quahly of F ANCY FURS FOR LADIES' AND CIIILDNEN'S WEAR. 'laving imported a very lurue end epleniflil ai eorttneut of all the different kinds al I'ttr. Irian first hand., lu Ku nz, and have had them rondo up by the must ak 1111,1 workmen, would respiictfullY invite fhe readers of ttiie. paper to call Pay eXßlllitle II very large nod 14,111.11111 Alisortment of Palley Furx, /fa' 1,11,0 X Mid Chibirell. am determined to hell at no tate prior air any ocher rei epectable flou-e lu thin city. All Farr warranted. Es ntlrrejtreeeuttdfon to effect sales. JOHN' PAPEIRA, any 1.3 m 718 Arch ht.. l'hliad'a. lopurimEnm, LOOK TO TOUR IN. TERESTB. L. W. !fourth & CO. aro rnonnfoelnrlng a nrdraullo Comsat bralo Pip° Chimney Vine mid iwnotnentul nay Topa, cheaper nod more durable thau cy other In mantel. They aro made of pore c.onqut sod Karol. being practical r, Wawaffnll o w walrfewood. Well souounotl, and ace In all oels EQUIVALENT TO STONE. OLIVINE Y TOPS Pllo.lt zj 15 TO IS 00. Baud fora circular, or call nu.' . ..zamlucat their gad manufactory, corner of lialutitou hire eland Lehigh Aallay Railroad. lea. 1 ..14 • 11. Jo uow in Store their =EI L C [,l GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCIIES gar die Labir,s ; ; ;; _ t o $4O 13IPROVED ELAsTic 4 1'4 c w • -; _ Lock Stitch Family i4ow hig 3tachine Tho Bost nod Chonpo.t In Innrient, and excols to the rol lowing Polrltc UNEQUALED SIM PLICIT QUIETNESS OF OI'EItATION • go EASEOF MAN AGEMEN't, RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION. NON•LIAUILITY TO DROP STITCHES OR lIREAF THERA D. VIMPLICITY GitENSION AND APPLYING ATFACH • MENTS, And Ita glitch PASHA/le to ru , lu nae or wear thaw th- Sbetllo" notch. while II rale he mere oaglly lakea out dottlrod. The McLEAN SE II no PER will Stitch, Item, 1 , 1111. Tack Gnllt, Cord. Bind, 11n0d, Embrulder and U dC,r Ina moot approved umuner. WALL MACHINES WA i' V WM. BLOECKU . 9., I=E GIS HAMILTON ST:, ALLENTOWN 7:17S , : -- - 0 /ECETAGLE SICILIAN , . _HAIR , . • . ~;•- ;01;111ari '; ; F'111;:ir:It ; • ; I ...hole. : • ; •' p•nr, , n , I lint it is . • I,••• ..nd eifeet . ; •• • • in••• • • I.: ; •• tpl•Slil color. •;• . 'l• • . •• .1.1 ‘• • • ( . • • 111 , 11011 , . • • in • • • :! •• • n••:,•;.1•1 ... . • ; • , r••:•, • • ;!••••li••••••pois. A . . • ~, 1 ;11. 1 1 y ; • • . 1 . 1;, 1 az,114; a.ioking - han2'f3 Dye TErt, V/lIISKERS.. wtr IZyz:ct‘ er hi ninny cases relitiiies ) Ion ) , n time. and too mucli care, to restine gray or faded Whi,lairs, We haNe iiicintred this (lye, in one pepqr, ; which will quickly and ellecl accumpli:•ll this result. It„ is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor NV:It-11 oil. Sal by all Druggists. I'rico Fitly Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA, N.H. BOLD IN ALLENTOWN lIY W. E. BARNES Lf:, SON. r , T cr" L at A.ye hartic Pills, ?(For the relief and cure of all derange ments in the atom null, liver, inal bow :: els. They are a mild aperient, and an exeellent purgative. Being purely s l,4i' Mlle, •• • L 011111111 1101111.1 . eary or mine st.9r.Muth trick less and la prevent. ed by their timely use; and every family t•boahl have them on hand for their protection 111111 w hen required. Long experience lino proved them to be Ore saf est, sure,t, and bed. or all the flits with which the market abound:. Ity their occadonal the blood is purified, the corruptions of the SVIO 10111 expelled, otr.truction, removed, and illl3 11 hole machinery of life restored to it , healthy activity. Internal organs whieli heroine clogged and ,luggi,di are clean,ed liv Pifis. and ntimulated into action. Thus inciphad ilkeaso eltanged into health, the value or which change, when reckoned on the vad multitudes who enjoy it, van hardly be computed. Their tmggir coating I ake. them plea..ant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any It•agth or that., So that they are ever tic-11, and perfoOls reliable. Although searching, they are mulct, rani operate without disturbance to Ow constitution, ordiet, or occupation. Fall directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to IF, theta ns 3 F 11111111" I'lllllo, 1111,1 101' 1110 1 . 01110V1114 1•11111111.1011, tt hid] these Pii/a rapidly vow : For 21)y..pepxtul ur II nellFt••tioni. new., 1:1.111.10. or and 11.e.4 of piletitp, they slumht be ulkru itioilerati•ly lit 11,11111 y lime rite Liver(' plaint moil it- volit.t, -pop. lifle"clacha., Mialt !Bend urn., Zratunaiev or Green Nlchne.o. DM -141114 ( . o[ll,llll 1141110 u% Cever...lll.'s b.' it,. It Ilitt 11,1'011110W 1110 OW-11111011, WIIII.II 1•1.11 , 1• I!. or IlDp..entery ur 13):i11 . 11 . :10P11, 1,111 0110 retittirvd. (I:otxt. (4 ravel. 11'411. pitat:oit of Cll. RR P:11;11 ill tilt, :111 , 1 ,1111111i1 iil• 1•111111 II, 1 . 11,11 . 1 , 1; 1,11.i1•1•41. Iro 1111. NN it, • ovh eo:.110:tiot, di.•appc,ll . . 1. or/ 6D sultry 91110ropflrott tile. y .1,1111 l , ri:wit , iit 1:tr01.:o1d 1141-ev t, 0.10 t., the ell . l-1 a th• I o t . Poiret,ri,rion. n 1.11.• .1,,01d he I.:Len. a- it prodn,.. 111.• On, I.y a Ilirinve I'll/. lA,. ono or Int, I'll's 10 1...oloott• di,- lion :toil relieve Ills` ort,t , ional do-n ,titoulatt , ,lootat•It nod t . t.+tore aitilvtitv, and Ins - I:tor:110- the kivt... it 11, llnell :141,111tag121,11' V.11011.` 1111 deranzettirot t•Ni-t,. 011 e Wllll 1011•1:114 Well, 011011 111111 , that n 110, 01 . Pill, make .1111111 . 1.1.1 deei4ll,lly butter, from their clt• tTnnvating effect on Ihr (lige:tive 111ErAlt1:1 , By Elt co., .Prod teal C11 , 1111,11A, LOWELL, mAss.; ii, S. A. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCOISTS EVERYWHERE.. SOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY W. E.. BARNES & SON. ptnicoasr 'MULE, THIRD AND PEAR 'STREETS., PIIMADELPTITA, PLAIN AND GALVANIZED WROUGHT IRON TUBES, Lap-welded Boiler Tubes, Brans nod Iron Valve' , and Corks; Fittings for Oan, Steam and Witter; Rough and Finished Brass Work; Oan and Steam Fitters' Tools, etc. Oath Take sad Stake, Bath Butlers, Laninelled Waal, &andel, etc., Culls of Tithe; Steam liettlen and Traps. Pipe of all Sizes fitted to Sketch tincceisors to 3101:HIS, TASK Elti Co.. as CONTRACTORS F °`` b °111,T14101,1,T111 1 ,1°,:ft,.. 0 ,`“7,7,. 9 0 1 ::V.7.71 1 2 , 4!"'' Estimates Mimicked Gratis. • roltl•Ir LUMBER ! LUMBER I 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! ROFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER ! OFFICE AT TIIE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS WHITE AND 111.A(11: OM: HAW LOGS welted, (or which the highest market pricy will be p , Id !woo dell•- d-w July 12•17 )8, 1872. Liailroatis .1 1: A I FMOA r WIN l'Elt ARIRA:IOESI ENT. Loa,. /,11 .1 n ror New York. vl3 Control Railroad of Now Jar.ey. at .1 5?, ca), 815. and II 55 a tn, .d 1216^, :;"*. 5:45p no For Now S o ek, via Book R F.oooll 1111111 . 0110.111 5.7, lioll 55 a in. oni 12 1. 3 , P, nod .131 p 111. For 51anunkit Chunk and Belvtclore at 813 a in, and 5:Y)^ p For I..colclolvllle and Trenton at ti ,ind 11559n0 and S:Co I, no For F. , i , clon 015 55% cli). 8 15, 095 and 11 (1.5 am; 1910^, 911, s'i , '. 511, 55ancl 811 p in. For Phillidelphla. x North Penn Railroad, at SRL 515 MIA 11 Vs 3 to. 6:111. and fi 111' in. For Wanhingtoo, ,D. C , at 815 Rod 11.55 a 111. a n d B '4 P (11,1n.ampLi L Foglesvllle 11. IL 651 a m mud 12 pm. F•or Copley at ti , k m, 19:3.1 25, GI:311101 80) pno For Mond, (Moak et 0 t 5, 1019 a tn. 12 2:1, 411 nticl 800 P m• For I'l/110011, 311i85 3110 191 , it um, I'L5 p in. For Warmly,Owego Elmira, Auburn and Buffalo, al 19 a to ,E>;101“0. Train.) For 11 olemit nt o:a.saud 1010 a nt, and 4 2.5 is in. For Amloort, , cl at 10 19 1, no For 51ahormy you'' lo 19 a no and 4 2.1 p m• For 511. Cormel at la 19 a in. - l'ialus with .cler I^l erarl from F..ot Ponn inflation. STANLEY COO Dw It. 11, SAY RE Slip't .14 Ena. B'ENNNYI.-r" • •••• - A-1 VAN IA RAILROD A. l* •Vi. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. PaAornA•Ts for Philsolelpllta lake Lohlgh Valley R. It train. in •4.insi A Itento win at it no, SP/ and 11 C 2 a. ns and 22.2 and h 34 p. ns., and sal IV.' at 2VsB 13 and to 3) p. an. 11.., ',Hsieh and Binvon••hanni Railroad train, An 314 44 p. to•, and arrive w 1`1111a •lelphla at 5 )0 and 815 V. m. LOCAL SCHEDULE. [Six Tbrongh TrAlas Daily, Sandal . . Excepted IStE4enger train. Ray. the depot Northwest corner Heck. and Atom Iran ntsert., Philadelphia, For .111,•nmwn Pt 8 (X) and II a. m., 2M. 3 20, 4On and 10 p rn. Pala, c• es are op ach-d to t Is. Ba. In. Fo: 11oyle-I.ov. an E tla. at , 2 :to and 43U pm. For Fort W....ltinnton At 7 and 11 It ut, and 11 Sio p us. For Abluctons at 1 n, 3.1 an I813P• m. Fot 1..1.,1..t1e an tl P. Trains far Phil.delphia. Loan, liethlahrin at 6 213, S 0 a. tn., 1215, 34), 800 nod 5 20 p. m. Dollesnown at 63. S a. at., 3111 and 500 p. m. •• Lan,lnk. ul tI 15 a. In. •• Fort %%Lod/imams at 830, 1030 a. m., and 213 p • Al Poston at'a 13, n .23 anti OIU 1.• in. (IN SUNDAYS. (a Bothlrbeln 'or l'lnllallelphm at 4111 p. tn. 1,41•••••••wa 7 nri a. 0. 01rIplita!ar Ill•thinhonn At 030 A. nt. -.•` for Do, le.townlst 200 p. us. `Mont.'s,. n to Philadelphia, 44E5. • ELLIS CLARK, Agent. AN1117« prz . •• ' ,1,V11.1.E It. ter APRIL. THIRD, 1671, PaPmniter Train.; on WI FostolEville Railroad will runs In conurc- Hl,l•nigh Valley, Lehliet & Sunosunhanna, and ail rand, n. followns— STATIONB V f T 'I, ~.... took. On And tft the t, thin with th Ra.t Penn. I Train P M A. M rATASAI'QUA, • 9 t. 3 •sl:ll'l.4:'S, 9 46 4 .1t , 1:11AN 11111140 g. 9:CI IinTIPS 9 31 W3l.ll4:it9•'S, 9 Zi 171131.91AN'1. 919 TRI:XLEivrowN. 9 97 WWI N 1 , 100 11.1. E. S foi •0,.11IN1111117;Eli. S 42 3,1,-11171{TIS, F 47 IBM 1: 4 I i 1 1 li is 4 .1. I C Ir 7 II WM I=l Ml= r tt „, \ it. It. p . ,„.„„„ r „tin)l xurh ch„nk, E,,..t. ! f1, V. 'l..tttall.t All t.iwn. xt,tlconitectx al Albor ,t GI. A tr.... . I/ th , I: . 1.P.11% . 4111111i. It r..r Road hitt, 1110, 11 trri...llllrw 1101.14 , 1W/13 mud aimo sy , th A t 0 .!:,, for ••..I/, Eaxtort. • .. /, o ut.: tr w Rt...tv•ttl..et. tit .11 mt. tt "alto oh E. I. R It. 1r... Ilarrt..l.rg, l'ottt.lllo hratllttg and Vlit.ttottrtt. rt tt tt.l-.11,11.1 tytth Irmo Itit thti Lehigh V tIIt y •ti r..r I Itir )Ittuttln ttltitult. NV:lltettltttrre, firrau• ttt:t. I'l I! t.l: ,, tv York. e I I' )I els at Alborgln with Influx on l'..nn I i• . r Ilea lino r:•' 'Arr. A!l,nt. ‘rn, 13.1 . 1a0h01n. V. 1"..Ik; or: Iv, In l'1,11.101.1".: VIII Ittatliug at Ev.•ulna tr.,tn E. AI -linrtlx I.lln arrival or I train Al lenit/, ...I n tr.on 11k1111, C,llll,- irr:u• Ir. , nt Philadelphia : llrrrl.- I.nrv, 1 , I cooltoclx Wall locallla.nellgef Erato ou ir,.. L. V. I:. eal:”..tuqu.‘ for 1.1.. VI M 1 ,01.0.4, cnu take liit. In , nti Inn tra., Wt., to Al-Ittptt, ...rive at Allentown 015 a In Ind tetornl.) ti.pu Hoot:toad oven.: Allentown at .111tt p. w. NOME l:.1 tt 17% 4; ';':.0111.- FT; 'l7 7rz;. , , ZiPl. WINTI:1: ARRA:caI:3II:NT. M( IN DA r, NOV EMBER 13, 1871. frovi North ;Intl North• Went 1.1,,i td I hia. 1 oi:.. I..olteivlllo. ,11.1Illitk Allentown, Easton, Lith rat.t, 1.1t17.. Lane.thter, Colombia, to. l'r . rata the IMrrinhura Fir Ne . w York ax follow, at 45, blO n m. p. In., couttorthig with ninnlar Wan. Pouusylauala Eaaronal, and arrlviult at New York at 10 a. in., :142 awl 045 P. to. respoctivelY. Sloaping Cara accoliumuy tho 24.5 at. m. traiu without chant:, • • itotorition leave New York at 9 , 0 a. in.. 1230 noon and 0 p.Ph iladolphin at 7:k, 9011 a. m. and 330 p. in . Sleopiun Car, accompany thoM Mip. to. train trout Now Vora ultimata:tag, Leave Rai-rt.-burg (~r Romllog, rottnvilln. Tauiuqua, blue:we illo, Anbland. Allantotru, and Phlla tinlplita at nhi a. h , ill and 4 tt) p. tn., ntopping at Leba non au.l prlnuipal woy stationn; the 405 p m. train con -1141.111g ler Plolwlelphia, l'ottaville and Columbia only. For Schuylkill Raven not Auburn, via Schuyl kill and 511, it U1111..1k1 I.VO Ilarrtaburg at 240 p. Lant Pentwylvauln Indira:a tralret leave Reading for All I..wton and Now York at 4 :44,.1040, a. in , and 4U) p w. Returning, kayo NOW York at 9 1.10 a. tn., 12:40 nuun and POOP. in. and Allentown at 700 u. In., 12 21 ) noon, 15, 4'd) nod p. • • Way 0.. . P.cutter Train loam+ Philadelphia at 770 u. m. connecting in lth natalnr train on Rata Poona. Railroad returuiug leave lioudiug p clopping at all nth that, I.raVe Pothvillo at 903 n. nu, tad 230 p. m. Herndon at to On a. In. rllolllok In ath 40 and 11 15 0. rn., Ashland at 7 a. tonnd 124.1 noon. 31ahrinoy City at 701 a. at. and 1 al p. In.. r.tin an. S at .15 it. it and s'lo p. w. for New York. Reading. ilarrhiliarg. Leave Pottsville via achuyikill and tinequeintuna Rail. road at a 15 a. tn. for ilarrinburg. and 1140 a. to. (or Pine' grove and Tioniont• Leading Accommodation Train leaven PI/U.11,1110 at 40 p. id., ;i.e.., Reading at 7 ilt) ut.. arriving a t all la at to .710. 111. Returning. leaves Philadelphia at 441 p. in., paeeing Reading at 730 p. w.. arriving at Potts. at 3 2 p. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown a 011. M. Returning t icnvca Philadelphia at 415 p. Li lumina Railroad frith. leave Reading at 7 A/ a tn and 15 p for i.iitdata. Lint, Lancaster, Goinint, Re• tinning I cite , Lane/niter 10 . 41 a In, and 325 pin, and Collllnlll.l al S 15 a tn. idol 315 p al died. Lailiiiol Trade. leave Perkiounin Junction at 2.1, nit', a tn. 3di tad 4/ I/ M. lieturning• lonve Sohn eli at p45,s Id a ta, 12 50 noon and 4 45 p Coin/tonng Is tilt similar tritest on Reading Railroad, Pickering V.llll, Railroad trains leave PLoptin villa at a 9 to a ni, i .5...1 550 p ni ;Arita:Wag. lava Byern std 52 g n , 4.1 .t,ll 4 :1 p an, With similar triune lilt Rea,duk Itiiiiroad trains leave Pottntown at 1140 n 111 it Ilti I I:, nun II rel./11.1g mine Mount Pleasant at 7 5, itni, awl 2 51 p couuecting with nimilar (raisin ou ntlini It. it. l'iwnwr I .tiley Railroad Trutt". leave Bridgeport at Sal n :dot anti 5 p ; returning, leave D , Avaingtou tJ jj la, 12 70 nuil 515 pcouirecting will; nimilar inuan ou 1 1 1 s b111131i01.3 I , uve Now York ot fi 00 p to, Pktittdolltititt 41 OP°. to •tl rt p to Itko BOPit to trout ruuuleir otttY Ii toting). Puttmvillm nib 1.1 3 3 II 111 3 II orrloburg 41 ' 240 cc. nod '2 p to, All ,i3Owu at 83.1 pot, Heading to 715 is u t nod 11.01 p w (or Ito, roanlrg, at 4 S.: a 1311ur Now York dud lit It 4 oto owl 4 pto tor 1%114.1.01th, • • .11.11 Page, h.e.it,,n, betonl and k:xeUreloti 1..111.1 1t... all iolltult., al reduced rates. • • lui 1/411111lie , ul 11.1.1 each J. E. 'WOO ETEN, 14t .luc( IL.i•c ked tkr~.ui:L I'u•+r•u..r. E=lEl2O2)=El:l IMMO 113MliMEZEiiMill 1 , 1M1".1'A13 I ,E. t..t.14A ,Istuv. 21,1571, earn will mu tot.. tilt:l.4,i the 1,144t0 Vallity mud Lehigh dud bungs... 11,11,1, i . .lli•ld. ill Itstsllng (East Pawl 4ttuctiou) ltmtlron.l4, And to 11, All.'ut•.tru Fut - otter, leaving eta I. Hans:sot ~1,1 tats rtt Oelr, an For 1.. V. 1.. 44 s. E. Peon. 1'1141124cm. Leave Fur A 31 .1. M. A. M. A. M. A 31. 34 7:l! 5 t OU , 011 t. 44. 7 IA 5 4 , IS sl - 11 34 7 5 11 :41 II 2.5 7 4 n 1 r. M. P. M 1 1/0 1 40 P. M. P. M. 3 15 3 51 1.111" . 4.) t to, "-r. :45 5 13 :1 43 7 011 7 33 1 1 . S la I City Dion. St Suturd`o 3oONLY 7 II I S3O 9 11l T1....1.••ve ray , rue to 011 the yesnouger Ireton on the •1•01 e • Fr••nt Sieuch Chunk. t Fl,ll Eiintoll. NEW FCS'i CUL During the Winter 111 , P1311i. all tho corn on thlit_roatl will ix conirendloy twitted. FARE TEN CENTS. Chitilron under ten 3 e.OO. of age, Five Cent, Tickets voile. pureliaNc.l of the conduct°rs on tho cam or of the rto.,urer, In peckeges of 7 for 50 et, or 31 for Tieketn teccivoil only for Yesoongoro; nut for trunks or peckityys on. . Sarlkeugoyi nro retinosto.l not to ride on the plat form re is room insole • pAcIFIC GUANO tO. - • - CAPITAL, 51, 000,0. 3011 N S. I EES E GENERAL AGENTti OFFICE 122 SOUTII DELAWARE AVE., PHILADELPHIA SOLI 1111,E PACIFIC GUANO REDUCED PRICES. No farlllizar Introduced to the farmers of tho Middle and Soulln , rn State:. lute given inure amot al mud uniform Hui' ll:faction than his guano. The trade In It 1 1 / 1 e niellllllslllCr..ll . lll unllltheconaump lionnw throughout the entire country Inc exceeds that of ane other tertiltron. Tho lone capital Involved In its production affords tho aurora guntau ye le It.: condoned nacelle:leo. The com pany has for grouter lutere.t In the permanence of Ito trade than any number of couxumers can have : hence It th" or tho contlmnY to put boat fertilize:a in tho (larket. that thulr unnal facilities, aided by the bent mdenttllc ability can produce. TiliN guano is mini at retail by local agents of tho com pany throughout New Jorney, Delaware. Peunaylvaula and the Southern Staten, nod at wholecalo by JOHN N. H.CENE et Co., Ceneial elgenti for the Company LIBERAL DISCOUNT DEALERS MEM RE 11 0 VI. D. THEO. M. FOUST Lae removed his store to 627 HAMILTON STREET (Er STAIRS,) Opposite Orman Reformat Church d0c7.3-3t C•r. weLvEacTz, C UTLERY • NO. 000 IIA3IILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. • 111.11fitut , Iri , and I ihtly on liana n Lugo am mortriwut or ott k‘,..14 coll. ry. dnwrx. TILIPie klli,C• llnd York. Pitocket Kulres tici•wril Uely iarofezzional earbs. JOSIER S. F I ERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, No. 90 E.nt Hamilton otrunt, second L uor ul Lion iloll , Allentown. in. (Spacial attontlOn CVnu to culluetlonsj. - mar 17-1 i J• 11. tl BI T. F. H. Donley. •-• S. MERV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BI It r S DORNET, COLLF,TION •014 float. 15 AONNTM, • 40 CONVETANCISIO4 , No. 626 11•0111100 street, oecond door, Allentown Po. Lit , ID- tlotw \\TD. I.IJUKENBACII, A IVOR •NET AT LAW. (formerly practiced to Oita. county). Office, Hamilton Street, ascood door, near) oppomto the Court nonce. Allentown. Pa. (day he cou nulled in the Winona lananage. c n IA HEEL A. BUTT . ATTORNEY AT LI LAW. Office hi,. 63.1 Hamilton street, over fichrel. heel. ALLENTOWN PA. Edl w M N OIRRIfiI L. KAUFFMAN. ATTOR EV AT LAW. Oflirn, eet end dnor of the Vint National think building, ALLENTOWN, VA. Collection. made In Lehigh end adjoining conntlen. Con be enneolted 'oche Enirligh and Unman Inniinagen. • eel, Id-I) FUN IL it lIA L DWI N, ATTORNEVN AND COUNSELLOIth AT LAW, Allentown, I. Oak, No. AI Ealst Hamilton !street. ME= E i . 31111R.E, ATTORNEY AT LA IV, • AL LENTowN, PA. OPJcr. N 0.60 East LI .1111111os whet. coneulted Io German. }An II VI C. 1111WIBIERGER ATTORNEII .a.A.• AT LAW. Itntooro.l to Ibo Post OM., building rec.,' Boor. ALLENTOWN PA. •Pr 21-19 Ij.ILIASI "MERTZ. ALDERNIAN, 1:1 SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Ni Wont Hamilton St.. Allentown. Pa TODWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY aI..J AT LAW, eight Allure above the Court Ilemte, AL LEITOIA'II Lehigh county . (oh 1.3-'6).1.7 GEORGE K. WILSON,ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. MS Handlton street. nearly oppo site the Court House. Allentown. Collections promptly made In Lehigh and Northampton cowmen DR. C. C. 11. 611.11.1)11%. NUnGEON DENTIST. Office, over Alm M. A. O. Ou • Trimming Siore, N 0.34 Emit Hamilton street, Allentown T_EVI SHOVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. MILLERS TOWN, LEHIGH CO., l'A. Pnrocular uttentien punt to InnolTent and decedent lodates, jan 6-17 taEORGE 11. RIIPP, ATTORNEY X...A AT LAW. Mice with lion. John D. Stiles, Allen town. Pa. 10219339 WM. N. YOUNG, JR., (WITII UNIT!! L 6CAL66,) 0 ATTORNEY AT LAW, lion.. a, 15.1 E and 47, 10 , 100 Waahlogtou tilroet, CA Igo. inns 30 JOIIN 0. BOW:111,11A, AI"I'ORNEY AND COD:ink:I.I.OIIAT LAW, Down 6, N 0.630 Ws not .tret.t, Vbiludeiptilst, mar 1.17 rrnomAs H NW( AT LAW, East Hamilton htreet. ( - 1 BOIRGE B. WHAM, ATTORNEY vir AT LAW. Ulllco, Viral door lOUTO Low Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. may W-am FDIV tRD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Diller, with lion. Snmuel A. Bridge., MMIVSMI TORN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW , ti °ince, N. E. Corner qllukud Hamilton Streeth ALLEN. TOWN. PA. znay I-I y ADAIIII WOOLEVER, f;vr. i a: AT LAW. 0111ce. opposite the Court MU M% AL LE TOWN I'A. tuityl•ly WLILLIAN' 11. GLACE, ATTORNFA AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, LEIIIIIII COUNTY PENNA. may 10.17 C. W. CHAPMAN, aupt. and Eugiuser. T) CLAY lIAMERSLY,ATTORNEY it • AT LAW CATASAUQUA I'A. inn IL'O.S-tf JUST' 11 ECI. EV ED BY DIRECT 131[PORTATION FROM ENGLAND. 33 CRATES NEW STYLE CHINA & GLASSWARE! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELM AN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. A LSO, • TI.N CAR LOADS OF THE CELEBRATED OHIO STONE WARE! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., bargains to Country Storekeepers. irircALL AND SEE. — CaI 6epll.tr PARENTS TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE B( )TEN BOOK S ORE SCIIOOL BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, ' PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The time is again hero for children to prepare for And we have on band and for ea!e everything they went and need In the SCHOOL ROOM. aaywharn else, wo cnn Rico theta just what they have to lento in nchuul. DON'T FORGET, AND REMEMBER THAT THE IS THE PLACE TO BUY ALL KINDSOr School Books at the Lowest Prices, LEISENRING, TnExLrat & CO., Gil Hamilton St., Alleutown. I's. LADIES' SUITS! SILKS, DRESS GOODS ! HOSIERY,' Ladies' Dress or Wear J. H. Hafleigh, HAVING IiEMOVED TO 1165 CHESTNUT STREET, Is Dow prepared to Ben the above Goods at: lower prices than the same Qualities can be, furnished by any other House: NOTE. J. 3f. Hafleigh begs to stood that he ha• organized Ms business upon a most economical basis, and will sell to purchasers out of the city at extremely low prices MEM CAUTION. To Weill,e who nee the Re .... tie or Combination 01la Heron°ne Ott ie not este unions It'• from 110 to 120 degree. which you non always find at the well known Chinn Store WM. REIMER, 611 HAMILTON STREET, Also , snythlor tho CHINA, CLASH or QUERNS W Alth line at the yoty lowest rates. and tawny. the atm , but Warranted not to grab.. N.B.—ln regard to the Coloblo•tIon Ott which eneute tell you la nott•exploilve hero th•Tooghly tooted It and lay It Ix r prod Dangtroug. I eau refer to floe etyma°. 100 0 0,01111 till. I.lli where the Cerebtee. lion 011 wee In nee. d' • WM. REIMER— 13101=1:1 111 ET ZG A R, TTO ALLENTOWN, PA. Mike, No. 63 luny .31,611 IMAM BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL ! CIE I= ARE AS LOW BOTEN BOOK STORE LACES GLOVES LINENS ! I= PHILADELPHIA, =I ENGLISH WARE,
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