Paebtrittai. AT 722 AI 722 AT 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF Lawall& Martin, Lawall &Martin Lawall &Martin, S. W. CORNER OF' S. W. CORNER 0!" S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & 11 A LT, KN. HAMILTON & HA LL STS.. HAMILTON & HALL STS., If you want Pure Drugs go' there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. IfyouvwantPureMolieinrsgo there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you want Physicians' Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything atoll go there. If you don't wantanything go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are read) to wait on you. They are both practical chem ists ; you will find that to be the ease after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store. NO LTRE,NO PAY. DR. H. 1). LON(LA K ER< 41 . V1Igl a t : e o f ) osful Procure fort nn prompt yraro ti Irlai01:111 perne of It to trailed State.; will promptly at- Wad to all branches of his professiott at Ins room, Bad rtfrft of Sixth etrect. tad Hamilton and lti Pt, =I No Patent Medicines are used or re1.0111111V11111,1; the rein. felee administered are those which will cc..t hr, dt e constitution, lint renovate the 'if .tent !nen all Ninnies It hen sustained from mineral sinelleileis, end leave it in a healthy and perfectly cured COIll11111•11.. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DVSPEPsi end all diseases of the Lungs, Threat, Sonvmh, .nnl lav er, which yearly carry thousands to untlinely groves, can undoubtedly lei cured. MELANCIIOLY ABERRATION, that state of alienation and abitrrathm mina which rep Otto penman incapable of enjoyihu the ple‘tt,trs of per forming tho dutielt of We. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, to an y firm or condition, chronic or acme, ‘varrant...l cur db Ie . Epilepsy, or falling mirk ne-, nod chronic or xt oh r n cases of }EMALE DISEASES and radivally roenuved; Salt Rheum, Skin Ditieloo , s tot 1' oars . stAiolinil) Z erydemer r lpll of U4l orationa, Plice and Scrofulous din- AV.l lv n a rric a u n ltt e r i c tffe ‘ tition given to private disessee of ovary deecription of both t 035014. Ladles autforleg from any complaint incidental to their non, ono Consult the doctor with to.uritlice of relief. Cancer eared, and Tumors of all kintho relnoved without the knife or drawing Stood. Diseases of rho EYE AND EAR cruifiefully and effectually removed. Dr. Lottgaker will metro visite tiny .110ance If &e -ntre ; can be addrenved by totter (con !Went ia II y) and med icine sent with proper directions to :stir part of th.• Comity. Oryica: East side of Sixth street, between Ilanillion and Walnut Allentown, Pa. may 28-IY MILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. . 'PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly and p , ruumently OVRID, without pain, dartgcr, ambit.; or loutruoteut,.. by WM. A. MoCANDLESS, Al. D., 2001 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who can refer you to over lag teens cored In Philadel phia alone. We desire to say to those aWlcted , there In positively ao deception in the cure of thane Dlonitilits, It matters not how long or how Neverely yon eve been gullictert, we can cure you. We also cure Fistula, Fissure Prolapses, Strietures and Ulceration of the lower bowel. Some yea that are Hunting, we will not decrier pou. We have patient* from almost every Melt* In the Union and from Europe. Haw, treated those diseases for twenty years wlthont a failure. DIHLOSOPHv OF 111 It lAGE. —A 1 New Covers OP LACTURER, an delivered at the Penns Polytechnic and Anatomical llltmeura, Il.kralliestuut St., three doors shove Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the eubjecte: How to Lire rod What to Live for; Youth, ?tie rarity and Old Age; Manhood Oruerully Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Dimmeee accounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of CS enure by addressing: Secretary of the i l eum, POLTTENINIC AND ANATOMICAL Messrs. 12.13 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pens. ma,. '22-1v WILTHERGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS An warranted equal to any made. They are prepared from the/Volts, and will be found much better than molly of the Extract. that are bold. i rft•—Ask your Grocer or Deugg tat for TVlllberger's Bernet:. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE It, without doubt, the beet article In the market. 1 . .. r blueing clothes. It will color mare wider Jn a four limes the Immo weight or Indigo. end much an other tonsh blue In the marart . The ority genuine la that put UP at ALFRED WILTDEROFJVS DRUG STORE, No. M 3 NORTH SECOND STREET, l'A Tho le•unia have both WlLTlleillißleg aril llaannu•'x unmet on them, all other, are counter/, its. For drib eqi meet Grocers and Druggists. WILTBERGER'S INDELIBLE INK, Iva/ be den trio/ to ben sure rfor article. A1...1ye oa band for al,' atroam .noble idiom l'u o lfronnd SPICES, °coulee E, Chatnola Skio,, Sponge., Tapioca, 1' I. Sago, full article. In Ow drug line, at ALFRED WlLTllElillEli's 1101111 STORE, jone %•17 ?St :lord, Second St., Phila., Pu. RARTNINN •ER DEPOT. h Pala For Old Blank Books And Lodgers, WASTE PA • The Illgheat Cue Old Newspapers Of every dencriptiou. Waste. Paper,, That am all written over. owl kind, 0 d Pamphlets, &o air. Wit, II•noixo • xt , CARVAs norollt. Alitz euln fnun C,.unlry nvalers faar hly J. HA last Ati. Ull Java i• Phllan, NEW ! NOVEL! USEFUL Philadelphia Sewing Machine, 906 ARCII STREET Is a ennibi nat ion of TORE!: SE IV/N. Meteln.vps 1141 OXII." It maker the leant:a Lo,K Toll. alike on both or this abric: It 111 I t M. BROIDEIIr STI TOIL Is the form of rpirul rola, t 1.1131( tiro threndr, and thr LOOP or T.13/110 fin etitch, with a win thre•d. , • The banger On' 1111.1e I U and without any coniPteation loaf Moors. tank rug It the wont thoilt•ltle machine to the wo lit for. fa r ily us, ARENTB WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. Coll or Ad drera, Philadelphia Sewing Machine • emptily, ROG ARCH BTREET, Philadelphia. .he w iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MILLERSTOIVN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Tbis institution will be opened on or before the Ist day of April. Money will be taken on deposit at all times .d In any autos from one dollar onwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will nal& Deposits may ho withdrawn at any limo Moo, monoy (mood out on favorablo terms. JAMES WEILER, President 11•111XLIN Sntryn, Cashier. J. F. M. Shit Ted, Crory Ludwig. Frederick C. Yobst. . ChrlA .1 IC. liouninger, David Horner, Willli n• S.lllday. Isaac Orlebel, Gideon i. Ern,. lloruti, T. liertzog. lienjmniu .1. tichuloyer. Jlllll,lShlgninAter war 16..6m A LI.ENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU xx. TION, Organized an ‘Ditnes Suing Int!Malan," NO. '5B EAST HAMILTON ST., =1 PA VS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MO.NE Y ON DLPOSIT. This Institution, the oldest Saving Bank In Eastern rentutylvunta, has been In ettotlnnoun a n d sureensrul r' ration for lon yearn, nod continues to ray SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for one year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. . • DR-All deposit,• of wont.) . 11111 iro held strictly coon dential. Eiecators, Administrat,rs,Trustees, .Assignees, Treasurers, Taxr . Collectors, nut otlit• I custodian, of politic or private moneys, are of fori,Flito•rat rail, or Interest. . Far In,. r. .11e ro.lerrlif 8, and all mini Inter nninry to pill on Interest bit . 41 Ina, in Inn ' , rd..' , t flint in, I n,t11.11 ilia mid ail,. ribttniiiii• fu ao w,, !nein• tr. in.ari with Ifs. AIII,IED %%WIEN and MI NOIEI luive xprefal brit:t ., trratard by "fir rbitrfel—lntellig Inll Joiner to trans act business WWI its In their own natars. Money drposibid with tutu Inidiltillou IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, lov a Capital stock and toirrolas mousy gasify of ovor is \'l•}' THOUSAND gad adolltlon, the Board of Trustees hare. as totalled Ity t hatter, clam bonds molt, the santorvlsion Hitt littart In the stun ot FIFTI"I'llt WS.% ND Do tv hltih loads aro rents. iered al/ 4 1 bold Ity Hid Coot( tot Continua l'lctis of 11+ county for the security of dent...Dors, Our Iron Vaults oaf• of the most socuro nod oxicaslvot kind knolva thls country, to a porsonal Inspoctottn trill •Ilow, and to tripoli Ivy Invite too friends tool castinors. ‘Ve rotor to this, believing thnt otre Ilarglar lirool Vomits complete th • stitch' :tool tolialotlity or a good Saving Bank. \VI 11. AINLY, Prosoleal. I'IIIIISTI AN lir UTZ, Vico REUBEN 51%1111.1,1Z Cashier. I=Tl= IMMEISIZE! . . . 1 . 31,01V,0 I :7:I'll N.lOl-11 Pet., I" i;3lElt•S VINGS HANK, Incorporated under a ,State Charter of 1870 pagrhrltle, CIT., 311Lcungle totrm.lelp. I.l.lligh Co. Thin ha. I , ran orannlzoul and openvol toiler a SUN. Charlor. 310:C EV trill I ialirn on at all Wawa and Irt any tam from $1 and tu,vard., for Ivldell 6 PER C 'l'. I\ E R 14,51' IVIT,L BE ?nay at Watt...low r1,1..1.0.10 tor. , NV11.1.1.1)1 MIMI:, f'r...kyfent. It. 11. FOGIII., Dr. 11. A. Saylor, J, 11. Straub, Pa ulOl 3l..yer, Dar 1.1 Jona.. Itaarh, Soloaol Hahn., Dank' 11. l'reitr. tlllata Stela. slolir (jra (l.aS FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of linnolltoou ootrolot and Church alloy, in Lion 11:oll, socopol story, oppoi,ito. tho Dorman Reformed Church. in the Coly of A Iletotoopit, Ix organ) roil and ready for husimish. II will pay ,S I X per er nt. In. foreirrt on et /I .lepoH its ',rept loony or no elepomitA, for any poppod tin,. to •he raleolaterlfrolll ht dater.' rlrposit. To xeciorn wlach, tho Toupees of the Instlintlon have flied In shoo Court of COIIIIIIOO i t of Lehigh. County, umlor diroctloou of the Court. bond in the stun of Thionsand Dollars, conditioned for rho faith ful keeping and appropriation of a II notch oolinK of money AN shall he placed in charge of said FIZANIfI-IN SAVINGS BANK, whether fix d01....1t5, or sharps of stock. trlolch bond may be enlarged by tloo Court trlommover It may be deemed necessary. iitneklmitlitlon w litlonto this, the Act or I nrorporiition onnkroo Ito ldoriii o , omlin linhte to. dep.. torn too dou ble thr amount of Me Capital .Vtoek of 1110 11,1(. Wllllll In fifty thouompil wilk Moody Pi Inc 111 roase It to ono hoomired null fifty thoonommi dot lee Theme iororislonoi on.olie it it rot,' desirable and nitro place of deponit. it may be pop to stole that the deposits trill ho kept too one of "oft I, si pooh et. it r+ta Ito in cite. Arrangements mlll I.r matte to Inrulrli drafta on the elite , of New York and l'ltiludelphia S. A. 11111 IVIES, Pr.... d./•711 ' • 3. W. 'AI rnsfoleril I. E. 7.13131E11MAN. Ourhier. Trrt,?,l4 1:1310,1 11. Millor, S. A. 111 - I.lux, I , lln .1. W N'/111.11/1 .1. E. Zlllllll , I'lll. U. 11. Crell7, ,ws, v. ill ki1:1111,111:1,1. ninr EraN NAVINGS (IF YOI-IN, 50n771 ."El E.V7 II ST., Al 7 a l'1! 1.1X1)1,',V ALI.I.;NTOWN, l'A. Thle 1t.0.10.0n egt.thlteltod for the put tiLot` ttt - r7. .ng 0110 ii,t1)%11111 101 , 111.•.....111.i to Offer to tn. tototouhlty IN V ES I'M liNl' for thelr money /li 1 4 -/ln°, 'llll . /e , llLat it would common.' n Now York or Now 31(tNfiti LOANED tlt'T IIN 00011 SEITIIITY 0,11,1, r nud Lt..verntnetit [loud,. bought nod Draft , draw n on the proelpal dile, of the Linited State , n Nlllll.lO •111 l 01III•Cli.,11 totittlx, end procntoin orottiptly rellllll , l Atrutrotit nuo, Sr i tnet 0.1...r0rn and ell 1,50 have looney 0 ',lt out os. [for t.l.ort Ptolo.l will anti 10. I te.titottot. ..tot , , 11011 ill 11, 0 :t Pt 4:101,2.1 , 11i da`l+l. , ll. at the following rules, to Til TN• CENT. for ono year. t••I X i'); 't t'i.N 1. It loft f..t• th.rty .1011 nn.! MIETII ru A nonneem6nt Extraordinar3 ! E. 8 8111)1ER & C" GOODS HEADQUARTERS ! 7 , 05 A N FA 707 13 All 1 ETON STREET, =I Latest Interesting Intelligence I Pith_!Es TO AsToNNI THE NATIVES! OUR (Mops WERE BoUGHT. BEFORE THI • LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD VANTAGE To THE i RADE. T.AST PlarE I,NT I . l . l.llfrdi groat haver In the ank.. of II PHI PRICED'S 'I o3u't ere how It Is that we toll Mahe Money and Sell Goods so Cheap =OE "MAMMOTH STORES," IVE WILL TELL THEN • I , ll,l.ltovltta two otoro4 tvt• obit, to buy Goods In I ago t0t , ..1 , ,e1 Nom otioof tettat.r4 told linpurt ors, o tot (loin 1111.. 20 pore , •llt .11 they do. 8,01111, ~111. .•11;11110 It+ I. oven 1111.11.1411 tt ,P mak, hut very littler on air ono article. And lint I.ut not I. lVe oxelloilvely for ra..lh and .lu.count nll our 1111 tc l.lclt lu the ottaregato atoottutx to cotu•ltloral.le. Bu .Ifisrt pre.s, li/ft/imix r" rir,,r Sn 4xl Prit•t, 0114 1111filitir , Goirtyll:11,11 D, l„ 11.1(0 h, 1' nd, By Any Ultr Cunspe ((leers / DAILY Alt IIIY ALS OP Fall and Winter Dry Goods! llt STtICIi is iitatroly too iixtiinsivii to ..11Uillerai0 ar ticles linos.. We have In stock Li gi herd assorinoisit of good+ usually k••pilli' a 11.121 writ. regulated Flo!, k of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, a' • of or y tha ption and rile, SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! PAISLEYS, BEOCII E. , . BLANKET, TBIBEI Bud sTELLA I.III'LS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear ! CLOTHS, CAS,ISIEIt.F.: TWELOS, SATINETS, REN. BLAN KT ES, White Brown. rrwl:iv ll!mad, Q • Merl, , pt 1 11...11-Coin!. uill,. Iro Covet - le., • 1 , 1111111v124. C7leent4, die DEPAIt I'MENT COMPLETE OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, &C. E. S. SI-TIMER & CO., 704 and 707 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. Tllll 11.11.11! , T1tA'IrEll PIIRENO LOIIICA Jttl'ltNAL every respect a First. Clans Mtigarliiih 104ot-tides ore of hightint tuteroot Co all. It [yacht.% wiitil We ore ond how to make the 1000 W of ouretilvtie. 'rhe Information II roniaing on the Lawn of Life and Health In well worth the prlro of the slngtilluo to every fatally It in vnitlinionl at 43.00 a tear. By IL einicigtrrangetnent wo lure cutibleil to olfor the Mae... to ogiedi iinriitil n Premium for tf vo now tittleirrilter+ to the f. F.II 111 II Ilan her cit. or will tarnish linl I.nnitiitt REUT6I - loud Phrenological Journal togother for ititl Wo rot:proud tho Journal to all who trait o wood blnitall ye. Adtirynn all orders to ROBT. Jlt. Allootew a. Pa. NV A N 'l' E 1).-111EltC71ANTS, 1111 E Cif ANICS.and t there and apnly Patent Wood and Rubber \PRATHER STRIPS and WINDOW LIII NOR 431 to 5100 worth needed in every bowie. They 11400 Moir curt to Heel. Profitable hotlines.. during fell ardorinter In any Wmu. Circulate free. Scruple Strips rout, poet paid. for fifty Comm.i CII A I.LES 11U117111A71 At CO. rept!? =m w 117 and 11l South Tooth !Street. Phltada. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, J NUARY 3, 1872. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT TELE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS ILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & BROS., Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa LUJI PER or SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES COME A ND EE ! ! Teraina In need of limber for largo buildings will god I , fill order. for all kinds or lumber used In largebnlldinns Every orllcle belonging to 0 nrst•clans yard In co Thonnful for pall favors, I Invite my friends to call and Jan 2.1-ata MEI Harrison Safety Boiler. (;lit,( DV & 13A K EL'S C. 1 11 1 .1 K) , ; yUr MT t , ir,....,....„,. ::..:;: ,) * ..,..7.-77.......,......._._ .. ,..... L f r li s.,.l 7....,,,,,..1,11t_.??P. . ',_ .." tA 1 .." lif ) if IA .14 ri ''' ; ''.•,\ 4 i 1'1;1 L iita.r.-- 5, (1/44>l' I.lil'' ,' 7 4 ' .. ,.,t ~ , - - . 4 ?'6: 1 0Z2,,,...4,S ‘.• -'•---! -Q ,A ,D '-z-Z_-,,--:..-,441,•.c,,-:,--;-!,,,, - - , NEW STYLES ISIWITLE STITCH SEWING MACHINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROISI ALL WHO REQUIRE A SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To our NEW STYLES, which poesese nnmietakable advantages over the NOISY and CUMBROW ' , Lyles of other makers. OYFICE AND SALESROOM, op No., 629 Hamilton S Ayer's Sarsaparilla • Is widely known i. t . ''''., ,s as one of the most it \ .!. 4 7 e ' N fr •e e r et t l l ' is d eoNfe e r i e n t e l d l i b e r ' ~5r , , . .t, . ,', ;',N'". cleansing the sys- Cl._A.. ' A ' , .. , .12/ - tem and puri(ving 7 r ? . 4 . 4*. 6 the blood. It has i"\N,Veqpf4r stood the test o •••... N 7L:.,..\A): ~.., i '', years, with acon ,-1 -. .,,,'' . •,_ . ,...., i , - '• - „ s -t.!+.i.-: ) ,,, stantly growing repyo. tw.'er,.i• , "'' utat ion, based on intrinsic virtnc , , and sustained by its re markable clues. 'O mild as to lie safe and beneficial to tidbit-en, nod yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the Wood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. ' Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system fin' years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, t i nny of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and 1111 scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, anti eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire Hose or Erysipe las, 'fetter, Salt Memo, Scald Head, !Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, mid Leueorrlicea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an'exeellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. -By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED BY Dr. 1, C. AYER & C 0.,. Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chem tats. ° OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. BOLD IN ALLENTOWN DY W. E. BARNES SON A LARGE sTouti OF FALL AND WINTER APPLES, YORK STATE AND WESTERN, a prima lat, at LEVI FENSTERISIACHEWS, Tenth and Hamilton atreete, Allentown. octao.2w d tJaol w BE SURE AND LOON FOR TIIE "BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards, best quality, per thousand #Bl " 1 " Scantling, " 66 32 " 2 " Boards, " 25 " 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 19 3 " " all width ' 6 18 " 1 . 6 Floor, 0 Inches wide, best quality:: 34 " 1 " " all widths, per thousami...... 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide ..... .... 26 " 1 " " all wkaths..... ......... 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring.... 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality ' 34 " I German " 34 .. 2 lt SI 34 • % Beveled Siding, planed 20 " not planed 22 1% Inch Common Panne] 40 .4 . 13 , 2 . t tt . 40 2 .. " .. 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, &.,e., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 inches wide 19 cc all widths 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality: ...... ....... 15 ~1 26 ~" " " ...... ......... 19 ' 6 124 " " .. .. 14 3 feet Lathe, beet quality-. .. . ............... ..........#2.75 4 " " 2.75 3 " Palings - 13.00 3 . !,4 14 14.00 4 " " t 54" " • .. ....... _6.00 Fence Boards and Rails .0.00 Posts, extra quality 80 eto All onto Lumber in proportion. t greatly to their advantage to call, being conotantly ready • op. moat favorable tyrres, ad at the 'shorten( notice. [intently kept on kited. lumped toy etock. WI LI, Respect folly. OVOIIIIY It. TREXL I. EL.4Tic I.rhK STITCH FA MILY THE BEST- IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING I FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family Sewing CAI.L AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIItEBACIi, Agent. HAS BEEN IN PRACTICAL USE FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS. 2.7,000 Ilorfto-yntrer in U.. ItAturusilloinal Modal, London, 1P42. Alcoricau I nmtituto Modal, 15 O. =I HARRISON BOILER WORKS / Pollud,lpLlA, "ESTON'E PATENT 11VFERENTIAL PULLEY BLOCKS. 73,0011 n uxo. Addro.n HARRISON BOILER WORKS, MR.., or ✓OHIN .1. CO f. ENA N, Agent, 11 0 BnaAIIMAr, Now YORK, nsd PH1W1,11,13r., 1106 TON, Mara. , , i t. t, OR EN!IIROIDERT FUR lilt \ !DING 1 , 01( QUILTING MOBB3EBNI I=ZID Are Un.Lpproachablt FOR (;ATIIERING FOR STITCHING FOR CORDING FOR FELLING mosite German Reformed Church, treot, AllentoWn, Pa. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i s :I t once agreeable. healthy, II II 11 effectual fur pre: er ving the hair. It soon restores faded or y huir to its origipal color, with the gloss- and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment. it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion at' dandruff, Nvhielt is ofcen so ua cle:utly :mil offensive. Free from th delf4erimis substances which soot,' preparations ilangerceN and in:u rioit to the hair, the Vigor rant otily benefit lint not harm it. If merely for a HAIR DRESSINt;. nof hing else van he found so tleiral.;e. Containing neither oil nor aye, it doe, not soil white eanthrie, anti .vet long on the hair, giving it a rich, o' lustre, s u rd 'a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aye 7 , Practical and Analytical Cites., , LOWELL, MASS. , BOLD IN ALLENTOWN DT W. E. BARNES & SON. BOOK AGENTSM7thi°4lliw,f,3llt°.l7l7lK THE PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER le the only work extant which astieflei thle want, It le beautiful and striking. combining an entirely new and elegant FAMILY Pstoroown fibno* with a complete FAMILY many. Exactly what the people hate long whaled. tolling rapidly. "wenn are dropping the old books to take hold of the useful and beautiful "Kuala Tau." .A few Into report. from Agent, are : 11 In 2 days: 3 in 3 days 116 in I week.—mating Agents $26 to $lO per week. Pull particulars and Circe Ira free. Address OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, usrls•ir w TIP Sunsets Street, Philadelphia. Eillateljeo alth 3033t1rg. BgAtowatkE NO. 002 CHESTNUT STREET, JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS IMPORTERS, ARE lOW IN RECEIPT :"THEIR FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, EMBRACING A SUPERB STOCK OF PARIS BRONZES ! Clock Sets and Mantel Ornaments! VIENNA FANCY GOODS! PARISIAN STATUARY I • SOLID SILVER WARE! TASTUULLY ARRANGED IN CASES Foil WEDDING PRESENTS I=l Fine Jewelry, 'Watches, Chains Fleetro-Plated Wares. BAILEY/4 Ithestnut & 12th Sts., 3ewelers anb Silversmiths. FINE WATCHES; FIF(EfiCil BFLONZES 7 PLUED WARE. 'Quality ibuaranteeb. 'Boobs sent• by Express on approval. w Intyllo —ly 47,' - ci i ..t : ilt; illtlnntli JEWELERS, 1124 Chestnut Bt. 1.124 Are Excluetv4 /111=BEI NEW FALL STOCK Are Unequalled COm b n a Vai r r o t r h=set and most varied assortment they • RELIABLE WATCHES a ann,lallty. GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, SEALS, CHARMS, Ac. ✓R WEL)? r, entirely new designs. SOLID STERLING SILVER WARES, Are Supords • For pra. , entation and houxahold ann. THE FINEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Silier Plated Goods, Table Cutlery, 6.e., Bronzes, Mantel Clocks and Or/lame:110. Fancy (7notter Are Uueurpaese.l Are Paul Om EEM=M=IN= Arc Incomparablt ROTPCI.OIItIIIS year in Either, Moderate pricier for all articles will be alllllO as leading a (enlace He the STYLE AND QUALITY. An Uteri...ilea or the Store and Stock IR reepectrully winched from buyers, or thone °kerne tho City an pleneuro. Cocl4-9m w Arc Admirable KELLER ~N, BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., well regulated and warranted. All elzes and price., from $2 upwarde. A larger aesurtment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can bo found In any other Moro In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE '4l .7 C i t=e i gired on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELR Y, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, • No. 23 Ettgt Hamilton !drool, oppoOle the Clerinon Ro forum.% Church. duct received from New York awl Phil adelphia, all tho latest otylea lie has the largest nod hest nesertment of field Watches and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES. lie has n larger and better assortment of Sliver Watcher than can be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. lle has the largest and beet assortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile has a larger and hotter assortment of all kinds of Gilt and Plated Jewelry than can be lound elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Behan a splendid assortment of Sliver and Plated Were. Any person desiring goods In thin lino can out full to be suited. I= CLOCKS. A larger aesortment than at any other estnbllghtneut. MELODEONS. • A eplendld wolortment of Prince's Blelodeonn, the beet In the world. - - - - - - - ACCORDEONS. It splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. establishment has lately beon Mimi up, and is now second to 11.0 In New York and Philadelphia, and ahead of anythingoatabletha lone cities. Ito has a huge: sleek of (million able kuods In kin line than nil others In Lehigh county combined. To curets.° yuursolyea of the nhova call and eon =E=ilE;l WATC I ES AND JEWELRY, No. lIIS NORTH SECOND ST., con. or Cloannr PHILA. An nto , ortment ot Watcloot. Jon,try. Silver nod Plotod Wore conotantly on hand. Kirßepalr:ug of Wstches and Joirolry promptly ton od to. , opr &Iv LARGEST STOCK I GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furrilturo store in town of HEIMBACH, HELFRIH & COI F 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. The Erm have recently pot In IL MAM MOTH ALL PLATB•OLASS FRONT, and have otherwise enlarged their facilities for keeping on hand the largest clock In the city. Their ELEGANT FURNITURE Is manufactured In their own establlehmeni, ander their own supervision, and lo warrant ed to be the beef in themarket. An Inspection of their clock will convince Layer. of the ad-, - • vantage of baying from them Heimbach Helfrich & Co. mannfacture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRINH RED, and aro Bole agena4 fur that superior bed. Call and see it. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front. WATNON'N CELEBRATED FIRE :.-7-.. AND BURGLAR PROOF z f , l l ;ii.. ' l ,___, : ,, 1- '"6 t '',, SAFES. .'.,...„,,.. ... . 1 : - - - ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA. The only Rata with !Patna DOOM. Ouarantoed Wynn from Dpnes Also pricey from 15 to H per coat. lower than collar maims. Please semi for Circular and Price List. T. WATSON & BON, Ws of Eva. 3 Watson. Matta Itetttrara, au.o3-1' str No. 636. Fourth St. Philadelphia vtUILDEns, LOOK TO YOUR IN TERESTS. • • . L. W. HOONB & CO. are manufacturing a Tlydinulle Cement Drain Pipe Chimney Flue and Ornaluentel Chim ney Tope, cheaper and more durable than ~ny other to mance. They are made of pure cement and land. being powerfully cornpreased, well seasoned, and aro in all practical reepecta EQUIVALENT TO STONE. ODIMNSY TOPS FROM $125 TO •SOO. Band fora circular, or call and examinant their and manufactory, corner of Munition stroetand Lehigh Valley Railroad. I•if PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA. (lavenow In Store their ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, GOLD WATCHES Qtbairs. jar thr Labiro. L tiOOPER s;4O IMPROVED ELASTIC Lock Stitch Family Sewing Macl itH Thn lia and Cbo.tpop.t Plirkt.t, And cx,..1. !ol lowln,polnte: UNEQUALED SIMPLICIT QIIIETNEi OP (ITERATION. EA , ;EOP NIANAGEMEN'i RAPIDITY OF EX EcIITIoN. NON•LIAI(ILITY TO DROP •TITCIIES OH DREAt. TH REA D. SIMPLICITY OP TENSION AND APPLYING ATTACH. MENTS. Awl its stitch Inns liable to rtp to nse 'nr n•esr that! th • "Shuttle" stitch. while It cult be [no, osstly Isken mit ffdomired. The MeIrEAS 4 11(101.1dit will Slltel.. Horn, Pelt, Tack Quin, Cord. Hind, 11,la, Braid, Enibrolder and Gather In a tonal approved manner. =EI WM. BLOECKLY & CO., I=l3 111.4 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN 10-I,law ~. WONDERFUL! e f .:•.... , ~..s .N. i ..- ---, ~ , ....: 4 , , ...,.... , zi. .... 1 „, . . _ :-7. - ._,, 1. , 4 ,•-- t; - .2. - !, 7", 5 ,....- , t- z. :: 1 0.. z„ . . c . c.... :- -•,-- ••W Il EE LE It 4,1,A 11 5 . fi - 4 ' r . l A. ,i,„ AND WILSON" ~lz_ 1 ... .„- , •,' I,_ „th..l ,y viM. • '‘,.-_"•,,--;?_.:-• ' Se. wing Machine. MANL FAll U RED EVERY MINUTE! Factory co,r , 11 Aur., 2 , 00 Worlonou ! OVER oO,«» SOLD ! 100.001 SPIRE FOR FAMILY USE IRAN ANY 0 rum THE 17:EsT I TIRE WORLD. TRY IT BFFORE ANY ))TITER. owl you will b. , ttlit••• tmy It TE It 111 It II S Y PETERSON & CARPENTER 914 cIIESTNUT STREET, J. W. ALTIIOU:4E, Arent, I= MOE LUSIBIER LUMBER IS WIThI.E.A.LE AND RETAIL! 110FFINIAN'6 STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER ! . • OFFICE AT TIIE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS. WHITE AND BLACE• OAK SAW LOGS wanted, for which the Micheal market price will ho ppid even dolt, or. d-w inlc 12.1 T CHA 'ILES L. HALE, UPHOLSTERER, I= VENITIAN BLINDS 1113 WINDOW SHADES, No. 936 AVER STREET, PHILADELPIIIA VRNITIAN WINDOW SHAMIR, MATTRENAEII. Made nod Repaired. , CURTAIN CoRNII7I:A, STORE lIIIADEN, • D:2—Do not forgot the piano ARCH STRZET UPHOLS7ERY, No, 036 Audi STREET, Sootmthlo,r t olow T. 6,00001 mlde oct 4-_in IV WOMPERTZ, C UTLERY NO. 600 HAMILTON STREET, A LLEN'rOWN, PA. • Manor:l-litres Rod Iceoos cowl Luny on liani a iiirgo as of all kook of Cuilory. Itaziors, Tahiti Knives and Forks Psocket Knives Ovis,irs Arc. holy SANTA CI Al JS IN ALLENTOWN! Nowhere In the country C. be found a greater Resort taunt than at Walter C. Smith's, NO. 733 HAMILTON STREET, Conelxotly r.•celatng tho moat wonderful and Wee noyollleP In CHRISTMAS GOODS . Among thee., nosy In etore may be mentioned, the live Bear, the Ballet Dance, Performing Dog. WaWag Della, Vo',mined., etc., etc. A large temortmeut of DOLLS OF BOTH SEXES, Ine•ery varlety.lnending 00110 shoce,olippern,hootery. etc. Ton Sete, 1i0.3 M libyStove, Furniture in every material, Planet% that will play tunes, and In fact every-, thing that a girl could want. For bi y,. he line on hand oleigha, wagon'', rocking hors e., velocipede'' soldier ecielptnenta, runalcal mente, the French tnltraltleumeu,drutua, guns, etc. , milk Oregon.. etc. Also, CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS, embracing emblems, representations of Santa Claus steeple chase, farm PICOPDX, churches and castles to Illu minute, and every device in anger. wooden and tin toys Also, lioly Water Pots, Crucifixes, and Mirth of the Ida ?lour. • • . Comic genres without number, orogen: sots, all kinds of games nod the largest assortment of mashs aver brought to this city. A splendid assortment of datisry birds and cages al ways on baud : very appropriate for a A STOCK OF FINE CONFECTIONS AND FANCY SUGAR AND PASTE TOYS NEVER BEFORE DISPLAYED IN THIS CITY. Ton moot pay thls establishment a visit to appreciate the numberless wonders nod attractions that have been gotten up es m pecially for the Christmas holidays. novl7-dvw LADIES' FANCY FURS: JOHN FA LIMA. 718 Arch Street, Middle of the Block, I.dvreen 7,11 and Stl, Sts., South PHILADELPHIA,. Imparter, Manufacturer and Dealer la all kinds and rtualtly of FA • NCY FURS FOR LADIES' AND CIIILDREN'S WEAR. Having imported a very larito nod splendid a•aortmont of all tho ‘l.lforent kinds of urn front first hands 10 10.- rope, and have had them mode up by tho most skillful workmen, would respectfully Invite the readers of this paper 'tat call and examine h s very large and beautiful assortment of Faller FUT . /1./or Loathe and Children. I am dutormlued to sell at as loin prices as any roller re apeclablo llon-e lu this city. All Fai re warranted. No nt(areyrer tufa( fun to effect gaiter. JOHN FATEIRA, non I-3in ' 718 Arch bt.. Phllad' a. FURNITURE WAREROOBIN, 526 CALLOIVIIILL ST., PIIILADA. REGISTER & HOPKINS, Peslgners and Manufacturers of FINE CABINET WARE. Keep on heed it I tree neenrtmeot and the Woven Wire . Spring Mattress. Orats A l l y ecnt re rs a t nce teal be securely yackedi ode fluid at the Soma cash paces...l74y itailoralm EIIIGII VALLEVar 1 RAILROAD. .a WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Alletdown for New York. via Central Railroad of Now Jereey. at 555., 6a, 316, and Il 55 it m, and 1216', 030'. and 5 33p. tn. For New York, via Nforrin k &rex Railroad, at 555•, 811) and 1155 n in, and 1210'. 30*, nod 531 It tn. For Slanunka Chunk and Belvidere nd 81.3 a in, and s:o' D For Lambertville and Trenton at 110240 and 11 55 a m, and 5 33 I, m. For Easton at 5 to., ono Ul5, 096 and 11 55 a in; 12 10 1 . 3 41, s:k'. ri 35, 0 4.5 and f 21 • For Philadelphia, vie !sort Penn Railroad, at 800, 815 and II An. In, 535, and Slit For Wanlougtot., 1). (I , at 815 at.d 1151 a nt, and 821 Catasanan.t Sc Foglenvllle, R. R. 635 a m nud 12 21 P V•ir Coplay l i n t , ? 8 35 a m, 12:3, 4EI, 0 2=3 ,d 8 01 p For Mauch Chu kk at OM, 11110 to. l i n . 803 p in. For Pittston, at 035 and 10 I. ni, p in. For Waverly, Owego, Eltnirn, to and Buffalo, al It n Trott ii•/ For Ilarleton 1010n ID a in, and 4 2.5 p For Audeorted i ti 10 10 a in. For liCary Cty UM and 10 ID a in. nut I'L5 p in• For 511. Carmel nt 635 mud 11l a 111. Tinian with a vier f•i mart from bast Ponu Jnactlon. 11. STANLEY GOODWIN. Ans't Oen . ' 01.1. It. SAI Sup't Si bug. •ATAhA UCIC•A AN Dr:: I'OGEL,VILLE: It. It. on an,l After APIO!, D. 1671, 1 . i..-ouver Fr,l UZI il/0 CA 1.11101.1 hi,lr vino wOI roll to colowc• thin .101 the 1,111,01 LeW1:11 9 hi1.,110111111111, and l'raluN WI.. 1 lel 11 " li • 1 2 141 7 (f , ? 48 7 la (9 —. 'l 2 734 2 101 CATASARQUA, 9 al •SEII . I,E'S 915 OR I •J RAR tI9ILME, ,999 GUTH'S 9:tl wni.nElms, 31 I'IISI . 3IA,VS, 9 IN Tn EX I,ERTOW N, 9.9 lIREINIRSVILLE S 59 •9 l'ltl NO CREEK. S 41 .kl.-nt , lain, 8 r/ 2 • 741 24'74i •1 , lag Slit. nus. CONN ECTIONS The nor Ing train xi' Ir 111,1•4 Cala oongoa..n the or, voli I.of the V. R. It. Panoung train from Chunk .ll..thlohoa and All. , to or ,, n. and connecto ,t• It,, will. a traln 0111 1110 Rant P..nonvlvaula It. It for !too& lug, Ilarvlallurit Anti Plilladulphlo and oho, with a train fur Allooluivn, Ilidilioholo, Easton. . • , 'l llr morning tr..llimt coutionto nt Allntl wiin .Inlut 0n 11. I'. It 11. from Ilarrinburg, l'intoNlllo ho.oling uud Nlioniotv n, nod nt with train 00 mho Volt.tltlr ,, xd for N:3 , 1l11 Cilllll/s. Wiltte4.l7l., Stran ton, I bllndelphiii %nil New York. 'lllO 1151' NI train Went Celle , ote at with trainm tho E. 1.1 111114001 for goading, Allenti•ton, Itotlllrllrnl. Ninotiin, ad w OrN Ai - live in l'hilndolphiii yin Rending nt 0115 . . Th. Evoninit tintln E. kayos Al-litirtlit an thn arrival otn train trout Allentown .tuil torn train inAlt c '/n t linittling with trawl. front l'lttlwitilphin. ll,rrin. bunt, Pott,iliti, sc.. in I c, ntnicti. wild/ local pa—notion trnin ott ❑the L. V. nt for Allontown i linthlottlitti nut! EitiVol. Person.. tvislituit to go to Altettlown .!:111 tske the tooru Log trait. West to Al- Itot Os, !Um. at .t llr Woo,. Ind retorts I.y a [rm.. on the East Vonasyly.tuut Itultroad onylog nt I:1: p. in. • • C. W. Hug uupl, 1111.1 Euglnver. ,L1 ()Ci'I'll 6'ENNSYII.- VANIA nA11.1:.1A1,. ('L WINTER A ftRA :1(iF; ENT Poloognooners Cro Plollooloolphloo take ',Moth Valley R. IL to troth. tsoolont Allentown at of ott, SlO and II t It. In.. ottool 53.1 And 8 14 p. on., and Arrive• Ito Pholadoolphlot ut 8:A1 ot 215, 8 In..] 17:11p. no. Also Looldoth and 8041p0oloonon 11 nilrond troolns do 311 and 44 p. m., and orrlvoo on viol, dolphin. at I 20 and 8 15 p. no. =I (Six Throng,/ Tr.iinxlly, timidity!. Excrpied.) Pin...lige: trillux kayo the depot Northwest cornor Bork. , inil A inorican toga, Philadelphia, For A I ionimr u at 9 00 andn IS a, pa ;1.20, 00 and la p cur.. ore .ittacli• d ~ tlio tn. :rails. For lioyloatiown at 8 3al 5 . in., 2 itticL4 3dp For Fort Witallingtou ut 7 and II a in, and II 311 pin. For Abington at 130, 630 and 815 p. m. Ft., Laniidatio at 8 iio p. in. Tritins for l'hil.vl,lo.lx /..,V0 Bethlehem at 031,'9 O a. tn., 121.5, 340, oWVand 3 30 p. Doi IvnloWu 01 635 a. In., 300 and 003 P. m. lmurdule Itt. 910 n: " Fort Wa3longton at AM, 10;31 a. to., and 212 P AbillgtOn at 2 13, li 2.5 nod 9 (10 0. tn. 00 SUNDAYS. Leave Bethlehem °or Phlladelphot ut 4 CO p. m. Du))' 10110100 7131 a. m. Leave Pulladelphla for Bethlehem at 930 0. in. " Der Imanum at 2 Faro—AlluntoWu to Philad ler elphia, +1 8.5. o,lm tn. ELLIS GLARE, Agent. R N G paa • mat Tss..• WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1871 (treat Trttnit Line from tho North and Nortb-West 'for Philad • tibia, New York, Roading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland. Shamokin, Lebanon Allentown, Easton, LlM rata. Linz, Lancaster, Columina, tte. Troths leave Harrisburg for New York an follows: at 205, 810, and p. m. connecting with similar' trains no Pebusylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 1007 u. n:.,342 sod 045 p. in. respectively-. Sleeping Cars accompany the 245 a. m. train without clown°. Returning leave New York at 3 1)) a. tn.. 12 30 noon and 5110 p. tn.; Philodelphla at 7 3t, 830 a. m. and 390 p.m. Sleeping Cars accompany the 501 p. m. train from Now York withoutchango. Leave Ilsrrinburg for flooding, Pottsville, Tamaqua. Ninertivillo, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown, and Phila delphia at ti 10 it. m., 2le and 101 p. to. s lopping at Loba• sou and principal way stations; the 405 p troin con. necting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, yin:it:buy!. kill and Susquehanna Railroad louve Harrisburg at 3it Rant Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Alloutown, Linton and Now York at 4 34. 10 40, a. IP , and 405 p on. Returning, leave Now York at 000 a. m., 1223) noon and 0000. m. and Allentown at 7Ni a. 1113 noon, 2 15, 4 25 mod 11 . 11.5 p. tn. Way Pausengar Train leaven Philadolpbla at R ailr oad;o a. connecting with nimilar train on haat Pena, 'returning leavo Reading at 6al P m., napping at all nta tams. ',Lave l'utlnvlllo at 000 x. m., and 2 m. ilacndon at In Pi A. in. blidnioklu lit 540 null II I. .t. at 71.0 Lt. uud noon, 51ahanoy tidy Lit 751 ni. nd I p. 111.. T:111).lq,14 .11 .43. - 1.1. 111. and 2hi p. in. tar l'lLLlndelphla, Now York, Heading. Ilurrbdourg, Leave Puttay 1110 via Schuylkill and Sitidinchitunn. Rail ond lira hi 0. tn. for Ildrrisburg, uud 11 43 .1. In. tor nun grove and TIOU.1111.• • !tending Accommodation Train leaven Pottovalo at 610 p. n., timpani Reading at 7:10 a. tn., arriving at Aida at 10 ill H. tn. Itidarning, leaven Philailiiipida at 111 p. 111,. at pipiviug Heading at 79.1 p. arriving at Potty- V . . Pottstown Accommodation Train loaves Pottstown at 700 v. m Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4 p. ni. Columbia Railroad Trains Wu., Reading at 7 20 a m and 15 p in for Ephrata. Litlx, Lancaster, Columbla,&c. ; re turning leave Lnucavter at SW u ru, and 2 2.1 y 1 and Columbia at b 15 0 ni, and 2 15 p Pentium/1u itaiiro4/1 Trait. leave Perklomen Junction at 775, 1118) r in, 8181 and 541 pm. Returning. leavo Schtt /mkt/mile at ti 45. a 10 a ni, 12 50noon and 4 45 p tu, connecting with minilar trains on Reading Railroad, Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave PLomixvlllo at o 10 a In, 215 and 655 p fll ; //gaming lea,/ Byers ut U 5/1 a in, 1.45 110011 ; MU; 4 p to. connecting With similar trains on liettolog lialltuad• Culobrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9 40 a in and 1 15 and ti 3011 111 ; 1,1/1111110g leave Mount Plonvant at 7 /5, 11'252 a In, and 5l p m connecting with similar trains on Reading It, It. Chester \ alley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 820 a in and 205 and 623 p ,o; returning, leave Dowitingtoa at assit in 126/1 and 6 15 pm, connecting wills similar trains on Beading Railroad. On Sundays: leave :Vow York ut AN p to, Philadelphia ut 810 a 'wand 3151) In H. 9 ain train runuisg ouly to Heading). lenye 1 . ..Vi11e at a tAI a to, Harrisburg at 215 aln nod 200 p la, Allentown at 535 pm, !tending at 7)5 u In nu t ! 9 fAI p m tor liurrtsbarg, at 432 a in for Now York nod at 94 t. to cud 4ISle in for Philadelphia. C to wuutt ton, sitleage, beacon, School and Ex curs'. Tivitete, to and Irma all putists, at roduesai Wen. Baggage checked through; O.N) pounds allowod each Puns...ger. J. 0. WOO NI:N . , s,bt 11 15 . mat. Sape..l A LLENTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY. • TI \ I 1 , .; TAI3I .E. • On and after WEIC3i EsDAY, Nov. 1 9,1871, care wlll ran I Wall tenon on the Lehigh Volley and 1,1001ot:1d Soso no ham., FIIIInd”IIIIIII 3 • 44 Heading Mast Penn Junction) Itallroadd, nod to the Allentown Furnace, leaving Sta tion, Hamilton and Ninth strenta, no follows: For L. Y. L. St S. 8, Penn. Furnace. Leave Fur A 31 A. 31. A. IL A. 31. A 31. A 30 7 V' 6 03 900 940 ca 7454 $ 40 111 5.6 1130 7 35 11 30 11 25 7 45 P. M. P. 31. 8 45 , 1 WI 1.411 11 30 P. 111. I'. 31. 3 10 3 01 11 11,5 2 35 1 40 5 CO 035 Sl5 345 700 735 3 11 9 (a) 345 833 6 10 l'ay Do aSt gaturd's 0 :Al ONLY 730 830 910 The above earn run to all the passonger trains on tho above ronda. • From Mauch Chunk. T From Banton. ' A NEW FEATD It E. Daring the Winter months, all the era on thin road will Lo comfortably heated FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ton years of ago, Five Cent.. 'Melton+ can be purchased of the conductors on the cars, . or of thelresnurer, In packages of 7 for Wets. or 14 for $L Tickets recolved only for intesongere, not for trunk. or packages. 4/fil'aiengerx ern rolineated not to ride on the plat forms when Otero is room Inside. pAci Fle GUANO 4.0 CAPITAL, $l, 000,0. JOHN S. BEESE .K 7 CO GENERAL AGENI'M OFFICE 122 SOUTH DELA \ YARE PIIILADELPIII A. SOLI BLE PACIFIC GUANO REDUCED PRICES. No fortilizer introilimed to tho formers of the Middlo and South..rn Outten hao given tour° general nod uniform sat isfaction thou .tile gum.. Thin trAdo to It has steadily Increased until Ilin conottmn thou oats throughout the entire country far exceeds thut Many other fertilizes. Tho lar.e capital involved In itn production affords tho rarest guarint.eo to its continued excellence. Thocom pany Imo aMr greater often tu the pertnanenco of Ito trado than any untidier onsumers con navy t home it la tho highest intt f comany to 10/r b OOl fertilireto lu the 31arketeres . o that tho their p ua usl focilitl P. e h o, aided by the best scleutific ability, Coo produco. Thin gnaw , tonohl at retail by locsl agents of thin com• pony throughout New Jersoy, Delaware, Pennsylvania mid the Southern States, and n i t wholemle by JOIIN S. REESE at Co., General Agents for the Cornpiny LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS =I STAR GLASS WORKS, NORRISTOWN, PA, Thom weirlm aro manufacturing A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF WINDOW GLASS. SINGLE AND DOODLE STRENGTH, PHOTOGRAPH, COAcII. PICTURE, CORRUGATED AND OBSCURE (ILAttS, ROVED, SQUARE, AND OVAL SHADES, dm (Equal to Earopeaq make.) From the hest materials used, making whiter, fitter. smoother and tougher glass than any other made In the United States. WARRANTED NOT TO STAIN. J. N. ALBERTSON. =I 1 1 3rofr,soionai (garbs JAMES S. BEERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 00ee, No, 'AI It et nom!lton street, necond finer of Lion Hall, Allentown, Pe. (Special attention given to collectione). tuna 1747 EIMEEMIE RI CRY, AT I' ORNEY AT LAW. nisnes 1301tNEY, (:OLLR•'TIOR AND itRAL ERTATR ilr CONVIMIIIO6IO, No. o'2ll Hunlit. Wool. Fecund floor, Allentos., l',, Lly diafr D. I.U(KENB,‘CIi, A oit • NEY Al' LAW,(formerly practiced ; arbo °minty). Office, atreet, recond ao..r. !loud optuouto the Court thence, Allentown, Pa. May he con Rutted in the Warman lananatre Etil (. I ,IIIUEI, A. BUTZ, ATTORNET AT Ll LAW. Ottlen. No. 1:14 iiNnaltou Ornet. over Kchret• Moro, ALLENTOWN PA. C,l ATOIL'ILIS L. KAUFFMAN, ATTon -11/ NEN AT LAW.Other, too 014 floor or the .First Nntiounl POO% hollilow, ALL ENT.r WN, PA. Poll. „1000 mails In Lehigh nod otliol cling couutloo. Can bo roomolod Mho English nod tiertoon langn.tgon. 11.17 R 1.13 i IA C N, virroluv Evs • AND ;!‘ll , N:i4:l,l,OltS Al' LAW, 1 5MT. Noe. 51 Et“i Iland11:.“ MM3 EJ. 33 OWE. AI"FRNIET AT LAIN, • A LLENTOWN, I.A. l )( lice, No. fin Ennt 114011.00 .tt,et. be- an Iw con,oltn.l in Onmann inn 14 LT C. HUNSIS EIMER Poet .l ec .i ou I doo T r. LNV I:EN TI,m7 , l to the °Men bvpding. 21-1, MIES UMW V, H. RUPP, wrroitscor vx AT LAW. 0111ro with Hon. John D. Stilt., Allan %Art], PA T'UR'IN AI.BRIGHT, ATTORNEY J AT LAW, eight loom above the Court Mg.., AL LENTOWN Lehigh molly. to. (oh 13-',11.1y NkT 31. S. YOUNG. JR, • (W1T11HN0W1.1.0,1.11511111 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 41, 41.41 nod 47. No. PAW hlogtnn Stroel, julto 30 W ILLIAM 11. G LACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CATAsACQUA, LEIIIOII COUNTY MEM TORN. 0. BOW3KAN, ATTORNEY CP AND CO NSELLO It AT LAW, Room 0, (o 530 ',Val- =M=MM EOPIGE K. WILSON, ATTORNEY A. If AT LAW, No. LIS 11101111 ton Ntreot. Poarly oppo site the Cowl Allentown. Colloc:ioue promptly ioml” lu leMlgh and :lortha mplon founlle4 1 - Alt. C. C. 11. GC1.11)1N, suitGEoni DENTIST. Ofiler, "ver Mro. M. A. 0. 0 oldith A Tr:mining 111.0 re, 11111111110. Ntre Tv Y EY Ei SMOER. ATTORN AT J LAW AND .11TtitICE or Tim PEACE, NIILLERS- ToWN, LI:HIGH CA., PA. Pltrticular attt•ottou 1 , 310 to insolvvut mot decodont e5t.114 , . jau THowls H. ME•I'Z(;tU, ATT IC. NEY AT LAW. ALLENTOWN. PA. Office. No. 62 MMMM EORGE B. 'ATTORNEY 1,7 r AT LAW, 011 ice, First door above Law Alley, AL MIMM=I VDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY /I_4 AT LAW. Office. with lluh. Samuel A. MMM2I ( N 0 , I Nlt IT PP. ATORNEY , AT LAW, T .f ,WN. 1 4 ,. .‘. E. Comer 6thand Hamilton Streets ALLEN nEetTz. ALDEICIIAA, 1-1 SURVEVoIt AND CONVEYANCER AGENT S'OR TILE SALE OF HEAI, ESTATE, FlWtot Hamilton St.. Allentown. Iln. CLAY IRA MERNLY,AIIrOICV • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. jan ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTOMA 11.:1 AT LAW. Oillee, oppoelte the Court Hones. AL LENTOWN. PA. may 1-ly JUST RECIEVED BY DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND. 33 CRATES NEW STYLE CHINA & GLASSWARE ! NOW FOR SALE IVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELMAN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. A LSO, TEN CAR LOADS OF THE CELEBRATED OHIO STONE WARE! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., WSpecial bargains to Country Storekeepord .op,l OirCALL AND SEE.—E 4 PARENTS TAKE NOTICE TIIAT AT TILE B( )TEN BOOK STORE Toy GILL ALWATS FIND FOR BALE ALL 01508 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK B OKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE . LOWEST PRICES. The limo Ir again hero for children to prepare "or SC/10 And Ira Inty, on hand aGd for ra'o.everythlog they want and need In the SCIIOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW anywhereto learn n, reb oot.v t‘ an give them j t what they DON'T FORGET, AND REMEMBER TIIAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS TILE PLACE TO BUT ALL KINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, THEXLER & CO., Eli Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. sepl•trd LADIES' SUITS! SILKS, , LACES DRESS GOODS ! HOSIERY, GLOVES, LINENS ! AND ALL ARTICLES FOR Ladies' Dress or Wear. . J. H. Hafleigh, HAVING REMOVED TO 1105 CHESTNUT . STREET,. I.IIIIIADELPIIIIA, Is now prepared to sell the above Goods at lower prices than the same Qualities can be furnished by any other House. NOTE. .T. Ihyreigh begs to state that' he has organized his business upon a most economical basis, and will sc// to purchasers out of the city at eztreenely low prices. oct4-3m w WOOL. 60 cents per pound paid for good quality—of Wool in exchange for goods. Always on hand. full line of home-made Flannels, Cassimeres and Linseys at, FRAMER'S 8 CORNER STORE. ECM I= I= CSEM MEM =MEI MEMO OEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers