Tly Ychio gqlista, Yo paper discontinued until all arenragcs aro paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send us their old address as well as the now. More for Your Illoury ILI Any where Else Extraordinary Inducements Persons having real estate or personal property to sell can find no better advertising medium for sales than the 1.E.111011 REGISTER. Tim REGISTER Is read by men of lac'Nene: and means;—people who have the money to Invest. The high charac ter of our renders Is well known and this is the most important consideration. The Itcorsien now reaches every corner of the county nod after It is read by our large list of subseribtrs,ls loaned to others. Advertisements In these columns are therefore read everywhere, and to make advertise ments of sales, administrators' and executors' notices, assignees' notices, and all others of .this class doubly valuable, we will give them one In sertion in the astir c,utostal E, =I thus placing the advertisement before more sub scribers than can be done by advertising in any other paper in the county. CAUTION Gentlemen about tithing out letters. of admirals tration or letters testamentary, or having Or phans' Court Sales to advertise are cautioned that they have the power to order their advertisements in— atria/ in any paper they may select. If they believe the statetnents we have made they have the right to order their advertisements to be Inserted in the Lemmt lteolsTra, when they will be . entitied to the advantages we have offered as above. ISCllUll,lol.l,county has thirly•eiglit cells and forty•five prlsoneri, WallaceTms Sisters are nt Steubenville Ohio, playing to crowded houses. PERsoNAT..—Win. S. Young, Jr., of Ch cago, was in the city, on a visit. READING Is rid of the small pox, which is irelcome news RrrumiNous coal was first m fined near Rich mond, Va., about the year 1700. Ilard anthracite tt•ns discovered In the Lehigh region In 1791. THE Reading Railroad Company sells ex cursion tickets nt reduced rates, good till January 4th. The sale of these tickets will be discontinue, after January Ist. THE temperance meeting, last week, was a grand sneers, the Court House being liter. ally crowded. Every oody present was well pleased. • WE are open for contracts for advertising for 1872. Commence the good work with the new year and you will be blessed withal prosperous and happy year. Our terms are very reasonable, con sidering our circulation. DEATH FUOM SMALL Pox:—Adam Markle, proprietor of the FouLtaln Valley Hotel, at South 13ethlellem, dled Friday mornlng,of small-pox. He leaves a large circle of warm friends trimourn hls loss. Tut eelellrated horses of the turf, Gold smith Lady Thorne, Lucy, IVestern Girl, Bismarck, Jay Gould, St. Elmo, and other re nowned trotters are now stabling at Burlington, N. J.. la our notice of - the appointment of the Grand Lodge, A. Y. AL, we neglected to slate that Rev. W. R. Grim, of this city, had been ap pointed Grand Chaplain of the Gram! Chapter, Holy Royal Arch Masons. SOCIABLE. —The sociable nt the Fountain House lust week was one of the most re. cherche ever given in Allentown. The attend ance was large, the dresses beautiful and the table supplied with every I lung that the season alTords. ItEmovAL.—T. M. Foust has removed his music store to the second story orSchadt's building, over Misses Neck's millinery estab lishment. We wish Theodore au abundance of success in his new quarters. Ills friends will certainly follow him, wherever he goes. SOME of our young men are desirous that somebody shall build a hall which can be used for balls, festivals, collalions,etc. They think It would pay. .Allentown is, truly, very bar. run of halls, owing, we suppose, to meagre fa cilities for tripping the light fantastic. Titr. determined efforts of C. J. Hagenbuch to maiataln the respectability of the Oper.t House is worthy of the praise of the public. The prose cution of violators of order is a wholesome I .sw❑ t o th o s.,, who do n o t know how to behave them relves. We hope, however, that they will have. Justice doneihem at Court. is 711 F: CENTRE.—TiIe centre of Crude is at M. J. Kramer's Corner Store. Everybody Ituows where it Is and everybody goes there for bargains. Some of its customers ellUet an annual saving of several hundred dollars a year. Of course, these are heavy customers, b u t they say even. to small consumers—"Be econotuteal ; there fore, buy your dry goods, and your groceries, too, at 'Kramer's Corner Store." ELEcaloN .ov Orricvos.—At a re;gular meeting of Jordan Division, No. 3SO, Sons of Temperance, held on Moody evening, December 25th, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing term:—W. P. , M.D. Forrest; W. A., D. 11. Miller ; It. S., Wtn. S. Haas . ; Ay E. S., A. J. Erdman; F. S., C. S. Massey; Treas., J. 'l'. Burdge ; C., Jas. Campbell; A. C., Wm. J. Loch maw; L.'S., Josiah Fry ; 0. S., Ed. Henry ; Chaplain, E. Packwood. NomuuN. 7 -The past few days we' have been sending out an immense number of ering an amount in total almost large enough to start a small bank. Of course we don't want any money, but then some of our accounts appear so lop-sided and it makes 'our books look so much nicer on New Teat's day to have the credit side balance the other. If it were not for this we would not scud the bills , out—perhaps. Our friends will please' bear with us in th is little eccentricity. ACCIbIiNT.—On Wednesday an Irishman was accidentally struck on the left hand with a sledge hammer at the Lehigh Crane Iron Works, Catnoauqua. The member was se verely mashed. Ile wrapped it up In a shawl, and stunted for Allentown, but missing the train he 'nude the trip on foot. Dr. Charles L. Martin dressed the wound. The Irishman's walk of three miles to have a wound dressed by Dr. M. is a nice compliment to that gentle man. FIVE TWENTY .130:s:DS o 1 1852.—SECOND addition to tio; $100,900,000 of Five- Twenty Bondi now being redeemed by the Gov ernment, an additional call has been• made for $90,000,000 of the Seenna Series, on which Inter est will cease in March next. Further calls of tho'llonds Of that and the fol lowing Series will doubtiess follow during the year. Holders can realize a butter price for 1.1161 r bonds !Wore . they are called in by the Govern ment than afterward, as shown by the rehitive niarket prices of called and uncalled Bonds. Holders of all Five-Twenties of ISO, and espe cially of the Secon.l Series, will probably do troll to consider the subject of reinvestment In a more permanent form without delay. THE Patisurrfiats; llosiTrAL IN PHILA. the report of the Presbyterian ilos pital*Finance Committee, the subscriptions taken up by the Hey. Dr. ii:tuuLlerA already amount to It has now been is year Once Dr. Satimiers. do Tinted his college am! grounds to establish this hospital, and entered on the work of raking funds to put it lu operation and support it. Before he had raised $lOOO every one who knew his ante cedents foresaw his success, but who would have imagined that in the first year of thls new hos pitaPs inception, friends' could become Interested for It to the extent of more than a third of n mil lion of dollars? The grounds (an entire square) and buildings are worth $1130,000, to that In the first year the Prebbyterleus have a hospital worth fully rOOO,OOO. SIriSATIONAT..—The Easton Free Press says Mr. Emmens is going into wedded bliss. We hope it's so, and tit the proper time au as. sistaut editor of the ews will cheer the life of the happy couple. The lady is said to be one of Allentown's fairest daughters, and rumor says her name ends with an s. THE Lancaster and Reading Narrow-gunge Railroad is to go ahead. Colonel S. C. Blaymak or, of Lancaster, has been appointed chief engi neer, and will put a corps In the field at once to survey and locate the branch to Quarryville. Thy Lancaster people will raise the means and put the road through as far as Adamstown, and Belts Is expected to do the balance. ELECTION OF OFFICEIti - At ti regular meeting of Allentown Lodge, No. 90, K. of P., held at their hall Friday evening, December 29th, the following ntllcers were elected to serve for the ensuing term I'., Ephraim Ritter.; W. C., J. A. Anderson ; V. C., A. W. Bitting ; R. S., F. D. BiGse ; F. S., Richard R. Eatery• ; 8., Tilgh man Osmun ; G., Thomas F. Sonrwine ; L S.,Jas. W. Major; 0. 8., John J. Abele; Representative to Grand Lodge, F. D. Busse. Com]No AGAIN.—Wo learn that the Opera Ronne has bten engaged by Frazer's Panto mime and Minstrel Troupe for the fifth of January. Each time Frazer has been to Al lentown he has gained in popularity with the people. Personally he is a gentleman In every sense of the word and upon the stage there are few to equal him in pantomime. When ho returns to Allentown we hope he will have a clear night and a full house. AN ACTION for slander, was tried in the court of Bei ks county,.last week, which resulted In the heaviest damages for that offence ever re corded In Berks, showing that people are begin-. fling to estimate character in Its proper light. The action Wag brought by a young lady, the daughter. of a well-to-do farmer, against the wife of a neighboring farmer for a very malignant slander uttered In regard to the former. The trial occupied two days, and the Jury, atter conic hours' deliberation, returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for two thousand four hundred dol lars. MUTILATED CURRENCY.—The Treasurer of the I.luhet( States, 'Arr. Spinner, gives notice that after January lit, 1872, the existing rules govern ing the redemption of all kinds of paper inpney now or hereafter redeemable at the Treasury of the United States, will be changed so as to rend as follows : 1.--Fragments of a note, constituting less than one-half, will not be redeemed at all, unless on clear and s'Llisfactory proof of the total de:,true lion of the nil-sing part. IL— An entirety of less than llve•eights of a note, and being clearly half of a note, will be redeemed at half the face value of a whole note. lII.—An entire piece, constituting flve•eiehtlts of a note, will be redeemed at its full face value. NEw RAlLuomia.—As far back as our re. collection extends and o'er since, BUCIi3 county has beep talking about railrOads running through its centre and periodically engineers traverse Its soil inspiring PA farmers with the hope that some day they will be awarded damages for having their farms cut up and enhanced in value. For many years, according to report, the Penns) Ivan la Rail road was going to build a through line to Nev York, via Backs county. The Pennsylvania Cen tral has since been supplied by quicker means,and now the Baltimore and Ohio Company Is named In connection with Bucks county through lines. LITURGICAL CUILDREN'd SIiIIVICICEI.—Four. teen years ago a liturgical service with re sponses for children on Christmas was pro pared and introduced by the officers of St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday School of this city. Rev. s. K.Brobst afterwards enlarged and im proved the form then used, published it and circulated more than one hundred copies or the same in all par 6 of the country. Liturgi cal services, similar to those commenced here, are now held in a great many Lutheran and Reformed Churches in the West as in the East. REPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week ending December 233, IST!, compared with same time last year: For Week. For Year Total Wyoming. .......... .....13,412 013 44,095 03 Hazleton ............ .....05,115S 09 111,0 GS 124 Upper Lchhh.........• GO 17 901 01 Beaver Meadow 11,090 09 44,096 00 Mithanoy 0,759 09 19,572 03 Mauch Chunk 02 04 200 113 Sullivan at Erie........ 1,022 01 9,330 01 'otal by hail & Canal :tine time 1570.......... 12,4[33 03 237,308 07 61,114 00 040,074 16 Incr,a, DLere t,e 2,187 16 A I.EXIA BA M.S.—The balls given itTlaior of the Grand Duke Alc.;ls do not seem to have bean very profitable affairs. At Burton the talc of tickets yielded less than half enough to cover the expen , es, and the subscribers to the guaran tee fund were levied upon to unite up the deficit. At Philadelphia the expenses amounted to $13,- .P.. 8.50, and the receipts from the sale of tleltets were 67,165. tSultcriptions amoutding to 69,200 were received in advance, and about one third of this sum was returned to the subscribers. The bill of the Continental hotel for entertaining the Grand Dalt- and suite was 61,611.66, and the hill Cyr the breakfast at the Park was $1,700. The ball supper cost 6-1,131.10, 6. 1 03.33 of which was for wines. DEPOSITS IN THE BANl:9.—Bulow is a com p:ma ire statement Of the amounts of money de posited in the National Banks of the Valley for October and December, showing a falling oil from the former month of 5123,153.82. The Second National of Allentown and First Nidlonal of Easton show gains, while the Allentown Na• tional has decreased more than 560,000 : A I.LIOITOWN nrb,hrr. Doronbor. Allostown 51111. 527 a; First Nallonal . •'i1.14.5 at Scomd 10,77.1 1111,.17 . 7 Carnsaro',. Catassusu.t Nanousl rio.”11:s EAstos. E First stra EMEM IZIES 447. 71) !4{ MEM Two MEN DitowNED.—Thomas 31cPadden 1 James Furry, while crossing. the Lehigh River, in a small boat, near Koch's linteldln, above Bedington, on Sunday afte'rnoon, were drowned. they had been to Bethlehem to at tend the Catholic services, and were on their way home. They were in company with an. other loan, and the three attempted to cross the river in a very solidi, defective boat, and the consequence was the Loat sank, and Mc Fadden and Parry were drowned, while the other man, being able to swim, escaped. The men were employes of the Coleraine Icon rks, at Redington, and were both without families. Coroner Thomas, of Easton, was notified, and held an inquest. Verdict: "Ac cidental death by drowning.'!—Tinacs of Me 20 h. OBITUARY.-We are pained to announce the death of our old sehoohmate, Allen P. Steckel,. which occurred at his residence, N 0.143 North Seventh st., Wednesday morning, after a short illness. Mr. Steckel was a young man of very many excellent qualities and of considerable prominence in the community. He was a mem ber of Common Council, the Columbia Fire Company, Camp 63 P. 0. S. of A., and Allen Rifles, and was an Assistant Engineer of the Fire Department. It scents that he was too young to die,—just mitering upon the morning of a life which promised so much of future use. fulness. Ii is Iriends throughout the city will' receive the Information of his death with feel ings of sorrow and heartfelt regret, but it is but another reminder that "in the midst of life we ere in death." THE INFANT FESTIVAL.—TUMIay evening St. Paul's Ge'rtnan Lutheran Church was again crowded to Its utmost capacity on the occasion of the exhibition of the Infant School. Mr. Ilatn. iron, Superintendent of Infant School, stated In opening that theandlesee should not expect such a treat as they had on Monday evening, because his school was composed only of BUM II children, but that they would, to tire best of their abilities, endeavor to please them. The exercises consisted of addresses and einging,ibe participants in which _ ranged between the ages of four and seven years. The exercises were highly Instructive and some of them amusing. For Instance: a small chap com menced delivering his address before be was on t the stage, and by the time he came to the spcnk- F 31111 he had finished. This set the whole audience In a roar of laughfer. Rev. S. E.Brohst delivered n short address. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNES WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MACIAZINN is one of Lilo most welcome Visitors to our family. As It Is only ono dollar a year it Is astonishing how so much reading matter can be given In each num ber. 8. B. Wood dz. Co., Newburgh, N. Y., aro the publishers. RELIEF FOR THE NowrinvEsT.—Rev. N. S. Strassburger has received acknowledgments from the Michigan and Wisconsin Relief Committees for money sent by his church. The amount sent was $58.50 to each of the two States mentioned above. Rea 'Atom, Annum:l;l%—A. man named Mes singer was Instantly killed Thursday morning near Freemansburg, being run over by the early pas senger tralu for Easton. Messinger lives near Freemansburg,and works at South Bethlehem; he was walking ou the track and crossed over to gt t out of the way of a coal train, not observing the passenger train coming.—Easfan Free Prat,. Cont.—. One thotisand, two hundred an d elghtrpelght cars of coal passed down the L. V. R. lt. during the twenty-four hours coding Thurs day maroing at 7 o'clock, consigned no follows : Central Railroad, 248 curs; Bel. D. Railroad, 273 cars ; 31. & E. Railroad, 204 cars ; Easton and Phillipsburg. 84 cars; North Penna. Railroad, 213 cars; Bethlehem, 21 cars; Port Delaware, 30 cars; the several furnaces along the line,2oo ears. CurcAao RELIEF.—The Bethlehem subscrip tion for the relief of Chicago amounted to $1,472.- 19, and for the relief of Michigan and Wisconsin sufferers to $111.50. Mayor Med ill, of Chicago, In acimowledgilig the donation made to that city says that they are now providing for 15,000 fam ilies, who must all be aided and sustained until they can find work and help themselves. I:LEcTioN o 1 OFFICERS.—At nrrgulnr meet lug of the Allen Division, No. 401, Sons and Daughters of Temperance, held on Thursday eve. wing, Dec. :2StIL the following olllcers were elected far the ensuing term :—W. I'., Ella Massey ; W. A., • John Egge ; h. S.; B. F. Lerch ; A. It. S., Mary Gotta die; P. S., T. B. Leisenring ; Teens., Bro. Dowing, Sr. ; C., Sallie Massey; A. C., A. Kernahen ; I. S., John Ganger; 0. S., NV. S. Newhard; Chaplain, John Gossler ; W. P., W. J. Huber. Loss OF A VALUABLE HOBSE.—:I five year old horse belonging to John Koch, of Ore field, slipped and fell in one of Mr. Koch's lots on Wednesday, breaking one of his legs. The horse had been let out to go to water, as was the cus tom, and as there was no Ice where he fell, It is a mystery what caused the accident. His leg was badly broken and necessitated killing him. He had served as Mr. Kneh's favorite saddle horse for over two yearn, and was valued at over two hun dred dollars. THE animal meeting of the Association of the German Press' of Pennsylvania was held Fri terday afternoon at Reading. The following were elected °Ulcers for the ensuing year President, ltev. J. R. Brobst, Allentown: Vice Presidents, Dr. E. Morevitz, Philadelphia, E. D. Lessen ring, Allentown ; Secretary, W. Rosenthal, Reading; Corresponding Secretary, W. Rapp, Chicago; Treasurer, It, Fries, Norrhtown ; Director, Dr. G. Kellner, Philadelphia ; Dr. Notz, Allentown ; Daniel Miller, Reading; IRev. D. E. Sehoedier, Monroe county; A. E. Dambly, Montgomery county SHEEP SHIN TIMM—ChM of Police Kleck ner received a dispatch a day or two ago from S. Seible, of Pittston, saying that he should intercept two boxes containing sheep skins, marked W. W. Adrian, Allentown. The Chief ‘vent over to the Lehigh and Susquehanna Depot Friday and found them. Mr. Selble comedown and sent them back. It appears that oae Huber stole them In Pittston and took them to Scranton, then shipped two boxes here and two to EiltHOH, and sold twelve skins tan farmer near Scranton. The Chief of Police of Pittston, in company with Mr. Seible, went to the fanner and Identified the skins and traced fisher to Scranton, where they captured him. Ile confesstd that be stole eighty-five or ninety sheep skins and was locked up In the Scran ton Jail. STATEMENT OP TIIE WEATUEIt FOIL JANU- Amy, ISTI.-Ist, mostly .sunshine ; 2,1, cloudy a tn, more clear p in ; 3d, clear a tn, changeable p ; 4th, mostly clear ; sth, cloudy ; 6th, cloudy to 6 p in,' then clear; 7th, clear and cold ; 811,, clou iy and very cold, 6110 W ; 901 ; clear alt.! veld ; lOth and 11th, cloudy ; 12th and 13th, clear and warm ; 14th, cloudy with to little rain p to and thmilcrgust during night 15th, cloudy with heavy role during all night ; 16th, cloudy a in, somewhat clean• p to ; 1711,, clear and cool ; 13th, cloudy; 16th , clear ant, cloudy p m ; 20th, Changeable With one inch snow during night; 21st, cloudy with rain ut night ; 224, cleared off with northwest neon storm ; 234, northeast snowstorm 4 inches snow ; 24th, cloudy and very cold ; 25th, cloudy with 1 inch snow at night ; 20th, snow and 1,042 10 hail all clay, G Inches snow ; 271.11, clear ; cloudy with snow p m, G Inches; 2.9(11, cloudy; cloudy; 31st, cloudy what rain. C. A. R. EXPLOSI , N- - ALARNI or Pinr.—An explosion occurred at the coil oil works of Boas Haus- man, last Wednesday, about 8 o'clock, which caused :in alarm of tire, to which the Good Will, America, Allen and Liberty responded, lie Columbia not going because it was out of er district. It appears a fire had been put ruder one of the stills Ihr the purpose of clean. rug out the pitch. Edwin Weaver Went into he still house, and observing the fire larger han usual, put the lid on the man hole and dimist immediately an explosion occurred, caring the top nit the still, shuttering the roof and damaging the brick wOrlr considerably. No damage was done to the building by fire. Mr. Weaver had Ids face and hands burned, the injuries being very painful though not se rious. Drs. Win. 11. 'Romig and Charles 1). Martin attended him. SEE MEM RAILROAD Chit iItIIININO.—The old Nor ristown Railroad used to be a very conservative Institution, the officers seeming to have no other objects In view than the safe transportation of passengers and the making of money. However, since the Reading Road has taken charge of It things have changed and they run their trains at a modern speed and do something to help the newspapers along. 'On Friday evening week, a train on the road ran off the track a mile below Norristown, and wrecked a couple of cars which were EOOll in flames front the upsetting of the stoves and were entirely consumed. A number of persons were Injured, some of them seriously, principally members of the Norristown Cornet Baud. It was very rough on the band, but the members as well as the other passengers think it miraculous that they escaped burning to death, as they had to make their escape through the flames. ~.. I.! , UMEEI PENNSYLVANIA CITIES.—TIIO following is the population of the cities of rensylvania is 1870 with increase for the past ten years: Increase Cities. 1,450 IS6O 1570 1660-'7O Philadelphia, 408,762' 565,529 673,728 91,997 Pittsburg,, 46,601 49,217 86,254 37,037 Allegheny City, 21,262 28,702 53,185 24,483 Heading, 15,743 23,162 34,004 10,812 Scranton, 11,223 33,003 23,870 Harrisburg, 7,834 13,405 23,10 U 9,695 Lancaster, 12,360 17,603 20,101 9,558 Erie, 5,853 11,419 10,646 10,227 Williamsport, 1,615 5,664 . 16,023 10,359 Allentown, 3,770 8,025 14,159 6,134 Pottsville, • 7,515 11,444 12,390 2,940 York, 6,863 8,605 11,012 2,407 Easton, 7,250 9,914 10,991 2,047 Altoona, 3,591 10,611 7,020 lich.trre, 2,723 In 157,0 Easton stood No. 7 In population and Allentown No. 13. In IS7O, Easton stood thir teenth on the list, and Allentown the tenth. SUNDAY LIQUOR SELLING IN SCRANTON.— Last Sunday week, ltlr. Mossman, the city Mis sionary, attached to the Y. M. C. A., entered the Hall of John 7.eldler, on Lackawanna wimuue,ntui found it crunqed with Indlylduals, who were drinking as fast as the Mutt could be poured out for them. In addition to this the Sabbath was desecrated by a troupe, who Were playing to en tertain Om crowd that had congregated there. The entrance of Mr. Mossnmn watt a signal for an outburst of lodignation on the part of the liquor crest, and the consequence was that Mr. Moss n was brought to the floor before he reached the bar, whither be was tending, to have a con versation with Mr. Zeidler. He lost Ids hat In the scale, and necarding to the accurate account of the matter was roughly handled. The pollee Interfered, and he was allowed to leave the Hall without personal harm, after stating to those around that he Caine, not for himself, but ht be. half nothers.—Poldir DISTRICT ATTORNRY PRO Trr.—Our Dig. triet Attorney, IVllllam 11. Bowline, being 111 and unable to attend to the duties or bin position at the January term of court, Robert E. Wright, Jr., has been appointed to act In bin stead. Mr. Bowden has been seriously 111, but he Is now improving. COLUAIIIIA.—TiIe Columbia Engine Com pany was out last Friday trying horses to sup ply the place of one of their horses which was dis abled some time ago by slipping and spraining his leg. The horses on trial to-day belonged to Joseph Weaver, of this city, and Aaron Fahrlnger. who lives near Brelnlgsville. The Company after the trial purchased Mr. Fahrlnger's horse, and It snakes a good appearance In their team. The dis abled "Mack" will be kept by the Company, and when he recovers he will be used In a one horse hose carriage. A NEW METHOD Or PACKING BUTTEIt.— A Michigan dairyman has lately published his method of packing butter. lle has oaken tubs, with heads at each end. They aro 14 Inches In diameter at the top, 9 Inches at the bottom and 16 Inches high. In packing, a cambric bag Is made to flt the tub. The butter Is packed In the•tub as It stands on the small end—the sack being long enough to extend above the edges of the tub—and Is pressed down firmly until within an inch and a half of the top, when a circular cloth is laid over it, the edges of the sack turned over that, and a layer of fine salt placed on it. The head is now put in Its place, the tub turned up, and the butter In the sack, of course, falling down to the bot tom, leaves a space all around It which is filled with brine poured through a hole in the small end. When full, the hole is corked up tight. The butter floats in the brine and is effectually pro• screed from the air, and will keep for au almos indefinite period. THE NORTHWESTERN SOFFERERS.-11CV. N. S. Strnssburger,pnstor of tbe German Reformed church, on Hamilton street, has received the fol lowing acknowledgements of donations forwarded from members of his church and congregation : HEADQUARTERS STATE Iteurr COMMITTEE, DETROIT, 511 CR., Dee. 19,1871. Rev. N. S. Strns:burger, Allentown, rn. DEAR Sot :-1 burs of 14th inst., with enclosed donation of your church ($55.50) at band and noted. For the Sufferers by the late fires in our State we thank-you for your Ilberallty toward their old and we shall endeavor to usethe sante Judiciously Respectfully Yours, G. 111. GAnutsos, Chalrinan.. Maw Atman, Dec. 21, 1971. Rev. N. 8., Allentown, I'a. DaAn Sin : Your favor of 14th Inst., has bee received with enclosures as stated, ($58.50. Many thanks for this kind and timely aid fro: your Church on behalf of our Buffering people a the No - tli. you have their warmest thanks. Yours Respectfully, ALEXANDER 3,1 riciirat„ Treasurer of Wisconsin Relief Committee. SINGULAR RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-A Bingo lar accident occurred ou the Honesdale branch of he Eric railway Weduesday,whlch resulted in the death of a fireman, and the total wreck of fifteen coal cars. The train was approaching Lacka waxen , which is the junction of the branch with the main line, about noon. The branch road runs at the foot of a high range of hills, imbedded in the side of whirls are many immense boulders. When the coal train was within three-quarters of a mile of Lackawaxen,one of these rocks loosened by the thaw of the preceding day or two,and weighing tnany hundred tons, came thundering down the side of the mountain and lodged on the railroad track, only a few feet ahead of the train, which was running pretty fast: The engineer, Mr. D. B. Wood, scarcely realized the critical 'situation of affairs before his engine went crashing at full speed upon the Immovable obstacle. The engineer and fireman, whose name was John Shultz, were thrown from the engine, the latter striklng his head own rock many fcetawuy, and was Instantly killed. The engineer was, however, only slightly Injured. The momentum of the train being checked so suddenly, the centre of it was thrOwn high Into the air, forming for ari Instant a huge pyramid, and then fifteen of the cars went crash ing down an embankment forty feet to the river. None of the train bands were Injured besides the two named. The locomotive was completely wrecked. Subscribers to Lb° I,rzutou REGISTER, or persons ‘slrlng to become subscribers, can obtain our weekly had the leading publications of the day for one year, at the prices named below•. Subscrip tions to secure these advantages, must be invari ably paid in advance: Ron isToo Mod Aliiiol . +.5 50 worth VO O do do Weakly Tribuno .... ..... 1(i) , do 410 do do Rural New Yorker 150 do ti IS) do do Hearth and Homo. ..... .. 17.5 , do .500 do do Agrlculto riot 2 50, do 3 !Al do do Phrenological Journal... 150 do 500 do do lion er's Razor 4 75, do 6.0 410 do liarpor's Weekly 4 75; du 610 do do Harper's Monthly 4 71, do 1110 do do Atlantic Monthly. ..... •.. 4 75. do 600 do do Young Folks. 3 00, do 4lb do do Amiletou's Journal 5 00, do 600 do do Every Saturday 5 150. do 700 du do North American Revlow. It 50, do 8 01) By the above arrangement we have no pecuniary benefit, but believing that every publication of a high order that Is introduced Into the families of this vicinity will Increase the intellectual status of the community, we consider we will have our sufficient' reward in the good it produces. Besides, cheapening thc cost of these publications, we confer benefits upon the renders of our paper which cannot fait of their appreciation. We be lieve there is something for a publisher of a news paper to do in addition to that which will accrue to his own individual benefit, and if we succeed in aiding the more thorough diffusion of knowledge we shall believe that we are of so much the great or service to our people. BISHOP HOWE.-12ev. Dr. Howe, lately elected Bishop of the Episcopal Church for the C'entred Diocese of Pennsylvania, Was consecrated to his office on Thursday, In St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia. The attendance was very large, Including a large representation of the Bishop and clergy of the church. The Rt. Revs: B. B. Smith, D. D., of Kentucky, Presiding Bishop; C. P. Mehlvalue, D. D., Ohio; Alfred Lee, D. I)., Dela ware; Thomas M. Claris, D. D., ti. I. ; Horatio Potter, D. D., New York; .G. T. Bedell, D. D., Ohio ; J. B. Kerfoot, D. D., Pittsburgh, and B: Wistar Morris, D. D., Oregon, all took part in the services. Among the clergymen present was Rev. W. R. Giles, Rector of Grace church of this city, end Rev. Cornelius Whitchead,ol Bethlehem. The consecration sermon was preached by Bishop Bedell, of Ohio. In the course of his sermon the Bishop staled that of 320,000,000 nominal Christ- Inns In the world, 250,000,000 were Episcopalians. The text of Bishop Bedell's sermon was taken from Acts 20, 23: " Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God which He bath purchased with this blood." The Consecration . Service was com menced by the presiding Bishop, Benjamin B. Smith, of Kentucky, and was participated In by as number of Bishops and clergymen. Bishop Bowes's diocese embraces thirty-six counties, Including all of •Pennsylvaula east of the Alleghenies, except Philadelphia, Bucks, Dela ware, Montgomery and Chester counties. Tan CHRISTMAS SEASON.—Au Allentown Sunday School teacher furnlehes the News with the following table of dates relating • to the birth of Christ,which Is worth preserving for.referenee: The learned Men of Christendom very gener allY 'accept the conclusion of Dr. Wieseler, that Jesus was born In the early part of February, in the year Four, before the beginning of our Era— that is, before A. D. I : (the particular day can not be found) : and that Jesus was crucified on Friday, the Seventh of April, A. D. 30. Assuming Feb. Ist as the day of his birth, (the year and month, as above,. being quite certain) the following approximations of exact times are probably very near the truth : Conception of Jolla, Nov. 1, B. C. 6. . Conception of J eon!, May 1,1). C. 5. Visit of Mary to Elizabeth, soon after. Birth of John, .Aug. 1, R. C. 5. BIRTH OP JESUS, February 1, B. C. 4. ' Circumcision' of Jesus, Feb. U, " Presentation of Jesus, March 12, " " ' Eclipse of the Moon next night. Visit of Wise Men, Starch 20, " " Flight to Egypt, March 21, " Murder of Children, March 22, " " IleroPs Death, April 1, , " " Return from Egypt, May 1, " Jesus 12 years old In Temple, April 17, A. D.B John begins to preach In Autumn of A. D. 26. Baptism of Jesus, February 1, " 37. Wedding at Cana, March 25, " " lot Passover began April 9, " 2d Passover began. March 28, " 28. 3d (did not attend) began March 10, " 29. 4th Passover began April 7, • " 30. CRUCIINXION, Friday April 7, •. /I Resurrection, Sunday, . April 9, 4. nud appears to Mary, Peter and others. Appears to Dlsciples,Sun. April 10. " . Appears at bea of Gal. " April 23, " " Seen by 500, Sunday, April 30, " " Seen by James, __"_• May 7, 411 .1,25'.1 • 10:174 5,921 A9C6N;ION, Thursday, May IH, ' " " Pentecost, Sunday, May 28, All the above year dates, and also the particular day of Eclipse of the Moon at the Presentation of Jesus In the Temple, and the first day of each passover, arc strictly correct, being determined by astmonileal calculation. C lIEAP READING. Tn Northampton Teachers' Institute, Bethlehem, naJonrned on Saturday morning. During the week Superintendent Suchrle and a number of Allentown teacher 3 were In attendance. Tun trade of tile country for 1871 was twen ty per cent. greater than for 1870, And all Indica tions point to a still more prosperous trade for 1871 Tui St. John's Sabbath School of Fopls villo held Its festival on Christmas evening, upm which occasion the.servlces were very interestim A lengthy communication upon the stil.ject or rived too late for publlcatioh. PASTORAL Vismso.—The visits of the peo ple to the pastor In his study are often snore Sal noble than those lie makes to them, and every pastor should have hours whenlie Is accersluie to inquirers, particularly to young people seeking re ligious counsel, and In a stale of earliest awaken lag. The delicacy and shrinking which pastors of sensibility feel In forcing themselves on reluc tant, distant and shut-up people mmt also he auk en into account. The first cull is (dell a kreat trial to him, as well as to them, and he often stays away because there is no indication that he Is wanted, or very welcome. This Is for the people to think of. Pastors imist not underrate their official In favor of their personal Importance. A minister Call often fall buck on his office, and do many thlngA In his character as a minister which it Is weakness and folly to think he could do only as a friend and neighbor. It is not wise to neg lect or squander the accumulated power which his office gives him. In the sick rbom, by the death-bed, at the funeral, to the mourner,the nibs- Inter Is something more, If he knows it, than an ordinary man. Ile Is. the public representative of religion, the chosen teacher, the apostle of Christ, the man whom years in the pulpit have given an official right to handle religionl I I and directly, and he had better not forget nor tall to use his professional privileges and his sacred office ns something greater and bolder and more authoritative than his private self. Let him not rely- only on Isis own wisdom or sympathy or tact, but fall hack also on Ids office, alai he will meet n very unlooked-for welcome, and bestow a very surprising degree of F 11 1 ,1,011, consolation and light, es-en upon those he fancied had very little respect for his place.—Liberal chri,u,vr. THE Grand Lodge of Pennsylvanin, A. Y. M., held Its annual cum TIM) lea LiOn at the M sonic Temple,'Philadfdphla, last Wet h. lion. Roberta. Loin hellos , Grand Master, presided, Ire feted by S.amucl C. Perkins, D. G. M. ; R. Potter, S. G. W. ; Robert Clerk, J. G. W.; John Thomson Grand Secretary ; Peter Williamson,Grand Trees urer ; and the following Grand Chaplains: Rev John Chambers, Rev. George W. MarLaughlin, D. I)., and Res. It. 11. Pattlson, D. D. After the transaction of some routine business the reports of the various committees were made Rifting forth that the order is in a flourishing eon Ilion In all p;trts of the commonwealth. It was ated that the granite work on thence; temple, at Broad and Filbert streets, Is nearly completed. The towers, the front doorway on Broad street, and part of the Juniper street front elevations have yet to be cotnpleted. The tower at Broad and Filbert will be finished next summer. Tine whole building is now under roof, and the work On the interior Is being pushed forward with all despatch. Before the close of 1872 the granite work will be all up, and the Interior will be ready for the decorators and painters. During the cur rent winter the whole of tine heating and ventilat ing apparatus will be in position and ready for testing. It Is believed that It will meet with gen eral approval, and will be entirely successful. If no accident occurs to Interrupt the progress of the work the new temple will be dedicated on the 24th of June, 1573. Another report shows that there are three hun dred and sixty-one lodges of Freemasons in Penn sylvania, with a total membership of 05,105. In retiring front office the Grand Master, Hon. Rota. A. Lambcrton, of Harrisburg, made a very appropriate address, in whin he alluded to the Visit of Earl de Grey and Ripon, Grand Master of Masons of England, to this country, and the grate fulness of that nobleman for the fraternal greet ings he met with while on his visit here last sum mer. The following officers, elected at the quarterly. communication 011 the ilmt Wednesday of the cur- rent month, were installed to:terve for the ensuing year : W. G. M.—Samuel C. Perkins. W. D. G. M.—Alfred R. Potter. N. S. G. W.—Robert Clark. V. J. G. W.—James Madison Porter M===EIMM \V. Grand SecrentryJoha Thomson The new Grand Master, upon taking it a ehair as presiding either, delivered f but eloquent and appropriate address, In which he Indicated to some extent the cut rae he had delta tallied to pur sue in future. Among the Appointments 11111101111 Ced for 157.. 3 , were the following: Grand Chaplains, A. J. G. Dubbs, Lehigh county, and Leighton Coleman, Carbon county. The annual communication of the Grand Chap ter was hold at the Tempi,: In the evening, when the officers elect were Installed. Among the ap pointments made by the Grand High h lest,Cha , . E. Meyer, were the followin' Dewee , J. Martin, of thl, city, G. S. M. C., and Edwin G. Martin, of this city, Deputy Grand High Priest for I.rhigh. Carbon and Northampton counties. LEMUR •VA I,I;LT BEI'I:ESENTATIVhs IN EoYPT.-A correspondent or the New York I lerald, front Alexandria, Egypt, gives the follow• log interesting bit of gossip concerning the bevy of young American ladies who are traveiing over Europe in charge of MN. Stone. The Lehigh \ln I loy has several representatives In the party, one of whom 15 Miss Rate , IL Lehienring, the daughter of Hon. John Lelsenrlng, of Munch Chunk, and an other Miss Gertrude Thotuas, of Catitsawynt, The wraer says : A novelty among the American travelers abroad will Induce the derisiou of the r, a Icr, be/ nese the American is himself a novelty to foreigners, not. withstanding he We been on exhibition for nearly •t century. But what shall be said of a party of fourteen young ladles, traveling over Europe,Asht and Africa matronized by a holy Instructor, in order that they may learn from the great book of human life 1 Being in Milan BORIC two weeks ago I hod an opportunity to observe an itinerant sem- Mary, composed of more than a dczen of the fair est of our American girls, in charge of Mrs. Stone. The young ladles varied in age from fourteen to twat gone, and represented nearly every quarter of the Union, typifying all shades of Innocent bea nl v. Their names are as follows: Miss Nancy N. Sanborn, Miss Edna M. Fuller, Mins Emma Eth• riJec, >t Ins Kate 11. lailsenrlng, Miss Lizzie Bell Fuller, Miss Nancy A. Sanborn, Miss Gertrude Thomas, Miss Flora Bella Van Il uysan, Miss Kate E. Mitchell, Mins Lena M. Gould, Miss Clara A. Avery, Miss Kate C. Baxter, Miss Mary T. Mc- Naughton, and Mrs. Lucinda Stone. This very inilliant patty left New. York nearly a year ago, under the direct supervision of Mrs. Stone, but for male protection they have Mr. 11. G. Gilbert and courier, who attended to all the details of trav— eling. They first made a tour through Ireland, where they were greeted with the generous hospi• talky which only an Irishman can offer, and then passing through Scotland visited Eng!and,France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Of course such an aggregation of young and attractive gir:s; blushing with health and vitality, attracts the cu rious gaze of the astonished European, who can little understand why a young lady should have anything beyond a shallow property In music and domestic accomplishments. Still it teaches a new system for educating the American young lady, and one which, from the results already achieved, Is worthy of the highest commendation. It is simply taking the undeveloped girl from the close and deleterious airs of the schoolroom, and ac climatizing her to the healthy air of Ireland, or the hot and feverish weather of Africa. I have rarely, I might say never, seen a collec tion of such fresh looking girls as compose this party. They all enjoy their long visits and do not fatigue by travel. Now it Is Ven Ice for a week, then Venice and Milan. Land famous In lilera tute, churches and, scenery that are In the knowl olee only of those of special culture, are carefully visited, and the good Madame takes care that the young ladles do not leave without ample instruc tion. The young ladies have been overwhelmed with pleasant adventures. Upon arriving In Egypt they met the Emperor of Brazil, and expressing to his Majesty their desire to have his autograph, the transatlautle sovereign immediately sent .for the entire party and spoke a few pleasant words to each, nt the satno time presenting his photo togreph, fully endorsed. By a strange fatality, when the young ladies 'visited the Pyramids, a photographer • was taking a negative of Don. P edro with the mammoth mausoleums In the hack ground. Tho seminary was consequently taken at the same time, and the Emperor declared that he could wish nothing to remain Immortal except a plcbure which had lixed him In the company of such n charming chicle—not even the Pyramids themselves. Whereupon the acquaintance was renewed, and each young lady was declared a natural princess. A week ago the party, con ducted by at dragoman sailed from the port for Beyront, whence they will go overland to vl-it the Saviour's tomb. While at Cairo they received distinguished courtesies front Consul-General Bailer. If the sanitary condition of Constantino ple permits, they will visit the capital of the Turk ish empire •, thence going up the Danube, will complete their view of Europe. It is say that no party that has ever been abroad has made a better Impression than this family of pretty American misses. AY, JANUARY 3, 1872. 'l'iu wordy of the, late Dr. .1. It. lin B not Bold Monday. SAIALL•rOX. forlunntely, has spared Allen town, but wo have had ourshare of typhoid fever Tin: Columbia Fire Company sports 'three splendid horses and eight dogs. One of the horses will be used to draw the hose truck. ALLENrowN contemplates a fire alarm tele graph. The next step will be a paid Ore depart ment. Trir. Lehigh Hydraulic CvmunCCompan at Copl ly, a ill probably cmnnu•orr opera lions Marvia Tnr 1,10411 Valley 'Nall ad l'omp:tpy Tins declared Ite u=aal q . ).trerly tlividen3 of Per I:ayihle 1,11 rah. 1,e.1.1,1)mvN 7••ffill'ert. ffi ird ty fell ,t c. • .ot, Hight o ,t u t, 1,-‘,l; :f. 1., Fortun,ffily r•• Sti;1:1.) I tst, I'. 1). K Bible ch,—, nl roLoq!svillv, wa.4 pro,otel ith n pre of $1.1,:10, by Ml, s :\ gm, S. 1 , 1i:111'0111w sll.tent;e -111.111 prescote 1111111 with no neeop!:thle hook. GuATivird. = INIr, James Kuhns, residing near Selp , town, received a present of 525.57 from the congregation of Slegfikirs Church, at Maxa la wily. It Was a token of their aliiireciatlon of his labors In organizing the Sabbath School of the congregation. THE GRAND JURY lo requested to give its attention to the Jordan Bridge side-walk. I f,a fter an Inspection, the Grand Jury decides that Jordan Is not a hard road to travel, then weshall have nothing to say. It certainly ought to he looked after. The coal of widening the bridge should not enter Into the question. .• Tug Sabbath School connected' with the Presbyterian Church has elected the following ;Olken; (or the.present pear:—Superintendent, Dr. J. P. Barnes; :Nsslstant Superintendent, J. Win slow \\•nod ;Superintendent or Infant Department, Miss Susan 3lagruder ; Secretary, F. A. R. Bald win ; Treasurer, William It. Steckel; Librarian, Robert E. Damon:hey. ON TitE On Saturilny evening, Rev. J. W. Wood slipped upon the it e on hie front steps ao he was leaving the house. In fulling he otruck the part of his head upon a corner Of one of the otepo, indicting a painful gash. On Sunday he woo mishit: to officiate, , but We :Ito happy to say Is rapidly recovering from the effects of the Injury. FAITHFUL.—A short time a g o n pair o doves were sent from the upper corner of Wei3Ctl burg to Messrs. Helfrich, Hoffman Co., com mission dealers In country produce, No. 105 Mur ,ray street, N. V. One of the doves accidentally getting the chance. of severing the ties of Ito hew owners was 50011 !MIMI on Its homeward Journey and is now safely housed with its former owner, FIEN Instr. --On ! -4 illtird ay nuq•nlip..; snit' , villains spread the rails of the and, hi , ionsegnenre, a train with i.ll ott board was thrown from the trick. Th.. •Itot sit• hailed was along an embankment thirty feet high. Fortunately the train did not go over. The emote assigned for the alleinmed wholesale nittrikr Is spite of the Wen Carbon miners atminst tlio-o of i\linirsville. Nice fellows, those minersutre. ACCIDENT. --On Saturday afternoon, \dint. Joseph Latzer was 'diming strips oil a !mdding machine at Butz, Frederick tc:. Co.'s planing mill, on Walnut street, above 'rentli, one of the knives caught a strip and hurled It back With such force as to completely strip Joseph's apron elf, and !teal the bark front his left side: flail It struck him in the abdomen (as it would had he not jumped to one bith.) It would is all probability. have Call Set! Iris death. ELITTION OF OFFICEII9.-Al 71 meeting or the ttochholder> of the Lehigh Hydraulic Cement Company, held on the first intt , at the office of the Company, No. iffiti Hamilton I..treet, the following named gentlemen were elected officers to Circe for the etistihuz year : e,hlent —J. P. P. Kistler; I)lrreturs Grim, 'l'. 11. Darner•, I:.Diefetelerfer,Slttilitt 11. Yealtel ; Secretary. , --.1. K. Wittmitt ; Treasurer -I'. 13.1.eisettrizig. EPH•COP.U. CoNVOCATION 111:Tni,EttEm. The thirty-second ses,ion of the sulioyikiii ono Lehigh Convocatlyn of the Protestant EpdTopal Church is appointed to be held in livtlitehien, cnut merrcing with SerViCt`i in the Church of Nativity, on .lontlay ct•cuiug,Jantmry 15th. Bishop Ilwve and 'natty Presbyters of the Clough ;Ire expected. Prlu:ty Church, lately erected, will be opened for - ery lee. The services and meet ings for conference tvill bu hvitt through Tuesday ;WI Wednesday The occasion will tht one of considetable interest ON his BEAT.--On CMlStllbie \V or man attempted to arrest it in.») for drunkenness. The man Was tau much for the (7onstable, but Oflieer ,itveil him from dam ytte by taking both the Constable and the man before the Mayor. It teas a terribly mixed up allidr, and It; one Iv.) more surprised than the Constable Whell ;lie announced that Ito required It tine of three ilailars from the Constable for druid:a:loess and iii,turb ing the peace and that he diselatri)ed the Man the Con•table attetupted to arrest. \VI) don't It •I leve the Constable, up to this time, tital»),tands how it mega, IVO e sorry Inr Constable ‘Vortnan and corn• for the pally he has (11 , gracel. If the Republl cans re•nominalelin for the paiitlon, the Third NVurd will haven Democratic Constable nest year. THE EAST Pew. SUICIDE.—Tho Man who committed suicide or, the East Penn. Railroad, be tween this city and Humus, by throwing himself under the ears on the 13M of December last, proved to he. William Ferber, of New York. Ills sister and brother-in-law called on AMerinto Kleckner, of the First Ward, yesterday,and stated thut Ferber had a wife and Ilse children living in New York, and that he Icft that city on Novem ber 80th, Thanksgiving Day, went to Reading and worked at his trade (stone cutter) until Oe nth of December. On the I.lth ld left his fellow workmen hi his working clothes and had nothing with him. lie was hi trouble at the tin,e, as he thought that his boy was drowned in New York bay. The boy .was out with a sand boat, but came home all right. Ferber bad not eaten or drunk anything for two dap at the time of his death. Tau early cowl, tom of the Perkiomen Railroad Is confidently talked of. It It said the Lehigh Valley now holds the talance of power In the North Penn. Company, and should the latter company's road be leased by the former, the probabilities are that the Jersey Central, Reading and stockholders of the Perkloinen would push the road through In hot haste. The local advan tages which arc sure to result from the comple tion of the road arc the to:lin causes for andel 'paling that the road will be put throuull boon. Unusual energy and activity scent to have taken possession of the Directors and at the meeting next week such action will betaken as will secure prompt subscriptions to the stork final the resi dents along the proposed line. They all recog nize the Incalculable benefits that will arise from the road and need only concerted, energetic ac tion tipon the part of the progenitors of the road to secure their hearty co-operation. Dims, it Is believed, will not be the terminus of the road, which will be all the better for Humus. If the road be built to ilokentlauqua, minus will reap double the advantages that It would derive from being the terminus. EXCITEMENT 111 SOUTH Pt:' IM:III:M.—A 1..1:11' IN THE DARE—BLOOD FOUND.-otl Sunday night a turn named Kelley, of Philadelphia, went to bed In the third story of the Pacific Hotel, In South Bethlehem. On Monday morning he was among the missing and the opinion gained ground that he had Jumped from the third story Into the Lehigh. A cannon was fired to raise the body, but without Ora:. Spots of blood were found upon the pitcher and about the room. the affair is involved In steepest mystery. We learn from another source that Kelley had treated some men at the hotel on Sunday, nt Which time he displayed considerable money. The landlord says early' Monday morning be heard a noise In his hotel and finally a splash In the river. Ile arose itontedlntely and went to the rear of the hotel and discovered. Mr. Kelley in the water. Ile fished hint out and left Mat upon the bank while he went In search of a constable, but when he returned , Kelley was not to be found. Up to latest advlces no traces of the body could be found. The blood In the bed room and other marks of a violent struggle aro startlingly suspl• dons circumstances connected with the miner• Tin.: earlier sires return thanks for the very Ilheral Inanner which he NVILS treated on New Ye:lr . : , D.xy. FRAZER'S TROUPE will exhibit at Cntasau• qua on Thursday Pvening, January 4th. The Catasannulans are reminded that Frazer's 15 one of the hest NI instiel and Pantomime Troupes that ever traveled, and we therefore bespeak them a full house. THE ALMANAC Publishers complain that their business 19 destroyed by Ayer's American Almanac. The people prefer It tcenny other, the Farmer's, Western, Southern, or the numerous local 911119119 ci when they can get Ayer's. •It supplies the best astronomical data, weak,. acid Jokes of them all, and above all medical advice which Is Invaluable for every family. It Is sup plied gratis by the druggists, and should be pre. served for constant reference and use. We are sure ,that no good homrkeepar or grandmother Rocs wiliinuly without, one.—Ant;-Mwery Stan dard, X. V. Now that the holidays are Owl. the ladies can use their Spare time in doing plain and fancy needlework. For every variety of inaterlak fur this purpose go to Mee M t G. G•;ltlin's, No. GJii Ilittuilton it set. Timm.: is, probably, no way . in wh'el; we can benefit our readers more than by recommend ing to them for general use Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. It Is adopted to almost all the pur poses of a Family Medkine; and as a specific for coughs, colds, whooping cough, soreness of the chest, lame stomach, rheumatl , m; spitting of blood, nod all lung.diflleultles, It has -no equal that ever we 5057 or heard of. The propriety of glving condition medicine to horses, cattle and sheep, was discussed ad mitted by many of the Agricultural Societies throughout the State last Fail, and we that itt every case but one they decided iu favor of Sherhian's Cavalry Condittoil limed •re. (Mod judgment. 'liar: obsequies of the late Allen P. Steckel, ou Satiirday afternoon, were very imposing. After services at et. John's English Reformed Church, the procession marched to Coins Cemetery in the following order I)etachnient of Police. Allen tolvit Carnet Band. 0111cers of the City Governinent. and Common ('‘itinetts. I>elegatlons Irmo Pre Companies. Columbia Fire C'ontit I Ily. (gamins of deceased In are drawn by Collin) bin .I , ,ltstatit. Engineers :WAHL: ns Pall Bearers. Ilebitices and Friends of di ceased. line:111M for at. Allutitoirii Post ()Wive for the wed: ending Nlonday, d.... I. l'erions calling for thrne Intern will 111./, A II 11.1 1 ,d, 1..• ,4 Bauch, • l'lard 31 11.11 E. t. 1:11..h111.11,. Frank II ( ;.01fil••11 ild .Ig.' t.. .I..hri II lE., v. dd..... 11 31dry. 3 1',. train 1.1 i): If 31.r)' Eind, .111. irk 11-.1 i•I .1010 El. /.. tV.I. ..r, Wddi 111) , W0..1. E W 11.1.- rulnidr. Eli ILbin,, II 1 k. -lia c.a ..Si.' ,, llntli, II 'd r,., II 11.i.i.1,11, 1.1 i.• 101 F in, tl.l li. 'Ay, 1 . ..t0r c.0.d., 11..1,1, Tilii.• • oi h, 11.0 lin IE4II 111.1-'l.l r. 1' I" 11,,,,. 11 11..t0.11, Howard Ilarla, Ind,, 11 tri, 11. r, .1 ,!, 11,1, 114.1 . 1k11. 31 .1 Ilarinvin, .ry SI. ..t 11. W barb. IC-.\l'••n Kuhn..., 1;11..1/.. Eli t- Ndi.i.r. h I.'i . idd. In; .1 IV. 1,, I' 11/.lht, Ei,.. I. it.l knor. IC• 1... John y 1. - 11 , 1. i y I in, .1.1. in, A I dur, I. II 1...1.1.1i 11 41111 , r, I:., 31-11 .11.1..11. II 111.trat..11.. 11..1ii 1. 31, Ids, John I' 31111. r, 31.tr5 3li.rvati van. 311.1e.0tr. ott r 31Inuich Ai 1E.,. a.:11...i..1 3ltil di h.u lt , Wil. tAt,., II Noir hard, G. orgi. • .1..11...i N r 111clildr. 11, S Kahn; Levi littill, 1;...11,. r Unto.. A ni E- ... 1 htdeo A 1.11,-, S tn.. Audi., 140,1,,, E Chri- [din 5.1,1 - I. .I,din sionkaril, .111.1 J 1,. 31.) 11,,r, yiri tier. 31...11...u. Mn,,,,... 31 'rim . ..Et, 1, I' • F 11101/, 11 /I Schdllt., Schdltz, ta st . haddr, Nl'l/I S. r/i.1.. T-CIII I, 111111111, Etna:mid Traxler, xler. V -31. di II V1E.1.1 . k. NV-Aulda ivnEinann, I. ddii, NV, ly, 1 1 • 1..01, IV idnidit. .1..1.1 IV mit, .f.iu..- S 111.10..11 Y -31, I . :id...aim Yindli, II Y.ditut, Iriv In 11 1' tinker .111 1'1.111,:. 7.-.ll.iry r.oi ILI' or FivN PLI:SONS NA RI:11 NV LY CAI:: Sur rocATios.—A 11.ari,burg Fa p.r 01 ye-terilay says--lii one of the houses comp' z3eible's row, on South street, below Filmll, Lice pet,ollA %Vert! ulmoat Filth/CateCl, early 3risteiday morning', by gas cicaping from ;111 ltrtilllttly -lo v e. 'l'lie nectipatitti of the tioilding ale ' Mark Blitz :Ind wife, and FlOrtl,tl little II ttlillt•r, and Guiselpe l'ompllotil and wife. tin Saturday night 10.1,11 her father retired, about tell they neglected to take the necessary precatition--- opening the damper of the pipe, The stov e is on the first story, and the sleeping apartment on the second, a door with a transom communicating with the stairs. The transom was Irlt the gas reatilotil the 1 110111 I tiro. yin it. Shortly after tloi little girl tras seized with terrible pain , In the head, 111111 vomiteil free ly. D a r fath e r thought ir wan the iLltict. Of an liVelliiitak'd slitlll.lell, 111111 consequently did not have any iiiimehriusions of ssrious results. About. 1 o'clock in the morn ing Sirs. Pompiloni Walt similarly off, clod, and a short: time uflor Blitz. and Mr. l'ampiloni. Itettesen 4 and 5 o'clock - the catire family were nimbi- to art letilaly, and inured alioni. with the great, Several were pin, trate on the floor. The tort Hilt. inipiesstan fixed Itself MI the mind of the family Lii.lllll,y hind been poisoned In some manner, and their ini•cry be• came intolerable. Mrs. l'ompitutii, In the r.d.t hope that assistance might he obtained, knocked against, the wail dividing the house Iron] Police Oilleer residence, mud after re peating the operation scitteittl' times Mrs. 'Cully and other neighbors ealllll in the rescue, but the doors being locked they were imalile to gain :trice:is to the house. Ste. liiitz,appri the nuee-lily of help, era‘viiiil down stairs and unlocked the . kitchen 11001 . ; 'Alt he had scarcely nccomplisheil It before he fell from exhaustion. One of the neighbors hail Ilitapresence of mind to throw open the windows and admit air. Word was sent to Dr. Hutton of the lei rible cirenta- stance, and hn"was torditpt to snake appear linen apply the neees,:ify reinetlleii. Tim vic tims coul,l 1114 hays silt vivid len minuti's in hl: apinlon, If they 101' not reel•ivil s nlr when they did. (111 a ci-it to the family last night we learned (hat none of tht in leol Icily r1,11V1:1,11 !non the (loon, of the g•:,. Blitz w t - . ettilti tto d In hrd noarly the rut ire day, tool t h e lout t , tilterul mole ',tin in their L' :IL6iH4ICt !t(:. Lt. 11.kitiiisttuitG, .1,11.1.•!, IS7 The Cheat of the Iteptitilictin tt , ci,:t tor, w.ts not hl•Id fu Notn 12, Capitol, IS it ‘VIIN rumored it o • ott lel be, but to the room of Senator I for ry . 111 Ow Lot 111‘.1 6 I'. M.—The character of the impentlingstrug gle in the Senate will be comprehended al ien it i n explained that the Republicans number exactly sixteen which Is also the exact number of the Democrats who are hi that branch. Th.. Repub lican majority of. one; Connell, elected by 7,000 majority, iris "cut MC in the prime of life," for Mr. Connell Is now in that haven to which leglsla tors go when they die. The Democrats and li e Republicans ore bath playing . a perfect game of chess. The Democrats are accrue to organization In the Senate until the Republicans have commit ted themselves to do certain things which the Democrats rightly claim It Is only fair that they should do; but the Republicans do not want to commit themselves to any course and yet wait orcanlzation without it. 'rhe Democrats claim that there has been au Irregularity in the election of one of the Republican Senators and will oust him If they CAI], but they cannot commence even Initiatory measures practically to do this until th e , Senate is organized., As the majority In the House Is largely Republican the Denimats will keep the Senate unorganlatd, if they.cannot carry out their plans, and then what will the Republi cans do about what they would otherwise have no trouble In doing. All the Senators wernin the city by live o'clock to-clay, and the Republican part held a Caucus, commencing nt to., ht roam 12 of the t api tol. The Democrats also held a secret caucus. All the members of the house but twelve bad arrived by 4 P. ut. to-day and SUM C of the absentees came in Inter. M YDNIMIT—There Avert, thrce e1111C1161.5 lu tile city to.night. Ode,of the Republican Senators, In the Lochlel ; another, of the Democrat Senators, In the Bolton House, and mt third, of the Republi cans of toe Rouse, In one of the Committee reams at the Capitol. The latter fixed up the balance of the House slate- T. C. W. Tut; Milers' Journal, Al endure upon the Yen• Year greatly enlarged. Thy dur nal ij now are of the best and handsomest dallies la the State. ftiarriagcs DIEiIL—NEWDART.—On January Ist, by Hee. N. S. Strassburger, Mr. Jelferbon NV. Diehl to Miss Sarah Jane Newhart, both of Allentown. MYERS—ULM:I.—On December 28th, In Al lentown, by the Itev. Richard Walker, Mr. Ell If: Myers to Miss Mary,A. Blain, both of South Befit !chem. ID catliz. 110C11.—On Dec. 20th, In Moore, Ellende, child of Stephen Hoch and Christiantm Dryer, aged S rears, 6 months and 4 days. BARTIIOLOMEW.—On Dcc. 224, in Moore, Elizabeth Mary Ann, wife of Daniel Bartholomew, aged 35 yea N, 3 months and 14 days. WASrAER.—On Dee. 234, In Bashi:Ill, Marta Juliann, daughter of Martin nod Fyclta Msser, aged 10 years, 3 inontln, and 12 days. EDEI.SIAN.—On Dee. 23d, In Moore, Nelson, son of lorael and Catharine Edelman, aged 3 months nod 20 days. ST ECK EL.—ln this cite, December 27th, Allen P. Steckel, n god 25 years, 7 month, and 12 days. SECS LOVE.—In this city, December 27111, Elizabeth Seislove, annul 79 years and 21 days. 1. A Ell —K LE P PIM; EIL—O the. :rah, by Rev, R. 11. Kistler, at Cherryville, Sir. Franklin W. Laub to Miss Priscilla Kleppinger, both of Moore township. I'll lull A RD —W ILLIA MS.—On the Ha me day, by the same, Mr. John-J. Prichard, of Wilke-- ham, to Miss Elizabeth J. Williams, daughter of Itlehard Williams, Esq., of amidst:6lc. c=',= ,1,..- ..-------• -,.-b--0-.--- ----- -^--. OODS. inc , k k S l l ii ti O ntt, U , l B l',l N rlc lN c G .oin” G . .m.wni 3 g A1p:,,,,, r rl . i . .'ll.'oo'ltro'o!"'ill l o'co'lVlll:o't7;;lir ( .4hallln i!l ii !: ' .. '"° ilootirt, aw l Sholmool 3lnhalrot, I, it awl Soil, aro Tltho, si,auot,,, 1,,,, ~,,,i squotrot Illokotket hawk, tt:o 31.0 rultp,. Ilotoodkoorchloof, full lin 00, liloinl: (trope ii \ ell, 111 So lil.l olloosto. , r oll slzooto, Lilac k Solk Won,. all KIP,. II Mark Crlopoo Collarrt, Ito lel: :Ind Wllltto Craito (.;.ollotrs. Full loot., of Ont. GrAlu Silk all Quottltloot aunt 0 .1 Pri. oo,ot 111. J. KRII3IER'S CORNER STORE. 0cti5..2.,. . Xrl3 (Abiirrti,srntrittz. 110 f VEEI T HEO. M. FOTJST 627 HAMILTON STREET (Up STAIR 80 0 , 1 p q,r111,1,1. Rof,:or,el =I A m ivir A . l . 4)it S' NOTICE. Inoohy giv , u I hat ll•t:ers topionnnslary hovonr noon grann,l to loonndor-I,rool In th.•r.lin. I , l' J 011:1 11. 1111511,11 , 1 , 114 .1. lan. of lb.. Illy of Anon totra, to comity. [boron.° 011 por , rons who booty I•. 10. indolard to .nol o-lato., aro roninurted lo o sko hIX Nli•110l rIIIIII Zito 1011. hereof. and .nett Iv no novo 4111. logol clni nlr ne..tlnnt 1.1.1 estnio n ill pr.—ont thorn troll loan/non:mud for ,ttlement svltlllll tho abovo thno. MA A V.1.11.1'A111.E F.111:11 IT PRIVATE SALE h.• Prl yob! yule !de Thllllll.lo Faun of em. linrelred ntel t« ' , .111 , -feur I/ vrva andettlety•e, tench.. o.f laed Y'do..te In Dm lien, 'feYerp.lllp. !lucks cennty, / deb. l i v i dn onle l'etepoll and liennes. W , II Inn! S. Lew i :, I h !Omen cud l'eter Lambet : h. , 'VI, halm 1. •11111111 1 .1 .111 the north yid° of lbirltatni Crook nod NI.IIIIII in'lwns cximporo rut 111113 of the moatr.!, tlve and renvonlobt.y loentod farm., In the unit , oi the c. 'I hme I. nb.,l on the proull.ert excel. lota whter p , .wer tteenty !lee feet !lowland roll Inviring formerly been u+e.l for•nyt mill trul . Pet.. Th.. 4. is nul . 1,1 flair and Vbeettpl! timber ea promtnen for fail, fencing and build :lid twder...l. ; and tar, a varlpty of f . !roe.. Improvoiliont. flirt oen ist etl Idouble !NNI; UE. tyro etnrle. HPT,et.,SDWEI.I.I !not, will. SiSntne t. 11 11.1. v 1.1) ht , lll. 1,..',0 f, et ; one, ( 1 . 1 1 .11, Franc Sty, ramo Ocean, lloneennd • 'll/..1e 'a n n,. r• r•1.1111vg won of water no r otluq 10. doer owl 11 rour tug •Itellet at the liar. 'file ,1111 1.1 1,11 fr l lll,ll amt conveniently. divided Into hold., eIII to ' , Ole'. 1111110, blach Pdriltho. end 11.11,11... 1111111 1 . ,111111,11 111 1 111 .1 1 1 .1 Si/li/ grown and Itirx el.,'illr:.l,,,llt:l,llil,••freni mthr. Ter dtt rd . of the tNe nwitry l u c ,if rom tn.!. rlO 11 1 111 1 1E1 In the prombeei n+ the par. unet mey acre,. !teen JOHN 110Ill'T, ytt Sprinctelen, Huck, , • FREE. '1 11l )0 It AGENTS. We Pro.rortn of our N.'', Blur 1 "; 1 1,lfi'ele, 1. 011t tlug 1a~1r,E1..[,.. 1.. ally II (re, 01.01argo. eit it, Merl fthl Co., Phi:a., l'it. BOOTS & SHOES MADE WITH Cable Wire Screw Will not Rip or Leak GREAT CHANCE to MAKE MONEY. Ity lerr rtn aconcy TOE /10ME OF ooD's PllO.. l'l,e. 'rhorn r.neco.elat new book out, nearly 203 11,11rntficont lirortvlato. Onn.nt took 114 orders In ten &rye, °thorn ere .10 Incltor ptally eso ac troll . 2,50 Dr,Oare ta'r mom , . eon de Med.` dr mar MAIO shot ni.t rigout ink imt onto,. r.r.t. trite polorler wort.. herd chance to tko mono,. offered. Send rot circulate wah tering, etc. Est, krce mrlncronent4rdrerod. roldrenn WORTH INOTON DlreTl3 8 CO , Hertford. Conn. I . 4TORY Or The Great Fires. and Co. WENT Ly It. v. E. J. CI non...PERI). 1 , . D., of co:1.1)1010 Ill•tory. ;nl ay., .v,tl)4+. )01.1. Eric.. +2 .7). to Id- 111 2., Profit). got.) ..‘117.1.),..). ,v;ENrN %% . I). HH. S. Jg Co.. 37 N., Yolk 13111 GUS Sr, intoTnit's Catalogue of Flotie and Vegtable sE ED S, = r.• r ly. Con.b.tion of over 13) pAgen, on tluto.l ~o •n". with ,l , of 1 , P. , n.nrnto cut.. nod Six !lean. ift! orn' ! a 1 o.tutlfol• deKinn. In . • • Cat.Llo,lll.ovor • 2i p. 111.4 tor cny. not ono lotif tho yahoo of the colored rAloa. Iu Ilio,tlr.t amounting to not I. than .1, tdo prier of rataloguo, 21e. im refunded in seed!, N. on-toniorx PI 'cod ehe raino footing with old. Pro to o'd emitoinor. of nom!, Olin of packet., l'rO'o% nml M. 4 11111111c oirorod, in.rk , i it to ilia advantago of all to porrini.t ••oodo taco Catalogue for extrnortil• 11.,ry Von trill lol+n tt If you do not non nor Catalogue before rdorlog Sued+. Nal., 01 nor two Clanton+ for 1572. olio 1:1124—ono n I , Iner plan of Donlon+ Plant,. run.lmtlnit of I,lllex, kr. th. , 00... r of Alin', it. nolo! nod Perennial l'lnutr, 11+0.6/tend ant = 6 ,0 1 , ..1 111 thl4 rOIIOTrY. A 'superb parlor orriamont l l. J • l.nai.l. 011 rrr „ lpt Of ; nluo (ro. 011 CJII neerltl•d Iu Citalolole. Address BRIGGS & BROTHER; 11'.6 Rocho.ter. Now York WANTED, AC i I VI , . All EsTs to tiro Finkle an I Lyon AlaunfAc Writ] Co.'e linproviid Now Faintly Sewing . Machin°, - vlcrroß" W..eerJl Mire for Poonsylveuln, Now Jersey nod Del No. 1227 Chestnut St.. l'hiln. J. f.. Staongor Plt()Fl'l'A It LE BUSINESS \VIII. oven ”11e . or two r °non.. of olihor nor, In At, Li, tow, and illby which they may real= I. ill )tor. with hut Interfornneo , -nlinuty ucciu 311011. •in 10 . iiinn 1:0178E1101.D Alt• 1.i:..:u tro,l wed' and Ut.iveriul 11140. if tho wbolo Om. , o moth Iprger nom may ho roalltoll. Cir. cuulph.lo lint or .rocl. and T. S. cooli & Co.. Hoboken, N. J.. (Incorporated 1860.) • Columbia Fire Insurance Co OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. 1 S. S . Dhrwii.En. Pren'l. Ito nr. CA&SI II • Sr ILA,: Vire- PlOil. . WM PATTON. . 0 111 T T.. n, ,MI .1.14. MCIIKONMER. J V V111'11,1,1 , , Sco . v. 1 5 ~,,,,, j Srmeiit.nit Evox. II 11.,:ima5 . . . . uddrend .1. F. FIIFEAUFF, l'• SILVER 1 1 1.P.IVD BooW Shoes Last as long aga La as any oilier Itlnd A 4:;.:74:1'14 R•.l vl'rl).—A e ont.3 !Mike more 1,1 , 11.. y k for n.. than 1111111ythlug uI4A. Le— ,It .11,1 perm trtlrill• , t, Ire... O. NMl too 0., In 1'r,b1(0..-rN, Por 011.1014 k". 4:2_1 r lION'I'II2 horse furnished. E. paid. IL 11. SI! W, Alfred, MA NO. A I/AY AN!) EXPENSES. Soul Nrot,ltu , (red, =l==== A1.1011'00.04 rUrs , n by Dr.t. Khoo awl Lintllnv, et e PH I, , ICA 1 . 3 rot Intqltste. trll Arch St.. l' At 11.3ttch tllie.. by Dr. MeMlehr.l. Nl itutrtt... N. 1' : MIA by Dr.kvartlt. :trot :rt Itiondlerlul Cancer Antidotes. Nr, 0 , 1.1,0 IC 31 ,, ifrill0M, Na !lood• Lillie rain 'Ft,' Particulars, rail on m• whim's talk,- eV' 111111 . 11'1'ENCI%—VIctims of early Indlsere ti.. 11. ,11111iDk nerve. &Wily. puma turn decay. Sic., dud most pffertu•l. Isafo•nd nor cure'hy nildrApring. confidentially. DE WUN DEB. l'ied•ollico, Philadelphia. ELECTION 10TICE. • 'rho A o oust Stectioß o Stockholders of tho LRUIOU IRON ClOll.OOl for Oho c1..ct , , , 0 of Proshieut snd Directors NV 111 lint 01.1 JO2iIJOItY lst, LOT; Letween Iho hoot p• of I il l i2o'clock, E".Dd National nook of Allcutotru. InI. L. E. DAUER, flee/. ALLENTOWN, December IP, Idw
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