fliebtehial. A T 722 A 722 A 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF Lawall& Martin, Lawall &Martin Lawall &Marlin B. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON HALL STS HAMILTON & HA LL STS HAM L'I'ON & II ALL STS If you want Purr Progs pl there. If you want Cattli , Powder there If you want Pure M, , ,livin( s : , othere. If you want Pere go there. If you vcu there. If you want l'hvsicians' Pre crip tions put up right go there. If you want anything ;tut] go there. If you don't wantanvt hing go there. If you want to be sat islied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are read) to wait on you. They are both practical chem ists ; you will find that to be the case after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store. NO ( ITRE,NO I'AY. DR. H. 1). LONG Graduate of the Unlynrnlty of Pplanitylviwia. "phis, bamboo]: loouccevnfol i rnctlrr fur it no lob, remr. Is trarloo• part. of thn Malted Stair,; will wowr ily na Mad to All branches of hi, priitowitin at illy room, lad .td. of Moth °ord. Are. //amnion unit IPrt in at. =I No Pat►nl Medicine. are nar,loq reciortmen;lP.l; i;,. adios adaidalittereid are tlitimo which will not • .. . . . the constitution, but renovate tbo ',puffin from .111. , ,1 r...- It has sustained from mineral ) and leave it healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSOUPTION. BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, lad all /Swims of the Lunen, Throat, Stnntell, •od I.Iv• sr, which yearly carry thoue.tade to untimely graven. coo aadoabtedly be eared. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that elate of alleiitfon and eltorrollon of mind which ron• Lera&retehr deuce of the Oen/ave of to, RJIEIIIIATIBM AND PARALYSIS, la aoy ferstor candltlon, chronic or aeon% worro Ord ror able. Erdlepay entailing elekneee. owl chronic or Mob. bora eases Of TAMALE DISEASES eprodlly o n4l ro dint lIY removed; Salt lUtenta„ Skin Dioetutoo (of yearn' /autllog / every description of Ulceration., Pile, and Scrotal°un tlt mama, warranted cured. iffir Particular attention given to private diseases of av_ary description of both sexes. Ladies suffering from any complaint incidental to their sir, can consult the doctor with assurance of repo'. Calmer eared, and Tumors of all kinds removed without the talf•int drawing blood. Diseases the EYE AND EAR eseeesefully and effectually remoreA. 4WDo. Lonpater will make •Isits any 41 , 1.111, If de. shad; can be addressed by letter (confidentially) and mod. loins lent with proper directions to any part of tho county. Orgies: East odds of Sixth street, between Hamilton end \dal's' Allentown. Pa. may 28-1 y ~era of the complaint. .r YAWL!: Ar PON. Proprietorn. Boston • - .'ractlats and dealersgenerally. I.n - zen , .e maws algae,/ 1. Buns. ionLza OR HEIIIORRIIOIDS. PILla OP ALL KINDS perfectly mkt! porroanontly *sass, without pAlo, Ming, r, cauntico or Inotraulontli, by WE. A. IIfcC•NDLESh, M. D.. fall ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, in• in Tau_79o to over 12(13 cave. cored to PhIDIII nt- Phls aloes. We desire to lay to those ofElcied, thors Is healllvely ao deceptfon la the ears, of them.. Duel EAR.: it matters not how long or how severely you .0 been Wed, we eau sere you. We also cure Pistols. Fissure rat Ighistnree and D leerittlou of tho lower bowel, yin that are aufrerlag, we will not deceive you. We have getleats from altenrt every Stets In the Iloqott *ad from Maros*. Have treated those diseases for twenty vows 'Cheat a return air 110111LONOPIIV OF ?II II It IA G E.—A 112,C0011112 op LIOTI7IOn, andoli•eroni at the l'intinn Pelyteebale Ltd Anatomical Itu.mun. MiCholdnut tit•. three doors above T.welfth, Philadelphia, embracing tine ealtioeta: How to Live nod Whet to Live for; Youth, it wily sad Old Age: Manhood flew ...ally Reviewed; The ISM. of ladigeation; Flatulence anti narrow. liken., acgoustrel for ; Marriagn Philempinientily conainiermi. These Inter. will be forwarded ou receipt of 2.5 ronta LT re dressing: Secretary of ;ate btt e Penna. l'orrne air AND rstreorac•LWears, I= Chertuut St., Philadelphia, 4021 0110 22-1 V WILTHERGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS ire warranted equal to nay made. Thoy ere prep., from thrfruits, and will ha fouLd much bete, r than man of MG Eetrac'a that am poid /Ena llif- s. 4111 , your °roc or Drugpfet for TV(Merger's ct BARLOW'S. INDIGO BLUE 1.. itrlthoat doubt the beet arliel, to the market. blueing clothe.. It ullt color mere meter rh a fot Haw the game weight of tudigo...ed much m say other waera blue In tho market . The only urrautn to that pal up at •LPII6D I)I,UG sTOPE, 141.10 NORTH EISPOND , PA Th•LAZAtAhavaboth Wit,,mart , C+ :11.1 11. Low 111102118 Ata %ham, al/ others are rater! c its. For sale by molt Grocers and Druggists. WILTBEROER'S INDELIBLE INK WM Wound on trial fo 6e.° e,perfoi arl (dr. Alwoy ea hand for tall at re•• ,1 ice!, Onuntue 'B, 4:11.11,01m NYtuw , Sp.,ugo- Tapioca, PASO. liagn, d &riffles lo the driw•lla... it ALTUND WILTHEIVI ER 8 DIW.I 1011 E, hire!-11 No. 23.1 North Sec. 1 ,t.. HARTMAN WASTE PA' The 114 best Cu Old Newspapers Old Blank Books Of •••177 description. And. Ledgers Waste Paper, That are all written over. Wall kinds. 0 d Pamphlets, 6co La.., kors,114a•I•O sin Calie•S Boron?. COSelltolltentil from Cutletr, D. stirs solicited. Marla, J. 111.11.TMAN, ell Jayne kit.,PbtlaYe. GIRARD SAVINGS BANK, NO, (Org.lzed muler it State Charter), EAST 'HAMILTON STREET, if lIARLT orrosyto TRH COURT ROCIAR. Monies received en deposit ut all times from ono dollar upwards. Pays SIX per cent. interest for six mouths or longer. Fonr per cent. on daily lislonce, subject to check at sight. Ould and Silver. United Fortes Bonds and other Secnrllles bought and sold. Interest collected on oor ern ment Securities al fair rates. All deposits of money will he hold strictly confidential, soil may be withdrawn at any time. Married Wolonts and minors have special privileges granted in our charter. having roll Culver to transact hail s°. with us lit their own loOnor• . Thin Institution to it legal depository for monies paid Into Court, and receives money in trust from. guardians. sdininktrutors. treasurer., tax collectors and others. sele-MONET TERMS AON A LIT, President. ti n 111,1trge.1.1.. .1) ft...dors—Pinion Albright. domes F. Kline, Tilghman Mertz. lievid Weida. Anion Elneninirl. lel-dm MILLEIRSTOWN' SAVING BANK MILLEIISTOWN,I , EIIIOI! COUNTY, • Thb.throintinn Rill be opened on or before ihelsl doy of April. Blouey will be takan.ai lIPPOAIt at all (lines ROli In ally mune from one dollar tipwardx, for whicb SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annitm will to paid. Deposite ma t to. withdrawn at any time Also. money "''d oat on I :ls:3fiN WEILER, !'resident f RAXXLIN SHINER. Cadairr. J. F. M. Eh GeorF i.ndwiß,. Frederick C. Yolcii, Christ K. Henninger, David Donner, W JIM r Isaac Orleht , l, S. Poser, Huratle 'l'. Ilertzt.g, Ilvojamin J. Erb inoyer, Join, Sitionsishir mar 16.6 in A . LE T LNowN SAVINGS INSTITU TION. Organized an "Dinier Saying Institution," NO. 5S EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPEREEEK ru, AMERICAN lIOTISLO l'A VS SIX l'Ef? CENT.' INTEREST FOR rh‘. h.ittutu.t., tke owe,' Sn Villg Bank In Eastern ?•onsylvitille, hos in continuous mid succusgfuf ST lon years, awl condones to pity SIX PEE. TENT. I NTEIIEST on money for 1,110 year, sod special rates of Interest far slo.rier Periods. GS)-fill deposits of lizoney bold strictly' confi dential. Exec form, Adminidratora.Truideen, Anignees, _ Treasurers, 7'11,r C'allectora, aloretael comedian- oi poldW or private moneye. are of fered liberal roll— ef ;uteri,. Fortettes, lothforern. Will all who hiOrt• looney to slut on leoere.l for it lout nr short period will find our 111 0 11111(1 11 11 ill/ age .... able tied atlvantitgetltte 0 0$ In which Its do let-wet-et We e.toottielly la Vile 1.611106 to tettnAtiet their honkingittet.teet. with 110. WOMEN owl MINORS Pave epeclol p r lpl. 111 . ..1110.1 by tier elettler—hllVlng fell power u, triter.- lisltio•tt with ie. Io their own ittitstett. Money tleettodtetl will, tide lettlltotiett A .ND 11 , 1 , 11.1. SECURED, by n Groltel stork 1111 norolto. looney eurlly of over II x.yy TilorsAN 3 D 11 , , rwl ad alu,m. the 1❑103r , 1 'rromoor have, ~,gourd by t Ilartor. glvon otol. order the •o 1/ or the Clinto In the mom of Flrl'Y 11 1 1 l'eAN 1/ 1 o 'rood , ore regl, i„.1,1 co."! Hon. i.lr .tt.. •1 -,1,11 , unit ex...1v,. tii • I 0 , , , 00.k1 il! IV.• re:or 11,1, 11.1,1 i• Burgh, 1 . 1 , ”1 V. 11 1, 1. C... • :LIT; 1 Batik. Itl.:14 EN e V. 'lli.. 11. u F. h G"'cu'• N.o.h.‘” jiin 12-11 FARMER'S SAVINGS Incorporated under a Sink! Charter of IS7O. Fop:1.'011c, rpper Macuncictt.waship, Lehigh Cu. Thi, , I n.litiition In.t. born otnanixenl and °penult antler Hlate to EV taken on lilt at all Utneet ntvl in ;Any from 4101.1110 yard, (or which 6 PER CENT. I - NrrEil EST \\"ILL BE Detroit:it , may I,• withdrawn at any Limn. Also rntinry ttrit..ol Lk,oro111.• orma WILLI AM Mi l li l'rekid.raf M. U. roc:EL. ett*it T111,,E,•. Dr. D. A. 5.,51,, .1. 11. Str.uth, Daniel Moy..r, David l'..ter, Jonan Ittlitvh, • Salrlll,l Kuhn., 1).1,•1 11. 1•r••::v, Will:Am Stein, William M..13r (apr (3611 FitANl{ll.ll7% SILVINCS 111.1kNli, Located at the corner of Hamllton tdreet and Clutch ilr. in Loot tdototol -tory. oppettite the German !Cert.:mod Church, to tho roc ..f Allentown. Ix organised ',rest on fill perbool 'lOll otth•t• bite'? r , o•or lhe ,I,ll•,,ltfrirorrft. T., Serllle t, 11101, Ih.. of the tordittitlon ill\ TO i„ ri,,. (•,err Cont.., Ple,of Iroltlch the direction of the t'ottrt. 1 , ”1111 In the town Of r - five yontlitiened for the faith fel h...•ong opl -111 , 1 .$l.. trotney .thaill lot plaited in cher, of -did itAVlNfiti 13ANIC, whether tletto-Ittt. •heres etoek. which hond 11110 . be olulargod 11 . the Conti Will.l.Ver It way be deemed net...tot., toltlltton to tit', the Art of Incorporation iv the Stockholder,. Jo rrtorrolly iv dor,. 610 the Voqated S(ock La the think. which Ali) thou...tot , litterty to Itteret,t. it to one entolred ond lift) . thon,totl There pro,. Lodi, it it r ery detoroble end nuts of r el dortdett. 111 et) he to-overdo...to I hot the tleptotits will keht in one tot the 0.1.,01.1,1•1 toexl prol•rtoqi vault, in tht, . rentrettood. will Ito nottle to fortlibh drafts on the cltien of N. bark eh I'llthololithrs 5..% !MIDGE., Prrmid. of .1. W. WI ItritrZt. firrr.ittenf .1 E. 7.111111...1t MA N. Oishirr, 1,! . ' 11..4 11. I.tier. . A. Ilrithrem, John 11,11.. It. .1. W Witlidtto Zinonertnatz LI. 11. Peter tirre.e, Ld, in Zintto .rtattu. pil: I.llr, 11.1Nli \ .L. 17011 N, olt TII •El EN 7H • ST., .i DOVE LINDEN, TI bee, tor the totriniso or iinery• • i g on it goner d ohi e nil Co oiler to the ;.‘' r hi NT tor their illt.y nt . ' ll nl trio -0111 , 1.110. , Io I tilllt it Cominitun MIMISMEIBI=II .s - Sru 11..veruauatt lluoda hoo‘itt and 141.1 non Ulu 1" dl I 'tl hor the United Staten 11111. hi 411 I pan ...••••ra nt .11 and ProCa.ll`. .. opt.> rulait....l Cl,, rwa. l'arutr, Nle.re l ... of, I..burora and all who have la our) o i.o, oat to fol ioug ur porltal will dad ...a ala.l advautograWl . ono In vluch 1.,d0 haanaona. ll:tore., elloWo.l At 01, folloirtutt rotes, to It: VEN PER VEN T for •in" ' , IX PER LN If lut: for thirty Jaya nod under uon .4n mon •ohl n ilhiroont. Liao 'X dim Announcement Fxtruortlinary ! E. 11E11 it 0" , D 11Y a 0 S .HEADQUARTERS ! AND 707 11.ti3ELTON STREET, .41.1.K.VT1 , 11',V, P. 4 Latest Interesting Intelligence • 1 3 111(11..S "fU AS'FONISII 'l'llE NATIVES! ouBB(Hi)F, ‘vEQE Boucon. BEFORE Till I.A l'E ADVAN)T. AND GIVE Tilli VANT.It; ETO TUE RADE. V}.01711 1.1 , T ere tt..l }rent In the , ahlter II Ili II :i:lt Ott:E. , . 'rhoy cau't nett haw it la that We can 31oney and Sell Goods so Cheap First. linvlee two more-, we are obto to de)* 00 0.t.1n I irge .I.rert teleer.tourer• ttel eepottern, ed float In t nt • th Ildte tle , Y do. Soe t.1...er late • ~ , .4 to ovon teottge a eak. but very I W.. 1111 a. , Y • A 134 t i.I/: I. 116.1. %Vt. I. it. • set eovoly for call mit ••11t . I lit.. whirs In llu , eggragste oe...uutr to eozoodotablo. Yo dllxrryrr>x,>Wdim,x In • , :t0i,, , 410 , t ! 10,b,".1.. I loot Und.r.lll By (Itir I.,.orttptitore VAILT ARILIVALS or . Fall and Winter Dry Goods ! Or STorli Is rxt- , “ivo ...1111mormte ar cl s 11.11 , 5. 5V.•11..,.. in o.tock g-eior ,r5....,1.1R1/1,-1./1••• a / 4 1: .01r, gulitted tore. nom ll+ , ..f DRESS UOODS, SILKS, &C. ar,.r. ry —er 1 , 0,1 ant! pric SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! 111,‘NO:T. 1 . 11115 Er uud sTELLA SHAWL'S Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear ! TWEEDS. SATINETS, KEN, 111 . A.1N ta ES. 1114i1e Ur," M.lk, fp, .11.1 r, db.. mid i g"illf. Wo.l Curer:Hs rlannelm, Sheetingoi, cheelim, So •ER DEPOT h Price Peld For Z'ARPET . DEPAR I M ENT COMPLETE I 01,1, nous. WINDOW SI LADES, &C. E. S. SHINIER .85 CO., THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, INOVEMBER__29,)B7I. Jinancial. 31 . 0.NEP OX DEPOSIT. nrti 00.1:15 MID "MAMMOTH STORES." WE . WILL TELL THEN. annai Pr, And 7UI Ilunillron tit., AliontoWA. PA TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE • AT THE A LIA\ TOWI LUNII3ER YARDS ILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & 8R05..) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa BE SURE AND LOOK FOR TIIE LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT TILE FOLLOWING PRICES COME AND EE ! ! Percent. In need Of hunter for large lotildlett‘ will find I • fill order- for all kiln of lumber tweil In large building Henry tinkle bt•lottelnig to n flt•t-rln-n I Inn ynril In co Th t inkinl for poll fnirowt. I Inelto toy friend. loran end Inn 23-3.1 Harrison Safety Boiler. (ROVER & BAKER'S 11V N ; , I ur 1 3 I iN:\ I _ t ) • ,l • I , 5 i f ~ O f ~ ;1 ,0' ; ' ? • A . 4" • • /MEI NEW STYLES 6IIUTTLE STITCH BEIVING MACIIINEB PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED Fkolsl ALL WHO REQUIRE A SHULTTE SEWING MACHINE Manufacturing or Family Sewing To our NEW STYLES, which poseessunmistakable advantages over the NOISY and CUMBROUS styles of other makers. CAI.I. AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, orpotsite Gorman Reformed Chord), No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa -• . _.;'.1. - ZILL'S l i . , • , ; . „ •-• -•"' vrGETABLE SICILIAN ... '-- • ,• 35,:. '', ''' ''' •V t . . . HAIR , •.!-,, -....,-:- _," ~,.,:::;•fillf-4-.ENEWER. . :e.tse • the l °polari ty uii ii. vah::llile Ilair Preparation; Bleb is 11,10 to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the ooly reliable and perfect ed preparation fin. te•toring GRAY OR FADED 11AIR to its youthfid color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use; becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop- erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new groWth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco 110111leal HAIR DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, _M l)., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, 135114;onstitnents are pure, and car - 6= — 1° '"Thr selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST PIIEPA RATIoN fOr its intended purposes." s nit Druggkta, and !Mars in Midicineft. Prioe One Dollar Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. A. oar Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded 'Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will cruckly and effectually accomplish this re-ult. It is. easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by . R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA, N.H. !MB IN ALLEN OWN By W. E. BARNES & SON. FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER. YIOHNT'S TASTELESS POW DRR preserves all kinds of Canoed Fruit, stewed Fruit. Fruit Butter, Preserves bgod Tomatoes without being air tight, more stegan• in eautyud taste th an any process to the world. Title Powderhas been in public use for three years and Is now need in every State of the Union. It la cheap, Ite•lthyd reliable, will furnish Mewed and e d fruits d aily for the table cheater than any Mlle,. proem.. flop lion Cost. 50 Cents pots op 40 quarts or CO post ott sof pared fruit. Full directions telling how to prevent alb mould with the box. lent by mall of bold by (Inners and druggists. The wholewle tradasupplisd by Johnson. Ilaltateay it enema hard• it Co, Pbbatelphi a, Hilltitr & Wetherell. New Tors, or o EEC= " BLUE SIGN !" No. 1 Pine Boards, beat quality, per thousand t3l " 1 " Scantling, " 44 32 " 2 " hoards, 4, 25 " 3 " " 12 Inches wide, " 10 " 3 " " All width, 18 " 1 •‘ Floor, 6 Indies wide, best quality.. 34 " 1 " " nil widths, per thmtsaud 80 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 Melva wide._ ... 20 44 I It " all vrldtbs 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality 34 " 1 German " 34 44 2 .4 44 ... ........... ..... 84 %Beveled Siding, planed 26 44 " not planed 22 'lt: Inch Common Panne' 40 134 " " " . ...... ...... ..... 40 2 iti it ..,.. ....... .. 40 Hemlock gd o l , , r t lis se ill it h i , l c n i g s et u i.. i . ,ic all length li l t ) " " all widths 18 No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality II ..1 26 " " " " . ....... ....... 10 " 124 " " 14 3 feet Lathe, beet quality. ..... .......... ........ 52.75 4 gg " 2.75 3 " Palinga 1" 00 314,444 14.00 4 " " .. ..... ...M Oil .I 1 " " . .. ..... .....1,.00 Fence Boards and Rails._ "0.00 " Posts. extra quality ..........................30 els All 011.1 VI Lumber in proportion. I [really to their ittiventnen to cell, lielna constantly If lily open the Itie.t favorable ten.. I ['dal the shuitest Wilier. in•tnntly kept on hand. Inspect tip , ttock. Respect y. WILLOUGHBY It. Tli E:C I ELASTIC' WIITCII FAMILY 141WIDERT F itii 1!1)1N( F:,1; 1 l'uK I N 4; FOR ,; II i...121N0 I= FO3 DI NO F)R FFLLIN6 THE 1:•1 , :; , T IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING I FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED IN ANY BRANCH OF 'ZANE. tiOldlY Sr CO.. lAi NortWeecnipt St. Philad'a 'Chestnut & 12th Sts., 3ewelers anti Silversmiths. FI N E WATCrIES I FREfidi C -OCK9 I BkON;ES I PLANED WkFtE. Ovatitp Guaranteeo. ISootis sent by Express on approval. IMICRISO% BOILER WORKS, ti.,l l'n HAS BEEN IN PHA , TICAI, USE FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS. U. 7,000 ;1,r...cf.-power ext.. homltm. '5 , 42 A•ro.ricsin lt,ffinto Mechtl, IR 9. PATEN Plf H.:HESTIA] C.:. EY Ii1.011:104. =I MII=I or JOHN A . .11A g , rrt. Von II And r , p FFI.EIIAI. SI ~ IleNror. Alain MEM MEI= A r. achabli Are 1 urclui arublt Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and (owe of all derange ments hi the slum nett, liver, and bow els. They are n mild aperient, and an *is excellent purgative. Naffs.z Being purely ;C' •' tattle, they contain ' , no met clay or mine •• . rat whatever. Mali hid:nest:and suffering Is prevent. ed by their timely use; and every family slmuld have them on hand ' for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the liars est, surest, and best of all the Erns with which thin market abounds. By their 001,06101101 use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the 13VE1• tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the a hole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by .I,yer's Pills, and stimulated Into netion. Thus incipient disease is imaged into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating . makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they nre mild, and operate Wllllollt disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions me given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them ns a Faintly Physic, mai for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure:— For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. arse. Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should he taken moderately to stimulate the atom. Sell, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp toms, 1111110111/0 Illeadache, Sick Mead. ache. Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bil. loos Colic :aid Bilious Fevers, they should _—liejailielously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose Is generally reithired. litheumationt, Goat, Gravel, Pal. pitation of the Heart, Pain in the aide, flack amid Loins, Cher 611011111 be comb'. ',misty taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy nail Dropsical Swellings, they should be taken 111 large and fr.pient doses to jiroduee the effect of a drastic purge. For Noppression, a large close should be taken. as it produces the desired effect by eyes pithy. n Dinner PM, take ono or two Pins to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowel's, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence It is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well ellen finds that n dose of these Pills lintel him feel decidedly better, from their idealising and renovating effect on the digestive appinttus. PREPARM Dr / )r...7. C. A TER .' CO., Practicni Chemists, LOTELL, MASS., U. H. A. l'Oli NALL: BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWUERE. SOLD IN ALLENToWN BY W. E. BARNES & S9N. BOOK AGENTS'4l7,%l°4iiivr:ard.,•.?:,7ll, erery - Gmtly THE PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER Is Menai, work natant which gating.ec this want. It is bsant.fol and striking. comhiuln.. en.nntlraly flew and elegant FAcILT I'Mornon••■ ALgcm with a comp'ele FAMILY Mato T. Exactly wua. 11:• 1113( wtabad. rap.dly. Aoals,a arm dr prong the old book• to lake bold of the naerni .nd bosatt al — 1:1,.14. yes." A l'.•te I reporie fr Agent : 11 in d to; ie . 9 dal a i 16 le 1 vs—l.—netting Ag at. S.I WO par week. sal ps thri11...4 and Clrcul r from Address GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, sosiS•l7 w 110 hanman tittieet, Philadelphia. Mateto an 6 3irtnelni. atAtpwatkfl NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET • P1I!L/tDELPIHA, ,TEW EL ERS STINE SNIITHS IMPORTERS, A ItE MOW IN RECEIPT OF TIIEI It FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, 1:3111BACINO A SUPERB wroct: OF PARIS ERON'Z S ! Clock Sets and Mantel Ornaments ! VIENNA FANCY GOODS! PARISIAN STATTAR.YI SOLID SI IN FR WARE! TASTEFULLY ARRANGED TN CASES FOR WEDDING PRESENTS ALSO. A SPLENDID ASSoRTIIIS.NT OF Fine Jew ll'3, Watches, Chains Viagra-Plated Wares. BAII.4EY&O it.......„....q:,... .7.t D0 ,„ 4 44 icma y: ARTA 4 ,-, I n I m .i. I, ‘,...... 0.,A ,i, jEWELER, 1124chestEut St. 1124 =I Are Utiexcel:rt NEW FALL STOCK Are 011eq11311rd romr ,,, wg t , nod 1.1.4 varied ica,t hey hAve • ver i re Bui pH* RE , I %IMP. W ATCTI El A •pr (AMR (MAINS. IC Eys. 6E.F LS. i:112l11118, &c JhWEbnr, YUllrely new dt,ig.. SOLID STERLING SILVER WARES. For prn•rnfnlb.n and h0n.rh01,1. , .. Till: FINENT ENGLISH AND AMFdtIONN Silver Plated Gondol, Table Cutlery. 6.e., Are n • 111 paseui A rr Faultiest • Brons,, Mnnte , • la , ki; and nrna merit Ffrnry qn•pla in OM Bronze, t.allar, Irowl SAlorteil thin ye.ir to En Hope, 11n,Irrnla priret Atr all rucks tt ht. ?emit. apt booing a ootwo m th• STY IX AND [IDA I.ITV limo ,t lo , of t dlr. i more a switt gt rk wmpi•elfntly nom buyore. or Ito v ..IPott ths City ou plett , i, 0. . tooll-3111 w •--. Are A;1 in:rabk KELLEIR S BROTHER. NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., well reenlnted and warrlintell. AI: else. and prices, frees upw eras. A hire, ot..,t,erer of GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIES than can ho found In any allitir Fiore In the city. VER WA A V JEWELI S iOF LL KINDS, ILGE• revery 114 •dlption. SarWateree. repaired ou 41kori holler. w Avretz Es, JEW SILVER AND PLATED WARE, cliA RLES S.•MASSEY,S, No. 7.111.... i Hamilton %lreet. the Gorman Ho fornool (lb .Ir,t revolved from N. uthl Phil udelphia• all the He nee Owl/infest and heat ogs,ortolent of H,.lit Watt:hen and at lower prlc., than von Ln found eleewheao. lie bee sL,l.treer aud butter 11.01[11,w of Silver kVatcher then can Le purchased any% here elm, • (4 ( /LI) EERY. • fro tho lArdofd 00. bo,t um.forfl old or 01l kil.f6 of fold Jowolry. la y 8-41&c. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. ❑wha, h larger and Ihqter Anwornhout or all klud, of Mit hud Mau Imo h o pntnd el.owhor, SILVER AND PLATED \V ARK. Helm. a x 1,1.1.1111 nmeort loom of Silver anti Plated \\•are. Any iternou deelrittg tootle at title Imo can not Cell to he mired. CLOCKS. A larger anAorlment thliti .1111 y ial,l - 1,1.1111i+11111,3 M ELM) Di:SS. A pk 0.11.1 ..” - tult.t.t Priuve' the hoot lu tlw‘vorld. • ACCORDEONL-' , . A splendid .I.ortnwill or unkind. of Accord , ons. Ills estaldifflintent lifts lately los, duel fflff fun] of now and to woof fu Now York and rldlrololldflo• utul .dfosd of nuyiliingoutfiltiff tliff Inrge Pith.. Helots it ldrge. stork of fashion nide g.. Is lu his title •thou nil toloos . I,lfigh county efflublurd. To cournont youfselyffs of the above cull nud sea ISA h.. 0 K. STAUFFEIt, WATC! ES AND JEWELRY, No. 115 :sIORTII SECoND ST., con. I,e itY, I'M LA •• n .g' Jewelry. Silver sad • 'te e ; u rlYirlteyolrlug of Watch. and JowelrY Promptly too 141 to. apr.s•ly • Orbairo. L ARGEST STOCK 2 GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furultbra at the larval furniture storo In town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., 732 ILANULTON ST., ALLENTOWN. • The firm hoer recently Put in o MAM MOTH AM. , LATE•OLAbIi FRONT. end have otherwise enlarged their facilltien for keeping on baud the Witold stork In the city. Their ELEGANT FURNITURE Is manufactured in their iron en Mb/ Gthm•nt, nailer their own supervision, and is warraut ed I. br the beet Hi the market Au itp.pectilm "(their stock wall convince buyer.. of the vautage of buying ',hi them Helfrich At Co. manor Icture KITTLE'S PATENT BED. and are solo agents for that superior bed. Call dud see it. Remcmher The Mammoth'Glass Front. AVOW% 'N CiALLIIRATED FIRE l il7 P' AND BURGLAR PROOF 1. 4 SAFES. .r.v 1843. THE OLDEST SA FE HOUSE IN PHIhADELPHIA Th. only safe %stilt Issiny Boone. Guaranteed Pre,. train Ida 01011ess. Sat I roes Nora 15 to . :11 per eat. lower than miler makers. Please mend for Circular and Price i 110. T. WSTRI/N & 5110. • Late of Evans St Watson. Mann itetutsis itZ su.Sui w No. &i d. Fourth Bt. Philadelphia. nIIIILDEItti, LOOK TO Toun. IN TERENTB. L. W. HOoliin k CO. are mannfarinriug a nydracille C01:11.11 Urdu Pipe Chimney Plus and Ornemeatal Chita. hey Top+,•cheaper and more durable than , n, attic , in mutat. They are made of pore cement and email, bola pewertn.ly cnutpreseed, well actimourd, and are lu all practical fbRPOCIII EQUIVALENT TO STONE. 17111.11N8r MPS PROM $1 23 To • Bead fora clrcalac. ut call aud exaullacal their at , d ulaunfrrtorT, curnevof I.lamiltou otrealwad Rsllresol. I.tf Have tiow to Stor , their =I CLOCKS GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCHES he tabirS. OE .111•1.):.S :I07)I•I:R $4O i . 11::::Y:: . 1 1 ~.1 1, .: S'i IC f' . 2 .-4. . ?I' , ; ii.i,r,:w• ' z (..,-.,..... - • • - ~ , • •••=ii.. t 1. 1 ,, , ;,.44. t ..0...1.: ....:,,•;', . t 1 -,-.,,.2,?...„)•:: Lodi St itchly Beiring 31achille The lioßt and Chr.tlll”. n !i/Erk,, an,l i:eel• le lhe 101 lovolue point..: CMEBI'AI.F.O . 1 1M I'I.ICYI QUIETN Es , Or .)"ELATION, EA-li \IA. Aoi.:llEN't. HAI'IDITY oF,EXEoUTION. NON•LIAIUILITY TO 0801. -TITBIIBII OR lIRRAh TilitEn 0. sIMPLICITV oF 'rENsVIN AND A 01 . 1.11 . 80 ATTACH E.yrs. And It- Flitch 1. , - 11.,1a,• to rtit to Hee or weer than tb• "Shuttle" stitch, while It coat be more rarity taken on It desired. • j • • The 3Int,EAS htltch, nem, Poll:ruck ri‘ifit. 111‘ , .1, R Braid, Luibrol.l.• And ant!, io • int.i 0ppr..v..,1 .n eirt. 31ACIIINEN WA ItIcANTE:D WM. BLOECKLY & CO., I= 81., II ST., AI,I.VNTCM N 1,. 1,0,, W r, I 11 i.. , 1 'LUBER & I IU TZ, Agk., .:114qt ;on I=l iIKsT MAC/11.\'P: qr..; tr. r: Ins ' II ' Fl'l,l. • III:, II . • 'l , lEr ti sTI I GAT El: AND ..EWIINer TIIIE,A.IIK TIM! I.:A 1.1'."1' TEItAI:-;! 11 , ,..1.1111•„ I.) ..11 aro Equal!, ./God for Ylo ❑r..rr II ( till FRE IVA 1:=1 =NM WHEEL/1R al It I LSO N'.4l FMAILY SEWING MACHINES In T 1.: ItEsT OVER 11,11,P 3111.110 N NO IV IN USE! They have h.. to of tw..uty years' use and It Is un exiirritll..l.lt t r Urrila•e....lo SOLit uS 911 E INATALMENT .'LAN. rnll tit lA. .1 , .1 ..X3l. Dot 01..1t1, I bolhrr JOU , r l ./.toPuret.lrt...r tt-t. PETERSON & CARPENTER GENEIZAL AtiENT,. 914 CHESTNUT Pa 11. A DEPIIIA =ECM T HE All URIC IN WASHER PRICE $5.30 =BMW AND pIII'IN1E111!. . The Fatigue Va./ noI onto, Prewird, but ww. owl 'ben CI 14flog. Aare. LI al rltag erthile a• twhoae I. the. Hifi, nit bile, a few 44f t late.loeble qn •. o pe.ra—ell by any flitter w/tehlua I t Itiv,Jt•d.) .e here ,enumerated. It ht the y- mall Id. In 4.4 1 , 111. liel. portable. moil temple ia co .trtietioth too • wilt operated. A child Inn tear. ld. mill, a ea • 1k1144 ' tor. relit ran theronchly comm. bend aid 4•et it illy 1.14.• It There in no JdjuKtlne, arrewa to a .ney. no ela. In 1111 ph , e' It la always r 4 ally for 11.. ! I t 4.1 per , act ott e wm.clk, I It bi n min -1„, afa 4 a.4t wo , k tol ora I.r h er quality. t• an the pp ,tt elalmr e end I maely. Om, hail of :he lahart. POI) e vied to 41v5.., eml the clothe. will one-half homer than I , p he 141 p a of the r ho trd It lull tratth p la , ket 'fl ehlst• at a time, wnaldnit therotschly ! In w rd. e all:athai /.11N. fabric. from „ ( 1 .1,1 to a 01 Cdtelorie Ileedk.tchial, are etmaliy wiftto the 1,1111 ~ ,• h:. LIT e1.:13E51 I It Lr netem o ley toll and tea, °flat will. . . . • N.. Mr*, 4•W 1e.., Inn"' agahmt Wu-1111.1.: I 'tI,.IIIIIMACHO° In nano In rer,oni at• x•.pitl• rn nII .1 obtn 0 01 0 .. 3 al l! till t ) 1 , 1 4i.oll.ter :tad detractor at • 1.,..ut0 Mo. it I ir 10...1 the tn, . We Its,-test ta Si slum. e•st jig forth Its on lit"tsit• ••••viedsil• • ••u• ••. •uh• 41 r- ... from hundreds h ••••••• th ••iv s••• 1•• 1.••• sowteld. useles. eh • I, vs • • igualli d to übjec steel fu i•rettmoult dI n l s.k Ind:. it silt sliseut••nls. It ix s• perk , I r .114, IA fer wrluslnif• 'flu- • rice souther (..it 11,111,6'100M to purehnsies. Its• lis. ptsess ••• Iss thsi it Is is Val./ 0.0 rexch efeyrr Itott•ex•••••••r.••••1 tt• r•• •s Of do eilt:C economy tint will reldsy the stunt, so MlOOO. J•;)1.1 AI flirt Is ‘•••••,1 t • r I.AI It6AVF:R, I. • fall trt 1. W, r.‘t It 11... hill. to o Its work ell). Sorr A s 1 , 1; litl't riryl,Jt Arrp, A. 11. I.IIANCViCUS A: CO., 513 Ylarkt.t . Plinattla., Pa. The I,rg•nt awl ch...oe, %Vlh.l),:`; WARE 1101:1aE to the Relied etAte, (Aoo 3/ Sum LUMIRLIt WIIoLEALE AND RETAIL! HOFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL OM LUMBER YARD! KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER! OFFICE AT THE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS WHITE AND BLACK ()AK SAW mins wanted, for vhlcl the blylle.t market pric” will be mild noon dell 7• rr. N.. , Ju1y12.17 011ARLES L. HALE, U P H OLST ER ER, A:Cb NIANITAC MUER OF VENITIAN AND WINDOW SHADES, No. 936 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. VESITT lquo”. Wi,now S • IT •TT ItEtOtkO, l arrtV. I • 11. 1 not furyel tho td“co ARCH STIW ET UPROLS7 ERY, No. 930 ARM STREET, Seconthioor I elow Teuthoouth bide. • oct 4-2 m w wroLFERTz, CUTLERY, No. 606 11 AMI 'MON STltt. ET. ALLENT()WNPPA. yr A y.r.rt.,rp.lll.ll‘..o C I mtly All hart lame SA aortmotY of all.k 11I•14 of Cott. ry. Jurors. '110.16 mid Vorlt•l'lkoaket Kutre... Holssorg. /re, [tin .11 VAN IA RAILROAD. 111161-I,IIL - 7111111 ' • P:...sengare for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley It, pnealua Allentown at 0 no, 800 and 11 C 5 ••• 5 IA .In.l 8 12 p.m.. and mine in Philadalphia at. 860 • m. 2 15, 8 1 . 5 nud 10 21p. m. Alan Lehigh and Eltiagnehanna Railroad trains at 2 40 and 610 p. m.. and Heys in Phila delphia at 5 31 and 815 p. m. [Six Thronah Train. Daily, Sunday., liteeptad.] Palowager tralae leave the det Northwest earlier Berke end American et.eete. Philade lphia, For A lloacovra at IVO and 11 PI a. at., 2 CO. 9 90, d Oil and 515 p tn. Palare corn are attached to tko Ba. ta. train. Foe Doyle-lowo at 830 s. lea., 290 and 3U p m. For Pori Waalllngtoti at 'land 11 a ta, 8 la mill 11 90 p a. For S hingtou at 130 and 69d p. me. Pot Li...dale at 6110 p. m. Leave Bethlehem at 6 20,820 a. m.. 1115, 315, Mined 56 p. m. •• Dollealown at 635 a. tn., 300 •nd CO p. m. •• Lanedale at 0 05 a. in. " Fort Weallogton at 260, 1030 a. in., 215 aid 9 1 P • Abington at 215 and 625 p. tn. ON litIND•111. Leeire Bethlehem tor Philadelphia at 100 p. in. 1)0y iNdot• 6 45 a. aa. Len•re Polladelphia for Bethlehem itt P 36 a. ra. for Doy feet.. at 2 00 p. u. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 21 65. ELLIS GLARE, Agent. I I ElI IRAILROAuII D.VALLETaort WINTER •RRANORMINT. Leave, Allentown for New York. via Contra! Railroad sf New Jeraey. 01630,810, and 11 &la m, and •1210. 635, ocl 655 p. en. Fur Now York, Ti. Morris t Ea.. Railroad. at 603 and 1156 it m, an 3 3 41 p m. For 51.unka Chunk nod Belvidere at 9 10 a ta, and ILIA. p 111. For Lambertville and Trenton at 600 dad 11 55 a to, mid -691 to. For Rant. at 6 uti, 610, Maud 11 65 a in; 12 10'. 44. 5,5, 655 nod 6'14 p tn. For 19,1111,10phia, via North Nun Railroad, at 6 8191 004 11:614 In. tblls. 655 and 624 p F ,r Cutumny. & Vusloaville K. R., I 50 • to and 1213 pm. For Cop,. at 635 and 1218 a m, 425, 603 and 765 p m. For Mauch Chuok 416:3.1, 1019 a ta. 1216, 476 and 766 p m. For Putiort. 11 633 mind Auburn p For Waverly, J Owego, Elmira, Auburn and B•malo, at 10 19 u m 1 Ex pre. Trialu•l For liazieton at 635 and 1019 a nt, mid 425 For Andeuriwl at 1019 tn. Fur Alahnimy City at 695 and 10 10 • m. and 4 25 p nt. For Mt. Carmel at 035 .d 10 IR a ru. 'Ptahr with a afar (•1 mart Irmo Nan Pe.o 3noriton. 11. STANLEY GOODWIN. AWOL Oen% bvp't. • H. 11. tiA YRE 11.'4 & king. I?rs111 ING It A ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1871.. “tria Think Line from the North and North-West to obia. Now York, Heading. Poltathie. Tam. ‘,ltlntol Shamokin, Lebenou. Allentown. Hattion. Kph a ettot. Lint. COIUMIIIA. in. . • .•. • . Tr4lllo Ilarrhtbt;rtg for New York *a follow. a 10. N 1 0 .....00d 20 g 9p. m.. couneelin with .1..1.4 tri I. ot . i Italirowl, and al NO York to 10 , 7 x. at., 942 Rad 9 0 p. m. texpactlvely Stooping C 141,1 *commuter the 243 a. M. 11111.1 withou Iteturulug Now York at AUK a. m.. 123.1 noon and loriOnvCare Philad m elpbla at the 610 73, 630 n. m. and 330 p. to. i accopany p. m. train from New York it ithout champ. . . . l.suro Harrisburg for Heading, Potis4llle, Tentann 3 . II iner.ville, Ashland, tihattokln, Allentown, and 4••lptila ail S 200 and 4 IA p, m.,stupping at Leh, ,F MIA Print:4 , 3i way stations; the 105 p m. MOAB con• o-c 0 ilun for Phila , lolithla, Pottsville and flolutribln only. do•vi 11c. rchuyikill Haven and Auburn. via Schnyl • ill nud No;•quclotuna Regrow] leave Harrisburg .134 . b;nl'ent,7lvattla ItaMond tn.!. leave H.Wlu■ for Al ',don' it, I.a.tou and Now York at 4:it. 10 40, !cm , And 4 n 1 p Re to mug, leave New York at 9(oa. m., 12:10 I, tn., and Allentown At 730 a. m.. 1225 ...1...! Id, 4 :V, nod Add p. tn. i ~\':.~ tt• •y I I.i.euger Tr.tn leave. Philadelphia aI 730 It. N. duklertiog wttli similar train on East Penna. Railroad III; 1••nr• • Reading at 620 p in., stopping at all sta tlons. • 1. I4VI , Pottsville at Min. m.. and 2 30p. m. Hermitun it to i• sh•inaklu nt 510 mid 111.5 n. to.. Aahlaud a 12 000[1. Malinnoy City at 771 a• m. .••• li I in., ram iqua nt 811 a. in. nud 10 V. m. for .'hilaa•••ppi. Nutt York. Hendlug. Ilarrleburg, ge. l'ultsv ill, via Schuylkill and Punquelmon• at n It n. M. fur Harrisburg. and II 4.3 a. m. fur Plus cr.‘ 11 flout. !te„dina AcCol/1111.1dat1011 Train leaves Poniardle at 510 t. paneee Itedding at 7de a. w.. arvivitte at Phtladel pm at IV Ali, ta. iteturmum. leaven Philadelphia at 115 p.pla.aa-itta iteadma at 735 p. m., arrtvlaa Pole- Mt 14 2 Pottstown 'Accommodation Train I Pottstown at 7 Returning, leaven Philadelphia at 4 15 p. m. Coluinb.a Railroad Trains leave Heading at 7 23 • in and i.l . iii for Lob ruts. 'Lltis, Lancaster, Colombia, etc. ; re -11 olio; Icav Laticaster at 839 a tn. and 325 p to, and C ll -lonibut at s 15.1 in, and 3 15ai m. iel k Uu Railroad Fran.. leave Perklumen Junction .t 1 7 2 n/les, 9 it in, Sul and 6L5 p to. Returning. leave seLweaksv tile at n45.819am, 1250 noon and 4 46p m. kneeling w ith similar trains on Reading Railroad, Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Pl.cenixville at 9 pi n in, 3.6 and 5 56 p m ; returning. leave Byers at 650 in, I 45 aeon, at.d 481 pm, connecting with eluillar 1e1..n yowling Ralltoad• ~..eloo ooltdaie Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 010 • aid l I.lsua ti 30 pm; returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 5, ti am, and 2 51p m connecting with similar trains on Reading 11.1 i. .loiter Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 883 a el and 2115 and 520 p m; returning, leave Downington .55sut 12 (0 nod 6 p in, connecting with similar moue Unbonding 11111/1 . 061.1 On Sundays: leave Now York at 600 p m, Philadelphia 01ti Ou a ut aud 3 15 p m (tho 811) a in train running only to It. sabt,. lease Pottsville at 8 V) a in, Harrisburg at 216 ni and 2W p to, Allentown at 835 pm, Heading s. 715 moi aud 9 Rip to for Harrisburg, at 432 • in for Raw York ud ut 9 4 ain and 116 p m for Philadelphia. Commutation, litleage, season, School sad Ezearelon rick..., to and from all points, at reduced rattle. dassage checked through; ital pounds allowed each saint r, J. R. WOOPTEN, ..ot 11 1 r AM. Supt.& ling. Maclent. C A it; ‘T I B UA A S : fel D &IMAM On and sifter APRIL THIRD, 1871, Putnam Trains on the Cat:mannoa & Fogelaville Railroad will run In connec tion with the Lehigh Valley, Lehigh 1, Snannishatina, and Gaol Peun. Railroad, ae follow.: I,otoo Wl•tli STATIONS. P. M. I A. M. 6 45 001 66 7 709 7 16 72 7344 ZUe. 216 2 4.5 741 7 46 g b 1 The m orLI ng train west I Catesauqua on the art Iv Li of the L. V. R. R. Passenger train from blanch Chunk, ki.,,,ton. Bethlehem and fillet town. and connects at Alba, tin with a train on the East Pennsylvania H. R. for Head- Ms, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia. and also u wit n train for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. The morning Into Bast connects at Albutl . • who trains on E. P. R. it. from Harrisburg, Potuvill• Leading and Allentown, and at Cataaanqns with train on the Lehigh Vu Bey Railroad (or /hunch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Reran too, Pl.liadelphla end New York. 1 he 115 I' M train Went connects at AI/turtle with train. on the head Penn. Railroad (or Reading Poitevillih Ear. nature, Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem. Easton, irld New lurk; arrive in Philadelphia eta Heading at 6 13 p. m. IV= Th.. EVeOll4 train Rant I Al-Untie on the arrival at at train train Allentown and of a train making nnec• than, at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Hants• burg, Pottsville, he. and connects with local passenger train au tie L. V. li. IL at Catasancna for Allentown, latatnleboul cud Satan. • • Mott .• • . to `to to ♦llentown can take lb. morn ing troth Wont to arrive at Allentown 915 a nt, • u.l return by a train on be Rant Pennaylvanla Railroad. ...ring Allentown at 420 D. m. MIME t I.I.ENTGIWN PASSENGER RAIL .ts. WAY. TIME TABLE. 01.1.111 after SATURDAY, July Ist, 1871, cars will ran to all val. on the Lehlta, v.ii., and Lehigh and Rumple uoine, l'hiludOpilla at Reading (East Peon Junction) hutlroadx, uud to the Allentown Furnace, leaving Sta. 0„u, Hamilton and Ninth atreeta, as follows: For L. V. L. 318. IL Peon. Furnace. Lea's Fur A NI A. M. A. M. A. U . A M. ri 30 7 30 640 •• 9 00 9 40 h uo 745 5 45 IQ 60 1190 730 1 11 30 11 26 741 , t Ifi 100 1 40 II 3.1 P. N. I'. M. ' 9 9) 4 10 " 16 140 600 ..1 36 P. M. .6 16 9 46 700 ..7 sc. 2 M 600 34.$ 8 00 1- - 7 lo l'ay Day NL ,. & Millard's (I 3,1 OY 730 890 9.10 The above rare ran to all the passenger trains on the shove ro.ole. • rho A 33 car take. passenger/. from the 6 03 P. N. trate cud the 731 car race to Buffalo Entire. (L. 11•) 0 I) ii. 31. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten years of age, Five Coat.. Veit eta con ho purchased of the conductorion the care, or or U. i re Isoror, to ' , entrees of 7 for 60 eta. or 11 for 411. 1 io,ote teemed only for paesougers. not for trunks or imitan..e. 44-Pesengere are requested not to ride on the plat form • when Lb. re is room inside. pACI FIT GUANO CO. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. JOHN S. BEESE CO.. 122 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO No fertilizer Introduced to the farmers of the Middle sad South-co mates hen given more general and uniforms sat- Wootton than .hle guano. The trade to It has steadily inereued until the eonsnmp. Nun now throughont the entire country far exceeds that or any other tortilla., Tho tare° capital involved In Ile production affords the eurtat gunramee to He continued excellence. The cow p soy bas a for greeter Interest In . the permanence Of Its tie& than any number of consumers can have t hence It ht the Itlgheet Interest of tho company to Po. their beet fi•flinint n in the Market. that their uanal faellitlee, aided by the beet eel...lige ability can produce. ( Thin nun. to 80..1 at retail by local agents of the eom• patty 'throughout New Jamey. pelaware,PenneylVeals and the Southern Bunten. and at whole/tale by General Agents for the Company. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 11127.111133 STAR GLANS WORKS, LJ .EVORBISTO WIT, PA . These works are truisorsaturtnw A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF WINDOW GLASS :ONO LE ARO DOUBLE STRENOTR, ETIOTOGRAPU, MUM, PICTURE, CORRUGATED &ND OBErIURE ()LASH; HOUND, SQUARE, AND OVAL SHADES. ie. (Equal to European make.) Aram the bent materials lined, gualtigg whihtr. i ll o etA irr e tear t. in e n . d tougher glass thee any other made Ectram cc. D R IR ANnli PiIIAVIIING AND • HAIR DRISSINO SALOON, NO. II PIrttIiS . IITII Pawl e isz ro r rp c A alYr i gP• bRALPOVIVO a l ma II A/ U. YAIik U executed In • superior sad tumble manner. rosy laud llailorabs. I= = = CATASAUQUA, 061 *IPLIVS, 9 45 *JO E RDAN DRIDOS, 090 GUTH'S, 934 WALBEST'S, • CHAP MAN'S; 919 THSXLSRTOWN„ 007 BRIIINIUSVILII. 888 .SPRINO CHSEK, 817 AL-DUSTIB, 837 lon.. CON2I ECTIONS. C. W. CIIAPBRN, Supt. auW Hugiuser. GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE PIIILADELPMA. REDUCED PRICES. JOHN S. REESE dr Co.. WARRANVID NOT TO OTAIN. J. M. ALBERTSON l'3roccssional .earbl J • AMEN N. BEERY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Mee, ffo. 10 11 otrooL. orootok loot of Llou odl, Alloutowu, P.. (Special Attoollos given to eolleettous). wow 17-l7 J•s. e. BISZT. ' F. B. Dornoy. IMMA BIERY & VORNBY. CoLuentoir •1111 D RIAL Louts, MID CONY .o. MO Harolltoa•trest. eeeond Moor. Allentown. Pe. I.ly 10- dew WD. LUCKENBACII, AT', ma • ART AT LAW, (formerly praetieed.ln .`erbe county). OM cc Ilawllt..n Street, second Am.._ bawl oprionde the Conrt Floes*, Allentown. P.. any t o see salted ett the tlerman laniasse SAMUEL. A. BLITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01Nee. No. EH Hamilton , treat . •var Nehml • bee. atom ALLENTOWN PA. Edam IVIORRIN L. KAUFFMAN, ATTMt. NET AT LAW. °Meg, ee coed goer of the Pint National Hank building, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collectiew• made In Lehigh and ad totnlog counting. Con be tonal tad nth. Engligh end 47 arma• languages. sop 1417 VILNA dc BALDWIN. ATI'ORNEAN AL OficMlD COUNgELLOIIB ATstree LAW. Allentown, Pa. ip. No. 54 Baal Hamilton t. C. 11. Rolex. F. A. R. DALDWIt J. MORE. ATTORNEY AT LA W. • ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. CO East U.mllloa atrsot. 44/-Can be boaeolted la German. 14 FORGE H. IRIITP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Once with ilue. Jobe D. Stiles, Allot low re. - --- TIC. IMUNNIMERGER ATTORNE I • AT LAW. Removed to lb. Pont Odlee building.. woad Boor, ALLENTOWN PA. spr 21-1, VDI•VIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AL, AT LAW, PI gh t doors shove the Court lions., •L -LENTOWN Lehigh eonntv. Pa. fel 13-'OO-1v ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, SA West Harnillou St., AlleAbwo. F. • Wlll. N. YOUNG. • (WINK KNOWLTON. NINITN L PC•LII4.) ATTORNEY A T LAW, Nelms 43, 45. VI and 47. No- 140 Washlngten Str.et. Ilffo. inner WILLIAM 111.4316 ACE. ATTOItNEY AT LAW. CATANAUQUA, Lllllllll COUNT PENNA. may 10-ly TORN 0. BOWMAN. ATTORNEY f D CPI? CSELIAIL AT LAW, Room 8, No MO Wal nut ntren, PLllndelphln, mar 1-ly EORGIE K. WILSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Nn. MS Hamilton •treet, nearly oppo site the Court Hone, AllnntoW a. Collretions prom Mill rondo In Lehigh and Northampton conottee DR. c. C. n. taILDIN.SIMGEON DENTIST. Omen. over Mrs. M. ♦. 0. Ouldl■ • Trimming Store. N 0.34 East Hamilton •tr••t, Allentown T EVI POPOVER, ATTORNEY AT ILI LAW AND JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, LI:111611 l' A. Particular Attention paid to Innolyent and decedent estntes. jan 8-17 rpinto,lns It, METZGAR, ATTOit. L NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. 061 ca, No. 61 Eaat Hamilton ntrevt. may `•'ED FORGE R. NCB ALL ATTORNEY 'Cr AT LAW. OElee, First doer above Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. • may 104-aca TIOWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 00co, with Hon. Simnel A. Brhittes, ALLENTOWN. PA. may 1-ly TORN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. N. E. Corner 60 and Hamilton Streets MAAR TOWN. PA. ' may 1-1 y ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTOUnr. AT LAW. Office, opposite the Court Bow, AL LENTOWN. PA. um!, 1.1, RCLAY 11A WI ERSILY,A TTORN EY . AT LAW CATASAINIII• PA. Jan 14'68-1f Just' RECEIVE) BY DIRBCT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND. 33 CRATES NEW STYLE CHINA & GLASW ARE! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELMAN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET. ALLENTOWN, PA. A LSO,. TEN CAR LOADS OP THE C!LEDBATRD OHIO STONE WARE! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., so-Special bargains to Country Storekeepers. Wi-CALL AND SEB. - 01 sepiA EMAIMI OM 642 41 6 %0 6% 630 PARENTS TAKE NOTICE, TIIAT AT THE BOTEN BOOK S FOR YOU WILL •LWAYa . FIND FOB .ALA ALL 111141 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS; COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. _— The time I. again hero for children to prepare for SCHOOL 1 : :: gor e t :d lit Tt t i r. :, . hand and for sate everythittg they Walt SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW nD where she. D ivcru t. KITS Maur Jost what they DON'T FORGET, AND REHM= THAT Till BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACA TO BUT ALL KINDS OP School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEIBENBING, TREXLER & CO., an Hamilton Bt., Allentown. Pa. sepiltd r EINIAINTUE flig ROBS' irtirmk co t WHITS GOOD& LACES AND BMBROIDZIE INS are excelled by any home le the ally, either fa eMpletenem. varlet►. quality or eheapaem. IQURS very choke. New and most desirable /NINON SUNS AND TRENCH NAINSOONA. TARGA /IS, all colors MOSQUITO NAT, 1% yard.. I aid, • rds wide. i t VICTORIA LAWNS a sew Invoke. BOIT CAW r I ViaII s ICY3, IIL P I 4I IP NI N I; iI I ItE I D D EI' II e 17N R 111% kIa TB LAWNS. OA 8 IC/3, OUSTOM-MA B MIR. LAURA—a most .elect clock of all Blade of Lame. A epeelalty In CURTAIN ARTS and LACI CURTAINS.. NEW HAMBURG 'mamas k INSBRTINOS Come dAlly. lowestaa always Sod a rood amortmeat here, and et the rates at whlsh they us be sold. All WRITS TRIMMINGS. MAIN mod LAMS COLLARS AND CUFFS. The eheepest EMBROIDERED SETTS In the market , One prim. 212 North Eighth St., Philada. THE NEW HAVEN • . IMPROVED LOW-PRESSURE STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS Pas been In anceemsfol operation donut" the post RIX TIEN years and experience has proven that the method adoyplod gpnbllo lgrg:Lirolinceiolratat'llg stows, dwelltago. • MOST EFFICACIOUS , • • AND ECONOMICAL. Those who have used It are unanimous In choir nosy that It rOPPillia WOO SUOMI.. wanes. tolling. slope more coal and hoot. more thoronghly than any other heating apparatus. and such Improvements have been made ID their. radiators that they are great additions to the ornamentat too of APO dwelling.. and an beautiful subnltutes for mutes. We rear to a few of the many who now this nips. rains la non :—John Wood, Low!. A. Lukens, Dr. , P. Reid, Con•hohocken t Nathan Flehogeld, Charts. Noble, Philadelphia I Doors. Eitelnmets, Hon. Charlw n. Blln. eon. Wm. Stabler , Ocorge Wright, Dr. N. B. Pol., Nur. rl•Wwn. A. T. COLT, - lea BROADWAY, Niw Toni. . YANIRB SPENClAll o up't, Norristown, Pa., Sr lianas 111 :.an O gle Ice at Dot!, Allentown. angls4. • WANTED. . • • ~ • .--. , Twenty-five or Thiiti - Labiiiekb. LAWN , at the 'waif .11 ALLUITOWN IRON liOitZll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers