gegister. No paper discontinued until all arearages aro paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regnlarly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Bubscribers about removing will please send us their old address as well as the new.. NOTlCE.—Within a short time we have sent out a large number of bills for subscription. Many of them have received prompt attention, for which we return thanks, and we would be very happy to return thanks to the balance of those who have received our bills. The amount in each case is small, but in the aggregate the amount is large. and our friends will confer a favor by giving the matter their prompt attention. THERE nre-e , ven different books on the Chicago tire now lu press. "Kam , away from my left arm" Is a Ire aunt ex - Ciamation now. Porravrbts gambling hells are becoming so bold that they keep open on Sunday. THE attention of the traveling public is called to the corrected time tables of the railroad. THE firm of Jones & Williams at :-latirmton have shipped large quantities of elate to Chicago. DUPREE it BENEDICT'S MINSTRELS IVIII OSA to on the sth of February. AN exchange thinkstlial. the chief advantage of routing chestnuts Is the rich and gamey flavor It gives the worm. TUE SfillingtOn News says their are still some eases of small-pox In that town, though only one person has died of the disease. LonNekSimp.—At a meeting or the Equitable Loan and Building Association, last week, two shares were sold at 83.75 premium and ECVCII shares at $5.65 premium. A 8013STITL , TE for India Rubber Ins liern Invented by which all articles now twinuftetured from the India Gum can he remilly m,tde. front the new composition at half the co,t. TIIE National Republican Excatnivo Com. mlltea will meet In Waphlnaton city on the lit of January to decide on the place when• I hi, to , vt nominating convention shall he THE Order of P. O. S. of A. will bncc apa rade In Norristown on Thankeeich•c town, Hemline', Philadelphia, l'haa 41e, and other places will sena tiwir NORTH PICNti. to $47, an Indication tIL.t !iof I II- 1,. ,(1., lens° of that road by the L. high V til• y i strong as formerly. • SUNDAY SCHOOL A.SSOCIATIoN.--Tht . idh Quarterly meethur Of the Whitehal sued •y School Association will be held at Delh,a r i •, I) school bongo, on Saturday, December 2.1, at one o'clock. HOLY DIGNITY, PERHAPS. —A lecturer dc• scribes a man so shut In 100..1n:idly and exclu siveness that when you shake hands with him you always feel as If you were doinglt ;brought' knot hole. Tim first house In Allentown was built by William Allen In 1750, on a grant of 20,000 acres, received from WlMani Pent, ; In 1812 It became the county town ; and In 1838 Its former name of Northampton was changed to Allentown. IT is considered the thing for young gentle. men to have their overcoats made with a pocket to one aide lined with flannel or fur, In which a lady may clip her hand when walking of a cold whiter ' n evening.—Er. It would be a decided improvement to have the pocket In the sleeve. ARM BrtoxEN.3lf6: brim, widow of the late Joshua Grim, aged about 011,5 , -live years, re. Biding on North Seventh sireet,fell on Wedne,day while cleaning the walk, and broke her right arm above the wrist. Dr. Constantine H. Martin at tended her. FORTUNATE.—Jacob Leighton, a puddler, connected with the Gleu Iron Work:+, In the First Ward, we learn, fell heir through the death, of a brother to the neat little sum of twenty-five hue Bred pounds English sterling. Ile is malting ar rangements to visit the Emerald Isle nod place himself In possession of his inheritance. SCHOOL PROPERTY. —The estimated value or the school property of Allentown Is $380,000 ; that of Reading, $325.000 ; that of Ilarrlsbum, $229,000; that or Pottsville, $110,000; that of Williamsport, $103.000; that of Paston,sl2s,ooo; that of Erie, $177,000 ; that of Lancaster, us re• ported to the School Department, Is only $40,000. TnE News speaks of the collapse of the Pa Wet to a very joyful tone. lithe Republicans had given the proper support to their German organ, the Newt and other Democratic papers would nor have a chance to rejoice. Any live Republican editor, experienced in the tmAine,s, and having the requisite capital, can make the Patriot rot ,h lishment a paying and valuable concern. TIM LIBRA KY. Ihe books or the F. L. Li brary have been turned over to the Allen Ititles and have been removed to the armory in Milltar3 Hall, Seventh street below Hamilton, where liv public can obtain the use of the hook ninth Un usual terms. The Rides nd to is sire energy to the tannagrment of do. 10,r sty .sod h. ro to be enabled to umkii s en Ili, stock of books. We hope the: o !, lior•• filed by this change. FIRE.—At 2:15 Weiluvslay f , :. a 11. c broke out In the at yard In Phillipsburg., A largo Ir.uw tar itd 120x30 filled with plaited Mintier strayed. A shed adjoining t111..,1 aith lath, &c., wan partly :111,11 • filled with seasoned Intaln.r wan rut Much of the lumber was etorivd sic .., I saved. A frame house on the a ilvy .is damaged, and the house of Mr. 11, •rty, on M .111 street, occupied by a grocery store, was damaged. The origin' of the tire Is nut known. Loss about 15000.—Free l'ress. Jr is all very well for the owners of the stable in which Mrs. Leary's cow resided to pub lish an affidavit to the effect that the fire did not originate on those premises, and was not caused by the upsetting era lantern, and could not have proieeded from the kick of the cow at milk •log as that delicate operation was always per_ formod'by daylight. Affidavits were always cheap in Chicago, and the conspiracy to cheat poor Mrs. Leary's cow out of the honor of settinz the great est tire of modern times is so evident that no hero. acne lamp can make It plainer. The only affida vit that will have any weight with the impartial public will be that of the cow herself. REPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week coding Nov. 18th 1871, compared with same time last year: For Week. For Year Total Wyoming 15,450 01 • 510,233 15 Hazleton 43,081 13 1,254 132 15 Upper Lehigh 80 10 2.259 17 Beaver Meadow 14,871 04 453,929 03 Mahanoy. ......... ......10,383 01 483,152 17 Mauch 108 11 7.832 08 Sullivan & Erie......... 777 15 7,548 19 Total by Rail Sc Canal 88.675 01 8,107.570 02 Same time 1870... ..... ..... 73,233 09 3,5 i 5,481 09 OLIVE LOOMS talked to the Norristown people about Nice Young Men, on Thursday eve ning. Her sister Grace graced Ili:audience. The Herald thus gracefully speaks of her dress and NOItTIfWESTEnIi ACKN'IWLEDOMENTB.-' 1 ola her sentiments, both of which are important : following tatters are published for the Inform:it lot Miss Olive Logan is a bandsorrie woman, of the de ir of these who recently contributed through the La. age. " biome type, Iler f apparently about eat are clearly ty•Ove yearn of fined and her dies' Aid Society, of Allentown; for the relief 0.. eyes keen and sparkling. She was dressed In the sufferers by tire In the Northwest : [thick Bros grain silk, made with a Duchess train, barque and imeii sleeves. It wan trimmed with lIICAMIV•ittrs its MICIIMAX RELIEF COMMITTEII. DE ItQIT, Nov. 11, Ital. an elaborate true composed of white clung:WM black guipure laces. The skirt was.extretuely Mrs. Ellen J. Mc .e blister, dire. Islizalietlt Wi oil La:4PM. Jewelry blue sod gold. Hair rolled —Dear Ladies: Yours filth inst. Is at hand. %V% is Praticale with coronet. In Met, steel Gave accordingly urawn en you for uhiety-four us its nu extremely weildressed womati,wbo man dollars and eighty cents—the cionation of your tenth %%Mout embarrassment. As she Ladles All Society. Thanking the kind ladies gives considerable prominence to good dressings:. and yourselves, yours, etc., C. M. GAitititlON, Chairman. have we. Condemning the Idle, purposeless mutt 01 the times, she depleted him an Mid Mukur de- Nev, 1701, 1871. I slgtied Min to noblest work, self-reliant, • Mrs. E ll en J. McAllister, President ; Mrs. I . - lamest, Bettye and nreful, las character—that put , Wood, Treasurer; Latta .laurlet y ! emit of nobility—impres4m; his tel to Pa.—Dear Xadatil :lum in I evelpt of your hour I ,..orthil, fellow In louteteps. At home cheer of the 131 k lust., ..dvining "r g u m 51 i" tea ful end protecting—abroad, very pillar of Allentown National Bank to my order for ferers by the tires in Wisconsin. y.a, wilt please l arlessly she dennnuced the free love doctrines accept for yourself and tile gone bu• ',won by Tilton “„ d viewth, Niel clety the gratetui thanks of our IttitetCunauaiuea mull, nod e 41113 upon the Amble urmy of women for your generous and thnith old. ,ultiatitsts to repudiate Cite block banner which The boxes of goods arrived salil3 and y our , there no .411.'0 ruit,rllli!lS have hnlnled, slid dine. hearted liberality will not bu lust or 11116111,1,1ie1i. rIIW the pr and perhielous gaspelii a bleb Yours, Truly, there evangel , ' are realtelleg broadcast through ALEX T reqs. ar loud. Increase. Decrease MOHES CfIOI,IIAUOII, formerly engaged in the furniture lituilun,a In this city, died last week In Luzerne county. SMALL-Pox la played out In Allentown and cholera will not have a much better show the coming summer. The city le notably healthy'. Tun Times wants a Board of Trade In Bethlehem. Bethlehem people make an excursion to PHs dolphla to-day. IT IS 111:1MORND that the Lehigh Valley Rail. road Company has offered e 20,000 for an Interest in a newly discovered tin quarry at Glendon: Th.: ore in pronounced of great value. Snot Joriaa, betterknown as "Gruby Sam," la the oldest railroad note about Columbia. He bus been engaged In the business since the build• log of the old Columbia and Philadelphia Rillroan (now a portion of the Pennsylvania) in 1833. . _ lire largest and finest furnace property in the United States Is that of the Thomas Iron Company, nt Flokendamma. It represents a cap ital of $1,700,000, and turns out 1,500 tons of Iron is week. Too DARNED WELL.—At the Columbus, Ga., fair, a Atoeking was exhibited, darned no per. fectly that the Judaea pronounced it not darned at all. The lady who did the work wan highly cold plituented. Eoos.—Mr. Gross, the photographer, has laid on our table two eggs, one the size of a pea and the other as large ass cherry. As a layman Mr. Gross stands cmlneut, but us layers we don't think much of his thickens. TFIANKSGIVING. - -A public temperance meet ing will be held In the Court House, oa Thursduy evening next (Thanksgiving) at 7 o'clock. Ad dressee will be delivered by Revs. Win. Swindells, Thomas Bowman, and J. W. Wood. The public in respectfully invited. LARGE CONTRACT.—Mr. Patrick McGee, of South Bethlehem, ban been awarded a contract for stripping or removing 80,000 cubic yards of ground from the q nail - len of the American Slate Company nt Slatington, The work wan commenced on Mon. day weekend will b. , rapidly pitched forward. I'it lira ,81tr VERIA:C.9, of this city, dcsdive a areal deal of tiovor for their strenuous ttTorts to relict, the ,:.If: en+ from the tires. They hate .oto more boxes ready to Stud to tniPtlon fantlll, aururd out The tidily of tlitAe ett, tti , ,ithati i., or •.r throe Iluodr it doll.n P. 'I 'l , - •!!..111 tr vit-zn ,1 ft itt,l lir. i ah.. r T ph , ,r -Fo 1!.:INC l :lAseli all throwz,li I r• it.. Al, I ill ll.t an ud .1, i• lIMIIMMEI .o,tl .1, 'At Th :111 I , :1: .k. 11.1 .! r I. u,. ~f 1 j 11 p',lo:r It y St•II:t11:r luum 1::_11111.:r1,1 NI.Ij it ' s null men, 7)171. witinltCiV rum: 711:11: Tumor, is a in amusements at present, but as soon as the public has recovered from the Thomas Orchestra excitement pleasant 'anticipa tions of an enjoyable evening with the Mende's sohn Qulniette Club of Boston, will be Indulged In. The lecture by Rev. Mr. Beyer's, of Illinois, will ho a literary treat rarely offered and Christ mas week we shall have the Color Guard. 80, there Is no danger hut that we shall be kept alive. Tut Fellowship Horse Company, much the largest organization of the kind In Backs county, met In Doylestown last Wednesday. It consists of about 260 members; and twelve or Ilf. teen more were admitted. Considering the extent of the company, the losses by theft of horses or other property are quite small, and the only con tribution levied this year was 81 to pay for the annual dinner. THE Doylestown papers publish the resolu. Lions of 'the bar of Bucks county presented to Judge Chapman on his retirement from the bench,. with the Judge's remarks in reply. The resolu tions are a worthy tribute toJudge Chapman. No district lu the State has had a more able, upright and Impartial Judge, and he retires from the bench in the maturity of .hls intellectual vigor,and with the confidence and respect of the entire com munity. • ExT46mEs meet. A bogus " mince" has met the genuine article. We are told that after the serenade by thu Ninth Regiment baud, " Fisk was presented tothe Grand Duke." Although it may have been the most inslanlll..ant present the Duke ever received, yet we hope he will take Jeems hark to Russia with him ; and If, when there, Ii ands he ha. an elephant on his hands, he might trade him off for a cow or 11 curly time, or some other useful animal.—Nerrigfeem Herald. Tim Shenantto Presbytery, at it meeting' re cently held at MAltortlngtown, Pe., condemned the pmetlee of ranulug blast furnaces on the Firthhoth. 'treeing (hit it mos not necessary and could be sus pended without loss. TOO (la tmerou6. If thew Pres bytethillS !Tent ns much time mnklne Iron es tiler h tee In the , turfy of the [dotty, they wonld find tlr it Intolltz,•ll.,. iti the former field much hrlchter 01311 11 11... e I, They 111.'1111 well. no doubt, nod •11 , e t hU, .l In doe ere lit for 'heir religions zenl. uot t heir t' k•r1W,..:"1 , 3= not loo,m In the hot, field. ST I,v \ti 'tit )1:- .Ir.• 10,111 t,. hr itlt r.idurel ll= 1;! lit I h.. nr.llll .ry fbl , lt, c,ne ME MIEMIIII t f,;l ... I' .ti tt, I c, j \V, due,. r: , day I , of :11!", "t V "".". .‘ "d""", N. J., wa.ll.lL 1111 111. l .k. lie on, sitting upon the fence with a cocked pistol in his hand ready to tire, while his uncle was beating a briuth heap In order to starts rabbit. While sitting the rail broke, letting him down. As be fell be threw the hand containing the pistol baek of his neck, pointing downwards. It was is• charged'and the contents passed through his neck, killing him instantly. Ho was a promising youth, and an only sou. TUE IliriOUT OF 3IEANNEBS.—Wm. N. Walker, the County Superintendent of Northamp ton county, is entitled to the reputation of being one of the closest; men in public positiou • living In the Valley, and we hope his attempt to deprive the public school teachers of that county from en joying their usual Christmas week vacation may bu defeated by the Directors throughout the county excusing teachers under their control from attend ing the Institute. This year's Itualtuto Is called to meet ut Bethlehem on the 26th of December to continue until the following Saturday noon. Not content with encroaching upon the time which belongs to the teachers ho compels those who at tend to climb to the fourth story of the school 15,141 12 407,911 07 ii,: 1.11,101 111=1 •ro mm liJ)t r.E. , em.l from pr,r. t. of ill the It.C.:lcuit I a..., lIMEME ISM3EMEE@M rittmoNAL.—The lion. George W. Wood ward, of Wilke-h,trre, formerly of the Pnnrylva. rile supremo Court, and now Represent.olve h. Congress from the Xllth Distrlet of Ponnsylvani,, was married to Mrs. E. 11. Moenlll,ter of Lexing ton, ky., lo that city tart Thursday. ACCEPTED.—Rev. A. R. Mete, of Wll liamsport, has accepted the position of Principal of the Keystone Normal School at Kutztown, Becks e 4 &inty, which was tendered him some months'ago. Mr. Horne Is a native of Sprinelleld t •wnship, Bucks county, and has tilled the Mike City Superintendent of . the public schools of Williamsport for several years past. DIICD OF UM IN.NRIP:9.-TIILI man Fe hncl, •f Catasampia, who was Injured tyu Indek falling on Ills head while at work on'the Trinity Episco. pal Church, on Market street, this place, some weeks ago, died at his residence on Friday last, at noon, from the of of the Injurks then re ceived. Ills funeral took place la the Reformed Church, Catasnuqua, yesterday mornings at 10 o'clock.—Bethlehem Times. P. 0. S. OF A.—At the meeting of Wash. Ing Camp, No. 153, P. 0. B. of A. held In their camp rooms, at Bpringtown, Bucks county, Pa., On Wednesday evening last, (15th,) the following officers were elected :—P. P., 11 B. Funk ; P., F. A. Kitchen, M. D. ; V. P., Titus Richards ; M. of F. C., John Eakin ;R. 8,, W. Btrock ;A. 8., A. Bloyer ; F. 8., J. E. Kramer ; T., G. A. Rees ; C., Mitn. Bhirely ; I. 8., Lech. Kramer; 0.0., Frank Wambold; R. Sen., John R. Weiss. SUDDEN DEATH.—.A servant girl aged about twenty-two, named Rosa Hess. employed at the by Mr. Charles Klima, was taken sick Thursday evening, about six o'clock, with vomiting. A phy sician was sent for and vi , ited the girl during evening, leaving some medicine for her. She re ceived the vigilant attention of the lady of the bonse,hut expired about 1 o'clock Friday morning The cause of her death has not been as-ertalued THE Knights Tc•mplar of Norristown had a grand reception on Tuesday week, which was one of the most brilliant balls ever given In that town. The ball was handsomely decorated and the niche was furnished by Beck's Philadelphl, Band. Previous to the grand march 'the Cam mandety delighted the audience with an exl.lhitlon .of Templar drill, the presenting a spiel) aid appearance. In their hull uniforms, chapeaus Ind waving plumes. BETIILIMEM. - disloentel! hip ,botildt.r joint hy 1a:11..g from a building 1., Weq Bvtli John Bvhil lnC tens on a.,t marl (,111,,,1 111 •or tbo .•x \ :I) I !ivy e1,..tt0! I 'I 11, 1. m 1,, •-• 111 .\~ ~tt~rrrF.n.-. ~ city, on trail at Phis.::. 11.11011 tor- the noir iii Mich tel el' mit le :id di to tiete her, lie.. tell iied 'I. In lei lea huh the ti minty Jule , Alli• tio • lit ol m.lll to .I..feml nod it hr ..,:ill,ll he 61100 t In prateet e is i•lear evidete that . great viiiienee had het it ledieted upon and he had the right to defend hint-elf. A in u la not bound to wait until he is destroyed or still'o•- great bodily ihitiry, but can and has the right to defend himself from assaults. Fz in: AT IVEAruitsvita.c. —The residence of Dr. Edwin Steinmetz, at Weaversville, Wag de stroyed by fire last wet it. Nobody but the Doctor and his hired man were at home nt the time. The fire was discovered by some students of the Welly ersvllle Academy, who rushed over and by their shouts succeeded In arousing the Doctor, who. upon becoming conscious, found Waled, lying on the flOor of his chamber with a gash cut lu hL arm. Ile left the house at once and shortly afttq wards the roof fell in. It 1.4 believed that burglars chloroformed the Doctor and robbed the house. and then fired the premises to cover up their deeds. Sow; of the engineers on the Jersey rail roads which have Just come under the control 01 the Pennsylvania Central, have been trying why, speed could be attained by their engines before banding them over to their new owners. On the New Jersey Central road a train of three cars was run from Eason to Jersey City,seventy-four miles, in eighty-nine minutes running time, an average of fifty miles per hour, or at the average rate of one minute and twelve seconds for each mile. The 3nglue by which the tram W , 113 drawn was built at the Baldwin locomotive works of Philadelphia. A MUnDER, CASE, One of tne most curious that has arisen for years, has Just been concluded in Tunkhannock, Wyoming vomits*, this State. Judge Elwell, presiding. Henry War.l, son of the late C. L. Ward,a prominent citizen and Dem ocratic politician, shot In his own house, when on apparently friendly terms with him, Wesley Eu gene Shader, of Lime, New York, an Insurance Kent. At the Clint, Shader was a guest In Ward': house, and before his death stated that he did not '3clieve Ward wanted to murder him. Thu jor3 found Ward guilty of manslaughter, hut still the Tiem.l3n is asked,—was he guilty of MARCO afore thought or was It accident. Aa AFFI.icTEu FAmi 1,v.-- Mr. Isaac Mode, )1 Rellllllla, ho War. Fit uatify Injured by )Ira bridge a couple of utcli- since, died on the Stah, leaving a utfu ;Ind Fee:u children. The riums etays the fauti•.y of lire. deecas,•d 1111-i !lie , Li ' ,illl a aeries of toi4ortutte, EU:lntim m tacit) star+ ago the ohlent liffiC.l ) Y 'tog, b lue litcra:ly torn to purrs.. MI, :I , on ..11 , /t 1111111,4af fu OW h mgt 2 uttollicr had oat. t o tit, legs cut all nut. the ratiro.ot tt ettuple rut sr.r_ slut', ;tied AWL r.1:1,1 will n all*hrctJUe• '.❑ •r flick sand ,tittimvr whinny he will hr .• et i;j 1111 1 file. 1. t•t-v, he:illy e ve, Vth in r of : 1111 ,1111111 I,IX. .\ 1111 1 1 . ,11111 . 1 . IID•t ,11111 t .• lill l lln. 6th. 111+ cnnrra• our r• 1..!, %%“-..41 reur lnfnl p 011 • /J.111...1) 1 ., 1./• • 1111,1 I. 10r the o ;v v tl cum t:, l' •• I lit t• I it 11 , ‘llll 111 w; ekiy Il l ; 111 I •ti- : • i 1,;;,r = \VI• ill, \ 11101 MO.!, .11 ••- ittlilolll l i.t• L, tk.: S. road, by 11,•11 tw..11.y 1,.;• 1.15515-ti curs 'V..I•• run wilily imeont.n4 del ieltrd from the train, mud finally rtinn ing into the ru-ar or on 11, gine, etnashltux .t nutiMer e tr, and eau- n detention of bever,l hours to other trains. Timse weekly emastimps are becottilutt monotonous and should either he entirely stopped or 0(..'11110U more frequent—say two or three per day.—Eastott Ex— press. .STRIKI.—Wo learn that the facts concern trig the strike at Frederick & Co.'s, car builders, on Thursday litst, are an follows,:—lt In the cue. torn of this firm to pay on or about the 15th of each month. Occasionally, owning to the diffi culty of getting money In this string, ut money market, they arc compelled to pass their regular "pay day." They, however, never reface to pay on account or " between pays" to such of their employees as require money. This rule le Bogen crally understood and appreciated by the rues that they cheerfully submit to the occasional delay in thetlaseof paytnent. The strikers in this lustaure were the blacksmiths who are not directly In the employ of the drat. The smith work In done by contract. The contractor employs, pays cud dis charges Lie own men, and we leers that he only discharged the leaders In this entirely uncalled for strike. last season, when everybody was ironder.etrickon ' the effect upon the ventilation of the mine, there Wm. F. Yeager has put In a tine front lu his and charmed with the grand productions of the has been mailers and fruitless speculation as to Its building at Seventh and Linden. Orchestra. The sixty meo, Whosecombined efforts' cause, sod the profound , mystery which shrouded Apples do not keep long this year. curate such a perfect now of harmony, seemed It at the time has slime enveloped It, and while the \ins. Ann Cavanaugh, mother of Dr. James linked together still more firmly by the Indiesolu• story which reaches us comes Iron) no nutborita Cavanaugh, died at Bethlehem, on Wednesday, In A CLUE.—Our readers will remember that ble bonds of musical sympathy. From the time ' live source, It Is still so generally circulated that I the odth year of her age. about the middle of December last, the store of that the handsome Theodore stepped gracefully 'we feel justified in giving it for what It may be During this muddy weather It is exceedingly an- Anewalt it: Brother, dealers In furs, &c., was en- upon the leader's box, to the period when he laid worth. A man, who lived somewhere near Grand 'toying to pedestrians to see wagons stopping on tered by burglars and a large qu'antity of valuable ' down hie baton, after the final selection, the con- Tunnel, died from the effects of small-pox last Frl the crossings. fur stolen. It has since been ascertained that the cert last night was one uninterrupted series of brit• day night. It, his last momenta he said to those The audience at Murk Twain's lecture, at Ens suspected parties were resideuts of this city a short ; Bunt successes. about him that there was something on his mind ; too, was not large, but appreciative. Ills intro• lime previous to the robbing, and a short time af• The performance of Miss Marie grebe on the whleh troubled him, and lie could not die at test duetion of him-elf was very humorous. ter the act was committed lett the city. piano was wonderful, far excelling Miss Melilla', with himself until he told P. fie Went on to say , Those whim drialt whiskey most are the least One day last week Messrs. Anewalt received a performance last season, especially as she tomb , that the Steuben (Avondale) breaker was never proof agalto4 sine . letter from Lucas' Haines, of Trenton, New Jer- ed uo aid from notes. In the stzcond part of the tired by accident, but that lie wasof a party of six Seven eu-, aof varioloid have been reported at say, saying that two sets of furs had been offered progratame she replied to the enthusiastic aps who fired it. Then giving Ills own name lie nailer- Eastou pollee headquarters.. In exchange for another set, by one Mrs. Atens. plause of the audience and charmed them with took to give others, butcould only articulate a hat A frame stable was burned In on Mr. [Mines was Induced to write to Messrs. Auer Thaiberg's arrangement of Home, Bweet Home. was understood to be '• Michael," whet, a fainting Thursday evening. wait (rota tile fort that two Ism named O'Ne ill I The andietice was alto treated toanother gem not fit attacked him - from which be did hot rally, dy- The Color Guard is haring a big run at Newark• and Alkeus bad been arrested and convicte 4 or down in the programme, Sehtiman'a Trammerel, log shortly after. It will, of course, never be Charley Collin+, lit tile character of a Dutchman committing various robberies to New Jersey, and ; which was given by the Orchestra as an encore. , known what he Intended to divulge, but he has In much trouble. In better than ever before. Mr. Haines was of the opinion th a t th e lure o ff er . It i s truly one of the mom touching and neautiful ' certainly left enough behind him to confirm the ! Mrs. Brock has been appointed Superinteudant ea to him were those taken from Anewalt's store. I compealtions ever written, and the breathless , belief of some who have held that the burning of of the cooking departmeut of the Balton House at Otte of the metubtre of the firm visited Trenton fur ',e a gerness with which the audience listened to the breaker was through foul means, and It may i the purpose of satisfying themselves and identified catch the last departing sound, showed that its open the way to God out whether there Is really I The Easton Express says the Scranton Times the furs 'ott•red for exclutitge by Mrs. Arens as elegto ta language was fully appreciated. • ; any foundation for the belief. Antl should inres- has become the leading paper of Scranton. We their properly;. Mrs. Atcus woe then taken he• Tle• Entertaluineut Association, deserves the tigation show that there was foul play, we hope , doom that, though If the' Republican ,1 15 11 e 6 to fore the Mayor of Il vitae whett'she rooted that prat-e of everybody for Its exertions in Supplying I that not a stone may b aleft uittorned to bring the • keep tip Its reputation ninon:: tin It ought not to her litiebatill laud "cut them front Flithuleilthlo, all' mown with first-class entertainments. It Is I wretches, who could plan trod carry out so dust- . ref iu.s nn exelutege with the Valley paper.. though site had prSvlousiy stated to Mr. II flee. 'to sti:ll energy and euterPrilic that the city will artily and awful u seheme, to summary and effect- ; Bogus Chicago sufferers are arrested as mind that an aunt had seta them front York state. 1 owe Its future greatness. five retributlon.-41cranf Asputollenta. ; tern lit parts of Litnpanter county. I STER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER ,29, 1871. IiEsiONED.—At f 1 meeting of the Local Board of Trustees of hfultienberg College,held , n the city, Nov. 10th, 1871, Mr. E. A. Muhl enb,rg, in consequence of a resolution to com• plete his legal studies in Philadelphla,resigned his situation as Tutor in that institution, to hate effect with the closeof thepresent month. Whereupon the resignation was accepted and the thanks of the Board presented to him, in the following words, being a copy of the orig inal resolution on the minutes : Resqvcd, That the resignation of E. A. Muhlenherg he accepted and that the thanks of this Board be presented to him, for the man ner in which he has discharged his duties as Tutor. THE TRUE PARTICULARS OF TUE CAVING IN AT SCRANTON.-A dispatch from Scranton, dated the 24th, says—A slight sinking of land over Pine Brook mine, in this city, occurregyesterday, cans. Ing no damage. In consequence, however, sense. Lionel despatches were sent to some papers, which are not Justified by the facts which are as follows: —Years ago a large plat on the outskirts of the city was purposely robbed of all Its pillars and supports, with the view of sinking the entire cur. face. Acres of this ground have fallen during ten years past and become quite solid. Theremainder of this plat must fall In time. There are not a half dozen buildings on the whole tract, and these are cheap frame tenements, built with the know'. edge that the land was expected to cave. The main portion of Scranton Isnot undermined and never will be, as there Is a vault in the coal mine extending from Stafford and Meadow Urook youth, to Providence on the north. The damage by the sinking of the Oxford mine at Hyde Park has been greatly c.aggerated. The effect on thy Barium: by the failing of Pine Brook mine is hardly perceptible. ARE you IN QUEST or useful, choice awl cheap Chrktmas Presents 7 Just turn to the new advertisement of Le Maistru & Ross, whose attrac tive store on North Eighth street, (No. 212) la so generally known as a reliable and cheap place to get Laces, Embroideries, handkerchiefs, &r. flier call 'special attention to one of the clioleem. ted Chellpest lines of Ladles' Embroidered Liner Sets In the city, neatly done •up In single boxes, and Just the thing for a present. Along with these they ollVr the cutest embroidered and lace trim med Collara and Cull's, together with Lace and Dimity collars for children. For handkerchiefs. no . ladies, gems, misses, and boys, their repot.. ion ;s well earned. What you cannot find In their toll BIIWk. you need scarcely 'took for el.ewhert.. ner's are now nut up in such pretty boxes having and Linz. in each, that for utility and beau ty tiny to be excelled. In Lace Collars. ,co SI-, et a 11,1111 Seta for variety, style and y .Lre not behind the foremost. Lace It 11,. iw I 1,•11.•is Lour') tin especially for theses son• it tib:ltt I Intoot Robes too: Waist!. You calque upon them. I :I.- V cc! N aTIoN.- 1 •On this subject, now so tt,trt.tnt, Prot'e..cor George B. Wood speaks us t,tw. t It- ttl'ract ice of Medicine," vol. I, pages tit, I-6-7, edition of ISG6 : ' • This operation should t•• thithty“l in every case which has not been - od by exposure to smallpox contagion duriag en opidontle prevalence 01 the disease. It may be t•ist .1 whether vaccination should be employed in taw:Ons previously infected with small-pox. I should unhesitatingly answer this question in the flirtnative. It has been before stated that, though fewer persons are attacked with variolold after In oculation or natural small-pox than after vaccina• Goo, yet a greater number perish. The same pro. tection that a setond vaccination extends In oar ease will probably be extended by vaccination In the other, and is even more needed, at least so far as life is concerned. It Is generally stated In the books that vaccination after smallpox produces little or no effect. My own observation has been exactly the reverse. Is concluding this stibject I would again strongly urge the propriety of uni versal re-vaccination, as the means not only of promoting the comfort and possibly of saving the life of the individual, but also of preventing the spread of smallpox and of uhltnately eradicating it, If not from the globe, at least from extensive etnumunities." ~nmrly PLIILADELPLIIA MAREETB —FLOUR AND MEAL—The tone of the Flour market la Ilrm,and there Is more demand, principally to supply the wants of the home consumers; choice old Minna ailltla are very scarce, and command relaLlvely prlees; sales of superfine at $5 2565.75; 259 WAR Westetn extra at $1366 50 ; 800 bbls Minne• via extra family at $7.7568 ; 100 Ws do. do. to COUNTY R %IL ROAD. —'rlie Heading rainy, at 88.50; 000 bbls Pennsylvania do do at Times says—The surveyor this new road In whirl. $0 7567.25 ; 100 Ws do do do on secret terms ; . our cty and county is so touch Interested, is pro. .300 bbis Ohio do do ut $7 121467.37; ; 100 bids .tresslug steadily. The line after leaving Birds. fo du do fancy at 88 ; 106 bins Indiana do do fan- horo pisses up the west hank of the debt.) 'kill y at $B, and 100 bids St. Louis do do fancy at river to Poplar Neck, where It crosses to the east $8.75. Rye Flour is seam and commands $5 book, and continues along the cost bunk, between In Corn Heal nothing doing. the Canal and the Reading ilaliroad, to . . .. . . . CI RAlN.—There In a steady demand for Wheat The line us survetid passes close by the furnaces, from the Pmn I millers for prime lots, which com- rolling rails, and iron establishments in the South- mand full figures. Sales of 400 bushels Western ' eastein section of the city ; thence along Canal red at $1.63; 6,0./0 bushels Pennsylvania do ut ' street to Second ; up Second to Washineton, and 81 cogl 62, In the cars, some amber at 1.65,. , aed ': Lit glee eta BUsholle'S turn:tee, and Kissinger's Western white at $1.66. Rye Is more sought after , bridge, up the cast bank of the SAuylk 111 to the yid 800 hu-hels Western sold at 07e, and 500 bus. I month of . the Maidencreek ; the ice along the Delaware at 80c. Corn Is to steady request, and NI .I.lencreek and In a direct line to Slatedale, In 'tome holders are asking In advance; sales of 2,:1001 , e , , , a. [lige enontv,w here it .111 connect u It h a branch toishels Pennsylvania and IVestern yellow at 76r of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, thus conoectlng 78... and 4110 bushels Western mixed at 78c. Oats it w ith .re held (truly, with a gond Inquiry ; sales Of . .std saanannamia, and w,,,,,, ing v al ,, ya, anti 0.50 d bushels Western white a t 54!7©55e, and 1.1.' 1 opening up to us the Coal Held= Ili those regions. IWO bushels fieht Delaware at 56e. B irloy Mal : p i It is rs; s that the. road will lie put under con e., ago. from 81 10 to 1.30. In B 'Hey we n ' Al " ! tract this winter, though It Isnot likely that open ott— ol 1,500 hushels Canada at $1.20, and 1,000 ~,ons will ha, furls eollinielleed until the frost Is , oushels. 51 lout:sole on secret terms. n:11 of the gtonlid, nest Spring. EXTRAORDINARY CASE 01 , II YDI7.OPIIOIIIA. - Th•• I' iholrlplda Star of y.' 1. sap.. A n vloti of hydrophobia, it parallel 01 - %Heti hue pronahly never been recorded In the cca Iva hs, has occurred In West Philadelphia. as related by a physician, are ao fol- ' Esr%pv, nF Pitiaolikits.—Carbon county contiaeted with a Mr. flown) to uulld them' u jai; fee 5G5,000, and then, sic suppose to make the , Inure euelite, lite contract was broken 1111:1 Lime fiddle , made to cost 5125 000. But notwithstand ing its cost three of the prisoners hail become iIL• slitistied with some of the Interior arrangements lune gill nn returning home from school In idd till Weillieedtly they refuel to eta) there any ua• greeted by her pet dog, whiet. Init , settled their accounts and left for parts and balking animal her lit an un is.. .v. ice Imo away 6liii souk the skin. unknown. 'fie Sheriff now claims that , he has 0. her :ie.' shook it at him. This seemed to other accounts against them and therefore he oat, t 1. , tiOntai, which, ,qtringteir forward, wants them brought back. The Gazette gives di the and tore u large rent In u•. this ceount of the affair:—lt appears eo tar its at the L Jury to the garment, the littie, Jr', hoot mem inn the matter to tiny of tile .we have been üble to discover, that our worthy' I,i mic e went tit her room, nod getting it needle ' and tender-hearted Sheriff permits 10.3 boarders to ihread, inoveviled to sew up the torn place. , ; roam at will In the corridors of the magelficent WI.. In it was finished she bent downherlictlid,llllo lire end kidiveen her teeth, lilt it um • and easily establishment , under his control,lustead after the necura..tice of this incident' 01 being confined In the cep trate apartments, lepton!, of try d rophobia maid rested them,elves !tie linfortunitte little girl. Skilled medical kindly pros Wed for that purpose by our County , :i:eht was ended In, and every appilauce that I Contrnetor. On Wednesday Mr. Itaudenbush's conic' it Biwa to relieve the sufferer was ee. ,:neStet were at large Itt the corridor's us usual, an I soiled to. But the subtle poison had (how its formed their plan of cue tpu which was success• toot is too thoroughly fur human skill to avail, and fully curried 011 , In the following manner. They he lath- eirl Iles since died. Drs. Watson, Youitit and other eminent author- I a certal ntied front the servant girl, Bridget, when hies on the subject, have contended that hydro. ' they received their dinner, that their amiable Phobia cunutn he communicated through an tin• landlord, together with his good wife, were out of broken cuticle. Whether the little girl swallowed town, and that the good-natured and huxomilriti• a portion of thentliva, or whether It With commu• Ideated through her lip, the skin of which may i gt.t was the only occupant of the magnificent and hove been "chapped" or broken, we cannot say coilly building, beside themselves. After entittult but certainly, in either case the occurrence wades I h i , n it : ) , remarkable as It was uufortunate. It teaches requested "the loan of a broom," and wnilst lu the act of complying with this modest another sad lesson to parents, not to hate Pet dogs around the house with young children. demand, Miss Bridget was seized In rathera Inure I forcible than polite manner, and thrust to one THE THEODORE THOMAS' GRAND CONCERT. side, while three of the gentlemen passed out Into —One of the largest and most brilliant audiences the open air and left for parts unknown. All ever assembled In the Opera House, attended the this occurred about two o'clock In the afternoon, grand concert of the Thomas Orchestra, lust weak . There were . large representat'ons present I A MAT: CONFESSES ON HIS DEATHIIED THAT from the people of suburban districts, and Easton Hg AIDi To In FIRM° 'rite AVONDALE BREAKER.— aud Bethlehem. Bince the loss of Avondale coal breaker by fire,and The performance, ir anything, exceeded that of the additional terrible to's of a hundred lives front PERIVINAL.-W. J. Br,nee, of the Wyoming Journal, was In town on Saturday. Drinevriew.—The new Reformed-Lutheran De Long l hnrch, at Bower's Station, on the East Pena. Railroad, wan dedicated last Saturday and Sandal week. Among the ministers whopreached were Revs. 11,1Tard and Rath, Of thin city. TwELvis cases 01811111111)0X and varlolold have been reported to headquarters at Easton. 111 Phila el phla , last Week, the total !lumber of deaths from tills disease was 153, against 133 for the previous week. MIL Now SER.—IL is probable that Bishop Howe, of the Episcopal Diocese of Central l'eu:e sylvdelo, will locate at Reading. He has bee , pressingly urged to do so by the Rector, Church %Vortices and Vestrytnen of Christ Church of Olio city. ON Friday last, a man mimed Leopold, re siding on Gordon tAreet between F Ifth and Sixth, was taken sick. An the symptoms were :how of small tam tie has since been removed to the Poor [louse. One of the physicians who waited upon Mtn believes the disease to be pleasies. Wu hear of two or three caste of small pox In the city. RUNAWAY.—Un Saturday evening n hnrs look fright at some hogsheads In front of Koen brewery and ran away. .The carriage contained n gentleman and lady from Mlllerstown and when It struck a gate, a short distance from the brew• cry, the lady was thrown out and had her collar bone broken. C II EA P BEADING. Subscribers to the Lemon Seamen, or person, dcairing to becotne subscribers, can iintr(ln our acekly and the leading publications °Rite day for flue year, ilt the prices named below. duliscrlp. done to secure these advantages, must be invari ably paid In advance: 10,11..TUu and Alin. , 45 50. worn) 47 0 , oo d.r Wearily Trarnoe 110. . o 40.. d. do Rural Now Y. kr, i :0. do 0 0,. do do Hearth an) Homo ...... .. I it, .or 500 .lo do sgrictill rim ~. 51, do 3 irr do do Pineuol..gicni Jour u i 1... I , 1. , do 500 00 do 110 r er'rr II lat . 4 75. 4I 0 U do do Ilurpor . a Wyo.!) . 47: do 000 do do Harper 'il Moulin) . 4 75, do 0 ul. FATAL ACCIDENT.—As the empl,tyCes 01 the Empire freight train from New York, due here at Ii 27 Ft Hay night, Were drilling the fruit] in ront of the In high Valley Depot, o n e oh tbo brake mil named Jeremiah Koims in attempting to as cend the ladder of the rear cur (So. 745), lull null struck his head On the truck. The train woe slowly hacking at the time and the wheel made n deep indentat oil In his head,eatishig instant dewth. The Accident happened at 11:35 1' M. The un fortunate man wits ti resident of Lehighton, where he loaves a wife and two chlidren to mourn his 10.4,—P:it/don Express. FoUND DitoW NEM—A young man named Jana!, Kihie, who has been wild:lag at his trade as • plasterer:lt M balmy City, Schuylkill county, durii.g the past bummer, left that place an Mon day last for itinctowo, abouVnine miles distant, fir the purpose of obtaining another Job. lie bad not been seen from that rime until TIMIS lay morn lac, when his dead body was foetid in a stream close hy. The stream in which be was feu id is a small one, and he bad a sear extending across his 110, sad rave. How long he had been in the water, and whether he committed ElllClde or was bntlly dealt with, are matt re of conjecture. Ills remains were brought to Reading on Friday morn• Mg.—Reading Timex. THE EASTUN INCE.NDIAMES.---At EfISIOII,OII Saturday, James Thomas was sentenced to pay a One of $lOOO and 1516 years imprisonment for at tempting to burn the IMMO of Hosanna Walter; $5OO One and five years imprisonment fur tiring the -table of Sheriff Walton ; 5500 fine and O e years imprisonment for firing Laubert's shed ; and $5OO floe and tire years imprisoment for brine Knip's stable, making a total of 52500 flue and thirty years six mouths imprisonment. Euchre Horn, Jimmy Millet' and Mantis McGee were charged by the defendant with being implicated in these crimes. - John Murray, also'cliarged with tiring Kolp's stable, made a similar statement, and -aid he did it to oblige McGee. In passing sen tence upon Murray, the Judge took occasion to re murk, that it would give hint great pleasure to ;polish those wild were behind, urging hint on to the commission of crime, and who,probably,were the greater criminals. Murray wit sentenced to pay a Ono of $2OOO and undergo an Imprleonment 1Er13212 The prisoners Mil be taken to the Penitentiary this I,vek. CITY DIWO recelvp ,l • lot of Medical Almanac., which will bo tattri rated !rads, at the City Drutz Store of Law... 11 .ttdrtin, N 0.722 Halal ton street, S. W. corner of flail -treet. Oct one. PERSONS IOW( SCIICS, executors' or dminletrator•' notices, ns.lence lattices, and at her advertimanebts of lids class In the Jammu REGISTER for three weeks or more, will receive In addition one Insertion In the DAILY (ilium:torn s about extra' charge, thus p 1 eine the advertise. sent before more for the mune price titan by ads% rtiring In any other paper. Advertise ments in these papers will be rend by men of both parties North:unp• en, Berko, Bucks Carbon and Litzerhe counties. MAD Doo.—On Saturday a dog went to the residence of a gentleman named Zinger, In Salle bury township, and from its .letlons It Is supposed It was mad. Ile bit a eon of Mr. Zinger in the linger and also both of his dons. One of the doge was dhp itched Inirnedimely and the other was chained, and after giving unmistakable evidence of li,droplmbia,•wan also killed. Tile boy was put under. the treatment of some ohLlashioned doctors, pow- wowere we .lbelleve they arc called, who gave more ceremony than medicine and for bid the boy cro.alng water within nine weeks. The lather has since placed his son under the treat ment of Dr. Charles L. Martin, of this city. Neffss Ille Correspondence 'fait: LITERARY SOCIETY organized at Sehneeksvillo come dote ago is carried on In rather a more II mrisblug condition than last winter. Tim members are alive to their nifty. The visitors are as well pleased in heretoibre for the house la generally always trot dol.' The subject, Resolved "That foreign emigration Is detrimental to the welfare of our county," w is fairly di:Sea:l4ol in a lengthy debate. 'flit decision given by the judges was in favor of the negative. The following sub ject was taken for the next debate : Resolved, "That man is more apt to wok for honor than for money." After being entertained a short time by the reading of a manuscript paper, entitled Sehneeksvile Jaurnnl, the int:eths adjourned to meet again on Tuesday evening, the usual time. THE UNION CHI:HeII In rapidly nearing comple firm, though It Is not expected to be consecrated o n Christmas, as was expected, but on Whitsun tide, If finished by that time. The church at tieltheeksville, commenced not long since, It is ex pected will be consecrated on Christmas. A Ittmic.—.l relic in the form of ,:p old bible IF, possessed by Aiidrvw P. ter. Heidelberg township, thin county. It was printed In Frankfort on the Main, la 1651, thong!: a valuable concordance Is In connee:::: , 4 .11 It th :t is dated 1546 anti some :nitre refer::::: I : :natter that la dated 1660 and 1661, r'espee: y•-y. Plum Nip:: halve:T(l an able sermon to the Heidieberg tot greption lit Rev. Henninger's place last So day, taki n g the 17,1, chapter of St. Luke, from the I 11l to the 18th verse, as his text. Fogelsville Correspondeu6e ASSUCIATION.—on the 20th the Loon alit' 13111111111 g, Atii.ChlLion Met ut the poh.le hou-c of Henry Correll. Alter the reading of oiliowes and their approval, there were reeeived i19t15.20 as due-, inter rand IL Ca fur thin mouth There were than sold live shares on zoom gage at :634 st) prainium per a fractiotial Moire of : 4 57 WzIA to I.eubtm Eoert, ut a premium of 30 coots for 3J days. Id,cruiiE.—On Ito iivilting of t h e 1011 t hist., the people of Foarlsville Wen. court udned by Kid r Li•onard, " the Fb.horinJo," ht a Ireture on he evils or intemperance. Ile had a map an which ho represented Journey, showing that there were but two roads: one leading to the city of eternal rest, while the other to the "bottomless pit." Ills subject ho presented In the manner of an allegory. The journey thud began In the church and was kept In the , narrow way would alone lead to that " city." Lamm:ranee wan represented by in large strenm which branched out In a number o, tributaries to whirl) were given well names ns " the taken-lit tie," won't hurt," Ac• At the J lineal/1i of these streams KLIS shown the headqoarters of King Al cohol—this being u structure built upont two bar rel* of liquor ut whiph place all p iy toll who puns down thin *tredin. Near the place where the main stream makes its final plunge into that" pit" was reprosented individual* who wanted to cut right Across to the city, but the stream being too strong and rapid curried them Insadiang over the preel plee to destruction—meaning that men who arc addicted to intemperance all their lifetime rarely brain the won k of reformatinu mallet the eivetith hour. lie thus explained the eynthol , used ou Ide map later-pure.ed %kith examples to every day life. lie 1,1111 Intemperance was MI evil that annually at Ned 10 verd It 101 l rdxty thou•uud souls. Alto, that people would very often ose -trange excuses io thl. ca..tter. Lt explmi lion of thistle givcan inealmit that happened at a certain place. It up wars the minister was told ro preach a sermon in tint he should sattelion inteinperatte.• y. lie chose fOr hi. ,mt.j....t.t..e text In Matt 1iew,15:1.1, by which Iti• hearers came t the e,iiielitsitin that ATCHISON, KANSAS, Nov. '20,1871. Friend Iredell—A kind of a description of this it would be no sin to take ever so whisky into ihe s oninch, provided it would stay, but to section of the country and a little on the inantier vomit It would he a in and ways of the people who inhabit It !nay um CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL.-011 the 20th lost., I come amiss to some of your readers. Atchison, the place I am writing front mid my borne, Is In oho Oliver- and te .clicrs ot the Si. John's Sabbath Setesti, on inoti m azreed to eels rite Christmas the Northern part of Kansas and on the banks of with the - chool In an appropriate and christian the Missouri river. The Missouri at this place manlier. On motion It was oltittred that a coat- takes about the same course and Is to Atchison as milt, of :trrancements be appointed to suitably great a sim:le as the Lehigh Is to Allentown; the decorate the church ...Mice for this purpo-e. On Missouri, however, is a touch larger river ;ban the it was (irk red that the reboot hold Its Lehigh, us a majority of your readers are aware, festival no Cbrisonas evet,h,;:, (First I pr sume. Sin, the railroad facilities are sta The and te leheN came to the above eon and extented, steamboating Is comparldvely die elusion fur the tullowing reasons : that ii it 1 0 leased with. Wu have; however, two ferry boat, right to revete the memory of an earthly irleml, plyingbet , eett our towa and the Missouri State to plant dowers up ro his grave to whim the spot "lei and If ouranticiPations hold good cloy little where he sleep. , 10 go time and even weep there, ferrying will be done In the course of ti year, from ca.. it be wroth_ ta rev. re the m e mory. of the bent the fact that there is an iron driving and railroad an ..1 all friend+ by celebrating Ills birth / bridge now under contract for the sum of $1350,000. an • .titi t hristialt Manner. In per to cross the !Missouri at this place. That part 01 SU once lit I'l cordial 11IVItathin Is also 1 the State of Missouri opposite our town is pope extended t.. • I MAO. School friends from ne, r lady known as the bottoms, from the fact that .t and fro n r.r 1.. It ire their presence with us 0 ,, is all lowland, or tneadow as knows with you. It was in these lowlands that the border ruffians hailed from in Kausnedark days In struggling to / come into national existence as a free State,and I dare say that there Is no State In the Union which more faithfully Is coming slowly but surely within the purview of its motto "Through rough ways to the Stars," then KatisaS, Bleeding Habeas of '59 will ere long be the crown of th Western States. Quite frequently while driving over the rich and beautifully rolling land around our town, I thank of the farmer of the East wearing out on his sixty or ninety acres of laud, long ago farmed out and only made to yield through nourishment, and here lu these days of railroads almost within stone', , castes awakes him a perfect paradise, rich in 'soil and abundant In harvest if only half farmed. Agate, the young men, the hone and sinew of all communities, with their little capital plodding through life Making barely a living, while lime are chances upon chances, and opportunities upon opportunities, Lot only open but begging for them to come. I would not advise an old mutt or one welradvanced In years to migrate, for I do not be lieve In tahiug new cares in the. afternoon of but the man In the rumningof life, tbuyoung mall with a steady hand and stout heart, the best cap ital to start on, ought to turn toward the West. Although at first it may not go so smooth as at home, by and by It will be well. What would the victories of life amount to If it had no defects. It la the trials and triumphs, the victories and de feats, that make the successful life. What a vast difference there Is lu Eastern and Western life h. are who has been reared and educated exclusively in the East. Everything Is new, its a matter of constant absorbtion only to obsvve, moreover for kindness and civility thu Nectar!' people equal if not surpass the Eastern people. Atchison is u great railroad centre ; quite a depot of everything and considerable of a commercial town. Its Iwo-. pie number 8000. Its site Is elevated and rather hilly. At the election held here last week the whole Republican ticket was elected. Among the successful Is Owen E. 'hip, a highly respected chi eon of our town and formerly of yours. They do, some tall working here on election day. Rand in a coach with sign or placard on the aides " Vote the whole Republican ticket," going from poll to poll all day ; in fact the nonvoting part of the town kunw that something's going ou. Court is in session now. Courts here are mat Conducted • with that stereotyped dignity they bane in the' ; East. If one comes In with a pipe or cigar it ran be finished and If one is a mind to be can start on another, In fact Judge, Court and Jury smoke at will during the• sesslon.'„,Nelther have they so much of that common law aforesaid and elvil law , machine locomotion.; the practice Is strictly code I' to suit the times. Nor have they associates judges. I should feel sorry.for some Eastern counties if the latter dilTerence did hot exist, however, to my 1 mind code practice Is p referable to the old way. =1 Brief Chronicle. Incal.ll.iilmn H mill rampant In Pllllllpiiburg 'clic Avondale' dcathdied conies...dun In pro mammal a heartless minmtlon canard. Nlo.J. A. R. Collwoo, L) pt. t'om. of the G. A. It., In Peinniylvainla, re,duned, and Capt. !toward J. Reviler, of Fugue, @eulnr VII, COM, will, by virtue of huts rank, dii•eliarize the duties of the littler for the remainder of the term. It lotdri tte though a tnau was nsintmed in pub licly shuts himself In company with a holy when he hang• about the cloven :Mors Sutititty evenings waiting tind watching for her to tnahe her appear ance, rul auto he may stunt' up to her In the 'tialk and otfer his escort. Isn't It abominable ? —Bethlehem Timex. Ilabelmann & Formes' Opera Troupe perform at Pottsville next Monday, Thursday and Friday eve nings, and on Tuesday and Wednesday at Read ing• We unlerstand that Alexia will not go back to New York by way of Allentowti. Then he wOO% know much of America. Two trains attempted to pass each other'on the same track in the Part Clinton tunnel. No4ody was hurt, hut there was an awful piling up of eca ears. Luner's brewery, at Reading, Is ono:or tbo larg est In the State. liarrlnhuru Is troubled with Incendiaries. ' SEIEICT music, instruction books, blank books, mule paper and card& and all kinds of musical trimmings, a large mipplY constantly on land at C. F. Herrman's MIMIC Store, Allentown. WE have often wondered whether there Is pence In all Pennsylvania, who does not know and appreciate the value orJOIIN•011'13 ANODTNE LINIMENT es a family medicine T It Is adapted to most all purposes, and Is the best pain killer that can be used. Farmers and stock raisers have frcuncntly told us that they have seen very good results from giv ing Sitertintw's CATALItY CONDITION POWD1:119 to cows and swine before and after they drop their young. The powders put them In good condition, and give them strength to care and provide for the sucklings. PETERS' MUSICAL hIoNTRLY for December Is to hand, containing nineteen choice pieces of vocal and instrumental music, all of which can be had for 80 cents. Tt seems hard to believe Liago much can be furnished for such a small sum, but wo know that It in. It comes regularly every month, and contains nothing but good music. Bound volumes for 1871 aro offered, post-paid, for $5. .They come elegantly tiound,erimson cloth, ul t sides and'edges, and ar :guaranteed to contain $5O worth of choice piano unisic,(aome 200 piece...) le ordered per express, $4.50 will secure It. We would advise all' those seeking holiday pr, sents to hear this work In mind. Music Is always a proper present to a lady, and In no other shape can the same amount of good mu•lc be bought. It is pub lished by J. L. Peters, 590 Broadway, New York. This excellent publication will be sent with the CHRONICLE to any address In the city-for $2.00 per year. THE celebrated piano of Steinway,and Lin derman & Sons are only for sale at C. F. Herr mann's Music Store, N 0.102 south Seventh street, Allentown. • Lsrrrn LlST.—List of letters remaining uncalled for at the Allentown Post °Mee for the week ending Monday, N0v.27. Persons calling for these letters will please say ADVERTISED. A—Edward I) Albright, Lewis Amer, W Aum bitch. B—Auttrow Brown, Albert Bauer, Abe But:, Chas II Bombard. Dan Bs!Comm, Daniel Bernhard, Eanma Burry. tlitabeth Berkenslock. Francis Bantnau, llenr Bar. Gottlieb Fro terick • Bregenser, thoige Borns Bo len Berton!, Jose, h J Belt!, J Blery, Jackson Braltt, Jo!lna Blumenthal. Jacob Bechtel, L P Brown. Mat.lda Baker, Niel Boyle, Peter Brucker, S E bright, Wan C Goan to, W C Baum.inter 2, Mrs William Brown. C—George Chapman, 0 A t'rtudall, Peter Crayler, Su san Coleman, Susan Christman, Sarah ..oal, Thorne. D-3 Co' Doun,ll, Jacob Derr, Jno C D , ehl, Jos Derr, Ltorl I. Dailey. •unan„n Botany, Solomon Dillioger, rhoman Dialer, Thom., Decent y. C T Dillon er:er, tinny Denim, Elan Dawning. E—lsaac Etter. John Everett, Martin Engelbert F —Ceenio Flood. Daniel tl Foreeter, Edwio M Henry II Felller, John Fogelman,Joha 0 Fry.Jnhn FAR , 0-11eujamln T George, David Gernert, Fred Gritz, Harry t, oldemith, J Groree, J luxe George, Jane 0 ark cube eh, Mute, Gail., Mary Gromenor, Hulett Grady, Gamey, Tripp St Co. ll—Arnella It Haines, Medulla Harts, Denj Henn, Gilds flicgout, Chrlstlitu 1101.12, Caroline !Lies Douuln Musts, Ennui. Horn. flank Hendrick t, George Hock. George ilarteel, Fleury Herteuellue, tl It Hoffman, John Herb Kier, John thrtinnu, li N Hartzell. Paul Hendrix, Hindi limiter, Stephen 110ife.t. Zacharias Floats. li-B.l,card Hein, Kdrvn,d lirnyer2, EnitneJ Kuchler, El.ratierh Kramer, France, Kemmerer. Franklin Koch, Fredericka Korn. Fro crick Kim. Henry Kammerer, J 8 Kern. John Kelly. JAM. Hinkley. John K.. 1.14, Jon, than W Koch, Johnnah !Charnel. !Miry Ann Kehler, .Eery Kees. r. 0 31 Kemmerer, Renaud. Kleckner, Salomon II Kline, Walter Know, L— A F Lo pold, Chnrion Edwin Litzeuberger Ens.. Lutz. M—Adam Miller. Annie McNally. Al Miller, U McLean, Mci:ord At Co. Daniel J izger, Eudit Mantel. Emilia Blehus. II cEnerney, Mr. Rate II sl,,ter, Kato Maurer. Mr., Jame. Mc Joy r, J W Moore, John Bled, naugh,Jobn slay ROC. John AlcLochlin,Lirrie Moyer, Mary Mot:Niihau, ',Munich & “ex, S A Manitoba., Sal. Moore, Samuel Marx. Sarah BI Mitchell. Mrs '1 ho, Mclioldricit, Thou McGovern. W /I Birching. Wm McCang, W A McMullen. li—Elizabeth N. tue, Allen Nod, Al' Nell. I.—Charms Present, James Preston, J L Powell 2, John D Palms. Female Peak. It—Alexander ROAM. 'A P S Romig. Amitrulas Roth, Reinhardt, Benjamin F Ritter, C W Henning, David Reinhart, Edwin Rechenbacti, Entre Ueda Rutt, Oeorge 'Huebert, Orlian Reinhart, Henry Iteinhard,Jeuo A Rau, LOWICI D Ritter, Louisa Romig, Mary Rex; Sarah Wilnot Roth, Solomon Rauh. T Rafe. s—Adolla Scheirer, Abraham Stemberger, Absolom Sterner, Clinton Sieger, Cecilia Smith. Daniel Shader, Dennis Strata, Rhein Shafer. Eliza Schirk, Elias smith, .100 ge Schwan., Oeorge Schafer, Heinrich Schwan., 7:nry Stout, Diram Saeger, Snyder & Knauss, John Strauss. J & E Saeger, Jacob Shaßer, J II Smith, J 0. Stouffer .o Soo, Jacob Sean, Joseph Shaedler, John C seemidt, John W Schroth. Jacob Schools, Josiah Schwartz, Jeremiah Snyder, Leonard Sault, ;Lewis Sock., Louisa Stein, Lewin Snyder. Phaon Steller ,Renben F Seigle, Reuben Sei•lo•c, Rota Smith. Seen, & scheirer, Sec y 1 0 of U F, No 9111. 'nightie in Setrayou, Tillie Smith, Wm Sclioa. T—Charl“ T Trexier, Israel TrozesL Tarch, Mar tin Thome, o—Christian Unger., W—Ab sham Worm.. jr, A Weintraut, Amelia J We .ver. A L. Wickert, Abraham Wulf, ( ha- II Wulf 2, Cyrus Wachter. Charles Whalen, Cha lee II Weaver, Kato Wilt, Bees B Weber, Edward Wilt, Elisabeth Weber, Kate Weber, Julia Walter, Patinae Weirbach. Jet,. Welltaecht, F Z Wa: roe. 7.—John %laser. Kate Zinser. Y—T II Yount. LETTER FROM KANSAN. illarrittgai. DIEIIL—GIESS. —On the 22d Inst., by Alder, man Beek, Edwin Diehl to Sarnh Glee!, both of Bellehnrv. FRITOR—FIALIBMAN.—On the 23 lost., et the residence of the bride's parents. by Rev. J. F. Fulls, Mr. Name! W. Frltch to Miss Martha J. R. Reesman. both, of title city., 8111 M IDT—DREIFOOB.—On the 921 Inst., at the residence, of the bride's father, by Rev. D. Eppstein, of Easton, Mr. Morris Schmidt to Miss Sophie 8. Di-01mm, both .of this city. ACKERETZ—MICUAEL.—Nov. 10th, by the Rev. S. K. Brobst, Mr. Rudolph Ackeretz to Miss Eliza Michael, both of Allentown. Menthe. this city, Nov. 23d, Rosa. daughter °Nile late John and Barth !less, aged 18 years and 10 months. PRICE.—On the 221 Inst., In Catabauqua,Wll - Lcitiert Price, eon. ofinnathan and Clvvolnle Price, aged 2 yearn and 13 daps. MOURNING GOODS. • Black Satins, .11lack Croton. Mourning Alpaca, Black nit wool Pclnluo,3 4 4 4. 6 4 arldo.lllnek French Slorloo,lllne. ton prom Cloth, It Bolabnclu Illnck II tartan, Itrorndo Mo• bairn, 3loornolg • , trlno/1 Long and "atar,, Tllibol Shaw in, Long and Sonar.. Blanket howls, Jlouralast Ilnodkorchlolo. lino, Black Crop!, Venn Block It Id nil almoll, Black rOlk Woven all giro, Blaß la ck ckno Crape d W ill Colli°ar... Crnpo Collare, Fall 800 of Oro. Brain Silk all (Brand,. nod Prlcen M. J. KRAMER'S CORNR ST ORE, octlB.2m N 033 allbrrtiOcincnts. A ho4l6ti EV% NOTICE: 0. no no.l Anne. hln wire. under dent of nes'gninebt lint. d ',71 fo• tbn b •n• tit of the ledloin or aid Won 411 their .1111\11`. to •, o..r•ona brodotwo o n o e : him, in. Own,- I. . be looletord to the oxi.l E 11..4 or• erobt n0ti11...1 o tool, nor o t rettb'nwork • I .1.‘•.• 1111 i honing rtakno w.:t ii . at the •ttain withot ..,l t limn ELIA , MEP r 7. Anol ono.. for E. Mono and wire. JORD.IN 111111.1 SE 121E01 110 TEL AND RESTAURANT TIIA Jordan Ilunnue ha. need hands. The new land lord WI Ideas° .11 who way.puorotiro nth n es .1 110 l e tly nn hand the 11... t , 11.11 AA LI la •r. and kesp lee 11, no, &El gu.u . - e• ig we . 1.1.1 Lug-Ileer. In the 1.0 !wow et will Loop all Me den nein oh the s udsol. the lut..t of Oyster• prepare I in 101 l All who will glee Mtn a nub w 11 go eati.ned 1111,1 bewAlnes in Al- A I'. N Donne 0 floe,. W. roe. Second & Hamilton S,P., nordl-the A ll,niown, l'n. Sewing Mweltine. MANUFACrIURED EVERY MINUTE! Factory Coverm 14 Acres ! 1?410 Workmen ! OVER O.IO,t4OSOLD ! 101.n411 MORE FOR FAMILY USE 111 AN ANY 0 FHER. THE HEST IN THE WORLD. TRY IT BEFORE PITRCII.kkINO ANY OTIIER, nu 4 pun will be sure to boy It. TERMS EASY! PETERSON & CARPENTER 014 CHESTNUT STREET, Pf{I6ADEPII IA J. W. ALTIIOtSE, Agent, 1nne29.13 xtrent, Allentown. SPEIIII,TIES FOR Avery :hest, and cholco lot of ESIBROIDERED SSTS in tousle hone, nicely suited for preeents. A lot of Children'. EtoLro tiered Seto end Collars, and Loa frint too I earn pretty goods. LACE COLLARS to grant varitly, LC doz. Entirely Yew Styles of 2.1 c to 751 Misees LACE COLL A Re—Ruillos in DImB), Hamburg and 0 'pine, M•illItNINO COLLARS AND SETS. LACE UN DERSLEEVE•I, very nice gods. Vino line° then nod Ilandketehlefs LACE TIDIES, a Very chalet nl ck MARSEILLES TOILETS and BUREAU COVERS. • (beat attention Is paid to.. LADIES', DENTS', 311SilES' and SAYS' II MON. od es . plain Detained, Ilemetitchod, Embroidered. (lorded aril Moornitia• Denis' 1l em abed, Corded, Ileinstitched, colored Nor. dered. Embroidered to half doz, and dos. boxes, Mines' Linen. Corded, &E.. Einbronleied a,,.1 W alaso at can low rat lefl. LAVE CUR'PAIISS A SPECIALTY. New Deal IJolpiro Laces. LEIIAISTRE"&; ROSS, 212 North Eighth Street, Phila. •TllE ATTENTION • tor— Jt NUFACTUREIIi, DEALERS St IMPORTERS Iron, Stre I, H f l ag ardware, Miiltony t. Supplies, Lubrical vas, White Ltar =I IRON WORLD AND MANUFACTURER, Largest Metal Price Current IN THE WORLD. kading warmth. ur 11. h c. , autry and Europe rrcog It it. the Itoprolwouttivo P e er of tho Amer. twit 3letal 'Ermine. Th pilltliohe editve e•er since this jou , nil war rota', Iliad 1 , runnel e oblent orrerpondeute nod ',Mono's tr b.. pfoctleed ; expending more UM ey for.thett enteric, sloe, th.o the entire OXPOII• e•l' 01 wimp prdmlnnot Paper establish mono, 'fro thonegoadullita pee on•r to • pool t gloat matter. The etrculntlon of thn Ito] Vend to for gro.ttdr teen that of any similar ptibileation in this country. ACCURATE WOTATIONA AND ItEPRRTR OP TRR 1.10111: AND FORRIGit s(ARRETd. • The borer Talent os Employed, and in Contentc . Pajer and Tup,,grophical appearance, dicund to None. • . Located lu the very centre ofn the metal Intonate or the (lolled state. with correnpocidenta at the leading cities of the Feet. Weal and dun h, wo do non err id claiming that It In the itt.PIOI.7B:ITATIVIS JOURTI•4 of the Metal Mathirectorern, Workers and Dealer. of thin country • nti is OW Mit for tenchinlnin and aortal workers it haii rival and contemn every week thu eminent nelectionn fist. engine ring sitting and ncientilic Peblicetopen or thin country and hemp, Its motto Is “I•roarenn, • and li compelled other journaln, of a similar chitracter,To Vol.l.tiW IS it. readers CiiinPriba trait , i , 14 meet Maucaltriurern, At irhinintn, Founders, Hardware Dealers cud Yinu, , , Unanuuth Ylumbein Cutlery Mauithiciurern, Flla Mituuracturers,Saw Moturecturere, [toiler Manufacturcrn, cud leading Hallway Ufacialn. LY $4 00 P. 14.11.2. ANNUM. If you are In the metal trade, take a metal piper. ,It will save you more than Can . you are a 1.11011111 r.• tutor take thu journal that advocates your latercite. NOTICES OF TITS PRESS From w largo number of uotices from the Dregs, we an• tact the following : /Front the Chicago Joanna of Commerce.] Tux Meg WOOL) •ND 31•NCIMeTCHEit.—A %Hinman ( dive of American Metal Mattufactnt err, Workers end Dealers.—This is the title and descriptive ohmmeter of a totally printed and prottiaely Illuatrated folio of thtrty•sia. vvelment., 110.411.1. d by the !Rog WoRLD CoIdP•NY. Plitaburah. Th. 1.0114 before us la volume 2, No. Id. Ito enillortia, deal:tiptop., of manufaelunw. cent annoy °Mentes, reports,eic, .atea imiontry and abtilli . It deserves the patron of all intern-tad to the prosperity of American mann. factures to geuvral. thoseil however, I, u s e dcti lna, interesting to engaged In the Irohard war, trade. Such will welcome Its weekly returns as alt soutial it, every departtueut of their bunk..., From the Cinclunatti h d ercitaute . and 31noutactutors' illetsn. evlAurceEo.Ys r ue Necsr s o Ahtk lnue Won t toilet •A nt soatoi gl.. It Is young h.tillay and visorous. mud 1110 C Vast un• proved I l e appearance nod ton al during the p tut throe four mouths. It 1. Low one of Ills moat alltantilfo bull tt organs the country. It is editad with ouch , tad Ity, god, ao Its name luipltca, la devoted to the mot mid metal Interests of tho country. It, 111 hut reports 01 11101010, hardwatm Dinnedel afro, he., are err? full, complete and ralluble. It I- Paying it nttlah. but medic, compliment. to any that t D. the itiatilllll oraim of tilt iron nod metal interests of the Putted State• 31 mufac 'torero and metal lieu ere •verywhare should eubscril rut the 10110 Would, Sol, ki•NUI,CII:II.F.H. SAMPLE CONES MAILED FREE. ADDREitI, IRON WORLD PUBLISHING CO., • Iron Workt BiardiNg. YITTSBUROII, TILE GREAT TARIFF JOURNAL FOR WORKINGMEN, • SENT Os TRIAL three mouths fur 23 cents. The AMER ICA INO ..EOPI.E Is 0.1 of the fluent pnbllcu lions In On. world. thoutultot IA Vaasa. or GA column. 0 ret wi u g detdd ed wortutet, Inbtrucl. antlftd canc., the host Intetente o lotuses. I itu t drAdous ptoualuent wotklnionen In each Issue Numb. ru It• thous-lids of sub-crllters. Only $1.51 pa. ye. r. or on lot 'Ivo" moulli• for 25cents. Oluto You aws, Town, Gotta) u stdtts plutul Y, caul... llt adatty, nod address .W tiI11.1) PUBLISHING CO. Ina.‘Votti.n Rllll.nonl. I'lltaharnh, ou Salon Or CUUIII.Ii.II.• n0r...1 d lit/Cal-OW • DEAFNESS ' , BLINDNESS AND C. UzY T MUM ttritithl with thti tithuihttwucce., by ISA .1i 11.,11011 Dlife , ,scn .1.1 the Hy. a Ettr, (Ms twirelialt) 3 in th. Merttria thitieus Uf i r Pen Rut ritis lilyettrx exp. fort.tly of Ltiy Il loud.) WA ,A.rch Plille. Tealinmuille been et hie oftico. The Medical (*cults . are loytted to cow., patients.. h. hea nu secrete In his lice. Artificial eye. inserted without pain No eh& for fiKaultstatloil. APT 264 WONDERFUL! "WHEELER WILSON"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers