Nebieinal. AT 722 A_k722 Al 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF ‹h Lawall& Martin, Lawall&Martin Lawall &Martin, S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF B. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. HAMILTON & HALL STS., If you want Pure Drus go there. If you wane Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure Medicines go there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you. want Physicians' Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything stall go there. If you don't want anything go there. If you want to be satisfied go there San SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are ready to wait on you. They are both practical ehein , ists ; you will find that Lo be the case after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, • No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722•MAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St. City Drug Store. NO( ITRE,NO PAY. DR. H. 1). LONGAK ER, - - Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, at Mils/lel. Phi,. hut been In successful practice for a number of years In various parts of the United Mates; trill promptly at• tend to all branches of his profession ut his rooms, Bast side of Sloth erred. bet• Hamilton and trafunt, ALLENTOWN. PA • No Patent Medicine, aro newt or recommended ; tlm rein• edits administered are those which will not break down t conetitution, but renovate the spoon] fern all Injuries Ohne sustained from mineral medicines, and leave it in u healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSOUPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all diseases of the Lunen, Throat:Stomach, and Liv er. which yearly carry thousands to untimely graves. can undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that date of alienation and aberration of mind which ren dere person. incapable of enjoying thu pleasures of per forming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, I. any (urn or condition, chronic or acute, warranhed cur able. SpilopPq% or falling sick OP., nod chronic or stab born cases of FEMALE DISEASES speedily and radically removed; Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases (of yTears• .tanding) every description of Uicoratlune, Flloe nod Scrofulous &s -cues. warranted cured, . .. • Mir Particula r attention given to private diecaves of every deecriptton of both sexes: Ladles suffering from any complaint Incidental to their BOX. COD commit the doctor with axe unmet, of relief: Cancer cured. and Tumors of all kinds removed without the kalfe or drawing blood. Meeseee of the • • EYE AND EAR succeesfully and effectually removed. Lougater will make visits any distance If de sired; can be addressed by letter (con fldeullall y) and med. lane sent with proper directions to any part of tn.. county. ()pylon: Haetside of tlixth street, between Ilemilton Ilud Walarit Allentown. Pa. Joey 28-ly eatas of the complaint. • TOWLE ,t SON, Proprlctora, 110 ton ." ^rvirwlette and dealers zenerally. enulne unless aignee 1. Burrs. PiLEs on HEMOIMIWIDN. MRS OF ALL KINDS perfectly and permaneutlY Crum without pain, datirtr, caustics or lustrucueuts. by W. A. nfoCANDLESS, AL D., 310111 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who eau refer_roe to over MD cases cored In Philsdel elle Ono. We desire to any to those afflicted, there Is peellively no deception.o the cure of these DISBAR., It natters not how long or how severely you i. an boon ouldleted, we no care you. We also core Fistula, Fissure Prolapses, lOrletaree and Ulceration of the lower howol. Cent yea that are suffering, we will not deceive pot.. We have patients from almost every Oslo In the Union and frown Europe. Have treated these diseases (or twenty von without a (allure. ape 101411LOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—A itylitz.Taird.o.r..Liaggrit%odirtrg at the three doors above Twelfth ,_Philadelphia, embracing the enhjoete: Mow to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Na suety and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The canes of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philolophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of i 5 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penna. Pobrrixtiato sop ANATOMICAL DICINOM. cheetout lit. , Philadelphia Penes • • toe V-1• • ILTIBERGEWS • FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted Neal to any made. They ore prepared from thefrutts, and will be foutid much better than many of the Extracts that aro sold. Illi , •Aak your Grocer or Druggtst for Willberger's Extracts, BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE In, without doubt, the beet artier., in tho morkot. for b/ustng clothes. It will color morn water th u four filmes the eamo weight of Indigo, and touch m e re than any other wash blue In the market. Thu only genuine la that put all at ALFRED WILTBEIIOEIt'iI !MVO •tiTOltE, Ne. MS NORTH SECOND hTREET, PRI PA names on both WILTIIRRORIeR and 1141/ILOW'M names them, all others are counterfeit.. For sale by most Grocers and Druggists. WILTBERGEB'S INDELIBLE INK Will befound on trial to Sea superior article. Always ,en band for sale at roan .nable mices o around SPICES, Genuine MEDICINE, Chamois Skies, Sponges, Tapioca. Peal. Sago, a. d all articles in the drug line; at ALFRED Wll.TllglitiElt '8 DRIP) rola:, Ace 23.1, No. TO North Second ht., Phila., Pa. •IARTBI A N'S UEMr.! ER DEPOT .h Price Paid Por The Highest Cgs Old Newspapers Old Blank Books Of every ilearription. And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That aro all written over. Wall kind.. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. RADA ROM DAGOINO AND CANVAA Bonnet. CONOVILDOWA from Country Dealer. solicited. onar S. HARTMAN. 011 Jayne St., Milani. Ifittancial. GIRARD SAVINGS BANK, (Organized under a State Charter), NO. EAST HAMILTON STREET, NEARLY OPPORITII TUE COURT TIMM Monies received nn deposit at all times from one dollar upwards. raya„SlX per cent. interest (or elk months or longer. Four per cent. on daily balance. subject to check at sight. Gold and Silver. United States Bond. and other Securities bought and sold. interest collected on Govern ment Securities at fair rates. All dorm/ills of money will be hold strictly confidential, and may bo withdrawn at soy time. Married wornen and minors havo special privileges granted in our charter, having foil power to transact boat mens with on in their own names. This Institution is a legal depository for monies paid Into Court, nod receives money in trust from guardians. aJtaluistrators, treasurers. tax callectors and others. , . . . 2 - ":11ONEI LOANED nN FAVORABLE TERMR• P II AON ALBUM LIT. President 11 A 'HARTZELL, Cashier. Dfrrrforx—Phauu Albright, James P. Kline, Tilghman Mem. David %Voids, Aaroa himiliart• ira.3rn MILLEItSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Thin inntitntion will .be opened 1112 or before the Int da ln y of April. Money will he taken on deponit at all times and any Mauls from one dollar upwards, ( or which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will Deposits may bo withdrawn at any time Alen, money armed out on favorable term, J AMF:S WEILER, Preedent /a• SHINER, Cushier. .1. F. N. tihitrert. Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. YeLd, Christ .1 K. Henninger, David Donner, Willis to Saliday. Isaac ()Hebei, fildeor, F. II ner, Horatio T. liertrog, Benjamin J. Bcbinoyer, James b in gm a ette r war 1041 m A LLENTOWN SAVINCISINNTITE- Tiox, Organized as "Dimes S'aving Institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., I=l PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This Itmtitution, thu oldest Saving Bank in Eastern Peuns)•lvuula, has been In continuous and successful oAeration for ten yours, and continues to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for ono year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. 111 B—All deposits of money 1011 he held strictly confi dential. Erecators, Administrators,Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tar Collectors, and Whet enxtndlnnn of pnhlle or prirato m0r , e3 , ...r0 of fered liberal retell of interest. Forme., Aferehmattr, L a borers, and all who have money to put on Interest for a or short period will find our Institution an agreeable and advantageous one In which to do booboos. We especially Invite L•DIHO to transact their banking business with no. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have special privi leges granted by our charter—having full power to trans act business with or In their own names. Money deposited with this institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, bya Capital stock nod surplus looney curity of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and addition. the Board of Trustees have an reiptired by t barter, given bonds under the supervision or tho Court la the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are regis tered in nod bold by the Court of Common Pleas of this county for the security of depositors. Our Iron %%mils are of the most secure and extensive kind known in this country its it personal inspection will show, nod to which we invite our friends and cgstotnors. We refer to this, believing that safe Burglar Proot Vaults complete the cutely niniTeliability f a good Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, President. CHRISTIAN PRETE; Vice President. REUBEN STAHLER. Cushier. EVETIEEM =IZ=9 EIIVESIM2I retittlft= F. E. Simitlele. ill.llj. Ilegetibuell, 0001110 Brobel, Samuel Sell, Peter. jes 12-If FARMER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870 Fogelav,llle. Upper Macungie townehlp, Lehigh Co. Thin Inatitution ham been organized and opened under a State Charter. MONEY will bo taken on depoxit at all Ilmea and In any sum front SI and upward'', for which 6 PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Deprosik may ho withdrawn at any time. Also money loaned out on favorable mono. WILLIAM MOH R, Prexident R. 11. FOGEL, Cashier. Dr. 11. A. Saylor ME=l Ilnolel Bfoier, Uaeld Peter, Johan Rauch, Samuel Kohn., Daniel 11. Creitz, William Meta, William Mohr tam B.BS FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton otroot and Church alloy, in Lion Hall, NeCOocl story, opposite the German Reformed Church. in the City of Allentown. in organited and ready for biathlon. It totll pay SIX per cent. In• tercet on all depoeite except 'mean,kk deposits, for any period of time. Vibe ea len Well eft,f the date of deposit. To neenre which, the Trustees h institution kayo flied rill tho Court of Common Pleas of t in s he unde o direction Ilf the Court. a toed l in the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and approprintion of all such non. of Mono).y iiNfOinlll,l. plueed In charge of maid FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whother on drpositn, or nbaren of mock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever it way be deemed necessary In midition to thin. the Act of IncorPoration makes the Stockholders prrNon Up 1 (We to the rtepor,itors don tole the a tnOlint of the Capital Stock of the Bank, which in fifty thonnitod dollars, with liberty to cornice it to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. These provlninite will stake it a very denirablo and note Pi ll r e ' n ' an d l;T lL y be prop .1- vtoletint the ele nnit ' s will bn kept 17; une n ti a f the srkfc:vt ari l jrolecial P romults in thiN city. A rngeinents w - 111 be Slade to furnish traits on the cities of New York nod Philadelphia S. A. Preeldent J. W. WILSON. Vice l'restdcnt • J. E. ZIAI3IER3IAN. ("adder. • Effareti . . Daniel H. Miller. H. A. Brltlgoti, .1..htl llolbon. 1. W Wilson, William Baer, J. E. Zimmerman U. B. Creitz, Peter Uroell. • Edwin Zimmerman. mar 80 THE !ERIN SAVINGS BANK OF WM. L. YOHN, NOIITII ..sEV EN7 fi S,T., ABOVE LINDEN, AURNTOWN, PA, Thin ho ok has bean established for the purpose of earry• ing on n general Banking busineso. and to offer to the community it SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at home, the rota, reit. of interest that it would command In Now York or New Jersey. . , . . . . MONEY LOANED OUT ON 0000 SECURITY . . . Oi• Gold, Silver mad Govormuout Hondo bought and • . Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United Staten in Rums to snit purchasers. Collections made on MI accessible points. and prom,ds promptly remitted at entrant rates. Farmers. Merchants. Laborers and all who hays money to pat out on Interest for a long or short period will find thin Institution nu agreeablo and advantage., one in which to do lousiness. . . lutereqt allowed on deposit,' at the following rates. to SEVEN PER T. o ft for year. SIX PER CENT. If loft for thirty days and under one 4taj-Itovntine ataattla •old at a dtacount. Uuu 7n daw Dru 6oulio Announcement Extraordinary ! E. S. 611IIIIER Sz Co IS' • DRY G-OODS HEADQUARTERS 705 D 707 HAMILTON STREET, =1 Latest Interesting Intelligence ! PRICES TO • ASTONISH TILL NATIVES ! OUR GOODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE TILE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE TIM AD VANTAGE TO THE TRADE. Ige-0111i LAST I'IZICE LIST erected groat havoc lu the ranks or 111(111 PRICED SrOltEi. Thor cau't moo how It to t h at WO Call Make Money and Sell Goods so Cheap [SKIM "MAMMOTH STORES." WE WILL TELL THEM First. having two Flores, we nro able to buy Goods In largo lota direct from tho manufacturers and Importers. sod from 10 to per rout. elinalicr than they do. Second, our large roles enable its to make tummy, even though we tusk° but very little nu any oue article. Anil twit but not last, We buy excloalvoly fur cash and ill till tow Mlle, which •In the aggregate amounts to considerable. So .Vlxreprrsontot (ono to Etrove s, I and quo lilt, ooronterot I lithrolford 1161 to I. Undersold By Any gtl Our Orinpeithort DAILT AILILIVALS 07 Fall and Winter Dry Goods ! OUR SToCli is entirely too extensive to enumerate ar- Helen and prices. We bare in stock a general assortment of goods usually kept vin tirst-class and well regulated store. Immense stork et • DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &O. I= SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! PAISLEYS, BROCIIEN. BLANICET, Tliiur and STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear ! CLOTHS. CASSIMEHF.S, TWEEDS, SATINETS, KEN, mama BLANKETS. While Brown. mnl Ora v_ B Illarik./ (outh a t .1h • iracifies it /id 0u,p. 11, .... 1, .°4 co,rrut, Flannels, Filieettuge, Cheeks'. de. CARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE .I OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, &O. E. S KHMER & .CO., Wel •nd 597 Hamilton Bt.. Allentown. Po. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1871. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE • AT THE A TIEN TONW LUMBER YARDS ILLOUGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa BE SURE AND LOOK FOR TliE = COME AND EE ! ! Perna. In need of Itunher for largo hoildirge will gad it greatly to their advantage to call, being eonvian. I y ready o fill order+ for all kind.. of lumber o,. e d in huge building. upon tho taunt favorable tenon. Putl at the elint notice Every article belonging to a tirst•elare lumber yard le cou.tantly kept on hand. Thankful for poet favors, I Invite lay friend, to call and inenvet my r.toCk. W R IZMU Ir G " I I II3 .. ti 11•111:EXL I jun 25-9 m • Harrison Safety Boiler. GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC 1.4)...K FAMILY 4 CHINE ‘ \UV 1. ;1. J 41 , .......?"-.. f,,,..„ an.. 3„: .--,..? _ ..,-- r ,-,...,..3 , 4 , i i• 1 k ii) • li. i, 0 ',. 7 _,• , -, :A : : • „,...„4 . ,?i-, -;. 0- - - ' 1 ' ; ':"k vi f ..7..--.-7 Go , - :' , ',"l e. - .95. L ~--,-,-. NEW STYLES SIIUTI'LE STITCH SEWING- MACHINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED IN ,Om ALL WHO REQUIRE A PAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Manufacturing or Family Sewing To our NEW STYLES, whleu 1.0,so: Nl:Distakable advantages over the NOISY and CUM BRUICt styles of other makers. CALL AND EXAMINE. „ J. F. WHIEBACI(, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. raw., ;Pith !Iry gloss and fresh ess of yofith. hair is thickened, falling hair checlitcb and baldness often, though Ilfrt, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles no de stroyed, or the glands atrophied awl decayed; but such as Eel nam can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is proclneed. Instead of fouling tlw hair with a I,,isty sedi ment, it will lceep it clean :net vigoro Its occasional ls, prevent ht• hair from turning gray or fal!ing .cf and consequently prevcat baldnesa. lbe restoration or vitality it gives io the scalp arrests and prevents the Mime:- that of dandratl. which is "rum so un cleanly.;lnd olhotsive. Free from those deleterious substances which oath,. some preparations datigeroas and inM rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. It' wanted merely for a lIAIIt DIII' t nothing else can be Mund so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white' cambric. and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rivh.•!2.l---1 lustre, and a grateful porfnuw. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChcmLt• LOWELL, MASS. FRUIT PRENERVING POWDER. NORNY'S TASTELESS POWDEII preserves all kinds of Calmed Fruit, Stowed Fruit. Fruit. Dotter. Preserves and Tomatoes without being air tight. more elegoot in beauty and taste than uoy Process In the wond. This Powder has been in public use for three years and is now used in every State of the Union. It to cheap, healthy and reliable. will furnialt stewed and preserved fruits daily for the table cheaper than any other process. One Bon cords 50 Cents pots up 40 Quarto or 60 pound s of pared fruit. Full directions telling how to prevent all mould with the box. Sent by mail or sold by Grocers and druggists. The whol“ole trade supplied by Johnson, Holloway & Cowden. French, Richards ft Co. Philadelphia, Kidder & Wetherell. Now York,or 0ur...4e, ZANE, NORM' & CO.. July 6•Sm w EH North second St. Philod.z. WANTED.—One Thousand Dol. larp on I term of two years. at?o,l securities and extra premiums paid. Inqurroat Tills OFFICE, sepß•dl Or address. Allentown Dow B 1F A A U SIGN ! " I= No. 1 Pine Boards, best quo lily, per tlion..and .131 " I " Scantling, " 44 32 " 2 " Boards, • " 25 " 3 " " 12 I , ches wide, " ' 19 " 3 " " all width, c 18 " 1 .' Floor, 6 inches wide, best qu.,llty.. 34 " 1 " " all widths,per thougand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 Inches wide .. ... 26 .... 1 44 " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality 34 " 1 German " 34 .... 2 44 44 IlA' Beveled Siding, planed .. ............ ..... 34 26 slot pinned 22. P 4 inch Common Panne! 40 1;5 " " .: 40 2 " 44 46 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, sc., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 12 inches wide ....... .... ..... ... 19 0 " all widths 18 No. 1 24 such Shingles, extra quality 15 120 44 46 10 124 " " Si C 4 14 3 ` feet Lathe, best quality $2.75 4 64 0 3 " Palings .......... .... ................ ........ —.13.00 3% " " ............ :. ........... ...... ...........14.00 4 t. 64 41% Ilg (I Fence Boards and Bails 20.00 " l'o,ts, extra quality 'lO cts All °the: Lumber in proportion. ' =9 =EI =I 'O TUCKING FOR GATHERING I= FOR CORDING I=l THE BEST EN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING ! IN ANT BRANCH OF Sarsaparilla Is widely known, as one of the most ;lit, effectual remedies //,',V. ever discovered for ''* $;, r I,# ) cleansing the sys -ti~ tem and purifying • •V",:t's-- . ; the blood. It has I , s ‘ q , 7 stood the test of • --":"'• years, with a con •:"" stoutly growing rep station, based 011 its intrinsic vh.tues,•and sustained by its re markable eaves. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet•so searching as to effeentally purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. , Impurities, pr diseases that have Ita•ked in the system fitr years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, nail disappear. Deuce its wonderful owes, many of which are publicly known, of Scroilda, sail all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, nail eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Antl ' 9 14 Fire, Rose or Erysip las, Teter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul ,:crations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liter. It also cures other cool plaints, to Afeit it would not gem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disoa , e, Female - Weakness, Debility, aid Lencorrhoca, when they are manifesta tions of tho scrofulous poisons. It is au excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. Ily renewing tile appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression anti listless lan. gitorof the.season. Even where no disorder appears, people fret better, and live longer, liar cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. A drt which i.< ut one, Leah hy, til , • h.. .. . . foil, f !.- , ry 'hair tn it:: orighoti PnEranet, Dr. 1. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,, Practical and Analytical Chrwhots. BOLD HY ALL DRUGGIST:3 EVERYWHERE MUTTON & 'CON N ELL, • FURNITURE AREROOPIN. W I NO. 800 MARKET STREET, North Side rnILADELPIIIA . PARLOR, DIN LING , ROO,I4, AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. Of the Latent Styles and Deal Manufacture. ALSO. Feather Beds and. Mattresses. wpw.9.nw HAS PENN IN IMIA , :TICA ❑SE FOE MORE THAN TEN YEAH& gz,r)oo iforse-rotrer i Use. lulernalion .1 Medal. London, •• , 12. AT,lcau 113.11111 W 1 D. I=l HARRISON BOILER WORKS, wESTON 'S PATEN r IMFEEENTIAI PEE LEY HIM4.Ik S. 17113=!EMIEI II A lIRNON BOILER WORK or .1(011X A. COI,P HAN, gent, Ill)11.0/111WAY. YOll It, and UP Fri rn Al. Sr.. 1101• TUN. Mao., Arc Exclaslvt I=l =ME A r.• Untqoialled Are 11 au pprn chablE Arc Un 611 r pa BPeli ♦rt FttIIILICSP Arc 'ileum: nrabl4 Arc Ad7,lrablt Ayer's Mate* anb 2tlantru BecowEtt&C NO. 902, CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, JEWELERS STINE IiSNI ITHS IMPORTERS, ARE ZOW IN RECEIPT OF THEIR FA LL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, =I PARIS BRONZES ! Clock Sets awl Mantel Ornaments ! 17ESNA FA NC . S (70011 S PARISIAN STATUARY SOLID SILVER WARE! I= WEDDING PRESENTS =I Fine Jewelry, Watches, Chains. 1.1(441.0-Plated 'Wares BAILEy&R iChestnut & 12th Sts., FiliLknELFEllik y 3ewelers anb Silversmiths. FINE WATcliEsy FlFtEridi C ..00KS, BFICINZES, PLATED WARE. Quality ibuaranteeo. Ooobs sent by Express on approval. NV my 10 -ly IT-2 + g. *, JEWELER, 1124 chestmit st. 1124 PHILADELPHIA. Have now In Store their NEW F LL STOCK Comprating the lertrat and gotta varied asAortuetat they ihtve ever uttered. A re S❑,perl• RELIABLE WATCHES a •pn•lelity BULB CHAINS. KEYS. SEALS. CHARMS, &c JE ll' EMI I', entirely new derigus. SOLID STERLING SILVER WARES, For pre•cotxtlon and hoaxehuld THE FINEST ENOLlill AND AMERICAN Silver Plated Goode, Table Cutlery, 6.e., MIN.'S. Mantel ••lnvks and Orrtnniers(v. Fancy Gouda in Gift Ilrun:•, ',fah,. Wood. Sc. Selected Oda year In Europa, Moderate price+ for all articleit Mho rondo lending n funtnte nit th. STYLE AND QUALITY. An lurperildo of the Stun, and Stock In texpoictfully aollelied nom, or those ',ldling tan City uu pleasure, locl4-3in my KEI ! LER BROTEIER, NO. '27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN. PA. CLOCKS, n it rognlated and warrantod. Al: and pl tyro, from upward,. A larger nshortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES Minn ran be found In any other store in the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WAGE • love, dirt Option. 414-Wetenee repaired on Short Notice. WATCHES, J EW EL IR 'V, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. ZI East tintullton street, ppo•lte thy. Gertnun Ito farmed Church. Jumt rerolved Crum Now York and adelrltia, nil thu latent ntylex GOLD WATCHES He 11,4 tho largest and best Ancor:moot of 0.43 Wotcbca and nt lowor price, than con to found .lrotrher.•. SILVER WATCHES 11, hag larger mud het ter 11.s.rlinent of v Widcher than nu; ben. else. may 3•Oiv GOLI) .J E LII Y. • lio /MK Urn largeNt awl bor.t looKo‘tuoin of ,d 1 kludn o Gold Jewolry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile luta wlarger and bettor axsortnwnt of all klwkof and Plated Jewelry than can Ie learnt elaewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. . Delius a epleudid ..sortient of Silver and Plated Ware Any pennon detdring g..1)(i4 lu Iltie liar can not (ail to 1, suited, CLOCKS. A larger aagortnient than at any ono, up.l.o.:khinom 3TELODEONS. A xplentliii nielorttnent of Prince's Mititicenn, the be lu the world. ACCORDEONS M=IM==MMMI=E I! . . Ills eutabliclunent ht. lately been fitted up, nod In non commd to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead Uf ttnythingontitide the lame cake. Ile has n Inrge. clock of fueliionithlo gouda In Mu lino thou all other,. iu Lehigh cul county d com te bined. To convince yourtlves ol the It ir bO l an cue pA.tic R. STAUFFER, • WATC I ES AND JEWELRY, N 0.140 NORTH SECOND ST., eon, or Ql'lltltY, PHI L A AA. A..", oh Watcher, Jewelry, silver nod ' Plated Ware count:toll,' on Semi. • Sa—ltepairlog t,f Watcher and Jewelry promptly ten ett to. nor 5.1 v Cijairs. LARGEST STOCK !w. GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the !argent furniture store In town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. The Arm base recently put In a MAM MOTH ALL PLATE4I LASS FRONT. and have othi•rwise enlarged their (AMID.. for • keeping on hand the lament stork lu the city. I Their ELEGANT FURNITURE 1 Is manufactured In Mar °ton esfabllshment. ;Vb . under their own supervision, mud to warrant- n i_a ed le be the hest In tho market An inspection • • of their stock will cou•loce buyers of the sal- • , a ntago of buying from them lieltabach, Helfrich At Co. manufacture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRING BED, and are sole agouts for that superior bed. Call nod see it. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front. ATS 011PN CELLOS RATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF 4 SAFES. ESiABLIsIIRD LV 1813. THE,OLDSST B.4FE HOUSE IN PHIL A DELPIII.4 The only Safe with lama Dooan. G uaranteed Free irom Datt lo oinc. ult. from 15 to 20 per' rent. lower titan Other AJ4kers. Please nend for Circular anti Price Lot. T. NV ATtioN St SON, Late or Eyane NV.tioon. 'Menu tettar . 44, autt7J-the W ho. y ti. Fourth tit. Philadelhhia. nIUILDERS, LOOK TO VOLK IN. J-1 TERESTEL L. W. KOONS te CO. are manufacturing a flydranlic Content Drain Pipe Chimney Fine and Ornamental Chim ney Tope, cheaper owl more durable than ny other ig martini. They are made of porn cement and rand, beitill tniwerfutly compresecti, well ...ea, and 111, in all practical real - mute EQUIVALENT TO STONE. = gend for a elrenlar, nr call and exasolneot their I,ftlea Valleyd. •eantaftiet..ry. corner of Hamilton etronlae, 1-tt filch Jane ffor tier 31,abira. wuc:n EV I .1 - `; ill A(;1 FN;-. UUBER & rurrz, A t is., Allentown BEE WHAT WE CLAIM TEM' WILL. DO BEST SHUTtI,E MACHINE OUT That they vrIII Stitt h :t!14 . 4..111 t.nth of Oo! That they ITEM ! FELL' ITIN It ' CORI' ' NEMO ! Mr Fr LE' Ttrcir ! ITEM OAT 11E11 A'lt ON AT TIISSAME TIME EASIET TI,NiMS! In Addition to all thin thy are 1:.:eally Mood for Mln Heavy Work. 111:B1; Flt! I=l msziam , ;;;40 MeI,EA% t EiOOPEIR $4O IMPROVED LASTIC 4 : . . Imolc Si it el; !•;;•• ... in!r Tbn Bent end lotrtn,petntn: tiNEQOALED orEitATIoN. WTI" , F EX I.:CF Mori NON.LIABILITI l'Ot.O' TIT , HTS OR BREAV. Si:111'1.1(71TV t. AIOO.TINO ATTACH Anil 11. sttirlll...All;.l.l , to rip ton,o, or wear than - " ShuttlP" .tlteh. whit.. it (-In tie 0.t.11y t.tken f dontrett. The MaLEAN IIiMPER 1011 , 1i , e11. linm, Milt. cord, Riad, 11..-t.. Lm , ,....der and Oath.. .n n m appr,...l w 111,7. =I WM. BLOECKLY & CO., Ills 61S HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN 10-Ivtlaw WHEELER tt FMAILY SEWING MACHINES AR 'l' I I *',ST OVER HALF MILLTON NO {VIN USE! They have all to-t tic ety yearn' nee and it to no experiment I. puran•e co, SOLO ON 11th INSTALMENT 7'LAN, Call at tho oalenrooln ~i 1 examtno them, whether y wish to purchoeo or u.t. PETERSON & CARPENTER 91.1 CHESTNUT STREET, ejun 23-1) T HE AMERICAN WASHER PRI - C E $5.50 THE AMERICAN WAsiTER , ACES lONEY, TIME AND b!ziTipiEllV. The Fatigue of 11'er.1411.:" hay no tow', Dreaded, bul I:conorng, PIT 444.2,,,44.4( le 'ln rlting. hare, lu calling public attention to thin Illthn 511 ehlon, n few oft qu .itnes. loot p..-.e•sed by any other washing int, hitt , yet invented, l .r.• hero ettutnersted. It I, the ninall• Ht. uno.t coins act.o ont portable, most ultnplo In construction. y , Terated. A child ten years old. with •ew t ours'an thoroughly coutprshowl nod ...Icettbdly use a. 11,0101' no udjuutlng, no screws to annoy. no o•:.ty in ipinint• g ! It In /Own) , Trudy (sir ! pertect title wood,. ! It is a Min iature giant doing more trot k and of n I otter quality, loon the mow elabort.e t. 11.1 costly Otto half of the labor Is 1,511 r tho clothes will loot olio-hall longer than by,lee chi ulna of thorn'. ho.ird It Will wash iho largext blanket Three 611111. at a Iliac, washing he ! In a wt.rd t e altlntlott 5.11511 V fabric, Irons Quilt to is Lace Iblrtuin In Cambric Handkerchief, arm mioany po , Ity .los I.IT ! It csn ha tautened to nay toll and taken off ta .111. Nie utter lon ...tit r polo II piejtbl inay exist against Washlng•Muc loon tLe moinent 011.1411 s nnichlito In noel to perform tin wood, es all t 1 slit. of Its donning ellicarY utliby 'c,' ban I Ion! anti the doubter and detractor /11 •ol become the to-1 Ir 1`11.11+.111.1• (WIC' ine. We have test twolials with... end. scit•ng forth Its tin tneritua ailvartegen front hundreds who have th.own tio• mitt uncles+ nuchlires, xh.chlittVeslgnall) r.itt. , l to net the object p. o• attned promitiont :toil lon i Indlog ad vettlsetattatu. It In as perfect I. r a tbinz as a ter.• ris for wringing• 'rho price another 1 , LY.11111.1111111411 , 11 , 1111111i 50 pnrehanorn. has been placed-„ lon that it nllllll tne reach of every housekeeper awl th I'o s :irtnle of ito.oestic economy that will rcpt..) . tlto small In ve-tp , , s t noon, Ca !-• • All that 1,1•144...1 (; REV!' SAVER, in fair W. IJ-tt i:dLe Its work 11,-rfeclly • =I H. FRAM:AM:FS fi CO., 513 Market Pol.„11:1311., Pst. 'rho I Ark st and ch , ap,t WO , .1. ,N \VA ILE HOUSE I !'idle ,film, rug 3.1.31uvr UMBER El 3% E At 1: HOL ESA E A N!) RETAIL 1101 TM A.N 'S STEAM SAW MILL REM LUMBER YARD.! KINDLING! BILLS OUT TO ORDER! OFFICE AT 'ME MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS WHITE AND 111,ACK 'OAK SAW tons wanted. for which the highest netrkut ptice w bo paid upoo dotty ry. d-w July 12-17 CHARLES L. HALE, UPHOLSTER - ER, I= VENITIAN I3LINDS EMI WINDOW SIIADEB, No. 936 AR,CII STREET, PHILADELPHIA VOMITERS 111.1:41 , 4, I WINIOIW 811A114,i, M j LTTREIII4E2I, 1;111;10 and LI ;min Nil. ; 111•puirttl. CERTAIN CORNICEA, BEOI4II E;;;APE,, 112L.D0 nut forgot tho ARCH STREET UPHOLS7ERY, No. 936 ARCH STUCET, plecluJiloor teloir Tooth, mouth hide est i-2tn ' ' C • F. WOLIFERTZ, CUTLERY, NO. 606 HAMILTON NTItEET, ALLENTOWN, PA. blanorarturoa and grey, c..n-I intly on bawl a largo ii• aortmont of all kinam of . Boa ,ra, Table K01a... and Forge raockol Nolvea. ticiaaora. &c. [Wt. LVALLEltanzgag A- 4 RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.. Lon, Allentown for Nowlfork. via Central Railroad of Now Jersey, at 0 00, 7115', 8 (Xl. and 11 65 a m, and 1210, 6 35 p. For New York, via Morrie & Emma Railroad, at 6 00 and 11Ma m, and 3 41 p m. Fur Blanunka Chunk end Belvidere at D 90 a nt, gad 635 p m: For Lambertville and Trenton at 6CO aid 11 68 a m, and 6 35 p In. For Hamlett at o m, 70, 8 (10. D 93 and 11 66 a rem 1210'. 345, 635, 6 r/i end 613 p m. • For Philadelphia, via North Penn Railroad, at 6 CO, and II a to, 535, 665 and 813 pm For Caine:toque & Fogleaville R. R., 095 a m and p m. For Copia) , a 1035 and 1218 a in, 425 6(6 and 765 p m. For Mauch Chnok at 631, 1007 a m. 11& 4 %and 766 p m. For Pittston. at 63.5 nod 10 (1 a m, 4 23 p m. For Waverly, Owego, Elmira, Anhara and linfalo, at 10 01 a to (Ramo. Train() For IlArifltUll at 035 and 10 07 a in, ud 4221 p at. For Audenried at 1007 n tn. For 15fahanvy City at 835 and 10 07 a m. and 426 p ca. For Mt. Cannel at 63.5 nod 1007 • tn. 'rialt( with n Mar (..) mart from Exit Penn Junction. IL R. SAYRE Sup't & TOItTn PENNSYL-am i wAr s, VANIA RAILROAD. =I Poseengere (or Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley IL R. trans 'mooing Allentown at 6 CO, 800 and 11 CI a. ca., and 5:15 and 8 12 p. in. and norl•e In Philadelphia at 8 53 a En, 2 15, 8 n nod 102) v.. M. Ann Lehigh and Susquehanna Rail riled train, ort 2 {5 and 6 40 p. 0., and arrive in Phila. delplala at 6.11 and 816 p. or. (9lz Through Trains Daily, gondaya Itacepted.) l'amoinger traloa leave the depot Northwest corner Berk, and American at eels, Philadelphia, For Allentown at 2 00 and 9 45 a. m., 2 (al, SW, 400 and shi p an. Pala., c.irs aro attach,•d lb./ a. m. tralc For Doylestown at 8 :21 a. m.. 2 :gland 4 SUP m. . • . . For Fort Woobington at 7itud 11 a to. I Mani 11 10 p m For Abington nll3O mutt 630 p. m. Pot Lonioloin at 630 p. m. ==! 1.1 , 41 r 0 14411161 mm at 091, 620 x. m., 1216, 313. 6 W at d ,36 in. DOYlowtown at 635 2. in., 300 and 600 p. ca. L 10126212 at 005 a. m. " Fort 10241.11Mit00 nt 1130, 109 D 2.u., 316 a6d 61 o."?. Althgton alt 13mid 0260 m. ON SUNDAY'S. I. Bethlehem 'or Phlladelpht• at 4 (0 8. 61. Doylentowu 6432. o. •6 Pollaolulphla for Bothlehom at 30 2. ta. l• for Doy 101401W11 at 2 CU p. sm. Allentown to GEM CLARK. Agent. EA I) I N ItAll,azt 111.. 110A11. SUMMER ARRANJEMRNT. MONDAY, MAY 14, 1871. (treat Trunk Line from the North and North-Went for Phllad Oda, New York, Heading. Pottsville. Tamaqua. AmMend Shamokin. Lebanon. Allentown, Easton, Kph roe, I.itla, Lmumanter. Columb a . &e. Tem°. Irma° ilmrrioltorg for New York as follows: at 2,4), Plu a. u:., ml 20. P. m., connecting with nlmilmr :due en Pennsylvania Ra ilroad, and arriving at New at 101.5 a. to.. 340 mud 9 p tn. respectively. estrw eeeeehretuy the 240 a. m. train without I:eturning I..x•e New York at Piro a. m.. 123) noon and 5 , 0 p. tn.; Pluhcculelphin of 7 830 a. m. and 330 P. In . itompAny tho 60Op. m. train from Now Y..rk chimer. Leave ilarriplowg for Reading, Pottsville, Tarnapna. merr.ville, Asiblaud,Filinnotkin, Allentown, and Phila .'. Iphiu SlO a. tn., 2 Wand 105 p. m. ,_stopping at Loba• and gondola way atattone; the 105 p m. train cue. ~ ding for philndelphia, Pottsville nod Colambla only. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via tichuyi ill and SIIKI4IIOI.III{III. Railroad leave liarriaburg at 34 in. Pennvylvania Ratko tralus leave Reading for Al. otow Ea.,. and Now York at 432,1030 a. m , and 51) in. Returning, leave Now York at 800 a. m., 1290 and 500 p. tn., and Allentown at 720 a. ru., 1275 215. 42.5 and n p.m. ,y Pasvenger Train limy. Philadelphia at 790 a. m., eetlng with imllar train oa East Penna. Railroad; 2eturtong leave livadiug 0163)p tn., etopping at nil am. . . =OEM l.ewe l'ottavillo at 900 a. tn., and 2 30p. m. Herndon it 10 on a. tn. Sh..taiik in at 5W and 11 15 a. m.Aablaail t 700 a. in. stud 12 43 noon, Ilabanoy City at 751 a. m. 41.1 ) .3) p. In., 1'.111.1111.1 at 63.5 a. tn. aad 210 D. m. for NeW York, Headtug. Ilarrinburg, &o. vla Schuylkill and Sunquehatata Rail nt b 15 at. to. for Harrin burg, and 11 45 a. m. (or Plan otr..vo sad 'Fremont. • .. reading Acentanoidation Train leaves Pottsville at 6.10 PUIOIOI , Reading at 7 30 a. m., arriving at Philadel phia at Up...s) a. to. Iteturuing,lea•es Philadelphia at 616 p. n.. passing Reading at 716 p. m., arriving at Potts vslh. 011141 p. to. Pottstown accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at I; 3n a. to. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4 90p. int. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 1g)• tnand a 15 p m for Eplinita, Wiz, Lancaster, Utilembla. de. Perk Mitten Raliro.ul Trains leave Perklocuen Junction at 717, 001 am. 303 and 009 p to. Returning. leave iichweeksvillo at 090, 9100 to, 1260 noon and 446 p LO, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad, • Culebrookdale liatlroad trams leave Pottstown at 940 a to and 1 15 and 0 43 p to; returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 Ou, 11 25 am, mid Wp m connecting with similar trains R on eading H.R. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 890 a m and 205 nod 63 pm; returning, leave B.Avoington at 040 um 12 45 sod 625 p m, connecting with similar trains on lending Railroad. On Sundays: leave New York at 600 jct m, Philadelphia At 810 a to and 915 P m (the 800 a m train 1 . 111M1.E only to lieadlogi, leave Pottsville at 800 a m, Barrio burg at 240 a to nod 20) pm, Allentown at 425 and 895 pm, ReadistAg at 715 a In and 950 p m for Harrisburg, at 432 a m for New York, at 7 al a ut for Allentown, and 4115 p ra for PhLla. dolphin. Commutation, Mileage. Season, School and Excarsion Ticket., to aud from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pound. allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, soul 14 10 Asst. Supt.& Eng. Muclery. 4._.) POSE A MILL& AND LSVILLE R. IL or APRIL THIRD, lirL.Passenser Trains on quak'ogelevllle Railroad will run is noosed. e Lehigh Valley, Lehigh & Susquehanna, and tallroad, follows: STATIONS. Trains Raft e. Oa and aft. the Cat snug tine with the East I', on. 1 'hales West P. M A. M. 1 15 645 127 6 fill 1 11 q. 112 141 7 (f) 49 1716 .8 724 20.9 734 ^ .1 7 it 17 t •Flog St Tho mut, lug train west leaves Calseatigna on the arrival of tho L. V. H. it. Passenger train from Mauch Chunk, Ea..ton, Bethlehem and Alto town, and connects at Alba, tin with a train on the Rut Penne_ylvartia R. B. for Read ing. l'ottnville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia and also with it train for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. The morning train haat connect. at Albstit.• who .rains on E. I'. P. It. from Harriebarg, Pottsville heading and Allentown and at Catnsauqua with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mooch Cheek, Wilkesbarre, Scran ton, Philadelphia and New York. 'l he IS P3l train Went conn.nts at Alhurtle with trains on the Enid Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Har risburg, Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem, Euton, and New York; arrive in Philadelphia via Reading at ti p. m. Ti Evening train Rant leaven AI-Berlin on the arrival tif a train from Allentown and of a train tusking connec ons at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Raffle burg, Pottsville,Ste.. and connects with loCal paesenger train on the L. V. It. R. at Catasannua for Allentown, Betitlehein mud Eaton. PARENTS TAKE NOTIVE THAT AT THE BOTEN BOOK Si ORE • YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND FOR BALK ALL KINDS Or SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK B , .ORB, COPY BOORS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Tho limo is again here for children to prepare for SCHOOL L v n w o : d h,ged , l: hand aid (or ate everything they want SCHOOL ROOM. quit PRiCEE ARE AS LOW anywhere elae, and We. em give them just what they are to learn In school. DON'T FORGET, AND REMEDIBEH Tu AT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS TEE PLACE TO MTV ALL KINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEIBENRINO, THERM & CO., HI Hamilton St., Allentown,Pa. aept•ltd LEINAISTIRE & ROW 122 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE., I Pet,uns wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn tug train ‘Vont to Al-Unfits, arrive at Allentown 915 a m and return by a train on the Haut Pennsylvania Railroad .taving Allentown at I . AI p. tn. no 10•ly1 A L‘ . II,I,EN TOWN PANISIENGER RAIL , WAY. TCy E TABLE flu and after SAT !WAY. In y Ist. 1871 car. will rut ton II trultAl ou the Lehigh Valley and Lehlith and kinequa 11311., Philadelphia & Beading (Ham . eon Junction Railroads, And to the Allentown Furnace, leaving tita lion. Hamilton and Zfluth alreate, se foltow•: For L. V. L. &6. 8. Penn. Furnace. Leave Fur A M A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. t 30 7&5 elO 000 0 10 t , uO. 713 841 10 60 1110 1 4•'? 1 1 30 11:5 P. M. P. M. 1 CO 1 10 3 30 110 1313=113 2 16 1 40 6 00 3 15 3 43 7 00 5 IA 4W 7+o 090'0 10 The above ears Tau to 141 the neeeenter trains on lb tbove ro..d, •6 car taken pay.imer•• from the 6 CO P. M. n• 1 Ilia 7 :c• car roma lu Buffalo Exprob• (L. V• 1':1 3 . 61. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ton yooro of age, Five Cent. Tickets call ho purchased of the conductors on the car or , of the treinurer, ht puckages of '7 for 60 ctn. or 14 Tor lc,eto recetred uuly (or passengers, not for trunks park .se. gra-Passen th . re gers are roo u reque. Ins sted ide. not to ride on the pia who Is pAcirie GUANO CO CAPITAL, $1,000,000 JOHN S. BEESE & CO GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE : PHILADELPHIA. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO REDUCED PRICES. No fertiliser Introduced to the farmers of the Middle and gouth,n States hoe glean more general and uniform sat• infection than 'his guano. The trade In It has hteadlly Increased until the ...LIMP- Con now thronahout the entire country far exceeds that of any other fertilise•. . . The large capital tovolved In Ili production affords the surest guaratnee to its continued excellence. The com pany has a far greater Intermit In the permananoe of Its itch, toan any number of commerical; have t house It Ix tho highest Interest of the company to pa: their beat fertliltms In the Market. that their naual facilities. aided by the heat acieuttne ability. can produce. ' This guano la sow at retail• by local - agenta of lb. cons• Pans , throughout New Jersey, Delaware. Pennsylvania a ad the Southern State., and at wholesale by JOHN S. REESE a' Co., JIIERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS I=l Popular Prices for Dry Goods RICKEY'S 727 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. PA. SILKS, SIIAWLS, DRESS GOODS, I= AT WIIOLESA.LE AND RETAIL. Flock unrivalled for extent, variety, and general adap 'lion to the wants of buyer., and Oil/ rePleashed.w4 he cheapest nod choicest offering, of this and other mar- VI EITORS will 'we're COUILTECIVII ATTENTIOS, .wheth or they rural:lto or not. • Cecil-301W llailprabs = IM2=3 .3EIPI;E'Ii, - . 4, •JoRDAN ',anoint. sa OUTIPS 34 79 WALBRIIT'B, CHAP3IAN'B, 19 TREXLERTOWN. ' 07 BREINIOSVILLE. 69 •iPIiINO - dREIK AL-BURTIS, it ii 67s 8 37 608 1311=013 C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. mid HuAlualur. ray Days & Saturd'• ONLY General Agents for the Company 13rofesoionai ((Curbs S. BIERY, ATTORNEY AT ur LAW. Ogice, No. 93 B. •t IlsnaltoOltreet. Egmont floor or Lion Ilan, Allentown, Pa. (Special attention given to collections). tsar 1747 ETEM7 J . B. MERV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. }MIRY & HORNET, COLLNOTION AND REAL AIINNTA AND CO XXXXXX No. 028 Hamilton street , second boor. Allentown. Ps.. HY 10. dew INT D. LUCKENBACID. ATTOII. • NET AT LAW, (formerly practiced lo crab* county/. Otte, Hamilton t, second door. near) opporate the Court Howie, Allentown. Pa. Way be eon stilted in the Oermanlangsage SAMUEL A. BUTZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OtSee. No. A. 34 Hamilton street. over &Amt. ber's atore. •LLIINTOWN PA. Now MORRIS L. RAUFFR AN. ATTOR NEY AT LAW.. Office, second 11. r of the First National Bank ALLENTOWN, PA. Collection, made to Lehigh and adiolnlancoantlea. Can be consulted alba English awl german langnages. sable-1T DUN at BA L DWI N ATTOBN EVA AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Ps. Offlen, No. 61 Emit Hamilton aireeL C. M. Kunz. F. A, E. BALDWIS J. MORE, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, ..112.1 • ALLENTOWN, PA. 01Bee, No. E 0 Eut ureot. airCisa be columned In German.. .. _lmi 14 fIEORGE 11. RUPP, ATTORNEY X_A AT LAW. OEN, with lion. John D. Mei. Allah la. linr• C. IFICNSBERGER ATTORNEt B. A . T r. l. 4 tr a:EN lt i onvie p A t . ho Post .Itfi ce.pbAd.licv. WIDIVIN ALBRIGHT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. eight doors Above the Court Hotly... AL. LENTOWN Lebigh count•. febl3-'6O-1, ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN, BURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE BALE OF REAL ESTATE, • 85 West flamllton Bt., Allentown. PA. "I. N. YOUNG, JR" • (WITH KNOWLTON, SMITH a SCSI...) ATTORNEY AT LAW, hOon. a 43.40 awl 47, No. 111)WaahInt. Street, CM }nue 30 'WILLIAM H.GLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CATAbAUQUA, LF:111011 COUNTY PENNA. may 10-ly :TORN 0. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Room 6. Nu MO Wal nut xtreet, rhiladelphlr. mar 1.17 GEORGE If. WILSON, ATTORNEIt AT LAW, No. eti Hamilton street. Priedensbote Baild , ng,.oppomite Lion Itall Allentown. Collect Ion• promptly made to Lehigh and Northampton counties DR. C. C. 11. GULDIN,SCIWEON DENTIST. OrSee. over Mr.. M. A. 0. 11 uldln e Trimming Moro. No. 34 Eaht Hamilton .treat. Allentown LEVI NROYER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AR D JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, LEHIGH CO., PA. Particular atteulluo paid to e.t4itoe MIIOMAS METZGAR, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office. No. 62 EitAt iismiltuoi;irret' GEORGE R. SCRAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, That door above Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. may 2ibem EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °glee, with lion. Samuel A. Bridge., ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-ly TORN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, N. B. Corner 6th and Hamilton Streets ALLEN. TOWN. PA. may 1-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORA AT LAW. Office, opposite the Court House, AL LENTOWN. PA. may RCLAY lIIARIERSLY,ATTORNEY . AT LAW CATABAUQUA PA. J.O 14-'6B-1f JUST' RECEIVED BY DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND. 33 CRATES NEW STYLE CHINA & GLASSWARE! NOW FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT ENGELM AN'S CHINA STORE. NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. ALSO, TEN CAR LOADS OF THE CELEBRATED OHIO STONE WARE! CROCKS, JUGS, POTS, & #i• Special b•rigalum to Country Storekeepers. sep2s tf sir CALL AND SEE.IOII 666 610 6H 6 Si d 30 690 Stock of WRITE DOORS. LACES AND EMBROIDER IES are not excelled by any house In the city, either In completensits, Satiety. quality or cheapness. PIQUES yery °holm. Now and most desinblo /RENO LI MUSLINEI AND FC MO S Q UI TO niARLA TANS. all colors RAT, IA yard.. and 9 yard. wide. VICTORIA LAWNS. a new Invoke. SOFT C•M BRIM SWISS MULLS. PLAIN. PLAID AND STRIP ED NAINSOOIid, PLAIN AND BIRD. EYE LINEN LINEN LAWNS, CAMBRIC% CUSTOM-MADE LIMIllt FRONTS. LACES—a most pleat took of all kind. o$ Laos.. I A specialty In CURT IN NUB and LACE CURTAINS. NEW HAMBURG ROGINOS A INSERT/1(08 almost daily. You Can always Bed a good assortment here, and at the lowest rates at which they eta be sold. All WRITE TRIMNINOB. • . LINEN sua L EM B R O IDER E D N B ET TE The cheeped BETTE In the matketl •ne WIC.. 212 North Eighth St., PhiLtda. THE NEW HAVEN Impr!c.)yEp STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS h. beea la nccuefal operetta' during the past BIZ TUN year and expert.cs has proves that the method adopted la this .DPSratus forheallag store.. dwelling., public betiding. and Ogees is th ROST EFFICACIOUS, AND ECONOIKICAt. Those who have used It are 11.121120118 la their Will• rtiony that lt moire. le.. attootlon. produces no dmit, saves more soal and heats more thoroughly than say other hating apparatus, sodsuch Improvements have M made to (heir radiators that they are great additions to the ornamentation of (ae dwelllage, and are Narita.' substitutes (or mantel.. We refer to a few of the OMIT who now have title cape. rates In use :—John Wood. Lewis A. Lukens. Dr. .I.V. Held, Conshohocken t Nathan tichogeld, Charles Noble, Philadelphia i George Maintains. Hon. Charles rt. kilns son, Wm. Stabler, George Wright, Dr. F. B. Pole, Nor rlskiwn. A. T. COLT, 104 1 1 / 1 04DWAY, IfilW rClalE JAMES SPENCE. Bap% Motthtown. Pa., er addreq Mr. bpouso at Eagle Hotel, *Montoya. anal7-d WANTED, Twenty-five or Thirty Laborers. 'minim at the nov4-lf d] ALLENTOWN IRON WORKS V. IL Doroey U•IT =CL7 =I
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